so. THE MOHNING OREGONIAX, FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1920 HFLP WANTED MALE. NIGHT PORTER WANTED, Good pay and steady position for re liable man. Address with references, BC 653, Oregonian. WANTED Young man stenog rapher who Is willing to go out of eity to accept position with big lumber concern. Prospects for advancement for ambitious partv possessing desired quali fications. BP Sol. Oregonian. iWANTED For the woods, sawmills, high ways and dairies of Humboldt countv. California; positions open for every branch of the lumber industry; year around work; no shutdowns; good wanes and climate. A-l ; come at once or write; take the steamer City of Topeka from Portland or auto stage from Grants Pass. Metropole Employment Agency. 215-17 1 street, Eureka, Cal. LEA UN a trade now and pay later. Aro you mechanical W inclined 7 if 89, in vestigate HKMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE AND GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL at 707 Hawthorne ave., corner East 20th, where you can learn in six weeks to op crate and repair all makes of autos and tractors. WANTED At once, people of all types lor moving picture work; can use sev eral neat-appearing men and girls with good looks and pleasing personality. If you are Interested in movies call Co tillion hall. 14th off Washington; hours, 10 to 4. Phone Bdwy. 33S0, Mr. Snore. .WHAT'S THE MATTER ? Don't any. fel low over 17 want to Join me on ftstunc trip. Puget sound and Olympic moun tains, for 1 month? I have launch at Tacoma; you furnish grub. Don't miss it. Some trip. Columbia S96. m WANT gardener for private place; must De single ana oaten ana not over o., rvteady job for man who is familiar with the cultivation of flowers; none other need apply; wages, including living quar ters. N5 per month. 235 Stark st. THREE neat young men to canvass city at d per week, must be run ot ampition and pep. to take subscriptions for Sun set magazine. Sunset Magazine. Inc.. apply between 0 A. M. and 11 A. M.. 304 Pine street. 'JW ANTED Young man for office and re- portonai worn; must operate l. pi; wild er; state age. whether married, experi ence and sa lary expected; references. Address AO 711, Oregonian. WANTED ledger or bookkeeper clerk; must be experiencea; answer in own handwriting, stating qualification, sal ary desired, etc. Good chance for pro motion. AP 887, Oregonian. WAN TED Experienced marker and sort er; give full particulars in nrst-ietter as to age and experience, steady employ ment. Yakima Steam. Laundry. Yakima. Wash. IOUNG man wants gentleman partner for vaudeville act ; must be good voice ana Dome dancing ability; experienced pre ferred ; good amateur considered. Tom Norstad. Venable hotel, 3d and. Main. (WANTED Presser and bushelman for ateaay position, out 01 town; musi oe first-class. Wages $30 per week. AV til. Oregonian. B TO UNO man or anyone to do some orchard work, poison squirrels ana neio aooui farm; good wages and good home. Call at 520 Tay lor street. CANDY MAKER Must be experienced and capable of taking charge or a plant ; give experience and references. AF 7S1. Oregonian. V ANTED Journeyman paper hanger for out-of-town work, su per aay. nours: transportation furnished. Apply 510 Oregon bldg. BARBER wanted, steady job and boat; of wages. write or wire 11. u. 1 aiiman. Enterprise. Or. a HelD Wanted Salesmen. TCELES"? REFRIGERATOR. No ice, no chemicals, 110 elec tricity, no cost for operation and the price is 110 more than the or dinary refrig iraior; will keep food longer and bet'.cr. Think what this means to the home, the farm, the store. Sa! tsmen wanted in every county in every state.' If you are a live wire and qualified, write, wire or call for our proportion. This is a wonderful opportunity for ou" representatives to make hip money. ICKLKdrf REFRIGERATOR CO., 1U7 N. Broadway, Portland, Or. tfAL.ES MAN, both city and road, also competent handle office sales corre eponoence; machinery line, old-established house, permanent position; give all particulars in letter of application; age, experience, occupations during past ten years, length of residence in Portland, married or sin.ile, salary expected, refer ent. es. Only applicants apparently first class and likely permanent will be con sidered. BD Sill, Oregonian. SALESMA N wanted to represent eatab- 1 llshed nationally advertised grocery line, entire eastern half of Oregon, living at Vale. Baker. I. a Grande or Pendleton ; state qualification, education, etc. Com- pany car supplied. Young man with re tail grocery experience preferred ; good opportunity. Salary a nd details supplied oil inquiry. AV 0112. Oregonian. IF YOU ar not satisfied with your out look in your present position it might be well to make a change. We have a fin opportunit y for an honest, ambi tious man between the ages of 25 and 45 years to fill a position of trust. Large earnings and rapid promotion. Apply to H. H. Fox. 1109 Spalding bldg., be tween 2 and 4 P. M. SALESMAN wanted to represent estab lished nationally advertised grocery line to cover Marion, Clackamas, Hood River and Multnomah counties, living in Portland ; state qualification, education, tc. Young man with retail grocery ex perience preferred ; good opportunity, alary and details supplied on inquiry. AV 029. Oregonian. WANT SALESMAN The Electric Service Co., 128 i 10th st., requires the services cf a specialty salesman who is capable of earning $250 a month ; article exclu sive, many selling features, superiori- Iies can be demonstrated. Call after P. M. REAL opportunity where your services are appreciated, where you are given every assistance and all instruction, and treat ed right; in a fast-growing institution, tor bright capable and energetic man. fall 702 Spalding bldg. Mr. Stranahan. FIRST-CLASS salesman wanted, salary a nd commission ; must krjow something about an automobile ; do not apply un less willing to work : exceptional oppor tunity for right woman; state reference. AP 8S. Oregonian. I WANT a specialty salesman with $10,000 or more to invest in well established apecialty manufacturing business ; have something that will sell and need both a salesman and additional capital. AO 8S1 , Oregonian. SALESMAN to demonstrate and sell novel lawn sprinkling device; evening work on large lawns in suburbs. Quick stales: good commission. 427 Railway Exchange bldg. WANTED By old established firm, sales man to handle one of the highest class specialties now on market. Call 133 loth st., between 10 and 12 A. M. BEST tire selling proposition in Portland for experienced man ; big season just starting ; permanent position. Weaver Tire Co.. 333 Burnside St. WANTED Two salesmen to call on retail grocery trade; straight commission. Ap ply Room 3Q0. Blake-McKall bldg. WANTED Salesman who is willing to work on commission. Call at the Elec- inc 1 a ii niinp, 1 join st, SALESMEN Agents, canvassers, men or women; write Mutual Novelty Mfg. Co., Tacoma. Wash. Agency for fast seller! W NTED Experienced furniture sales man. Henry Jenning & Sons. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS at once, hospital tickets. selling 50c per month 501 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED counter girl and pantrv girl wanted. Coxy Dairy Lunch. 323 Washington. WANT bakery clerk: must have experi ence. 10 E. 28 th N. East 1330. WANTED Kitchen helper for small hos pital. Call Bdwy. 3404. WAITERS wanted for Seattle restaurant 8 North Third St. LADY wanted for housework. Phone Main 41 53 between in and 11 A. M. GIKL for general housework in apt., good w ages. Main 4008. COOK who will assist with housework, $70 Main 5330. 243 Cornell et.. hd. Marshall! GIRL wanted for general housework. Call East 3922. WANTED -Good, steady. plain woman cook. Apply at 669 Savler. WAITRESS wanted. Cozy Corner Lunch. 223 3th st. WA NTED Girl to work in dining room. Campbell hotel. WAITRESSES WANTED. 93 GRAND AVE. HEU WANTED FEMALE, WANTED 10 POWER MACHINE OPER ATORS. 16 TO 23 YRS. OF AGE; EX PERIENCED GIRLS PREFERRED. BUT SOME INEXPERIENCED GIRLS ACCEPTED. WE. PAY WAGES WHILE LEARNING. SATURDAY AFTER NOONS OFF. GOOD WAGES. WITH LARGE BONUS PAID. APPLY AMES, HARRIS. NEVILLE CO.. luTH AND HOYT STS. TH"E Meier &. Frank Company requires the services of experienced hemstitching ma chine operators. Apply Employment Bu reau, sixth floor, Meier & Frank Co. WANTED CLEAN-CUT YOUNG LADY WITH SOME EXPERIENCE. FOR A NEW. UP-TO-DATE ICE CREAM PAR LOR; MUST HAVE GOOD REFER ENCES: STATE AGE. EXPERIENCE AND SALARY EXPECTED; PLEASE GIVE YOU K PHONE NUMBER. AL Sl!. ORGONI AN. WANTED At once, people of all types, for moving picture work ; can use sev eral neat-appearirup men and girls with good looks and pleasing personality. If you are interested in movies call Co tillion ha'.!. 14th off Washington; hours, 10 to 4. Phone Bdwy. 3oS0, Mr. Snore. WANTED Young lady with accounting experience for clerical work ; no dicta tion or typing; salary $73. Apply In own handwriting, giving age. experience, married or single, address and telephone number. AG 751, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced woman for pattern and domestic dept. Must have good references. Ap ply superintendent's office. Sim on's store. First and Alder. WANTED Four young ladies not over 23 years of age, 6 hours work per day; $35 per week; pleasant work; girls out of town write for appointment. 304 Pine st., call between U and 12. WOMAN for general housework in family of four adults; must be good plain cook; wages $60. Apply between 10 A. M. and 5 P. M., 235 Stark, or phone Mr. O'Brien; 623-63. APPLICATIONS will be rectvd from young women aged 20 to 33 for wood working factory at St. Johns: good pay and steady employment. AB 392.- Ore gonlan. AN Y girl in need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. May fair and Alexander bts. Phone Main 3450. DM car. . LADIES I have pleasant, profitable out side work for ambitious woman who can spare from 2 to 5 hours a day. Call 10 to 12 A. M.. 627 Corbett bldg. GROCERY SALESWOMAN with bakery experience preferred. Mr. Lurhan, SEALY-DRESSER CO., See WANTED Names women, girls over 16, wishing to become government postal clerks; commence $1400; answer imme diately. AV 931, Oregonian. WANTED Hair dresser and .manicurist for permanent position, must be able to do scalp work. Halrdressing parlor, Portland hotel. Main 5301. WANTED Experienced marker and sort er; also bright girl to learn; steady po sition. Union Laundry Co.. 2d and Co lumbus. COOK for snvi.ll family where two in help are kept; best wages, references required. Apply 800 Madison, west, between 4 and 7, or telephone Marshall 4380. WOMAN for general housework in modern home ; 2 in family; plain cooking; good home and position for right party; wages $50 per month. East 633. EXPERIENCED pants finisher wanted; good workers can make $5 per day; steady work. Joe Stoier. 040 Washing ton bldg. WOMAN wanted, middle age preferred, to assist with care of male, Invalid and help with household duties; . pleasant sur roundings. Irvlngton district. East 4074. WANTED Raspberry pickers, good ac commodations, cabin, stove and wood f ree ; clofe to Portland. Make reserva tions at 318 Railway Exchange bldg. WANTED Woman experienced in fitting belts and supporters ; must have had nurse's experience. Address by letter with references Woodard, Clarke Co. WANTED An experienced wet washer, sorter; also women to learn. Apply the New System Wet Wash, SOT E. Flanders. Phone East 883. EXPERIENCED pantry woman, fruit and coffee counter. Inquire steward Port- iand htocl. HOUSEKEEPER wanted for small family; very satisfactory surroundings; good wages. 782 Kearney. Main 100). WANTED Lady stenographer and typist, who has had considerable experience in general office work. AK. 748, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced folder for man gle, 1 press girl for body press. Apply Oregon 1-aundry, E. 6th and Oak. WANTED Woman to take care of two children while mother is away for two weeks. Tabor 4053. YOUNG LADY typist; permanent position; one able to handle Elliot Fisher machine preferred. AP 878, Oregonian. GIRL wanted to work In grocery and partly confectionery store. Apply 324 N. 24th st. WANTED Younsr women for factory work, good wages. Apply 510 Oregon bldg. WA NTED Woman to do chamber work dusting, etc.. mornings, steady. Maxwell Hall, 207 Fourteenth st. WANTED A middle-aged lady to keep house for elderly man in Eastern Ore gon. Address room 420 Perkins Hotel. YOUNG lady cashier, one with general store experience preferred. Apply Lev itt's Store, 4th and Washington. MILLINERY makers wanted, wholesale work. Apply Elsie Trimmed Hat Co.. Beck bldg. THE Florence Crlttenton Home is ready to help any girl in distress. 955 East Giisan. "M." car. East 316. EXPERIENCED marker and sorter want ed: also fancy hand ironers. Opera House Laundry, 25 Everett St. TWO lady barbers, guarantee $18. Phone 592 after 6:30 P. M. Grace Price. Cen tralia. Wash. MAKE good money dancing. See me be tween 1 1 and 2. 4 and 8. 610 Eilera Music bldg. EDUCATED young lady familiar with books to act as buyer in popular book store. AV 48, Oregonian. SWEDISH OR GERMAN, intelligent girl of age or single women to help in store and keep house. 707 Commercial st. WANTED Dietitian and assistant. Port land convalescent hospital. Phone Mar shall 2893. EXPERT shampoo and manicurist. Morrison. PEOPLE wanted for movies; hours 12 to 3 and 7 to 6. 320 Piatt Bldg. MOONLIGHT CAFE. 123 N. 6th st; wait ress wanted, experienced. WOMAN to help with cooking from 4 to r P. M. Campbell hotel. WANTED Woman for general housework, two in family. Phone Main 8074. WANTED A good laundress at 'the Old People's home, 328 Sandy st. R. C. car. GIRLS or women in cigar box factory , light work. Apply 43i E. 3d st. FIRST-CLASS HELPER on coats. K. Irvin & Co., 205 Selling bldg. EXPERIENCED warren wanted. Forest drove Cafe. Forest Grove, Or. EX PERI ENCED alteration Apply 394 Washington. help wanted. GIRL wanted to work in confectionery store. 20 N. 6th st. CHAMBERMAID, St. st. . cor. Alder. Paul hotel. 130 4U EXPERIENCED filing clerk In wholesale house; references. A L 820. Oregonian. WANTED Lady marker and sorter: best wages. Model Laundry. The Dalles. Or. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. 26 N. 2d st. Phone Broadway 1582. COUNTER GIRL wanted. Apply I. L. Beam's. 145H Sixth st. FIRST-CLASS 320:i. finisher on gowns. Main LADY dishwasher wanted. 143 2d sL HELP WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG WOMEN WANTED. A good salary at the start. Regular and frequent Increases. Excellent opportunities for promotion. Previous experience not required. Annual vacation with pay. Large, cheerful operating rooms. Attractive, comfortable recreation rooms. Lunch rooms with meals at cost. Plan for sickness, pension and death benefits without cost to employes. Apply at Telephone Company, Room tool, Gth Floor, Telephone Bldg.. Park and Oak tits. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELSG tAPH COMPANY. MR. EX-SERVICE MAN. keep in touch with me and land a good Job for your self. We are placing many men in good positions. Register with us w ithout delay. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 203 Artisans' Bldg. Bdwy. 1367. WANTED A young woman to travel. Pre f r one with newspaper experience; must be intelligent, v with ability to impress people in a favorable manner; aaiary and commission. BF 797, Oregonian. 4 WAITRESSES for Roseburg. Or.; good wages. ,rom and board. 5 waitresses. Seaside resort. 10 chambermaids' at once. Mrs. Scott. 329 Henry bldg. BOOKKEEPER wanted, don't apply un less you are an expert and have had a number of years' experience: state refer ence and salary expected. BC 882. Ore gonian. WANTED Two waitresses for Hotel Rav mond. Raymond. Wash., wastes and side money about $80 per month with board and room. Call Main 2092. WANTED Girl to wash fine silks and wools; 3Sc per hour; experience not nec essary. Crystal Laundry, East 21st and Fienders. Rose City car. STENOGRAPHER "wanted, one who can work in retail store; steady position. Call Petersen's Barber Supply Co.. Ill Third street. ' PLEASANT, attractive home for young girl who will assist with housework and care of children. East 28H8. WANTED Waitresses for hotels and camps. C. & B. H. Culinary Workers Assn., 242 Ankeny st. Broadway 652. WANTED Experienced girl for meat carv ing and salads. Puritan Cafeteria, 272 "A Stark. WANTED Experienced head waitress for downtown hotel dining room. AM 851, Oregonian. WANTED Reliable middle-aged woman for chamber work. Apply matron Y. M. C. A. after 8:30 A. M. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, $125. Law stenographer, $100, Dictaphone op erator, $100. 301 N. W. Bank Bldg. . COOK wanted for Goble dairy lunch.. 567 Washington St.: must be good on pastry; no Sunday work. WOMAN to help with cooking. Campbell hotel. , Wanted Do met. tics. WANTED Experienced general house- worker for 2 months at Gear hart. Tele phone Mrs. Georee Low. 731 Everett St.. telephone main 7908. WANTED By traveling man's wife, con genial, reiiaolc young girl to assist with housework and care of child. Good wages. Phone Wdln. 4673. WANTED Good cook and housekeeper, family of three; wages $60; if unwilling to do small washing do not apply. East 84S7. WANTED An eideriy lady to take full charge of a good home; one 'who likes children; no laundry. Write C F. John son. 500 E. Morrison st. GIRL to do cooking and general house- worK ; small nouse. every electrical con venience, jwajjeJSOCall Main 2021. WAITRESSES, counter work, no Sunday or nignt worn. Appiy aiter 3 P. M., Sun. and Mon. 10 to 3 P. M., No. 0 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED A good girl for general house work, small family, no washing-. Tabor 931. WANTED Neat girl for general house work; wages according to ability. Phone East 39U0. EXPERIENCED girl to assist with house work; willing to go to beach; good wages. Marshall 3922. NURSE Reliable and over 20 to assist In care of two small children. Good wages. Main 5550. 243 Cornell st.. head Marshall. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; good wages, good room, modern conveniences. 408 N. 32d st. Main 7859. WANTED A competent maid for cooking and general housework ; 2 in family ; Hood wages. Main 3760. WANTED Exoerienced girl for general housework, good wages. Apply 5s Ella WANTED Competent cook who will be willing to leave city for umiwr months ra F. W. Lendbetter. Main PIC LAUNDRESS, experienced, by month pri vate family ; room and board waP $00. Call Main 162. es A GIRL or woman for general housework plain cooking; every convenience- 4 in family. Phone Sellwood 3519. OJRL for cooking and sume house w ork "-. " """-j- .-nam ::. WOMAN to do general housework at Ore gon City. Phone Main 2677, Portland. GIRL for second work, family of 4 Lovejoy. Main 247. vnA.iDaK.MAiu, Portland Medical hos- GIRL to work P. M. Main in pantry from 3:30 to 8 GIRL wanted, and Couch. Portland Laundry, Ninth LADY dishwasher wanted. 404 East Mor rison. GIRL for general housework summer. Tel. East 4085. Seaside for GOOD housekeeper, cook. 203 N. 21st FIRST-CLASS cook wanted. East 6645. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED To hear from parties wishing to pick raspberries; tents, wood and po tatoes furnished free to season pickers; ?e,,CrJed that flckers call at piace. lake Bull Kun car at First and Alder, get off at Brunncr sta.. walk 2 blks. west; 25c rare; season starts about July 10 Box 2S, route A. Gresham, Or. LOGANBERRY pickers wanted; good camping ground, with shacks or tents transportation from Salem free; wood water and straw free. Geo. N. Thomo son. Salem. R. 8, No. 67 WANT pickers tor red raspberries ou or about the 10th. Call Linnemann Junc tion, on O. W. P. line, about 1 mile west ot station. Phone 12X Gresham. Mrs. Lee Sheller, Gresham, Route A. LOGANBERRY pickers wanted. See my ad in Sunday's paper; beat yard. B. Cun ningham, route 3. box 1;U. Phone 21 F--Saicm, Or. M I SS M ATTI NGLYV5 SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING SCHOOL. Individual Instruction. Day, Night. 269 14th, near Jefferson. Main 3895. WAN I a party of 6 men and women to go to 1 acoma races. July 5. For rescrva tions call "Casey." Main 26Q3. WANTED A night mopper, public libra ry. Apply general otiice. EDUCATIONAL. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks, give you a set of tools and some pay while learning. Positions secured. Ore gon ex-service men, the course is free to you. Write or call for particulars and catalogue. 234 Burnside st OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; tcaip and face masscge specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning", tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison LINK S BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeep ing, stenography, civil service, secretar ial, special courses; expert teachers, day and night. Enroll now. Bdwy. 5083 EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Miss Bucket's private -school ; individ ual instruction. 122f Grand ave. E. 427. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you set of tools free, position secured. 3S N. 2d st. ROCKY MOUNT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-ass t. state supt.. Mgr. N. W. Bank bldg. Main o-76 PRIVATE instruction in business arithme tlc, Address with references, stating terms. AK 807. Oregonian. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph institute, 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Free booklet. FISK Teachers' Agency Journal b!dg NIain 4i33. Teaching positions, free reg. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your talary. 265 Oak st. OREGON Law School, Alisky bldg.. 3d and Mor. W. E. Richardson. Sec. Main 977. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main 6271. Broadway bldg. EDUCATIONAL. THE COTILLION School of Dramatic Art teaches you quickly for any branch of the stage; the drama; vaudeville sketches written and carefully rehearsed ; motion picture makeup and expression ; special bummer classes for children and young people; teaching elocution, expression, music and dancing Enroll now Beatrice O'Malley, Director. Hours 10-4. Bdwy. 33S0. THE COTILLION ACADEMY, 14th at Washington. POSITIONS ASSURED. EVERY GRADUATE OF BE HNKE-WALKER 'Business college, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNG MAN with 10 years experience stenographic and accounting R. R. work desires position with lumber concern ; can take charge of commissary and pur chase all material and supplies; can also handle payrolls, keep time, in fact can hand le any position. Best of references furnished ; will leave city. Want perma nent connection with good prospects for advancement and to learn the lumber business. BJ 802. Ore g o n i a n . YOUNG MAN, 10 years experience gen eral office work, administrative and sec retarial, desires to make permanent con nections, with reliable commercial con cern where abilitv is recognized: thor oughly experienced; can handle any kind of position which is permanent and good prospects for advancement ; can furnish first-class references; will leave city. BJ 804. Oregonian. CAN you use a man in your organization who has had 10 years' experience In R. R. purchasing and store department and who has handled many executive and administrative position? Can qualify as purchasing agent, general storekeeper, office manager, chief clerk or account ant. Can furnish best of references and will leave city. BJ SOS. Oregonian. YOUNG man, 26. energetic, well educated. nas oeen in trie lumber manufacturing business for 6 years, employed as edger man (small edger). Wicks gang-sawyer and assistant mill-foreman, seeks posi tion in a lumber manufacturing concern, where chance for advancement is of fered. Open for engagement after Fourth of July. AV 67, Oregonian. MR. EMPLOYER.- CALL ON US WHEN YOU ARE IN NEED OF MEN. WE CAN FURNISH YOU WITH MEN FOR ANY KIND OF POSITIONS. WE HAN DLE ONLY EX-SERVICE MEN AND THEY CAN DELIVER THE GOODS. K NIGHTS OF COLUMBUS EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 205 Artisans' Bldg. Bdwy. 1367. YOUNG MAN, 22 years of age, desires to make permanent connections with hard ware company, graduate commercial de partment University of Oregon; has had two years 'selling experience ; can fur nish best of references. 302 Spalding bldg. EX PE Rl ENCED salesman is desirous of making change, what have you to offer? Acquainted with territory Oregon, Wash ington, Idaho. California, Arizona and ' New Mexico, can furnish satisfactory references from past employers. BJ 871, Oregonian. PRINTER with 20 years' experience as makeup (city paper) commercial, maga zine and linotype work is open for em ployment; would like forcmanship, make up or ad job with daily paper in Oregon or Washington ; wages under $45 not considered. Address BJ StiO, Oregonian. PRESSMAN Ex-service man. desires posi tion as platen pressman. IO years ex perience in ad and job dept. in live country, offices; references If necessarv; Would go out of town. Write or wire C. G. McDanlel. 272 6th street. WANTED By ex-service man. position driving truek or touring car: two years' experience In U. S. army driving ammu nition truck ; one year was in France. Call Gresham 581, or w rite box 95, Gresham. Or. EX-SOLDIER, married, wants all kind of work by hour or day or contract, gar dening and grading, putting in wood and sawing wood, etc. I have my own tools. 4nw. E. 27th st., near Pine. BUSINESS M EN requiring competent of fice workers, call Broadway 4499. Only suitable auplicants sent: no charge to the employer. Clerical Help Service, 529 Artisan's bldg., opposite Benson hotel. CARPENTER SHOP, 203 V Jefferson si., n;w work and alterations reasonable General contracting, cement work, re inforced coDcrote garages. Call Main 7o05. FIRST-CLASS colored chef wants work be tween hours from 6 A. M. to 2 P. M. Can furnish references. AO 786. Ore ' gonian. STATIONARY ENGINEER and oil fire man wants permanent position: can make all minor repairs ; best of city references. East 3S52. POSITION wanted, combination line and trouble man wishes permanent position, magneto or common battery exchange. A V 54. Oregonian. POSITION wanted on gentleman's place ; understand lawns, shrubs and flowers ; also the care and driving of autos. AP HMO. oregonian. INSTRUMENT MAN wants position, fa miliar with high w ay, railroad, mining and land surveying. Address F. Ander son. Boring, Or.. R. 3. Box 54. SALESMAN with experience In both city and country territory desires connection with good reliable concern : can furnish references. B J 870. Oregonian. PRESSER, experienced Hoflman operator, A mcrican, 25 years old, desires steady employment ; references f urnsihed. Wm. Van Hale, general delivery. GOOD all round carpenter on California bungalows and summer resort building; day or contract. AF 900, Oregoniaiv YOUNG reliable man 19 wishes position in drugstore ; 3 years experience. Phone East S30Q. BoY. 14. some experience in office work and prin tin & ; cun set type ; knows the city. AO 793, Oregonian. CEMENT baseinonti. sidewalks, garages erri runways taken on contract. Tabor itt;U. HIGH SCHOOL BOY wants position: have had" 3 veara' experience In grocery and filling station. Call Woodlawn 4942. LET us figure your painting, paperhanglng and tinting, all guaranteed. 107 E. 28th -north. Tabor 6248. WANTED Contract hauling lumber by the thousand with 44-ton truck. Write or call 33 Market st. GOOD mechanic wants permanent work in first-class automobile garage. Tele phone Broadway 4056. room 63. HARDWOOD floors laid, scraped and fin ished old floors refinlshed. 229 E. 34th t.. Tabor 4964. COLLEGE voung man wishes permanent position with reliable firm ; oft ice work preferred. Main 4769. MARRIED MAN past 30. wants inside work; experienced packer: other work no objection. BF STS. Oregonian. FLOOR WAXING, window washing, wood work and general housecleaning. Tabor 2200. evenings. BY WATCHMAN, day or night: references, 13 months at last place. 6621 37th ave. S. E. CHEF, white, married, wishes position out town: hotel or club preferred. AB 757, Ore g onian. WANTED Work as pipefitter or in plumb ing -supply house; good references. BJ 801, Oregonian. v SITUATION wanted by a competent man to drive a heavy truck in or out of town. BD 859. Oregonian. YOUNG man. attending college, desires congeuial place to work fof room and board. Call Mr. Fny. Bdwy. 3418. V, ANTED Work outdoors by steady."- a pable man of middle age; city preferred. AG 753. Orrgonian: TRAP DRUMMER wants Job. any hours: has own drums. Call D. Mil'er. Marshall RSI after .V.30 P. M. AO 745, Oregonian. W A NTED Position as salesman, inside ; furniture or phonogm phs: experienced fx-seivicc man. K 617. Oregonian. TENOR, with experience as soloist and choir leader, wishes position; permanent or temporary, in city. E. 3344. WANTED By man with family, work, steady position object. Phone Woodlawn 571 or address 984 Union ave. WANTED Painting by day or job; work guaranteed. Phone Woodlawn 571 even ings. CARPENTERING. REPAIRING AND RE MODEL1NG. PHONE TABOR 234. YOUNG boy wants work on ranch or small dairy farm. 761 Firt. ANYONE wishing tinting done at reason able prices call Tabor 1106. WE TAKE care of lawns and flowers, ex perienced men. H. Brandt, Tabor 1360. CARPENTERS. Al ; work remodeling or new work; day or contract. Tabor U049 CARPKNTElt. new and repair work, branches. Eaat 5396 after 5 P. M. CEMENT work of all kinds, garages, ex cavating, reasonable. Tabor 6O70. POINTING. DECORATING. SIGNS. KAL SOMINING; BEST WORK. TABOR 260 A-l SH INGLING done by expert : work , guaranteed. Phone Woodlawn 54Q1 . PA 1 NTING and tinting very reasonable; guaranteed. Tabor 3031. " " PAINTING. TTNriNCL " RELIABLE WORK.- MAR. 3214. A-l TRUCK driver and mechanic; 6 years' experience. Call Tabor 3043. MAN and wife, cooks, want work in camp up to 50 men. BD 800, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNG MAN. 25. of good personal ap pearance, energetic, industrious, good education, good business training, has good knowledge of bookkeeping and some typewriting, is seeking a position with opportunity for advancement. I am a good beginner. Give me a chance to realize my real ability. References. AV 56. Oregonian. MARRIED MAN wants work, handy good rustler. BF S77. Oregonian. ookkeepers,Steoograpbera. Office. BOOKKEEPER and accountant. " Young man. 32 years old. experienced book ac countant. Able to render financial statements. References. BC 854. Ore gonlan. lOLNG MAN. law graduate with general orrice experience, wishes position, some traffic experience and also typist: first class references. Tabor 443 RELIABLE hotel man. wishes position, clerk or manager country hotel. AN 795, Oregonian. Al BOOKKEEPER, typist and general of r ce man desires position wth reliable firm. AF 783, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires posi tion. Call 317-41. BOOKKEEPER and 2S17. accountant. Soldlrr and Sailor. YObMr married cx-servlce man attending frchool wishes work evenings from 3:30 till 5:30 and all day Saturday. AB 753. Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. SITUATION w anted by young lady, kin dergarten teacher to take care of 1 or 2 children, age 2 to 5 years, in Protestant family; capable of taking charge of children while parents go on vacation. Call Friday. W to 12. Miss Jansen. Wood lawn 921. 14-YEAR-OLD girl wishes place to care for child and help with light housework and go to beach for summer. R. A.. Box 380. City. EXPERIENCED lady would like to man age an apartment house or hotel house--eepeX: w1IinS to go out of town. AB oS, Oregonian. YOUNG lady teacher desires pupi's for tutoring; would teach English language to foreigners. Miss Dodds. 936 E. Main. Call Tabor 0117. LADY pianist wishes position in suburban moving picture show. References. Wood lawn 629. POSITION as housekeeper by widow; good cook: refined widower or bachelor pre- ferred ; city. BF 794. Oregonian. REFINED, elderly lady would act as chaperone, companion, or care for child, or go to coast. Phone 522-43. LACE. SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE cur tains done up like new. Wi:i calL East 851S. OPERATOR with five years wants- private switchboard, oregonian. experience AN 793, MTLRE woman, business ability, wants work; rooming house, wholesale; answer phone, etc. Main 1200, R. 7. GIRL 16 would like to get a place in a small family to do light, housework. 2S7 IIth 6UPettysrove- LADY wants houeecleanlng! other work hours day; wrk guaranteed. Wood lawn 6305. WANTED A place to take care of chil- UICI eeninBB wnne motner Is away; references. v oodlawn 161 1. POSITION as chambermaid. Main room 15. VERY experienced woman wants all-round day work. Expert laundress. East 2034. EXPERIENCED woman wants da v work Friday. Phone Eas 6884, room 34. YOUNG French woman desires position as governeys. BJ 8Q5, Oregonian. GCOD laundress wishes work SHturday Call after 6 P. M. Woodlawn 3O40. HOUSEWORK by the day. Marshall 42 Bookkeepers. Stenographers, Offi.e. EXPERT SECRETARY AND STENl G RAPHER. JUST ARRIVED IN CITY OPEN FOR POSITION: A-l EXPERI- SrvA-lJ REFERENCES. ADDRESS -r.c.t-Lx i w aj f 1 . IIKKUOMAN. LADY desires position as secretary, book keeper or stenographer; high school, state normal and business college grad Va.teA.teachinK and ranking experience BD S91, Oregonian. uk-.-n n, K A L. of rice work wanted ; have knowledge of typewriter: would like to ir-wru aw ncnooarn. a f il'j, Oregonian. W A NTED Permanent stenographic posl lion; wi.i consider substituting; wide experience. laDor .'rj. COMPETENT stenographer and general of ime worn. et of references. Main 1 . & 1 i-AuonArn k,k wit h some experience desires position; reference. Phone East -ou. EXPERIENCED woman wants laundry or plain sewing. 50c hour. Main 5450. EX PER1ENCED ntenographer desires po sition. References. Call Mar. 4760. WANTED- -Office work, filing, cleric: Broadway 3322. YOUNG lady wants work by day or hour Phone Main 7123. BOOKKEEPER 5 years' experience. 2 I 7. D reus ma term. FOR EXPERT DRESSMAKING. REMOD ELING, relining. cleaning, pressing, dye ing, see the Cabinet Cleaners Ar Dyers. 424 Morrison, near 11th. Main 1S25. We call and deliver. WEARING apparel, all description!, made, remodeled, cleaned, dyed, pressed. Em porium Dye Works. 549 Morrlron street. Broadway 4259. Call a nd deliver. KIDDIE clothes and the baby's layette ar tistically made; reasonable prices. Call evenings. Main C27. M iss Gou :d. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking; suits, dresses, summer voiles, alterations of all kinds! Mrs. Kelly. 752 Vancouver Ave. 3 1 6-06 FASHIONABLE dressmaking. ail work guaranteed. 1451 Division, phone 219-10. WANTED Sewing: hats, coats or dresses; will go out. Phone Tabor 942.9. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking; a Iterations reasonable. 549 Wash. st. Aut. 513-03. Nursea. POSITION by experienced child's nurse, capable of taking full charge; best sal ary expected ; references. BJ 872, Ore gonian. PRACTICAL nurse wants Invalids to care for nervousness: mental eases a speclal ty. Call room 414, Ritz hotel. P R ACTIC AL nurse, young lad v with best of references, desires position in or out of city. AN 792. Oregonian. TRA IN ED nurse hourly nursing ; wishes mor cases, or reasonable rates. Main 3-to. PRACTICAL nurse wants confinement cases. After Sundav cail after 0 P. M., Automatic. Lents. 6312. TRA I NED nurse, open for engagement ; terms reasonable, tome housework. Ta bor 1520. PR AC TIC A L nurse wants engagement, with good references. Woodlawn 1241. PRACTICAL nurse defires position with C. S. AC 7S0, Oregonian. Housekeepers. REFINED elderly woman wants H. K. and full charge ; good cook, and room and board for son; widow's home preferred: pleasant home more than high waxes; on SeHwood car. AH 702. Oregonian. RESPECTABLE lady with 2 well-behaved children 13 and 11 years old. wishes po sition as housekeeper In country, close to school preferred. Write A V 58, Ore gonian. Good home more than wages. WANTED A middle-aged woman for downstairs work; take Broadway car to 1 7th, walk 3 blocks south between 17th and 18th to 652 Clackamas. Call morning bet. 9 and 10 A. M. REFINED young widow desires house keeping, couple employed or widow er with children; triflers do not answer. BC 792, Oregonian. W A NTED Position aw housekeeper by Scandinavian lady with 6-year-old boy ; small family preferred. BF 890. Ore ironian. RE LI A BLE woman wishes housekeeping. 2 or 3 respectaole men, farm, town; good home thr n high wages. BC 857, Ot egonian. EXPERIENCED housekeeper and cook with bov 1-5, city or country. Wood lawn 1491. HOUSEKEEPER for respectable widower with 1 or 'J children. East 2299. HOUSEKEEPER for respectable widower with 1 or 2 children. Phone Fast 2299. Dnmffttiet. THE VERIBEST WINDOW CLEANERS TABOR 4G3S. House cleaning, floor wax In g and vacnuin cleaning: estimates cheerful! 7 given : nst of reference CAPABLE maid withes position house work; good wages. BD 92, Oregonian. WAMKD TO RENT. "WANTED Small house, weil located for famj!yof two. Main 1166. 4 OR 5-ROOM unfurnfshed house or flat". Cail Scllwood 1. AO 785, Oregonian. WANTED TO KENT. Houses. WANTED To rent for one year or longer, n odern 6 or 7-roo:ri unfurnished house in good district; desire house with fire rlacc, hardwood floors and good furnace. Four adults in family. Have owned a home and know how to take care of o'ir?. East 201 5. WANTED Houee before July- 15, 6 or 7 room unfurnished, with garage, for per manent home. Tabor 3121. or see Mr. Gu ptejl at the Ben Selling store. FIVE or six-room, furnished or unfur nished house: price is no object accord ing to the location. Please call Broad way 3435. ask for room 611. WANTED Furnished house. 3 bedrooms. Portland Heights, Irvlngton or Haw thorne district preferred. AL S71. Ore gonian. WANTED 4 or 3-room bungalow, unfur nished ; will take a lease; not over $25. Call East 3773. WANTED To rent 5 or 6-room bungalow or house by responsible party: will lease. Seilw ood 221. WANTED By responsible party, a 4 or 3-room furnished hause at once, east side preferred. Call Sell. 142S. WANTED To rent by responsible party, unfurnished 5- or 6-room house, near car line. Phone Bdwy. 1061. WANTED Modem unfurnished house, about & rooms, adults; preferably east ildc, south. Phone Marshall 1179. 5 OR 6-ROOM house, furnished or unfur nished, in or near Aibina ; permanent. East 1232. RESPONSIBLE party desires to rent 7- room Ivouse unfurnished. Tabor 40i9. Apartments. WANTED To rent, unfurnished, three or fftup-rnfttti ftnurtmnl or iinnfr flt ov man and wife no children ; stale full ( particulars as to rent and location: on. car ltre preferred. AF 3f6. Oregonian. J Rnom. 1 YOU KG Indy, employed, room, sleeping porch, with or without board. Ar ibO, Oregonian. WANT H. k. room where I can have . AB my 6-year-old boy cared for days 801, Oregonian. Roomi With Boara. ROOM and board wanted at Seaside for mother and daughter 4 years, where husband can spend week-end ; give price and location and oiher particu lars; mu?t have hot and coid water and hath. Address AL" Si,9. Oregonian. YOUNG man 26 years old. employed in downtown bank, desires room and board in Protestant family; college graduate, refined and appreciative home privileges. A N 837, Oregonian. WANTED Room by a widow in a Cath olic home where boy of 3 years will have mother's care during day. Call East 6034. West side preferred. YOUNG girl employed downtown wishes board ana room in private tamiiy wnere she will be treated as one of them. Mar. 4779. MAN, 40, would like room and breakfast In private family; no other roomers. BC SSI, Oregonian. YOUNG business woman desires board and room, west side location, in private fam ily. Call Broadway 591 after 5 o'clock. YOUNG lady wants two weeks' vacation on farm or ranch ; send all Information to AM 853, Oregonian. B in i net t 11 ace. GA RAGE SPACE for 20 commercial cars; large concerns with a f'ect of cars wanted open all night. Sable & Arm strong Garage. 43d and Hawthorne. WANTED BC 852. -Good location for tailor shop. Oregonian. rOR RENT. CLEAN bleeping rooms, close in. hifl. NICELY furnished room with garage in modernhome. 196 E.30th. Tabor 5501. V E RY good clean sleeping rooms at 20S 17th st., n?ar Taylor. Furnished Rooms. RITZ HOTEL. Morrison and Park sts. New, fireproof and modern. In the center of shopping and Theater district. Moderate rates. S pec i a 1 rates to permanent guests. AUDITORIUM HOTEL. Under new management, newly fur nished, new elevator, strictly modern. Rooms 4.5p and up. Transient $1 a night. 208 3d St.. near Taylor. SAVON HOTEL. 131 11th st., between Washington and A Ider. modern transient rooms w ith or without private bath. t per day and up. Weekly rates 5 and up. ansdniahotel! 124 14th St.. ;t Washington. Rates. $5 per week up. $1 day. Fire proof ; large, attractive, spotless rooms. -lose to amusvmjnt and shopping center. ATTRACTIVE rates to permanent guests. See our accommodations. NEW PE R K1NS HOTEL, Fifth at Washington. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St.. at Eaat Sixth. The principal east aide hotel: dignified and refined; $1.25 per day and up; $6 per week and up. CONRAD! NE hotel, abt-olutcly fireproof. Tenth and Burnside streets, two blocks north of Washington street: rooms, per manent and transient ; reasonable ra iob. N BTH E RLA N DSHO T EL. 1 2 6 1 3 1 h tc o . of Washington ; permanent or transient, fcpotless rooms, phone, privste bath, quiet, homelike; reasonable rate, ST. PA ULHOT E U 1 30 Fourth, be twee 1 Alder and Washington. Firat-clasa ac commodations at reasonable rates lor t ra iient or permanent guests CLEAN, light. attractive room. Rood beds. siiia.ble for one or two adults; $lo to ?20 per mo. 573 3d st. $5 WEEK You'll like this lovely, large front room; modern apt., close In. Come and see. Bdwy. 1429. NEW LY furnished rooms transient solicit ed. 493 Yamhill st. Mrs. A. Read, for merlv of Read hotel. HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 modern, clean rooms. 1 permanent rates. 11th st. Nice, .t transient and HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison st. at Tenth; rates $1 a day up, weekly $5 up; steam heat, free phone and baths. FOR RENT Completely furnished, includ ing heat, light, water and gua $17.50. Mar. 3670. HOTEL ItAMAPO. Washington t nt 14h. Rooms 6 and up per week; also family suites of 2 and 3 rooms and bath. LEEDS APTS. 3-rooin mooern apt.; also single sleeping rooms, walking distance. 2lO Market st. SARGENT HOTEI Housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Phone East 291. 217 Vit Grand ave. HOTEL CADILLAC 3d near Jefferson, nicely furnished rooms, reasonable rat-s. FO R convention accommodations see St Paul hotel. 10 4th bt. CLEAN rooms, choice 'ocation. gentlemen. 54 N. 16th, near Wash. Call afternoons. GXKLAND hole'.. 25 Trinity place; outside rooms. 4 per week and modern up. FURNISHED room for rent. 69S Overton st. Main 4S46. FOR RENT Three rooms downstairs. $10. Cor. K. 3th and Taylor. A. H. t Ihus. LARGE front room in private house, every thing modern. Phone eaat 4 s9t. Vnfurnisbed Room. UNFURNISHED rooms for working par ents, where children will be cared for ov nurse in her home. 1224 E. Main. Furnished Rooms liiJVlvte Family LA RGE furnished rooms for rent. 3 i.tfM-k from Broadway bridge ; walking ri (stance ; very reasonaDte. 321-11 or call 334 Ross. Phone Aut. NICE furninhed room, near downtown dis trict; bath and phone privileges. 309 11th St.. near Columbia wt. WILL share our home with congenial couple: everything furnished, $75; wcat side, walkln g distance. Bdwy. 4425. ONE nicely furnished room, reasonable. 135 N. 23d. Mar. 043. NICELY furnished sleeping room, modern conveniences, close in. 547 Yamhill. IRVINGTON Comfy room for rent, July 5. East 1278. LARGE front room in privato home, walk ing distance; lrvington. Phone East 3452. TWO-r.OOM suite, 2 gentlemen, all con veniences. 65 North 21st st. , MODERN furnished room in private apart ment. Mar. 3191. NICE, large room, private family, west Phone Marshall 26. LIOHT housekeeping rooms tn attic and sleeping porch. Call 205 N. 23d st. N ICELY furnished room, west side; gen tleman preferred. 214 11th nt. -Mar. tH4. 2 NICELY FURNISHED rooms. 531 E SI st. Sellwood 259. FOR RENT Sleeping room for 1 gentlemen. 304 Park st. or" 2 S W ELL ROOM, private bath, $15. Call Broadway 28o7. ONE large room, hardwood f ioors. wicker furniture, fireplace, close in. Bdwy. 4251. THREE housekeeping rooms. $6 a month. adult?1. Ijow-er Aibina. Tabor 571. LA ROE, eool front room. 2 beds, electrici ty, baths, central, $16. 408 Main nU FOB RENT. 1 'urn ih lied Rooms in Private Family, PORTLAND HEIGHTS" DESIRABLE ROOM FOR RENT. "HRIVAT K H OM E. " FREE PHONE, ETC., EASY WALK TO P. O. PR E FER ONE GENTLEMAN (CON SIDER 2). RENT $18. PHONE MAIN 1136 OR ADDRESS A I 739 . O R EG O N 1 A N . TO GENTLEMAN Beautifully furnished front room, opening on porch ; hot-water heat, student iamp, library table, easy chairs, perfect bed. fine bath, ahvaj s hot water; 3 adults in family; no other roomers. Phone 545-89 or call 525 Montgomery. BUSINESS woman living alone, west side apartment, will rent nicely furnished room to one or two employed women. Close in. Telephone evenings or Sunday. Marshall 9S5. LARGE front room for rent, newly pa pered and painted; suitable for two employed-! 15 minutes from 5th and Wash ington. East S52. A GOOD, clean, well-kept room for one or two gentlemen, bath and phone, walk ing distance; breakfast if desired. Flat C. 307 11th st. Main 2655. FURNISHED room for rent in orn ate home; no other roomers: Nob Hill dis trict. Phone Marshall 3152. LARGE nicely furnished front sleeping room for gentleman; home privileges. Tabor 3016. NICELY furnished room in modern home for 1 or 2 persons. Bd y. 2S94. 1 47 N. 17th. NICK front room in modern Poplar St.. Lad da addition. 1 home. 2S 'hone Eas PLEASANT sIotM-is room for working girl, r!oie in. west s'd, all home privileges. :4 Columbia. Phone Mar. LARGE front room, bay w indow, large IO nun. walk Rdwv. closet, suitabte for 1 or . to I. O. West side. 413 VERY desirable front room in modern home for gentleman only. Phone M ar. 3602. or 393 1 1th s t . NICELY furnished front sleeping rooms close in. west sid modern home. 434 Mill st. Main 4913. A N ICELY furnished front room in Ladds add. suitable for 1 or 2. Breakfast if dc sl red. Has t 8518. LA RG E, weJI-f urnLhed room, connec ted with veranda, could be used as s.eeping porch. 574 Rodney ave.. East 4063. A VERY peasant room, excellent sur roundings, near car line; $12. Phone East 65 IO. mornings. W E 1-1.- FU KN1SHKD roo m . model walking distance. Nob Hill. Main 2964. n home. ;S Hoyt. LARGE bay window room with alcove. Apt. 503. The Dczendorf. FURNISHED room. telephon class apt., dost? in. Marsh: . bath, high ill 1313. Koomn With Bourd. CAMPBELL HTEL, 2.3L AND HOYT STS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. 74 1 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the brst known residential hotels on Pacific coufi. American plan, wit h or w it bout bat h. $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. NORTONIA HOTEL. Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms rn suite or sinpr le. with or without hoard, for families and ou sin ess men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable ratts. THE HEREFORD, nomclike hotel, porches, f lowers, sliajo trees ; ra tt-s to pc rma nr nt gritsta; traajiiiw trade solu-iteti; 4 blocks N. of Wash. t.. between 22d and 23d, at Hoyt. ROOM and bo-v-d for business gi-ls; all modern ionVnie'ices : walking distance ; $5 per wee Aut. 21-974. 1 2 E. 7th at. THE MA ii I'll A WASHINGTON. r.sO 10! h st- For business girls and student reasonable rates. Mar. 1251. ROOM and board for 2 In a private family, business couple preferred lrvington. Phone East 2S90. 452 MORRI SON, cor. lilt 11. c no ice rooms and board : modern conveniences ; walk ing distance FEW vacancies in exclusive family hotei. Table boarders taken. For appointment call East N-U-S9. I too tut With Board in Private Family. NICELY furnished front room, suitable Tor 2 young ladies; good meals, home privi leges; moderate rates. 507 V- Glisan St. Broadway 243H. AMONG THE TRKES An exclusive home offers ex eel lent room and hoard . c Ioj in. 14.; N. l!Uh st Phone Broadway 4314. LARGE front room with for 2: home prt llegt-s. Marshall 3374. hoard . 101 N. suitable 23 d st. ROOM and board for young gentlemen, home privileges in private family, walk ing d ihlanre. 710 E. I turn.-id e st . WANT 2 young mn ?o room and board; those who appreciate homo privileges. Walking distance. East 0393. IRVINGTON Largo room. 2 meaU for 1 or 2 young men. East 6045. ;ouM and board in private familj Benton st. East 70si. PATI ENTS eared for in nurse's care. Main 7005. private home ; WIDOW, IS miles out. will care for" 2 girls. Main 7015. WILL board 2 little bo 01 girls vale home. 71 N. 22d tt. NICE, large room Haw ihorne a ve , vi t h t h h' boa i d. East 0300. Furnihen ai :&riiient. TWO or 3 clean, lipht. attractive rooms with slcepinc porch. wi'.I arrange to nuil tenant. 573 3d st $-jl CLEAN . modern 4-room apt . parti y furni.-hed, gas ran: Inelud.-d, clectricit. etc 049 2d St.. Main 1090 LEEDS APTS. 3-room modern apt.; also single sleeping rooms, walking distance. 2IO Market st. TWO w el I -fu rnishrd housekeeping rooms, new f urn It ure and .carpets, close in. 20 K. 1 5th. corner Ash ROSLYN APTS. 2-room apt . strict! y modern. Phone "Broadway 410. BKLKNAP APTS., completely furnished 2-room apt.. J30, including light: walk ing distance. 1 7 1 7th st , nr. Yam hill. 3 NIC K rooms, well furnished ; good car service: light, water and phone incuded. 049 Union ave. N. ONE two- roo m apartment, modern, one single sleeping room, modern. 370 6th st. Mar. 5-SVJ. (LARK APTS.. 2-room furnished brick apartment, iijrht. heat, phone. ' $27 per month. 01 Petty grove. Bdwy. 5')05. J - ROOM apt., private ba th. read y toda v. East S41. 500 Vancouver ave. FIRST floor. 2 room apt. K. room. ?15: adults J:t0: smglc 54 7 Hall st. ONE 3-room furnished apt, 39 4 Ouild st.. Ouild apts.. bet. Thurman and Vaughn. FAIRMONT A PT.. 2S6 11 th ; two-room newiy renovated apt. -ROOM furnished apts. Phone Marshall 30. 44S llth st. THE DEZENDORF APTS. 200 Nice 4-room apt., all outside 10th st. rooms. THE K LO RENCE. 3SS llth front furnished apt.: walKins st.. 4 -roo distance. FURNISHED apt.. 3 rooms and bath. Marshall 2 0 1: ; . Kat heri no A p t s . $40. MORTON APTS. 3-room furnished mrjit. 607 Washington st. Main 4-ROOM ; ilsan apt., modern, f irt-1 floor. 501 3- ROO M front corner a pt . N. 20th st. Bdwy. 1179. furnished. 260 TWO completely furnished t;SOtf. Lombard st. ALCO apt.. E. ern 2-room Couch and Union ave., apts.. reasonable. ONE 3-room furnished apartment, running water. 214 13th st. AR DM A Y TERRACE. 395 licht, front 2-room apt. ; 1 2th fct. ; large, free phone. GLENN COURT. Park and Taylor 2 and 4-room. Main 1901. ONE room and kitchenette, suitable for party employed. 32S Mill, near Broadway. nTcE furnislted apt., private bath, r.-a-3onr.V.1e. 850 Thurman st. M-rghrc11 224. NICELY furnished ju'y and August. rv-mom apartment for Phone Broadway fil S. tTION AVE. and Kllltneswortn. 11 complete: concrete bldg. ONE 3-room furnished apartment. Han over apt Main 442. UIRL to share ihree-room apt. Phone E. 4 1 70 after 6 o'clock. 3-ROOM furnished apt.. .Tuliana apts., 4.-,. "Trinity place. Mar. OS". THE Leoer.ce apartment, room apt.. $42.5' ISO N. lii'd; VOUNO ladv to share aparament; refer ences exchanged. Mam 74 19 ater 5. 3-ROOM apt., also single rooms In a fire proof building at 210 Market st. FURNISHED apts Auditorium court. 331 ThirU st. NEXT lurnished 3 anil 4-room apts.. at K 1 1 ) tj. mish. ave. 310-B3. MORTON A PTS. 3-room furnished apart ment. 697 Washington st. Main 3 0S2 L EN N I SON A PTS -furnished. V'27 V 2 and 3-room Belmont. 2-ROOM furnished apt.. lrvington; adults; $2.50. 709 E. Broadway. FOR KENT. urn i bed Apartment. x-. ? T' A "ROOM MODERN FUR-?iYt.Ht-D APT- TO SUBLET ON WEST i.iiKOU 'V A MONTH. Vtft FUK 3J?wR. PARTICULARS CALL MAR S' M ALL 2561, TH-; CROMWELL. if th iind Columbia Street. i ;e minutes' walk to Meier A- Frank s sTore; good surroundings, strictly mod outsido with I'rcn.-n tijors and baluouy. Itrmaneni and transient. HIGH-CLASS. Beautifully furnished 3-room and sleeping porch, all front rooms, very at tractive, available at oner ; also single rooms with bath for ladles and gentle m en; refcrene c required. Mar. 2&5U. RESIDENT OR TRANSIENT. Apartments. 2, 3 and 4 rooms; sn a part men t hotel of superior character w here your comfort and convenience are rirat consideration. THE WHHELDON ANNEX. Coiner Tenth and Salmon Sis. WA NTED To sublet two months. 3-room apartment, furnished in mahogany, with supply linen and silver; ready for oc cupancy July 5 References required. Marshall 173. If no answer. Call Mar sha'.l US40. Foil RENT Beautifully furnished 4-rooTi h partment, Turkish rugs, 1 talian period walnut and mahogany lurntture; to lease lor months; com of references re- qmrcti. Broadway 4037. FO R RENT G-rcom flat, close in. east side; No. 35 E. lth tt. N. ; partly fur nished. ?."5. U nion Sale Deposit & Trust Co., 254 Oak bt. Bdwy. 913. CLINTON A PA RTM ENTS. E AST 10TH AND CLINTON STS. Three-room furnished apartment, 2 beds, private bath, adults only. N ICELY furnished 2-room adutts only; 430 to $37.50 phone included. Lincoln ap; and Lincoln. apartments: iighis and .rtmcnts. 4th KINGSBURY AP A RTM E N T . 3-room furnished apt. ; disappearing b dsi, outside balcony. M a in 38b3. Prict $75. IRVINGTON APARTMENT. 10TH AND HANCOCK. Five -room modern apartment, outside rooms, rent $75. Marshall 2512. ATTRACTIVE 4 -room apartment, summer months ; comfortably t urnisht-d. sleeping porch, good view, piano: references rc- w u 1 red. Marshall 3220. SOUTH HAMPTON APT. Clean, light, airy furnished 4-room front corner apt., $0u. 414 10th st. Phoue Main :;155 3 AND 4-KooM furnished apts., fira.L-cia,- houst, c.ofc in ; hard wood floors, modern in every detail ; $00 and , west side. Marshall 1513. 3-ROOM furnished apartment for rent, all outside rooms, immediate possession. Barker apartments, 05 Irving st. Mar. 29 0 1 . LAURETTE APTS. -Completely fur. 3-room front apt.. $75. I'ie 111 in. walk. Adults. 229 llth st. Main ?397. LUCILLE COURT. Four-room modern front corner apt.. liht and airy, close in. Bdwy. 2t7l. KING IMVIS APTS. A dcirivble 3-room furnished apt for rent. Tel. Main 2058. 5 1 Kins st. THUKE and 4-room beautifully furnished apartments, cloee in. west side. Phone Mam 0i75. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, w a ik ing distance; adults. Telephone Mar shall 2570. PALACE APARTMENTS llOl E: Market; 2 rooms furnished; private baths: adults only. SHKKKIELD APT. Pour-room apts., well furnished, $G0. Call Mam 25od or Bdwy. 4975. N ICELY furnished modern 3-room tlai a partment arrangement; adults, refer ences. East 4911. mornings or evenings. FU R N IT U R E f o r sa le. 2 - room apt. for rent ; see Manager Volheim Apt.. East 3oth and Alder. FINELY furnished 2-room apt., sitting room, bedroom: light, airy, desirable; Bt '2, A N T A apt.. 1 89 N". 23d bt .. f ront 4 -room apt., strictly modern ; private bath and phone; reasonable rates. PEA BODY APTS.. 19th and Upshur Housekeeping apartments. I. 2 and 3-rrn. t.'tm heat; reasonable. Broadway 1346. O-NK 3-room furnished apartment. Han over apt- Mam 4842. TWO and three-rooni houekrepine aot.. strietly modern. King Albert. Main 359. FURNISH ED aparim. Marshall 1 M-'- 414 llth St., Unlurnlaued Apartment. IN PRIVATE residence. !( a 11. hunn y. 2 room apt., cared for if desired; desirable for business woman or man; kitchen partly furnished; rent $2. Phone ScU w -"od i."iO. REAUTIFUL 3-room apt. on ground floor of silver Court apts ; hardwood floors, wlute enamel woodwork; rent J45 In eludirg telephone. ;;.;ut.M modern unfurnished tlaf; steam heat. gooi location, easy walking dis tance. :;.;i lllh st. Phone Main 2776; $40 pt r month. l hnhc, l;ti-e rooms-, also large sleeping poreh, unfurnished; beautiful place, hot water heat ; adul l, ; sec this first. MO Alhina. 4- 1 CO M li li l . a : . modern enamel linish. French doors f ron and but'k 11 1 ra nf. st.. near Yamhill. East N25" apt., clean, on balcony. ISO K. lolh cm 11 11 furnished and sleeping Buck apts.. 107 N. 21bt st.. in- ipt.. 427 Salmon st. Phone v. Unfurnished 2-room apt.; h 1 . phone. Adu!t.H. 1 0 KENT Modern 4-room apartment, ga rage and telephone. J. W. Barnes. Bta vertoTi. Or 'J' H E MAR LBoROUi J H -3 rooms, modern, finest residence district. Main 7 5 1 0. PLEASANT apt. to rent, July and August, i'hone East 1971. MODERN 4-room unfurnished apt. 555 E. Stark st. m Furnished or I orornlslipd Apartment. JAKUKR APARTMENT. 701 WASHING TON" ST. H A V E SEV Eft AL A PARI M ENTS READY FOR OCCUPANCY. Mat. CLEAN, cheerful, modern unfurnished 4 roc ms, bat h. sleeping poreh. front ba! - onv, wonderful view ; furnace, base men t fipace, newly tinted, painted, close in. west side. Adults. $4u. References. Fine for man and wife who appreciate a quiet home.' 404 Hall St. Marshall 420 M ain 1300. 0- ROO M flat for rent, good and complete outfit of furniture for sale reasonable : one apartment suitable to sublet; good location and walking distance; can give immed ia te possession. 1.. H . Stuart. 410 Park st. Phone Marshall 1941. W EST .SIDE. 551: Kvcret t and 17th; mod ern ti-rortin upper flat, separate base ment, furnace and largo jard; five min utes from business center. J. R. Downct. 32 Pekum bldg. . FOR RENT 0-rooni furnished upper flat, newly painted inside and out ; furnace and fi replac . ea.t side, close in ; rent $4M. I'h one Main Os.09. 3RCmTm mod rn upper flat, with sleeping porch, at 4w N. -5th st. ; adults only ; s:;o. Call 745 'A Roosevelt or phone Mar shall 3719. MODERN low f cnette. close 514 Clinton l flat. 3 rooms and k!en n on car line. rcaonat,. . cor. 15th. MODERN 3-large room flat, arranged like an apartment: uniurnianeo; luei tur- 190 San Rafael. East 1 65. 0-ROO.M flat, walking distance, nice yard, fireplace, built-in buffet, etc. Call 64 Belmont st. East 508. 3-ROOM modern unfurnished flat with water heater and gaa range; would care for children by day. 71 N. 22d. 5-ROoM modern flat, $20; aduits. sissippi avenue. MODERN 5-room fat for rent. 31 7S. Call after 0 P. M. MO D ERN upper 3-roonib. w a I king dis tancc; coils in furnace. 43 E. Couch. EIOHT-ROOM 1 irr. west side. nod ern flat for rent, ciosv Main 250. Kurnbhed 11ab. r.OTH AND LINCOLN ST. FLATS. One 3. one 4. one -room flats, f ur ntshed. upstairs, renting $5 per month: ou can have nice home and income of $.M pir month; has garage, and fiats arc modern and in No. 1 condition; party is coing to California and can nc'A for 7' mi. WAKEFIELD. FRIES CO., s. Fourth St. iO 5-ROOM strictly modern, well fur nished with mahogany furniture; good location, cast side, near car line. Dan Hughe?. Bdwy. 1251. FURNITURE of 5 room for sale and flat for n ut. Broad way 423s. FURNISHED 3-room flat, ave. Inquire room 21. 729i Williams Price $17. ;- Ro M v porch. iuire ai'l LOR ENZo Main i0 w a ti r. 1 i, A