' t - v'"'- r.-v.-'- '' '- i - ':"-.-.- - -'';.r.'---:.'-r. ' ' - - - " . "f " L - - -' , .' ' " -;, .--"; . ' - ." ." - ; - - THE MORNING OREGOXIAX. TUESDAY, JUNE 29. 1920 3 - i .4) . .i - 4 'I i FOR KEN1. Flat. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. ill Swetland Bids. Something New. We have 1 a-rovm flat: 1 7-room tint FOR RBNT. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. -ROOM modern upper fiat, with sleeping porcu, at 400 N. 2Ath Ml.; adults only 430. Call Hi'ii Roosevelt or Photic . Marshal 871H. 6-ROOM modern flat for rem, and com plete furnishing" for sale. Can give possession immediately. Call at premises, ?72 E. Salmon street. MoUEKN 3-large room flat, arranged like an apartment; unfurnished ; fuel fur limhed. 300 San Rafael. East lOSo. btlV'bN-ROOM lower flat, west side, walk Ins distance, gas range, linoleum on kitchen floor, no children. Mar. 1443. lloUEKN low tiat: car line and walking distance; reasonable rent. Clinton ,cor ne r lot h . Cell Sellwood 0 14. UNFURNISHED upper 6 room and hath, gas and electricity, rent reasonable. walking distance. Adults. Call East 672. UuutltN 4-room light, cool, lower flat: separate porches and basemen Is: adults. rH2 Salmon. 4-KooM tlat with large sleeping porch and bath: nice lawn, berries and truit; S23. Tabor o207. 1073 Division st. JToDERN upper 5-room. walking distance: coils in furfiace. 483 ' E. Couch. fuR RENT Portlund Heights, modern 5-room flat. Inquire 0-7 Vista ave. 6-KOOM flat, $12 per month; furniture for sale, t-luu. 387 V lsl St. N. Wrnuuca Flats. FOR-"RENT 5-ioom flat, furnished, three montlts. Immediate possession, $00 monthly : enrage extra If desired. Ad dress 112 East Sth St. .North after 5 R M. Jill 5-ROOM strictly modern, well fur nished with maliosany furniture, good location, east side, near car line. Dan Hushes. Bdwy. 1251. P"IVE rooms, strictly modern, beautifulij furnished throughout, located near Al berta St.. rent $50. Gustoff. Bdwy 41)75. iJOl'KRN 5-room furnished flat, fireplace, furnace, pinno, Wilton iurs, walking distance. Kast 0405. iToUKRN upper flat, five rooms, sleeping porch, furniture for gale. Main 0o. COMPLETELY furnished 3-room flat; east side. Main ::0o. FLKMaUEU KL..VT. 4 rooms and bal V- 5S4'A Broadway, cor. of Grant. A ROOMS!. bat4i. furnaee and fireplace; nice location, west side. Marshall 10- FURNISHED 5-room flat. 2 lith. electric lights. MCELY furnished modern 5-room flat. 74lk'j Minnesota ave.. near Fremont. 8-RoOM flat for rent, no children. 500 East partly furnished. j2d street. . Housekeeping; Rooms. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. $4.50 WEEK. Opposite Masonic Temple, Down Town. NEW. CLEAN, AIRY. STEAM HEAT. One and two-room suites. This place has been overhauled throughout and is good enoush for anybody. We cater to nlee people. You'll like It. T H K A L T ON," 3S1 YAMI HLL ST. fll.VEIl COURT apts.. '-2d and Hancock streets.; strlcily modern 2-room apart ment with breakfast nook for rent to parly who will purchase furniture, which nas been in use only a few months: ma hogany furniture and Wilton rug. Phone 71711. THKKK l!-rouin upartments. 'J.50 weekly; one l1-room apartment. $a weekly; clean. Has. electricity ; quiet plac Xor family. o7 k J at st. ; TRUNKS and bartgro dclivertid In down town otHtrict tor J.'.c. Auto trvtce. Free nt or. xe fur ir days. lJhone Bdwy. J4-4.. lKt'NKS and bmsrnsc delivered In down town district lor iOc; auto berviuc. Phone Main 'J!o. . THRKfcl Jare. well-furnished 1 1. K. rooms, regular kitchen: 1 per week; walking distance. 5C4 Klanders at. f MCE clean housekeeping rooms, lieht and airy; also Kleetlnff rooms. 52 s'orth UJd Mret-t. jutit off WashiriKton. THE BEAVER, 12th and Mar.; furnished H. K. rooms. $lo up. Including gas range, hot water, electriu lights, laundry room. CLEAN H. K. rooms for rent at 20o Stan ton t.; clean and cheup; bachelors pre f erred. HAKE the Bushmark your home, one and two-room oucside apts., clean, modern, respectable. Wash. St., cor. 17th. THE IiEAVER. 12th and Mar.; furnished M. K. rooms, $13 up. including gas range, hot water, electric lights, laundry room. IDES! RABLB 3-room suite, private bath, stnble room. Mar. 3081. 18o Shermanst. KlNtJLE and double H. K. rooms, close In. 508 Alder. ft FURNlSHKD attic H. month, : 19 Jefferson. K. rooms, $15 TWO clean li. K. rooms. 37U Broadway. Huuyekeeplng Rooms in Private family. IRVINC.TON On car line. 3 large rooms, completely furnished, ground floor. iarg yard, roses, porch, piano, fireplace. $53, Includes lights, water, phone; no chil dren; suitable for man and wile; em ploy c dpeopleireferredlatj $18 AND $20 NICE SUITES, furnished housekeeping rooms, iBt and 2d floor. Nice yard, roses. Inquire upstairs, J.34, Porter st. Walking distance. 4 LIGHT housekeeping rooms in private family; gas, electric lights and water furnished ; $7 a week ; close to Monta vIMa car. 100 E . 0u t h t. Nj 4- ROOM furnished housekeeping with ga rage, bith, water, light and heat. Ta bor 426 Sl.NOuE pheasant housekeeping room, evcrvthing furnished; also sleeping room. 4:;t Market st. LARGE room, kitchenette, suitable for couple employed. Wood law u 4o54. 1203 Gay st. FOR RENT Two furnished H. K. rooms, shade trees and robes. 771U 00th ave. Southeast. 3-KOOM housekeeping apt. Close In. Marshall U45o. 2 CORN ER rooms, electric lights, range, phono ; couple. 3Q0 4th. CLEAN two-room front furnished apart- oient adults. 24 14 th st. TWO ROOMS, furnished light lioutekcep tnp, prlvat halh. adults. 3!0 Huss-H st 11 u liars. ti-KUOM modern bungalow, 6194 Division St.. Sol uU. !i-room modern house, 2U0 rage at., U-room modern house, eul table for 3 families. 74 K. Sth t. S. $10. 7-room modern house. 1)76 K. Morrison it-room semi-modern. 007 E. Oak at.. o-room house. M . AiDerta. $M Fit AN K. l-.McO U IRb), Main lu3. DO YOU WANT TO R K NT A liOUtfE ? Here Is your opportunity; a o-room modern California bungalow furnished; will lease for 0 months. For further in format ion. ace. Mr. Christen sen, I N T bl K 1ST A T K IN V EST M E N T CO . , BJffy. 410 Henry ijldg. OK R fcJST My 8-room modern home at 77-1 K. Main, eit her furnished or unfur nished, will give lease, drive around today and look at the. house or call H road way ft-t-ft for further information. 4-ROOM cottage in good condition. Lot 4."x lOO. Cloau to tar and school. Fine for garden and chickens. $1300 or $15 ino. rnt Waver ley Height. 41st at. and Tibbetta. Tabor oo3tt. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 5S0, A 674T. MODERN. 8-room corner residence, close in, now vacant, in excellent! condition, f'fo per month. 3i K. Burnside. cor. K lHth. Main 4028. LARGE, welt finished room, connected with veranda ; could be cved hh sleeping n o re h . oi4 Rodney ave. Eat B-ROOM house, thoroughly modern; ga rage, walking distance ; ii." per mo. 3j Eaat Couch t. Oall Tuesday P. M . 6 ROOMS, unfurnished, best location In Hawthorne district, to desirable tenant. 3ol E. aWlh at. fi.KCOM house. targe sleeping porch. partly furnished. 6o3 Tiog a st-. at. Johus car. FOR RENT New 5-room bungalow. East 11th and Brazce, $00. Rhodes. Marshall o4M. LOCAL and long-distance moving and hauling; first-class equipment. Oreen Tr. Co.. 202 Alder st. Main 1261. 672-61 MOVING Piano, furniture and long-dis-lanee hauling a specialty. O. At W. Truck Service Co., 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. $35 MODERN 8-im. house, July I. 3672. McKarland, Failing bldg. Main .ROOM house. Phone E 2866. 1 block from cariine. 4-ROOM tfnf urnivhed house; fruit and ber- rica. Woodlawn 5U1Q. yOR RBNT- -l-rooin. unfurnished house. TlOHO HI. "MM KUPSCll y 6i).- 3D ST. 5-n . 'jf . tlon. Rent $3 room liouMC, good 3d. Kajit 287 1. 6-KOOM cottage. East Harrwon. bet. Sth and tttn. Kent. ... it.a.4t .sii. Otrnlfebetl Houses. FOR RENT Beautiful 9-room modern honi, furnace hen t, good west ildo lo cailon, $tQ: furniture for tale, nearly aew, purchased last winter: rooms can b rented If desired. N. -0th street. FOR RENT. i'urnltned House. HANDSOMELY furnished seven-room res idence at northwest corner East 14th and Belmont ats.. with hot water heating, piano and phonograph; will lease for a year to responsible party. Apply at rear door, 155 ast 14th sc. FOR RENT to responsible people for the summer, very elegant and complete Xrv-J ingion nome; g ran a pit no, viciroia electric washer, mangle. Hoover sweep er; large sleeptnz porcli, garage. Tele phone East 13 WILL RENT my elegantly furnished 8 room lrvfngtow home to responslblo peo ple for July and August: ideally locat ed, has beautiful shrubs and rosea, all modern conveniences and garage. East 740lS. FURNISHED 5-room modern bungalow, witli sleeping porch for July and August. Fine location in Mt. Tabor. $40 per month; this includes water and phone. 70 Royal ave. Tabor H016. FURNISHED home on "Westover terrace, all electric conveniences, 3 baths, gas, furnaoe. garage, until December 1; $l5u per month. Dr. V. A. Kieule Marshall 14:15. JILV (1 Adults only, modern 7-room house; bath, garage, furnace, stationary laundry trays. 1113 E. Clay st. Tabor 5733. Rent $50 $35 COMPLETELY furnished 4-room home, adulls. roses, fruit, flowers, fine view, walking- distance, nest side. 241 Bancroft ave. IRVING TON, elegantly furnished home fo. July and August, 1125 month; every modern electrical convenience; sleeping porch, garage. East 0181. MODERN 5-room bungalow, completely riirnished. in Sunnyside. near Laurel hurst Park, $00. WUIn. 3SS:. WILL rent my 5-room bungalow to couple lhat 1 can board with: 1 work from 8 to 4:45 AH 7-7. Oregonlan. 5-ROOM furnished house for rent for two months: $U0 per month. Inquire 114S E. Madivon. FOR RENT 3-room house, some furniture, $10 a monlh. Inquire BU E. oOth at., near tetark. 6 ROOMS and sleeping porch, furnished bouse, newly papered throughout. East Burnside near 20th st. Mar. 2316. Clean, convenient Sunnyside 5-room home, excellent neighborhood. Close In. $37. SO. East .V.'Kll. FuR KKXT 5-room furnished bungalow, Hawthorne district. Main 3052, or 270, Stark st. (i-ROOM liou.se 7 v. m. r modern, furnished, 0 bandy blvd. 6 ROOMS until SeptT garage and piano. 1 ; electric washer, Ref. $:;.". 3I7-L't. 7-ROOM house for July and August, a -month; adults. K. -csri. C-ROOM house with piauo. Automatic 52! -40. on carlin. (50. 2-ROO.M furnlvhed house. $11. Firet house north of Kirkpatntk, Mount ijcott car. Rnmmer Rort. FOR BALK in Mt. Hood district, five 3 room cottages with fireplace, located on the banka of Zig Z&g and Still Water creeks: large lot with warranty deed, J!K)U tS 910OO each; cash or easy terms. Also for rent, one modern 6-rooin bun galow, i it t place, bath room, etc., $30 per w eek ; one 4-room cottage, $18 per week. Address or phono Rhododendron Inn. Rhododendron. Or. VAC AT I ON ATTRACTION. Tljn Daughters of Isabella beach house. Seaside, a boarding hall for ladies, is now open. Kverythfng new and cran. Rates verv reasonable. . For reservation phone Bdwy. S7'-. A good place to upend your Fourth. TO RFNT Six room furnished house at Uearhai t. good location on rklce south of schoolhouse, near edge of the timber, everything necessary for a pleasant two months' outing. Address .Leicester. F. O. box 74. Astoria, Or. LUU BKACH NORTH BEACH I NX. Directly facing ocean. Surf bathins. Larue, shadv grounds. Rooms $1.,"U clay ami up. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING TENTS, lu week. Marshall 30U or Box JU1, Long Beach, Wash. llac-LEAN'S CAMP. OSWEGO LAKE. Cottage for rent, partly furnished; reached from Oswego station on 4th-st. rod electric line. Macl.ean. 607 Lewis bldg. phones Bdwy. 6000 and Oswego 431. MAKE reservations now at the Andora hotel, Seasido, Or.; small. homelike place, modern, baths, lavatories, etc., room and board. $-.5Q a day and up. FOR RENT Completely furnished com modious nouse. witn garage ana garuen, on Powell valley road, neat Gresham. Phone Main 4!t7. CAJIPEHS, hikers, fishermen. The Wa- turn Lake pack train, a trips a weeK from Cascade Locks. P-hone Glovers' store. FOR RENT Seaside cottage, furnished; 4 large rooms, wide porches, fireplace, city water, electric lights, on paved street, near ocean. Call East 3634. SEASIDE Roo-na in modern private home with or without kitchen privileges, ocean view, near board walk; S10 a week and up. Tabor 112Sil. ROCK A WAY BEACH- ---room collage lor $o7.oU. Phone East rent month of July, 24211. SEASIDE, Or., for rent, nice room by month or season, view of the ocean. Inquire 122 3d ave. W. Mrs. D. Kav. NEAHKAHNIE For rent, 5-room beach cottage, fully furnished; glorious view; $1)0 season. Eaton, Main 2327. FOR RENT For July, cottage at Neah kahnie: bath, fireplace. 4 bedrooms; $75. -Marshall 1-C15. PRIVATE cottage hotel for couples; ocean view; lovely location; $3 each per day. A. L. Peel. 119 Hth ave.. Seaside. Or. FOR RENT Beach-front cottage at Gear hart for July. Apply 1102 Selling bldg.. phone Main 5030. FOR RENT at Seaside, thoroughly clean five-ronm cottage, $175 for season. Thone E. 44t. NEAHKAHNIE For rent, 5-room beach collage, fully furnished: glorious view. $f0 season. Eaton. Alain 2327. 4-ROOM furnished cottape at Seaside. 1 block to ocean, paved street, to Sept. 1. only $20. East 22B1. 4-ROOM cottage. 12 to end of Oregonian. Boardwalk. Seaside. July August, iau. al SU5, FOR RENT At Seaside for month of ,iuiy, lurniMiea o-room cottage. Tabor 4n;i. FURNISHED cottajce. Scavlew. Wash., rent to July 10 only. Main 113. for OCEAN CREST APTS Light housekeej iiiT. Rockaway Beach. 6-ROOM furnished cottage at Bar Vie Per week. . Marshall 1600. b-ROOM furnitshed cottage on ridge at peaview, W ash. Mar. 7. ROCKAWAY BE.VCH family from July 8. Room wit h private n.asz J - 1 e. Store. FOR LEASE SALESROOM 3(1x1:5. WITH . ADDITIONAL SPACE IN LARUE OAR- AO E. SPEEDWELL GARAOE. 14TH AND COUCH HTS. PHONE BROAD- w a y ay 1 4. aiuuc, ii-siory, aDunaauce light, new. modern, and In heart' of town; long lease; rent $l-o; look it over at CS North i entn street. ON BR OA D W AY, NEAR E V E R KTT. CENTER OF AUTOMOBILE ROW. Inquire at 80 N. Broadway. GOOD place for repair shop. 51 M iBsibsippl ave. A pply at vulcanizing shop or tel. ren. 'o ror appointment. STORE, west side, feet. Tabor 1114. close In. 23x40 '- CTliftl. im tr Mi .iiyiu. Wsa. fca. grfwja nM. I ' ) Y-O (ui-F'''tttIU;.y FOR KKXT, Stores. FOR RENT Store or manufacturing build ing, 1! stories and basement. 33x100, cor ner 84th and East Yamhill; strongly constructed, cement basement, first story suitable for store and storage. Inside loading platform, large hail in second story; rent all or part; might trade, K. p. DREW, 304 Lumbermens Bldg. Broadway 100. Offices. WANTED Chiropractor. dentist. Hair dresser or chiropodist to share large. .. nicely furnished reception room with doctor at SIC Morgan bldg. Phone Main 63s J, FOR RENT Desk room with use of of fice furniture, telephone, typewriter. At Chamber of Commerce bids- DESIRABLE office desk space for ront; every thlntc furnished.- 1124 Northwest- ern Bank bide;. LARGE office with use of reception room and typewriter, $25 per month. 510 Pittock block.' FURNISHED private office, $15, Including service. 206 Slock Exchange bids.. Sd and Yamhill. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT Most attractive studio in city. suitable for dance studio or recital hall; hardwood floor, small office. Eilers building, 287 Washington at. SPACE i0xl00. very desirable for one wanting space for garage. For infor mation call Bdwy. 12G. Bl SINF8S OPPORTUNITIES. HEADQUARTERS FOR BUSINESS OP- .rE RTLMTI Kb. GROCERIES. $1350, on west side busy street, lease and - reasonable rent. $18oo. west side, good stock and fix tures, - years' lease. $2500, or invoice: 6 modern living rooms, sales $50 to $70. lr.OO. or invoice. 5 modern living rooms, sales $35 to $i0; residence d ist. $USOO, or invoice, sales around $2000 a month ; residence diet. $12,000. stock, fixtures and property, modern living rooms, hot water heat, or $7000 for property and invoice stock; would consider residence up to $4500. CONFECTIONERIES, CIGAR STANDS. SUOO, west side, corner, clean, stock and good fixtures. $l'JO0. neat east aide place with liv ing rooms. $2000. good fixtures and fina place; living rooms, low rent. RESTAURANTS AND LUNCH COUNTERS. $450, lively place. 23 stools and horse shoe counter, light overhead. $S50. west side, 12 stools. 6 tables, busy place. $1200. bakery and lunch, low rent. 2 year lease. $ 1500. busy place on Washington at., daiiy receipts JtiO to $70. $1600, restaurant and 10-room hotel complete, 6 tables and counter, running at full capacity; neat place and low rent. MISCELLANEOUS. $1100, tire shop, well equipped, close in. west, side, half casru bal. terms. $1S00. paint and paper shop, out of town. $.1500, pool hall, cigars and confec tionery, west side, where the business is. Jf you don't see here what you want, atik us. we have it. BROWN & BIDDLE. 324 Ry. Exch. Bldg. 3d and Stark. FOR SALE VERY REASONABLY. DANDY" GROCERY STOKE. In good, well-settled and fast-growing community in Portland; snows casn re t-eipts of from Uuo to 150t per mo.; will sell property. Including the furni ture if you like, all fixtures, etc.; stock at Invoice at from I1B0O to IIS00. Ths good things about this place arc too numerous to mention in this ad. Reason for s;llinir ill health of wife. Call 5.S-9 7d st. S. E. or phone Tabor -47i for further particulars. HAVE an exceptional proposition to make to live man organising state sales forces in the various states; fastest selling article on the market. Manufactured in Portland, Kansas City. New York City and Atlanta. Ga. Exclusive territory to men who mean business and have suf ficient capital to handle the matter properly. Call at the home office of the Kant Manifold Sales corporation, room 834 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Port land, Or., between U A. M. and 5 P. M. week days. FOR SALE General merchandise store with six living rooms in connection; do ing fine business; no competition within 6 miles; located in heart of prune dis trict of Ciarke county. Wash.; on paved road, near fine school; Delco lights property, stock and fixtures; $8000. This is one good buy; best of reasons for selling. AV 38. Oregonlan LARGE manufacturing corporation wants capable man to open branch office and manage salesmen: $500 to $2000 neces sary: exclusive right: patented article: money making possibilities unlimited; will pay expenses to Baltimore if you qualify. Address Mr. Clemmer, Sales Mgr., 416 N. Howard St.. Baltimore. Md. MANUFACTURING- BUSINESS. A large manufacturer in the east wishes to establish a branch here; It will take $2000 for machinery and equipment and vou should have $-Ju00 more for working capital. Weston & Co.. 1213 N. W. Bank bldg. SEASIDE RESTAURANT. M. & B. restaurant, established busi ness; 0-year lease: 2 furnished living rooms, bath and toilet: rent $82 per year; cleared $3T,00 last season ; must sell on account of death. Price $3000. w a vr t tractive nroDosltlon for doctor interested in open air sanatorium; oeau- tlful sanatorium, ail equippea, capacity 0 patients; just outside city limits; small amount cash. Address Y 10. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE Established business a fine f rtut and confectioner v store witn eooa cisrar and tobacco trade; best location in one of the Ifvest towns in Oregon; reason for selling, poor health. Ad dress George Lutos. Bend, Or. OARAGE SPECIAL. 60x100 building, good storage and re pair trade: lease; stana investigation Price $40O0: some terms. Room 511, Railway Exchange. GOOD location for bakery, butcher shop or apeciaity store; moaern store ouua ine-a in trnnti Donulation center: Brood In ducement to right partiea. Johnson. 248 Stark t. pai;tio BUYERS Before closlnr dea of so-called interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realtv Board, 421 Oregon bldg. Broad- way 1902. NURSES. ATTENTION. v.tAhiihed maternity home. 32 rooms, everything complete, in good condition. Wdl. 4272. AITTO TIRES and vulcanizing store; open- ins; for active man; can clear . r0rt month ; will teach buyer the business. Call Room 401. lekum bldg. GARAGE FOR SALE. Storage for 60 cars. Sell gas. oils, tires and auto repairing. Profits are large. Room 401. Uekum bldg. A COUNTRY STORE. Has large, steady trade; postofflce In connection. Owner will invoice and give some terms. Room 511, Railway Exch. SHOOTING gallery and root beer stand for sale cheap: good location. 26 N. 6th st. AUTO ELECTRICAL shop, west side; a fine opportunity at invoice: best of con nectlons. Room Ml. Railway Exchange. CONFECTIONERY. Ice cream, light gro ceries, near large school: .0 day trade. Has living rooms: call 511 Railway Exch. $0OO CIGAR, foot beer stand: good loca tion: doing good business. Rent 20. See Morris, 24S Stark st. FOR SALE Good paying restaurant; lease; rent 15. 875 Front at. OPPORTUNITIES. SOME BARGAINS. BUTTER AND EGO STAND MA RKET 450 GROCERY. GOOD LOCATION. RENT 13; ONLY 450 RESTAURANT. WEST SIDE LO CATION 7 673 CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT LUNCHES 750 GROCERY. CASH AND CARRY. WELL LOCATED 1150 GENERAL STORE. CLOSB TO CITY, INVOICE ABOUT. ...... . S000 GROCERY, DOWN TOWN, DOING ABOUT $200 PER DAY. DEPARTMENT STORE DOING A FINE BUSINESS. INVOICE ABOUT ;700 WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF BUSY STORES FOR SALE. COME IN AND SEE US. COBB BROS.. 263 OAK STREET. FOR SALE A WORKING INTEREST IN A LARUE. WELL-PAYING CAFETE RIA TO A MAN WHO CAN QUALIFY AS MANAGER. GIVE FULL PARTIC ULARS, WHERE LAST EMPLOYED, LENGTH OF TIME, ETC. BD 847. OREGON IAN. AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS. Specialise in radiator and fender work, body building and used cars; partner wanted to look after the office, etc Clears S400 month for each partner. I-.'-'oO bldg. -'00 required. Call Boom 401, Dekura A PARTNER WANTED. Owner of a garage needs a partner to sen me gasoline, oils, tires, etc.. as ne is busy repairing autos and canU look after the front end; profits are good. an room 4ui, ueitum Plug. A SNAP FOR YOU. My miniature railway, the best paying concession at Columbia Deacn, one per son operates, .includes furnished house must sell or trade this week; make me an orrer. j. a. Kantian. ABSOLUTELY the biggest money-maker ana pest buy of -a sort drink and Quick lunch In the city; right In the heart of the city; must sacrifice on account of sickness. Act quickly. See Scott. 517 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3353. FOR SALE Whole or half Interest In meat market In a good suburban district, do ing a business of $r00 per week; reason for selling, sickness. Will stand close Investigation. AH B44, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Only steam laundry In coun ty; doing an excellent business; every thing la in good condition; fireproof building, long lease, cheap rent- Ad dress AV 977, Oregonlan. COxlOO CORNER, west side warehouse dis trict, near Montgomery Ward and Amer ican Can Co.. old building, income $47 per month; $7300, terms. Chalker, 4709 East Sixty-first st. MUST BE SOLD Small cash grocery and light luncheon: owner leaving for Cali fornia. It interested call and make offer. 16S8 K. 13th st Sellwood, opposite Bank of Sellwood. FOR tlOCO to complete a valuable ma chine, nearly finished, will deed you in terest worth several thousand dollars, quick returns. See this wonderful inven tion at 1006 Mississippi ave. Wdln. 0780. Wlllh:,.mVi alI.rlh, Patent of high merit that I am unable to put on the market. N. C. George. 940 Union St.. ealem. Or. SOFT drinks, confectionary, cigars just the business for man and wire; terms Call afternoons West Park and Stark! Owner. -- URUGGIUT Confectionery with a modern apartment above store; let your wife run It until business for a druit store. $5uu will handle, this. Main 3439. DINING ROOM connected with hotel and rooming house In good locality, doinz good transient business at Sou per meal for trale cheap. M tin, . . . " v, vregonian. -ROOM ground, floor business place for shoe repair shop, transfer office or agency; beBt location; very cheap rent. Alain wluU. FOR SALE -Good concersion equipped and 4th July will pay for It: act quick. Mr. Klnoher. Columbia Beach. l'"oR SALE or for -rent, suburban store, on paveu roaa. living rooms, eood barn. Rood well, some ground, very attractive "ffer. Tabor 7734. WAXTED I-ease on fina ijirue. m rn. siiowrooin. snop: fine location for accessories. Don't miss this oppor tunlty. J 700, Oregonlan. WANTED CRpltal to encasre in ih man. uracture of an auto signal right and IS lV APP'y at once. Room 223. Lumber Exchange bidg.. city. BARGAIN Good .Paving transfer Kii.i,,.. Including lVs-ton truck stand and of-f,'-c.r.: 1000 cash. if taken at once. East .lo.M. Owner leaving town. :AN furnish good land clearing contract 10 purcnaser or donkey type gasoline ,,r uj.rr, iwo contracts now wait 1"g. AH 7,-i3. Oregonlan. JOB-PRINTING outfit Two presses, 23- jh" pinty type and othep muterlal; come and see. A. G. Carruth Beaverton, Or. lu' FOR SALE by owner. $looo will handle it. Main 7319. -"rooms; terms: -'08 Washington. " : ' or a saraare: can clear x.iy month for each partner. Call ESTABLISHED beauty parlors for sale niV'Slf.'. n'V5C?t -ad. hth. riign-ciass resturant in good location: reasonable rent; cash 450. J. vj. uui oi.'. FOR SALE Stock of furniture and ranees at cost; store for rent; good east . location. BF 871. Oregonlan. d PARTNER wanted to buy tulf in.n . a,,is uuaine.a: eouu reouirfed 3 Hawthorna ave.: call mornings. BAP"" ""OP. - chairs, good location rem, m BUM p. A . ti, S. KMI7 w?.. "'".VJ0 '? Aeroplane eing made. xu lis. urtgonian. BA kek y ror saie. a- j proposition for rig n l man . urai-ciass equipment; excel lent loca'.ion. Phone owner. Tabor 6P01, FOR SALE Plumbing and tin aho location, gooa ouainesa. AV gonlan. I'On SALE Grocery stock and fixture win inoice; epicnaia location. oI4 A bcrta at. CANDY factory equipment, complete, for sale cneap. ban itbsi alkaa i rsice smaii place, on cor ner. 6 tables and 9 stools. Call before noon at j- t. Hurnsioe st. FOR SALE BY OWNER ERIKSON'S I If ft Jtu. I U r. rnun-p oi.-m. FOR SALE Account of other business. truck with good Job near Portland, part cash, balajice terms. AR 884. Oregonlan. BAKERY FOR SALE. Doing cash business: good 383 E. 39th St. Tabor Rt35. location. -CHAIK barber shop for sale. Call 242 14 Madison sL BARBER location for sale. 326 Irving st., across Union station. Ask for Rouf. $40,000 BRICK, new bldg., close In. Zim merman & White. 818 Cham, of Com. (OR SALE International Hotei, 100 rooms. AF 721. Oregonlan. WILL SELL a good real estate business; fine location. Call at 406 Hawthorne. "anDV kitchen In theater building. $250; invoices about $430. 803 Thurman st. SHOE shining and hat cleaning parlor for sale. Phone Broadway 1447. COMPLETE printing plant for small coun- try paper. $278 Box 40. St. Helens. Or. POLLY AND HER PAl.3 IA UOr5!.VT WANT TO SPKXD HIS I.IKK I .V TRAVELIMi. BV CI. IKK STKRRIi'lT. Bl SINKHS OFrOBTlMTIKS. TIRE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. A well established and profitable vul canising and tire business, latest equip ment. This business is In connection with a bonding company (with at least L"0 cars to look after for the company). The owner is interested In the bonding . company, which requires attention and has not the time to look after this busi ness. To a responsible party will sell for the price, of the equipment, charging nothing for. good wilt of a paying busi ness; only 11 500 ; some terms. See Mr. Clearwater. J. L. HARTHAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce. Main 203. IMMEDIATE TRUCK WORK. Have immediate Job for new 3&-ton truck with dump body. This lob pays 3.75 per hour for good haul; 10 months' work guaranteed. You can see job for yourself. Call up Sundays and evenings. Tabor 1344. R. E. HOMESS. Bdwy. 1573. SMALL grocery stock, also 2-story build ing; sacrifice if taken at once. 810 W. btb St., Vancutiver. Wash. Business OpportanUiee Wanted. NEWSPAPER 'and Job office manager, 15 years' experience, , now employed, d slres to locate in northwest with nHvilKB of purchasing intorest if satis fied. Give full details. No city less than oO.uOO population considered. Ad dress AP 712. Oregonlan. IF YOU want to sell your restaurant, rooming house, groeery, poolroom or con fectionery, tor quii ic.un.. ii.i it. Diiu Mori-IB. with Interstate Land Co., 2ii Morris, with Stark st. x.! k -M with auto, salary or commission salesman or handy man w-ould Invest If A-B 730, Oregonlan. SU11CU. Yi.-inTf n K..v a'.rli i n if Interest In busi ness u r to 40UO: garage or transfer preferred. Apply A K 7o7. Oregonlan i w vnilH hotel or rooming house is for sale, call Simms. 42.. Chamber of Com merce. bid g. M ain 4'J77. Hotels and Rooming Housee. 1 12. 500 buya extra good furniture and fixtures, complete, of ISO-room hotel in good west side location. In four-story ' brick building; hot and cold water In every room. N. W. heat. Clearing $2000 a month. Rent 00; 0-year lease. Owner been here 10 years and wants to retire. BROWN & BIDDLE. 324 Ry. Exch. bldg. Marshall 3S31. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business. Hotel. Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, see F. R1ERDON. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS RITTER. LOWE CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldr. NOB HILL. Ten large, lovely rooms with almost new furniture. Furnace heat, electric lights. Kent $00: nice surroundings. You can't beat this at 41350. some terms. Main 3:I8. C. E. BOWDE.V CO., 813 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MUST LEAVE CITY AT ONCE. Modern west side hotel, right rent, lease, elevator, everything In first-class condition; lots of good new linen. 1' or quick sale. $15,500. mostly all cash THOMSON, 620-21 HENRY B LOG. HOTELS, rooming and apartment nouses have been selling so rnviuu ....... must have more listings, if yours is for sale, please phone us. wa, will call lor particulars, quick service. Bdwy. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. TO BUYERS uSi.i. We have hotels and apartment houses in ail parts of the city, all prices. Ses our lists; If anything we have Interests you. we will snow same by appointment. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDO. FOR SALE Best transient rooming house in Aberdeen. Wasn.: newiy remoaiu. rent reasonable; $2250 will handle, bal ance easy terms. Add"s , WMr' Elonora rooms. 402 ii Wishkah st. Phone 2150-J. . 10-ROOM rooming house, all H. K. except one: urn httaempnt wltn tUDS tor wmsii' inn. gas. electricity, furnace heat; easy walking distance. J1230 for quick sale. by owner Phone Broadway 2oi7. m:v PROll OWNER. i ..i.,un wn-fumiKhed II. K. rooms. fine location, net IK). with 2 rooms for self. is.VI will handle, or bargain lor cash. Main 1876. FOR SALE Hotel, fully equipped, in reasonable if' taken soon, 2i00 cash down will handle.-Write for particulars. Ed Kelly. Wheeler, Oregon. 14 ROOMS. Sl5 Income per month. Gooa furniture, cneap rwm.. f -f. ,' . lunraln. 1 1 300. S'JOO Cash. SlO bth, at. ' Marshall &bb2. iwax't rt i.nv riinrt from owner only, good furnlsnings ot Kpi.-iiwuoc. roomer west sHo preferred. This la no agent. Alain 1173. apt. 2. 10 H K rooms, very moaern. best loca tion, clean, west side; $4AU will handle; have others. Barney Johnson & Co., 170 lOth st. FOR "SALE Close in, fine locality, nicely furnished H. K. apartments, 26 rooms, with lease, ,ow rent; no agents. Phon 014-71. 10-ROOM house for sale, furnished for 4 family. Nice corner lot, furnace, close in on west side, good Income. East 166S. PHONE Bdwy. 4S80 (we call for particu lars) it yoj want to sell your rooming or aoitrtrnent house. Quick service. MRS. THOMPSON. 620-21 Henry bldg. SMALL rooming house, west siue; ail rooms taken; sleeping only; profits over 12 a day; beautiful place; must sell at once. Call owner. Hdwy. TiSii. FOR SALE SSOOO hotel, close In. splendid Income. $."ni0 will handle; best furni ture. Zimmerman & White. 818 Cham, of Com. . LOST A smaii. black pocketbook contain ing 18; lost between Broadway and oth, on Ash St. Returnjto cashier Oregonlan. FOR best bargain in apartment houses see member of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 24j 4tn St. MRS. M. K. LENT. HotM and apartment-house broker. 523-4-5 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR SALE 13 rooms, all new furniture, a lovely home with an income. S46 College street. U-ROOM house, well furnished and mod ern, furniture nearly new; close In, west side; lovely home. 58 N. 20th st. IF your hotel or rooming house Is for sale, call Simms. 425 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Main 4277. IF YOUR rooming house is for sle call Main o'.1S. If It Is well located we can sell It for you. C. E. BOWDE.V CO TO BUY or sell rooming houses, see me Main 36."!). H. "W. GARLAND. 201 Third'! corner Taylor. NICELY furnished 14-room apartment house for sale, centrally located, east side; no agents. Call East 1004. 42 H. K. ROOM suites. East 3487. Rnt $65. S years' lease: income $350. 8-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sal. reaionable. 208 Grant. Main 1167. 24 ROOMS, near center of city; rent $S5 Phone owner. Mar. 5213. I HOTEL or apt. rooms. Bdwy house wanted. 30 1420.. morn I n gs. BI'SINKSI OPPOKTCN1TIE8. Hotels and Rooming Hou.es. LISTEN JUST A MOMENT. 43 H. K. rooms, good location., well furnished, -rent only 5 with 8-v lease, net income over 300. Price $4000. some terms. . , . 27 H. K. rooms, close In on west side, all apartments rented, nets over --5 a month, good lease. 11 H. K. rooms, rent $26 month. Frlce 1750, some terms. , , 9 H. K. rooms, rent 43 month: price $850; some terms. . 10 H. K. rooms, rent $52.50 montn. price $1500: some terms. Call MISS BUTLER or MISS VOTES, 4J3 Chamber of Commerce Bids. . . Main 4277. LOST ASTO ftltMl. THE following articles were found on cars of the Portland Railway. Lignt r-ower Co.. June lit: purses, ring, pair glasses, shoe. key. 3 packages. 3 single gloves, book. 4 packages, hat. bucket, lunch box. 3 suitcases, coat. 3 umbrellas, baby buggy, bottle, 'grass cutter. June 2 1 : A ,..--.- knlf. hnnlr mil of fllmS. $1 hill 3 nalri srloves. basket, slipper, 3 packages, fur, pillow. 3 fishing poles, fia.hiirhi 4 .iiitcsses. 3 umbrellas. Owners mav obtain property at First and Alder streets. LOST. A Brown Fox Fur T3 v-r ., t . . L'l.ri... Wife Friday evening during electrical parade in nn,Aff.. .n.Ut.ftri - f.Ward. lte- turn to The Oregonlan, advertising: tie partment- For Information leading to recovery ol mink fur neck piece, brown silk lining, can be Identified. Los Angeles label, lost between Haselwood restaurant and Orirnnlan nffl,-. .hnul June 10th. lai. manager Rainier Hotel. PICKED UP Two horses on Canyon road. .Tun .i,u iimii.- 1 black horse. weivht lion IK. . 1 nl.clr eolt. weight 700. Will be eold at public auction after o daye for charges held against thern II not called for bv owner. Oregon Hu- msne Society. 153 Court House. WILL the party that found suitcase lost from running board of machine on Broadway call Woodlawn 219? As lei ing city necessary to complete trip. Name A. R. Countryman on one end JIO" reward. irni: r Tha ct-rect descriptiion and Identifi cation ofTan article of considerable value mailed to this address will enable me to restore same to the .rightful owner, AN 83!l. Oregonian. LOST Beaded bag containing money card case. etc.. at Scottish Kite cathedra Thursday afternoon, June 24. Return to 8."i2 Overton St.. near 2ilh. Phone Main 3241. Liberal reward. LOST On Columbia River highway, black handbag containing gloves and lady a gold watch and chain. Waltham, marked M. K.. cold hands: 110 reward. Return to Mrs. E. Hughes, Clatskanle. Or., box oJ 1 . - LOST On Irvlngton car. Friday night, a black purse, containing over $6, a key and health card. Kinder please return to Miss Edith Bishop, 23u H Larrabee St., city. PARTY finding power of attorney, oth and vvasnington, please return to feau w Van Horn, 660 E. ioth il N. Phone Ta bor 454T. LOST On Sandy boulevard, between 53d st. N. and city, bill folder containing between 50 and $60; liberal reward Phone Tabor 4920. LOST Between East olst North. Columbia blvd. and 5th St.. black hand grip, painter s outfit. Finder please notify wm McColo. i:;!U4 Russell. Phone East 6003 WILL party who found R. R. ticket oi Wm. Hutch, Abdallah Shrine, pleas communicate with him7 Address Lea venworth. Ivan FOUND A pocketbook. some money, on Foster road and H2d st. Owner obtain b describing it, 0632 Foster road, corner of U7th st. BY WORKING GIRL, a purse conluinin amount of money and cameo pin in vi cinity of Tenth and Morrison ats.; ward. Phone Call 2-1120. ,OST Sunday a pigskin purse on Co lumbia highway or Eagle Creek. Re ward. Csll Marshall Ml. LOST A brown leather ban containin glasses and money and keys. Owner, 71 Johnson. Main 7056. LOST Mink collar. Friday afternoon. the auditorium; liberal reward. Phon Vain 7713. LOST Small brown leather purse; Inltia "L. B. on flap, near Broadway Williams. Main 172. Reward. i .i ikt frt.m uulnmnbile on Base Line road fox terrier; tan head, white body. Phone Main 1382. LOST Bunch of keys between Majest theater and west end of lrvington line reward. Laughlln, Majestic theater. LOST Dark canary, very l"i.ll Marshall 1305. tame. Reward LOST Small beaver fur with brown sat lining. Reward. l?all oowy. juii. Lost Bunch of keys Sunday afternoon. Please call Main - LO.ST Monday morning, garnet brooch Call Bdwy. sooa. i-ioerai reward. LOST From the Oregon-Washlngton truc: 1 coop of chickens. ian pqwy. r.riMT 2 weeks ago. Laurelhurst Pari cirl's brown coat. Reward. Tabor 3883. LOST Grey sweater between Oregon CI - and Camp Happy, i-none .viain Km. LOST One package of music and one con tainlng waist, laoor im.., rtewam. LOST Lady's black plush coatee, oils ea side. Phone East siioi FOUND A small hand near Rose City Park. arin on 57th Call. Bdwy. 54 arrxL-vL notices. rroposala Invited. NOTICE OF SALE OF DRAINAGE DI TKItT bUJt Uo, SEALED PROPOSALS will be celved by the board of Vupervlsors the Klamath drainage district of Klam ath county, Oregon, at th office of sa board, which Is In the courthouse In city of Klamath frails. Or., for the pu chase of $200,000 of the bonds of sa Klamath drainage district, until the hou of ' o'clock in the afternoon on the 17lh day of July. A. D. 1920. Said bonds are to be dated July llV-'O, and are to bear Interest from da at the rate of 0 per cent per annum, pa able on the first day of January and the first day of July each year. The board of supervisors reserve th right to reject any and all proposal for any reason and If not satisfactory to said board. Address all communications and all proposals to tha undersigned, C. R. DELAP. Sec of Klamath Drainage District Klamath Falls, Oregon M isrellaneous. SEALED bids will be received for a stock of general merchandise located at Kelso, Washington, of the inventory value of $16,460.70 up to 12 o'clock Wednesday. June 30, 1920. The inventory may be seen at my office, 740 Morgan building, and the stock is subject to inspection at Kelso. Terms cash and a deposit of 10 per cent is required with each bid submitted. The right 1 reserved to re ject any and all bids. R. L. SA BIN. NOTICE On and after this date I will not b responsible for any bills except those contracted for by myself per sonally. R. P. BARTON. MY WIFE. Anna, having left my bed and board, I will not be responsible for any debt contracted by her after June 27. BEN J. TESCHNER SPECIAI. NOTICES. Misrriianetus. fNTTED STATES MARSHAL'S SALE. WESTERN DISTRICT OF WASHING TON. NORTHERN DIVISION. By virtue of an Interlocutory order of sale, issued out of the United States dis trict court, lor the western district of Washington, northern division, in ad miralty, in cause No. 5235. entitled Wins- low Marine Railway and Shipbuilding Co., Inc., a corporation, libellant. versus the schooner "Biaatind." her boats. tackle, apparel, furniture, etc.. notice Is hereby given that I will sell, by pub- auction, on tha loth day of July. 1920. at JO o'clock A. M.. at the west door of the United States postoffice building. Seattle. Washington, the schooner "Biaatind." her boats, tackel, boilers, engines, anchors, chains, sails, rigging, apparel, furniture, stores, sup plies, eauioment. etc.. as she now lies at the city buo-. in Elliot bay In the fort of Seattle. No bid for less than $100,000 will be considered and the amount bid for stores and supplies shall De separately stated. Such sale shall be subject to the confirmation of the court. The terms of the sale are 10 per cent cash and balance on confirmation of sale by the court. JOHN M. BOYLE. United States Marshal. Western District of Washington. By W. E. THEODORE. Deputy U. S. Marshal. FINANCIAL,. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOIT. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. MONEY TO LOAN- ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATB. TITLE AJD TRUST COMPANY. TITLE AnD TRUST BLDO. 'ash paid for mortgages and sel'.ers' con tracts on real estate In Washington, Ore- Con, a, E. Noble. 316 Lumbermens blug WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers contracts, r. E. Bowman k Co. 210 Chamber of Commerce. HIGH-CLASS, safe Investment, paying bet ter tnan iu per cent, can use siu.uuu. ti eu, oregonian. Money to I.oao on Real Estat. RESIDENCE LOANS. 7, five-year period. You may pay $100 or any multiple thereof account principal, aeml-aunually and reduce In terest on loans under $5000. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 6o value house and lot at i'v. lou pay one-half ot on per cen account principal monthly. For ex ample, $2o00 loan, you pay $10 monthly and interest; you have privilege or pay ing $100 or any multiple thereof month ly. Interest reduced accordingly. NO COMMISSION. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period. 6V0. Excellent 1 payment privilege. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main 830S. 407 Yeon bldg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION On Improved property, or for improv mcnt Durnoses. The best and easiest method of paying & loan Is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 06 months pay a loan of $1000 and interest. Loans of other amounts in same pro' portions. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN 242 Stark St., Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. NO BROKERAGE. LOWEST RATES. City or iarm. Liberal repayment prtv lleaes. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COiltAN x, 91 Third Street. Main S047. Room 2 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118 MORTGAGE LOANS on farm and city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment pnv lieges. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 80 Fourth St.. Portland, Or. $t0.000 TO LOAN in sums to suit on city. suburban ana iarm. xuiiaing loans a specialty. m WILLIAM G. BECK. 215-210 FAILING BUILDING. THIRD AND WASHINGTON. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 8 AND 7 INSTALLMENT LOANS. NO COMMISSION t.MUS An.v I U A , l t W., 83 4TH ST., HENRY BLDO. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. USUAL RATES. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette vai lev farms; no commission: no delavs. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, 87 Sixth St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE loans on Improved farm and city property, favorable repaying privi leges; ho commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD. 309 Piatt b)dg. Main 5371. LIBERAL LOANS. We loan our money on real estate. 1st and 2d mortgages, contracts, live stock, notea etc. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 21i Chamber ot Commerce. Main 3026. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city property and also Im proved farm property. Current ratea v WM. Mc MASTERS, 331 U. S. National Bank bldg. $mo $500, $600. $snn, $1000. $1200. $1500. g'-hnu and up. lowest rates, quick acilon: pay off 100 or more at any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 6",1 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1..1O. CITY AND FARM LOANS. No Delav. No Delay. No Delay. $100O. $1500. $2l00. $3000 and UP. We loan our money on real estate. F. H. DESHON. 615 CHAM. OF COM. MONEY to lend by private pnrty on Im proved property. Address 1063 E. Flan ders st- Portland, or. $500. $1000 AND upward on improved real estate- laoranie terms; no delay: no brokerage. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. PRIVATE party will loan $1600 to $2000 on real estate: no bonus. Phone Wdln. 1 ..-. $300. $400. $500. $..-.0. $10O0 AND UP: low rales: quick action. Fred W. German Co, "32 Cham, of Com. Main 6145. $4000 TO LOAN on Improved city prop erty. AO 760. Oregonlan. MONEY TO LOAN ? I "00 on good prop erty, by owner. AF 835, Oregonlan. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Cham, of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MONEY on farms snd improved city prop erty. K. K. Baxter. 1203 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and T per cent Louis Salomon A Co.. 408 Selling bldg. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Chattel and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL. LOAN ASSN. MONET AT 3 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BT PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS, WATCHES. JEWELRT, VIC TROLA3, PIANOS. LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE. 834 STARK ST.. NEAR TENTH. CARRIE MYERS HERRMANN, Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL, LOAN ASSN. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. . LOANS HADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITl Hli. PIANOS. VICTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS, ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advanc you more money if needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curity in your possession and you can repay us in small monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own not. Kates reasonable. Private offices. All business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. (LICENSED. 806-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 8286. S. W. cor. Third and Washington. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly pavments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGES. NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY, vve also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc.. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO LICENSED. 218 FAILING BLDG. iioixiiT iu LOAH on diamonds, watches, jewelry and bonds: lepal rates: all goods held 1 year. VINES JEWELRY STORE, 114-116 3d St., cor. Washington Main 6649. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds, jewelry;. rates; articles neld a year; estab llshed 1888. Dan Marx & Co.. 283 Wash. . HATHAWAY loans on pianos and furnl- ture, legal rates. 208 Washington bldg. GEO. HARVEY loans monev on hnuu. hold goods, legal rates. Tabor SS06- QUICK money on unsecured not to aal- anea People. 305 Wilcox bldg. Loans W suited.. E CAN place your money In amounts from $500 to $15,000 at 7 per cent, se cured by first mortgage on real prop erty, this city, passed on by two com petent appraisers; title guaranteed by large title company. Your money mar be returned on demand. MORTGAGE LOAN" pompivt ' tererences. $500. 8 PER CENT $500. S PER CENT Three years on neat little 5-room cot tage, with fireplace: recently sold for J,1-1' Tnl 18 a first-class little loan. I- red W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. JJ4.OU0 TO $15,000 WANTED FOR 3 TO S YEARS ON 100x100 CORNER. CLOSE IN; WELL IMPROVED; VALUE $45. 00O; PRIVATE MONEY PREFERRED; INSURANCE $20,000. AR 822. OREGO N IAN. WANTED $15O0 at 1 per cent, on 20 acres. 12 miles from Portland, value $3500. E. J. GE1SER- 417 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED $8000, 6 per cent, from 3 to 5 years, on west Bide improved, worth $45,000; principals only. AE 684. Orego nian. LOAN wanted on good auto; w ill put in storage and pay good interest. AC 808. Oregonian. TO LOAN. $1000 on improved city prop erty: no delay. C. M. DERR. 8U Fourth s treet. Main 4522. PRIVATE party wants tl'-'iu. 7 per cent; new Woodlawn bungalow. Tabor 4514. $1000 LOAN wanted on $50011 worth city residence security. Main 6127. PRIVATE party wants $15,000 for 3 years. Tabor !'4Hl. WANT $200O on side property. first mortgage on east Tabor 0S2O. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Com.. 4th and Stark. PERSONAL EPHEDRA THE NEW HEALTH BUILDER. Ephedra Is a harmless herb used In the treatment of all kidney diseases, dropsy, stomach and intestinal disor ders. Ephedra Is a germicide and toule. Cleansing the stomach, liver, kidneys and intestinal organs. Ephedra relieves gas and acid condi tions of the intestinal organs, and has the most wonderful effects on all rheu matic conditions. 16 days' treatment, $2.50. EPHEDRA CO.. 202 Aliaky bldg.. Portland, Or. THERE is a remedy at hand for every dis cordant condition. 1 he fsychometa physical Institute Invites you to call and have a personal interview with its di rector. Dr. D. K. Zimmerman, Psycho metaph, 510-317 Buh & Lane bldg. Phone Main 6761. 10-12 mornings, 2-5 afternoons; evenings and Sundaya by ap pointment. WILL teach for partnership, exclusive scientific method removing wrinkles and other facial blemishes, giving permanent youthf uluea to face. AR, 767, Orego nian. TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER is a cleansing, healing germicidal and invig orating douche, a great aid in leucor rhea and female disorders; 50c and $1 per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. LEARN Beauty culturo night school, 7 to 0 o'clock; 5 expert special teachers. Work daytime. Learn good trade evenings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. Marsh. 1702. 1 GUARANTEE to cure corns, bunions, ing. nails, warts and mo lea absolutely: new invention, no pain, no soreness. Lowest prices in town. Consultation free. Here li years; arches fitted. 563 Dekum bldg. BUY YOUR IsU M ME R FU RS AT THE FUR SHOP. Fine fur to order. Moderate prlcea. Above high rent, below high prices. 606 Swetland yfrldg., qui and wash. BIltl.K SPIRITUALISTIC CHURCH SO CIETY Meetings: Sun., Thurs., 8 P. M., 13 E. 13th st. N., cor. E. Burnside. Rev. Mrs. J. C. Schorl can be seen privately. FKBVET'A HANNEBUT. leading wig and toupe makers: finest stock human halt goods, hairdresslng. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 340 Alder. Main 546. $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's, the CHIROPODIST and. ARCH SPLST., who doesn't hurt you; 8 yrs. here; exam, free. Globe bldg.. 11th & Wsh. Bwy 2824. IK YOU ARK TIRED AND NERVOUS visit the Sunhome Parlor; scientific body, fac and scalp massage. 427 Mor gan bldg.. Main lu',). ANY person knowing the present address of Mrs. F. A. Lehman, formerly of San Francisco. California, will be rewarded by addressing Rox SS. Portland. Or. NBRVOUS AND CHRONIC DiSKASfcd tresteo bv NEW M HIT HODS. DR. J. W. HATDORF. Naturopath. 364 Dekum Bldg. 1 to 5 P. M. Main 1I60. BATHS Steam baths, jh!ropractio body massage and vibration. Dr. Margaret Haynie, Main 1765. 215 Swetland bldg. Open evenings. Trained nurse assistant. GRADUATE nurse treata lumbagoT etc. Hours 2 to 5 or by appointment. Phon Main 104K. Office 308-C, Third st. SCALP treatment, facial massage, electri cal treatment, steam bath and massage. Kthel Burke. 3Q4 Dekum bldg. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or writ Dr. Dean. 234 ts Morrison t. Superfluous hair, moles, warts removed by 10 needles method; trial free. Josia Fin ley ,514Bis2&LjijiebJdgMainul . MASSAGE, baths for constipation, stom ach kidney, rheumatism. Dr. Ulna Sor ensen. Panama bldg. Drugless phy. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed forever bv multiple-needle method. 604 Swetland bldg.. Fifth and Washington sta. HAWAIIAN entertainer for all occasiona Call Tabor 7 75Q. ELECTRIC CABINET BATHS. Dr. Ironsides. 300 Broadway bldg. GhlRTRUPE DANIELS, superfluous hair, manicuring, face, scalp. 322 Fliedner bld GOITRE, enlarged glands; cur yours. f. A. R. Strachan. rovf S. Hillsboro, Or IOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay you? See Viereck. collections. L'ekum bld.r. PRIM EDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. 844 K. 33d. Sell. 2213 morning. PILES CAN BE CURED without oper ation. Free booklet. P. O. Box 1 IQ.y I BODY n.sssaf e. violet ray. 10 A. M. to P. M. dsily. iji .Morgan niog. Main 7.1. JUNICIDB will Dekum bldg. cur or money back. 408 RUPTURE CAN faK CURED without nn operation. Free booklet. P. O. Box 1 HM V P ATI PINTS to take ms sun ire or hourly en hi net Mji-Nirig. baths Tabor -1 MASS A UK. 1j Hucliiv l.ki bet. 4th and 5th. Maui bLiOU. I ! .