THE HORNING OREGONIAX, "WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1920 13 K x V 450,000 OFFER FOB " PARK 15 ACCEPTED -Portland Country Club Site to "V; Be Bought by City. -FINAL AGREEMENT MADE .Commissioner Pier to Introduce '. Measure ta Council Approval " Already Indicated. The Portland Country club grounds, composed of 82 acres in Rose City park, will soon become a part of the municipal chain of parks. An offer of $50,000 for the property, including all improvements such as the steel grandstand and various bullding8i within the park, was accepted yes-' terday by the directors of the Port land Country Club and Livestock association. i'or months City Commissioner Pier, in charge of the park bureau, .has. been negotiating for the pur chase. The initial price asked for the property did not satisfy Commissioner Pier and the other members of. the city council. Recently, a final offer of $50,000 was made by the city. In addition, the city will pay taxes on the property for 1919 and the balance of an assessment for a trunk sewer. The property has an assessed valua tion of $62,400. The owners of. the property at first asked $40,000 for one-half of the tract. Park Superintendent Keyser al ready has made tentative plans for the development of the new grounds. He plans to hold all pageants in this park in the future, as the grandstand will accommodate 20.000 persons. The Country club park includes a regulation mile racetrack, which is said by horsemen to be the fastest nvle track on the Pacific coast. It is probable that the Multnomah county fair will be held at the Country club In 1921 because of the racetrack. City Commissioner Pier will intro- duce an ordinance to the city council " next week authorising the purchase ,m of the tract. Informally, members of -the city council have already agreed o the purchase. It will be -the only tract, purchased by the council under the authority of the $500,000 bond Issue passed by the people in 1919, which will be more than a play ground, but members of the council feel that the Country club, properly developed, will be berTeficial to all the residents of the city. which was found Sunday night at Seaside was arrested last night. He is Frank Thlbblts, who is alleged to have made the stilL The three de fendants were arraigned at Seaside before United States Commissioner Drake of Portland and all were held to the federal grand Jury. H. 11. Bean, alleged to have been the leader of the trio, has been held under $1000 bail, while the bail of T. L. Baker and Frank Thibbits was set at $750 each. TOADS REQUIRE ALCOHOL "Soaked" Specimens Suffers From .Effects of Dry Law. DENVER. Gila monsters, spade foot toads, snakes and lizards are among the latest sufferers from the scarcity of alcohol and the difficulty of securing it In Colorado. This was brought out at a meeting of the na tural history branch of the State His torical society in Denver. Attention of the Society has been called-by a state museum visitor to the need of replenishing the alcohol used' to pre serve specimens of amphibious and other families, ranged in long rows of jars on the museum shelves. Earn est discussion of how to meet the problem ensued in the meeting. In spite of careful covering of the jars, evaporation proceeds constantly and refilling of the containers is nec essary. Swifts and snapping turtles, which once were wholly submerged in the precious fluid, are now only "half soaked," and it was agreed that the condition demanded prompt attention. Officers of the society said they realized the need of replenishing the evaporated alcohol, but were ham pered by lack of funds and by the red tape Incident to obtaining a suffi cient quantity in these dry times. In view of the threatened deterioration of the exhibits, however, it wae de cided to authorize an adjustment of the funds that will make possible an emergency purchase of a supply of the spirits. CANNON MAY MEET BRYAN Bend Commercial Club to Invite Commoner to Make Speech. BEND, Or... July 6. (Special.) Re publican members of the congres sional appropriation committee who will reach Bend Saturday night un der the guidance of "Uncle Joe" Can non, will have an opportunity for a love feaat with William Jennings Bryan, who is coming to central Ore . gon as a Chautauqua speaker from the Democratic convention, if the plans of the Bend Commercial club succeed. An organized effort was berng made here today to induce the com moner to apeak in Bend Saturday night. CLARKE GOES UP IN RANK County Enters Fourth Class and Is Permitted to Spend More Money. VANCOUVEP, Wash., July 6. (Spe cial.) Clarke county commissioners today learned that because of the great increase in population during the past, 10 years Clarke county will now become a county of the fourth class. By virtue of being a fourth class county, the commissioners will be empafcrered to expend $5000 for buy. ing J county fair ground, if they so desire. Whila they did not decide to buy a site, it is thourht that they may within a reasonable time. Clarke county formerly had a tair grounds with a race track and a fair was open ted for several years but it finally failed and no fairs have been held for several years. These grounds could yet be bought for the county. Trading Stamps Given On AH Charge Accounts if Paid in Full by July 10 flllIlIIIlIlllllIIIIIIlIIlIIIIIIIIIIIISllllIlI!!!llIIIllI!III!III!!li Hammocks, Lawn Swings, Grass Rugs, 3d Floor Summer Furniture 4th Floor Sport and Camp Supplies 4th Floor Kodaks on Main Floor ee Portland Agency for Home Journal Patterns Coolmor Porch Shades Hoover and Sweeper-Vac Electric Cleaners Carter's Knit Underwear Toilet Paper 10 Rolls $1 Basement Excellent quality Toilet Pa per put up. 1000 sheets to the roll.- No telephone, mail or C. O. D. or- jt f ders. 10 rolls to customer; 10 DAeUU The Standard Store of the Northwest Olds, Wortmaxi & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Glenwood Butter 2 Lbs. $1.23 Fourth Floor No deliveries of butter except with other purchases made in the grocery department. Glenwood C?" OO Butter, special 2 pounds for O-L'AO July Glean-Up Sales in the Basement Store 1 People Going to the Beach or Mountains Will Save Considerable by Supplying Their Needs Here fj BELATED PETITION FILED Housewives' Council to Get Antl Proriteerins Bill on Ballot. ' SALEM. Or.. July 6. (Special.) -X bel&ted initiative petition having for its purpose the prohibiting of profiteering, trusts and monopolies and providing penalties for violations of the proposed act, was received at the ofices of the secretary of state here today. The petition was initiated by the housewives' council, of which Mrs. F. J. K.ine, S3 1-3 Third street, Portland. Is president. Mrs. Kane was notified by letter today that the time for filing these petitions expired on July 1 and con sequently her offering would have to be rejected. LUMBER PRODUCTION CUT . .Weyerhaeuser Mills May Close Be- i cause of Car Shortage. SPOKANE. Wash.. July C The 11 , .lumber companies of the Weyerhauser - interests in Washington and Idaho are layin goff night crews in their plan ing mills and will have to close them entirely soon unless, the car shortage "relaxes, according to I. N. Tate, as - sistant general manager of the Wey- eyerhauser Sales company in Spo kane. Unless relief comes soon saw mills will also be affected, according to Mr. Tate. South Bend Celebration Ends. SOUTH BEND, Wash., July 6. (Special.) The biggest Independence day celebration ever held in Pacific county closed last night with a dis play of fireworks and a bail. One ''of the features was the . visit of the i," United States navy destroyers Twiggs and Percivall, which left this after noon at 3 o'clock. South Bend won a three days' baseball series from Raymond. Third Liquor Suspect Caught. ASTORIA. Or., July 6. (Special.) The third man wanted in connection with the alleged operation of the still GASOLINE AGAIN IS LOW Stations at Vancouver Out of Oil and Many Cars Stranded. VANCOUVER, Wash.. July 6. (Soe- cial.) The gasoline shortage is grow ing worse in this district, apparently. The stations today had exhausted their supplies during the first few hours of the day and did not get any additional supplies and will not be fore tomorrow. Only trucks and commercial cars are being allowed oil. Saturday, Sunday and Monday, be ing holidays, caused many car own ers to take drives to the country and, unable to get gasoline, were stranded and were left by the roadside. 10AD SOUGHT FROM BAKRR , v yancourer, Wash., Wants StrM Opened Through Barracks. VANCOUVER. Wash., July 6. (Spe cial.) The City Council last night adopted a resolution to petition the government to open Fifteenth street through Vancouver barracks. There is a big demand for this street to be put through so that east Vancouver may be connected with the older part of the city by the shortest route. It is estimated that the road will cost $ 20,000. - Colonel Koester, poat" commander, appeared before the council and said that he would send the petition to the War department. M0LALLA MILL BURNS Blaze Causes $13,000 Loss; Lum ber Saved; Sew Plant Planned. MOLALLA, Or., July 6. (Special.) The Key Lumber company's mill here was destroyed last night by fire, the loss amounting, tov $13,000. The cause of the fire was unknown but the blaze was believed to have been started by a cigarette stub. Much of the lumber was saved. The buildings on which was car rled about 1700 insurance, will be reconstructed at once. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine 1 "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" is gen uine Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for over twenty years. Accept only an un broken "Bayer package" which con tains proper directions to relieve Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu - ralgla. Rheumatism. Colds and Pain. Handy tin boxes of 13 tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger " tsayer paenages. Aspirin is trade mark Bayer Manufacture Mono acetlcacidester of Salicylicacid. Adv. Briton Observes JJ. S. Fourth. JERUSALEM. July 4 Sir Herbert Samuel. British high commissioner for Palestine, today called on the Ameri can consul here as an observance of American Independence day. The American flag was flying over the consul's residence for the first time since the break between the United states ana Turkey. Daniels Defers Fight on Foe. WASHINGTON, July 8. Secretary Daniels telegraphed Acting Secretary Coontz today that he would take no action in regard to Rear Admiral Decker's recent attack on himself and Assistant Secretary Roosevelt until he returned to Washington from San rancisco, probably about August 5. Fire Rases Siberian City. TOKIO. July 6. Fire has swept the entire fishing district on the western shore of the Sea of Okhotsk, which was leased to Japan under the treaty of Portsmouth. The area burned in cludes the city of Okhotsk, according to a wireless report. The loss is esti mated at $4,000,000. Undermuslins at $1.39 Basement Sale Take advantage of this sale and replenish your underwear needs at a " good saving. Night Gowns, Envelope Chemise and Skirts in a large selection of dainty styles. Fine quality materials. Trimmed with Q" QQ embroideries and laces. Priced special D-L0 Sleeveless Vests 4 for $1 Basement Women's Elastic Ribbed Cotton Vests in pure white. Plain yokes or trimmed with dainty crocheted edges. We consider these splendid 35c values. Basement Under- Qt AA price Store sale 1 Vests for only J)ivll Odd Neckwear Special 10c Basement Clean-up Sale of Women's Neck Only one "or two of a kind. wear mostly collars. This season's style. "I Special at -LVV Bathing Suits $1.19 Basement Women's Bathing Suits in one-piece style without skirt. Knee length or full length trunks. Just the thing for swimmers. Black "f Q cotton. Broken 'sizes; now D-L-Li7 Women's Tub Skirts Basement Special showing of Wom en's White Skirts of pique, gabardine and other serviceable material. Very desirable for beach and outing wear. Practically all sizes to select from. Prices range $1.75 and $3.98 Women's Middies At $1.59 Basement Women's White Middies with light, dark blue or red sailor col lars and cuffs. Good quality mate rial and well made. Spe- KQ cially priced in Basement D--tli7 Children's Middies Special $1.25 Basement Children's Mid dy Blouses of white twill material, with black tie at tached. Sizes 8 CM OCT tDl.Ltl Children's Middies of fancy striped galatea in several colors. Made with belts. Specially fl- priced this sale tP-La-sO to 14. Special at Play Suits 98c Basement Children's Play Suits of gray, blue or tan chambray. Suitable for beach and out ing wear. Sizes range from 2 to 6 QO- t years. On sale in the Basement at OU Dresses $1.69 Basement Children's Wash Dresses of blue or pink percale trimmed with tan or white. Made with belt and pockets. Sizes PA range from 6 to 12 years. Special at D-l-aJ Boxed Paper 29c Basement Correspondence Paper and Envelopes to match. Put up 24 sheets and 24 envelopes to the box. Shown in white and colors. Get a good sup ply for vacation days. Spe- OQ cially priced for this sale; box V 9c Bargains For Wednesday Talcum Powder of good qual ity. Priced special, the can Purity Castile Soap in me dium size cakes. Priced special Ol-o-Palm Toilet Soap for toi let or bath priced special, cake Glycerine Soap very, sooth ing. Priced special the cake --Writing Tablets choice of two different sizes. Special at Children's Hose Supporters of good quality; priced special, pair Sewing Silk in assorted col ors. Priced special the spool Snap Fasteners of well known make. Special at 3 cards for 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c Men's Shirts, Special at $1.59 -Work Shirts at $1.50 Basement Men's Shirts in a remark able sale for today. These are of ex ceptionally good materials. Soft or stiff cuffs. Choice selection of new patterns. Sizes from 14V P" KQ to 17. Priced special at Ol-mDV Basement Men's Work and Outing Shirts of gray cotton cheviot and khaki colored material. Cut in full styles and well made. Reg- fl"J (T A ular $1.75 value. Special at DAOvF Ask for your S. & H. Green Stamps. Men's 29c Hose, Special at 19c Children's Hose, Special at 29c Basement 300 pairs Men's Black Cotton Hose offered at a very low price. Ribbed top. Split foot. 1 Q On special sale today; a pair -I.5V" Basement Children's Hose of splen did quality elastic ribbed cotton. Slightly imperfect. Sizes 7 to OQ 10. Priced special at, a pair C Men's and Women's Shoes $4.98 and $5.98 Pair MEN'S SHOES of vici kid, calf and gunmetal leathers. English and broad toe lasts. Black or tan leathers. Manufacturer's sample" lines; Spe cially priced for the July flJT QQ Clearance Sale at the pair H0VO WOMEN'S Dress Pumps and Ox fords of patent leather, vici kid, Rus sian calf and gunmetal calf. Also blacks satin, gold and 6ilver pumps. Odd lines and not all (Jt QQ sizes. Priced special; pair 54r50 All Women's Wool Sweaters At V2 Price Basement Choose any Women's Wool Sweater in the Basement today at just half regular price. All the new styles are represented, including belted and slip-on effects. Plain or fancy weaves. Nearly all colors in the sale. Dresses $2.48 WOMEN'S WA S H DRESSES of good quality gingham and percale. Plaids and figured effects. Full range sizes. QQ A Q Special at -i.lO WOMEN'S Dresses of Amoskeag gingham in the new and pretty plaids. Several, differ ent styles. QfA A Q Special at D-0 Get your Stamps! Khaki Suits $10.50 Basement Women's Khaki Suits for the beach, camp or mountains. Made with corduroy col lar, fitted coat trimmed with buttons and pockets. Breeches laced at knee. (PI A Kf All sizes 36 to 42. On sale at Di.ljU Women's Coveralls, $2.50 -Women's Fancy Smocks, Special $2.98 Huck Towels 22c Basemen t -Pure White Huck Towels, size 16x30 'A inches. Fine for the beach or camp. QQ Special $2.64 doz.; each Cups and Saucers 15c Basement Plain White China Tea Cups and Saucers with good strong handles. Priced special for ! P today's selling at a pair -LOU Lawns, Voiles, Batistes, - Special 29c a Yard Basement Special Sale Thousands of yards of dainty Wash Goods offered in this Basement Sale for less than such materials can be bought for today at the mill. 27 to 38-inch Fancy Voiles, Batistes, Lawns, etc., in a vast assortment of patterns stripes, checks, dots, floral effects, etc. Don't neglect this 6plendid opportunity to buy cool summery fabrics at a sacrifice price. Materials OA. of standard 40c and 45c grades. Priced special, a yard vL Sheets! Housekeepers can save money by coming to our Basement Store for whatever they may be in need of in the way of Sheets, Pillow Cases, Bed Spreads, Tow els, Table Linens, Napkins, etc. " HEADQUARTERS FOR BLANKETS AND BEDDING " 36 and 40-Inch Georgette Crepe $1.79 Basement Several hundred yards of Georgette Crepe and Crepe de Chine underpriced for today's selling. 36 and 40 inches wide. White, flesh, navy, tan, blue, green, apricot, lav ender, purple, taupe, gray, rose, yel low, black and maroon. Splendid quality for blouses and CJI rjTQ frocks. Special, a yard DA I Wizard Polish Mops $1.48 Basement Store The "Wizard" is the original triangular mop. Often imitated but never equaled. Gets into the corners and other hard-to-get-at places. Easily cleaned and renewed with polish. Spe- P" A Q cially priced in the Basement Store Sale tDAeriC? Wizard Polish for floors, furniture, pianos, automobiles and all surfaces where a hard, high polish is desired. Shown in 3 sizes prices ranee 12." SO and 1.00 Basement Sale of Enameled Ware 6-qt. Covered Sauce Pans at 98 5-qt. Tea Kettles, special $1.00 6-qt. Tea Kettles, special $1.25 2-qt. Coffee Pots, special at 73 12-Inch Wash Basins only 39$ -HEADQUARTERS for Lawn Mowers, Hose, Screen Doors, etc., etc. mm Basement High-grade double-coated Enameled Ware offered at ex tremely low prices on account of slight imperfections. Note prices: 4-qt. Covered Sauce Pans at 780 Sale of Notions and Small Wares, Bargain Circle, 1st Floor, Today lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH Obituary. BEND, Or.. July . (Special.) Henry Carlln, pioneer resident of cen tral Oregon, died at his ranch on Bear creek. 40 miles from here, yesteday aftenoon, when he was stricken by apoplexy. He fell from the seat of the wagon on which he was riding; and his wire, wno had run to his as Bistance. heard him whisper a request for water. A moment later- he died. Carlin came to central Oregon from the Willamette valley 25 years- also He Is survived by his widow, two sons and a daughter. The body was shipped to Eugene tonight for burial. -" , CENTRAL.! A. Wash., July 6. (Special.) Lawrence C. Hastings. 16 years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reverly Hastings, died last night. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon, the remains being sent to interment. . . .TnTWO A T T A H Vl .llllV 6. .r i ii.Tjji "i T - i i xjr.. Tiiiiu. Haines. Dioneer ... . c. " ' ' . : i -9 PAntrolliL. riled last H 1 CT H ( rcaiucui .. . . , . y . at her home in the Logan district. Punral arrangements nave noi made. The deceased is survived by a stepson. rtfvTPlT.Tl - Wash Till v R fSne- cial.) Harry Brown, former member of the Centralia -police . force, died yesterday, following a long illness. The funeral will be neia tomorrow at Pe Ell. Mr. Brown was 43 years of age. and is survived by his widow and five children. Railroad Files Application. SALEM. Or., July 6. (Special.) The Wlllamina & Grand Ronde Rail way company has filed with the Ore gon public servcie commission appli cation to construct its lines across county roads In Yamhill and Polk counties. The railroad, which Is now under construction, will extend from Willamina. Yamhill county, to Bent ley. Polk county, and will carry on both a freight and passenger busi ness. It will connect with the South ern Pacific road at Willamina. Hear ing of the application has not yet been set by the commission. Match Explodes Auto Tank. BEND, Or., July . (Special.) Oscar Houston, Prinevllle garage man. while. on an automobile trip to Bend, struck a match while his gasoline tank was being filled. In an effort to see how much fuel he had. The gaso line ignited, and only prompt action by employes of the' filling station saved Houston from injury. Mexican Bandits Hold Up Train. EAGLE PASS. Tex.. July . A Mex lean paymaster's train was held up yesterday by bandits, who obtained $50,000 in gold, according to reports reaching here. fined $25 and sentenced to 30 days In Jail. The jail sentence was suspended during good behavior. Realtor Fined $25 for Assault. ROSEBURG, Or., July 6. (Special.) Charles Kyes, a local real estate dealer, arrested Saturday for assault ing N. Rice, president of the local eralty board, appeared In the city recorder's court this morning and entered a plea of not guilty. After listening to the evidence Kyes was Oregon Herds Being Shipped. CiT.rf r- TiiW ft 1 Thousands of cattle from eastern Ore gon are being shipped into Idaho nad Montana to repienisn me nereis or htose states, according to Dr. W. H. Lytle. state veterinarian, who re turned here last night after two weeks spent at Pendleton, Baker and other cities. Knig-bts Go to Walla Walla. cial.) A large number of Lewiston members oi ine ft.mKHLs oi r-ymias left at 5 o'clock this morning for Walla Walla to participate there in the ceremonies held in honor of Harry W. Nice, imperial prince of the order. in connection with an alleged boot legging case in which he had gathered evidence.. Associated with Kelly In the detective agency was R. J. Powers, no wa fugitive, for whom a warrant charging . grand larceny has been issued. Detective Forfeits Bail.. Logging Train Is Wrecked. CENTRALIA, Wash., July 6 (Spe cial.) The logging train of the Car. lisie-Pennell Lumber company was wrecked Friday as it was pulling into Onalaska with a load of logs. The right of way was torn up for 100 feet. None of the train crew was injured. Texas Passenger Station Looted. SWEETWATER. Tex.. July 6. Robbers blew open the safe at the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe pas senger station here today and ob tained $2000. It was the fifth time since 1911 the safe had been robbed. Marriage Licenses Issued. SPOKANE, Wash.. July 6. F. F. Kelly. formerly connected with a pri vate detective agency in Spokane, for- TACOMA. Wash.. July . (Special.) feited $500 bail in justice court here I Marriage licenses were issued in today. Kelly was arrested ten days Tacoma today to John H. Wheeler and ago on a charge of accepting a bribe Marion Chase, both of Raymond, Wash., and to Clifford A. Wright and Roberta Chabot, both of Moclips. Spokane May Bar Fireworks. SPOKANE, Wash.. July 6. Spo kane's record of 68 fires July 4 and i caused Fire Chief Weeks today to urge upon the council passage of an ordinance forbidding the sale or use of fireworks within the city limits. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of Cuticura Talcum is Fragrant and' Very Healthful Sample free of Cutlcvra Laborateriaa, Dept. X, Maiden. Mm. 2nc. everywhere. Fire loss for the two daya totaled about $30,000. HAVE YOU REALIZED THAT YOU CAN CURE ECZEMA A R M V ITCH, PSORIASIS, Poiaoa Ivy or any poisoned skin? Thousands have suffered for years and have been told that they could not be cured. Crotch-stitch, tinea that keeps you awake nights and worries you. You have spent hundreds of dollars and thousands of sleepless nights. The maker of Ru Bon will give you $100 if you can find any skin trouble that cannot be cured with RU BOX. Fred Dawson at Albany. Or., is dis tributor and has sold thousands of bottles. He will fill- your order for any amount. Your druggist can get it for you. All wholesale druggists sell RuBon. Tell your friends about It. Il IT DAM CHEMICAL CO, IliU Ovll K,nas cty. Mo. Adv.