10 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30s 1920 .- - ' ! i - 4 ,. j t j -i : j -' - - s .i i - t. i ' " Jt REAL ESTATK. For Kale Hou?. TO SETTLE AN ESTATE. NO. 1. I3C50 jroo down and $25 per month. 7-room modern home on E. Han dera Ktreet. Juit west of Laurel tauritt; full lot. paved street, liens paid in full: white enamel plumb ing, electric lights and (fa.; very attractive home. "Wonderful bar gain. Payments leas than rent. NO. 2. $3150 $500 down and $25 per month. 0-room attractive modern home; white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas. On E. 14th street, near Ankeny. This is WALKING INSTANCE. Why pay 8-cent car fare? This price del lea competi tion. NO. S. $3G50 $300 down and $25 per month. On a corner lot on E. Ankeny, west of 15th. is this 11-room home, with white enamel plumb ing, electric lights and gas; paved street, liens paid; no mortgage to assume. You can rent enough rooms to make the monthly pay ments, which are only $25 per month. You will never get an other opportunity like this. If you. wish to investigate any of the above properties we will have one of our machines call for you at once or at your convenience. See t'KANK L. AlcGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Ablngton bldg. Main 100S. office Open Evenings and Sundays. NOB BTLI $13,000. IS 000 Cash Required to Handle. 10-room English style home, hard wood floors, fireplace, splendid furnace, all built-in conveniences, sleeping porch, 3 bedrooms besides Diald'i quarters; 60x100 lot, ga rage. This home ia one of the best built houses In the district. Must be sold at once. Owner sac rificing. Shown by appointment only. No agents. For informa tion, call Tabor 3080. iEAUTIFUL Irvlngton home, splendid corner, 100x100, every modern conve nience; hot-water heating system, double garage, exceptionally fine basement and laundry with extra large new Thor wash ing machine and mangle; extra large living room, dining room, music room and library; elegant new carpet all over lower floor and stairs; splendid kitchen 'With new $200 combination wood and aa ranttre. Second floor 5 or 6 bed rooms, two tiled bathrooms, sleeping norch. Third floor completely finished t rench glass doors, hot and cold water, heat: am leavinn city: easy terms If taken a to nee. Phone East 4143 or Sell- wood 2366. HIGH CLASS, STRICTLY MODERN" 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. CHOICE CORN EH GROUNDS. Paved rtreexa .Desirable, close-in location close to beautiful Laurelhurst Park; convenient to best car service : 10 min ute to west side by Sunnyside car. Unique and attractive home; large. light rooms, especially designed tor nall family: floored rustic norch. fire place, furnace, floored attic; beautiful Jivlnff room finished in rich old Ivory; if you want bargain In something choice don't delay. Owner. Tabor 5160 or Broadway 421. No agents. NO. 507 $3 SCO and $1350 payment with easy payments on balance; this is a 6- roora bungalow finished In old ivory. has Dutch kitchen, living room, dining room, two bedrooms, floored attic, base- ment ana laundry trays, on paved street, H block from car line; this price In cludes a wood range so you will be ready to commence dinner without" set ting up a stove: one of our salesmen will be glad to show you this nice little home. PACIFIC AGENCY. 514-20 Swetland Bid. ROSE CITY PARK. UN USUALLY ATTRACTIVE1. $5800. You'll have to see- this nifty modern- to-tne-minute bunealow to appreciate al Its attractive features; five large rooms besides large glass breakfast room; hard wood Uoora and garage, of course. Your search Is ended when you see this classy home; improvements all in. Phone ap pointment at once; $3000 cash will han- G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington t. Main 8220. HAWTHORNE. No. 506. Fine little 6-room house on 63d st., near division, large, light, airy rooms, iuu concrete uaaement. laun dry trays, plpelesa furnace, 3 blocks irom car line and 3 blocks from Frank lin hiph school; $2500 will handle it price 55700. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. . 514-20 Swetland Bids. IRVINGTON. $5860. Here's a home for you! Dandy Iocs tlon. 6-room bungalow, 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch. A pleasure to show you xnis oeautiiui nome; every convenience nice lawn and flowers. Phone for ap pointment. Realty Dept., LAWYERS TITLE & TRUST CO., 2S5 Stark st. Marshall 1898. VACANT $300 CASH $2650. Neat Sunnyside cottage, 6 large rms., elegant plumbing, full bast., elect, and gas; paved its,; fract. lot; no debt. Main 4503. GO LOOK! 172 E. 35TH. N E A R BE LMONT G. C. GOLDEN BERG Abington "bldg. "35 Yrs. in Portland. FIVE-ROOM VIEW BUNGALOW. The most exclusive, well-made, mod ern five-room bungalow in Portland ; located one block from Mt. Tabor car. on corner lot with a wonderful view of Mt. Hood. For quick cash sale will sacrifice for $5500; will sell furnished or unfurnished and give possession at once. See owner, G. A. Sarles, 733 isortnwestern Bank bldg. FINE. SMALL BUNGALOW. $350a A swell 4-room bungalow near Kenton district, modern in every particular. oeauuiui grounds, ivuxioo, Tine shrub bery, trees, berries, etc.; garage, sleep ing porch; block to car lino; soma terms. AlETZGEtR. PARKER, FB7RGDSON CO., uax street, isroaa way oooo. ALBERTA No. 6WSw $1200 down for this 5-room bungalow on Sumner st., two blocks from car line; lots of cupboards and closets, good floored, attic, basement. lots oi cherries, berries, roses and, gar- ueu, price j.t.w j fALIKIU AuEC, INC- 614-20 Swetland Bldg. , A2R50 FOR QUICK SALE. TERMS. ! Rose City Park bargain, nlftv modem 6-room bungalow, s-pick and span. Ivory j 1 Timsn, narowoou iioors, complete -plumb-I log. electricity, gas. fine Dutch kitchen, wash trays; some furnnrute included: good location. Owner leaving city, quick t possession. is oor r. I ALBERTA. r No. 608. 11700 for this 4-room eot- ! tar In Alberta. 3 blocks from car line. Get this soon if you do. not want to E miss it. PACIFIC AGENCT, INC., 514-20 Swetland Bldg. $15 AND 6 MONTHLY." $2000 $200 CASH. ! Neat cottage, 60x100, fruit; paves; 3 ;ks. car. do lookj 6O0 Borthwlck, Hear Russell. G. C. GOLD ENB ERG Abington Mdg. Main 4903. RICHMOND. - No. M0 $2050, only $650 down: this Six-room bungalow is located on Glad stone ave.. near 20th st on 50x100 lot; has fruit and roses. PACIFIC AGENCT. M4-20 Swetland Bldg. SWELL, NEW MODERN HOME. E. 2BTK ST. N., BROADWAY CAR. Here Is the home you want, strictly up to oate, innest location, an improve- i ments in ano pain; price very abks. terms. Tabor S212. $1050 FOR ale, 6-room modem houpe boat. furnished, moorage rent $6.75; mut be seen, to be appreciated, $800 cash win nannie. B ROW N B TDDLE . .124 Ry. Ex. Bldg.. .Id and Stark. $12.50 PER MO. AND INT. Worth $4750, sell for $3250. A'berta bung., 6-r.. fireplace; Modern: 80x100 blk. car: trma. G. C. GOLDEN BERG Abington bMg. ;;; y rs. in rortiano. Jiain 4(tj. A DANDY 2-famIly flat, bringing in $120 a month. In Nob Hill district: always easy to rent; the price is right. Call me up and let me show you a good place to put your money, c. v. ymock, Mar shall 200 3. $2350. ROSE CITY PARK. TERMS. Attractive modern 4-room bungalow. Just, like new, fuM plumbing, electricity. gas. basement: nice ooxioo lot; con venient to car; immediate possession. Tabor 6550. A DANDY 4-room bungalow with bath. fruit trees and berries; a snap; very small payment down will handle; you will have to hurry to gee thds .one. I Owner, automatic 311-5. FIRE INSURANCE. NOTARY BONDS REAJL ESTATE! BONDS. INSURANCE OF EVERT KIND. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. BRAND-NEW 6-room bungalow, in good location, near Broadway car; $2500 will put you In this nice little home, easy terms on balance. .Fnone ror appoint- ment. Marshall 2QQ3. LEAVING, owner will sacrifice 5 rooms, bath, modern plumbing, fruit, berries; asy terms. 986 Union ave. North. REAL ESTATE. Jror SsJe $2400 6-room. elect., basement, bath Dutch kitchen, some built-iner, rWW 1 (ail fina vino ftf riVftrl Wlllt- wood Court on west sido; $600 cash. 13600 .1 mnrrxM c(l. hath, basement. trays, in fine condition; on East 4.1th. near Morrison: $70O cash, $25 per month including interest. $0200 5 rooms, fine bungalow, elect., bath, basement, trays, 60x106. some fine fruit trees and small f mi it. i hinr.lc to Mt. Tabor car. tr.n To vinr trft. near 76th; I about $1500 cash, balance 6 per 1 cent. lVrft ft mnmrn nlr hlinn ZfllW. elect.. fireplace, basement, bath, 3 hed- rooms. attic, oxiuu. t-aet ivtu, half block from Glisan-t. car: 1 $750 cash, balance- & years, 6 per I cent. $3500 6-room nice bungalow, fireplace, electricity, bath, Dutch kitchen, Frnnh rinrtra. 50xlOO: E. 70th, block from Glisan-st. car; $750 cash, balance 5 years, 6 per cent. x3ftnn r mnmH fine bnnzaiow. Rai fur nace, bath, elect., cement base ment, fireplace, hanu-painteu anu rlAnratsr1 wall1 B-imt hlflZ IWell'. 1 caratre. lot 50x100. on E. 70th about half cash. $4500 Swell 5-room bungalow, all built- lns. white enamel mrouguoui, firaninro ft a c 1 loors. walls pa pered with latest designs, paved street paid; on E. 37th st. in Hawthorne district; about $1000 cash. , , . ftUWWkr. rom fin bunraloW. elect.. plpelesa furnace, fireplace, oak floors. Dutch kitchen, all built lns, corner lot 45x100. In Waver- lelgh Heights. 1 b!k. to car; hrtiit xiM)f fash. 125 oer month, i Photos of these and many others at our office. GRUSSI A BENNETT. S1&-S21 Board of Trade. Main 7452. FOR SALE by owner, west side, a beauti ful home and fine income in isoo nut, finest residential district. Whole house done in white enamel and beautifully finished in soft gray shade; hot and cold water in all sleeping rooms, plumb ing all new, fine lawn and fine porches and fine sleeping porch: hardwood ftrxrm thrnno-hnitt first and second floors: 14 rooms In all; adjacent to 3 of the best car lines in the city. Seen my Dy ap- i nfinrmnt T m n business. I Will sell for less than cost to build this fine house. Easy walking distance to the center of the city. The income alone win rn v for orooprv In less than 3 years; half cash and rest on easy payments at 6 per cent interest. AL 47T. Oregonian. WTI.r.AMKTTK HEIGHTS. pavAn.mnm rPiMonrA AmineutlT situ ated, giving unsurpassable view of mountains and city; superbly finished in white enamel, hardwood floors, crystal drawer pulls, massive firep.ace, sun- room, two encompassing balconies, cum in wardrobes, efficient furnace, full base ment, garage connected with house, large attic, servant's room, terracea garuen. a anlAnrilrilv located, strongly construct ed, handsomely designed home. Price $7600; $1000 down, balance $50 monthly ; and interest. Mr. Mahoney, COE A. McKENNA & CC, " 82 FOURTH STREET, Main 6871. ROSE CITY PARK. 0 Rooms and Den $4250. Here voa are. folks, a real buy. Just listed this beautiful home. This Is near car and close in. Hardwood floors, fire nlre. buffet. Dutch kitchen, full ce ment basement. The owner is downright anxious to sell and you can make your own terms within reason. Let us show you- A. G. TEEPE CO. 204 Stark St., near 3d. Main 8092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) ROSE CITY SNAP. S5250. One ot the prettiest bungalows In this exclusive district; just the homiest place you can imagine; basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, large lot, 60 x 100. flowers and nice lawn; all built-in features. Realty Dept., LAWYERS TITLE & TRUST CO.. 285 Stark st. Marshall 1898. SIX-ROOM MODERN HOME. Located on East Broadway and worth $7000. For quick cash sale will sacrifice for $5500. This Is a fully modern home and practically new. The reason for selling, I require money in my business and am compelled to sell. This is a well made, well located home at a bargain. Particulars. G. A. Sarles, 733 Northwest ern Bank bldg. WANT SOMEONE TO OWN MB. 5 rooms, bath, toilet, f ireolace. ce ment basement. Dutch kitchen and rrained floors, all In perfect condition: newly finished inside; lot 50X100, close in. $3000. See this and tell me how much vou can nav down, balance -Io a month. Mr. Fischer, 248 Stark. Main 5429. IRVINGTON MANSION With" wonderful I landscape, on Yt block In the heart of this exclusive district; large w-room house with finished attic: it is impos sible to describe this beautiful place, but we will make an appointment to show you. No other place In the city will i equal this. Main 4503. 212 Chamber, of Commerce. WALKING- DISTANCE. Forret the 8-cent fare. Here la a good 5-room house with new furniture, full basement, good plumbing, wash trays and gas heater; easy walking distance. Only $3500 with terms. Call Mr. Libby. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 5043. 410 Henry Bldg. CAN'T YOU FIND THE HOME YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR 7 YOU haven't looked in the right place. Just call at 5820 7 2d st. S. E. or phone Tabor 245 and tell us what you want, l am sure wo have It. We have homes from $650 to $10,000. in good locality. WE SUIT YOU. CAB UK KKALT Y CO. RICHMOND HOME. Large seven-room house, finished in j white throughout, all large rooms, good run cement uisement and furnace. An extremely well built home for the money. $4300. ClBVEIiAKD-H KWDciKSON CO.. 212 Ry.- Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. $200 DOWN. 6-room house. 2 blocks from s. S. car. yaved street, gas, electricity; $1000 price; easy monthly payments. eee Mr. kom. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 5A43. 410 Henry Bldg. $700O HOME. T rooms, including large living room "With fireplace; hardwood floors down stairs. 4 oed rooms. J oatns, lull attic. double garage: lot 60xlOO ft. 600 East Couch st.. near E. 20th. Price $7000 cash, which is lees than pre-war cost. STOP. LOOK. LISTEN 1 Furndshed 5-room house. 70th and Me. Kenrie ave.. Lents car; $700 worth of new furniture, all for $12O0. Tours truly, ask for F. C. Marshall, care of FRANK L. MoGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG., MAIN 106S. IRVINGTON. New 5-room bungalow, flrenlaee. fur nace, buffet and all modern conveniences including garage. If you are in the mar. ket for a home see this one at 680 E. 24th N. Price $7500. Phone Taggart, Main 2T. IRVINGTON $4000. 7-room house with full basement, fur nace, si. porch, garage large enough for three cars, with cement driveway; everything- clear. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 STARK ST. LOT 73 BY 115 FEET. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Garage, fine garden, cherries, apples, HTries; will sell on account of sickness; price for all $2500; small payment down. Call Tabor 1275. or 30" Oak st. Owner. E. 9TH STREET S70OO. Corner lot, 50x100. with modern six- : room house, screened si. porch, large liv. room, upstairs finished In ivory; downstairs auarter-sawea : garage. I HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 STARK ST. ROSE CITY PARK bungalow, five rooms and bath, all hardwood floors except kitchen, all built-ins. fireplace, garage. cement basement, all streets paved. Call Tabor 3477: price reasonable. I 7-ROOM modern home newly painted and ! tinted, larze corner lot, garage, new fur nace: $3500. $500 cash, rent tenms on balance, 6. per cent interest." Interstate Land Co., Main 5420, 248 Stark street. LAURELHURST $6300. Haselfern, near Glisan. 7-room home with si. porch, very large living and dining rooms. H. W. floors, easy terms. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 STARK ST. 7-ROOM IRVINGTON HOUSE. In Ivory and white, full cement base ment furnace, fireplace, trays. 2 blocks to I rvln gton sen ool . 5500. will lease. Main 35S1. 85 ..TJiird street. m WILLYS-KNIGHT, good as new, cheap for cash; win accept light car as part pay. W. H. ROf9S. 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. HOUSES FOR SALE Any kind in every location. It's my business and It's a pleasure to assist and satisfy your every wish. Call Main 6869. ask for Mr. Schultx. 5-ROOM bungalow, plastered, closet, pan try and tonet; 101 wxiw. jt-root alley, 6 bearing fruit trees; easy terms. Call fll 13 37th ave. 8. E. THIS Is a good place to build a home; of an acre on Base Line road, near car line: all In fruit: returns $500 per year, $2500. terms. Tabor 24fi6. VIEW lot, Portland Heights. $1400. 1025 Chamber of Commerce bldg. REAL ESTATE. lor Sale IRVTNGTON. Elegant home. Immediate possession; modern in every detail; hardwood floors and stairs throughout, artistic interior arrangement, on very wide street in best part of Irvlngton; double garage; living room, dining room and kitchen and sun room on first floor and 4 pleasant bed rooms and sleeping porch on second floor; 2 fireplaces, full cement base ment and furnace heat, extra toilet on first floor. Price $8750, small cash pay ment and balance to suit purchaser. 493 E.. 17th North. Phone .Main 4tf2S. ALL THIS FOR $4200. Corner lot. 120x100. fvJit and shade trees; place for poultry and garden; a fine appearing house of 10 rooms and attic; first floor has 4 large rooms; hardwood floors and oak wainscot In dining room, second floor has 6 bed rooms and bath; fine full cement base ment, well lighted, with Fox furnace and laundry trays; gas, electricity; this house was built by day labor at a coat of $6000. In Mt Scott district. Price only $4200, with $2000 cash, MacINNES & PRATT. Broadway 1608. 200-210 Oregon bldg. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 5-room modern cottage, 871 E. Irving St., near 28th; hardwood floors in living room, reception hall and dining room; 2 bedrooms and bath, full cement base ment, stationary tubs; splendid 50x100 lot, fine garden. 2 big bearing cherry trees, assorted berries, etc.; dandy ga- raee with electric lights and city water paved st., nice neighborhood; only 20 minutes walk over town. this is a snick and span little home, everything In first-class condition; leaving Portland this week; price $3650 for quick sale. $650 cash, balance very easy. Alain 5Q73 8-ROOM RESIDENCE. WALKING DISTANCE. Jut acrnxfl thA Hvcr An the east side: short walk to town, a saving of that 8c carfare: living room, dinimc room, kitch en, 1 bedroom downstairs. 4 bedrooms and bath upstairs, full cement basement, fine furnace, wash trays. 50x100 lot: a very good proposition for renting out rooms; price $5000; $1250 down, balance like rent. This is a rare bargain. LTJEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 606T. MODERN BUNGALOW. LARGE GROUNDS, BEARING" FRUIT. 7-room bungalow type home; hard wood floors, hot-water heat, 2 fireplaces, living room 30 ft. long, double sleeping porch, choice shrubbery and bearing fruit, a real garage, nearly hi acre of ground; al 1 st. Imp. in and paid; located near Mt. Tabor park, with view of city. Non-resident owner asks $8500. Look this over and make us a reasonable of fer. Phono at once. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Hallway Exchange Bldg. ONLY $2300 EASY TERMS. WALKING DISTANCE FROM MY OFFICE. Semi-modern house of six large rooms, between Williams ave. and Union ave., on Hancock St.. only seven blocks from Broadway bridge. I will sell this place for $2300 to responsible family on the following terms: $300 cash and $25 per month; Interest only 6 per cent on bal ance; ready to be seen about Wednesday. J. J. MCCARTHY, Abington bldg. PRE-WAR BARGAINS. Charming 8-room house, fine oak firs, throughout; $1000 cash. $100 per month. Splendid 7-room home, oak firs., best den, fireplace. Fine 7-room home, sub startially built. Good 9-room home, lot 63x100, fine fruit, walnuts. Magnificently built 7-room home, corner lot. 3Gx!00 these have garages but one, and in the best locations, Irvlngton. Inquire about them. East 21 A. Herdman IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Modern 5-room bungalow with den and sleeping porch; ti. w. iioors. fire place, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full ce ment basement. furnace, lot 5OxlC0. shade trees, lawn, flowers, etc. ; good garage and runway. 1 blk. to Broadway car; only $6000. terms. F. R. Jesse, 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. HERE IS A SNAP A beautiful 0-room modern home, all extra large room?, fine Datn, not ana cold water, gas, electricity full concrete basement, cement floor ic basement, laundry trays, furnace, fine garage; a beautiful 50x100 corner lot and flno residential district, fine lawn fruit tree, all improvements In and paid ; $4250, some terms ; on 43d st., in Hawthorne district. Rose City invest ment Co., 324 Front St., phone Main 78Qtf. ROSE CITY. A dandy little five-room bungalow with fine fireplace, light and airy, with ce ment basement and big screened back porch ; lot 50x100. on paved street. 2 blocks to Sandy, on 55th st. Price $3700, $70O cash. RALPH HARRIS CO., 827 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $3750 EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN $3750. 6-room . imposing residence, worth I $5O0O; absolutely fine condition; new plpelesa furnace, full basement; street oaved. sewer in. all paid; Hawthorne- Richmond district. Don't overlook thia It will meet your expectation. 1040 Arn old St., near 34th st- Tabor 6S04. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. Unusually attractive 2-story, 8-room home with garage, located on finest 60x lOO corner in tract; Just repainted and decorated inside and out: old ivory fin ish, plate-glass windows and cut-glass door knobs throughout: lix&s living room, 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch; 1 will cut price to bone. Tabor 4W7. ROSE CITY PARK. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW VACANT. Move right in. For sale by owner at BARGAIN. It's STRICTLY MOD ERN: CHOICE CORNER LOT: paved streets. . Best close in location; close I to car; a delightful home. Don t delay- call Broadway 421 or Tabor 516y. No agents. SACRIFICE. 100x100. 765 Cleveland ave. ; 5 mod ern rooms, bath, pantry, attic, built-ins, full basement, furnace, gas. electricity. line plum Ding, paved st. ; diock to car; close in: beautiful terraced lawn, fruit. garden and lots of roses. $4650, $1500 cash, owner s nome. $0000 NIFTY and new 8-room bunealow. sleeping porch, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-ins, cement basement, fur nace, laundry trays, garage: one block to car; half cash, will take 5-room bun galow or close-in acreage for balance. See owner, 585 E. 25th st. S.; no agents. MODERN Hawthorne home. 5 rooms and convertible sleeping porcti, oak floors. buffet, bookcases, beamed ceilings, fire place, furnace, cement basement, $4200, xituu casn. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bldg Main 3787. BY OWNER Modern bungalow on beau tiful Adameda drive. 1 blocks from car line; large living room finished in ivory throughout; Ruud hot water heat er, lull oasement, i looreu attic, garage. No expense has been spared on this place. Call Tabor 4223. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will secure the money and build for you; terms like rent. BUILDERS REALTY EXCHANGE. 621 'Morgan Bldg. Main 205. 050 COUNCIL CREST drive, one of the most beautiful view places on Portland j Heights, modern 6-room bungalow, fruit, j flowers, near car. Phone Main 2704: owner; price $6000, $4000 cash, balance to suit. $200 CASH, balance easy ; f rooms, one floor, cement basement, fine plumbing. laundry tray, garage, 100x100. 1 block to Mt. T. sstn car: not new. out a splen did bargain for $2850. Tabor 854, fore noons $2900. $1000 CASH. $40 monthly, 6-room , house, furnace, fireplace, full plumb ing. 52xiov lot. oeautirui roses, near Al berta or irvlngton car; is vacant. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 683 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3737. 440 E. 21 ST ST. N. 8-room bungalow, living room 16x30. sun room, quaint dining room, large uutcn Kitcnen. i Deoroom and oath 1st floor. 2 bedrooms and sewing room 2d floor; garage. Fnone rast Q7n. IRVINGTON CORNER. $8700. " Excellent modern corner residence . finest part or irvlngton. 7 rooms and large sleeping porcn. garage. 020 e. 24i h N., corner Brazee. Owner, Main 4028 or j.ast Aitif. A VERY good buy, price low. terms 6-room house, fruit and berries; 50x100 lot. near car; $2650, $650 cash, balance easy.. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. FOR SALE 3-room house and 3 lots, fine snruooery. oerries ana garden; price .OVjU, Ti7 woan win na nil If. See BROWN A BIDDLE. 324 Ry. Ex. Bldg.. 3d and Stark. LAURELHURST S520A A little dream of a bungalow witn fin ished attic, new, built-in features, good HENRY W. GODDARD. 543 STARK ST. r o it a l, ti rvy owner, o ci. riarrlson st, lO-room house, an Hardwood floors. modern In every way; walking distance. fnone cm 1 wooa n . 6-ROOM CLOSE-IN HOME, between son Tech and Wash, high schools, east 17th. modern. $3500: big value. Main nrt, .cast 1.101 evenings. HOUSE, 6 rooms, bath and toilet, close , furniture for sale cheap; rent $25; other nusiness cans me rromt city. 368 Sixth . stM -tf D10CB.S irom poeiomce. . - - - " " ' -- REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. $1800 MODERN 5-room COTTAGE on Im proved county road, situate, near i 84th st. Excellent suouroan sur roundings. S2100 ft -room hnnne. in first -class con dition, situate nar Lents Junc tion. Ground 69x108. choice gar dening corner; also 12 bearing fruit trees. $3000 BEAUTIFUL MODERN 6-room house on Church st., near Inter- I state ave. Place now vacant. An excellent bargain. 4."iOft moof-.titsJ 7 -room house, all con veniences, includina furnace. 70x I 1O0 feet of ground, situate on E. T-vlor t Owner out of the City and for that reason must sell, A wonderful buy for the money. I shall be glad to take you out and show you any of the above at your con venience. Call up Main 880 and make an appointment. BEN RIESLAND, 404 Piatt Bldg. 127 Park St. A SMALL HOME OF CHARACTER, pnp piBTin;r.AR PEOPLE Beautiful EneMish colonial bungalow,' five large rooms, bath and ample room upstairs for two more. IC.-it llli a thAiicftnrl nthera VOU BC6 here every day, but showing Individu ally and class, and quality as good as mrtnAV onrl mnlorlal n n TY1 n k High est quality finish inside and out. and having many novel features and con veniences seldom seen in homes of twice its cost. Built, not for profit, but as an example of what can be none m small, elegant home, and to encourage hnm na'ninr in homittful Eastmoreland. T.n .. -i on - rat-off- iflun and fine shrubbery to be planted. Price $7650 and on terms that will surprise you. Shown by appointment only. LADD ESTATE COMPANY. Owners. 246 Stark s-treet. Marshall 5454. ENGLISH COLONIAL BUNGALOW Just being finished TT i CTinRTJ".I.AN"D. Compare this for beauty of design, convenience and worth In construction with anvthlnir in tha cltV. Five beautiful rooms and bath on one floor, with room upstairs lor two more. Finest of Interior finish. Oak floors, every convenience In the kitchen. Includ ing built-in "H nnir Cabinets, etc. Auto matic Gasco furnace and water heater. Garage. 55x100 lot set In shrubbery and flnWArn All ImrtrnvementS in and paid. Price only $7650. Yours for a small pay ment down, balance like rent. Shown by appointment only. LADD ESTATE COMPANY. . 246 Stark St. .TTTST FINISHED. Five-room cottage built like a $20,000 establishment. And our price is $7650. All south side of house is living room and sun porch. French doors to front veranda. Fine view of West Side hills and golf links. Located within the Reed Collne-ft cnmmunltv. Built with every convenience for the housewife: Pullman breakfast nook. Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets, and Gasco furnace so no running to basement to fire the furnace Just press the button. Garage, oversized lot. and we want to show you. fnone us. LADD ESTATE COMPANY. 246 Stark St. Marshall 5454. 2750 ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Two lots. 10Ox80 feet, and a liveable ft-room house, full olumblns:. gas. elec tric light, sewer in and paid for, but no street improvements till October; i win sell this to responsible people at above price on the following terms, $300 cash, balance S3 per month winch win in clude interest; there is no mortgage to assume, clone to school and' only two i blocks to the car. Just off Montgomery drive. Seen by appointment only from this office. J. J. McCarthy, Abington bldg. HAWTHORNE. 6-room bungalow, with large floored attic, fireplace, buffet, full concrete basement, laundry trays, newly tinted and painted ; alt Improvements paid; no mortgage to awume. 50-foot lot; close to school; price $4200; don't let some one beat you to it. C. M. DERR. SALES MANAGER. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth st. Main 4522. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. Very attractive bungalow. 4 rooms, hardwood floors, white enamel finish, all built-ins in kitchen, also several pieces of furniture go with this house, which has two smalt, nicely finished rooms upstairs and large store room, all for $3150. This Is a real bargain. Pacific Realty. Main 847. 409 Spalding bldg. JUST completed, one of the niftiest little bungalows, with all built-ins. concrete basement, sleeping porch. Dutch kitch en with breaKtast alcove, and large rire nlace. A wonderful little home for a small family. Will sell on easy terms to responsible party. Price SJoOO.. For particulars call on hfc.N KlEb L.AIN VI. 404 Piatt Bldg. 127 Park SL IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. 6 rooms and attic, Just about the nifti est bungalow In Irvlngton; old ivory arid mahogany finish; breakfast nook, fire place, oak floors, run basement, garage. Let us tell you more of the details. C. M. DEHR. SALKS MANAUbn,- COE A McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth st. Main 4522. THAT VACANT LOT. Whv not turn a burden Into Income? We design and build apartments, garages. residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SATISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., 821 .N. W. Bank bldg. . IRVINGTON. Two new 6-room bungalows, material and workmanship first class; have all the modern conveniences and sarase. I'm going to leave city and will sell at a big bargain: nouses open an oay Mon day, osa -Jin bu ix., near unott. Woodlawn 4841. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS! ' Cosy five-room bungalow, fireplace. built-in bookcases. buffet, complete kitchen,-Cal Ray Do system of heating; nice. lawn, roses, some iruit and berries; price $3500. terms. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. NOB HILL RESIDENCE. Attractive 2-story, 8-room home on Kearney, near zotn. in excellent condi tion: larce rooms, many plate-glass win dows. 4 bedrooms, hot-water heat, lots of trees and shrubbery; a real snap at $13.0OO. Tpor 4ui. a BARGAIN 39-acre tract, right on Ore gon city car line, suuaoie lor piatting; one good eigm-room noiwe on tract; price $24,000. Rlsley, Starkweather 4k J3iaCK neaiiy uu .jr uiuj(. Phone Main Bltftf. 7-ROOM thoroughly modern home. large corner lot. close in on taei Aiain St.; an Imorovements In and paid; owner in California orders sell for $5000, $1500 cash, rent terms on balance. Interstate Land Co. Main 5420. 24S Stark st. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Modern home, beautiful view, splendid neighborhood. 6 large rooms, tiled bath, 2 firolaces. flowers and fruit: lot 75x 30O. street paid; price for quick sale, $6750. $1250 cash will handle. Main 1128. LOOK HERE We have 2 houses in Haw thorne district, eitner or wnicn is a snap at the price: one is a 6-room: the other a 7-room. modern with garage; $3500 and $5000. Come out on Hawthorne car to 48th st.. No. 1376, and look them over. IRVINGTON. Modern. 6-rooms. hdwd. floors, fire place, built-in ouiiei. steeping porch. furnace; house finished in white througnout; garage, rnce oau. owner, 454 K. 13th st. N. Phone 313-80. BEAUTIFUL home. 8 rooms, furnished or unfurni&nea. in tne most aesiraoie resi dential section of Alameda drive, close to schools and car. Seen by appointment on 1 y; no agents. Tabor 9484. FI V E-ROOM B UNG A LOW. ' $3000, a snap; fine lawn, roses and shrubbery; streets in and paid; terms. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ry owner, nungaiow. rour rooms n I bath: gas, electricity, water, two lots, block from Capital hlKhwav: tinn 1 half cash. S. F. Sheldon. Multnomah! or. MODERN 5-room bungalow, f Ireolace hardwooa wours. unwemeni, Jaundrv trays. per month. ld. cart wui 1 BY owner, fine home, unincumbered, seven rooms, naruwwu nuur na oui 1 t-in full cement basement: corner lot: Rose Citv Firk. Price $6803. Tabor 4302. FOR SALE A home of 8 rooms, hard- wnnn i loom on .1.11. ana rinnr. ment basement, furnace, garage, fina 1 location. Call East 6554. "n PIEDMONT. " Strictly mooern v-room houss; hoe water beat, exclusive district. Woodlawn 1ST. . SMALL HOUSE, close In, 2Sth St.. near Hoifrate, 1 io". --; noo down. M. M. Kellogir. Beaver bldg., Oregon "jity ; GOOD ,7 -room bungalow has everything; ciose to car. in xose v-ity fam. S4750. terms. Edwin Jacobson. 718 'Spalding bldg. Main 5642; evenings. Tabor 7853. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW, $4200. w U nice rooms fire,a-2, furnace, ga rage. 30x10; tff'irii. it w. tAKi, 1 1 f rt. w fans: J-tldg. I onvr.iinw KF.r.T.wnTTn a r Near shops. block car, excellent con dition; $1000 cash. Marshall 1022. FOR SALE FINE MODERN HOME. ROSE CITY PARK. PHONE 312-70 FOR SALE Nice small place, good home and income; no agents. Marsnail 3007. 8-ROOM house. 564 Powell st., cor. 13th. e owner after 6 P. M. REAL ESTATE, IRVINGTON. Elegant home, modern In every de tail, hardwood floors and stairs through out, artistic interior arrangement, on very wide street In best part of Irvlng ton, double garage, living room, dining room and kitchen and sun room on fira floor and 4 pleasant bedrooms and sleeping porch on second floor. 2 fireplaces-, full cement basement and fur nace heat, extra toilet on first floor; price $8750; small cash payment and balance to suit purchaser. 493 E. 17th North. Phone Main 4928. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. Artist io 5-room bungalow with good furniture, living room has nice fire place and den, with built-in bookcases, nice electric fixtures, dining room has artistic buffet with large plate glass mirrors, beam ceiling; two large light bedrooms wit h hath between: Dutch kitchen In white, half cement basement noor, good furnace, garage, lot uxiuu, hard surface street now Koine in. $4000, $1000 cash, $50 month, including inter est, 7 per cent. O. W. Muellhaupt & Co., C. E. Adams, 407 U. S. National Bank bldg. Broadway 3838; residence. w oodlawn 3433. WTT.r.A MPTTF. WlT.TftHTS. ' Two 7-room modern houses, panoramic lew, bBt home environments. both bargains. S5500. 15700. resnectivelv. J W. Crossley, 1053 Vaughn st. Main 5073. MUST SEI.I. AT ONCE. Notice : . must a t nnr. iMd 6-room house. larBA baHement. well lirhted and dry; lot 100x200, cow barn, hay barn, 2 chicken houses, 5 apple. 4 plum and 1 pear iree. raspberries,- DiacKDernes. cur rants: srood water: all for only $2300. Reasons for selling so cheap Is because of age and wishes to return to relatives In Germany. For further particulars write or see Ernewt Wilski. 7 and Gar son Heights. Hillsdale. Or., or write to R. F. D. No. 2, Box 23. Hillsdale. Or. AN UNUSUAL OFFERING. No. 610 Grand avenue. Beautifully situated on the east bank of the river. onnoitA Ross island and only a short walk from the business center of the cltv. Interior must be seen to be aonrriated three fireplaces, two baths, ample room for large fam ily. Look at it and you will appreciate tne value. LADD ESTATE COMPANY, ( 246 Stark street. Marshall 5454. HAWTHORNE. 6-room modern house, concrete base ment, furnace, lot 4.x95. fruit ana berries; nice home, $4000; $1500 cash, balance to suit. 4-room house, lot SOxlOO. fruit trees and garden; price. $790; any reasonable terms. R. M. GATEWOOP A CO., 165H 4th St. VACANT. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION: WALK TNG DISTANCE. EAST SIDE. 36S M UtTNOMAH ST., N EAR UN ION : 8 ROOMS. MODERN. GASCO FURNACE, UARAGE FINE BASEMENT. ATTIC 17000. TERMS. POI N DEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE. EAST 6771, HAWTHORNE MT. TABOR HOMES. TABOR 42U9 ROD A B AUG H. Suburban Homes. BEAUTIFUL RIVER VIEW BUNGALOW 5 rooms, bath and reception hall -would cost S5000 or 6000 to build : bedrooms, good fixtures, fireplace, base ment, room for 3 bedrooms upstairs white enamel built-in kitchen, new inlaid lineoleum. built-in bookcases and buffet, gas, electric lights. Bull Run water. la-ge lots, nice lawn and shrubbery assorted fruit. walnuts, grapes, berries, aonies. peaches. Earn en. small cnicxe house and run, close to station on Ore gon City line; furnished complete, almos new Tumlture: ivory bedroom sets, oa dining and living room furniture, all chairs leather cushions, vacuum cleane $110 Singer sewing machine. 30 chickens and nens: evervtnins: sroes lor soouu must have at least $3800 cash, balance 1 or 2 years; close to Milwaukie; owner going away. fnone Main &nr. STRICTLY MODERN 2-ACRE HOME $6500. Overlooking Oswego lake and only 300 feet from S. P. electric station, on good macadam road, we have a strictly mod ern 2-acre suburban home; 6 large rooms and sleeping porch, modern to the min ute, including hardwood floors, furnace, . large fireplace, full cement basement, electricity, fine bath, Dutch kitchen. Family fruit and berries. A very at tractive looking bungalow and only about ft years old. Worth $2000 more than the price we ask. which is $0500. $2oo0 cash will handle, but you'll have to hurry if you get this one. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington st. Main 8220. GOOD BUNGALOW. IM acres, located half mile from city limits and car line; all under cultiva tion, fruti trees, garden and berries; good bungalow of 3 rooms, breakfast room and bath ; Bull Run water, gas. good plumbing, graveled street, chicken house and runs. Price $2550 cash. We will get a loan for part of the value. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY SNAP. 10 a., only 9 mi. from courthouse, all first-class level soil ; 5 a. cult., balance very easily cleared; 40 bearing fruit trees. 2 wells, shack house; this is best bargain yet for only $3200. terms. F. R. Jesse. 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. JUST WHAT YOU WANT. 10 acres east of Parkrose, near Sandy road, mostly in crop, 100 bearing fruit trees. Jots of grapes, beautiful picnic park, very sightly, two rustic bungalows with fireplaces, water system, on two roads, so could be divided. If you are looking for something good, see this. Price $7000; easy terms. S. P. Osburn, 610 McKay bldg. A REAL SUBURBAN HOME. $7000 buvs 2 acres and 8-room mod ern house and one 2-room house, good garage and barn, lots of fruit. 3 blocks from Oak Grove, on river road; one or best homes on Oregon City electric line terms. See BROWN & BIDDLE. 324 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Marshall 3331. ONE acre, alt cult., and entire place cov ered- with fruit, berries and garden truck ; has good 3-room house with gas and city water, garage and woodshed. 5 blocks to car; 30 minutes out; a real snap at S2200, with terms, r. it. Jesse, Z- Corbett bldg. Main 141. COURTNEY STATION. One acre choice land. plenty of fruit, seven-room modern house, electric lights. barn. chicken house. close to station, oaved road, lie carfare. Ore gon City line. Price $3250, half cash. balance 6 per cent. R. M. GATE WOOD St CO.. 165 "4 Fourth Street. POULTRY RANCH-CAMPING GROUNDS 20 acres. 10 acres In cultivation, house and barn, fishing stream, also fine spring water; bearing fruit trees, timber for wood. 14 miles from Portland. Price $4000. E. J. GEISER, 417 Chamber of Com REMARKABLE BUY. ONLY S500 TERMS. Large homesite with sweeping view of Oswecro lake, water, lights, rock road. maples and dogwood. To see is to be enchanted. Call 500 Concord bldg.. and Stark. 15 ACRES. ORENCO S6O00. Rvfrv inch in cult., cherry and fam lly orchards, rest In crops; good 6-room house with attic, gooo oarn and cnicxen hniiH' ideal home with Income. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 STARK ST. xino DOWN buvs almost acre with 3-room - cabin: balance $6O0. Fenced, electric lights if desired, close te S. P. electri station. This is a snap for a chea place. Call 500 Concord bldg., 2d Stark. S2000 SACRIFICE $2000. 1 acre, nice bungalow, garage, fin srarden soil, fruit trees and berries; io r-jfrl 1 mile from ty limits; good aut road. Call East 1324, week days, or Tabor 6382. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES mnA irrac& well located, near car line, from $ 1 806 up. Inquire 3d house north of Rlsley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder orooJt VIR TREES AND DOGWOOD. Just the place for your suburban home, close in. only d-o per acre, terms. S. S. PRENTISS. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $ 1650A T MU LTNOMA H $ 1 6 5 o7 3-room unfurnished house, 2 lots, just off highway; terras, part casn, Daianre 6 per cent. can evenings ano-aunoay First house, Primrose st.. Alultnoma "RUT from owner, save commission; tw acres. Garden Home, 8c. fare, modern fi-room bungalow, half acre potatoes. truck garden; $4000, half cash. Main 6448. " 1 TO 5 acres with mocrrn house, fruit etc., near uo3cn Bimion, on a fcirc' trie; $300 down, bal. easy terms. Main fs34. HAVE client with cash for suburban home l to 10 acres, can or write, ci ing full particulars. Interstate Land Co. Main d2u. star uU BEA1 ESTATE. Suburban Homes. MULTNOMAH HOMES. $2000 BEAUTIFUL. SIGHTLY TRACT of ground, about half acre, on Capitol highway. 3-room cottage; $750 cash will handle. $3000 NEW. MODERN BUNGALOW with every convenience, facing east on Capitol highway; $850 cash and will give easy terms on bal ance to responsible purchaser. $3500 LARGE TRACT OF GROUND. - . with new modern bungalow, lo tH nn imoroved county road: small cash payment and $30 a month will handle. t-ilOO BEAUTIFUTj B-room MODERN BUNGALOW, with every conven ience. There is a large garage 1 with workshop in the rear. Nice J lawn and some native trees. Small payment down and monthly 1 on balance to responsible pur-I chaser. x a WW NEW. MODERN 8 -room HOUSE. Just completed, situate on large 1 tract of round, with bearing fruit trees; garage with concrete floor I and runway; all facing on Im- j proved boulevard; will give good I terms. . For particulars as to the abovs call on BEN RIESLAND, 404 Piatt Bldg. 127 Park St. Main 880. Our office on the boulevard Is open all day Sunday. Mr. C. L. Newman in charge. EXTRA ! EXTRA ! EXTRA ? Choice 74 acres close In on 82d st., less than a mile from Kendal station, all In cultivation and crop: 4 acres in uhoat halnnrit in ararden. ootatoes. corn; plastered house (newly painted), good ham nH wall: will subdivide nicely with frontasre on Paved road; this Is the biggest bargain in the country for S6600: will give good terms. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 163 Fourth at. For 8le Business Property. FOR SALE or lease on easy terms. 2- story and basement concrete oiag.. sun able for manufacturing and warehouse purposes; lot SOxloO. lacing z streets; located at 071 Sandy blvd. United M:g. Co., owner. . T 4iT with tnr tiiiiMinir and two flats. on car line, in good neighbornooo, ait rnrofl Vric S7500: Brood investment- See 'owner. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. 50xl0O NEW brick building. Income $245 per month: can be increased: mane oner. ZIMMERMAN & WHITE. 818 Chamber of Commerce. FOR 8ALE Paying, complete house-fur nishing store, good eastern uregou AO 4ki. oregonian. ONE lot, on Upshur st., near 20th, with trackage. Jonn ain, owner, uui oaiu tng bldg. . $4O,0O0 NEW brick building, close In. Zimmerman & wnite. . -Acresvge. appp tda "t a iTi t)C A PlMf, FRUIT $1200, $25 down, X12.SU mommy, uuyn i 1 acre of ground, all set out to assorted bearing fruit, trees and berries, in a high state of cultivation. We have sev eral nf thM tiff? alno some V acre tracts, which may be bought on the same terms. Salesmen with autos to show these tracts at any time. Photos at office. Frd W. German Co.. 732 Cham. of Com. CLOSE IN Half acre, located 2 blocks from sta- linn nil nnHaf cultivation. H ICO garden. torn a voune fruit trees, good 4-room house, gas. electric lights, running water, cru -o rr rhllian hnitSS. STOOd Car CTV- p'!.. cikiio ft -iTu pfth. balance at Sl6 per month and Interest. Inspected by Marsters. with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger bldg. 10-ACRB POULTRY RANCH LQUIPT " 0 acres in crops, bal. pasture with spring and stream. 300 large bearing fruit trees; all equipment; 4M) puhets. 20 cockerels, all high grade White Leg horns; chicken house and runR. o-room house with bath and water, barn, etc. Steady city hotel market; a paying busi ness. Owners old and want to retire. See Mr. Schmidt ot Benedict. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 5043. 410 Henry Bldg. OR SALE 140-acre ranch, nouse ana bam. with 4 acres cleared ana runmiis stream of water on maeadamed high way, upper Necanicum river, 1- m'les from Seaside; $1800. terms, one-third balance In yearly payments, $-0O per year, 6 per cent Interest. Also SO acres with small orchard and house, near Morrison station. In Clatsop county; $2500; reasonable term. A. M.. Smith, 818 7th St., Seaside, Or. e.ch-,x riTV l.TMTTS t i ftivlOO. located south of Fulton car. west side; nice shade trees some berries; fine -room houss with . gas. city water, garage; this i only -5 ? . ..ih r rppi : orice SHOO. lL"Lt It it 5 tier month. Might consider lot and cash. John Fer- guaon. tjernnger pius NK VANCOUVER. WABHINOTO. S'fty: VY.nr lndT 25 acre. In -..f.7... ..1 .r.A buildlnis, and wa ter piped 'in. gas puW and preMure l.nkron ood auto mad to vcouvr If you see this you will buy it. -" Jash will handl. it. Call Broadway S080. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. We have over 500 small places, within 20 miles of Portland. Some real close in' all have buildings, some on the paved roada and close to electric transporta tion. Photos of all at the office. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. V ACRES 14 minutes from courthouse ov auto; not on car line, but on paved road; 5 acres cultivated ; 125 assorted fruit trees; grain crop ana garuvn fruit included. House, barn and f"-ge are old; acre pasture with stream, ground sloping south; less than value. 1500. terms. Main 4503. 212 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. A DANDY 10 ACRES. .11 in cult. fine 30 bearing fruit I trees; 356 ft. frontage on RasLine -J".?:: and about 4 mi. from city boundary. W ill imrfer value if sold this osts ana uuui week Must have $15o0 quick and easy terms on balance. Phone Marshall -ihm. soil, lots 01 iruii, Bm.i .... a himealow. beamed ceiling, fire- t...nriv tnvv bath : beautiful iM,-' mKi off Hoffman road. Price I40OO. Mesgara. m - COR A. McKENNA & CO.. S2 FOURTH ST. 1 in ACRES NEAR LENTS. Nice 5-room bungalow. cobblestine fireplace, gas, garage, chicken house and yard, fruit trees, good roads; a real snap at ..uv mu coj ... INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 5043. 410 Henry Bldg. FOR-SALE -LOGGED-OFF LAND. Write for map of western Washington showing location, price and terms. Over ten thousand acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual cettlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma, Wash. 3 ACRES, only 25 minutes out on good road lots 01 1 mil., buuu Bim, iino chicken house. Good 5-room houfe, well, garage, etc. Only $1750, $1000 cash. Hebgard. with COE A. McKENNA & CO., 62 FOURTH ST. HAVE a beautiful tract containing 8.42 acres at tiacKniiii i l iuu . c.Lxiieni berry land. 2 acres cleared. Am leaving In 10 days; will sell cheap for cash. Phone Wdlo, 1497, or call 1060 Cleve land street. Chapman. 7 ACRES S miles out on Terwiiiiger oouievaru. t j - i cultivation; 100 young fruit trees, spring water, fair 6-room bouse, large barn. 427 Lumuer Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. UPWARDS of 5 acres splendid land, par- I tlaliy cieareu v.. - i siuva, near city and close , to hard-surfaced road; $2500, easy terms. jonn ain, own er. 507 Spa 1 din g bldg. 'tfTtc acres on county road, fine eight- room shingled bungalow, fireplace, etc.; fir trees, family orchard, berries, ch ick en runs, worth $4500. will take $3000. Dr. Louie Waidt. 712-14 Pit took. . FOR SALE 13 4 acres of orchard land. 9-vaar-old trees, bearing; 4 acres timbar land.. Price $6000. F. S. Wilson. Suth erlin. Or. g At nao w9 iju ' imc DHimon, Broadway loos, or fcast z-wtt evenings. 10 ACRES first-class umber at Tigard; sell cheap itpor aia. Homesteads. Relinquishments. HAVE 80-acre homestead relinquishment near Crown Point and highway. mile from good county road ; living trout stream on place; 60 acres tillable: rine standing timber; consider house equity or lot in city; $1000. Call Main 5420 or write O. O. Sletten, 600 Canyon road, Portland. - For rial e Farms. S3 ACRES. $7300 35 acres at Trout Lake. Wash., all cultivated, plenty of water, all stock and toots. dvou cam. uaiance to suit. M. BILLINGS, 500 McKay. Main 1390. REAL ESTATE. For bale 0 ACRES FUTjLT EQUTFrE2, IN UMPQUA VALIEY. 34 miles irora. progressive town on S. P. R. R 65 acres In cultivation. 40 of which if creek bottom laud with deep. rich. Sitr.dy loam soil. 10 ceres in wheat. 10 acres In cats. 16 acres in clover, 6 crcs in clover and vetch, 4 acres in younr prune trees. 10 seres corn. Timber for fuel; watered by creek and springs; gravity water to house and barn. New house. 7 rooms and large atllc. not quite finished; new hip-roof bain with si!o, outbuildings, fenced into 4 fields hog tirht. With properly go 7 cows, 2 fine teams. 8 brood bows, 22 pigs, chickens, bees, a full comrjlemmt of imolm-mts and tools. The owner steps off an I buyers step on except household furniture. An Ideal location lor dairy, stock uosra. rruit and berries. It is Iotv priced for $0000. Terms $4000 cash. - MacINNES PRATT. 00-10 Oregon Bldg., 5th and Oak. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE. About 350 acres, fenced, with 8 room house, barn and outhouses, two springs of fine mater, about 40 acres arable, remainder wooded. SO miles below Portland on high way and railroad, overlooking Co lumbia river, adapted for stock or subdivision Into tracts for country homes. On account of foreclosure this farm must be disposed of imme diately; $J5,0OO takes It. Think of it. Less than $75 an acre to say nothing of Improve ments In way of fences, buildings, etc If Interested call on J. S. Farko at 304 Fifth st.. or write to Ruth erford Realty Co., St. Helens, Ore gon. IRRIGATED ALFALFA FARM. 80 acres all in cultivation with paid up water right for 75 acres; 60 acres of the finest stand of alfalfa in this section ; balance new reeding last year; located 5 miles from Redmond, i mile from railroad station; Fame distance from Dalles-California highway; on a good county road ; all the crop goes with the place if sold before July 10, which will practically make first pay ment down; price $8500. $35oo down, balance $500 yearly for first two years, then SlOoO yearly till paid up. Alfalia growers cannot afford to overlook this great chance: call and talk It over. Mr. Mahoney, v COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. NEAR HILLSBORO. OR. 44 acres, located on a good road; over 22 acres under cultivation and in crop, good orchard of 40 bearing fruit trees, woven and barb wire fences: all tho land can be cultivated, balance in heavy tim ber, about 20oo cords of wood: 4-room house, barn and other buildings; tele phone and all rural conveniences. There are three fine chicken houses and large brooder house; the place is well stocked and equipped. Price 500 for everything. Including the crop; $2500 cash, balance lor o years at o per cent. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger bldg. im AVrtxs.a in j.iun counij, on ma.ni mm way leading from Albany to Lebanon. and 1 miles from railroad; good 8- room house. Darn 4bxoo leet; wire ienc- in 2. larza chicken house, outbuildings. gas engine and water tower, hot and cold water in house, orchard and berries; be sides this there is growing timber for fuel on 5 acres, 1 mile from place. This is one of the choice farms In the Willam ette valley, with good graveled road. school, telephone and rural mall de livery; price $21,000. Write or call upon Edward D- Williams, 622 Corbett bldg.. Portland, Or. FOR SALE by owner, going stock and dairy farm of nearly 300 acres; 125 acres in crop and grass, zou acres oottom iana, SO acres fenced hosr-tizht: running stream all year, good 'house, large oarn, about 60 head cattle and horses. 20 head hogs, poultry, 7-ton scale bouse, new B. L. K, milker. 2 new ga engines, all necessary lmnlements. excellent orchard: on Paclnc highway, near two R. R- 1 towns; shipping point 1 Vi miles; price S3 O.OOO, terms; part exchange postim. 1 Address f olo. Oregonian. DO NOT OVERLOOK THIS BARGAIN. We have a fine 40 acres; no better soil can be had; no waste land: half un der plow ; fair house, good well, root house, pmall barn : acre lamtiy or chard; close to main highway; 1 miles from Rood town and railroad. J t you want..a good ranch, here is your chance to buy right. trice ;-i,.un casn. HESGARD with COE A. McKENNA A CO., 82 FOUR T H ST. TAKE MY TIP. THIS IS RIGHT. 40 acres sandy loam. 25 acres in cultivation. 20 acres in crops, running I stream year round through center of the place; good 6-room house, large 1 bam and other outhouses, R. F. D., two miles from H. R. station and store. 13 miles from Multnomah court house; rice $12,000, half cash. balance long terms. Phone Main 7004, Marshall. ask lor Mrs. NOTICE. I have two ranches for sale; one F.60 acres. 40 acres in cultivation. ? l..Hm; one with 60 acrep. 4 acres in cultivation. S4000. halt down, easy terms t.-r ti 1- eiicc ; crops and equipment go m 1th the places. They are bargains. Come and Bee. Can give possession at oncu. Oscar T f.m. Philomath. Or. W'K HAVE foe sale several large and small a Ifalfa and "tuck ranches ; also timber and tlmuer lands and reclaim marsh lands, Klami'.h Falls ity lots and bui nebs property at a very low figure and on easy terms. KKLLKT. & BELLMAN. White Pelican hotel Hklj., Klamath Kails. Od. "EArTcROWN POINT, 00 "ACRES? FOR SALE B V O W NER. About 2 miles off Columbia highway. nart timber, fine spring, buildings on place, wonderful view. sui table for ranch or country homesite; some fruit trees: on two county roads. oU0. part cash, balance terms if desired. Phone Marshall 2018. NEAR EHBRWOOD. 00 acres choice upland, very best foi fruit, hops, potatoes, grain; 45 acres in ! rn balance pasture ano tim oer. run ning wafr; lots of fruit: 8-room house. barn, outbuildings; 4 mile school; price SOOCO. terms ana worm it. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165H 4th St. lg5 A LOCATED in Polk county; highh improved; fine buildings and fence-, al 1 in cult, but 14 a.; crops, stock, machin- erv all co. as I have moved to town and decided to dispose of some; might take I some trade or give good terms. I am I the owner. Tel. for appointment labor I 22f5 Sunday, week days Alain o410. w.w KAl.E DAIRY RANCH. 77 ACRES. ! Green gra mo ,7cm a.n,uuu, og 1 me cows. 1 registered uucroy outi. rer fd.tinn milking machine, silo, team, all implements, 7-room house, 2 barns. This Is diked land; cream check now $350 month; io,uuti, uhu ah, ua.in.nce terms. U eo. i-. umn.ni. a . . " aoii. THE historic waioo tarm in tne Waldo hills, o mnes -j -icni. itu acres, about 6041 cleared; colonial house, barn, etc, for immediate sale at $110 an acre. Terms, Address Clara H. Waldo, Mac- Cleary. -r., or roiger Jonnaon. u. S. Bank bldg, Portland. 46 ACRES good bench land in eastern Ore gon, all unoer wM.iur, fa mne irom live town. 17 acres corn. IS acres nearly ready n mta to aiiana. buiau nuuse. ten nav- ments at per cent; price sunoo. Ad dress oregonian or pnooe woodlawn 1 487Q. ' SUNSHINE VALLEY. 10 acres, house, well, garden. $1600. 7ti acres, nouse. garuen, trees, near electric, scenic location. ilo. terms. Main -. cpnnu xveany 10. ail- bldg. FOR SALE Well-improved 140 acres: SO I crop. 60 pasture and oak timber; large 1 buildings; on i-a.cn l 11 is n way, w i Harn ett valley; crop, stock, machinery, fur niture; price $135 an acre; easy terras. Address 9 K. Hin st. Portland. $75 DOWN ON 0 ACRES. On electric line, 3 minutes waik to sta ir store and school; work nearhv? price $900, $75 down, 6 years time on balance. DRAPER. 401 Board of Trade. SOME FARM BARGAINS. Eastern Oregon wheat farms. buy rights in tne ngiu set our de scription ano prices. MORRIS BROS.. MAUPIN. OR. FOR SALE Good bargains m choice Wil lamette valley farms In cultivation and In crop, ranxlni? from 60 acres to 1000 acres. Will improved. Call on or write j V. Pipe. Albany. Or. ia ACREP. small house, 8 acres clears jHnn For nartifu i p- i 7 i ButKevicu. route . a.rii.oii. r. I crin-v- t ""J. I pear Portland, $i5 to $50O per acre; easy terms; oest boh. r arms tor sale, ail sizes. McFarland. 203 Failing bldg. DAIRY r ARM tor sale; d-year leae. X year paiq; aliti mornw springs aairy. near Milwauaie; ;w iau ouu. 473 , Dover st. A 70-ACKti r ana crop lor store from $4010 to $6500; must be O. K. A. A. ANDERSON. Owner, Molalla, Or. FOR SALE River bottom farm, close to good town, near Portland, with or with- 1 out stock. Address owner. P 619. Orego nian. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running 1 water; gooa son. v uimoie; employment; ay terms, J. R. Sharps. 63 3d u REAL ESTATE, For Sale -Farms. CLOSE-IN FARM. STOCKED AND EQUIPPETD. 40 acres on Tualatin river. 18 TnlTes Portland, extra choice level land, all io cultivation; buildings worth $6000; 7 room house, has modern plumbing, good barn, granary', garage, modern chicken house, cost $llt-0; on improved road ; growing crop and 4 cows, 2 heifers, a l fullblood Jerseys. 1 horse and about 250 chickens and all farm equipment go with place at $13.0). half cash; good terms on balance. This is an exceptional bargain and will bear investigation. R. M. GATEWQQD & CO.. 165 4th SL 240 ACRES. POLK COUNTY. $26 PER ACRE $26. H xniies to town, station and high school; 80 per cent of it tillable; 40 acres of creek bottom now In cultiva tion; small creek flows through It; springs, family orchard, all kinds of fruit; fenced and cross fenced: 4-room house, old barn. A most excellent loca tion for dairy And stock; great fruit soil. To close sn estate it Is offered muoh below Its value. MacINNES A PRATT. 200-10 Oregon Bldg. Broadwmy 1658. BARGAIN. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 81 acres. 65 In crop, balance pasture and timber: 16 acres English walnuts. S acres bearing, 4 acres variety fruit. 9 acres potatoes, balance grain and hay; good 10-room house, largo barn with basement, running water. 9 cows, Z calves, S horses, 5 brood sows, 65 turkeys, 40 geese. 225 laying hens. 500 pullets; all farming Implements and furniture. Everything goes for $lS.0o0; $10.fHt0 cash, balance terms. See Mr. Schmidt, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 5043. 4 1 0 Henry Bldg. 39 ACRES, 13 in cultivation and crop: 6 room house, house is old but livable; good large bam, fine chicken house and runs, 200 chickens, 1 Jersey cow. 1 2-yr.-oid heifer. 1 calf. 14 sheep, good horse, light wagon, buggy and harness and a :1 farm tools; located 2 miles from Mfddleton on good road; price $4600. i cash, balance to suit- This Is ono of the best propositions in Oregon; poaseo sion at once ; buyer can make money right from the start. If you are inter ested, don't fall to investigate. 001 E. Madison, phone Tabor 8m6. NEWBERG FARM. 77 acres. 35 acres under cultivation. 7 acres prunes. 1 acre family orchard, 10 acres oats, acres rye. 7 acres hay, a acres corn, 1 acre vegetables. 5 acres spuds. 12 hoes. 35 chickens, team. cow. implements, tools, etc.; fine springs, good bldgs. Will soli for $S0uo; move house hold goods and give you the crop, etc. If you mean business come in today. We will drive you out. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 6752, FOR PALE by owner, close-in 60 acre just 011 gooa roao; 40 to acres cleared ana in crop; fair house. 6 rooms, lartre barn and good outbuildings, large team, over lMf chickens, complete equipment, one young milch cow; water piped to hou. earn ana lawn from spring: living creek; good orchard, berries, best of soil, no rocks; owner will take you to place; no commission; price is right. S12.0O0. casn, Daiance terms at reasonable inter- est. Ca.ll Tabor 4474. GOING CHICKEN RANCH. STOCKED. i . acres, all in cron. 12 miles center of town. Over acre berries, 100 fruit trees. 6-room house, chicken houses. ox 140 each: brooder house, outbuild ings, incubators, brooders, mower, rake. wagons. Ford delivery, feed cutter, farm ing tools, 1700 hite Leghorns, mare- colt, cow: all for $7000. Personal and im provements worth the money. J. C. CORB1N CO., 305-6-7-8 Lewis bldir. I DE A L SM ALL FA RM. 20 acres of fine land. 16 in cultivation: good house, 7 rooms, bath, fireplace, barn, fruit house. outbuildings. rhs pump, about 250 trees: 14 large English walnut trees, an abundance of all kinds of berries; place in tine shape, clear; stock and equipment; 15 miles of Port land; will make terms ror qulcK sale. $'.hmo. O. W. Bryan. 500 Chamber ot Commerce. Main 1063. STOCK AND FRUIT RANCH. Bi MILES NEWBERG $60 PER ACRE. 2is acres, graveled road, nearly ail tillable, good stream, springs, 50 acres cleared and In crop; more easily cleared. About 100 acres fine oak timber, fir tim ber; wood will pay for the place. No better prune and walnut land in the world. Berries. Some bottom land. Wa ter piped to the house. Terms. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7-8 Lewis Bldg. FOR SALE Or trade for a farm. 40- acre farm, 8 acres clear, 20 acres easy to clear, rest fire or millwood; good 4-room . house with pantry, new barn, chicken and root house, good well water, 1 hore, 1 cow, 2 heiters, chickens; on milk route, 1 mile to school. 1 mile to sawmill. 3 miles to cannery and condensery. 5 miles to B. C. Price $4700, $30U0 cash, bal ance 4 years at 4 ppr cent. Julius Dornblut. R. F. D. 2. Kverson. Wash. A REAL FARM. 1O0 ACRES. FINE SOIL. 25 MILES ROl'TH OF PORTLAND ON MAIN PA CIFIC HARD-SURFACE HIGHWAY. FOR QUICK SALE ONLY $125 PER ACRE. REALLY WORTH $2UO ; FINE I M P ROV EMEXTS: A D JO 1 NINO A GOOD SMALL TOWN. PEE US AT ONCE FOR THIS AND MANY OTHERS. COBB BROS.. 263 OAK STREET. ' FOR SALE 120 acres. 5 miles city Bend, Or.; 70 acres good land, :to acres irriga ble now, suitable for alfalfa, potitoos, bi rrles. garden ; Columbia hiphw y goes throu.rh ulace; i mile Deschutes rier; pome crop, spud a. Price of place $4300; fo.'oo cash. Act quickly. It's worth the money; have few phntos of place. EDWIN J. ROGERS. Tu'na lo. Or. WORTH VIEWING 70 or .15 acres, good buildings. 2 springs, registered Jersey cows and hogt. all farm equipment, in cluding Ann Arbor steel hay balt-r and Fahrquar grain separa tor; large va riety fruit, best soil. mile south of Gresham -rade school. $20O per acre. Oresham Heights Farm. AT LAST. A good 5-room bungalow for $r00O; nice living and dining rooms, firepiace, furnace. Dutch kitchen, good plumbing, wash tray, large floored attic : near car line. For terms call Mr. Libby, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 5043. 410 Henry B!dg. FREE FARM LIST 3. San Joaquin valley farms, faui uouier. btocj&ton. lil WANTED REAL ESTATE. OVER $1,700,000 WORTH OF HOMES SOLD Since January 1. 1020. by FRANK L. McGUIRE. LARGEST HOME-SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. You want results? Try our live, effi cient method of home-selling. Our record : homes sold last year. homes told In one day. 110 homes sold in May. 552 homts sold to date this year. Have you a house to sell? It's fold It listed with us. We'll personally inspect. APPRAISE AND PHOTOGRAPH your house within 24 hours after bc-ing Iistel The photograph of your home will be displayed in our large showroom, which is continually thronged with live, earn est home-buyers. tt you cannot come down, telephone. We'll gladly call. Our only charges are the standard commis sion of 5 per cent in the event of a isiactorv sale. 18 experienced salesmen with autos to work on the lo of your home. See FRANK L. MeGUIRB To Sell Your Home. Abington Bdg. Main 106S. WANTED AT ONCE. We have two clients who must nave homes immediately, this means strict ty business; if you have a home for tale that answers either one of the following descriptions, it will pay you to get in touch with us: No 1 -wants 6-room bungalow in . good district, full lot, roomy house; would prefer one with sleeping porch: must have furnace, hardwood floors not abso lutely necessary; will pay up to $1750. $2immj down. No. 2 wants 8 or ft -room residence. lo cated" between the Hawthorne and Sun nyside cars, not faj-ther out than East 3th st. House must hav 5 bedrooms or 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch, fur nace; for' such a place wiil pay up to $5000, all cash, but must be worth the money. Both of thee require immedi ate action, must be able to give quick possession. RELIABLE REALTORS. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1O07 Yeon Bldg- "sell now. We make quick sales because we do not list more property than we can giv our personal attention.. If you want to sell Immediately our appraiser will call. WELLER RINE HART, 212 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4503. WANT 5 acres with berries and some fruit, good Duuomgs. must oe near good road and prefer Gresham district: client waiting. Phone or write at once. F. L. EDDY. R1TTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MR. FARMER. I WANT TOUR FARM. Have ouy;r3 wuins ior your iarii, from 30 to 60 acres, terms r cash. Let me hear trom you and if your price Is right 111 show you quick results. T. O. Bird. f26 Chamber of Comme:ce. BU I L D N 6 W. If you own a lot we will secure the money and build for you; terms like rent. Call and see us. BUILDERS' REALTY EXCHANGE, fii; 1 M organ B'dg. Main 2035. " CHEAP HOUSES WANTED. T Small homes, with small prices; make torm av and the onica ri cht a nH we can sell them. S M I TH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Exch. WANT modern 2-acre suburban home close to car and good au to roa d. M ust be bargain and not more than $5000 to $6000. See McCormic. 242 Washington st., or phone Main 6220.