18 THE 3IORXIXG OREGOMAX, THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1920 REAL ESTATB. For Sale -Hou HIGH ELEVATION. BEAirTLFTTL, VIEW. A modern S-room 3 years old) resi dence on lilfthcst point back of Council Crest: 5 blocks from car; city deliveries, gas. electric light, phone and Bull Run water, but no city taxes; 1 blk. to store. Lot 30x113. macadam road. Inside and outside looks like new. with a.11 built ins. Double constructed. Each floor has separate 4-rooni appartments. or can be used together. One rented for $-0 a month. Attlo has :i -unfinished rooms; 2 large, east front, view porches. A city home with country surroundings. Ideal for convalescents or a.sniatics; tJiOO. $1000 cash, balance like rent. Don t wait to call. Main 4003. 2ia Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY PARK. ," NIFTY. BUl'.ALOW OARAGE. 5O0C). A new bungalow the very acme of perfection. You couldn't possibly plan a prettier bungalow and as to construc tionit just couldn't be better built. Of course it has hardwood floors, fireplace, book cases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, cement basement, wash trays, etc. Paving and sewer paid. A. G. TEKPE CO.. 270 Stark St.. near lid. Main 3002. . Branch oifice. 50th and Sandy (Open Sunday). J12S0 DOWN 1RVINGTOX. $4850. new stucco bungalow, hardwood floors throughout except linoleum in kitchen and bath, good attic, 50x100 ft. lot, on ' paved street and sewer; pos session at once. J. U HARTMAN COM PANY. 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 08. .NO. 007 J3S00 and $1350 payment with casv payments on balance. This is a 5 rooin bungalow, finished in old ivory, has Dutch kitchen, living room, dining room, two bedrooms, floored attic, base ment and laundry trays, on paved street, block from car line. This price in cludes a wood range, so you will be ready to commence dinner without set ting up a stove; one of our salesmen will be glad to show you this nice little borne. PACIFIC AGENCY, R14-JO Swetland Bids. $1500 DOWN IRVIXGTON. Beautiful Irvington bungalow, 5 rooms and attic, nicely finished throughout, hot water heating system (American radiators); lot 53x100 ft., paved street In and paid. A bargain at $6000. J. L HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. IF YOU are in the market for a modern 5-room bungalow on North Willamette boulevard, within walking distance of all ft Johns industries, we have an at tractive offer to make you. This home has been built 18 months and Is la line hVe'are going to sacrifice this to the man who means business. Shown by appointment only. Call us KNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO.. 2S4 Oak St. Bdwy. 043. MUST BE SOLD .'.T ONCE 1650 VACANT. VACANT $16o0. YOUR OWN TERMS. S-room well constructed house, near Feninspla Lmbr. Co. mill, near Ports mouth. Plumbing, gas and elec, just newly painted and papered Inside, sev eral fruit trees; 1 blk. from Willamette blvd. This is a mighty cheap property and certainly beats renting; on your terms. Marlols or Williams. S20 Cham, of Com. bids- Main 7007. A SNAP FOR SOMEONE. MUST SELL AT ONCE. 6500 BE A UTI PC L I RV1NGTON 6j00. VACANT STRICTLY MODERN. 7 rooms, strictly modern; full cement basement, laundry trays, furnace fire place, hardwood floors: in finest con dition; just newly painted and deco rated and really . Main 7067 Knlendld buy: on Mariels or Williams, SJO Chamber of Commerce bldg. $15,000 WITHOUT CROP. Anyone desiring an Ideal near-in coun try home, this is the place, 38.43 acres, excellent soil, level, tiled and fenced; family orchard: near school and hard surface road. 4 miles southeast of. Portland. Owner, John Childelin, Gresham, Or. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE. M-L'ST ACT QUICK. $6500. g-room house. furnace. fireplace, leeplng porch, full cement basement, raragef grounds 100x120; lots of fruit and berries; Vi block to car; real high class location. RITTEFl, LOWE & CO, 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $.",100. 8-room bungalow near Peninsula park, has paneled dining room, fireplace, house is double constructed, on corner lot nice shrubbery and shade; only blocks to car, 10 minutes to center of CU!" JOHNSON-TlODSON CO.. M W. Bajik bldg. Main 3787. ROSE CITY. A dandv little five-room bungalow ... ami a rv with WITH nne meinc, "fc'' "w ce-ment basement and big screened back porch: lot 50x100, on paved street . blocks to Sandy, on 5oth st. Price iuu. S700 cash. RALPH HARRIS CO., ft-7 rhnmher of Commerce BMfi SACRIFICE HAWTHORN CJ BbltiAiw . takes this modern attrac tive tvplcal 5-room bungalow; full ce ment basement, hard surfaced street, all liens paid In full; choice corner lot You can bo the lucay puaimaci i -jvu .-. w ' Price $3500. CAREY-PAVIDGE COMPANY, 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main i4S7. a i.iRr.K rooms and sleeping porch on n vast loth. Sunnvside car line large cement basement, line furnace, 2 toilets, newly painted inside and out. all newly tlntea; line utrw immMiuifl possession; best buy i- .iT cltv: 14750. S25O0 cash, balance eaiv at 7r,o. C. H. Woodward, 100 Ab- lnston big. Main o'.Bo. naii nrr SPECIAL. $500 down and $35 per month. This tl.e list of all bargains in Rose Toir trtrfav. 5-room attractive bun e'alow. hardwood floors throughout, near Sandy blvd.. on HSth st. Price cut to $2Si0. com PAN Y. 21 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 74S7, n.nsK IN ON EAST SIDE. r,,rforn houses Oil 50x100-ft. lot 'OU can live in one, the rent from the other one will almost seep juu. i.. sale. $5350, $J50O cash, balance 3 years, 6 per cent, r or hpihuiiiiiiciu UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO. 2 S4 Oak st . Broadway 943. ti-Avni.'Di.'rT. TUT SCOTT BUNGALOW Well-built 4-room home ,on a 100x120 foot lot. sidewalk in and paid This cosv home surrounded by dozens of large hAaVit.ir fruit trees of ail kinds; fine corner property; special price of J2330, only $50O down. ViBKV.HAVinfiE COMPANY. 211 Hallway Exchange Bldg. t? os v. city $3500. 5 rooms, bath, sleeping porch and ttic: extra large living room, dining room. 2 bedrooms and Dutch Kitchen, basement ana rurnace. x m a sain ; reasonable terms. LUKDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967 9-ROOM bungalow-tyle home in good dis trit. fireplace, bookcases, beautiful buf far fnii rvmfnt basement, furnace: on v, orH -wurf a ppd street: all liens paid; 3 rooms upstairs; now rented for $39 per month; lerm JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3TS7. TfORK CITY. fut a littlw bungalow. 1 block from car; 4 nice rooms, pretty Dutch kitchen r-d ro Thi is a nice little place anc well worth the money. Owner anxious to leave. $1800, terms. Phone 316- or inquire 6S2 E. T.'th st. N. WA L K T NO DT ST A NO E. FIXE LITTLE 6-ROOM HOUSE. 14.". I Ml Corner lot, paved streets, very fine lo cation now vacant; move riBi n. RITTEK, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg-. nr.rf ..nttacrA cement basement. Pan trv and -bath, gas and electricity. 40x100 i; flowers, fruit and berries. block iihnrta par. Union avc. best car serv ice. 167 East 7th st. North; balance like rent. Owner. trtOO 11CHI0 CASH. $40 monthly; ft-rocm fiiT-nnoe. fireulace. full plumbinjr, koy.ao lot. beautiful roses; near Alberta or Irvinrton car; is vacant. JOHNSON-DODSOX CO.. 33 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3781 PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 7-r. place modem bungalow, furnace, fire Will give Terms: ouu. .T. ROBB1NS. ',01 Railway Ex. Main 7031. tjit i;ttfi;L 4-room and sleeping-pore K..nriw. rom-nletely furniehed. all cit nn, onionros: ii-c fare. S. P. west-sid electric, Dosch sta.; cheap for cash. Her crt J. Cox. Keaverton. Or. i :r.TO" SACRIFICE. Owner leavin rit v sel 1 at cost, attractive modern home 7 rooms, parage. npar Knott. iT.-O0. Main 807S, S3" . W . Bank bMe OR A 1-E Furniture of 4-room cottage r trade on car; rent only io; wes Ide. Marshall 423S. Snb urban Homea. XV TO I acres with moarrn house, etc near Dowrh station, oil Rd irlc; $300 do.wn,. bai. eaay tcnua. 34. frui Elec Main HEAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. BEAUTIFUL RIVER VIEW BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, bath and reception hall: would cost $5C00 or $6000 to- build; 2 bedrooms, good fixtures, fireplace, base ment, room for 3 bedrooms upstairs: white enamel built-in kitchen, new inlaid lineoleum. built-in bookcases and buffet, gas, electric lights. Bull Run water. 2 la-?e lots, nice lawn and shrubbery, assorted fruit, walnuts, grapes, berries, apples, peaches, garden, small chicken house and run. close to station on Ore gon City line: furnished complete, almost new furniture: ivory bedroom sets, oak dining and living room furniture, ail chairs leather cushions, vacuum cleaner, $110 Singer sewing machine. 30 chickens and hens; everything goes for $5600; must have at least $3S0O cash, balance 1 or 2 years; close to Mllwaukle; owner going away. Phone Main 5267. STRICTLY MODERN 2-ACRE HOME $6500. Overlooking Oswego lake an only 800 feet from S. P. electric station, on good macadam road, we have a strictly mod ern 2-acre suburban home; 6 large rooms and sleeping porch, modern to the min ute, including hardwood floors, furnace, large fireplace, full cement basement, electricity, fine bath, Dutch kitchen. Family fruit and berries. A very at tractive looking bungalow and only about 5 years old. Worth $2000 more than the price we ask, which is $0500. $2000 cash will handle, but you'll have to hurry if you get this one. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington st. Main 8220. EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! Choice acres close In on S2d St., less than a mile from Kendal station, all In cultivation and crop: 4 acres in wheat, balance in garden, potatoes, corn; plastered house (newly painted), good barn and well; will subdivide nicely with frontage on paved road; this is the biggest bargain in the country for $66110: will give good terms. R. M. O ATE WOOD & CO., 165V4 Fourth St. GOOD BUNGALOW. IV. acres, located half mile from city limits and car line; all under cultiva tion, fruit trees, garden and berries; good bungalow of 3 rooms, breakfast room and bath; Bull Run water, gas, good plumbing, graveled street, chicken house and runs. Price $2550 cash. We will get a loan for part of the value. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building. ROOM modern bungalow, nifty new home at Multnomah station ret in beau tiful grove of trees with a half acre of ground; this house was recently built to seli for $0000 and had to take it over from builder along with some very fine furniture; will sell this nifty up-to-d-atc home with what furniture there i there for $52o0 on your own terms. See my epeciaJ sales representative, N. K. ATCHISON, 204 Henry bldg. BEAUTIFUL GL.ENMORRIE HOME For sale or lease; beautiful English colonial home of 12 rooms, located 10 miles from Portland: fine trees, shrub bery and wonderful view; house is prac tically new and has every modern con venience; 3 fireplaces, hot air furnace, sunroom, hardwood floors downstairs, etc. For particulars and photographs call at office of JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Cham of Com. MODERN 6-room BUNGALOW, with large tract of ground, on corner or two im proved roads. 3 blocks from Multnomah station. Ground in perfect condition. Here you will find all the conveniences necessary for an ideal suburban home. Am compelled to sell and will sacrifice. For partaiculars see- my representative, BEN RIESLAND, 404 Piatt Bldg. 127 Park St. OR SALE A fine little country home, 4 room bungalow. Bull Run water, gas and electric lights, only 15 minutes' ride from Portland, on the Oregon Electric, two hlocks from Rvan Place depot : all kinds of fruit and a line garden; a good chance to cut the high cost or living. For sale by owner and must be sold soon, as I am going away. O. Romalne. ELK ROCK DISTRICT, BeautHul villa in the rough, Willam ette river view, rocks and trees; oppor tunity for wondertui a eve ro proem: un finished but habitable bungalow with water, electric lights, gas and telephone: on highway and red t electric car line, very low price with attractive terms Phone Main 1732. CHOICE SURBURBAN HOME A acre and 5-room modern bungalow located on the Willamette river, between Portland and Oregon City. rireplace, gas, electricity and phone. Fine well. with electric motor du m d. Here is fine little home. Price $3700, $t50 cash. balance very easy. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 0702. MULTNOMAH STATION BUNGALOW 8-room modern up-to-date place with quarter acre of ground and some fruit trees, buirt to sell f or $o i jU; owner financially embarrassed and I have had to take this house over to satis'ty dentjs; will sacrifice at $5000 on your own terms. See my special sales representativie, J. Jti ATCHISON, 204 Henry bldg. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY SNAP. 10 a., only 9 mi. from courthouse, all first-class level soil : 0 a. cult., balance very easily cleared ; 40. bearing f ru trees-, 2 wells, shack house; this is best bargain yet for only $32Uu. terms. F. R. Jesse, i Corbett Plug. Main 7141, OAK GROVE. 2 acres rich soil; only $2700 with $400 cash ; easy terms on balance. Neat) two-room house and chicken house and runs, some fruit and berries, fine, well, electric lights; rich deep soil. Call Mr. Boehm, with MaclNNES & PRATT. Broadway lO.'.S. 200-210 Oregon bldg, ORES HAM ACRE BUNGALOW. 7 rooms, modern, fireplace, bath, ce ment basement, garage, with acre in cultivation, chicken parks, hard sur face street; $3."HW or will trade for bun galow In Portland. This is a very nice place. "W. D. RODABAUGH. 1046 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 4200. A REAL SUBURBAN HOME. $7000 buys 2 V6 acres and S-room mod ern house and one 2-room house, good parage and barn., lots of fruit. 3 blocks from Oak Grove, on river road : one ot best homes on Oregon City electric line; terms. See BROWN & BIDDLE, 324 Ry. Ex. Idg. Marshall 3331. ONE acre, all cult., and entire place cov ered with fruit. Perries and garden truck ; has good 3-room house with gas and citv water, garaste ana wooosncn. blocks to car; 30 minutes out; a real snap at $2200. with terms, b. K. Jesse. o2 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. COURTNEY STATION. One acre choice land. plenty of fruit, seven-room modern house, electric liehts. barn, . chicken house. close tn Kttinn. uaved road. 11c carfare. Ore eon City line. Price $3250. half cash. balance 6 per cent. R, M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165 Fourth Street. SUBURBAN HOME. Five-room plastered bungalow, barn, outbuilding, tnree acres all m crop finest of soil, three blocks or station rood road; orlce $2700. cash $120U, bul ance mortgage. O. W. Bryan. .509 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1903 RYAN PLACE. 4 rooms, breakfast nook, hardwood floors, chicken house and garage to match house ; lawn, fruit and berries 2-3 acre. KEMP & WALSH. Main 3430. Multnomah. $2000 SACRIFICE $2000. 1 acre, nice bungalow, garage, fin warden soil, fruit trees and berries: lo cated 1 mile from ty limits; good auto road. Call ast id-4, weeg days. Tabor 6382. $li50 CASH will buy a iice little 3-room nouse on mrge ui. ura uiuui scenery, good soli. Bull Run water; price $750, easy terms. Lee-Kobertsoa Co., 413 Cor bett bldg. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME3 and acreage, well located, near car line. from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, sign Aiaer urooK. S3O0 CASH will get you a srood nt.w 4 room cottage on large lot, close to car line, un nun waier, gooa sou; prici ici "in. j-.cc-nuuerison CO. 41 a Cornell omg. $1650 AT MULTNOMAH $1C50. 3-room uniurmshed house, 2 lots, just off highway ; terms, part cash, balance o per ceni. can evenings ana Sunday First house. Primrose st.. M ultnomah u Y trom owner, save commission ; two acres. Garden Home, 8c fare, modern a-troom oun 5110 w, nan acre potatoes truck garden; $4000. half cash. Main 5448. " MULTNOMAH. ' 3 ' rooms, ready for plaster board 2 lots, $1650. KEMP & WALSH. Main 343i. Multnomah. l-"or Sale -Business Property. LOT with store building and two fiats, on car line, in good neighborhood, ati rented. Price $7500; good investment. See owner, John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg FOR SALE Store bldg.. living rooms modern plumbing, lot 30x1 OO; and mod.. 4-room house, one or more lots. Inquire Fred Ober. Gearhart, Or. ONE lot, on Upshur St., near 20th, with trackage. John Bain, owner,. 507 Spald ing blag. SEAL EST ATX For Sale Business Property. FORCED SALE. BRICK HOTEL BLDG. $S0.000. 74 rooms, lobby and stores on ground ioor. lot 100x100, located near Union depot. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bids. FOR SALE or lease on easy terms. 2- story and basement concrete bldg.. suit able for manufacturing and warehouse purposes: lot 50x150. facing 2 streets; located at 71 Sandy blvd. United Mtg. Co.. owner. FOR SALE A good business corner. 6th and E. Burnside. on reasonable terms. Phone owner. E. 2704. TWO lots at Rockaway Beach, clear, will sen cneap or trade. What have youl Garland. 201 3d St. For Sale Acreage. SUBURBAN HOME AND INCOME. An ideal home only 24 mile3 from city limits of Portland, paved road, handy to car, fully equipped with all tools, also 2 horses. 2 cows, about 200 chickens. 3 pigs. Ford auto for berries, etc.. 11 acres with nearly 2 acres or chard. 2 acres loganberries, Ms acre gooseberries. 2 acrea raspberries, bal. all in crop, spuds,, corn and garden, u-room bungalow, with lawn and ornamental shrubbery. good barn and chicken houses. This is one of the best places close in to Portland. Call In and oee photos. Price only $10,500, good terms. F. L. EDDY. RTTTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. CHICKEN RANCH, consisting of 5 acres. with good modern bungalow, private water system and tower, situate on improved county road near Poweil Valley boulevard. Must sell on ac count of poor health. Property In - excellent condition. $5800, and $2750 of which can be paid at the rate of $50 a year. For particulars as to above, call on my representative, BEN RIESLAND. 404 Piatt Bldg. 127 Park St. Main 880. THERE'S BIG MONEY IN BERRIES. 10 beautiful acres, high and sightly, nest soil; 1 acres red and black rasp berries, bearing-; 1 acre blackberries, bearing; 1 acre bearing strawberries, 1 acre strawberries bearing next year; 1 acres more raspberries bearing next year; the bearing berries have netted the owner $10oo per acre this year. Come quick if you want this. S. S. PRENTISS. 615 Chamber of Commerce Blds ACRE TRACTS IN BEARING FRUIT. $3200. $25 down, $12.50 monthly, buys 1 acre of ground, all set out to assorted bearing fruit, trees and berries, in a his-h Rrte nf cultivation. We have sev eral of these tracts; also some acre- xracts, wmcn may ds Dougui ' terms. Salesmen with autos to show those tracts at any time. Photos at office. Frad W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE 140-acre ranch, house and barn, with 4 acres clearea ana running stream of water on macadamed high way, upper Necanicum river, 12 miles from Seaside; $1800. terms, one-third balance in yearly payments, $200 per year, 6 per cent interest. Also 50 acres with small orchard and house, near Morrison station, in Clatsop county; $2300; reasonable terms. A. Al. Smith, 818 7th st.. Seaside, Or. GARDEN TRACTS. Beautiful ticenic garden tracts, close to car line, good soil. Bull Run water piped to each tract, rui a iem un of these tracts and have a delightful summer home, where you can save the greater part of your living expense' ; price $350. small cash payment, balance terms to suit. Lee-Robertson Co., 413 Corbett bldg. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. 10 acres, located close to Red Electric station, all under cultivation, large or chard, good road. 6-room plastered house, other buildings; ottered at a bar gain for short time. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building. 10 ACRES EQUIPPED $1ju. 5 acres under cultivation, some ber ries, only 300 ft. to paved Columbia highway, 2-story. 7-room house, 2 springs, garden in and all tools; also horse. Price only $1575 $575 cash, balance $lo per mo. F. L. EDDY. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. NEAR VANCOUVER. WASHINGTON. 40 ACRES. PRICE ONLY $4500. Forty acres of fine land, 25 acres In cultivation ; good set buildings and wa ter piped in. gas purr.p and pressure tank; on good auto mad to Vancouver. If you see this you will buy it. $2500 cash will handle it. Call Broadway 30S0. . 5 ACRES. 14 minutes from courtnouhe by auto; not on car une, out on pav eu road ; 5 acres cultivated ; 125 assorted fruit trees; grain crop and garden and fruit included. House, barn and garage are old ; acre pasture with stream; ground sloping south; less than value. $3500, terms. Main 4503. 212 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. RIVER FRONT. Elegant IS acres of fertile and culti vated land; sightly, beautiful frontage of tVOO . Teel on the Clackamas river; 10 miles from center of Portland, paved road; for short time $t30 per ac:re. F. B. Madison, 718 Main St.. Oregon City, Or CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. 12 Va acres, all level, 11 miles from center of Portland; black loam soii. 4 room house, well, good barn and chicken house; 1 mile to school, on R. F. D. and cream route, 7-year-old orchard and ber ries. Price $3750; terms. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Cham, of Com. A DANDY 10 ACRES, all in cult, (fine crop oats) and about ju oearing iruit trees: 350 ft. frontaee on Base Line rd and about 4 mi. from city boundary. Will sell for $500 under value if sold this week. Must have SloOO quick and easy terms on balance. Phone Marshall 2003. 1-3 ACRE near Dosch station, best of soil, ldts of fruit, garden in. A modern i-room bungalow, beamed ceiling, fire place, laundry trays, bath ; beautiful view; just off Hoffman road. Price $4000. Hesgard. with COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 FOURTH ST. FOR SALE LOGGED-OFF LAND. Write for map of western Washington showing location, price and terms. Over ten thousand acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma, Wash. LOGGED-OFF LANDS. Tracts, 6 acres up, located within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty of water; work nearby; buy on your own terms. Prices $20 to $65 per acre. LEUDDEM ANN CO.. 013 Chamber of Commerce. 5 ACRES TIMBER. $275. 5 acres, 1 mile to electric line, be tween 75 to 100 cords fir, also plenty oaK. irice oniy ... V L. EDDY. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 3 ACRES, only 25 minutes out on good road. lots of fruit, good soil, large chicKen nouse. uuou o-room nouse, well garage, etc. Only $lio0, $1000 cash. Hesgarct. wur. COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 FOL'KTH ST. HAVE a beautiful tract containing 8.42 acres at . Clackamas station; excellent berry land, 2 acres cleared. Am leaving in 10 days; will sell cheap for cash Phone Wdln. 1497. or call 1060 Cleve land street. c nap man. 74 ACRES 8 miles out on Terwilliger boulevard. mile off pavement, aii in cultivation; 100 young fruit trees, spring water, fair 6-room house, large barn. 427 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 6 acres near Oswego, 4 acres high state of cultivation. 100 cords of wood on balance; small payment wild handle or will exchange. w hat have you Harper, 4u4 Panama bldg. ACREAGE SNAP. 8 acres' at Tigard, about half bearing fruit, absolutely the best buy around Portland at $2100, terms. V. H. Ross, 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. UPWARDS of 5 acres splendid land. mi-. tiallv cleared and fenced on three side near city and close to hard-surfaced road;- $2500, easy terms. John Bain, owner, ou i apamtug mug. $3000. Ifl acres. New berg, house, barn, or rhnrH. berries, garden. 600 cords wood nice home place, $1500 cash. Main 3672.. "McFarlanfl tteaity -o., railing bldg. TEN acres on county road, fine eight' room shingled Dungaiow. fireplace, etc.; fir trees, lamiiy orcnara. hemes, chick en runs, worth $400. will take $3000. Dr. Louie waiat. ua-n fittocK. FOR SALE 13 "A acres of orchard land. 0 year-old trees, bearing; 4 acres timbar land. fr;ce ouuu. . a. Wilson. Suth erlin. or. LOO BEAUTIFUL wooded acres, 4 miles west of courthouse, fine for platting worth $30O per acre; price for few day's $133 per acre, Serais. Phone East 6228 10 ACRE'S In Hazel wood. 2 miles east of city; $3004t, a buy. Owner, yio Cham bcr of Conrmerce. phone Marshall 1585. 10 ACRES first-class timber at Tigard: ell cheap Tabor 4515. TEN acres, on section line road, for sale cheap, near 2 car lines. Broadway 4230- REAL ESTATE. Homesteads. Relinquishments SOME good homesteads in western Oregon will be open for filing July 9; for relia ble information and how to make money while proving up address King, 832 Mis sissippl ave.. near Shaver. WILL relinquish J 20 acres rich farming homestead, some Improved, orchard, buildings, etc., $1500; near Roseburg. Address box 14, Camas Valley. Or. HOMESTEAD relinquishment in S. Tilla- moo-K county lor sale. Aaaxess x. c Curry, Willamina, Or. "WILLAMETTE VALLEY. FULLY EQUIPPED DAIRY AND STOCK RANCH. 360 acres. 225 acres In high state of cultivation, best of loam soil, no rock or gravel, fine spring stream through place, spring water piped to buildings. 7 -room house, with bath, toilet, hot and cold water, sink and acetylene gas lights, also 5-room house. 2 large barns, big machine shed, gran ary, wood shed, milk shed, wood and tank house, chicken house, hog house and lot, together with 8 head of horses. 12 head of dairy cows, young atock. wagon, truck, new drill, corrugated' roller, new surrey, binder, mower, rake, disc. 2 plows, harrow, several hogs, 40 chickens, all small tools necessary to run a farm ; one mile from high school, close to public school. 5 miles from college town, on good auto road with all rural advan tages; price $46,800. $15,000 cash, balance at 6 per cent. DIVERSIFIED FARM. 160 acres, all fine, level land, 100 acres in high state of cultiva tion, more very easily cleared, 2 acres of assorted orchard, ten room plastered house, full set of white porcelain plain plumbing, two large barns, new garage, granary, pump and tank house, new tractor, full set of farm im plements, four horses, two cows, hogs, chickens, etc. ; this place Is located mije from country store, grade and high school, one mile from river and rail transpor- tation and eight miles from Van- couver, on fine auto road. A bar gain at $40,000. Terms. 20-ACRE BARGAIN. 20 acres of the best loam poll, 6 acres in cultivation and in crop. Family orchard of assorted fruits in full bearing; new 7-room plas tered house, with full concrete basement, hew barn with hay fork, cement floor, chicken house and park, hog house and lot. all fenced -and cross-fenced, mostly woven wire, extra good Jersey cow, good work horse, two bug gies, harness, plow, harrow, two cultivators, one hog, dozen chickens and all small tools. Four miles from Columbia river town, close to school, on main county road, in highly improved district Price $4000, half cash. THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE, 3d and Main. Vancouver. Wash. DANDY RANCH, FULLY EQUIPPED. 40 acres, about 25 under culti vation, more quite easily cleared, 6-room house, barn 52x54, gran ary, chicken house, hog houses, etc. ; The buildings are practi cally new and nicely painted; new disc, plow. harrow. cultivator, separator, mower, rake, and all manner of farm implements, wagon, harness, etc.; 4 fine cows, good team, four hogs, lot of chickens, small tools and all. crops; price only $9000, $4000 cash, balance at 6 per cent. This place is located in the finest farming section and thick and pros perous settlement, one mile from school. 24 miles from river and railroad town, 12 miles from Vancouver on good auto road ; must be seen to be appreciated. 300 ACRES. WITH $1000 PER MONTH INCOME. 200 acres of fine aflafla land. 20 acres now seeded. 3 cuttings a year, 6 acres of early potatoes now ready to dig; worth $500 per acre. '20 acres seeded to corn for ensi lage, several acres of oats and wheat, balance In open pasture. Modern 7-roftm house, large dairy barn, fully equipped, two large silos, dairy, second house of three rooms; all necessary outbuildings, water piped from large spring to all buildings; fine trout stream through place. This is all fine Columbia river botttom soil, large family orchard, all kinds of ber ries and small fruits. 40 head of fine dairy cattle. 20 hogs, two good teams, harness, wagons, all farm machinery, new automobile truck and all growing crops. One mile from railroad station, with mile of Columbia river frontage. Five miles from town on main highway. Present income on this place is over $1000 per month. Price, including everything, $45, 0O0, half cash. See Mr. Bair with THOMPSON, SWAN & LEE, Third and Main Streets. Vancouver, Wash. 600 ACRES STOCK AND DAIRY FARM, EQUIPPED. Strictly modern 10-room house and r. strictly modern stock and dairy barns; electric milkers and separators, electric lights and water throughout ; hog house, chicken houses, garage, all cement foun dations; railroad station on farm, run ning streams. 75 head of stock, 12 horses. 75 hogs, turkeys, chickens, all farming machinery and equipment goes; this is 6 miles from Corvallis. 1 mile from Philomath. Price $45,000, easy terms. Will consider some trade. See Mr. Schmidt, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Brdy. 5043. 410 Henry Bldg. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN A CANADIAN WHEAT FARM? 320 acres. 100 In oat and wheat. 25 acres in tame grass: 4-room house, good well, never-failing creek, all can be cul tivated ; 5 m iles from Maple Creek sta tion on C. N, P. R. R.; wheat yields from 20 to 50 bushels per acre: price $S)0, some terms; will consider a small farm from 20 to 40 acres, west of mounts ins. either in Willamette valley or on Washington side, 1-3 of crop oes with place ; harvest Iu August. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank bldg. PRUNE RANCH BARGAIN. 20 acres, located 2 miles from good town, in Clackamas county, Oregon ; fix acres of bearing prune orchard, y years old; 1 V acres strawberries. 9 acres of the place in fruit; 4-room house, barn, chicken houses, on the road that is be ing paved. Price $4800, $2800 cash Brooks, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building. HERE YOU ARE: 320 ACRES AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. This is one of Clarke county's best farms, if not the best, less than 20 .miles from Portland; farm complete with registered Holsteln cattle, cost former owner over $75,000; can sell now for $50,000. good terms; will consider $10. 000 in Portland property. You will have to act quick. STEWART BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank bldg. GOOD 50-ACRE RANCH. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, NEW BARN. ONLY $4500. Located 50 miles from Portland. 1H from Pacific highway and city of 2500 population. Splendid soil, lies practi cally level. 16 acres in cultivation bal ance easily cleared; big new chicken house, bldgs., painted, good spring near house, family orchard. See photos at our office. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 40 ACRES, mile from highway, 40 miles from Portland, stocked and equip ped complete, including all crops: 21 acres under cultivation, some fine stand ing timber: all tillable; good springs; 2 years lease on ad joining place goes with property; $40OO, includes all livestock, 1 farm machinery, crop valued at least $1000; half cash, long time on balance at 6 per cent. Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark street. LOOK BELOW THE MARKET PRICE acres oi run oottom land, near oresnam on gooa macadam road. 36 acres cuiuvawjo, nving stream Price $100 per acre. This is an unusual bar gain for this fertile section. Estate must be settled. Address E. Bankus Gres- nam s CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHpjj near Portland, $75 to $300 Der 7rJzT: t oov per arms fm. .. easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale .1. sizes. McFarland. 208 Failing blda DAIRY FARM for sale: 3-year lCZ T year paid; Minthorno Springs dair T kilwaukie; 16 cows and bulL nII Dover st. A 70-ACRE FARM and crop for . from $4000 to $6500: must be O r? A. A. ANDERSON. " Owner, Molalla, Or. FOR SALE River bottom farm cloS t good town, near Portland, with or with out stock. Address owner, P 619, Orego nian. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; runninr water; good soil, tillable; employment easy term. J. R. Sharpe. 83 3d U BEAL ESTATE. For bale Jr'arma. 50 ACRES FULLY EQUIPPED, IN UMPQUA VALIEY. 3H miles from progressive town on S. P. R, R 65 acres in cultivation. 40 of which a?- creek bottom land with deep, rinU, aar.dy loam soil. 10 acres in wheat, 10 acres In cats. 30 acres in clover, 6 uteres in clover and vetch, 4 acres in young prune trees. 10 acres corn. Ti-nber for fuel; watered by creek and springs; gravity water to house and barn. New house, 7 rooms and large attic, not quite finished : new hip-roof bai n with si!o, outbuildings, fenced into 4 fields hog tiifht. With properly go 7 cows. 2 fine teams, S brood sows, 22 pigs, chickens, bees, a full complement of implm-ints and tools. The owner steps off and buyers step on csccpt household furniture. An ideal location for dairy, stock hogs, fruit and berries. It is Iotv priced for $0000. Terms $40-m cash. MaclNNES .fe PRATT. . .100-30 Oregon ttldg., 5th and Oak. SPLENDID FARM INVESTMENTS. In the Heart of the Willamett Valley. $ 25 per acre, 700 acres, 200 to 30O open land, balance- in a crop of Limber of much value ; ail good farm land when clear; 'twould make a fine stock farm; 2 miles Pacific high way, now being paved, and. car line. $ 75 per acre. 714 acres and all open but 14 acres tiin-ber; this is one of the best tracts of land in Oregon, and 500 acres now in crop ; fair commod ious buildings; near hig h wa, being paved, and red car line, west sid-e. $135 per acre,t 280 acres, 200 acres In grain and hay crop, now In excellent condition and about ready to begin harvesting; 40 acres town to clover and coming on fine; 40 acres tim ber; eiegant buildings that would cost $14. uw to $l5,ooo to build to day; now ready to move into. You get crop and all for the price. B. S.' Cook, 601 Stock Exchange bld-g. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE. About 330 acres, fenced, with 8 room house, barn and outhouses, two springs of fine water, about 40 seres arable, remainder wooded. 30 miles below Portland on high way and railroad, overlooking Co lumbia river, adapted for stock or subdivision into tracts for country homes. On account of foreclosure this farm must be disposed of Imme diately; $25,000 takes it. Think of it. Less than $73 an acre to say nothing of Improve ments in way of fences, buildings, etc. If interested call on J. S. Parke at 104 Fifth st., or write to Ruth erford Realty Co., St. Helena, Ore gon. IRRIGATED ALFALFA "ARM. SO acres all in cultivation with paid up water right for 75 acres: 60 acres of the finest stand of alfalfa in this section ; balance new seeding last year; located 5 miles from Redmond, mile from railroad station ; same distance from Dalles-California highway; on a good county road; all the crop goes with the place if sold before sluly 10, which will practically make first pay- meni uown; price $f5uu. $35uO down, balance $300 yearly for first two years, then $1000 yearly till paid up. Alfalfa growers cannot afford to overlooK this great chance; call and talk it over. Mr. Mahoney, COE A. McKENNA & CO., " 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. CLOSE-IN FARM. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 40 acres on Tualatin river. 18 miles .Portland, extra choice level land, all in cultivation; buildings worth $6000: room house, has modern plumbing, good barn, granary, garage, modern chicken house, cost $1 loO; on improved road ; growing crop and 4 cows. 2 heifers, all fullblood Jerseys. 1 horse and about 250 chickens and all farm equipment go with piace at $13,000. half cash; good terms on balance. This Is an exceptional bargain and will bear Investigation. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165 Va 4th St. 140 ACRES in Linn county, on main high way leading from A-lbany to Lebanon and 1 y miles from railroad; eood S- room house, barn 4ijx50 feet: wire fenc ing, large chicken house, outbuildings, gas engine and water tower; hot and cold water in house, orchard and berries; be sides this there is growing timber for fuel on 5 acres, 1 mile from piace. This is one of the choice farms in the Willam ette valley, with good graveled road, school, telephone and rural mail de livery; price $21,000. Write or cail upon Edward D. Williams, t22 Corbett bldg., Portland, Or. FOR SALE by owner, going stock and dairy farm of nearly 500 acres; 125 acres . In crop and grass, 200 acres bottom land, 30 acres fenced hog-tight; running stream all year, good house, large Darn, about 60 head cattle and horses. 20 head hogs, poultry, 7-ton scale house, new B. L. K. milker. 2 new ga engines, all necessary implements, excellent orchard; on Pacilic highway, near two R. R. towns; shipping point 1 miles; price $50,000, terms; part exchange possible. Add ress P 6 1 6, Oregonian. DO NOT OVERLOOK THIS BARGAIN. We have a fine 40 acres ; no better soil can be had; no waste land; half un der plow; fair house, good well, root house, small barn ; acre lamiiy or chard; close to main highway; 1 Va miles from good town and railroad, "l f you want a good ranch, here is your chance to buy right. Price $3500 cash. HESGA RD with COE A. McKENNA & CO., 2 FOURTH ST. A REAL FARM. 100 ACRES. FINE SOIL. 25 MILES SOUTH OF PORTLAND ON MAIN PA CIFIC HA RD-SU R FA C E H 1 CJ H W A Y , FOR QUICK SALE ONLY $ 1 2 3 PER ACRE. REALLY WORTH $200; FINE IMP RO V E M E N TS ; ADJOINING A GOOD S M A L L TOWN. SEE US AT ONCE FOR THIS AND MANY OTHERS- COBB BROS.. 203 OAK STREET. FOR SALE 120 acres. 5 miles city Bend. Or. ; 70 acres good land, 30 acres irriga ble now, suitable for alfalfa, potatoes, bt-rries, garden; Columbia highway gees throu.rh place; si mile Deschutt-s river; fome crop, spuds. Price of place $4300; $3500 cash. Act quickly. It's worth the money; have few photos of place. EDWIN J. P.OGERS, Tu'nalo, Or. NOTICE. T have two ranches for sale ; one 500 acres, 40 acres in cultivation. $ 15,000 ; one with 60 acres, 4 acres in cultivation, $4000, halt down, eaty terms t.r Ul fUtce ; crops and equipment go with tht places. They are bargains. Come and see. Can give possession at once Oscar 1.m, Philomath. Or. WE HAVE foe sale several large end small alfalfa and xtock ranches; also limber and timoer lands and reclaim marsh lands. Klamath Falls city lots and busi ness property at a very low figure and on eany terms. K ELL FY &. BELLMAN. Whit- Pelican Hotel rildg., Klamath Falls, Od. " WASHINGTON C OU NT Y FARM. 10 miles from Portland ; 3G acres, ail under cultivation, on good rock road, 1 mile from state highway; 10 acres of good beaverdam soil house;and barn and other improvements. Price $.SOuo, $3uu0 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO., b5 FOURTH ST. NEAR SHERWOOD. 90 acres choice upland, very best fot fruit, hops, potatoes, grain; 45 acres in crop, balance pasture and timber, run ning water: lots of fruit; 8-room house, barn, outbuildings; hi mile school; price $0000. terms and worth it. R. M- GATEWOOD & CO., 165 4th St. 185 A. LOCATED in Polk county; highly improved; fine buildings and fences, all in cult, but 14 a.; crops, stock, machin ery, all go, as I have moved to town and decided to dispose of some; might take bo me trade or give good terms. I rtm . the owner. Tel. for appointment Tabor 2285 Sunday, week days Main J411. fOK SALE DAIRY RANCH. 77 ACRES Green grass the year around. 30 fine cows. 1 registered Guernsey bull, per fection milking machine, silo, team, all implements, 7-room house, 2 barns. This Is diked land ; cream check now $330 month; $15,000, halt cash, balance terms. Geoi L. Putnam. Seaview. Wash. FOR SALE Well-improved 140 acres; 80 crop. 60 pasture ana oatt timber; large buildings; on ratum men w ay, w lliara- ette valley; crop, -stock, machinery, fur niture; price $135 an acre; easy terms. Address 1 E. 74th st. N., Portland. 59 ACRES at Seal Rocks. 15 cultivated and fenced; about - miles rrom new rail road to Newport. 5 minutes from beach and dailv au.to stages to Waldport: clear; $l&ftO cash. Owner, KOPTON. 563 4th st. Mar. 3214: FOR SALE Good bargains in choice Wil lamette valley farms in cultivation and In crop, ranging from 50 acres to loot) acres. Wall Improved. Call on or write j. y. Pipe. Albany, Or. FOR SALE, $250 per acre, takes 13 acres of good ten-year-old apple orchard, go ing east to look afuer interests; no trades; cash. J. H. Sanderson, 1057 E. Alder. Tabor 7137 11 ACRES. $75 DOWN. On electric line, close to sta,, store and school, plenty work nearby; price $11 ml, $75 down. 7 years' time on balance. Draper. 401 Board of Trade. 40 ACRES, small house, 8 acres cleared, very cheap. For particulars, write Butkevicb. route 1. Carlton. Or. FREE FARM LIS13. San Joaquin valley tax Utah Paul Roaster. Stockton, CaJ. H'AMF.I) REAL ESTATE. OVER $l.t00.000 WORTH OF HOMES SOLD Since January 1. 1020. by FRANK. L. McGUlRE. LARGEST HOME-SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. You want results? Try our live, effi cient method of home-selling. Our record : 8tt9 homes sold last year. 0 homes sold in one day. IIO homes sold in May. 563 Homes sold to date this year. Have you a house to sell? It's sold If lifted with us. We' 11 personally inspect. APPRAISE AND PHOTOGRAPH your house within 24 hours after being listed. The photograph of your home will be displayed in our large showroom, which is continually thronged with live, earn est home-buyers. If you cannot come down, telephone. We'll gladly call. Our only charges are the standard commis sion of 5 per cent In the event of a sat isfactory sale. 18 experienced salesmen with autos to work on the sale of your home. See FRANK I,. McGUIRE To Sell Your Home. Ablngton B'.dg. Main 106S. SELL NOW. We make quick sales because we do not list more property than we can give our personal attention.. If you want to sell immediately our appraiser will call. WELLER & R1NEHART. 212 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4i03. WANT 5 acres with berries and some fruit, good buildings, must be near good road and prefer Gresham district: client waiting. Phone or write at once, F. L. EDDY. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LET US sell your home for you. we have clients waiting for bungalows ana nouses in Irvington, Rose City, Laurelhurst, Hawthorne and many other districts; list with us for quick action. Realty Department. LAWYERS' TITLE & TRUST CO., 2S5 Stark. Marshall 1S,.SJ W'E have clients waiting for homes from $2000 to $7000; good first payment. i your property is for sale call at our oi fice or phone. O YV. T. MUELLHAUPT A CO.. C K. Adams, 407 U. S. Natl. Han a Bldg. Broadway SiJa. IF YOU WANT RESULTS. List your farms and acreage with us sell or trade; 1 can get you a propo sition. See Mr. frrhmid t, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Brdy. 5043. 410 Henry Bldg. WISH to rent niece of property for very intensive specialized cultivation ; wouia also consider going into partnership batis on same. Age 2S. Agricultural college graduate. Overseas officer ; exceptional references. AG to-, Oregonian. 1 V YOU want to sell your apartment house, hotel or rooming house, call and see us. we have cash buyer for same. C. J. CULLISON REAL ESTATE CO., 2tK'2 Morrison Street. WANTED To buy from owner. 5-room house or bungalow, close to car and Echool. good district, at about $4000, $1000 cash. Phone Mar. 4091 or AL 771, Oregonian. WANTED A house or equity In a house, - Sell wood district; must be reasonable for rRsh: eive location, number and rrlce first letter; no agents. AL 408. Oregonian. I WANT a suburban home. 4 to 10 acres; will exch 11 nee my west side reside n which 1 can lease for $10u per mo. AM 75S, Oregonian. wavt r to 10 Herps. with eood house, on rood road, preferably east or south of city: have about $5000 cash. Johnson. Main 5190. WILL pay cash for a small home; must be a oargain. Owner, telephone buyer at Main 1103, or evenings aiarsnan .. "WANT modern home of about 5 rooms from owner; neighborhood of east l!Hh and Broadway .AF 03, oregonian. PARK ROSE property. 1 to 3 acres; state location, improvements (if any), be; irice. 3S4 E. 42d st. North. t t7AVT n or K-room bungalow, eood dis trict. immediate possession; want to deal direct with owner. AE 00. Ore gonian. HAVE cash buyer for good lot in Ros City Park. Cleveland-Henderson Co.. 21 Railway Exchange blag. WANT 5-room modern bungalow. Haw thorne. Richmond or Sunnyside districts good cash payments. Main 4y. WANTED A lot in Rose City Park Broadway 5812. Rossmere for cash Wanted to Kent Farms. MR. FARMER! Why wait till the last minute to ren that farm? Now is the time. I nave great many clients wanting to ren farms. Some will take possession now nnd nnrchasR stock, crops and imple ments and some take pos.e.sion this fall. If you want to rent, write me at once. Don't delay. A. G. BENDER. , RITTER. LOWE &- CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bids. TIMBER LANDS. WEST SIDE SNAPS. $3000 for a 6-rooni, bath, toilet, base ment, on Broadway; easy terms. $4500 for a 7-room, iuiet. modern ana good shape, lot 45x100, near Shattuck school: terms. $4200 for 5Ox50, corner of College, with 2 houses: a good buy. u cash. $30410 for a. fine 5-room. w ith H. S. streets, large garage, in Fulton; easy terms. These are good buvs. Phone Mar. 820. F. L. BLANCH ARD. 519-20 Railway Exchange. WAN TED Man to run mill and saw by thousand; all equipment furnished or will sell mill for small pay ment down, balance as lumber is cut. AC 747. Ore gonian. , FOR SALE or trade. 160 acres of tine timber, near Toledo, on Mill creek, with in a mile of road and tidewater; if you want a bargain, investigate this. P. W. Hoite, Morrison hotel. L o s A n g el e s . C a 1 . FOrTsaLE Willamette aonkey engine and 2i M. capacit y mill on t idewat-r with about 8,0iK.000 feet -f stumpage. mostly spruce, adjoining. Price right. Terms to right party. F. R. Eeals, Tillamook, Or. TO KX CHANGE REAL ESTATE, WILL exchange very desirable building site with unobstructed view of moun tains and val ley on west side, close to carllne. containing over 7000 square feet, paved street and all improvements In. for something on east ide or might consider land between Vancouver and Westminster. B. C. Call or write RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. I .WANT A GOOD RESIDENCE in Portland in exchange for improved, or unimproved farm in Minnesota. I have a number of these farms for sale, or will exchange for timber land, farms or citv property in Oregon. WOODCOCK. 200 HENRY BLDG. HA VE moved to city, must dispone of iny fine farm of 183 acres, highiy improved; stocks, crops and machinery: this is no junk, and if you have not got good property do not bother nvi. 1 am the owner. Phonw Sunday. Tabor 2285. week days Main 6410. for appointment. EXCHANGE OFFICE. We are experienced in tradiry prop erties. Call and tell uj of your proposi tion See M r. A. G. Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 3043. 41Q Henry Bldg. TRADE FOR WEST SIDE PROPERTY. 6-room beautiful home near Laurel hurst park, Sunnyside car. to trade for west side property; will pay difference. Address AN S50, Oregonian. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, garage, lot 10oxll2, fruit, fine district, $4750 clear, for R. C. P.; Laurel hurst residence, and assume. Broadway 1901. FROM OWNER 40 acres under govern ment ditch, Hermiston, Or., for late model truck or 7-passenger car. AF 805, Oregonian. IOO ACRES. 4 miles from courthouse, fine for platting: $250 per acre; exchange for city property, or what have you ? Phone East 622S. 34 LOTS. S. E. cor. 43d and Division sts $600 each; want hotel, apt. house, farm. J. H. McMAHON, 2606 East 43d St. Tabor 5361. FROM owner, 320 acres timber for mod ern home; will assume some. AF 6ii5. Oregonian. ACREAGE for trade, 2 acres. 4-room house, 2 blocks to car. for trade for house close in. AC 743. Oregonian. 10 FINE acre -tracts close to Vancouver, on paved highway for beach cottage. Oak Grove. Or., box 45. 3 ACRES In tho town of White Salrm-n. "Wash. ; fine location. V'unt auto. Call Bdwy. 365S or East 2430 evenings. MONT A VILLA house equity, value $1000, trade for acreage. AL 821. Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. 7S-ACRE FA RM. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED, OUT NEAR SANDY AND BULL RUN. V in crop, clover, vetch, barley, oats, spuds', and corn ; splendid 3-acre bear ing orchard, balance pasture and some timber; good big team of horses, wagon and harness. 3 good cows, chickens, necessary farm implements, cream sep arator ; splendid Bull Run water piped into house, bam. onto lawn and lots ; 4-room house, big barn, cement milk house, located on hard road, ono mile to electric station. Rent paid to Jan. 1 , 1 02 1 . All g oe s for 2250. including household furniture. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. WALDO FARM. S miles east of Salem. SW0 acres, about 600 cleared : raise grain, berries, fruit, sheep, truck, etc. ; rent $350O per annum. Address Clara H. "Waldo. Macleay, Oregon. or Folger Johnson, 422 U. S. Nat Bank bldg., Port land. Or. FOR SALfc. Horse, Vehicles, Livestock. WANT to leave this week and must dis pose' of my pair of farm mares, weigh ing 2600. gentle and true. Call at barn cor. of Richmond and Syracuse sis., St. Johns, and ask for Mr. As tier's team. FOR SALE Team of black mares, weigh ing 2&00 lbs., 6 and 7 years old. blocky built. sound and true pullers; with har ness and wagon. Inquire 732 Powell at-, phone Seilwood 579. HAVE no use for rr.y pair of good big young mules, weigh in g 2SO0 ; sound and gentle and handle like horses. Call at 415 Syracuse st.. St. Johns. FOR BALE One team of geldings, .6 years old, just broke: kind and gentle; weigh over 3200 pounds. Address box 103. Scappoose, Or. ONE young big team, full brother and sister, got to sell; one block south S. P. depot. Milwaukie. Henry Smith, Oregon City car. FOR SALE IS stands of bees and equip ment ; bargain. 310 E. 70th st.. corner Market. M t. Tabor car. 4 YOUNG fresh cows, 6 gal. Jersey Dur ham, 4 gal. Jersey. 4 gal. Durham; all with calves. 9(iS Powell, cor. 32d. FOR SALE -Team black mares, weight 2800 lbs., and colt: also wagon and har neis. Woodlawn 5964. DEAD tock removed quick. y; cash paid 1 or dead cows and crippled horses. Phone M ilwaukie ty-J for results. FOR SALE Thirty-five registered Shrop shire March and April ram lambs; $U0 each. Holm an Fuel Co.. 94 5th st. WE BUY and fcU cattle, sheep and goats. Campbeil-Phelan Land & Cattle Co., 302 Couch bldg. FIVE 2-months-old pigs for sale ; good stock, cheap. Apply bavinar Co., 10U Front st. Mar. lib". W A NT ED Single horse, harness and top wagon tor huckster outfit; must be rea sonable. AE 7-17, Oregonian. FO R SALE One young milch goat. First house to left East Kelly butte. Poweil valley. TWO yvung fresh Holstein cows with calves at 'JJ0 Tacoma ave. Phone Sell wood 1015. THREE good Jersey cows and 1 bay hor, weight 1150 lbs., cheap. Must sell. 6047 05th st. Woodstock car. ONE SWISS-JERSEY cow. said to give 6 gal. when fresh, and bred to registered Jersey bull. Col. 664. FOR SALE ness, $60. -New set double buggy har Holman Fuel Co., 94 5th st WILL se:i 3S acres standing hay for $000. John Cheldel in. Gresham. Or., Rt. A. LA KG E pastures for rent near Portland Main 85. DEAD horses, animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co.. V oodlawn 20 DEAD HORSES taken quickly; dead cows. Tabor 4203. FOR SALE Fresh 144S. cows. Phone Tabor THREE large, well-bred Jersey cows; 1 ich milk. 751 E. Ash. Pianos, Orgaus and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. Boudoir up right piano, cash $ 63 b rencti upright piano, cash $300 Gray Co. upright, cash HO 4.0 Hallett 6c Davis upright, cash.. 14." $425 Dunham & Co. upright, cahh . . . 165 $475 Hallett & Davis upright, cash.. Ut5 $4i. Davis & Son upright, cash otu tvimoaii 00. upright, casti n. $7.0 Stein way & Sons uprigh t. cash 2!0 $ 4 oil1 Mara & Co. player piano, cash 3 $0u0 Thompson player piano, cash. . 435 $10u0 Singer player piano, cash 4!5 Parlor organs $19, $25, $35 to $45 Pianos stored, i.c month. Pianos bought and soid for cash only. J. 03 10th st. at Wash, and Stark sts. $15 and $25 cash s-enas home a piano, $25 and -0 casa sends home a player piano, balance $., $10 to $20 monthly Sciiwan Piano Co.. 101 Tenth bt &i Stark EDISON ABEROLA. Almost brand new. and about 40 rec ords. 1 his is a great snap at $32. oO. EASY TERMS. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 1SS-10O First St. PIANO BARGAINS. $175 and up, good, used standard pianos. See them and you will be con vinced that they are real bargains. SE1 BE K LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125-127 4th St.. Bet. Wash, and Alder. PIANO FOR YICTROLA. $200 new VICTROLA and RECORD OUTFIT: trade for used piano; best proposition. Main S5S6. SE1 BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth st. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victroia and records; our proposit ion will please you. SEI BE K LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth Street. Main 85S6. WANTED Square piano with good rose wood case to be refinished for a table. Will pay cash or trade talking machine Harold S. Gilbert. 3S4 Yamhill st. B R UN S WICK phonograph and records, a snap, just like new. Sciberling-Uuca" Music Co., 125-127 4 th st, bet. Wash ington and Alder. RENT A PHONOGRAPH WORTH BUY ING. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3s4 y AM HILL. PIANO WANTED. Pay cash; get our price. Selberllng Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Main 85h6. NEW $250 Stradivara phonograph for sale, $1S5; mahogany finish. Phone Mar. 102u. furniture for Sa,ie. FROM BENSON HOTEL. Used only during Shrineps' week, prac tically new 2-inch continuous post steel bed, finished in Circassian walnut; res utar $22.50, special price $14.50 as long as the fw last. If you need a bed this lb a real bona fide talc. OWL FURNITURE CO., Sells tor Less. Ktti-ltJS First St. Near Morrison. FURNITURE FOR SALE. One dining room table, pedestal style, Quarter-sa wed oak top. One bronzed iron bed. stec 1 springs, inattrs. One oak princess dresser. One English breakfast table. lo70 Glenn ave. N., Thursday morning. FOR SALE Piano, grafonoia. oak princ ess dresser and chiffonier, brass bed and spr:ngs, floss mattress. couch. rug. punching bug and irame, all iu good con dition. Tabor 7277. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer &. Storage Co., 24S Pine st. FOR SALE 1 beautiful folding bed with two French mirrors, wardrobe and bu reau combined, also 1 dining room set; ail oak, hrst-class condition. Call 252 East 30th st. Hawthorne car. 2 WHITTALL Anglo-Persian rugs, both of same beautiful design, sizes 84 by 10 Vj and 41i by 74; cost $241; practically new; sell for $125. Phone Tabor 3347. FOR SALE Direct Action gas range, first-class condition, two ovens and four burners on top. Price $30. Call apt. 7 Lucile court. A FEW pieces of fibre-wrapped furniture, including telephone stand, center table and chairs; also oak dining table and chairs. Call at 301 IGih st. FOR SALE Steel range, wood or coai; gas range in good condition ; Mason jars. 7s Clackamas St., or phone Marshall 1S75. WILL sacrifice complete furnishings of a 7-room house. Will not sell by piece. Furniture and carpets A-l. House for rent. Bdwy. 3032. GAS range, gas heater, refrigerator, wicker table and chairs, two rugs. etc. 533 Montgomery drive, phone .Main 094 1. Full SALE Oak china closet and buffet, new cream separator, adjustable dress form. Call Tabor 7022. TWO mahogany rockers. 1 overstuffed oavenport, 1 library table. East 4143. or yell. 23(. FOR SALE 1 bookcase xend Main st. golden oak combination writing desk, $J5. 333 FOR SALE New bed davenport . with mattress. $105 new. $75 takes it. Apply 324 Stark St.. or cail M. 7872. COM PLETE furnishings fiat at bargain prices, near Stark. of a four-room 71 East 2Sth st.. FURNITURE for small office cheap: office may be rented as it stands. AB S73, O re gonian. NEW furniture for sale; also 2 sewing machines. 7U. l Thurrnan st., room 5 OA K dinin ing ued. roorn set, dresser, child's fol 4029 tUst st. S. E. FOR SALE. Furniture for Sale. RELIABLE gas stove, side oven. $35. Call Main 4fi5. A M A H uO A N Y particulars Tel. dinirtir room suite. b E. lv.5 between 12 and FURNITURE and fruit jars, in tirst-cTass condition ; reasonable. 1 000 E. Taylor. FO R SALE Good w ood and coa! with attached gag p'.ate. Main 407 HOUSEHOLD Glenn ave. furniture for sa-e. FOR SALE A good sideboai good mirror. Price $ 1 .". ; with large. Main st. GOQI davenport Office Furniture. OAK office, table and 2 chairs almost new. Call between 12 and 1 :3o P. M. Thurs day or Friday. Brown, mezzanine floor Gordon h!dg 4th and Smrk. OFFICE furniture for :-ak-; oiuce can be rented as it stasds if desired. Call Mai 74iM between 12 and o'clock. Poultry. PETALUM A White Leghorns lead th world in eeff production. We se'l BABY CH1X at $13.30 per Hhi during Mav and June; sale arrival or full count, strong, Iie chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery. 441 Sixth st.. Pctaluma. Ca'. BABY CHICKS. 10,000 one day to six weeks old, S. C. White Letrhorns, 13c to 1 NORTHWEST POULTRY CO.. S2d St. and 74th Ave. S. E. Tabor 31 07. WHITE Leghorn chicks. 15c each; R. I. fteu, -a cents eacn; .tni readv now, t0M more June 2$; last hatch of season. J. 2;. Maguire. 7S7 Oregon st. East 1 St'5. YOUNG white leghorn hens. $1.25 each. excellent layers. J. R. Maguire. 77 Oregon st.. near E. 24th st. FoR SALE One bantam mother hn and i bany bantam chicks. Appiv X'JU Fro.it t.. .Marshall 0S7. FINE O. A. C. Barred Wood law n 10 r sale; year o'd. Dogs. Rabbits, Itirds, lt Stock. FOR SALE Highly-bred Boston tcrri- puppies, full white collar. s,trcw tail; Tabor 202S. WANTED Male English setter 8 to 12 months o.d. W. H. E. Bay ac. Ol.vmpla. Wash. IOIN G S: stock. t:i A n tj reasberg sin gTS. t E. 3th N. Aut. 31Q-77. 3 months old. Call at 1 '2 BEAR cub. -th st. MUST sell my Airedale dog. ouicklv- $!0 takes him today. Tabor J Si:. LONG-HAIRED white Persian kittens inr .ile. Tabor 7'K'V Laum-hea and Boat. ONE 50-FOOT 30-H. P. steam tug for sale very cneap. 1 0-ft. cruiser. 0-H. P. motor. I 30-ft. cruiser. Frisby motor. 1 30-ft. runabout, speed 1 S miles. 1 2S-ft. runabout, speed 15 miles. 1 24 f t. runabout, spt-ed 1 5 m 1 es. 1 1-man t roller, 3u$0 feet, and many other boats at verv low prices at W. II. E. VON DER WERTH. Foot of Eat Morn.-on -U. COMPLETELY furnished houseboat. in cluding Yictrola. leather davenport, fold ins: bfd, etc Motorboat ciuh, acro.-s from W i n d e n 1 u t h ; $425. Call Bdwy. 5 0; . WANTED TO it ENT. Gasoline boat , about 1 5 - H. P.. to on seining ground. Appiy MAIN E v e rd 1 11 it i- a r re 1 1 , 1 4 Fro n t s t . FOR sale sound hull. 'i Fort Columbia -foot troi 1 boat, oak ribs, -H. P. engine. J. R. Eubicli, , Wash. A 22-FOOT launch sengers. with, igine, at wcsl 14 II. I. Roberts marine e end of Madison bridge, $15". 4-ROOM furnished houseboat tor saie. Call 40 W illametie moorage. LAUNCH cheap. inci Waterman engine .'all Seliwood 2433. Ty pe writers. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies for ad E. W. PEASE COMPANY, 110 Sixth St. Main 2283. 1DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All makes overnauled; expert mechanics. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy, Sell, Ktnt and Exchange. Main ti30. Supplies. 203 Oak St. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriter. ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments. Send for price list. The Whutesaie Type writer Co.. 321 Washington st. UNDERWOOD and Remington typewriters $3.50 a month. Empire Co., 54 Broad way. Bdwy. 155. IS1 BLE machines, year's guarantee, $20. The Rebuilt Typewriter Co.. 304 Oak st. NEW, rebuiit. rates. P. D. second-hand rentals at cut Co..231 S tark. M a i n 14o7. ALL makes rented and repaired Typewriter Co., 0 4 5th. Main Oregon 06S. Machinery. LUMBER. limbers, bar ers, air compressors, pulleys, forges. beitinE .shearer, air hammers. ron. pipes, boii receiving tank,, sha ft ing. t'ol t air hose, wire rope, derricks and much other misrrl-lam-ous equipment. Kiei nrtn & K-i n shipyards. It. of Mill st. Phone Mam 4.".. KER 1SENE PO W E R STUM P PULLER. Fastest, most practical tuinp puller in existence; double drum, donkey type; fast and powerful, burns kerosene; can furnish contracts to purchaser, two cou trac ts waiting. Ail 7 5 1 . O rc s. o n i a n FO R SA I.E 70-horsepower airplane en gine. Broadway 50 1 . ask for Tay lor. MLsrellaiieou. CHILDREN'S PLAY HOUSES (NEW) R CHK'KI .N COOP IMUI.'bb 1 OK K. L. HOUSE). CRATED READY" FOR SHIP. WEIGHT ABOUT 100O LBS., PRICE $35. COST $10O. A LSO BEAUTIFUL MODEL COTTAGE COM PLETE. SIZE A li UT 4 FT.x4 FT. PLAYHOUSE FOR CHILDREN. PRICK $2H (COST $100 TO MAKE IT). ADDRESS K . D,. HOUSES, MODELS. P. O. BOX 222. PORTLAND, OREGON. TOMATOES For sale; 25 acres of New Stone toma toes ; pick ing be gin s .1 u ly 2' ; "J acres of Rocky Ford cantaloupes for fa'.!; 10 acres of Hubbard squaMi. Address I. O. hex 4I. Gridiey, Cat. FOR SALE. Restaurant furniture and plat c gia"t one ISxOhxS : one 54,H"x U ; one "ix 72x'-i; one 4sx70x,1; inquire at 4'ii Main st., Vancouver, Wash. ALCAZAR 3 burners and oven, gas range, white, porcelain doors: only used 3 months; .;;2.5' new. will Sacrifice for $ 1 X. Phone Tabor 8S50 before noon T h u rsday. WANTED -Customers for Aibina da iry. beginning July 1 ; we will sell milk per quart 14 c. or $4 per month: dc! : cries made at Piedmont. Aibina and Overlook. C;ill Wood!awn 47.G. PoRCH rack, gas rango. freezer, crocks, wringer, gus waffle iron. fruit jars, porcelain washbow ls, 3-fout screen, cage for pets. East !?". HIGH oven Monarch and Vulcan gas ranges $35 each; also copper coil water heater. $20, new. 700 Katt Broadway. East 4S52. CHERRIES FOR SALE, lb ; raspberr ies. 15c bx. 470G. Col. blvd., box 427 1 5c Wdln Phone ust of 4 2d st. A FINE selection of suits, gowns, coats and party dresses, secured from wealthy ladies. Reasonable prices. 403 Alisky blot. Main 3132. STOCK kale plants for sale. 5c per 100; 12 for 500, $3.50 for 10u0 plants, poatuk'e prepaid; not less than 100 sold; cash, please. W. L. Crissc . Boring, Or. BOX WOOD.j Large load. $4.25. West Side Fuel Co., phon e Broadway 213. FOR SALE Practically new baby's bed. mattress, high chair and gocart. Apt. 9, Leonce apts. CHOICE country slabwood. $2 per cord while it lusts, at Cedar Mills, 9 miles from city. Tabor P518! FOR SALE DAYTON and TOLEDO scales. 226 Stark st. LARGE reed baby carriage for sale. $15, Bargain. Tabor S lt!7. A $26 SULKY baby cart in best condition for $15. Call Tabor 0415. TWO saddles. 1 pa?r chaps; practically new. AP 845. Oregonian. CHERRY crop for sale cheap. Call Colum bia 140. Call !Sti3 Fiske St. ONE carload, or several, Inquire Lewis. Bdwy. oak and fir wood. FOR SALE TABOR 031. F I S H E R' S AUTO B E D. GENTLEMAN'S new. size :. Tel. Main alt wool t'K2. green suit; BICYCLE for sale, cheap. Call Tabor 724S. 1 774 East Reimont. WILL sell 3S acres standing John Cheidenn. Gresham, hay for $300. r. Rt. A. RHUBARB for canning. 5 cents per pound. 1520 E. Burnside st.. cor. 3Sth. DESK ADDING MACHINE. $15. BETT BLDG. MARSHALL 5 r.is COR- SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awning. 1 N. 1st St. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machiiie, show case. 43 1st sU. near Ash. ONE red baby buggy for sale. Call Wood lawn. 5647.