tim f 16 THE irORMNG OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1920 MOORE CONFESSES AGAIN KIDEll IX DEATH CAR SAID TO HAVE G1VKX MURDER DETAILS Accomplice BelieTCd to Have Told His Tart in Killing but Of ficials Refuse to Talk. An extended confession concerning vents the night of the murder of Harry Dubin.ikv, Portland chauffeur, was made by CSeorge Moore, who is belli,? held In the county jail with Russell Brake, charged with com lilicity In the slaylngr. before Dean Rutler. deputy district attorney of Clackamas county. Sheriff Wilson of Clackamas county. Karl V. Bernard, deputy district attorney of Multno mah county, and Police Inspectors Hellyer and Leonard yesterday in the office of District Attorney Evans. A stenographic report of Moore's etatement was taken by Miss Bertha Akin, stenographer In Mr. Evans' office, but officials refused absolutely to divulge the nature of their inter view with Moore. It is rumored that Moore "came clean" yesterday, admitting in full his pert in the murder, but it Is not known how lar he may have exon erated Brake, if at all. Reticent officials at the close of the prilling- would admit nothing more than that they still believed Brake was as guilty of the murder as Moore, that both planned the killing and car lied it out. By order of Gilbert Hedges, district attorney of Oregon City, both young men still are being held practically Jrcommunicado in the county jail. Miss Bertha hodahl, the young woman who rode with Brake in the Dubinsky automobile after the killing and discovered blood spots on the cushions, was brought before the in vestigators yesterday and made her firyt statement before a stenographer. All efforts of Tom Garland, attor ney for Brake, to get permission to confront Brane with witnesses who may be able to establish an alibi for him, having recognized his photo graph in newspapers as that of a young man seen far from the place of the crime tho night of the killing, were without avail yesterday. Dep uty Butler refusing the request. The lawyer also made a formal demand to see the second confession of Moore, Which was denied him. AUTO PROVES ARSENAL 38-Ycar-OId Boy lirlves Car Con mining Rifles and Knives. ROSEBURG, Or., June 30. (Spe cial. An automobile without a license aroused the suspicion of local officers here today when Ralph May- Held, a boy of 18, passed through the city traveling north and a messape was sent to Oakland to take him into custody. Mayfield claims Eugene as his home but he has been as far south as Orland, Cal., where it is alleged he etole the automobile which he was driving and is also accused of rob bing a hardware store. The boy carried in the seat with him a Si-caliber rifle, and a nine Inch length of lead pipe and concealed in other parts of the machine were four rifles, a large case of ammuni tion, several pocket knives, a hunt ing knife and many other articles. The young man made no resistance when arrested and was at once lodged In the county jail to await an inves tigation of his case. TWO GARAGES COMPLETED Both Firms Moving In and Ready for Business Today. VANCOUVER. 'Wash.. June 30. (Special.) Two large two-story white pressed brick and concrete garages representing an expenditure of ap proximately Jio.OOO, were practically completed today. The two firms are moving in and will be ready for busi xiuess tomorrow. The garage at Tenth and Washing ion streets will be occupied by the Universal Auto company, local agents for Ford. The one at Eleventh and Washington will be occupied by the :reeley Auto company, agents for the uvenano ana Willys-Knight. Grange Plans Outing. An extended and important pro R-ramrne has been arranged by Even "" s.aueo ior tne meeting on Saturday, to be held at its hall, at .i.iKiiLiein ana .Division streets. Ii the morning the first and second de prees win be exemplified. There will e a basket luncheon at noon. A. G Clark, manager of the Associated In dustries of Oregon, will be present to speak briefly and distribute sam ples of Oregon products. A patriotic address will be given at 2 o'clock by Kev. Mr. Decker of the Mount Tabor Methodist church, and a talk on tax problems by Milton A. Miller col- Obituary. LA GRANDE, Or.. June 30. (Spe cial.) John S. Clark, native son of Oregon, died Monday at the Hot lake sanitarium from stomach trou ble, after a brief illness. Mr. Clark was born on Tualatin plains, about 12 miles from what is now the city of Portland, in 1848. He was a graduate of Willamette uni versity and came to the Grande Ronde valley in 1863. He engaged in stock wising, was at one time a teacher in the Cove public schools, also a mer chant of Cove, and was county asses sor of Union county between 1892 and 1S96. He was for 23 years manager of the implement department of the Island City company, now the Eastern Oregon Hardware company. Mr. Clark leaves his widow, two daughters, Mrs. T. H. Detchon of Min neapolis, Minn., and Mrs. Ed Wright of La Grande, formerly of Salem; one son, W. H. Clark of La Grande: a brother. Rollin Clark of Clackamas county, and a sister, Mrs. Martha Hal lett of Lewiston, Idaho. Awaiting the arrival of relatives, no arrangements have been made for the funeral. LA GRANDE, Or., June 30. (Spe rial.) Funeral services for George Morton, Pendleton florist, were held here this afternoon. Besides his widow he leaves to mourn his loss a brother, Charles Chandler, of this city. Another brother resides in Pendleton. SALEM, Or.. June 30. (Special.) Mrs. John Darby, for 23 years r. resi dent of Oregon, died at the home of her son-in-law. Sheriff Will Needham, here today. Mrs. Darby was born in New York. Besides her daughter, Mrs. "W. I. Needham, she is survived by two grandchildren. Robert and Winfield Needham, both residents of Marion county. ASTORIA. Or., June 30.r-(Special.) Stanley Cook, a logger employed at the H. B. & A. camp in the Grays River. Wash., district, died at the hos pltal here this morning as the result of injuries sustained in an accident 10 days ago. He was riding on the front of a locomotive on the com pany's railway when it collided with a car standing on the track. Cook was crushed against the car. The de ceased was about 22 years of age and bis parents reside at Grays River. FAMOUS RACING CAR PILOT FLIES FROM OAKLAND TO TACOMA SPEEDWAY. III. 3 I V V V, ' sit a - x V " -"M A irviiii iiTiirMiiiiriiii;;iiinifii(r----,-;v'vlffi.Ari-tfM -i '-"nv--vr'fl-w It. C. "Cliff" Durant, raringr car driver. nprd at city aviation field ycMterday. where lie landed on way from Oakland to Ta coma speedway. R. C. "Cliff" Durant, nationally known as a driver of racing cars, who has lately taken to the flying game, "dropped" in Port land yesterday for a short stay of 15 minutes' duration on his way to Tacoma, Wash., where he will pilot a speed-burner in the auto races to be held there July A. Driving a Standard airplane, Durant, accompanied by Lieutenant K. V. Pickup, hopped off at Oakland yesterday morning at 4:45 o'clock. Stops were made at Red Bluff, Medford and Eugene, the party arriving at the city aviation field at 4:45 yesterday afternoon, just 12 hours from the time the machine left Oakland. Durant con tinued on his way to Tacoma yesterday evening, leaving here at 5 o'clock. NELSON DUSTING UPHELD JUDGE RULES GOVERNOR ACTS WITHIN HIS RIGHTS. Member of State Tilot Commission Sues for Reinstatement; Row Traced to Alien Slacker. When Governor Olcott ousted Thomas Nelson, wealthy salmon packer of AiStoria, from his position on the state pilot commission last September on complaint of the Clatsop post of the American Legion con cerning the refusal of Nelson to dis charge an alien slacker from a post of responsibility in his employ, he acted entirely within his rights. Cir cuit Judge Tucker held yesterday as he sustained a demurrer to the suit of Nelson to compel reinstatement on the commission. Frank M. Sweet was appointed to succeed Nelson on September 22. Nel P"0RTY YEARS AGO almost every mother thought her child must have PAREGORIC or laudanum to make it sleep. These drugs will-produce sleep, and A FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produce the SLEEP FROM WHICH THERE IS NO WAKING. Many are the children who have been killed or whose health has been ruined for life by paregoric, laudanum and morphine, each of which is a narcotic product of opium. Druggists are prohibited from selling either of the narcotics named to children at all, or to anvbodv without labelling n them "poison." The definition of "narcotic" is : "A medicine which relieves pabh and produces sleep, hut which in poisonous doses produces stupor, coma, convul sions and death." The taste and smell of medicines containing opium are disguised, and sold under the names of "Drops," "Cordials," "Soothing Syrups," etc. You should not permit any medicine to be given to your children unless you or your physician know of what it is composed. CASTORIA DOES NOT CON TAIN NARCOTICS, if it bears the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher.. et Contents ISTluid Dranhij t rnnni.-3 PER CENT. S A'jit.i'hUPKnafation6rAs - J similatingUictooa cy nu-r ; 3 tinglfteStomachs aiidBowclsgu Cheerfulness ana KesuAw neither Opiam,Morphine nor. Mineral. Not KAhcotiv. Warn Satd ranied SanaT baittTjrrtn Fhtror A (sinful Remedy for -as Sua Constipation and Diarrhoea ii and Fcverishness ana 1, C ail- rirttinth2rcfrwnJnMan(y rac-Simae Sijnatarect 3 yEW tmt- Exact Copy of Wrapper. son brought the action in the circuit court on the ground that the gov ernor had no authority to discharge him without filing charges of in competency or dereliction of duty. Judge Tucker held that the law of 1915 repealed by implication previous sections of the act creating the pilot commission and vested the governor with authority to discharge a mem ber with whom he was displeased. A man named Huttula, alleged alien slacker, was the target of the Ameri can Legion post at Astoria at the time Nelson refused to discharge him and employ an American in his stead. Columbia Highway Closed. SALEM, Or., June 30. (Special.) Because of improvement work now in progress, the state highway depart ment, through Herbert Nunn, state highway engineer, today issued a statement advising tourists that the Columbia river highway between Cas cade Locks and The Dalles has been closed to travel between the hours of 7 A. M. and 12 noon and 1 and 5 P. M. There is no detour and tourists are advised so to arrange thair schedule as to conform with the order of the highway department. Don't Poison Baby. Children I t ft n, 1 ill 1 f 1 r 1 i I Of Course You Love Your Baby. You love it because of its very helplessness, because it can't tell : you what is the matter when it feels bad. It can only cry and look to you for help. But the more you love baby, the more you want to help baby, the more you ought to realize what a wonderful remedy Fletcher's Castoria is. It has been used for babies' ailments for over . thirty years. An experienced doctor discovered Fletcher's Castoria especially for babies' use. It is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, ' Drops and Soothing Syrups. Doctors who knowwhat is safe and best for babies have only good to say of it. Don't"neglect your baby. Get a bottle of Fletcher's Castoria and give baby a few doses of it. See how the little one smiles at you as if trying to thank you for helping it. Soon you will learn to aepend on Fletcher's Castoria, made just for Infants and Children, and of course you would not think of using anything for them that was not prepared especially for Infants and Children. So keep it in the house. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the TH OINTAUII COMMKV, NIW YORK CITTT. DAVIS MAY BE DROWNED SCORPION'S CREW ARE BEIXG TRACED IX CITY. No Word Has Been Received of Men Thought Lost on Foun dered Troller. William L. Davis, 849 East Ash street, Is believed by relatives to have been aboard the trolling launch Scorpion which was reported In dis- paicnes irom Astoria to have rouna ered off Crescent City, Cal., last Thursday. No word has been received here as to whether Davis was lost when the ship went down, although Howard Ensminger and Kd Metzger, of Port land, are reported to have been lost with that vessel. Davis is said to have been asso ciated with Ensminger in trolling off th- coast for a number of years. A letter received from him June 20 by his brother, Frank O. Davis, 825 East Ash street, told of his being with Kns-minger at Newport. Relatives here are making an effort to learn definitely whether the Portland boy was aboard the vessel when it foundered, but so far have been un successful. Davis, who served in France with tho Second field artillery, could be identified by a pair of wings tattooed on his left arm. He also wore an aluminum ring bearing a German cross with crossed swords,' a souve nir which he secured while in France. The boy's father, Lloyd Davis, lives at 849 Kast Ash street. His mother died not long ago. Mrs. Howard Ensminger, wife of the master of the vessel, reported to have gone down with his ship, lives at bl Kast Twenty-sixth street. WITNESSES DON'T AGREE Auto Accident Case Forces Jury to Cut "Gordian Knot." COTTAGE GROVE. Or.. June 30. (Special.) What Judge J. E. Young characterizes as the most peculiar case ever tried in his court was given to a jury Monday. E. J. Van Duzen, who is employed in Pass creek canyon. brought suit against Lester Powers for damages caused by a collision of the cars owned by the two. No wit ness for either side offered any testi mony that agreed in any particular with the testimony given by any wit ness on the other side. The jury decided that both drivers were equally jft fault and that it was proper for the parties to the action to divide the costs. The parties seemed entirely satisfied with the verdict. The jury was composed of William Landess, J. A. Wright, David Sterling, William Higgins, Anchor Alsted and C. E. Umphrey. SHORTAGE DECLARED REAL Report by Dealers Contradicted by Sales Manager. A gasoline shortage exists on the Pacific coast despite statements to the contrary made by members of the State Automobile Dealers' associa tion, according to J. E. Balsley, dis trict sales manager of the Standard Oil company. "I am analyzing the statement made by certain members of the automobile dealers published in The Oregonian Wednesday morning." said Mr. Balsley. ,"I do not intend to enter into any long-drawn-out controversy with the automobile dealer.s. but a gasoline shortage exists. The company I rep resent makes a profit on every gallon Cry Fop Signature of mm Ap I of gasoline sold and if we had the gasoline to dispose of. no one would have to beg us to sell it. It is a mat ter of business and business men are not turning away hundreds of thou sands of dollars that could be had with the same facilities now in use." TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. ARTISTIC NEW MODERN" BUNGALOWS. ROSE C1TT PARK, A LA 11 EDA. W"e are actinic as avents for one of Portland's best builders and have a num ber of bunjralowp. different Diana and elevations, to suit the most exacting; buy ers. Some completed. others under course of construction: inside finish can now be had to suit. Can accept as little as $.i00 down on some of them. Let us s,how you. J. A. WICKMAX CO.. 2Q4 Ry. Exch. Bids. Main 1094 and 5 S3. LAUREL HURST HOME BARGAIX. We have one of the slKhtliest homes In this addition 'or sale at a Drice that will surprise you: 4 rooms down, :l and sleeping porch up: Karase: full cement basement, wash trays, hdwd. floors. lire place, furnace. Dutch kitchen. You will like the attractive outside appearance, the homelike inside arrangement is ideal. Photo of this and hundreds of other good buys on display in our salesroom. .1. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bids. Main 1004 and SS3. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 4.00 TERMS. ' Modern 5-room. reception hall, fire place, hardwood floors, all bullt-ins, ce ment basement, house finished in old Ivory and papered in tapes-try paper. All improvements In and paid. OWNER, GEO. A. ROSS. 401 Gerlinper Bldx. Marshall 858. ROSE CITY PARK. VACANT: MOVE RIGHT IN. $4500 buys a double-constructed H rooms and sloeplnK porch home. Furnace, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays. Karaite: terms. Se our dispiay of " photos of the best buys. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. BldB. Maln 101)4 and 5S3 " KII.LINGSWORTH AVENUE SNAP. Near E. Sth: a laree. modern 5-room bungalow with cement basement, fur nace: only 4000: $100 rash. Hurry i( you want a real bargain. Immediate pos session. G. G. MeCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington St. Main 8220. BARGAIN. Owner leaving city, will .ell S-rnom cottage, all improvements in and paid for, located near Walnut Park. See owner after 6 P. M. or call 317-30 Auto- matic. GOOD H-room house on Cleveland ave.. full cement basement, all improvements paid; price 37.",u. Suu cash, bal. 25 per month: would take Rood car for first pavment. Apply 776 Williams ave. Woortlawn . WANTED A lady to cook, for about 12 men: waffes S.V room and board: close in. Call Skinner & White. 35 North 2d st. Broadway OWNER NEW ROSE CITY BUNGALOW bargain; MoOO down, balance 0 per cent. Tabor 7247. 6 ROOMS and bath, close in. J2150: J2."i0 cash. Mr. Kisher. Main 3429 FOR RENT 3-room fur. Tabor 7220. apt. S. S. car, $23, OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 15U courthouse. Phone Main 378 from S A. M. to 5 P. M. The society has full charge of the city Dound at its home. 535 Columbia bou levard. Phone any time, Woodlawn 64. Does for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses. etc., picked up free of charge. AMUSEMENTS. PANTAGES MATINEE DAILY. S:30 Alexander 1'anlafcew Prenrnt "THIO HABliKDASHliUV" A Farce With Mnslc With Lieutenant Harrington Reynolds and a metropolitan company, including; the tamous model girls. SIX OTHER BIG ACTS 3 Performances daily. Night curtain at 7 and 9. nisr Sew Bill Today Vaudeville Photoplay AMERICAN DESERT CABARET" Is Another Pretty Girl Revue "ALIAS MISS DODDS" A very unusual drama, vritk Edith Roberts Walmsley and Keating Sidesplitting Nonnenae. Henry J. Kelly Irian Entertainer and Mnjrer. The Bimboes Comedy KqulllbrlMts. Jimmy Rosen & Co. "Call Me I'apa." COM'IXIOUS PERFORMANCES Sntnrday Sunday Monday Kiddles' Hnlloon liay Saturday GLOBE Eleventh and Washinston Viola Dana IN Dangerous to Men EXTRAORDINARY SHOW ADELPHIA MUSICAL COMEDY CO. in OS THE YUKON. ShOTrs at 3 and f. M. AMUSEMENTS CONCESSIONS Every Afternoon and Kvenlnjr. Admission to Park Free to 5 P. M. Daily Except Sundays and Holi days. Cars First and Alder. - Get Up in the Air. OUNCIL m H ( CREST H VW- PARK H 1200 Feet Elevation. DANCING AND AMUSEMENTS. LET'S GO Broadway Dance Every week night with Fleming's 3 0-Pice Orchestra De Luxe Broadway at Main AMUSEMENTS'. 'BEGINS TONIGHT 8:15 TICKETS XOW SELLING I HEILIG Broadnar at Taylor Phone Main 1. 3 NIGHTS TONIGHT 8:15 niUINXIXG -SPECIAL, PRICE- MATINEE SATURDAY 2:15 " Cohan and Harris pre n :--.-VV,,:,l MRS. 1FISKE !,S America mot artrM I "Mis' Nelly of N' Orleans" Direction of llarrlnon Urey FIsske. EVE'S S2.50, ? 1 .."VO, l, SAT. MAT. 2. S1.3, 1. 75c, 50c. 3e, SOc TK'KKT OK KICK SAI.K OPENS TOMORROW I i HEILIG AVv,XT 7 "US:.,. NEXT SUNDAY RIR(,AI I'KICK MAT. KU. M'KCIAI, PRICK MAT. SAT. Fanchon and Marco MUSICAL REVUE 30 MOST UK A I TIKI is I.1KI.S IN WORI.U 30 On Illuminated KunnlT EVK'S.. 9- 5c. WHO. MAT'., 7Sc. ,VK'. 5 AT. MAT, l.r0. l. 91. r.oc. Ball Portland vs. Oakland June 29th to July 3d, 3 P. M. Sun day double header, 1:30 P. M. Mon day 10:30 A. M, 2:30 P. 31. ACCTION SAXES. . . . v. - nalar Anotinr. House. Tamhlll and Wut PatK streets, bale at m a. -h. MEETING NOTICES. v,--unH roi'xnr. no. 7411. SKCIK1TV BKNErIT ASSOCIATION, will picnic at Cedarvllle J'ark. Sunday, July 4. Take Batacada car, Ket off at park. Dancing afternoon and evening. Con cessions o all kinds, nov e'.tv races, ball games, re freshments, everything for your entertainment by the llvest buncn in the city of Portland. Hring your unch or,.i all riav. Dandy prizes: jazz uanii. this Bveryoue and tneir inviiua ad luvlted. Admission 10 cents. B. P. O. ELKS. NO. 14i Regular meeting this (Thursday) eevning. Elks temple. S o'clock. Initiation. Visiting Drothers welcome. M. R. SVALI.D1NO. Secretary. WASHINGTON LODGE No. 40. A. K. AND A. M An nual picnic Saturday. July 3. 10-J0. at Crystal Lake I'ark. Milnaukie. All members of 4, Including both E. A. and V. tnirether with families, are cor C degrees. dially invited to attend. 1 ra nspoi on special train leaving J--i. JV"'-,'" "n";,r Fa-t Water streets at 1 :." - M. s,narp. Take your lunch and container for cot toe this together with cream: sugar furnished by lodge Fine programme games and dancing The time of your life, don t miss it By order ot committee. J. H. RICHMOND. Secretary. D-VNCINfl In conjunction with Forest Grove three-day Fourth of July celebration, given by the Master Wardens and Past Masters' association on Saturday evening and Mon day. July ", afternoon and evening: benetlt of home. (Jood music. COMMITTEE. SLNNYS1DE LODGE. NO. is:: A. F. AND A. M. Spe cial communication t n i s l Thursday), 7 P. M.. 09th and Hawthorne. Work in M. M. degree. Visitors welme. By JAMES GAT, JR.. Sec. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 114. A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication this I Thurs day evening at S o'clock. Visiting brethren always wel come. By order W. M. FRED L. OLSON. Sec. HA RSION'V LODGE. NO. 12. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Thurs day) eve., at 7 o'clock. Work In the Fellow Craft degree. Visitors welcome. W. M. DE LIN". Sec. WAV E R LEY LODGE. V. D . A. F. AND A. M. Stated com munication this Thursday I evening, July 1. 8 P. M-. East tith and Clinton: visitors wel come. Bv order W'. M. H. E. VERRINDER. Sec. KENTON LODGE. NO. 143. A. F. AND A. M. Stared com munication today (Thursday). July 1. Work In E. A. degree. Visiting brethren welcome F. ROBINSON. Sec. GOLDEN RULE ENCAMP- ,OtWV MENT, NO. SH. I. O. O. F. IV Regular meeting this Unurs D rlnu I nva i. t i rt i- OPK. f.M.it 6th and Alder sts. Koyal pur--pie degree. Refreshments. All patriarchs Invited. A. J. MOL'LTON, C. P. S. A. STARR. Scribe. STAR LODGE REGULAR meeting to night. 7:30. Killings worth and Albina ave nues. Initiator v di?ree. Visitors cordially welcome, GEORGli C. OLBOX, X. G. C. E. WILSON. Secretary. CEI.EBRATR THE 4TH AT KOREST GROVE. BiK three-day celebration. .1. 4. ' Zt. One of the most beautiful natural groves in uregon, cooi snaae, running water, good campinK grounds, free auto park- inp. Airplanes, danciiifr pavilion, with t ino orchestra, band music, good speak ing. Sunday services 4Vith community sing. Monday the big day. Ever body invited. For information address O. Ii. cneney, OXEONTA TRIBE. XO. 2. l.MP'D r R. M. Regular council this evening at S o. eiocK at vv. -. w. nan. Kast Oth and East Alder streets. Ejection of repre sentatives to 10J0 great council. Members urged to attend. Visiting brothers wel come. UB. SMITH. C. of R. THE MACCABEES. PORTLAND TEXT XO. 1. Regular review every Thursday. 409 Alder street. All members urged to b present. V 11 ting sir knights welcome. GEO S. BAKER. R. K. OREGOX COMMANDERT, K. T. Cards and social Thursday. Julv 1st. C. F. WIEGAND, Recorder. NOTICE to all camp and boarding house culinary workers to be at meeting Friday. July M, at 1 P. M. at hall. -J4'2 Ankeny bt., room J6. C. & B. H. Culinary Workers' associai ion. NOTICE to all workers of culinary de partments, all camps and boarding hous?s". to be at meeting Fridav, Jui 'J, at 1 P. M., 242 Ankeny st. Signed. C. & B. H. CULINARY ASSOCIATION. MULTNOMAH CAMP. NO. 77. TV. O W . will inrtail their newly elected officers Friday riight. .Inly U. at 3 o'clock. Mem bers of W. O. W. only. J. O. WILSON. Clerk. EMBLEM Jcwe'ry. burtons, charms, pins, new designs. Jaeger Pron., 131-3 6th st. FRIEDLANPEK'S for lodse emblems. Ciaas p.ai nd medals, BiQ Washington s Portland : ashless Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. . ACCOUNTANTS. Jt'LlUS K. BLACK, public accountant, au ditor, accounting stems opened, main turned ; income tx service ; reierences. Concord bids.. I'u and tftark. Main 7443. ALTERATIONS. LAUlKa' tailoring, guar. I. Keubin, Perfect fitting ; work 40& Bush Ac Lane btcg. ASSAYfcRS AM) ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 14- Second Oold. silver and platinum bought. ALTO TOPS. AUTO TOPS. Work guaranteed, reasonable charges. Kast Side Auto Top. ICaj-t 77S9. -05 Grand ave.. corner ast Mad ison st. DON'T HESITATE. Auto upholstering, top. curtains, gen eral repair, painting. AlOXAKCH MOTOR CO.. 34i$ Vancouver ave., near East .Broadway. Phone Kast 4 i:ti. BATHS. UK. .MrJlAHO.VS eunitary baths. Always ready. Steam, showers, piunges. tubs. Necessaries furnished. Kubdowns and massage when desired. Service and prices cannwt be beat. S. V. cor. 4th and Wash. Tell your friends. CHIKOI'RACTIC steam baths and mas sage. Huh floor Broadway bldB. Mar shall 317. lr. Laura K. Downing. CAKI'ET WEAVING. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag ruga all sizes Mail- orders prompt. tend for Booklet. Oxl'J rugs steam or dry cleaned, $ 1.30. FLUFF RUG CO.. 4 Union Ave X. Kast ."16. B 147-". CARP KT CLKAMNO. CARPET CLKAMNO. F LU t F OR RAvi RIT.S. WOVEN ALL SIZES. WRITE OR CALL. PORTLAND RV; CO, WE WASH and dry your carpets without removing from the floor or damaging the naing; we ue the Hamilton-Beach carpet washer. Phone automatic Jlu-S0. (ll.l.lLOIIi 11 TTOXS. THE 1RWIX-HODSON COMPANY. tS7 Washington. Broadway A 1-" MIlKOrolMSTS. FEET HURT Come to Ir. Partner, foot specialist: corns. bunions. foot arches made to order, '.ill pwetlani building. 3th and Washington. Main loM. UK. O. O. FLETCHER, aseptic chiropo dist, graduate nurse assistant: all mal formations of the foot scientifically cor rected. Suite Z12 Morgan bldg. Main KTti- DR. II, LOUISE COX. chiropodist. 10 A.M. toil P. M. 4:iS Morgan bUig. Main 4tnts. 4 HlltOI'ODIST Midi SPECIALISTS. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florello De Venev. the only rclentific chiropodists and arch specialists in the city. Parlors ;,0-' C.er linger bldg., S. W. cor. lid and Alder. Phone Main 1:101. CHIROPRACTOR. DR. O. o. FLETCHER, aseptic chiropo dist, graduate nurse assistant: all mal formations of the foot scientifically cor rected. Suite .",12 Morgan bldg. Main M7C2 uOO.o, o KNOW McMahon. l00-0 Chlroprac tor. Throngs pronounce treatment best. CHIMNEY SWEEPS. BISHOP CHIMNEY SWEEP. Furnace smokes tnrough registers, needs repairing or cleaning? Tabor :lSS.t. COLLECTIONS. NETH i CO., Worcester hldf No collections, no charge. . Main Estab. 1 1000. DANClNti BERKELEY DANCING ACADEMY Pri vate lessons day. eve.: latest steps jazz shown. 1JU 4th st. Main S31S. Mrs. Sum mers MRS. BAYH. JOS Dekum bldg. Private lessons day and evening. Main 134.V DENTISTRY. nCWTKTRY rm. a. w. keexk, 3r.ii UtllllOini Washinston st. Without pain. Latest nerve-blocking method. I0; AMI CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITA1 41", East 7th. cor. Grant. Kast 1S47 and 'JlO-r.L'. Dogs and horses clipped. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND and Repaired Bought and Pold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. Tnone oJ7-7. HS'i 1st St. M. S71. H. M. II. KLEITRIC CO.. 54 N. First. Portland. Or. Re winding and electrical repair in? a fpecia Ity. New or used motors. Bdwy. 1040. A 104. FKKTIIJZKR. FKRTI LIZIi your land if you want bifi crops; read about "C M. Wonder' in our 1 1tU catalogue. Routledse Seed & Floral Co.. 14." I'd at.. I'ortland. Or. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS' AM) MILL SI "PI" LIES. THE M . L. KLINE CO., 84-Sti-S7-89 Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Hoard of Trade bldpr. HATS AM) CAPS. THANHAISKR HAT CO., Front st. PAI.NTS, OILS ANO GLASS. W. P. FL'liLKR & C., Front and Morrison. RASMfSSKN & C" , Second and Tnytor DIED. BALL Tn this city. June 30, 1920. at the (ioou JSamaritiin nospnai, Ball. BKed 7 years. 1 1 months and 8 'lays leceased is survived by a widow, Mrs " Mary C. Ball of 3l'H Sixth stre.-t. and four son. B. J. Ball. Yakima, Wash.; J V Ball, F. C. Hewitt, both of this rity and Henry C. Hewitt. Bar View, Wash. ; also two brothers, Oscar W . Ball, Faribault, Minn., and Daniel Ball, New' York : also a nephew, Harold S. Ball of this city; remains are at the parlors of the Skewes Undertaking com pany, corner Third and Clay streets, fu neral notice later. CA RDINELL At the residence. 4S8 Eiit -sth sr.. June -:). 1;-U. Charlei . Cardtnell. beloved husband or Neuie Cardinell. father of Charles and son of C B Cardinell of Manhattan Beach. California. Notice of funeral later. MITCHELL In this city. June John T. Mitchll. aced 50 years. Remains are at the funeral parlors of A. L. -n worthy & Co.. r..Sl-'-i4 Ninety-second street Southeast, in Lents. WILLI 4. MS In this city, June 2G. Henry Williams, ased .V) years. Remains are at the funeral pariors of A. D. Kenworthy & C, 5S01-04 Ninety-second street. , Southeast, in Lents. CLARK In this city, June J0. Edward Clark aned 43 yearf. Remains are at the funeral parlors of A. L. Kenworthy & Co., &802-04 Ninety -second street Southeast, in Lents. PAVL1CK In this city. June 30 Mrs. J. Pavllck. aged 4i years, wife of J. Pav lUk ot ll'A Killingsworth ave. The re mains are. at Finley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. T4.TLOR In this city. June 20. Charles 7. Taylor, aged 70 years. Remains are at The funeral parlors of A. I. Kenworthj & Co. r.S0-J-4 Jd st.. S. m Lents. Notice of funeral later. HNEBAL NOTICES. KAFMPFE The funeral services of the late Otto Kaempfe will be conducted tod'av (Thursday), at 0 A. M.. In the mortuary chapel of A. O. Kenworthy A: Co 5M):!-04 Ninety-second street, South east, in Lents. Interment Troutdaie cemetery. IsREBOT The funeral services of the lat John Srebot, aged 34 years, will be con ducted Thursday. July I. at I P. M.. in the mortuary ehapM of A. I. Kenworthy & Co.. 5SOJ-04 Ninety-second street. Southeast, in Lents. M ITCH ELL In this city. Juno "0. Mabel A Mitchell, aged l!G years, beloved wife of Warren Mitchell. Remains were for warded Wednesday. June :J. at 4 P. M.. to Kelso. Wash., where services will be held and interment take place. ANDREWS The funeral services of te late James P. Andrews will be held Fri day. July '2. at P. M., at the chape! of Miller & Tracey. Interment at Multno Ut h Park cemetery. K1RBY In this rity. June 30. Mrs. Mary j Kirby. axed l years, wife of C. J. Kirby. Remains will be fora:d-u to Junction City. orv today by ih Kricson Uadcr- I taking comuacy. Illl' Fl'EL. SHORT blocks and slaps mixed, $5.50 a load In H-load lots. Oregon Fuel Co.. -Wood lawn 410. FOR first growth fir cordwood 1'45. M. Heerdt Kuel Co. ca.il Kast ;LAS AND BLAZING. GLASS AND GLAZING orders promptly, taken care of. Keasor.able. Automatic ai(l--'7. IIKMST1TCHINO AND PLEATING. T. & U. HEMSTITCHING shop: superior work; prompt service. It tilS Oregon Kilers bldpr.. l'S7 WashinntM st. HOTEL SUPPLIES. ROACH powder, insecticides, cermicides. brooms, mops. etc. We contract and Ruarantee to rid your premises of ltd-' bucs. roaches, etc. Main G071. Coast Chemical Co. Ml SIC TEACHERS. . Carroll Day. piano, vocal lessons, prac tite piano. 1 h. day. $5 mo. Bihvy. OPTOMETRISTS AND OFTICI ANf - r , GLASSES AT A SAVING. !?SJF I solicit your patronaue on the V52 basis of capable service.. Thou r sands of satislied customers. A trial will convince jou. Charles W. Good man, optometrist. -ta Morri.-on. M. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TEST ed with modern instrument. (;issis fitted from VJ.iO Ul). HURW1TZ. optometrist. J3 1st st. GEOKGE KUBENSTEIN. the veteran oP ttcian, is an expert eve l itter. and lus charges ara very reasonable: satisiaction, guaranteed. 1'6 Muiri.-on st.. near -dL PAT EXT ATT ORN KYS. F TENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 40 years. All communi cations strictly confidential: prompt, ef ficient, conscientious service: handbook free on request. MLNN CO.. patent attorneys. San Francisco office, llobart bldg. Market St.; Chicago olllce. room Slu Tower bldg.: Washington ot- flce. room 10:;. t-" K st. : New t.ifice. Woolworth bldg Vori H C WRIGHT -2 years' experience V. S and foreign patents. ti"l L'ekum b'.dg. PHYSICIANS. DR R A. PHILLIPS.- Broadway bldg.. rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidnev. bladder, rectal, prostatic, temaia disorders, skin aflections. blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birth marks. n.V-MBINU SI I'lLlES. fLLMUINli SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALB itiits. Slark-Davia Co., 1-S 4th. M. PRINTING. DDIWTIWfiF. W. BALTKS & COMPANY, rnllll II1U 1st and Oak ?ta. M. 311-03. V. INTINO ANllKCOKATlNj. i'AlXTlXC UEluKATIXl'.. SKJNfi. KAL- SO MINING 13EST WORK. PAINTING, paperhansinu. John C Cnn litk. 133 l'-th st. N. Broadway -.'4 . roi i.TR v st rvi.iLs. EVERI'THIXH needed and used by prac tical poultry keeper.-.; i-ataloRue tree. Houtledlie Seed it r'loral Co.. J -d t-t. lortland. Tl HI.1C ISTKNOtiKAPHKR. FRANK A. GUTH Dictation day or nislU. 307 Hallway Kxc-h. bUlK. Main l.'J. , SCA I.I TKKATMKNT. KTC. ROM-l-l'A PARLOUS. Special scalp treatments, tjiampoolnn. manicurinB. 2N-4L"J -Medical buildins. Phone Main 71H'. SM OMI-IIAM' STORKS. LEVIN HARl'WAltK & FL' RMTCRtl CO.. I'-Jl KliONT ST. We buy and sell everithlnit In tna hardware and furniture line. Phona Mai n U7. TKAItK.MAKKS. ORBiiOX TRAPEMARK BLREAU. 1101 Oekum bldg. V. foreign trademark. TKANSFKR AM) .STOKAt.K. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH The Service AVIth a Reputation. MOVlNO-PACKli-STi UlAll K-BAOO AG K 13tn and Kearney. Branch c11.. JBdwy. PHONE BDWY. 3309' NORTHWESTERN TRANSFER CO. 64-r.il Front St. STORAUK ANT) HALI.TXG. DISTRIBUTION CARS OCR SFKC'IALTT. Phone Main 4 Hi. .MJ-ti-v ORKOON" TRANTER CO.. 474 Oiifan ft. corner ISth. Phone Broadway 11IM or llti!(. AVe own anil operate two large cla.-s "A" warehouf.ew on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates in the city. PACKING. MOVING. STORAllE. SKCURITV SSTollAtilS & TRANSFER CO.. 105 PARK ST. Main 31H5. A lllil. MANUFACTURERS IIIDK.S. WOOl, A M CASCARA BAKK. KAIIN BROTHERS. Front st. P 1,1' M IS 1 N li S I V r LI KS AM) PIPE. THE M . KLINE CO.. 84-S0-S7-Svt Front. PKODKE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EV KHI N1 FA RRELL. HO Front at. DOORS ANO ii I, ASS. W. P. FULLER CO.. Front anl Morrison. ROPE AM) HINDER TWINE. Port l:in-l ''onl:i C" o. 14th aivl N'nrthrup. FINERAL NOTICES. KKENAX In this city, June -0. A I v i Lincoln Keenan. aifed years and f '" days, beloved husband of Addie Jotc-1 phi ne Keenan of i h is city ; father o I.eKoy and William S. Keenan, cay. and Ethel Beckert, !San Francisco: broU-er ot H. I. Keenan and Mrs. .Maude S :ii-er ttf th is city. Funeral services v.; I Lu held from the First Evanriirul chut--:., E. ICih and loIar fts.. at - t'. Al. i-M-day. J ply -. (,'ohi intial r vices ;'.t the I'orliand crematorium. Kast S.oo F-..-nei a I directors in tl'.arge of arrange ments. Deceased was a mwiIjc; 'f Multnomah Camp. No. 77. W. O. W., ani Orient Lodge. I. -. O. F. WILEY In this city. June 30. at the fam ily residence, Fourteenth f?i.. I-IHa-bfth Wiley, aged 7o years, mot hi r -.f M rs. Bel Mn 'ain of Ne v Bruii.sv. ':, Can.; Robert Wiley. Ur. J. O. C. Wiley, lJr. J. P. WIiry, and grand moth or f " 1-:: izabeth WiU-y Uriggs of Pol Li. tad. Or. Private funeral services will be lit.d to- , day (Thursday) at lM:;;o o'cipfk A. M. at , Finley's, Montgomery at l'il'.h. Inter- j ment Tillamook. Or. M ASTON At Redondo. Cal.. June 27, Henry Young Maston. aaed 0 years, von of M rs. France V oung Mast en. of -i44 i K. 1 ."th st. N.. and b rot her of Kiuhu rd L. Maston of Los An'w. Fur.erai will be he id from Mr En tea A: Ei.ers parlors, Irtth. and Everett sis . Saturday, July ;;. 9 at 9 A. M . them:e to Hoiy Kosary ciiurch. E. 3d and Clackamas streets, at f :ol A. M. Friends inviicU. liiwxrrovnt r Alt. Caivary cemetery. PIEL.E At tee ' tli-od Samaritan hospital. June -S, August Pirl. ae-e i. yea,.!:, be loved husband of Mrs. Anna Plele and father of Esther, Theodore sind Roae 'icle, of this city. Fuacral services wjj be held Thursday, - P. M ., at th Ken ton Presby tenan cliurcn, under tLe ugn piccs of Peninsula Locge. No. 1'JS. 2. U. i.. F. Friends iuv'itd. 1 ni cm: cut l:o Citv cemetery. Arrange merits iii csre ot Wiison c Wilson, Piedmont undertaLer. SCHWEITZER Tn this city. June 1:0. Peter Sch weitzer, aged ."7 years, beloved husiiand of Lizzie Schweitzer, faint r of d w a r d . Frieda and Irene S c a v: e i : t e r. Friends invitrd to attend the funeral services at Ho! man's funeral parlors, 'I'hird and Salmon streets, at 1 :oti P. iL tomorrow (Friday), July "J. 1G-U. Ic.tiX men t Mount Scott ccmctcr. PENDLETON In this city. June CI. Sara Pend let on. ajrud 7 ye rs. belo ed sister of Mrs. M. ii. Bozort li nd niece of .Mrs. M. Wolf of Portland, or. Friends invited to attend the funt-M.i st-rvict's at Holman's funerai parlors. Third and Salmon st reels, at P. M. tomorrow (Friday), .lu'y J, lyy. Intcrincat K;ver- t view cemetery. ANDriKWP In this city. Andrew An- drews. agcti f.ii years, beloved, bmrrivf of Marie Andrews of thi city. Funeral se'ices will he held Frhiav. .IuA wi. at . Hi"v. M. at the Fiee Methodist churcb, liast 5."th and Flanders sire cts. Inter ment at Multnomah Pa rk cerr.ft'Ty, A r rangements in care of Miller 4 Truccy. DOYLE In this city. June 1'7, John Doy . aged ii years. Funeral services w iK he.l heid a; the mw residential fanerii! par lors of Dunning & McKnl-e. Mcrriior. ii Twrlth streets. Thuiiay. July i . at 1m:,;o A. M Friends Invited to attend"' I utermr nt Ros City crmto;T EL N P.P. VL CARS. LiMOUSlNKS Tor funeiai services JONiXi AUTO LlVLKV. AlAiiilALL Hi.