TIIE - MORNING OREGONIAN. FIIIDAT. JULY 2, 1920 It CITY NEWS IN BRIEF City Editor Main 7070. A 093 Sunday lidltor Main 7070. A 0'.I5 Aci erttlng Department. .Main 7O70. A 6005 superintendent of ..Main 7070. A boas AMISEMENTS. HEILIG (Broadway at Taylsr) Minnie Madd.-rn Fluke In "Mia' Nelly ot ur" leuns." Tonight. LYRIC (Fourth and stark) Musical com edy. In "I10O.0O0." Tnree shows dally at 7 and 0. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill) Vaudeville and moving pictures. 2 to 3. 6:45 to 11 P. M. Saturdays. Sundays and holidays continuous. 1:10 to 11 P. M PA NT AGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude ville. Three shows daily. 2:30. 7 and 0:0o. COUNCIL. CREST Free amusement park. Take "CC" cars, Morrison or Washing ton streets. THE OAKS Amusement park. Free ad mission until 6 P. M.. except Sundays and holidays. Alder. COLUMBIA BEACH Amusements and swimming. Take Vancouver cars on Washington, between Fifth and Broadway. China In.v Asks Injunction. M. D. Goon, proprietor of the China Inn. filed Injunction proceedings in the circuit court yesterday against H. Liebes & Co. to prevent he furriers from molesting a marquise and elec tric and painted signs in front of the restaurant en-trance in the Broadway building. Under authority of a new lease, it is asserted that the Liebes firm Intends to alter the front of the build ing, disturbing the China Inn entrance. The marquise cost J1100, an electric sign $450 and a painted sign which already has been removed, $25. Dam ages of $5 a day are being caused by the continued absence of the painted sign. It is asserted, and augmented damages will result from the tearing down of the marquise and electric sign, which it Is said is threatened. Hibernians to Picnic. Members of the Ancient Order of Hibernians will hold their 42d annual picnic and field rlav at Council PrpKt Mondav. July Take cars at First and 5 an interesting programme having been prepared by the general cnair W. S. Robinson .W. E. Sthauhal E. Kardell . . . .H. J. Brown . . A. C Anderson ...D. C. Perejay . ...O. F. Herron .Nettie Tomprett OKKOONIAN AT RESORTS. Subscribe with the following agents, at your summer resort, to secure the most prompt delivery of The Oregonian. City rates. Subscription by mall are payable in advance: ,, Barvicw. Or W. A. Stpprell Bay City. Or O. E. Shel.ey Bayoccan. Or F. D. Mitchell Brighton. Or A. W. Rowe Carson. Wash C. B Smith Ecola. Or. ..Cannon Beach Merchandise Co. C.arlnnwll Or....!) ( Ellis J. Vldder Cearhart. Or Long Beach. Wash Matizanlia. Or....... Nahcntta. Wash.... Neahkahnle Beach. Or. . . . Nchalem. Or Newport. Or ru. n it . ir ' r... " irmnm s. Campbell Pacific Beach. -Wash Burl Christie Pacific City. Or D. F. Edmunds Rockawav. Or Frank Miller Seaside. Or C. W. Alward Ehlpherd'a Hot Springs, Wash . - Mrs. X. St. Martin Feaview. Wash George N. Putnam Tillamook. Or J- S. Umar Wheeler. Or R. H. Cody and Leo Soliler Seaside Prepares for Fourth. With the formal opening of the new Seaside hotel Saturday and the elabo rate preparations for celebrating the Fourth on Monday the opening of the summer season at the beach resort is expected to bring a large number of vtsitors to Seaside. Preparations for making the eagle scream are in charge of E. N. Hurd. editor of the Seaside Signal and mayor, of the municipality. There will be a dis play of fireworks Monday night. E. 8. Prouty general manager of the Prouty Lumber & Box company and S. C. O'Brien, associated in the same enterprise drove to Portland in rive hours Wednesday and report that the roads are in excellent condition with the exception of a stretch of about 12 mile between Scappoose and Deer island, which is macadamized, but ts a little rough. Roses Given Easterners. Another party of eastern tourists was treated to individual bouquets of Portland roses yesterday afternoon when Man ager Campbell of the Multnomah hotel supervised the distribution of a basketful of Caroline Tc-stouts to eight St. Louis visitors to Portland. The roses were grown by C. M. Wilson and brought by him to the hotel. This method of bringing to the visitors' attention the fact that Portland is the Rose City, will be continued throughout the summer by the hotels of the city if the roses can be ob tained from residents. Manager Camp bell yesterday said that it Is his be lief that Portland's roses are being wasted on the bush. He said that he believed the hotels will be only too glad to distribute them to tourists. Airplane Patrol Begins. With the arrival of an army airplane yester day noon at the municipal flying field, the airplane patrol of the forests of Oregon was officially started by the government. A DeHaviland plane piloted by P. A. Ander and with J. Jacubson as observer, arrived from Eugene, the home base, and after taking on a fuel supply continued the patrol trip. Airplanes will reach Portland daily on patrol duty during the forest fire sea.son. according to plans of the forest service Rishop Speaks at Rally. B'shop William O. Shepard will be the speaker at the young people's rally to be held at the Swedish Methodist church, corner Beech and Borthwlck streets, at 7:45 o'clock this evening The rally is to be held in connection with the Oregon-Washington district Epworth league convention of the Swedish Methodist conference, which meets at the Portland church July 2-4. AH Epworth leaguers and friends are- invited. Douglas Folk to Picnic. The ninth annual outing of the Douglas County association of Portland will be held July 4 at Peninsula park. The an nual business meeting and election of officers will take place. Following the business session members of the order will enjoy a basket dinner while the remainder of the afternoon will be devoted to music and speaking. All former Douglas county residents are Invited to attend the outing. Woodmen Charter Boat. Families of members of the Woodmen of the World and their friends are planning to spend the July 4 down the t olum Dia river. ebroot camp. No. 65 . O. W ., has chartered the boat. Swan which will leave the foot of Jefferson street Monday morning at :jo. There win be dancing all day with a ball game and tug-of-war be tween two -rival teams of the camp Trails Club to Hike. The Trails club will take the 7:30 A. M. train from the Union station Sunday for Eagle creek to hike to high bridge ana return. Distance is 8 miles Those desiring to remain over for July i should bring blankets and commissary. Return train leaves at 4:20 P. M. Mrs. M. B. Weat will be the leader. Marshal's Brother Dead. John Mann, chief deputy United States marshal, received a telegram yester day announcing the death at San Francisco of his brother, Edward I. Mann. The deceased was born at San Francisco 42 years ago and had been with the Pacific States Telephone & Telegraph company for 23 years,. Fourth or July Picnic. Sunday, by American Legion, Crystal Lake park. Milwaukie; dancing afternooii and evening, swell music, athletic evenus and games with prizes, also baseball game. Lunches and refreshments served. Everybody welcome. .starts 10 o'clock. Adv. j Kx-Service Men. liraml picnic lv ' American Legioji. Sunday, July 4. Crystal lake park. Milwaukiv. Starts 10 o'clock. lianctiiK. athletics and games. Lunches and refreshments oerved Everybody welcome big time Adv. tiOVERNMENT MINERAL SPRINGS HOTEL and baths. 1.1 miles from Carson, Wftsh.. elevation 1400 ft. Splendid accommodations, excellent fishing, an ideal resor to spend the 4th Tariff 14 per day. Adv ('AMPERS. Attention! Drop in and let us show you the new Miller auto bed. Just what you need for that outin Fields Motor Car Co., 14th and Aider. Adv. Plaster Board, beavei bo .rd. Cor nell board for walls and ceilings. Tlmms. Cress & Co.. 184 Second at Adv. Bang'. Close , that desk ,and come out to Wlndemuth on the Willamette for a swim. The water's fine. Adv. The Uearhart Rest will reopen for business on July 3. under same man agement. P. M. teas every day. Adv. Do You Need artificial teeth? Try Dr. E. C. Rossman, plate specialist. 107 Journal bldg. Adv. Kemmkrkr Coal Carbon Coal Co.. mine tgeult. &t USS. Adv. POHTUND ATTORNEY JAILED IN SEATTLE C. W. Garland Wanted Here on Larceny Charge. EXTRADITION AGREED TO man, A. B. Cain. Athletic games played by members of the order in their boyhood days in Erin, will have a place on the programme, it is an nounced. There will be a 50ryard dash open to girls and a 25-yard dash for matrons, a tug-of-war between teams designated a-s the "Bryans" and "Edwards" and a 100-yard dash open to the corpulent members of the or ganization, led by Dan Kellaher. Cap taining the tug-of-war teams will be Sergeant Mallon and M. J. Murnane. Attorney John R. Murphy will deliver a patriotic address. Suit Brought to Cancel Note. To compel the return of a promissory note for $3480, alleged to have been given D. G. Lebb on a promise to secure money which was never ad vanced. F. D. Schrump filed suit in the circuit court yesterday against Lebb. "John Doe" Waller and V. W. Dugan. Schrump asserts in his com plaint that he gave the note last Jan uary to Lebb because he needed the money to get some trucks which had Just arrived in railway sheds "c. o. d." The plaintiff Insists that Lebb took the note, but did' not produce the money, later not only refusing to re turn the note but assigning it to Waller and Dugan. Endeavorers Plan Climb. Those belonging to the Multnomah Christian Endeavor association will climb Larch mountain next Monday, July 5. Leav ing Portland at 11 o'clock next Sun day evening the mountaineers will spend the night in the vicinity of Larch and the next day begin the ascension. The return trip to the city will be made by train at 6:20 P. M. Monday. Those contemplating going on the outing should carry a flashlight and food enough for two meals, it is announced. About 50 per sons are expected to join the party. C. W. Cardinell Funeral Today. The funeral of Charles W. Cardinell, owner of the Portland Leather com pany, who died at the family home. 4SS East Twenty-eighth street. Tues day, from an attack of pneumonia. will be held at 10:30 this morning from the parlors of Finley & Son. He was 38 years old and a member of a pioneer Portland family. He ts sur vived by the widow, Mrs. Nellie Car dinell, and son. Charles of Portland, and father, brother and sister in Richmond Beach, Cal. Gresham;to Celebrate. Residents of Gresham will celebrate the Fourth of July next Monday, under auspices of the Gresham post of the American Legion. A parade will be held in the morning and horse races, airplane ex hibitions and speaking will occupy the afternoon. Judge Jacob Kanzler will speak. The celebration will be at the Multnomah county fairgrounds. near Gresham. C. G. Snyder, com mander of the Gresham post of the legion, is chairman of the entertain ment committee. Automobile Collision Causes Ar rest. C. Osborne, bridgeman. 34. was arrested yesterday by Investigator Freiberg on charges of carelessly op erating an automobile and failing to report an accident. Charges against O-borne were 'preferred by P. B. L'rfer. The arrest was the result of an automobile collision between ma chines driven by Osborne and Urfer on East Eighth street and Hawthbrne avenue June 11. Metzoer Folk to Celebrate. The people at Metzger are hoping for sunny skies for their annual Julv Fourth celebration to be given July 5. The affair will be held. a usual. at Metzger park. An attractive pro gramme of athletic sports has been arranged. Dancing will follow the serving of the' picnic supper at 5 P. M. Take Oregon Electric cars, or if by auto go via Terwilliger boule vard Jewish Services Announced. Serv ices will be held at Congregation Ahavai Sholom. Park and Clay streets, tonight at 8 o'clock. Tomorrow morn ing services will be held at 9 o'clock, Rabbi Abrahamson will officiate, Services will be held at the Congre gation rsevah Zedek Talmud Torah Sixth and Hall streets, tonight at 8 o clock and tomorrow morning at ! o'clock. Rev. Abraham I. Rosen crantz will officiate at both services Negro Woman Is Destitute. Mrs Mamie Maec. a negro woman living at 320 Vs Williams avenue, is in dire need of assistance according to Dr Jennie Matilsky. who was called there to attend the woman. The woman' husband is said to have left her some time ago and there is an infant be sides two small children. According to Dr. Matilsky, the negro woman has no food, or fuel or decent clothing. Mutton Chops. 1."c. At Frank- L. Smith. 228 Alder street The best cuts of sirloin steak. 15c. The best cuts of round steak. 20c. Porterhouse and ovenroasts.loc. t-nouiaer mutton ann roast veal. I2vc Pot roasts. 12 '4 c. Pure lard, 25c. Boiling beef, 10c. Veal cutlets, 18c. '.crs mutton. 20c. Liver, 10c. Frank L. Smith's is 228 Alder St. -Adv. Negro Y. W. C. A. Organizes Here Mrs. Cordelia Winn, colored national T. W. C. A. organizer of New York City, will hold a meeting this even ing at 7:30 o'clock at the Bethel A. M. E. church. All Interested are invited to be present. Mrs. Winn is the guest of Mrs. George H. Ben jamin, 450 East Eighteenth street north. Special for July 4 and 5. A trip up the Columbia river. Excursion teamer leaves Taylor-street dock. A. M. for a cruise up the scenic Co lumbia river gorge; returning, arrives t Portland at P. M. Bring your lunch and enjoy a day on the river. I' are 2. Phone Main 8065. Adv. Damages Asked for Alleged At T.iiKj uamages oi s.tuuu for an alleged knife attack made on Charlie Yokoo is asked in a suit filed by Yokoo in the circuit court yesterday agaiirst T. Klshimoto. The assault is said to have occurred April 24. Albany Association Picnic. The annual picnic and reunion of the Albany association, an event of much interest to former residents of Albany, will be held in Laurelhunst park Fri day evening. July 9. Clifton W. Anderson Arrested. Clifton W. Anderson, wanted in Port land on a charge of nonsupport, was arrested in Tacoma yesterday, ac cording to word received by Sheriff Hurlburt. Milk and Rest Cure. Restoros the nutritional balance so that one may get full food value out of the daily diet. The Moore Sanitarium, East 47, office; 908 Selling building. Main 6101. Adv. Bahai Assembly Meets Tonight. The regular weekly meeting of the Bahai assembly will be held in room 516 Bush & Lane building this even ing at 8 o'clock. Safety Boxes, lc dally. 2S4 Oak. Adv. One-Time County Official, Bis barred In 1915, Accused of Apropriating $608.78. C. W. Garland, one-time deputy district attorney of Multnomah county, who was disbarred from prac tice in Oregon by the state supreme court July 20, 1915, for malfeasance, was arrested in Seattle yesterday on a larceny charge on which he was in dicted by the local grand jury June 14, 1920, according to word reaching District Attorney Evana yesterday. He will not fight extradition, it is said. Appropriation to his own use of $608.78 paid him by Hilda Linquist of 5711 Forty-sixth avenue, southeast, for repayment on real estate being purchased, by the woman, is charged against Garland in the indictment. Garland has been in trouble in San Francisco and Portland on numerous occasions since his disbarment. His term as deputy district attorney was about 10 years ago. Lot Funds Appropriated, Charse. The date fixeu on the larceny by bailee charge in the present indict ment is March 3. 1917. In October, 1912, Miss Linquist contracted to pur chase a lot from C E. Gilbert in Madras addition for $800. One hun dred dollars was to be paid down and $10 each month thereafter. The pur chaser made the monthly payments personally until February 23. 1915, wnen she went east. Before leaving Portland she arranged with Garland for him to make the payments after the money was forwarded to him. He was the attorney who had drawn up tne original contract. Miss Linquist completed her pay ments in March, 1917. when Garland wrote her that she had made her last payment and that he would secure the deed for her. It Is now charged that he never made the proper pay ments but appropriated the money to nis own use. Garland Illaniea Mice. Garland contended originally that he had paid out the money but that the receipts had been destroyed by rats and mice in his office. Within the past- year, according to evidence in the hands of the district attorney. Garland wrote Miss Linquist that he could not raise the money for her and that he "supposed the only thing to do was to go to the pen for it." The disbarment Garland in 1915 resulted from the conversion or money to his own use after he had been employed by the state to prose cute certain escheat proceedings. Ask for your S.' & ,H. - Stamps B. V. D. and Gotham Athletic UNION SUITS $ 1 .60 Delightfully cool and com fortable for summer wear. In fine nainsook. REMEMBER! 209c cut on our entire stock Men's and Boys' Clothing. Exclusive Kuppenheimer House in Portland. MORRISON AT FOURTH Victor Records FOR JULY ARE HERE POPULAR SONGS AKD DANCE RECORDS r Tl'Lill rp.V T1atn ftf fnrV?) Crescent Trio t Price 8c I Marion, you ii soonue oiaruiu ACT TT3 A I A I - Rachel ' Grant-Billy Murray J (The Moon Shines on the Moon shine Sidnev Phillips So Long! Oo-Long (How Long You Gonna Be Gone?)... Victor Roberts Alexandria Fox Trot Joseph C Smith's Orchestra Oriental Stars One-Step Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra Oh! By Jingo! Medley ox 1 356901 Trot All-star ifio nobody Hut xou .iieaiey r Trot. Palace Trio 10-in.List Price 85c 10-in.List Price 85o 12-in. List Price 1.35 70123 43178 VOCAL RECORDS 1 think I'll Get Wed In the 1 12-in. List Summer. .Sir Marry wuikihi.,... Good-bye, Sweet Day 00 Cut Price Sale! ".'Merle Alco'c'kll 0-in. List of the Waters.. Price U.OC eatest Miracle of all ViVV"., nV. irV By Sophie Braslau. contralto J Price $1.00 It- .. ; told P. A. Spence. general car fore man, what they thought of him. The spokesman, Dan M. McLaughlin, mas ter mechanic, expressed the good opinion of his associates in the shop, where Mr. Spence has been employed continuously for almost 37 years and from which' he has been retired un der the pension system of the cor poration. The retiring- general foreman was presented with an appropriate token of the esteem in which the men hold him. The Southern Pacific band turned out for the occasion and ren dered some choice selections. CAMPERS GET BLANKETS At Remdrkably Low Prices at the Brownsville Woolen Mills. Campers from everywhere are get ting fine woolen blankets here in our big store. We have one of the most complete stocks on the coast of blankets, canoe pillows and out ing clothes. Take the elervator to the third floor.. BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN MILLS STORE, at Third and Morrison. Adv. ARD OF THANKS. ESTEEM SHOWN FOREMAN Presentation Made by Associates in Shop, on Retirement. The employes of the BrokIyn shops of the Southern Pacific com pany held a meeting at noon yester day, at which some of the employes We wish to express our thanks to i our many friends and his comrades and tneir auxiliaries lor xnetr Kind ness and sympathy ' during our sad bereavement for the loss of our be loved son and brother. Also for the many beautiful floral offerings. AIR. AND MRS. S. R. ATWOOD Adv. AND FAMILY. Family Takes Alaska Trip. A. Rosencrans. wife and two sons Ttia Moatlnir Af t Vi O Merle AlcockJ The Toilff Are Pitch' d (From 1S674I Wilson).. LaUra Littlelieio. I iu-in. l.iy. They Bid Me Sleep r roui i jt i .tt om. "Lady of the Lake") (Scott Wilson).. Laura Littlefield RED SEAL RECORDS f Samson and Delilah S'apre I per te il mio cor (Sah-pray B4877' Heart at Thy Sweet Voice) JO-'n. List By Gabriella Besanzoni. con tralto in Italian tCello ob L ligato by Rosaria Bourdon 04S87 ) Greatest Miracle of all I Bv Sophie Braslau. cc cuu, - T t r M-vArv0S . . ) 1 2-in. List ' 1 .Jill ...... ... , . - - . . ' I Enrico Caituso, tenor, in Italian J Price J1.60 7402.1 ( Berceuse (Bayr-serz') (Op. 67) ) 12-in. List 1 ...By Alfred Cortot. pianist j Price X. 50 (Scotch Pastorale(Op. 130. No. 2"l , , . 04884 By Mischa Elman. .violinist f10-in. L'st (.Pianoforte by Josef BonlmeJ Price $1. 00 Les Fill e s de Cadix (Thel luaw.'c Ma iric, tf PQiiiKi Ilo-in. List 1 By Amelita Galli-Curcl. sbpra- f Price 1.00 L no, in French. J (Boheme Racconto di Rodolfo 740241 (KudolpA s isarrauvej By orviiie I Italian. The Girl of the Golden West Ch'ella mi creda (That She 04SS0 May Believe Me) By Edward Johnston, tenor, in Italian. Polo Coats $ Harrold, tenor, in 74621 The Barefoot Trail ..By John McCormack, tenor Espana Rapsodie Bv Philadelphia Orchestra I Leopold Stokowski. conductor fRigoletto Monologo, "Parll 74622 J Siamo" (We Are Equal f 12-in. List 1 By Renato Zanelli, baritone, in j Price $1.50 L Italian. J G. F. Johnson Piano Co. 149 Sixth Stret. Between Morrison and Aldrt left last night for a trip to Alaska. They expect to cover the Skagway-White-hor.se-Atlin route, and will be gone until the end of the present month. Phone your want ads to The Orego nian, Main 7070, Automatic 560-95. NEW SUIT for m FOURTH is ready for you at the manufac- i i f cjZtrirr -mtiro f N L U I Of O O ty f S.wwa AND the reason? Why,- man! Reason enough! We are the largest manufac turing clothiers west of Chicago and are supplying the needs of well-dressed men throughout the entire Northwest! WE sell direct to you and thus the profit of middleman and retailer are elim inatedand that is why you can buy such a splendid all-wool stylish-fitting garment at these exceptionally low prices. FURTHERMORE we guarantee to fit you and to please you and will refund your money on any reasonable claim. That's your guarantee of SATISFACTION and is just one of many more reasons why you should buy from -us. YOUR ilii'sflSW?' cl "tr.K2lXvA') i ii i i vac II 1 1 1 sasaWVT II 1 1 i npB- xSSSSSv III t II h All sizes to $30 at only y-T L I SI T 1F and 12-in. List ln'p.iftc:? il t4 'prce,i'50fep i 10-in. Lis't ii K Price 1. 00 II f j 10-in. List II I I J J Values to $20 at U2-in.Llst ' f j rvnlv 1 Price 1.50 yS?3H?v U Dmy 0 - 1 ilfWi'Tirr.-il RY PLE SHOP Morrison Street, Bet. Fourth and Fifth Next to Corbett Building 286 Don't Be Misled. Btmre of Imitation Sample mrmm Saons and Sale Imitators. Look for the Iliir Sign With Hand Pointing: to SS Morrison Street. Factory Sample Shop. , Every garment cut and slashed. Closing out all summer garments. Accordian Pleated White Skirts Accordian Pleated Plaid Skirts ..$S.95 3 J i. u r! 9 .a i -Si 15 r 1 !1 ti a i3 3. Women's Suits $18.95 ro $45.00 at only Silk and Jersey Dresses All sizes, values to " A $35.00, at only tj) LTmUO Thousand Waists In Georgettes and Crepes de Chine, values to $8.00, at (J V fEf only P-i7D - v-i 1 MONEY'S WORTH OR MONEY BACK TIRE Buy Now Full Guarantee 00x3 Non-skid $11.35 COxS'i Xon-skid $14.95 32x33 Non-skid .$16.95 31x4 Non-skid $19.85 32x4 Non-skid $24.25 33x4 Non-skid $24.85 34x4 Non-skid $25.45 36x4 Non-skid ..$33.50 35x42 Non-skid $33.00 36x4 Non-skid $33.50 37x4 Non-skid $39.50 37x5 Non-skid $41.00 All sizes all styles all patterns in All-Wool Suits for every age and size of man MEN'S wool SUITS $S4- $S7 to Campers See out stock of blankets, robes, canoe pillows and outing clothes the most complete in town at such reasonable prices. Bathing Suits Men 's and Boys' $2.00 to $6.50 another Woolen Mill value. Everything" for "Sonny" M others will find everything the "little man" wears and a most complete stock on our third floor. For outdoor wear. Play clothes and bath ing suits. . 10 Per Cent Off on .All Boys Suits. Largest Manufac turing Clothiers West of Chicago Men's and Boys' Complete Outfitters 0WNSVILLE WOOLEN MILL STORE Entire Building Third and Morrison' wmm- Special Prices on CORD TIRES After Eight Years He Found It In recent conversation, Mr. James Porter. 251 10th" St.. pave Sepol Shampoo unlimited praise. Having- been troubled with a drv dandruff for eight years, which caused a burninn. itching, irritat ed sensation. My hair was drv. brittle and falling out. 1 have tried any number of shampoos, hair tonics, with no results, until I commenced irsinK Sepol. over a month ago, and must sav it is wonderful. Cured my dandruff, stopped Itchinp scalp and started new growth of hair. I think Sepol Shampoo is the riRht shampoo, for its antiseptic tonic effect removes all grerm life. 1 surely recommend it to anyone. Sepol la for nle at all drag and department Mtoren. Auk your barber or hair dinm for a Sepol Shampoo it an tin fits. SEPOL LABORATORIES, Portland, Or. Malcom Tire Co. Broadway and Everett Large Buyers Small Profits Ajti in the market for the best house $6000 to $8000 will buy in Irvington or Alameda Park. Will make substantial cash payment. Best references furnished. Am not an agent. Full particulars and location in first letter. Address BC 850, OREGONIAN XAVr.H BOARD BEAVER DOARD FOR BETTER WALLS CLtJ AND CEILINGS RASMUSSEN & CO. N. E. Cor. 2d and Taylor Sts. Two Studebakers W have two Studebaker tour inff cars that we wish to dispose of at once, regardless of cost or value. These cars are in excellent condition and will give the very best of service. One 1913 4-cyL touring car at 300. One 1914 8-cyL touring car at 1550. Get here early if you want one of these cars. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY Wanhinarton St. at 21st. 3Iain 63-14 Spendyour vacation in SAN FRANCISCO STOP II ATC?I AT THE STEWAR On Geary St.. just off TJnlon Square, close to everything worth while. Good accommodations at moderate rates. Breakfast, 50c, 60c, 75c, Lunch 70c (Sundays 75c), Dinner $1.25 (Sundays SI. 50). Municipal car passes the door. Stewart Motor Bus meets principal trains and steamers. It is advisable to make reservations in advance of arrival. Estab. 20 Years in Portland C. Gee Wo Root and Herb Remedies 162 Vi First SU Portland, Or. Phone your want ads to The Oreg-o- nian. Main "070, Automatic 560-96. a