THE 3IORXIXG ORECOXIAX, TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1920 19. TIMBER LANDS. 320 ACRES TIMBER LAND. 32 acres timber lands, about l" miles weht of Carlton. Oregon; Price 2o per acre: will trade tor drug store, city property or acreaee. close In. Owner is from Blacktoot. Idaho, but will be here for 2 weeka. Will also trade for Idaho lands. Call mornlnnn 10 to 12. or writs at once. Edward Thoreson, oil Ii. aJtn urect South. Portland. Or. , EXCEPTIONAL MILL SHOW. Are von interested? Forty-five mil lion feet of choicest yellow fir In ciacn- mas county. Mostly level Brout.u. wellent show for mill. Lumber easily and cheaply rotten to railroaa Hume which is alreaay ouin. lands one mile from county road. Easy terms. H. IS. Noble. 31 Lumbermen s nlrlK.. owner. SKI-LOW KIR READY FOR Orf.Knw U.ono.000 feet on quarter section on the Eeclea railroad now uulldlns through the timber connecting with Portland. H. E. Noble. I.umpermens mug. St R SALK 440 acres (2H.0O0.O0O : leeij good timber In Lane county. OreBon. half cash, balance at purchaser's terms, with 7 ptr cent interest. Answer. A.v 4:t, Oregonl m. a - "Vk ASTtD-Man toTun mill and saw by thousand; ail equipment furnished or will sell mill for small paymeni un balance as lumber a cut. AO gontan. Ore- FOR BENT-FARMS. VARM FOR RENT. PERSONAL FOR SALE, 45 acres, an in cultivation ana in crops; good family orchard, berrjj; good 7-room house, barn, all outbuild ings: 5 good cows, 2 heifers, chickens; all tools and farm machinery; lease 5 years at n0 a vear; U0U. Including all household goods and first years rent; personal property. Johnson, HTKWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. with WALDO fsrm. 8 miles east of Salem; 940 acres, about 800 cleared; raise grain, sheep, berries, fruit, truck, etc. House, barns, fences, etc.; rent $3500 and taxes. Address Clara H. Waldo. MacCleary. Or., or Folger Johnson, U. S. Bank bldg-. Portland. Sit ACRES, stock and crop, cheap. 10314 1st St.. room 10. 10 to 12 A. M. 80-ACRE farm for sale or rent. 370 6th st. Marshall 6bS2. TO CHANGE REAL ESTATE. "WILL exchange very desirable building site with unobstructed view of moun tains and valley on west side, close to rarllne, containing over 7000 square feet, paved street land all improvements in. for something on east side or might consider land between Vancouver and Westminster, B. C. Call or write RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bids 80 ACRES, house, barn, about two acres of all kinds, of fruit, crop, stock and equipment: abundance of spring water; largo portion of ho is In good timber, IS miles of Portland, just off the Pa cific highwav. Will take old house and two or three lots as part payment; some cash and mortgage back. O. W. Bryan, 50M Chamber of Commerce. Main 1!63. HAVE moved to city, must dispouo of my fine farm of 185 acres, highly improved; stocks, crops and machinery; this la no junk, and if you have not got good property do not bother m'5. 1 am the owner. Phono Sunday, Tabor 2285, week days Main 0419, for appointment. Ion ACRES, central Oregon, 4 miles to R. R., 2 miles to highway: 100 acres will be Irrigated soon; good soil and drainage; $3000. Will consider Portland property of same value. F. .E. Aliller, 410 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR TRADE. Lots 33-34. blk. L, East St. Johns, for Omalia property. Address M. Eng land, 2523 North Iftlh St.. Omaha, Neb. f OR KALE, or will trade for farm or oity property, two -sections of timber land In Lane county, containing over 7.000,001) " feet. Address Hotel Osborn. Eugene. Or. 11 lots. S. K. cor. 43d and Division sts $600 each; want hotel, apt. house, farm. J. ii. AicaAnu, 2606 East 43d st. Tabor 6361. S AHHH3 in tho town of W'hite AVash. ; fine '.ocjitlon. V'unt auto. Call Bdwy. 305N or East 24311 evenings. $1250 EQUITY 5 rooms and sleeping porch. will traiie lor acreage or goou luuruis ear. Phone Tabor 3002. 718 73d st. N. WANT trade, our office has excellent ex change fur your acceptance. Call at 614 Swetland bldg. Pacific Agency. Inc. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. ATTENTION! ANYBODY WANTING HORSES. We have bought trucks and must sell some of our good young teams, suitable lor anv kind or work, tnat weign iroui 1400 to 1700, ages 'from 4 to 8; these animals are sold with a full guarantee and trial given, also have teams tor hire and all kinds of wagons and tools; look these over. St. Johns Construction Co . at Cochran barn, corner ol Ktch mond and Syracuse streets, St. Johns, j 2 blocks from car. WANT to leave this week and must dis pose of my pair of farm mares, weigh ing 2000, gentle and true. Call at barn cor. of Richmond and Syracuse sts., Su Johns, and ask for Mr. Asher's team. $U0 BUYS black driving horse, age 4 years, good top buggy and harness. Gentle for women or anyone to drive. . Also gentle pony $25. 5024 86th St. MS car. Tabor tiil34. jVor SALE Team of black mares, weigh ing 2U0O lhs., 6 and 7 years old, blocky bullt, sound and true pullers; with har ness and wagon. Inquire 732 Powell St., phone Seliwood 570. I MUST HAVE the money by July 1 $200. Will sacrifice my two fresh cows with valves. 540 E. Lombard and 11th st. Take Woodlawn car. HAVE iio use for my pair of good big young mules, weighing 2S00; sound and rentle and handle like horses. Call al J j Syracuse St., St. Johns. BARGAIN 4 head small horses, sound Jnd gentle; will sell 1 or all very cheap; iso good camp wagon and several other cheap rigs and harness. 827 Front st. 15 LARGE Holstelns. 3 to 7 gallons. One reaiatered Holstein null, lake Vancouver ouver block ear to Columbia blvd. north. FOR SALE IS stands of bees and equip ment; bargain. 310 E. 76th St., corner Market. Mt. Tabor car. 4 YOUNG fresh cows, 6 gal. Jersey Dur ham. 4 gal. Jersey. 4 gal. Durham; all with calves. 908 Powell, cor. 82d. DEAD tock removed quickly; cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Milwaukie 69-J for results. ' TOUNG gray team, harness and wagon; weight 3000 lbs. 1-nquire for Hewitt McCrackin. Barton. Or. FOR SALE Thirty-five registered Shrop shire March and April ram lambs; $20 each. Holman Fuel Co., 94 5th st. WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goats. Campbcll-Phelan Land & Cattle Co., 302 Couch bldg. FOUR good horses for sale: must be sold at once, regardless of price. 1029 E. Yamhill st. FIVE 2-months-old pigs for salo: good stock, cheap. Apply Savmar .Co., 100 front St. Mar, oi. FARM WAGON FOR SALE, CHEAP. SYRACUSE STREET, ST. JOHNS. FOR SALE New set double buggy har ness, $60. Holman Fuel Co., 94 5th st. LARUE pastures for rent near Portland. Main oa. DEAD horses, animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co.. Woodlawn 20. DEAD HORSES taken quickly; cash for dead cows. Tabor. 4203. FOR SALE Fresh cows. 1448. Phone Tabor FOR SALE One young Berkshire sow. Carr, Route 2, Box 171, Milwaukie, Or. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. PLAYER-PIANO WANTED. Will give Tillamook Beach lots for a good player. Write BJ 862. Oregonian. 3SENT A. PHONOGRAPH WORTH BUY 1NG. HAROLD GILBERT. 884 YAMHILL. "WILL pay cash for your old piano, or will trade you a new Victrola for it. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th. PIANO WANTED. Pay cash; get eur price. Selberllng Lucas Musio Co., 125 4th st Main 6586. UKULELES, accordions, harmonicas, vio lins, guitars and other musical instru ments. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 140 6th. GENUINE Martin melody "C" uia phones. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 nm si. J. C. FISCHER player-piano, wonder. ful bargain, $775. G. F. Johnson Piano io., liu oin. GENUINE Gibson guitars, mandolins, etc. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th. GRAFONOLAS with music for rent. Em pire Co., 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 155. PLAYER-TI ANOS. pianos, used pianos. G. V. Johnson Piano Co., 149 6th. GRAND piano, excellent value, $735. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th. WANTED To buy a piano for - bargain. Main 8864 before 5. cash, if $650 EMERSON, beautiful tone, only $175. terms, Worcester niag. "WANTED To buy pisno. if reasonable; cash or bunds. Marshall 5709; no dealers. FOR BALE. rianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITT STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. Boudoir up right piano, cash 6." French upright piano, cash......... 70 3'l0 tiray Ac Co. upright, cash 110 4.0 Hallett & Davis upright, cash.. 145 S425 Dunham & Co. upright, cash... 1 R5 475 Hallett & Davis upright, cash.. 195 $475 Davis & Son upright, cash 215 $550 Kimball & Co. upright, cash.... 2o5 $7o0 Sleinway & Sous upright, cash 290 $750 Hara se Co. player piano, cash 305 J1KM) Thompson player piano, cash.. 435 $1000 Singer player piano, cash..... 4:5 Parlor organs $11), $25, $35 to $45 Pianos stored, 75c month. Pianos bought and sold for cash only. 10:; loth st. at Wash, and stark bis. $15 and $25 cash sends home a piano. $25 and $50 cash sends home a player piano, balance $8, $10 to $20 monthly, schwan Piano Co.. 101 Tenth at. at Stark. PIANO BARGAINS. $175 and up, good, used standard pianos. See them and you will be con vinced that they are real bargains. SBIBBRLI.Nli-I.L'CAS MUSIC CO., 125-127 4th 8t., Bet. Wash, and Alder. PIANO FOR VICTROLA. $200 new VICTROLA and RECORD OUTFIT: trade for used . piano; best proposition. Main K58. SE1BEKUNU-1.UCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth st. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victrola and records; our proposition will please you. SE1BEKL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., ' 125 Fourth Street. Main'oSSB. WANTED Square piano with good rose wood case to be refinished for a table. Will pay cash or trade talking machine Harold S. Uilbert. 884 Yamhill at. ELECTRIC piano, plays modern SS-nole music; Just the thing for small theater; fine condition. Only $775. G. F. John son Piano Co., 1411 6th. BRUNSWICK phonograph and records, a snap, just like new. beiberling- Lucas Music Co., 125-127 4th St.. bet. Wash ington and Alder. HAVE $725 Bush & Lane piano; sell for $400; used less than six montns; take good Victrola and some cash. Call East 4780. apt. 8. Furniture for eaie. HOUSEHOLD goods for sale cheap: ev erything good. CJarland o-noie cook stove, $12; heater, $3: gas range with coils, $15; iron bed, $3: springs, $1.50; mattress, $2; oak .Morris chair, $2.50; oak rocker, $2.50: kitchen chairs, $; kitchen table, $1.50; oak stand, $1; ex tension dining table, $0; hall mirror, $4.50: dresser, $5 and $10; carpets, rugs, linoleum, cooking utensils, garden tools, hose, etc. 384 E. Washington. NEW FURNITURE. Extra heavy steel cot $6.00 Extra heavy full Else spring..... 7.50 H-ft. dining table ".SO HxO wool and fiber rug 6.00 Oak dresser. 4 drawers and French plate mirror 22.00 5012 77th St. S. K., cor. 50th Ave. S. E. Alt. Scott car to Flrland Station. OAK dining table. $18; Eteinway piano, nalc dresser. 118: oook case, io; cnn- fionier. $12; lawnmower, $7.50; rocker, $12; leather chair, $15; breakfast table Tabor 3325. FOR SALE Piano, grafonola, oak princ ess dresser and chittonler, crass Deo. ana Eprings. floss mattress. couch. rug. punching bag and frame, all in good con dition. Tabor 7277. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your' freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co., 248 Pine st. COMPLETE furnishings of a modern 6 room flat (or sale. Call at 572 E. Salmon street. UAS range, gas heater, refrigerator, wicker table and chairs, two rugs. etc. 535 Montgomery drive, phone Main 6941. FOR SALE Beautiful quarter-sawed din ing table, 6 chairs, leather seats. Auto matic phone 225-12. FURNITURE of 7 rooms ana piano, flat for rent. Call Main 3559. COMPLETE sectional bookcases, solid oak, very reasonable. Seliwood 1800. COMPLETE furnishings 7-room house; will sell at sacrifice. Broadway 3032. FURNITURE for sale. 648 Taylor street. Marshall 1004. toANlTARY couch, small mirror. Broad way 3782. ONE over-stutfed tapestry rocker. Main 3U83. Office Furniture. rented as it stands if desired. Call Main 7406 between 12 and 1 o'clock. Poultry. PET ALUM A White Leghorns lead the world In ecg production. We sell BABY CH1X at $13.50 per loo during May and June: safe arrival of full cotmt, strong. live chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery, 441 Sixth St.. Petaluma, Cal. BABY CHICKS. 10.000 one day to six weeks old. 8. C. White Leghorns, loc to $si. NORTHWEST POULTRY CO 82d St. and 74th Ave. 6. E. Tabor 3107. WHITE Leghorn chicks. 15c each: R. I. Red. 25 cents eacn; two ready now. 6000 more June last natcn or season. J. xt. Magulre. 78i Oregon st. East JSOj. YOUNG white leghorn hens. $1.25 each. Excellent layers. J. R. Masuire. 787 Oregon st.. near E. 24th st. WANT 500 pullets; must be good size will pay $1.40 each. Phone Marshall 1 702. Dogs, Rabbit. Birds, Pet Stock. LEAVING city, must dispose of fine 12 months bull-Great Dane, one of the best dogs in Portland; gentle, but can whip his weight in wildcats; no reasonable offer rrtised. D. Hurlburt, 683 Kear ney. Main 357. FOR SALE 2 brrndle Boston bulldogs 6 weeks old. male and female. 546 Colunv bia. St. Main 5508. POLICE dogs, full grown, fine specimens. well behaved, very reasonable. Speedway Kennels. Tabor 5088. FOR SALE Highly-bred Boston terrier puppies, full white collar, screw tails. Tabor 2028. MARTZ Mountain Roller. 2 years old. Reasonable. East G5S6. BOSTON, terriers, 3 mo. old, for sale. 304 Yamhill St. Launches and Boats. ONE 50-FOOT 30-H. P. steam tug for sale very cheap. 1 00-ft. cruiser. 60-H. P. motor. 1 30-ft. cruiser. Fris-by motor. 1 30-ft. runabout, speed 18 miles. 1 28-ft. runabout, speed 15 miles. 1 24 ft. runabout, speed 15 miies. 1 1-man troller, 30x86 feet, and many other boats at very low prices at W. H. & E. VON DER WERTH. Foot of East Morrison St. LAUNCH 25-ft., 4-cylinder engine, semi cabin cruiser, suitable for pleasure or camping. Phone Broadway 4878. TRAWLER. 32x9, 14-h. p. Regal, 2 years old; excellent condition; fully equipped for fishing. Main 7040 evenings. FOR SALE S7-foot troll boat, oak ribs, - sound hull, 27-H. P. engine. J. R. Eubich, Fort Columbia, Wush. 4-ROOM furnished houseboat for sale. Call 40 Willamette moorage. LAUNCH and Waterman engine for sale cheap. Call Seliwood 2433. GOOD canoe for gale, cheap. Phone Wdln. 3775 or address 1246 Concord. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $50 com. plete with carrying oase; supplies for ail makes. E. W. PEASE COMPANY, 110 Sixth St. Main 2285. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All makes overhauled: expert mechanics. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy, Sell, Kent and Exchange. Main 6397. Supplies. 263 V Oak St. UNDERWOOD typewriter, rotary mimeo graph. Todd protectograph. all nearlv new; must fell today. 831 Chamber of commerce uiug. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters ALL MAKES, sold on monthly Dnvmn, Send for price list. The Wholesale Type- - writer ttmdiusidu St. UNDERWOOD and Remington typewriters $ a montn. empire Co.. 254 J3road- way. Bdwy, 155. VISIBLE machines, year's guarantee, $20. in rtepuiit "typewriter Co.. 304 Oak at. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates, f. u. up., zai starlc Main 1407. ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon lypewnter -o., w am. Alain 3000. Machinery. FOR QUICK RETURNS I AM OFFERING one continental 60 h. p., 6 cylinder gas engine. 4H-5Vj. fitted with Bosch H. T. magneto, one bulldog reverse gear, one 24x36-inch propeller wheel, any reason able orrer on me aoove will be accepted propeller new and the engine and re verse gears as good. Call East 4218 or see at River and Hardy st. KEROSENE POWER STUMP PULLER. Fastest, most practical stump puller Ii existence: double drum, donkev tvrie fast and powerful, burns kerosene: can furnish contracts to purchaser two con- tracts waning. An ui. uregonian. FOR RENT or sale, 1 sack batch concrete mixer with side, loader. Mohr Machinery co.. not i.iwm oiag. rroaoway 47ol. FOR SALE 70-horsepower airplane en- sTine. Jdroaaway nvi. aK lor xaylor. FOB BALR. Miscellaneous. LUMBER. LUMBER. GRAND STANDS. SHRINE CONTVENTIOK. for sale at a bargain: 3B5.000 feet of No. 1 as sorted lumber, must be cleared up In eight days, apply at stand No. a. Washington st., between 19th and 20th streets. DOLAN WRECKING CONSTRUCTION CO. FOR SALE Remington lO typewriter. $25; 6-in. electric fan, new. $10; roller skates, new, aluminum ballbearing, rub ber tlred$10; disc phonograph records 15c each; about 1000 popular novels, reguplar $1.50 edition. 25c each. 870 Court ave. Phone Woodlawn 1314. morn ings only. HE VOL VERS, new and used PISTOLS. Largest Revolver Dealer in Northwest. No Purchasing Permits Required. BEAUREGARD'S. 702 MAIN ST.. VANCOUVER. WASH. Four blocks up from Portland car. Open Saturday Evening. . FOR SALE New Ditte with Bausch & Lomb Tessar Series lib anastlgmat lens, f. 6. 3, o'fc-lnch focus for No. 3A, also grain leather, velvet lined case, with strap; will sell for $100. This kodak and case cost $128.98. BJ 833, Oregonian. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 943L SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 3 00 Third St.. near Taylor. FOR SALE Blng cherries picked, packed ' and shipped same day, 10 pounds net delivered anywhere in Oregon, $4.15 box, money must accompany order; hurrjr as crop is short. J. 13. Harness, box 505, Yakima. Wash. H A I . i , GAS FURNACES. No fumes, no dirt; clean, helpful heat. Inexpensive to .operate. - Introductory price. $125. Main 7ot5 or call 167 Park St.. just south of Morrison. . HOT-WATER tanks. 30-gal., $7: 40-gal.. $9; tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace colls, gas heaters Installed; ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams st. East 8516. NEW SINGERS," $5 down, $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. MOKRISON-STREET SINGER STORK, 382 Morrison; Marshall 721. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. 105 Second S t. M ain 2045. SELL'NG OUT. P.estaurant equipment, gas plate, pots, pans, dishes, eUcctric fixtures, sink, gas pipe. 9 A. M. Monday, 10714 -6th, up i tairs. MUST sacrifice two root beer barrels. 18- foot front bar. showcases, cash register, soda fountain. 2 safes, one large ana one small. Many other fixtures. Corns Monday. 113 Second street. bAFES New ana second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE A SUPPLY CO., Broadway 1066. 48 Front st FOR SALE Steel range (wood or coal). gas water heater, oak sideboard, china closet. Phone E. 7307. before 12 and after 6 Tuesday. BLOCK AND SLAB 16-lnch, $5.50 per load in two load lots; cheaper and bet ter than 4-foot wood. .National Fuet Col. East 204L SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES SOLD, BOUGHT. RENTED, EXCHANGED. NEWMAN. 128 FIRST. MAIN 4405. ELECTRIC IRONS, appliances, doorbells, vacuum cleaners, repaired; fixtures re wired. We call and' deliver. Woodlawn 1250 or East 4045. FOR SALE Cash, by private parly, two 1 1 karat diamonds, matched stones: will sell separately; shown by appoint ment. Phone E. 4461. SIX-HOLE range with coils. $20: 4-hole cook stove, 10i 2-hole oil cooker, 5. First house nort hot Kern Park, Mount Scott car. A FINE selection of suits, gowns, coats and party dresses, secured from wealthy ladies. Reasonable prices. 403 Alisky DKlg. Ma-in 3132. FOR SALE PRACT.CALLY new Under wood typewriter. Rotary mimeograph and Todd protectograph. 831 Chamber of Commerce. KODAKS.- We bisy. sell, rent and exchange ko daks', sandy s. 3-y Washington st. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, showcases, wall cases, fixtures; terms. W. J. Quigley. 361 Hawthorne. East 123. FOR SALE .22 automatic rifle like new: some cartridges. Woodlawn 5605 or 954 Vancouver ave. FOR SALE Round-cornered floor case. candy case, lift-up top cigar case, meat slicer. 242 Salmon. ELECTRIC fans and drrnk mixers re paired; new, used and exchanged. Hyn son Electric Co.. 302 Pine. Bdwy. 4203. FOUR tables, stools, gas range, double oven, candy jars, breadcase, soft drink mixture, adding machine. 242 Salmon. 1 ROLL-TOP desk and chair, 1 T. W. desk. 1 flat-top desk, 1 safe. Bushonc & Co., i park st. FOR SALE 1 8x10 Middleby oven. Hobart cake mixer, proof box, cake tins, apple boxes, a. m. only, o urana ave. FOR SALE Cheney phonograph with rec ords; wueen Anne design: price right. Must be sola, wooaiawn ejia. ELECTRIC coffee mill, wall case, ice box number of other fixtures, at half price tnis week. .4. saimon. AT HALF PRICE Slightly used comput ing scale, steel filing case, safe, office - oesa. ouo uan si. . MAHOGANY bar 18 ft. long for sale. 1150. Kalama. Wash. LICENSED Independent electrician wires 3 rooms for $12; 5 rooms $20. All work guaranteed to pass insp. Wdln. 3791. SOFT wood barrels. 50 gallons, suitable lor fruit packing, ready lor use, cheap AJ Dl, uregtiiiwn. WE SELL LADIES' USED APPAREL in our home in Laurelhurst: prices right. 1132 last tillsaTi st. labor 282o. REFRIGERATOR AND "RAPID" FIRE LESS COOKER. IN GOOD CONDITION. 1. fta. FOR SALE Baby carriage, high chair, go-carl, electric voorator, very reason able. 352 Fremont street. FOR SALE A 00-gal. galvanized lank cheap if taken at once. Call Woodlawn oil 8. FOR SALE Ice box. good condition: $15 McCoys grocery, orana ave. Phone East 3420. THREE-PIECE mahogany set for Drlvat or oitice use, f lit value, act quick s-f.ou. oaimon. FOR SALE 16 Vienna chairs. 2 table; and 8-gi. coiree urn in good condition 241 n. nun t. DIAMOND ring, trifle Jess than 2 Karats. $7tkl. Portland Remedial Loan Asaocia tion. 304 stark. IRON BED, springs, folding .bed. men and ladies worn suits, good condition. 361 11th St.. corner Mill. FOR SALE Cherries. Phone Tabor 8519. 1770 Division street- FOR SALE Small and large fire-proof safe, a bargain. aaimon. 1 5-100-karat perfect diamond, worth $750 will take sou. seuwooa tisj. FOR SALE 28 mole skins in excellent condition, call fc,ast 68 1 4. GRAPHOPHONE and records. $25; white furs, $20. -Marsnau 3051. WRECKAGE WOOD. Delivered In stove lengths. Tabor 2704 GASOLINE wood saw for sale or trade for a light car. ijbi j.. inn, aenwooq. FOR SALE 50 ft. picket fence, also new piano box. Phone Tabor 3902. NATIONAL cash register, from penny up, value $400; sacrifice. $167. 242 Salmon. FOR SALE Paint spraying machine. Champion Mfg. Co.. woodlawn 3607. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening dresses, siigntiy worn, aiain iubi. FOR RENT Vacuumcleaners, $1 per day. delivered anywnere. woouiawn pitta. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired. rented exchanged, bought. Bentley Co.. M. 4007, DESK ADDING MACHINE. $15. 518 COR BETT BLDG. MARSHALL 557. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale. Pacific 'lent &c Awning. . Jst St. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, addin machine, showcase. 43 1st St.. near Ash SAFE, good as new, cheap if taken once. V 620, Oregonian. ONE reed baby buggy for sale. Call Wood lawn B64TN FOR SALE DAYTON scales. 226 Stark sL and TOLEDO FOR SALE New skunk scarf, 8x76, $12, Aiarsnaii .uuo. FOB SALB- MUcellafteooa. HUNTING SEASON NEAR Here Is a riar galn: New .803 Savage rifle, feather weight model. 6 pounds, powerful and accurate, sling strap and ammunition Included. Total cost $52.50, sell for $42.50. Main 25S7. ONE blue and white foulard dress, $20; 1 taupe and dark blue taffeta dress. $15; 1 white corduroy dress, $12: child s peacock taffeta dress. 10-year sire, $7. These dresses are new. 295 Montgomery st.. Apt. 1. . ONE Bridge Ic Beach range, three ovens. 9 feet long, used four months; a dandy for logging camp; price only $175. T ft-'ia. Oregonian. LADT'S beautiful, new. turquoise blue wool sweater, medium size, cost $25; will snrrifice. East 733. FOR SALE New dress Marshall 2197. suit, size 37, $25. TWO saddles. 1 pair chaps: practically new. AP 845. Oregonian. CHERRT crop for sale cheap. Call Colum bia 14". Call 18S3 Flske St. FOR SALE Two fireplace sets complete. East 407. ONE carload, or several, osk and fir wood. Inquire Lewis. Bdwy. 2330. GOODELL mitre box, with Disston Phone 227-16. SAFE FOR SALE GOOD BARGAIN. EXCEPTION A LLT 301 GLOBE BLDG FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. THE CARS we sell you are all gone over and rebuilt or overhauled so we are sure when we sell you an auto tney wm be in the condition we tell you. We are an old. reliable firm and our reputation cannot be bought tor a song. 19ia Liberty Six, 05 per cent new..$U400 1917 Bulck Six. D45. rebuilt... 950 600 650 630 1918 Maxwell touring. Just perfect. 1918 Overland, model 90. touring.. 1919 Chevrolet touring. Just new.. 1917 Ford touring, overhauled"". . . . Chalmers Master Six. A-l shape. 7 pass. JPierce-Arrow. little 6-36. new 1920 400 600 1500 body, new top. new Cora tires, elec, lights and starter 1916 Chevrolet. 4-00. Just over hauled ......................... 450 450 1917 Maxwell touring, rebuilt 1920s Ford. 1-ton truck, worm drive 600 500 191S Panhard truck. IVi-ton. Just new ......... ... ............ 1918 Ford delivery, and curtains .... new body, top 450 NEW BUYS ARRIVING CONTINU OUSLY. OUR NEW LOCATION. DONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER. 511 Burnside St.. between 14th and 15th Sts. CONLEY & ARBUCKI.E. PROPS. PHONE B'DWAY 1424. EXPRESS ANT DELIVERY MEN ATTENTION! We have four good Overland de livery cars, with and without start ers, both in express and panel top. They bave been rebuilt in our shop. We will take your car in exchange. These deliveries range In price from $400 to $800. Term one-third cash, balance in tan monthly payments. Call and see. "WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC COMPANY. BROADWAY AT DAVIS ??T. Broadway 2535. STITTZ 6-PASSENGER. 16-VALVE TOUR 1NG CAR. THAT J3 EAUTl r U L UAKlv BLUE ONE USED BY MAYOR BAKER IN THURSDAY'S AND FRIDAY S x A RADKS. FOR SALE REASONABLY, VALUE CONSIDERED; CAR IS IN- PERFECT MECHANICAL CONDITION NEWLY PAINTED. CORD TIRES. I FIRST-CLASS SHAPE ALL AROUND, SPARE WIRE WHEEL. .MANY EX TRAS; SEE IT AT STUTZ AGENCY. AUTOKE8T MOTOR SALES CO.. STUTZ AGENTS. 216 10TH ST. PHONE MAIN 8237. 1920 MAXWELL demonstrator. This ca has 5 tires; still has a uo-day guarantee, ftame a k new: a new car would not glv you more: speedometer has Just turned 3UOO miles, lou can save e.ou. v-aii Tabor 7817. Terms. BARGAIN in light car; act quick; bring $700 and vou can drive away my 101 luia Maxwell' that runs perfectly an hAa 4 brand-new tires that have rmt run 100 miles. Let me show it to you.- Tabor 0067. HUDSON SUPER SIX. Has seen only city use; driven very little: first-class in every parttcuia Good as new. at 1-3 less; cords an snare: almost new. Tabor 664o. M Kailsback, Miin 780. . HUDSON SPEEDSTER. A BARGAIN AT $1850 CASH OR TERMS. 7 TIRES. A-l MECHANICA SHAPE. 90 DAYS' SERVICE AND RE PLACEMENT. CALL MAIN 6uB. 1918 SUPER-SIX Hudson to exchange for house and lot or take smaller car as .,,1 nnvmenf mn 1 1 000 ml can hard ly be told from new. Price $1900; cerd tires, can owner, cast o-itf. 3-38 PACKARD, 6-cyl., i-pai-i. ; perfec mechanical conamon: two extra urea price $1850. terms. Portland Motor Ca Co., 10th and Burnside. Broadway 52 Ask for Mr. Krog. . i.ath MODEL MAXWELL TOURING. At low price of $475, with $176 down, Dal. easy; car is reiinisneu ana iuuk and runs fine. Come and try it. 50, Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co uivb! hAiifiht a biz car: will sell my nascnnfrAi m ,ir n usaa only u iiiuiii.ii -nvr nft navement: demountable rim and some other extras. C. M. Egbert, Wdln 4. or East IRo. A BARGAIN for cash, 1917 light Overman bv owner: new top. Plate glass window Rood tires and paint. Mechanically gooi all around. Address 228 13th St. Phone Main 9179. 1920 PAIGE. Larchmont sport model, dri en onlv 14oO miles: new spare tire bumper, spotlight, license, etc. Will sacrifice $4h0 for cash deal. Mr. Argo, Broudway 3281. A SPLENDID VELIE. This car is In excellent shape, ha new paint and top. and can be boug very reasonably. Call Mr. Howard Broadway 1858 for an appointment. FRANKLIN 5-pass.. fine condition, newl painted and overhauled; will take small car in trade, terms on bai. Price only Hiooo. Mr. Argo. Broadway 3281. CHANDLER 7-pasn.. fin condition, newl painted and overnauiea: will take small car in trade: terms on bal. Price $1400. Mr. Argo. tiroaqway 6-81. LATE 1917 BUICK light six. 5-pass. Will demonstrate mechanically with an Buick In Portland. Price $1000 for qui sale: terms. Mr. Argo. Broadway 3281 PAIGE convertable roadster. In first-class condition. By owner. Call 32 a -87. 7-PASSENGER HUDSON. 1918 MODEL. REPAINTED AND GOOD TIRES. A BARGAIN IF YOU CALL TODAY. CALL MAIN 6750. 1918 PAIGE light six, a fine car for $1350 terms. nun very nine ana nas Deet refinished and thoroughly overhauled. Mr. Argo, moadway a.wi. 1918 CHANDLER chummy: newly refi lehed and overhauled; will take small car In trade; terms. Mr. Argo, Broad way 3281. 1918 DODGE, fine condition, will sll for lirjj, neea casn. uan laeor 8152. fui bai.-. o-cynnuer i-passenger car, cneap. i a nor t-u. CADILLAC BUG. fine shape. $250. Owner. A K 7ui, oregonian. BUG for sale, $125. 228 Vs Washington 5 to 8 P. M. Owner leaving city. STUDE BAKER 18 series, four, only $650. Owner. lT-nassen. Wdln. 5535. CLASSY Ford bug- In $550. Woodlawn 754. A-l shape: price 1083 E. 15th N. 1917 GRANT six auto. A -1 condition; $550. terms. Tabor 1296. price MAXWELL touring car for sale, cheap new tires. " Tabor 2430. $050 BUICK 0. 5-passenger, really a good car. Call Seliwood 651. 1812 FRANKLIN touring car cheap, er, Woodlawn 196. Own- It)-' 0 DODGE, never been driven; rived. 317-26. Just ar- CHEVROLET baby grand. $300 cash takes it: good condi t io n. Marshall 2H18. FOR SALE 1318 Buick. Call Tabor 2 a Ml FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. YOU WANT THE BEST. THEN COMB TO THE USED CAR EXCHANGE and see the best assortment of late model usel cars in the city. Looking for a Maxwell? T have models 1919, 1318. 1917. all in fine condition. RE-MEMBER. WB SELL TOO SATISFACTION. 1920 Elgin six. runs like a watch and Is always on time. A Franklin Is one ear that everr one says there's a good car. Sea this one. REMEMBER WB SELL TOTJ SATISFACTION. , Then know a 1912. comes a Chandler; you Chandler, and this is a A baby, just a year old. Oh. yea. it's a Baby Grand Chevrolet. No use telling you all about our BU1CKS, OVERT. AN DS. OAK LANDS. APPERSONS. STUDEBA KERS and FORDS, as you are sure to come to see them. REMEMBER WE SELL TOU SATISFACTION. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 15th and Washington. NEW BUILDING NEW STOCK. The ideal place to buy used cars. Our policv Is to turn them out In good shape, overhaul them and repaint them when necessary and make no claims that the cars cannot make good. We offer here a few for your approval; EXTRA 'SPECIAL PRICE ON THIS ONE CAR. 1915 Mitchell. 5-pass.. 4-cyl.. real buy. 4-pans.' Jordan sport marine, perfect con riiii.n with rive cord tires. 1918 Ol'dsmoblle. 7-pass.. 8-cyl.. refin- Inshed. in very fine condition. 1018 Mitchell roadster, like new. 1019 Mitchell. 5-pass.. 6-cyl. 1918 Mitchell. 4-pass., 6-cyl.. club road ster. 1918 Mitchell. 7-pass.. 6-cyl. 1016 Mitchell, 7-pass., 6-c.vl. 1018 Mitchell. 3-pass.a 6-cyl. 1910 Mitchell. 7-pass., 6-cyl.. demonstra tor. , 1918 Overland club roadster, model 90. nil WillvM-lvnlirhl. 7-Dasa.. 4-cyl.: thia car is in perfect condition. Including Many others, both large and small. Terms if desired. No Brokerage Charges. We carry all of our own notes. MITCHELL. LEWIS & ST AVER CO.. BROADWAY AT EVERETT. Phone Broadway 4675 WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC COMPANY. Used Car Department en let ad Joining our building on Broadway and Couch sis. (See the sign.) There you will find about 25 small cars of the different standard makes ranging In price from $375 up to $700. Terms one-third oaah. balance in ten monthly install ments if so desired. No use for you to be without a car. (You are assured of fair dealing.) Call and see. "WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC COMPANY. BROADWAY AT DAVIS ST. Broadway 8555. FORD OWNERS. CHEVROLET OWNERS. Motors overhauled Rear axle overhauled Valves ground, carbon removed.. Uiiimeto recharged .............. .$20 We hand-laD pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures a perfect-running motor. Genuine Ford parts only usea. All work guaranteed. ' THE REASON the Ford engine starts hard and the litrhtn am dim Is because the MAG' NETO is weak. Have it, RECHARGED by KAFKKTh. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO.. SI 0-212 Jeffersen. Main 7644. FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled Rr.Mr axle overhauled........... .$20 Valves ground, carbon removed - 8 Magneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parta only used, All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 280 Front at., corner Jefferson. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MONE-Y. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND et MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLD.G., 2D FLOOR. '17 HUDSON SPEEDSTER. Thia one has 5 wire wheels. 5 cord tires, refinished Hudson colors, and it Is in the best possible condition and we will show you the real goods; the terms are as follows, part down and balance monthly. Come and buy one on your own terms in reason. Take Buick road ster in trade. 505 Alder St. Red Front Used Car Co. WE carry a full line of auto accessories. tires, tubes. Ford parts, lignt giooes. etc; alio do towing. Open day and night. LONG & EILVA, Fhone East 6840. 4ti2 Hawthorne. 1919 PAIGE. An excellent opportunity to obtain a lightly used car at a very attractive price. New tires, one spare, also extra equipment. This car will surely be sold within a few days. Will take small car as part payment. See Mr. Howard, with A. M. Beaver Motor Co., 12tb and Alder. Bdwy. 1858. FOR SALE Two 1920 7-passenger brand new Stanley steamers; burn kerosene en tirely; no luel troubles; speed control by lever attached to steering wheel elimi nates shifting gears; fine appearance and high-grade workmanship and material; will sell at wholesale price and give terms. W rite or call McCargar, ateg & Lively, Yeon bldg. A REASONABLE BUY IN A BUICK. If you are contemplating iwi inex pensive car, we have several cars, over hauled and in fine shape. Maxwell Saxon, Uco, Studebaker and many other real good cars. Call Mr. Howard Bdwy. 1858. A. M. Beaver Motor Co, 12th and Alder. 18 DODGE ROADSATER. . Here Is one like new and the car has 6 tires and tubes and new top; come and try it; the low price of $875 with $250 down. bal. monthly, will ap peal to anyone that knows Dodge values, as it is $200 below market value. 505 Alder st. Red rront Used Car Co. CHUMMY ROADSTER. Here is the ladiea 'car; it seats four and has live wire wheels and new tires and is like new every way; low price. $i25. with $275 down. bal. easy. Come and look it over. 605 Alder st. Red Front Lsed car Co. CHALMERS six bargain: one of the really well-made cars of several years age; 5-pass.. dandy family car; this car has very aood tires and In perfect shape: always taken care of by a mechanic. Is really wortn looking at; $uo, terms. T a bur 9Q67. 1018 CHANDLER CHUMMY. A high-class car with lots of power and speed. It's a real pleasure to ride and drive a car like this one. Will take a small car - as part payment. Mr. Howard, Broadway 1858. '90 OVERLAND TOURING And the price is only $625 with $250 down, bal. easy; car Is refinished and looks like new; 5 tires and license; take Ford in trade. 505 Aider st. Red Front Used Car Co. FOR SALE BY OWNER 1917 model "N" Hupmobile touring; line mechanical con dition and good tires. If you want a good car that la all ready to go. call Woodlawn 4652. 1920 CHEVROLET, good tires, fine con dition. Can he secu Tuesday. June 29, at 14th and Alder. Ask for McCord. Terms. $365 FORD TOURING. A car for good service. 120 UNION AVE.. Call Johnson. East 1517. 1920 FORD SEDAN. Run only 1800 miles, in perfect "con dition, new tires and lots of extras. Broadway 465. Zinsley. FIVE-PASS. Studebaker, good motor, too and side curtains. 5 good tires, car Jocks good, am running it every day: $105. labor 8481. 1917 FORD with extras, in good condition, $o75 ca in, Phone Sell. 1351. FOR SAt.15 AUTOMOB1T.ES. At the COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY PLANT. "Hello. Frank! ' "How-dee, Jack What are you doing up here 7 "Just bought a car. Frank, and you are Just the fellow I w ant to see. - ome here, I want to show you the blsgest snap I've seen In this man's town." "You say vou only paid $700 for. this 1919 Overland T" . . "Yes. sir, onlv $700, and she s In won derfully good shape. These people. Jack, have the reputation for putting their cars In the finest condition. I've two neighbors who bought -used cars here and they both got a fine buy. Are you figuring on buying a car. Frank? "Yes. thought I d look them over. "Just take a tip from me: these peo ple have the cars, and I've been through their repair shop. They have a big machine shep besides their own top and upholstering department, paint shop and battery shop. They are fixed to do tlie work and, bv George, they do It. nnni'.e BROTHERS MOTOR CARS. 1918 Touring , $0i5 1917 Touring 2- 1016 Touring 750 1016 Roadster ' 1919 Chassis 650 1917 MAXWELL Delivery 550 1014 OVERLAND Delivery 3SO 1017 MAXWELL Delivery . . 450 1018 CHEVROLET Touring, good tires 625 J918 FORD Sedan, electric starter 775 1917 FORD Touring 425 1017 Ft ) R D Delivery, a good one.. 523 1919 OVERLAND-00, a remarkable bu v 775 1918 MAXWELL Touring, dandy 1917 MAXWELL " To'urin'g '. 1017 REO Roadster, good shape..... lt14 .REO Touring 1912 CADILLAC, good service car. 1917 BUICK Touring 1018 CHANDLER Touring 1016 OAKLAND Touring, only 1918 STUDE BAKER 6, good shape, new top. new paint........ 1914 STUDEBAKER 6 650 47 8t)0 5i 10 4110 1050 1400 750 1000 6O0 We have ready for immediate service some excellent cars of seven-passenger capacity. 1018 CHANDLER 1018 STUDEBAKER 6 1916 COLE 8. nice shape., a 1913 CADILLAC $1400 1000 110O 650 CADILLACS. Surely, a great surprise awaits If you will but look over our used and rebuilt late model Cadillacs. There are no perceptible signs that these cars have ever been In service, and your pride of ownership is just as great "as though you possessed one of the brand, new onea that are so hard The savins', of course, is considerable, and with this fact in view it Is possible that one's judgment could not be better than to purchase a car sucn as tnis. We have, at present, both a 7-passen- eer tourlne and a 4-passenger phaeton. You may purchase these cars on very easy payments. We are open Sunday. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Washington St. at 21st. Main 6244. STI-TZ "-PASSENGER. 16-VALVE TOUR- IVti CAR. THAT BEAUTIFUL DARK BLUE ONE USED BY MAYOR BAKER IN THURSDAY S AND FRIDAY S rA- RADKS FOR SALE REASONABLE. VALUE CONSIDERED. CAR IS IN PERFECT MECHANICAL CONDITION, NEWLY PAINTED. CORD TIRES. IN FIRST-CLASS SHAPE ALL AROUND, SPARE WIRE WHEEL. MANY .EX TRAS: SEE IT AT STUTZ At!E.Cl. ALTOREST MOTOR SALES CO.. STUTZ AGENTS. 213 10TH ST. PHONE MAIN 8237. SACRIFICE. Beautiful 7-pass. Sterns-Knight. In per fect condition: fully equipped: cannot ds " told from new: for financial reasons must sell quick; no reasonable offer re fused. Seen at lO.'t N. 4h. 6-PASSENGER red Stutz, good tires, i fine mechanical condition: would be vttrv aood buv at $1200: for quick sale S850: consider some terms. Elite Garage. 12th and Jefferson st. Main 7304. NEW LIGHT 1920 Ford touring, with Etarter, natural oak demountable wheels. mt): r. tire, rim and tube, tire carrier. 1020 license and extra body brace; this car run only 6 days; will give terms. D. K. Baker. 215 Grand ave ENCLOSED car, late model, two tops, sum- meii and winter, expensive seat covers. two snare tires, perfect mechanical con dition: might consider trade; for aale by owner. Call East 2015 after 6 P. M. I.ATE 1010 BUICK TOURING. This car does not show a blemiBh; Royal cord tires all around; to be sacri fice dtJrDeari;orojiciwajtiij COLE 8. 1916. In good shape, recently overhauled and painted, new battery. will take good grand piano as part pay ment. Main mow. ttoh n tmirinr A-l condition, spot light, shock absorbers, gooa tires, cneap if sold today. 248 Yamhill St., ask for Hicks. LATE 1919 Ford touring, fine running nrHpr extras. XtiOO casn. Lents bXC. -ll. See car at St. Nicholas cafeteria. 4 to 6 P. M. Big USED CARS Prices Stock. .. ... right No Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wneels, axles. We wreck an manes ol cars ana sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Auto Wrecking Dept., 105-7 N. 11th st. ONE Buick and one Overland roadster In fine running condition; the price is right. Will make terms to suit. Call at Enamel 1 Bake Oven. o04 Hurnsiae street. TWO Ford delivery cars, panel bodies. 1919 I and 1917 models, good mechanical con- I ditlon. All good tires. Phone owner. I Tabor 6901. 1320 HUDSON SPEEDSTER. BRAND I NEW, NEVER BEEN RUN. CORD TIRES, HEADY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY'. CALL BROADWAY 1416. $150 FORD ROADSTER $450. First-class condition. EAST SIDE FEED CO EAST 1517. 7-PASSENGER Chandler touring car for sale at sacrifice, siihi; can maae goou terms. Call Tabor 68T0. OAKLAND sedan. 1910. practically new. must sell, hence this sacrifice: price $1300, can arrange terms. Marshall i 8TUDEBAKER, '18, 6-cyllnder, i-passen- eer. Al condition, private owner, reason able price Call Marshall 1348. city. FORD for sale. 1018, good condition. Price $450. Cail Sell. 1473. Call after 6 o'clock. A STUDEBAKER, five-passenger, at $500 cash, that you will concede is worth more. See it. 772 E. Yamhill. iniT wi;nKOM SUPER SIX. In A-l condi tion, two new cords, for $1100. Call 24S Yamhill st. hicks. 1919 CHEVROLET. 400 model, in good condition, new tires. Call Woodlawn 1106. 1920 FORD, like new: starter and lights, loads of extras: a bargain. Broadway 240. Ask for Mccord. FORD touring car In condition: $2S5. Call st. after 5 P. M. good mechanical 48Vs E. Taylol FORD roadster for order, good tires, phone Tabor 3008. sale, aood running 1 1U16 Oregon street. OLDSMOBILE. new top and paint, spot light, good tires for $750 cash or terms. Phone Main 027. SACRIFICE 1917 Studebaker. sell cheap. or trade lor irorn. 1 1 to o. private ga- rags. 25th. cor, naieign st. WE PUT STEEL TEETH IN YOUR OLD FLYWHEEL. H. B. BLACK MACHINE SHOP, 534 ALP ER ST., BDWY. 2681. FOR SALE by owner. 1918 Dodge road ster in good shape ana a nargain; $8o0. Inquire Green Paint garage. Oregon City. f-OI.B TOURING. 7-PASSENGER. $G50. Fine condition, nice appearance, good tires, genuine snap. aeliwooq oji. B-PASSENGER Maxwell fine condition. must be sold; make offer; terms. Tabor 016S. 1225 E. Main. FOKD touring, just overhauled, good tires. new paint, lots oj extra. J. uarga.n $:;75. 508 K. Harrison. BRAND-NEW 1820 Ford motor, with or without starter. Write or wire Ben Haack. Albany, Or. vor. RALE Apperson sedan In excellent I condition; new iwini, new ui, una u a bargain. Broadway 759. SAY aY, ISN'T $1075 CHEAP ENOUGH for my Hudson super-six that looks like newT Easy terms. Seliwood 6..1. ONE large touring chassis, fine rear end. $25: nmaen Deatiwia. no, vm- gonian. RiTtrK roadster by owner; car has had good care and is in tine condition; cord tires. Call Marshall 4120. trORD delivery. 1916, In good condition. Tires practically new. $3o0 cash. 370 6th st. BUICK. 5-pass.. 4-cyl.. fine shape, for cash, or trade. S511 Foster road, phone 216-28. -laia COUNTRY CLUB Overland, wire wheels; must raise money. Take $600 to sell quick, owner, tanor oij. CADILLAC See fine 7-pass. car for $900, opposite a-u faaimon toaay. FORD. 4-door. new top. good tires, cheap. ri511 roster roaq. pnone ;io-.3. LATE model Ford roadster, $400. Main. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles Wanted. 40 ACRES timber land, ne improvements. In Yamhill county. Or., to exchange for automobile, touring car. must be in good condition. Parties Interested call morn -intta from lo to 12 with cars. Edward Thoreson. S41 Eat 39th st. South. Port land. Or. WANTED To buy late car for cash. FEELEY. BROADWAY lie. LATE MODEL CAR WANTED as third payment down on my $6500 city borne with garage, easv terms for the rest. Will also sacrifice to buyer the new furniture and rugs it contains. .Call Woodlawn 23 S. not after e2 I'. M. WANTED 7-pass-nger late 1919 model automobile Hudson. Cadillac or some other better class car, $.!oo down, the balance in monthly payments. Give price and full details in first answer. AV 51. Oregonian. TO TRADE Westinoreland lot and some cash for auto or equity in auto; will as sume difference. Must be good car with good rubber. Buick. Dodge or Cole pre ferred. Call automatic 221-11. DODGE or Ford wanted. I will give two good lots, 25x100, for good light auto. i ora wnn Rtarter: don t Ian to rind out. Write Charles Bushan. 1129 South E t., Tacoma, Wash. WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. WE PAY CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 127 Lownsdale st. S. W. corner 15th and Washington. CASH FOR YOUR FORDS. 530 ALDER. BROADWAY 1852. WE WANT cars. Customers on our lists for all makes of cars and can make that car mean money to you. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO.. 531 Alder st. Broadway 2411. WANT Chevrolet 5-puss.. late model, me- cntnicalty periect; might trade uids- mom:e roadjtr. model 4J. 'lalcott, dl N. 6th st. DODGE OR LIGHT AUTO WANTED. I will give a good lot. 14x.'0 feet. corner, worth $400. and cash for a good light auto. Address AH 411, Oregonian. WE ARE In the market for used cars. Drive them In and walk Away with the money. Pacific Auto Co.. 523 Alder st. WANT late model Dodge, bargain for cash. v. in trade ronl and pay difference. East 1 1 1 , evenings. WANT to buy old cars, any size or any condition. cail Vancouver 6Uu. a. a. Gore. WILL take late auto as part payment choice Irvington lot. free and clear, all improvements paid. Marshall 1S37. OPERATING TIRE CO., stock and cash lor i-yass. ; condttiou or tires imma terial. Address It ;;18, Conradine hotel. PORTABLE garage wanted; will pay cash. Mr. aieni, Alain un. Motorcycles. USED MOTORCYCLES. All makes, terms if desired. Used me tors, parts, eta. EAST SlLlh. MOTORCYCLE! CO.. 44 Grand ave. Excelsior. Henderson and Cleveland agency. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-206 3U ST. MAIN 6230. BOY'S motorcycle, almost new, for $30. J Mauen. iujs Hawthorne ave. HARLEY-RAV1DSON twin. 3-speed. $135. Good condition. 23 lith st. N. Auto 1 tree and Acceesories. FOR SALE AMBU electric trouble shoot er, complete, cheap. Wm, Cook, route A. box 03. Portland. BVHGA1NS in used tires while they last nearly ell sizes. o!4 L-nion ave. N.. city. TWO large Presto lights and tank, $10. p 600, oregonian. Automobile for Hire. ALTHOF A: BENNKTT. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, THIRD AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1US7. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. I. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1236. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without driv ers, ajay or night service. COUCHMAN GARAGE, llith and Couch. Remember our number, Broadway 8696. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLANDS. HUDSON'S. LOWNSDALE OARAGE. "BROADWAY 241IH. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1920 models, reasonable rate. 132 12th st.. between Washington and Alder. Bdwy. 840. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH, THIRD AND UHSAN STS. A 2629, PKllA DW A Y 2tl2!. CARS for hire without drivers at Long & Suva. 402 Hawthorne, phone East 6840, 5-PASS. Dodge for hire; touring callin; shopping, highway, Broadway 3o47. a ( FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. ASK ABOUT OUR FREE TRIAL ON TRUCKS. We have one of the largest stocks of used trucks in the state of Oregon. They are ail overhauled and put in the finest possible condition. It will pay you to investigate our line. SPECIALS THIS WEEK. 4-ton Republic $ 750 1-ton Moreland 050 1- ton Ford 350 2 - ton Reo 600 2-ton G. M. C 1000 2-ton Republic 1850 Many others to select from. Easy terms; no brokerage. GRANNN1NG 4c TREECE. 542 Alder St.. cor. 17th. Bdwy.' 1723. USED TRUCKS FOR SALE. 1-ton Panhard $ 675.00 1-ton Nash $1700.00 1-ton Denby $1250.00 Overhauled and guaranteed. 2-ton Federal, good condition. S-ton G. M. C $3200.00 PORTLAND DENBY CO., INC., 10th and Davis. Bdwy 4379. ONE chain-drive 1-ton Ford truck, in good mechanical condition, $345. Apply at Ore gon Diamond T. Truck Co.. corner 10th and Flanders, or cail Broadway 4557 ONE 1-ton Ford truck, worm-drive, over hauled and guaranteed, $405. Apply at Oregon Diamond T. Truck Co., 10th and Flanders, or call Broadway 4557. ONE G. M. C. 1 1,3 -ton truck, guaranteed to be In Al order; $1500. Apply at Ore gon Diamond T. Truck Co., corner 10th and Flanders, or call Bdwy. 4557. ONE REO delivery car; one Vim paneled body truck. In good condition, price right. Call Marshall 2084. No dealers. Sfe-TOS truck wants joo hauling, lumber. wood, sand and gravel: would take con tract. AH 714. Oreitonian. FOR a bargain in a new 3Va-ton Indiana truck, with summers contract, write IVAN DONALDSON. Newberg, Or. . FOR SALbl A truck and trailer on a lumber haul, earning $25 to $3o per day. Write AK 748. Oregonian. FORD truck, in fine shape, owner will sell at $500, terms ir desired, .woodlawn jis?,. 1031 E. 11th St. N. WHITE truck. 3-ton. flat body: must sell it once. Woodlawn 4u0o. S1SOO. WHITE truck, 3-ton. flat body; must sell at once. Wdln. 4ii0o. tlOUO. GARAGES. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. General auto repairing and used cars. TERMINAL GARAGE. Fifth and HoyL Broadway 1586. FOR RENT Private garage on Overton St.. between 22a ana 2oa sts. Phone Broadway 369. WEST-SIDE brick garage, 50x104, with work rack, gas pump, etc Apply oi3 Jefferson, Marshall 114. LARGE portable garage for rent; Oak st. between loin and 16th St.; $6. Phone rJast lli&a. WANT 2iacs for storage of trucks and au tomoblles lor snort time only. AP 880, urefionian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LOOK Ben Adler is buying ladles' and cents second-hand clothing at top pricea. See him first at 201 3d st-, or phone Mam 320 QUR SPECIALTY is buying men s clothing; highest cash prices p. caU day or niKnt. cast-off paid; will PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225. 209 Madison. NEW BUYER. T bur ladies' and men's second-hand clothes; pay highest pricea Call ane first. Broadway o-jj-'. JUNK WANTED JUNK. We are right here to pay the higheat price for Junk, tools, furniture and sec ond-hand ciotning. call Main 734. BITTMAN HARDWARE CO.. 213 FRONT 8THEET, PAYS HIGHEST PRICKS FOR iilCiCLES. MAIN Soil. WE BUY second-hand clothing, furniture and junk 01 ail Kinds; highest prices paid. t-an main aisu. ltya tutn sc. SAFE Want office safe: must be cheao give size inside, price and where can be ster?. ni oregonian. JUNK. rags, bottles, furniture, carpels; Bill. old clothing, tools, good, prices. East WVNTIr D M ISCKLLAN EOt S. ,SU9T CASH FOR DIAMONDS. ..JPAV SPOT CASH AND THE Hir.H f; 7,.r,MAKKET VALUE FOR OIA 5??nD.t" NO AMOUNT IS TOO LARGK I.0.?1 K TO HANDLE. I AM COM-rv,v'D-,BV A LARGE DIAMOND RN T '""Y ALL THK DIA 'tDS OFFERED. MY LOCATION DOWNTOWN AND CONVKN1KNT. t-!'.V.-i?!til-N"i;jf! IS STRICTLY CON- r.- tSil , i - A 1 '" ERNEST DEED S. ASHl.NGTUN ST. MAIN 3173. 40 $12 SO TO $2." FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND , . . OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. pays more than anyone in the city "'V." overcoats and shoes. Call Marshall 1229 or 253 Madison at., near 3d st. Will call day or evening. T--vH.!5Tii:1N' Tf,E TAILOR. PAYS ?iriULt.!!T,CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S f,lJ,T? IAND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC. BCTd-vvi1"'.; "-45 BURNSIDE. ,.fV VfctN 2D AND 3D. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. T7P TO $3K FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. rMji....pJ,yan5"" Pr'- for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. JU2dst.. N". "W. cor. Wash. Main 9344. FURS. FURS. FURS. "H'."" fnd Iterations, any dcscrlp ," Use La France fur dressing for summer and save $lcio. Reasonable prices. ,,, is- RANCE FUR MFG. CO.. aba W. Park, bet. Morrison and Yamhill. xiiain OoJ-J. n WANT used clothing for cash Mt h. . Pf,'b'e prices. See us if you il L.,.C",l: Prcfer ults- overcoats, sin baum , an1 fur cots- Gold baum. the tailor, at 167 First sL. near Morrison. Phone-M.iln 73S ..-. JrJrV'".slnrrr transit, in good ad- f - . 7 , . condition, either on month- - .: ' h" "1' 0" Purchase. Write full de- . ' ecrtplion and nr wi :. . . ojajMohawk.'oron ' i"umTCr ." WANTED Portable saw ria- for k.,nAi?- i'- V. ' contractor on house and buildtne- eon" I - . orrV": lKM mak- eoud uon anl " lowest cash puce f. o. b. depot. Portland! ' :--T Address W"ardMyer1jWheeler, o" 7- .- DIAMfiVI-iQ XXT A V-f-rv dim,nds.y ia "y "mount. U -57 W.'-"P JEELRY STORE. -57 Washington st.. cor. 3d. Main . SHIP KNEES WANTED, I. . A..- ' ADDRESS AV 42, OREGONIA WANTED Graflex kodak, give sa el and equipment first letter ! reasonable lor cash. o S81. b; , iv- . . . . , " "" J-ton truck wants slei ior some firm. Marshall i WANTED Boys bicvele IS-tiM , - is?.::, must be cheap. Tabor "AN TED Seed potatoes. 7181. 108 E. 4th st. DRIVING to Seaside Wednesday " - " to tiiree persons reasonable. - . ' HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices -i ' f'mua. uan aiarx Co.. S Furniture Wanted. HOUSEHOLD GOOr? --' WANTED. f "7-: . We want your used - T ruga, carpets, stoves household goods, and f the higheat cash prices, - ' . TOP MARKET PRtf " We also buy and soil 1 tools, sporting goods. (. - -cycles, typewriters, add -chines and store and o; -mture. When you haver to buy, sell or trade. v CALL At AIN M LEVIN HARDW FURNITURE, 221-323-225 jf FELDSTEIN FE wants any qu usea lurniture. We also buy wet our price FELDSTEIN 174 Firij N. E. Cor. l'iii CALL MAIN 309 I : " ' -WE PAY THE HIGHiV ':-' EVER PAID BY AX' CITY FUR. . KLRXIli ETC. I .." VOUR CALL WILIS . BUYER WITH THE, ii :; KLINE FUKNITU - 192 FIRST ST.. N EA A MAIN 300. y f WE want used furniture. " etc.; enough to furnish l pay mure than any Oregon;. .. paid before goods are tabv " call will bring us to your h tend to private calls onlS . or Marshall 3484 evonlnti Furniture Buyers. 1 I WANT YOUR FURNJTijRa STOVES. ETC. TO SHipV W1LL PAY MORE XhI" local dealers, a phi will bring buyer at 0 WILL CO.WlNCJt YOU. 4773. WILL PAY THUS HIGHEST FOR USED FUl:NITU'rr c.l.i t.A3i 0411. AS FOR MR. ORMAND? BE SURE AND LET US Sr " , . your furniture and household m lore you sell. We are iu the "hiai. same and will pay hihfest "prlci PORTLAND FURNITURE. EXOyA 208 First st. ilain 7 I WANT used furniture; fash, will be ','' for stoves and ranges ancr, alt Kme.-. " - , household goods. Culi us -for one m "". or a house full and a competent, ed. ', teoua buyer will call. Mai-. 263. Croj CALL MAIN bsfa.-." " T V We pay the highest prices for u$i ' furniture. See us before' you srlt. i CALL UNITED FURNITURE- STORE, V MAIN 8873. : . . .'. " MAIN 8951. " , -. We buy everything In fprp'ture;?" we( pay the price. ; V FREEMAN-WOLF FUR.' CO. r.l t 3uu 1st st.. s. cor, "taylor, : - WANTED Drop-head setvins: machine. good condition ana reasonable. ,1 . 600. Oregonian. WE aEED SECOND-HAND FCPiMTrRK or any description; nave the rtjay cash. Fhone today. Main or lfcft )r3t. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all point on houfceho.a gooas. iracii ic t-ast jTor warding Co., 9ih and Hoyt. Utjwy.' HOUSEHOLD FURNITL'RK A.1S X fcL WILL. PAY CASH. MAIN' 333V. ; . ; WAS'TED Used furniture. Will pay beat prices. Main o0ti4. HELP WANTED MALE. aiEN for orchard work; expi-Urni" jiot . nectfBsary ; work year round. App-r to day Mr. Tlion.i'son, public employment bureau, Uit and Pine tta- PIANIST WANTED Young man to demonstrate music; permanent position, good pay. Kemlck bong Shop, Washington St. SAXOPHONE players for sextet; amateurs preferred; ail tnote interested cull cot. 777. TWO good barbers for Bend. Or, tiood jobs. Appiy u Jirxen-asnoia. x. e. to., bti Broadway. ' BOY wanted to learn traae of booVt bind ing; ask for Mr. Henry, Glaa & Prud homme Co.. 6i-t7 Broadway. WANTED First-class sausage maker; good salary, good opportunity to right party. Apply 175-1 77 4th st. BAKER wanted rFirt-class cake baker for out-of-town position. Apply Royal bakery. 11th and Everett sis. WANTED Saw filer for cutting. 45 M. Must be mer. AE 70J. Oregonian, circular mill able to ham- W ANTED First-class sheet metal worker for out-of-town work In Oregon. For details apply 509 Oregon bldg. TRUCK driver wanted. Portland Gas &. Coke company. -41 Flanders st. WANTED Pai.iter; . S hours; 15th sl bet. Siskiyou and KUrkitat. . JANITOR wanted for office bldg work. Appiy 04 Stevens bids- BARBER wanted, burn. Or. G. A. Lansden, Wood- WANTED To hire 3 oVs-ton trucks, dump body, with drivers. East 57GJ. WANTED Dishwasher. Bean Pot. 154 Fifth, fct.. WANTED Man kitrhen helper wanted. B & A Cafeteria, -04 Broadway. WANTED First-class barber. Vist Bar ber chop. Yeon bldg. WANTED Barber at Wilcox Barber Shop. th and Washington st., formeriy O. K. CARPENTERS at 2G10 East 40th street, nouth of Division. PEOPLE wanted for movn;; hours i- to 3 and. 7 to S. a-0 Piatt XUdg. . '!