THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY. JULY 10, 1920 HELP WANTED MALR CARFUER wanted for route in South Fort land district. A ppiv City Circulation leidrimvnt, Room 203. Orcconian. TflU MEIER & FRANK CO. requires the services of 1 experienced floor managers. Apply Employment Bureau, Floor. Out-of-town applicants write Employ ment Bureau, Meier t Frank Co. THE MlilKR Jk FRANK COM PA NT re quires Die services of experienced sales man in the nun's clothing, bus' clothing and domestic dt-pariineni.i. A pply Emplo.v iiiont Bureau, Sixth flour, .Meier & Frank Company. STOCKMAN for cut-up and frame factory; must be able to pick. rough stock, for frames and mill work from cutting or ders, have practical experience with West Coast lumber grades and handling of mnn; splendid opportunity for ad vancement. Crossett U'tsitrn Lumber Co.. Wauna, Or., 75 miles below Port land on Aator i a Pi v. S. P. & S. Ky. DON'T WAIT MONTIES FOR PtiODL'CINC COMPANIES TO COME HERE FROM TUB SUL'Td TO GET WUilK IN THE WO VI ES. You are wasting time; we put you in the movies im med iately if oil have talent. Register with casting director Sun beam Film Co., J 02U Cham ber of Commerce bids., between 10 to 4 and 7 I o H p. M. ALTO PAINTER "WANTED. ROOD MECHANIC WITH A LITTLE CASH. CAN MAKE TUG MONEY. AN U N U a U A 1 O P P O U T U N (TV. READY FOR ilUSINESS. AOUKESS J 587, OREGON J AN. IF YOU are looking for a (rood lumber hauling eon tract w ith a - ton truck, we have it. Steady work the year around for two years. It will require the pur chase of a JPi-ton Garlord truck on eay terms. We must furnish two truckH on the job at once. Garlord Oregon Motor Sales Co.. bth and Davis sts. COMPETENT bookkeeper with lumber ex perience, good position for right party. Man for general mechandtse btore, wait on trade, fill orders, etc., experience necessary. Men for factory work, $4.40. Men for pick and shovel. $4.10 per day and bonua. Ex-service men register with us. PA PERH ANGERS and painters, finished mechanics only need apply, wanted In Butte, Montana under American plan employment, steady work, 8 hours a day; wages paperhangers $0. and painters $8. 50; railroad fare refunded on ar rival; report Associated Industries, .Butte, Montana. y U ft CUTTER wanted, must be well rec ommended, capable of taking charge of factory and an expert worker. In reply state pav expected and full particulars about yourself. Steady all year work to right party. R. W. Drew, "Tacoma's Ex pert Furrier." 11th and Broadway. Tacoma. Wash. LEARN a trade now and pay later. Are von median I call v inclined ? If so, in vestlgal" HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE AND GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL at 707 Hawthorne avc, corner East 20th, wnero you can learn in six weeks to op erate and repair all makes of autos and tractors. WANTED A thoroughly experienced, capable accountant for lumber opera tion; must have had several years' ex perience in charge of lumber of lice and thoroughly familiar with customs of the trade; all replies will be treated in ab solute confidence. R 142. oregonian. WANTED Solicitor and collector, city work ; married man preferred; age 25 to 4u; salary and commission ; our men average $150 per month; permanent op portunity for advancement. Address D. K. Wilson. 601 -3 Northwestern Bank WANTED in the wide-awake city of Reeds port, a wide-awake man, competent book itoeper and general office work: one with the pep. capable cf making collections; a fine chance for the one who can fill the bill; $100 to begin with, and a snap. Ad dress Union Iron Works, jleedsport. Or. WANTED Man and wife to take charae of small dairy of registered Jersey cattle near Portland; must he neat and clean. Apply between 10 A. M. and 12 P. M.. at 40Q Columbia buiidin g. SMALL sawmill, 9 miles from Portland, wants good engineer-fireman, .$5.50 per day; ratchet setter, $; 2 mill and yard men, $5. A. L. Hubbard Sawmill Co. Tabor 0578. W A NT ED A capable bookkeeper. who writes neatly and when necessary can operate a typewriter; shorthand not re . quired. Good salary. Address in own handwriting. R 550, Oregonian. WANTED A good, reliable man for night work in garage, must be able to run car, wah car; references. Speedwell ga rage, 35 N. 14th St., near Couch, Broad way 3074, caill 11 o'clock. 2 CAMP COOKERS, 2 CAMP BAKERS. C. & B. II. CULINARY WORKERS' ASSOCIATION. 242 Ankeny Street. WANTED 3 more neat appearing young nun. SU0 per week, to take subscrip tions for Sunset Magazine. 6 hours per day. Call ,"oi Fine st. from :30 to 11 Abie for Mr. Rayi. SA I.KSMA.X Here is an opportunity for energetic young man to engace in sell Inir merchandise of merit already Intro duced. Cal 1 Monday, room 723. Board of Trade bldg. WA N'TE D People of all tyjjes for motion picture acting. Apply La Dean & linker Theat rical Enterprises. 521 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bet. 12 ami 5. WANTED Ukulele and steel guitar be sinners, fend name, come forward all nnd register American Zitar club. l O. box 70. i. Portland. Or. WA N'TE r G ranite cutters: must be able to Iftter or cut granites union hours imion wages. Kamlah Granite Marble Works, Kaniiah. Idaho. Til" P. RING BED MEN Two experienced men wonted immediately; steady work Apply Vermont Marble Co., 244 Brannan St., ban i raneisi o, tiai. FRESNO WORK TO LET Side borrow for small team outfit. Call Utah Con struction Co.. Main 5737, or C. H. Ben- pot at ernoTTija. Or. WANTED at once, first-class open-shop ex perienced foundry molders for work in stel plant. A pply 520 Oregon bldg.. ot n a nil hhk sis. PAPER hangar wanted, out-of-town work must be A 1 mechanic ; SO. 8-hour dav; t ra ns-portation furnished. Apply 500 Oregon Mng. WANTED Frrst-class hef metal worker, out of el ty, but near Portland. Apply Oregon Didg. WANTED An expert wringer man. regon Ln tindry. Apply Help Wanted Salesmen. WANTED At once. 25 salesmen to sell stock for a company having patented land, and 12 producing wells; money raised :s to erect refinery, liis commit sion paid. See president of Co. for in form a tion. at 307 Wash in tr ton st., Van couver, Wash. Open Sunday and till 10 every evening. Marine Oil & Itefin lug Co. Co. I HAVE a fine opportunity for vou tn - gage- in a good, clean profession where you can earn a lar(;e income if you are ambitious, energetic and willing to work, ltu must be acquainted in Portland or n Oregon, it not, (ion i answer this. Apply r-etween - anu f. ai. to Mr. Fox. 1H, I Spalding bldg. "YOUNG salesman with rrai ability, a TO SELL, to go to Olyinpia with me unlay. L on. 7ol Spa Id ing bldg. W ANTED Fi e live specialty salesmen with cars preferred, no money required and none will be advanced; splendid luture to men oi amiuy. uall Monday, LI V E MEN for live seller. 100 per cent sell to auto owners and dealers: $3 de posit on outfit. Auto owners make good money on your outing. S to 10 A M WE HAVE opening lor reiiabie salesman. Call room 400 Mohawk bid., 3d and i orrisun . HIGH-GRADE brush brass fixtures and - J . Ils- vuu tL.. fcUJU. TabO b.uM.M, roaa ann city. machinery t. -in iV - Vor KX "snt man WANTED Good live truck talesman. See 1 V" j t, i i . " "'imgrord Co. and Wjishington. BALESM EN who can furnish rnnri .. eiu-e can make big money sellins- ai article. Calf 002 Spa hi Ing bk!-r j-i i u " 1 1 t nuinmoijiie sa ies wan. See sales manager V. It. wihbb ford 'o.. 15th and Washington. A GOOD salesman want Ad, to work city territory, state ago and taiary w anted Y ol5.Oregonian. W A NTED Printing and stationery caies- mon. A ppl v Walsh -Richards Co., Inc., Aberdeen. Wash. HELP WANTED MALE, Help Van ted Sa lesmen. TCELESS REFRIGERATOR. No ice, no chemicals, no elec tricity, no cost for operation and the price Is no more than the or dinary refrigerator; will keep food longer and better. Think what this means to the home, the farm, the store. Salesmen wanted in every county in every state. If you are a live wire and qualified, write, wire or call for our proposition. This is a wonderful opportunity for our representatives to make big money. lCKLESd REFRIGERATOR CO., 107 N. Broadway, Portland. Or. WANTED Two real salesmen to sell pat ented, wei I-known, nationally advertised automobile accessory in city on commis sion : a clean, paying proposition for salesmen who can sell. Call 435 Stark st. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS at once, sell ing 50c per month hospital tickets. 501 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. THOROUGHLY experienced needlework Hales wo man, excellent salary. Apply employment bureau, before 10 :30. LIP MAX, WOLFE & CO. THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of two experienced saleswomen for the waist department. Apply Emplo ment Bureau, Sixth floor, Meier &. b rank Company. WANTED Young ladies to enroll in a popularity con teat ana canvass me city; must be under 2o years of. age and not afraid to talk to men; $ per day. See Air. W. K. Ravi, rear of Central Messenger Offk-e. No. 304 Pine st. WANTED EXPERIENCED PRESSEHS ON SHIRTWAISTS. JKHiiKV v U.A l 2 AND D R ESSES B Y M A V Elf S WOM EN'S WEAR. INC.. 4TH AND COUCH STS., MONDAY. WE WORK 5 DAYS A WEEK ONLY. WIDOW LADY wants a woman tor lieht housework and companion ; win give room and board and small wa ge. Call at the View Restaurant, Kenton station, between 6 A. M, and 2 P. M. WANTED Young man with some selling experience; snould make uoo per montn, or more, selling high-grade specialty line lor old established firm. Address In own handwritrng. Q 5So. Oregonian. APPLICATIONS wiL am recivd from young women aged 20 to to lor wood working factory at St. Johns; good pay and steady employment- AB 3U2, Ore gonian. STENOGRAPHER having bookkeeping: and general office -experience; must oe neat and accurate and willing to watch details. Knowledge of machinery es sential. T 142. Oregonian. PORTLAND SCHOOL OF MASSAGE. 1 NCOK POR ATED. ) Fits one for Turkish bath and sani tarium work; complete course. Office 711 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 77S0. WANTED People of all types for motion picture acting. Apply La Deen & Laker Theatrical Enterprises. 521 Chamber of Commerce bldg., bet. 12 and 5. FIRST-CLASS MAKERS FOR OUR MIL LINERY WORKROOMS. EMPORIUM, 126 6TH ST. WOMAN TO EMBROIDER INITIALS AND MONOGRAMS ON SHIRTS; THOROUGHLY EX PERI ENC&D. JACOBS SHIRT CO., RALEIGH BLDG. WANTED -A strong middle-age woman to help care for an old gentleman. 83 years of age. confined to bed bu t in perfect health, assist with housework, nurse not required. East 4874. EXPERIENCED lumber stenographer,, sal ary loo: experienced law stenograpner, salary $100: stenographer, general ex perience, salary $100. lOlo Wilcox bldg. WANTED Experienced markers, sorters. shirt girls and press girls, steady em ployment, good wages. Yale Laundry Co.. iiOO East Morrison. USE of piano during day to young lady residing Woodstock in exchange lor light services in home. Phone Bdwy. 03 or Sell. 1148. WANTED Names women, girls over 16, wishing to become government postal clerks; commence $1400: answer Imme diately. AV 31, Oregonian. SHIRT MAKER THOROUGHLY EX PERIENCED. JACOBS SHIRT CO., RALEIGH BLDG. WANTED Ukulele and steel . guitar be ginners, send name, come forward all and register free. A mericun Zitar club, P. O. box 70,, Portland, Or. FIRST, second cooks, camps; 2 waitresses. lintel, $0 ; 4 wal tresses, extra. $5 day, fare. 301 Raleigh bldg., 327 Washing ton st. HIGH SCHOOL girl wanted to assist with hoousework; no washing, good wages; no Sunday dinner. Call Main 3414 after 10:3O. 3 WAITRESSES, hotel; 1 man and wife, wai tress and dishwasher. C & B. H. Culinary Workers Assn., 242 Ankeny St. AN V girl in need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. May fair and Alexander sta. Pnone Main S4.i0. DM car, LAW STENO., $125; bookkeeper and steno. ini, jji ivttic iici., i b c iu i , compt. operator, $00; dicta, oper., $ 1 10. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. GIRLS for chorus work. Egyptian and ori ental dancers. Call Cotillion Hall. 14th and Burnside sts., between 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. ; x TRIMMERS and experienced makers wanted for city and out-of-town por tions. Apply Lowengart & Co., Broad way and Burnside. WANTED A woman to cook for 4 adults. in a private home, work easy, $.o, room and board. C. & B. H. Culleny Work ers association, 242 Ankeny st. W A NTE D Ex perienced presser on lad ies' Kurmen ts. a 1st repair lady. Wardrobe Dye Works, 727 Raleigh st. EXPERIENCED saleslady for ready to wear department ; good salary. Apply Simon's Store, 2d and Alder. VOUNU lady stenographer for wholesale house; state experience and salary. A V-J7. Oregonian. LA DY clarionet . trombone and cornet for fine concert engagement; good pay. BF Kts a, uregonian. THE Florence Crittenton Home is ready to help any girl in distress. 055 East Glisan. "A1V car. East 316. ONE hand iro-iar and girls for other de partments. State Laundry Co., 305 E. Broadway. WA NT El Experienced chambermaid at Hotel Morns, lentn ana stark sta. WAITRESS for country inn, close to city; goou money lor snappy gin. hone dresham 831. WANTED Woman for lunch counter ; must have some experience. Mast Delic, 023 Washington st. WANTED Respectable young woman for iountain anu irunt store work ln east fine pnarmacy. v, oregonian. LAUNDRESS, experienced, by month: nrf vate family; room and board, wages KO0 Call Main 102. iOLNG girl wanted, b-hour dav. R iuv per week, for soft drinns, wa ges $16 pei w et-iv. o. - on yi. j u lO. ."tJ-o. EXPERIENCED lunch wai tress wanted. Apply alter 10 o'clock, 8th iiuor Oregon bldg. EXPERIENCED hand ironer; good wuges and room and board. Phone Marshall 3040. LA i-.n DRESS to take man's washing to own home from Salmon and Park. Give references. T 144, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra pher wanted; give experience and refer ences. L 584, Oregonian. TWO reliable girl wanted, confectionery work. See John Giison, Columbia beach. WANTED Lady barber. 324 Couch. Must have lircnsp. WANTED Experienced waitress. Chester bury hotel. 201 N. 20th st. W A 1 T R SSS wanted. Moonlight cafe Iii3 N. (ith St. BUTTON apprentice and errand girl. But ton & Pieating Shop, 500 Royal bldg. GIRL FOR GENERAL OFFICE WORK. F. W. BALTES & CO., PR INTERS. COOK wanted for hotel, $80 month. Call Columbia 535. CHAMBERMAID wanted. Empress Hotel HOS1" Stark St. NEAT Waitress wanted. ?iq Sunday work 223 5th st. DISHWASHER wanted. The Globe Dairy Lunch, 507 Washington st. EXPERIENCED 272 Stark st. girl, private cafeteria. W ANT E D A d ressi n k r-irbv st Phone Wdln. 2015. CH A M BE R.M A t D. Campbell Hi!I hotel. WANTED Lady barber. 64 6th st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED 10 POWER MACHINE OPER ATORS. 36 TO 23 YRS. OF AGE: EX PERIENCED GIRLS PREFERRED, BUT SOME INEXPERIENCED GIRLS ACCEPTED. WE PAY WAGES WHILE LEARNING. SATURDAT AFTER NOONS off. good Wages, with LARGE BONUS PAID. APPLY AMES, HARRIS, NEVILLE CO., 13TH AND HOYT STa EXPERIENCED calculatln machine and comptometer opera lots please register for position with Miss Miller. 903 Yeon bldg Have more positions open than I can fill. During July to Aug. 15 I will give a course on calculating machines, comptomoters. adding and bookkeeping machines, regular $100 for $15. New classes July 12, 15, It; a night course will be given, ti to 8. each evening ex cept Saturday and Sunday, beginning July 20. Register now as only a limited number of students can be admitted to these classes. Ask any business man or banker. Salaries are from $85 to $1S0 per month. Uo3 Yeon bldg. THE MEIER & FRANK CO. requires the services of girls between the ages of 10 and 18 for apprentices in wrapping and office departments. Applications will not be received from Juniors who con template returning to school in Septem ber, as these are permanent positions. Appiy Employment Bureau, Sixth Floor, Meier & Frank Co. THE MEIER A FRANK CO. require the services of three experienced elevator operators. Two inexperienced women between the ages of 20 and 24 as apprentices for the elevators. Permanent work. Appiy Employment Bureau, Sixth Floor, Meier &. Frank Co. WANTED by high-class specialty house, a thoroughly competent corset fitter wi h buving experience, one capable of taking fufl charge. AB 803, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED placket girl. Experienced cuff girl. Experienced hand-sewer on overcoat. Good prices and Saturday afternoon off. Apply at Mt. Hood factory. 233 Couch. THE Meier & Frank Company requires the services of experienced hemstitching ma chine operators. Apply Employment Bu reau, sixth floor, Meier at Frank Co. DON'T PAY TO WORK IN MOTION PIC TURES. YOUR TIME AND MONEY IS WASTED. Any legitimate producing company will PAY YOU instead. When sent irom this office you receive pav for your work. Register now. 312 Artisans' Bldg.. Broadway and Oak. Phone Bdwy. 1077. ANY intelligent person may earn $100 to $200 monthly corresponding lor newspa pers. $15 to $25 weekly iu bpare time; ex per it nee unnecessary, no canvassing; subjects suggested. Send for particulars. Nation a 1 Prtss Bureau, Buiialo, N. Y. FOUR young ladies to enroll in a popu larity contest and can v aw the city ; must be under 25 years of age. and be ab'.e to talk to men; $5 per day. See Mr. W. K. Rayi. rear of Central Messenger Office. 304 Pine st. MOTION PICTURE. Girls wanted for bathing trl types to be photographed here in comedy this week. Apply phone Broadway 2707. DRAMATIC, versatile woman for reper toire, experienced, ambitious amateur considered. Harlln Talbert, 207 Vi Second, room 502. Main 0S80. GIRLS WANTED IN BAG FACTORY. 34 N. FIRST ST. DO YOU want to make good money danc ing? 130 a week to start with. See me between 1 1 and 2. 4 and 8. olO filers Music bldg W ANTED A bookkeeper for wholesale fruit and produce nouae. Slate refs., ex perience and phone number. AF 803, oregonian. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, bright, neat girl, permanent, chance of advance meat. Western Securities Co., 283 Stark st. WANTED Inexperienced girls for gen eral laundry work, steady employment, good wages. Yale Laundry Co., 500 East M orrison. MILLINERY makers wanted, good wages, yearly position. Elsie Trimmed Hat Co., Artian b'-dg-. Broadway and Oak. WANTED Strong girl for general house work at the beach; wages $75 a month; must be good, cook. Main 2021. WOMAN to assist in small laundry; hand ironer; steady job, good pay. Apply 310 B roa d w a y bldg. WANTED A girl to work in starching dept.; also girl on shirt machine. Union Laundry Co.. 2d and Columbia. STENOGRAPHER. $87.50 to start: excel lent chance for advancement; no stu dents. AE 754. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED saleslady for hosiery and underwear. Apply Levitts store, "4th and Washington. V' ANTE D Girl for soda fountain work ; experience not necessary. Perkins Ho- iei piiarinat j. ' g n "a WOMAN to assist in small laundry, hand ironer. steady job, good pay. Apply 310 Broadway bldg. WANTED 12-year-old girl for good home and small wages. Tabor 1222. 1307 Belmont St. WANTED Experienced cashier. Apply Miss Canfield, Seward hotel dining room. WANTED Experienced lady maker and sorter; steady work, best wages. Model Laundry, The Dalles, Or. WANTED Girl capable of keeping fac tory records. Hirsch Weis Mfg. Co., a05 Burnside st. WANTED Two experienced waitresses; do not apply unleas exp.; good wagea. Union Station Restaurant. WANTED First-clas lady stenographer. Give references and state salary expect ed. H 134, Oregonian. WANTED A girl for general housework, no. laundry or heavy cleaning; must like children. Phone Main 2300. PEOPLE WANTED FOR MOVIES. Apply 12 to 3 or 6 to 7. 320 Piatt bldg. 2 EXPERIENCED waitresses wanted at once. . Jja el MAID wanted. Oregon. Apply linen room,- Hotel EXPERIENCED marker and sorter. Port land Hotel Laundry Dept. WANT young girl to help with light house work during day. Tabor 3419. JANITRESS for office building. Apply 40S jewis oiuts- GIRL wanted. Baltimore restaurant, 303 Hawthorne avs, WAITRESS wani-d. Old People's Home, E. 32d and Sn t'dy blvd. m WANTED Three cashiers. Apply Oaks nark. P. R- Ladd. WANTED First-class manicurist. Wilcox nidz Karber Shoo. Oth and vv,uh WANTED irl waitresses In White "rea WANTED Checker and cashier for dairy iunch. 375 Washington st. WANTED Experienced cafeteria counter 1 WANTED Girl for studio. 11 N. 3tlT-t HELP WANTED FEMALE. TELEPHONE OPERATING. FOR YOUNG WOMEN. B EG I N N E RS RATE $14 PER WEEK. R EG U LA R I NC R E A S ES. RAPID ADVANCEMENT. APPLY NOW. ROOM liol, HTH FLOOR, TELE PHON E BUI LDI NG. PARK AND OAK STS. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY. GIRLS wanted for factory work: good wages, steady work; experience unneces sary; Saturday afternoon off. N. & S. Portland car to 10th and Thurman. ...American Can Co., 11th and Front. AN experienced saleswoman for retail art needlework department. Write to box 747 giving references and salary ex . pected DON'T WAIT MONTHS FOR PRODUCING COMPANIES TO COME HERE FROM THE SOUTH TO GET WORK IN THE MOVIES. You are wasting time; we put you in the movies immediately if you have- talent. Register with casting director Sunbeam Film Co.. 1020 Cham ber of Commerce bids., between 10 to 4 and 7 to h P. M. W A N T E D EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ON POWER MACHINES FOR WAISTS AND DRESSES. WE WORK 5 DAYS A WEEK ONLY. APPLY MONDAY, MEYERS WOMEN'S WEAR. INC., 4TH AND COUCH STS., READY TO GO TO WORK. - . REPAIRER on ladies' work at U. S. Cleaner. 18o Grand ave. , Wanted Domestics. WANTED Housekeeper, by widower with four boys, ages 3 to 10 years; in replying please state references and age; triflera need not apply. Give phone and address. AN R05. Oregonian. WANTED A neat housekeeper, competent to take charge of new home for man and wife; no children?- good waes. Call In person. Mrs. Bannon. care Bannon & Co.. Oregon City. WANTED A girl or woman to do light housework, will be treated like one of the famitv: good home to right party. Call E. 8248 after 8 P. M. WANTED Widower of 50 wants a middle-aged woman as housekeeper for him self an-d 12-year-old daughter; a small girl no objection. Box 00 Es t a c a d a. Or. WANTED A young girl to assist with light housework and care of children, good home for right party; Catholic pre ferred. Call East ',S2.. REFINED middle-aged woman to assist with general housework in small family living short distance out of town; good home a n d sa la i y . Marshall 5513. EXPERIENCED girl to care for baby ltf mofl. old : good position to the right party. Call Mar. 5052 or 410 Harrison st.. ant. 2: COMPETENT woman or girl for general housework. 3 adulu. must be good cook: wascs $00. Phone mornings. Marshall 00 4. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; good wages; good room: modern conveniences. 408 N. 32d st. Main 7 8 Ml. GIRL wanted for second work, two in fam ily. Apply 732 Flanders St.. between 22d and 23d sts. COMPETENT girl for cooking and down stairs work. High wages. 403 Mont gomery drive. Main 4207 WANTED Middlcaged lady or girl to care for children. Good wages. 1051V Kerby st. Mississippi car. WANTED Girt to help with housework, 2 in family. Call 440 West Park after 6 P. M. or before 0:30 A. WOMAN or girl to assist with housework, good home to right party. Phone Tabor 17t55. . YOUNG girl for cooking and general houe work, one willing to go to beach. 540 Chapman. Marshall 895. WANTED Girl for general housework, email family, no wash-in-. Phone Tabor 031. WANTED Competent coo"" who will be willing to leave city for summer months. Mrs. F. W. Leadbetter. Main ICtf. gTrL to assist general Housework. May B;tep home if desired. H Glisan. WANTED Good cook and housekeepei ; wages $00; three in family. East 84S7. G1KL to assist with housework Id apart ment; good wages. Alain iuus. GIRL for housework, no cooking. Lovejoy bt. Mar, -n. GIRL or school girl to assist with house work; no cooaing. aasi ion. GIRL for general housework. 7ott Lovejoy Main GOOD housekeeper tand cook. 2 1st at. EXPERIENCED second girl wanted. Mar shall 823. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE CHERRY pickers wanted; cherry orchards Troutdale. Ur.; Vj to cents per yuunu; can carry or board at home. See Lee Evans at St. Charles hotel from. 10 to 11 o'clock Friday and Monday; can go out on truck with me or take car at First and Aiaer sts. LOG A N B E R R Y PICKERS WANTED. Picking will start Monday, July 1 Wages higher than ever before. Good camoins: accommodations. For further in forma tion4 phono Marshall 422. or call at ai-t f anama oiug. iouay, uetween and 8 P. M. MOTION PICT US OPPORTUNITY. The Beaver Productions will obtain all local latent through this oifice ex clusively. Register now. 812 Artisans bldg. Phone m oad way io t. A GOOD piano player who has some money to help finance a vaudeville act; of'good appearance. Act all ready. 010 Eiiers music bldg. MISS MATTINGLY S Shorthand. Typewrit ing School, individual instruction. Dav. Evening. 21'J 14th, near Jefferson. Main 3S03. WEAVERS. Steady work, good price list. Wash ougal. Woolen M ills, Washougal, Wash WANTED A chi!d to care for in gooi home. Call Sell. 1230. ED L C ATIONAL. THE COTILLION School of Dramatic Art t aches you quickly for any branch of the atase; the urarna; vaudeville sketches w ritten and carefully rehearsed ; motion picture makeup and expression ; special summer classes for children and young people; tea ca ing elocution, expreaaiw-n, music and danc:ng. Enrol now. Beatrice O'Mailey, Director. Hours 10-4. Bdwy. 33S0. THE COTILLION ACADEMY, 14th at Washington. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks, give you a set of tools and some pay w hile learning. Positions secured. Ore goo ex-ervlce men, the course is free to you. Write or call for particulars and catalogue. 234 Burnaide st. positions"assured. every graduate of behnk.e- walker Business college. Portiand. Enroll any time. Teletcraphy. stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 "veeas; scalp and lace massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed ; pay white learning, tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison, LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeep ing, stenography, civil service, secretar ial, special courses; expert teachers, day and night. Enroll now. Bdwy. 5083. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Bucket's private school ; individ ual instruction. 122 'i Grand ave. E. 42 7. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pay you while learning, gives you set of tools free; position secured. 38 N. Second st. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Reliable Tele graph institute, 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Free book let. KuOKY MOUNT Teacher Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. state supt.. Mgr. N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8270. F1SK Teachers' Agency Journal ildg. Main 4835: Teaching positions, free reg. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. 205 Oak st. OREGON Law School, Alisky bldg., 3d and Mor. W. E. Richardson, Sec. Main 077. VOCATIONA L guidance Room 18. 132 Union avenue. 1 lAin.vri.inon 'en- una -..-luy r reo registration. Main "274. Broadway bid. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNG man who hats had nine years ex perience in general office work, held executive and administrative positions, thorough knowledge of accounting and can handle any kind of position in any office, wishes position with reliable com mercial lumber concern. Can act as traffic manager, purchasing agent, office manager or accountant. First-class ref erences furnished and will leave city. AB 40, Oregonian. W A NTED By middle-aged, married man position as night watchman, some ex perience, or ticket taker at movie show or any other place a one-armed man can fill. Jack Hamilton. Gladstone. Or. - months at Crown Willamette Hotel. West Lin n. Or. Good wages for good service. Best of references tven. Phone 403 or AG 850. Oregonian. IOLNG MAN wants position with ma chinery company, steady employment, 15 years experience operating farm ma chinery, drive auto, operate tractor en gines and threshing machines, magneto work thoroughly understood. J. M. Vicars. 340 E. Glisan st. YOUNG man with several years' -lumber experience wisnes position with lumber concern as invoicing and billing clerk or general office work ; good education and nrst-class references. AE 751. Oreso nian. GARDENER, single: knows haw to grow and take care of flowers, greenhouse and garden, also landscaping, etc. ; w ants position in private place: thoroughly competent; references. AK 75S, Ore- gonian. MAN 31 wants light work day or night, city or country; can take care of boilers, small wages to start if steady and chaance tor advancement. AF 753, Ore gonian. BUSINESS .MEN requiring coivpetent of- iice worirera, call Broadway 44:i. Only ui table aupllcanta sent ; no charge to the emp oyer. Clerical Help Service. 52D Artisan' bldg., opposite Benson hoteL MAN. 45 year-, and son. 20 years old. want work together in country. Truit or orchard work preferred. AV 138, Ore gonian. WANTED Situation as night watchman: no firing or janitor work; A-l local references. Morgan. Phone Main 5120. "Hotel Dayton, citv. GRADUATE lawyer and successful busi ness man with means desires to form association with a corporation in an ex ecutive capacity. a 2S5. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED MAN desires position on iarm, some experience farming and gardening. Write to 300" Couch st Portland. V. Georgeff. BAKER Bread ' and sweet doughs, f no (hsu)1 w ui i , sitrauy worK vtanicu or uu not answer advertisement. P. O. Box 1177. Central Station. ELECTRICIAN wishes steady position on the coast; good conduct; knob and tube man : married ; references. A 280,. Ore gonian. PAINTING, tinting and all inside clean ing. My work is a little better and worth more than I charge always, JOtllS jjui k. Bowy. ISO RESPONSIBLE man and ife will take d Tf charge and run apartment house; ex perienced ; willing to work and do what is right. MR. ROSE. 108 East Sixth st. WANTED Position as driver. 5 years' ex perience on stage line. Main 3o2S. Pollln. Must live in Portland. GENERAL housework. 17 years of age, not a:rad or worK. Apply J. MathLas, care 27 4th st. N. MAN. 33. single. Scandinavian, wants posi tion; handy, industrious. AU 7.09, Ore gonian. MAN with mechanical ability, with or w it hout r ord machine, can meet the public and handle men. Ta bor 821 2. BEGINNING the first of September, posi tion as salesman or col lector; have m own car. E 374. Oregonian. DRUGGIST Reliable man of 15 years' ex perience wishes drug work Satuidays. O 210. Oregonian. WANTED A position with local firm as traffics manager or assistant; experience, references. E lO!. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, typist, gen eral office man wants permanent posl tion. H. J. MoEwen. 412 Main. Main 279S. HAULING contract for 5-ton truck wanted. Strom Brof- i91 Wash. Bdwy. 1354 EXPERIENCED auto washer desires posi tion at any garage. 300 ft Couch st., Portland. V. Georaeff. HOUSE painting, papering, kalsomlntng. all work guaranteed, day or contract. East 1011. EX-SERVICE MAN wishes position in ga rage or as a truck nriv er ; experienced. Phone Woodlawn 2704. YOUNG MAN requires situation in back room, butcher shop; help kiil: can show convincing papers. AV 82. Oregonian. BY OFFICE MANAGER, accountant and credit manager; can take full charge of detail. P hone W din. 4507. BOY. 18 years, wishes work In garaee or to learn the electric wiring. Cau drive machine. Wdln.. 2326. WANTED By young married couple, po sit Ion on a farm or camp. R 1 40, Ore- gonian. EXPERIENCED packer wants work, wholesale house preferred. AC 750, Oregonian. A RELIABLE boy of 10 wishes employ ment. Phone A u to ma t b 221-87. CIVIL ENGINEER Address Dan McFar- Ian d . G ran ts Pass. Or. DRAFTSMAN with shop experience; can handle men. Ta bor N21 2. WANTED By reliable, experienced jani tor, hotel work. Ca 11 up East 402. MEAT cutter or grocery clerk w ant job; no union. L 5S5, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. fair education, want light work, day or night. AK 72. Oregonian. CARPENTERING. REPAIRING AND RE MODELING: PHONE TABO R 234. PAINTING. DECORATING. SIGNsTKAL SOM1X1XG; BEST WORK. TABOR b SAVE those old roofs, we clean and paint, reasonable. Ta bor 029. CARPENTER, new and .repair work, all branches. East 5300 after ft P. M. FOR all kind of carpenter work phone Main 3470. PAINTING, tinting; prices reas.; work guaranteed. Tabor 8077. YOUNG MAN. single, with touring ear. wishes employment. Phone Tabor 3045. CAPA BLE middle-aged gentleman wishes light work, good ref. Tabor 3045. BOY 10 wants work on ranch. 1290. Room 12. Marshall Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. WANTED Position,' have" had 7 " years' country and city banking experience, 3 years public life and 2 years traveling; married and wish to locate in the north west. What have you to offer ? G. C. Turinspeed, Apt. 20 Ardmay. Phone Ma rshait 4097. YOUNG man recently completed a book keeping course satisfactorily is seeking position a asst. bookkeeper or book keeper ; have good education and good business training, willing to learn, in or out of town position considered; A-l references. P 593. Oregonian. " YOUNG MAN who is an experienced cash accountant, open -for position. Can han dle bonus, piece or manufacturing cost accounting; can install system which will tie up with general ledger. Refer ences of highest character furnished. L 222, Oregonian. AN EXPERIENCED office man, formerly held chief clerkship, can assum re- pousjbilUy and not afraid of work. Can manage office and know office system. Have highest grade reference a to character and ability. G 2oO, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and accountant desires po sition, experienced in rendering finan cial statements; can assume complete charge of departments. Local references. M 223, Oregonian. Soldier and Suitors. ENERGETIC ex-service man with selling experience wishes position with reliable concern in city: salary and commission preferred. P 212. Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. -AC. bCrUM AND MARQUISETTE cur tains done up like new. Will calL East 8618. LET me bead and mount for $3 that $23 bag- you can't afford to buy. Y 584, Oregonian. GI RL wants board and room in country or suburbs : willing to help with house work for part board. Tabor 3102. LAD Y wants housecleanlng. other work, hours day; work guaranteed. Wood lawn 6305. WANTED Work as cook for threshing crew ; experienced : w ill go anywhere. Alice Foster, box 765. Kelso. Wash. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wishes work at beach hotel, good references. A L 702. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman like chamber w ork, 4 hours a .day. Phone Woodlawn 3051. REFINED young wo ma n, employed, de sires light worK or as companion even ings In exchange for home. East 5471. WANTED Temporary work in dentist' office. T 102. Oregonian, WILL give baby best of care and good home. 140 K. 28th st N. STENOGRAPHER with experience desirt permanent pos.tlon. Phone Tabor 1S!3. WILL care for children in m v home in- tumalLe 12 WTIATIONS WANTED FEMALE. MOTHER and daughter, adults, wish to care for modern home, west side, during vacation or Sept. 30th: would consider caring for child or member of family remaining at home in exchange for apt a. M Ulti, Oregonian. REGISTERED nurse going to Atlantic coast late in July mill travel with child, invalid or elderly woman for expenses; references exchanged. AV 140, Orego nian. PROFESSIONAL pianist.- S years' experi ence in theater dances, accompanying, etc.. wants work-in or out of city. Camille Stump. M. 1911. Columbia Apt a. YOUNG LADY, experienced saleslady, dem onstrator and business woman, prefer city work, consider road. A 589, Oregonian. WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evenings while mother is aw ay ; references. VVoodlawn 1011. NURSE with office experience, would like position in Dr.'s office. Call Main 1 153. Mis De Havlland. WOMAN" wishes day work; Auto. SI 1-57. experienced. EXPERIENCED woman wants work Sat unlay. Phone East 0S4. room 34. Bookkeepers, Stenographer. Office. YOUNG woman wants a beginner's posi tion in shorthand, typewriting and book keeping; will work hard and try to p-leas. M 225. Oregonian. BY a young col lege graduate who has specialized in statistical work and writes a good hand and willing to work. A 121. Oregonian. THOROUGHLY experienced stenographer, notary public desires half-dav position, or irom 9 to 3; references. East 8440. OUNG LADY, experienced as doctor's assistant and clerical work. A 55, Ore iron inn. LADY bookkeeper and typist wants posi tion forenoons. Phone mornings Main 7702 : afternoons Main 920.. TEACHER wants temporary work; had bookkeeping course. Phone 5807. between 2:30 and 5:30 have Main NEAT, accurate typist desires position: some shorthand, knowledge of general office work. Apartment 1. Marshall 4S9. CAPABLK college girl wis he office work. small salary to begin. Tabor 4514. BOOKKEEPER and st eno.. best of city re fere n c e s . 5 t s . exp. M a i t 2 1 7. EXPERIENCED lumber stenographer de sires position in city. Call Columbia 8. GRADUATE nurse wishes position as sst. in doctor's office. M i'20. Oregonian. I rK-makers. THE Cabinet Cleaners and Dyer. 424 Mor rison. Expert work, reasonable prices; also cleaning, pressing, dyeing. We call. deliver. WEARING apparel, all descriptions, mad, remodeled, cleaned, dyed, pressed. Em porium Dye Works. 5-49 Morrison street. Broadway 4559. Call and deliver. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants charge of shop; salary or commission. L 534, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, suits, dresses, summer voiles, alterations ot all kinds. Mrs. Kelly, 752 Vancouver ave. 5 1 'i-00. FIR.ST-C1.ASS dressmaking. alterations reasonable. 549 Wash, st. Aut, 513-03. DRESSM A KING Work guaranteed ; prices riht. 311 Central bldg., loth and Aider. GENERAL dressmaking; summer frocas a specialty. M fss Fi tfh. 510 Koa at. WANTED Nurstnir bv praei U al nunc; confinements preferred. East OliI 4. TRAINED nursH hourly mircing, wishes more Mar. ".41. PA RCTICA L nurse ; Hof l man. Phone take any case. E. 4034. Housekeeper. COMPETENT widow with daughter S yrrt. old wishes position as housekeeper fur, gentleman In city or country home, tan or write 5N24 Mith st. S. -E. Mt. Scott car. Sixth ave. sta. No trtllers. LADY alone with own home furnished would board and room motherless chil dren with parent, giving them a mother's care, or would rent home, remaining as housekeeper. L 5K9, Oregonian. A RESPECT A BLE' elderly woman wishes position as housekeeper for widower or light housework in small family. AF 7f8. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman wn nls posit ion a housekeeper with no other woman in charge, no objection to out of tow n Call Tabor 7431. W 1 DOW wishes a posit ion in w iuow er's home as housekeeper ; would not object to 1 or 2 children. Mrs. '. A. Starr. 1101 E. 2Mb st. North. city. EXPERIENCED housekeeper and cook with buy 15 wishes position in city or ecu n t ry. w ooqiawn ntn . Immestir. WOMAN, cood cook, housekeeper, with good boy 13 years, willing to work, wants place wnere ootn may oe ireaiea as 1 hose of family; no objections to chil dren and will go to the country if neces sary. Address 209 13th St.. or phone Main 7095. THE VERIBEST WINDOW CLEANERS. TABOR 463H. House cleaning, floor waxing and vacuum cleaning; estimate cheerfully given. Best of references. WANTED TO RENT. House. I WANT to rent, with privilege of buying later on. If 1 so desire, nice suburban home of from S to 5 acres, with cottage, bungalow or house on -a me, prefer same furnished, must be close to carline and roads surrounding property must be good : 1 prefer place w ith plenty of berries. fruit. etc.. land must be tillable and productive, in other words I will take over someone's home place and make it worth a good deal more nionev than when I went on it; can give best of references; matter mutt De ciosea immediately. Phone East 279. or write AG 3S0. Oregon lam WANTED Well-furnished 4. or .-room modern house by refined couple ; will give best of care. Call Tabor 0C8S. WANT by August 1 a well-furnished strict ly modern house of 5 or 6 rooms, pre fer east side, but any good locality will do; do not require bedding, linen or sil ver; liigneal reierences iven ii require. Phone Tabor 24 1 S. RELIABLE party with family of wife and two children desires permanent 5 or 0 room furnished house in good location, near school ; state rental per month and location in letter; best of references fur nished. B 173. Oregonian WANTED Before Aug. 1, to rent, with option to buy. strictly modern 0 to 10 roora house, west side or close in east side; price must be right. O 205, Ore gonian. A 4 OH 5-ROOM MODERN, COMPLETE LY FURNISHED BUNGALOW IN ROSE CITY PARK. LAURELHURST OR IR VINGTON. TWO ADULTS ONLY. CALL MAIN 74011. WANTED or 7-room modern house with garage. Will lease for I year or more: 3 adult. Can give satisfactory refer ences. Prest-O-Lite Distributor. Bdwy. 4402. WANTED Nice, large house, east or west side. for clean undertaking business: will pay good rent for right place, or will lease AF 37, Oregonian. WANTED To rent modern 7-room house, one that is not for sale preferred; state location and price. R 131, Oregonian. WISH to rent furnished home for summer or longer, best of care given, adults. AG 75S Oregonian. WANTED To rent 6-room house fur nished or unfurnished, west side. Would buy the furniture. Phone Main 520. WANTED To rent modern (1 or 7-room furnished house; references furnished. D 103. Oregonian. WANTED to rent. 5 or 6-room modern bungalow, east side location. Broadway car line. Tabor 063H. mornings. WANTED To rent. 0-room furnished bungalow with garage. Irving ton or Laurelhuist preferred. Y 141. Oregonian. WANTED To rent an S-room house, partly furnished, close in. AK 750. Ore gonian. WANTED To rent 2 or 3-room furnished house. T 140. Oregoiiian. FURNISHED 5 or 6-room bungalow by re sponsible tenan-.s; reference. Wdln. 4005. A part m ents. WANTED By July 15 or August 1. modern five-room unfurnished auart ment. permanent, references. E 501. Oregonian. WANTED To rent double 4 or 5-room flat. furnished or unfurnished. O 03U, Oregonian. WANTED Furnished three-room apt. for mother and son; both absent during day. Main 1073. Rooms GENTLEMAN in city 2 to 4 nishts a week wants unfurnished room; will fur nish myself; west side, walking distance. Must be reasonable. AC 751. Oregonian. CHERRIES Bititfe. Lamberts, - Royal Anns. 10 cents it you pick them. 10U3 Dwight st. Rooms With Board. Lonely ady to car. for girl o!d. H 5ss, Oregonian. WANT loom and board tor man and wife both employed. East 2000. FOR RENT. Furnuhet Kooms. KITZ HOTEL. Morrison and Park sts. New, rireproof and modem. In the center of shopping and Theater district. Moatrate rates. Special rates to permanent guesta SAVON HOTEL. 131 11th st.. between Washington and Alder, modern transient rooms w ith or without private bath. SI per day and up. Weekly rates $5 and up. ANSDNIA HOTEL. 124 14th St.. iU Washington. Rates. $3 per week up, $1 day. Fire proof; large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to i'nu'.' and gftopping center. ATTRACTIVE rates to permanent guests See our accommodations. N E W PER KINS HOTEL. Fiflh at Washing too. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St.. at East Sixth. The principal east side hotel; dignified nd refined: $1.25 per day and up; $d per week and up. CON RA DINE hotel, absolutely fireproof. Tenth and Burnside streets, two blocks nort h of Washington street ; rooms, per manent and transient; reasonable rates. ST. PAUL HOTEL, 130 Fourth, between Alder and Washington. First-class ac commodations at reasonable rates lor tran-j.eiil or permanent guests. TRANSIENT rooms for rent. New hall Hotel, 402 Last ash ing ton st., corner Grand avenue. Rates $1 per day; two in room. 51.50. Phone East 84BO. NICE clean furnished front rooms: walk $10 a mouth. log distance to shipyards; 1S2 Gibbs st. N-S. car. GOOD comfortable room for rent, ciose in. desirable parties oniy need call. Phone East 2911. CLEAN. airy sleeping rooms, near sl.ip tl blocks south Madison et; $2 545 Hood st. Main .21. yard a, week. HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 11th st. Nice. modern, cleau rooms, at transient and permanent rale. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison st. at Tenth; tates $i a Cay up. weekly Jo up; steam heat, tree phone and baths. SARGENT HOTEL Housekeeping and sleeping rooms. P none iast U91. 217 V Grr.nd ave. HOTEL CADI uLA C 3d near Jef ferso:i. ncely furnished rooms, reasonable rat-s GARLAND HOTEL. 25 Trinity Place; mod ern outside rooms. 4 per weeK ana up RELEIGH bldg, 327 Wash.; modern house keeping and sleeping rooms. Main 4u.;;-i. ATTRACTIVE room in west s-ide apt gentleman ; references. Mam . "J. NICE, clean homelike room, all modern oiivemences. i .s Jolm.n. Unfurnished Rooms. TWO rooms, fine for sewing rooms. Wiii give rent free if party will cook even ing meals on north 10th st.. west side. AC 748 Oregonian THREE housekeeping rooms. $0 per month. adults Lower Aibina. Tabor 1. Furnished Rooms in. Private Family. WALKING DISTANCE Lovely room with lrj:e glassed-in s be ping porch, large clot lies closet and lonu panel mil mr, n.aluany furniture. light and clean, convenient hath, hot water and towem; cool In sum mer, warm iu winter; sout h -east exp tsu re. vie v. ; private home in cx iuslv.i district; home privileges, piano, fireplace, suitable for two ladies, ccuplv. 2 gentlemen, or will rent to one if desired. No smokers. Three blocks v. et of Miltfvjmah tub. References i-ii-hutifd. J 5i"N, uregoniuti. STKA M HEATED furni.-hed room. all modern con en icnc s. Ca.l after 0 even lnss, 504 Couth, apt. 5. between 17th and 18th LARGE well-lurnislird. steam heated room. hot and i old run ning w ater. garage it wanted. Tabor 0S55. 700 4Ut N. NICE clean furnished front rooms ; walk- ing distance to shipyards; $10 a mouth 1S2 Gtbt;s st . M. S. oar. " ON E large airy sleeping room. 2 block from Haw t home gvr. car. labor o- 7. 22n E 52d S. cor. Salmon. LOVELY room w.ih 2 beds, aisu single room in centrally located home. .Main 23.9. NICELY furnished Sleeping Thorns by my or w eek ; hot and cuia w a tor. a Fifth st. NICK furnished room with bath and phone privileges, clote to down town. 3pj J J t h st reel. LA ROE. pleasant room, with privilege of getting hreakfant: can board; OtS Hast Stark: S S car. Call evening or Sun (Jays. NICE, airy steeping room. waJking dis tance: lis; a l. P none anu uam, to month. Call Main 7043. N ICE sleeping room, suitable for one or two men, close in ; no child rcn in fam ily. Breakfast if desired. East 702. NICELY furnished rooms; hous ke-pi n x if desired; reasonaoio. aiarsnau oio.. t'i -.s Hoyt st. PLEASANT front room, close to car; nice location. 501 Ladd a e. E VMK. BRIGHT. pleasant room for empiuyed persons. HUf N . 21st 1 . Bdwy. 2ns 7. LA RG K front room In gent lenian. Marsha U milfrn home fir ::oo2 r,:3 nth st. N ICE front room, walling d is t a nee. North 20th at. Phone Broadway 3.'.K. SLEEPING room for rent, walking dis tance. East 7070. CLEAN h. k. and sleeping rooms, ciose in. H7 10th st ON E nice, deal 2. Main 2070 front room, suitable lor 454 M o lit o tilery. G A RAGE ami pleasant room, fine Coif. 030 E. Everett. East31 i FURNISHED rooms for rent Very roa sonable. Main 2054. evenings I., nl--. SINGLE room: i it. you'll like it. E. Main. Tabor h70o. FURNISHED room with private family, $3 per week. 172 Sherman st. CL1CA X rooms, it" desired. . k tnr d ;luui-e ; Evoret t. U0:i 14TH. near JfTerson room, walking distunce. st.. furnished Main 3M3. h'C RN ISH ED room for young lady: kitchen ln'vileges. 7Q East Flanders. Kat3Mi.-. NICELY furnished sleeping room. $20 per Co M P LET ELY furnished H. K. 40 North 21st st. Room With Board. " CAMPBELL HOTEL, 23D AND HOYT STS CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best known residential Hotel on Pacific coast. American jian. with or without bath, f 0 a day up; rates by day or month. Ma!s served to tran-tents. NORTONIA HOTi-L. Portland's downtown h eh-clas family hotel; rooms en suite -,T,yle with or without board, for famill-s ond ousines men and women. We give you all the comfort of a home. Reasonable rate. 5" MORRISON, cor. 13th, choice rooms; board option-. walking distance. POOM and b-4-3 for business gi-ls; all -nnveniences: walking distance; r. i,er wee. Aut 21-074. 12 E. 7lh at. -ui.- u-ri4A WASHINGTON. S0 10th st. For business girls and s t ud e nLs reason b le rates. M or 12-1. NEWLY tinted, painted, hardwood floors, walking distance; auults. Phone East Rooms Witb Uoard In Private Family. CLEAN, airy room and best of meals in private home, modern, home privileges, nice neighborhood, sui'.-ble for 1 or -gentlemen, near Union and Broadway. East 0303. WI DOW wishes to borrow 3o on home, value at 35o0, otherwise clear; would board or give first mortgage or rent property to party fumi-iiing the amount. L, Oregonian. , $.-,.-, 1KV1NGTON. breakfast, Juiy It; fine large room with alcove, suitab'e for 2 emploved. private lavatory. Broadway car. l biock from club home. East S-.: FURNISHED rooms. with or without board; home cooking, modern, reason able. BMi'i Glisan St.. near 21st. ROOM and board near S. P. shops. In quire 005 Haig St., between E. loth and 1 lit h. Sell. 345. LARGE light corner room, near bath, elec tric light, phone and heat furnishe. Call Tabor 54'S. WANT board and room in private fa mi ly by young couple and small girl. Phone Fast k:!, Larsen. NICE rooms, good board, for one or two, $o.50 per week; walking distance. East MOi. LARGE well-furnished, steam heated room, hot and cold running w ater. garage if wanted. Taborj055700 4.1st N. FOR RENT A nice room In Private family, man preferred. Alberta district. b( ard if desired. Automatic 32404. PRIVATE home for chfldren. 714 Ev er ett st. Ma rshall 2102. ROOM, board, one or two gentlemen, pri vate home. 570 Ladd ave. East 2333. RooM, and board for 2. very reasonable. 12L3 Gay st. Woodlaw n 4354. WANTED Child between 3 and 7years; best of mother's care. E. 51&0. Furnished Apartmntt. 4-ROOM a part mert. n ice nad n ; ga- mi;.'. S:', VJa i g n t ave. Taoor In:;... ONE 3-room basement apt. 448 Hth at. FOR RENT, burnished Apartment. TH3 CROMWET,L. Fifth and Columbia. Street. F.e minute' walk to Meier A Frank' tore; good surrounding. srilcUy mod outside with Frenvu cioora uud balcony. Permanent and trtneK-at TOURISTS' FUMMER HOME. ALSO TRANSIENT. HIGH-CLASS APARTMENTS. 1. - and 3-room apts. and sleeping Porch, beautifully furnished in Chines rugs and willow furniture, also bachelor suite and single rooms and bath, refer ences required. Marshall 2830. RESIDENT OR TRANSIENT. Apartments. 2. 3 and 4 rooms: an Part ment hotel of superior t haracter ner your comfort and convenience are xirst consideration THE WHEELDOM ANNEX, Corner and Salraeo St. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. Broadway and Jefferson sts. 4-room strictly modern, only 7 block rrom Bdwy. and Wash. Phone furnished, rent $00. privilege of 6 ino. or a jear lease to responsible party. Call o- B Gustaff. Main 2500. or Bdwy. 4975. HIGHLAND COURT. HIGH-CLASS APARTMENTS. x.( , "2d and Glisan Sts. .N.cely furnished 4 and 5-room apart V!nsL tri,-tJy modern, hardwood floors, u.ed baths, etc. Adults onlv. References regun-od. ihon Marshall 3742. HIGH-CLASS. Beautifully furnished 5-room and s eepmg porch, all front rooms, very at tractive, available at once; also sing. a room with bath for ladies and gentle men; reference required. Mar. 2&30. STILES APTS., S'JO RUSSELL ST. Two and three-room furnished apt.-., private baths. Dutch kitchen, telephone; $25 and 35. THE JACKSON. One unfurnished 3-room apt., $30. Two furnished 3-room apt.. $35. Pnaie bath, phone service. Union axe, and East Davis st. K. 2M0. BONNIE BRAE 3-room corner apartme nt, sleeping porch ana alcove, all in white enamei. wicker and mahogany furni ture, -piano and telephone; aduas only; flower Luxe?; rent $70. Eas-t 4010. HOUS.M A N A PA KTM ENT 730 HOYT ST. 3-room furnished apts., some with keeping porches; large, Ii hi looms ; $0o trW up. F RON T and modern furnished apt. with private bath and phone, winter rates $40. Corlis Apt. 341. 14 th st.. cor. Market. Main 1739. LEEDS APARTMENTS 2, 3 and 4-room aourtments, also sleeping rooms; mod ern, fireproof block, private baths, clean. reasonable. 210 Market st. MoNTGOM ER V apartments, two rooms, furnished ; strict iy modern : hard wood rtocr.-, elraur. walking uistance. Pnone Mam f40. B A RON A PA li'l M ENT. J 4 t li and Columbia. 3-rnorrt t urnisiicd apt. ; also 4-room a pt . tin f urn is lied. Main 7.;:: 7. K1NGSHLRY APT.. VISTA AVE. Ni'-ciy i u rushed 3-nom auurtmcnt without sido balcony. Piicu $75 Mam :;s3 VERY desirable, nii-elv funnelled outsiile 3-room a pi., modern, private bath h nd phone. Marshall Apartments. 024 Mars-nail st. Broadway 5V1. C A R M ELI T A A P A R T M E N TS1 3 T 1 1 AND J EFKKKSoN 4-ro;i furnished aot.. strictly modern, adults only, references required. BELKNAP -room. J APTS.. completely f urn is bed a .-roui. $l.i. including d .stance. Is7 17tU t.. light, walking near i ainhili. 4- ROOM Hpartment and one single room for Iijrht housekeeping, free light, water an 1 hat. 315 N. 2-'d st. 5- ROOM flat, furnished, with bath. 835 a moti t h. 3-13 , Russell. Cull in forenoon or iiftet O in evening. To SUBLET, handsomely furnished anart m nt w;th sleeping porch, close in. Call Marshall 3547. KENT 3-room furnished apt., light, heal, hot nnd cold water furnished. Price S I.. Call Tabor S75U. before 12 M. THE l'E7.EN DORF APTS. 2PS 10TM ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. Com pletely I urnUhed 4-room apts. LIGHT, airy basement apt.. 5 rooms and ba t h. No object ion to chi Ulren. West side. Bdw y. 137 1 . Partially furnished. ROSLY N A PTS. '.'-room apt., strictly modern. Broad w ay 41 40. Phone PEA BODY APTS., lOt h and Upshur Housekeeping apartments, 1. 2 and 3-rm. Steam heat; reasonable. Bdwy. 154 '1 H E GKOYER I and 2-romn nicely furn. apis. 11 Grover si.. South Portiand. ,l a iu D'iL'GLAS court has 3-room furnished front apt., facing the park, $05. 425 VV. Park. TRINITY Place apts.. 3-room furnished apartment tor rent during July and Au gust. Phone Mar. 800. 3-ROOM furnished apartment, all outside rooms, immediate possession. Barker Apartments. Man 2001. 0S5 Irving t. BON N I K BRA E Iarge apartment, w hit enamel, sleeping porch, w lib ur without piano. East 4010. L1CILF- COURT A P ART.M ENT Three and four-room corner apart ments, modern. Broadway 2071. T WO small basement rooms furnished, suitable lor two persons; heal, liyhl, fiats 10 month. Call at 454 11th st. i'ORTNOMA 11 3, 4 rooms, sleeping porches, walking distance; adults. 200 Eh st I :t h. NICE suite housekeeping rooms, uew furni ture a n d en r pe ts. Walking dicta nee, 2n E. 15ih street, corner Ash fctrcet. KING DAVID APARTMENT 3-room fur nished a pa rt in. lit for rent. Main 2U58. 54 N. King st. EL DREDGE A PA RTM JfiXTS. 3-room. light front apartment, in modern big building. 274 N. iMst. Bdwy. 473Q. WOULD share our nice, modern 7-room bungalow wi in responsible couple, rea soqahle. 4 IP E. 37th. Tabor h744. TWO-ROOM apartment with bath and large dressing room, walking distance. Chapman apartments. 355 Chapman SL FOR 4 MONTHS, 4 -room apt., modern: Portland Heights car line; sleeping porch; $75 Main 35.'3. CAM AH. 704 LOVEJOY. 2-room apt. in brick bldg. Call Mar- shall 2:M7. 2 AND, 4-room for rent, furnished, near Jefferson hi six school. Woodlawn 2AND 3-room apts. 157, E. Glisan st. M. V. car to Ooth st. Tabor7023. 3-ROOM furnished apt.. 304 Guild st. Guild npt.. Thurman and Vang h n. OLA I ijTON E. 7-1 Grand ave. N., 2-room and kitchenette; walking distance. FURN ISH ED 4-room steam -heated mod ern apart ment. Main 702. 4-ROOM nicely furnished apt., S60. Tabor S003. close it 2 AND 3- ROOM furnished apartments. Ca 11 M arsh ail 2MO. ONE nice 3-room furnished aoartment. f50 per month. Cecilia Apts.. 714 Glisan. FLORENCE, 3ns 11th tt.. 3 4-room front f urnished apts. ; w alking d istance. THREE rooms, newly tinted, $42.50. Le mce Apt.. 1S6 N. 22d St. H ADDON H A LL -Modern apis. 414 Hi st. Mar. 110O. ONE 2-ROOM APT. This is a nice one. The Rexford. Main 553. 2-ROOM furn ished a pa rt ment for rent J30: no children. 44i E. Hurnside. MoKToX APTS. 3-room furnished apfc-t ment. ! wasningion st. .Main m it i .M aia: tinen ts : workim- t.o.i preferred 203 Weidler st. East h331. UNION A Via. ana Killings ona. (lu.v. ALBERT APT. Furnished, steam heat, private bath. M1)1.! Miss, ave. ONE 2. one 3-room apt. nicely furnithed. Trickston. 44S 11th st. 3-ROOM furnished apt. with 2 built-in beds in b-lcony. SGO. Main 8757. i-KuOM furnished apt.; piano: walking distance. Main 2233after 1 P. M. BRYN MAWR, 1S5 E. 15th. 3-room fur nished -apartment. $45. East J2154. FURNISHED apts.. Auditorium court. 331 Third st. Unfurnished Apartment;. LUCI LE COU RT A PA HTM ENT Four-room corner-front apartment, un- r l:..-..l Dr.nHnat, ll71 THE CLASSIC 3-room unfurnished art. vacant 12lh of July. Bdwy. 2034. OtiJ Glan. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders, modern 5 rooms. Main 7510. 2-ROOM front suite, private bath. yard. reasonable. R31 Hoi t. Bdwy. 4040. I'OkT No M A H. 4 rooms, hat u wood floors. w atkinsr dstaree: aduRs. - East l-Itli. GA K FIELD. 4 rooms. 3. CA East FaT- :ng. oue block wcat Uu-un.