- ? . THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 1920 nn HLP WANTED MALB. HK..P WAMED-MAI.E. f HELP WAMEI) FEMALE. f HELP TVA TKI I-T.MALK. HELPANTED-MAI-K OK FEMALE.! " ""ToT' Hoon vTiLr,,. $300 TO 00 A MONTH! Are you earning that? Many automo bile experts are. You may Join tne hiKh-salarled. skilled-mechanic, ranks ll you take advantage of the B" engineer Inic courses offered by I;J.AI) u AUTO SCHOOL. OK THE WBT V;""? A RECORD OF MORE StjOCESSFTJL ORADUATES THAN ANY OTHiR SCHOOL. . ... Investigate, enroll, and don t pay us a cent until vou are convinced that well deliver tne goods. That's fair, isnt iti Write for our 1 88-page catalogue. Ifs free. Ask for Book No. S. OUR COURSES ARB FREE TO OREGON EX-SERVICE M?N. ADCOX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL.. UNION AVENUE AND WASCO ST. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. ALASKAN ENGINEERING COMMIb&ION "WANTED. Railroad laborers for ALASKA. Tor U. S. GOVERNMENT RAILROAD Under construction from Seward to Fairbanks. Alaska. EXTRA GANG AND SECTION MEN For MAINTENANCE OF WAY. Wages 5 per day, board J1.50 per day. For sailing dates and further Infor mation apply to ALASKAN ENGINEERING COMMISSION; Room 301 new I'oatoffjce building. Portland. Oregon. ENERGETIC young man for established route in city selling our "muaiity nri grocery line to consumer; a business of your own, opportunity to advance; steady, lifetime work; one salesman has been handling the same route for 12 years; applicant must have light car for delivering and furnish bond, guaranteed salary. Grand Union Tea Co.. 448 Wash. EXPERIENCED packer. Apply employ ment bureau berore iu:;iu, L.ipman, nu" & Co. WANTED 3 industrious, neat-appearing, single young men to travel with man ager and learn good-paying business; expenses ad.anced weekly to right party; must be able to furnish references and be ready to leave city at once. Call in person. 5 to 7 P. M. today, room 4(W Carlton hotel. auto truck, and make self useful around j hardware and cable place; must. i un to read and write, must know streets, docks and freight houses; must also be able to repair above truck; references required. Apply J. Leve. lbtt Front, be tween Yamhill and Taylor. WANTED 10 POWER MACHINE OPER ATORS. 16 TO 23 YRS. OF AGE; EX PERIENCED GIRLS PREFERRED. BUT SOME INEXPERIENCED GIRLS ACCEPTED. WE PAY WAGES WHILE LEARNING. SATURDAY AFTER NOONS OFF. GOOD WAGES. WITH LARGE BONUS PAID. APPLY AMES, HARRIS, NEVILLE CO., 15TH AND HOTT STS. WANTED Bright woman for several months' summer selling trip, Wtlllam ette valley towns. In our auto, with our driver, over 2o. to fill vacancy in sales force; experience unnecessary, good per sonality main requisite; permanent; working large cities in winter, excellent pay. chance for quick advancement; only those unemployed, who must earn their owu living and are ready to begin same day need apply. Don't phone, call at only lo:30 to 11 sharp today. 220 Henry bldg.. corner 4th and Oak. ONE OF PORTLAND'S LARGEST AND MOST ' SUBSTANTIAL FIRMS HAS AN OPENING FOR EXPERIENCED. HIGH GRADE SALESWOMAN; POSITION WILL PAY FROM J4 TO :10 PER WEEK; FINE STORE ATMOSPHERE AND PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS. AL 788, OREGON I AN. WANTED To hear from parties wishing to plcic raspberries; tents, wooa ana po tatoes furnished free to season pickers; preferred that pickers call at place. Take Bull Run car at First and Alder, get off at Brunner sta.. walk 2 blks. west; 2oc fare; season starts about July 10. Box 278. route A. Gresham. Or. LOGANBERRY pickers wanted; good camping ground, with shacKs or tents, transportation from Salem free; wood, water and straw free. Geo. N. Thomp son. Salem. R. 8. No. 67. LOGANBERRY pickers wanted. See my &d in Sundays paper; Desi yara. x. Cun ningham, route 3. box 121. Phone 21 F-2. Salem, Or. LADY COOK. 1100. room and board. Small sawmill boarding house; 1 Jielper. $50, room and board. Close in. Call Skinner & White. 30 N. 2d st- Bdwy. 3205. LOGANBERRY pickers wanted. 1 will be at St. Charles notel weanesaay ana Thursday. June 30 and July 1. L. H. Martin. Waconda. Or. 18.2S7 YOUNG MEN have. In the past ten years, been assisted in finding positions through the Portland Y. M. C. A. advisory and employment dept. This is not an "agency," and no extra fees or commissions are charged. Employers naturally turn to the 'Y for men because we appeal to the best tvpe of men and boys. Our demand at present Is far greater than the supply. You never had such an opportunity to Bet a better position if you are prepared for it. All men in clerical, technical anil commercial lines are cordially invited to consult oneJ of the employment secre taries, room 307. Free vocational guidance and cmploy 'iment for ex-service men. ' WANTED Chauffeur and houseman for -.-).., A famiiv- HiiMeR are driving and I caring for two cars, cleaning sidewalks aud porches and general work around house; good wages; anyone unwilling to work need not apply; references re quired. Apply between 10 and o. tarn- eran sauires. LiaaQ a j ftxAN. wife, to camp; cook and helper. wmPI cook on farm; cook for restaurant. uui ; o waitresses, out town. Dd.. rm.. fare: kitchen helper for camp; dish washer, Dity; hospital help; cook and second gin. go to the country 301 jyaieign bldg., Wasli:ngtun si. GIKL or woman to assist ladv cook: ntvauy worn.; -ut or town. Apply today JO A. M. to 11 A. M.. to Mr. 'i'hnmnsun. women's employment hureaj, 203 luck , - i x-..-... liT,- ty p n .Master Ma sons) to represent the Masonic Mutual Life association of the D. C. In or near Pnrtlnntl AOOlV COJ. H-lteTS OIUS-, l" onrf Washinetun sts.. before 12 noon or vx-imeen r. and 6 P. M. Tuesday and Wednesday this week. TOUNG WOMEN WANTED. . t, . r-1.' r Bummo. resort hotel. $125, hnnrrt ana room can oiwimi-. . . , 85 North Second Broadway 320 J. LAND CLEARING contracts waimis. finiahlnar one contract, iwo mvi " ins the purchaser of fastest, most prac i0i i.ra.n Ktumn Duller in existence, he vr.nr own boss. AH 752. Oregonian. t 1IR. EX-SERVICE MAN S Are you hunting a job, or necking a "Have you discovered where you fit In? 'tVould you like to talk over your i, " blem confidentially, with a man of - .? experience who will take a personal est in vou? - . ' Y. M. C. A. advisory and em ' , ent dept. can assist you In choos--''id can helo you find the place " lich you are best fitted. Thi v - ' l shsnlutelv free to ex-servio. ' V 5e one of the secretaries. Room ; CARRIERS t for routes on west side, .rge and two small routes fcn. Apply ."! CIRCULATION DEPT.. , 03 Orcgouian Bldg. MINERS cules Mine. Burke, Idaho. moloyment: wages $5.73 to i lay; modern hotel accommo ' om and board $45; all water tincrs on a machine: no fee - W W.'S WANTED. ills K. Church, Service club, Jve.. Spokane. Wash. .- .' . and boys to "."' ' ' f jturday night v"' " " room, Oi ':-.--::v-; work Satur- Apply Mr. Oregonian, bin Lnager to open otrica v inen for hiRh-clasa ar " ritorv. bi profits, ev ' --iTOspective purchaser, , not miss this oppor 50 capital required. ' i 5 per year. Call or -particulars. Pacific ii-'erguaon bids., Xoa Telephone operating offers excellent opportunities for Young Women. SECRETARY. $100-$200: lumber .tenm rapner. $125; law stenographer. $100; nRccpEr, i-o; aictapnone operator. i(Mi: invoice clerk, $U0. 301 N. W. Bank uui luing. WANTED 3 Compt. operators. $t!0-$S0 stenographer with bookkeeping expert Al prospects, commence no. Mom u-jw Artisan's Bldg.. oppo site Benson Hotel. JANITOR. MUST COME WELL RECOM 31 ENDED: POSITION PERMANENT. EMPORIUM. 12l SI.VH1 Hi.. A good salary at the start. Regular and frequent increases. Excellent opportunities for promotion. Previous experience not required. Annual vacation with pay. Large, cheerful operating rooms. Attractive, comfortable recreation Lunch rooms with meals at cost. Plan for sickness, pension and death benefits without cost to employes. I.' V C) CI.I i. . . , . -. . ..ILH...V cu Ri r i or woman to care lor baby, 3 months old. and assist with uuaevtur ana launary rso cooking. Appiy aao ji;. latn st. N rnone cast oou. A GOOD home and $30 per month to some un-e iiuuaie-agca woman, 8 miles out on roweii vaney. rnis is a snap for righ party. Phone Marshall 1702. Call 409 urrtx u in oiag. LADIES I have nleaunt nrAru.hi. nt side work lor ambitious woman who can spare from 2 to 5 hours a day. Call jv to ij a. ji.. n-ii Corbet t bldg. WANTED Ukulele and steel guitar ama teurs, beginners; senu nuc. , rollment in American Zitar club. P. o. Box 7"5. Portlana. ur. WAT1.-14 An nlH man to work in garden nnil nrenare wood lor room ana uuaiu in country. A permanent home. Tabor 4t03. wiYTKn Kvnerienced pants finisher; vnnA workers can make to per uaji teady work. Joe Stoler. 54J Washington bldg. WAMTun a denendable young man io work in cigar stana a it v nings, dependable and furnish refer ences. V 825, Oregoniam Apply at Telephone Companv, Room 601, th Floor. Telephone Building, Park and Oak Sts. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY. GIRLS wanted for factory work: good wages, steady work; experience unnec essary; Saturday afternoon off. N. & S. car to 16th and Thurman. American Can Co., 14th and Front sta WANTED Young lady real estate solici t-or. nouse to house canvass; salary an r,ic "mission, borne experience necessary, - " "j exenange Diug. WANTED Young lady assistant dancin teacner: aantl m rv in.-..n.i.. ai JJetioney s academy, 23d an asnmgton sts. AooiMAsr bookkeeper wanted. One with jaunary experience preferred. Must be accurate In figures. Opera-House auiiiAi y, , i r.verett. MISS MATTINGLY'S SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING KUnuub. inaiviauai instruction. Day, Night- 268 14th. near Jefferson. Main 3893. EDUCATIONAL. ACCOUNTANT Will keep full or Part set of books evenings or spare time; will take off trial balances, financial statements and will handle your old ac counts for collection. Now employed dur ing day as accountant and office man ager by a Portland mfgr. Best of ref erence. Reasonable terms. AJ n3. Ore gon lan. - YOUNG man desires position. 8 years ex perience, office and factory work, type writing, bookkeeping and sales experi ence, not afraid of work, salary no ob ject. If chances for advancement are good. AN 712. Oregonlan. . HOUSEKEEPING room, congenial home, permanent; gentleman employed; ref erences given. AE 700. Oregonian. Rooms Vnh Board. YOUNG LADY wants board and room, pri vate home, west side. AK 768, Orego nian. ' YOUNG man going to school desires stenographic, clerical, billing or any character of work for afternoons. At 302. Oregonlan. THE COTILLION School of Dramatic Art teaches you quickly for any branch of the stage; the drama; vaudeville sketches written and carefully rehearsed; motion picture makeup and expression; special Bummer classes for children and young people; teaching elocution, expression, music and dancing Enroll now" Beatrice O'Malley. Director. Hours 10-4. Bdwy. 3380. THE COTILLION ACADEMY, 14th at Washington. ACCOUNTANT will keep your books even ings or spare time: take off trial bal ances and handle old accounts for collec tion. AK 760. Oregonlan. ' BOOKKEEPER - ACCOUNTANT, experi enced and capable, aged 34 open for Ik sition. city or country. M iOO, orego niaru , YOUNG man desires office or clerical po sition; good penman, educated and mar ried. AK 766, Oregonian. ROOM and 2 tueals by business woman: Mate terms, location. BD 777. oregonian. Business Places. WANTED TO RENT Half of store with window space, for three months; on Washington. Broadway or Sixth pre ferred. AP 755. Oregonlan. Mietcell&neoua. WANT space for storage of trucks and automobiles for short time only. AP 880, Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER, competent, extensive ex perience, rood penman: out-of-town po sition consiaerea. AE 320. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WASTED FEMALE. STRONG WOMAN wants place to cook: good experienced cook; good references; willing to go out or in town; for hotel. Tamp or private place: can handle -J o 35 men. Call Broadway 4i41. or at residence. 547 Hoyt st. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks. give you a, set of tools and some pay while learning. Positions secured. Ore gon ex-service men. the course Is free to you. Write or call for particulars - and catalogue. 234 Burnside at. POSITIONS ASSURED. EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business college, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. YOUNG LADY school teacher, good pen man, desires poaiiiuo, . wlee. L. Dodds, Y. W. C. A. Call be fore 10 A. M. . FOB RENT. VERY good clean sleeping rooms at 20S Jitn st.. near layloi CAMPBELL HOTEL. 2:lD AND HOYT STS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best known residential hotels on Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath. $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. KORTONIA HOTEL. Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or Bingle, with or without board, for families and ousiness men and women. Wa give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. FEW vacancies In exclusive family hotel. Table boarders taken. For appointment call East 8089. Rooms With Board la Private Family ROOM AND BOARD In one of Portland's fine homes; hot and cold water In all sleeping rooms: fine lawn and large porches: everything new and clean. Room for man and wife or 2 gentlemen: also table board. Phone Broadway 3450 mornings and evenings. CLEAN sleeping rooms, close in. 387 hill. FOR RENT 361 11th, cor. Mill. large room, with private bath; day or month. Furnished Koon AUDITORIUM HOTEL. Under new management, newly fur nished, new elevator, strictly modern. Rooms $4.50 and up. Transient $1 a night., 20S 3d St.. near Taylor. SAVON HOTEL. 131 11th St.. between Washington and Alder, modern transient rooms with or without, private bath. SI per day and up. Weekly rates $5 and up. 2 TEACHERS wish light, congenial work together for summer: wages not Impor tant. Sell. o7. 8 A. M. to 2 F. M.. Tues day. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning, tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. EXPERIENCED ladies' tailpr "w.Jfin'r maker desires position In a teratioc dept.. shop or cleaning establishment. Phone Tabor 5262. . WOMEN may leave their children at 344 o.i..hi. it rnrner of Broadway: best of care. Phone Mar. 230. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeep ing, stenography, civil service, secretar ial, special courses; expert teachers, day ' and night. Enroll now. Bdwy. 5083. DEPENDABLE rlrl wishes employment from 1" to o:au; cigar " Main 4360. WOMAN would like to learn pants fin ishing Have had a few weeks experi ence ' Call Marshall 3S80. GRADE and high school principal open for engagement: salary $1500 to $1800; references. L 632, Oregonlan. j ACB. SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE cur tains done up like new. Will calL East .1H. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th St.. :-t Washington. Rates, $5 per week up, $1 day. Fire proof; large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to imust-m'Tit and shopping center. ATTRACTIVE rates to permanent guests. See our accommodations. NEW PER KINS HOTEL, Fifth at Washington. TRANSIENT ROOMS. $1 PER NIGHT. Steady rooms $4 to $5 week; newly fixed un throuchout. "THE ALTON HOTEL." 381 Yamhill St., Corner of W est Park street- HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St.. at East Sixth. The nrinciDal east side hotel: dignified and refined; $1.25 per day and up; $8 per week and up. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Buckel'a private school; individ ual instruction. 122 Grand ave. E. 427. WOMAN for general housework in modern nome; in lamlly; plain cooking; good home and position for right party; waes JoOper month. East 035. EXPERIENCED pine graders and edger- men wanted; lioerai wages; mm iovv ,d in Medford. Big Pines Lumber Co., Med ford, Or FIRST-CLASS chauffeur, one who has had .nn,Mrah a pxtipnence in xnaie vuiv, useless for others to apply. Inquire northeast corner 1st and Ankeny sts. AM urivTC-n u,n .t.nnFrnoher with rail road and secretary experience, aim ooj, Oregonlan. Help Wanted Salesmen. ICELESS REFRIGERATOR. No ice, no chemicals, no elec tricity, no cost for operation and the price is no more than the or dinary refrigerator: will keep food longer and better. Think what this means to the home, the farm, the store. Salesmen wanted in every county in every state. If you are a live wire and qualified, write, wire or call for our proposition. This Is a wonderful opportunity for our representatives to make big money. ICE-LESS REFRIGERATOR CO., 107 N. Broadway, Portland, Or. EXPERIENCED girle for -shirt cuffs. Experienced Kirl to out buttons shirts. Experienced operators on overalls, pants, mackinaw coats and overcoats. Saturday afternoon off. Apply Mt. Hood factory, 233 Couch St.. corner Second. REMINGTON WAHL OPERATOR FOR BILLING IN WHOLESALE GROCERY HOUSE. ANSWER. STATING AGE. EX PERIENCE. REFEREVPKS. EDUCA TION AND SALARY EXPECTED. BC WOMAN 874. OREGONIAN. WANTED Ukulele and steel guitar ama teurs, Beginners; nend name, free en rollment In American Zitar club. P O. Box 705. Portland. Or. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher for permanent position ; references ..Muturu, Buue SHiary exnecCil. Adi rpun kjII. Oregonlan. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you set of tools free, position secured. 33 N. 2d st. MRS. HANNUM'S shorthand, typewriting school; day, evening. 230 Tillamook st. East 3SOO. LADY wants housecleaning. other work- hours, aay; worn. lawn 6305. WANTED By experienced Birl. 13 years old. care ot smau cnuu East 8.103. 40S E. Morrison. RELIABLE, experienced young woman, . Jr. V rr,.mr nubile, wishes cleri cal or sales work. T 635. Oregonlan. ROCKY MOUNT. Teachers Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. state supt.. Mgr. N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8276. EXPERIENCED woman to run 40-r. apt. nouse. part sleeping rooms; east side: ll'Vand aPt" 5tt0 Coucn- lat B- Cal1 WANTED Experienced ladv ra.ihixr onri stenographer; give references and salary expected. A F 702. Oregonlan. x v j waitresses for short-hour work in team room. Call after a A. M.. 501 Bdy.- amhill bldg. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph institute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Free booklet. FISK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. Main 483o. Teaching positions, tree reg. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. -63ft Oak st. OREGON Law School, Allsky bldg.. 3d and Mor. W, E. Kicnarason, bee. Main a7. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Alain oii. roaaway blag. WINDOW washing, house cleaning. JOc nr. Tabor 643o! . PERMANENT Tabor 3227. day work. neat, c.ean. UNEXPERIENCED girl wants to learn candy making. Automatic 31-6b6. laundry T.-I RST-CLAS8 charges. 402 4th st done; moderate Mar. 6059. YOUNG woman with girl tion in country. 83' Oregonian. m,i.-r nmnn wants day work. Main ."jw r. . w..- 74H2. WANTED Jai.ltress for office building. Steady position. 605 Couch bldg. PRINCESS HOTEL, Centrally located. strictly modern. Wonderful views of mountains and river. Special rates to travelers. S49 E. Burnside. Phone East 171. PLEASANT front rooBi in private family. no children, bath, furnace, phone, close in on 2 car lines, middle-aged gentle man in business preferred, one who is re fined and able to enjoy home privileges, breakfast and dinner served, $40 per mo. Sellwood 106S. ' BOARD and room In private family for young middle-aged business man. Phone Aut. 318-73. FURNISHED room for 2, with board, in private modern nome; nice res. disu, on car line. East 6014. WANTED By July 1. a couple to board and room in well-furnished private home. Call Tabor 318. 1 OR 2 PLEASANT rooms, rood board. desirable location; C. S. preferred. Ta bor 4216. ROOM and board for I or 2 persons, busi ness people preferred; modern home. Ta bor 4075. PLEASANT room for one or two. home cooking, walking distance, reasonable. 124 E. ISth st. East S104. PRIVATE home for ennsren at 714 Ever ett st. Marshall 2162. IRV1NGTON Large room, 2 meals for 1 or 2 young men. East 6643. LARGE front room with board; walking distance; west side. Bdwy. 1S42. Furnished Apartments. NETHERLANDS HOTEL. 126 13th St.. cor. of Washington; permanent or transient, spotless rooms, phone, private bath, quiet, homelike; reasonable rate. ST. PAUL HOTEL. 130 Fourth, betwee.i Alder and Washington. irst-class ac commodations at reasonable rates for transient or permanent guests. THE CROMWELU Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes walk to Meier & Frank's store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern; 2 and 3-room rurnished apts.; all outside with Freijti doors and balcony. Permanent and trausicnt- NEWLY furnished rooms transient solic ited. 493 Yamhill St. Mrs. A. Read, for merly of Read hotel. WEAVER hotel. 708 Wash st zb WEAVER HOTEL, 708 WASH. ST. Nicely furnished rooms with bath. HOTEL ARTHUR, 170 11th st. Nice, modern, clean rooms, at transient and permanent rates. LEEDS APTS. 3-room modern apt.; also single sleeping rooms, walking distance. 210 Market st. I ' '. ' , fc 6CHOOL. '-.' sctors. vulcanizing. ' ' ;s , to make money but ! - V mechanics, is super- J ' '.-automobile and tractor ' ' '' 'm . Portland. Students do .'work. Free tuition to . ,- . . clip this ad. Send it or '. 416 Oregon Institute of . , iM. C. A. building. J -service men. residents of 4nlist in company H. 5th . - -. ry, that will bu ablo to A?mp of instruction at Camp ' s to 20. inclusive. Call on . - . Vr at the armory from 9 ' ' P. M. for information; will . -according to the new army ' , J 60 cents per day from the . 4 egon. 'n wanted take permanent H territory. Supplies and spe- , t vation furnished. Experience . fl. Cash weekly. If a per .jofilable business interests you. -"a. trial. Yakima valley ur- . -.enifch. Wash. ''-'."."iVe a Ford car and any pep at ' jan double your salary and have A V' dignified outdoor work as well. H worth vour while to find out - Sea Mr. Mills at room 834 '. of Commerce bldg., between a 0 P. M. week days. 4 One with experience preferred. I necessary. Good pay to right fc .'iGlve age, experience and phone BF 868. Oregonlan. . . iWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. ' 462 HAWTHORNE AVE.. JVS SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU "V TO BOSS THE JOB. I'AT AND EVENING CLASSES. 'VOOFER WANTED for City Work. ,'Must be accustomed to making and re airing tight barrels and kegs; in reply. ng. statu age. experience and wages ex ' vectod. . Address AM 706. Oregonian. f,VERAL young men between ages of 18 jand 35 for clerical work, good oppor- tunltv for. advancement. Apply in per- - pon to A. C, Reed, terminal agent Ameri- an Railway express, bin ana irving sts. &4t.p;mav WANTED. -or- nrcrnr a resident of this city who .! had actual experience in directing ..I., nrpanlxni ion selling direct , , a rpnl live salesman with good "references. State age and previous experience. Do not answer An,. irAmnnt tt ll vou can. we nave rpul huslness for you in your own city. Your ambition, brains and energy arc what we want. If we get them wo will help you make money. uen.c, rli.un nrntepted. no competition; ex- i. in thin ritv. Write f reaer- lek Sabin & uo inc., -.. v Broad St.. Philadelphia, Pa. iji.-r-ii:(:K nt h character of the lnstl tnl nn innortin!? THIS HQ VCn laeitieil I. no salesmen must be men oi appearance, A...n.iuv unrl nhllitv above the aver age, vve nave a (jeuiiuiii.-in with opportunity for advancement. The i. v. ar.ri Intel I ir-ent on th. n,rl of the salesmen. mere 1 I nothing easy about the proposition it takes a man to nannie n. uu. a. can do It. r or sucn men me ... u. tlon is considerably above the average. 'all 7Q2 Spalding OlOg- -"r- OLmiia"..,- YOU should make from $400 to . u per month; a rainy goon man, wuuus ' work, should double this amount; prac tical v no competition: soous money-back guarantee; selling expe rience unnecessary; iiivcnunen t w to $."0 for equipment, i ariimi- Investigate at once. Call 633 Washing ton st. from ! A. M. to 1 P. M. APPLICATIONS will be reeived from young women aged 20 to 3j for wood working factory at St. Johns;-good pay ana steaay employment. A a 39, oregonian. WANTED Four youn ladles not over 25 years or age, 6 hours' work per day; $35 per week; pleasant work; girls out of town write tor appointment. 114 Wll- cox Plug, can bet. 9 ana 12. A NEAT housekeeper and cook for man and wife both employed during the day; no children;' modern new bunealow; good wages; references required. Inquire airs, leuier. pox o-i. tiregon city. WANTED Names women, girls over 16, wishing to become government postal cterKs; commence nou; answer Imme diately, av t.ii. oregonlan. WANTED Hair dresser and manicurlrt for permanent position, must be able to do scaip worn. nairtiresslng parlor. rortiana noici. main ojui. ANY girl in need ot a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. May- lair aiiu Aieuuuer sis. raone Main 34.)Q. u.vi car. WILL give room and board to school gin or one woraing snort hours in ex change for services; 2 in family. Auto- matic J14-BH. WANTED Woman to wash dishes in cat dy store, afternoon and night shift. uon i pnone. rtogers candy Store, cor. uroaoway ana lamnill st. GIRL wanted for summer to care for 2 children, light housework, country and beacn. call Aidwy. 4702 after 9 A. M. jvionaay. in wheel chair wants practical nuiee, smaii wages: good home; C. S. WANTED Middle-aged ladv houek-r..r ,.. picniini. inmiiy ot ii ; no chil oren. Phone Sellwood 69. after 6 P. M. rr.r,ii.i1Ji,u girl ror liisidri Krocerv I work: references; lots of mzz or stav j. t'" . ration rona. d confectionery store; hours. 8 I.- i? : r. .vi.: good pay. The ous&r dowi. Jast J466. Wanted Domestical wa.naed Housekeeper liv wlr!our with io sman children; unincumbered, mid uie-agea woman; good home for right jmnjr, must work reasonable; state wag. expected in first letter. J. A. Harris, 534 . . . l. .j ol iucininaviiic, or. GIRL wanted, general housework In eoun. try curing Bummer, city In winter; good k, , ""' "c alter 9 A. M. w AfS 1 Girl for general hoii.tewnrk. cn.ttM lamny, goon home and wages; must be fond of children. 7S3 Kxarn., Piionq Slain 1061. IF YOU are not satisfied wun your out look in your present position ii misui. be well to make a cnangc w - fine opportunity tor an nonesi. ambi tious man between the ages oi -j ana 45 years to fill a position of trust- Large earnings and rapid promotion. Apply to H. B. Fox, nun opaiaing mus-, tween 2 and 4 1. M. wtVTED Thoroughly experienced paint salesman OI proven aouiiy ior uu. n-i-rltory by an old line coast house, selling roof paints, waterprooiing ana iccunicai paints. leads ana oil paints, etc. aium uu honest, with gooa reierencer. nKnviuc Paint Company, Inc., San Francisco. 1 MAN to manage retail department, large . .hardware Ktore. State full particulars "first letter. Coeur d'Alene Hardware & Fou ndry Co., Wallace, Idaho. WANTED 'Man to work in packing room ' , r -wholesale house; permanent position ' to riKht man; give reierence. otu. Oregonian. TOUNG- man lor office work with large -ornoratlon. Aduress in own ftandwrit- Ing, stating salary desired. AIL 765, Oregonian. WANTED Namei men. boys over 16. wtuhltur become railway mail clerxs; 190 monlo, Answer AV 930. Ore- T onlan. V-Bl HAVE opening for competent machln- . rv - salesman ior trori.iti.iiu lerruory; must be young and experienced; give -- reterencea. A V 3tf, uregoman. WANTED Man that can repair and op . erate woodworking machinery; steady j, .iot for competent man; state wages ex- - ' peClfU. J. T rr mac jammi, V- 1 . STEADY man lor year around Job on farm, clone to Jforuand. Apply 301 u. is. - Bank bldg. WANTED Union harness machine opera 1 tor. Apply Great West Saddlery Co., Ltd., Calgary. Ana., -uanaaa. KiT.KSME. experienced or Inexperienced. : k;d Chamber of Commerce bldg, 4th. aJid Sta k. WANTED 3 neat young men at $.16 per week to canvass me city; o hours per day. wncox Diag. v to 11 a. m. is. $30 Todd, WANTKD Resident salesman by large manufacturer to sell a popular line ot waists, house dresses, smocks and middy blouses. also chlldren"s dresses, on straight commission only. Write Harris & Konick. 33 &outn i;a St., i-miaae.- phia, Pa. 1 A iiTOMORlLE SALESMAN, an experl enred, competent ana reuaDie man. uooa opening for rucnt party, wun oia-estaD-lished car of medium price. A general motors product. T b-'S. Oregonian. STOCK salesman wanted at once, good money for the ngnt panics. .Must oe reliable and no bull. Call and see me Tuesday and see what I have. 432 Chamber of Commerce bldg. EXPERIENCED salesmen wanted In all 11r.es of machinery. Apply at M. narac & Sons, Front and Main Hts. SALESMEN Agents, canvassers, men or women : write mutual jsoveity Aire, uo, Tacoma. Wash. A gency for fast seller. WANTED AGENTS, STATE DISTRIBUTORS. Newlv patented auto accessory, best vet. Big demand, exceptional propoai tion to man with small amount of cap! tal and ability. Phone or call room 307 Carlton hotel, between '2 and P. M WORKING man wants housekeeper to care ior nome lor her board and room; ladv employed preferred. Wood lawn 17o6 WAisibu torl to work for family of 4; irfunury st-ni out ; electric appliances: Pleasant nome, satisfactory wages. East 01 or woman Scandinavian oreferredk ior general housework in country; three adulta in family; good home to right r'g 1 .v. none -Ai-u-j. i. 13-15-YEAR-OLD, refined eirl will ro.-nl v a good home and some clothing in ex- 1 M.n.Kf iur very ngnt services in rongenia 1 home. Sellwood 2'J 7 5. WANTKD A C rl to do hniirtownrl- ,(! harvest, then xake a cookhouse job; also work after harvtft. Address I T. Bar- SITUATIONS WANTED 3ftLE. TOUNO man. 26 years of age, with ex ceptional ability, desires position wun commercial concern where ability is recognized; ten years experience gen eral office work ; can qualify as pur chasing agent, office manager, account ant or department manager : will leave city ; best of references. AK 834, Oregonian. fclTU ATION WANTED Young man. 116 years old. o years selling experience, wants position as traveler or city sales man with reliable firm ; can give good references- No peddiing or agency propo- ! sUion wanted. Bdwy. iMtiu. Mr. Wilbur. COMPETENT accountant, 13 years' expe rience with large corporation, desire, to connect with firm where meritorious work leads up to responsible position AO 725, Oregonian. CARPENTER SHOP. 1105 Jefferson St.. nw worK ana alterations reasonabi General contracting, cement work, re inforced concrete garages. CalL Main 76U5. BUSINESS MEN requiring competent f- iice woraers, can tfroaaway 44. uniy suitable auplicants sent ; no charge to the employer. Clerical Help Service. RUli Artisan e bldg., opposite Benson hotel. YOUNCJ salesman with ability, driving own car, wis Ires connection with f i rat-class concern; can show results; city or near b territory preferred; Al references. B.f Situ. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED miUdU-age.l man. liatiily with tools, wants gardenef. houseman, porter or janitor position. AK 706, Ore gonlan. WANTED by reliable steady man ot middle age, work of some kind with living wages. City preferred. BC 74S, Oregonian. VV A N T E D Steady work with Kord truck hody ft. wide, 8 ft. long. 28 in. SEE PHONE operator wishes n3 private exchange operator. Call Col. qQJ- TE i-vPKRlKXCED. middle-aged housekeeper wants work. Marshall lUt4. WANTED Washing and cleaning Bfwi our tare. um. " . 00c nr. WASHING and oning. . 4 ana Call E. 6u47 be tween Boo k k ee pere, Hteoogrtaphers. Officc- Ste- nd buSlneVs college; capable and acaraie. e kitiov wanted by flrsl-class .ITrTrr-. h?Kh school Bruduaf years' experience; uregonian. WiVTED Permanent stenograpnic Wi-; TTl consider substituting; riDcrlcnce. Tabor 'JCi. poal-wide oemrco jiuoahw" l.ADY With clerical wwrn.. ffie experience would like Phone Taoor i"-J. ONE large front room, suitable -for two gentlemen, bachelor quarters ot irinity apartments. Mart-hall 1 10(. SARGENT HOTEL Housekeeping and sleeping room, fnone ,a.st -u 1. -i . -73 Grand ave. GOOD outside room, downtown. $3.50. Main 54'J4. HOTEL CADILLAC 3d near Jefferson, nicely furnished rooms, reasonable ra t-s. FOR convention accommodations see St Paul hotel. Io0 4th st. CLEAN, airy sleeping rooms. $'2 r4., Hood street. per week. LOVELY cool large front room in apt. or two gentlemen. Bdwy. 14J.U. Unfurnished Rooms. "HIGHLAND COL'RT." HIGH-CLASS APARTMENTS. -2D AND GL1SAN STS. One nicely furnished o-room apt.. -bedrooms and sleeping porch; ail outside rooms; hardwood floors, tiled bat h. etc. ; strictly modern ; adul t only : reierences required. Phone Marshall it74"J. SILVER COURT apts., 2Jd and Hancock si s. ; strictly .nodem '.'-room apartment with breakfast nook for rent to party who will purchase furniture, which ' has bet-n in use only a few months; mahog any furniture and Wilton rug. Phone East 7179. HIGH CLASS. Beautifully furnished S-room apt. and s'eeping porch, all outside rooms, very elegant and modern; references required. Marshall 'JS30. BONNIE BRAE APTS. Three-room corner apt., sleeping porch alcove, all in white enamel, mahocanv and wicker furniture, piano and phoue. flower boxes. Irving ton district. Rent f70. Adults. East 4tiiy. FOR RENT Beautifui furnished 4-room apartment. Turkish rugs, Italian period walnut and mahogany furniture; to lease for six months; best of reference re quired. Broadway 4t;t7. EFFICIENT bookkeeper and stenographer, best of refere ncea.Ma in -Sl. DreMma ers- .. a-. Ms nrlrcH tO h'v "I Jv r to when your by N. you j .iitn rinnA over are...-.... ----- SKT'SSv. It done "for -bouhalt b, ex- ., ...4 ,rrMmitkr. Phone Jiu-. nenri " CC EARING apparel, all descriptions maa. "l5lA'1 , i.j i..BH rived. urKSfied. Em- remoaeieu. ru Morrison street. live V Uino. rv . - sin ts. dresses. noriuin Hroaa way UN FUR N I.SHED rooms for working par ents, where children will be cared for by nurse in her own home. K',4 E. Main. THREE housekeeping rooms. $6 a month, aiiuitf-: Lower Albina. Tabor r7L " Furnished Rooms in Private Family. NEWLY furnihed large room In modern home (suit two ladi-s). every conveni ence, walking distance, very reasonable. East 477U alter M. THOMSON. tJ0 '.'1 HENRT BLDC. CJ7 LUVEJOV Room, private home; pre fer girl employed short hours, who will give light service for board. Broadway 44-V". NICELY furnibhed rooms in modern home, with or without sleeping porcnp. walking distance, it Lucretia st.. Mar shall otSi. THE DEZENDORF UOS Ittth St. 4 and 0-room fur. apts. rooms. APTS. All outside N K'ELY furnished --room apartment : no extra charge for lights and private phone. $3. 50; adul is only. Lincoln att?t.. Fourth and Lincoln. CLINTON A PA RTM ENTS. EAST 1 T"U AN Ay CLINTON STS. Three-room furbished apartment, beds, private bath, adults only. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking; ";' UKESSMAKBR. Per i e need, n 3.5 day. Sellwood 10M. 1' RST-CUASS dressmaking; reasonable. r,41. Wash. st. maker over, ,eave pnone. alterations Aut. 51S-::. se"v7Tng of all kinds: men . h. ;lalty. Broadway o-tS. Apt. WANTED Stenographer, experienced in law oitice, or win train one without ex perience who has education and ambi tion, uu urpgonian. GIRL for cooking; and general housework. call Alain -U-l. wa.mb.u fleasanl, trustwortliv cirl. light housework: two adults, one child: can go Home nights. Phone Woodlawn ;-. rtesiuencc. i.l K. 37th st. N. WANTKD (Jirl for general housework: wining to take one who would like to learn to rook; close in. L'3 King st. I nunc ..I . . I 1 . height, in fine running order. iHf.'sj. l'none evening. Woodlawn PLAIN teeo. ' 1 ' '" , FOR RENT - very desiralbe btdroomx. all conveniences, walking distance: alo private garage, gentlemen preicrred. E. Oak i-a. 1'honc East 7311. LARGE, airy, front room, (suitable for two. bath. ciec. light, laundry ami telephone Dri vile cos : convenient, reasoname . Sunnyside csr at -Md to - E. ft Vamhiil. LARtiE room with 2 beds in centrally lo cated home, suitable for 2 people ; will wrve breakfast it desired. Call Main 2'MW. . guaran N urses. "WANTED An experienced pastry woman; cininuriii J-""' livjii, gooa WH ges. TOOm ana Doara. Maiiory hotel, 11 Lownt- aaie. RASPBERRI pickers wanted, begin about juiy o; gooo wages maae ana good place to camp. Write F. A. Lehman, box 425, MILLINER! makers warned, wholesale urn.. ppijr Aiaio J. nramw Hat CO., THE Florence Crlttenton Home Is ready tiusa-n. v car. r.ast aio. WANTED A good, at rone woman tnw i ltress for halls. Apply in person. Rain ier noif-i. WANTED Relief cook for 3 days a week aiso waitress aim oatvery counter girl; CilRL for cooking In private family four nuu-io v mru bcioiiu maiu is Kept. uood iiuiiic, K.uu waces. iuj Alain St., corner j-vuis- rnune main i.ja. WA NTED Good cook and hniiko.n.r family of three: if unwillinxr to tin umati washing, do not apply; wages J60. East w a.n i Competent girl for second worK. rnone Alain &214 or apply laU EXPERIENCED girl for general house- worK. no washing, best wages. Mar. 410. "" -rranKiin st. Willamette Heights. WANTED Neat girl for central hmi-. work; wages according to ability. Phone East 30UU. WANTED Experienced girl for second work; good wages. Apply a73 West Park bi. x iiuiib aiain u-. TWO lady barbers, guarantee $18. Phone 692 after 6:30 P. M. Grace Price, Cen tralia. Wash. WANTED A girl to assist in dining room a week, room and board. 1701 Ierbv t. Phone Wdln. 2915. y IF YOU want to make money dancing see me between 11 and 2 and 4 and K G10 Eilers Music bldg. " WANTED Experienced chambermaid, per manent place, good wages See house keeper. Hotel Hoyt. WANTED Lady marker and sorter- best wages; also a foreman. Model Laundrv The Dftlles. Or. ary WANTED A chambermaid, also a school or college girl to work mornings and evenings. '''-Via 6th st. EDUCATED AV oung iaav lam tin r v. books to act as buyer in popular hnnif . A AT A Q I AGENTS at once. hospital tickets. selling 50c per month 501 Corbett bldg. BARBER wanted, must be first-cla; guarantee, 00 over 42. W. J. G rs ha m. Or. s WANTED Husky boy 18 yrs. of age for turning sac.s on piece wora. Apply Ames, Harris, Neville, 15th and Hoyt sts. uanTED One bedmaker and one hotel' clerk at the Martin house. 52-i North st. Call arter o j-. m. WANTED At once, a young man to de liver and work in grocery; must be com - p e tent. Apply at ienerson st, HELP WANTED FEMALE. BUSINESS girl can earn nice room and board by rendering light services. Phone Marshall 278. ' WANTED Lady dishwasher for cafeteria; no Sunday work. Apply Acme .Dairy Lunch, 104 Hoyt st. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wanted Apply In person, housekeeper, Clyde ho tel. 10th and Stark. CAST wanted by film corp. to form tork A GIRL to bus dishes. Swetland, 2G9 Mor- G1RLS wanted for dining room work Swetland. 2ti Alorrison. EXPERIENCED waitress. Apply in person Norton la hotel. Gl kl or woman for general housework- iiuiuy Kurng iu me Deacn xor the sum mer. Phone East J170. Jinu ior general nousework wanted; no cnnaren: pieasant room, nice neighbor- HOUSEKEEPER, woman ; man girl ind 2 or middlc-aced children. Tabor inu iv salesman with road experience ana acquaintance in Brecon territory desires connection July 1; A-l references. Uidi'.', oregonian. COMPETENT' man with truck wants con tract hauling lumber, wood or ties, or what have you? Phone Main 3380, or write H 53.. Oregonian. CAKE BAKER. first-class all around. wan'M a position. Davis. Phone I Hdwy, i o. MARRI ED man with 3-ton truck wants position by the month or year. Call 722 Columbia st. LET us figure your painting, paperhanging n uu ll ll Ling, an k Uitrttii ICVU. Jvt V. iioln north. Tabor 6248. WANT position as watchman or elevator operator, experienced; references fur nlshed. Ea.t 6040. PAINTING, tinting and paperhanging by the day or contract; reasonable; work guaranteed. Marshall 3323. JANITOR work between 5 P. M. and 10 A. M. Phone Alain lu20, or D 644, Oregonian. CEMENT retaining walls, basements, side walks, garages and runways on contract. 'i a,or !u.i. WANTED Position as steam engineer. donkey or stationary. AR 750, Oregonlan. PLANER MAN. 4 years ex perience steady job, married and wants confinement - . w n-an tit PHACTlUAi. F. m., cues, in" . m. lie. Lnt. 61 nore rc!. or T . ....... u-i.hr. i. ri v n ursin K : rVaonable rates. Mar. i a t : u. irv .ifnn rftom for gentleman, hou i nhr.nr iiat h. nrlvate. adults in family; walking distance. 53.50. M9 E. Mtdn. E. 1360. i i.' i.i i- i v i miri'h KPDitriie oeds. bitting rnnm rnnnPrtlnr. for ZCtllJemen. o0 TV' Vtllh t.1 - 34J. .' . . -a fi.r.nrfl P R ACTl C A l. nurse w . c.- . if required. PRACTICAL nurse wishes care oi Marshall 4410 i " Housekeeper. with 14-mos.-old baby Irl desrrea poBition aa "'joUrekeeper for ?ou pie employed. Mrs. Harris, box 445. Beaverton, ur. lromeattc. THia VERIBEST WINDOW CLEANERS. House cleaning. flor '",, Tact.um cleaning; estimate- cheerfully clven: oest oi rei"""" EXPERIENCED Birl wants family; Sunday out. Ar plan. position in 844, O-.cbo- WAMWl TO KF..NT. Houses. cate here. AM SU8. Oregonian. w ants to lo- . ..nf hv resDonsible party, " f.-'Mu-j r.r..mlshd 7 or H-room house in Ladd's Addition or near rlaw ?Wne up to 37th. Pon m?-'"" Main or cveium. WANrbU A good girl for general houmv w-ork small family, no washing. Tabor WANTED Ciirl for general housework good cook; - In family. 854 Westover ruau, WANTED Woman to do housework for eiaeny couple witnout children. Apply vv a in i n l bxpervencea girl for general housework, good wages. Apply 08 Ella YOUNG married man wishes position as carpenters neiper. Must have steady work. AO 700. Oregonian. HARDWOOD floors laid, scraped and fin ished, om iioors reiinisnea. J E. 34th at.. Tabor 40ti4. AN ELDERLY man would like position as night watchman; references. E. i7th N. Wdln. 1440. YOL'XG man, high echool graduate, de sires work between hrs. 0 A. M. and 3 P. M. AK 770. Oregonian. w a vTW.n Modern house, 4 or 5 rooms, lurnisnea. mum ' , v , longer and within 20 minutcH of busi ness section. Party Is on e djtorlal tatf f Portland paper. Call bellwood 2hht. RESEONSIBLE business man wants rent 5 or 6-room house with garage Irvington or Alameda district. C furnish reference. pay in -- AH 842. Oregonian ROOM in Irvington. close to car. for nBd v r m :i n ait uuiiiwi ia - . K.HSt 2.14J. WILL sublet for Jaly and August very denirs bio apt. in Waldorf court. 5 large rooms and porch, completely furnished. East 0t4. KINGS E4L' R V A V A tl T M E N T. ..-room furnishe.d apt.; disappearing I'f'ds. outside balcony. Main oSbo. l'rice PEA BODY APTS.. 10th and Upshur Housekeeping apartments. 1. - snd II-rm. Stenm heat; reasonable. Broadway 1546. UK A I TI El " L f urnished 4-room apt. ; heat, light and piione free; rent $."0; adults onty. oii K. :.;.d. near Hawthorne. N K'ELY furnished 3-room outside apt. will be vacant about July 1. Classic apts., t.lii-an. Bdwy. LM.34. N l 'ELY furnlshf d outside apartment ; 3 rooms, nath anil pnone. .Marshall Apart ments, Marshall st. H.lwy. ;.M. modern. CLE A V. riesirajie sleeping room new iy renovaieu. mm -" -Mnin st., corner of 4tn. ROSLYN APTS. 2-room apartment, strictly rhone i.roau way 4 1 4U. 3 PLEASANT upper rooms to eouple, Inciiid ing light, water, phone. 4"J Lar ra ie- Kt. LEEDS APTS. 3-room modern apt.; also single sleeping rooms, walking distance. JIU Market st. A BKALiTIKL'LLY furnishtd 3-room apart ment, close in, west side. Phone Main tj:7.". DESI RABLE room, two gentlemen, bop- arate beos, warning - ttimbia st. - PLEASANT room and good boara in pri vate home, l- Pt K;tv. -'"- East side. Tabor 5183. . LA ROE front room in home tor ousinvsa ihh. 11th st modern private Mar. 30- o03 NICELY furnished room, refined home, west sid.?; tfcutte.nan preferred. -Jo0. Main JrtbO. , NICE sunny front room, close to down- Dum fiiv-uv y . . ... between toiumun anu libj. town; 11th st.. LARGE beautiful front room, also smaller room ; waiKing ' M. or alter o r. o"""'-' A. W E LL-KL R N 1 S H ED v.ro"n1,;.1mode-r.ns walking distance. Nob Hill. oS Hoyt. Main 064. ATTRACTIVE modern room; private lam- 6'.H Kliot ave. fc.ast 8.I8. iiy; tion. , ,rit naur Jefferson, choice room " ,,,,,,, 'conveniences, walking distance. Main ::i 1 t a r":k front room, 3 windows, closet. ii furnished, walking diatance. 11 Kiist AnKcny. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; family 4 adults; best wages. GOOD girl to rsfcist with houxework aud care of 3 -year-old child. ISO Ifiih st bt. Yamhill and Taylor. EXPERIENCED id St. waitress wanted. 6 N. X.EARN the vulcanising Dusiness. write 15S East Broadway. Call or WANTED Dressmaker for alterations and repairing; good wages. 74 Sandy blvd. East 2J0. WANTED Experienced folder for mangle. one press gin ior Dooy press. Apply Oregon Laundry. E. 6th and Oak. GOOD porter for hotel work. Apply person, naiiiici MAN to milk 8 cows and take care barn. AL, 77", oregonian. MAN to operate dish-washing machine. Wwet'and's. Morrison. CHAMBERMAID wanted. 14th Bt. $15 week. 124 FINISHERS wanted on ladies' suits and coats. M. 1j. snurek & Co., 73j ttth st. WANTED An experienced maid. Nortouia hotel. Jitn ana stark. WANTED Chambermaid ana janitress at uoucn noiei. .oi oucn st. WANTED Dishwasher "at .Take's Famous I EXPERIENCED CASHIER and. checker for Crawnsn iJiace. nt q-tn. duhj. h-im cafeteria: references. O 633, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced door catchers. AV 067. Oregonlan. WOMAN living at home to help in hotel pantry. Aiexanura court. iJ Ella st. FIRST-CLASS barher. $21 guarantee; over 135. Emll Febvet. Dallas. Or. "WANTED Washerman at Grant Pass I Steam Laundry, uranta t-'ass. or. WOMEN for serving trays in diet kitchen, tiood samaruan nospuai. Main oouu. PEOPLE wanted for movies; hours' 12 to 3 and 7 to a. 3-u fiatt Bias. TWO solicitor in town. BC 713, Orego- niam. n'K and .hovel laborers wanted. Port land Gas & Coke Co., 241 Flanders t CAPT wanted by film corp. to form stock! WANTED A rn liait tn' oruiux fits., f iw a. iiuic COLORED GIRL for second work in the country. rnone aiain iw. GIRL to work in dining room, 5:30 to o clock. 741 wasnington st. chambermaid. Campbell WANTED V nijlit house man. Campbell WANTED Two waitresses. Union Sta WANTED Woman 741 Wash. st. to. work In kitchen. SCHOOL girl wanted to assist with house- worK. i. ji. i.wi neimont. FIRST and second cooks relief worK. lamny notel. for I 201 N. week's 20th. CHAMBERMAID. ier hotel. See housekeeper Rain- WANTED CHAMBERMAID. Palace Hotel. 12th and Washington. EXPERIENCED counter womanT" Solle'r cafeteria. 145 3d st. GIRL to work in dining room, 12:30 to 8 o clock. -tl wasn. at. GIRL wanted in confectionery store. 436 Washington. WANTED An experienced hotel chamber. maid; references required. Marshall 6070. TWO solicitors in town, nian. BC 712. Orego- WANTED A good tailoress for alteration room. Apply Simon s store, zq ana Alder. GIRL wanted. Apply at Studio Penny Ar cade. 2 riortn aa st. WANTED An old lady for housekeeper, good home. Main uOafl. PORTLAND Surgical Hospital wants steady floor maid. Phone Bdwy. 1260. EXPERT fitter wanted. Apply H. Llebes NURSE Reliable and over 20 to assist in care of two small children. Good wages. Main SooO. 243Cornell st. head Marshall. WANT! Competent cook who" will be willing to leave city for ..umiiier months. n.'rs r . vv . Laaoeiier, Alain WANTED Experienced nurse to care for 3 children. US1 Westover Road. Main 6313. WANTED Woman for general housework. muuei ii, i:uiniuiiti.ie jiuine; small ramljy, eomewahlng for baby. Sellwood 12flt. uo.vl rw i i cook ana secona maid or general nousemaia. Airs. J. H. Page, Vista ave. and Clifton. Main 2740. GIRL for cooking and some housework family ot 4. 74 Lovejoy. Main 247. WANTED Experienced girl for general houseworit: wages ou. rnone Alain 0609. TWO or three-room cottage, furnlsnea or partly lurnisnea. ior p.iu.u. k.;. no children; near any car line. AJ .is. Oregonlan. EPERIENCED janitor and houseman; single man; want anything, city or coun try. AC 704. Oregonlan. PAINTING. TINTING Special price this week. Tel. Marshall 6SO. BY SHEET METAL WORKER to repair auto fenders. East 1616. JANITOR from 1 to 2 dally; experience. Proty. Broadway 5819. ANYONE wishing tinting done at reason a bl e prices call Tabor 1106. -TIMEKEEPER, experienced, wants work; out-of-town preferred. O 505. Oregonian. WORK done by the hour: can come any time. AG 714. Oregonlan. PAINTING and tinting done neatly. Sell woo d 2J FINE lad of 12 wants place to pick ber ries near Portland. Bdwy. 1429. WE TAKE care of lawns and flowers, ex perienced men. H. Brandt. Tabor 1360. CARPENTERING. REPAIRING AND R. MODELING. PHONE TABOR 234. GIRL for second work.- family of 4. Lovejoy. Main 247. A WOMAN aa good plain Tabor 4603. cook. Pboo COOK who will assist with housework. $70. Main 5.V0. 243 Cornell st.. hd. Marshall. WANTED Maid for general housework; pleasant surroundings. Call Main 1074. GIRL wanted for general housework. 8 in family. Main 21 -'2. WANTED Competent maid for good wages. Phone 529-51. !d work; WANTED Cook, second girl, upstairs girl: 2 In family. Main 2562. GIRL wanted ,for housework. Apply 224 Morrison St.. or at 289 E. 33d St. GIRL for general housework, one who car. live at home nights. Crtll K. r.67:t NEAT girl to assist with housework, good vtfcgcs. Mar. -tooj. ROOFS cleaned and painted reasonably. All work guaranteed. Tel. Tabor 929. CARPENTERS. Al; work remodeling or new worx; gay or coniract. iaoor wm CARPENTEH. new and repair work, branches. East 5396 after 5 P. M. MAN with -ton truck wants work. C. 1634. CEMENT work of all kinds, garages, cavating, reasonable. Tabor 6070. PAINTING. paperhanging good work, right prices. and - tinting; Mar. 24:t. WANTED House before July 15, 6 or 7- .,nfrr.uhMl with earai?e. for per manent home. Tabor 3121, or see Mr. Guotellat .the Ben Selling slore. WANTED Tillamook Beach cottage. 2 months, preier nreni. 1... porch, must be quiet; may bo small: best care. Main 3305. RESPONSIBLE business man wishes to rent thorougniy mouern o or rurnished house. Mr. Millard, Marshall 3347. WANTED To rent for 1 year or longer. 6 or 7 -room house, any good district, not over 25: 4 adults, best of references. Phone Tabor 730S. Mrs. Nelson. TWO sleeping rooms, concrete block house, coo! for summer, also garage and piano. 959 K. Burnside. LEAVING city, will sell nl.nt at a discount If Pacific Garage S 11th st. m.y vulcanizing sold this week. v-...i.' furnished front oearonm, main " flor- phone and bath privileges; modern home on car iiiit. VICELY furnished sleeping room, also V.,.- breakfast if desired. Call Main 2.!9!. KI'RVISHED rooms with sleeping porch in apartment, suitable for two. Main 8449. IRVINGTON Ci 5. East 12i6. Comfy room for rent, Juiy LARGE room and bath, suitable for two. 1212 Belmont. Tabor 2351. WANTED To lease or rent five or six room modern bouse. References. Phone East 1423. ROOMS of my 4-room apartment to siiMci for the summer months; no chil dren; $47. ."i0, including phone. 3"J0-oo. TWO well -furnished housekeeping rooms. new furniture and carpets, close in. U E. lth. corner Ash. LUCILLE COURT. 4-room modern front corner apartment, licht and airy. -Hose In. Hdwy. 2071 . CHOICE apartment, tiled bath, sleepin g . porch, restricted district, close in ; ga rage jf desired. Phone East HJ34. ELBRIDOE APTS. A large 3-room furnished, front corner apt., in modern brick bldg. 74 North IMst st. Bdwy. 47oO PA UK apts.. Park and Harrison, one 4- room furnished apt., one 4 partly iur nished apt. 3-ROOM furnif-hed apartment, $30. 3M ;uild st. Call ior j. j? reciana. apt. u. Main ;170.". my furniture and uiy BUY .-room apt shall L'.VTS, ifter l-ROOM furnished. 5th st. take my modern L Very cheap. Mar- 4:30. Harrison Court, 394 GLENN COL'RT. Park and Taylor '2 and 4-rooin. Main 1161. FU fi NI S HEDA PA RTM ENT S Auditorium court. 331 3d st. C.SIO i AVE. and Klllltigswortb. J19.5S. a,il complete: concrete bldg. 3-ROOM apt., aiso single rooms in proofbuilding at 210 Market su NEAT lurnlshed 3 and 4-room a S40V-2 Miss. ave. 310-63. a fire MORTON APTS. 3-room furnished apart ment. 007 Washington st. Main 10S2. 4-ROOM outside apt., well furnished, close in. Tabor 8i03. 2 AND 3-ROOM apartments; 1 sleeping room, furnished. -14 13th st. W ILL sublet July 1, my --room apart ment, two months or more. East -'769. DENNISON furnished. APTS. 2 and 3-room apts., 1 l7 lM Belmont. WANTED To rent by responsible man and wife, house or flat: best of care; unfurnished. AF 722, Oregonian. LOST Lady's filigree white gold ring set with two opals and a pearl. Finder no tify F. E. Raymond. Windsor apts. 3 OR 4-ROOM house with garage, near carllne. Call today between 8 A. M. and 12 noon. Main C472. room 208. ti or 7-ROOM furnished house, responsible business man; reference furnished. Main S3 8. , WANTED Six or seven rooms on west side;- will buy furniture. H. Bloomberg. Main 529. , 4 OR 3-ROOM unfurnished house or flat. Call Sellwood 1. PAINTING and tinting very reasonable; guaranteed. Tabor 3051. COLLEGE student desires work from 1 to 6 P. M. in city. A B 321. Oregonian. " ' PAINTING. TIN TING. RELIABLE WORK. MAR. 3214 OLIVER SMITH, bricklayer. 6282. 4S4 East Ankeny. DRIVER-erence. Phone E. -Either truck or towing car; i'hono East UUS. Apartmenta. WANTED By gentleman and wire, ror -months from July 5, elegant 4 or 5-room apartment on west aide. Must be finely and completely furnished and strictly first-class in evjry respect. The best of car will be given. Main 4430 from 10 to 4. WANTED Small, modern furnished house or apartment for July. August, possibly longer: two adults: reasonable rent: ex cellent care; references. AV U07, Orego -ni&n. P.RTVATE garage and room in modern home. 19 E. 30th st. Tabor o5Ql. TWO-ROOM suite, 2 gentlemen, all con veniences. 6o North Jist st. MODERN room for rent, walking distance, west side. 443 11th st. NICE front room, modern home, walking distance. Hoiiaday addition. East 44H1. DESIRABLE 2 or 3-room furnished apt., refined establishment- 743 Hoyt. 2-ROOM furnished apt., $42.50. Juliana, apts.. 45 Trinity place. Mar. 0S3. LADY alone will share furnished rooms with 1 or 2 ladles. E. 4135. Main 7Q70. NICE R OO M f or in: nice home. 1 or 2 gentlemen ; close Marshall 21' V. NICELY furnished rooms with sleeping room, west side. Main 4569. V ERY pleasant room In E. 22ii. 703 E. Main. private family. LOVELY sleeping room for 2 employed; walking distance. Main -343. Rooms V im Board. THE HEREFORD, nomelike hotel, porches. nhu 'l a -trees: rates to permanent guests: transient trade solicited ; 4 blocks X. of Wash. rt-. between --a ana a, at Hoyt. . all mnHtrn conveniences : waikin g a 'stance sr. ner wek. Aut. si-m. i- n-. mi ROOM and boarJ for business girls; modern conveniences: walking distan the MARTHA WASHINGTON. !R0 10th st- For business girls and students reisonsble rates. Mar. 1251. 452 MORRISON, cor. i:tth. choice rooms and board: modern convenience ; walk ing distance. tlVE rooms, west side. .TM ai organ piqb. close In. Apply THREE-ROOM filrnlshed apt., including piano, tor July. warsnmi xw.. 4-ROOM furnished apt., vacant July x. Irving apt., irving si., west siae. C nfurnlsued Apartment. 3 VERY large rooms, also extra, large steeping porcn, "'- uuwiuo, hot-water heat, corner, dandy place; adults only. 816 Albina. Mississippi car. TO RENT Modern 4-room apartment, ga rage and telephone. J. W. Barnes, Bea verton. Or. TH E MARLBOROUGH 5 roomx, modern, finest residence district. Main 7516. 4-ROOM furnished apt., vacant July 1. Irving apts.. Irving tt.. west ide ONE basement apt. one room, vacant July 1. Irving apts.. Irving st., west side. Yu rniahed or VnTarplithrd Apartments. JAEGER APARTMENT. 70t WASHING TON ST. HAVE SEVERAL, APART MENTS READY FOR OCCUPANCY.. Flats. MODERN B-ro.n end 8-room fist. X0 and r'J Everett ..nd 17th. west side. 5 m'n utes from business center, rerarate base ment ond furnace. J. R. Downes. B0i Dikum bldj. cm ilOltil. . ... . . .wvcw.aMV. Co., A4 ttronuwuj. 1 i