TIIE MORNING OREG ONI AN, SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1920 19. FOR RENT. lur uit.hr a Av&rtmfnM. X HAVE A .1-ROOM MODKRM FUR MSHKD APT. TO SUBLET ON WEST SIDE FOR .',. A MONTH. FOR FUR THER PARTICULARS CALL MAR- SHALL 23tiL TH!5 CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Street. Five minutes walk to Meier Ac Frank's tore : good surroundings, strictly mod outside with Frencu door aad balcony. JPtrinanent and transient. HIGH-CLASS. m Beautifully furnished 3-room and sleeping porch, all front rooms, very at tractive, available at once; also single rooms with bath for ladies and gentle- men; reference required. Mar. .'Jt30. RESIDENT OR TRANSIENT. Apartments, 2, 3 and 4 rooms; an apartment hotel of superior character where your comfort aud convenience are first consideration. THE WHEELDON" ANNEX. Corner Tenth and Salmon tits. $7.50 PER MONTH Furnished 2-room ground floor; a new apartment; wood work in old ivory; disappearing bed and white Dutch kitchen. The MEDA APTS.. 377 Vancouver ave., just across the -Broadway bridge. block north, at m Broad vk ay. L iaao 1 or one year. HIGHLAND COURT. HIGH-CLASd APARTMENTS. -2d and Glibau tots. Nicely furnished 4 and 5-room apart ments, strictly modern, hardwood floors, tiled baths, etc. Ad ults only. Reference required. Pho n e Marshall 3742. FURNISHED APTS. 4 large, light rooms, piano in parlor, dining room, kite lien with linoleum, sink, gas range and v. a ter heater; bedroom near bathroom; alto extra large bedroom ii desired; cheap to desirable people, quiet home. Apply 303 K, 33d et.. ha if block Hawthorne ave. CARMEL1TA APTS.. 13TH AND JEFFER SON. i-KOUM FL RN1SHED A PA RT MENT. AVAILABLE JULY 5. STRICT LY" MODERN. WHITE ENAMELED THROUGHOUT. TILE BATH. ADULTS ONLY. KEK. REQ U 1 RED. WANTED To sublet two months. 3-room apartment, furnished in mahogany, with supply linen and silver; ready tor oc cupancy J uly o. References required. Marshall 173. If no answer, call Mar shall :M8. THE ELM WOOD. Two and three-room furn. apts. In first-class apt. house; tiled bath, dress ing room, etc; too up; adults. 415 10th. Main otiOQ. iOR RENT Beautifully furnlsned 4-room apartment, Turkish rugs, Italian period ' walnut and mahogany larniturv; to Last: tor six months; best of reference re quired. Broadway 4637. KINGSBURY APARTMENT. 3-room furnished apt.; disappearing beds, outside balcony. Main 3bi3. Price 75. ATTRACTIVE 4-room apartment, summer months: comfortably furnished, sleeping porch, good view, piano; references re quired. Marshall 32 20. MODERN 5 rooms for housekeeping, beau tifully furnished, best of car service. 10 nun. to bu&ine&s center. East 3bi2 after lt A. M. UliLKNAP APT. Completely furnished 2 room ant, 35; also large corner 2-roora apt.. $42. including light; walking di& tance. 187 17 th si., near Yamhill. L-EEDS APARTMENTS 2, 3 and 4-room apart m;nts, also sleeping rooms ; mod ern, fireproof block, private baths, clean, reasonable. 210 Market st. LACRETTE APTS. Completely fur. 3-room front apt.. $73. Five mm. walk, Adulta. 220 Hth st. Main S3l7. TWO or 3 clean, light, attractive rooms with sleeping porch, will arrange to suit tenant. 573 3d st. LEEDS APTS. 3-room modern apt. ; also single sleeping rooms, walking distance. 210 Market st. LUCILLE COURT. Four-room modern front corner apt., light and a try, close in. Bdwy. 2071. NICELY furnished 3-rooin apartment, pri vate bath, niodfrn. reasonable, walking distance. 440 Williams ave. 2 ROOMS completely furnished. Including heat, light, gas. water and phone; $17.50. Mar. 3-70. FOUR rooms and bath, everything fur nished. So Walker, Meier &. Franks crockery office. KING D V I s7a"ptS. A desirable 3-room furnished apt. lor rent. Tel. Main 2058. .4 King st. THREE and 4- room beautifully furnished apartments, close in. west side. Phone Main ti.'v75. PALACE APARTMENTS 1101 E. Market; 2 rooms furnished; private baths: adults only. SHEFFIELD APT. Four-room apts.. well furnished. $60. Call Main 2506 or Bdwy. 4175. BOZANTA APTTisON."23d St. Front 4 room apt., strictly modern: private batb and phone; rt-asonable rates. KU RN ITU RE for sale. 2-room apT fo"r rent; see Manager Volheim Apt., East 30th and Alder. PEA BODY APTS.. IPth and Upshur Housekeeping apartments. 1. 2 and 3-rm. Stea m heat ; reasonable. Broadway 1546. TWO well-furnished housekeeping rooms, new furniture and carpets, close in. 20 E. 15th. corner Ash. FURNISHED apartment for rent. 2-room apt. with hath and large dressing room, walking distance. 3V Chapman st. MORTON APTS. 3-room furnished apart ment. 607 Washington st. Main 10S2. DEN N I SON APTS. 2 and 3-room ants furnished. 1027 Belmont. (Jnfurnlnued Apartments. IRVTNGTON APARTMENT. 16TH AND HANCOCK. Five-room modern apartment, outside rooms, rent $75. Man-hall 2512. 4-ROOM modern unfurnished Hat; steam heat, good location, easy walking dis tance. 311 11th st. Phone Main 2778; $40 Psr month. YE RY la rgp 4-room apartment, unfur nished. Irving apts., 21st and Irving st. - n i Mooprn - room apartment, ga- rKB ana leiepnono. j. w. iai nes. Be verton. Or THREE rooms, newly tinted, rent free for caring fnr hall. Call 304 Morgan bldg.. Main 4566. FIVE rooms, modern. $3o, west side. Ap ply 3Q4 Morgan bldg.. Mam 4566 . 4-ROOM unfurnished apt., Cor. 14th and K. Stark. varant, modern. . all East 205S. THE MARLBOROUGH 5 rooms, modern, finest residence district. Main 7M6. THR AMERICAN 3-room apartment brick build ing. Bdw y. 3360. PORTNOMAH 1 rooms, hardwood floors. w niKinK u isi a nee ; aa u us. -O'J m. uin. Furnished or t'nmrnished Apartments. JAKGER APARTMENT. 701 WASHING TON ST. HAVE SEVERAL APART MENTS READY FOR OCCUPANCY. CLARK APTS.. 2-room furnished brick apartment, light, heat, phone. 27 per montn. 01 0 .fe it y grove. Bdwy. 0O60 Flats. CLE A N. cheerful, modern unfurnished rooms, ba t h, sleeping porch, front bal cony, wonderiu i view ; furnace, base ment space, newly tinted, painted, close in. west side. Adults, 40. References. Fine for man and wife who appreciate a quiet nome. itn nan st. iiarsnaii 40, Mam 1306. 6-ROOM Xlat for rent, good and complete outfit or furniture for sale reasonable one apartment suitable to sublet: eond location and walking distance; can give immediate possession. L. H. Stuart, 410 Park st. Phone Marshall 1941. FOR RENT 6-room upper flat, newly painted inside and out; furnace and fireplace, east aide, close iu; rent $40. Phone Main 6stK. 6-ROOM upper flat. w!th attic, reasonable to right party. Call at. 1 to 4 P. M., tH5 Ella st. MODERN 4-room light, cool, lower flat; separate porches and basements; adults. 592 Salmon. MODERN 3-large room flat, arranged like an apartment: unfurnished : Yuel fur nished. 3!tt San Rafael. East 1685. MODERN lower flat. 3 rooms and kitch enette, close ln on car line, reasonable. 504 Clinton st.. cor. 15th. Sell. 614. ONK 5-room '-wer flat: also one 7-room upper flat. Brooklyn district: newlv finished, lieht and airy. Bdwy. S157. 8-ROOM modern unfurnished flat with water heater and khs ranpe; would care tor enimren ay Pay. 71 2-d. 3 f 140 4-ROOM flat, clean, modern, steam heated. uniurnisnea; lat 4ul 10th st. MOriKRN 5-room flat for rent. Sellwood 31 7S. Call after 6 P. M. EIGHT-ROOM modern flat for rent, close In. west Bide. Main 250. Furnished latM. -ROOM flat. $22.50. furniture Ior sale, 1126. Cail Maitt 3983. FOR RENli. Furnished Flats. 50TH AND LINCOLN ST. FLATS. One 3, one 4, one ti-room flats, fur nished, upstairs, renting $Vj per month: you can have nice home and income of .rK per month; has garage, and flats are modern and In No. 1 condition; party is going to California and can sell for $7000. WAKEFIELD. FRIES CO.. 85 Fourth St. $50j 5-ROOM strictly modern, well fur nished with mahogany furniture; good location, east side, near car line. Dan Hughes. Bdwy. 1231. FURNISHED FLAT 5 rooms, bath, fur nace, fireplace, piano, furniture new. Marshall 1622. COMPLETELY furnished 5-room flats: clean and attractive: excellent west side location ; $50 and $60. East 2578. COMPLETELY furnished 6-room flat. $875: rent $40: immediate possession. Jones. 248 Stark st. Main 5429. FURNITURE of 5 rooms for sale and flat for rent. Broadway 4238. THREE-ROOM furnished flat. 504 B. 22d st. Richmond car. Housekeeping: Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Mar.; furnished H. K. rooms. $15 up, including gas range, hot water, electric lights, laundry room. BASEMENT H. K. rooms, suitable for bachelor; lii?ht, gas and telephone, $14 341) Jefferson. NEAT and clean 1 and 2-room housekeep ing suites and also sleeping rooms. 394 12th st. FOR RENT 3 housekeeping rooms with bath. 018 Prescott at. Phone Woodlawn 3 1 34. MAKE the Bushmark your home, one and two-room oueside apts., clean, modern, respectable. Wash. st.. cor. 17th. NICE single rooms very reasonable : hot water always, baths, laundry. 655 Flan ders. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, rea sonable. 221 12th. cor. Salmon. f SINGLE furnished H. R.. room, 53 H Washington, corner Third st. NICE basement room for housekeeping. Bdwy. 2M)4. 147 N. 17th St. DESIRABLE 3-room suite, private bath, single room; Mar.3083. 186 Sherman st. FURNISHED H. K. rooms. 125 4th St., near Wash., west side. SMALL single furnished H. K. room, $2.25 week. 2t7 Knott, near Williams ave. THREE housekeeping rooms, $6 a month, adults. Lower Albina. Tabor 571. 1 AND 2 rooms, housekeeping:; clean. 22d N. 161 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM; rooms. 393 West Park. also sleeping SINGLE and double H. K rooms, close in. 508 Alder. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. White Temple neighborhood, walking distance. 325 12th. Housekeeping Rooms in Private family. THREE 2-room apartments, $2.50 weekly; one 2-room apartment. $3 weekly; clean, gas, electricity; quiet place lor family. 657b 1st st. LARGE housekeeping room, phone, lights, water and gas, lor cooking furnished, $18 per month. 343 10th st.. cor. Market. ONE clean housekeeping room with kitch enette, also one sleeping room on first floor. 515 Morrison. Bdwy. 4433. TRUNKS and baggage delivered In down town o'strict for 25c. Auto tervice. Free storage for 15 days. Phone Bdwy. 2445. LARGE room, kitchenette, suitable fo( couple employed; $20 month. Woodlawn 4354. 1203 Gay st. TRUNKS and bsgrage delivered !n down town district for 25c; auto service. Phone Main 205. LARGE H. K. room for renL 186 N LM h s LARGE, light front H. K. rooms. 305 Third st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent. 14th st. -ROOM apt.. 1st floor, just off Washington. 46 N. 21st st. 3-ROOM furnished ground floor apt., light. phone, 2 beds. Bdwy. 24 3. ONE H. K. room, gentleman. S75- E. Yam 2Vth ; private family. hill. cor. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, light. water and phone ; $20. 204 v AlcMihen. NICE room and board in modern home. close in. East 5SJ t. 2-ROOM furnished apartment. Mar. 3456 r 1 sy Kearney. FOR RENT 6-room house with attic. 910 Thurman st.. near 2(t!T. Owner spent $1500 remodeling house, has now hard wood floors, woodwork all In white; sleeping porch, bath room and kitchen In tile; full lot. 50xlOO. with shrubbery; new furnace, new electrical fixtures: will give 2-3-year lease to responsible party references : rent $60 per month. ties Mr. Ball is WAKEFIELD. FRIES CO.. , 85 Fourth Street. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 080, A 6747. HOUSE. Brooms, bath and toilet, close In. furniture for sale cheap; rent $-i; other business calls me from city. 368 Sixth St.. 0 blocks from post office. IK VI NG TON Modern 9-room house. 642 Tillamook st.. cor. E. 17th st. N; every thing first-class throughout. Phone Ta bor MJlS. LCA L and long-distance moving and hauling; first-class equipment. Green Tr. Co.. 202 Alder st. Main 1261. 672-61 FOR SALE Furniture of 4-room cottage, or trade on car; rent only $15; west side. Marshall 4238. MOVING Piano. furniture and iong-dis- tance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121 -ROOM house, garage near by ; adults; $27.50. 145 E. Webster. Mississippi car. v n in. jhh.'. 8-ROOM house, good location, to person buying the fitted carpets, body Brus sels. Ki. l'Jth Pt. 6-ROOM house, close in. on cart side, $36. wain. 110. Furnished Houses. LOV ELY home in Ladd additron- nicely furnished, no linen or silver: rent for 8'months; references; will reserve one room for boy. East o46. 4 ROOMS and sleeping porch, completely furnished. 100-xlOO lot. fruit and ber ries, furnace; $10O cash, balance $15 per mo. Jones. 248Stark bU Main 5423. IRYINGTON, elegantly furnished home for July and August, $125 month; every modern electrical convenience; sleeping porch, garage. East 6189. TO LEASE My 8-room. furnished house for one year; references wanted; near A. C. S. church. Tabor 631. MODERN furnished house, excellent west side location ; references required. Main 2243. FOR RENT 5-room. furnished bungalow, $45 a month. 4 months' rent In advance. 95 E. 24th N. Alberta car to 24th. AT 968 HAWTHORNE ave.. modern, com pletely furnished. 7 -room house, 3 bed rooms. IRYINGTON 7-room furnished house. July and August: large yard; $100 per month. Phone Main 7614. TO RESPONSIBLE couple, furnished bun galow for July and Aug. One room re served. Taber 1129. MODERN 5-room bungalow, furnished with piano. Call Sellwood 3025. t FOR KENT. Furnished Houses. NICELY furnished 4-room suite; 2 bed rooms In modern home, nice for 3 or 4 adults; very desirable, walking distance. 04 N. 16th at., corner Flanders, West Side. FOR RENT Beautiful 9-room modem nome; furnace heat. Rood west side lo cation; $t0; furniture for sale, nearlv new; purchased last winter; rooms can be rente dlf desired. 58 N. 20th st. 2-ROOM furnished house, $11. First house nortn or Kern Park, Mt. Scott car. Summer Kesorts. COLUMBIA BEACH "BY THE SEA" THE CLOSEST OCEAN BEACH, FOR YOUR VACATION. Most beautiful, accessible and home like seaside and Inland resort combined. Ideal groves, fresh water streams and lakes; boating, bathing, fishing, crab bing, clam digging and hunting to your heart's content. All the comforts of home. Very moderate charges. Make reservations for a tent In our "Tent City," now open. Good large box tents; everything furnished. Including clean beds, laundry, wood, light and good pure mountain water. Special rates by month or season. For information and reservation call or write COLUMBIA BEACH COMPANY, 248 Stark st. Phone Main 5429. Or He) man Johnson, Mgr.. Columbia Beach, via Warrenton, Or. FOR SALE In Mt. Hood district, five 3 and 4-room cottages with fireplace. lo cated on the banks of Zig Zag and Still Water creeks; large lot with warran tv deed; $900 to $1000 each; cash or easy terms. Also for rent, one modern 6-room bungalow, fireplace, bathroom, etc.: $30 per week; one 4-room cottage. $1S per week. Address or phone Rhododendron Inn, Rhododendron. Or. ROOM and board wanted at Seaside for mother and daughter 4 years, where husband can spend week-end ; give price and location and other particu lars; must have hot and cold water and bath. Address AL 860. Oregonlan. GEARHART Completely furnished ridge cottage tor July only; four bedrooms ana maid s room ; another for season, four bedrooms, garage; very reasonable rental. GEARHART PARK COMPANY, , 100 y Fourth St. MacLEAN'S CAMP. OSWEGO LAKE. Cottage for rent, partly furnished; reached from Oswego station on 4th -st. red electric line. Mac Lean. 60 7 Lewis bldg. Phones Bdwy. 5000 and Oswego 43 L FOR RENT OR SALE Gearhart cottage. rooms, July rent $100. Or will eeli subject to August lease. 60x100. for $3500. Furniture if wanted. See P. B. Van Nice, Portland, or Mrs. Schroedor in Gearhart. SEASIDE cottage. 2 rooms and sleeping porcn, . nice;y rurnished. electric lights, running water. 158 5th ave., old Locksly hall, 1 block to board walk; for season Tabor 7683. AT CAXNON BEACH. July 4 to 18th; lurnisnea cottage, u per week. Call Main 2141 until t; alter that and Sun day Main 282. FOR RENT Seaside cottage, furnished: 4 large rooms, wired porches, fireplace city water, electric lights, etc.. on oaved streets, near ocean. Call Last 3684, OCEAN PARK. WASH. 4-room cottage, overlooking ocean ; 3 room apt and 2 sleeping rooms. Broad way 4329. SEASIDE Del Mar Apts., 2 rooms, fur. xor nousea.ee ping lor people; clean, everything furnished ; rates by day or week. 3d st. and 2d. ave. MANHATTAN BEACH. 4-room cottage, fireplace, porch, run ning water; near lake and mountains; $10 a week. Wrdln. 2657 evenings. 4-ROOM bungalow, fireplace, lights, July 10 to foepternDer 1, ab 10th avenue. Seaside. FOR RENT At Seaside, a new furnished apartment and furnished tent. For in formation, call Main1967. CONVENIENTLY located, comfortably furnished 5-room cottage at Seaside un tii July 20; reasonable. Main 6U16. TENT HOUSE, Cannon Beach; running water ; July. A ugust. C. L. Wingard, 553 Morrison. SEASIDE cottage, UermoM park. 1 block from board walk, 2 blocks from Broad way ; plumbing, electricity. Main 6221. SEASIDE, Or., for rent, nice room by month or season, view of the ocean. Inquire 122 3d ave. W. Mrs. D. Kay. FOR RENT For July, cottage at Neah kahnle; bath, h rep lace, 4 bedrooms; $75. Marshall 1435. PRIVATE cottage hotel tor couples; ocean view; lovely location; $5 each per day. A. L. Peel, 119 9th ave.. Seaside. Or. OCEAN CREST APTS. Light housekeep ing. Rockaway Beach. ROCK AW AY 2-room cottage for rent weeks in J uly. Call East 2426. $25 1 LARGE-ROOM furnished cottage. season. Ocean Park,. Wash. Mar. 5613. ROCKAWAY BEACH Room with private f am ily from Ju ly 8. East 1276. 2-ROOM cottage at Rockaway, near depot; $30 month ; running water. East 6020. FOR RENT Furnished five-room house at Seavlew, Wash. Main 2935. FOR SALE 5-room cottage Call at Oxford cottage, Oth a Seaside. Seaside. FOP. RENT Cottage at Seaview, Wash ington, fine view of ocean. Tabor 763. 4-ROOM furnished house, fine firepdace, large lot. Seaview, Wash. Tabor 9178. 2-ROOM house at Seaside for July. Wood lawn 2614. Stores. FOR LEASE SALESROOM 36x25. WITH ADDITIONAL SPACE IN LARGE GAR AGE. SPEEDWELL GARAGE. 14TH AND COUCH 5T3. PHONE BROAD WAY 3974. LARGE store in brick building, with base ment and workshop in rear; No. 208 Maduson st. A. H. Birrell Co., 217 Northwestern Bank bldg., phone Mar shal? 4114. SPACE In large new garage on east side to reliable party for rent for battery man, top, body or fender man. Sable & Armstrong garage, 43d and llaw thorne. ON BROADWAY. NEAR EVERETT. CENTER OF AUTOMOBILE ROW. Inquire at 80 N. Broadway. FOR RENT Storeroom and living rooms above, located 510 A 1dr st. .autotno hH row. See Mr. O'Brien. 235 Stark. $25 STORE, west side, close I. 23x94 feet. Tabor 1114. FINE dental office and equipment for rent. Se 1 1 wood 1 7"3. Offifrs. OFFICE for rent in Spalding bldg. Phone Main 1634. OFFICE or desk room for rent. 325 Rail- way Exchange bldg. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT Most sttractive studio in city; Fuitable for dance studio or recital hall: hardwool floor, small office. Eilers bui lding, 2 8 7 Was h ing ton s t. SPACE 60x100. very desirable for one wanting space for r a rage. For Infor mation call Bdwy. 126 BTJSFVESS OPPORTTTVITIES. DENTAL office for sale cheap; poor health, must quit; good location and practice. Woodlawn 3662. PARTNER in auto repair shop, good loca tion, cheap rent, $350. AB 805, 0rego-rian. 1 1 f 1 ..- . x : i I ' WewwiprrVeTsVerrie.ln. Cwl BrM. iitlii . miiI 1 1 . " (Li f 3 BiZ-flEM- J S' ; BUSINESS OPPOBTCKTnES. BUSINESS PROPERTY. Tn the heart of the downtown district we have a good business property for sale at a price that win pay you a good dividend on the capl'al invested. Present net Income is about $10,500 per annum. If you are looking for a business investment call at our office and let us show you this property. We also have other good bust nes properties for sale. PACIFIC AGENCY. TNG. 514-20 Swetland Bldg. WANTED Partner in newly established furniture mfg. business which has a real future. This is a 10O safe proposition and would be an ideal opportunity for one who has $5000 to invest. This op portunity would be suited to an experi enced furniture and display salesman or to an experienced upholsterer or to one who could take care of books and cor respondence or to one who would like a silent interest in a safe and sane prop osition with a bright future. Books open to your own auditor. Exchange ot references necessary. AH "iUii, ure gonfan. FOR SALE My interest in old-established garage business, one of the best garage propositions in the northwest; location dj mnes xrom Portland on coiumoia highway: valuable agencies for trucks. tractors, cars, etc.; also fully equipped machine and repair shop; must setl at once; unju win na.no ie deal; lnvestiga ttoii invited. Address P. O. box 612 Hood River, Oregon. CLEARING $50O PER MONTH. ONE- HALF INTEREST TO RELIABLE MAN. ON GROUND FLOOR CENTER CITY. WORKING 6 MEN AT PRESENT. CAN WORK MORE. AM ABLE TO SHOW JOU A REAL BUSINESS. OLD ES TABLISH ED PLACE. I MEAN BUSI NESS. NO AGENTS. PRICE r$2000. FULLY SECURED. D 82. OREGONIAN ATTENTION First-class automobile and garageman, thoroughly experienced, has full equipment for garage and repair shop for a large going place; am in the market for first-class garage location or partnership, would consider out-of- town proposition, or would sell equip ment. AK 851. Oregon ian. A CHANCE to get a good going manufac turing business. Owner has other busi ness that takes all of his time: $000 un filled orders on hand, good margin of prom; win guarantee profit nrst year. Do not answer unless you mean busi ness; $3000 will handle. AN 800. Ore gonian. WISHING TO RETIRE. Owner Is sacrificing a 40 -room hotel. downtown location, netting $700 per mo. This is sure money-maker. See Rock, 403 couch bldg. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. $350 caj?h takes vulcarvixing shop, eas ily worth ssoo; am unable to nancue be cause of other interests and must raise money. Agents welcome to investigate this. Been doing $300 per month. Phone cawy, o 1 o. Alv boi!. Uregonaan. FOR SALE Newspaper and job office in northern California doing a good busi ness, i;i health only reason lor" selling curiosity seekers save your postage -1 bargain for cash only. Address Harry L. Sinclair, Montague. Cai. HIGH-CLASS Eroccry store for sale at in voice, will go about $3000; $3500 will handle; this will net about $40O per month: It is an Al proposition and will stand the closest investigation. AM 811. Oregonlam DAI RY doing good business, close in. 31 cows, house, six lots. barn, milk nouse, milk cooler, good bull. 110 chickens. 3 pigs, horse, harness, wagon, buggy, 60 acres pasture; all goes cheap lor quick sale. 1948 Wooisey st.. St. Johns car. ON account of other business will sell one of the largest and best-paying garages In tha city, west side location. $130 to SlaO rach, siO per mo. Machine shop, vuleaniztug, all equipped. AG 707. Ore gonian. GROCERY and Ice cream parlor for sale also has very food light lunch trade. Can be bougrht very reasonable before July 4. C. & H., 322-3-4 Failing bldg., 3d ana w am. GARAGE PARTNERSHIP. . 100x100 concrete building, full of stor age; repair shop; fine chance for liable man; to such will make ' low price. Call oil. Railway Exchange, FOR SA LE Restaurant and confection ery, on good corner, reasonable rent, 6-year lease; living room in connection, come ana see ior yoursei r. l. Hyiton G res nam, or., box 41. Telephone 38. WELL established, growing manufacturing business needs more capital. Has position open for ofice manager or salesman who can make Investment or SoOOO or more. AO 818. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Only steam laundry In coun ty: doing an excellent business; every thing is in good condition; f ireproo: building, long lease, cheap rent. Ad dress Av 9i7. Oregonlan. GARAGE. $1 S.OOO Large, well-equipped weil side garage with storage income $1500 per month ; long lease, large stock ac ce?sorie. See Mr. Mast, 502 Couch bldg, GROCERY STORE. Cash and' carry; good location. Phone Automatic 210-09. . BAKERY for sale, small town in Oregon, 1M)0 required to Handle : splendid od portunity for a baker to start in busi nespt. call 71 3d st. ICE CREAM, confectionery and light pro ceries. all cash trade: has livlner rooms just right for man and wife. Room 511 Railway exchange. MECHANIC wanted to buy half interest In garage storing 60 cars, handling acces sories and gen-eral repairing : no reason- abie offer refused. AD 803, Oregonlan, MAKE an offer for a dining room located in a srood hotel and doing a good busi ncss. C. & H., 322-3-4 Failing bldg., 3d and Wash. CONFECTIONERY, cigars, will sacrlfic for good reaHons, our centrally located store; on terms: suitable for man an wife. Owner. Stark at West Park. FOR SALE Established bakery and con fertionery; full equipment; must sarrl fice; trms if desired: a money-maker for right party. ol Union ave. .n. WEST SIDE garage: large storage an hie- repair trade : all kinds machlnerv $2000 will handle. Room 511, Railway T-ixr-nange. GOOD paying nuarnef s for sale : can tak a good house as part payment ; old age fonea this sale. 2077, 2079 Van Houten street. BA K ERT FOR SALE. Doing cash business: good location. 893 K. 39th st. Tabftr 195. CANDY Complete factory equipment for sale cheap. Call East 4420. Salisbury. 749 E. Irving. BAKERY,, with light groceries, for sale; best location on east side: all cars stop nt door. AN 796. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Grocery stock, good corner location. Will invoice. Reasonable) rent. M4 Alberta st. SHOE chining and hat cleaning parlor for sale. Phone Broadway 1447. FOR SALE Good paying restaurant; lease; rent $15. 375 Front st. WELL established grocery and feed busi ness. $2900. Call Tabor 6700. CIGAR STAND, doing good business, for sale by owner. 95 5th ft. POLLY AND HER PALS PHILANTHROPY BKGINS AT BOMB, IT SEEMS. BY CLIFF" STERUKTT. BUSFNESS OPPORTO'ITIES. COMPLETE ELECTRO PlAVTTNO PLANT. Ftilly equipped for plating of all de scriptions. Employs steady from three to five men. Owner compelled to sell on account of 111 health. For particulars address SUPERIOR PLATI"N5 WORKS, 153 Cordov SL East, Vancouver. B. C. HAVE an exceptional proposition to make 10 man organizing state sales lorces In the various states; fastest selling article on the market. Manufactured in Portland, Kansas City, New York City and Atlanta. Ga. Exclusive territory to men who mean business and have suf ficient capital to handle the matter properly. Call at the home office of the Sant Manifold Sales corporation, room 934 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Port land, Or., between 9 A. M. and 6 P. At. week days. A MAN in business or not looking for the ,o,6w uu dbsi money-matting proposi tion now open; nothing like.it; can be handled in spare time, $15O0 to $2000 Or SeCUHtV rM1llliH mnAr fh business; a wonderful opportunity, only cnance ror one; act quick. MOORE Sl ROBINSON. 325 Lumber Ex. Bldg., Portland. Or. ATTENTION. CONTRACTORS. The property situated at the corner of Clackamas and Benton sts., full lot. cov ered, with old buildings, will be sold by the owner, who is here from the east; any reasonable offer will not be refused. Call at 413 Chamber of Commerce bidg.. Otto & Hark son Reaity Co. DO VOU want an all-year log haul that down and 12 months on balance will handle with $50 a day guarantee? This will pay out in six months, your living expenses included. Ask for Cur well at 484-w Oregon c i ty . INVESTIGATE Bargain; 4-store building. vuLiuge, Darn, garaen. paved streets, cement scidewalks; building fine condition; income $50 month; $3000 cash. By owner. J. Fulton, 2o9 N. Main at, New burg. Or. HAVE attractive nrooosltion for dnptAr interested in open air sanatorium; beau tiful sanatorium, all equipped, capacity 20 patients; Just outside city limits; small amount cash. Address Y 109, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE Established business a fine Ui coniecLionery store with good cigar and tobacco trade ; best location in one of the livest towns in Oregon; reason for selling, poor health. Ad dress George Lutos Bend, Or A PARTNER WANTED. For garage; 48 cars steady storare: sell gas, 0I's-tlre8 and auto repairlne: can clear $350 month for each partner! vsuLu tvx j-eaum oiag, . lu:NtiKY' lce c"am. cigars and u"i-" nce lamuy trade; $300 month clear; Invoice about $1200; living X, "4 iu-uuu. xiuy iroin owner. 651 Alberta st. DELICATESSEN. Tr"d77-weu )"iPped confectionery and delicatessen, west side apt. district; rent $30. doing $60 to $75 per day. See SPACE In large new garage on east side vr 1 ombuic puny ior rent ror battery man, top, body or fender man. Sable & Armtron garage, 43d and Haw- IUUI 113. ujl location ror bakery, butcher shop ur specially eiore; modern store build ings in good population i-ntr arnn in ducement to right parties. Johnson, 248 CAUTION, BUYERS Before cIorI h..i pw-vauru uie rest in established real estate business, set Realty Board, 421 Oregon bldg. Broad way 1902. RESTAURANT. uia established and paying business, rent of restaurant and 8-room house only $30 with lease. See Mr. i . -- a u c n o 1 a g. DENTAL practice ; old established prac 1 f equipment for sale. In good .wwUli. ueioro iimu JL. al. Wood lawn 1285. 798 Kerby st. NURSES. ATTKNTinv Established maternity home. 12 rooms, every Lain g com p lete, in good con dition. Wdln. 4272. roK ale Paying country newspaper in growing coast town, must sell on ac count of health; $1000 cash takes plant. v,viuiiyp0 o.t y vj 'irst st. I'Mrt roriiana 1 m nrnvcrl nrnn.tv n traae ior notel. I10.0O0 to $20,40O; might put in ovine ctta 1 1 , no commission to pay, o mo i uer. au ow, ure gonian, a 1KB. vulcanizing shop, located in good valley town, well equipped, at a bargain or would consider trade. Inquire 15 f in 111 II BC. rt-rt ALft - -ton Republic truck with tt.ea.uy naming .ion; a monev-maker SERVICE TRUCK AGENCY 227 Salmon St. Main 6154. RESTAURANT, doing good business: ten steeping rooms in connection : for sale on account of III health. Address 310 naaiuiinLun au, v ajicouver. wash. . Jth firr1My ruIty ellPPed electric studio. 5 living rooms and bath, all fur- iiiBiicu, no oiner Riuaio in town. R. c. w ring, pox joj. Aiontesano, Wash. FOR quick sale, a first-class restauran In excellent location, going concern good reasons for selling. Slurm-Kefer YV., It illU SI. PARTNER WANTED. Hanay man with $400 can buy hal interest iu a. gooa-paving auto reba ousmess. can room 401. Dekum bldg, GROCERY. $1600 cash grocery, with fin itvin rooms; H acre of land; rent only $10 per month. See Mr. Mast, 502 Couch bldg. PARTNER wanted. Tady or man betwe' re or Jl and 3a years. Address AM 793, IF you wish to sell your busirfess. c Main 9404 or call and see Harper a &ucj.MAhKK wanted at Carlton. Or good location. P. O. Box 2S1. Carlton. Oregon. FOR SALE BY OWNFR Pptwoav WHITE SHIELD MATERNITY HOME 798 E. 2d N. PHONE 312-79 FOR SALE Well located vulcanizing a oatiery snop; win invoice. AV 129, Ore UU1U II. o 1 rv 01 traceries ana -Plory bldg., fSC fit ice 11 lanTi at once. w. bth st. rut BAbfi uy owner, ze rooms: terms $1000 wwiii handle It. 208 Washington. main i oi''. FOR SALE! Plumbing and tin shop, goo location, good Dusiness. AV 994, Ore gonian. FOR SALE- Ice cream parlor, home hak ery and delicatessen in a good a prat ment nouBB uiftnrv. . atj main iOir,. KhMAUKA.M :n tee small place, on cor ner, 6 tables and ft stools. Call before noon at ttiu tu. 4 urn aide mt. otjr 1 anna, cigar ana canoy store; rea son sicKness. n: jirst st. Business Opportun i 1 iee Wan ted. EXPERIENCED merchant wants noxitfm as manager of dry goods, clothine. nho or general store; not too near Portland will buy all or part Interest In paying, wen located nusinera at reasonable price give full particulars. BJ 8S. Oregonian TO UNO. man. 22 years of age, wishes Invest several hundred dollars In local garage or repair snop and win work same; 1 year's experience. AK 800, Ore gonian. w a 1 mj an grocery wirn living room; ot over KM r. J. K. . 1 VS E. 6th St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Business Opportunities Wanted, IF YOUR hotel or roominc house Is for sale, call Simms. 425 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Main 4277. Hotels and Rooming Houses. 27 ROOMS, all H. K. apts., rent $100. lease, gross income, $290 and 3 rooms for own use, extra-well furnished, 5JOOO, half cash. . . . . 21 rooms, rent $100. lease, hot and cold water, steam heat, gross income $339, verv good indeed, cash down. $--Oo. 17 rooms, mostly H. K.., rent $5. 50, steam heat, electricity; gross income. $250, takes $1UM) to handle MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business. Hotel. Rooming or Apartment House of anv kind, anywhere, seo F. RIERDON. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS RITTER. LOWE CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. t FOR SALE Hotel, fully equippea. 10 growing town, doing capacity uum.. reasonable if taken soon, $-000 casn down will handle. Write for particulars. Ed Kelly. Wheeler. Oregon. . ATTENTION, MR. HOTEL MAN. One of the best paying 90-room hotels In Por .land for sale. Price and terms right to experienced hotel people. C. & H., 3:'2-3-4 Falling bldg.. 3d and Wash. FOR SALE H. K. rooming house 1- ronms. furnace, electric ngnts, gas. run ning water in rooms: close in. 227 Broad way and Main. Main 4044. 10 CLEAN H. K. rooms, good furniture; west side, best location: win nan die; nice home. Barney Johnson A Co., 170 loth st. Phone Main 3100. A. RR1AT. 5-room cottaee. completely furnished. rent $16; cheap. EUGENE HEDGES, 171 W. Ps-rk "W A V v111 rnnmlnir. aoartment hou r.r- hntp vnii want to sell QUICK I i e w method. Phone Hampton. Sunday. Main 40S6. After Sunday. Bdwy. SMALL rooming house, west etde; all mnmm IttKen: SieepiiiK univ . imuiui uve 12 a day: beautiful place; must sell at once. Call owner. Bdwy. aott. BY OWNER 26-room H. K. apts.. close in. nicely lurnishea. low rent, wun N. E. corner Montgomery and 5th si. Aut. 514-71. ; m K. rooms for sale, furnace, electric lights, gas. close in. Main 4044. : Broadway and Main. fc'OR best bargain in apartment houses see member ox Realty Co.. 245 4th st. 8-ROOM house, well furnished and mod ern, furniture nearly new; close in. west side; lovely home. 58 N. L'Qth st. vrtiVt CATV Rnardlnr and room i n fC hou.e must sell on account or sic an ess. p Monday night. 207 Sherman st. Mar. 23 iQ MRS. M. E. LENT. Hotel and apartment-house broker. 53-4-5 Northwestern Bank bldg. vr-a siat.K 13 rooms, all new furnitur lovely nome wuu .u tuwume. ig voiieg street. fOR SALE International Hotel. 100 rooms. Ar i-i. uresonian. 24 ROOMS, near center of city; rent $S3, Phone owner. ' o-io. WILL BUY 25 rooms up, modern; pay cash for good house and bargain. Far ker. Main 4551. 42 ROOMS, H. K. apts. East 34S7. 557 ft Williams ave., cor. ivnott. :0 H. K. rooms for rale, full all the time. S-ee owoeig tbJ1 Thurman. cor. 23d. IF YOUR rooming house or hotel Is foi sale, call Main 3160 for quick results. SPKCIAL VOTICES. Proposals Invited. NORTHWEST STEEL COMPANY SALVAGE MATERIAL SALE. Probotals Invited for all materials stored in -our ware house at 15th and Pettygrove streets. Portland, Oregon. This material was accumulated dur Ing our shipbuilding programme, and consists of a large assortment of mis cellaneous maw-rials such as iron and brass fittings and valves: iron, brass and copper specialties : steel cable and fit tings ; air riveting hammers. drills, reamers and parts ; machine and car riage bolts, nuts and screws, and nun dreds of other commodities. Material can be inspected by prospective bidder: at the warehouse July 5 to 9. inclusive. Bidders must make their own estimat of values. Bids must be LUMP SUM for the lot. and all materials must be remove within 30 days after award. Bids must be accompanied by certi fled check on a Portland bank for 10 per cent of amount bid. and the balanc paid within one day after award upo: presentation by us to successful bidde of warehouse receipt- Kail ure of sue cessful bidder to make such final pav ment shall result in forfeiture of hi: check as liquidated damaces. No bid will be received for partial lots, and right Is reserved to reject an or an bios. No proposal will be received afte July 11, 1920. and award or reject io w ith return of certified check will b made within three days thereafter. Mark envelopes containing bids Pro- posals for Materials. Address sealed proposals to NORTHWEST STEEL COMPANY. Portland. Oregon NOTICE OF SALE OF DRAINAGE DIS 1 li 1 ' ; T BONDS. SEALED PROPOSALS wll! be n ceived by the board of supervisors t the Klamath drainage district of Klan ath county, Oregon, at the office of a board, which is in the courthouse in th city of Klamath Falls. Or., for the pur chase of $200,000 of the bonds of said Klamath drainage district, until the hou of 2 o'clock in the afternoon on the 17th day ot juiy. a. ij. iju. Said bonds are to be dated July 1920. and are to bear Interest from da at me rai oi o per ceni per annum, pay aoie on me iirsi uay or January and th first aay or juiy each year. 1 he board of supervisors reserve th ngnt to reject any ana ail proposa xor any rrason anu li not satisxactory said board. Address all communications and all proposal io m unaersignea, . C. R. DELAP, Sec of Klamath Drainage District Klamath Falls, Oregon. LOST AND FOUND. LOST $10 reward for return of dog, brin die ana wnite, n.s uog narne and Spo kane license i it. Call boll wood 121 Hhi r ranci.i ave. FOUND Bay mare, owner may have Ham by paying for pasturage. Parker place, Kochy i'oint, ur. LOST A. K. K. fraternity pin. Upsilnn chapter. Kinder please address Edwin E. Osgood, Box 293. Puy al lup. Wash. Loht Between 12th and 17th st. on Washington, lady's Shrine pin. Call Bdwy. 2640. Reward. LOST Coin pure containing in cur rency and S "0 victory loan bond, first of week. Reward. Bdwy. 501 S. LOST 7 keys and tweezers on chain and small Yalo lock. Cal 1 telephone girl. courthouhe. Mar. 5400. Reward. LOST An auto safety lock, between WVst Oregon mill and east si do. Phone East 7128. Reward. LOST Fur neckpiece. Thursday even In r at 5th and Morrison sts. Reward. Phone Tabor S449. LOST Sorority pin, diamond ft, name on mme; liberal reward for return of same. Call Tator 20C0 or Main 3407. LOST Grav fur belt, downtown. Reward. Phone East 4IB7. LivfeS. LOST ANIt roc XIX. REWARD FOR STOLEN CAR. A reward of $50 win be paid for the recovery of Max wo!), 19 IS. 5-oaJiger louring car, motor No. mb and a further reward of 5 will be paid for information ieadine to the arrrs and conviction of tn th.ef having stolen th same. The car ns a b ack body ana running gear, equipped with Goodrich afety-treaa tires ; sto. n in Saiem. Or., t-n or about Julv 36. 119. Not: f y by w ire W. E . Hel f ric h . 312 Lewis bldg.. Portland, Or., or W. W. Aivemon. 2ti6 Bush st., San Francisco. California. HE following articles were found on cars oi tne f . t. 1. A: p. Co. Juiy l: S purses. 2 pajrs glasses. 2 lubes, li brary card, pair gioves. 5 pkgs. maga zine, hat, box, camp stool, coat hanger, 4 suitcases, thermos bottle. 2 lunch boxes. 2 umbrellas. Ownetrs may obtain property at First and Alder sts. LOST Between 511 6th St.. Oregon City, ana .nu Jefferson St.. Portland, leather handbag containing man's bill fold with name and address and $25 in cunency, baggage check and numerous otrer ar ticles. Lady away from home and badly In need of this bag. For liberdi reward, call Mr. Morris. Main 1157. or Mrs. Kru- ger. Oregon City 7 S . LOT On Columbia hiehwav between Multnomah Falls and Bonne viUe. one brown leather grip with name Howelsen. New Rockford. N. D., on upper tide of grip. Finder pleae notify H. E. Couch. &1 Mississippi Ave.. Portland, Or LOST In Kenton district. June 30. one Axminster rug. Finder please notify shipping dept. and receive re w ard. Powers Furniture Co.. 3d and Tamhiil. i-- i Oliver oucKie. Krlrtav A. M. on Broadway, between Vancouver ave. and Washington st Finder please call East LOST Baush & Laub prism binoculars marKea M. l. Johnson, on beach near Agate iseach hotel. Please return H. W, Tuttie. Newport, for reward. LOST Friday morning, black leather trav eling Dag on iiroaqway bridge. Leave at check room Union Depot or Bohemian Kestaurant for 51 rs. Lie be. Reward. LOST 1 male pointer pup. liver and white streak on forehead. 3 months old. Call Woodlawn 26. Reward. LOST A gray sweater on 43d and Sandy .f lease return to outs Aieaicai bidg. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE WE KIRN IS H THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG., 21 FLOOR. LIBERTY, BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE WE r L RNJSH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 2U6 SELLING BLDG.. II D FLOOR. $10,000 MORE capital needed for ex pan sion in well established and profitabl manufacturing business; either invest ment or loan considered. AO SS0. Ore gonian. Cash paid for mortgages and seners con tracts on real estate in Washington. Ore gon. H, E. Noble. 316 Lumbermen! bldg WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers contracts, f. E. Bowman m. Co. 210 Chamber of Commerce. Money, to Loan on Real Estate. RESIDENCE LOANS. 70, five-year period. You may pay 100 or any multiple thereof accoun principal, semi-annually and reduce in teres t on loans under s.uuu. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan tiO'i value house and lot a 7. - You pay one-half of one per cen account .principal monthly. For ex ample, $2000 loan, you pay $10 month and interest ; you have privilege of pay ing SloO or any multiple thereof month ly. Interest reduced accordingly. NO COMMISSION. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period. 7c .Excellent r payment privilege. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main S30S. 407 Yeon bldg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION On improved property, or for improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment p. an. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for b0 months, or S 15.17 per month for 96 montha pay a loan of $10oo and interest. Loans of other amounts In same pro portions. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN AS3N 242 Stark sL, Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission, no delavs. DEV E R E AU X MORTG AGE COMP AN Y, 87 Sixth et., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm and city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ileges. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 80 Fourth st.. Portland. Or. $60,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit on city, suburban and farms. Building loans a specialty. WILLIAM O. BECK, 21S-216 FAILING BUILDING, THIRD AND WASHINGTON. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 6 AND 7 INSTALLMENT LOANS. NO COMMISSION UNION ABSTRACT CO., 83 4TH ST.. HENRY BLDG. LIBERAL LOANS. We loan our money on real estate, 1st and 2d mortga ges. contracts, live stock, notes, etc. E. E. Bowman A Co 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main So'tf MONEY TO LOAN ' on Improved city property and ado lm proved farm property. Current ratea W M. M c M A STERS. 331 U. S.National Bank blsg. $4A0. $.".00, JfiOO. jsnn. ilfoo. $12O0. $1500, m"'1 '' h""-k action: tiiv off 30 or more at any interest Hu ta Gordon Mortgage Co.. 6.;i Chamber of Commerce mas. am is u. CITY AND FARM LOANS. No Delay. No Delay. N0 Delav S1000. $1000, $2000, $.1000 and UP. We loan, our money on real estate F. H.' DKSHON, 615 CHAM. QF COM. flc"j.r-i i" -..-J . per cent on close-In Improved property. Rose Cjty Investment Co., 324 Front st. Phone Main 7 $000. $1000 AND upward on improved real estate; ui o ict . no aeiay; no brokerage. John Bain, 507palding bldg. $300. $400. $."O0, $750. S10O0 ANDUP- Qw rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main &445. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO, 222 Cham, of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MONEY on farms and improved city prop- erty. K. K. Baxter. 12Q3 Spalding bldg. FINANCIAL Money to Loon on KcjvI Fstae. MORTG AG E loans on Iin proved farm and cuy property. lavoraoie repujicf privi leges; no comnus-siop or delay THfa. OtECON MORTGAGE CO LTD, 309 Fla:t b;dg. Main 537L MORTGAGE LOANS, a and 7 ber c-t Louis Salomon . Co.. 408 Selling b.d. Money to Loan Chattels and i-UariesT" PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONET AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS. WATCHES. JEWELRY. V1C TROLAS. PIANOS, LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE. 394 STARK ST., NEAR TENTH. CARRIE MYERS HERRMANN. Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. -t i iD?. .OL XKEn MONEY AT LI.UAI. RATES. QUICK SERVICE? iOL CAN GET IT TODAY LOANS MADE ON ALT,OMOHILE55. l R N 1 T I H r!,. PIANOS. V1CTRULAS, REAL ESTATE. Bonds, etc. it your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts. wnl pay them up and advance you more money if needed. we make a pe naity ot these loan and leave the .e . unty in your pot-bes.Mon and you can Us ln monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people n iiieir own note. Kates reasonable. Private oliices. All business strictly confidential PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY LICENSED. S06-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 31SG. v- Third and Washington SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, vcmi monthly or monthly pavmt-iita. Each transaction strict lv confidential NO MORTGAGES. No 1 N Dol'.SER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc.. w Ithout removal. call and investigate Columbia discount cg licensed. 218 failing bldg. MOftti iG LOaS on diamonds, watches. jewelry mnd Donds. legal rates; all goods held 1 year VINES JEWELRY STORE, 114-110 ad St.. cor. W ashington Main 6G49. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds, jewelry; anicies neiu a year; estab- "shed l;b8. Dan Marx & Co.. 2s3 Wash, GEO. HARVEY loans monev on house hold goods, legal rates Tabor 3m6. HATHAWAY loans on pianos and furnU ture, legal rates. 2u8 Washington bldg. Loans anted. " W A NT $ 1 OO0 on new apartment house Lppruised at 47,O00; six cur. 7 ittT i-.'ni will .. ; - com petent ly un.i or l take smaller loan or othor prop'ertv R. J Kirkwood. 89 4th st. Main 57o4. WANT or $900 lor one or more vesra at 7 per cent. Security Canadian $lu00 6 per cent bond. BE s:,0. Oregonian. $SM W ANTED. S-r. 4-room modern bun ga.ow worth 2om. Tabor o4. I o re n oo n. WANTED S200 for 2 vears: Lo"niuV"-il r-urt ry. Call .Main ."74S. SEE OREGON 1NV. & MORTGAGE CO., Chamber of Com.. 4th and Stark. PERSONAL EPHEDRA THE NEW HEALTH BUILDER. Ephedra Is a harmless herb used In the treatment of all kidney diseases, dropsy, Biumach and intestinal disor ders. Ephedra la a germicide and tonic Cleansing the stomach. liver, kidneys and intestinal organs. Ephedra relieves gas and acid condi tions of the intestinal organs, and has the most wonderful effects on all rheu matic conditions. 16 days" treatment. $2.50. EPHEDRA CO.. 202 Alisky bldg., Portland. Or. THERE ta a remedy at hand for every dis cordant condition. The Psychoineta- Khysical institute invites you to cail and ave a personal interview with its di rector. Dr. D. K. Zimmerman, Paycho niflaph. 310-317 Bush & Lane bldg. I' hone Main tiT G 1 . lO-12 mornings, 2-5 afternoons, eveuings and Sundays by ap pottitment. WANTED To make arrangements with some responsible lady who is going to Chicago or some ta.-tcrn point in the next vt--k or tin days to be a com panion and asMnt my daughter through hn-ago and ace that she pets the richt tram tor Kalamazoo. Mich. AM 7o0, r Ionian. BI HLE. Spiriiua iis-tic churcft meetings. Sun., Tliur!--.. )S P. M., Rev. Mrs. J. C. Scnori. pastor; can be seen by friends until HJ 1. M.; open for lecture appoint-im-nts. 10 E. 13th tt. N. cor. E. Burn Side. T A K A R A ANTISEPTIC POWDER Is a cleansing, healing germicidal and Invig orating douch', a great aid in leucor rhea and femaie disorders ; 3oc and $1 per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. LEARN Beauty culture niht school, 7 to 9 o'clock.; 5 expert special teachers. Work daytime. Learn good trade evening Sanitary Beauty Parlors. Marsh. 1702. I GUARANTEE to cure corns, bunions, Ing. nulls, warts and moles absolutely; new invention, no pain, no soreness. Lowest prices in town. Consultation free. Here 12 years; arches fitted. 5i3 Dekum bldg. 7-PASS, car leaves Portland July 3 Tor auto race and return on tith. Same car leaves here for Cr.iter lake on July 7. Room for 4 or 6 people. Telephone Broadway 3205 or Wdln. 1970. BUY YOUR SUMMER FURS AT THE FUR SHOP. Fine furs to order. Moderate prices. Above high rent, below hiijh prices. HO Swetland bldg., 5th and Wash. FEBVET & HANNKBUT. leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock human hair goods, hairdressing. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 349 Alder. Main 54H. NERVOUS A N D CH RONIC DISEASES treated by NEW METHODS. DR. J W. UATDURK, Naturopath. 304 Dekum Bids.. 1 to 5 P. M. Main 1160. $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton"! the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLST., who doesn't hurt you; 8 yrs. here; exam, free. Globe bldg., 11th & Wsh. Bwy 2SS24. IF YOU ARE TIRED AND NERVOUS visit t he Sun home Parlor; scientific body, face and scalp maasaga. 427 Mor gan bldg.. Main 1919. BAT US Steam baths, chiropractic body massage and vibration. Dr. Margaret Haynic. Mai 17o.". 215 Swetland bld. Open evenings. Trained nurse assistant, DR O. O. FLETCHER, aseptic chiropo dist, graduate nurse assistant: al! mal formations of the foot scientifically cor rected. Suite 512 Morgan bldg. Main S7G2. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, etc. Hours 2 to 5 or by appointment. Phone Main 1049. Office 3'la-C. Third at. 61'LPHL'R steam bath, violet ray: Impron your Klt3 n. ra. ioiiins. 4.'tf Clay. Main 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. 6CALP treatment, facial massage, electri cal treatment, steam bath and massage. Ethel Burke. 304 Dekum bldg. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, 234 '-a Morrison st. Superfluous hair, moles, ar:s removed by 10 needles method; trial free. Josie Kin ley. SI 4 Bush & Lane blrtti. Xlain 63HS. MASS AO B. baths for constipation, stom ach kidney, rheumatism. Dr. Klna Sor e n s n. rtS Panama bldg. Druglesa p h y. FREfcl treatments and $10 reward for th ca-se of dandruff I cannot cure; that's fair. 314 Macieay bidg. LxO YOUR FEET HVRT? See Dr. Ethel A Sacrv. ped ieurin c and manicuring. fi05 Raleigh bldg.. Mar. 3376. SL'FKRKI.L'OUS HAIR removed forever br multiple-nfed.le method. 504 Swetland bldg.. Fifth and Washington sts. CHIROPODIST. Foot ailments and. arch supports. Su i te 31H Morgan bldg. Phone Main 63BL iiAWAIlAN entertainers for all occasions. Call Tabor 77ftO. ELECTRIC CA BINET BATHS. Dr. I ronsid-s, 309 Broadway bldg. BODY massage, violet ray. 10 A. M. P. M. daily. 400 Morgan bldg. Main to 8 7579. GERTRX-'DE DANIELS, superfluous hair, manicuring, face, scalp. 3U2 Klledner bid;. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay you? See Viereck, collections. Dekum bldg. PR 1M EDA BAT.M. formerly called Balm of Figs. 844 K. 33d. Sell. 2213 mornings. PILES CAN BE CURED without oper ation. Free booklet. P. O. Box 1105. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without an operation. Free booklet. P. O. Box llth. A-l MASSAGE. 415 Buchanan bldg.. Wasol bt. 4th and 5th. Main S366. JIMC1DE will cure rheumatism or money back. 43 Dekum bjdg. PATIENTS to taki cabinet baths with massage or hourly nursing. Tabor 8172. ETH EL McOOY. chiropodist. on Buchanan bidg.. Wash. bet. 4th and Oth. Main 07t.