TIIE MORNING OnEGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1920 .15 DfiDTi mn nnnflDHiiiv iiu uui GETS ANOTHER BOUT Steamer Haymon Is Assigned to Columbia-Pacific. S1NASTA EN ROUTE HERE 8evcu Shipping Boa rd S tea mers ov Under Management of Local Concern. TTe steel shipping board steamer Hayon, of 9500 deadweight tons reg ister, now building at San Francisco, has been permanently assigned to the Columbia-Pacific Shipping company for maniiK'fment and operation, ac cording to information reaching hero from San Francisco yesterday. No announcement was, made by th-e com pany as to the trade in which this steamer will be placed. She was launched by the "Union Shipbuilding company at Oakland AprH 17. Two steamers under permanent as signment to the Columbia-Pacific Shipping company are now coming from San Francisco. The other is the Sinasta, also of 9500 tons deadweight ca pacity. which was scheduled to leave the Bay City yesterday for Portland to load. Silence as to the field of operations of this vessel is alao f maintained by her operators. Four In Aorth China Service. Seven steel shipping board vessels In all are now under the manage- ment of the local company. Four are operated as liners in the north China I service and one the steamer Bear port left Monday for Manchester, Kngland, with 123,090 sacks of wheat shipped by the Pacific Grain company. , The steamer West Keats of the North China line will be due from the orient July 14 and the steamer West Jvivaria July 30. The Columbia-Pacific Shipping company was yesterday directing the operation of eight steel vessels in port, including the steamer Quill vark, which is taking on a part car Ko at Astoria before coming here. Five of the eight vessels will take out full cargoes of grain. These are the Bakersfield, Hayden, Quillwark, West Wind and Yosemite. htfiuufr Awaits PropeUor Blades. The steamer West Hesseltine is loading lumber for China at the In-man-Poulsen mill and is expected to depart Friday. The seventh vessel in port is the steamer The Angeles, awaiting propellor blades. The An geles is not expected to sa!l before the end of the month. The steamer Effingham, which ar rived at 1:30 P. M. yesterday with F.00 tons of general cargo from- Lon don and the Atlantic coast, was dis charging at municipal termi-nal No. 1 And will leave for Puget sound today to load grain for Europe. ROLPH SAILS FOR COLUMBIA Xew Sailing Vessel to Load Lum oer for Australian Port. Th-e barkentine Annie M. Rolph, one of the new sailing vessels built by the Jlolph Navigation & Coal com pany at Eureka, Ca!., Is reported by the San Francisco Guide as coming to the Columbia river to load for Port T'irrie, Australia. From the desti nation given it is presumed that the bark enti n will load lumber. According to the latest available reports, the Annie M. Kolph sailed from Sharpness, England. May 1, and from Balboa June 27. Her net ton nage is 1226 and she has a lumber carrying capacity of 1.800,000 feet. Pacific Coast Shipping Notes. SKATTLK, Wash., July 6 (Special) A 1 ova tcl to the round-the-world service of thr Pacific Mail fcSteamahtp company thn hip Japanese-built Bteamshilp Ka.tern Importer, now being converted from coal burner into an oil burner at the Todd S'anlt on Harbor island, will be ready to go on uorth tor loading in beattle about July "."j. it whs learned today at the Seattle of f k -3 of W. U. Grace & Co., Puget sound iiKnt; for the new service. She will load Inr Manila, Saigon, Singapore, Colombo and Calcutta. To larry a full cargo of lumber from Pusrt sound to Sydney, Australia, the new A.iOO-ton woodon steamship SnoqualmLe, row Veins completed, was chartered today by K. K. Moore & Co., of San Francisco. from' the I'nl versa 1 Shipping & Trad In ff company, of Seattle, at the rate of $33 rift a thousand board feet. The Snoqual jiiie ) tlio last of the five new wooden hips of the National Oil company of New Turk, the t ni versa 1 company being man- nsnifr agents ror the fleet. She will have her trial trip early next week and will ') on berth for loading July 10 or 17. . port TnwNSEXD, Wash.. July 6. (Spfcial.) Phe steamer Santa Rita, tpwins th-- barne XV. J. Pierrio, coming from west roHsi porta via Krancisco, arrived to nijrht and proceeded to Tacoma. Both cTHfis brouKht shipments of copper and nitrat.-. Tht-y wilt load lumber and gren- thI freight for return carpo. She will be followed to Pufsot bound by the steamer .Santa Alicia, Pacific, Kaatern Pilot, due M d Tuesday from San Francisco. Westward Jlo trom Hal tun ore, tho Lel Rosa from un irannsro. ail toese vessels are in lh1 BTviro of "V. R, Grace & Co.. and will load on I'ugot Kuund during the lrc-nt. mom n. Tho fttamer YVcstboro was expected t arrive from San r rancisco tonight. She is coining to fUK"t sound to have new en pint's installed, after which sh will be as ntfned to the I'tiited states whipping board to home firm lor operation. The Admiral Vatson, sailing tonigh for Anchorage, will carry a big shinmen rtf supplies for the Alaska railroad commix sum,, Ini'luding two cttr.0a.d4 of frozen bef . purchased from the United States . army rtuartermaster. Other purchases made 1 Vy the commission from the government were 77 tons of canned bacon, 112 tons of canned milk, large quantities of sugar, canned tomatoes and dried fruits, smoking and rhewing tobacco, gloves, pick handles, bis nkets, roofing, spikes, rubber boots, rails' and blasting powder. These pur cruises will be followed by other purchases on steamers to sail north within the next ten days. fiRATS HARBOR, AVash.. July 6. (Spe cial.) The United States destroyers John Francis Hums and Babbitt, which arrived hre Friday afternoon for the splash cele bration, sailed for San Francisco today at 4 o'clock. The weather outside the bar was reported foggy. Tho steamer Chehalis wa due this aft rnp. but in ay have been kept outside in t fog. She has a cargo of general merchandise. Th steamer Carmel cleared at noon to day .for San Fra ncisco with cargo loaded at the A meriean mill, A berdeen. The rteainr Oregon arrived at 1! o'clock from San "Francisco. The Oregon, coming over the bar, broke a rudder post which will necessitate send ing her to some drydock for repairs. The place of repair has not been selected by the Wilson company, for whom she was to load lumber. Astoria, or., July' n.( special.) The steamer Quillwark, which is loading w heat at tne Astoria terminals, is com mamied by Captain Rankin, formerly maa tr of the steamers Rose City and Beaver. The Quill ark will shift tomorrow aft- ernoop to Portland to complete her cargo. Th steamer Effingham arrived at 2:30 this .morning from San Francisco and pro ced'rd to-- Portland. Laden with a cargo of flour from Port land the steamer West Selene sailed for 2sev 'York at Irt last night. . The steamer Bearport. carrying a cargo of w heat from Portland, sailed for Kng lawf at 3 this morning. Carrying freight and passengers from Portland and Astoria, the steamer City of Topeka sailed at noon today for San Fran ClB' O, via way ports. Brinciaa cargo of fuel oil, the tank runiLH steamer William F. Herrin arrived at 8 last night from California and went to Portland. 1 The steam schooner Santlam arrived at 7:30 last night from San Pedro and went to the Hmmond mill to load lumber. i Bringing a cargo of general freight, the steam schooner Wapama arrived at 8:15 last evening from San Francisco and went to Portland. After loading 3000 tons of wheat at the Astoria terminals, the steamer Hayden left at 10 last night for Portland to complete her cargo. Laden with fuel oil and gasoline, the tank steamer Silver Shell arrived at 11 last night and went to Portland to dis charge. The steam schooner Johan Ponlsen ar rived at 11 today from San Francisco and will load at Westport and Portland. The steamer Haxtum, with freight from Portland, sailed at 12:30 for the United Kingdom via coast ports. The divers who have been working on the sunken steamer State of Washington at Tongue Point cut-off channel are plac ing lines around the vessel's boiler. An attempt will be made to lift the boiler at 4 o'clock tomorrow morning and place it on a barge. The boiler lies 1000 feet below the wreck and about at the point where the explosion took place. SAX PEDRO, July fl. (Special.) The motorship Balcatta arrived this morning from Puget sound en rout to the west coast of South America. She entered port with a heavy list to starboard, due to Shifting of cargo. The list was so pro nounced that in passing out the steamfr Admiral Schley hugged the west side of the channel. The Schley, passed out as the Balcatta passed in. Unusually calm weather on the trip south from Grays Harbor was reported y Zastrow of the steamer Anne Hanify. The Hanify brought a hull cargo of lumber from interior points via the ' Southern Pacific and Santa Fe. 1-umber arrivals ' today Included the Brunswick, the Coqullle River and the Oafpy Cadaby. Officers of the steamer Eastern Ocan arrived here recently from New York are claiming a record for the fastest time made by a freighter from the east coast to San Pedro. She saileed from New York June 11 and arrived here June 29. She will load return cargo In Seattle. The British steamer E. D. Kfngstey dis charged 1.000.000 feet of mahogany logs at the Outer Harbor, Dock & Wharf com pany. NORTH HEAD. July 6. Conditions at the mouth of the river at 5 P. M.: sea, obscured ; wind, northwest. 24 miles. TACOMA. Wash.. July 6. (Special.) H. F. Alexander, president of the Pa cific Steam ah id com Dan v. returned to Ta coma today from the international yacht races at Cowlchan bay. near lctorl B. C. He made the trip in his yacht, the Aouilo. The Santa Rita and the w. J. .rne ot the Grace & Co., line, are due tonight at the smelter with a cargo of ore from the west coast of South America. The steamship Northwestern, of the Alaska Steamship company, with a carg of ore from the Kennecott mines at Cor dova, Alaska, arrived at Ahe smelter last night. Last night the Yates, of the Matson ine. arrived at the Pratt dock with general cargo from San Francisco. After discharging, she will load a cargo for Honolulu. The Africa Maru, off the Osaka shosen Kaisha line, which is discharging- gen eral cargo at the Milwaukee docks, is due to sail ror tne orient JUiy wun a re turn cargo. The steamer Lake Filbert, of the Gen eral Steamship corporation, which has been loading flour and lumber at the Danaher mill and Balfour dock for the west coast of South America, is due to sail tomor row for Peru. Tacoma Shriners who took the excur sion trip to Alaska on the steamers Jet ferson and Spokane, are due to return to morrow. The Tacoma delegation re pre sented a large share of the 2i0 passen gers, Ellis Lewis Garret son,- imperial po tentate, and E. B. King, illustrious po tentate. being the honored members of the party. The Spokane is operated by the Admiral line and the Jefferson by the Alaska Steamship company, but neither office knows the exact time of the arrival of the ships, owing to changes in schedules. SAN FRANCISCO, Ca!., July 6. fSpe clal.) Efforts to break the strike of gaso line engineers operating launches on the bay and rivers were made today when engineers brought from Seattle manned t he fleet of smaller craft on the bay The strike has been in progress for more than two weeks, the local members of the branch of Marine Engineers' associa tion refusing to work unless granted an 8-hour day and Sundays off. The crew of Seattle "engineers arriveo last night on the steamer President and started operations early today. with holds filled with island freight the Matson Naviga tion company liner Mat son la arrived from Honolulu today. The story of an operation that saved man's life while the vessel was on the high seas was told today upon the ar rival of the Matsonia. The patient, Fred Hughes, second officer on the ohlp. is now on the road to recovery. While Hughes appendix was being removed Fri day at 5 P. M. the Matsonia remained at a standstill. One day 'late on her voyage here from Sydney via Papeete and Honolulu, the Oceanic steamer Sonoma, Captain J. H Trask. arrived here at daylight this morn ing. The vessel was delayed by head winds and fog. The Sonoma carried many passengers and a full cargo of south fceas products. Martin Nagel. who served as an in structor in engineering for the govern ment during the war, was assigned chief engineer of the steamer West In ahip. which sailed late today in the orien tal freight service of the Pacific Mail com pans. Three hulls now building at the Moore yards here have been given names. S. C T. Dodd Is the name selected for hull 100; M. F. Elliott has been picked fo hull 101, and hull 1R2 is to be ehristene the Thomas H. Wheeler. All of the ves sels are tankers and their home port will be -Bayonne. New Jersey. Reprover Leaves Coos Bar. COOS BAY, Or., July 6. (Special. The destroyer Fuller, which ha been here since last Friday, went to sea this afternoon at 4:40, sailin south. The officers of the Fuller an Chauncey were feted , today noon by the local celebration committee. recognition of their kindness to th celebrators who swarmed the vessels. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND, July 6. Arrived at 7 A. M.. uteamer Wapama, from San Fran Cisco; at 7 A. M., steamer W.' F. Herrin from Monterey; at 9:''0 A. M., steame Hayden. from San Francisco; steame Silver Shell, from San Francisco; at 1 P. M., steamer Effington, from" Londo: via New York and way ports. , ASTORIA. July 6. Sailed at . 3 A. M steamer Bearport. for Manchester, Eng Arrived at 3 and left up at 4 A. M steamer Effingham trwm London via Ke York and way porta. Sailed at 10 A. M steamer City of Topeka, for Cooa Bay Eureka and San ' r rancisco. ALEXANDRIA, July 2. Arrived Steamer Kelbeck, from Portland- via St. Thomas. ASTORIA. July 5. Arrived at 8:40 and left up at S P. steamer Wapama, from Han Francisco. Arrived at 8:10 and left up at 10 P. M.. steamer W. F. Herrin, from Monterey. Arrived st 10 and left" up at It P. M., steamer Silver Shell, from San Francisco. Left up at 10:30 P. M., steamer Hayden. SAN PEDRO. Cal.. July 6. (Specials Arrived Steamers Balcatta, from Van couver, at 10 A. M. ; Brunswick, from Ft. Hragg. at B A. M.; Coqullle River, from Bandon. at 7 A. M.; Daisy Gadsby, from Cray, Harbor, at S A. M. ; Henry T. Scott, from Tacoma, at 7 A. M. Sailed Steam ers Admiral Schley, from San Diego, at 10 A. M.; Katherlne, for' Redondo, at 5 A M. ; Col. E. l. Drake, for Portland, at 10 A. M. . SEATTLE, Wash., Jufy 6. Arrived Ad miral Dewey, from San Francisco and San Dleso: Lyman Stewart, from Port San Luis; Morning Star, trom Fulton; motor ship Wakerfa. from British -Columbia ports. Departed Lyman Ptew art. for Port San Luis; Admiral Schley, for San Diego via Han Francisco; Admiral Wat son, for Anchorage; U. S. A. T. Burnside, for southeastern Alaska, SAN FRANCISCO. Jufy 6 Arrived Steamers Helene, from Grays Harbor; Gov ernor, from Maine; west insktp, from Hongkong. Sailed Steamers Sonoma, for Sydney; Matsonia. for Honolulu; Hartwood, for Grays Harbor. VLADIVOSTOK: June Iconium. for Seattle. SO. Sailed CALLAO. July 3. from Tacoma. -Arrived Walllngford, Tides svt Astoria "Wednesday. High. Low. 4:U A. M....6.9 feet)10:S9 A. M...1.1 feet &;10 P. M....7.S eetlll;13 P. M...2.3 feet BOATS TP BE SOLD SOCGIIT OX IRIS AXD FORI SEWARD. head. BIDS Steamers Offered by Shiping Board Well Known to Portland Shipping 3Ien. The steamships Iris and Fort Se ard, both well known to Portland shipping folk, are offered for sale by the shipping: board. Instructions to advertise for bids on the two vessels were received from Washington yes terday by C. D. Kennedy, district agent of the operations division of the board. The Iris is the vessel formerly used by the sea training bureau as a train- ng ship for recruits. In this service he carried cargo and apprentices from Puget Sound and San Francisco o Honolulu, and made one-visit to this city to stimulate recruiting. At the recent foreign trade conven tion at San Francisco, a plan was pro posed to utilize this vessel as an ex hibit ship to carry a display of Pacific coast products to the orient and Aus tralia, and bring back oriental and south-Pacific cargo for which the coast products would be bartered. Under this plan, which was proposed by J. "-Fred 1-araon, backed by the Foreign Commerce club of Portland nd indorsed by the convention, the Columbia-Pacific Shipping company was- to be appointed managing agent f the Iris. An application for this ssignment of, the vessel is now be fore the shipping board. -.. The Iris is an iron steamship built In England n 1885. She shows in the register as f 3300 deadweight tons, 28ii5 gross tons and 1996 net tons. The Fort Seward is one of the wooden Ferris type steamers built at the Aberdeen, "Wash., plant of Uie Grant Smith-Porter Ship company She has recently been engaged in the north Atlantic coal trade and is new in New York harbor. The . advertisement authorized by the shipping board for proposals on these two vesels appears elsewhere in this paper. ASTORIA TARIFF IS REVISED Xew Grain Schedule Is Declared to Be Cheapest in West. ASTORIA, Or., July 6. (Special.) The Astoria port commission has adopted a new grain tarif which is said is to be cheapest of any port in the west, if not in the entire country. The new rates are unloading bulk grain from cars, with 20 days' free storage. 50 cents a ton. Putting: sacked grain Into bulk elevator, including .wharfage and -20 days free- storage, 65 cents a ton. Unloading sacked grain from cars, with wharfage and 20 days free storage 75 cents a ton. Storage after the expiration of the 20 days bulk grain, y3 cent a ton day, sacked grain cent a ton day. Loading vessels: Sacked grainy 35 cents a ton; bulk grain la cents ton. . TANKERS BRING IN GASOLINE Two Big Cargoes Arrive and An other Expected Today. . The Associated Oil company's tank steamer William K. Herrin arrived at her dock at 1 a o'clock yesterday raorninjr from Monterey "with 41,000 barrels of crude oil and 4100 barrel of gasoline. The tanker Silver Shell of the Shell Oil company reached th Shell dock an hour later with 57,35 barrels of fuel oil. The Standard Oil company's barjr No. 93 is due today from San,- Pedr with a full carpro of oils. It .was the last trip of this barge up th river that the steamer State of Wash ington, "which was towing her, wa destroyed by a boiler explosion. Marine Xotes. The steamer Bakersfield of the Euro pean-Pacific line, shifted from the Albiri hngtne & Machine works to the Port Ian ''loiirin mills at 8 o'clock yesterday morn mgr. to start loading a full cargo of grai ror Europe. The steamer Yosemite went from dry dock to the Montgomery dock to star loading grain. The Admiraf l!re steamer "Wawalon shifted yesterday afternoon from municipa terminal No. 41 where she discharged he cargo from the orient, to the port drydock fche will be lifted today for inspection an painting. , The steamer Coaxet of the Pacifi Steamship company's oriental fleet, cam' up the river last night from Kalam where she went for a parcel of lumbe and will complete her cargo at municipal terminal No. 4. With 2500 tons of wheat from Astori tho steamer Hayden, under charter Kerr, Clifford &. Co.. came to- Portlan yesterday to complete her cargo at th Columbia dock. The steam schooner "Wapama of th McCormluk line arrived at the Couch street I dock s t 7 o'clock yesterday morning with general freight from San p rancisco, 1 eluding 27 tons of sugar, discharged, an went to St. Helens to load lumber. Th steam srhooner Daisy Matthews of th same fleet .will be due here today wi th freight, She sailed from Ban Francisco at 10 o'clock Sunday morning. . The steam schooner Johan- Poulsen rived at West port last night with a cars of asphalt for the Warren Construction company es paving plant. V. S. Xaval Kadio Keports. (All positions reported are for 8 P. M yeHtrday unless therwine indicated.) LAKE FLYNUS, San Lieo for SeattI 30 miles south of San Francisco. WEST HARTLAXL), Portland for Uni ed Kingdom, 14G miles south of San. Fran cisco. PRESIDENT, San Francisco for Wil mtngton. 35 miles uou th of Cape Sur. ADMIRAL FARRAOUT, Wilmington fi San Francisco- 1-0 miles from Wilmingto CARTONA, Portland for Cuba. 16 mile: west by south ot Cape Mendocino. TUG HKRCULES, Astoria for San Di Port Calendar. To Arrive at Portland. Vessel From Date. Str. Dbiby Matthews, isan I ran ...Julv S. O. Barjee 93 San Fedro... .July Str. Siriata .'. San Fran.... July Str. Waban Orient Julv I". 6. S. South Bend. Kan Fran.. ..July 1 Str. West Keats. China . July 1 Str. Kongosan Maru. Kobe .......Julv 13 M. S. Cethana Galveston ...July 19 ttr. Montague ...... Yokohama ..July 1! L Etr. Eastern Ocean.. Seattle I uly HO Mr. romoiiH. dan r ran ... .July Str. Westward Ho... Baltimore . .July l5 M. S. Culburra. . . . . . Cial vt.st.in . . . Jul v ." Str. Hawirden New York... July .SO fcstr. West Nivaria... China. -July 30 To Iepart From Portland, VeMel From - Date Str. Wm. F. Herrin. San Fran.... July j Str. Kt'finffliam Seattle July 7 Str. West Wind Europe July J Str. West Hesseltine. China July 9 Str. Coaxet Orient July lo Str. Bakersfield Europ? July T.0 Str. Hayden .... Europe July 10 Str. Yofemite Europe .....July 12 Str. Quillwark ... Ki:rop July lj Str. The Atgeles..,. China July 31 Vessels In Port. Vessel Berth M. S. Avani-e Alb. En & Mart. Wlarn Str. Bakersfield I or land flour mi ia' Str. roaxet. Str. Daisy Str. Kf tingham Sir. Laisy Putnam. Sen. " 12-ola. Str. Everett Str. Hayden Str. J often Poplrn. . Terminal No 4. . St. Helens. . St. Helena. . St. Johns mill. . Terminal No. 1. . St. Helens. . Columbia dock. ' . West port. Bkt K a. Federflon Bkt. Kath Mackall Str. Quillwark. . Str. The Angeles..-. Str. W'iama .... fctr. Wawalona Str. West HesKeltine Str. Wart Wtitd.... Hammond mill. American Can docU. Aster it. Termiral No. 1. St. Helens. rrdock. Inman-Poulser. mill. re.rmmai ino. 1 titr. YobemiLc. Montgomery dock. go, loe raft In tow. 408 mile from North- MOFFETT. San Pedro tor Seattle. 605 iles couth of Seattle. SA.N U1KUO, San Pedro for Tacoma. ls lies north of t-an Francisco. WAHKEE.NA. Kedondo for Gray Har bor. 250 miles north of San Krancleco. WASHTENAW. Port San Lula lor Port land. Srtl miles from Poj-tland. EL LOBO. L.obitus. Peru, for Vancouver. 53 miles soma of Cape Flattery, barge 1 in tow. TATOOSH. San Francisco for Grays Har bor, 35 miles from (Jrays Harbor. WEST CADROX. Port Kan Luis for Yokohama, 5U4 miles west ot Port San uls, P. M., July 5. EUREKA, Honolulu for New Tork. 1034 miles east of Honolulu. WE6T KEENE. Honolulu for San Fran cisco, 811 miles west of San Francisco. K A I.I NA. Port San Luis for Shanghai. 551 miles west of Port San Luis. WATONWAN. Hilo for San Francisco. 12- miles from San Francisco. VENEZUELA. San Francisco for Hons- ong, 523 milea frcm San Francisco, noon. uly is. UOYERNOR, San Francisco for Seattle. miles north of Point Arena. IDAHO. Everett for San PeUro. 25 milea southeast of Point Keyea, V, EST INSKIP. San Francisco for Hons- hong, 13 miles west of San Francisco. HLiilBOLDT. San Francisco for San edro, 22 miles south of San Francisco. EL SEliUNDO, San Pedro for Richmona. 115 miles from Richmond. ARTlciAS. San Francisco for San Pedro. 15 miles south of San Francisco light- hip. CULWORTH, Richmond for K.ahulul. Sib miles from Richmond. WHITTIER. Eureka for Port San Luis. 65 miles from Port San Luis. ARGYLE, Port San Luis for Seattle. 740 miles from Seattle. OLEUM, Port San Luis for Portland 7S m-iles from Astoria. DIABLO. Tacoma for United Kingdom 752 miles from. Se.tLle - UUABBLN, San Pedro for Honolulu, 1-S miles west of San Pedro. LA CAS. San Pedro for Cordova, towing barge (K to Columbia river. 120 miles from Columbia river lightship. EASTERN GALE. San Francisco for Se ttle, 514 miles from San Francisco. HAXTUM. Portland for San Francisco, 5 miles south of Columbia river light- hip. AM CSEMENTS. I TICKETS VOW CELLI(3 I " ' 4 fill Tlfe Vrttsjukf ! TT T7T T TpBroadntrat Taylor AJ.1JXX-XVJ Phone Main 1. -nARGAIX PRICE ! MATINEE TODAY 2:15 j I Floor Sl.OOi Balcony 75c, SOe I TONIGHT 8:15 K Fanchon - Marco Musical Revue n BEAUTIFl'I, OIRI.S OX ' WW ILI.I'MI .HATED RUNWAY MUSIC FUN "PEP" EVE'S, $2.00, $1.50. S1.0O, 75c, 50c. Today's Matiifee S1.0O to 50c Saturday Matinee, f 1.50 to 50c TUUAV JOM1.1IC MILITARY KKVl'E, ix beautiful Kirlira: VIOLA DANA In THE WILLOW TREK i Mu ll v. How ell JU Mullally. "Anxious Moment : l-'red Lewi, Himself; Uriarall & Wetrott; The LitiKOfl. continuous Daturaar. Bunuay ana loiiuayn. LYRIC MUSICAL COMEDY Matinee. 2. Evenings, 7 and 9. Laugh With MIKE and IKE in . THE JOLLY WIDOW." a Merry Musical Mixup with It's Songs and Fun. Friday Night Chorus Girls' Contest. CIRCLE t Washington Lyon and Moran - IN "Everything But the Truth" Also Another Comedy and the New Reel. Open frm 9 o'clook in the mornins until 4 o'clock of the follow inz moroinff. GLOBE Eleventh and Washington Constance Talmadge IN The Temperamental Wife' Last Week Clnwlnjr IVrforraaiice irldax K.ve.. July t of the Adelphia Musical Comedy Co. Performances at 3 and 9 P. M. AMLSEMKNTS CONCESSIONS Kverv Afternoon and TCvenina Admission to Park Kree to 5 P. M. Daily Except Sundays and Holidays. Cars First and Alder. Faro 6 Cents. DANCING TAUGHT AH dances taucht In 8 three-hour lessons, ladies $3, gentlemen $5, at De Honey's beautiful academy, 2 3d and Washington. Begin ners clasfs start Mon day and Thursday eve., advanced classes Tues day eve., 8 to 11:30. Plenty of desirable partners and prac tice. No embarrassment. Learn from professional dancers in a real school. All the latest steps taught. Open all summer. Phono Alain 7656. Private, lessons all hours. Call at once. Swimming E?ery Day Dancing Erery Evening WINDEMUTH Wonderful Dancing OUNCIL CREST PARK Trn-Pleee Orchestra and Monte A ant In BASE BALL PORTLAND VS. VERNON July 6, 7. 8, 9, 103 P. M. Sunday, July 11 Double-header, 1:30 P. SI. A M CSEMENTS. PANTAGE MATIN-EE DAILY. t:S0 The Sennatlon of Twt Memtepberes LONG TACK SAM And Bis Original Company ot Oriental Wonder Workers SIX OTHER BIO ACTS ) performances daily. Night curtain at 7 and 9. AUCTION- SALES. At Wilson's Auction Honit furniture. 169-171 Second sc MEETING NOTICES. ' WASHINGTON' LODGE No. 48, A, K. A- M. Stated com munication this Wednesday evening, 7:30, East Stb and Burnside. This is set apart as a special past masters' and new members' nlTht and we hope a full attendance of these two classes will be present. Rev. Brother Joshua Stansfield will be present aid deliver an address; also special music will be furnished by tho shrine quartet. Solicitors for Masonic Home fund are requested to report at this meetins;. All M. AL are cordially invltea by order of W. M. Secretary. FRIENDSHIP LODGE. NO. 10. A. F. AND A. M., E. 43d and Sandy blvd. Stated com munication this (Wednesday) evening, 7:30 P. M. Refresh ments. Visiting brethren wel- Order W. M. RUSSELL H. STEPHENS, Sec MT. TABOR LODGE. No. 42. A P. & A. M. Special com munication tola (Wednesday) evening. 6:30 o'clock. Pythian Temple. 3S8 Yamhill street. V CL decree. Visiting breth ren welcome. L. V. JENKINS. W. M. oi-.i t.wnnn LODGE NO. 131. A. F. AND A. M. Spe cial meetinst this (Wednesday) evenins at 7 o'clock. Work In M. il. deuree. Visitors wel come. By order of W. M. J. K. BUTLER. Sec Secretary. ALBERT PIKE LODGE, NO.. 12. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication Wednesday tovening. July 7. at o o'clock. F. C. degree. Visitors welcome. G. W. COOK. Sec'y. OREGON COMMANDER Y, K. T. Stated conclave Thursday. July 8, at 7:30 P. M. Cards and social. C. V. I EG AND, Rec. ,TL). ORIENT LODGE No. 17, 2zc1 1- O. O. F. yilrt Tleeular meeting this toirJ Wednesday evening at 8 . MO-1' v.snt. Sixth and Alder streets. Joint Installation of officers with Oiv-K Keoeaan xjoqso v vlelting Kebekihs and brothers welcome. A- A. Knoble. N. G. : S. A. Starr, secretary. ALBERTA LODGE, NO. 172. A. F. a vn a f stated meetinr on Wednes day, July T,, at 7:30 P. M.. at which time tho loriire will be constituted by the Grand Master. Visitors welcome. WILLIAM PARKER. W. M. EMBLEM Jenelry. buttons, charms, gins, saw designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131- Ota it. FRIEDLANDER'S for lodge emblema c'.ass pins and medals 810 Washington st. DIED. BISSENER In this city, July 6, John B. . . H A-l vcarS. la.te Of Hill- boro. Or., beloved husband ot Claire BIs sener. father of William H. Turner Bla sener, son of Mr. and Mrs. lartln Bis sener of Vancouver. Wash., brother ot Harry Ilissener of Dayton, Ohio., Wlll- thin i-itv. and Mrs. bllas c'hri.inff,.mon this city. Kunen.l no tice later. Remains are at the reaiden tial parlors of Miller &. Tracey. ANDERSON In this city. July 6. Sarah . - . r. VMr. late of Warren. Or wife'of Albert Anderson and mother of Anna Anderson. The remains are at k'miv'ii Montgomery at ruth. fouce of funeral hereafter. mvi,-n t a. Ran Trneiseo. July 5 xi.hul o'Nflll. brother of Mrs. Nora -i.T.va nf this citv. James O'Neill of is.- ."..ni.rn and Mrs. Jm Oumble nf c'nuntv Cork. Ireland. Funeral notice later. ' vct.l.EB Tn this city. July O, eorBe Allan Keller, imam ..n rj w k-illor nt al Kant 7th street N The remains are at Kinley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. O'NKir. In this city. July !. rranK the funeral parlors ot A. D. Kenworthy & Co.. C0'-'-04 8U street S.t... in lerta. STRAUH. In this City, JUiy . ne.iey Btraub. sued i. years. i ' the funeral oai'lors of A. D. jvenwortliy & Co., f.SOJ-04 'd street 6.E., In irfints. FCNE8AL NOTICE. GREGG At the family residence. Davis t.. July 4. Clara Louise .1 .t . . ra 7 mnntha 1 day. 72" E tJreBl? 'tfe of Robert Gregg, mother of Mary Josephine H H Weslev GreBB. Bister of liattie t i. ftf this citv: Professor J. Lien of Valparaiso, lnd.; O. 1. OrcCK of Chicago, 111. Funeral services will be held at the conservatory chapel of the I.-..-. i.tmrl tlirectcrs. 414 fc.. Alder .t Thurailav. July 8. at 3 P. M. Friends invited. Concluding services- at the Portland crematorium, E. 14th. and By bee. MARTIN In this city, at St. tincenfs hospital. July . 1020. Ira N. Martin, aged 78 years. Deceased is survived by a niece. Mrs. Bertha Ganow of Vo0d burn. Or. He was a member of Wood burn post. G. A. R. Remains wil be for warded to Woodburn today. July 7. by tho Skewcs Un.leriaklng Co.. where ser vices will be held and Interment take place. GL1CK Tn this city at the residence. SI5 North Smith avenue. July 4. Mary Click, ared 74 years, beloved mother of Solo mon Glick. Mrs. Hannah Hoffsteter of Clark Or.. Mrs. Sophia Srhwen of Minn.. Mis. Minnie Floyd of St. Johns, funeral services will be neld at the church at Clark. Or.. Friday 9 A. M. Body at the Miller & Tracey chapel. ANDERSON In this city. July 6. Sarah Anderson, aged 54 yeara. late of Warren. Or wife of Albert Anderson and mother of 'Anna Anderson. The funeral services will be held tody (Wednesday). July 7. P M at tho tjwediBh Lutheran church at Warren. Or. Friends invited. J. P. Finley & Son. directors. WORDKN At the residence of Ms broth- ...u.i.or r J. Calkins. Hood River. Or July f. Oscer I Worrlen. beloved hus band of Bertha I.. Worden. aged o Vnnfrnl services (today Wed years. nesday, chapel. July 7, at 1! P. M.. at Anderson's Interment Idlewild. PHILIPS In this city. July 6. Dr. George Philips, aged 72 years, late of Otis. Lin .nin rnuntv. Or. Funeral services wil be held today (Wednesday). July 7 at 10-30 at Mt. Scott Park cemetery. Ar rangements in care of Miller & Tracey MACKTE The funeral services of the late Amelia Maekio will be held today 'T,,Huv). Julv 7. at 10 o clock A. .M at F"inley's. Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Interment, Rose City cemetery. SHADDEN In this city, July . Mary Khxdrlen. aged B6 years. Remains for warded to McMinnville. Or., by Dunning A McEntee. wnre aervicea aou inter ment will be held. DE LACET The funeral services of the late Edith DeLacey will b. held today (Tuesday). July 7. at 2:30 o'clock P. M.. at Flnley's. Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Interment Mt. Scott cemetery. -FCyERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for luneral service. JONEJ3 AUTO L1VBRT. MARSHALL 114. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS SS6 Fourth St., Opn City Hall. n Broa. t a LAPSING GRANITE CO. nT THIBOAT MADISOMSTWEET OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of allegred cruelty to animals'. Offices, room 150 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The society has full charge of the city pound at its home, 535 Columbia bou levard. Phone any time, Woodlawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, nurses, elc. picked up lre ot cuajge. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, au ditor, accounting systems opened, main tained; income tax uervlce; reierences. CuncorJ bids-. 2d and sjtark. Main T443. ALTERATIONS. LADIES' tailoring, guar. 1. Keubln. Perfect fitting; work 40S Eusti & Lane blag. ASSAVERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA AaSAV OFFICE, 142 Second Gold, silver and platinum bought. AUTO TOPS. AUTO TOPS. - - Work guaranteed, reasonable charges. East Side Auto Top. East 7759. Orard ave.. corner East Madison st. DON'T HESITATE. Auto uphol5tering. toy, curtains, gen eral -repair, paintine. MONAKCH MOTOR CO.. o-3 Vancouver ave.. near East Broadway. Phone East -1136. BATHS. DR. McMAHON'S .anltarv baths. Alway. .cnuy. Mea,-n. snowers. plunges, NeoeKfiarfi. r,....if niihrl.wni and massage when desired. Service and prices cannot be beat S. W. cor. 4tb and Wash. Tell your friends CHIROPRACTIC, neam baths and mas- "ge. iota, floor Broadway bldg. thai! 31S7. Dr. Laura E. Downing. CARPENTER AND CONTRACTOR. CARPK.NTEH, general contracting and .looping. Tabor DU4U. CARPET WEAVING. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag rugs all sizes Mall orders prompt. 0 t . Send for Booklet. 1- rugs steam or dry cleaned. J1.50. ,. , FLUFF RUG CO.. 54-53 TTnioo Ave. N. East 6316. B 1473. CARPET CLEANING. CARHUT CLEANING. FLLifF OR RAli RUGS. WOVEN ALL. SIZES. 'WRITE OR CALL. PORTLAND RL'U CO.. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIX-HODSON COMPANY. 3S7 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1254. CHIROPODISTS. FEET HURT Come to Dr. Gartner, foot foot arches made to order. 311 Swetland building, 6th and Washington. Main lilol. CHIItOPQDlsT ARCH SPECIALISTS. WILLIAM, Estelle and Florello De Venev. the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists in the city. Parlors 302 Cer linffer bids., S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPRACTOR. DR O. O. FLCTCHER. aseptic chiropo dist, graduate nurse assistant: ail mal formations of the foot-scientifically cor rected. Suite M2 Morgan b:dg. Main S762. 300. Out) KNOW McMahon 100 Chiroprac. .i. inrongs pronounce tr chimnkyOKvek treatment best. PS. BISHOP CHIUXEIk SWEEP Farnace smokes through registers, needs iTimrinK or ctenningf Tabor 3SS3. COLLECTIONS. NET II & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 17T No collections, no charge. Estab. 1U00. DANCING. BERKELEY DANCING ACADEMY Prl vate lessons day. eve.: latest steps Jazx anuwii. .in st. jiain 3315. Mrs. Summers , MRS. BAYH. 20S Dekum lessons day and evening. bids. Private Main 1315. EXTLSTRT. ' IOG At ? CAT HOSPITAL. liOSE CITY t-ERIVARY HOSPITAL 41." East Tth.Vrnr. Grant. E;ist 1S47 and 21H-H2 Dog, and horses clipped ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND and Repaired Bought and Sold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORK? Phone r.27-27. 24SV4 1st .t. M. 87L H. SI. H. ELECTRIC CO, 34 N. First. Portland. Or. R.- d electrical repair laity. New or used motors. Bdwy. 1C45. A 1048. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS' AND Ull.L SUPPLIES. THE M. U KLINE CO.. 84-o6-87-o9 Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bide. HATS AND CAPS. TMANHAUSER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front t. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER CO.. J-'ront and Morrison. RASMUSSEN & CO.. Second and Taylor. HNKRAL DIRECTORS. Dunning & McEntee r IMCKAL UIKKtTUKS. Now located m tiieir new residential fu neral home. Morrison at I2th. west side. Phone Broadway 4,u. Automatic chj-os. alio runcrai nume oi Kruneineot and Dibtlm-Uve Service. Mote We have no branches nor e ny con nections wnatcver witu any oiner undertaking tirm. EDWARD HOLMAN & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon Streets. Main 607. Lady Assistant. 1 MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Lpa. Independent Kuneral Directors. Wasnington Street. Between ULia in d lst Streets. West? Side. Lady Assistant. Main 1691. - Auto. 578-85. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. 16ih and Everett sts. Teiephona Broadway Ji:i3. Automatic Ji:i-3J. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS, jlain . Montgomery at Fifth. F S. DUNNING. INC. Hi B. Alder. Phone East 52. Perfect service, personal direction, free se ot floral chapel and auto equipment- DOWNING & McNEMAR Successors to Wilson & Boss. Multnomah at East 7th. Eat 04. Irvlngton district. , , . T T ppriTT K. Eleventh and Ciay. f. Ll. Llil.i.a.l'.tl. gaat 781. Tabor 1S33. A.T. K EN WORTH Y & CO.. fit02-ot I'L'd bt., I.entj. Tabor 5?)7. ERICSON Tweith and Morrison Sta. Broadway 2-j34. An 7ri I rn nn 592 Williaaiis ave. (la LLCIl UJa EastlOSS. C 1088. BREEZE & SNOOK T5SB bTM. 6KEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. M. 41.12. A 22:11. Lady assistant. riXBISTS. 3Z8 MornsonSt. 4fT Portland Kot?l Mar753 343 Morrison St.' - stores - Bet.BrdwjaPark Mar.257 Charge Accounts Solicited. Smith's Flower Shop Portlands progressive florist. We special lie in funeral designs. 141 H Sixth, oppo site Meier & Frank's. Main 71g. MARTIN & FOffBES CO. Florist?!, .".54 Washington. Main 263. Flower tor all occh.-ioq arUaucaiiy arrange. CLARK.K BROS., floribts, 2S7 Morrison et Main 7 "Hit. Fins flowers and tJorai dft igns. No branch Etorcs. lUAa it i 1 1 r uunAu - i aaningioa . . ....... ....... . t ' ..L . l . at,. beU lla tun Ota. aiata situ, A iiOi. 1 VV'ivi winding; an g - r , t . FERTILIZER. FERTILIZE your land if Sou want big - crops; read about "C. M. Wonder" in our . laO catalogue. Rouf.edse Seed. i lorai Co.. 145 :M t.. Portland. Or. FUEL. FOR first jcrowth fir cordwood. call East :4.1. M. Heerdt Fuel Co. HEMSTITCHING. T. &. D. HEMSTITCHING shoo: superior work: prompt service. R. SIS Oregon Ellers bldg.. 2S7' v.liirrtnii St. HOTEL SCPPI-IES. ROACH powder. Insecticides, germicides. . brooms, mops, etc We contract t Kuarantee to rid your premises ol oea buKs. roaches, etc llaia tipl Chemical Co. MISIC TEACHERS. AGTIME piano playins guaranteed, be i Sinners In It) to 0 lessons; free "' i free practice rooms: free booklet: " : vanced course If you already P;av; J',, " 75c to tl.60 per week. 51 Eilers Bias.. Fourth and Washington. - I Carroll Day. piano, vocal lessons. Pr" tice piano. I h. day. 5 mo. Bdwy. -o-J- OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. 1 solicit your patronage h..i. f i.sn.1.1. .rvije. Tnou- -niin .-jiii.ri customers. A trial will convince you. Charles W. tjd man. optometrist. 2ua Morrison. M- .I-1 r EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TE3T jlkt.' ed with modem instruments. 'J G.asse. titted trom. J2.J0 up. A. E. HURW1TZ. optometrist. 225 1st St. tiEuKGE RUBEN STEIN, the veteran op tician. Is an expert eye litter, aim charges ara very reasonable: satisfaction cuaraateeo. 22U Morriaon at. near -d- PALNT1NG. FAINTING, DECORATING. SIGNS. CAL- C1MIN ING. BES TV UKs.i AsUtt PAINTING, PAPERHANGING. PAINTING, paperhansins. John C.con- PAINTING, PAPERING AND TINJING. PAINTING, papeiinB and tinting: D410. good work; reasonable. Last PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 40 years. Ail communi cations strictly confidential: prompt, ef ficient, conscientious service; handbook free on request. MUNN & CO patent attornes. isan Francisco office. Hoeart bldg.. 5B2 Market t; Chicago oliice. room 810 Tower bldg.": Washington of fice, room. 103. tS23 F bU. Mew lork oirrce. Woolworth bldg. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. S. (nd fore.su patents. BUI ueaum oms. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway bldg.. rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver. kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic femai. disorders, skin affections, blood pressure. enlarncd tonsils, moles, birtn marks. I'LI'MBIN'G SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE prices. starK-jJavia Co.. isa tin, jj- PRINTING. PfjulTmp V. W. BALTES & COMPANY, ill.l I luO 1st and Oak sts. M. 765. 511-63. POULTRY SUPPLIES. E1T.RYTH1XG needed and used by prac tlcal poultry keepers; catA.ozue free. KoutledKe Seed . Floral Co.. 145 2d at- Portland. SECOND-HAND STOKES. LEVIN HARDWARE Ac FURNITURK CO. 221 FRONT ST. W buv and. sell everythlnr In th hardware and furniture line. Phone Main U072. TKADE.MAKKS. OREGON TRADEMARK. BUREAU. 601 Dekum bids. U. S. foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH The Service With a Reputation. MO V ING-PAOKG -6 TO RAGE-BAGGAGE lUttx and Kearney. Jrancn oa tll , y. fHUNb BOWY. 3303 OREGON TRANSER CO.. 474 GUsan t corner i.un. hone a road way 1-51 lltiU. We own and operate two large ctaa A. wtrehouae on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates in the e i ty . PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. FKCL'KITV STUllAGiU St TRAN6KER CO., 105 PAKK 6T. Main 31Ui. A 1051. MANUFACTURERS HIDES. WOOL AND CASCARA BARK K AH N BROTHERS. 195 Front St. PLCMIIIXU SUPPLIES AND PIPE. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-80-87-80 Front. PROnilK COM MISS ION MERCHANTS. LVEIUXQ & FARRELL. 140 Front at. SASM. DOORS AND GLASS. il-ikLER CO.. Front and Morrison ROPy AND BINDER T INE. Portland Cordaga jCo.. 14th and Northrup. NKlfr TO DA T. Send Us Your Old Carpets W. Call and Deilv.r) Ve llak. Kerible, Uaod-VVovea FLUFF RUGS Bootn-Slza Fluff Bnn Wataa. J7J0 KS Run Woen All t-lir. Clolhes Cleaains and Dyeinai Uepta. alall Urdem Send tor Booklet. Feathers Rencrvated Carpet Cleaning xI8 Uuga, Steam Cleaned. t5 WKSTKRN FLCFF KCO CO, M tnloa Ave X. Phono East 851c WK CALL FOR vocs OLD VAKI'ETs, Rur a;d Woolen Clothioc FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Out Promptly Ra Hogi Woven AU fciiea Mail Orders. Send for Booklet. Canw-t Clrand. Laid and Itr fitted. - NORTHWEST RCO CO. 1H Kat 8 tii st. I'iioae Last 3580. Income $1000.00 Per Mo. 100x150 lot in Xob Hill district In. proved with modern frame apart ment of 90 rooms, several garages; cross income Jll'00. Price S45.000 $13,000 handles. YATES REALTY COMPANY 245 Kourth St. EXKCllORI AXt ADHl.MS. 1RATORS Will Find On r I hricr-Vpcaire FARM MORTtiAtiiJS Fxerptional lnvr strarnta for truat fiamda Not a lorecloaarc la tnra ty rears. ' FEAR afc GRAY. Pao Main 33. liKS Konrth St. Mortgage Loans Lowest Interest rates; lnntallment re pajnirnla if deaired. Building; loans made. No delay In cloalns;. A. H. BIRRELL GO. (17-219 .Vor(BirrrrB Bank Bolldlnc Slarshall 4114. Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTtiACK IOA.XS I'niled States Bask Iluildlne. i inline vnur wanr to i ri c i ; Qiua, Jiuiu iuiv, AUtoiuatlc Jbu-aj. VEW TOD AT. Houses uvd Garages Erected la Portland Shipped Anywhere j In built 4-foot see- I tiona r a d y and eaay to put to j aether. A i ir.Nt-cI--8 houM or earare. di rect from the factory at a GREAT SAVING. You pay no middlemen's profit. write lor catalog. Redimade Building Co. yjkMt Kleventti and Market, S Biocks south o Hawthorne. Phone tait 5114. Portland. Oi REAL ESTATR. or Sale Flat and Apartment Property. TO CLrOSE AX ESTATE. Six-family apartment, close In. east side; live in one. let others pay cood income on Investment; low price of $7:0i. for Quick sale, terms. Phone owner. 310-11), mornins nd evening. SPECIAL This is 6th-treet property. central and nr&t-claps. large flat bids- line investment ; price $iX0; will py $150 per month and home for you ; 9 blocks of citv hall. Owner. S49 6th at. For Bale IiefMrh Property. CHOICE BEACH LOT. EXCHANGE FOR Painting and Paperhansins and furnish material. Lot located in Tillamook, beach (Salt air), .near station and ocean. AH ID 7, Oregonian. HOME AXD INCOME LONG BEACH. 5 1-3 acros, 3 acres cranberry land. 2 acres fruit, berries and garden : city watyr. p leaa nt 5 -room house, barn, 2 poultry houmes, milk bouse; a home mar ket for all products; a delightful place to live and a good income combined. Price $45UU; terms. You will love, this place. JMAC TNNES PRATT. 209-10 Oregon bldg., Bdwy. 1658. FOR SALE $1250. 5-room cottuge at A sate Beach, near Newport, located in most desirable ex clusive d isLrict. block from fine sand beach, large living room and porch com manding unsurpassed ocean view, well ami completely furnished, electric lights, water, etc. Kea&onabie terms. Full le tails. Tabor L'141. FOR SALE Or will rent or lease twe choice lots, 50x140 feet, at Ti.lamoolc beach, on board walk, county road and railroad; near dance paviUoa and hotel. Address H 180. Oresonian. FOR SALE Store bldg., living rooms modern plumbing, lot 50x100; and mod.) 4 -room houke. one or more lots. Inquire Fred Ober, Uearhart. Or. &-ROOM completely furnished cottre on ridge at Beach Center. 1 or 2 lot or w hole blo k. Miss Violet Calder. P. O. bov. HI, Slavic w. Vash. LOT near hotel at Oearhart beach, $350. Terms. 1105 E. 30th N. For ESaue -Lot. THE OWNERS ot Capitol Hill are offer ins special inducement to home build ers. We have full-mae lots 60x1 0t) for $150. $200, $300 and up; where 2 or more are wanted will make special prices and terms. See owners direct and save money. 301 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark, Main 1004. 11500 LOT FOR $1000. Lot 3 ii. block d, Hancock st. addition, on hi. 37th. between Hroadway and Han cock, facing cast; 5oxlO0. paved street and all city liens paid. Price a snap, IIOOO, worth $1300. URUSS1 Ac BENNETT. S1S-321 Hoard of Trade. Main 7452. FOR THE MORTUAl'.E AND INTEREST. 70x1 DO int. occupied by 2 old houses on od street, near Sheridan street; $1250 will ukt) it; some bargain for west ede property. BROWN & GRANT. 201-2 Fcnton Bldg. Broadway "222. FOUR fine lots on 43d. between Division and Clinton, paved street, water and sewer; near good tchools and car. $500 each; take liberty bonds; terms. J. H. McMahon, 2000 East 4od. Tabor 6361 FetR iiALb Ijot TiOxlOu, In Ladil addi tion, near Mh and Hawthorne. Owner. A K 7."U. oreaonlan. FOR siAI.E OR EXCHANGE 2 lots In 1-icnd. Ueschut;s 'o.. $lo0l; west Bide of ints. . C 5U1. Oregonian. NICAR Roso City Park car, on. E. S3, A lots: &ll or trade, very cneap. xjudoi. 803 Spalding bide. For tale -boucea. No. PKICB 1000-500 CASH. -room houye. 3 Ifood bedrooms. SOxlOO lot. pear S'Jd and Clintoa. You can't beat thia price. PACIFIC AGt'SCT, INC.. S14--J0 SlVEtLVKb BLUU. Marshall 3US9. Auto. Stl-50 WALNUT PARK. BL'SUALOW. Six rooinK on lirst floor, hardwood floors throURhoul, hotwaler heat, tire liace. Krmh doors to dinin? room, liv ing room a.-ross front of house,, plate Blass windows, buffet and bookcase. Jutrh kt4ehen. breakfast nook. This is an exceptionally well planned bungalow. The rooms are all larKe. 50xUo lot. all street improvements in and paid, alley and garage in rear. Prico JioOO. cash. t'I.EVELANTl-H KNPKRSON CO. 213 Hallway K.ch. bide. - Min 6782. " HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. TirRo K-room home: furnace, fircplac. full cement hast-mont, fruit room, full corner lot, near car liue. $-ou, easy terms Kis-ht-room modefn home; full corner let; hous-3 new, pever oceupi.d ; improve ments paid: located on Kast Tnlor stre"'. f.ViOO, $1000 cash: will consider smaller ho. ne. part payment. INTliKiSrATK LAND CO. Main ii4'j:. 24S Stark St. LAURELHURST. Just completed, a eolonial bungalow that will compare wilh any of them; larse living room, dining room, with concealed bed; nice bedroom, batii. kitchen, large floored attic, all built in3. fireplace, h. w. floors, etc.. cement basement. Doxion lot. all imp. in and paid; price $.j-0O. terms. Call owner, H T AIXTN. Main Sill, or evenings. Tabor 194. tnr $400 CASH. "Beautiful bunjr.ilow near Keed college, 7.'xl00. Thirty youne fruit treed. $l- month. Min 4K03. G. C. OOliDENBKnO. Abinston Bids- 106', Zii St. WILL, sell or trade 2 B room flats and 3 stores. 61st and Belmont. Good 7-rooru house In St. Johns: fruit of all kinds. Lot 69x109. Modern S-room house. -2d and Clin ton: $1000. $10t)0'down. bal. terms. MAIN 3720. VACANT. IMMBPIATF. POSSESSION: WALK. ING IHSTANCK. BAST SIDK. 36S MULTNOMAH ST.. KKAR CMOS: S KOCIMS. MOIKHN. UASl'O KUBNACK. UAKAtiB. KINK SASEMSNT. ATTIC: JTOOO. TKRMS. roiNDBXTKit. :ns ski.ling bldg.. MAIN laOO. RE SID E NC K K AST 6.71. " $innn CASH $32."0. . AI.BIiSTA BUVGAWW. J Six rooms; three bed chambers, fire place; hOxlOO: $12 per month and In terest. t3o look! 10o4 K..5th then phone Miiin 4-f". IJ. C GOLDENBKRS. Abinston Bids., in'i 3d' St. $3250 T E R M S $3J.-.n. We.;t side, unexcelled 6-room bunga low, like new. Vlreplace, sarace, aleep inK porch. G. r. GOLDENPKRO. ABINCTOS BI.Di;., MAIN 4S03. 30 VKAKS IN l'OHTLAXD. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-room .modern bungalow: bullt-ins: paved street; $3."il0. terms. Nelsin. with , Interstate Land Co.. -48 stark IU Main S429. J3 riAlITI KU L 7-room home, ideal location, every convenience. 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, hot-water heat. - 34tt IS. tiuth st Tabor 7734 MODKKN ."'-room bungalow. Belie Crst. near Sandy; will trade small suburban home. V rt0. Oregonian. JlCDblRN. 0-roo.n bunpabw; Willamette Hts. Call ow.,er. Main & RUSK CITT home, 6 rooms and porcli. lot 71x100. 470 E. 54 N.