TnE 3IORXIXG OREGOMAX, AVEDXESDAT, JULY 7, 1920 HELP WANTED MALE. 1300 TO 1300 A MONTH! Are you earning that? Many automo bile experts are. You may Join tne high-aalaried. akilled-mechamc ranKs n you take advantage of the taa eni me er Ina courHPs offered bv the UEAUi. AUTO spunni. ow the WEST wiih A RECORD OP MORE SUCCE iFUL GRA I7UATES THAN ANY OTHER bCHOOU Investigate, enroll, and don't pay cent until vou are convinced tnat we 11 deliver the (foods. That's fair, Unt i-i Writ tor our $1 8S-Pge catalogue. It' free. Ask for Book No. 5. OUR COURSES ARE FREE TO OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. ADCOX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. UNION AVENUE AND WASCO ST. 18.287 TOUXG MEM have. In the past ten years, been assisted in finding positions throunh the Portland T. M. C. A. advisory and employment dept. This is not an "agency,' n1 " extra fees or commissions are charges. Employers naturally turn to the x for men because we appeal to the esi type of men and boys. Our demand at present is far greater than the BUPPf You never had such an opportunity to Bret a better position if you are preparea for it. All men in clerical, technical ana commercial lines are cordially Invited to consult on of the employment secre taries, room So 7. , . Tree vocational guidance and employ ment for ex-service men. MR. EX-SERVICE MAN Are you hunting a job or seeking a ca reer ? .- Have you discovered where you lit in. Would you like to talk over your problem confidentially, with a man oi wide experience who will take a per sonal interest in you? The Y. M. C. A. advisory and em ployment dept. can assist you in choos ing nd 'can help you find the Pjce for w hirh you are best fitted. I his service is absolutely free to ex-service men. See one of the secretaries. Room 307. AJtE YOU MECHANICALLY INCLINED? If so, get into the best-paying busi ness of today, earn $13o-$300 a month; learn by practical methods on up-to-date equipment. We help students earn room and board. Practical courses in AUTO MECHANICS. TRACTOR ENGINEERING, VU LCANIZING, ADVANCED IGNITI ON . MACHINE-SHOP WORK. Write today for FREE 2-PAGE cai-NATIONAJ- AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL, S13 6. Flgueroa St., Los Angeles. Cal. BRANCH MANAGER. e.larv x mjO oer month and commls- w tent to take charge of office and pass on second-hand automobile values tor purpose of making short-term loans, surety bond required, must be in a po sition to discount I30O0 worth of cor poration mortgages secured by bank trust receipt; office under supervision of traveling auditor, state fully past ex perience and references. Automotive Finance Corporation. 600-611 Merchants Ech., San ranclsco. DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR. Alaskan Knrinp crlntr commission, Portland. Or. luhorers for Alaska, for U. S. government railroad under con duction from Seward to Fairbanks Alaska. Extra gang and section men lor i . - nr urav waff-pa S3 per da, hoard SI. 50 per day. For sailing dates and further information, apply to pudiic ' v-mnlAvmnt bureau. 311 Pine St.. or to t --i .v. nurrhanlnir aircnt's rep- reaentative, 301 Post Office Bldg., Porl- iina. MINERS. a For Hercules Mine, Burke, Idaho. Steady employment; wages $3.75 to $6 23 per day; modern hotel accommo dations; room and board, $45; all water Hnera, 2 minors on a machine; no lee charged. WANTED inniv K Church, (service club. S 10 Trent avenue, Spokane, Wash. a. irnnMriTlVBl SCHOOL. a -hi io trnrtors. vulcanizing. This school, not run to make money but to make automotive mechanics, is super vised by leading automobile and tractor t...(n. y-fi rtf Portland. Students do ..i- i rnnir work. Free tuition ex-service men; clip this ad. Send it or rail at office, 416 OregouInstitute of Technology, l. M. C A. - 4 ti -ftr.vt n rt hnvfl to work ?atur- davs and Saturday night. Apply Mr. Henderson, mail room, Oregonian, and Alder. 6th $225 PER MONTH THE YEAR AROUN.O k minihur of our salesmen. mlddle-aaed and elderly. Busi- Avr httr. Experience unneces sary Cash weekly. Big assortment cuarantted trees, shrubs and vines. You can do what other Inexperienced men have done. Washington nursery Toppenish, Wash. Co t vipv trnrlA now and pay later. Are ..knni.-ollv Inclined ? If BO. in- . hemhux's automobile . . o toa p'Pi H SCHOOL at 0( ii.,..Kr..a ovi. corner East 20th, where you can learn In six weeks to op and renair all makes of autos and tracj ors. or a vTRn shin r-nrnenters. ship joinsrs. machinists, pipefitters and plumbers to , toomHin Harvard or i ale on or about July 10. 1020. Applications will be received now. Ralph J. Chan hw. KHtntiuiMinff Co.. Wilmington. Los Angeles Harbor. Cal. WANTED At once, people of all i pes t - ..- M-n-U - cn Use SOV- --t n.a.unnnrintr men and girls witn innki and pleasing personality. If you are interested in movies cail Co .nfnn hall 14th off Washington; houis. 10 to 4. Phone Bdwy. 3:iSQ. Mr. Snore. HIGH-GRADE man who has practical knowledge of some food manufacturing lines and understands figuring costs and aiv himself in developing a ceneral line in the manufacture o food I products. AO 815, Oregonian. miv is or 20 years, who is k.-i rhnnl and will take a perma nrnt position where there la an oppor- ami learn tne wnoie .... i nnnpA business : salary $75. AL TM. Oreironian; AUTO salesmen with $500 to buy interest in auto and repair company, downtown district; been in business for years and want a cood working partner. AF iol. Oregonian. Tv- a vted Bov to work around theater: .. i t vpr. n feet Inches tall. Must have good habits and be tiepend- ki Anniv Columbia theater, between 2 and 4 this afternoon. WAKE UPi Get into a rea game. Your chance Is here to learn motion picture An-ti-- onnortunity open tor a few ONLY. L 700. Oregonian. nit-n Names men. boys over 16. wishing become railway mail clerks S133 $105 month. Answer AV 030, Ore gonian. - JANITOR for club house; nice 3-room .narmnia t( live In: married man pre ferred: must have experience. Apply Bnai 'Brlth bldg.. 13th and Aim eta. ii- i -vr PTpssfr and bushelman tot nteadv posi tion. out of town: must be !,vft.?iaS. Wage. $36 per week. AV 61. Oregonian. BARBER wanted, steady job and best of ...... Write or wire t. u. J. a u man. Enterprise. Or. CHEKSEMVKER wanted; must be A-l; send references. Address box 26, Browns- mead. Or. i i KVPERIENCED washer wanted at Seaside. 1 1 around man. Inquire Opera House La u ndry. 2d and Eve rett sts. BARBER wanted, steady; must be first- ('lass ; uai., rtw w F. Thomas. Wallowa. Or. t- a vTRDJanitor: married man pre ferred. See Mr. Reed. First National Bank. ' WATCHMAKER and Jeweler, at once; per- j man en t position ior comueieni man. Ad dress 414 Main street.. Lewlston. Idaho. vrfve MAN assistant photoarapher. ex perienced pte'erred. Call Calvert Studio. ttth ana Anneny. "WANTED One bus boy to carry dishes and clear taniea. salary $M per mo. and board. Apply Broadway Hazelwood. AN ELDERLY M AN to work 5 acres on hitrea : must De aoie to miiK one cow. Phone Aut. 310-03 or call 312 E. 2d st. N. BILL RHOADES, wire weaver, write Sac ramento VN ire Mattress company. WANTED A barber; steady work. Unlou ave. N. BARBER wanted; guarantee over $40. 530 Union ave. N. $28, 60 PEOPLE WANTED FOR MOVIES. Apply P2 to 3 or 6 to 7, 320 Piatt bldg. YOUNG man, cicrk for grocery. Apply 16th and Glisan. WANTED An all-around hotel cook. 1 731 Derby st. rnone wain. 2015. EX PKRIBNCED creariery man wanted. Rivervlew uairy o.. iuu. tseimont. .LEARN the vulcanizing business. Call or write loo ast mauwa. FIRST-CLASS barber at W ilcox barber Fhop. formerly o. iv. ateaay position, fcX P E Kl ENCED linkers' helper at Peer- U ss Bakery, saiem. or. ; .iu per week. VAN wanted to work on wringers. Paltu-e iauiido, b'ast Iviu and EverctL. " BEIJ WAMEU MALE, YOUNG man experienced in grocery trade to drive Ford car and deliver groceries. Must have some experience in grocery business. Experienced stenographers. Two expert auto mechanics wanted. Fry cook wanted; logging camp. Experienced lumber steno. and book keeper. Experienced stenographer and clerk. Fry cook for out of town; steady work. Ex-srvice men. register with us. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 205 Artisans' Bldg. Bdwy. 13H7. WANTED. by responsible corporation. -party to handle a department: must be able to Invest $3000 and have some knowledge of real estate; salary or commission together with profits : ref erences exchanged; must be 'able to go to work at once. If you have not all of these qualifications, do not waste your time. Pacific Agency. 514 Swet- la,n db 1 d g. WANTE EAT APPEARING YOUNG SINGLE MAN, 18 TO 22 YEARS OF AGE, TO TRAVEL WITH MANAGER IN GOOD PAYING BUSINESS, MAN WITH SOME SELLING EXPERIENCE PREFERRED. CALL ROOM SI 3 IM PERIAL HOTEL. 9 TO 12 A. M. TODAY ONLY. WANTED Two bright, alert young men for Saturday afternoons; also one man for all day, Saturday work. These .1obs will be permanent for right parties. Apply at once. 2b5 Yamnill st- Alan- ning & Co. WE HAVE an opening for a few more men for thinning apples, large orchard, good food and accommodations. Apply in person to Mr. Thompson, Public Employ ment Bureau, fith and Pine. OFFICE BOY Large wholesale house re quires tne services of a bright, ambitious boy. Answer in own handwriting, stat ing age and amount of education; chance rr advancement. A is lo, Oregonian. WANTED One experienced pressman and one experiencea reeaer, must nave ex perience on uurlap bags. Apply winkte- man Hag & Burlap Co., 14th and John son Sts. WANTED Man to help driver on auto express. $21 per week: must be quick and willing to work. Call early readv lor work. iik Transfer Co.. 204 N. It st st. GARAGE WANTS EXPERIENCED CAR WASHER. 33 N. 14TH AND COUCH. B ROAD WAY 3074. A GOOD man to care for a sick man: on w-no is reliable only will be taken. Bea- verton, Oregon. inquire McGee prop erty. WANTED Man to work in grocery store. One preferred who has some experience along this line. State references and sal ary esijet-lfd. ) rprn inn. 7. : : a. i d more neat-appearing young for Sunset Macrazine: 0 hours per day. Call 304 Pine st. Ask for Mr. Rayl. FEMALE impersonators wanted for the vauueviiie stage; acts written ana coached. Call Cotillion Hall. 14th and Burnside. between 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. i BAKER wanted, must be good all around man, wages $4J. DreukiaJit ana luncn. day work. Phone or wire Clark's Home Baker. The Dalles, Or. WANTE n experienced presser on men's work, also an experienced collector on a salary. The Wardrobe Dye Works, tvaieign si. WANTED Bright young man to sell pro duce, must know how to drive a Ford; salary and commission. AC 742, Orego- nian. CH ECK ROOM operator for private club wanted ; elderly man preferred ; wattes too per month. Apply to AL 721. Ore- man. MAN to run elevator in apt. house, nights: room furnished single man, not over 40 years. A ppiy at Oi Davis st. apts. BARBER wanted, good job. 26 miles from Portland. Inquire Jacob Miller Barber Supply. 232 3d. BRIGHT, active boy, stock and assist shipping clerk. Famous Players. 9 Burn side. SA LESMEN experienced or inexperienced. e.0 Chamber oi Commerce bldg., 4th and Mark, VoUNG man to drive Ford truck in whole sale district. Apply Supt. Jones Cash ure. 80 Front St. WANTED Young man to work in manu facturing department. Apply 7:30 A. M. j .iin una jJavis. EX PER1ENCED Lbr. Steno. and book keeper for out of city. 1015 Wilcox: bldg. WANTED Boy to work in bank as mes senger, salary $55 to start. BD tt07. ort-gonian. EXPERIENCED wood cutter, $4 per cord. Apply superior Fuel Co., E. 44th and liaisuy. BARBER shop for same in one of the most thrivinir towns In Washington. In quire 1-ewis-Stenger Barbers' Supply Co. EXPERIENCED groceryman. one with del icatessen experience preferred. See Air. ijUinn. toeaiy-i-Jresser o. WANTED at once, two teams to haul Cedar poles. 1043 Chamber of Com merce blag. WANTED Driver for Ford truck. One with experience In mattress tactory pre- terred. Call 07 N. Union. BUS BOY wanted. University club, 0 th and Jefferson. NIGHT mopper at the public library Ap- ply general oi tice. JANITOR wanted for Railway Exchanee building. Apply Room 312. WANTED One Al Ford mechanic, also one ord parts man. No. 1 Grand ave. TRUCK driver; must know city. 334 Front St., 7:30 A. M. 2 BARBERS wanted. Morgan Bldg. Bar ber Shop. WANTED A good manicure girl. Port land hotel barber shop. NON-UNION BARBER wanted; steady 205 Morrison st. job, wages guaranteed. MEN for stockroom work and shipping clerk. Jewel lea co., 21 s. Grand. DISH WASH EU wanted. Grisson Restau- rant, 107 4th St. BUS BOY. 3 hrs. daily. Puritan cafeteria. 2 Stark at. WANTED First-class barber, steady job. Oregonian shop, H2 toixtn st. Help- Wanted Salesmen. WANTED At once. 25 salesmen to sell stock for a company having patented land and 12 producing wells; money raised is to erect refinery. Big commis sion paid. See president of Co. for in formation, at iiui wasninffton st.. Van couver, Wash. Open Sunday and till 10 every evening. Marine Oil & Refin ing Co. Co. SALESM EN wanted for city, county or state work to handle exclusively the Sant Vaporizing Manifold for Ford cars. Sold on money-back guarantee. Burns kerosene, keeps motor cool. Increases mileaee and adds power. Exclusive ter ritory to men who can deliver the goods. No investment required. Call at 034 Chamber of Commerce Building between 0 A. M. ana a r. week days. WANTED A man of good standing and appearance to learn how to tell a divi dend -paying financial security. Tht money In this investment is not- going out to a foreign state, but Is being used in this community. We do not want men who will seU his friends only, but men who want to learn how to sell the stranger. Call 702 Spalding bids. : ask for Mr. Stranaha n. WANTED Ten men who want to learn how to sell an investigated financial security, that will enable them to earn ! $100 a week. Wheru they will not have to work up their own prospects, but every assistance will be Riven them. Cali- 411 Main st.. Vancouver. Wash. Ask for Mr. Mulford. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. You should make $300-$50o per month. A fairly good man willing to work should double this amount. Goods sold on a money-back guarantee. Investment of $20O to $500 for equipment. Investi gate at once. Call 033 Washington, 9 to 12 A. M. I HAVE a fine opportunity for you to en- sage in a Rood, clean proression wnere j you can earn a Iarre Income if you are I ambitious, enereeuu ana wtuinir to work. Y'cu must be acquainted in Portland or in Oreron. If not, don t answer this. AddIv between 2 and 4 P. M. to Mr. Fox. l'.i.y spaiuin? Diug. HIGH-GRADE man who has a practical knowledge or some rooa manufacturing line and understands figuring costs and who can apply himself In developing A general line In the manufacture of food products. AG 703, Oregonian. WANTED Two experienced used car salesmen at once by one oi the biggest car dealers In the city. You can make big money If you are alive and on the square. N 135. Oregonian. TAILORING ' salesmen sell men's special order suits, overcoats : best values: low est prices; big producers ; state experi ence. For fall-winter sample line. Leeds Woolen Mills. 230 S. Franklin. Chicago. MAN with light car or bug to Join me in a sales proposition; cnance to make good money. Call room 42, New Western ho tel. 10th and Hoyt, from 10:30 A. M. to 2:30 P. M. any day this week. WANTED 2 live-wire salesmen to sell auto specialties; with machine preferred. Apply 004 Thurman . st. Commission basis only. vv ANTED By old established firm, sales man to handle one of the highest class specialties now on market. Call 133 10th bUt between 10 and 1 A. AL HELP WAN TED M ALE. Help Wasted Salesmen. ICELESS REFRIGERATOR. No ice, no chemicals, no elec tricity, no cost, for operation and the price Is no more than the or dinary refrigerator; will keep food longer andbetter. Think what this means to the home, the farm, the store. Salesmen wanted in every county In every state. If you are a live wire and qualified, write, wire or call for our proposition. This Is a wonderful opportunity for our representatives to make big- money. ICELESS REFRIGERATOR CO., 107 N. Broadway, Portland, Or. WANTED Reliable salesman with auto mobile for largest eastern manufactur ing concern in its line; this con nec lion means an income from $4000 to $13,000 yearly; line staple and repeater, re stricted and protected territory with lib eral drawing account. Our field man ager. who will be here, will work with you for a time if necessary. Good ref erences required. Read carefully. Give telephone number. AN 310. oregonian. SALESMAN to demonstrate and sell novel lawn sprinkling device; evening work on large lawns in suburbs. Quick sales; good commission. 427 Railway Exchange bldg. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS at once, selling 50c per month hospital tickets. 001 Corbett bids:. HELP WANTED FEMALE. 3 WAITRESSES fur TI. R. Co. eating house. east ; lunch counter work. I are paid. $37.30 per month, room and board. WOMAN COOK for small mill board ing house; $M) per month. SKINNER & WHITE. 35 N-Tth Second. WANTED fwo bright young or youngish ladies to do saiesmantinip work on im mensely successfully (standard specialty; experience unnecessary; we train you; must oe unempioyea, ready to start ai the hour of applyintr and root loose Tor outside town work later, if successf ul ; short hours; good pay, rapid advance ment ; permanent. Apply personally at strictly 10:30 sharp this morning. i"JU rienry oiMg . WOMEN AND GIRLS WANTED: 'EXP. N O T NEC ESS A R Y. GOOD ADVA N C E -M E NT FO R THOSE WHO CJUA LI F Y. EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS. APPLY IN PERSON. TAKE ROSE CITY OR MONT A VILLA TO E. 10TH ST., WALK SOUTH TO E. PINE. TROY LAUNDRY CO.. EAST 10TH AND PINE. WANTED 30 women and girls for can nery work near Portland; workers made last year from $3 to $0 per day; workers leave , naay or hat.; tent, wood ana water furnished. Mrs. Scott, 320 Henry bldg. COMPETENT ledger and statement clerk; quick and accurate. rull knowledge oi bookkeeping not essential, but advan tageous, and will lead to quicker ad vancement. Fair salary to start. Apply before 11, 433 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED 35 loganberry pickers for Sher idan. Or.; good cam pi tie accommoda tions and fine berry camp. Leave July 12 to lo. Mia. Scott, room 320 Henry bldg. THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING STORE requires the services of an experienced hair weaver in hair-dressing parlors. 2d floor. Apply superintendent's office, 0:13 lo 10:3o A. M. CHANCE fer inexperienced girl of age or single woman who can do housework to learn to clerk in store ; steady. iUi Commercial st. LAW STENO. $125; bookkeeper and steno. JlOO; private sec, age 25 to 35. 1 100; compt. oper.. $00; dicta, opcr.. $110. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. M I DDL E-AG ED woman (German pre ferred ) to assist in housework ; good wages and home for the right party ; close In. AH 855, Oregonian. 3 EXPERIENCED HAND I RONE RS ; EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS. APPLY IN PERSON. TROY LAUNDRY CO., EAST 10TH AND PINE. EXPERIENCED posting clerk; apply in own handwriting, tating age, experi ence and salary wanted. AO 730, Ore gonian. WANTED Young lady for doctor's office; must know how to operate typewriter; give references and age. Address M 533, Oregonian. TRIMMERS and experienced makers wanted for city and out-of-town posi tions. Apply Lowengart & Co., Broad way and Burnside. GIRLS wanted to work at Columbia Beach on concessions; good salary - for right party: steady position after. 242 Salmon. WOMAN flunkey, logging camp, . $85 and noara. uoiumoia employment Agency, 21 North Second. EXPERIENCED . lumber stenographer. must have good references. 1015 Wilcox bldg. j GIRL to serve in ice cream parlor, S P. M. to 1 1 :-io r. ;. gooa pay. l ne bugar Bowl, East 1401. WANTED Young lady for office work. salary 10 a. week. Apply 400 Oregonian bldg., bet. 10i and 11 today. WANTED Stenographer. $100 per month. Apply T uesday. Service t llm &. Supply Co.. 393 Oak st. I 3 HAND Ironers, 2 shirt girls, 2 man pie girls : experience not necessary, crystal laundry, E. 21st and Sandy. R. C. car. THE Florence Cr it ten ton Home is ready to help any girl in distress. 05 j East Gllsan. "MV" car. iast 3i. W ANTED A young lady bookkeeper and stenographer. Lancaster Tire Ac Rubber Co.. 7 N. 6th st. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted; $18 per week. 20 N. 2d st. f none Broadway 13. COUPLE employed want dependable housekeeper; $di, gooa nome. labor 41)00 evenings. SALESLADIES wanted at Japanese curio store. Apply R. Kohara & Co.. 411 wash ington st. WANTED A girl or woman to work in short-order restaurant. no ueroy s Phone Wdln. 2015. WANTED Competent single needle power machine operator, jviain ss Washington. WANTED A first-class experienced walt- refcs. Aiexanara iouri, si. GIRL to work in soda fountain. 341 Wash. Main 1 ?-'. WANTED Experienced chambermaid at Hotel orris, join arm aiarK. , WANTED Experienced chamber maid for Cam pbell Hotel. WANT: Dishwasher, 6 hours daily. Woods Lunch. 101 Qth. WOMAN to wash glasses and silver. Puri tan cafeteria. v ourKsi. EXPERIENCED stenographer, must be good at shortnanu. iuio wucox dioc, BAKER'S helper. Cozy Dairy Lunch, 0th and - asningtoru - COLORED woman, 2 days work a .week. Call before o ciqck. am rroni PEOPLE WANTED FOR MOVIES Apply 12 to 3 or 0 to 7, 320 Piatt blng. WANTED Middle-aged lady to work In small grocery store. 541 Washington. ' WANTED Chambermaid. hotel. Campbell-Hill CHAMBERMAID Portland Medical hos pital. Apply 019 Lovejoy Ft. EXPERIENCED waitresses wanted at once. 220 N. 23d st. YOUNG woman for grocery store. 8 hours' work. Apply 541 Washington st. WANTED WAITRESS. ORIENTAL CAFE. WANTED Ladies clothes jroner. : Lace House Laundry. 650 Washington st. WANTED Woman to sew pennants and caps. 172 Park su I EXPERIENCED telephone operator. Main WAITRESS wanted. Olympia cafe. 11th and ash. W'ANT ED-4 Experienced laundry woniaii. St. Nicholas cafeteria. 125 0th st. SHORT-HOUR waitress wanted. Apply K lee's Sweet Shop. ' 201 ', Morrison st. DELICATESSEN cook wanted. Broadway after 2 P. M. - Apply 80 WANTED At Old People's home, a laun dress, East 32d and Sandy blvd. WAITRESS wanted. Marathon restaurant. 52 North Third St. WANTED An experienced pantry woman for residential hotel. G 530. Oregonian. PIANO players for picture show: must be able to feature pictureJ Sell. 71. WANTED Cashier and wrapper; experi ence In clothing preferred. Ben Selling. HELPERS and finishers for dressmaking. 305 Columbia bldg. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Call in person. Alder hotel. LADY dishwasher wanted. 404 East Mor rison. .WANTED Waitress. 248 Aladson at tfELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED 10 POWER MACHINE OPER ATORS. 16 TO 23 IBS. OF AGE; EX PERIENCED GIRLS PREFERRED. BUT SOME INEXPERIENCED GIRLS ACCEPTED. WE FAT' WAGES WHILE LEARNING. SATURDAY NOONS OFF. GOOD WaGES, WITH LARGE BONUS PAID. APPLY AMES. HARRIS, NEVILLS CO.. 13TH AND I-I O Y T STS. IT IS EASY TO SECURE A HIGH-CLASS POSITION WITH GOOD PAY when you know Comptometer. how to operate the It's the In business. "Know How" that counts TakA a six weeks' course in our Comp tometer School and you will "know how." Course includes- special training !n Commercial Arithmetic under system of Felt & Tarrant Mfg. Co.. makers of the Comptometer Adding and Calculating Machine. Call, write or phone. WM. A. BACON. 313 Morgan Bldg. ; Phone Main 5714. Dishwasher, out country $50.00 Cook, out resort feO.oo Cook, out resort 00.00 Waitress for resort cook on ranch 1 or throe weeks, small hotel . . 75.00 Kitchen helper 05. 00 Chamber maids 00.00 Lady for housework ; prefer C. S. 301 Raleigh Bldg. 327 Wash. st. THE Meier & Frank Company requires the services of experienced hemstitching ma chine operator. Apply Employment Bu reau, sixth lloor, Meier & Frank Co. DON'T PAY TO WORK IN MOTION PIC TURES. YOUR TIME AND MONEY IS WASTED. Any legitimate producing company win PAY JUL instead. When sent from ,this office you receive pav for your work. Register now. 312 Artisans Bldg.. Broadway and Oak. Phone Bdwy. 1677. GIRLS wanted; pleasant work in light, airy rooms; experience not necessary; good wages; competent instruction for beginners; our tew intake and exhaust fans make our flat work department cool anu pieasaut. Appiv Palace laundry East loth and Everett. WANTED At once, people of all types, ior moving picture work; can us sev eral neat-appearing men and frirls with good looks and pleasing personality. If you are interested in movies call Co tillion hall. 14th off Washington; hours. io to . .'none aawy. iio&u. Mr. snore, APPLICATIONS will oe recivd from young women aged 20 to 35 for wood working lactory at bt. Johns; good pay ana steaay employment, ab 302, ore gonian. WOMAN TO EMBROIDER INITIALS A IN I J MONOGRAMS ON SHIRTS THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED. JACOBS SHIRT CO., RALEIGH BLDG. WANTED 3 more neat young ladies. $30 per week ; not over 23 years of age; must be able to interview, business men: 0 hours work per day. Call 304 Pine st. Ask for Mr. W. K. Rayl. MAN on farm, with 2 children 3 and 4 years old, wants good housekeeper: good home, moderate wages; own boss. Phone Main 3507. WANTED One cuff girl, one girl on presses and girl on tumbler. Steady work, good pay ; fancy ironers wanted. Opera House Laundry. 2d -and Everett. tV ANTED Names women, girls over 16, wishing to become government postal clerks; commence $1 400; answer Imme diately. AV 031, Oregonian. MILLINERY makers wanted, good wages. yearly position. Apply Elsie Trimmed Hat Co., A rtisana Bldg., Broadway a"d Oak sts. SHIRTMAKER THOROUGHLY EX PERIENCED. JftOOBS SHIRT CO., RALEIGH BLDG. WANTED by high-class specialty house, a ttiorougniy competent corset I liter with buying experience, one capable oT taking full charge. A B R03. Oregonian. AN y girl Jn need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Hom. May- fair and Alexande sts. rnope aaiQ 3450. DM car. 2 GIRLS to do mending and sewing; power ni-vmuf, ol- per nour; sieauy work. Crystal Laundry, E. 21st and Sandy. R. C. car. 'I LI NG CLERK State education and ex perience; $15 to start, but will raise to $20 weekly when acquainted with work. P 134, Oregonian. HAVE opening for good all-around cafe teria cook; must be good on pastry; good wages; no work Sunday. AM 755, Oregonian. WANTED Capable women; steady poM . tion, good pay and opportunity for ad vancement. Paiace laundry. East loth and Everett. GIRLS for chorus work. Egyptian and ori ental dancers. Call Cotillion Hall. 14th anu burnsuie sts.. between lo A. M and 4 P. M. vvtA 1 1 at seaside with pay. young lauy 10 care ior Dany l year old and assist with housework; family of three. rnone a. 1 1. GIRL to help in cigar factory and store Experience not necessary. Apply 373 is. J.-tn. WANTED Two experienced waitresses , uu ii ul apply uiiikbs exp. ; goou wages. Union Station Restaurant. EXPERIENCED country home : house worker and cook no laundj-y; wages $75. Write AN 755. Oregonian. WANTED A girl for general housework .no laundry or heavy cleaning; must like . cnildren. Phone Main 2300. WANTED An experienced girl for up ,tair work and plain sewing. Call 421 c ista avenue, i-'ortland Heights. WANTED A erirl to assist in general ; houseworK ; may sleep at noma if de sired. 000 Glisan st. WANTED 2 first-class waitresses. The f Pepperbox Restaurant. 10S Filth. Apply . alter- iu o ciock. . WANTED A woman to work in a da; nursery, Sundays and evenings off. Ap ply 14 East Seventh. WANTED Lady to look after home and small lamity while mother is sick; ref ertnces. 2l East Main. cor. Slst st. WAITED Markers and eorters. ' house Laundry. Opera W anted Uouiin tics. EX PKRIE.NCED girl for general house . work;- good wages, good room, modern conveniences. 4ua in. aa st.. Main 785! COMPETENT GIRL for general house work in family of 0; plain cooking, many conveniences. Alain to4. THOROUGHLY competent maid for cook intr and general housework: 3 adults generous time off, good wages. Main 6H72 WANTED Competent maid for cook and do general housework ; family of two, Phone East ooiy. pnon before 12, Noon GIRL for general housework; seaside for summer, bast 4Uau. WILLING young girl to assist with house work. Apply t'.i .MarsnHii EXPERIENCED girl to assist with light nouseworK. rnone aiain iwou. WOM AN to help with cooking from 8 P. M. Main- 7584. GIRL for housework, no cooking. Lovejoy st. Mar. 247. 794 GIRL to assist with housework in apt. gooa wages. .tiain tuos. WANTED High school girl to help with ' general nouseworK. laoor WOMAN to do general housework at Ore gon city, .'none Main 20t7, Portland WANTED Good. steady. plain woman cook. Apply at savier. Good housekeeper and cook. ; 21bt st, 203 North HELP WANTED FEMALZ. Wanted Domestics. WANTED Cook and second girl for pri vate home on a ranch : house with all city conveniences ; would consider mother and daughter. Cal! Main 2315. between 10 and 12 A. M. and 2 and 4 P. M. or after 7:30 in evening. WANTED Housekeeper, bv widower with four boys, ages 3 to 10 years; In replying please state references and age; trlflers need not apply. Give phone and address. A N Si3. Oregon Ian. WANTED Good cook and housekeeper, family of three; wages $60; if unwi.Mng to do small washing do not apply. East 8487. - GOOD truck driver wanted to take half interest in truck, making $40 per dav; $1000 will handle. Phone before 10 A. M. or evenings, Woodlawn 4000. WANTED Young gtrl to assist in house work and to aid in care of two-year-old baby; pleasant home, light work. Call East 1300. WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and general housework In family of three; wst side; high wages. Telephone Main 6IQ1. Add res m Selling bldg. GIRL for cooking and some general house work in private family of four adults: also keep a second maid: wages $03. 702 W. Main, cor. of King. Phone Main 723. WANTED Girl to take care of baby and help with a little housework; good home and wagps. 340 Third St. A GIRL or woman for general housework, plain cooking ; every convenience ; 4 in family. Phone Sell wood 3519. WANTED At once, middle-aged woman for light housework ; family of 2 ; cood w ages. 05 i Northrup. WANTED Girl for general hous work, go to beach for summer. 208 Washing ton St. FOR general housework, two in tamilv. Apply to Mrs. Montgomery. 25 Haw thorne ave. WANTED Girl to assist with aenera housework; three in family. Automatic 312-38. WANTED Competent cook who will be willing to leave city for summer months. Mrs. F. W. Leadbetter. Main 166. EXPERIENCE!- girl or woman for gen eral housework. Tabor 3,27. 2o E. 3th N. WANTED An experienced cook; good . M. Meara. 721 Flanders wages. M rs. wt. Tel. 2."i; FIRST-CLASS cook wanted. East 0045. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. M OT ION PICTl'E OP PO RT U N IT Y. The Beaver Productions will obtain all local talent through this office ex clusively. Register now, 3 12 Artisans bldg. Phone Broadway 1077. SUNBEAM COMELU ES. WANTED Movie types of all kinds to support youngef t actress in f ilmdom. 1020 Chamber of Commerce. CA PA BLE Stenographers, Comptometer Operators, Bookkeepers looking for bet ter positions, file application with Clerical Help Service, Artisans Bldg. MISS MATTING LY'S Shorthand. Typewrit ing School. Individual Instruction. Day. Evening. 200 14th. near Jefferson. Main 393. WANTED 1 cook, 2 waitresses. 1 cham bermaid. Hotel at beach. AV 7S. Ore gonian. MAN to work on ranch, must know how to milk. See llouck, 110 Tenth St. ED U CATION AL. . MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade iu 8 weeks, give you a set of tools and some pay while learning. Positions secured. Ore gon ex-service men, the course is free to you. Write or ca 11 for particulars and catalogue. 234 Burnaide st. POSITIONS ASSURED. EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business college, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. OREGON BARBER-COLLEGE "will teach you the trade in 3 eeks; scalp and lace masscge specialty ; tools free , positions guaranteed ; pay whiie learning, tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeep ing, stenography, civil service, secretar ial, special courses; expert teachers, day and night. Enroll now. Bdwy. 5083. EAST SIDE COMM EliCtAL SCHOOL. Miss Bucket's private school; individ ual instructions. 122'. Grand ave. E. 427. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you set of tools free; position secured. 3tf N. Second st. ROCKY MOUNT Teachers' Agency. Enroll rree. rranw vveiiei, ex-asst. state supt.. Mgr. N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8276. LEA KN TELEGRAPHY Reliable Tele graph institute, 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Free booklet. i'ISK Teachers' Agency Juurnui bldg. M aln 4h3.. Teaching posi tion a, free reg HE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. 2boV Oak st. OREGON Law School, Alisky bldg., 3d and Mor. W. E. Richardson, Sec. . .Main v AT ES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main 0274. Broadway bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALIC. A-l VULCAMZER desires steady employ ment in or out or town. Can give good reference. Call Tabor 3472. 63 E. 80th s t .. room 11. MAN with wife and two children wants work on farm or dairy farm as milker or farm hand. C. Kehrli. Beaverton Or. R. R. No. 3. WINDOW screens, screen doors and break fast tables made to order; reasonable prices; quick service. 100 N. 3d st.. cor. of b landers st. INSTRUMENT MAN wants position, f miliar with highway, railroad, mining and land surveying. Adurejs 1? . Ander son, Boring, Or., R. 3. Box 34. MAN with thorough knowledge of cater pillar tractors and steam machinery wishes position In town or out of town. C 502. Oregonian. WANTED A job driving truck or light delivery ; formerly was in tne transier business in city: can care for own truck. A E 757. Oregonian. YOUNG married man attending auto school wishes work between tne nours oi 5:3ft and 1 P. M.; preieraoiy resiaurani Y 5941, Oregonian. fiv.vKR.U, housework. 17 years of age, not afraid of work. Appiy j. -wavums, care 27 4th st. N t nrm WAXING, window wasning. wood work ana general nuuacuruni. 220O. evenings. A-l DRIVER wants steady position: can do repair work. S. C. Wright, 5U7 Mauison References CAKE BAKER, first class, a'.l around man wants a position. Phone Main 020 3S0 0th Ft. CARPENTER New or repair, day or lob 227-16- wwt nn tvor-a-it v bovs want work. Anv thing considereu. ot Ea?t 5005. . . vr . i i- rtlfl wants worn curie in citv or country. , or address Earl Morser. 1S Sumner st, YOUNG MAN going to southern California would like to arive car iur San Diego or near. N 13 1. Oregonian. HAULING contract for 5-ton truck wanted. v,rH "lumber, rock or anything. Sten Ftrom. Bros..- 4V Wash. Bdwy. 1334. CARPENTER work, repairing and jobbing estimates furnished: work guaranteed. Terkey. Marshall 1 1 60. i A ANESE chauffeur wants position driv rar and work around house. Phone automatic 31002. w-aNTED By steady married man handy with tools, work of any kind; can drive anv car. A 514. Oregonian. EMPLOYMENT by elderly man. Janitor or general housework; references. V u93. Ore gon ian. MAN 35 wants work a ja-nitor or watch man. AG 833. Oregonian. nTED By reliable, experienced jani tor, hotel work. Call up East 0402. CARPENTERING. REPAIRING AND RE MODELING PHONE TABOR 234. W VVTED Agencv - or canvassing work: Experienced. AM 754. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED janitor wants work ev ning and morning. Call Wdln. 1201. work eve- BRIGHT school boy, 12 years, wants light employment. j Phone Sellwood 031. PAINTING!" DECORATING, SIGNS. KAL BOM 1 NING; BEST WORK. TABOR 200 SAVE those-old roofs, w- clean and paint; reasonable. Tabor 920. REFINED boy of 10 wishes work in city or out, can milk. Tel Mar 235. CARPENTER, new and repair work, Sii branches. East 5306 after 5 P. M., FOR all kinds of carpenter work phone Main 3470. " BY MAN of 30. choring on nanch. etc. Good in kitchen. AE 752. Oregonian. PAINTING, tinting; prices reas. ; work guaranteed. Tabor M)77. EXPERIENCED truck driver wishes po sition. Marshall 2Q70. DRUGGIST. 20 years experience ; regis tereu in Oregon. O 130. Oregonian. YOUNG M AN, single, wishes employment. with touring car. Phone Tabor 3043. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. XOUNG MAN. 23. of good yjersonal ap pearance, energetic, industrious, good education, good business training, has good knowledge of bookkeeping and some typewriting, is seeking a position with opportunity for advancement. I am- a good beginner. Give me a chance to realize my real ability. References. T 505, Oregonian. YOUNG married man desires position with lumber company manufacturing pine. 1 am an expert, experienced stenographer; have kept time for a crew of ioQ men, checked cars on shipping platform and for the past five months have been em ployment manager for one of the largest manufacturers in the northwest. Want an opening where hard work will be re warded by promotion. Will go anywhere and stick. Can furnish excellent refer ences. AV 70. Oregonian. YOUNG man who has had nine years' ex perience in general office work, held executive and administrative positions, thorough knowledge of accounting and can handle any kind of position in any office, wishes position with reliable com "icniai iumocr concern. Can act as traffic manager, purchasing agent, office manager or accountant. First-class ref erences furnished and will leave city. AB WANTED By middle-aged, married man position as night watchman, some ex perience, or ticket taker at movie show or any other place a one-armed man can fill. Jack Hamilton. Gladstone. Or. 5 months at Crown Willamette Hotel. Wet Linn. Or. Good wages for cood service. Best of references given. Phone 4Q3 or AG S50. Oregonian. YOUNG man, 20. energetic, well educated, has been In the' lumber manufacturing business for 6 years, employed as edger man (small edger , Wicks gang-sawyer and atjMant mill foreman, seeks posi tion in lumber manufacturing concern where chance for advancement is of fered. OfJen or engagement after Fourth of July. T 504. Oregonian. EX -SOLDIER, married, family to support, wants all kind- of work here in city; I do all garden and putting in wood and sawing wood, cleaning roofs and all other work imaginable; all work by hour or day or contract. Address by mail. 40 East 27th, near Fine. MAN of 30 w ho has 10 years of sales .nd executive experience; neat appear ance with abilit y and pep. desires per manent connections of this kind with rel iabte firm : either salarv or comm 1s sion considered; best of reference. BJ 753 regonlan. YOUNG MAN with lo years' experience railroading wishes position in traffic de partment; reliable, commercial or lum ber concern ; t horoughly experienced ; can furnish excellent references and will leave city. R 3!. Oregonidn. YOUNG man single. 22 ' years, mo. experience as stationery clerk, multi grapher. addrersoprapher ; clean, honest, rel'able: good recommendation, good ed ion; tate salary. T 503. Orcgo iacu Bl h. . ESS M EN requiring competent of fice workers, call Broadway 4400. Only u itable aoplicants tent : no charge to the emp-oyer. Clerical Helo Service, 529 Artisan y b!d. . opposite Benson hotel. WINDOW CLEANING Mrs. Housekeeper, call Main 5407. and I will convince you that it is cheaper to have an expert wash your windows than a novice. YOUNG MAN, age 27, sin pie. experienced in groceries and general merchandise, desires posi tion. local or country store. Excellent references. AM 753, Orego nian. YOUNG MAN. Igal experience, leaving for New York July 24 via Chicago, will be glad to transact business in either city: reference?. A P SOS. Oregonian. CARPENTER wants work by day or con tract. Mr. Campbell. Main S527. Bookkeeper Stenographers. Office. BOO KKKEPKR and accountant, ex perj- enced tn lumber; able to render financial statements ; references furnished ; can assume responsibjl i: y. V 5X0, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and utenor- rapher wants position in or out of city. Heist of references. Main 7400. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evenings while mother is away; references. Woodlawn 1 611. LACE. SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE cur tains dona up !lk new. Will calL East 8518. LADY wants houzccleanlng, other work. nours. nay; worn guaranteed. Wood lawn 6303. " TEACHER wants temporary work : have had bookkeeping course. Phone Main EXPERIENCED ytfunir woman wutils dav work.- Call East 3u48 at 0 A. M. to 2 P. M . EXPERIENCED laly wishes work Thursday and Friday. Phone Mur. I apt. 2i2. for 083, A D V wants care of children afternoons and evenings. Main 4723. WOMAN wants day work and plain cook ing. an 3iarnaii 134. CLOTHES laundered at home: tresh air. Main 0132. RELI A BLE woman wishes housec lean ing uy nuur or uay. mur. jjl'o. LA D Y v an ts work ; Apt. 3. Main 2301. 0 and 40 cents hour. SECOND girl wishes place 2 months. or bt-ach. Au b44. Oregonian. DE PEN DA BLE nurse cares for children evenings, the sick thru the day. Mar. 34!, WANTED All-day washing and cfeaninfi 5oc hour and car fare. Wdln. 5007. witiv ty tue uay, .o cents hour. Car i are, luncn. .ast -JJI'S. Mrs. Harrison tUMi'bi 1 woman wants responsible position; not oirice work. labor M24. CLEANING 1 520. or ironing wcil done. Tabor Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. EXPERT SECRETARY AND STENoG- rt A rlltiK, JLf-T AKHIVKU IN CITV OPEN FOR POSITION ; A-l EXPERI ENCE AND REFERENCES. ADDRESS KbfLl TU fct.l 12. OKEGONJAN. DICTAPHONE operator with general office ana ranroan experience desires tempo rary or permanent employment. Tabor ioc.-no laoy with a years experience DooK Keeping and accounting wants po sition where expert work is appreciated Call East 72S7. COLLEGE student desires general office work or position as cashier; experienced '1 abor 0U22. BRIGHT GIRL. IS. wants position in ai office; can operate, typewriter; no ex perience. Call Automatic 221-15. YOUNG woman. 2S. w is-hes general office work ; not stenographer. V 501 . Orego nian. WANTED Temporary position by a teach er who has had a couite in stenography Phone Main 5807. BbbiAMiK wishes position in orfice, have knowledge of bookkeeping, billing and warn auoer. r iaa, oregonian. STENOGRAPHER with some experience v ie nes steaay position. i ovi, ortgo nian. COLLEGE graduate wishes office work typist, two ear.s' legal experience, in su ranee, abstracting. A J 702, Oregonian EXPERIENCED bookkeeper denires per manent position, insurance or real es tate preferred. East 3852. HIGH SCHOOL graduate with business training desires stenographic work; rea ponabie salary to start. fcJast Olt-J. STENOGRAPHER with some experience desires position ; willing to learn. E. 300. YOUNG lady desires general oft ice work experienced. AJib4, oregonian. BK. AND STENO.. best of city references, n yrs. exp. .Main -'Mi. MULTIGRAPH operator desires position Mar. 2414. EX PERI ENCED stenographer wan ts posi tion in city, Al references. Alain 74l0 WANT some stenographic work at home. AC S5o, Oregonian. Dressmaker. LET ME sew you up In your home fo beach and schools and make-overs, pate and darn. Room 43 E'lton - court; a artist. w FARING apparel, ail description, mad remodeled, cleaned, dyed, pressed. Em porium Dye Works. 540 Morrison street Broad way . an ana aeuver. FI KST-CLASS dressmaking, suits, dresses, summer voiles, alterations of all kinds. Mrs. Kelly, i. 2 Vancouver ave. 310-00, Fl KST-CLASS dj-essmaking; alteration reasonable. 540 Wash. st. Aut. ol3-0. DRESSMAK ING. remodeling and altera tions. M rs. ianner. il Grand ave. N. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, make ove leave. Phone 3130. Sell. 1001. GENERAL dressmaking; summer frocks a specialty. Miss - itch. ;li Ross ft W A N TE D Posi t ion best references. V by practical nurse u02. Oregonian. PRACTICAL nurse wants position housekeeper to invalid. Marshall 4410. NURSE wants cases ; can furnish A 1 rei ere nee s. l abor -'i . TRAINED nurse wishes more cases iiourly nursing. Mar, 340. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Nurses. TRAINED nurse, open for engagements. terms reasonable; tome housework. Ta bor 1520. IF YOU want a practical or a trained nurse, or a nurse for doctor's office or as matron, call East 7211. PA RCT1CAL nurse; take any case. Mrs. Hoffman. Phone E. 4034. Housekeepers. A RESPECTABLE elderly woman wishes position as housekeeper for widower or light housework in small famiiy. A-F 75, Oregon ian. ELDERLY woman wants position as house keeper, gentleman's home. Will go any where. State wages. Mrs. Thos. How e II. 235 E. Russett st.. city Dnmestica. THE VERIBEST WINDOW CLEANERS. TABOR 403S. House cleaning, floor waxing and vacuum cleaning; estimates cheerfully given. Best of references. YOUNG woman with 14 months old baby girl wishes position as housekeeper for couple employed. AJ 857, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. B U X G A L O W WANTED. Young business man with refu tation for tak ing care oT rented property as though it were his own. wants to lease strictly mod ern bungalow with three sleep ing rooms; will sign up for Ion; term and furnish best of refer ences. Preference: lrvlngton or Piedmont: possession August 1 or shortly after. Address, with f ml details, N 132. Oregonian. MEIER & FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Rel (able. uD-to-date lists of desirable vacant houses, apartments and flat? with definite information pertaining each. Newcomers to Portland wl'l find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and quickly located. Eighth Floor. WANTED To rent for one year or longer, rt odern 6 or 7-room unfurnished house In good district : desire house with fire . lace, hardwood floors and good furnace. 1'rur adults m family. Have owned home a ud know how to take care of voyry. East 201 !i. WANT TO RENT for one year, furnished or unfurnished, strictly modern seven or eight-room house. in a desirabl neighborhood; possession wanted Sep. tenibtr 1 : three adults and three chil dren. Uesponsi bility guaranteed. Write to AV 77, Oregonian. WANTED To rent modern 7-room houe, one that is not for sale preferred: stat location and price. R 131. Oregonian WANT rruall furnished houi-e immediately, clo?e In: west side preferred; reasonabl rent. Y .s'.i. Oregonian. MODERN G or 7-room house for one yea or more bv reliable family; we nav owned own home and know how to caro for yours. Phone Tabor 2.12. Rooms. W A N T E D A n apt house or housekeepln rooms for cah; 5:2, Oregonian. no agents. Address Rooms With Board. RKFINED voune lady, studying music, de sires room end board and use of piano, would be willing to care for children evenings if desired, host of references. Phone Main 2102 evenings. WOULD 1 ike to hear from mot her I woman who will take care boy one year oUl. best nature and health condition for baby preferred. Seven t h Day Advcntist. Write AC 741 , Oregon ian. NICE furnished room, close In. with board. by sii-glc business man; garage at or near house. State particulars. AN 708, Oregonian. REFINED young lady desires room and board : west side preferred. AO tlit. resotiian. WANTED Room and board in prl AB a : i 03. family; west side; state price. Oreiionfan. LIGHT work or com pan ion ship for room with or without board by business wom an employed. AB 732, Oregonian. Housekeeping Rooms. WANTED July 13, furnished, by man and wife, 2 or housekeeping rooms witn bath, private family, west side, close in; must be clean ; reiit reasonable. V 140. Oregonian. YOUNG LAOY vv ants room with private fami ly : housekeeping privi leges, walking distance. B.I 734. Oregonian. Hudne Places. WANT to leae small, wei l-eiuippt:d ma- chinc hop. M 1 40. Oregonian. Mittt-elhiiicoiiH. WANT to rent warehouse space for car load machinery ; trackage . prelexreU. Marshall 1331. W A NT to rent mall barn to horse and wagon. Call Kail tween 3 and 0 P. M. keep one 7117. be- rOK RENT. housekeeping rooms. ; in. on car line. 114 L" ri ice, :h st. c can. Nort h Furnished Rooms. KiTZ iiOTEi. Morrison and Park sts. New. hreproof and modern. In the center of shopping and Theater district. Moaerate rates. Special rates to permanent guests MA VON HOTEL. 1X1 11th st.. between Washington and Alder, modern transient rooms with or without private batn. i per uay anu up Weekly rates $3 and up. ANSDNIA HOTEL. 124 14th St.. ut Washington. Rates. 3 per week up, $1 day. Fire proof ; large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to imuemnt and shopping center. ATTRACTIVE rates to permanent gue?t See our accoinmoda tior.s. in w t ttv KINS HOTEL. Fifth at Washington. HOTEL CLIFFORD. Cact Mnrnsnn Si., at East Sixth. Thm t.rinciDal east side hotel; dignified and refined; $1.23 par day and up; $0 per week and up. roNR A DINE hotel, absolutely fireproof, Tenth and Burnside streets, two blocks north of Washington street; rooms, per manent and transient: reasonable rates. ST. PAUL HOTEL. 130 Fourth, betweei Airier and Washington. First-class ae ..inmodations at reasonable rates Ior trat:'ent or permanent guests. t'OR RRVT Nice clean front room, rea smmbie: walking distance. 37d Broad- vv u y . . v Avrn To share home with married couple or mother and daughter. Phone East 0202. rVK cUeant bedroom, $3.30. and 2 house keeDine rooms, $7.30 per week. Caii at 331 Montgomery. ."i .ir a v airv sleeping rooms, near ship vards, 0 blocks south Madison st; $2 week. 343 Hood st. Main 621. HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 modern, clean rooms, i 11th st. Nice, t transient and permanent rates. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison st. at Tenth; rates $1 a day up, weekly $3 up; steam heat, free phone ana oatns. i-i .-i-t.-T. inMAPO. Washington st at 14h Kooms SO and up per week: aiso family fcuitca of 2 ana rooms ana oatn. SARGENT HOTEL Housekeeping and Bleeping rooms. Phone East 0L 21iq Grand ave. u ithi. "! A DIlLaO 3d near Jefferson. nicely lurnished rooms, reasonable rates. t r V r HOTEL. 25 Trinity P. ace: mod ern outride rooms. $4 per week and up. I nfumished Koom4. THREE unfurnished HI 3 Russell sC rooms for rent, 4-ROOM unfurnished apartment; now va cant. Call E. 203.H. uruibhed Kooms Iu Private- Family. LARGE, light room for one or two gentle n en : modern, reasonable. No car fare. Phone Main 373S. LARGE front room in modern home for gentleman. Main 3002, 303 11th St. SLEEPING rooms for rent. 200 Columbia, between Fourth and Fifth streets. FRONT ROOM. neat, clean, bath and phone. $10 per month. 334 Taylor. 1 FRONT room with home privileges. E. Salmon. East 71O0. 3 LA RGE rooms, modern, 1 floor, block to Broadway . 3S2 E. 1st N. NICE ROOM with bath and phone priv ilege: close to down town. 3uo 1 Ith st. OAKAGiu and room. Uu Uoiue. Eiut 317. FOR BEM. Furnished Rooms in Private lam ily. EAM-HEATED room, hot and cold wa ter and bath, lor young ladv: home privileges; two blocks from Wash. st. S22.50 per month. Bdwv. 5012 LOVELY laree front ronm. eclu!tiv neighborhood, pleasant apt., walking dis tance, one or two scntlemea. f-- ( oucn, Apt. . Bdw. 14!. ICELY furnished, cool sleeping room, close in, west side; light, phone anil bath; rent reasonable 434 Mill st. Mam 'THXISHED room, private family, near Multnomah club. Apply evenings, bol T ay lor st. LL.N. cooi sleeping room, ail modern conveniences; geutleman only. 105 22d st. N .. Main 1040. TWO NICE cool front .inih- West Side, close In. suitable for ; large veranda. Cail Main C402. rooms, people. COMFORTABLE sleeping room eniencf s ; easy walking distance; w ith or without kitchen privileges. K.ast 0174. WELL-FURNISH ED room, modern home. wa.King distance. Nob Hill. 7s Hoy l Main 2l64. A NICELY furnished front room In T.artH - add., suitable for 1 or 2. Breakfast ts desired. East 851 S. QOt Elliott ave. NICE clean furnished front rooms- -.i ng distance to shipyards; $10 a month. 12 Oiobs st . M. S. car. LARGE front room, bay window: infh; for 1 or 2; large closet; 10 mm. to P. O West side. 413 Broadway. LOVELY front alcove sleeping room suit - lor -wo. walking distance, 55 X. "t h. Rooms With Board. CAMPPBLL TIOTETj. 23D AND HOYT STS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of tho bi-t known residential hotels on Pacific coast American plan, with or without bath. J uo a day up; rates by day or month. Meals scred to transients. yORTONIA HOTEL. Portland' downtown nign-ciass family hotel; rooms en suite or snirjc, with or -without board, for families and business men and women We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. KOOM and bo:-i for business giTsl aTl modern convenience?; walking d'suncc S3 per w-lt. Aut. 21-074. 12 E. 7th st THE MAHTHA WASHINGTON U'rh pt- ror tusintss girls an rmuniui reasonable rales. Mar. 1 Rooms With Board in Private Family. SPLENDID, well furnished outiri room tor InJy r genMemen. verv comfortable, plenty of air with two outside windows; ti n e privileges welcomed; this is In a ling- iront bungalow fpartment with ii am living room 30 feet long; I&rg porch 2. feet iong;r room, has hot and cold running- water; breakfast and dinner ir desired; west side, walking distance; no other roomers; references exchanged. Phono Marj-hall 1305 LAFv..-, front roo n with board; west side, walking distance. Hot and cold water in room. Suitable for two. fine loca tmn. Phono Main 427. ROOM and board by w ek or month, mod ern conveniences. Broad way. East 7 Ross st.. corner u. 1 OR 2 PLEASANT rooms in a modern home, will give with hoard; in a desira hle i oca t ion. Tabor 42 1 O. LA Kl front room in clean, modern homo. No other roomers; g.iuKnian preferred. Last MOO. 2'.S iMh st. North. PR I V ATE erett .st. home for children. Marshall 2102. 714 Kv- ILL board small child in private home with best of care. Hajt 7279. BOARD. ROOM. !it WEEK MM VAT E FA M 1 LY. PI 1 j N E E. 1502. urn Is Ilea -it rtments. CA M BRIAN A PARTM ENTS. 43;i Columbia, at 12th, Two and three-room furnished apart ments, unusually largo, airy rooms with every modern convenience; ten minutes' walk from center of city ; references; rates $5 to $73. HIGHLAND COURT. HIGH-CLASS APARTMENTS. 22d and Glisan Sts. Nicely furniahed 4 and 3-room apart merits, strictly modern, hardwood floors, ti ed baths, etc. Adults onlv. References required. Phone Marshall 3742. HIGH-CLASS. Beautifully furnished 3-room and sleeping porch, all front rooms, very at tractive, available at once; also single rooms with bath for ladies and cenile inen; reference required. Mar. 2S30. LUCItETI ATOIRT." Lucre t la pluce, nar Wash, and C3d. : 4-rom lurnished apartment; hardwood t Ltors, larfif, airy outside rooms, high class, modern iu every detail ; adul ts. K tV renews. Ma rshall 1 31 3. STILES APTS.. 390 RUSSELL ST. Two and three-room furnished apts.. private baths. Dutch kitchen, telephone: reasonable rates to adults only. THE ELMWOOD. 2 and 3-nu. furnished apts.. In first class apt. house. Ti led bath, dressing room. etc. ; $3u up; references ; adults. 413 Utth. Main OOOtt. CAKMEL1TA APTS., 13th and Jefferson.- o-rtMm lurmsneu apartment, strictly modern, while enameled throughout; tile . bath; adults only. Ref. required. LEEDS A PARTM ENTS 2. 3 and 4 -roo in aiartm'iits. alp-o sleeping rooms; mod ern, fireproof block, private baths, clean, reasonable. 210 Market St. KINGSBURY APT., ISO VISTA AVE. Nicely f ur iitdied o-n-om apartment without side balcony. Price $73. Main PARK. One PTS. Cor. Park and Harrison, ice 4-room furnished apartment, cc 4-rtiom unfurnished apartment. PALACE apartments, HOI 2 -room 1 urnished, private East Market ; bath. Tabor WANTED Refined young lady employed to share apartment. Call Bdwy. 1810 after 0 P. M. - KuuM furnished apt.. $42.30; 3-room lurnished apt., $00. Julianna apts.. 45 Trinity place. NICE clean 1 ai sleeping room; 37 Hs-il st. id 2-roorn apts. Alo reasonable. Adults. THE LAURETTE. Completely furn. 3-rrn. apts.. 3 min utes' waik; $0t up. 220 Uth. Main 1332. ROSLYN APTS., btricLy modern. 4140. 2-room Broad way To sL'BLET 3-room furnished apartment I or 0 weeks at $40 mouth. Eldridge Apts.. 274 N. 21st St. Bdwy. 473M. A RDM AY TERRA'CE. 303 12th st. larse i ront 2-room apartment. Phone Mar sha.! b'JU. BELKNAP APTS completely furnished: including light; vva.k 17th st., near Yamhill. 2-room apt., ins distance 1 M 3-ROoM furnished apartment, all outside rooms, immed iate possession. Barker Apartments, Mar. 21' u I. 0!3 Irving s t . PEA BODY APTS., 19 th and Upshur Housekeeping apartments, 1. 2 and 3-rm. Steam heat; reasonable. Bdwy. 1340. COMPLETELY furnished 3-room apt., cen tral ! 1 OCa LeiA lOI summd luuiuus. Jir- shall 2340. mi ia w t? NT 4.rrom furnished aDartment. steam heat, walking distance. Cottel Drug Co- -Main 72. 1 ROOM and kitchenette, suitable for party employed. 32 Mill, near Broad- way. ; LUC1LE COURT APARTMENT Three and four-room corner apart ments. rm2dern; NICE suite housekeeping rooms, new furni ture and carpet-. Walking distance. 2 E. 1 3th street, corner Ash street. TH REE rooms, newly tinted, $42.30. Ie tnce Apt., ISO N. 22 d St. AND 3-ROOM furnished apts. King Albert. Main 330. BEAUTIFULLY ment close In. furnished 4-room spart East Side. Wdln 4!7!. BEAUTIFULLY ment, close in furnished West Side. -room a pa rt Main 0.';73. FURNISHED ;;;;i 3rd st. apt.. Auditorium Court, THE FLORENCE. 3S 1 1 th st. : 4-room front furnished apt.: walking distance. WOULD share our elegant homo with very responsible couple. Tabor ?744. 2-ROOM apartments; working peph preferred. 203 S Weldler st. East 3.I1. N ICELY arranged 2-room apt. ; private bath and phone; $33. Broadway 400. PORTNOM AH 3 and 4 rooms, walking distance; adults. 200 E. 13th st. MO RTON A PTS. 3-room furnished apart ment. Cl7 Washington st. Main 1 0S2. T WO newly-renovated a part ment s. Fair mont Apartment. 286 11th St. CNION AVE. and Kllli n k worth, all complete: concrete bldg. $19.3. ALBERT APT . pri v a t o bath. -Furnished, steam heat. 840 U Miss. ave. VERY desirable 2-room furnished apt. 743 lioy ONE 2. one 3-room. apt. Tricketon. 44S 11th st. nicely furnished. MODERN 2-room apt.; private bath, wlk ing distance. Fast Ml. ON E 3-rooin buffnient apt. 44 1 I th 3-KOOM apt. in lrvintoa. Lat 707ft.