THE 3IORXIXG OREGOMAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, J 920 WATB1 RKAfi KSTATE. VAST from owner modern home on pood r line, mean business. A F 743, Ore gonian. Wanted to Rent Farmh. WOULD Ilk to rent a farm. 50 to 100 htcs, rlrar land, with a, home. Write to t Ms address. 231 Market at., room 23. Taze Retanoff. TIMBER LANDS. HA VK 30 million feet of good second -prowth fir 'J'-j milen from railroad. Pay an cut basis; can use two milia oil this tract. THE BIRCH CO. 324 Yeon Bids. PILING WANTKU. ABOARD S. P. 0.V'. GAMBLE. Couch Bldg., Portland. "R'ANT bridge plank and tlmbpra. W. O. Davis. Soft Lumbermen's bldg. TO EXCHANftF REAL KSTATR FO R SAI'fa) W ho wants to buv or trade for a h igh-class apple und shock farm within 1oo miles of Portland in one of the best commercial apple districts in the went. Climate ideal. Scenery fine. 1 mprovements modern. It in a money. niHker. There are loo acres. 15 in high grade commercial apples, balance alfalfa and other products. Price $2O,0on. Will take good residence in Portland, part payment or sell on long terms. It's a bargain. J. S. Heall. owner, care COAST tTLVKRT .ft Klil'-M K CP. V N K R wishing to dispose of controllng interest in a 12oo a. wheal ranch; over 7iio o. summer fa! low ready for crop next year. Would consider Portland property as part payment, bal. cash. Tins is good wheat land priced to sell. Kor information see Rock at 403 Couch bldg. 640-ACRK F ARM, moht all under plow, near Eugene, on Rood highway,, over 40O acres in crop; price $lno an acre. Will consider first-class Portland property ; also have 270-acre place, over 20o un tlfr cultivation and tn crop, close to 540-m-re place; price $Hj0 an acre. Consider property in or near Portland. L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. KlNli FKUIT FARM FOR CITY PROPERTY. 10 acres. 2 set buildings : 5 m. to Hood river ; 'J 4 a. bearing fruit. Absent owner sacrifices at V-j value. Will take city property for equity. Only $4300 to assume. See Johnson. O. H. SKOTHKIM CO.. Railway Kxc-lmuge. Main 5190. 5 ACRES, house, barn, equipment, lots of fruit, some crop, stock, fine soil, two fine springs, ideal fruit land, choice lo ration, to Portland, near Capital highway. Will take in as part trade h.mse, truck or ptock of groceries. Price $h."iOO. o. W. Bryan, 509 Chamber of 'ommcrce. Main 1963. Marshall 865. FOR TRADE for southern Oregon im proved acreage. 3 houses in acorna. Wash. ; fine water view f ron t. close to boulevard ; good ren tal property. A Iso 7 small rental in ColUnsvllle. Ok la., fine location, smelter town. Will trade all or part. Address C. M. Shirk. Vibalia. Ual. HAVE moved to city, muse dispose of my fine farm of 185 acres, highly improved; slocks, crops and machinery ; this is no junk, and if you have not gut good property do not bother nvi. 1 am the owner. Phone Sunday. Tabor 2285. week days Main 6410, for appointment. 10 AiTiilS timber and running water on ear line and good road, in Milwaukie dis trict; value $4500; want smalt modern, same value. E. C, Box SSU. R. D. 1 No. 1, Milwaukie. TRA DE FO RW EST SIDE PROPERTY, ti-room beautiful home near Laurel hurst park. Sunny side car, to trade for w -t tide property ; will pay difference. Address A N 830. Oregonian. 40 A C R ES good land. Nam pa. Idaho, to trade for Portland house und lot or room ing house ; value $2000. Bargain price AP 857. Oregonian. HAVE real estate contract for $2000 draw ing 6 per cent interest to trade for fu-n lulled home. Might assumo some. A B 750, Oregonian. $2700 EQUITY in a 7-room modern bun galow, 2 lots, garage, for a small place; v ill assume some. 2813 62d st. S. E. Hawthorne car. 55 AC RES, bouse, 7 at- res cleared, good fence, in Clarke county. Wash.; will tako good car in part pnynient. bee owner. 4 52 Jessup. or call Wdln. 1707. W I LL sell or trade So acres in Desch utes county. Oregon; price $2500. Wm. Thiele mann". 375 X. 19th. WHAT have you to trade ror 87 acres ocean front, fine beach, in Lincoln coun ty. Or.? Owner. -AV i3, Oregonian. CHOICE lrvington lot, clear, improvements paid; want late auto. Mar. 1837. TO EXCHANCR MISCEI.LAXKOl'S. STANDARD drop head bowing machine, good as new, to trade lor tent and camping outfit. 927 Grand ave. North. Phone 329-26. PIANO course given in exchange- for sew ing; rcf. Main 3018. FOR RENT rARMS. oO ACRES GA IU)BN LAND, on Columbia highway. 10 miles from court house. This land is under the large dyking proje. See Mr. Taylor with L. K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade. FOR SALE. Horwre, Vehicles, Livestock. 3 i iOoD young fresh cows, one of them fresh with calf, giving bolter than 4 ir a lions a day. Holstein and Jersey. years old, giving 5 gallons per day. 1 Jersey-Guernsey, coming fresh Sept. 13. giving now 3 gallons per day. Also 2 teams of good work horses, weight 2300 and 3000 lbs. Harness and wagon very reasonable. Take Woodstock car to 34ih. 5 blocks north to yyo Powell Valley road. Phone Sell. 17. VRJSALE A team, weight about 2550, bay and black ; must sell at once. Call south side of East CUsun, bet. 20th and 21st; -j-blk. west o laundry. Phone Auto 22-031. ON ACl'UL NT of sickness I am com pelled to sell mv herd of choice dairv and family cows, mostly fresh. E. oupiana'-p. Lents Junction. JERSEY-DURHAM, 5'-gaI. pail, due July 2f; fresh 4 Hi -gal, cow and calf, JloO. 549 K. Lombard, near 11th st. Wood lawn car. ETG11T fresh cows, 3 to 7 gallons, large Holstein and Jersey-Durham. Take Van couver car to Columbia boulevard, go one block north. 3 YOl'N'G Jersey cows and one bay horse weight 1130 lbs., will sell very cheap. 6647 65th St., Woodstock car. DEAD stock removed quickly ; cash paid for dead cows and crippled horse. Phone Milwaukie 60-J for results. FOR SALE Thirty-five registered Shrop shire March and April rain lambs; (20 e en. rioiman r ue. t-O., oin st. 3 GOOD cows, one Durham, 2 Guernsey and Jersey; will sell reasonable. Phone Woudlawn 101 1. Fl Vhi extra good milk cows for bale; 90S Powell Valley Road ; call at 32d and Powell, Woodstock car. FOR SALE New et douoie Duzgy h ness, Ho I man Fuel Co., 94 5th st. LA RO E pastures for rent near Portland' Main .. DEAD horses, animals hauled away free Portland Rendering Co.. Woodlawa 20. LEAD HORSES taken quickly; dead cows. Tabor 4203. FRESH 4-gallon cow. Wdln. yi3. 1199 E. 17th sL N. GOOD single harness for sale cheap. A. S Mchol, 4l2T 41st St. S. E. V KTER1NARI AN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. Piano?, Organs and Musical Instruments TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victrola and records our proposition win please you. SEI RbRLlXU-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth street. Main b5S6. BUY. SELL. RENT OR TRADE ALL KINDS OP PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. Pianos and Musical Instruments NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE 12i First. Alain 4495. Tabor 6703. PIANO FOR VICTROLA. J200 new ICTROLA and RECORD uui r i i . iraae lor u&ea piano; - bus proposition. .Main p.iso. SE1BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth st. GOOD values In used pianos. $205. $31 f 32 a and up. Every piano warrants and our special exenango agreemen goes with every piano. G. F. Johnson 1'iano o., i-tJi mn. PIANO WANTED. Pay cah; get our price. Seiberting i.uchm niuMt i-o tin hi. .Main liLM'lNb Martin melody "C" eaxouhnu and case. G. i'. Johnson, Piano Co., 149 WANTED Piano at once, pay cash. Mai $675 EMERSON, only $175, full bue rig hi. Term s. "12 Worcester bid g. "WANTED To buy piano at once, cash biirgain: no dealers. Marshall 5709. ftilH J. t only $2rto ,. piano, p. am case, terms, ni- v orcesier Dfag, GIBSON guitars and mandolins. Johnbon Piano Co., 149 Utu, rtlR BALK. I'ianob, Organs and Musical Instruments. CRACKER-JACK BUYS IN USED CARS. All overhauled or rebuilt, newly paint ed. We guarantee our cars to run iike new. ( Read carefully-and compare our cars and prices with others. Satisfied owners Is our hobby. Dodge touring, overhauled and re painted $ 700 1919 Liberty six, 03 per cent brand new . . . '. $1400 Buick six, D 4."., rebuilt, five tires. 95U Chevrolet touring, just like. new . 650 191 Maxwell touring, just perfect. 600 1916 Hupmobile touring, just over hauled 800 1014 Hupmobile, rebuilt, new one man top, new tires, electric L. and S., guaranteed for life 600 1917 Chevrolet, overhauled, newly painted 550 1918 Studebaker roadster, looks like new 600 1918 Ford touring, overhauled, ex tras 400 1918 Overland touring, 90 per cent new 600 1920 Ford one-ton truck, worm drive 600 191iS Panhard lVj-ton truck, 90 per cent new 550 Ford delivery, runs jUFt fine 500 Small payment down, 10 months balance. OUR NEW LOCATION. N CON LEY'S USED CAR CENTER. 511 Burnside St., Bet. 14th and loth. Phone Broadway 1424. AX IDEAL place to buy a used car from, an old. reliable concern ; our cars are represented in every way and the prices are right on all of them. 1916 Overland, 5-pass., 4-cyl $ 300 1913 Mitchell. 5-pass., 4-cyl 500 1916 Mitchell, in perfect condition. with cord tires, 7-pass., b-cyi.; a pickup at 650 1917 Mitchell. 5-pass.. 6-cyl 1000 191S Mitchell. 7-pas3 6-cyl 1200 1919 Mitchell. 7-pass., 6-cyl 1500 1919 Mitchell. 5-pass.f 6-cyl 1500 191S Willys-Knight, 7-pass.. 4-cyl... 1230 We have many more high-grade, late- model used cars at prices that will sur prise you. It will pay you to Iook our stock over before buying elsewhere. No brokerage charges. We carry all our own notes. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO., BROADWAY AT EVERETT. PHONE BROADWAY 4675. VICTOR RECORDS. THESE WILL INTEREST TOU. RED SEAL. 64S73. $1.00 Forsaken, by Fritz Kreisler. 74624, $1.30 Boheme (Rudolph's Nar rative), by Orville H arrold. 64S47, $1.00 A la Kuma, by Emilio de Gogorza. 74601, $1.50 Kol Nidrei, by Mischa Elman. 74393. 1.50 Tohrzeit (In Memoriam), by Sophie Braslan. POPULAR SONGS. 1SR52. 83c I'll See You in C. TJ. B. A., by Billy Murray; That's Worth While Waiting For, by Billy Murray. 1S672. 83c The Moon Shines on the Moonshine, by Sidney Phillips; So Long Oo-Long, by Victor Roberts. 1 S;!5S. 85c Hand in Hand Again, by Campbell and Burr: All That I Want Is You. by Charles Hart. LS653, 85c Buddha, by Peerless Quar tet; Let Me Dream, by Sterling Trio. 1S030. S5c Hiawatha's Melody of Love, by Sterling trio; I'm Always Falling in Love With the Other Fellow's Girl, by Elliott Shaw. 1M157 He Went In Like a Lion and Came Out Like a Lamb, by Billy Mur ray; How Sorry You'll Be (Wait'll You See), by Esther "Walker. MAIL ORDERS GIVEN GOOD AT TENTION, a. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. . 149 6th st.. bet. Morrison and Alder. ECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT " small upright pianos. Ji. ana. . i& $30 Cray & Co. upright piano, cash 110 $450 Hallet & Davis upright piano. 145 $425 Dunham upright piano, cash. 165 $475 Davis & Son upright piano, cash 215 $475 Frankiyn Piano Co. piano, cash 240 $550 Kimball Co. upright piano, cash 265 $S50 Mend en halt plaver piano, cash. 395 Parlor organs, $18, $25, $33, $38 and 45 Phonographs $1S, $25, $35, 53 and 85 Pianos stored, bought and sold for cash. 102 10th st., corner Stark St. PIANO BARGAINS $175 and up. Our used pianos are real bargains and are guaranteed. See them and be convinced. Terms given. Seiber-ling-Lucas Music Co., 12, 4th' St., be tween Washington and Alder streets. HE SCHWAN PIANO CO OFFERS this week: $730 Steinway & Sons upright. 34.i $600 Kranich & Bach upright 5 $330 Con over oak upright 815 $475 Vos & Sons ebony upright... 235 $530 Kimball & Co. upright grand.. 315 $475 Mclutvre St Goodsell upright. J 245 $25 cash and $7, $8. $10, $12 monthly. 101 10th st., at Washington and Stark. EVERETT grand, mah $735 Ludwig piano, like new; man oo Cable & Sons 295 Hallet & Davis 295 Thearlie 315 Kimball, fancv wal 395 G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th st. $150 BRUNSWIC i, like new. .. .$125 $175 Columbia, the latest 140 Gabler, fine, fine tone 215 Kranich & Bush, $550 value... 3:i8 Ivera & Pond, little used 367 $875 Sohmer upright, perfect.. 5hT HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill St. 125 BUYS upright . piano, nice tone. 312 Worcester bldg. LARGE sizo upright Steinway, fine condi tion. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 140 oth. Furniture for bale. FOR SALE Furniture of 7-room house. clean and in good condition including overstuffed davenoort. phonograph witn records, electric washer, vacuum clean er, etc. Call after 9:30 A. M. 439 East 37th st. North. Rose City car. PRACTICALLY new library table, splnnet desk, chair. 2 rockers 1 with cane DacK and seat. 1 with tapestry seat two Bmau Whittall Wilton rugs, wall mirror, table lamp, silk shade. East 796 after Sunday. EXTENSION dining table $10, malleable o-cover range $12, i a yds. good liody Brussels carpet, beds, 3-burner gas plate, lawnmower, Marquisette curtains, js i. utn at., iast mow. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to (Jaliiornia. We can save you money on your freight In our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co., 248 Pine st. FOR SALE .Solid oak dining room set consisting of table and six chairs and beautitul china closet; price $190; looks like new: worth $300. Call Tabor 7231 or 1226 E. Burnside st. 1 lit'G. electric heater and iron: 1 bed spring and 2 mattresses ; 7 pes. ivory bedroom suite, player-piano, cabinet and 38 roils. can Tabor 93 2. W A .NT new ly marriea couple to buy my perfectly new turniturc ror small house, everything you need. I am moving away, Smith, iik1 4tn st., room i. FIVE-ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale, all or part; lovely bedroom set com Plete. oak dining room set, ruga, etc. W. 4487. WILL sacrifice complete furnishings of i 7-room house; win not. sen oy piece furniture and carpets A-l. House for rent. Broadway 5032. ONE good steel range $40.00 One new neater .o.uo 748 East 77th st.. North. Rose City car. SACRIFICE sale of Al oak furnitu splendid rugs, miscellaneous articles. 71 East 28th st.. near Stark. OFFICE FURNITURE, used by govern ment, now on sale at Pacific Stationery & Printing to., jo -a st. 4-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale garden, elect., gas; must be sold at once. Call before o P. Af . Thurman st. FOR SALK Furniture of 4-room cottage cheap, or win traae on car. Terms- Call Marshall .as. N E W sanitary couch pad, luxurious steel bed, 2 pr. snoes, aining table. 325 Vi FURNITU Kis ann cmKens xor sale; owne leaving city. 6522 5th ave. S. E. Moun Scott car. DINING table, bed springs, two mattresses ror saie ; aeaiers ncea not apply. E. 34thst. DINING table, kitchen table, oriole buggy. ire rrt'Hin iituies. siuyiu. iauor aifo-t. SOM E furniture for sale, on re. 507 Williams ave. Must sell at A MAHOGANY dining room set; for par E. 1895 between 1 2 and 4 ticular tel IVORY bedstead, oak china closet. Mar FOR SALE. Furniture for Safe. OUR EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT IS BOILING OVER WITH BARGAINS. THE FOLLOWING ARE ONLY A FEW PICKED AT RANDOM. Large tapestry design with just enough mahogany frame for contrast, and large arm chair to match. The 2 pieces for only $65.00 Two solid mahogany arm rockers, wonderful values at $16 and 20.00 $40 brass bed for 25.00 Automatic Morris chair for.. 20.00 Other Morris chairs as low as 6.00 Solid oak hall tree with v plato mirror 15.00 Solid oak bookcase with 2 glass doors 22.50 Fine parlor organ.. 37.50 Bronze electric table lamp- and shade 7.50 Mahogany table lamp and shade 12.50 A Iso several rugs at rock bottom prices. Easy Terms. No interest. MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-190 FIRST ST. Office Furniture. OFFICE dek. both new andused; rugs. filing cabinets, steel and wood ; every thing i-n office equipment. D. C. Wax. 31 N. 5th at. f Foul try. ' PET ALUM A Whlte Leghorns lead the world in egg production. VY sell BABf OH1X at K13.50 per loo during May and J une; safe arrival of full count, strong, live chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery, 441 Sixth St.. Petaluma. Cal. YOUNG CHICKS" AND PULLETS Two weeks to two months old; 6000 on hand, 35c to $1. NORTHWEST POULTRY CO., 82d St. at 74th ave. Tabor 3107. 200 R. I. RED pullets. 2 to 3 months old. $1 to $1.50 each. H. W. Cooley. Gresh am. Or. Phone Grcsham 58. YOUNG White Leghorn hens of good stock, laying now, $1.25 each. J. R. Maguire, 77 Oregon st.. near E. 24th. FIN E, large. Tabor 116. R. I. rooster, year old, $5. 1400 E. Stark. Dogs, Rabbits, Birds. IVt Slock. INTERSTATE RABB1TRY. EAT RABBITS EAT RABBITS. NEW ZEALANDS FLEMISH GIANTS. Young stock for sale. 151S interstate ave. Phone Wood lawn 2f5. FOR SALE setter puppies, regis tered stock; whelped May 17. from the best field strain. C. J. Spooner, 2000 Miller avenue. Vancouver. Wash. THREE Flemish Giant does. 5 months old. from registered stock. $2.50 apiece. 4219 4Sth ave. S. E. Woodstock cur. CHOICE Airedale puppies. $25 up. Bush Farm. Lents. Or.. 517. R. No. 3 Lents. Automatic 4323. PERSIAN kittens for sale. Phone East 59 1 1. or call 637 M uitnomah st. CHERRIES and berries for sale. Call Ta bor 3766. FOR SALE Parlor floor lamp cheap; leav ing city. Phone 27 1 -1 2. 9-MO-OLD thoroughbred English setter, ready to train ; $23 Tabor 4203. CHOICE singers for sale. Call Main 46S. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for s.ile, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable, $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies for all manes. E. W. PEASE COMPANY, 110 Sixth street. Main 2285. DO AN E GUARANTEE! TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All makes overhauled; expert mechanics. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy, Sell, Rent and Exchange. Main 6397. Supplies. 263'. Oak Sz. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters ALL MAts.l'J, sola on montniy payments. Send for price list. The W holesale Type wri ter Co.; 32 1 Washington st. E W No. 5 Underwood, latest model. Call Broadway 5155 between 9 and 11 A. M. 1ST RLE machines, year guarantee, $20. The Rebuilt Typewriter Co., 804 Oak St. E W, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. L. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. LL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Go., W4 KiFth. Main SHtiS. Alacuiiierj AIR COMPRESSORS. AIR TANKS. U. S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, safety valves, coupling and automatic switches, every thing tor the air une. AIR COMPRESSOR & EQUIPMENT CO. Broadway 3300. 229 Couch st. WANTED About 32-inch small edger for tie sawmill. A. L. Hubbard baw mill Co.. 1167 Belmont st. Tabor 9ol8. FOR SALE cheap. 70-horsepower airplane motor. JtJdwy. ooi. I ayior. I.auncnet and Boats. FOR SALE 37-foot troll boat, oak ribs. sound hull, 2t-H. P. engine. J. R. Eubicli, Fort Columbia, vvasn. OR SALE Morris canoe and good equip ment, can tJast Miscellaneous. WE SELL LADIES' USED APPAREL in our home in Laurelhurst ; prices right. 1132 East GUsa-n st. labor -8-o. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy s, Washington st. ACOUSTICON Perfect condition. $ Phone Columbia 146 or call and test at 700 Vanderont st. BILLIARD and pocket oitiiard tables, showcases, wall cases, fixtures; terms. W. J. Qiflsley, 369 Hawthorne. East 123. FOR SALE 100 shares Stuart's puncture proof reliner stock; mfg. in Oregon City. AG Sot. oregonian. ORIOLE Go Basket for sale, new and cheap, apply between 6 and 3, Main 3337. Miss Kuhnley. BOX WOOD. Large load, $4.25. West Side Fuel Co. phone Broadway 293. OFFICE r unM I UriE, used by govern ment, now on saie at iacmc stationery & Printing L.O.. iu st. v.i.kotric fans and drink mixers paired; new, useu uuu eiunanseu. n y n son Electric Co.. 302 Pine. Bdwy. 42'J3. 1 KOLL-TOP desk and chair, 1 T. W. desk. 1 flat-top de&K, saie. J3usnon & go., 91 Park st. VOR SALE Cheney phonograph with rec ords; Uiueen Anne uesign; pric ngnu Must be sold, woouiawn taa. GENTS' bicycle, new tires meat sheer single, double harness, ave. 963 Williams FOR SALE cheap, a reed baby carriage 1 TiM-fft;r condition : also one uaoy men chair. 8t4 E. 11th N. Phono Wood. 2U41 CLEAN, new, large packing boxes; call at 1220 Division t. WAGON with attachment, used for wood- saw, $40. Westervelt, ci. 4,77. DESK ADDING MACHINE. Si, 518 COR- 37. RETT BLDG. MARSHALL SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale. PaciEicient As Awning, x 1st st. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st et.. near Ash. FOR SALE Paint spraying machine. Champion Mfg. Co., Woodlawn 3607. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners, $1 per day. delivered anywhere. Woodlawn S45. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening dresses, slightly worn. Main 9507. PEAS for canning, So lb. advance. Tabor 7237. Phone orders in L. C. L. Ranch. Safe 30x20-in., Hsrring-Hall-Marvin make; has insiae aoor. amt t ju, oregonian. ROYAL ANNE and Bing cherries, best in t h e market. 1627 Peninsu la a v. REED GOCART, perfect condition, $17.50. Phone East 925. LARGE quantity fresh cheap. Main 1026. whisky barrels. FOR SALE A brick-set furnace; a bar gain. Call Auto. 310-75. . ALDER slab and Phone 221-37. block weod for sale. ROOT beer barrel for bale cheap. 856, Oregonian. - FOR SALE Beautiful new silk never worn. Wood lawn 3784. BUTCHE R'S ice box for sale. Inquire at 528 Vj Washington st. RELIABLE gas range and water heater for sale. Tabor 6524. 20-GALLON TANK. 2 springs, wheels, magneto. Call 42 Easf Third street. FOR st. ;ale East Ice box, 5395. nearly new. 224 lia.Il GOOD 6-hole range with coils, $10. Cubbs st. 182 FOB SA1.K- Allscel lanxous. LUMBER. LUMBER. 53,000 feet very best GRADE. onlT been used 3 week in the grandstands of Shrine convention. Will be sold at a sacrifice. Yard at 19th and Washing ton. Call early and select your require ments. DOLAN" WRECKING CONSTRUC TION CO. 19TH AND WASHINGTON. DRAG LINE FOR SALE. Two complete drag line ditchinff out fits, in first-clara condition; one 1-yard and one yard-and-a-half bucket; a snap if picked up at once. UERRISH SUPPLY COMPANY, Box 352. Tacoma . Wash. Phone Main 2825. ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST. Painless dentistry by the nerve-blocking method without after effects; I make X-ray examinations of teeth; 1 specialize In tirst -class dentistry at reasonable fees. Lady attendant. Mar. 3205. DR. A. W. KEEN E, Majestic Taeater bldg.. 351 Wash, st. REVOLVERS, new and used PISTOLS. Largest Revolver Dealer in Northwest. No Purchasing Permits Required, BEAUREGARD'S. 702 MAIN ST.. VANCOUVER, WASH. Four blocks up from Portland car. Open Saturday Evening- SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 94 a L bE WING MACHINE EMPORIUM. Third St.. near Taylor. FOR SALE -Number of fixtures, smell safe, stools, gas range, lift top cigar case, candy case, scales, ice box. wall case, electrio coffee, mill, soft drink mix er, candy jars, less than cost this week. 242 Salmon. 3120 HUDSON SPEEDSTER. Run only 2000 miles ; has 6 tires, alcmite oiling nystem, Gabriel snubbers, bumper and spotlight; will guarantee the car to you. Would give some terms. N I3'J, Oregonian. LEAKY roof, eh! Very aggravating Indeed. Why not a permanent and comfortable root ? We repair, rubber bond and reju venate all kinds of leaky roots. Phone Main 5120 or Main 5560. HOT-WATER tanks, 80-ffal., $7; 40-gal., u ; testea ana guaranteed ; stove ana furnace coils, gas heaters installed; ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Slds Welding Shop, 203 Adorns st. East 8516. FOR SALE S-ft. floor case, round corner cigar-candy case; other floor cases, counter cases, ice boxes, safes, regis ters, electric coffee mill, wall cases. Terms if necessary. 242 Salmon st. SAFEcJ Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and. second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. x NORR1S SAFE & LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Main 2045. FOR SALE. Restaurant furniture and plate glass: one ISxoOx H ; one 54x90xV ; one 20x 72X1,; one 4sx76x i ; inquire at 406 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE National cash register, ring ing from 5c to $62.o0; one trom 3c to $3, $47. A 30-pound Dayton com puting scale, $45. Toledo scale. Quick action. 242 Salmon. CAMPERS or tourists, I have a box made lo nt on tne running board ot an auto, ?i In. spruce, drawers and shelves, water proof. 2,i2 2d et., phone Maine 7140 between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M. WANTED Customers for Albina dairy. beginning July 1; we will sell milk per quart 14c. or $4 per month; deliveries made at Piedmont, Albina and Overlook. Call Woodlawn 4796. WHOLE outfit -of furniture for small house, nearly new; everything you want. 1 am movlpg away. Smith, 165 's st., room SI. NEW -SINGERS," $5 down. $3 monthly. expert sewing machine repairing. -MORRISON-STREET SINGER STORE, 382 Morrison. Marshall 721. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE AND SUPPLY CO. Broadway lu. 48 Front St. ONE gas range, 1 iron crib, drop sides, 1 highchair, 2 bedroom rugs, 2 stands, fruit jars, 1 sanitary couch. 592 W ill iams ave. E. 106S. BLOCK AND SLAB 16-inch. $5.50 p load in two-load lots ; cheaper and bet ter than 4 -foot wood. National Fuel Co., East 2041. ELECT R 1C I RONS, appliances, doorbells, vacuum cleaners repaired; fixtures re wired. We call and deliver. Woodlawn 1259 or East 4045. ROYAL ELECTRIC CLEANERS for rent. $ I.iiO per dav, delivered. The Electric Maid Shop, 133 Tenth st. Broadway 4"24. '"Let the Electric Maid do your work." BUY. .SELL, RENT OR TRADE Electric Fans, Tools and Bicycles. NEWMAN, 12S First. Main 4493. NICE largo gas range at bargain; cot $65 when new ; $-o takes It. lObl Huron st. St. Johns car. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. MAXWELL TOURING AT $473. This car has been refinished and new tires and looks and runs fine; the small sum of $175 lets you drive it home and the bal. can be arranged in small month ly payments that you can meet. 505 Al der st. Red Front. OA KLAND touring cars, guaranteed, un usual values for cost prices. See them. Phone Bdy. 4184. W1LLAM ETTE OAKLAND COMPANY, Broadway at Flanders. Portland. Oregon 1919 MODEL 90 Overland. 5 goe-d tires. repainted and is in nrst-ciass snape me chanically; $s00, terms. 531 Washington st.. Bdwy. 1614." 1 n-m OLDSMOBILE Eight touring car. new car. run only a few miles, cord tires same as new. $30O under price, will give terms. Phone Mar. 1950, Apt. 42. . ro TRADE for car. nine lots in Ashland Or., clear of incumbrance : want pood lfgVit car, roaadster preferred, aj?" i Oregonian. - 1920 BABY OVERLAND. 1975. cash or terms buys 1920 Baby Overland, just like new. Call East 3075. CHEVROLET tourins. 19 IS. guaranteed be.-t of condition, must sell. A snan at $575. terms ir aesireo. o urand ave. North, near Burnsioe. 1913 PAIGE light six. a fine car for $1350, terms: run very little and has been re finished and thoroughly overhauled. Mr. Argo. Broadway J-'bl. 1916 DODGE touring in Al condition. Good paint and tires. Must sell. A snap at $875. Terms. Consider trade. 30 Grand ave. North, near nurnside. CHANDLER, 7-pass.. fine condition, newly painted and overhauled; will take small car in trade: terms on bal. Price $1400. Mr. Argo. .tfroaaway -ei. 1918 CHANDLER chummy; newly refin ished and overhauled: will take small car in trade; terms. Mr. Argo, Broad- way 32S1. , Big USED CARS Prices Stock. , , right. rso Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. ESSEX, touring. 1919. in Al condition good tires. A real bargain, at $1500. Consider Ford in trade.- 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1918 MAXWELL touring car, in fine con ditinn. 5 eood tires, this car is ig bar gain and will give terms. Phone East 1962. ' i ! PAliiK.LARCHMONT sport mode run nnlv 14SO- miles: $100 in extras; wil sacrifice $50O less than new price. Mr, Argo. Broadway 32S1. a 1U17 i I TCH KLL. 5-oa senger. in iwod cordition; would like to trade for a small house in La. Grande ; machine can be seen at 864 Vancouver ave. 1920 FORD, four months old, a sacrifice catl at once, owner John W Haskell, 562 Main st., corner Chapman; fine con dition. KOR SALE Buick 4, 5-pass., in good run ninr nrdpr trood tires: a bargain $475. Call at 5900 44th ave. S. E. aftei 4:30 P. M. Owner. LATE 1917 BCICK light Bix. 5-pass.; will demonstrate mechanically w un an Buiek in Portland. Price $1000 for quic sale; terms. Mr. Argo.- Bdwy. 3281. I'.r'ii rHAXDLER. 7-passenger ;. just lik new. has 5 good tires; car In perfec mpphanical condition : would give term to responsible party. N 137." Oregonian 1917 MAXWELL. Al shape, looks and run fine, will sell cheap, take car in trade. Terminal Garage, Oih and Hoyt sts. 1920 CHEVROLET, runs Mks a top. pulls like a mule, some extras, price $650. See Mr. Dana, 14th and Alder. Bdwy. 240. ORD delivery, in best of condition. Must sell. A snap at $350. Terms, 30 Grand ave. North, "ear Burnside. MY 1915 Franklin touring, $80O. A real buv. $3O0 cash. Fine running order. Bdwy. 1764. MOTORCYCLE, good condition, A snap for someone at $75. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside: SEVERAL 1919 Chevrolets and Overlands at a bargain. Auto Reconstruction Co Third and Glisan. CLASSY Ford bug, special built body noth ing like in town. See it at Terminal . garage, 5 111 and Hoyt bis. FOB SALE ACTOMOBILES, SUMMER BARGAINS. FOR QUICK TURNOVERS. We will be closed Sunday and Mon day. We have no used automobile de partment. These used cars being shown onur salesroom tloor. 191ft Maxwell automobile, car; think of it a good .$ 550 1919 Maxwell automobile, like new. 1920 Maxwell, almost new Late model Overland Country Club roadster, all in fine shape 800 900 650 Late model Overland four, can't be told from a new car; car trad ed In on a big car; a bargain. 1920 Oldsmobile; cannot be told from a new car a few feet from it; equipped with cord tires; all in first-class condition 1900 1918 Willis six. good condition 750 1017 Chalmers light six, first-class condition - Qov t 1918 Chalmers hot-spot, all in first-class condition 1150 Hudson super-six, with the same service to you and with the same replacement of parts a? you get buying a new automobile 1200 (1918-1919- series) Hudson super six, all gone over and repainted with service and replacements the same as on a new automobile 1750 We will be closed Sunday and Monday. We have no used automobile department, these cars being shown on our salesroom floor. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. 615-617 Washington at.. Portland. FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled Rear axle overhauled . .$20 Vaives ground, carbon removed 3 Magneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO 280 Front St.. corner Jefferson. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING LDG., 3D FLOOR. IN FIRST-CLASS condition, rolled oak- top desk. OKI FURNITURE CO., 209 Second St., Between Taylor and Salmon Sts. SPECIAL sale on mattresses, ice refrtger- atois, electric ians ot all kinds, monev safe, w holesale prisce on all kinds of chairs. OKI FURNITURE CO., 209 Second St., Between Taylor and Salmon Sts. WE CARRY a full line of auto accessories, tires, tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc.: also do lowing. Open day and night. LONO & SILVA, Phone East 6840. 462 Hawthorne. FORD BUG. Owner leaving city, will sell at once for bent cash offer; will guarantee 55 miles per gallon on gasoline, distillate or kerosene; new 400 body, motor meter, wire, wheels, new cord tires, guaranteed firs-t-ciass shape throughout. Phone Mi 5.'I02 during business hours, or Broadway 4 1 Jo evenings. Ask for Mr. Mills. LATE 191S STUDEBAKER 0. Has 1920 license plates, run 5000 miles, sweet running motor, you can not tell this car from new. cord tires; we will guarantee this car in every way ; take your old car in trade and give terms. Will go anywhere on trial trip. 210 JEFFERSON ST. DISCOUNT ON WIRECRIP TIRES. "BRAND NEW 35x4lx, GUARANTEED 60UO MILES AT $45. REGULAR RE TAIL PRICE $63.15. 424 BELMONT ST. EAST 191. A CLASSY 1919 PAIGE. Is slightly used, can hardly be told from a new car; save several hundred dollars on this buy. Mr. Howard, Broadway 18.j8. Will take tmall car as part payment. BRAND new 1920 Oakland 6. 5-passenger. i white wire wheels, 5 tires ; car been driven 6k miles by man who knows how to break in new car ; can save you $200; terms. Selling on account of sickness. Call Eaat 7094. DODGE sedan, 1918, best of cond it ion ; wire wheels, one extra; will sell at $1625; will consider trade on Ford, balance terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near- Burn side. LOOK ! MAXWELL CHASSIS. $190. 191 8 model, body damaged by fire. new. Goodyear tires; make swell b u g or delivery car. 210 Jefferson st- FORD bug, newly painted. Al mechanical condition ; good tires, must sen. fctse it. A snap at $450. Terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles. We wreck all makes or cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Auto Wrecking Dept., 105-7 N. 11th st. LATE 1917 BUICK light six. 5-pass... Will demonstrate mechanically with ' any Buick in Portland. Price $1000 for quick sale; terms. Mr. Argo. Broadway 32S1. BUY M Y automobile for half its value price $400. used but very little. Ir perfect oroer, easy terms; tniB is a oig Bargain, SMITH. 165 4th at., room 31. -- - OVERLAN D, model 75. In very best of condition. Will sacrifice at $575 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FRANKLIN 5-pass., fine condition, newly painted and overhauled; will take small car in trade, terms on bal. Price only $1000. Mr. Argo. Broadway 3281. t 1920 CHEVROLET, In good shape, many extras, run STiOO miles, good buy at $80O. Call Mr. Dana- Bdwy. 240. 14th and Alder sts. CHALMERS roadster. looks like new. good tires. A bargain at '$875. with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burn- side. CHANDLER 1-pass., fine condition, neVl painted and overhauled: will take small car in trade; terms on bal. Prjice $1400. Mr. Argo. Broadway 3281. 1917 FORD roadster in very fine condi tion. Good tires. A real bargain at $385. with trms 30 Grand ave. North. near Burnside. , FOR SALE Paige 7-pass. touring, first class condition. Keily-Sprlngeld cord tires. Cheap if taken at once. . Call Sell wood 2123. ' FORD truck, 1-ton. 2 tons, gear drive. At condition. Will sell or trade at a bar gain price. 30 Grand ave. Northnear Burnside. . 1919 VELIE roadster, in perfect con dition, 5 new tires; will sel I cheap and give good terms. Call Broadway 3231 and ask for Brown. 1919 BUICK 0, 7-passenger Buick in ex cellent condition; has 5 cord tires and looks fine; terms if you are responsible. N 130. O regonia n. 1919 FORD delivery, with good paneled body; will tacrifice; 1004 Brooklyn St., near 35th. FOR SALE 1919 Ford touring in perfect condition at a bargain. Call Broadway 91. 1918 SUPER-SIX HUDSON, can hardly be told from new. $1SOO; want small car in exchange. Call Owner. East 349. 6-PASSENGER STUTZ for sale : terms. Apply shop foreman Elite Garage. 12th and Jefferson. 1920 FORD sedan demonstrator, driven 1500 miles; at big reduction; cash or terms. wooaiawn ;im. LATE Studebaker 4 touring; b"t buy iq town; privaie party, wo in. jib.. A FORD roadster for sale, $500; call a i Z - nawtuorne ave., o r. ai . 1920 FORD touring: will sacrifice for cash. No dealers. .Mississippi. FOR SALE 1917 7-passenger Studebaker, 4 new tires, $625. Call Wdln. 5649. FOR SALE or trade. Chalmers roaubltr. Can at b- ootn ave, s. I. TOn SALE AUTOMOBILES. FORD OWNERS. CHEVROLET OWNERS. , Motors overhauled '...$20 Rear axle overhauled 6 Valves ground, carbon removed..... 3 Ma gneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings. tc, which insures a perfect-running motor. Genuine Ford par ta only used. All work gunranteed. THE REASON the Ford engine starts hard and the lights are dim is because the MAG NETO is weak. Have it RECHARGED by EXPERTS UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO.. -f-212 Jefferson. T Main 7644. NEW HUDSON SPEEDSTER. BARGAIN! Can give immediate delivery: brand new, completely equipped ; five cord tires, lemite grease cups, two bumpers, spotlight, etc. Present price this car $H(25 without equipment. Phone Main 1S DODGE ROADSTER. Tffls car has six tires and tubes snd looks as good as the day it left the show room, runs perfect and will please you. Call and try It; low price of $875 with $2o0 down, bal. easy. Take Ford touring in trade. 5o3 Aider. Ked Front Used Car Co. f18 BUICK TOURING. I have the finest-looking Buick car in thjtf city, the car has cords and one ex tra and is refinished and looks as good as new-; low price and will take $450 down bal. monthly; take good roadfr in trade. Come snd look it over at 505 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co oAh.L.A.u touring, ran 2500 miles, fullv jruaranteeo. Save $285. terms to right r.arl- aM Mr- Clemons. Bdy. 4184. 100 N. Broad wav. WILLAMETTE OAKLAND COMPANY o .i Broadway at Flanders. PortTanq- Oregon . u wni a car tht will give von lots - .V" . ?v a iil Cadillac. 3 Z .l ,' 18 ,n Sod condition me- r.han'cally: a bargain at $500. terms. ..Air, JloutL TOURING CAR. jms is is model, has six tires and lu"eH anu "as been refinished and looks and runs us good as new; It will please you. come and have a look and try it; price is $585 with $ I S3 down, balance " - fl'ipr st. Kea - Front. 1 .1 ""AN. five wire wheels and rive tires, good as money will buv. R. p. 4 84 y' N Brodway. Phone Bdy. WILLAMETTE OAKLAND COMPANY Broadway at Flanders. rVana. Oreeon Your opportunity for a good sTx" a. joveiy veiie In fine condition gooa paint, top, etc.; less than half the V. , , ,"cr. one, runs just as good. i ""warart?awy- 18,,s- A- M. Beaver ""' J-m ana Aider "IS CHEVROLET TOURING. i ii t 3 I1Ke new and wil1 speak for I; t . ?u see !t- -me and try it. It is refinished and will please, you. : 1 ' IOW Pri,- 5i-. S250 down, bal. monthly. 505 Alder st.. Red Front! NEARLY NEW Overland, touring, new tires, new bat t "c'lHiarir. overhauled and guar- - jvui vtu, tiir m traue ana give 23Q JEFFERSON ST. Vt ITl ' 1T L- T t a win i ii vlurins car K0,i as new. must V. ; " m na, isuy. 4184, 100 N Brnadwav. WILLAMETTE OAKLAND COMPANY. oroaaway at Flanders. Portland, Oregon J HAVE A DANDY REO 4. Reos are known to last well, buy th! uu uuraoie car and avoid trouble easy terms, price low. Mr. Howard, -ta and Alder streets. Beaver Motor BARGAINS IN LARGE PARS One 7-pays. Peerless, good mechanical One 7-pass. Peerless, good for wood raw or truck. $100 LONG &. SILVA. 462 Hawthorne Ave. Cbt.o. b ORD roadster at cost. This is bargain. Phone Bdy. 41 84 WILLAMETTE OAKLAND COMPANY ' Broadway at Flanders. i-ortiand, . Oregon lui f fA l G E, light six, n-passenger, owned "J auio mecnanic. nrst-ciass mechan 11--M.1 uonumon ana newly painted; a snap 81 aume terms, m r. Argo. Bdwy, iwia ntubON super Six touring car. this car has just been re-painted, looks like new, has good tires and will guarantee n. mfLiiMiiicaiiy this car is a bargain " " ' B lrillH. AI nr. J til 3. 1920 OLDSMOBILE. All new tires, run U00 miles, in A-l ruriuiiion, il reany iooks as good as new a nargain at siuoo, cash or terms. Eas (1I .v REO 4. 5-pase., 5 good tires, good shape mm-iianicany, .m, some terms. 531 waamngmn sc.. wtiwy ltii4. A CLASSY LITTLE SAVfiV SIV Will sell this elegant car very chap. Newly painted and topped, fine shape. Call Mr. Howard, Bdwy. 1858. A M. Beaver Motor Co., 12th and Alder sts. SAVE $900 ON this 1920 Hudson Super Six touring, 5 cord tires, snubbors. A-1 condition, 90-day service and guarantee. Call Main 675. 101S PAIGE light six. a fine car for $1350, terms; run very little and has been re finished nnd thoroughly overhauled. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 32S1. 191S BUICK touring car, fine mechanical condition, new tires, extra tire; must sell at once. $ 1 250. terms to respon sible party. Phone Broadway 1455. CHEVROLET roadster, looks and runs like new. Will sacrifice at $575 and give terms if desired. 30 Grand ave. North, near Buriislde. 1920 PAIGE-LARCH MONT sport model, run only 14.V miles; $100 In extras; will sacrifice $500 less than new price. Mr. Argo, Broadway :I2S1. 1917 FORD touring, best or condition. Good tires and paint. A bargain at $475. Terms. 30 Grand ave. North. near Burnside. CHEVROLET touring. 19 IS. fine running condition, good tires. Will sil $550 and give terms, 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FRANKLIN. 5-pass., fine cond it inn, newly painted and overhauled: will take small ear in trade, terms on bal. Price only $1000. Mr. Argo. Broadway 32S1. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. 6 tires and tine condition, a bargain at $1850. cash or terms. Main 6756. FORD roadster in best of shape, good paint. Will sell at $350 and give terms. 50 Grand ave. North, near Burnrtide. FORD delivery, good shape, must sell. A bargain. 3uo. ?u urana ave. North, near Burnside. WE PUT STEEL TEETH IN YOUR OLD FLYWHEEL. H K. rl LAC rt MACHINE SHOP, 534 ALDISK ST. BDWY. 26SI HUDSON speedster at a discount, brand new, never run. Immediate delivery, Phone Broadway 1416. FOR SALE r ord bug in first-class con dition, recen tly overhauled : a bargain for cash. Mr. Carlton. Main 2592. LATE 5-passenger, 4 -door Premier, in first-class mechanical condition. Owner must sacrifice. Call Tabor 1264. FOR SALE Hupmoblie bug, $200 cash; car in t irst-ciass condition. rtin la bor'4700 after 7 P. M. KING roadster, 191. . all new tires, some buy at $39j. Terminal garage, 5th and Hoyt. 7-PASSENGER, 6 cylinder Studebaker. in good running order; must sell, $450; 368 E. HemiocK, Laaa s Aaaition. FORD truck, chain drive. Wood platform, in best of shape. $550. Terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FOR SALE Late 'IS Ford touring; lat '16 Chevrolet touring. Must sacrifice. SM) E. 37th st. FOR SALE Cheap. 1017 Maxwell; good running order and good buy. - Columbia 390. 218 North Jersey. OAKLAND SIX TOURING CAR. - Am leaving city, will sacrifice for $600. 155 Stafford m. 1917 MAXWELL touring, good paint and tires. A anao at, $G00. with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FOR D coupe. 1919. wire wheels. full equipment, fine condition; leaving town $725 cash. Main 5573. BUlCnt, 1920. 5-passenger. practically new; rrun only 800 miles. Call at 38 N. 2d st.. cor. Couch. LATE 17 Hupp in A-l condition through out; will consider ngnt car in trade. 867 E. Oak st. DODGE touring, late model, excellent con dition. new battery, leather top. Price $H7-. cash. r'none owner, aiain 5256. 1916 FOR D touring, fine condition. Used privately. A snap at S400. Terms. 30 Grand ave. r on n. near isurnside. 1918 REO roadster, fuliy equipped. Phone 545-Sy OVERLAND car model 85. for sain. Call woooiawn oon. luja uvi.hija.'mj tiuo roaaicr; wire wheels. Take roro in trade. Tabor 4573 1919 CHEVROLET panel toj delivery; s;jc rif ice for $625 cash. Phone East 622H OVERLAND, model 4. fine condition, $930, AM !-, oregonian. 1926 FORD sedan, practically new, cash or terms, labor on. FOR SALE AtTOMOBn.ES. LICENSE FREE ON ALL CARS SOLD THIS WEEK. We are going to dispose of this splen did stock of used cars at ihe very earli est possible moment, as we must make j room for more trades on our new cars, which are coming fast. Each of these ears has been put in ! the very finest condition, both methan- ! ically and a to appearance, and will be sold for the same price as you would j usually pay for a car that has had none of this refinishing snd rebuilding work. We can give you a much better car for the same money. 1 will pay you to see these cars. Here are a few of them listed for your consideration : Maxwell tourins. 1917 $ 500 Maxwell touring, 1918 650 Maxwell roadster. 1918 725 Overland, 191S. touring, model 90... 825 Overland, 1918. touring 6. model 85 00 Overland, 1910. touring-, model 75... 600 Overland, 1913, touring, model S3... 400 Bulck, 1918, touring, 5 cord tires, new paint 1550 Studebaker, 1917, 4-cylinder touring 650 Studebaker. 191S, 6-cylinder touring 1000 Mitchell, 1917. touring, 6-cyllnder.. 950 Reo. 10IS, 6-cylinder, touring 1100 Oldsmobile, 191S, 8-cyIinder touring 1250 Paige. 1918, 7-passenger touring. Velie. 1917, 5-passenger, touring.-.. 00 Velie, 1919, 5-passenger, touring.... 14j0 Saxon. 1917, 5-passenger, touring... 700 Buy your car from a responsible dealer if you expect to get your money's worth. Each car sold on easy terms and fully guaranteed. REMEMBER THE PLACE. t. C. WAREN MOTOR CAR CO., Main 7S0. 6S North 23d. WINTON baby roadster, repainted, com pletely overhauled, looks and runs like new ; new top. 5 almost now tires and wire wheels, snuhber. shock absorbers. A bargain at $ 16.0. terms. 5J3 Wash ington st. Bdwy. 1614. 17 BUICK. This Is the light six and Is in fine shape every way : it looks and runs as good as new and has fine tires, most new. and one extra brand new one; low price of $9oO, with $350 down, bal. easy. Come fnd see a real bargain at 505 Alder st. BARGAIN. 1920 Hudson speedster, driven onlv 1900 miles; looks like new; 2 spare tires with covers and special carrier on rear of car, Lemite grease cups, shock ab sorbers, bumper and spot light. Call Tabor 2458. 90 OVERLAND TOURING. This Is the popular 'IS model and la the most dependable four that you can buy; this one ia in first-class shape and will a p peal to you ; the low price and only $250 down, balance easy. 505 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. CASH FOR CARS. T will pay caah in hand for some good lisrht late model cars, roadsters or tour ing; also would buy a Hudson speedster or Chandler dispatch. Bring your cars to my place. 505 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. 1918 "BABY GRAND Chevrolet, mechant cally perfect; good rubber; a remarkable buy ; owner will sacrifice for $9oo, terms. See at Francis Motor Car Co. Automobile V anted. WANTED LAiK MODEL CARS. WE PAY CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 127 Lnwnsdale st. 8. W. corner 15th and Washington. CASH FOR YOUR FORDS. 330 ALDER. BROADWAY 1852, WANTED By responsible party, to rent good car from private owner for period of 2 or 3 months; to be used In business only and cared for as owntr wishes und experience reo, uirts. A K 816, Oregonian. WB WANT CARS. Customers onour lists for all makes of cars and can make that car mean money to you. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO. fi31 Alder st. Broadway 2411. ILL trade equity in west side 7-room modern house for six -cylinder machine and $500. 'S or "19 model, chummy road ster preferred. Call E. 7 1 54. W'ANTED From privaie owner, late model used Hupmobile or Dodge car; will pay cash. AV ia;i, Oregonian. WE ARE in the market for used cars. Drive them in and walk awav with the money. Pacific Auto Co.. 5211 Alder su WANT to buy oid cars, any size or any condition. can ancouver ooo, ti. E Gore. ' TO RENT 5-pa3iener car for week ; cautious, ex periencea driver, peax re it r encea. Tabor 4906. BRING your old cars in. I seil or trade: we pay cash ony. Jake s Used Car Exchange. 2H llth st. ' WILL take auto as f irpt payment on my roo. o-room house and large lot. labor HEIGHTS view lot. clear, improvements paid, for late auto. Mar. 183. WANT '17 or 'IS Dodge. Phone Eat 4172 e entng. Moturt jtcii USED MOTORCYCLES. All makes; terms if desired. Used mo tors, parts, etc. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44 Grand ave. Excelsior. Henderson and Cleveland agency. WANTED Harley Davidson, Henderson or Excelsior motorcycle equipped with sidecar; must be in good condition and bargain for cash. Call in person. Hotel Rowland, room 221. HENDERSON, 1919. electric, tandem. spotlights, speedometer, etc., cash; driven less than 25oo miles. East 2625 between 8 and 9 P. M . H ARLEY-DA V1DSON sport model with A B C generator and spotlight. 273 East lrtth North. ONE twin. 3-peed Harley-Davidson, with side delivery car, A-l condition. Ea-st 1918 READING Standard motorcycle. Na tional side car, for sale or trade. 551 2d st. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-206 3D ST. MAIN 6230. Auto 1 ires and Accessories. TIRES Have sold Ford, have new tire and tube, 2 retreads, also used tires; seil at sacrifice. 6.0 Couch st. FOR SALE AM BU electric trouble shoot er, complete, cheap. Wm. Cook, route A. box 93. Portland. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without driv ers. Day or night service. COUCHMAN GARAGE. 19th and Couch. Remember our number. Broadway 3696, NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLANDS. HUDSON'S. LOWNSDALE OARAGE, BROADWAY 240S. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1920 models, reasonable rates. 352 12th st.. between Washington and Alder. Bdwy. 840. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND GLISAN STS. A 2629, BROA DW A Y 2H29. AI.THO F & BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, THIRD AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. 1. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. M ar 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1256. CARS for hire without drivers at Long & Siiva. 462 Hawthorne, phone East640. 5-PASS. Dodge for hire; touring calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 3547. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. LATE 'IS Harley, first-class condition, equipped with '19 generator and stor age battery; rear tire new and front one still in good shape; this is a dandy buy. "Don't mits it. AL 7H. Oregonian. FOR SALE 3 Mi dump truck making $35 to $45 per day season's work, at sacri fice. Compelled to sell. AF 740, Orego nian. G. M. C. truck. -ton, cot $18oO. practi cally good as new. Will t-ell cheap" or exchange for improved city property. BK 709, Oregonia n. ON E-TON worm drive, in perfect order, $495; 1-ton chain drive Ford, overhauled. $3 45. Oregon Diamond T. Truck Co.. !4 10th st. N. ;4 - TON Ford truck, koo'I media ntcally, and 4 A-l tires; I will sacrifice thin car for $350, kooie terms. 498 E. 55th N. FOR SALE TRUCKS ANT TRACTORS? TRUCK SEASON IS HERE. We have sex eral good haulincr con tracts, lumber, logs, gravel, etc., for purchase of Gary motor trucks ; we can make immediate deliveries and give th most liberal terms. 14 to IS months to pay for your truck; no payments to b made while trucks are idle dunug winter months. GARY COAST AGENCY, 1 NC. . Southwest Corner 10th and Hoyt Sts. Broadwav 21 62. Sunday s , 1 o A. M . to 3 P. M. TWO-TON traffic truck. lowest price truck in the world. Rex Motor Co.. E. 8th and Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE Ford 1-ton truck. $400. god running order and good buy, terms. Co lumbia 51i0. 216 North Jrsey. GARAGES. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. General auto repairing and used cars. TERMINAL GARAGE. Fifth and Hoyt. Broadway 3586. WAVTKI) MISCELLANEOUS. HOUSTCTTOLT GOODS WANTED. We want your used furniture, russ, carpets. stoves and all household goods and will piy the highest ca&b, prices. TOP MARKET PTtlCESL We also buy and sell hardware, tools, sporting goods, tents, bi cycles, typewriters, adding ma chines and store and office fur niture. When you have anything to buy, sell or tradu. CALL MAIN 9072. LEVIN HARDWARE 4a FURNITURE CO.. 221-223225 Front St. SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. I PAY SPOT CASH AND THE HIGH EST MARKET VALUE FOR DIA MONDS. NO AMOUNT IS TOO LA RG US FOR ME TO HANDLE. I AM COM MISSIONED BY A LARGE DIAMOND CONCERN TO BUY ALL THE D1A M O N D S OFFERED. MY LOCATION IS DOWNTOWN AND CON V ENIE N T. ALL BUSINESS IS STRICTLY CON FIDENTIAL. ERNEST DEEDS. 4 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 3173. $12.50 TO $25. FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS ANO OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone in thA City for suits, overcoats and shoes. Call Marshall 1229 or 253 Madison SL near 3d st. Will cull day or evening. TJP TO $35. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS, 11T 2d St.. N. W. cor. Wash. Mala 0344. $8.50 UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN, WE TAILOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S SL ITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC BROADWAY 3W32. 245 BURNSIDE. BETWEEN 2D AND 5D. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. FURS. FURS. FURS. Cleaning and alterations, any descrip tion. Use La France fur dressing for summer and save $Ioo. Reasonable prices. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO., 163 W. Park, bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main U52J. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cast-off v-lothiug; highest uah prices paid; wiJi call, day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225. 209 Madison. $lo TO $25 positively paid for gent's used suits und overcoats; call any place; get my offer before you sell ; will call any tune and place. Goldbaum, the tailor, 1 67 First st.. nr. Morrison. Main 73S. " LOOK Ben Adler Is buying ladles and gents" second-hand clothing at top prices. See him f.rst at 2U1 3a at., or phone Maia 3207. DIAMONDS WANTED. We pay caoh. in any amount, fer diamonds. VINES' JEWELRY STORE. 257 Washlffgton st., cor. 3d. Main 664. IUTTMAN HARDWARE CO.. 213 KKU.N T ST R EE T . PA I S HIGHEST PRICES FOR BIO VCLES. MAIN atil L. Highest prices paid; we also' buy fur nit u re and clothinu. Ca UBdwy. 3jj. WE BUY second -hand doming, xurnlture and Junk of all hinds; higher prices paid. Call Main 27 b9. 164 10th at. SA FE Want small second-hand saie ; not particular about condition if nruproul. AP 796, Oregonian. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices for dia- inoiiua. i:tn ftiarx 4c i-u.. L'SJ Wash. st. WANT to buy gasoline woodwuw. no junk. on one-ton . truck. A M 829. Oregonian. W A NT ED Good - sized wardrobe trunk. Phone Broad" fry 469.;. R. Carratt. WANT to buy cement block outfit. AM l'm, Ort'gornai Furniture Wanted, HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. We want your ued furniture, rugs, carpets. stoves and alt household g ood s, and will pay the highest cash prices. TOP MARKET PRICES. We also buy and sell hardware, tools, sport in g goods, tentd. bi cycles, ty pe writers, adding ma chines and store and otfice tu r niture. When you have anything to buy, sell or trade. CALL MAIN 9072. -LEVIN HARDWARE as FURNITURE CO.. 221-223-225 Front st. MARSHALL 5981. OEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FTTR KITL'RE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAY; HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLD EST. MOST RELIABLE HOUSE O OUR KIND IN PORTLAND. 1S5 FIRST ST. PHONE MARSHALL 598L FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. wanrs any quantity of good used furniture, rugs, stoves, etc. We also buy furniture stocks. Get our prices before you seil. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE 174. "First Strppt CO., N. E. Cor. Yamhill. Main 4633.' CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CAsH PRICES EVER PAID BY A N Y ONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CARPETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE fO, 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309. 1 WANT YOUR FURNITURE. CARPETS. STOVES. ETC., TO SHIP OUT. AND WILL PAY MORE THAN OTHER ' LOCAL DEALERS. A PHONE CALL WILL BRING BUYER AT ONCE WHO WILL CONVINCE YOU. CALL MAIN 4773. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be fore you sell. We are in the market for same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE, 205 FIRST ST. MAIN 7728. MAIN 8951. We buy everything in furniture; wo pay the priee. FREEMAN-WOLF FUR. CO., 200 1st st. S. E. cor. Taylor. I WANT used furniture; cash wiii be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a bouse full and a competent, cour teous buyer will call. Mar. 2093. Crown. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. MAIN 8s7S. ORIENTAL rus wanted; two largo and two small, if actual barga in. Box 125, Oak Grove. Or. Ph o n e 103-J. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on household goods. Pacific Coast For warding Co., 9th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 7C3. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4627 or 1rt6 First st. H Or S E HOLD FU RN ITU RE W A NTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. W ANTE prices. Bed furniture. Will pay best Main 5064. HELP WANTED MALE. DISHWASHER wanted. 120 6th St. BUS BOY Union station restaurant. BARBER wanted, good job. 152 2d St.