THE 3IORNIXG OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, JULY 2. 1020 V FOR KENT. Furo tolled Flat. FLATS ON 50TH AND LINCOLN STS. i 4 and 1 3-rooin flat, furnished, 1 6 rnom flat, unfurnished; building in first class condition, with garage; renting now for $S5 per month. Party withes to make his home in California and will sell for ' $7000. You can have a very nice home in one of these Hats and an income of J5G or $0 per month. WAKKFIELD, KKIES & CO., 85 FOURTH ST. THItKK-ROOM furnished flat. 604 E. 22d st. Richmond oft.r. Housekeeping Rooms. f 15-S20NIC1. quiet, pleasant furnished corner H. K. suites; outside entrance; 1 block to 2 car lines; water, lights and RarbuRC service free. 1623 Macadam. Kast u J ..". Main ti-SSX MAT and clean, comfortably furnished 1 -room housekeeping suites, $1G and S22.50 per mo, AUo sleeping rooms. Call MarahaJI -204. ONK housekeeping room with sleeping porch and one with small kitchenette; also two sleeping rooms in connection with bath. Main 1131. FURNISH KD housekeeping room, clean, free gaa. bath, only $10. Cioodnouh bldff.. 5th and Yamhill. Marshall 14179, or elevator woman. $20 MONTH, completely furnished house keeping suites, every convenience ; save carfare. The Cad 1 llac . "d . near Jefferson . TH h. HEAVER, 12th and Mar.; furnished H. K. rooms, $13 up. including gas range, hot water, tdectrtc lights, laundry room. FOR KENT : housekeeping rooms witb bath. U1S Frescott st. Fhone Woodlawn ; 1 34. MaKE the Bushmark your home, one and two-room ouesiae apis., cicau, muueru, respectable. Wash, at., cor. 1 7th. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. single. clean, centra!; $ltl per month and up. 14t 13th st. JfJCKLY furnished housekeeping rooms, freshly tinted; on uarline. 163 Wil TlaniB ave. MIOOM H. K. apt., ?2u; I eingie room, $12 per month; clean and neat lil N. 17th st. . NTCK single H. and pas tree; lath BU K. room p. furnished; light $15. 554 E. Madison, cor. N ICE single rooms very reasonable; hot water always, baths, laundry. 6o Flan ders. . EXT RA nicely f urn its bed front room ; fire place; i or 2; walking distance; imme-diately- 3tV5 Williams ave. BASEMENT housekeeping rooms, suitable for bachelor, 2U2 11th .st. VNFl'KNISHED housekeeping rooms, rea sonable. 221 12th. cor. Salmon. SINGLE fu-rnished H. K. room, Washington, corner Third st. 253 KICK basement room for housekeeping. Fdwy. 2Stt4. 147 N. 17th M. DtiXSIUABLK 3-room suite, private bath. sinKleroqin. Mar.39S3. j80Sherman at. CM ALL iinrrle furnished H. K. room. $2.25 weftk. 27 Knott, near Williams ave. 1 ANU 3 room housekeeping; clean. 161 2 2d K. HOUSE KEEPING ROOM; rooms. 393 West Park. also sleeping SINGLE and double H. K. rooms, close in. f08 Alder. NICELY room. furnished single housekeeping 314 Columbia s-t.. cor. Sixth. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. White neighborhood, walking distance. . Temple 12th. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. ALL ground floor of cottage; 3 large rooms, all conveniences. 2 beds arranged for familv of 4; rent $35 month. 412 Hall, corner 11th. THREE 2-roorn apartments, $2.50 weekly; one 2-room apartment. $3 weekly; clean, gas. electricity; quiet place for family. t:7Va 1st SL ' ONE H. K. room, very nice: also 2 small te1rnlnir rooms. 62 N. 23d st. North. just off Washington. Main 4722 or Main fitjos. very reasonable. TWO ir. K. rooms with sleeping porch. nice and cool. 331 14th st. Main 5tf0S or Main 4722. LOVELY front H. K. room with 2 large closets, sitting porch, pas range; an other for $15 a month. 633 Washington 8-KOOM apartment, first floor sleeping porch, to responsible couple Tor sum nier months. Phone Woodlawn 2887. LARGE housekeeping room, phone, lights, water and gas, tor cooking iurnis.reJ, $1S per moftih. olo lutn st., cor. aiarxet, TH RIO K large housekeeping rooms, unfur nished, $10.30, including light, water, Phone. KM 2- Williams ON E light, airy newly furnished 2-room J I. K. suit o. cool and thady, very close in; $30. 427 Main St. tKUNKS and baiCTea delivered In down town otstrict for 23c. Auto eervlre. Free storage for 15 days. Phone Bdwy. 2445. MOEI.Y furnished front housekeeping Apartments, walking distance. io N. 20th. LARGE room, kitchenette, suitable fot couple employed; $20 month, Woodlawn 43o4. 1 20o uay st. TRUNKS and baggage delivered In down town district for 25c; auto service. Phone Main 2t5. S-ROOM furnished ground floor apt., llht, phone, II bcd3. Hut y. ONE H. K. room, grntleman. 875 E. Yarn hill. cor. 21th; private family. TWO furnished house k repine: room, Hgh t water and phone; $20. i!0t MeMilten -ROOM furnished or 7S1) Kearney. apartment. Mar. 343G Ituaseb. FOR RENT 6-room house wilh attic. 910 Thurman st.. near 2 t th. Owner spent 1 1 500 remodeling house, has now hard wood floors, woodwork all in white sleeping porch, bath room and kitchen in tile: full lot, 50x100. with chrubbcrv new furnace, new electrical fixtures: will rive a -3-year leasn to responsible party references ; rent $90 per month. See Mr. Ballis WAKEFIELD. FRIES CO.. 85 Fourth Street. AM LEAVING CITY , will lease my city suburban home, i 1-3 acres, garage and chicken house, garden and berries. 2 blocks- west (f Ryan Place station, on Main 1437. No chil drrn. Rent ? to, WHKN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light erice. Broadway 680. A 6747. HOUSE. 6 rooms, bath and toilet, close in furniture fur sale cheap; rent $23; other business ca lis me from city. 303 Six til St.. 9 block from post office. FU RN ITURE STORAGE, ceiled basement room, private residence. $5 month. 707 Marshall st. Main 3190. LOCA L and long-distance moving and hauling: first-class eu moment. Green Tr. Co.. 202Vi Alder st. Main 1201. 572-61 FO R SALE Furniture of 4 -room cottage or trade on car ; rent only $ 15 ; west side. Marshall 423s, Fo ft RENT ;-room house in South Por land, near N". S. car line; $9.50 per mo. ;t2l Washington bldg. Main 202S. MOVING Piano, furniture and ong-di3 lance hauling a specialty. O. &. V. Truck Service Co., 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 312 A i0 6-room house at 70S Glisan st. : good condition. Portland Trust Company of Oregon. i-!xtn and .Morrison sts. MODERN Houfe. first-class condition, rooms, west side. Call Main 0158. 7-ROOM house. 3H 17th st., rent $30 Main 27. west side 6-ROOM house to rent. East side. Cull "11 Merchants Trust bldg. BEAUTIFUL 0-roora bungalow; furnace and fireplace. $40. 582 E. Franklyn. 7-ROOM house, 17th and Columbia, side: rent $30. Main 27. west $25 CLOSE IN. modern 7-room 389 Weidler. near Union ave. housa. Furnished Ifousea. NICELY furnished bungalow. 3 rooms, sleeping porch, gas, electricity and bath, $30. 1019 Fremont. R. C. car to 02d. walk blocks north, call between 9 A. M. and 2 P. M. NICELY furnished 4-room suite; 2 bed rooms In modern home, nie for 3 or 4 adults; very desirable, walking distance. 94 N. 16th st., corner Flanders, West Side. FOUR and 5-room furnished houses for 6 weeks. 2 garages, for rent. Call be tween 9 A. M. and 1 P. M. Friday. East soso. $6f MODERN S-room Irvinston home, partly' furnished, will rent for Julv and August. J. D. O'Oonncl. 802 Spaldins bldg. LOVELY home In Ladd addition, nicely furnished, no linen or silver: rent for G- months; references: will .reserve one room ror boy. East 51)45. IRVJNGTON. elegantly furnished home for Jury and August, $125 month; every moaern eiecirica 1 convenience; sleeping porch, garage. East 0189. 6-ROOM furnished house for rent for 3 months' rent in advance; no objection to small baby. 1121 E. 13th N. TO LEASE My 8-room. furnished house for one year; references wanted ; near A. C. S. church. Tabor 031. AT 9413 HAWTHORNE ave., modern, com pletely furnished, 7-room house. 3 bed rooms. 0-ROOM. all modern, close in. S E. 11th S.. until November 1. $00. K. 1442. 2-ROOM furnished house. $11. First house north of Kuril Park, Mt, Scott car. FOB KENT. Furnished Itouae. ROSE C1TT 6-room modern home for 2 or three months. Adults. $45. Rose City strictly modern 9-room house, 3 -lots in garden, double garase: lease 12 or 18 months. $90. FR.NK L. McUL'IRE. Mn J068: WILL ' RENT my elegantly furnished 8 room Irvington home to responsible peo ple for July and August; ideally locat ed, has beautiful shrubs and roses, all modern conveniences and garage. East 7400. FOR RENT Beautiful 9-room modern home; f u rnace heat, good west side lo cation ; 'i0; furniture for sale, nearly new, purchased last winter: rooms can be rented if desired. 53 N. 20th st. 1RVINGTON 7-room furnished house. July and August; large yard ; $100 per i no nth. Fho n e Main 7014. ROOM house for rent, completely - fur- nishevi. garden spot. Of21 JotH 9u anu Woodstock ave. Summer Itesorts. COLUMBIA BEACH "BY THE SEA" THE CLOSFJST OCEAN BEACH, FOR YOUR VACATION. Most beautiful, accessible and home like seaside and inland resort combined. Ideal groves, fresh water streams and lakes; boating, bathing, fishing, crab bing, clam digging and hunting to your heart's consent. All the comforts of home. Very moderate charges. Make reservations for a tent in our "Tent City," now open. Good large box tents; every tiling furnished, including clean beds, laundry, wood, light and good pure mountain water. Special rates by month or season. For Information and reservation call or write COLUMBIA BEACH COMPANY. 24S Stark st. - Phone Main 5429. Or Helman Johnson. Mgr.. Columbia Beach, via Warrenton, Or. OR SALE In Mt. Hood district, five 3 and 4-room cottages with Tirepiace. lo cated on the banks of Zig Zag and Still Water creeks; large lot with warranty deed; $90O to $1000 each; cash or easy terms. Also for rent, one modern 0-room bungalow, fireplace, bathroom, etc. ; $30 per week : one 4-room cottage. $18 per week. Address or pnone Rhododendron Inn. Rhododendron. Or. VACATION ATTRACTION. The Daughters of Isabella beach house. Seaside, a boarding hall lor ladies, is now open. E erything new and clean. Rates verv reasonable. For reservations phone Bdwy. 879. A good place to spend jour Fourth. GEAR HART Completely furnished rids cottage for July only; four bedrooms anu maid's room ; another for season, four bedrooms, garage; very reasonable rental. GEAKH A KT F ARK. COMPANY, 1003 Fourth St. MacLEAN'9 CAMP. OSWEQO LAKE. Cottage for rent. partly furnished; reached from Oswego station on 4th-st. red electric line. Mac Lean. 5U7 Lewis bldg. Phones Bdwy. 60OO and Oswego 431. SEASIDE cottage. 2 rooms and sleeping porch, nice'y lurnisnea. eteciric ugnis, running water. 158 5th ave., old Locksly hall, 1 block to board walk; for sea&on. Tabor 7fo. GEARHART Will rent my 3-room house. fronting on golf links, completely lur nished, for month of July or season. Phone Marshall 4114. A. H. Birrell. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. CAM PERS, hikers, .fishermen. The Wa- tum Lake paca train, d trips a wees from Cascade Locks. Phone Glovers' store. OR RENT Seaside cottage, furnished: 4 large rooms, wired porches, fireplace, city water, electric lights, etc.. on paved streets, near ocean. Call East 3684. OCEAN PARK. "WASH. 4-room cottage, overlooking ocean ; 3 room apt and 2 sleeping rooms. Broad way 4329. " SEASIDE Del Mar A pts.. 2 rooms, fur. for housekeeping for 4 . people; clean. everything furnished ; rates by day or week. 3d st. and 2d. ave. OCEAN PARK 3-room cottage for rent; ; bedrooms, completely lurniesnea; water in kitchen; piano. J el. East 5JiV. BEACH homes for fale or rent. Write the L-ong Beach Land Co., Long Beach Wash. SE VIEW Bartholomew cottages; choice location ; cle-m, a t tractive and very de KiraMe. Main S99S. ROOM bungalow, fireplace, lights, July lu to September 1. 32f JOtb avenue Seaside. CONVENIENTLY located, comfortably furnished o-room cottage at seaside un til July 20; reasonable. Main 0010. T E NT HOUSE, Cannon Beach; running water; July. August. 553 Morrison. C i-.. wingaru FURNISHED summer cottage. Oswego lake; 30-minute ride; commutation fare 8o. Main 104. SEASIDE cottage. Hermosa park. 1 block from board walk, z blocks irom liroan way; plumbing, electricity. Main 6"iill. -ROOM cottage at Rockaway. near de pot; $30 month; running water. Fast 0029. SE A V I E W Bartholomew cottages, finest location, attractively furnished and very clean. .Main S99S. SEASIDE. Or., for rent, nice room by month or season, view of the ocean. Inquire 122 3d av e. W. Mrs. D. Kay. YOUNG lady wishes to get in touch with two or three Christian girls going to Sea side to share cottage. Marshall 493. FOR RENT For July, cottage at Neah- kahn ie : bath, fireplace, 4 bedrooms; $73. Marshall 1435. PRIVATE cottage hotel for couples; ocean view; lovely location; $a each per day. A. L. Peel, 119 Wth ave.. Seaside. Or. FURNISHED cottage, Seavlew. Wash,. rent to July 10 only. Main 113. OCEAN CREST APTS. Light housekeep ing. Rockaway Beach. ROCK AW AY BBACH fainily from July 8. -Room wit h private East 1276. 2-ROOM cottage at Rockaway, near depot; month; running water. East t.020. FURNISHED cottagey, Ocean Park. Wash. July or season. Wood law n 1 102. FO R REN T Furn tan ed five - room h ouse at Seuview, Wash. Main 293 5. FO R SALE 5-room cottage at Seaside. Seaside. Call at Oxford cottage, Uth ave.. FOP. RENT ington, fine ,'ot tagc at Seaview, Wash -view of ocean. Tabor 703. FURNISHED cottage. Long Bench. Wash. $50 for season. Phone East 1351. Stores. FOR LEASE SALESROOM 36x25. WITH ADDITIONAL SPACE IN LARGE GAR AGE. SPEEDWELL GARAGE. 14TH AND COUCH STS. PHONE: BROAD WAY 3974. LARGE store in byck building, with base ment and workshop In rear ; No. 208 Madison st. A. H. Birrell Co.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg., phone Mar lia!' 4114. SPACE in large new garage on east side to reliable party for rent for battery man, top, body or fender man. Sable & Armstrong garage, 43d and Haw thorne. ON BROADWAY. NEAR EVERETT. CENTER OF AUTOMOBILE ROW. Inquire at SO N. Broadway. FOR RENT Storeroom and living rooms anovc, i oca tea oiu Aiaer st. automo bile row. See Mr. O' Br rTcn, 23 3 Stark. STORE. 32d and Sand" hlvd.. $13 month. 57. -.13 Corbett bldg., Marshall $25 STORE, west side, close i. 23x94 feet. la nor 1114. FOR BEXT. Offices. OFFICE or desk space on ground floor in modern building. telephoAe, heat and light included ; apply U30 Stark street. OFFICES and floor space. 501 Raleigh bldg.. 327 Wash. Main 4033 OFFICE for rent in Spalding bldg. Phone Main 1634. OFFICE or desk room for rent. 325 Rail way Exchange bldg. Miscellaneous. SPACE 60x100. very desirable for one wanting space for garage. For infor mation call Bdwy. 1 2 BUSINESS OPPOKTUNITIEa. BUSINESS PROPERTY. In the heart of the downtown district we have a good business property for sale at a price that will pay you a good dividend on the capi'al Invested. Present net income is about $10,300 per annum. If you are looking for a business investment call at our office and let us show you this property. W also have other good busi ness properties for sale. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 514-20 Swetland Bldg. LET'S GET BUSY. Needing moi.ey to build garage on lOOxloO ft. east Mde corner. Have lease i or -:v vrs., witn option to bOy. Will put up lease as security. Lcnse 'it wo.-fh $ 10,000. For information see Hock at as toucn Dldff. CLEARING $ 50 0 PER MON TH ONE HALF INTEREST TO RELIABLE MAN. ON GROUND FLOOR CENTER CITY. WORKING 0 MEN AT PRESENT. CAN WORK MORE. AM ABLE TO SHOW lOU A REAL BUSINESS. OLD ES T BUSHED PLACE. I MEAN BUSI NESS. NO AGENTS. PRICE $200. t uiib i oil (J Li KhiL). U S2. OREGONIAN ES r ABLISHED growing garage business and general repairs can u;e an A-l me chanic that will invest $2000 or more; we win pay top wages to producer and your money wiii be w ell secured, as w e ow n our own ground and new building; com pany managed by local business men this proposition will stand the closest Investigation. BP 880, Oregonian - WISHING TO RETIRE. Owner is sacrificing a 40-room hotel, downtown locatlcn, netting $7o0 per mo. This is sure ruoney-maker. See Rock. 403 Couch, bldg. CASH GROCKRY. $G00. 4 LIVING ROOMS. Furnit are, stock. 2 showcases. Icebox, 2 small scale. Rent $11 per month. Quirk sale. $000. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. FOR SALE Newspaper and job office in northern California doing a good busi ness, ill health only reason for selling; curlosit y seekers Pave your postage a bargain for cash only. Address Harry I. Sinclair, Montague, Cal. HAVE opportunity for a man with $10,000 to get into an estabiit-neu truck and au tomobile business: w ill bear very close investigation ; money secured, uo not answer unless sincere. AB 75G, Orego nian. M A NU FA CT U Rl N G. Have opening for active man in a growing business. Books open to in spection and show $400 month clear profit; trial given before you buy. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. HIGH-CLASS grocerv store for sale at in voice, will go about $5000; $3500 will handle ; this will net about $400 per month; it is an Al proposition and will stand the closest investigation. AM SI 1 , Oregonian. DAIRY doing good business, close in. 31 cows, house, six lots, barn, milk house, milk cooler, good bull. 110 chickens, 3 pigs, horfe, harness, wagon, buggy, 60 arrts pasture: all goes cheap for quick sale. 194H W'oolsey st.. St. .Johns car. ON account of other business will sell one of the largest and best -pay i rig garages in lha city, west side locn tion. $130 to $ 1 50 cash, $10 por mo. M achlne shop, vulcanizing, all equipped. AG 707. Cre ginian. $1700 POOLROOM", root beer barrel and confectionary ; heavily stocked, with long lease : netting over $200 a month ; rea soi for selling ; borne terms. Harper, 40 i Panama bldg. . WEST SIDE GROCERY. Don't spend all your profits on over head ; rent on store and living rooms only $15: doing good business. Call Bdwy. 1275. FOR SALE Restaurant and confection ery, on good corner, reasonable rejit. 5-year lease; living room in connection. Come and see for yourself. I. Hylton, Gresham, Or., box 41, Telephone 38- WELL established, growing manufacturing business needs more capital. Has position open for office manager or salesman who can make investment of $5000 or more. AO R1S. Oregonian. FOR SA LE Only steam laundry in coun ty : doing an excellent business ; every thing is in good condition ; fireproof building, long lease, cheap rent. Ad dress A V 977. Oregonian. VULCANIZING PLANT. Co-d outfit with 100 tires and making money. Cheap rent. All for $500. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. I HAVE THE FINEST SOFT DRINK, confectionery. Ice cream, cigar and to barro business in Portland for sale. Price $25rt0. W OODCOC K . 20( HENRY B I ,DG . GROCERY STORE. Cawh and carry; good location. Phone Automatic 210-09. PARTNER WANTED. Handy man with $4O0 con buy half In terest In a gool paying auto repair busi ness. P.oo.n 401 Dckum bldg. COLUMBIA BEACH CONCESSION. Scft drinks, candies and fruit, all equipped with root beer barrel ; muat sacrifice today. Call Mar. 243S CONFECTIONERY, cigars, will sacrifice for good reasons, our cent rally located . store; on terms; suitable for man and wife. Owner, Stark at West Park. FOR SALE Established bakery and con fectionery: full equipment; must saeri 1 ice : terms if desired : a money-maker lor ngnt party. t..t union ave. N. GOOD paying nusrnees for sate; can take a good house as part payment; o:d age lorces inis sate. uh, -uw an riouten street. LE A v INO city, will sell my vuicanizinz Pacific garage, 2?S 11th at. AUTO tires and accessory store; good loca- 1 11 11 aii ii "iwii lii. an room .i 1 ue it mil uiu . BAKERY FOR SALE. Doing cash business: good location 393 E. 39th st. Tabor 195. SHOE shining and hat cleaning parlor for sale. Phono Kroaoway 1447. FOR SALE Good paying restaurant, lease; rent .$15. 375 Front at. MUST sell before the 1st of July, grocery btore. 1 iuu union ave in. AUTO STAGE milk route clearing $30 monthly. 51 Cft. com. bldg.. Portland. p BJ J BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GARAGE. Only one like it, good location on best of Portland's suburban and national highway, auto highway; 2-story well arranged building, with ample equipment keeping operating expenses very normal, best class of trade and a safe, sure in come producer a we will show you by calling at the office; owner selling very reasonable and asking about $75oO for his equity and we ay It's a snap. Call at PACIFIC AGENCY. 514-2Q Swetland bldg. HAVE an exceptional proposition to make to live man organizing state sales forces in the various states ; fastest selling article on the market. Manufactured in Portland, Kansas City, New York City and Atlanta. Ga. Exclusive territory to men who mean business and have suf ficient capital to handle the matter properly. Call at the borne office of the Sant Manifold Sales corporation, room 94 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Port land. Or., between U A. M. and & P. M. week days. CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT GROCERY. NO FIXi'FRES TO BUY. Will Invoice. Clearing $2uo per month. Rent $20. Long; leas?. Quick sale, about $J2t'0. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. ATTENTION. CONTRACTORS. The property situated at the corner of Clackamas and Benton sts., full lot. cov ered with old buildings, will be sold by the owner, who is here from the east; any reasonable offer will not be refused. Call at 413 Chanvber of Commerce bldg.. Otto & Harkson Realty Co. A COUNTRY. STORE. In a firjt-ciaps dairy community, has acre grou id, good buildings, clean stock and fine trade. Owner will sell or rent buildings. 3 land full investigation. About $4000 invoice. Room 511 Railway Exchange. PARTNER WANTED. For a radiator, fender, auto hody building and used cur business; want buyer to take charge of the office, etc. Profits $400 month for Ciich partner. $2200 required. Call room 401 Dckum b 1 dj. $1200 CASH GROCERY, WEST SIDE. In shipyard district. All fixtures, stock, o living rcoms. Rent $15. A dandy buy. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 03 Oak St. DO YOU w an t an all-year log haul that down and 12 months on balance will handie with $50 a day guarantee? This - will pay out in six month's, your livine expenses included. Ask for Curwell at 484 -w Oreson City. GARAGE PARTNER WANTED. For garage 100x100; sell gas, oils, tes. auto repairing and full of storage. $3J50 will buy equal half interest with a reli able partner. Can clear $350 month for each. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. MACHINE SHOP completely equipped with modern machinery, located in town of 7 (KM) : good business already estab lished; space for auto repairing and ga rage. For particulars call at 4 4" 5 Stark street. A PARTNER WANTED. Owner of .t gurage needs a partner to sell the gasoline, oils, tires, etc., as ho is busy repairing aulos end can't look after the front end; profits are good. Call loom 401 Dekum bhig. INVESTIGATE Bargain; 4-store building. 3-room cottage, barn. garden, paved streets, cement scidewalk. building fine condition; income $50 month; $3o00 casn. By owner. J. Fulton. 209 N. Main st.. HAVE - attractive proposition for doctor interested Jn open air sanatorium; beau tiful sanatorium, all equipped, capacity 20 patients; Just outside city limits; small amount cash. Address Y 109, Ore gonian. FOR SALE Established business fin- fruit and confectionery store with good ti6r Kim iuudc iu iraue; oesi location in one of the iivest towns in Oregon: reason for selling, poor health. Ad- aresa eorge iuioa, isena, or. CLEANING AND PRESSINGSh6pT Kent $10. 2-year lense. A II for $250. cvmp(Pte. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO, 305 Oak St. CONFECTIONERY, ice cream, cigars and light lunch; nice family tade; $300 month clear; invoice about $1200; living room, corner location. Buy from owner, ftol Alberta st. SPACE In large new garage on east side to reliable parly for rent for battery man, top. body or fender man. Sable A Armstrong garage, 43d and Haw thorne. GOOD location for bakery, butcher shop or specialty store; modern store build ings in good population center; good in ducement to right parties. Johnson. 248 Stark st. CAUTION, BUYERS Before closing deal of so-called Interest in established real estate business feet advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon bldg. Broad way 1902. GARAGE for sal nt a bargain price; 00 car storage; sll gas. oils, tires and auto repairing; profits are large. Call room 401 Dekum blag. CASH confectionery and light groceries; nas goon- living rooms; clay business; rent $25. Price $2500. Room 511 Rail way Exchange. DENTAL practice ; old established prac tice and equipment for sale. In good location. Call before 11:30 A. M. Wood law n 1 2K5. 79S Kerby st. PARTNER WANTED. Tn lOOxtoo g-rirage on highway, close in ; a very profitable place. $.',000 will buy it. Room 511 Railway Exchange. $400 -SOFT-DRINK stand, cigars 'and confections, at beach, including building, all equipped and stocked, 2-year lease, Harper. 404 Panama bldg. TIRE vulcanizing shop, located in good valley town, well equipped, at a bargain or would consider trade. inquire 15 North Sixth Ft. $1100 RESTAURANT -Doing good buni nnss; well located on Washington st. Well equipped; $000 cash, balance easy terms. See Morris, 248 stark Ft. RESTAURANT, doing good business: ten sleeping rooms in connection: for sale on account of ill health. Address 310 Washington st., Vancouver, Waeh. GARAGE PARTNER WANTED. Ftrst-claais lot-atl jii. west side. Is.rge storage and repair trade. $2000 will han dle this. Room 511 Railway Exchange. FOR SALE My ful:y equipped electric studio. 3 living rooms and bath, all fur nished; no other studio in town. R. C. White, box 133. Mon tesa no, Wan. CLP AGE FORCES THIS SACRIFICE Will trade good automobile business worth $14,000. What have you? THOMSON. 020-21 HENRY BLDG. IF you wlfh to sell your business, ca 1 i Main 9404 or call anu see Harper 404 Panama bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER ERIKSON'S WHITE SHIELD MATERNITY HOME. 79a E. 1 2d N. PHONE 312-79 FOR SALE Well located vulcanizing and battery shop; will invoice. AV 129. Ore gonian FOR SALE Hlgh-claas, modern cafeteria, 10 banks within two blocks. J. E. - Shears. 213 Henry bldg. FOR SALE by owner, 20 rooms; terms; $1000 will handle it. 20S Washington. Main 7319. FOR SALE Plumbing and tin shop, good location, good businet. AV 994. ore- g onia n. FOR SALE Ice cream parlor, home bak-, ery and delicates-en In a good aprat ment house district. Call Main 7QQ3. PARTNER wanted to buy hnlf interest in good paying business: $40O required. 293 Hawthorne ave.; call mornings. POLLY AND HER PALS MA STRIKES A TRAGIC JVOTfc. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. 1 RESTAURANT SNAP. I Good business and plenty of excellent I equipment. An xperlenced person with I $10o0 cash can't beat thU. C. & H-, i 322-3-4 Failing bldg., 3d and Wash. ; $MH BUYS a wyli-eMablished small lunch room. C & H., 32J-3-4 Failing bldg., 3d and Wash. $40O - CONCESSION at Columbia bech; root beer barrel, all equipment ; best of locaMond. See Morris, 248 Stark st. RESTAURANTS and "caTeteriasTfor sale at rij?ht prices. Sec J. L. T-, 714 Couch ( RESTAURANT Nice small place, on cor ner, t tables and 9 stools. Call before noon at 375 E. Burnside st. DENTAL office for sale cheap; poor health, must quit ; good location and practice. Woodlawn 3002. PARTNER in auto repair shop, good loca tion, cheap rent, $350. AB Ko5, Ore go -rian. CIGAR STAND, doing good business, for sale by owner. 95 5th et. SHOESHINEparlor with three cha!rs. Information at 020 Cham, of Coin, bldg. Business Opportunities Wanted. 19 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, rent $30; - cleared $150. 15 H. K. rooms, rent $00; cleared $123. 13 H. K rooms, rent 40; cleared $85. JO H. K. rooms, home, light, good in come. Have others; also flats. Barney Johnson He Co., 170 10th st. Main 310O. 7-ROOM modern hotel, rent $350 : lease; clears $S0C and better. Price $12,730. Terms. 28 rooms, transient hotel, cement bldg., rer t $ 1 0 ; gross Income $425. Price $43oo, cash do-ii $2O00. MRS. THOMSON, 620-21 HENRY BLDG. EXPERIENCED merchant wants position as manager of dry goods, clothing, shoes or general store: not too near Portland; will buy all or part interest in paying, well located business at reasonable price; give full particulars. BJ SOS. Oregonian. ATTENTION. MR. HOTEL MAN. One of the best paying 90-room hotels In Portland for sale. Price and terms ripht to experienced hotel people, c. &. H., 322-3-4 Failing bldg., 3d and Wash. IF YOU want to sell your restaurant, rooming house, grocery, poolroom or con fectionery. Tor quick results list it with Morris, with Interstate Land Co.. 241 Stark st. YOUNG man. 22 years of age, wishes to invest several hundred dollars in local garage or repair shop and will work at same; 1 year s experience. AK S00, Ore gonian. BERBERS want to buy a one. two or three-chair shop, any place west of Cas cade Mts., in Oregon or Washington. AC 3H8, Oregonian. IF YOUR hotel or rooming house is for sale. ll Stmms. 425 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Main 4277. W I LL BUY 23 rooms up, modern ; pay cash for good house and bargain. Par ker. Mnin 4551. 2 ROOMS, H. K. apts. East 34S7. 557 h Williams ave.. cor. Knott. WANTED Cash grocery with living rooms. Not over $2510. J. R.. 16S E. 6th st. LADY will buy furniture of apartment house or small sanitarium. Main 7005. I WANT to buy a 2d-hand furniture busi ness. East 3923. Hotebt and Rooming Houses. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business. Hotel, Rooming or Apartment House of anv kind, anywhere, see IT RIEHDON. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS RITTER. LOW hi Ac (JO.. 203-5-7 Boardof Trade Bldg. CONSIDER THIS. 20 moms, transient and H. K., c'ose in. rent $100. good lease. Price $1600. AND THIS 37 IT. K.. rent $05. Price $4O0rt. terms. Good furniture ; income, net. $- . MR. MAGOON OR MR. SPENCER. G2 0 Cham, ot Com. Bidg. 1 ROOMS. 6 apartments, rent $00; lease, furnace, elec... gas, furniture, etc. ; very good, spotles-, income about $100. Take $ HiOO to handle. , , 11 rooms, rent $45; stove heat, elec, rverythinsj in good shape, takea in $121; 3-rni. apt. for own use. $1200, terms. MRS. THOMSON. 020-21 HciiryBIdg. liO MODERN rooms, all apts.. rent $450. long leaoc ; clears over $700; location the very bst; furniture, etc.. above the aver age. You should see this if you want a ichI buy that's a sure money-maker. jl.-.nMt. TVrms. MRS. THOMSON. 020-21 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE Best transient rooming house in Aberdeen. Wash. ; newly remodeled ; . rent reasonable; $2230 will handle, bal ance easy terms. Address owner, Elonora rooms. 402 Vb Wlahkab St. Phone 2150-J. - FOR SALE Hotel, fully equipped, in growing town, doing capacity business, reasonable if taken soon, $2500 cash down will handle. Write for particulars. Ed Kelly. Wheeler. Oregon. 13-ROOM H. K.. west sid, close in; good furniture. Priced to sell. Call 103 Vj AVcst Park st. Bargain. Terras. An dtrhon. FOR S A LE H. K . room ing house 12 rooms, furnace, electric lights, gu.s. run ning water In rooms: close In. 227 Broad wnv and Main. Main 4044. 10 CLEAN H. K. rooms, good furniture; west side, bet location: $450 will han dle; nice home. Barney Johnson & Co. 17o' loth ft. Phone .Main 3100. 12-ROOM rooming house, close In, west Fide : 2 vea t a" leate ; good money-maker. Price $2050. terms. Call 103 3 West Park st. A nderson. SMALL rooming house, west side; all rooms taken: sleeping only; profits over $2 a day; beautiful, place ; must sell at once. Call owner, Bdwy. 356. WANT rooming h o u e up to $ 3 00 0, well located, good furniture; no agents. Call Harper, Main 9404. 12 H. K. rooms for talc, lights, gas. close in. K roa d w ay an d M a i 11 . furnace, electric Main 4044. 227 FOR best bargain in apartment houses memoer 01 me nmiy uoaru. xat' Kealty Co.. 245 4th st. 9-ROOM hnu?e. we' I furnished and mod ern, furniture nearly new; clone in, west side; ioeiy nu. -vin si M RS. M. K. LENT. Hotel and apartment-house broker. 523-4-5 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR SALE 13 rooms, al! new furnitnr lovely home with an income. 540 College SireeL. IF your hotel or room ing house is for sale, .call Slmms. 1. 1 naraoer or Com - mcrce bidg. Main 4277. ' fOR SALE- -International 1H, Oregonian. -Hotel. 100 1 twmo. 24 ROOMS, near renter of city; Phone owner. Mar. 3213. rent $S5. 1ST-OLASS houses, alt sizes. See ni for bargains. -01 i"in bi. 20 H. K. rooms Tor -n.le. full all the lime See owner, 703 Thurman, cor. 23d. HEADQUARTERS for morning houses H. W- GARLAND. 201 3d. cor. Tayior. LOST AND ForjNn. LOST In Kenton district. June 30. one Axmmster rug. r muer please notify shipping dept. and receive reward. Powers rurniture lo ;ia ana lamhill LOST Child s turquoifp Dl'je sweater hand knit, between Gth. 1 1 th, A'amhiM and Coliege. Finder please call Marshall ,t. apt. 1. LOST 7 keys and tweezers on chain, turn room lOl. Courthouse. Pve BY CLIFF STEHR KTT. LOST AI FOUND. REWARD FOR STOLEN CAR. A reward of $50 will be aaid for the recovery of Maxwell. fil9.3-pas-enser touring car, motor No. 2304S8. ntl a further reward of $50 will be paid for intormation leading to the arrest and conviction of the thief having stolen the fame. The car has a black body and running gear, equipped with Goodrich safety-tread tires; stolen In Salem. Or., on or about July 10. 19ia. Notify by wire W. E. Heltrich, 312 Lewis bldg.. Portland, Or., or W. W. Alverson. 20G Bush St., San Francisco. California. THE following articles were found on cars of the P. R.. L. & P. Co.. June :;: 3 purses, transportation pas. stamps, key, 2 nail files. 2 pairs gloves, cap and hat. 3 packages, leather wallet, basket, oil coat, sack, garden hose. 2 suitcases, 1! hand grips. 2 lunch boxes, umbrella. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder streets. LOST Between 511 6th st.. Oregon City, and frtl Jefferson st.. Portland, leather handbag containing man's bill fold with name and address and $25 in currency, baggage check and numerous ot her ar ticles. Ladv away from home and badly in need of this ba. For liberal reward. call Mr. Morris. Main 1157. or Mrs. Kru- ger. Oregon City 7S. LOST Between Portland and Forest Grove, packare containing black satin stripe skirt, peach color waist and a hat wreat h. Kinder pleaae return to O. K. Purdin, H94 Corbett St., Portland, Or. Phone Main 7202. Reward. $5 REWARD for return oZ medium-size collie dog. yellow color, wnicn escaped from Southern Pacific train midnight June 20. in Portland union station; an wfrj in nsniA n f "Punnv" or "Arden. Call ba?caite room, union station. Broad way 802. LOST On Columbia River hiehway. biack handbag containing gloves and lady s gold watch and chain. Waltham. marked M. K.. cold hands: SIO reward. Return to Mrs. E. Hughes. Clabskanie, Or., box IF the lady finding the handbag in wom en's comfort station will return It to that place, cor. of 0th and Yamhill, a liberal reward witl be given. AL is 22, Oregonin n. LOST Bauh & Lauh prism binoculars, marked M. L. Johnson, on beach near A&ate Beach hotel. Please return to H. W, Tuttle, Newport, for reward. LOST Bill folder containing Portland Rowing club and Multnomah club mem bership cards. Please call Main 0214. ask for J. Kasper. Reward. LOST Airedale dog. from Multnomah ho tel between 11 and 4 o'clock; 0 months, name "Dick Moule" on collar. Reward. Return Multnomah hotel, room 43. LOST In Couch-st. park, black purse with money and keys, by working wom an. 2o,Cfc Washington st., room 67, or ca'I Main 7315. LOST Friday. June .23. at Meier & Frank's store, or on Morrison St.. a gray fur lined with gray satin. Call Marshall 34'54, or leave at 270 Park st. Reward. LOST Monday afternoon, yellow wallet containing $4 3 and identifies tion tag. L. W. Van Fleet, automatic 320-30. Re ward. LOST Purse- bet'veen Thurman and Up shur on 20th st.f containing money order a.nd some cash. Phone Main 5197 after 0 P. M. LOST In or near City park, green-striped silk sash with tassels. Finder pleasa pnone 1 abor 41 20. LOST A. K. K. fraternity pin, Upsilon enapter. r inner please address Kdwin t. Osgood, Bpx 293. Puyallup. Wash. WATCH LOST Second floor lavatory. courthouse. Return to H. behoof, bailiff, depot 0. LOST White canvas oxfords in Lip man or Meier & Frank's. Please call Tabor 2410. LOST Between 12th and 1 iih st. on Washington, lady 's Shrine pin. Cai Bdwy. 2O40. Reward. LOST Black purse containing money and papers. Finder call East to2ib and ar range for reward. LOST Blue fox fur on Vista avenue, be tween K ingsbury apts. and 2od and Washington. Call Main 40SL LOST Wednesday evening, solid gold El gin wrist watch and chain. suitable reward. Tabor 931S. 1221 E. Pine. LOST A bunch of keys with leather hold er, nc ui rii ij.u iwa uiujs. ncwaru Main 13fi. WALTHAM watch. R. L. S." on back, re ward $ 10; notify cashier, Oregonian of - LOST Beaded bag Friday night, down town district, valued as graduation gift. Columbia 009. LOST Sorority pin, diamond et. name on tame; iiicrai rewara ior return of same Call Tabor 20G0 or Main 3 W7. LOST Female shepherd, wo'.f appearance. name on collar. Speedway Kennels, Ta bor ftORM. LOST AVhite and lemon pointer dog. ne collar, itose ."i:y rarK at strict. owner has license. Phone Tabor 01 1 9. LOST 1 male pointer pup. liver and white st rea k on forehead. 3 months old. Call AYoodta wn 20. Reward. LOST A Per-sinn cat. Alameda district: brindle with white feet and throat. Call Aut. 328-07. PARTY who found day book. Foster road or Division. Tabor 4 MO. Reward. LOST side. -I-ady's biack plush coatee. Phone East 5033. on east LOST A gray sweater on 43d and Sandy P!ea?e return to 5o Medical bldg. FOUND Airedale. with Dick Moule. Palo Alto, on collar. Inquire Scott Elec. Co. LOST Tuesday e c. mink fur. Howard. Telephone Tabor C375. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN A U TO MOBILE, WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 20b SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. $10,000 MO RE capital needed for ex pan si on in well established and profitable manufacturing busf ness; either invest ment or loan considered. AO SS0. Ore gonian. Cash paid for mortgagee and sel ;rs cop tracts on real estate In Washington. Ore gon. H. E. Noble. 310 Lumbermen bldg WE BUY first and second mortgages end sellers contracts, r. K. Bowman t Co. 210 Chamber of Commerce. Money to loan on Real Khiate. $oo $500. $600. $no. $1000. $1200. $ijoo, $2000 and up, lowest rates, quick action; nay off 1"0 or more at any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co.. 63 1 Chamber of Com m e rce dip . aiam CT T Y AND FARM LO A N S. No Telay. No Delay. No Delav. $1000. $1500. $20O0, $3000 and UP. We loan our money 01 real estate F. H. DESHON. 015 CHAM. OF COM. MONEY" to loan at 6 and 7 per cent on close-in improved property. Rose City Investment Co., 324 Front st. Phone Main 7 SOU. $300. $400, $500. $750, $1000 AND UP; low rates: quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 0445. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Cham, of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MONEY on farms and improved city .prop er ty1K-ixjjlj22iE5ldins hlS- MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per sent. Louis Salomon A Co.. 408 Selling bldg. F1NANCIAU Money to loao on Real Estate. RESIDENCE LOANS. 7r'0, five-year period. You may pay $H0 or any multiple thereof account principal, semi-annually and reduce in terest on loans under $5000. INSTALLMENT L O A N S. Will loan Ou',0 value house and lot at 7rc. You pay one-half of one per cent account principal monthly. For ex ample. $2900 loan, you pay $10 monthly and interest; you have privilege of pay ing $100 or any multiple thereof month ly, interest reduced accordingly. NO COMMISSION. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period, 6'. Excellent r paj ment privilege. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main S503. 407 Yeon bldg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On improved property, or for improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.20 per month for o0 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15. 17 per month for 90 months pays a loan of $1000 and interest. , Loans of other amounts in same pro portions. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS Jfc LOAN ASSN.. 242 Stark St., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H BIRRELL CO.. 217 North wtfctern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm and- city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ileges. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 80 Fourth st.. Portland. Or. $00,000 TO LOAN in sums to isuit on city. suburoan ana iarms. .tsuiiaing loans topecialiy. WILLIAM G. BECK. 215-210 FAILING BUILDING. THIRD AND WASHINGTON. MORTGAGE LOAN'S, FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 6 AND 7r INSTALLMENT LOANS. NO COMMISSION 83 4TH ST.. HENRY BLDG. Insurance company money to loan lowest current rates on wiiiamette vai- lev iarms; no commission; no deiavs DE V E R E A U X MOli TG AGE CO M PAN T, 0 1 sixtn St., roruant, Or. MORTGAGE loans on Improved farm and city property, ravoraoie repaying privi leres: no commission or delav. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD. ouif lau uiu sr. -nam oti. LIBERAL LOANS, We loan our money on real estate, 1st and -a mortgages, contracts, live stock, notes, etc. F. E. Bo man & Co 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city property and a'so lm proved larm property, -. jrrent rates. AV M . McM ASTERS, 331 U. S. National Bank b!4g. $300. $1000 AND upward on Improved real estate ; laoia"": 1 miw , no aeiay ; no brokerage, jonn pain, aoi frpaldlng bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Sat a rice. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS, WATCHES. JEWELRY. VIC TROLAd. PIANOS. LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE. 594 STARK ST.. NEAR TENTH. CARRIE MYERS HERRMANN. Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES, QUICK SERA ICE ? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. Ft ItNITL Kb. PIANOS. V1CTROLAS. REAL ESTATE, BONDS, .ETC, I f your payments are too lare on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money If needed. We make a spe cialty of the?- loans and leave the se curity in your pocseion and you can repay us in t.mall monthly payments AVE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried pt ople on t heir own note. Rates reasonable. pr ate ofl ices. Ail business strictly confidential. . PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. LICENSED. 300-3O7 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 32S6 S. W. cor. Third and Washington. SALAR Y. lA ANS, OH ATTE LS. AVE LOAN MONEY en short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGES. NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. AVe also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO., LICENSED. 21S FAILING BLDG. SiOrs E 1" i"0 Iajah 011 diamonds. watcher. Jewelry and bonds; legal rates: all goods held 1 year VINES! JEWELRY STORE, 114-116 3d St., cor. Washington Main 0049. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds. Jewelry; legal rates; articles held a jcar; et a. ta li; hed lhSo. Dan Marx &. Co., 2S3 Wash. G EO. HARVEY loans money on house hold good, U gal rates Ta bor 300. HATHAWAY loans on pianos and furni ture, legal rales. 20S Washington bldg. Ixmns A anted. $2500. 3 A"EA RS. 7 pr cent, on modrn Rose City Park bungalow and garagn. $1500, 3 carp 7 per cent, new houe. grounds 109x200, in Parkrosr. Sen M r Hickman. J. U IIAHTMAN COMPANY. 7 Cham ber of Com. Bldg. Main 2ts W ANT $ 1 5.000 on new apartment house com petcnt ly appraised at $47,OOiit si x months or I year, 7 por c-nt : will a Iso take smaller loan or other property. R. J. Kirk wood. 9 4th ttt. Main 5704. WANTED $1500 loan at 7 per rent. 3 yrs.. on 5-room modern Alberta bungalow at 119S K. 29th st. N. See Mr. H. E. Gale. 212 Ablngton bldg.. Main 1008. No agents. $6O0O LOA N w anted on property full v w orth J2S.O00. Geo. E. Englchart Co . Bdwy. 3173. 02 Monry bldg. WANT $S5D or $900 for one or more jearw at 7 per cent. Securit v Canadian $1 000 0 per cent bond. BF S.'tO. Oregonian. $50A TO $iOOO, 7 per cent Interest, no com mission. W. E. Thomas. 40O Chamber of Commerce Bldg. AV ANTED $150O at 7 per cent, on 20 acres b.vel land, 12 miles from Portland; value S1500. PiioiiC! Main 525. AVA N T F. D to borrow $ 2000. 2 y rs. at S per cent ; property value $ 10.000. Bdwy. 4230. WANTED $2000 for 2 years; $20,000 se curity. Call Main 574S. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Com.. 4th and Stark. efECUL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. I TED STATES SHIPPING BOARD. WASHINGTON. D. C. June 16. 190 Sealed proposals for the purchase of the following Hough-type wooden steam ers will be. received at th above office until 10:30 A. M., July 12. 120. when tLey will bo opened. Dwt. S. S. BALLINETT 4.005 S.S.BALA DAN 4.005 S. S. COCONINO 4.105 S. S. KICK A POO 4.005 S. S. NORTH FEND 4.0O5 S. S. CALLOOH 3 STO S. S. COTTER A L 370 S. KLAMATH 3.S70 S. S- MA KAN DA 3. STO S. S. M ATAPAN 3. S70 S. S. BLANDON 3.STO The above vessels, now in the United States Atlantic ports may bo inspected afloat upon a ppl ication to Sh ip Sales Division. United Slates shipping Board, 1319 ""FV st. N. W. Washington. D. C. - The following vessels, included in this sale, are now ,n route to United States . Atlantic and Gulf porta, and are due to arrive within 30 dava: Dw t. S. S. CATAWBA 4 tH5 S. S. ASTORIA 3. STO S. S. BH.OXI ;; s?o t S- S. CAPONKA 3 STO S. S. HOLBROOK 3.S70 S S. K A SOT A ;; STO " . S. S. MARATANZA 3. STO k. s. musketo :; STO fc". s. w AK AN :;.st s s. Wasco 3.s,to 1 hese vessels have been operated be- ' t ween United St ales and AVcst Indian Central American ports ; in American and European coastwise traffic, au m Trans-Ailatmic tradts. Bids may be submitted for one or -more esse Is. or for any combination of vessels, and must be accompanied bv certified check payable to United States Snipping Board fur lo per cent of the. bid . Bids should ba submitted on the ba sis cf purchase "as is and where is " when taken over and on terms of twenty-! ive t25:pi per cent casta on execu tion of contract, balance payable in -semi-annual installments of twe!a and -one-half 121-r per cent each. Al bids must remain firm for at least ten lll days. Sealed bids should be addressed to . UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD. WASH I NGTi N. D. C . . and indorsed "Sea;ed bid for steamship ." oame .". of ship. The Board reserves the right to re-' ject any and ail b Ida- OT1CE OF SALE OF DRAINAGE DIS TRICT BONDS. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived by the board of supervisors of the Klamath drainage d is trie t of Klam ath county. Oregon, at the office of Sa.d board, which is in the courthouse in tfc.o ' city of Klamath Fails. Or., for the pur chase of $2oo,o00 of the bonds of said -Klamath drainage district, until the hour of 2 o'clock in tne afternoon on tho 17th, " Uay of July. A. D. 1920. Said bonds are to be dated July 1 1920. and are to bear interest from dat at tho rat of G per cent per annum pay-, able on the first day of January and the first clay of July each year. The board of supervisors reserve t right to reject any and all proposals for any reason and if not satisfactory ti said board. Address all communications and al proposals to tho undersigned, C. U. DEL A P. Sec of K.amath Drainage District Klamath Falls. Oregon. PERSONAL EPHEDRA. THE NEW HEALTH BUI LDER. Ephedra is a harmless herb used In the treatment of all kidney dieaics, dropsy, stomach and intestinal disor ders. Ephedra is a germicide and tonic Cleansing the stomach, liver, kidneys and intestinal organs. Ephedra relieves .gas and acid condi tions of the intestinal organs, and has the most Wonderful effects on all rheu matic condition. 10 days' treatment. $2.50. EPHEDRA CO.. 202 Alisky bldff , Portland, Or. THERE is a remedy at ha n 1 for every dis cordant condition. Tho Psychometa physical Institute InUU-s you to call and have a personal into rv lew with its di rector. Dr. D. K. Zimmerman, Psychu motaph. 310-317 Bush & Uane bldg. Phone Main 0701. lu-12 mornings, 2-5 afternoons, evenings and Sundays by ap pointment. ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST " Painless dentistry, by the nerve-blocit ing method, without after effects. 1 make X-ray examinations of teeth. I specialize in Iirst-clas dentistry at rea sonable tees. DR. A. AV. KEEN K, Majestic Theater bldg.. 3,"1 Vi Wash. DANDRUFF AND FALLING HA1K IS THE SCALP'S CALL FOR THE EKDEE HAIR CERATE $2.20 PER JAR, POSTPAID. Gut it at your druggist or THE EKDEE CO.. S'tQ Union ave. N-, Portland, Or. U1H-LE, Spiritualistic church meeting?, -un., Tliurs.. S. P. M , Kt . M rs. .1. C. Schori. pastor; can be seen by friends until 10 P. M ; open for lecture appoint-' monts. 15 E. 13th st. N., cor. E. Burn side. WILL teach for partnership. exclusive scientific method removing wrinkles and other facial blt-inishca, giving permanent y outhf ulncss to face. AR, 707. Orego nian. T A KARA ANTISEPTIC Po V D E R hi a cle ansing, healing germicidal and invig orating douche, a great aid in leucor rliea and female disorders ; 50c and $1 pr box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. LEARN Beauty culture night school, 7 to 9 . o'clock; o expert special teachers. Work da time. Learn good trade evenings Sanitary Beauty Parlors. Marnh. 1 702. I GUARANTEE to cure corns, bunions, Ing.' ' nailn. warts and moles a bsolutcly ; new invention, no pain, no soreness. Lowest prices in town. Consultation free. Here 12 years; arches fitted. 5tjJ Dekurn bldtf. . 7-PASS. car leaves Portland July 3 for auto races and return on Same car leaves here for Criter lake on July 7. Room for 4 or 6 people. Telephone Broadway 3203 or Wdln. 197o. ' LOUIS R Y LR of Cm Igary. A Ita , Can., is looking for his sister. Mrs. Marx Mill sttcin of Portland, or., for answer, write to the Boston Hat works, 109 A blh A re. WVst Calga ry. BUY YOUR SUM MK.R FU RS AT THE FUR SHOP. Fine furs to order. Moderate prices. Above high rent, below hih prices. HO0 Swetland bldg., 5th and Wash. FE BA' ET & HANNEBCT. leading wig and toupe makers; finest .tock human hair goods, hairdressing. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 349 Alder. Alain 546. NERVOUS A N I CH R ONIC DISEASED treated bv NEW METHODS. UK. J. W. BATDORF, Naturopath. 301 Dckuin Uid., 1 to 5 P. M. Main 1100. A.KTK11 tins ".0th day of June I n Ml not be re.suonail'lc fr a.ny tK'bts contracted hy Kilitl Jyrden. fcisncd. Kobcrl T. .1 tirden. $1 Ci KTS both feft fixed up at Tr. Katon'a the CHIHOHUDIST and ARCH KPI.ST., who doesn't hurt you; 8 yr. here; ei.m. free. (Jlobu bldg , I llh & Will. Bwy SJl. IF TOU ARK TIRKD AND NERVOUS vl3it the Sunhome Parlor; scientific -body, face and scalp massage. 427 Mor gan bids.. Main 119. BATHS Steam baths, chiropractic bouV massagce and vibration. Lr. Marpare't . Haynie. Main 1V5. Swetland bld. Open eveninga. Trained nurse assistant. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago etc. Hours to 5 or by a ppoin t m-n t. Phone -Main IM. Office 3DS-C. Third st. SULFHL'R steam hath, violet ray; Improve vour syste n. Vra. Kolliti.", jg Clay. Main 83."'!', 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. SCAUP treatment, facial maisage. electn- cal treatment, steam bath and massage. Kthel Burke. 304 Dekum bldg. pHTfeTs can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Ur. Dean. 'J'.H1 Morrison st. Superfluous hair, moles, warts removed by 10 needles method; trial free. Josie Fin ley .514I3iis2i&I-uiebld(;X!ain MASSAGE, baths for constipation, stom ach kidney, rheumatism, ljr. Blna Sor ensen. 5U8 Panama bldg. Drugless phy. yRKK treatments and J10 reward for lh case of dandrufr I cannot cure; that's fair. 314 Macleay bid;. DO YOUR FEET HURT: Se tr. Ethel A. Saery. pedinurinK and manlcurinit. 005 Kaieigh bldg.. Mar. 337C. . l)L't'EH"'lj'jul-TS HAIR remuved forever bv multiple-needle method. 504 Swetland bldg.. Fifth and Washington sts. HAWAIIAN entertainers for all occasions. Call Tabor 7750. ELECTRIC CABINET BATHS. Dr. I ronsides. Hroadway bldff. GERTRUDE DAN1EI-S. superfluous hair.' manicuring, face, scalp. Kliedner bid,;. - lOESN"T Tom. Uick or Harry pay youT See VierecK, collections. Dekum bld. PRIMBDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. 844 E. 33d. Sell. 2-J13 morning". PILES CAN BE CURED without oper ation. Free booklet. P. O. Box I 10,".. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without an operation. Free booklet. P. O. Box 11IM. A-l MASSAGE. 415 Buchanan bids.. Wast bet.' 4th and Ml). Main S'l'it;. - JLN1C1DE w ill cure rheumatism or mor.x Iback. tii.'s utKum oiug. PATIENTS to take cabinet baths with mubase or nouny nursing, labor oiij.