TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 1920 17. i j. I J - 1 ' i "A 1 t s 7 1 'J if . .j i 1 j 4 i 1923 SESSlDNMAYBEHftD KNIGHTS OF KHOIVASSAN' IM PERIAL PRINCE IX CITX. Nice Says If Ixcal Mcraber9 Get Busy Convention Would , Held Here. If Portland really wants the 1923 convention of th Dramatic Order of Knlphta of Khorassan there is little doubt but what It can be procured, tays Harry W. Nice, imperial prince of the order, who arrived in Fort 'land yesterday on his first inspec tion trip of the order throughout the country. Accompanied by Mrs. Nice, the leader of this branch of the Knights of Pythias is the guest of Portland members of the order. They are stopping at the Imperial. After a luncheon held in their honor vesterdav noon. Mr. and Mrs. Nice were taken for an automobile trip over the Columbia river high way, where they were entertained at dinner. They made an automobile tour of the residential sections upon their return from the highway. Words of high praise of the won ders and beauties of the highway trip were voiced bv both Mr. and Mrs. Nice. They said it was one of the most delightful trips they had taken since leaving- their home in Balti more. The Dramatie Order of Knights of Khorassans to the Knights ot Pythias lodge what the Shriners are to the Masonic order. It is tne piay srround of the lodge. Mr. Nice said Portland is becoming noted throughout the country as convention city, and en route north from California he met many home- going fcjhririers who could not say enouch for this city. This reputa tion. he said, should insure the 1923 ' . conven J local ' effort convention for the Rose City if the members make a determined to get it. Mr. and Mrs. Nice will be guests f Pnrtlamlprti n t informal functions today, and will leave at 4 o'clock Yhis afternoon for Aberdeen, Wash. In his home state of Maryland Mr. Nice is prominent politically, and was the republican candidate for governor lat year, being defeated Dy lfcs votes. He Is confident Maryland will vote republican this fall, regardless of who is nominated by tne aerao crats at San Francisco. CLAIMS. BODY FORMED Auditorium Bills to Be Investigated by Committee. Organization of the auditorium HMiniM f-ommitice was effected yes terday at its initial meeting. W. Y. Masters was chosen chairman ana w C. North and Richard Martin Jr. were made two other members. It was decided that the city coun cil would be requested to pay for a stenographer and other incidental ex penses. The committee was appointed to de termine if the city is legally or mor ally bound to pay any of the $76,000 claims pressed by N. A. Schannen and J. F. Kelley. bondsmen for. Hans Pederson, the contractor who con structed the auditorium. Attorney W. E. Latourette repre seuted the city and M. E. Crumpacker the claimants at the hearing. The next meeting will be held July 7 at 7:30 P. M. Iaw Cannot Be Suspended. SALEM, Or., June 28. (Special.) No official or person has any lega authority to set aside or suspend en forcement of the statute prohibiting minors from playing pool in public places .according to a legal opinion civen bv Attorney General Brown to day. The opinion was asked by J M. Blank, district attorney of Gran county, and related to a request made upon the latter official by Mrs. Mary Hibbs, who conducts what is known as the Blue Mountain springs resor in eastern Oregon. Obituary. LBANT, Or., June 27. (Special.) XI Mrs. H. L. Lauselle, who died "Wednesday at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. George W. MeKnight, at Vale, was a resident of Linn county for 82 years. She resided with he husband on a farm between Albany and Lebanon until Mr. Lasselle died In November, 1916, when she went to "Vale to reside with her daughter. Mrs, Lasselle was 79 years of tige. The funeral was conducted here Friday. Dr. D. V. Poling, pastor o the First Presbyterian church of Al bany, conducted the services. Mrs. Lasselle is survived by thre children: Bert I. Lasselle of San Francisco, Mrs. George V. McKnigh of Vale, wife of former County Judge MeKnight of Malheur county, an lira. George A. Washburn of Portland. WALLA WALLA, Wash., June 27. (Special.) Mrs. Catherine Lommel aged Sti, died Saturday. She was ill j ear ago with influenza and never re covered. She leaves five daughters, three of them making their home with her in Walla Walla. LEWISTON, Idaho. June 28. (Spe- 1 cial.) Following two months' illness from complications which developed after an operation for appendicitis, Carroll G. Andrus, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Andrus of this city, died Friday. During the past year he had been a student in the horti cultural department of Washington State College. He was born in Baker City, Or., and later lived with his parents in Walla Walla. GRANTS PASS. Or., June 28. (Spe cial.) A. H. Carson, pioneer of Jose phine county, fell dead this morning while at work on his ranch "Red landa," near Murphy. He had. just ptarted to work and his son, L. W. Careon, was watching him. He was seen to fall over- the plow handles, and was dragged for some distance by the horses. The cause of death was given as hemorrhage of the brain. He came to Josephine county in 1875, and operated a placer mine. Later he bought the present CarBon ranch and developed it into one of the beet orchards in the county. No date has yet been set for the funeral. Funeral services for Samuel S. Goldsmith, well-known traveling salesman, will be held tomorrow at 10 A. M. at the chapel of the Holman Undertaking parlors. Interment will be at Riverside cemetery. Samuel S. Goldman was a native of Portland and this city had been his home all of his life. He was in his 66th year and death, caused by heart failure, came suddenly last Friday night la his room at the May.apart ments. He traveled 20 years for Mason Ehrman & Co.. of this city, and for ten years representSd Gotzian & Co., of St. Paul. Recently and up to the time of his death he traveled for the Northern Flour Mills com pany, Vancouver, Wash. -Surviving relatives are his wife, Mrs. Myra D. i AJoldtsmith, and their two daughters. ' Mrs. Arthur Mayer of New York, who 1 has been visiting her parents and i was here at the time of his death, " and Mre. J. Miller of Gary, Jnd., who will arrive this evening. SALEM. Or., June 2S. (Special.) 1 Mx. France A. Mcintosh, mother of Mrs. Alice A. Mclrrtosh. instructor at he Monmouth normal school, died Thursday, aged 75. Mrs. Mcintosh lived at Oconomowoc, Wis., and ar rived here last November to visit with her daughter. WALLiA WALLA, Wash., Jane 28. (Special.) Frederick G. Clark, aged died Sunday after an illness or more than a year.' He came here 12 years ago from Corvallls, Or., where he lived for 60 years. He is survived by a widow and two sons. The body will be sent to Corvallis. WALLA WALLA, Wash.; June 28. (Special.) Frank Konesek, aged 66, retired rancher who came here from Pendleton, Or., last February to make is home, died Sunday. He was a na ive of Bohemia, but had lived most of his dife near Pendleton. His widow and ne son survive. The body will be sent to Pendleton. THE DALLES, Or., June 28. (Spe al.) Dr. Harry F. Shannon of Tygn valley died this afternoon, according to late word reaching this city, Dr. Shannon was well known throughout he county. He at one time main tained offices in The Dalles. THE DALLES, Or.. June 28. (Spe cial.) Funeral services for James Rice, prominent banker and farmer of Madras, will be held, from Elks temple, thi city, Wednesday - after noon. The Elks will have charge. At he grave the services will be in harge of the local lodge of Oddfel lows. BAKER. Or., June 28. (Specials- Funeral services for Monroe Sheets, who died in Portland last Friday, at the age of 75 years, were held Sun day afternoon in Baker at Mount Hope cemetery. Mr. Sheets was well known in Baker and recently held a high position with the Oregon Lum ber company here. The Grand Army of the Republic had charge of the burial rites. Phone your want ads to The' Orego nian. Main 7071, Automatic 560-9.-. AM fSEMJSXTS. 3 Night Sun. 15c to $1.25 Mon.-Tor 15c to S1.0O. 4 Mats 8 tin. -Mem. -Tars. -Wed. 15c to 75c LAST SHOW OF SEASON! "KISS ME" Bis Musraal Farce. Kane Sc Herman: Gardner ft: Hartmin; TResista?: DOWNING A WHITlXOj Bar tholin's Birds; Klnograms; Topics ot Day. BLSH BKOS. NOTE: Ornheum Season Will Close With the Matinee Wednesday, June 30. PAN T AGES Alexander Pantagn Frem-nts "THE HABLRUASHKKV" A Farce With Music With Lieutenant Harring;ton Reynolds and a metropolitan company, including the famous model girls. StX OTHKR HI (3 ACTS Performances daily. Nisht curtain at 7 and 9. ,-i TICKET OFFICE SALE Now Open T-JDTT Jf" Broadway at Taylor nLlLiO Phone Main 1. 3MS5S-... NEXT THURSDAY SPECIAL. PRICE MAT. SAT. ;e mat. sat. i an and Hams pf MRS. 151 Hi .... , i. . Coosa and Hams lililul a" " ' America', m.at J J eUlna;nlkn rait i h-tfi i - yjfcaij actress, la "Mis Nelly of N Orleans" Direction of Harrison Cirey Flake. EVE'S $2.50, $2, f 1.50, $1, 75c. SOc. SAT. MAT. f-. $1.50, $1. 75c. 50c. CITY oZs REC DNOWU, HEILIG--ALL NEXT WEEK 7N,GBHegWSUNDAY,JULY4 BARGAIN PRICE MAT. WED, SPECIAL PRICE MAT. SAT. THE BIG SENSATION PL. AJAZZ OPERA FANCHON anbMARCO NELSON ma CHAW AM ALL STAt CAST MBCCO Y . ARTHUR WEST "BILL" DOOLEY BEAUTIFUL GIRLS ON THE ILLUMINATED RUNWAY EVE'S Floor, 2; Bal cony, $1.50, il; Gallery, loc, auc. n ku, ai r. i-loor, $i; ai. 50 c. SAT. MAT. -Floor, $1.60 i Balcony. $1, 60c. iOOAt TOMt.l.T CIIEKR I'lV nrattr rirlM in mri air f ... ron Stanton & Co.. "Money anil Matrl monjr' ; "Brewster," master ratline mind; "liortlon Duo, "Harmony in White': Fax, Benson & Co.; Molly Kin in "'The Women Men forget. LYRIC MUSICAL COMEDY Matinee 2 P. M.. Evening 7 and 9 See JIIKK AND IKK In "$100,000" A Merry Show, With Snappy Songs and Dances. COCNTRX STORK TUESDAY. NIGHT EXTRAORDINARY SHOW ADELPHIA MUSICAL COMEDY CO. In ON THE TtKOX Sho-jrs at 3 and 9 I. M. AM US EM EN TS- CONCESSION S Every Aflernoos and I Renins; Admission to Park Free to 6 P. M. "a&aSk Fim and Aid"?, uany Except Sundays and Holi- my m AMrSEMEXTS. GLOBE Eleventh and Washington Nell Shipman IX Back to God's Country CIRCLE 'roi Vashlnyton SPECIAL PRODUCTION THE GIRL OF THE SEA" Open from 9 o'clock Jn the morning until 4 o clock of the following morning. What Is So Rare as a Summer Eve. at OUNCIL CREST PARK Dancing and Amusements. DANCE Cotillion Hall Every Wed. and Sat. Eve. Francis Bliss and the Wonderful Cotillion Orchestra. LET'S CO Broadway Dance Every week night with Fleming's 10-Fiece Orchestra De Luxe Broadway at Main DANCING TAUGHT All new steps and dances taught at De Honey's beautiful academy. Twenty-third and Washington, I.arlieo n. gentlemen, $5. Classes Monday, Tues day and Thursday evening, g to 11:30. ricmy ui aesiraoie partners and prac tice. No embarrassment. Learn fram professional dancers. Private lessons all hours. Phone Main 7656. Portland vs. Oakland June 29th to July 3d, 3 P. M. Sun day double header, 1 :30 P. M. Mon day 10:30 A. M 2:30 P. M. Aucnox sales. Baker Auction House, TamhlU and Weat Park street.. Sal. at 10 A. M. MLEETUfO yOTICEB. WA 8HINGTON COM MANDER! NO. 15. K. T. A special conclave will be held Tuesday eveninjr. June L'H at 7 :-u I r VI n,it. nf the Red Cross and Malta will be con ferred by EL Km. Sir Charles A. Con over, past commander of Jacobs com mandery of Michigan and general rrand secretary of the Grand ChaDter United States of America. A large attendance is particularly desired on this occasion. All sojourning Sir Knights are cordially in vited. G. P. BISMAN. Recorder. TILLAMETTE LODGE NO. 2. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Tuesday) P. M. at 1:13 o clock, for the purpose of - conducting- lh. i n. .... u - - ' -- i-j " i ii'-1 , jonii v. 11? HI. Full at tendance desired. Please bring autos W. S. WEEKS. Sec'ty. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO 111. A. F. AND A. M. Spe cial communications thin ( ruesaay) at 4 and 7 P. M. Work in the F. C. desrree Visiting brethren welcome. Dinner at 6:30. C. E. MILLER. Sec. PORTLAND LODGE VjO. 55. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Wednesday) afternoon and evening Masonic temple. Work In FT C degree, commencing o'clock. Visiting brethren welcome. By order W. M. H. J. HOUGHTON, Sec. SELLWOOD LODGE, NO. 181. A. F. AND A. M. Spe- oial meetinz this (Tuesday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work E. A. aegree. viunura v, ci come. By order W. M. J. H. BUTLER. Secretary. SUNNYSIDE LODGE NO. 163. A V. AND A. M. Sneciat communication this IToesdaTi at 7 P. M.. temple. afti n nri Hawthorne: work in M. M. degree by order of JAM Eh S. HAT JH., sec. v-r-nn rnilNni.. NO. 746. KNIGHTS ivn i.i Dies riF SKC1JR1TY. SECURITY nlrVEi-'IT ASSOCIATION, are among the n-iA winn.r in the Rose Festival parade. A silver loving cup w a tne au. . fraternal floai whlcn was a mass oi reu n-hiiA mm a dome under which was an inrhfir made of red Ramblers. The float waa planned and made by the live a,.tiv mtmhpm of Anchor Council. No ,4fi. Tne truca wnicn tan beautiful emblem was donated by tne Randies United Motor l tuck to. INDIAN WAR VETERANS nv NORTH PACIFIC COAST The grand encampment will assemble Wednesday. June 30. in A M. at Masonic ball southwest corner Park and Yamhill streets. Portland. Or. OTTO KLEEMANN. Grand Adjutant. COURT MOUNT HOOD. NO. 1. FORESTS KS UC AMBKlliA, meets everr Tuesday night. For esters' hall. 129 Fourth street. Visitors welcome. irvRLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins. sew designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 6th at. FRIEDLANDER'S for toJge emblems, class rins and medals. 810 Washington st. ) DIED. LARSEN In this city, at his residence, 7222 Sixty-fourth ave. S. E.. June 28, 1H-J0, Jack P. Larsen. aged 3 years. 6 months, 13 days. Deceased - Is survived by a widow. Mrs. Edla T .arisen, and three children, mother, Mrs. S. Lar sen and five sisters. Mrs. Marie Ras mussen. Mrs. Andrea Larsen, Mrs. Caro line Kiss. Mrs. Hanslne Smith and Mrs. Jennie Bspersen, all of Denmark; also three brothers, Hans Larsen, jjenmara. Louis, and Jens O. Larsen, of Portland, Or. He was a member of Multnomah Camp 7T, W. O. W. and Danish Brother hood ot America No. 18T. Remains are at the parlors of the Skewes Undertak ing Co.. corner Third and Clay. Funeral notice later. LACKNEY In this city June 2T. Alice Lackney, age 49 years, beloved wife of Paul Lackney. Mother of Paul "Lackney, Jr., of Canton, Ohio, John and Andrew Lackney, Mrs. Mary Kozacek of Shep pard, Mich., Mrs. Alice Mutual of this city and Mre. H. A. Opheim of this city. Funeral notice later. remains are at the residential parlors of Miller & Tracey. PAUS At the residence 780 Woodward avenue. June 28. John Paus, age 7S years. beloved husband of Anna Paus, father of Joseph Paus and Mrs. Mary Regner. Also survived by seven grandchildren and one great grandchild. Funeral notice later. Arrangements in care of Miller & Tracey. DOYLE In this city, June 27. J. E. Doyle, aged 69 years. Remains are at the new residential funeral parlors of Dunning c McEntee. Morrison at 12th st. Fune ral notice later.- TROEFF In this city. June 28, Stoyan Troeff. The remains are at Finley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. FUNERAL NOTICES. PETERSON The funeral services of th late Laura Peterson will be held Wednes will be held Wednes- I I'clock P. M.. at Fin- I it Fifth. Friends In- I joua Fir cemetery, I day. June HO, 2:80 o ley's. Montgomery st vlted. Interment, Lone G Base Ball Portland Business Bulletin A director of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, au ditor, accounting system opened, main tained; Income tax service; references. Concord bids., 2d and Stark. Main 7443. Alteration, LADIES' tailoring. Perrec't fitting; work guar. I. Keunin, 40o Bush. 4c Lane bldg. ASSAtEBS AND ANALYSTS. " MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 142 Second Gold, silver and platinum bought. I AUTO TOPS. , . AUTO TOPS. Work guaranteed, reasonable charges. East Side Auto Top. , East 7789. 255 Grand ave., corner East Madison St. tlOS'T HESITATE. Auto upholstering, top, curtains, gen eral repair, -painting. MONARCH MOTOR CO., 843 Vancouver are., near East Broadway. Phone East 4136. BATHS. DR. McMAHON'S sanitary baths. Always ready. Steam, showers, plunges, tubs. Necessaries lurnished. Rubdowna and massage when desired. Service and prices cannoU be beat. S. W. cor. 4th and Wash. Tell your friends. CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths and mas sage. 10th floor Broadway bldg. Mar shall 3187. Dr. Laura E. Downing. CARPET WEAVING. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag rugs all sizes Mall orders prompt. Send for Booklet. 9x12 rugs steam or dry cleaned. $1.50. JLWr Hlli c.. 54-58 Union Ave. N. East 6518, B 1475. CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING. FLUFF OR RAO RUGS WOVEN ALL. SIZES. WRITE OR CALL. PORTLAND RUG CO., 172 E. 17th st. Sellwood 8822. CELLULOIU BUTTONS. THE 1RWIN-HODSON COMPANY. . 887 Washington. Broadway 434, A 1254. CHIROPODISTS. L EL I LMI DT Come to Dr. Gartner, foot I a.1.1 HUni specialist: corns. bunions. foot arches made to order. 311 Swetland building, 5th and Washington. Main 11)81. UH. O. O. FLETCHER.' aseptic chiro- dist. graduate nurse assistant; all mal formations of the foot scientifically cor- rectea. aune am Morgan bldg. Main 8T61!, DR. B. LOUISE COX, chiropodist. 10 A. M. to.o m. aa Morgan bldg. Main 4U8M. CHIROPODIST ARCU SPECIALIST. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florello De Venev. tne oniy acientiuc chiropodists and arch specialists in tne city, parlors 302 Ger linger bldg., s. W. cor. 2d and Alder. J-none Main 130. CHIROPRACTOR. 300,000 KNOW McMahon. 100& Chlroorac tor. inronga pronounce treatment best. CHIMNEY SWEEPS. BISHOP CHIMNEY SWEKP. Furnace smoke through registers, needs repairing or cleaning? Tabor 3883. CIRC C I. A ft LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Roval building. Marshall S822. Multlgraphlng. miiiicuBnipiiiiig aim man aqvertising. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 179. collections, no cnarge. Estab. 1900. DANCING. BERKELEY DANCING ACADEMY Prl vate lessons day, eve.; latest steps Jazs -i- . f hi., jaain fiats. Mrs. oummers. MRS. BATH. 208 Dekum bldr. Private icpbuiib unj una evening. Alain 1345. .ballroom and stage dancing. Mlsa joroLny rtasmussen. t10 Ellers bldg. DENTISTRY. flFlsTITRY DR. A. W. KEKNE, 351V4 UL.1IIOII1I Washina-ton st. Without pain. wtieoi iirrve-DIOCKinr method. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HnsptTi 'i' 'in. cor. urant. East 1847 and .i"-- i e ana norses cupped. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MnTfWJQ REWnilUn and iwiuMw iii.il uunu Repalred Bought and Sold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. t-none flZ7-Z7. 24" 1st St. M. 8T1 H. M. H. ELECTRIC CO. 84 K. First, Portland. Or. Re ding and electrical repalr a specialty. New or used motors. Bdwy. 1045, A 1046. FERTILIZER. fc.ERTILlr!: your land If vou want hi crops; read about "C II. Wonder" In our 19:10 catalogue. RoutleOgs Seed & Floral Co., 145 2d at., Portland. Or. KUEU JKNSKN HALE FUEL CO., Llnnton, Or. Phone" Col. 13. Short and 4-ft. slab wood. Planing mill trimmings and la in, cordwood. No. 1 cedar shingles, 4.50 per M. No. 2 cedar shingles, $2.50 per M. No. 1 fir shingles. f3-.7S per M. Prices f . o. b. mill. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS' AND MILL SUPPLIES. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-86-87- Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPS. THAN HA USER HAT CO... 53-55 Front St. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO., Front and Morrlgon. RASMUSSEN A CO.. Second and Taylor. lUNF.R.Vrj NOTICES. ERICKSON In this city. June 28. Florence Erickson, aged 24 years, daughter of Mrs. Betsy Krickson; sister of Mrs. J. R. Jones. Mrs. W. D. Srauser. Mrs. A. H. Standstrom and Charles Brlckson of Portland; Mre. O. F. Barnhart of Spo kane, wash., and Gunder Erickson of Dal many. Sask.. Can. The funeral services will be held Wednesday. June 28, 10:30 o'clock A. M., at Finley"s. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment, Rose City cemetery. GOLDSMITH At the residence. 210 14th et June 2, 1920. Samuel S. Goldsmith, aged 55 years, beloved husband of Myra D. Goldsmith, father of Mrs. Jack Miller ot Gary. Ind.. and Mrs. Arthur Mayer of Chicago. 111. Friends invited to at tend the funeral services at Holman's Funeral parlors. Third and Salmon sts., at 10 A. M. tomorrow (Wednesday). June 80, 1020. Interment Beth Israel cemetery. ' , RETD June 27. John V. Reid, aged 53 years, husband of Mrs. Anna L. Reid. The deceased was a member of Wil lamette Lodge No. 2, A. F. and A. M. and Spanish-American War Veterans. t.f-inri u re invited to attend the fu neral, services at McEntee & Ellers' par lors. lth and Kveretl streets, i uesaay, June 29, at a P. interment ivivor- view cemetery. FISCHER At the Altenheim. 2001 Divi sion street, June 20, Wlllielm Karl Fischer, age 77 years, beloved brother of August Fischer and uncle of Helmuth, Prnil and Karl Fischer and Mrs. Ella Freeburg., "Funeral services will be held Tuesday, June 29, at 8 Pi M.. at the chapel of Miller Tracey. Interment at Rlvervlew cemetery. Friends Invited to attend.- . - ATWOOD In this city, June 28. Arthur Ray Atwood. aged 88 years, beloved son of Mi and Mrs. Samuel R. Atwood. this city, brother of Charles M.. Lyle E. and Margaret B. Atwood. - all of Portland. The funeral services will be held from the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder street. Wednesday, at 2 P. M. Friends Invited. TWirTTTRRTOK--Sarah Jane McKitterlck, need K5 vears. Dassed - away Sunday morning, June 27, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lizzie SMadduck, 111 " Humboldt. Remains" were forwarded yesterday by Wilson & Wilson. Piedmont undertakers, to Clinton, Iowa, where services, will be held and . interment made. HARFORD The funeral ot the late A. J. Harford, who died in this city June 25. 1920. aged 73 years, will be held Tues day. June 29, at 2 P. M.. at the Chanel of the A. R. Cellar company. 594 Will iams ave.. under the auspices of the G. A. R. Members of the above lodge and friends int-ited to attend. F1THTAN At Hood River. Or.. June 27, 1920. J. B. Fithian. aged 71 years. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at Holman's Funeral parlors. Third and Salmon els., at-3 P. M. today (Tu-eday. June 29, 1920. Interment uuilnoman cemetery. Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. FIT?!.. SHORT Wocks and slabs mixed, $5.50 a load in 2-load lots. Oregon Fuel Co., Woodlawn 4102. FOR first growth fir cordwood call East - B45. M. Heerdt Fuel Co. GLASS AND GLAZING. GLASS AND GLARING orders promptly ' taken car of. Reasonable. Automatic 81U27. HEMSTITCHING AND PLEATING. T. Ss. I). HEMSTITCHING shop; superior work; prompt servicer. R olS Oregon Eiiers bldg., 287 Washington St. HOTEL SUPPLIES. ROACH powder,, insecticides, germicides, brooms, mops, etc Wo contract and guarantee to rid your premises ot bed bugs, roaches, etc 1 Main 657L Coast Chemical Co. K ALSO MINING. KALSOM1NING and painUng. very rea- sonaDie. iiiast 11H. MUSIC TEACHERS. L. Carroll Day. piano, vocal lessons, prc- tlce piano, 1 h. day. j mo. Hdwy. .-&a. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thou aands of satiatled customers. A trial will convince you. Cbarlea W. Good. man, optometriat, 2utf Morrison. M. 124. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TEST ed with modern Instruments. Glasses fitted from ud. A. K. HURVVITZ. optometrist. 1st st. GEORGE RUBEN STEIN, the veteran op iician, 13 an expert eye titter, and bis charges are very reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. Morrison St., near d. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 4U years. Ail communi cations strictly confidential; prompt, ef ficieut. conscientious service; handbook frei on request. ML'.N'.N & CO., patent aftorneys, ian Francisco office, Hooart bldg.. iS3 Market St.: Chicago office. room slu Tower bldg.; Washington 6f fice. room 103. tS'JH F at.; New Tor oizice, woolworm bldg. R. C. WRIGHT J2 years' expedience U. S. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. PU1S1CIAN8. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway bldg. rheumatism, stomach, bowei, luug, iivor, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birth marks. PLUMBING SIPPL1ES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE prices. Stark-Davis Co., 189 4th. M. i! PRINTING. PRINT IMfi1- W. BALTES & COMPANY, II lil I 1st and Oak sts. M. 765. 511-65. PAINTING AND DECORATING. PAINTING, DECORATING, SIGNS, K.AL- SoalNI.NO; BEST WORK. .TABOR . FAINTING, paperhanging. John C. Cod lisk, 133 161 n st. N. Broadway i'JlJ. POULTRY SUPPLIES. EVERYTHING needed and used by prac tical poultry keepers; catalogue In Routledge Seed & Floral Co.. 145 2d st, Portland. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. FR.NK A. GUTH Dictation day or night. 80T Railway Exch. bldg. Main l.oi. ROOF PAINTING. ROOF PAINTING, ail leaks slopped. work guaranteed tor S years. Webfoot roof security used. Phone Sell. 3t-3tl. SCALP TREATMENT. ETC. ROM-I-DA PARLORS. Special scalp treatments, shampooing, manicuring. 48-4UU Medical Duildln, Phone Main 7066. SECOND-HAND STORE!." LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221 FRONT ST. We buy and sell everything in the hardware and furniture line. Phone Main U072. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 601 Dekum bide;. U. S.. foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND BTORA(i K. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH The Service With a Reputation. MOVING-PACK'G-STORAGE-BAGGAGB 13th and Kearney. Branch tisi s Bdwy. . PHONE BDWY. 3309 UNION TRUCK DEPOT Front and Flanders. CITY AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING O.NE WEEK FREE STORAGE. BROADWAY 0rj. NGRTHWESTERN TRANSFER CO. 64-66 Front St. STORAGE AND HAULING. K- DISTHIBUTIO-N' CARS OUR SPECIALTY. fnone Main 44. o44-6!l. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gillian St.. corner 13th. Phone Broadway llidl or lltiU. We own and operate two large class A warenouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates In the city. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE at TRANSFER CO.. 1UJ fAtlH. Br. Alain siuo. A 1001. MANUFACTURERS HIDES. WOOL AND CASCAKA BAKK. KAHN BROTHERS. ll5 Front St. 1'I.LMBING StPPLlES AND PIPE. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-S6-87-S1I Front. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING & FARRELL. 140 Front St. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. Front and Morrison. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. FUNERAL NOTICES. PRICE In this city. June 27. 1020. Hugh M. Price. Remains forwarded by Ed ward hloiman & Son, Third and Salmo sts., to Mobile. Ala., where services will ne neia ana interment made. SWARTZ The funeral services of the late jonn j. fiwariz will De held Tuesday June 29, at 11 A. M., Multnomah Park cemetery. Arrangement in care of Miller Ac Tracey. ANDREWS Funeral services of the late james f. Andrews will bo held Friday. July 2. at 3 P. M., at chapel of Miller A Tracey. Interment Multnomah Park cemetery. AUSTIN Funeral services of the late wuuam j. Austin will be held Tuesday June 2, at 2 P. M.. at the Chanel of Miller A Tracey. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. BA1IR At the residence, P30 K. Ivanhoe St.. Jonns ave George Bahr. Funera notice later. Remains are at the resl oentiai parlors ot Al liter & Tracey. .. FtNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES AUTO LIVERY. MARSHALL 114. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Dunning & McEntee UNEKAL DIRECTORS. Now located In their new residential fu neral home. Morrison at 12th. west side. Phone Broadway 430. Automatic 545-a. The uneral Home of Refinement and Distinctive Service. Note We have no branches nor any con nections whatever witn any other undertaking firm. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. 16th and Everett sts. Telephone Broadway 133. Automatic 521-33. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main . Montgomery at Fifth. F 8. DUNNING. INC.. Airier. Phone East 52. Perfect servioeT-personal direction, free "" floral chapel and auto equipment. DOvnTNG & McNEMAR gu!"077h East 54. Irvlnston district. w Tiofll E- Eleventh and Cla Jr. Li. l-lE-'i--'-- East 781. T. 1S33. ERICSON Twelfth and Morrison Sts. Broadway 2o34. A. D. KENWORTHY A CO.. -04 B2d St., Lenta Tabor B267. bso: A. R. ZELLER CO. 692 VUliama av East 10S8. C 1088. BREEZE & SNOOK thl 'iT" SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY, 3d and Clay. M iloi A Jl. Lady assistant. FrSERAL DIRECTORS. EDWARD HOLM AN &SON , FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon Sts. Main 507. Lady Assistant. . MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Servtce for L,sa . Independent Funeral Directors. Washington Street between Otb, and . 21st streets. West Side. . t Uady AasUtant. Main 2691. CT8-83. TXnRISTft. ZfiltfteJ 3Z8MorrisonSt, TjCf -14ft Mnrrinn St " stobes - ' Bet.Brdw.iPark Mar.257 Charge Accounts Solicited Smith's Flower Shop Portland's progressiva florist. We special ize in funeral designs. th, opposit Meter & t ranK s. Main tld. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists, S54 Washington. Main 269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists. Morrison st. aiain iiiia. r tne nowers ana tiorai de signs. No branch stores.- TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington It., bet. 4th and 5th. Main o0J. A 1101. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS WI Fourth St., Opn. City Hall. u Bros. Efb BLAESING GRANITE CO. rVJ thiroat md;son street NEW TODAY. Houses ajvd Garages Erected In. ' A first-class house or rarace di rect from the factory at a GREAT SAVING. You pay no middlemen's profit- Write for catalog. Redimade Building; Co. J-Jast Klevrnth antl Market, 2 Blocks south of Hawthorne. Phone East 6114. Portland. IR VINGTON RESIDENCE BY OWNER MODEHS 12-KOOM RKSIDKNCK. lnished In selected linahoea n v nnrt ak. spacious rooms, hardwood "floors hrotrjrhnut; three artistic fireplaces. lie bathrooms, three toilets. In mot annary niumoinK tun cement base ment; larpe finished attic; sun par lor. sleeping- norcn. Dreakfasr mnm tc. One of the finest finished houses ii r u ri i H n (i. r. eani v riirrih uwneriwui sen witn or without fur iture on very reasonable terms. Atl OHKI.OMAX. Send Us Your Old Carpets We Call and Deliver) Old Rugs and Woolen Clothing. V Make Reversible. Hand-W uvea FLUFF RUGS Room-Size Fluff Rugs Woven. V17.50 Rag Rugs Woven All Sizes. Clothes Cleaning and Dyeing Depta. Mall Orders Send for Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning xlS Rngs. Steam Cleaned, 11.80 WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO., 54 L'uiua Ave N. Phone East 651 WI CALL, FOR TOUR OLD CAHPttTS, Rosa anil "Woolea ClotBtna; FLUFF RUGS All "Work Toraea Oat Promptly Bag Hii Woven All Sisee Mail Orders. Bend for Booklet. Carpets cleeaed. Laid aaa ttefitted. UKTHUKST Ml li CO. 1SS tast Htk St. " PUone avaat Ub. Executor's Sale AT 1O70 KELLY STRKT.T, rstate of the late Lol IS 7.1 MMKIOI A X. KLK. JXT nHMTlllH, Axminstcr and ilton carpets, HARK oil. I'AIM'. IStiS, UDS'I'LV STATUAKV, It VI LA M CHINA, cut glass and other eflfects. Sale at 10 A. M. J. T. WIL.SOX, Auctioneer. S car to Hamilton avenue. Mortgage Loans wl latrreat ratea Inatallmeat rm yaaenta It alealrrd. Hulldinc laui aude. Ma delay la claaiac A. H. B1RRELL GO, I17-Z1 n.rthirnlira Uuk Oulldia. EXECUTORS AXD ADMI.MJ. - TR ATOMS Will Find Our 'I'hrlce-Secnred ' FARM 3IORTGAUES Exeepttunal inveatmenta lot trust fundi. Biot m forecloaure la twen ty 3 eara. FEAR & GRAY, Pkona Main 33. 1U2 Konrlh St. TRACKAGE CLOSE IN 100x100 CAST WATKR STREET, WEAR MOR. SACRIFICfc;. KASY TERMS, OWNER. LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money on real estate, first and second mortgages, contracts iiTesior.at, notes, etc. f. E. BOWMAN & CO; tlO Clan, of Com. Bide. Main SOSn, Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE LOANS Cnltcd Stntea Hank BaiMlai $30,000 QUARTER BLOCK SECOND AND BVbKblT blKKf-1. TH.KJ1S, bt-llj- .WUOJJ .60.4. KEW TODAT. f -a.iKifV.J i liiiiiii iM.iirfi n-a'-.'r hm, .nr. ia rgK-nVi fftn.i i-fcfn -r si-n -frmfr'-fi IKVIXtiTOI, No. Ml Itrasee. IX HKKKU THIS AKTKKNOON. This most beautiful near-new, emi-Engr-lish COlANlAU. On corner with 100 feet frontagre. CO -feet deep. Ivory finish and hardwood floors through out., Plate-Klass windows and spruce idlog. KlRht rooms (four on each floor) In old ivory finish; artistically papered; costly lighting and plumbing; fixtures. Most beautiful bath and kitchen. roubIe grarnse. A HOME KOR TOUR. FAMILY, $10,500; all street liens paid. SEE THIS TO 1AY, SURE. I know a pood one when I see it. If this were not good enough to justify mv cost of this adv. t -wouldn't advertise It. It Is the best home in Portland for the right parly. R. Tt STREET, Realtor. East 894. LEASES WASHINGTON ALDER MORRISON BROADWAY BUILDINGS STORES . UPSTAIRS STORES LOFTS FOR DOWNTOWN LOCATIONS SEE A Wilcox Bldgr. Main 5638 REAL ESTATE. HAVE attractive proposition for doctor interested in open-air sanatorium, all equipped; capacity 20 patients: just ouisiue city limits; small amount cash. vtiare&s ill, oregonian. for Sale Iteeu-h Property. CHOICE BEACH LOT EXCHANGES FOR Painting and Paperhanging and furninh material. Lot located in Tillameok beach Salt- air. near station and ocean. AH 497, Oregonian. SIXTEEN lots. Griffin A Reeds addition "n urove, on ave. G, Seaside or., one block from upper Necanlcum i.iuKc. connecting with Hermnsa park. xois .o each; terms, one-fil'th cash u uiie-iiii.ii eacn year, interest B per vtij water, electric llgnis, pew eras in and cement sidewalks to block ft. si. .-mun. mm ,th st., Seaside, Or. FOR SALE: Or .will rent or lease two choice lots, 50x140 feet, at TiMamook beach, on board walk, county road and railroad; near dance pavilion and hotel. v""ra n my, oregonian. run. ejai.i!, seaside, o-room house and it'i. x uiocK irom noard walk, close in .,iHi. Aiuier ao3 6th st.. Portland. Main SEAVIEW. WAF'L For Sale d-room furnished cottage running water, patent toilet, elec. lights, ., l" . " lul l,n 7',". terms, own t r. ww Ajj-.turq Plug. Call 1 1 to t UK SALfc. cheap, four-room furnished i-image, wiui line rireplace: corner lo .nr oeaview. asn. Tabor 91 is LOT 2. block 85. Bay Ocean Park, for sale, ur iraoe ror automoDlie. isn E. 13th For Sale Lots. PARK ROSE. 50 DOWN 20 MONTH. On Richardson Road. 100x220 Feet. Fir trees. Good view. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, Branch Orflce End of Parkrose Car Line. IRVINOTON. 75x100. .-xine Tine full bearing fruit tree plenty berries, etc.. ground all cleare and in cultivation. full ernwn aliurl trees in parkin also fine concrete aa rase, located on w eldler st.. l.-i feel b of 21st. 1 block to car. very fine location I win give a good deal as I have too much ground to look after. Call jnl board of Trade bid", or 332 E 21st North, corner Weldlcr. Main 567. 1M ALAMZDA PARK. B'cond lot from corner on 20th and Skidire. One bloc from car. Good building lot ror Ssotl. ALAMEDA INVESTMENT COMPANY 'IPS Corbett Bldg. IN ALAMEDA PARK. On IHim-kley v., one-half block west from car line. Must be aold for less than coat. ALAMEDA INVESTMENT COMPANY 605 Corbett Hldg. ROSE CITY KNAP 1."00. 60x100, on East Both, near Broadway; paved st. and ail Improvements In; price for quick sale $500, plus f ih;i city liens. GRUSS1 t BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452 OUT-OF-TOWN owner lays sell northwest or Boumeasi corner ot E. 4Sth and Broadway at once. Look at it and make offer. JOHNSON-DOPSON CO 633 N. W. Hank bldg. Main 3T.7. VICINITY 57TH AND EAST TAMIULU 4jul iwiw, lacing tne city and iur rounded by fine homes; street improve ments all in and paid. Price Jlyoo, terms. Main 675J. ALAMEDA PARK Corxer S2d and Shafef sis., paving paid; price tl-5D. labor 6441. UAVK come choice lots In Warren ton t prospective business center. R. L. Teas. 113o Northwestern Bank bldg. 84 LOTS Southeast corner 43d and Dlvl- oiuii cia; fouu earn. j. ri. McMahon L'6o K. 43d at. Tabor 836L fOK SALE 3 lots. 2. 23. 24. Reservoir rarn, east rorusna. ,1,'Miu. Address H F. r,. box 71. Cacamonga. California! VIEW lot. Portland Helghla, .1400, 1025 v-namDer oi commerce. for Sale Flat and Apartment Proerty. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. Six-family apartment, close In. east aide; live in one. let others nn v tncngie on investment; low price of 7Riio. for quick sale, terms. Phone w i.r, oin-n. morning ana evening. For (isle Houses. ALL THIS FOR 4200. Corner lot. 120x100. fruit and shade trees; place for poultry and garden; a fine appearing house of lo rooms and attic: first floor has 4 large rooms; hardwood floors and oak nainsnni in dining room, second floor has 6 bed rooms and bath; fine full cement base ment, well ltgrhted, with Fox furnace and laundry trays; gas, electricity; this noufe was ouni uy aay laoor at a COlit oi ouw. in mi. ocott cistrlct. Price only $4200, with 2ono cash. MacINNES eV PRATT. Broadway 158. 20O-210 Oregon bldg. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION' 5-room modern cottage. 871 E. Irving St., near 28th; hardwood floors in living room, reception nan ana dining room; 2 bedrooms and bath, full cement base ment, stationary tubs; splendid 50x100 lot. fine garden. 2 big bearing cherry trees, assorted berries, etc.; dandy ga rage with electric lights and city water; paved sc. nice neighborhood; onlv 20 unutes wnii over town. This is a Fplek and span little home, evervthln In first-class condition; leaving Portland tnis wees.; price jatwu lor quick Kale, tiiiO cath. balance very easy. Main 5u73. STVISS - CHALET. Irvlngton, select, massed with flowers, arched pergola, sunrnom draped with vines, hall, living, dining and loggia ran be thrown Into one attractive room tnrougn use oi r rencn rlnors: a herl rooms, sleeping porch, all woodwork In Ivory, all floors hardwood hot-water heat, built 4 years ago by dav labor: no asents; J12,0"0 home ior I'JWU. tout Gmm, ioii. iNow vacati. BEAL ESTATE. for Sale -Iiouji, MR. RETIRED BUSINESS MAlf. HIOHLT IMPROVED HALT BLOCK. ROSE CITT PARK. fieven-room cement block bungalow, tfle roof, very -low, rambling effect; sua veranda with fountain, ail g.assed in; ft comoiete bathrooms, one with H?a floor, pedestal fixtures and snowers. hot water heat; double garase in desijen with house; sanitary chicken house: all buildings connected with sewer; lawn and yard are , wonderful. Really, this place is a dream. $st00 essh, fee'atic TK0 mtg. J. L. HARTMAN COM PANT. 7 Chamber of Com. Wldg. . Mala 203. ROSE CITT PARK CAR. 7-KOOM BUNGALOW, 4Sjl). ... .. ' Were, folks. Is vnur onnorfunilv to buv a bunzalow at a i-rice so lov ar to be almo-t unbelievable linn iiiHt .mn't .Imagine what a truly wonderful bun galow this Is. The oak floors are su perior to those found in manv tio.000 homes. Then, too. you will find every conceivable eenvenience and refinement one would expect to find In a costiy bungalow. "Located about 2 blocks froia Rose City Park car. A business oono tunity calls the owner to California. This may never be advertised stain. Soe It today. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near Third. Main H082. Branch olfice. SOth and Sandy. f-ROOM RESIDENCE. WALKING iIisTAiSCK. Tust across the river on the rst eide: short walk to town, a savine of that He canare; living room, dinm room. Kitch en, l bedroom downstairs. 4 bedrooms and bath utMitairs. full cement basement, fine furnace, w ash trays. SCxluo lot; a very Rood propositfon . for rentinc out rooms; price $5000; $12.10 down, balanca like rent. This is & rare baraain. "'VEDDEMAXM COMPANY. . PI3 Chamber of Commerce. Main CHGT. IRVINGTOX COI-OK'IAL. HOME. Just, belhs -completed, with 8 lar re rooms, oak floors throughout. '2 artislio fireplaces, large bathroom, tiled floor; beautiful plumbing fixtures. 2 toilets and lavatories. Finished in old Ivory and, papered with artistic tapestry paper. One of the most complete homes in Portland. Jf you are looking for a home plvo this your inspection. Located at 7( E. 15th st. M. Price 910.500. on terms. Ulscount for cash. Turner t "Winshlp, owners and builders. Tabor PRE-WAR BARGAINS. Channtnff S-roora house, fine oak firs, throughout; $1000 cash, loO per month. Splendid 7-room home, oak firs., best den, fireplace. Fine 7-room home, sub Martially built. Uood 9-room home, lot tWxlOO, fine fruit, walnuts. Magnificently built 7-room home, corner lot. Uttxioo; theee hftve ear-mea but one, and in the best locations, Irvlngton. Inquire about them. East 273. Herdman RUSE CITY PARK. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW VACANT Move right in. For Fale by owner at B ARC, A IV." It's STRICTLY MOD ERN ; CHOICE CORNER LOT ; paved streets. BKt close in location: close lo car: a delightful home. Don't delav call Broadway 421 or Tabor MG'J. "iS'o agents. HIGH-CLA COLONIAL. 100x112 corner, 1340 E. U2d St.. East mdreland ; fine shrubbery. ! rooms. 2 baths. 2 fireplaces, oak floors through out; all rooms enameled. Double con structed garage; 20 per cent under cost of duplication. Offered by owner, who Is leaving city. Open to Inspection by appointment. Phone Sellwood 25:10. $0000 LAURELHURST SNAP 60ofl. 7 laige, airy rooms, library and slee"p in porch, located just east of park; full base?rent. furnace, fireplace, lots of butlt ins If you are looking for a bargain in a real home here is your chance. J. -A. Mccarty. Office, East aOth and Glisan sts. Tabor 3433. Sunday and eve.. Ta bor RO.M. $100 DOWN for a four-room house located In a good district; 50x100 lot. Pee it at 1,5T Westanna st. Take St. Johns car to Mc Kenna ave.. walk two blocks west, two blocks eout h. This will beat the rent puzzic. Call Mr. Mahoney any evening. Columbia 1 K VINGTON PARK BUNGALOW. PRICE $2500. - $2r.O CASH. $23 MONTH. 5-room senii-modom bungalow, white enamel Iiutch kitchen, buffet, bookcases, full set of plumblnc. gas. electricity, full basement, lot 5oxl(0; come in and see thW. A. H. Akerson. 420 Henry bldg. BUNG A LOW. $nKim. , Kincst In Alameda drive, living ronm 1 Kxjto, dining and breakfast room, two bedrooms with connecting bath, sun room and e't-eplng porch ; garage ; nu a cents. P!ast 1347. BY OWNER Modern bungalow on beau tiful Adamerla drive, 1 u. blocks from ar line; targe living room finished In ivory throughout; Ruud hot water heat er, full basement, floored atttc, garage. No expense haa baen spared on this place. Call Tabor 4223. HERE'S A SNAP. A beaut f iul 7-room cor. house, a full cement basement, new furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, garage, built -ins, wit hi cut glass. 3 blocks from Hawthorne ear; modern in every way. Tabor 4 IDS. $200 CAS II. balance easy ; 6 rooms, one floor, cement basement, fine plumbing, laundry tray, garage. 100x100, 1 block to Mt. T. KSth car; not new. but a splen did bargain for $2800. Tabor S54, fore noons. 1RVINGTON. TIU( TERMS. l rooms, double construction, fireplace, furnace, oak floors. Ivory finish, garage. 0 bearing fruit trees, lot 50x300. 738 Mulmoinflh at., near ind. For appoint ment phone Kant 9117. 440 E. 2 1ST ST. N. 8-room bungalow. !l'-lng room 16x30. sun room, quaint dinrng room, large Dutch kitchen. 1 bedroom and bath 1st floor. 2 bedrooms and sewfpsr room 2d floor; garage. Phone East 7176. FOR SALE 3-room house and 3 lots, fine shrubbery, berrlee and garden; price $-."(-0. $."100 cash will handle. Pee BROWN & RIDDLE. 324 Ry. Ex. Blrlg., Sd and Stark. 7-ROOM 1RVIXGTON HOUSE. In Ivory and white, full oemeiit base ment, furnace, fireplace, trays. 2 blocks to Irvlneton school. 5,"oo. will lease. Main 35.K1. 85 Third street. FOR SALE Good 6-room unfinished house, 2 blocks Arleta school, fine neigh borhood, lot 62x145, with fruit trees Price as la $210O. finished $2400. Terms. Owner, Tabor 4206. KENTON BARGAIN. To settle estate, new 5-room bungalow, not completed Inside, 5 lots, corner, $2400, terms: 8 blocks w-est of Kenton hotel. 246 Halieck. Owner on ground. $3750 TAKES 5-room modern home, near ly new; narawooa iioors, nrepiace, laundry trays, fixtures, shades; fine con dition: corner 25th and Tibbelta sts. Tabor 6441. GOOD 7-room house wifh 50x50 feet, mod ern ana aesiranie: line ouy. 4iL' Kenit worth ave., Bust 20th St.. near Division st. Price $2800: easy terms. Parriah. "VVatkins & Co.. 106 Second st. ROSE CITY PARK. Dandy 5-room bungalow, garage, all Improvements in and paid: $4500. terms. .1. Robbins, 801 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. FOR SALE By owner, 706 E. Harrison sr 10-room house, all hardwood floors, modern in every way; walking distance. Phone Seilwood 479. 5-ROOM 60x100 lot, $1000 cash, bal ance mortgage on Hawthorne ave. V, Clow, at J. P. McKenna Realty office, Belmont at 8th. Tabor 64H3. $2C,00 CENTRAL Irvlneton. 411 K. 17t X.. 4-room house. .10x100 lot: fine fruit trees, shrubbery, etc.: home has cement basement, some plumbing. Ksst 7076. $1200 3-ROOM plastered house, larg rooms, large garden chicken house; $505 down. This Includes winte, fuel. 142 W. Alnsworth, Woodlawn 6316. A BARGAIN 5-room cottage, lots lOOx 135; bearing fruit trees: 2 blocks from car: 15 minutes to- Washington st.; terms. East 70H1. - WE BUY equlflee in houses for cash. Call Main 4503 if you have to eel! in a hurry. Irvlneton. Bos City and Laurelliurat preferred. $2650 5-ROOM, lot .45x100; H. S. atrerta and sewers in and paid; $200 cash, bal ance $30 month. See J. P. McKenna. Belmont at 3!lth. Tabor 6493. FOR SALE Five-room cottage. 1072 Bel mont street. Inquire evenings, near S5th street. GOOD 8-room house, arranged so as to rent; price, $3i00, 1000 down, bal ance In terms. Main 3720. ROSE CITY or' Alameda Park for $4.iou or $5000. half cash. Call Mar. 7U31: no agents.' . EQUITY small 3-room house (SI 10 03d r.re. Southeast . $223: du $020. Owacr. Tl K. Wri t.t. 40x100 lot. 7-ROOM modern home for sale hr oner. r.ear rlnndy blvd ."T , B. 3lh st- X. Price $'1500. lmmedialo possesion. 5-ROOM bungalow, modem, owner. 403 Emerson St. for slo by 6-ROOM moil-'rn tin:gn!ow. hV fjrnithlngs -ir.cm.K-d. 102B K. P.rnjJnay. VI KW lot. rortlsrd H-i;T'M, JHOoT" To25 Chamber ot Commerce bldg. J 1 ' 5- f:-' I'- ),'." i- ' 'X: ( . i ( - - V" ST." Zf. ... t. - t ' " '--(' ' . ' - . . it