TIIE MOIJNIXG OREGONIAX, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1920- 15 t 4 -' : i t n 1 1 IT WOMEN FAST AT TENNIS MRS. MILDER SCORES HEAV ILY IX PLAY TO BACK COURT. Sirs. North up Defeats lr. Har rigan and Misses Hald and Fording Win. Some hard-fought matches marked the Kfnnri riav's nlav In the annual spring han'dicap tournament for wom en on the courts of the Irvington Tennis club yesterday. One of tne most closely contested of these was the match between Mrs. J. P. Mulder and Miss Irene Campbell and was won by the former after a strenuous three set match, the score being 6-1. 3-6, 6-4. The hard drives of Mrs. Mulder to the back line gained her a well earned victory. Mrs. W. I. Northup defeated Mrs. F. E. Harrigan in another well-played match, 6-1, 4-6, 6-3. The former's steady playing proved to be too much for her opponent. Only two matches will be played to day, the first between Mrs. Northup (owe 30) and Miss Stella Fording (owe 30) at 2 P. M. and the second between Mrs. Mulder (owe 4-6) and Miss Helen Hald (owe 15) at 4:30 P. M. Walter A. Goss. chairman of the tournament committee at Irvington, announced last evening that the men's Binaries and doubles and mixed dou bles of the tournament would be post poned until after the Oregon state .tournament, which will be held on the Irvington courts July 12-17. yesterday's results: Singles Miss Fording debated Janet Ettinger, 6-2. 6-1: Mrs. Northup defeated , Mrs. Harrlgan, 6-1, 4-6, 0-3; Mrs. Mulder defeated Miss Campbell, 6-1, 3-6, 0-4: Miss Hald defeated Miss Bernice Burke, 6-2. 6-4. Doubles Mrs. Northup and Miss Ford ing defeated Miss Adelo Jones and Miss Inez Fairchlld. fi-2. 2-8, 6-4. Soviet Minister Sees Lloyd George. LONDON, June 29. Leonid Krassin, Russian soviet minister of trade nd commerce, had a conference with Premier Lloyd-George tonight. AMUSEMENTS. S Nights Son. 15c to $1.25 Mon.-Tuea. 15c to $1.00. 4 Mats 8un.-UoD.-Tun.-Hed. ISc to 75c. LAST SHOW OF SEASON ' "KISS SIK" Big Musical Farce. Kane & Herman: Gardner A Hartman: TReslsta?; DOWMNU & WHITING; Bar tholdi's Birds: Kinogrsms: Topics ol Day. Blbll BROS. NOTE: Orpheum Season "With the Matinee Wednesday, Close June SO. PANT AGES MATINEE DAUVT. 2:30 Alexander Pantafta Presents "tiik habi:ju)ashi;ky" A Far re With Munic With Lieutenant Harrington Reynolds and a metropolitan company, including the famous model girls. SIX ODUKR BIG ACTS 3 Performances daily. Night curtain at 7 and 0. 1 OL)A h TONit.lil "CHEER LI'." pretty girls in mn,ir .,H.i ; iod iamon a; io., mones ami .Mat ft non.v ; "Brewster." muster ru-iine mind; iioruon uuo. Harmony m V lute t f. ox BenMon & Co.; Molly Kmc in "The Women Mt-Q rorget." J BEGINS TOMORROW EVE - ITIt KKTS NOW SKI,1.INU f-TlTTT TpBrodwjat Taylor 11L1L1U Phone Main 1. 3 NIGHTS BcRinntnjs TOMORROW SPECIAL PRICK MAT. SAT. Cob and Harrla mssess FISKE America's moat alia cl atnlih e actrefM, it "Mis' Nelly of N" Orleans" Direction of Harrison Grey Fluke. KVE'S $2 .an. SAT. MAT. $ (1.50, $ 1, 7,-c, 50c. 91. 50, $1, 75c, 60c. Tlf'KKT OFFK'R SI,K I OPENS NEXT FRIDAY ' I HEILIG ARXT 7 "SEE.,.. NEXT SUNDAY BARGAIN l-RICE MAT. WED. il'KCIAl, PRK'R MAT SAT. Fanchon and Marco MUSICAL REVUE 30 MOST BKALTIl-'LL OIRLS IN WORLD 30 60c On Illuminated Runway EVE'S, 2 to 50o. WKI). MAT, 75c, 50c. SAT. MAT., $1.50, $1, GLOBE Eleventh and Washington Nell Shipman IN "Back to God's Country C I R C T F F"rth Vs I IV 1-J J-J at Washlna-ton Olive Thomas in "The Glorious Lady." Also a Chaplin comedy. "The Vagabond " and the Pathe news. Open from 0 o'clock in the morning until i o'clock of the fol lowing morning. DANCE Cotillion Hall Every Wed. and Sat. Eve. Francis Bliss and the Wonderful Cotillion Orchestra. LET'S GO Broadway Dance Every week night with Fleming's 10-Piece Orchestra De Luxe Broadway at Main III in IIMIl EXTRAORDINARY SHOW ADELPHIA MUSICAL COMEDY CO. In OX THE Yl'KOV. Skom at 3 and 9 P. M. AMUSEMENTS CONCESSIONS Et7 Afternoon and Evening Admission to Park Free to 5 P. M. Dally Except Sundays and Holi day. Cars First and Alder. DANCING TAUGHT . AH new steps and dances taught at ue Honey s beautirui academy, uwen-ty-third and Washington. Ladies, S3 gentlemen. So. Classes Monday. Tues day and Thursday evening, 8 to 11:30. Plenty of desirable partners and prac tice. No embarrassment. Learn from professional dancers. Private lessons all hours. Phone Main 7656. Portland vs. Oakland June 29th to July 3d. 3 P. M. Sun day double header, 1:30 P. M. Mon day 10:30 A. M 2:30 P. M. Wonderful Dancing OUNCIL CREST PARK Ten-Piece Orchestra and Monte Anstln AUCTION BALES. At Wilson. Anrtlnn tlniit. 10 A- J4. Furniture. 169-171 Second at. MEETING NOTICES. GRAND FOURTH OF JUXY PICNIC. At Bonneville- Oreron. Mnniiiv Julv the Odd Fellows will hold their annual picnic and Independence day celebration. All Odd Fellows. Rebekahs. their families ana irienas and tne general public wish- 1ns: an outing and enjoyable day will be welcome. Full uniformed I. O. O. F. band 111 furnish music, dancing, ball rames and other sports; good prizes for all events. Special train leaves Union station 8:45 A. M. Fare 51. BO round trip, includ ing admission to picnic grounds. Those going by auto oftc admission each adult. children 25c. Tickets on sale all I. O. o. F. and Rebekah lodges In city or at sta- tion morning; July 5th. COMRADES OF THE G. A. R. and others are requested to attend funeral services at Finley's. 5th and Montgomery -streets today at 4 F. M. over the remains of our lato com rade. Elbert N. Barney, ased 73 years. member George wrignt fost. served In Co. F. 13th Pennsylvania Infantry during civil war. C. A. LAMAR, Com. A. C. SLOAX. Adj. B. P. O. ELKS, NO. u: Members are requested to meet at the chapel of Finley A Son this (Wednesday) artemoon at 1 o clock to conduct the funeral services oi our late brother, E. W. Larned. Visiting brothers invited to attend. M. R. S PAULDING. Sec MT. TABOR LODGE NO. A. F. AND A. M. Sneclal communications today (Wednesday). Pythian temple, 3S8 Yamhill St.. as follows: M. M. degree, R A M .nri 10 A. M., and F. C. degree, 4 P. M. Visit ing brethren welcome. LEON V. JENKINS. W. M. FRIENDSHIP LODGE. NO. 160. A, F, AND A. M.. E. 4.id and Fandy blvd. Special com munication this (Wednesday) evening. 6 o'clock. Supper O..W. VYOrK in H ( " Ao?r.H. Visiting brethren welcome. Order W. M RUSSELL, H. STEPHENS. Sec. PORTLAND LODGE. ' NO. 5.1. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Wednes day) afternoon and evening, Masonic temple. Work in V. O. degree, commencing 4 o clock. Visiting brethren welcome. By order W. M. H. J. HOUGHTON. Sec. DORIC LODGE. A. If. AND A. M. Special communication this (Wednesday) evening. Ma sonic hall, St. Johns. 8 o'ciock. Work in the M. M. degree. visiting Dretnren welcome. A. W. DAVIS, Sec. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 46. A. F. AND A. M. Spe cial communication tnii (Wednesday) evening, 3 o'clock. E. 8th, Burnnlde. M. M. deeree. ViBitors welcome. Order of W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Sec. OREGON COMMANDERT, K. T. Cards and social Thursday. July 1st. C. F. WIEtiAND. Recorder. SAMARITAN LODGE. NO. 1. O. O. F.. meets every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Oddfellows temple. 26 Alder st. initiation to night. Visiting brothers welcome. F. W. KRALL. N. G. JESSE T. JONES. Sec. wTLOn REuUlak meeting tms i .tJifff (Wednesday . evening at I 8 o'clock. East 6th and Alder sts. BKCOXU DE- GRS.E. Visitors cordially welcomed. A. K. NOBLi,, . G. S. A. STARR. Secretary. INDIAN WAR VETERANS OF NORTH PACIFIC COAST The grand encampment win assemble Wednesday, June 30, 10 A. M.. at Masonic hall southwest corner Park and Yamhill streets, Portland, Or. KLEEMA? LrtrrA.. ar meeting this evening t LIBERTT ASSEM will hold a reKUl; W. O. W. hall. East Sixth and Alder Degrees conferred. v isltora welcome ANNA. BENNETT. Secretary. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charm, pins. new designs, jaeger aros.. .141- etn il FRIEDLANSER'S lor lodge emblems, class pins and medals. S10 Washington st. DIED. CARDINELL In this city. June 29. at the family residence. 4s K. Uotn street North, Charles W. Cardinell, aged 36 years, husband of Nellie F. Cardinell. The remains are at Finley's. Montgom ery at Fifth. Notice of funeral here after. PARDIXELL At thi residence. 4S8 East 8th st.. June Ii9. 1920, Charles W. Cardinell, beloved husband of Nellie Cardinell. father of Charles and eon of C. B. Cardinell of Manhattan Beach, California, xsotice oi xuner&i later. BARNETT In this city. June 29. Ada L. Harnett, aged 47 years, wife of Edwin M. Barnett of E. Couch street. The remains are at Finley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. FUSEBAL NOTICES, PIELE At tee Good Samaritan hospital, June 2S, August Pieie, age 57 years, be loved husband of Mrs. Anna Piele and father of K&ther, Theodore and Hose Piele of this city. Funeral services will be held Thursday. 2 P. M., at the Ken' ton Presbyterian church, .under the aus pices of Peninsula Lodge. No. 128. 1. o. O. F. Friends invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. Arrangements in car. of Wilson at wusoo, rieuraoni unaertaKers. GOLDSMITH At the residence, 210 14th St.. June 26, 1920, Samuel S. Goldsmith, aged 55 years, beloved husband of Myra 1. Goldsmith, father of Mrs. Jack Mil ler of Gary, Ind., and Mrs. Arthur Mayer of Chicago. 111. Friends invited to attend the luneral services at Hol man's funeral parlors. Third and Sal mon streets, at 10 A. M. today (Wednes day). June 30, 1920. Interment Beth Israel cemetery. MALCOLM June 28, at 1815 Chatham at.. Finley C. Malcolm, aged 78 years, be loved husband of Mrs. Hsttle Malcolm, and father of Mrs. G. M. Hall and Mrs. W. , L. Anderson. Funeral services will be held from Kenton Presbyterian church, corner of Chatham and Lombard ave., Wednesday. June 30. at 2 P. M. - Friends are invited. Interment Rose City ; cemetery. FUNERAL XQTICES. KEEN AN In this city. June 29, Alvle . Lincoln Keenan. aged 60 years and 6 days, beloved husband of Addle Jose phine Keenan. of this city: father of LeRoy and William S. Keenan. city, and Etn1 Beckert. San Francisco: brother i H- y- Keenan and Mrs. Maude Shaver, or this city. Funeral services will be held from the First Evangelical church. E. lttth and Poplar St.. at 2 P. M.. Fri day. July 2. Commital services at the Portland crematorium. East Side Fu neral directors m charge of arrange ments. Deceased was a member of Multnomah Camp No. 77. W. O. W.. and Orient Lodge. I. O. O. F. lAlr3,eN The funeral services of the late r- iarsen. who died in this-city. J.S.V. 28- 19-. w"' be heid today (Wednesday) at 2 P. M. from the chapel g.' Skewes Undertaking Co.. cornet Third and Clay streets. Friends and m,embera of Multnomah Camp. No. 77, W. O. W.. and Danish Brotherhood of America, No. 167. Invited to attend. In terment family lot Rose City Cemetery. PAUS The funeral cortege of the late John Paus will leave the residence, 780 Woodward avenue, today (Wednesday). June 30. at 9 A. M., thence to St. Joseph's church. Fifteenth and Davie streets, where requiem mass will be of fered at 0:30 A. M. Interment Mt. Cav Rlry cemetery. Arrangements In care of Miller & Tracey. SCHWEITZER In this city. June 20. 1020. nweiizer, aged 57 years, beloved husband of Lizzie Schweitzer, father of Edward. Frieda and Irene Schweitzer. rlends Invited to attend the funeral services at Holman'a funeral parlors. T. Salmon streets, at 1:30 P. M. July 2. 1920. Interment Mt. Scott cem etery. LAItNED The funeral services of the late ' v. Lamed will be held today (Wednesday), June 30. 1 o'clock P. M. at Finley'a. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. The deceased was a member of B. P. O. E., No. 142. and W. O. W.. No. 65. BARNEY The funeral services of the !fe Libert Norris Barney will be held today (Wednesday), June 30, 4 o'clock, P. M., at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at Maryhill, waen. The deceased was a member of oeorge wright poat. No. 1, Grand Army me -nepuDUC. LACKNET The funeral cortege of the late Alice LacKney will leave the residence. 466 North Twenty-second street, Wednes- io.j. June .. at ::io A. M . . thence St. Patrick's church. Nineteenth and Savier streets, where requiem mass will be offered at 9 A. M. Arrangements In care oi All ller & Tracey. DOTLB In this city. June 27. John Doyle, aged years. Funeral services will be held at the new residential funeral par lors of Dunning & McBntee. Morrison a Twelfth streets. Thursday. July 1. a 10:30 A. M. Friends Invited to attend. interment Rose City cemetery. BUTLER In this city. June 29. Elizabeth utler. aged 49 years, beloved wife -of William J. Butler. Remains will be for warded Wednesday, June 30, at 9:30 A. M., by Jliller & Tracey, to Creswell, or., wnere services will be neld and in terment take place. CLINTON In this city. .Tune 29. Arthur Eugene Clinton, ased 22 years, late of Astoria, Or. The remains will be for warded this (Tuesday) morning, by J. P Finley & Son to Astoria. Or., where services will be held and interment made. ERICKSON The funeral services of the late Florence B. Erickson will be held today (Wednesday). June 30, 10:30 o'clock A. M. at Finley's. Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Interment. Rose City cemetery. PETERSON The funeral services of the late Laura Peterson will be held today (Wednesday). June 30, 2:30 o clock P. M at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment, Lono Fir cemetery. FINEKAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES AUTO LIVERY. MARSHALL 114. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Dunning & McEntee FUM-KAL UlKKtTOKS. Now . located in their new residential fu neral home, Morrison at lth, west side. Fhone Broadway 430. Automatic 543 -it. The Funeral Home of Refinement and litinctive Service. Note We have no branches nor any con nections whatever wun any otner undertaking firm. EDWARD HOLM AN &SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon Sts. Main Lady Aesistant. 807. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Lets Independent Funeral Directors. Washington Street between 20th and 2lst streets, west foiae. Lady Assistant. Main 2691. 678-85. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. ltRh and Everett sib. Telephone Broadway 2133. Automatic 521-33. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at Fifth. F S. DUNNING. INC.. in w' Alder. Phone Kast 5 Perfect service, personal direction se of floral chapel and auto equipi free pment. DOWNING & McNEMAR i."" 7th. East 54. Irvington district. t L. LERCH E. Eleventh and Clay East 7S1. T. 1S33. t1 ,uTPQflM Twelfth and Morrison Sts. jKIVCJIN Broadway 2534. A. D. KEN WORTHY & CO.. 6802-04 B'd St., Lents. Tabor 5267. A. R. ZELLER CO. 692 Williams ave, East 10S3. C 1088. DDT7'Tr"7T7 QVrrinTy 10tl Belmont. Uivjuuuu u uvxl x. I2"i8. B 13 SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and uiay. sa a z-j.ti. Lady assistant. FLORI8TR. 328 MorrisonSt. PvaWf 348 Morrison St.' - stores - Bet-BrchrytPark Mar.257 Charge Accounts Solicited. Smith's Flower Shoo """f Portlands progressive florist. We sDeciaJ- ize In funeral designs. 141 H 6th, opposite jueier at ran us. Mam mio. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists. 354 Washington. Main 289. Flowers for all occasions artistically ' arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists, 287 Morrison st. Main 7uH. Fine flowers and floral d.- signs. P.Q prancn stores. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington St., b.U 4th and 5th. Main 5102. A 1101. MOXtMEXTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS B Fourth St.. Opn. City Hall. a Bros. BLAESING GRANITE: CO. THIRD AT MADISON STREET I NEW TODAY. EXECUTORS AM) ADMINIS TRATORS Will Kind Our Thrlce-Secnred FARM MORTGAGES Exceptional Investments for trust funds. Not a foreclosure In twen ty years. FEAR & Phone Main 35. GRAY. 102 Fourth St. 15th Street 50x100 CORNER AT FLANDERS ST. BK.Vli DAKU11.1, I t, It 1 1NVESTIUATE.- OWNER, AL 772. OREGON IAN. Edward E.Goudey Co. HORTGAGB LOANS Gnlted atatea KnrU slislllla $30,000 QUARTER BLOCK SECOND AND V U JT. i A X tJ i t-im-mt. nJ J 1 s mtt WOOD 602, JiEW TOD AT. FARM BARGAINS Large or Small A ecrutinv of the descriptions of the places below mint -convince you that we are In a position - to supply any requirement In the farm and acre age line. We positively have hun dreds of select listings, the majority of which we have photographs of, and a call at our office will be ap preciated. This will not mean that if we do not happen to have what you want that your trail will be camped on for the rest of your life, as we positively do not do business in this manner. YAMHILL COUNTY $7500 This Rnlendid 21-acre tract. 18 acres of which are in aDDles 9 years old; splendid eisht-room plastered nouse in lirst-class condition, large rarn on rural route: two miles from Yamh ill. 39 miles from Portland. The ground is all tiled and the orchard has been well kept and is in splendid condi tion. The terms are one-half cash nd as lone a time as you want on the balance. Interest at 6 per cent. CLACKAMAS COUNTY $1600 10 acres, about two acres under cultivation: heavy stand of first and RMond-erowih --fir on the balance: all tillable: 12 miles southeast of Ore gon tity ana aoout six mues irom Beaver Creek, 29 miles from Port land; $200 cash, $15 monthly. LANE COUNTY $3000 79 14 acres. 60 acres tillable, 2B acres In cultivation; pood black soil; all fenced and cross-fenced; four-room house, barn 80x100. milk house, -po tato house, other outbuildlncs: (rood creek throtrgh place, spring water piped to the house; four acres family orchard: rural route and telephone Included in the price Is complete set of farm implements: $1000 cash. $300 yearly, with interest at 6 per cent Photos at office. .- CLACKAMAS COUNTY $3200 $1000 cash, five years at 6 per cen on the balance, buys this solendid 40 acre tract, 10 acres of which are in cultivation, balance timber and brush all fenced; shack buildings; good spring; five miles east of town, just off the Abernethy road. A very de cided snap. YAMHILL COUNTY $ 1 2,000 150 acres, all stocked and equipped, over 100 acres tillable, 50 acres in cultivation, 25 acres very easily cleared, 25 acres fir and oak timber, balance stump pasture: six - room house, barn 40x80. straw barn and goat barn; hog. chicken and wood house; family orchard; small creek, springs and good well; complete set of implements, wagon, etc.: three chunky mares, two colts. 3 years old; six cows, two yearlings, five calves, one bull, six pigs, 100 chickens; $6000 cash. - This is a good paying farm and first time offered for sale In the past 25 years; 44 miles from Port land and six miles from good town and railroad. Photos at office. LINN COUNTY $23,000 We have a splendid 290-acre dairy ranch, seven miles from Lebanon; 250 acres are tillable, 140 acres in culti vation, balance in second-growth fir and oak timber; - good, rich loamy soil; splendid seven-room house with bath; barn 40x84, with 140-ton hay- lott, good stancnions oeiow; two silos, . granary, milkhouse, wood house and straw shed; water piped to buildings from large spring: $6500 cash, unlimited time on the balance. This is the place you, Mr. Stockman, have been, looking; tor. tnoios at p"icej POLK COUNTY $43,900 439 acres, 415 acres tillable, 200 acres in cultivation. 150 acres good oak timber, 24 acres of prunes 5 years old. good family orchard: eight- room house in good condition; large barn, 36x70; two stock barne, .new hoghouse, chicken-house and tool- house; good well and two springs; place is fenced and cross-fenced; land slightly rolling; best of soil: located on coL-nty road 4 miles Irom Lanas; $18,900 cash, long time on the bal ance. Photos at office. FRED W. GERMAN CO. . 732 CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. irvinstom new listing today Splendid corner home, costly hard- wood-finished first floor, with large livine: room: pleasant bedrooms in white, one is very large; beautifully papered. Price $9500. Near 16th and Brazee. An inspection and compari son of values is solicited. R. T. STREET Exclusive A sient for Irvinarton's Beat Buts. 606 Kast Broadway. East S04. ALAMEDA DRIVE Six large rooms and sleeping porch, two fireplaces, hardwood floors, fin ished in old Ivory six-coat work throughout; garage. Price $9000. Reasonable terms. CLEVGLANO-HENDERSON CO., ' 212 -Railway Exch. Bids;. Main 6752. Your Opportunity To Buy a Home Reasonably OveVlooklng Willamette and Mount Hood. Well-built 7-room house; 4 bed rooms, butler's pantry, large livine and dining rooms, cement basement. fine -variety cnerry, apple, pear and prune trees. Fulton district. Call owner. Mala B41D. Price 3000. k v ' - A -M l I ! Stiffs' u -tl NEW TODAY. M 7X1.-1 i i Housts aovd Garages Brected la Portland Shipped Anywhere In built 4-foot sec tion ready and easy to put to aether. A flrst-clasa houe or garage di rect from the factory at a GREAT SAVING. You pay no middlemen's profit. Write tor catalog. Kedimade Building: Co. Kmt Eleventh and Market. Blocks south of Hawthorne. Fhone lat 5114, Portland Or. Send Us Youf Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver) Old Burs and Woolen Clotblna-. Wm Make Reversible, Hand-Moves FLUFF RUGS Boom-Size Fluff Run Woven. 17.5 Ra Run Woven AU Size. Clothes Cleaning- and Dyeing Depta. Mail Orders Bend (or Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning xl2 Run. Steam Cleaned, t.50 WESTKRN 1'LUiT BCD CO., 64 Onion Ave N. Phono East 651s IRVINGTON RESIDENCE BY OWNER MODERN 12-ROOM RESIDENCE .Finished in selected mahoeranv and oak, spacious rooms, hardwood floors inrougnout; three artistic fireplaces, mo uiiurooms, inree toilets, lates sanitary plumbing; full cement base ment; large finished attic; sun par iui-,- Bleeping porcn, breakrast room etc One of the finest finished house; in Portland. Elegantly furnished, uwner win sen with or without fur nuure on very reasonable terms. AR 752, OREtiOXIAN. 'S CALL FOR YOUR OUO CARl'KTS, . Raffs and Woolen Clofhlns FLUFF RUGS Ail Work Turned Oat .Promptly Bsc Unit Woven All Sines Mall Orders. Send for Booklet. Carpets Cleaned. Laid and Refitted. HOHTHWtJT UUO CO. lSet East Htu St. PS one feast S3tu, TRACKAGE CLOSE IN 100x100 EAST WATKR STRKF.T, NEAR MOR RISON DHinr.E, SACRIFICE EASY TERMS. OWNER, AL 847, OREUONIAN. Mortgage Loans Lsvrest Interest ratesi Installmeat ra sa sucnta if desired. Btalldlns; laauaa aaada. Aw delar la closing;. A. H. B1RRELL CO, tl-21 Amkwntrra nssk Uumua nlaraaali all. REAL, ESTATE. HAVE attractive proposition for ooctor interested in open-air sanatorium, ail equipped; capacity 20 patients: juet uuisiue city limits; small amount cash. Address Y 111. Oregonian. For Sale -lteich Property. COLTTMBIA BEACH "BY THE SEA" THE fXOSEST OCEAN BEACH. KOK YOUR VACATION. Most beautiful, accessible and home iiKe seaside and inland resort combined. Ideal groves, fresh water streams and lanes; boating, bathing, fishing, crab bing, clam digging and hunting to your heart's content. All the comforts of home. Very moderate charges. Hake reservations for a tent In our "Tent City," now open. Good large box tents; everything furnished. Including clean beds, laundry, wood, light and good pure mountain water. Special rates by month or season. For Information and reservation call or write COLUMBIA BEACH COMPANY. 248 Stark st. Phone. Main 541i9. Or Heiman Johnson. Mgr., Columbia Beach, via Warrenton. Or. CHOICE BEACH LOT EXCHANGE FOR PalntlnsT and Paperhanjlnc and i urnir.h material. Lot located in Tillamook beach (Salt air), neur station and .ocean. AU 497, Oresonlan. SIXTEEN lots. Griffin A Reed'a addition to Ocean Grove, on ave. G. Seaside, Or., one block from upper Necanicum bridge, connecting with Hecmosa park. Lots $250 each; terms, one-fifth, cash and one-fifth each year, interest 6 per cent. City water, electric lights, sew erage In and cement sidewalks to block. A M. Smith. 81tt 7th bL, Seaside, Or. KOK RENT OR SALE Gearhart cottage of 7 rooms, furnished; July rent $150 (is rented for August for (200); houst and trOxldO for $o00; will sell furniture if wanted. Owner. P. B. Van Nice. Phone Kast 517 or Marshall MS4. SLSAVIEAV, WASH. For Bale (5-room furnished cottasre running water, patent toilet, elec. lights, all in fine condition; terms, own er, eoo usKum biag. Cam 1 1 .to i FOR BALK Or will rent or lease two choice lots. &0xl40 feet, at Tillamook beach. on board walk, county road and railroad; near dance pavilion and hotel. Address rt isu. uregonian. FOR SALE Seaside. 5-room house and lot. 1 block from board walk, cloae $.00. Miller. 6th st.. Portland. Main 1398. FOR SALE cheap, four-room furnished cottage, wun nne iirepiace. corner lot. 60x100. Seavlew. Wash. Tabor 9178. For Sals -Lota. IN ALAM3DA PARK. Second lot from corner on 29 tb and Skldmore. One block from car. Good buildins; lot for 00. ALAMEDA INVESTMENT COMPANY, GOG Corbett Bids. IN ALAMEDA PARK. ' On Tmni-klev av.. one-half block west from car line. Must be sold for less Uian cose ALAMEDA INVESTMENT COMPANY, 005 Corbett Bids'. BEAUTIFUL wooded lots, none smaller than 50100, near the Jefferson high S500, io can. si' moniniy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 33 N. W. Bank bid. Main 3787. NON-RESIDENT will sacrifice nice 50x100 lot. ready for building, for half, value, $300; Peninsula Park district; terms. Woodiaw n B7U0. A. M. and ev e. HAVE "some choice lots In Warrentoa's prospective business center. R. L. Yoke, 1135 Northwestern Bank bldg. MOST desirable 50x100. Laureihurat. 2 blocks from park; house each side; bar gain. Owner, cash or terms. Tabor 7t36. 84 LOTS- Southeast corner 43d arid Divi sion sts; 9d00 each. J. H. McMahon. 2o0 E. 43d t. Tabor 536L FOR SALE 3 lots. 22. 23, 24, Reservoir Park, east Portland. $1500. Address H. F. C. box 71, Cac amonga, C alifornla. VIEW lot, Portland Heights. 11400. 102S Chamber of Commerce. ESTATE. For Sale Iota. PARK ROSE. $50 DOWN MONTH. 1 On Richardson Road. 100x320 Feet. Fir trees. Good view. J. I HARTMAN COMPANY, Branch Offics End of Farkroao Car Lane. IRVINGTON. 7.1x100. Nine fine full bearinjr fruit trees, plenty berries, etc.. ground all cleared and in cultivation, full crown shade trees In parklnr. al5o fine concrete ga rage, located on Weidler Ft.. 125 feet east of 21st. 1 block to car. very fine location. I will rive a rood deal as I have too much around to look after. Call 201 board of Trade bide . or 332 E. 21st North, corner WeldleK Main 567 For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. APARTMENT site, with small apartment Dring-lna rood Income; larae around. and close In on Ituh St.. west side; car lines and walking" distance: all fur nished, for 8;00. B. S. Cook. 601 Stock bzebance bids. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. Six-family aDartment. close in, east side: live in one. let others Day arood Income on Investment; low price of S7500. for quick sale, terras. Phone owner, 316-10. morning and evening. Fruit and Nut Lands. A PEACH ORCHARD. Loaded with peaches; 3 miles to rail and river; 15 acres. 8 in orchard; build ings; only S3UOU; sioou a own. H. 8. COOK. 6U1 Stock Exch. BId-- For Sale Rouses. IRVTNOTO.V. BEAUTIFUL DUTCH COLONtAI 9-room Dutch Colonial 1ust-llke new fine cement garage. Has hardwood floors throughout. 2 flrer.laces. tine fur nace and beautiful "built-in features. Owner leaving the city and for cjuick sale has priced It ,v below ihe market. i4r.no cash will hanrtl- This, nomc is perfect in every way and must bo seen lobe appreciated. Call Broadway U08. HEART OF IRVINGTON. DUTCH COLONIAL. P-room Dutch colonial house, all fin lshed in white: has absolutely every mod ern convenience: fine hardwood floors all the latest built-ins, fireplace, fur nace and fireproof garage. This is clsssy homo and must be seen to bo appreciated. Price i 10. 600. (4500 cash. rACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. ' . 514-20 Swetland bldg. WESTOVER HEIGHTS HOME. New, elaborste. - Georgian colonial home bultt of hollow tile and stucco, double lot. unobstructed view of city mountains and river; every late feature Including brocaded silk paneled walla, batik hand-painted solarium. 12 set French doors. 3 tile baths, double ga rage, gas, hot-water heat. 107 Westover road. R. T. Torrey. owner. Tabor 40 LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Owner compelled to make quick move win give someone a rare bargain' In classy, nearly new 6 -room bungalow witn garage, located in most exciusiv section near park: old Ivory ' finish beautifully papered and decorated, lot of French doors. Pullman .-breakfast nook and every late feature, with nice lawn and shrubDery. Tabor 4U7. REED COLI.EC.3 MSTUICT. PRICE U01 PRICE. TO SETTLE Af INSTATE. . 8-room house, large rooms, furnace, full bssrment, 300xl')0 lot, near Reed c liege, wlier-i 'you can have all th roomers you want. All kinds of frujt on end I think you will buy if you ce it. Aut --'ia-14. Marshall 3:wu. ROSE CITY PARK. BELOW THE HILL. ' Fine 6-room modern house with full lot and fine garage, fine lawn and shrub bery. located blk. Bandy blvd.. 1 best part of district; has every modern convenience and the best buy in Rose City. Price only .Gno, 2.'00 cash and terms. Call Broadway 30S9. EXCEPTIONAL BUT. 11 rooms, strictly modern, close in. 1 east side, beautiful grounds. 7sxlon, 1 Ailock to car; price JS300, $2000 cash. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. LAURELHURST. VACANT. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. . STRICTLY MODERN BUNGALOW. HARDWOOD FLOOR'S, GASCO FUR NACE, GARAGE: $8300. TERMS. S2500 CASH, BALANCE EASY. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE. EAST 6771. IRVINGTON CORNER; $8750. Excenent modern corner residence In finest part of Irvington, 7 rooms and large sleeping porch, garage. 520 E. 24th N.. corner B razee. Main 408 or E. 3319. SNAP Beautiful 6-room Alberta home, with garage, garden, fruit and berries. 100 feet on car line and hard-surface street; tlftOO down, balance to "suit the buyer; will consider a one-ton truck as part payment. 705 Alberta st..- Wood lawn 601. FINE 8-ROOM HOUPE. One of the best built houses in the city, right on car line and improved street; full lot; everything paid; $4500, terms. THE I A WHENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bidg. Main 6915. NIFTY" AND NEW 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. $3400. TOO cash. Near Mt. Tabor park, also Franklin tiffrh; Dutch kitch en, hardwood floors, fireplace, good base ment, 50x100 corner lot. Phone Mar shall SHh9. Sundays. Auto. 21U-10. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. $2,100. $700 CASH. Near Franklin high, m blocks trt car. Don't fail to see this. Very low price has been set so as to make sale. Phone Marshall evenings and Sundays, Auto. l!19-. IRVINGTON HOME S8000. Modern 2-story 6-room home. Just re painted and decorated, on corner, near car: old ivory finish, oak floors, fire place and furnace: big snap. Tabor 407. T-ROOM bungalow, built-rna. fireplace. garage, large lot, east lacing, close to car; cheap; easy terms. Edwin Jacob son. 718 Spalding bldg. Main 5642; even ings. Tabor 7S.a. BRAND-NEW -room bungalow, has every thing; near csr line, nose Lily rtr, (4750, easy terms. Edwin Jacobson. 718 Spalding bldg. Main 5o42; evenings. Ta bor 78M. J5000 LAURELHURST 15000. Six rooms and sleeping porch, white enamel. Dutch kitchen, built-ins, full cement basement, etc.; a bargain for someone Liberal terms. Tabor 0416. WE BUY equities in houses for cash. Call Main 450.1 if you iiave to cell in a hurry. Irvington, Rosa City and Laureluurst preferred. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Karaite and barn to match; large grounds. u Iruit trees of all varieties. -An Ideal country home In tne city, uwner. r.ast 1RV1NGTON SACRIFICE; owner leaving city, sen at cost, attractive modern home, 7 rooms, garage, near Knoll; 17500. aiam eua. bw in. vv. oank bldg. FOR sales in industrial aistrlct. large modern nouse. uw, i uuu aown, iao l month; . many conveniences included now vacant. BJ 824. Oregonlaa TWO SMALL nui,ai,a. oo in nave ga rages, one in i.ents, near scnool; one in Kern park. William AL Gregory, owner. oJ v. asningion niun. Main u9. - WEST SIDE INVESTMENT (5000. 7-room house, one floor, good con dition, lot ooxuu. on tenth street. HENRY W. UOUDARD. 243 STARK ST SUNN V SIDE district, fine and well-built 5-room house with bath. full cement basement, laundry trays, nlcs.lawn; all for sli&SO cash, owner. Tabor 81D2. EAST 9TH STREET SJO0O. Good 6-room house with basement. streets pavea ana-paia, near Ain. HENRY W. GODPARD. 24a STARK ST. j.nnn modern house, larg-e si. noreh hen house and run-.-m-ell located: terma Owner. o33S p:tn st. c-. x.. -lapor ictftf. ROSE CITY cottage, nicely furnished, mod ern improvements, 4 rooms, move In; price $2500, terms. Call 725 E. 74th st. N. IDEAL location, every convenience. 4 bed rooms, sleeping porch, hot-water heat, built for my own home. Tabor 7734. FOR 6ALE 5-room furnlBhed bungalow with 2 lot; Price $3000. terms. .Call Tabor 210. ' BUNGALOW, large and roomy, gas. water, electric light, good educational facilities: l' miles east, paved roads. Tabor 5792. S-ROOM bungalow, hardwood floors, fur nace, fireplace, full cement basement and laundry trays; $4850. Main 7031: FOR BALE Five-room cottage. 1072 Bel mont street- Inquire evenings, - near 35th street. ' 7-ROOM modern home for sale by owner, near Sandy blvd - 57 E. 63th st. N. - Price $6500 Immediate possession. MODERN 5-room bungalow. Willamette Hta. Call owner. Main M94. COM PLETE furnishings of 7-room house; will sell at sacrifice. Bdwy. 3032. . RF.AT, E5TATK. For Bale -iiou LARGEST HOME-SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 10OO PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. FRANK U McGUIRR To Buy Your Home. Are you looking for a home? Try the UlcOUIRK SYSTEM OF SCIENTIFIC HOME SERVICE, a system that puts you In IMMEDIATE TOUCH WITH THE HOME of your requirements. 10i0 PHOTOGRAPHS of personally AP PRAISED AND INSPECTED homes for sale. Every district, every type; prices you can pay. If necessary, we will he.p you make vour down payment. OPE-N EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. 18 autos at your SERVICE. 50 ROSE CITIES 50. $4600 New. beautiful ROSE CITY. cheery fireplace, bookcases. Dutch kitchen with sunny BREAK FAST NOOK: indirect liKhts. finished in old ivory. HARD WOOD FLOORS; 55th and Tilla mook; THIS IS A REAL ROSE CITY at a BARGAIN PRICE. See it today. 140 HAWTHORNES 140. 14200 ONE OF HAWTHORNE'S most beautifu. BUNGALOWS; five rooms, fireplace, paneled dining room, massive buffet; MODEL WHITE DUTCH KITCHEN HARDWOOD FLOORS; 3 light, airy bedrooms, sleeping porch. best white enamel p'.umbing fix tures: SPLENDID HOT-WATER HEATING PLANT: I block to car. E. 51st. SEE THIS NOW. $2750 THIS HAWTHORNE IS UN USUAL VALUE; you'll say to when you see it. 5-room mod ern BUNGALOW, while enamel olumbina. electricity. gas; on TERMS; E. 37th, Just south of Hawthorne. 140 Hawthornca for sa:e in our office. J2400 BEAUTIFUL MT. TABOR VIEW BUNGALOW. 04x100, with splen did garden: one of the cleanest most delightful little homes you nave seen: wnite enamei piumo Ing, electricity, gas; 2d, near Hawthorne. ALBERTA HOMES. S250O THIS 13 ONE OF ALBERTA'S best buys: 4-room modern arti tic bungalow, SLEEPING PORCH. white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. GARAGE: t'ASV TERMS; E. 2Gth. We have SO Alberta homes. 12100 TYPICAL 5-room ALBERTA BUNGALOW. very convenient floor plan. 2 light, airy bedrooms white enamei plumbing. eiec tricitv. gas. full basement; E, 2tilh, close to car; TERMiS. See this TODAY! I050 VERY EASY TERMS; 4-room neat ALBERTA home, electric ity, gas. fruit; h block to car, on E. 2Sth st. SELLWOOD HOMES. J3990 WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW, 5 rooms, cheery fireplace, full width oorch. built-in bookcases. paneled dining room with beamed celling; Dutcli Kltcnen. a ngni airy bedrooms, white -name plumbing, electricity, gas: clos to Seilwood car. We havo 60 Sellwood homes. 100 WEST-SIDE HOMES 100. 12200 A REAL WEST-SIDE HOME SNAP! Just $500 down; 7 rooms, substantial; white enamel plumb, ing. electricity, gas. paved stree pajld; Corbett. near Porter; un usual. SEE IT NOW! MOUNT SCOTT HOMES. 13300 FRANKLIN HIGH DISTRICT, 80x100 lot, 7-room modern sub stantial home. white ename plumbing, electricity, gas; t(WM down. $2.1 per month; 54lh. SEE THIS TODAY. $1730 HERE'S VALUE: Typical 5-room modern bungalow, cneery tire place, dining room with massiv buffet. MODEL WHITE DUTCH KITCHEN: 1 bedroom Cown, 1 up; white enamel plum-bins, electricity, gas; EASY TERMS. See this now. If you are in the market for a home come down to our office and see over 1000 PHOTOGRAPHS' OF HOMES FOR . SALE. EVERYONE PERSONALLY APPRAISED AND INSPECTED. Every dcstrlct, every price, every type of home. We will help you make your down payment if necessary. our 18 automobiles at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN IOCS. 106 Third St., Bet. 'Wash, and Stark. Opposite Ladd A Tilton Bank. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 Rooms and Sleeping Porch, .-7.-0. A truly -wonderful home. Located near Sandy, facing east. Central en trance hall with exceptionally large liv ing room. You will find here every thing one would expect to find in a cost ly homo and, too. the house Is in per fect condition. - It'll be a downright pleasure to show vou. A. G. TEEPE CO. 264 Star St . near 3d. Main 3002. Branch Office, TiOth and Sandy. (Open rSunday.) LEAVING CITY. MUST SELL. Havinjr been transferred to Los Ance les I sni compelled to sell my east front, six-rbom bunKalow which is located on the best street in Rose City Park; new iy painted, tinted, full cement basement, furnace, linoloum on kitchen and bath room, window shade?, everything in per- feet repair: cherry and walnut trees in bearlr.R-. strawberries: you cannot dupll cate this bungalow today unless pavintr S1000 more than I am asking. ,0i Last 4,-.th st. North. Tabor 7H3B. ROSl-rClTY PARK. NIFTY BUNGALOW GARAGE. S'.rtco. A new buniralow the very acme of perfection. You couldn't possibly plan a prettier bungalow and as to construe tion it Just couldn't be better built. Of course It has hardwood floors, fireplace bookcase, buflet. Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, cement basement, washtrays. etc.; pttvlnsr and sewer paid. A. G. TEEPE CO. 64 Stark St.. near :id. Main "002 Branch Office, r,oth and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. 5 beautiful rooms, finished In white enamel and nstural paneling, solid oak floors, built-ins, fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, trays, every modern convenience; attic large enough for rooms: 80x100 corner lot; built three years ago with the best material money can buy. It will pay you to see this home. $5250; some terms. THE 212 Corbett LAWRENCE Bldg. CO., Main fi!15. JJ0IX). (oCOO. W,' l cam loin oUu 1 ri . Corner Schiller. 2-story house, fiv good rooms, hall and pantry, finished and in fine condition on first floor, fivs rooms partitioned ready for lath up, including oatn; good large nasement full concrete walls: lot 50x100 with pavement and sewer; location handy to S. P. shops and one block to Sellwood car; $1000 cash. MR. ROGERS. COE A. McKENNA CO.. Main 4.122. 82 Fourth St. GOOD, substantial 6-room house, walking distance. J large, npnt rooms, recep tion hall and pantry first floor: S well ventilated bedrooms and bath on second floor, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, woodlift: the lot is well improved with beautiful lawn. tree roses, fruit trees, grapes and berries; you can "get immediate possession, $1.1( 0 cash, small payment every 6 months, $4500; streets hard surfaced and paid. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. B33 X. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. IRVINGTON HOME. $18,000. On 21st street. 1 block from Broad way, ground 100x200, corner. 9 full bear ing fruit trees, berries, lots of extra fine shrubbery and trees. 9-room house extra well constructed, large porches, garage, etc. If you want a home that is not Jamtiied In like a tenement or flat bldg. go take a look at this. 332 E. 21st st. N , or phone Main 567. 8-ROOM IRVINGTON HOME. 4 sleeping rooms, sleeping porch, living room, den, kitchen, dining room, big pass pantrv, large built-in refrigerator. 2 fireplace's, first floor hardwood, full cement base ment, furnace, wash trays, street paved and paid for. Price $4750. Modern west side home; fine locality, large lot with roses, shrubs, natural trees, price $0000; best of terms. Owner, L. K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade. HIGH-CLASS COLONIAL. 100x112 corner. 1340 E. 32d St., East moreland: fine shrubbery. 9 rooms. : baths. 2 fireplaces, oak floors tnrough out: all rooms enameled. Double eon structed garage; 20 per cent under cost of duplication. Offered by owner, who is leaving city upen to Inspection by appointment. Phone Sellwood 25;19. CLEARING -1on PER MONTH. ONE HALF INTEREST TO RE I 1AK1 E MAN ON GROUND FLOOR CENTER CITY. WORKING 6 MEN AT PRESKXT, CAN WORK MORE. AM ABLE TO SHOW YOU A REAL BUSINESS. OLD E5. TABL1SHED PLACE. I MEAN BUS1. NESS. NO AGENTS. PRICE $2(KI0 FULLY SECURED. D R2. OREGON I AN. $o000 LAURELHURST SNAP $6000. 7 large, airy rooms, library and sleep Ing porch. lQcated just east of park: full basement, turnace. nrepiace. lots of built Ins If you are looking for a bargain In a real home nere is your chance. J. A, McCarty. Office, East 39th and Glisan sts. Tsbor S433. Sunday and eve.. Ta bor 5057. - E. 16TH. NEAR COUCH $5500. Good 6-room house, basement, furnace and fireplace, dandy garage, walking distance. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 STARK ET. REAL RSTATR. LAURELHURST. This nw bungalow is strictly modem, including hardwood floors in every room, large piate-g-l&fl windows. .indirect .iBht iriK fixtures, French doors, tapestry pa per, solid brass hardware, cut-las knobs, large beveled mirrors, full Dutod kitchen, pretty breakfast nook, tile bath, pedestal lavatory, floor tub. inlaid lino leum in kitchen, cement porch, large at tic, garage. 3 coats paint on outside., 5 coats on. Inside woodwork. Here is sw home that you can well be proud of. Come out today and see for yourself; SXOOO cash, balance on mortgage. llf-t Laurelhurst ave., near 39th U Buy di rect from owner and Guilder. HOME IN LAURELHURST. f A distinctive English colonial home with beautiful landscape garden: larce living room with handsome fireplace. French doors between living room and attractive dining room; also between dining room and sun room. Dutclvj kitchen with a!l modern eonveniences. Including breakfast nook; 3 good-sized, sunny bedrooms upstairs; also glass-enclosed sleeping porch and bath; hard wood floors downstairs and white enamel woodwo-k throughout, furnace, garage. Before deciding on a home let us show you this one. Price elO.000. term. Ll'EDDEMANM COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 9T. FOR THE VEWLTWEDS. A practically new newly-wed apart ment house type of bungalow, splendid rergola entrance. Murphy disappearing bed. dressing room, large living rooia with fireplnce and seat. Pullman bulf-t kitchen and oreakfast nook, built-in tatle and seats; beautiful lot. paved sti ' and cnrline; $300 cash, any large month ly payment will do. Fred V. Gerowa Co., ,:12 Cham, of Com. READ THIS AD S'J37.Y 5-ROOM. BUNGALOW COTTAGE. -If you can pay 1450 down see this) quick; it's a mighty good bargain. This: pretty home has just beeu tinted aixt painted and is in fine condition. It has living room, dining room, kltchen, pantry, bath and '2 bedrooms; cornttj lot, street paved in front. Just think of getting a home on a paved street, near Richmond car. for $375. Call me. Wood lawn 148. and I'll show you. --I COLONIAL. Irvington select, beautiful grounds, massed with flower beds, arched per- gola. sun room draped with creepers, center hall with French doors to living and dining rooms, in old ivory. LuxlnR burg kitchen. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch in white enamel, hardwood floors hot-water heat; built 5 years, by dayt' labor; garage. $9J.-0, terms $1500 cash, jm per month, 6 per cent. Now vacant. Kast 1347. 'r IRVINGTON BARGAIN $73ob. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. -I ? This home is modern, in A-l conj!-t tlon and a bargain; it contains living room, dining room, kitchen. 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors throughout. 2 fireplaces, garace, trult trees and nice shrubbery; $-000 do w Un balance to suit. : LU ED DEM ANN COMPANY. fU 3 Chamber o C Commerce. M ain 6967. . FINE IRVINGTON HOME AT A BARGAIN PRICE. 11-room houfee. in the heart of Irrlnir ton; has absolutely every modern con venience and in every way a well-appointed home: fully equipped billiard room and all draperies included in rhe price of $10,500. II you are looking for a fine home in the best residence sec tion of Portland be sure and see this. Phone Mar. S'.lSiK 5750 TABOR HiilGHTo BUNGALOW x,5U. S rooms and sleeping porch, located en magnificent view lot, 42x100, all on oat floor; full basement, turnace, fireplace, woodwork in old ivory; lots of built-ins. Terms to responsible people. J. A. Mc carty. K. SOth and Glisan sts. Office Ta bor 3433. Sunday and eve.. Tabor SOoi., 6 ROOMS. BATH. $1950! J200 cash. Nice looking, newiy paint ed (plastered house), cement basement, laundrv trays, elec. lights, gas. large, full-bearing Royal Anne cherry; 1 blk. to paved (Stark) street. Take "Mt. UW car. 4 short blocks. N. E. corner 55th and Oak: vacant. It will surprise you. Tabor bit. A HOME THAT WILL SUIT YOU. ; 5-room modern bungalow on one ot Hawthorne's best streets. hardwood floors, fireplace, beautiful buffet. Dutch kitchen and large screened back porch-, newly tinted and papered in tapestry paper, full cement basement, nice yard and flowers. Inquire 322 E. 41st SL of owner. No agents. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. OWNED BY NON-RESIDENT. ' TKJ 1IB SOLD AT A SACRIFICE. r $;:soo. $500. $::." per month. - Seven-room house, on hard-surface street. 2 blocks from, car 50x100. with fruit and roses. 517 ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN SS7. MARSHALL 217. ROSE CITY PARK SNAP. Elegant 5-room bungalow; large, well lighted floored attic (2 more rooms available at small cost), hardwood floor, fireplace, grand furnace, Dutch kitchen, interior eRg-shell ivory. Be sure to See it. $4DMl. $1500 cash. 555 E. 4th .N. Phono S10-1-7, OVERLOOK ADDITION". $5500 'rT" owner. 6-room modern 2-story hous. built-in bookcase and buffet, hardwood floors. I (replace, full cement basement, wash trays, etc Lot 60x100, east front. Rear sonable terms. Overlook Laud Co.. Tel. Main 218. : 8 FINE ROOMS. 4500. $750 cash; Ut 72x123; fruit, nuts, ber ries; double concrete garage; new fur race; buffet. Dutch kitchen; $200 electrlo range; laundry trays; this Is quite an at tractive home; In fine condition; wonder ful view of mountains; 4 blocks 8. MV csr. S. W. cor. 05th and Couch sta. Tabor 854. PRICE $1050. INCOME $42.50 MONTHLY. Two 5-room houses, located at 736-733 Minnesota ave.. both furnished, bear ing fruit trees, street -work all paid for, $400 cash. $20 monthly. Let us show you this property. Fred W. German Oa, 7:12 Cham, ot Com. LOTS OF GROUND, $1411.21. 67x3"4. all in cultivation, 20 assorted bearing fruit trees and berries, good barn, chicken hou3e and 4-room bunga low type of house with sleeping porch. Woodstock district. $250 cash, balance monthly. Fred W. German Co, 133 Cham, of Com. HAWTHORNE. PRICE $3200. $1M0 CASH. 5-room modern bungalow, good base ment, attic, garage, etc: lot 42x1 HI; fine hard-surfaced street, all paid. This is a real bargain. Hurry if you want It- Call Mar. 3:s- $7300 IRVINGTON COLONIAL BUNGALOW. One year old. 7 rooms, all ivory, hard wood floors throughout. linoleum, laundry equipped; built for home, yountc trees, roses, lawn, fine garden. 731E.i8TH ST. N EAST 419. $4000 TO $7000 VIEW SITE HOME. Close In. 7-room. 2-story frame; in come $40 monthly and home for 2; gas. electricity, water, sewer. ian, Hdrurii, view. Owners, 4o loth, Portland. Or. at Jackson, 4-ROOM modern oungmow ana garaKe- Full plumoin anu uasrmcui, Btjwi con struction: 6 bearing trees: near car line on East 58th street North. Price $2300; $750 cash, balance terma Lee-Robertan Co . 413 Corbett bldg . 7-KuoM double constructed modern home. close in on c.-l ,,iu c .. iuit tuv, Improvements all in and paid: newly tinted, good condition: $3250. $400 cash, easy terms on balance. Interstate Land Co. Main 54211. 248 Stark st. IRVINGTON. 56 Hancock street. $5.0; 7 rooms, empiy; ciose in. near scnooi. car lines, stores, walking distance buv. if you know when you see it East 804. welt-built home R. T. Street, agent. ROSE CITY PARK. An artistic bungalow, furnished If de sired. 5 rooms, sleeping porch, garage, good lawn and shrubbery, best location in district. See owner. 610 East 4tn North; Tabor 2891. 100x100 CORNER. 1 blk. to car; walks in and paid: o rooms u nu dui. garage, fruit house, newly painted and tinted: $2fu0 $300 cash. $25 per month. Inter slate Land Co. Main 5429. 24S Stark eu SftOO CENTRAL Irvington. 411 E. 17th N., 4-room house. 60x100 lot; fine fruit trees, shrubbery, etc.: home has cement basement, some plumbing. East 797G. 9-ROOM attractive modern house In Irv ington. ivory iinisn. oa uyura. steeping porch, garden, etc. very complete, built for home. Owner. AB 821. Ortgoplan FOR SALE 6-room house, modern, nice garden, 7 bearing fruit trees, chicken house: price $2500. Take Russell-Shaver ear to Patton avenue: 4 blocks north. - 7-ROOM modern home for sale by owner, (15th and Sandy blvd. 6.",7 E. 65th. si. Price $'1500; immediate possession. l-0O BUYS my equity In 5-room houim, "near two carlines, furniture included; balance $750 at $10 per month, 6 wr cent interest. 3538 64 th St. S. E. SIX room, modern, 3 bedrooms, fine lot. paved street. $4250. terms. S3 E 3"th s . near Hawthorne. Owner. East 741. MODERN 7-room house, nice ,yard and roses; Irvington district. 709 Multno mah: $:;5 Call Sell. 3503. TO SETTLE AN ESTATE 5-room semi modern cottage. 50x105 lot; walking dia tanoe; $2500. East 8I4. , 4