THE MORXIXO OREGONIAN, SATURDAY. JULY 3, 1920 DEMOCRACY'S PLATFORM DRAFT RECITES DEMANDS OF PARTY Varied Planks Favor Treaty With Reservations, Tariff for Revenue Only, Chase of Profiteers, Woman Suffrage, Improved Highways and American Merchant Marine. G SAN FRANCISCO. July 2. The fol lowing Is the text of the platform submitted to the democratic na convention today: The democratic party In its national convention now assembled. Fends greetings to the president of the United States. Woodrow Wilson, and hails with patriotic prido the great achievements for country ani the world, wrcught by a dcmocra so ad ministration under his leadership. It salutes the mighty people of this great republic, emerging with imper ishable honor from the severe tests and grtevous strains of the" moat tragic war in history, naving earned the plaudits and the gratitude "I all free nations. It declares its adherence to the fundamental progressive principles or social, economic and industrial jus tice and advance, and purposes to re sume the great work of translating lntr effective laws, begun and carried far by the demo cratic administration and interrupted war and today It is the hope and In spiration of business. Indeed, one vital danger against which the Ameri can people should keep constantly on guard is the commitment of this sys tem to partisan enemies who strug gled against its adoption and vainly attempted to retain in the hands of speculative bankers a monopoly of the currency and credits of the nation. Already there are well-defined indica tions of an assault upon the vital principles of the system in the event of republican success in the elections in November. Under democratic leadership the American people successfully fi nanced their stupendous part in the greatest war of all time. The treas ury wisely insisted during the war upon meeting an adequate portion of the war expenditure from current taxes and the bulk of the balance from popular loans, and during the first full fiscal year after fighting stopped, upon meeting current ex penditures from current receipts, not withstanding the new and unneces sary burdens thrown upon the treas only when the war claimed all the na- ' ury Dy tne delay, obstruction and ex- tinn al energies for the single task of victory. League of Nations. The democratic party favors the league of nations as the surest, if not the only, practicable means 'of main taining the permanent peace of the world and terminating the insuffer able burden of great military and taval establishments. It was for this .hat America broke away from tra litional isolation and spent her blood tnd treasure to crush a colossal cheme of conquest. It was upon this iasiH that the president of the l-nited itates, in pre-arrangement with our lilies, consented to a suspension of .lostilities against the imperial Ger man government; the armistice was granted and a treaty of peace negoti ated upon the definite assurance to Uermanv. as well as to the powers pitted against Germany, that a gen eral association of nations must be formed, under specific covenants, for the purpose of affording mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike." Hence, we not only congratulate the president on the vision manifested and the vigor exhibited in the prosecution of the war, but we felicitate him and his associates on the exceptional achieve ment at Paris involved in the adop tion of a league and treaty so near akin to previously expressed Ameri can ideals and so intimately related lo the aspirations of civilized peoples everywhere. . , We commend the president for his courage and his high conception of good faith in steadfastly standing for the covenant agreed to by all the as sociated and allied nations at war with Germany, and we condemn the republican senate for its refusal to ;-atifv the treaty merely because it was 'the product of democratic states manship, thus interposing partisan envv and personal hatred in the way of the peace and renewed prosperity of the world. By everv accepted standard or in ternational morality the president is justified in asserting that the honor of the country is involved in tins travagance of a republican congress The non-partisan federal reserve authorities have been wholly free of political interference or motive; and, in their own time and their own way. have used courageously, though cau tiously, the instruments at their dis posal to prevent undue expansion of credit in the country. As a result of these sound treasury and federal re serve policies, the inevitable war in flation has' been held down to a mini mum and the cost of living has been prevented from increasing here in proportion to the increase in other belligerent countries and in neutral countries which are in close contact with the world's commerce and ex changes. After a year and a half of fighting in Europe and despite another year and a half of republican obstruction at home, the credit of the govern ment of the United States stands un impaired, the federal reserve note is the unit of value throughout all the world and the United States is the one great country in the world which maintains a free gold market. We condemn the attempt of the re publican party to deprive the Ameri can people of their legitimate pride in the financing of the war, an achievement without parallel in the financial history of this or any other country, in this or any other war. And in particular we condemn the pernicious attempt of the republican party to create discontent among the holders of the bonds of the govern ment of the United States and to drag our public finance and our banking and currency system back Into the arena of party politics. Tax Revision. We condemn the failure of the pres ent congress to respond to the oft- repeated demand of the president and the secretaries of the treasury to re vise the existing! tax laws. The con tinuance in favor in peace times of taxes devised under pressure of im perative necessity to produce a reve nue for war purposes is indefensible ana can only result in lasting injury Kitlr. nnrl we OOint to the aCCUS- I In tViA n .....! o TVi i-Artn hi i on n finn ing ract tnat neiore it wa ucici himcu to initiate political antagonism to the treaty, the now republican chairman of the foreign relations committee himself publicly proclaimed that any proposition for a separate peace with Germany, such as he and his party as sociates thereafter reported to the senate, would make us "guilty of the blackest crime." On Slav 15 last the Knox substitute for the Versailles treaty was passed bv the republican senate; and this convention can contrive no more fit ting characterization of its obloquy than that made in the Forum maga zine of December, 1918, by Henry Cabot Lodge, when he said: "If we send our armies and young men abroad to be killed and wounded in northern France and Flanders with no result but this, our entrance into war with such an intention was a crime which nothing can justify. The intent of congress and the intent of the president was that there could be no peace until we couia itehj a. nn nation where no such war as this could recur. We cannot make peace ex cept in company with our allies. It would brand us with everlasting dis honor and bring ruin to us also If we undertook to make a separate peace." Thus to that which Mr. Lodge, in saner moments, considered "the black est crime" he and his party in mad ness sought to give the sanctity of law. that which 18 months ago was of "everlasting dishonor," the repub lican party and its candidates today accept as the essence of faith. We endorse the president's view of our international obligations and his firm stand against reservations de signed to cut to pieces the vital pro visions of the Versailles treaty and tie commend the democrats in con gress for voting against the resolu tions for separate peace which would disgrace the nation. We advocate the immediate ratification without reser vations which would impair essential Integrity;- but do not oppose the ac ceptance of any reservations making clearer or more specific the obliga tions of the United States to the league of associates. Only by doing this may we retrieve the reputation of this nation among the powers of the earth and recover the moral lead ershlo which President Wilson won and which republican politicians at Washington Bacririced. Only by do inar this may we hope to aid effec tively in the restoration of order throughout the world and to take the place which we should assume in the Iront rank oi spiritual, commercial and industrial advancement. We reject as utterly vain. If not vicious, the republican assumption that ratification of the treaty and membership in the league of nations would in any wise impair the integ rity or independence of our country. The fact that the covenant has been entered into by 29 nations all 'as Jealous of their independence as we are of ours, is a sufficient refutation of such charge. The president re peatedly has declared, and this con vention reaffirms, that all our duties and obligations as a member of the league must be fulfilled in strict con formity with the constitution of the United States, embodied in which is the fundamental requirement of dec laratory action by the congress before this nation may become a participant In any war. Conduct of the "War. During the war President Wilson exhibited the very broadest conception of liberal. Americanism. In his con duct of the war. as in the eeneral ad- mniistrat ton of his high office, there was no semblance of partisan bias, he invited to Washington as his coun cillors and co-adjusters hundreds of the most prominent and pronounced republicans in the country. To these he committed responsibilities of the Bravest import and most confidential nature. Many of them had charge of vital activities of the government. And yet, with the war successfully prosecuted and gloriously ended, the republican party in congress, far from applauding the masterly leadership of the president and felicitating the country on the amazing achieve ments of the American govern ment, has meanly requited the considerate course of the chief magis trate by savagely defaming the commander-in-chief of the army and navv and by assailinir nearly everv Dublic officer of everv branch of the service intimately concerned In win ning the war abroad and preserving the security of the government at - home. We express to the soldiers, sailors and marines of America the admira tion of the'r fellow countrymen. Guid ed by the genius of such commanders as General John J. Pershinsr. the armed forces f America constituted a decisive factor in the victory and brought new luster to the flag. We commend the patriotic men and women, who sustained the efforts of their government in the crucial hours of the war. and contributed to the brilliant a.d ministrative success achieved under the broad visioned leadership of the president. A review of the record of the demo cratic party during the administration of Woodrow Wilson presents a chap ter of substantial achievements un surpassed in the history of the repub lic. For 50 years before the advent of this administration periodical con vulsions had impeded the industrial progress of the American people and caused inestimable loss and distress. By the enactment of the federal re serve act the old system, which bred panics, was replaced by a new system. gress persistently failed. through sheer political cowardice, to make a single move toward a readjustment of tax laws, which it denounced be- j J f a ro t ti o 1 1 nluntinn onH urn afra ill i to revise before the next election. We advocate tax reform and a searching revision of the war reve nue act to fit peace conditions so that the wealth of the nation may not be withdrawn from productive- enter prise and diverted to wasteful or non productive expenditure. We demand prompt action by the. next congress for a complete survey of existing taxes and their modifica tion and simplification with a view to securing greater equity and justice in tax burden nad improvement in ad ministration. Public EeonomT. Claiming to have effected great economies in government expendi tures, the republican party cannot show the reduction of one dollar In taxation as a corollary of this false pretense. In contrast, the last demo cratic congress enacted legislation reducing taxes from ?8, 000. 000, 000. de signed to be raised, to 6, 000,000. 000 for the first year after the armistice. and to $4,000,000,000 thereafter; and there the total is left undiminished by our political adversaries. Two years alter armistice day a republican con gress provides for expending the stupendous sum of $5,403,390,327.30. Affecting great paper economies by reducing departmental estimates of sums which would not have been spent in any event and by reducing formal appropriations, the republican statement of expenditures omits the pregnant fact that congress author ized the use of $1,500,000,000 in the hands of various departments and bureaus, which otherwise would have been covered into the treasury, and which should be added to the repub lican total or expenditures. High Coat of Living. The high cost of living and the de preciation of bond values in this country are primarily duj to war it self, to the necessary governmental expenditures for. the destructive pur poses of war, to private extravagance, to the world shortage of capital, to the inflation of foreign currencies and credits and in large degree to con scienceless profiteering. The republican party Is responsible for the failure to restore peace and peace conditions in Europe which is a principal cause of prolonging armis tice inflation the world over. It has denied the demand of the president for necessary legislation to deal with secondary and local causes. The sound policies pursued by the treasury and the federal reserve syetem have limited this country, though they could not prevent the inflation which was world-wide. .Elected upon specific promises to curtail public expendi tures and to bring the country back to a status of effective economy, the republican party in congress wasted time and energy for more than a year in vain and extravagant Investiga tions, costing the taxpayers great sums of money, while revealing noth ing beyond the incapacity of repub lican politicians" to cope with the oroblems. Demanding that the nresl- dent, from his place at the peace table, call the congress Into extra ordinary session for imperative pur poses of readjustment, the congress when convened spent 13 months in partisan pursuits, failing to repeal a single war statute which harassed business or to initiate a single con structive measure to help business. It busied itseir making a pre-elec tlon record of pretended thrift, hav ing not one particle of substantial existence in fact. It raged against profiteers and tne nign cost of llv ing without enacting a single statute to make the former afraid or doing a single act to bring the latter within limitations. The simple truth Is that the high cost of living can only be remedied bv lncreasea production, strict gov ernmental economy and a relentles3 pursuit of those who take advantage of post war conditions and are de manding and receiving outrageous profits. We pledge the democratic party to a policy oi strict economy in govern ment expenditures and to the enact ment and enforcement of such legis lation as may be required to bring profiteers before the bar of criminal justice. We reaffirm the traditional policy of the democratic party in favor of a tariff for revenue only and confirm the policy of basing tariff revisions uDon the intelligent research of a non-partisan commission, rather than upon the demands or sellisn interests, temporarily held in abeyance. Budget. In the interests of economy and good administration, we favor the creation of an effective budget sys tem that will function In accord with the principles of the constitution. The reform snouia reacn Dotn tne execu tive and legislative aspects of the question. The supervision and prepa ration of the budget should be vested in the secretary of the treasury as the representative of the president. The budget, as such, should not be increased by the congress except by a two-thirds vote, each house, however, being free to exercise its constitu tional privilege oi maning approprla SUMMARY OF PRINCIPAL POINTS TOUCHED UPON IN DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM. The following is the platform submitted to the democratic national convention today summarized: League of Nations The party favors the league as the surest if not the only practicable means of maintaining permanent world peace. Ratification of the treaty and membership in the league is upheld. Conduct of the War Admiration is expressed for President Wilson, the administration and treasury for conduct of the war and .flotation of bond issues. Tax Revision Tax reform and revision of the war revenue act and prompt action by next congress demanded. Public Economy Republican party assailed for expenditures authorized by present congress. High Cost of Living Party is pledged to policy of strict econ omy in government expenditures and enactment of legislation aimed to curb profiteers. Traditional policy on tariff is reaffirmed. Budget Creation of an effective budget system that will function in accord with the constitution is favored. Agricultural Interests Right of collective bargaining, co-operative marketing and handling of farm products recognized. ' Labor and Industry Compulsory arbitration in private indus trial disputes opposed. Right to strike in government service not recognized. Party pledged to survey salaries paid in government service and to bring salaries to just level. Proposed 19th suffrage amendment is. indorsed. Women in Industry Protection of child life through infancy and maternity care, prohibition of child labor, increase in teachers' salaries, legislation insuring American women (married to aliens) their citizenship urged. Disabled Soldiers Party pledged to enactment of soldier settle ment and home aid legislation. Railroads Fair and complete test of private ownership and operation is advocated. Improved Highways Continuance of federal aid plan is favored. American people congratulated on re-birth of merchant marine. Port Facilities Party pledged to stand for equality of rates, both import and export. Inland Waterways Party favors liberal and comprehensive policy for the development and utilization of harbors and interior waterways. Reclamation of Arid Lands Party favors ample appropriations for continuation and extension of reclamation. Trade Commission Party indorses creation and work of federal trade commission. Livestock Markets Enactment of legislation for supervision of markets by the national government is favored. Mexico Policy that asserts the right of the United States to demand protection for its citizens is indorsed. Petroleum Action to secure Americans the same rights in the acquirement of mining rights in foreign countries as are enjoyed by citizens of other countries is urged. New Nations Party expresses sympathy for peoples of China, Czecho-Slovakia, Finland andPoland. Ireland Party repeats its sympathy in the aspirations of Ire land for self-government. Armenia Party expresses sympathy for Armenia and urges all possible and proper aid be rendered. Alaska Party declares for modification of coal land law, changes in forestry control to permit immediate initiation of paper pulp industry, for territorial self-government, system of road con struction and extension of the federal farm lan act. The Philippines Party favors granting of independence with out unnecessary delay. Hawaii Liberal policy of homesteading public lands with equal rights to all citizens is favored. Porto Rico Party favors granting traditional territorial form . of government. Asiatic Immigrants Party pledges support to existing policy of the United States. Postal Service Party favors fair and just treatment of all gov ernment employes. Iree Speech and Press Party reaffirms respect for free press and free speech. Republican Corruption Alleged lavish use of money by repub lican aspirants to the presidency deplored. Conclusion Party rests claims on past performance and sub mits record to the people. iitmtances. take action that American Deople upon the re-birth will put In jeopardy the public wel- of our merchant marine, which once . t i . . ..... 1 .nKA .. i ..... i r. i. I tc fnrmr nlnJA In fare. Resort to strikes and lockouts which endanger the health or lives of the people is an unsatisfactory device fop- determining disputes, and the democratic party pledges itself to contrive, if possible, and put into effective operation a fair and com prehensive method of composing dif ferences of this nation. In private industrial disputes we are opposed to compulsory arbitra tion as a method plausible in theory, but a failure. In fact. With respect to government service we hold distinctly that the rights of the people are para mount to the right to strike. How ever, we profess scrupulous regard for the conditions of public employ ment and pledge the democratic party to Instant inquiry into the pay of gov ernment employes and equally speedy regulations designed to bring salaries to a just and proper level. We endorse the proposed 19th amendment of the constitution of the United States granting equal suffrage to women. We congratulate the leg islatures of 85 states which have al ready ratified said amendment and we urge the democratic governors and legislatures of Tennessee. North Caro lina and Florida and such states as have not yet ratified the federal suf frage amendment to unite in an effort to comnlete the nrocess of ratification and secure the 36th state in time for all the women of the United states to nnrtii'inatft in the fall elertlon. We commend the effective advocacy of the measure by President Wilson Women In Industry. We urcre co-ODeration with the states for the protection of child life through lnfancv and maternity care: In the prohibition of child labor and by adequate appropriations for the children's bureau and the woman's bureau In the department of labor. Co-operative federal assistance to the states Is immediately required for the removal of illiteracy, for the in crease of teachers salaries and in struction In citizenship for both na tive ana toreign-Dorn, inurciibru nn propriation for vocational training In home economics; re-establishment of Joint federal and state -employment rpfvIpa i t i n-nm n'M -l pnn rt ment S Un der the direction of technically quali fied women. We advocate full repre sentation of women on all commis sions dealing with women's work or women's interests and a reclassifica tion of the federal civil service, free from discrimination on the ground of sex; a continuance of appropriations for education in sex hygiene; federal legislation which shall insure that American women resident in the United States but married to aliens shall retain their American citizen ship and that the same process of na turalization shall be required for women as for men. Disabled Soldiers. should more maintains Its former place In the world. It was under a demo cratic administration that this was accomplished after 70 years of in difference and neglect. 13.000.000 tons having been constructed since the act was passed in 1916. We pledge the policy of our party to the continued growth of our merchant marine under proper legislation so that American products will be carried to all ports of the world by vessels built In American yards, flying the American flag. Port Facilities. the existing coal land law, to promote development without disturbing the features Intended to prevent monop oly. ' For such changes In the policy of forestry control as will permit the im mediate initiation of the paper pulp Industry. For relieving the territory from the evils of long-distance government by partment has been vindicated against a malicious and designing assault by the efficiency of its operation. Its record refutes its assailants. Their voices are silenced and their charges have collapsed. We commend the work of the joint commission on the re-classification of salaries of postal employes, recently concluded. which commission was arbitrary and interlocking bureau- created by a democratic administra- cratic regulation ana to that end we tion. I tie democratic party has al house and senate. The audit system should be consolidated and its powers expanded so as to pass upon the wis dom of as well as the authority for expenditures. A budget bill was passed In the closing days of the second session of the sixty-sixth congress which, in validated by plain constitutional de fects and defaced by considerations of patronage, the president was obliged to veto. The house amended the bill to meet the executive objection. We condemn the republican senate, for aajourning without passing the and the allied nations of the war and succoring starving populations sinca Armistice day. Meanwhile the republican leaders at Washington have failed utterly to propose one single measure to make rural life more toleraole. -They have signalized their 15 months of congressional power bl unging schemes which would strip the farms of labor; bv assailing the principles of the fa and seeking to impair its effic.ency; by covertly attempting to destroy the great nitrogen plant at Mussel shoals amended measure, when bv devoting upon which the government has ex an hour or two more to this urgent, pended $(0,000,000 to supply Ameri- public business a budget system could uuve Deen provided. ' - We favor such alteration of the rules of procedure of the senate of the United States as will permit the prompt trensaction of the nation's legislative business. tions through independent bills. The Agricultural Interests. To the great agricultural interests of the country the democratic party does not find it necessary to make promises. It already Is rich In Its record of things actually accomplished. For nearly half a century of republican J rule not a sentence was written Into the federal statutes affording one dollar of bank credits to the farming interests of America. In the first term of thts democratic administra tion the national bank act was so altered as to authorize loans of five years maturity on Improved farm lands. Later was established a sys tem of farm loan banks, from which the borrowings already exceed $3,000,- 000 and under which the interest rate to farmers has been so materially re duced as to drive out of business the farm loan sharks who formerly sub sisted by extortion apon the great agricultural interests of the country. Thus it was a democratic congress in the administration of a democratic party which enabled the farmers of America for the first time to obtain credit upon reasonable terms and in- sured their opportunity for tne future development ot the nation s agncui-1 tural resources. Tied up in supreme court proceedings in a suit by hostile interests, the tederai larm loan sys tem, originally opposed by the repub lican candidate for the presidency, appealed in vain to a republican con gress for adequate financial assist ance to tide over the Interim between the beginning and the ending of the current year, awaiting a final de cision of the highest court on the validity of the contested act. We pledge prompt and consistent support of sound and effective measures to sustain, amplify and perfect the rural credits statutes and thus to check and reduce the growth and course of farm tenancy. Not only did the democratic party nut Into effect a great farm loan sys tem of land mortgage banks, but It passed the Smith-Lever agricultural extension act, carrying to every farmer in every section of the coun try, through the medium of trained experts and by demonstration farms, the practical knowledge acquired by the federal agricultural department In all things relating to agriculture, hor ticulture and animal life; it estab lished the bureau of markets, the bureau of farm management and passed the cotton futures act. the grain grades bill, the co-operative farm administration act and the fed eral warehouse act. The democratic party has vastly Ira- S roved the rural mall system and has uilt up the parcels post system to such an extent as to render Its activi ties and its practical service indis pensable to the farming community. It was this wise encouragement and this effective concern of the demo cratic party for the farmers of the United States that enabled this great can farmers with f prill izem at raa sonable cost; by ruthlessly crippling nearly every branch of agricultural :iiuea.vur, nieraiiy crippling the pro ductive medium through which 'he people must h fed We favor such Iee-tslatinn am n. Ill confirm to the primary prodacers of the nation the right of collective bar gaining and the right of co-operative handling and marketing of the prod ucts of the workshop and the farm and such legislation as will facilitate the exportation Of Our farm nrnrlnta We favor comprehensive studies of xarm production costs and the uncen sored publication of facta found in such siuaies. Labor and Industry. The democratic party is now. as ever, the firm friend of honest labor and the promoter of progressive in dustry. It established the department of labor at Washington and a demo cratic president called to his official council board the first practical working man who ever held a cabi net portfolio. Undetv this administra tion have been estaDllshed employ ment bureaus to bring the man and the job together; have been peacably determined many bitter disputes be tween capital and labor; were passed the child labor act, the workingman's compensation act (the extension of which we advocate so as to include laborers engaged in loading and un loading ships and in interstate com merce); the eight-hour law, the act for vocational training, and a code of other wholesome laws affecting the liberties and bettering the conditions of the laboring classes. In the de partment of labor the democratic ad ministration estaDiisnea a woman s bureau which a republican congress aestroyea oy witnnoiaing appropria tions. Labor is not a commodity: it is hu man. Those who labor have rights, and the national security and safety depend upon a just recognition of those rights and the conservation of the strength of the workers and their tamuies in tne interest oi sound hearted and sound-headed men. women and children. Laws regulat ing hours of labor and conditions un der which labor is performed, when passed in recognition of the conditions under which life must be lived to at tain the highest development and happiness, are just assertions of the national interest in the welfare of the DeoDle. At the same time, the nation de pends upon the products of labor: a creation of production means loss and. if long continued, disaster. The whole people, therefore, have-a right to insist that justice shall be done to those who work, and in turn that those whose labor creates the necess-i ties upon which the life of the nation depends, must recognize the reciprocal obligation .between the worker and the state. They should participate in the formulation of sound laws and regulations governing the conditions under which labor is porformed. recognize and obey the laws so form ulated, and seek their amendment when necessary by the processes or dinarilv addressed to the laws and regulations affecting the other rela tions oi lite Labor, as well as capital, is entitled to adequate compensation. Each has the indefeasible right of organiza tion, of collective bargaining and of speaking through representatives of their own selection. ieitner class. which Insured .confidence. It wn nn annrnnrlation bills should be r.on. interest to render such essential serv- muispensaoie iucwjt in winning the eiderea oy single committees or the ice in teeains tne armies ui amn nowever, sihium m any nine, nor in The federal government treat wit the, utmost consideration every disabled soldier, sailor and ma rine of the world war, whether his disability be due to wounds received in line of action or to health impaired in service; and for the dependents of the brave who died in line of duty the government's tenderest concern and richest bounty should be their re quital. The fine patriotism exhib ited, the heroic conduct displayed by American soldiers, sailors and ma rines at home and abroad, constitute a sacred heritage of posterity the worth nf urhlr-h a n rt a V f I- llA rPl-ftnl neillP (1 from the treasury and the glory of which must not be diminished by any such expedients. .The democratic aaminisiranun tri Hoiv t n Hi i hri n war risk insur ance bureau, giving four and one-half millions of enlisted men insurance at unprecedentedly low rates and through the medium of wnicn compensation ui men and women injured in service is readily adjusted, anu nospnai iacm- ties for those whose neaitn is im paired are abundantly afforded. J n a tederai noara or vocational euu cation should h- made part of the war risk insurance bureau. In order that the task may be treated as a whole, and this machinery of protec tion and assistance must r-efeive every aid of law and appropriation neces sary to full and elfective operation. Wo believe that no higner or more valued privilege can be afforded to an American citizen than to become a freeholder in the soil of the United States and to that end we pledge our Dartv to the enactment of soldiers settlement and home aid legislation which will afford the men who fought for America the opportunity to te come land and home owners under conditions affordinir trenuine govern ment assistance unencumbered by needless difficulties of red tape or advance financial investment The Railroads. The railroads were subjected to fed eral control as a war measure with out other Idea than the swift trans- nnrl nf Irnnn-I munitions and SUP nlies. When human life and national hopes were at stake, profits could not be considered and were not. Federal operation, however, was marked by an intelligence and efficiency that min imized loss and resulted in many and marked reforms. The equipment tak en over was not only grossly inade auate but shamefully outworn. Uni fication practices overcame these ini tial Handicaps ana provinea aaaitions. betterments and improvements. Econ omies enabled operation without th rate raises that private control would have found necessary and labor was treated with an exact justice that se cured the enthusiastic co-operation that victory demanded. The funda mental purpose of federal control was achieved fully and splendidly, and with far less cost to the taxpayer than would have been the case under private operation. Investments in railroad properties were not only saved by government operation, but government management retained these DroDertles. vastly iranroved in every physical and executive detail. A great task was greatly discharged. 1 he presidents recommendation or return to private ownership gave the republican majority a run year in which to enact the necessary legis lation. The house took six months to formulate -its ideas, and another six months was consumed by the re publican senate In equally vague de bate, as a consequence tne bscn- Cummina bill went to the president In the closing hours of .congress and he was forced to a choice between the chaos of a veto and acauiescense in the measure suDmitteo, nowever grave may have been his objections lo it. There should be a fair and com plete test of the law until careful and mature action by congress may cure its defects and insure a thor oughly effective transportation sys tem under private ownersnip with out government subsidy at the ex pense of the taxpayers of the country. Improved Highways. Improved roads are of vital im portance not only to commerce and industry but also to agriculture and rural life. The federal road act of 1916, enacted by a democratic con gress, represented the first systematic effort of the government to Insure the building of an adequate system of roads in this country. The act, as amended, has resulted in placing the movement for improved highways on a progressive and substantial oasis in every state In the union and in bringing under actual construction more than 13,000 miles of roads suited to the traffic needs of the communi ties in which they are located. We favor a continuance of the pres ent federal aid plan under existing federal and state agencies, amended so as to include as one of the ele ments in determining the ratio in which the several states shall be en titled to share in the fund, the area of any public lands therein. Inasmuch as the postal service has been extended by the democratic party to the door of practically every producer and every consumer in the country (rural free delivery alone hav nz been provided for b. 000. 000 ad ditional patrons within the past eight years without materially added cost) we declare that this instrumentality ran and will be used to the maxi mum of its capacity to Improve the efficiency of distribution and reduce the cost of living to consumers while increasing the profitable operations of producers. We strongly favor the increased use of the motor vehicle in the transpor tation of the mails and urge the re moval of the restrictions imposed by the republican congress on the use of motor devices in maintaining transportation in rural territories. We desire to congratulate the The urgent demands of the war for adequate transportation of war material as well as for domestic need revealed the fact that our port facili ties and rate adjustments were such as to seriously affect the whole coun try in times or peace as well as war. We pledge our party to stand for equality of rates, both import and export, for the ports of the country, to the end that there may be ade quate and fair facilities and rates for the mobilization 'of the products of Lthe country offered for shipment. Inland 'Waterway. We call attention to the failure of the republican national conven tion to recognize In any way the rapid development of barge transpor tation on our inland waterways, which development is the result of constructive policy of the democratic administration. And we pledge our selves to the further development of adequate transportation facilities on our rivers and to the further im provement of our inland waterways, and we recognize the importance of connecting the Great Lakes with the sea by way of the Mississippi river and its tributaries, as well as'by the St. Lawrence river. We favor an en terprising foreign trade policy with all nations and in this connection we favor the full utilization of all At lantic, gulf and Pacific ports, and an equitable distribution of shipping facilities between the various ports. Transportation remains an increas ingly vital problem in the continued development and prosperity of the nation. Our present facilities for distribu tion by rail are inadequate and the promotion of transportation by wa ter is imperative. We therefore favor a liberal and comprehensive policy for the develop ment and utilization of our harbors and interior highways. we commend tne democratic con gress for the redemption ot the pledge contained in our last plat form by the passage of the flood con trol act of March 1, 1917, and point to the successful control of the floods of the Mississippi river and the Sac ramento river, California, under the policy of that law. for its complete lustlf ication. We favor the extension of this policy to other flood control problems wherever the federal Inter est involved justifies the expenditure required. Rrlamation of Arid Lands. By wise legislation and progressive administration, we have transformed the government reclamation projects, representing an Investment of $100,- 000,000, from a condition of Impending failure and loss of confidence in the ability of the government to carry through such large enterprises, to a condition of demonstrated success. whereby formerly arid and wholly unproductive lands now sustain 40,000 prosperous families and have an an nual crop production of over $, 000. not including the croDS crrown on a million acres outside the proj ects supplied witn storage water irom government works. We favor ample appropriations for the continuation and extension of this great work -of home-building and In ternal Improvement along the same general lines, to tne end that all practical projects shall be built and vaters now running to wate shail be made to provide homes and add to the food sup-ply, power resources, and taxable property, with the gov ernment ultimately reimbursed for the entire outlay. The Trade CommittNton. The democratic party heartily en dorses the creation and work of the federal trade commission in estab lishing a fair field for competitive business, free from restraints of trade and monopoly and recommends ampli fication of the statutes governing its activities so as to grant .t authority to prevent the unfair use of patents in restraint of trade. urge the speedy passage of a law con taining the essential features of the Lane-Curry bill now pending, co-ordinating and consolidating all federal control of natural resources under one department to be administered by a non-partisan board permanently resident in the territory. For the fullest measure of territo rial self government with the view to Ultimate statehood, witn jurisdiction over all matters not of purely federal concern. Including fisheries and game, and for an intelligent administration of federal control. We believe that all officials appointed should be qual ified by previous bonafide residence In the territory. For a comprehensive system of road construction with increased appro priations and the full extension of the federal road act to Alaska. For the extension to Alaska of the federal farm loan act. The Philippines. We favor the granting of independ ence without unnecessary delay to the 10,500.000 inhabitants of the Philip pine islands Hawaii. We favor a liberal policy of home- steading public lands in Hawaii to promote a larger middle class citizen population with equal rights to all citizens. The lmDortantM of Hawaii as an outpost on the western frontier of the United States demands adequate ap propriations by congress for the de; velopment of our harbor and high ways there. Porto Rico. We favor granting to the people of Porto Rico the traditional terri torial form of eovernment. with a view to ultimate statehood, accorded to all territories of the United States since the beginning of our govern ment and we believe that tne o i -ficials appointed to administer the government of such territories should be qualified by previous bonafide residence therein. Asiatic Immigrants. The policy of the United States with reference to the non-admission of Asiatic immigrants is a true ex pression of the Judgment of our people and to the several states, whose geographical situation or in ternal conditions make this policy and the enforcement of the laws en acted pursuant thereto, of particular concern., we pledge our support. The Postal Service. The efficiency of the postofflce d- ways favored and will continue to favor the fair and just treatment of all government employes. Free Speech and Press. We resent the unfounded re proaches directed against the demo cratic administration for alleged in terference with the freedom of the press and freedom of speech. No utterance from any quarter has been assailed and no publication has been repressed which has not been animated by treasonable purpose and directed against the nation's peace, order and security in time of war. "We reaffirm our respect for the great principles of free speech and a free press, but assert as an indis putably proposition that they afford no toleration of enemy propaganda or the advocacy of the overthrow of the government of the state or nation by force or violence. Republican Corruption. The shocking disclosure of the lavish use of money by aspirants for the republican nomination for the highest office in the gift of the people has created a painful impression throughout the country. Viewed in connection with the recent conviction of a republican senator from the state of Michigan for the criminal trans gression of the law limiting expen ditures on behalf of a candidate fcr the United States senate. It indi cates the re-entry, under republican auspices, of money as an influential factor in elections, thus nullifying the letter and flaunting the spirit nf numerous laws, enacted by the people, to protect the ballot from the con tamination of corrupt practices. We deplore these delinquencies and in voke their stern popular rebuke, pledging our earnest efforts to a strengthening of the present statutes against corrupt practices and their rigorous enforcement. We remind the people that it was only by the return of a republican senator in Michigan who is now under conviction ar.d sentence for the crimi nal misuse, of money in his election, that the present organization of the senate, with a republican majority, was made possible. Conclusion. Believing that we have Vept the democratic faith and resting our claims to the confidence of the people, not upon grandiose promises, but upon the solid performances of our party, we submit our record to the nation's consideration" and ask that the pledges of this platform be ap praised in the, light of that record. Livestock Markets. For the purpose of insuring Just and fair treatment In the great inter state livestock market, and thus in stilling confidence in growers through which production will be stimulated and the price of meats to consumers be ultimately reduced, we favor the enactment of legislation for the supervision of such markets by the national government. Mexico. The United States is the neighbor and friend of the nations of the three Americas. In a very specta sense, our international relations in this hemisphere should be characterized by good will and free from any pos sible suspicion as to our national pur pose. The administration. remembering that Mexico is an independent nation, and that permanent stability in her government and her institutions could come only from the consent of her own people to a government of their own making, has been unwilling either to profit by the misfortunes of the people of Mexico or to enfeeble their future by Imposing from tht outside a rule upon their temporarily distracted councils. As a conse quence order is gradually reappearing in Mexico, at no time in many years have American lives and interests been so safe as they now are; peace reigns along the borders and industry is resuming. When the new government of Mex ico shall have given ample proof of Its ability permanently to maintain law and order, signified Its willing ness to meet its international obliga tions and written upon its statute books just laws, under which foreign investors shall have rights as well as duties, that government should re ceive our recognition and sympathetic assistance. until "tnese proper ex pectations have been met. Mexico must realize the propriety of a policy that asserts the right of the tnited States to demand full protection for Its citizens. Petroleum. The democratic party recognizes the importance of the acquisition by Americans of additional sources of supply of petroleum and other miner als and declares that such acquisition, both at home and abroad, should be fostered and encouragd. We urge such action, legislative and executive, as may secure to American citizens the same rights in the acquirement of mining rights in foreign countries as are enjoyed by the citizens or sub jects of any other nation. New Nations. The democratic party expresses Its active sympathy with the people ot China. Czecho-Slovakia, Finland, Po land. Persia and others who have re cently established representative gov ernment and who are striving to de velop the institutions of true democ racy. Ireland. The great principle of national self determination has received constant reiteration as one of the chief objec tives for which this country entered the war and victory established this principle. Within the limitations of Interna tional comity and usage, this conven tion repeats the several previous ex pressions of the sympathy of the dem ocratic party of the United States In the aspirations of Ireland for self We express our deep and earnest sympathy for the unfortunate people of Armenia and we believe that our c-overnment. consistent with its con stitution and principles, should ren der every possible and proper aid to them in their efforts to establish and maintain a government or tneir own. Alanka. We commend the democratic admin istration for inaugurating a new pol icy as to Alaska as evidenced by the construction of the Alaska railroad and opening of the coal and oil fields. We declare for the modification of mmr yillard macks ij jjSj Great Northland Stoi TODAY for one week Where ia Primitive Mea and Women test the Law j Mi&ht- 3 E O SI AT BURNS 9 SATURDAY and MONDAY F3 Light House Bulk Peanut 1 Qrt CLEANSER, each. ...DC BUTTER, lb LZfC Domino 7 Mazola O O A A MATCHES, pkg C OIL, per gal. . fDkH: Excellent O Fresh A A DRY ONIONS, lb OC EGGS, doz HbC Gold Crest C Blue Label Q7 BUTTER, lb 07C KARO, 10s, each. . .J7 f C GIIIRARDELLI'S GROUND CHOCOLATE Ghirardelli's Chocolate, 1-pound tins, each 44 Ghirardelli's Chocolate, 3-pound tins, each SI. 24 Ghirardelli's Chocolate, 5-pound tins, each S2.08 Ghirardelli's Chocolate; 10-pound tins, each S4.19 Guittard's Bulk Chocolate, per pound. . . i 35d White Rose Flour, 49s, per bbl. S12.95. per sack S3.28 Guaranteed to Satisfy Juno Coffee, parcel post prepaid, per pound 47 Rose of Ceylon Tea, postage paid, per pound 50 D.C. BURNS COMPA 208-210 Third Street, Between Taylor and Salmon Special Mail Order Service. 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