THE MORNING OREGOMAX, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1920 r Oil I IlLllO 111 Dnll-l City Editor Main 7070. A 8095 Sunday Kdltor Main 700, A. BOUS Advertising Department .. Main .0.0 A 60J5 Superintendent of Hide. ..Main 70.0, A oOJa AMCSEMENTS. ORPHEUM (Broadway at Taylor) Vaude ville. Thli afternoon. LYRIC (Fourth and Stark) Muilcal com edy. In "SIOO.OOO." Tnree ahowa dally ' -. 7 and !). H1PPODHOMB (Broadway at TamhUl) Vaudeville and moving pictures, 1 to . :43 to 11 P. M. Saturdays, Sundays ana holidays continuous. 1:15 to 11 P. M. PANTAUES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude ville. Three shows dally. - U :ui. COUNCIL, CREST Free amusement park. Take "CC" cars, Morrison or Washing ton streets. THE OAKS Amusement park. Free ad mission until S P. M., except Sundays and holidays. Take cars at First and Alder. COLUMBIA BEACH Amusements and swimming.- Take Vancouver cars on Washington, between Fifth and Broadway. Nw Code Up to Council An electrical code, revised to conform with the requirements promulgated by the United States bureau of stan dards and conforming with the na tional electrical code will be pre sented to the city council this morn Ins for final approval. - Portland's electrical code has not been revised for more than two years. The draft which has been prepared for adoption is said to have the Indorsement of the Electrical Manufacturers' associa tion, the Electrical Contractors' asso ciation and the union of electrical workers. 1 Driver Asleep at Wheel. Three automobiles, were wrecked as the result of a series of collisions on the ORPHEUM CLOSES TODAYl NEW SEASOX WILL BE USH ERED IX AUGUST 29. Interesting 'Bill of Vaudeville to Grace Boards at Fare well Show. The Orpheum season will close with the afternoon performance today and Hawthorne bridge late yesterday PrtJan.!, wUI. .be without bis-"me ORKGOMAN AT RESORTS. Subscribe with the following agents, at your summer resort, to secure the most prompt delivery of The Oregoniair. City rates. Subscription by mall are payablo In advance: . Barvlew, Or W. A. Stpprell Bay City. Or O. E. Khelley Bayocean. Or F. D. Mitchell Brighton. Or A. W. Rom Carson. Wash C. B Smith Kcoli, or... Cannon ueacn .vercnanuisc . . Garibaldi, Or 1). C. Ellis J. L. Kidder Cearhart. Or W. 8. Robinson Long Beach. Wash V. K. Sthauha Manzanita. Or E. Kardell Nahcotta. Wash H. J. Brown Ncahkahnle Beach. Or A. C. Anderson Nehalem. Or D. C. Pcrelay Newport. Or O. F. Herron Ocean Lake. Or Nettie Tomprett Ocean Park. Wash Emma S. Campbell Pacific Beach. Wash Burl Christie Pacific City. Or D. F. Edmunds Rockaway. Or Frank Millet Rcaslde. Or C. W. Alward Ehtpherd's Hot Springs. Wash Mrs. N. St. Martin Feavlcw. Wash George N. Putnam Tillamook. Or J- S. Lamar Wheeler. Or R. H. Cody and Leo bonier when Ray Wilkinson, driver of one of the cars, dropped asleep at the wheel. Wilkinson's machine, which was going east, collided with a car driven by Mrs. Felix Bloch, 714 Love- Joy street, causing her machine to swerve and collide in turn with a machine driven by W. W. Savage, 1255 Division street. All three cars were damaged. Patrolman Elliott, who made an investigation, said that Wilkinson had dropped asleep. Loggers Discharged in Coort. Walter Peterson and E. Chaput, log gers, who were arrested early yester day morning on complaint made by L. vaudeville until Sunday. August 29, when the new season will be opened' at the Heilig under the same sched ule of three nights and four matinees which has prevailed for the past three years. For the closing show today special music will be played by the Orpheum orchestra and all acts' of the farewell show will do extra bfts in saying adieu to Portland. "Kiss Me," . a musical farce with a dozen girls, including a vampire chorus, is the headline attraction of the Orpheum's last show. This act has much tuneful music and a com edy theme, and the girls make sev eral changes of costume. The stage Way. chief mate oi tne river eamer ,:. f thi. t i. .i.hnni. Th Game Cock, who charged them with Utars are Dorothea Sadller. the lead- cutting a hole in a partition of the jn vampire: Isabelle Winlock and steamer with an ax, were discharged Harry Meyer. yesterday by Municipal Judge Ross- other big-type acts are Bueh broth man, who declared there was not ers comedians, who close the show enough evidence to implicate them. Evidence was brought out that there was bad blood existing between the mate nd the two loggers. If You are interested in pure food for the nourishment of you and yours, you owe it to yourself to Duy tnai with hilarious laughter, and Merle Downey and Charlotte Whiting, "Just Kids," who sing, dance and patter through a make-believe quarrel of newlyweds. A big novelty of the Orpheum's farewell show is Resista, a 95-pound Estate of $15,000 Lbkt. An estate valued at approximately $15,000 was left by the late Mrs. Rachel Bales, who died in Portland June 17. ac cording to the petition for probate of will filed in the circuit court yes terday. The will provides that prop erty in Newport is to be sold as soon as convenient and the money used to give musical educations to her grandchildren. Mrs. Bales left a widower. O. J. Bales of Beaverton; Mrs. Gertrude F. Smith, daughter. Wmco; William Bales, son, residence unknown, and Marie E. Goshorn, daughter, Beaverton. Recovery ok $2259.30 Sought. Suit to recover $2259.30 alleged to have been given Robert B. La Salle, Port land police inspector, William . Bren ner, Angello H. Rossi and Fred Peter son by George R. Randolph of San Frapcisco, former Portland resident, has been filed in the circuit court. Ac cording to Robert Rankin, attorney for Randolph, the money was given the defendants for the purchase, of war savings stamps never received by the plaintiff because of their con fiscation by the government when identified as stolen from the Scio bank in a robbery early thioi year. Marines Are Sentenced. Alfred Llnd, 18, and Henry Hartman, 26, marines who are said to be absent from Bremerton station, appeared In municipal court on charges of larceny yesterday following their arrest Sun day by Inspector Ackerman. Hart man was sent to jail for four months and Lind for 60 days. The two were arrested by Inspector Ackerman after they are said to have stolen a re volver, a hand bag and sweater from the house of Henry Barger, route 1, Portland, where they were visiting. Barger preferred charges against them. Huntington Clan Formed. The Huntington families of the northwest have formed an association for mutual acquaintance known as the Hunting ton club. At 11 A. M., Friday, July 2 they will gather at Laurelhurst park for a basket picnic. All persons bear ing the Huntington name or descend ants of Huntington ancestors and their families will be welcome and It is hoped that there will be a large gathering. Cuban Arrested on Train. Albert Rodriguez, Cuban, 31, was arrested on the train that arrived from Taco ma yesterday morning by Inspectors Kill and Cahlll and is being held for the Tacoma authorities on a charge of larceny. Rodriguez is said to have robbed a barber shop belonging to E. Rou&h in Tacoma, taking a large quantity of barber's tools and sup plies. Train Strikes Deaf Man. Charle Fiedler, 1563 Macadam, received bruises yesterday morning as a result of being struck by a Southern Pa ciflo electric train south of the Third and Miles-street station. The man was taken, to Good Samaritan hos pital where his injuries were reported 'to be not of a serious character. Mr, Fiedler is deaf and for that reason failed to hear the train signal. - Woman Reports Robbert. Mar Jorie Pike, 191 Fourteenth street, re ported to the police yesterday that her apartment had been entered by burglars who took a quantity of money and' jewelry. The loot she said included a $5 bill and some small change. The burglars gained en trance as a result of the front door being left unlocked. Parents of Judge Here on Visit. Mr. and Mrs. George , Rossman of Tacoma, parents of Municipal Judge Rossman, are visiting in the city with their son. Judge Rossman took them on an automobile ride over the Co lumbia river highway yesterday after noon following the close of the municipal court session for the'day. Fourth of Jult Picnic. Sunday, by American Legion, Crystal Lake park, Milwaukie; dancing afternoon and evening, swell music, athletic events and games with prizes, also baseball game. Lunches and refreshments served. Everybody welcome. Starts 10 o clock. Adv. Alleged Moonshiner Held. Fred Zintz was held to the federal grand Jury yesterday as an alleged moon shiner, following his arrest by prohi bitlon agents who reported discovery of an illicit still in operation at his home. He is held under bonds of j00 pending an Investigation. Mr. and Mrs. B u r o l a r spent a I profitable night, according to reports' at'police headquarters. Our burglary and hold-up policy will protect you against such losses. Phone W. R. Mc Donald & Co., Mar. 2391, Yeon bldg. Adv. Ex-Members of Battert Notified. Former members of battery A are requested to be present, in uniform if possible, at the Armory at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon to attend the funeral services for Arthur A. Atwood, who died last Sunday night. Pyorrhea, Decay, soft Teeth. Do you know the wonderful system by which the principles of prevention are given to each patient while dental work js being done? Dr. C. (See) r Smith Long, Bush & Lane bldg. Adv. For Expert Dressmaking, Remodel ing Relining. Cleaning, pressing dyeing. See the Cabinet Cleaners and Dyers, 424 Morrison, near 11th. Main 1825. We call and deliver. Adv. Oriental Rugs stored, rep'red, wash cleaned. Cartozlan Bros. Inc., oriental rugs and carpets. Wash, near 10th Adv. The annual meeting of the Sons and Daughters of Oregon Pioneers Wednesday, June 30, library hall. Adv. Do You Need artificial teeth? Try Dr. E. C. Rossman.' plate specialist. 107 Journal bldg. Adv. Kemmerer Coal. Carbon Coal Co., mine agents. East 1188, Aciv, In the audience to lift her. She per mits volunteers to lift her in the first attempt, but after that no one yet has been able to raise her from the floor. WHISKY PROVES POISON STt'FF MADE BY MOOJSHIXER HIGHLY DANGEROUS. fond where evervthlne is fresh: where eirl. whr riefipM nnvnna In lift her. everything is clean and of the high- I Resista walks down the center aisle est quality, and where everything is I of the theater and invites anyone priced lower than you can buy it else where: Roast veal, 15c lb. Veal chops. 23c lb. Fancy lamb roast, 20c lb. Young pig pork roast, 25c lb. Sugar-cured picnics. 24-c lb. Sugar-cured cottages. 36c lb. Fresh hamburger, 12 c lb. Fresh sausage meat, 12 c lb. Boiling beef, 8c lb. . Choice steer pot roast, 15c lb. Frankfurters, 20c lb. Breast of veal, 15c lb. Home-made compound, 17c lb. No. 5 shortening, $1.15 pail. x No. 5 pure lard, $1.25 pall. Complete line of cooked meats for warm weather lunches. We have the hoicest quality meats. Come and be convinced. The largest and most sani- ary market In the city. Pacific Market, Fourth and Yamhill. Adv. 'Pussyfoot Johnson Here July 11 William Eugene "Pussyfoot" John son, noted anti-saloon lecturer, will give a series of three lectures in Portland, July 11. The first meeting will be at the First Congregational church, at 11 A. M.: the second at the city auditorium at 3 P. M. and the third will be given in the evening at the Central Presbyterian church. East Twelfth and Pine streets, at 8 P. M. Auto Hits Freight Car. Dr. H. C. S. A H. Greet) IBATHING SLJITtS AND 1 mm. m a. UifI n ft r ALL SUMMER TOGS Man and Wife of Prineville Will Be Brought to City Under Federal Indictment. Swimmers! There's perfection of fit- in one of our novelty striped Pfisster or Gantner & Mattern BATHING SUITS FOR MEN, WOMEN AND BOYS Were $2.50 to $10 NOW $2 to $8 Wool, wool worsteds, fiber silk, and mixtures. Quiet or loud effects. 20 Cut on Everything Sold in the Store Exclusive Knpiwn hrlmrr House In Portland. MORRISON AT FOURTH. Enough poison moonshine whisky to kill more than a score of persons,. If they should drink it, was brought to the federal building yesterday and placed in charge of Assistant United States Attorney Realties, who will handle the prosecution against R. E. Jones and wife of Prineville, alleged manufacturers of the stuff. The whisky. accordiner to Mr. Heames, 'was manufactured in a tin syrup can. and a chemical analysis Johnson of the city health bureau I shows it to bet highly poisonous. One received an injured hand and nis man, who drank a small Dortion of it automobile was badly damaged when I Is said to-have been partially blinded. ne collided with a treignt car on ifiast while a prohibition agent who took water street, between Stark and a sma.l sip was rendered unconscious Washington streets Monday night. The entire frame of the automobile was wrenched and the engine driven back into the chassis. for an entire day. Jones and his wife are now under arrest at Prineville. They are both under federal indictment and will be Moonshiner Pleads Guiltt. Chris brought to Portland for trial as soon Kochltn, moonshiner, pleaded guilty as the trial date has been set. In In federal court yesterday to a viola- 1 addition to the tin still and a gallon tlon of the federal prohibition law I of the liquor, federal authorities have ajid was fined $200 by Judge Bean, a large quantity of mash, to be used Kochlln admitted having operated a I as evidence against the couple, .small still at his home in this city. nts. IblAIVIr Intrl rnUtit tNUS Health Assets in Business. Prob ably no treatment in i the world will Grand Jurv will Report Findings bring the tlred-out, chronlcally-aillng . of Investigation Today business man back to efficiency and health so quickly as the Milk and Rest Cure. The Moore Sanitarium, East 47, office 908 Selling building, Main 6101. Adv. Ex-Service Men. Grand picnic by American Legion, Sunday, July 4, Crystal lake park, Milwaukie. Starts 10 o'clock. Dancing, athletics and games. Lunches and refreshments served. Everybody welcome big time. Adv. Intense interest is being manifested in official circles in the promised re port today of the federal grand jury relative to the investigation of the so-called ring connected with the theft and sale of war savings stamps valued at thousands of dollars, Ever since the grand jury took up the probe more than a month ago ru mors have been circulated in official Government Mineral Springs Hotel I olrcles concerning the scope and im- pui itmuB ul ine investigation. it is said to be certain that a number of indictments involving the principals and agents of .this alleged ring will be reported out when the jurors sub mit their final report today. It was reported Monday that the indictments would be returned yester- especially I day but at the federal building during I the afternoon It was eaid that the in dictments will not be ready until this morning.' Two of the alleged brokers who en gineered the sale of many of the stamps are now at liberty under bonds awaiting the final report of the grand jury.. and baths, 15 miles from Carson Wash., elevation 1400 ft. Splendid accommodations, excellent fishing, an ideal resort to spend the 4th. Tariff $4 per day. Adv. The healing meetings of Rev. John G. Lake are being continued each day and evening at Chri.stensen's hall. All are invited to attend, those who are ill. Adv. COLLEGE RAISES $15, BUILDINGS TO BE ERECTED OX MOXTEITH CAMPUS. FUR PEDDLERS ARRESTED Go Before Oregon Duo Said to Have Represented Themselves-'as Seafarers. Trustees Will Synod and Ask. Indorsement of $300,000 Campaign. The successful completion of the campaign for $15,000 additional cur rent expense fund for Albany col lege for next year was announced by President A. M. Williams at an in formal meeting of the trustees of the college in this city Monday. Of this amount $10,000 was raised among friends of the college in Oregon and $5000 was allowed from the general board of education in New York city. The secretary of this, board is Rev. Edgar P. Hill, former pastor of the First Presbyterian church in Portland. Dr. Williams returned recently from the east, where he was in conference with educational leaders and secured their promise for assistance in the new campaign lor Duiiaings on raon telth campus at Albany. The trustees of the college will ask the Oregon synod to indorse their campaign for $300,000 at the meeting to be held in Eugene, July 13 to 21. . Portland trustees of the college are Fletcher Linn, J. E. Wheeler, F. I. Fuller and Dr. S. W.' Seeman. ,D. A. Pattulo and L. G. McGaw have been nominated for ' membership - on the board. Charles McMillan, 26, and John McMillan, 40, who are said to have represented themselves to be seafar ing men from a British ship while peddling furs about the city vthich they told prospective customers were smuggled and for that reason could L HTHl.i ,n Victor G. Hastings slnsins: at MAIR'S HALL Tuesdays and Saturdays, Wlllami ave. and Russell st. ir-TO-DATB DANCING. UUOD MUSIC. " Ladies 2o cents. Gents 50 cents. H. P. Chambers, Manager. be sold for a very low price, were ar rested yesterday by Patrolman Tay- or at Sixth and Flanders street and following an investigation, were charged with peddling without a license. According to Inspector Ackerman, who made an investigation of the due, they had a quantity of cheap furs purchased somewhere in the east. WOMAN AUTOIST CLEARED Little Girl, Injured in Accident, Is Blamed. As the result of an investigation made yesterday Investigator Freiberg of the traffic bureau announced that Mrs. Ruth E. Simmons, Portland school feacher, could not be held re sponsible for the accident in which Helen Doklas. eeven-year-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Doklas, East Broadway and Vancouver avenue, was struck by the automobile of Mrs. Sim mons at Broadway and Williams ave nue Monday night. The little girl suffered a fractured leg. She was reported to have run di rectly in front of the car, making It impossible for Mrs. Simmons to avoid the accident. The injured girl is being treated at Emanuel hospital. Mrs. Simmons Uvea at 726 Oswego street. Stronger Than is Usually Thought Necessary 11 to The powerful and enduring body of Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes is far thicker than that of ordinary tubes in some cases as much as twenty per cent. It is made of rubber so pure that it floats and instead of being made from a single heavy sheet, it is' laboriously built up of many thin sheets welded inseparably together. This remarkable construction prevents poros ity and imperfections, and its cross-grain tex ture protects the tube against ripping. In every detail and feature Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes are stronger than is usually thought necessary even their valve-patches are vulcanized in, instead of being stuck on. Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes are packed in sturdy waterproof bags, and are relatively as superior to ordinary tubes as Goodyear Cord Tires are to ordinary tires. Their initial cost is no more than the price you are asked for tubes of less merit why risk cosdy casings when such sure protection is available ; roiKiir: SCOODYEAK tS 3S DE LUXE DIXIE CAKES. Quality unexcelled. Ask your gro cer. Served at hotels, restaurants and soda fountains. Portland, Salem, As toria, Aberdeen. Phone E. 755. Haynes Foster Baking Co. -Adv. - Chautauqua Opens at Washougal. WASHOUGAL. Wash., June 29. (Special.) The Radcliffe Chautauqua association of wasnington, u. u., De gan a three-day Chautauqua meeting Rubin Motor : Car Co. Broadway at Hoyt Phone Broadway 89 GOODYEAR TIRES v -SERVICE ACCESSORIES Washington Park Auto Co., Inc. 23d, S.W. Cor. Wash. Main 7305 GOODYEAR TIRES AUTO ACCESSORIES . SERVICE King Automotive Equipment Co. 130 North Broadway -Opp. New Postof fice Phone Broadway 9 GOODYEAR TIRES SERVICE Auto sundrdzs LENTS GARAGE 8919 Foster Road Tabor 3429 ; GOODYEAR TIRES ARE BEST We give you fine service. here today. A tent has been pitched land a crowd is expected at every in the park in the center of the city I entertainment. ' Pictures on Land and Pictures at Sea! YouH be taking many a picture on your summer jaunts and jour neys, and youll be the better pleased if all your pictures are good ones. Insure this by using our fresh, films, afterwards sending them to us to develop and print for you. We serve you promptly. SHOE MEN' HURL CHARGES Answer to Injunction Suit St j Feb Business as "Unfair, Deceptive." The use of the -words "sample shoe store" by a retail merchant In ad vertising his business ts regarded by persons engaged In the shoe busi-1 ness as unfair, deceptive and mislead ing, Paul Tieburg and Charles M. Tleburg, shoe merchants, doing busi ness under the name of "Tieburg s Shoe Service," at Fourth and Alder streets, replied in the circuit court yesterday to an injunction suit of George L. Greenfield, proprietor of "Wright's Sample Shoe- Shop." Mr. Greenfield seeks to prevent the Tieburgs from using the name "Wright" in their display placards at Fourth ind Alder streets, as the Tieburgs occupy a location used by the "Wright's Sample Shoe Shop" for five years. In reply, the Tieburgs as sert that they have handled the E. T. Wright shoes for many years, that they have been in business f or . 30 years and have shops in San Fran cisco, Oakland and Fresno, Cal., and two in Portland. Columbian Optical Co. 145 Sixth Street, Bet. Alder and Morrison CHILDREN FREE! THESE ARE COLUMBIA BEACH SPECIAL SALE 2 Carloads of Of fice Furniture AT WHOLESALE PRICES Roll arid Flat-Top Desks, Chairs, Tables and Rugs ALSO ALL WOOD AND STEEL FILING EQUIPMENT All Standard Lines . Nothing Reserved P. G. WAX OFFICE EQUIPMENT HOUSE 31 North Fifth, Bet. Burnside and Couch Sts. ' Broadway 2739 Music-Education School An elementary school for boys and girls. Eighth year opens Wednesday, September 15. 1920. at 10 o'clock. Individual instruction and out-of-door work are among the primary features of the school. Subjects taugh: Knglish, Latin, French. Mathematics, History, Geography, Art, Music. Dancing, Carpentry. Sewing, Garden Work. A special feature of the curric ulum this year will be the study of the physical sciences with weekly excursions. MRS. CALVIN H. CADV, Principal, 714 Da via Street. - Registration hours: . After Sept. 1 from 10 to 2 each day. Spend your vacation in SAN FRANCISCO AT THE HOTEL WART On Geary St., jnst off Union Square, close to everything worth while. Good accommodations at moderate rates. Breakfast, 60c, 60c, 75c, Lunch 70c (Sundays 75c). Dinner fl.25 (Sundays SI. 60).. Municipal car passes the door. Stewart Motor Bus meet principal trains and steamers. It is advisable to make reservations in advance of arrival. Ill Printers Bookbinders Desks Filing Cabinets GLASS & PRUDHOMME COMPANY 65-67 Broadway, Portland. DAYS w Special Fourth of July celebration next Sunday, and I lireworks Monday night, July 5. Take Vancouver Car DE LUXE DIXIE CAKES Quality Unexcelled ASK YOUR GRbCER Served at Hotels, Restaurants arfd Soda Fountains. . PORTLAND rSALEM ASTORIA ABERDEEN Phone E. 755- Haynes-Foster Baking Co. Beautify the Complesion tN TEN DATS Nadinok CREAM TLa TJaequM BeaatiEc UJ and EnJnt By ThtxisanJm Guaranteed to remova tan, freckles, pimples. liver-spots, etc. Ex treme cases 20 days. Rids pores and tissues of impurities. Leaves the skin clear, soft, healthy. At leading toilet counters. If they haven't it, by mail, two sizes, 60c. and 51.20. VATtOfTAL TOILET CO.. PrU. Tcwn. Hold by gkidmor Drug- Co.. ud othM toilet counters. Estab. 20 Years in Portland C. Gee Wo Root and Herb Remedies 162J4 First SU Portland, Or. Phone Your Want Ads to . THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 A 6095 DUAIU FOR BETTER WALLS AND CEILINGS RASMUSSEN & CO. N. E. Cor. 2d and Taylor St a. I" .V : - r r t: i K"