16 tut: morxixg oregoxiax, Thursday, jult 8, 1920 SEAL ESTATE. For Sal1 Houses. P AC! FTC ACIKNTT, 614-20 SWETLAXD BLDG. 4.O. 531. MOUNT SCOTT $2300. Cond 5-room cottage on Kast Haw thorne, on a 50x100 lot. Fine chicken house and runs, lots of fruit and shrub Is try. NO. 529. POSH CITY $4f30. , , SftaclO Wt. lne home in nn exclusive district. "fhlN. Is newly finished in old ivory. hardwood floors, full cement basement, hot-air furnace : $1500 will handle this. Terms on balance. NO 527. HIGHLAND $0100. Fullv modern, 6-room house large and airv on a 75x100 lot and a well-kept lawn; fruft trees and garden: 2 blocks from carllne and 3 blocks from school. NO. 526. LENTS $1000. Good 5-room plastered house on Rood Pized lot. has living room, dining room, kitchen : 2 Bleeping rooms and sleep ing porch. All furniture included. Only $000 required. NO. 524. IRVINGTON $4500. 6 rooms, bungalow tvpe, on Kast Fifteenth street north, near Skidmore. all on one floor: 100x1 on lot; 25 fruit trees, .on Irvington carllne. NO. fioo. , "WEST SLOVK Mnt'NT TABOR. 6 ROOMS. PRICE $5750. 5-room bungalow, with fine sleeping porch. Extra large lot and dandy gar age. This la located IrL the best part of the Mount Tabor district, and a fine little home. Price $0700, half cash down. NO. 455. ORESTON $2300 5-room modern, bungalow type, with Inrge enclosed vard. shade trees and Howe's. For onlv $'-'.".00. cash $700. NO. 456. CRESTON $,"00. 300x100 corner lot. a splendid home of large looms, in good condition, an abundance of fruit and flowers ; second floor is a complete house-keeping flat by itself if so desired or can be used for 4 large light bedrooms as originally Intended. Terms V cash. NO. 464. MOUNT SCOTT $4000. S-room modern bungalow completely fur wished including player-piano. A REAL SNAP, owner forced to leave the ity on account of wife's health. This is a well-kept up home and beautiful yard, fruit trees and flowers of all kinds, lot 50x100; $25no will handle this, NO. 400. MOUNT SCOTT $2750. A very good 6-rooin home, dining room nd kitchen with built-ins. full base ment; lot 40xloo on an alley, some fruit and flowers, half cash. PACIFIC AGENCY". M4-20 BWBTLAND BUILDTNG. 474. IRVINGTON. VERY FINE 100x110 CORNER. 1 2-room modern house, located n 1 00x1 1 0 corner, very convenient to two far lines ; has beautiful grounds, which nave been cared for by an expert gar dener; the house In Itself is very nicely arranged throughout, rooms are all un usually large, Ideal for entertaining; has four fireplaces, fine hardwood floors, first-class hot water heating plant, two bathrooms and all other modern features; a iso fine garage ; owner is leaving the city and will not refuse any reasonable offer; this is a home that would have to be seen to be appreciated and If you will call us up we will be pleased to make appointment to show you the prop erty. PACTFTC AGENCY. INC., 514-20 Swetland Bldg. HAWTHORNE SNAP. $3700 $650 CASH. A very pretty bungalow, one of those homey, comfortable kind, finished in natural wood, large fireplace, built-in bookcases, full basement, laundry trays; a chance to buy a home like this for $050 down ia extraordinary. Investigate. REALTY DEPT., LAWYER'S TITLE & TRUST CO., 2S3 STARK ST. MARSHALL. 1808. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. Artistic 5-room bungalow with rood furniture, living room has nice fire place and den, with built-in bookcases, nice electric fixtures; d Inlng room has artistic buffet with large plate-glass mirrors, beam celling ; two large, light bedrooms with bath between; Dutch kitchen in white, half cement basement floor, good furnace, garage, lot 40x1 00, "hard surface street now going in; $4000. $1000 cash. $00 month including Interest 7. O. W. Muellhaupt & Co.. C. E. Adams. 407 U. S, National Hank bldg. Broadway SboS; residence. Wood lawn .14:; 3. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 514-20 Swetland Bldg. No. 476. IRVINGTON $12,500. Tteautif ul 8 -room 3 rv ing ton home, cor ner lot i.ixiun, in most exclusive dis trict, wonderful grounds with rare shrub brry and flowers an excellent home in perfect condition, with every modern convenience, three blocks to car line. iiroadway or lrv in gton. Phone Auto. 511-50. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC., 514-20 Swetland Bldg. HANDSOME IRVINGTON HOME. Tills fine, unusually well-built 2-story It -room home with garage, located on chioce 65x100 corner in best section, with lots of trees and shrubbery, would make you an id?al home; old Ivory finish, liv ing room 17x33, den, large entrance hall. 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch, billiard room, plate glass windows and cut glass noor Knoos inrouguout; just repaintea inside and out and a rare bargain. Ta bor 407. FURNISHED LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. "Beautiful, strictly modern bungalow with garage. Will Fell furnished or un furnished, tor particulars and appoint nicnt to see It call Mr. Jesse, Main 7141 HIGH-CLVS3 COLONIAL. 100x112 corner. 1340 E. 32d st.. Kast m or eland ; fine shrubbery. 9 rooms, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, oak floors through out; nil rooms enameled. Double con structed garag" ; 20 per cent under cost of duplication. Offered by owner, who ia leaving city. Open to inspection by ap pointment. Phone Sellwood 253!. A REAL HOME. $4600 Good looking, double con structed S-room house; 4 bedrooms, fire place, hardwood floors: every built-in -o riven Jen ce ; in the very best of con dition inside and out : 43xln0; garage, etc. ; hard -surface street and sewer in and paid: Hawthorne district; terms. Tabor S12l. A REAL SNAP. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. LOT TSxlla FT. CLOSE TO 2 CAR LINES. Berries, cherries, apples, good garage, bard surface road, garden spot 60x1 15, will sell for $2500, easy terms, on ac count of sickness compelled to go away. See owner. 305. Oak st. i'UKCKD to go east, offering my modern 5-room Rose City bun pa low with nice reception hail, full cement basement, hardwood floors, f ire p lace, full attic, garage and chicken liouso, $4ti0U : $1450 will handle, balance $25 per month. First comer gets it. Furniture for sale. Owner. 407 East 57th N. Tabor 1557. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income? We design and build apartments, garages, residences, any th ing ; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SATISFACTION. L. R. Baliey Co.. Inc.. U21 N. W. Bank bldg. 440 E. 2 1 ST. N. 8 -room bungalow, living room 10x30, sun room, quaint dining room, large Dutch kitchen, 1 bedroom and bath 1st floor. 2 bedrooms and sewing room 2d floor; garage. Phone East 7176. $2J25 6- ROOM BUNGALOW. Near 72d and Glisan st., street paved, fuel in, fruit, garden, garage, full cement basement ; complete plumbing. 1 bedroom first floor ; $1 200 cash, $20 per month. Tabor 2134. FOR SALE by owner, house, lot 05x1-45. 11 bearing fruit trees, electric lights, gas, phone, patent toilet, chicken house and barn, $.s50. $550 cash. 2 years on bal., 032S 51st ave. S. E. Tabor 3707. M UriT SELL my 7-room. modern bunga low. trge living room. Dutch kitchen lOOxlOO-ioot lot. 2 blocks to car. EDWIN JACOBSON. 71S Spalding Bldg. Main 5642. Evenings. Tabor 7853. J5H50 NICE home on East. 50th tt., nar car line, market, grocery store, picture shows, fine neighborhood ; bedroom first floor, three up, furnace, fireplace. Call owner. East 3326. Terms. PIEDMONT. Strictly modern 9-room house; hot water heat, exclusive district. Wood lawn 187. IRVINGTON HOME JfiOOO. Modern 2-story 6-rocn home, just re painted and decorated, on corner near " car; old ivory finish ; big snap. Tabor 4o7. $3500 MODERN -room house on carline. 20 min. ride: $120 down. $23 month. 6 per cent interest. 1027 Virginia t., Fulton car. $ooo CENTRAL Irvhigton, 4U K. 17th N., 4-room house. 60x 1 00 lot ; fine fruit trees, shrubbery, etc. : home has cement basement, some plumbing. East 7976. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, modern. 2-story, 7-room house. Call afternoons. Owner, Main 2986. ' FOR SALE By owner, a good 6-room corner house in Irvington. Phone E. 6750. MODERN. 5-roo.n bungalow; Wiljamtt Hta. CaOI owor, Main 04&4. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. IVY-ST. SNAP. $3250. Good 6-room 2-story house, large airy rooms, 3 bedrooms, elec tricity, bath, -lot 52x100; city liens paid; near Union ave.; $750 cash, balance to suit. fl-ROpM BUNGALOW, MT. TABOR. $3250 Nice 6-room bungalow, all on one floor, 3 bedrooms, attic, fire place; lot 5oxl00, on E. 63d near Glisan; $1000 cash and $25 month. 0-ROOM HOUSE, 2 LOTS, FRUIT. $3750 Nice house, perfect condition, white enamel throughout, elec tricity, bath, basement; corner lot 00x100; 8 bearing fruit trees, chicken house, garage, berries; Union: some terms; vacant; key I at omce. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318-321 Board of Trade bldg. Main 745 CLOSE-IN HOUSE BARGAIN. CUT OUT THE STREET-CAR FARE. Easy Walking Distance. Good 7-room house on lot 50x150 ft., good garage. The owner of this prop erty is a doctor who has moved to Hono lulu and is now here for the purpose of dis-posing of it and other holdings he has in the city. It has cost him much more than he Is offering it for, as he wishes t dispose of It at once. Come to the otfice and we will put you in touch with the doctor; hia price for quick sale is $5000. easy terms. NEILAN & PARKHILL. 219 Lumbermens Bldg., 5th and Stark. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. 0-ROOM BUNGALOW, $4500. "WE'LL LEAVE IT TO YOU. We want you to go out, see this remark able bungalow and you tell us what it's worth, and if you don't think it's worth $4500 well, anyway, you just couldn't say otherwise. We want to mention that this splendid bungalow has hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, garage, etc.; near car. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark st.t near 3d. Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. WALNUT PARK. 5 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. $0850. ONE OF THE FINEST BUNGALOW'S IN THIS HIGHLY RESTRICTED RESI DENTIAL, DISTRICT. You never, never would expect to buy such a home as this a bungalow so well planned, s-o well constructed, so well located, for so little monaj'. Mind you, this is one of the very choicest corners In Walnut Park. You will have to see this to ap preciate the refLI value. See it today. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark st., near 3d. Main 8092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandv. ENGLISH COLONIAL. Irvington. select, beautiful grounds, massed with flower beds, arched per gola, sun rooms draped with creepers, center hall with French doors to living end dining rooms, in old ivory, Luxem burg kitchen, 3 bedrooms and sleeping porVh in white enamel, hardwood floors, hot water heat; built 5 years, by day labor; garage; $0000, terms $1500 cash. $00 per month, 6 per cent. Now vacant. Kast 1347. No agents. VACANT. 1 $2275 $585 CASH. In Alberta, a 5-room house, 1 blocks from car line and close to schools. A nice little home for someone with a lim ited capital; lot 50x100; flowers and shrubbery. Realty Department, LAWYERS' TITLE & TRUST CO., 285 Stark st. Marshall 1898. No. 523. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. This is aa exceptionally well built, conveniently arranged and splendidly designed home of the California style, living room, cabin ceiling, dining room paneled; the bath, bedroom, center hall and reception hall are white enameled; there is a fine garage and the lot la 75x150. Phone auto. 511-50 for an ap pointment. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., 514-20 Swetland Bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Large 6-room home; furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, fruit room, full corner lot, near car line. $200, easy terms Eight-room modern home; full corner let; housa new, never occupied; improve ments paid ; located on East Taylor atret. $5500. $1000 cash; will consider smaller home, part payment. INTERSTATE LAND CO. Main 5421. 24S Stark St. $1000 WILL HANDLE THIS $3000. New modern home of 4 rooms and Bleeping porch. which is convertible ; best finish, hard wood floors ail through except kitchen, which is inlaid linoleum; combination living room and dining room, bult-in wardrobe, built-in kitchen, good full cement basement and furnace heat; line lawn started. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. JUST THINK! $2600. 6 rooms, semi-modern, bath, elec tricity, good basement, full 100x100, with plenty of grapes and berries and fruit. Near 62d and Powell Valley rd. Hurry if you want this. Very easy terms to the right party. C. De Young, 810 Spalding bldg. Main 7351, or Soli wood 2528. FOH SALE BY OWNER. My beautiful Rose City Park bunga low, strictly modern In every respect; splendid furnace and large garage, beau tiful lawn, roses and shrubbery. One must so this to appreciate the value, $0350; located at 029 K. 51st N., bet. Stanton and Siskiyou sts. My tel.. Main 5240, bet. 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. except Sat, and Sundays. $2500 BUYS THIS. 4 rooms and bath, all newly repaired and painted, finished in white enamel and tapestry paper; has good basemtnt, lull 5-OxloO lot, with lots of fruit on it; also garage : between two car lines and handy to school. JOHNSOX-DODSON CO.. 633" N, W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. BEAUTIFUL home, Willamette Heights. S lovely rooms and sleeping porch, hard wood floors throughout the entire house, most wonderful large living room, grand view ; located only 1 block from car. Will sell tor Cash or trade for part of value. PACIFIC REALTY CO.. Main S47. 4oi Spalding Bldg. V A C A NT! IMMEDIATE POSSESSION: WALK ING DISTANCE. EAST SIDE. 309 M U LTNOM A H ST.. N EAR U N ION : 8 ROOMS. MODERN. GASCO FURNACE. I OARAGE. FINE BASEMENT. ATTIC: $7000. TERMS. I'O IN DEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG.. MAIN 16U0. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. LAURELHURST. VACANT. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION: STRICTLY MODERN BUNGALOW. HARDWOOD FLOORS. GASCO FUR NACE. GARAGE; $8500. TERMS. $2500 CASH. BALANCE EASY. PO IN DEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG.. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. $2850 $500 CASH. $20 MONTHLY ROSE CITY PARK, cozy modern 5 room bungalow, fine condition, complete plumbing, electric, gas, full cement base ment, wash trays, splendid 50x100 cor. lot. fine lawn. Very nice fruit trees and shrubbery, garage, here is your chance, quick possession. Tabor4307. A BARGAIN 5-room house; lot, 150x140 feet; some fruit, berries, roses and other shrubbery; good neighborhood, good loca tion. Plenty of good garden ground. Near car line and paved street. Take aa part payment SOxlOU feet, lot in good location for home. Phone Tabor 0210. $5oo WILL handle this new. modern 3- room bungalow; all large rooms, with built-Ins, full cement basement, lull lot, witn lots of fruit and shrubbery; only 3 blocks to car ; $2500. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 033 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Modern home. 6 rooms. . tiled bath, large attic, two fireplaces, all con veniences, beautiful view, best home en vironment, one block to car; lot 75x10: street paid ; $6750 for quick sale, $1250 will haidie. Main 1128. NICE modern, west side home, good local ity, close to car, paved street, large lot full of roses, vines, shrubs and trees; hot-water heat, sleeping porches, fine view; price $00O0, your own terms. Owner. L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. $2t;00 $1000 CASH. $40 month; 6-room house; furnace. 11 replace, full plumbing, 52x100 lot, beautiful roses; near Aiberta or Irvington car; is vacant. J OH N SO N- DODtSOX CO. . 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. IRVINGTON PARK BUNGALOW. $2500. $250 cash, $25 monthly; 5 rooms, mod ern, full lot, basement. Owner, 420 Henrv bldg. Marshall 4079. IN ROSE CITY PARK. Charming 6-room bungalow, ivory fin ish, strictly modern and choice location. PACIFIC REALTY CO., Main 847. 409 Spalding Bldg. GOOD 7-ROOM HOME. Going street, corner, 75x100, big bear ing fruit trees; a real home but not strictly modern. $4000. $1000 cash. Resi dence. Main 1377. WANT 6 or 7-room bungalow; must bo modern, in good district: Alameda. Rose City or Irvington. Call T. 5319 or Main 7931. NEW 3-room cottage. $900; terms. $500 down. $25 month. 1032G 57 Lh av S. 32 57 1 REAL ESTAT& For Sale Houses. THE BEST HOME VALUE IN PORTLAND. Owner leaving the city and de sires to make quiet disposal of his elegant home consisting of large living room, dining room, kitchen, reception hall on x first floor. 2 lovely sleeping rooms, sleeping porch and bath on second floor. The home is modern in ev ery detail. It has fireplace, fur nace heat, bookcases, buffet, wood lift, laundry trays. In fact noth ing was left out to make this home complete It is double constructed throughout, built of well-selected material, beautiful hardwood floors and is in first-class, clean condi tion. Fine, well-kept lawn, good garage, paved street, city sewer, no mortgage or city liens to as sume; is handy to car, school and Jefferson high. Fine location and a real snap for $5500 or $0500 in cluding furnishings, and the finest terms imaginable can be had. Quick possession given. If you want a real home value, by all means see this one. Do not hesi tate; come right in. My auto is at your service for inspection. See E. W. HUGHES, 507 Journal Bldg. Main 2S58. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. PRICE $9250 ONE-HALF CASH. DUTCH. This is a fine 6-room colonial home on Aspen st. Fine hardwood floors, built-in effects, ivory finish, in fact a modern, up-to-date home on JUOxlO lot. There Is before your eyes an ever changing pano rama of nature's handiwork, hung on a canvas of 100,000 sq. miles depicting the beautiful hills, dales and mountains of Oregon and Washington, a scene to be . had from no other place of which we know. Unavoidable circumstances have placed the owner in a posi tion that he is unable to maintain so pretentious a home and Is of fering at several thousand dollars less than the original cost. For ip pointment phone Automatic 511-50 or evening Broadway 3080. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC.. 514-20 SWETLAND BLDG. LAURELHURST. This new bungalow- Is strictlv modern. including hardwood floors in every room, large plate glass windows. indrect light ing fixtures, French doors, tapestry pa ncr. solid brass hard ware, cut -glass knobs, large beveled mirrors, fult Dutch kitchen, pretty breakfast nook, ttle bath pedestal lavatory, fioor tub, inlaid lino leum In kitehen cement rorch. large at tic, garage. 3 coats paint on outside, 5 coats on inside woodwork. Here is a home that vou can well be proud of, Come out today and see for yourself; 3000 cash, balance on mortgage. 11 64 Laurelhurst ave.. near 39th st. Buy di rect from owner and builder. J5750 WHY NOT PICK THIS SNAP? S5750 ROSE CITY PARK. DREAM. Most artistic 5-room bungalow you imagine lor this price; finished in ivory throughout, tapestry paper, naruwoou floors, cosv f IreDlace. cement basement, furnace, garage, with a dandy cement runway. Oh. yes, we nearly forgot it has all the built-ins you -coma wisn ior. Make an appointment with us, we're on the job and we'll thow you this any time. HOLDEN & KOHLMAX, 228 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 6550. $3 1 r u PI EDMONT D 1 ST K I OX S3 loU. Why not see this snap at once, now please don't put it off. It has 7 rooms, hardwood f loors. f i reprice, finished in ivory and double constructed. Let us know where to call for you, bo you can see this bargain. HOLDEN KOHLMAN, 228 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 05 50. REAL LITTLE HOME. Something that will make your eyes glisten. It Is new as paint, cute as a watchfob and substantial as the Rock of Gibraltar. Built to last IOO years, of the very best concrete and frame con struction. Planned according to the latest accepted ideas of modern archi tecture; large living room, large fire place, nifty Dutch kitchen with break fast alcove OMg enough for all day . grod -sized bed room, a ' 1 built-ins. large sleeping porch and large basem.;it. Lo cated on choice corner lot. Not i cent against the property and you can buy it on your own terms, providing you are able to pay in monthlv installments. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. ROSE CITY PARK. $4500 Buys a dandy fi-roora and sleep ing porch. double constructed home. Fireplace, furnace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, gar:iyre. Must be sold. Make us an of Ter. NEW MODERN BUNGALOWS. $ 500 cash will handle some of ihese homes. Strictly mod am. Some are completed, others are tinder course of construction and will finish interior to suit. Let us show you. See our photos of the best home buys. 7 autos at your service. ,T. A. WICKMAN CO.- C04 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094 and 583. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. $ 4K50. Here, folks, is your opportunity to buy a bungalow at a price so low as to be almost unbelievable. You .just can't imagine what a truly wonderful bunga low this is. The oak floors are superior to those found in many $10,000 homes. Then, too, you will find every conceiv able convenience and refinement one would expect to find in a costly bunga low. Located about 2 blocks from Rose City Park car. A business opportunity calls the owner to California. This may never be advertised again, see it today A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark et., near 3d. Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. 6-ROOM SANTA BARBARA BUNGALOW. IN POPULAR SUNNYS1DE DISTRICT Last breath in modern California home design, close cornice, gabled window caps ; pergola and canopied entry. Full depth plastered basement with stationary travs: newlv-wed kitchen, iioored with Inlaid linoleum 3 bedrooms or 2 and den; large living room (west front), en- fire house done bv recognize! decorator. hardwood finished floors, large double garage matches house, with joint full width runway. Built by owner when all materials were bought at lower than present. Cannot be duplicated at 30 per cent advance. Shown by appoint ment only. Tabor ii5. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Will sacrifice my 7-room modern house in Woodstock addition on carilne 100x100 corner, well furnished, for 81000 less than real value: SlwOO mortgage want. $3600 cash for my equity, or will take good auto up to $1 t'.oo, balance cash; furniture worth $1000; will sell place without furniture or furniture without place. Owner here from Call forma and must sell Quick. Place now renting for $65 per month. Possession at once. see owner. jiuimoman iriotei Fred A. Walker. 11330 SANDY BOUL.. CORNER E. 47 ST. 100x100 L-shaped lot. large 9-room home: onlv 3 years old with every mod ern convenience; sun room, library, large living room, dining room, kitchen with large glassed-in bren kfast room on first floor: 3 Jar go bedrooms and sleeping norch on second floor; 2 sets of plumb Ing. double garaee, fruit trees and play ground for children : wonderful shrub bery : the very center of Rose City. Do not disturb occupants but drive by and if interested make appointment by phon ing Main 4-Q3 or P.ast 81 t4. ALBERTA. No. 4SO. $3250 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, bedrooms, hath and kltch en finished in white enamel with a lovely paneled dining room and large living room witn Tirepia If you are interested, call us. for this will not last long. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 514-20 Swetland bldg. Auto. 511-50 or Marshall 30S9. ONLY $2300 EASY TERMS. WALKING DISTANCE FROM MY OFFICE. Semi-modern house of six large rooms, between Williams ave. and union ave on Hancock st., only seven blocks from Broad wav bridge. T -will sell this place or $2300 to responsible family on the following terms : $300 cash and $25 per month, interest only 6 per cent on bal ance. J. J. MCCARTHY. Abington Bldg. OWN YOUR HOME. MAKE YOUR RENT BUY THIS. $300 THAT'S ALL IT TAKES $300. THIS IS SOME BARGAIN. Six-room double-constructed house, full basement. Dutch kitchen, bu f fet. good plumhing. fine lot. This is no cheaply-built house. It Is substantia! from the ground up and price is only $3000. Main 7967. Marlels or Williams. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 5-ROOM bungalow, tile kitchen and bath, newly painted, paved street : Hawthorne district: $2300, $500, balance monthly. Tabor 4079. WONDERFUL VIEW. R R. and breakfast room : modern In 'every way; all butlttns; leaving city, must veil. Call T.-31 or Main 703L REAL ESTATE, LITTLE BUNGALOW SNAP VACANT. Clean and neat, ready to move right into. It has 4 rooms, bath, toilet, lights and gas. good dry basement, fine lot. fruit and flow era, good garage, handy to Monta villa car line and Mount Tabor Fchool. A real snap for $2:150. Satisfactory terms or this snap and many, many others. See E. W. HUGHES, 507 JOURNAL. MAIN 2S58. $5750 HOME SNAP $5750 Two blocks from Laurelhurst Park on East Pine St.; corner lot 50x80; modern 7-room house with double sleeping porch and attic, large cement basement with cement fruit room and extra toilet and a very fine HOT-WATER heating plant;' large living-room with fireplace, etc., also a small 5-room house on lot, which is rented, thrown in. Cost present own er over $8000; $3000 cah will handle. You will have to' hurry. This won't last long. First time offered. Call at 026 Chamber of Commerce bdlg. Phone Main H127. -ROOM house. S rooms on first floor, 2 rooms upstairs not finished ; toilet and bath; 13 very fine fruit trees, 12 loaded with fruit, lots of grapevines loaded with fruit, lots of berries, nice chicken house and yard, block from car line; very fine view, on 31st and Clinton ; street improvements in and paid. If you are interested, come in and we will take you out and show it to you. The priced is right $2100 cash, bal. on terms, $-10 a .month at 7 per cent interest. Freeman fc Sones, 243 4th st. A REAL HOME. 6-room bungalow with sleeping porch; an ideal location, east facing; Al hard wood floors, very best pla teg lass and hardware used throughout ; no repairs at this home ; everything immaculately clean, inside and out; a pleasure to show you. Substantial cash payment; $5250. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Cor. 30th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7403. ARE YOU STILL RENTING? A SURE-ENOUGH BARGAIN. $2700 MODERN BUNGALOW $2700. 5-roora bungalow, with sleeping porch, Fummer dining porch, screened in ; ce ment basement, furnace, laundry trays, good pi umbing, built-in buffet, panel dining room; lot 40x100; chicken house and run; grapes, berries, shrubbery; easy terms. Main 7967, Marlels or Williams. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ONE OF OUR BEST BUYS. Sunnyside, $3750. 6 rooms and den, fi replace, buffet. 3 extra large bedrooms, floored atttc, fine bath, 2 toilets, full cement basement, laundry room, fine lot, shrubbery. If you want a home clos-e In and In good neighborhood, don't fail to see this one: street improvements all paid, 1 block of car and shopping district. Ask for Mr. Mack, GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Y EON BLDG. PORTLAND HEIGHTS $2750. I will sell to responsible people 2 lots and a fair little 5-room cottage for the above price on the following terms: $300 casn ana 3o per montn to inciuae in terest at 6 Der cent, no mortgage to as sume. It Is within 2 blocks of the car and 4 blocks to school ; sewer in and paid for, but no other street improve ments. The lots are wort h the price. J. J. MCCARTHY, ABINGTON BLDG. $1000 BEAUTIFUL LITTLE HOME $1600. FRUIT. CHICKENS. AND A BARGAIN. 4 rooms, full basement, electric lights, gps. fine lot. with 11 bearing fruit trees. chicken house and rune; 2 blocks from cars, sidewalks in and paid. This is wonderful little place and in best of condition. Torma. Main 7967. Marlels or Williams, S20 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HERE'S A HOME, 6 ROOMS. $4000. Substantial 2-story. 6-room reidence. large, light, airy rooms, 3 bedrooms large closets, full basement, fine fur nace, laundry trays, beautiful lot facing east, flowers, bearing fruit trees and berries, conveniently located, one block to car, in W averley Heights; street im provements all paid. Ask for Mr. Mack. GEO. T. MOORE CO., Y EON BLDG. A SNAP FOR SOMEONE. MLTST SELL AT ONCE. S 650 0 li E AUT IFUL I R VI NG TO N $ 6500 VACANT STRICTLY MODERN. 7 rooms, strictly modern; full cement basement, laundry trays, rurnace, 1 ire- nlnce. hardwood floors ; in finest condi tion. just newly paint ed and decorated nnrf rpa 11 v a sDiendid buv : on terms Main 7967, Mariels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. $1ft.,0 YOUR OWN TERMS $1650. NEAR PENINSULA LBR. CO. MILL. K-room hou.e. vacant: plumbing, gas, etc.; just newly painted and papered in- j eiri- ennri fnorlition: several fruit trees:' near Willamette blvd. This is no man sion, but beats renting find is worth the money. Main 7067. Mariels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Suburban Homes. SUBURBAN HOM E. 3 ACRES. LARGE HOUSE. ' 4500. WIDOW MUST SELL. Here is your opportunity to pick up a real bargain; 3 acres, near car, 7VjC com. fare; mod ern house with exceptionally large liv ing room and massive fireplace. Fin ished in white throughout. Trout stream running through property. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 3nf2. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. PARKROSE 130x300 FT. $1350, fine tract, located on "Prescott street, between Craig and Richardson roads (graveled roadt. some fir trees, south front, terms $450 down, balance monthly. Parkrose branch office nt end of Parkrose car line. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 208. SUBURBAN HOMES. WEST SIDE IDEAL BUNGALOW. ONE ACRE $4750. Folks, we want you to see this truly remarkable bungalow, located as it is in one of the most idea! suburban home locations in this vicinity. ' Probably never again will you have an opportunity to buy a home like this for so little money. See it today. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St.. near th. Main 3002. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. ONE ACRE l-ROOM BUNGALOW. $240O. Come on, folks, here is your oppor tunity to get a real nifty, double constructed bungalow at an awfully low price. You never, never would expect to buy such a home as this for eo little money. See it now today tomorrow may be too late. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark st.. near 4th. Main 3092. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. BUILDING SITES AT GARDEN HOME. $50 DOWN MU .MU. 1 Ji . Onlv 15 minutes' out on the OREGON ELECTRIC ; 7c commutation fare: 46 electric trains daily; gas. electricity and piped water: prices $250 to $600; only $50 down. $10 per month. YOU BUY DIRECT FROM OWNER. See McCOR MIC. owner, at 242 Washington st. Main 8220. . HIGH-CLASS SUBURBAN FARM HOME. 3 acre lots, all in choice fruit, berries and garden ; 7-room modern residence with city gas. pressure water system, bath. et3; garage; $lo00 crop, poultry end other personal property included. Everything only $6500; a real bargain. A K. HILL. 215 Lumbermens Bldg. SUBURBAN HOME. NIFTY BUNGALOW i ACRE. $5750. SEE THIS TODAY. Located beyond Laurel hurst on East Glisan street : lota, of fruit; wonderful view of mountains. You will appreciate the real value here. A G. TEEPE CO.. 270- Stark st. Main 3002 LIVE ON THE RIVER. -Half acre and modern bungalow right on the river front, with plenty of fish ing and canoeing. Fireplace, gas. elec tricitv. electric motor pump for well; on the Oregon Citv car line; a fine little home; price $3700. $650 cash, balance very easy. ' Main 6752. FOR SALE One acre, west side. 10 min. walk Meier & Frank's; all improve ments paid: old buildings, fine for chick ens and garden: only $3000. Give phone number. B 539. Oregonian. FOR SALE Fine country home at Oak Grove. Four acres, beautiful improve ments and everything man could want or use. Apply 52 First st. Tel. Bdwy. 962 or Oak Grove. 103 M. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." TEN acres Base Line, close In. Bargain if sold this week. C. V. Smock, Main 7141. $3750 OOOD 6-R. house; w ide porches, orchard. 4 acres, level, Tigard district; $1500 cash. McFarland, 20H Failing bldg. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Home. OREGON CITY CAR LINE. Pretty S'i-acre home, near car line. Strictly modern 6-room bungalow. Abundant fruit and berries, choice soil. Price $5500 this can't be duplicated. 1-1-3-acre home, 7 rooms and bath. Full basement, water system, very neat. All modern conveniences, close to sta Best of soil; abundant garden, $4750. Pretty little home, overlooking river. 5 rooms and bath, fireplace and bullt-ins. -acre, some fruit and garden. Beautiful grove, near car line, $4500. Five acres, one-third mile from station. Good 6-room house and outbuildings. Fine soil, family orchard, large spring. Plenty adjoining pasture; $4000, easy terms. 1 acre. 4 rooms and bath. Good outbuildings, plenty fruit and berries. Fine soil, very sightly : near station. A paying proposition. Cheap at $3500. Six rooms and bath, modern convenience Two nice lots, right at station. Plenty garden and fruit. On good street. Price $3000, $500 cash, balance monthly. Phone 113-W. C. E. APPLE. OAK GROVE, OR. ROSE CITY PARK. BEST BUY IN THE CITY. 100x100 ft., S. W. corner of 50th and Brazc-e street, one block to Sandy blvd. an Ideal location, many fir trees, prop erty on level with street. To close an estate this Dronertv is offered for $2000; free and clair of all incumbrances. terms cash. .1. L. HARTMAN COM PA NY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. SPANISH LOG BUNGALOW. 1 acre nf fine soil with lots of fruit. 12c fare. 40 minutes out. lots of shade trees, nice grounds and pergola; attrac tiv huncalow with lai ne living and din Ing room. 1 bedroom and Dutch kitchen on lirst Iloor. iarge room upstairs; goou electric licht fixtures. fine fireplace; price $3500. Joining this Is also m acres of loganberries that can be had very reasonable. This is close to electric sta tion. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLIN GER BLDG. 5 ACRES. 3 under cultivation, set out to berries, n a lance line nr gro e, -i uuu modern huncalow. larce chicken houses, cr., tro - n iroort nutn road near Powell Valley; $550O. half cash. Interstate Land Co.. Main 5429. 24S Stark St. For Sale Binine Property. TRACKAGE. 100x200 BUSINESS CENTER FRONTS. 100 FEET EAST FIRST STREET. 100 FEET EAST SECOND STREET. 200 FEET EAST WASHINGTON. WITH 200-FOOT TRACKAGE. W. S. POINDEXTER 208 SELLING BJLDG. MAIN 1S00. ( WATERFRONT, close in. west side: track age, paved street; bar-tam. 1421 V. W. Bank blag. For Sale -Acreage. CHICKEN RANCH One of those dandy 5 acre tracts which occasionally by reason of the misfortune of the owner are forcea on the market. Here is a dandy B-r" house with private water system and all conveniences and a piece of land wnlcn Is admirably adapted to the raising 01 chickens, with fruit,- berries and wlia wood; the terms are exceedingly easy after the first payment. If you have a little money and desire an easy life close to the city of Portland, with absolutely sure income, don't fail to look this up The price ia $5HO0 and the property is worth much more. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st., and wa shall be glad to take you out in our ma chine to see this bargain. Main 880 THERE'S BIG MONEY IN BERRIED. 10 beautiful acres, high and sightly, best soii; 1 acres red and black rasp berries, bearing; 1 acre blackberries, bearing: 1 acre bearing strawberries 1 w.rrt wf r- wbrriea bearing next year; 1 acres more raspberries bearing ne vear : the bearing borries have netted the owner $1000 per acre this year. Come quick if you want this. S. S. PRENTISS. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ON THE PAVED ROAD. Nearly 6 ares on th Powell Valley road, just east of the city; 4 acres uti-.4- ....itifnfiMn- xll run be cultivated: 4- room house, barn, chicken house; price itir.oo $25oo cash: will consider house in inrt iMiiri in the Woodstock district up to $-"i" Nelson, with J OHN FERGL SON. GERL1NGER BLDG. 777" a f ti n- r..ii(iOM HOUSE $3000 Forest Grove district, 2 miles from Ration: 6 acres cleared, family orchard and berries: good new 5-room house ana 1 -.1. ,.n . hnnsp. so in j furniture. living' stream; land lies good, soil good; locality not affected by lute frosts. Price c-iimn tnrms S1000 cash, balance rea sonable. Call and see photos. 1 jU ED OEM ANN COMPANY. !U3 Chamber of Commeice. To iPiirssi i r. UNEXCELLED 52000. Located 30 miles from Portland, near station and P. O.. about 8 acres creek bottom land, silt and black loam, bal- BM nri v hum: 4 acres cleared. balance logged off land; livable shack. If vou are looking for soil instead of buildings we cannot recommend th is too highly. Price $2000; terms $4000 cash, balance reasonable. LU E D DE M A N N COM PA N Y, 013 Chamber of Commerce. 5 ACRES in Hillsdale, best soil, all cul i...,t m ij. in h;iv and oats. 38 as sorted fruit, berries, gardens, beautiful view across from Council Crest, near station and paved road. Splendid plas tered houte witn urepiacc, num-ma nlumbing. basement, modern, large barn. gas. electricity, '- j ' Uc0 o OR B IN CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis bldg 1 ACRE nearly covered with fruit, both tree and berry, fair 10-room house, side walks in and streets graded: easy terms. AUo 1 acre near Powell alley Road. 1--, LmitP not omoleied: good soil; in bearing fruit; close in. and the best buy in the city. To c,lose an estate. S2750 $750 casn. oee HOUCK, 110 10TH ST. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. We have over 500 small places, cose to Portiand, some on the paved road t electric line: all have been Twr-unui.v insDected by us. Photos at The oft ice. JOHN FERGLtoON LINGER BLDG. GER- t rw-'iTV.rt YOU ON' 2 ACRES. Hiirht at electric station, east side . near grove im sr our ciiuute tvi kti terms $50 cash. $10 monthly. tB LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. -ACRE' No. 1 soil; south slope; good view close in, near car and paved road. Kmil dwelling, houses for 400 chix. brooder, house, all good: fine garden, assorted fruits, gas. electricity. city water; some H. H. goods. A good buy. ter ms j7C. CORB1N CO., 305-6-7 Lewis bldg. LOGGED-OFFAND3. , nn Tracts 5 acres up. located within 30 miles of'portiand. on railroad : good soil, no rock, plenty of water: worPe,ar$:: buy on your own terms. Prices $20 to $ta per creLEVDt)EMANVr CO.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. HALF ACRE on 52d street, ail kinds fruit, large and small gardens;, modern 5-room nlastered bungalow, large porch, shade, built Ins full basement and plumbing; earage chicken house, all first-class; gas. electricity, water. Al for poultry; K-i.MtO terms. C CO RB1N C.O.. 3Q5-6-7 Lewis bldg. FOR SALE LOOCED-OpF LAND. Write, for map of western Washington showing location, price and terms. Over 10 000 acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma. Wash. BEAUTIFUL tract at Clackamas station. containing S.42 acres, HUitable for berry land; partly cleared; will sell for cash or terms- Apply to owner on .ground, or telephone Oregon City 405J2 between o A. M and 6 P. M. 7U ACRES 8 miles out on Terwiliiger boulevard. mile off pavement; all in cultivation; 100 young fruit trees, spring water, fair 6-room house, large barn. 427 Lumber- Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. TEN ACRES on county road, tine S-room bungalow, fireplace, etc. Fir trees, fam ily orchard, berries, chicken run4l worth $4500. will take $3000. Dr. Luie Waidt. 712-14 Pittock block. ACREAGE, all kinds fruit, nuts. Opening Stokes fine farm, 42d and Simpson sts. Alberta car. $10. Payments. Residence Main 1377. vor SALE 5 acres of growing beans con traded; 5 acres of new potatoes. East 3158. f00 FOUR level acres, near electric, Tu alatin valley. S200 casn. Main .102. Me F A R L A ND REALTJY C P.. Fail in g bldg 10 ACRES first-class timber at Tigard; sell cheap. Tabor 4515. 5 ACRES, close in. paved road; highly tmp. 619 CO. com.. roruAoa. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. 1 ACRE only 5 miles out with modern 5- room bungalow; beautiful view and many fine natural trees in yard. Close to station and has all conveniences; gas, water, etc. Will sell furnished or unfurnished. Price $2500. easy terms. Turner & Co., Homesteads. Relinquishments. LOOK THIS UP. We have located at considerable ex pense and know what we- tell you to be facts. If you want to get in come and let us tell you about it and go with us on July 25 and we will show you a 64o acre homestead filing. The Economy Co., Freeman & Sones, 243 4th st. WILL relinquish 120 acres rich farming homestead. some improved, orchard, buildings, etc., $1500; near Rosbur. Address box 14. Camas Valley, Or. TWO homesteads covered with beautiful timber, closo to railroad, town ana t.iw mill ; rare chance ; $3o0 cas.i tacli if fallen quickly. 301 CorVtt ".ddg. LOOK HERE. YOUNG MAN Come around and let us tell you how you can get 640 acre homestead. Economy Realty. John W. Freeman and Jim Sones. 243 4th st. TWO relinquishments, lots of improve ments, free outrange, some trade. H. H. Brown. Beaver. Or. " - A DELIGHTFUL FARM HOME. 49 AC R ES U M PQ U A VALLEY. 1H miles to town and R. R. station, on auto road. 23 acres very rich bottom for fruit, berries and garden. Of this S acres in prunes, 1 acre mixed fruit, berries, gar den and grain. An ideal soil and cli mate for logan or strawberries. Bal ance rolling wooded pasture. A modern home of 8 rooms, valued $3500; two barns, two poultry houses; mlik house, all fenced and cross fenced with woven wire. Just the kind of a home one would want in a dclighftul climate. ' Price is $9000 including-' stock and equipment. Terms 1-3 cash. MacINNES & PRATT. 209-10 Oregon Bldg.. 5th and Oak. $5500 DAIRY FARM $5510. MONTHLY MILK CHECK OVER $400. 10 acres, alt in cultivation: house, barn and outbuildings, located close to town, railroad and highway; have lea.se on ex cellent pasture: 1H fine milk cows, 3 horses, pigs and chickens; all necessary farm implements included in the price of $5500. Photos at the office. This farm has been personally inspected. A real gold mine for a dairyman. No phone information. See Mr. Bankus. CLE V ELAN D-H END E RSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange bldg. FOR SALE bv owner. KOing stock and dairy farm of nearly 30O acres; 125 acres in c:op ana grass. ;uu acres ooivum SO acres fenced hog-tight; running f t-q rt all v on r rood house, laree barn. about CO head cattle and horses, 20 head hogs, poultry. 7-ton scale nouse, new B. L.. K. milker. 2 new ga engines, all necessary implements, excellent orchard ; nn Pacific hizhwav. near two K. R. towns; shipping point 1 miles; pric $30,000. terms; part exchange posibi. Address P 616, Oregoniaru NEAR CROWN POINT. 0O ACRES. FOR SALE BY OWNER. A ROUT 2 MILES OFF CO LU M B I A HIGHWAY. PART TIMBER. FINE 'SPRING. BUILDINGS ON PLACE. WONDERFUL VIEW. SUITABLE F R RANCH OR COUNTRY HOMESITE; n M FRI'IT TREES: ON 2 CO I" NT 1 ROADS; $05Ofl. PART CASH. BALANCE TERMS IF DESIRED. MARSHALL 2UiS. CLOSE TO COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. Tn ncren lust off Columbia highway, onlv nine mile from court house. All e-norl level aoil. about five acres cult I vated, 40 fruit treen. A wonderful place for berrv or chicken ranch. This is a real bargain for $320). Easy terms. F. it. Jesse, 527 Corbett Bldg-. Main 7141. $15,000. WITHOUT CROP. Anyone desiring an Ideal near-in coun try home, this is the place. 3S.43 acres, excellent soil, level, tiled and fenced, family orchard, near school and hard surtaced road; 4 ? miles southeast from Portland. Owner, John Cheldelin, Gresh am, Oregon. MR. RANCHER. HERE IS A CHANCE 1U GET CHEAP KA.Ntw ruurKii. 15S-acre farm, grazing and timber land, with plenty of water, at $45oo. 320 acres, good wheat land, ready for the plow, for $30 an acre. J. B. HOLBROOK, 214-215 Panama bldg. INCOME-PROPFCING FARMS AT GRESHAM. THE BEST FARMING SECTION IN OREGON. On the naved highway, close to Port land; some good bargains in stocked anu equippeu larms, suouroan nomt chicken ranches and berry lands. KR! DER & ELKINGTON. Gresh am. Or. Telephone 1 7-X. FOR QUICK SALE. 162 White Leghorn hens and pullets. 50 per cent laying. $1 each, many as you like; about 25 2-month-old White' Leghorns. 3dc each: 3 00 feet 6-foot wire. 3c foot; 2 almost new chicken coops. $2 each; also rabbits for sale reasonable. 4S3l 60th st. S. E. NEAR Estacada. 25 ifi iles to Portland, on good road, J14 acres with stock and im plements; 23 acres cleared; about one million feet of timber on place, two springs and running stream; Rood house and outbuildings; price $10,OOU, $00OO cash. Tel. Automatic 315-07. 60-ACRE farm at Forest Grove Including crop, 8 cows, team and all kinds of machinery. Seven-room house1, orchard. Everything gn?j for $lo,5oo. Mr. Ackley, Main 7141, 527 Corbett Bldg. FARM S. We have several good buys In small farms situated near Forest Grove, Hills boro and New berg. If you are looking for a farm do not fail to see us. NEILAN & PARKHILL. 219 Lumbermens Bidg.. 5th and Stark. A magnificent $S00O home in Piedmont for $5750. If you are a good Judge of values and want a fine home for little money, this Is your chance. Part cash and terms on balance; lot lOOxluO. NEILAN & PARKHILL. 219 Lumbermens Bldg., 5th and Stark. NICE little farm of 15 acres. 30 minutes from Portland. Ne w bungalow, running stream, your own water works. Beau tiful park. 12 acres in cultivation. See the owner. Paved auto road. Smith, 165 i Fourth st., room 31. On car line. MOVE right on 50-acre farm. 35 acres in crop, good house and barn, orchard, etc.. good fence. 24 m iles to Portland, good road, fine black soil, good water, bargain $0000. terms. $2oim casn. other bargain. Garland. 201 3d. 23 ACRES, 20 in cultivation and crop, 4-room nous?, 24x.JO barn, otner build ings, horses, plow, harrow and other im plements inciuuea witn tne crop. $..000 $3000 down. i mile from village. H. J Kichter, Amity. Or. 40 ACRES V mile from town and river, 40 miles from Portland : 21 acres In crop; fully stocked and equipped: 2 years' lease on adjoining 20 acres; $4000. terms. INTERSTATE LAND CO. Main 5429. 243 Stark St. FOR SALE 20 acres of good rolling land; 10 acres ciearea, rest in good standing timber; creek bottom land: 2i' miles from Oregon City. Price $2000, terms. Woodlawn 234. Owner. 100 ACRES prunes, with $45,000 crop m sight; 3iO acres, witn nair under culti vation, good dryer and buildings: $1U.0U0 will handle. Off market Julv 10. C. W. VAIL. Canton. Oregon. FOR SALE Good bargains In rholce Wil lamette vaney larms in cultivation and in crop, ranging from 50 acres to looo acres: well improved. Cali on or writ j V. Pipe. Albany. Or. $75 DOWN ON 10 ACRES. On S. P. electric, close to sta. and "school; good chicken and berry ranch price $10O0. $75 down. Draper, -Jul Board of Trade NEARLY a thousand acres, unlimited out range, plenty of water and buildings; near paved road : 2 hours from Port land; $lS.00O. RIsley. Starkweather & Black. 602 Broadway bldg. Main 190. COLUMBIA BLVD. FARM. "Will sell reasonable price and terms. 5 to 50 acres; improved or unimproved; at city limits; no city assessments. Residence. Main 1377. DAIRY FARM for sale: 3-year iease. 1 year paid; Mlnthorne Springs dairy, near Milwaukie; 16 cows and buil. 473 Dover st. FOR SALE River bottom farm, close to good town, near Portland, with or with out stock. Address owner, P 619. Ore gon la n. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $7. to $100 per acre; easy terms; best soil: farms for sale, all - sizes. McFarland. 20S Falling bid:. FOR SALE or trade. 160-acre ranch near Miles Citv. Mont.; about 40 under culti vation, fenced, log cabin. AK b46, Ore gon lan: i LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water; good soil, tf ! I able ; employ ment; easy terms. J. R. Sharpe. 83 3d. 40 ACRES, small house. 8 acres cleared: very cheap. For particulars. writs Butkevich. route 1. Carlton. Or. 160 ACRES in North Unit Irrigation dis trict; 46 acres cultivated. If interested write me. Noah Vibbert, Gateway, Cr. BY OWNER 0-acre farm nt Tigard; 80 acres clear, in crops; snap at $13,009. A.H 760, Orgonifc.n, REAL ESTATE. lor iale 1 arm. THE CREAM OF FRENCH PRAIRIE. Here are f6 acres of the best land In the Willamette Valley, all in cultivation, about 70 acres in oats and wh-at. bal ance potatoes and hay; located 33 miles from Portland on main county road, about I mile to Oregon Eiec;: station; has 5-room plastered house. barn, chicken house, hog nouse; all stock and farming tmplomen's go with place, in cluding 3 horses, 3 cows, 2 hogs, chick ens and turkeys; also gasoline engine, plow . harrow, cultivator, seeder, rake, mower and other tools. And just think, all the crop goes with the place which alone wiil bring about $7000 this year. If you are looking for a real farm ami a splendid buy this place speaks for it self; p-ice $2C0 per a-.-re: liberal terms. RIELY & GUST A FSON. fi05 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 1456. ? EVERYTHING GOES. 40 acres, all fenced with wire, located 5 mies from Molalia. Clackamas county, on a fine graveled road that wiil be paved ; elect ric lights can bo had ; 35 acres can be cultivated; IS acres in oats, corn and potatoes, balance in pasture and timber: 2 springs and creek; al! rural conveniences; mile to choo.; small orchard : good 3-room house and pantry, barn 20x3s. chicken house, root cellar, hoghouse, 3 good fresh cows, 1 heifer. 2 sows. 10 chickens, cream sep ajator. complete line of mach inery. har rrbs. crops and possession. Price $4100, $20 cash, balance 5 vears. 0r'-. Inspect ed bv Brooks, with JOHN FERGUSON, UEULINGER BLDG. 100 ACRES, located east of Oregon City. S m iles from railroad town : acres in line crops of wheat, oats, hay and pota toes. 4 acres of bearing orchard, lots of prunes ; 2 t rout streams on the place, ' springs, nice S-room house, large iarn, garage and other buildings: good soil; telephone, rural route; over IOO acres can be cultivated, balance in heavy tim ber; 7 head of cattle, good team. 3 brood sows, chickens, harness, cream separa tor, binder and every kind of machinery found on .1 farm. Price $0500. $ tuoO cash. Will consider Portland house up to $40Ot and $15u0 cash, balance long time at 6-. Inspected bv Brooks, with JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. FOR SALE 7-acre poultry plant, ail level ground . deep Loganberry soil, no stone or brush. mile from Sherwood. i mile from Portiand-Nevvberg highway. li miles south of Portland; near'.y new 5 room house, larce barn, woodshed, 5 poultry houses. 500 choice White Leg horns, incubator cellar. 3 new Incubators 4 new brooders, new fences, cow. wagon. drac. n'.ow. 1 acre oats and vetch. fu re spuds. 1 acre family orchard, patch of kale; will sell with or without stock and equipment; the price, terms and place is right. See this place and buy from owner. O. C. Dunton. herwooa. 'r. FREE FARM LISTS. San Joaquin valley farms. Paul Rossler. Stockton. Cal. HA NTf.fi REAL ESTATE. Over $1,700,000 Worth , OF HOM ES SOLD Since January 1. ' lit20. by FRANK L. McGUIRE, Largest Home Sellers on the Pacific Coast. Have you a house to sell? Try our live, efficient methods of home selling. Our record: hti! homes sold last year. i homes sold in one day. 110 homes sold in May. 575 ho m-s sold to date this year; Your house is sold IF LISTED WITH PS! We'll personal I v INSPECT. AP PRAISE and PHOTOGRAPH it within 24 hours after listing ! The photograph of your house will be displayed in our great show room, wh ich is continuallv thronged with EARNEST HOME BUY ERS I If you can't come down, telephone; we'll gladly call. Our only charges are the standard rate of 5 per cent in the event of a satisfactory wa le. IS expe rienced salesmen with autos to work on the sabi of vour home. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. To S-ill Your Home. Abington Hldg. Main 1068. luii'a Third Street, Between Washington and Stark. PACIFIC AGENCY. S- O. S. INC.. We expect to sell 500 houses by t.'ie end of this year and are hav . ing caiis every day that we cannot supply. Bring in your listings unii we will look them over, and if priced right we can make jou quick sa!e. Have several competent Fu.es men on band with autos to hhow property. hence can gel quick action. Do not delay, as we hiivt actual buyers waiting and necduurlUting. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 514-20 Swetland Bldg.. Phone Marshall WANTED A HOUSE. GEO. T. MOOR E CO .- Y EON BLDG. We have a client with cash wanting a 5room house in most any good district, price ranging from $ 1 5oo to $2500 ; must be a bargain ; w e aiso have several clients with $300 to $5o0 as first pay ment for meiium-priced home. Phon or call at office and we wiil inspect at once. A-k for Mr. Solstroin, GEO. T. MOORE CO., YEON BLDG. OWNERS ONLY. Wanted, a 4 or 5-room bungalow or cottage, wc.-t si'ie prelerred; have as first payment $ffOii mortgage secured bv 40 acres land in aUalta. adjoining city of Hcrmiston, Or., under government ditch. Y 1 14, Oregonian. WE HAVE clients waiting for homes from $2000 to $7000; good first payment. If your property ia for sae cail at our office or phono. O. W. T. MCELLHAUPT A- CO.. C. E. Adams. 407 U. S. Nat'l Bank Bidg. Broadway 3Ss38. WANTED 5 or 6-room modern house; all built-ins. full cement basfment, good furnace, garage, in residential district. 4500 down, balance $40 monthly, includ ing interest. Phone Main 6V4D between 2 and 5. MOI ERN home wanted of five or six rooms. If you have a nice home come in and tell me about it, but leave your inflated values at home. CASH MUST TALK.. 615 CHAMBER OF COM. BLDG. We also want an S-room house with 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch, between Sunn side and Hawthorne cars: must be west of East 2th fat.: have $55oo in cash. Telephone Main to2. GEO. T. MOORE CO., YEON BLDG. W A NT ED C LOSE- I N AC REAGE. Reasonable payments down ; we have the buyers. See Mr. Schmidt, the acre age man. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. , Bdwy. 5043. 410 Henry Bldg- ATTENTION. We have a client with cash wanting 5 or 6-room modern bunga'ow, on paved street, in most any good district, up to $4 750. GEO. T. MOORE CO. SM ALL modern bungalow in good district up to 400o. Give 100x100 corner, one block hard-surface street with sidewalk and curb, all clear, value cash $1200. as first payment. D 645, Oregonian. CHERRY ORCHARD. I want to buy a bearing cherry or chard. 5 to 30 acres, on good road; give full description and price. A. Cleve land. 212 Ry. Exch. bldg. ' We have a client with $1500 cash as first payment for 6-room residence with 3 bedrooms, located Waveriey Heights or Hawthorne district; will go to $45tM. GEO. T. MOORE CO. WE ARB SELLING THE HOUSES. LIST WITH US. CASH CLIENTS WAITING. G. C GOLDEN BERG. Abington Bldg. "33 Yrs. in Portland." MAIN 4803. WANTED To buy, from one to five acres near Shattuck station. Olson or Raleigh, in the Tualatin valley; state location and price. AH 707. Oregonian. I have many buyers for w-est side houses. Handling west side property is my spe cials. John Si-nger. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 947JJ BEST that $4oo0 will buy. bungalows from $1000 to $15u0 cash; no agents. East 5771. acre: 429 UD to S12.00O. hall casn. Alain o-. WANTED Good lot in Laurelhurst. J 166. Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS. WANT bridge plank and timbers. Davis, 5o9 Lumbermen's bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. GRESHAM FARM. 40 acres. 39 A. under plow, berries and family orchard, A-l soil, all fenced, A-l road, 2 wells, good 5-room house, good dairy barn, with 16 stanchions, lease $4O0 year, personal property Tor sale; 1 wagons, 3 plows, harrow, disc, roller, Dot a to nlanter and digger, corn planter. kale plaiiter. 3 cultivators, weeder, mower, rake, hay fork and ropes, spring wagon, buggy and harness, root cutter. ensilage cutter. 12 H. P. engine, silo 10x32. milk cooler, buckets, manure car ricr, 2 separators. 16 10-gal. can. 3 good horsos, 2 sts harness. 12 extra fine Holstein cows. Hoisiein nun, z neiiers. 1 calves, household furniture. Price $6000, $3000 cash, bal. terms. A. G. BENDER. ritter. Lowe & Co.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bids:. 'OR KENT FA RMS. DAIRY FARM. 104 miles from Portland, 15 acn a'l gentle rolling, 40 A. under plow. 100 A open stump pasture, orchard, all A -1 soil, all fenced. 2 good springs. A-l road. 1 well, good S-room house. 2 barns. I dairy and 1 hors barn, all outbuildings, rent 5 years, $5o0 month. Personal property and crops for sale 3 plows, harrow, cultivator. 2 spring wagons, t farm wagon, separator. 7 A -1 cow -v 3 heifers, sow and 9 pi;.-. 2 shouts 2 horses. 4 floz. chickens. 8 A. wheat. T A. oats. Irt A. hay. 4 A. spuds. Uric $1100, $1200 cash. bal. trni. A. O. EENDEXl, RITTER, LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. I OH SALE Who wants to buv or tro for a high-clasa apple and stock farnt within 100 miles of Portland in or.c of the best commercial apple district m the west. Climate ideal. Scenery :;r,f. Improvements modern. It is a monev maker. There nre 1"0 acres. 15 in high grade commercial apples, balance alialt.i and other products. Price $20,000. Wi.l take good residence in Portland va-t payment or sell on long term 1 bargain. J. S. Real!, owner, care COAST CULVERT & FLUME CO. SO ACRES, house, barn, eouinmcnr Iot tiiiit, tome crop, stock, fine soil two fine springs. Ideal fruit land, choice lo cation, close to Portland, near Capita" highway; will take in as part trad. house, truck or stock of groceries: T,rjC J..ti0. o. W. Bryan, 5o Chamber oZ I ommerce. Main 11H13, Mar. M5. HAVE moved to city, must dispone of mw fine farm of 1S5 acres, highlv improved; stocks, crops and machinery: this 1 no junk, and if you have not got good property do not bother m-;. 1 am the owner. Phon Sundav. Tabor 2285. wevk, days Main 6419, for appointment. SPLENDID little brick apartment house on large corner, paving very nicely; cmi have a life-long home and income. Frit 3.i.O0o. Owner will take 1- in good property In or out c-f the citv. F K Miller, 416 Chamber of Commerce b dg 10 ACRES timber and running water on -. uiie arm gooa roaa, in Milwaukie dis- trict : vatue 4.uu; want small modern house, sa me va lue. E. C, Box 3S. R. D. -o. 1. Milwaukie. HAVE real estate contract for $26oo draw ing 6 per Cent interest to trade for fu-nished home. Might assume some. AB 750, Qreronian . $2700 EgLTTV In a 7-room modern bun galow, 2 lots, garage, for a small place; will assume some. lis 13 62d st. S E Hawthorne car. W ILL trade naif section land. Montana. Rt-s.bud county. 512 per acre, for land in Oregon, west of Cascades. Write box .24, Salem. Or. CHOICE Laurelhurst iot near park, street paid; trade for real estate contract. -ain 10V3, 5 00 Chamber of Comi nerce. WHAT have you to trade for 87 acr.i ocean front, fine beach, in Lincoln coun ty. Or.? Owner. AV 63. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE MISCEI.LANEOrS. BICLCLE. good as new ; trade for tent. 12 Phone 320-20. will sell clu Grand u PI A NO course given in exchange for ing; ref. Main 3ol S. FOR SALE. Horse. Vehicles, Livestock. OUR plant is now equipped with tra -tors and wo ha e for salt- li w agons. They are different siv.es and suitable for licli't and heavy farm work, druyane, delivers, junk and vt-ge table vend ing use. Will sell in one lot or separately; prices wi'I be low for cash. Multnomah Lumber & Box Co.. foot of Bancroft st. "$5 I AM compelled to move and musi bp'.l my Guernsey family row, giving :iS gal. per day. 16U Foster St. Johns car. 3 YOUNG Jersey cows and one bay horse, weight 1150 lbs., will cry cheap. 6U7 05th ht., Woodstock car. DEAD stock removed quickly ; casn pa,d for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Mi waukte 6'J-J for results. FOR SALE Thirty-five registered Shrop shire March and April ram lambs ; $20 each. Hc.lT.an Fuel Co., 04 5th t. 3 lioul) cows, one Durham, 2 Guernr-v and Jrsey; will cll reasonable. Phono Wood lawn 1011. FIVE extra good milk cows lor Powell Valley Koad : call at Powell, Woodstock -ar. sale; 32d FOR SALE 2 good Belgian t a .' I ion.-.-, one 2 years old. one 3 years old. . Mm singer. 210 Board of Trade Bldg. TEAM of mares weighing 3'. 00 it(t. in ciuire Mike Bellino, across from ori t.n eiec trio fie pot, 1 1 a vert m. WANT 2 tennis with wagon, haul lum . ber. $3 per M. 32 Lewis bldg. Applv 12 to 1 only. FOR SAI.E ness, $t0. -New set dounie . ouggy har Holman Fuel Co., 14 5th LA RG E pastures for rent near Portland Main S5. DEAD horse, animals hauled away free. lo rt land Rendering Co.. Wouulau 20 DEAD HOK: dead cows. ES taken quickly; cash fo" Tabor 4203 FRESH 4-gnllon cow. Wdln. 1H3. ll'Jlt E. 17th GOOD single harness fn Nichol, 4'27 41st St. : ie cheap. A. S. VETKK iNA K 1 AN. HOWES. TA M K FOR SALE 4 good young Herfor-i C. Minsinger. 210 Board of Trado bulls. Rids. WANTED To- I uy second-hand lunch wagon; state pri- J 167. (rgonirin 1'iunoH, Organ and Musical Instrument. PIANO BARGAINS $175 and up. Our used pianos are r bargains and are guaranteed. See the t ami be convinced. Terms given. Seiber ling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th St.. b-V tween Washington Mnd Alder tree is. THE SC 1 1 W A N PIANO CO OFFERS t h 1 week: $75(1 Steinway & Sons upright. $ :M 5 J'luo Kranich A; Bach upright ;:;." $550 Coiiover oak upright y 1 $4 75 Yose A: Sous ebony upright. . . 23 $55n Kimball Co. upright grand.. 3 Ci $475 Mclntyre & Good si-11 upright.. 245 125 cash and $7, $.S. $ I . $12 month iy. lol 10th st.. at Washington and Stark. EVERETT grand, man ..$7 Ludwig piano, like now; mah. Cable a- Sons Hallet 6c Davis 295 Thearlie 315 Kimball, fancv wal 3J5 C. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th st. $150 BRUNSWlC-C. like new... $175 Columii.i, the latest.... Gabler, fine, fine tone Kranich & Bash. $550 value.. I vera & Pood, little used $S75 Sohmer upright, pencct. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 3S4 Yamhid fct. .$125 . 140 . 215 TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on -a new Yietrola. and records; our proposition will please you. El BERLI NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth street. Main 8b6. BUY, SELL. RENT OR TRADE ALL KINDS OF PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. Pianos and Musical Instruments NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. 12S First. Main 4415. Tabor 67'jS. PIANO FOR VICTROLA. $200 new VICTROLA and RECORD OUTFIT: trade for used piano; bei proposition. Main t5S0. SE1BEKL1N6-LUOAS MUSIC CO.. x 125 Fourth bl GOOD values in used pianos. $203. $315. $323 and up. Every piano w arranicd and our special exchange agreement goes with every piano. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 0th. $125 -VICTROLA and records, practical ly new. discount : $25 cash rq u i red, ipmi terms. 554 Couch, corner 17tu. M r. hock ridge. $3W PIANO for typewriter. $45. near 104th st. Pi5; 10326 $1'"j Remington 7th ave. s. E., A BARGAIN in new Colum hia Gra fonola, walnut cabinet, simplex filing cae. Xd bor 5243 mornings. FO R SA LE Ed i son phonograph. $220 for 173; record, half price; terms. Phone Broad way 5506. GOLDEN oak cabinet talking mach inl and rec. $70 cash ; no agents, 653 Washington st. GRAFONOLAS for rent with records. Em pire Transfer Co., 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 1 55. PIANO W ANTE D. Pay cash; get our price. Soibrrllng Luchs Music Co.. 125 4th st. Main S.'.si,. WANTED Piano at oiire, 3Vi4 before 5:30 P. M. pay cash. Main $075 EM E RSON. only $ 175. full size right. Terms. 312 Worcester bldg. $600 J. & C. FISCHER piano. p:ain cas only $200, terms. 312 Worcester b'de GIBSON guitars and mandolins. G. Johnson Piano Co.. Hi 6th. $125 BUYS upright piano, nice tone. 312 Worcester bldg. LARGE size uprieht Steinway. fin condi tion. G. F. J oil r. son Pi a no Co., 1 41 t h. FO R SA LP- Steger & Sons uprllit piano. $300; 3-piece parlor set. 6$ E. Pins st. N