THE MORNING OREGONLVX, SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1920 V v A POLK COUNTY CITIES 0 HIGHWAY Dallas and Independence Benefit by Court Decision. iiiii INJUNCTION NOT GRANTED , Commission Will Be Allowed to Continue Work on Short Cut Recently Designated. The Pacific highway In Polk county must run through Dallas and Inde pendence, but this does not prevent the state highway commission from continuing work on the short cut now designated ps part of the highway and eliminating those cities, as long as the commission does not spend money raised on bond Issues on that hort cut. This was the essence of the decision ef Circuit Judge McCourt yesterday when he sustained demurrers of the highway commission to a petition for a writ of mandamus compelling the commission to begin at once to route the Pacific highway through Dallas and to an Injunction suit by which It was Bought to prevent the commis sion from continuing work on the 6hort-cut. A recent resolution of the highway commission designated the road on which work Is now being done as the Pacific highway, with the result that a roar went up from Dallas and In dependence, which were not on the route, resulting in the court actions. It appeared that the legislature in fix ing the route of the Pacific highway specifically designated those two cities as ones through which it would pass. Decision Quickly Given. To get necessary Polk county votes to float a bond issue, it was necessary for the legislature to make such a promise, testimony of 3. Benson, chairman of the state highway com mission, Indicated yesterday, though It meant at least a four-mile detour from a straight route to California. Judge McCourt passed on the case as soon as all evidence was in. short ly before 7 o'clock last night, in order that appeals to the supreme court of Oregon might be heard Jointly with an appeal in a similar action sched uled before that body next Tuesday In which Riddle Is complaining in Douglas county about being left off the highway route. The decision of Judge McCourt sus tains contentions of both sides in some degree. Though he did nbt issue a mandatory order to compel the high way commission to commence work on the Pacific highway routing- it through Dallas and Independence, he did rule that no road could -je known as the Pacific highway that did not Include those places, and that money raised by bond issues had to be spent on that particular route. A five-year period was granted the highway com mission to construct the Pacific high way and for that reason the Judge did not rule that it was necessary to begin at once on that particular seg ment. Knjolamrnt Not Allowed. On the other hand, he would not permit Dallas taxpayers to enjoin further work on tho straight route now being followed, if the' highway commission wished to carry It out, provided only that no money raised by bond issues for the construction of roads named in section 6, chapter 423, laws of 1917, could be used on that stretch. Jay Bowerman. who. with J. M. Devers. assistant attorney general, represented the highway commission, asserted that there was plenty of money available from li cense and gasoline funds to continue the work started. Argument for the petitioners was by John W. Kaste. The mandamus action was brought by the "State of Oregon ex rel. K. C. Kirkpatrick." the Injunction suit by the "City of Dallas, et al." The present plans of the highway commission were to construct the ehort cut and a "stub" road to both Dallas and Independence. Judge Mc Court said: Stub HeUl Inauf flclrnt. "No road can be properly regarded as the Pacific highway unless it runs through Dallas. I don't think a stub is equivalent to building a road through a city. Apparently for all practical purposes it would serve the city of Dallas as well commercially but the road from Amity to Monmouth could not be designated, properly, as the Pacific highway. v" .t. 1 fm stronB'y of the notion that the highway commission is better qualified than the legislature to designate the best commercial road but the legislature did designate Dallas on the route and the highway must run to that town and from there ih.ntue.Kne.Xt.vPoint- But 1 d not think that the commission can be compelled to pave this particular road at this time and a writ of mandamus aoes not properly lie. "As to the Injunction, the law designates roads to be built first ehall be roads of commercial import ance, contributing most to the growth of the state and development of its resources. The highway commission has a right to use available funds to build roads other than the Pacific highway and other designated high ways, if believed to be of first com mercial Importance, but it could not iiiijf run or cne Pacific high- lunua raised from the bond issues to build any branch road. ASTORIA'S JUIK IS MOIST Precipitation Is 2.76 Inches. De cember Holds Record. ASTORIA. Or., July 2. (Special.) oune was mucn more damp In Astoria than is expected of a month in sum. mer. The records In the local weath er observer's office show the precipi tation during the 30 days of June to have been 2.76 Inches. There were 14 clear, eight partly cloudy and eight cloudy days, and the maximum temperature was 71 degrees, while the minimum was 43 degrees above zero. The total rainfall since the first of last September Is 56.98 inches, the precipitation in Inches for each of the respective months being: Septem ber. 3.06; October. 8.52; November. 10.14; December. 10.61; January, 8.19 February, .65; March, 8.38; April 7 66-' May, 2.01; June 2.76; total, 56.98. EIGHT INITIATED BY ELKS Chehalis Winlockers Serve Spread of Fried Chicken. CHEHALIS. Wash., July 2. (Spe cial.) Chehalis Elks held their sec ond class Initiation at Winlock.' there being a class of eight candidates. Fol lowing the work the Winlockers served one of their famous fried chicken dinners. The new members include Dale Whlsler. Claude B. Mann, H. F. Warne, William J. Boone, Sanford Wall, Guy Wall, Otis Roundtree and A. R. Hall. July 7 the Chehalis lodge will take in a big- class at Pe Ell. July 8 there will be a large class received at the home lodge in Chehalis. July 10 at Morton one of the best classes yet initiated will be initiated. July 14 at Toledo another class will receive the work, i and at Chehalis July 15 there will be another class. Feed Mill Business Sold. FOREST GROVE. Or., July 2. (Spe cial.) VV. Romacly of Portland, is the new president and manager for the 1 W. F. Hartrampf feed mill of this city. W- Hartrampf conducted a grain and feed business hero for eight years. ! parties and will retire from active I work along that line because of im paired health. The new firm will be known as W. F. Hartrampf. Inc.. and ample capital Is back of the business. Mr. Romacly has had 28 years' prac tical experience in the grain and feed I business. County Banking Hours Fixed. FOREST GROVE, Or.. July 2. (Spe cial.) At a meeting of the Washing ton county bankers' association held here, which was attended by repre sentatives of ten banks. It was de cided to fix the hours of opening and closing of all banks in the county from 9 A. M. to S P. M. The bankers were the guests of the Forest Grove National bank at a banquet at the Laughlin hotel, where they were ad dressed by Professor Holt of the Ore gon Co-Operatlve Fruit Growers' as sociation. Klamath Pipe Firm Files. SALEM, Or., July 2. (Special.) The Klamath Pina Manufacturing company, with headquarters at Klamath Falls, has filed articles of Incorporation here. The Incorporators are E. W. Doe, K. Sug-arman and George C. Ulrich, and the capital stock is J 150,000. H. VV. Poole, D. O. Wil liams, O. D. Burke and Charles J. Ferguson have Incororated the Pelican Theater corporation, with headquar ters at Klamath Falls. The capital stock Is $100,000. County Agent Resigns. FOREST GROVE, Or.. July 2. (Spe cial.) County Agent N. C. Jamison, who has been in charge of the agri cultural department In Washington county for three years past, has re signed. During his service in this county Mr. Jamison has made an ex cellent record and has accomplished much good for the farming, dairy ing, fruit growing and other allied In terests. His successor has not yet been named. Graduates All Get Positions. OREGON AGRICULTURAL, COL LEGE. Corvallis. July 2. (.Soecial.) All 12 students In dairy husbandry wno were graduated In June have been placed in responible positions at an average salary of more than $160. Demand for efficient, men in dairy worn is neavy. The 1S20 graduate? are In milk distributing plants, creameries, on up-to-date breeding farms, and other places where their services are demanded. Needle Worm Appears. EUGENE. Or., July 2. (Special.) Nematodes, a needle worm that Is found in only a few places in the United States, but which is very de structive to nearly all farm crops, have been discovered In a few straw berry and clover patches on the lower Suislaw in the county and step3 have been taken to eradicate them before they get a good start and spiead to different parts of this state. Thief Gets Three Ycurs. EUGENE. Or., July 2. (Special.) Jack Martin, alias Jack Gordon, alias Earl Lee, was sentenced by Judge Sklpworth to serve three years in the state penitentiary for larceny In a drutf store at Cottage Grove last March. Execution of the sentence was stayed for three days, as Lee said he had some business to transact before he begins his term In prison. AMCSEMENTS. Portland vs. SATURDAY at 3 P. M. SUNDAY Double-Header 1:30 P. M, MONDAY 10:30 A. M. and 2:30 P. M. LET'S GO Broadway Dance Every week night .with Fleming's 10-Piece Orchestra De Luxe ' Broadway at Main DANCE Cotillion Hall Every Wed. and Sat. Eve. Francis Blis3 and the Wonderful ' Cotillion Orchestra. Dancing Tonight! ICome no in the pure monntnln V air and step oat to the manic p of Nelnen'a lO-plece Crent or- H cheotra And Monte Aaitl n'm g onss. It'M simply wonderful at It COUNCIL CREST Hop and Early CC Car. Oakland AMUSEMENTS. r-J LAST TV0 TIMES U, .. j FtTPTT T CI. Brondray at Taylor IILiIIjIVJ Phone Main 1. -SPRCIAI. PRICE- MATINEE TODAY 2:15 LAST TIJIK TONIGHT 8:15 Cobu and Hurls prwet MRS. FISKE America's mill actreiH, In ft-. "Mis' Nelly of N' Orleans" Direction of Harrison Grey Flake. EVE $2.50. $2, $1.30, $1, 75c, 50c. SAT. MAT. 2, ft 1.5b. $1, 75c. 50c I RRCIXS TOMORROW EVE. I TICKETS NOW SELLIXU V HEILIG--ALL NEXT WEEK 7 NIGHTS Beginning; TOMORROW IIARRAIN PRICK MAT. WED. SPECIAL, PRICE MAT. SAT. THE B!C SENSATION A JAZZ OPERA FAN C HON and MAR CO NELSON ahbCHABI AM A1X STAR CAST rttDtO BY ARTHUR WEST "BILL' DOOLEY "BEAUTIFUL W GIRLS ON THE ILLUMINATED RUNWAY EVE'S Floor. $2; Bal cony. $l.r,0. 1; Gallery. 75c 60c. WET). MAT Floor, $1; Bal.. 75c, 50c. SAT. MAT. Floor. $1.50: -SSkjS!3 Balcony. $1. 50c. -WfcasiJ PANTAGES MATIXKK DAILY. t:3n Alexander Pantaires Presents "Tllli HABKKDASHiatY" A Farce With Muk.c With LI eute nant Harrington Reynolds and a metropolitan company, including the famous model girls. SIX OTIIKR BIO ACTS 8 Performances daily. Night curtain at 7 and 0. TOOAV - TONUiHT "American Desert Core" (another eirl revue); "Alia Minn Iodl," with Kilith Roberts; Walmsiey and Keating, nonsense; Kenry J. Kelly, enter tainer; Blmboes. equilibrists : Jimmy Konen & Co., "Call Me" Kids' balloon day Saturday GLOBE :r,." Ann Cromwall IN The Path She Chose C I R C T F Korth William Russell IN "The Valley of Doubt" Also the comedy. "Grab the Ghost." and the Pat he News. Open from 9 o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock of the follow ing mornlgn. Fireworks Battle Scenes at olumbia Beach Next Monday Night Vancouver Car EXTRAORDINARY SHOW ADELPHIA MUSICAL COMEDY CO. In OX THE VtKOJI, Shows at 3 and O 4. M. AMUSEMENTS CONXESSIONS Every Afternoon and ' Evening Admission to Park Free to 5 P. M. Daily Except Sundays and Holi day. Cars First and Alder. UNCALLED-FOR ANSWERS A 3!)7. 534. 7.1V. B Ml.",, 5HI1. SK8. c suit. a:t. Jfi (10'J. H 534. 63, 638. 624. 61, 665. 813. J 700, 633. I. (il7, 53ti. 837. M (122. 597. N 647, 001. 630. 640. O .r)9(i. SSI. 633. P 616, 606. B33. 634. R 320. T :. 44. 634. V 630. AB 707. 75. 730, 3!)2, T17, 802, 772, T23. 711. 706. 757. 87.1. 772. 845. S112. 730. T72. 727. 715. AC 611. 745. 7S5. 743. 845. 7f!. 301. 816. 82S. 707. 830. 788. 700. 828. 748. 703. 896. 7 70. 821). 2i. B.I b7'J. 4S2. 860. 6!5. 803. 632. 773. 835. 715. 833. 854. AE 74. 7M, 831. 830. S15, 753, S37. 771, 83S, 711, 851. 721. 815, 759. 800, 748 146. 83T. 831, 700. 758. 762. 700. S51. 746. AF 746. 865. 860. 865. 844. 7SS, 711. 858. 728, 815. 370. 895. 709. 770. 8H3. 781. AG 751. 720. 717. 720. 840. 857. 851, 768. 840, 854, 729. 857. 732. 841. 706. 756. 707. AH 719. 820, 767. 850, 750. 807. 752. 482, 808. 752, 844. 719. 830. 767. 675. 619. 497. 820. 760. AJ 842. 707. 795. 865. 822. 691. 767. 830. 706. 715. Ah 753. 712. 757. 818. 700. 753. 748. 819. 476. 238. 870. 772. 748. 751. 675. 895, 71S. AL ICS, 845. 820. 768. SIS. 821. 770. 820. S19. 80S. 723. 770. 783. 709. AM 811. 520, 879. 841. 707. 87B. 769. B97. 819. 897. 842 AN 838, 816, 766. 817. 892. 839, 844 712. 836. 44. 837. 725. 816. 766. 637. 885. 816. 819 AO SIS. 791. 817. 794. 719. 714. 761. 763. 172, S38, 807, 712. 740. 817. 835. 834. AP 717. 769. 716. 756.. 796. 886. 717. 756. SS6. AR S72. 822. 820. 872. 875. 871. 765. 476. 767, 733, 476. 71io. 764. 752. BC 881, 874. 479. 767. 823. 710. 874. 748. 751. 715. 716. 873. 768. 886. 872. Bl) 892 879, 777. 679. 773. 833. 751. 830. S1)3. 879. 777. 879. BF 890, 836. 477. 854. 419. 868. 836. 876. ' 479. 687. Above answers will be destroyed If not called for within six day. 3 TOO LATE TO Cl-ASSFFY. WANTED By an experienced farmer, wheat farm, equipped, eastern Oregon preferred, on shares or per cent or take full charge on salary; possession Oct. 1. Beat of reference. J 5&6. Oregonlan. TWO OIRLS employed would like to go to Seattle for week end. Parties groin by automobile please notify Marshall 6635. B. Wiley, Broadway 200. FOR RENT A basement room with priv ilege of cooking;, in exchange for taking care of lawn, garden and other odd jobs in spare time. Tabor 8 7 bJ. HEETIKO NOTICES ATTENTION! Comrade, attend the fu neral of our l&te comrade, Jo seph Howitt, private Co. O, 13th Regt. Iowa Vol. Inf.. old member Sumner PoBt No. 12, 3. A. R. Funeral from Cable Co.. Montavllta car to cor. E. 70th and E. Glisan streets. Saturday. July 3, 1020, at 2 o'clock P. M. J. W. OGILBEB, Adjutant. C. S. BAKER. Commander. ANCHOR COUNCIL. NO. T46. SECURITY BENEFIT ASSOCIATION, will picnic at Cedarville Park. Sunday, July 4. Take Estacada car, Kt off at park. Dancins afternoon and evening. Con cessions of all kinds, nov elty races, ball names, re freshments, everything for your entertainment by the llvost bunch In the city of Portland. Brlnft your lunch and stay all day. Dandy prUes; jazx band. Everyone and their friend readlns this ad Invited. Admission lu cents. At, KADER TEMPLE. A. A. O. N. M. S. Members of the patrol and chanters are requested?- to turn In their uniforms to F A. Vankirk, at the Pythian building- on Baturday. July 3. These uniforms must be cleaned and repaired at once. UUUU J. UO YD. Rao. WASHINGTON LODGE No. 46. A. P. AND A. M. An nual plcnlo Saturday, July 3. 1020. at Crystal Lake Park. Milwaukle. All members of 4H Infliirilnv Wh V. A mA IP C degrees, together with families, are cor dially invited to attend. Transportation free on special train leaving East Morrison and East Water streets at 1:30 P. M. sharp. Take your lunch and container for cotfee, this tOEether with cream; sugar furnished by lodge. Fine programme, games and dancing. The time of your life, don't miss it. By order of committee. J. H. RICHMOND. Secretary. KENTON LODGE NO. 14.1, A. P. AND A. M. Special communication today (Satur day). July 3. Work in P. C degree, commencing at 7 P. M. sharp. Visiting brethren F. ROBINSON. Sec. OREGON LODGE, NO. 101 A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication this (Satur day evening at 8 o'clock; Visiting brethren cordially in vited. By order of the W. 11. LESLIE S. PARKER. Sec. . OREGON 6HRINE. NO. 1. O. W. Cfy&t J Stated communication this (Saturday) evening, July 3, 8 P M. tkkV pythlan temple. Special election 2f-T'3f "i worty guide. Social. By order "" of tha W. H. P CLARA B. GitAHAM. -Worthy Guide. CELEBRATE THE 4TH AT FOREST GROVE. Big three-day celebration, S, 4. 5. One of the most beautiful natural groves In Oregon, cool shade, running water, good camping grounds, free auto park ing. Airplanes, dancing pavilion, with fine orchestra, band music, good speak ing. Sunday services with community sing. Monday the big day. Evervtiody invited. For Information address D R. Clftney. THE AMERICAN LEGION. Portland Post No. 1 Regular meeting Tuesday even ing. July 8, at Central library. Nomina tion of delegates to state convention FRANK S. SEVER. Secretary. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins. designs. Jaeger Bros., 131-3 ta st. T R1EDLANDE R'S for lodge emblems, c-ass nlns and medal 810 Washington st. DIKD. ROCK--In Seattle. Wash.. July 1. 1820. Vara Parker Rock, beloved wife of George H. Rock. Survived, by her hus band, mother. Mrs. C. C. Parker: brother. Dr. E. Tracy Parker, and sis ters, Mrs. Frank Wise, Mrs. Lois Peery. Mrs. William Crittenden Jr. and Helen Parker. MONAHAN At McCormack, Or., July 1, Monallan, aged 40 years, husband of Louise Monahan. The remains are at Fii. ley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. MONAHAN Jim Monahan of McCormlck. Wash., died July 1. Funeral notice later. Ft'SEBAL NOTICES. MASTEN At Redondo. Cal., June 27, Henry Young Masten, aged 30 years, son of Mrs. Frances Young Masten. of 444 E. 15th st. N.. and brother of Richard L. Masten. of Los Angeles. Funeral will be held from McEntee & Ellers' parlors. 16th and Everett streets, today. July 8, at 9 A. M., thence to Holy Rosary church, E. 3d and Clackamas sts., at 9:30 A. M. Interment Mt. Calvary ceme tery, please omit flower at grave, private. HOWITT At the Portland sanitarium, Jo seph Howitt. aged 7.5 years, late of 247 East 82d street N.. belove'd husband of Mrs. Mary Howitt, father of Ralph Howitt. The funeral service will be held at the chapel of R. W. Gable St Co.. 1973 East Glisan street, on Saturday. July 3. at 2 P. M. Interment In Lone Fir ceme tery. Comrade Howitt waa a civil war veteran and a member of Sumner post. All comrades and friends tnvited. UNGER In this city. July 1, 1020. Adel M. Unger, aged 1 year 7 months 24 days, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Unger. Friends Invited to attend the funeral services tit Holman's funeral par lors. Third and Salmon sts., at 10 A. M. today (Saturday). July 3. 1U20. Inter ment Rivervlew cemetery. ALLEGRANI At her late residence. 870 East Market street. Fredericka Allegrani, aged 84 years. Funeral services will be held at P. L. Lerch undertaking par lors. East 11th at Hawthorne. Saturday at 2:30 P. M. Friends Invited, Service at the grave private. GILLESPIE The funeral services of the late Robert L. Gillespie will be held to day (Saturday). July 3, I o'clock P. M-, at Finley's, Montgomery at 5th. Friends Invited. Interment, Mount Scott ceme tery. DAVIS In this city. July 2. Letha Davis, aged 21 years, beloved wife of Irving Davie. Funeral services will be held Monday, July 5, at 2 P. M.. at th chapel of Miller Tracey. BUEBKii The funeral service of the late Margaret Buebke will be held today (Saturday). July 3. 2:30 o'clock P. M.. at Finley's. Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Interr -nt. Rlverviaw cemetery. FRUIT Mrs. Teresa Fruit of Brooks. Or., will be buried from the Evangelical church. Saturday at 2:30 P. M. Friends invited. FCNERAI, CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES AUTO LIVERT. MARSHALL 114. FLORISTS. 328 MorrisonSt. V Portland Hotel Mar.753 stores - BeiBrdwyiPark Mar.257 Charge Accounts Solicited. 7 Smith's Flower Shop Portland's prreMv florist. We polal ls In runrtU design. 1414 Sixth, oppo site Meier & Frank's. Main 7213. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists, 354 Wash-in Eton. Main 260. Flowers for all occasion arLiallcai-ly arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists, 287 Morrison st. Main "709. Fine flowers and floral de vigns. No branch stores. TONSETH FLORAL CO., 2S7 Washington St.. bet. 4th and 5th. Main B102. A 1101. MONCMKNTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS gC6 Fourth St.. Opp City Hall. Neu Bros, BLAESING GRANITE CO. TMIRDAT MADISON STrTE g"T welcome. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates' by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS H. BLACK, public accountant, au ditor, accounting systems opened, main tained; Income tax service: relerencea. Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. Main 7443. ALTERATIONS. LADIES' tailoring. Perfect fitting; work guar. I. Heubin. 408 Mush & Lane bldg. ASSAVKKS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second oold, silver and platinum bought. AITO TOPS. AUTO TOPS. . Work guaranteed, reasonable charges. East Sid Auto Top. East 7730. 263 Orand ave.. corner East Madison st. DON'T HESITATE. Auto upholstering, top, curtain, gen eral repair, painting. MONARCH MOTOR CO.. 843 Vancouver ave.. near East Broadway. Phone East 4138. BATHS. DR. McMAHON'S sanitary baths. Always ready. Steam, shower, plunges, tubs. Necessaries furnished. Rubdowns and massage when desired. Service and prices cannot be beat. S. W. cor. 41U and Wash. Tell your friends. CHIROPRACTIC. team baths and mat sage, loth floor Broadway bldg. Mir shall 81S7. Dr. Laura E. Downing. CARPET WEAVING. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag rugs all slses Mall order prompt. , Send for Booklet. "12 rugs steam or dry cleaned. $1.50. ,T . FLUFF RUG CO.. 04-S8 Union Ave. N. East B3m. B 143. CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING. FLUlfF OR It AO Rl'GS. WOVEN ALL SIZES. PORTLAND RUO CO., WE WASH and dry your carpets without removing rrom the floor or damaging tne sijung; we use the Hamilton-Beach carpet washer. Phone automatic 21D-00. nXLlLOlU BUTTONS. ,JtH& 'PWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 37 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1254. CHlROI'tVlJlSTS. FEET HURT Com" 10 Gartner, foot , " specialist: cornr, bunions. i?u"rc es made to order, ill Swetland ouiiding, ath nd Washington. Main lOfel. DR A 1J . r 1 1 - , ...... -" . ; ...... v.. I ll 11.1,1 I , l.ii??S,"ment" "nd rch ""PPorts. DR pa Hrifnn -h!de; i'lione .Main 0381. . . iiii.i.ii a, - DLO,V,S CC)X' chiropodist. 10 A.M. to P. M. 4JS Morgan bldg. Main 4'J;i8. t IllHOIDIHST-ARCII SI ECIA L I STsT u'li i . w . 7T ; r .iT , r-''"e ana Klorello De Vsney. the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists in the city. Parlor 302 Ccr- i1l v'?" .S;W- cor- -d " Alder. Phone Main 1.(01. CHIROPRACTOR. 30?''"i0IS-NOW Mc.Mahon. 100 Chiroprac tor, inrongs pronounce treatment best. CHIMNEY SWEEPS. BISHOP CHIMNEY SWEEP. Furnace smokes through registers, needs repairing or cleaning? Tabor 388.1. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 17!)( rvo collections, no charge. Estab. 1000. DANCING. BERKELEY DANCING ACADEMY Pri vate lessonn day, eve.; latest steps Jazz hown. 129 4th st. Main 3318. Mrs. Summers M 'is BAYH. 20S Dekum bldg. Private lessons day snd evening. Main 1.143. DENTISTRY. DENTISTRY nR A- kekxe, 351 ULUIIOini Washington st. Without pain. Latest nerve-bloeklng method. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ?ITV VETERINARY HOSPITAL ilH TrJ'- oor. Grant. East 184T and 21 !-,.. Dogs and horses clipped. ELECTRICAL It EPA I R I NOT MOTORS REWOUND R anrl epalred Bought and Sold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. Phone 327-27. 24SV4 1st s. M S7l! II. M. II. ELECTRIC CO.. 34 N. Flrat. Portland. Or. Re winding and electrical repair- specialty. New or used 1. Bdwy. 1043. A 1040. FERTILIZER. FERTILIZE Jour land If you want big crops; read about "C. M. Wonder" in our 1020 catalogue. Routledge Seed & Floral Co.. 145 2d at.. Portland, Or. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS' AND MILL SUPPLIES. TUB M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-q-87 -80 Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. HATS ANI CAPS. THANHAUSER HAT CO.. 53-53 Front St. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. p. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison RASMUSSFIN" & CO.. Second and Taylor. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Dunning & McEntee 1,'iiv iif il niRKfTORS. Now located tn "their new residential fu- tieral home. Morrison m.t. i-siu. "Xt- tV Phone Broadway Automatic .Vfta-oS. The t-unerai Home of Kt iiieinent m-nti DiMiini'tive Service. Note We tiave no branches nor any con nections wnaievfr wmi tu undertaking firm. EDWARD HOLM AN & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon streets. Main 007. Lrfidy Asaistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington Street, Between 110th ana ilst Streets. West Sid. Lady Assistant. Main 26B1. Auto. S78-8S. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral partors with all the privacy of a home. 10th and Everett sts. Telephone Broadway 2133. Automatic 3:11-3:1. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at Fifth. F S. DUNNING. INC. 414 E. Alder. Phon East 32. Perfect service, personal direction, frea use of floral chapel and auto equipment DOWNING & McNEMAR Successors to Wilson & Ross. Multnomah j at East Tin. aast o. irvmBmn 1''" xS t T trrlT E- Eleventn ana Giay. IT. Ll. LlHilt-yjll Sunt 7S1. Tabor 1833 A. D. KBNWOHTHI CO.. 66 02-04 2d St.. Lents. Tabor 52BT. T7iTTrf,0'T Twelfth and Morrison St. XLiXtlLiOUiM Broadway 2534. An 7C I rn pfl 592 Williams ave. n. LCLLCn uU. East 1088. c loss BREEZE & SNOOK T0V2S8 6KEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY, 3d and Clay. M. 4132. A 5231. Lady assistant NEW TODAY. GOOD HOME 8 Rooms Corner lot, nice lawn, Hawthorne district. Improvements all paid. $6000. Phone Tabor 1725. Edward E. Goudy Co. mortgacjk loans I'nlted Statra Hank Uuildlnsr. Phone your want ada to The Orego n!an. Main 7070, Automatic 660-95. rr I motol FUEL. SHOP.T blocks and slaps mixed. 13.50 a load In 2-load lots. Oregon Fuel Co.. W'oodlawn 41W2. FOR first growth fir cordwood call East 2436. m. Heerdt Fuel Co. GLASS AND GLAZING. GLASS AND GLAZING order promptly taken care of. Reasonable. Automatic 310-27. HEMSTITCHING. T. & D. HEMSTITCHING Fhop: superior work; prompt service. R. 61 S Oreeon Ellers bldg.. 287 H Washington st. HOTEL SITPL1K9. ROACH powder. Insecticides, germicides, brooms, mops. eta. We contract and guarantee to rid your premises of bed buiss. roaches, etc Main 637L Coast Chemical Co. - MUSIC TEACHERS. RAGTIME pla'no playtng guaranteed be- sinners m iu to -U leepons; life free practice rooms; free booklet: ad- liiauiice rooms; iree uuuiv.ti. - anced course, if you already play; ratea jc to $1.30 per w eek. 314 Ellers Bldg., vat I JC to SI ..O Tin r Fourth and Washington. L. Carroll Day. piano, vocal lesions, prac tlce piano. 1 h. day. $3 mo. Bdwy. 2533. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thou- rands of satisfied customers. trial will convince you. Charles W . Moii man. optometrist. 2uo Morrison. M. -l-i. mi EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TEST-i-KrW' ed with modern Instruments. Glasses fitted from $2.30 up. A. E. nURVVlTZ. optometrist. 225 1st St. GEORGE RUBEN STEIN, the veteran op tician. Is an expert eye fitter, and his charges are verv reasonable: satisfaction guaranteed. 220 Morrison st near -d. PAINTING. FAINTING. DECORATING SIGNS. CAL; C1M1N1NG. BEST WORK.TABUR 2lit. PATENT ATTORN E YS PATENTS Our practice has extended over a periou o. j.-ti.-. cations strictly confidential; prompt, ef ficient, conscientious service; hanilbooK free on request- MUNN & CO.. patent attorneys. San Francisco office. Holiart bldg.. fS2 Market St.: Chu-aso oiLce. room 810 Tower bldg.: Washington of fice, room 103. 623 F (.; New York oiii'.e. rnininuuii R. C. WRIGHT 22 years- experience V. S. and foreign patentB. 601 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway bldg.. rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidnev. bladder, rectal, prostatic, femaie disorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, molesblrthiarks PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES 'AT WHOLESALE prices. Stark-Dav;s Co.. 1SS 4th. 31. PRINTING, DDIUTIMf! F. W. BALTES & COMPANY, rnliilmU ist and PAINTING ANDDECOKATING. PAINTING, paperhanging. John C. Con lisk. 133 10th st- N. Broadway 2043. POULTRY SUPPLIES. EVERYTHING needed and used by prac tical poultry keepers; catalogue free. Koutledse seed At Floral Co.. 143 -d st.. Portland. S EC O N I-H A N D STO R F.S. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221 FRONT ST. We buy and sell everything In the hardware and furniture line. Phone Main 1)072; TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 601 Dekum bldg. U. S. foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH The Service With a Reputation. MOVING-PACK'G-STORAGE-HAGGAGE 13th and Kearney. Branch S Bdwy. hHQNfc BOWY. 33U9 NORTHWESTERN TRANSFER CO. 64-66 Front St. STORAGE AND HAULING. DISTRIBUTION CARS OUR SPECIALTY. Phone Main 446. 544-63. OREGON TRANSER CO.. 474 Glisan st. corner 1.1th. Phone Broadway 12S1 or 1160. We own and operate two larce class "A" warehouse- on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates in the city. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 105 PARK ST. Main 3105. A 1051. MANUFACTURERS HIDES, WOOL AND CASCARA HARK. KAHN BROTHERS. 195 Front st. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AND PIPE. THE 31. L. KLINE CO.. 84-86-87-S0 Front. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERING & -FARRELL. 140 Front St. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. ROPE AND HINDER TWINE. Portland Corrlng Co.. llth and Northrup. NEW TODAY. Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver) Old R ii ICS and Woolen Clothlnc He Make Reversible. Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS Room-Size Fluff Kara Woven. 117.30 Kac Run Woven All Size. Clothes denning and Dyeina; Depta. Mail Orders Send (or Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning Silt Rugs, Steam Cleaned. Sl.00 WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO.. 64 Union Ave N. Phone East 6S1S IRVINGTON RESIDENCE BY OWNER . MODERN 12-IlOOM RESIDENCE Finished In selected mahosrany and oak, spacious rooms, hardwood floors throughout: three artistic fireplaces, tile bathrooms, three toilets, latest sanitary plumbing: full cement base ment; larfte finished attic; sun par lor, sleeping- porch, breakfast room, etc. One of the finest finished houses In Portland. Elegantly furnished. Owner will sell with or without fur niture on very reasonable terms. AR 752, OREGOMAN. Am in the market for the, best house $6000 to $8000 will buy in Irvington or Alameda Park. Will make substantial cash payment. Best references furnished.. Am not art agent. Full particulars and location in first letter. Address BC 850, OREGONIAN TRACKAGE CLOSE IN 100x100 EAST WATER STREET, NEAR MOR RISON IIKIIX.K. SACRIFICE EASY TfciRMS. OWNER, AL 847, OREfiON I A N. $30,000 QUARTER BLOCK PFXON'D ND EVERETT STREET TERMS. SELL WOOD 602. NEW TOOAT. 4& t-iv E, j. ? Jl 1 IRYINGTON BARGAIN IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, account navincr boutrht larger home; storm vestibule, with larpe coat closet: at tractive reception hall: larire llvinir room, with eletrrint fireplace: dit'insi room, with buffet: librarv or deli very complete while enameled rutch iitchen: ceiled frvrit room In base ment: furnace: extra toilet down stairs: 4 bedrooms: sleeping porch: finished attic: very attractive tile bath: all rooms newlv and elecrantlv papered and entire house in pink of condition, inside and out; east front, view of mountains; fine vard and shrubbery. fruit and berries: ail street improvements In and paid for: house vacant: you may move in to morrow ami have terms like rent, if desired. 503 K. 27th N.. between Thompson and Bvazee. near IrvinK ton club and Broadway car. IX tl. Wilson. 85 Fourth St. Broadway 29P; evenings. Marshall 5913. Houses avd Garages Erected in Portland Phlpped Anywhere In built 4-foot sec tions ready and easy to put to- . ,-1 h.. A urst-clas house or garage di rect from the factory at a GREAT SAVING. You pay no middlemen profit. Write for catalog. Itedimade Building Co. : Eleventh and Market. 3 Itlof.Ua .,i,k, ... It....... Phone iCaxt 3114. Portland, tie. Excellent Apple Orchard at Hood River 10 acres, 7 acres in full bear ing commercial apples, 2 acres hay land. Good apple house. Party leaving. Must sell. Price $S00O Terms if desired. Address M R S. WRIGHT Route 4. Box 53 Hood River, Or. Forced Sale HOTEL BLDG. $80,000 3-story brick, 74 rooms, ground floor, lobby and stores, grounds 100 x 100, good transient location, near Union Depot. HITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WE CALL FOR VOI R OLD CAKPKTS. Rues ac d Woolen Clotiilns; FLUFF RUGS Ail Work Turned Out Promptly Rait Ruk Woven All Mara Mail Orders. Send for Booklet. Carpet t'lennrd. Laid and Knitted. NORTHWEST KIT. CO. 1SH Kxt-Kill St. Phone Lust 35.10. Mortgage Loans l-owwl Interent rateui Inxtnllment re payment If ttexireri. iluildihe loans mnde. io delay In clwKlna;. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 817-21 .Vorthvt extern H.tnk Building, Mnrxhall 4114. , E.A LtUTUR S AD ADMIMS- THATOHS Will Find Our Thricr-Srcured KAIIM MOIt'l (iA(.KS Bxreptional inveatmenta for trnat tuuda. IN ot a forrcloNure In twra tj Fears. FEAR & GRAY, Phon Main a."i. Iu2 Fourth St. REAL ESTATE. HAVE attractive proposition for doctor Interested In open-air sanatorium, al. equipped; capacity 20 patients: .lust outside city limits: small amount casa. Atldrefcs Y 111. Uregonian. 1 or Sa If Flat and Apartment Frirperty. HAVE YOi: L'O.DOO CASH? ' Owners will facn f ice 1 ." ) income wet-fide partmfnt5, inciuiiins building' corner lot and good furnishinge, (cr ,"i0, oiK) ; no trade. Address manager, Ai3 Tu:i, OreRronian. VERY CHOICE IXCOMK PROPERTY H0xl00. tve-Biory brick and concrete, IGo rooms, up 10 the minute, S. S. FRKNTtS.S. 61 B Chamber of Commerce Bldir. BOAttDIXG and rooming for eale; must cell on occoinit of sickness, by featurdiiy night. -07 Barman st. Tor Sale IWach Iriirtjr. FOR SALE Or ttiM rent or 1ias two choice lots, 50x140 feet, at Tillamook bfach. am board walk, county road and raiiroad ; nar dance pavilion and hotel Address H IS 0t Ore p o n i a n. SEAV1EW WASH.For rent or for ale a complete ti-room furnished rottase runnin k Water, patent toilet, elec lichr Call 0 Uekum bldg. 11 to 1. FOR SALE Store bldft., living rooms modern plumbing, lot 50x1 DO; and mod. 4-room house, one or more lota. lnu.utr Fred Ober, Gearhart, Or. SEAL ESTATE. For Sale Bes-h Property. GEARHART'S BEST LOCATION FOR SALE Non-resident owner offers at rar bargain strictly modern, completely fur nished -cottauo. 6 bedrooms. 2 baths, each bedroom has separate lavatory with running hot and cold water; an annex, suitulne for servants or other purposes, a!pr completely furnished : contains d extra bedrooms and bath, with separate lava- tory in each bedroom; class-inclosed porch, overlooking beach, opens off of dining room; lame living loom, with fireplace, also owrlooks beach. This Is absolutely the choicest site at Gearhart. being the highest point on ridge at ocean end of 0th el., which is paved, and leads direct to depot and connects with pave ment on Columbia river highway; 73 feet of ocean trontage. with unobstructed, view of ocean Irnm Tillamook head to mouth of Columbia river. Now open lor inspection and ready for immediate occupancy; terms if desired. 1. G. Wil son, eft Fourth st. Broadway 20SO; even ings. Marshall fi'.tis. CHOICE BEACH LOT. EXCHANGE FOR Painting and Paperhanging and furnish material. Lot located In Tillamook beach (Salt air , near station and ocean. ALL 47. Oregohtan. EXCEPTIONAL offer cn fine modern sea side home. Beach Center, Pacific county. v ash.. J in mo. property for $3300. fur nished complete; four lots. Owner on premises July 4 to 10. Inquire anvtimo Stranhals' grocery. Long Beach. Wash- TWO lots at Horka Beach, clear; will sell clicao or ira.lp im&i nave you? Garland. 201 Third st. For Sale Lota. THE OWNERS of Capitol Hill are offer ing special Inducement to home build ers. We have full-sUe lots Mix 100 for J1..0. $1-00. $:ti0 and up: where 2 or more are wanted will make special prices and terms. See owners direct and save money, sol McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. Main 1004. FOR SALT! Cherries on tre. f larse trees, Koyal Anns, well loaded: will sell only to one buyer. Phon Main 140. ask for Hotsford. FOR SALE Lot In lrvlnnton Park section. Containing 12 Iarc cherry treo?. moBtly Koyal Anns, cherries w orth $mo this r?r; for Faip. low price, no trades, Ai K t . Oregonian. , WOODSTOCK. Let 40xl2o, rip tit on th car line, on oodstork ave. Sidewalks In and paid for. $37.V A bargain, terms. Owner. .h:h2 Woodstock ave., corner 37th st. BY OWNER N ice re.idene iot in Uu reinurjrt, casti or terms, liroadway 1443, room 308. FOR PALE 3 lot?. 2'J. 23. C4. Reaervolr Park, east Portland, f 1500. Add reins H. F. C. box 71. Cacamonga, California. FIXE LOT, .".Oxl im, F.lmhur7t Addition; will Fell or trado for pood automobilu Call y"ndaytiU 3, l-'HO East Flanders su HAVE some choice lots la Warrentoa a profpective bumeM center. R. L. loxt, 1135 Northwestern Bank bldg. 34 LOTS Southeast corner 43d. and Iivl-. sion sts; na each. J. l-L McMahoo. L'fitM K. 43d st. Tahor P3ftl. STOP payinp rent, a corner Iot on car line et Muntavi;:, easy terms. IIF Sl'J, Ore gon mn. VIEW lot, Portland Heigh JHuO, luo Chamber of Commerce. TWO choice corner lots in Rose City Park, fall East 1703. "VTHT PAT RENT when you can buy a hom on a small payment downT G rms., Sunnyslde $375f $300 cash 6 nun.. l ihu k. iavts . . 1 7.u sr.r.o cah 5 rms.. SI 2 Willi. tniM -!7.M I7.HI cnii o rms. rnis.. I.aure nurse .... 4itOO- -15O0 each, -loud canh 5 rim, Laurelhurst, new 4!M(- rms nus t iiy 5 rms., Koso City 4500 l:u0 cubU Realty repartmcnt, LAWYERS' TITLE TRUST CO., t5 yiark St. Marshall lbU8. For SALE Hy owner, new modern double constructed bunpalow. 4 rooms, bath and, - bri'uUrnst nook ; 1 utch kitchen In white with lots of but It -ins ; f i replace, and ci nnnt Imsi-mnit; iot of fruit and berries; located at 12t 4 1st avr. between 7M h and 7lid S. E. ; irlco l!5O0, $ loou Cith. balance to suit. Main tisSG attor 6 1. AL Ask for Mr. Harper. $oU00. $3000. ONLY $500 DOWN. Just think, a dandy 4-ronm house with one acre of land ail for this price. Lo cated tn Montavllta. Now, dou't you pat this snap tip. UOLlE KOULMAN, 22 Ch. of Com. bids'. Alain 055O. ONLY $1700. Good little 5 -room home with plumb ing, papered walls, eloctrlc lights, chance for naran1, pavement paid; a real Alt. Scot I batftain on MM st., 2 -blocks souiU ot car hue. Go look, then pee Sidney O. Lathrop. 5Ht Abiuton bldg. tSign of the horseshoe.) PRTCR $l!no. INCOMfi $A2.0 MONTHLY. Two 5-room bo uses, located at 736-733 Minn sola ave., both furnished, 8 bear in fruit trees, street work al; paid for, (iuo cash. $-0 monthly. Lot ua show -u thiH property. Fred V. German Co.. Cham, of Com. LOTS OP GROUND, f 141 1.21. 67x.UH. all in cultivation, 20 assorted beanuF fruit rets and berries, ood barn, chicken houje and 4-room bunga low type of house with sleeping- porch, Woodstock f 2."0 caaU, baia.nce monthly. Fred V. German Co 7aJ Chain, of Com. . $7.V0 IRVINOTOM COLONIAL BT7NQALOW. One year old, 7 rooms, all Ivory, hard wood floors throughout, linoleum, laundry equipped; buiit for home, youutf tres, roses, lawn, fine garden. 731 K. lfeTH ST. N.. EAST 419. FIVE-ROOM MODERN. $3000; this is fine buy at this priest paved streets, roses and fine lawn; terms. P. 1!. PRENTISS, fiir Chamber of Commerce Bldff. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-room modern bungalow, larpe lot. Improvements paid, parage, full base ment, fireplace, laundry travs; $4000. cash. Nelson, with Interstate Land Co.. 24"s Stark st. Main 54U. S-KOOM cor t age. cement basement, pan try and bath, pas and electricity, 40xHo lot. flowers, fruit and berries, V block Alberta car. Union ave., best car serv ice. J0C7 Fast 7th st. North; balance like rent. owner. .".-ROOM BUNGALOW. LOT ;sli:i. ALL FENCED. Garage, fine garden, cherriea, apples, berries. Will sell on account of sick ness. Price for all $2.mio, small pay ment down. See owner at 3Qo Oak st. IRVINUTON. Modern. 6-rooms, hdwd. floors, fire place, built-in bufft. sleeping porch, furnace; house finished iu white throuhout; garage. Price fflooo. Owner. 454 K. 13th st. N. Phone 313-hO. l3 COUNCIL CREST drive, one of the mot beautiful view places on Portland Heights, modern 6-room bungalow, fruit, flowers, near car. Phone Main 27U4; owner; price $G0OO, $4000 cash, balance to suit. . S2ou CASH, balance eay; 6 rooms, one floor, cement basement, fin plumbing, laundrv tray, pa rape. 100x100, 1 block to Mt. T. SSth car; not new. but a splen did bargain for Tabor 654. fore noons. 440 E. 21ST ST. N. 8-room bungalow. Ilvinp room lflx.30. sun room, quaint dining room, larce Dutch kitchen. 1 bed room and bath 1st floor. 2 bedrooms and sewing room i:d floor; parage. Phone East 7,.7fl. -R OM modern house. 4 blocks to Jef ferson high school. 2 blocks Peninsula park ; garage, 5 years old. $4000, $:oo0 rash. Owner. 1214 Hort h wick. NEAR S. P. TL R. shops, modern 4-room furnished bunealow. beautiful furniture and building line new. 2:O0: $.00 cao. taiancelikerent. Owner. East SJO. MODERN fi-room house, furnished or Vn f ui nished. sleepinir porch, garaee. $3itM) or $:ot. Take auto as part of first payment- ave. and jtst. Tabor rb''3. 4-ROOM bungalow. 771;xlOO lot: IS bear ing fruit trees. IMio.y $.",00 cash, bal ance easy terms. Jones, with Interstate Land .o.. li4H Stark st. Main 541). FOR SALE 5-room hnute, with furnace, fruit trees and berries in yard. Inquire 1072 llelmont st. $T;V Bl'YS equity in house, balance, $75 on easy terms. Call Sunday, 3538 tilth st reet S. E. SEVERAI good buys in houses on eat side, close in. Sturm-Kef er Co., 214 Fifth tt. LEAVING, owner will sacrifice 6 rooms bath, modern plurnblhg, fruit, berrlt si easy terms. lrt Union ave. North. SIX room, modern. 3 bedrooms, fine Int. paved street. MlTiO. terms 839 E S",t a at., near Hawthorne. Owner. East 7 41. HAWTHORNE MT TABOR HOMES. TABOR 43HW RODABAUGH. PALATINE HILL. 4 -room house and one acre. Woodland. t-OuO. li. Sol.