Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 29, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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Prohibition, League and Irish
Question Up.
finished Product Probably Will
Xot Be Ready for Conven
tion for Three Days.
fight over prohibition, the league of
nations, the Irish question and other
subjects which have troubled demo
cratic leaders in pre-convention dis
cussions was centered tonight in the
conference rooms of the committee on
resolutions. As the committee ses
sions began, some of the most ex
perienced in the ways of platform
building predicted it might bo three
days before finished product would
bo ready for submission to the con
vention and that even then there
probably would be minority reports
bringing the prohibition issue, at
least, into a fight on the convention
All elements were represented on
the committee, which had one mem
ber from each state. There were
ultra wets and ultra drys. league
advocates and league opponents and
representatives of nearly every other
shade of opinion on many other pub
lic questions.
Bryan Fight for IManW.
"W. J. Bryan was there to lead the
fight for a bone-dry plank and
James TL. Nugent of New Jersey, was
the field marshal of the wets. In the
treaty fight, the administration rep
resentatives Included Senator Glass
of Virginia, and Secretary Colby of
the state department, while in oppo
sition to the administration stand
were Senator Walsh of Massachusetts,
with several others who voted in the
senate to take the republican reser
vations. W. Bourke Cochran of New .York,
was the leading advocate on the com
mittee of an Irish independence
lesides these, the committee's
riler, included ice-President Mar
nielli and ex-national Chairman Vance
Many SuRsestiona Received.
One complete platform, many par
tial platforms, and enough loose
p. links to last the party for many
years to come were on file as sug
gestions when the committee met.
The platform submitted in its en
tirety was the one adopted by the
Virginia democrats. Indorsed by Pres
ident Wilson and brought to San
Francisco by Senator Glass. The
other suggestions came from many
sources within and without the party.
There was so much material de
manding use in some form that the
platform fashioners soon abandoned
hope of following the advice of Vice
President Marshall and writing the
platform on a postal card. It was re
garded as likely that belore final
ttecsions were reached on any issue
the committee would give Interested
Individuals and organizations an op
Bortunity to present their cases in
public hearings.
Navy Daniels, Secretary of Agricul
ture Meredith and Postmaster-General
Burleson and approximately 1000 fed
eral office holders are here working
to nominate McAdoo.
Public !' for Seaalon.
Another 1000 federal office holders
are here trying to nominate Attorney
General Palmer, and don't overlook
the fact that while these government
servants are here devoting themselves
to Keeping a member of the Wilson
family or administration in office, the
public is paying their salaries and
some of their traveling expenses. Sec
retary Daniels is understood to be
hanging his expense account on an
inspection of the navy-yard at Mare
Island. Well, it would be a shame if
Mare Island were not inspected right
A few days ago some of the disap
pointed supporters of Hiram Johnson
were threatening to bolt the repub
lican party. They came down and
looked in on the preliminaries of this
convention and got over it. Senator
Johnson himself is understood to be
getting ready to come out for Hard
ing and Coolidge.
He spent one day around the Palace
hotel, where delegates and politicians
congregate, and it is said that he has
gone into a quiet retreat to do pen
ance for some of the unkind things
he said about certain men in this re
publican party.
'Wanton Delay" of Vermont and
Connecticut Governors Cause
of Some Criticism.
SAN FRANCISCO, June 28. Woman
suffrage advocates, at a luncheon
given today to democratic women by
the San Francisco branch of the civic
center, were warned against over
confidence by Mrs. Abbey Scott
Baker of the national woman's parjy.
Although elated over the action of
Tennessee's governor in calling a
special session of the legislature for
August 9, Mrs. Baker warned her
audience that the fight for ratifica
tion of the woman suffrage amend
ment could not be counted won until
the final vote is taken. Women
workers arranged to call next Thurs
day upon the Tennessee delegation
here and urge necessity for favorable
action in Tennessee.
Mrs. Baker also scored "wanton
delay" of governors of Vermont and
Connecticut in calling special sessions
of their legislatures to consider the
women's amendment. -
Power Company Objects to Paying
$5600 to Centralia.
OLYMPIA, Wash.. June 28. (Spe
cial.) A writ of review returnable
July 8 has been issued by Judge Wil
son of the superior court of Thurston
county, upon application of the North
Coast Power company, to review the
order of the public service commis
sion directing the power company to
refund to the city of Centralia S5600
collected on wholesale electric energy
on rates in excess of the contract
tariff with the city.
The order of the commission was
issued June 9 and holds that while
other rates in the tariff filed by the
power company effective December
20, 1919, were approved, the company
had a contract rate with the city and
the rate specified in the contract could
not be increased until a new contract.
approved by the commission, replaced
the existing instrument. The commis
sion hela, however, thai the new rates
collected were not excessive, and
makes such rates effective July 1, but
orders a refund of the excess charges
up to tnat time.
Elks of State AVI1I Convene in
Annual Session for Tlirce
Days In August.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. June 28. Spe
clal.) Vancouver is becoming a popu
lar convention city for the state, and
promises to grow more so from year
to year.
The Washington state association
of drugless physicians is holding
three days' convention here now, and
have been joined by Oregon members,
On July 1, 2 and 3 the Radcliffe
Chautauqua will hold forth. On July
6, Vancouver will have a Fourth of
July celebration, in charge of chil
dren, and it will be a real children's
celebration. They will even put on
the parade.
July 26, 27 and 28 are the dates for
the Red Men's state convention.
August 19, 20 and 21 the Washing
ton state Klks' convention will be
held and elaborate plans are being
laid for handling a crowd of 10.000
on the last day of the convention,
when several thousand Elks and
friends from Portland will spend the
day here.
September 16, 17 and 18 the second
annual prune harvest festival will be
September 28. 29 and 30 the State
W oman's Christian Temperance union
convention will be held.
Already the Washington State con
vention of Eagles has held forth here,
a few of the delegates still remaining
in the city.
June 22 the Shriners came here,
15.000 strong, to launch the Antinous.
9600-ton ship, for the Green Star line
of New York, built by the G. M.
Standifer Construction corporation.
Mrs. Ellis Lewis Garretson. wife of
the new imperial potentate of North
America, was the sponsor.
(Continued From First Page.)
publican national committee, is a far
seeing public man, who recognizes
that times have changed. He ad
vocated having the republican con
vention do its work in the open and
so it was run. Newspaper men were
admitted to the conferences of the
state delegations and to all of the
important committee hearings.
At this convention the old-fashioned
caucus, designed to conceal from the
folks back home what their dele
gates are doing, is in full swing. The
Idaho delegation this morning fur
nished one of the examples of the
archaic caucus which always worked
in the dark.
Idaho Caucus Exclusive.
When the delegation waa called to
order by Senator John F. Nugent
there was a visible nervousness on
the part of several delegates. Beecher
S. Hitchcock of Sand Point. Idaho,
prominently made a motion to ex
clude "everybody but Idaho demo
crats" from the room. Delegates
ceen after the secret session said
they could not reveal what went on
inside, but the story is that one of
the big bosses had a message to com
municate to the delegations.
Tho Washington delegation held the
same kind of caucus Saturday after
noon and everywhere somebody is
whispering to somebody else. Secre
try pf State Colby, Secretary of the
School Teacher Weds.
ALTURAS, Cal.. June 28. (Spe
cial.) Miss Nettie Leonard, teacher
of the county and member of th
couniy ouaru oi education, was mar
ried here, to William Drane. Mrs.
Drane will continue teaching the
South Davis Creek school. Mr. Drane
served in the navy during the world
New Bubonic Case Discovered.
BEAUMONT, Tex., June 28. With
the discovery here today of the sec
ond suspected case of bubonic plague.
federal, state and city authorities in
augurated an extensive rat extermi
nation campaign.
S. & H. green
Holman Fuel Co
stamps for cash
Main 353. .560-21.
W W 5iS TO .V& 3rr TE
7 'i rHON's
!S X Deep-Csrre Leu
(0y - Are -Better.
A Trademark Registered
Thoroughly experienced
Optometrists for the exami
nation and adjustments
skilled workmen to con
struct the lenses a concen
trated service that guar
antees dependable glasses at
reasonable prices.
Complete Lent Cirlndlnis
Factory on the Premise
Portland's Laricrat, Moat
Modern, Best Equipped, Kx
elUMlve Optical Uatablish
ment. ZOU-lO-ll CORBETT BLD(.
Since 1808.
trJ H
6 Bell-an s
Hot water
Sure Relief
For Tuesday and Possibly Wednesday Should Any of the Following Items Remain You With Hundreds of Others Can Profit by the End-of-the-Month
Price-Cuts Listed in This Ad and Displayed Throughout the Store ,
Great 3-Day Sale End-of-Month Price Cuts
Bringing to You Wonderful Savings!
Cut-Prices-Cut J
Every Section of Every Department Participates in This Great Sale
Hundreds of Unadvertised Offerings Will Be Prominently Displayed and Plainly Marked So You Can Tell at a Glance .
What Wonderful Savings Are in Store for You.
It has been said, "By his seasonable clearances shall a merchant be known. The real merchant quickly clears his stocks, relying on low prices, plus
quality, to do the work. He will get in money to reinvest in goods for the next season." The above quotation tells the story. We want to clear our
stocks of broken lines. The price reductions are drastic to insure a rapid clearance. And practically every department has many items it wishes to clear
immediately, articles you are using now and will use for another two months. These goods you can purchase at such savings as will warrant you in
buying a supply and laying it aside until next season if you cannot use it now. Everyone in the store will be on tip-toe and keenly alive to serve cheerfully
and promptly. Come early and choose early.
It Is Not Often That Such Pretty and Attractive
Dress Voiles and; Crepes
sell at such a sensational price reduc
tion so early in the season. You have
choice from regular stock lines in pat
terns and coloring that are most popular
Women who would purchase high-grade fabrics for summer garments will welcome this
special half-price sale. Included are all our regular stock lines selling regularly at twice the fig
ure quoted above; beautiful, fancy Dress Voiles, also Silk and Cotton Crepes in neat figure,
flower and novelty patterns in various color combinations. None will be sold to dealers and not
more than two dress lengths to any one purchaser. While any remain you have choice at 75c yard.
Plain Color Fabrics Reduced This
Sale to 50c Yard
Choice from 30-inch Japanese Crepes, 36
inch Hawaiian Cloth and 32-inch Palm Beach
Suitings. All of standard quality all wanted
plain colors. This sale at only 50c yard.
Silk-Mixed and Imported Ginghams
at 98c Yard
All our Silk-Mixed Ginghams and imported
Zephyr Ginghams, shown in beautiful stripe
and plaid styles; 32-inch width; 1600 yards in
this sale. While any remain at 98c yard.
Forty Colors in Washable Thirty-Six-Inch
Silk Poplins at 98c a Yard
A Full Third Less Than Regular Selling Price-Saving Worthy of Attention
Again our Silk Section comes to the front with amazing value-giving! This time it is a
sale of the ever-fashionable and extremely desirable Silk Poplins durable silks that will re
tain their brilliant luster after washing. They come in more than 40 plain shades QQ
and full 36 inches wide and at this sale you pay only O
Niagara Maid and Other Well -Known Makes
Silk Gloves
In broken assortments, white, grays, browns, navy,
black, etc. All sizes in the Jot, but not all sizes
each style and color. This sale while any remain.
Don't fail to attend this sale and secure a full season's supply
of Silk Gloves, for such a saving- opportunity is eeldom met with,
even at this store. It is a clean-up of all broken lines Niagara
Maid Silk Gloves, all sizes in white, broken sizes in grays, browns
and navy; also other well-known makes in black, white and various
colors. While any remain you have choice from the entire assort
ment at the extremely low price of 85c pair.
Infants' and
Children's Socks
White With Fancy
Top at
A special lot irregulars to
close at this low figure. Fine
mercerized Cotton Socks in
white with full-fashioned fancy
top all sizes for both infants
and children. While any remain
to close at 390 pair.
Women's e
Lisle Union Suits
Styles With Cuff OQ
Knee at OUC
It is a special underpriced
sale of the celebrated Hirsch's
Nu - Shape lisle thread Union
Suits in styles with cuff knee
size 36 only. While any remain
to close at S9 suit.
Knit Bloomers
Women's Fashionable Shoes at Bargain Price
In White Canvas and in White Nu-Buck Good Shoes -at a Bargain Price !
Add a pair of these fine white Shoes to your wardrobe at this splendid saving you have
choice from canvas and Nu-Buck Shoes with low or high heels and light or heavy soles in lace
models, also styles in the rubber sole or white ivory sole, McKay or Goodyear stitched not all
sizes in each style, but all sizes in the assortment. While any remain your choice at 2.35.
Vacation Time Is Sandal Time
And Here They Are With Prices Especially Reduced
All Sizes for Women, Blisses and Children
Regulation styles in tan lotus calf, made with viscolized Goodyear-stitched sole and one
strap the popular barefoot sandals priced for this sale as follows:
In sizes QQ f
2 to 5 at
In sizes
5 to 11 at
In sizes
11 to 2 at
In sizes fcO OC
2Va to 6 at J-..0
Aluminum Ware
But only those who come early will so
profit, for the quantity is limited.
Below we state the exact number of
pieces in each of the two underpriced
lots. Not more than one of each will
be sold to any one purchaser. No
phone or mail orders. - t
In Lot 1 Are
44 6-qt. Aluminum Strainer Cook
ers for potatoes and vegetables.
56 6-quart Aluminum Preserving
Kettles in the heavy 18-gauge Gloria
aluminum. While any re- - OQ
main, choice at PX.Oi7
In Lot 2 Are
50 5-quart Viko Aluminum Tea Ket
tles with welded spout.
75 5-piece Combination Aluminum
Cookers -- practical for all cooking
purposes. While any re- flJO f Q
main, choice at J .7
An Apron Sale Phenomenal
For Novelty South
ern Pinafores, Semi
Bungalow, Slip Over,
Side Fasten,. Back Fasten and Other
Style Aprons in Heavy Ginghams and
Scout Percales. Made to sell Regu
larly at Twice the Price Quoted for
This Sale.
A Sale of Aprons That Is Bound to
Create a Stir Among Women Who
Know Values Best.
Crisp, new Aprons that are cool,
comfortable and attractively dainty.
They are made of heavy ginghams
and scout percales in plaid, stripe,
check and small-figure patterns also
in plain blue and pink. Styles are the
best semi-bungalow, pinafore, slip
over, side and back fasten, ruffled and
many others. They come in both me
dium and large sizes, and are all in
this sale at one price while any re
mainat S1.39.
Small, Medium and Large Sizes in Flesh Colors,
This Sale at, pair
59 c
Another unmatchable offering for this sale consists of a fine
lot Women's Knit Cotton Bloomers, in flesh color. They come
in small, medium and large sizes. While any remain your choice
at 59 pair.
For Hat, Waist, Blouse or Dress These
Beautiful Plain
At $1.39 a Yard
Are Not Only Most Desirable, but Have Been Sensationally
Underpriced as Well
Another gTeafc sale of Georgette Crepes an event in keeping
with the achievements already to the credit of our popular Fancy
Goods Section. This time it is a special underpricing of some 2000
yards of beautiful all-silk Georgettes in all the leading plain colors
when the sale starts come in 39-inch width and in a perfect finish.
They are just waiting to be fashioned into hat, waist, blouse or
dress and you can do so at little cost if you take advantage of
this opportunity. Purchase here and now. Pay only $1.39 a yard.
Novelty Ribbons
at $1.00 Yard
In clever patterns and rich color
ings for sashes, girdles, hat and
dress trimmings are in this sale
in endless variety.
J This collection of lovely Ribbons
represents a large special purchase
added to our own stocks of grades
much higher priced than the price
quoted for this sale. If you have
need for novelty ribbons for any
purpose, secure them at this sale,
for the saving is out of the ordinary.
Included are 5 to 6-inch plaid
stripe novelties, 6-inch picot edge
faille ribbons in staple colors, 6
inch jacquard fancies in light col
orings; also failles, taffetas and
6atin ribbons in 7 to 9-inch widths.
Choice for all this sale at $1 yard.
SPECIAL! Men's Shirts and
Drawers at 89c Garment Fine
Cotton Mesh Underwear
Correct-weight underwear underpriced right in
the height of the season is the trade-winning spe
cial for this eale. Fine cotton mesh shirts and
Drawers of standard quality shirts made with
short sleeves and drawers in ankle length. Ecru
color and all regular sizes. 89 gunnV
Our Store
Now Opens
at 9 A. M.
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Store Closes
at 5:30 P.M.
at 6 P. M.
SPECIAL! Men's Silk Half
Hose at 59c Pair Only 6 Pairs
to a Customer
Prudent men will not fail to profit by this spe
cial underpriced sale of pure thread silk Half
Hose. They are a well known make with double
lisle sole, heel and toe all sizes in black,' gray,
tan and champagne. While any remain this sale
at 90 pair.