' r:vS '""-' " ' ' -TIIE MORNING DREGOXIAX, MONDAY, JUNE 28, 1920 1 : V 3 i . 4 ' r RE,t KSTATK. for &le -llOUS. MR. RETIRED BUSINESS MAN. HIGHLT IMPROVED HALF BLOCK. ROSE CITY PARK. Peven-room cement block bwnicalow, til roof, very low. rambllns; effect; u veranda with fountain, all ulasped In; 2 compUte bathrooms, one with tile floor. pedetal fixture and showers, hot water heat; double naraae In deaiarn with house: sanitary chicken house: all bulldrnirs connected with sewer: lawn and yard are wonderful. Really, thia ?lace is a dream. iK-too cash, balance 7nn rnte J. L. HARTMAN COM. PA NY. 7 Chamber of Com. bids;. Main 208. BEAUTIFUL. ll-ROOM HOUSE ON LA ROE GROUNDS. Strictly modern home on 150 2no. with all kinds of shrubbery, berries and fruit ; house has It rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, 2 buffets, china closet, sleeping porch. billiard room, lull cement basAment. furnace, etc.; double frarasre with beautiful runways. If you are looking for an exclusive place'out the Rose City way, In vestigate this. Owner will sell furnished or unfurnished, and SAOO will handle, or will consider amall place aa part. For particu lars see Mr. Jnssc, 627 Corbett bldff. Main 7141. 60O0 IRVINGTON BUNGALOW ftOOH. Modern 5-room "bungalow, rlen and sleeping porch, has h. w. floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, 50x100 lot. Good garage, shade trees, 4 fruit trees, 1 blk. to Broadway car. Price $t(000. terms. Mr. Jease, 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. 1RVINGTON COLONIAL HOME. Just being completed, with 8 large rooms, oak floors throughout. 2 artistic fireplaces, large bathroom, tiled floor; bnautlful plumbing fixtures, 2 toilets and lavatories. Finished In old Ivory and papered with artistic tapestry paper. One of the most complete homes in Portland. If you are looking for a home give this vour Inspection. Located at 678 E. lMh Mt. N. Price $10,500, on trms. Discount for cash. Turner & "Wlnship, owners and builders. Tabor 2124. COZY LITTLE BUNGALOW. 9800 Completely furnished very at tractive Jlttie 3-room bungalow low rambling linen, large veran da, nwly built; strictly modern. I n A Iberta district. Owner leav ing for the cast. Will take $600 dwn. CAREY-SAVIOGE CO.. Main 7478. 210 Ry. Bxch. Bldg. JUST completed, one of the niftiest little bungalows, with all but It-ins. concrete basement. Fleeptng porch. Dutch kitch en with breakfast alcove, and large fire place. A wonderful little home for a small family. Will re 11 on easy terms to responsible party. Price tiioOO. For particulars rail on BEN Kl US LAND. 404 Piatt Bldg. 127 Park SL HIGH-CLASS COLONIAL. 100x112 corner. 1340 E. 32d St.. East moi eland ; fine shrubbery, 0 rooms, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, oak floors through out; all rooms enameled. Double con structed sarage; 20 per cent under cost of duplication. Offered by owner, who Is leaving city. Open to inspection by appointment, rnone ten woou $kooo LAURELHURST SNAP 000. 7 large, airy rooms, library and sleep ing porch, located just east of park: full basement, furnace, fireplace, lots of built- Ins. If you are looking for a bargain in a real home here is your cnance. j. a. McCarty. Office, East K9th and Gil war sts. Tabor 3433. Sunday and eve.. Ta bor ("057. $100 DOWN for a four-room house located in a cood district: 50x1 on lot. See it at ir77 Westanna st. Take St. Johns car to Mc Kenna ave., walk two blocks west, two blocks south. This will beat the rent puzz.e. Call Mr. Mahoney any evening. Columbia e:;s. 1KV1NGTON PARK BUNGALOW. PRICE $2500. S230 CASH. $25 MONTH. 5-room semi-modern bungalow, white enamel Dutch kitchen, buffet, bookcases, full set of plumbing, gas. electricity, full basement, lot 50x100; come In and see thlF. A. H. Akerson. 420 Henry bldg. JLAT Beautiful fi-room Alberta home, with irnrare ar&rden. fruit and berries, 100 feet, on car line and hard-surface street; 11500 down, balance to suit the buyer: will consider a one-ton truck a: part payment. 705 Alberta at.. Wood lawn 0201. BUNGALOW. ft.HOO. Finest In Alameda drive, living room 18x30. dining and breakfast room, two bedrooms with connecting bath, sun room and sleeping porch ; garage; no agents. East 1347. HERE'S A SNAP. A beautflul 7-room cor. house, a full cement basement, new furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, garage, bui It-ins, with cut glass, 3 blocks from Hawthorne car; modern In every way. Tabor 4198. $20O CASH, balance easv t 0 rooms, one floor, cement ba?ement, fine plumbing, -laundry tray, garage. 100x100, 1 block to Mt. T. SSth car; not new, but a splen did bargain for $2850. Tabor 854. fore noons. i IR V1NGTON, $7100 TERMS. A rooms, double construction, fireplace, furnace, oak floors, ivory finish, garage, 20 bearing fruit trees, lot 50x300. 738 Multnomah st., near 22d. For appoint ment phone East 907. 440 E. 21ST ST. N. 8-room bungalow, living room 16x30. sun room, quaint dining room, large Iutoh kitchen. 1 bedroom and bath 1st floor. 2 bedrooms and sewing room 2d floor: garage. Phone East 707B. SOME BARGAIN. Modern 7-room bungalow In Fulton dlmrlct. cost me $3500. will sell for 2000. Take half cash, bal, 3 years. 434 Mill st. Phone Main 4QI3. FOR SALE 3-room house and 3 lots, fine shrubbery, berries and garden ; price $2500, $500 cash will handle. See BROWN & BIDDLE. S24 Ry. Ex. Bldg.. 3d and Stark. TOR SALE Good C-room unfinished house, 2 blocks Arleta school, fine neigh borhood, lot 02x145. with fruit trees. Price as Is $2100. finished $2400. Terms. Owner, Tabor 4296. KENTON BARGAIN. To settle estate, ne-w 6-room bungalow. not completed Inside, o lots, corner $2400, terms; 8 blocks west of Kenton hotel. 246 Halleok. Owner on ground k3750 TAKES 5-room modern home, near ly new; hardwood floors, fireplace, laundry trays, fixtures, shades: fine con dition; corner 25th ana Tibbetts sts. Tabor 644L COOD 7-room house with 50x50 feet, mod ern and desirable: fine buy. 472 Kenil- worth ave.. Enst 29th St., near Division at. Price $2800: easy terms. Parrish, Watkins ft Co.. ion Second st. VIRliAND STA. Modern six-room house, -eady to move into: sleeping porch, ga race, partly furnished. $3000; unfur. $2750. Consider auto as part Of first payment. Tabor 5005, FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. $3000. a snap; fine lawn, roses and shrubbery; streets in and paid; terms. 8. S. PRENTISS. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE Bv owner, 79H F3. Harrison st. 0-room house. all ha rd wood floors, modern In every way; walking distance. Phone Sellwood 479. .rt00 5-ROOM 50x100 lot, $1000 cash, bal "ance mortgage on Hawthorne ave. V. Clow, at J. P. McKenna Realty office, Belmont at 3?th. Tabor 6493. 2Aoti CENTRAL Irvineton. 411 E. 17th N.. 4-rom house, 50x100 v 4-room house, ooxioo lot: nne fruit trees, shrubbery, etc.: home has cement basement, some plumbing. East 7970. 1200 3- ROOM plastered house, larg-i rooms, large garden chicken .house; isnS down. This Includes winter fuel. 142 W. Alnfworth, Woodlawn 6316. A BARGAIN 5-room cottage. - Inta lOOx 135; bearing fruit trees: 2 blocks from car: 15 minutes to Washington st. terms. East 7081 WE BUT equities in houses for cash. Call Main 4503 if you have to Sell in a hurry. Irvlnton. Rosa City and Laurelliurat preferred. , .,. ' $2550 5-ROOM. lot 45x100: H. 6. streets no sewers in and paid: S2m cash, bs . ance $30 month. See J. P. McKenna, Pelmont at amn. 1 a dot oi'j. FOR SALE Five-room cottage. 1072 Bel- rn out street. lnqutre evenings, near 3.Vh street. G0t0 8-room house, arrcnged so as to rent; H price, $3000. 10o0 down, bal ance in terms. Main 3720. l3(Mt WALKING distance, save car fare ind time: 6 rooms, modern. Wllgus D. Smith, 6tQ Williams ave. East 1298. X iiUUlTY small 3-room house M10 63d ave Southeast). $22"; due $620. Owner. 70 E. Mh t. 40x100 lot. t-ROOM modern home for sate by owner, near Sandv blvd 657 E. 5th st. N. Price $ti5O0. Immediate possessiou. HEAL KSTATK. For Sale -Hues. FINK ROSE CITY HOME. $5000 Story and a half typical bunga low, 7 rooms. This home was listed with us at $10O and the owner decided suddenly, to go to California and the prle was cut way below cost. Interior all In white enamel -equippd with Rector system gas heat, more ex pensive and much more satisfac tory than Oaaco furnace elab orate built-in effect. East front with view of 3 snow-capped mountains garage, beautiful yard with many kinds of flowers and berries. Terms. CAREY-SAVIDGE CO., Main 7478. 219 Ry. Bxch. Bldg. 5-ROOM. bungalow, modern, for sale by owner. 403 Emerson st. For Sal Buwine Propers, TRACKAGE. 200x200 BUSINESS CENTER FRONTS. 100 FEET EAST FIRST STREET. 100 FEET EAST SECOND STREET. 200 FEET EAST WASHINGTON. WITH 200-FOOT TRACKAGE. W. 8. POINDEXTER, COS SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. FOR SALE, or lease, on easy terms, 2 story and basement concrete bldg., suit able for manufacturing and warehouse purposes; lot 50x1 AO, facing 2 streets; located at 071 bandy blvd. United Mfg. Co., owner. LOT with store building and two flats, on car line, in good neighborhood, all rented; price $7,100. good Investment See owner. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. 50x100 NEW brick building. Income 225 ner month: can be Increased: make offer. ZIMMERMAN Jk WHITE, 818- Chamber of Commerce. ONK lot. on Upsbur st., near 20th, with trackage. John Bain, owner, 507 Spald ing bldg. FOR SALE One of Portland's best cor ners in the business center, only $08,000. A J 812, Oregon lan. Suburban Homes. ON COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. 10 acres, 9 miles from court house on Columbia highway; all lovel and very best of soil ; no gravel; 5 acres cultivated, balance very easily cleared ; has 40 bear ing firult trees. 2 wells, all fenced; shack house in beautiful grove of fir trees. This can be had If taken at once for only $3200 on terms, or will divide. F. R. Jesse, 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. TWO ACRES All cultivated, lots of fruit, berries, garden; only 30 minutes' drive to city, on pave ment entire way. Haa modern bungalow with electricity, gas, wa ter, fireplace, basement, laundry trays, etc. Good garage, chicken house and woodshed. A real city home In the suburbs. Particulars and appointment, see Mr. Jesse, 52V Corbett bldg. Main 7141. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY ESTATE. Perfectly located, highly improved es tate of 22 acres three miles from Broadway bridge, adjacent to Rose City Park; mansion of 12 rooms, bungalow of 6 rooms, two cottages of 4 rooms each; dairy barns, silo, other buildings; five-acre orchard 12 years old, 5 acres in berries. 9 acres in alfalfa; everything In high state of cultivation. E. P. DREW, , 304 Lumbermens Building. , SUBURBAN HOMES PRICED RIGHT. Modern bungalows with .one to five acres on Oregon City car line; asst. fruit, gas, electric lights, good schools, good roads to Portland: 20 to 30 minutes out. HARRY W. KLEBB. Suite 501-2 Stock Exchange Bldg.. Phone, Evenings. Milwaukee- 90-W. Office. Main 5267. 3d and Yamhill. Portland. Or. TWO acres near Beaverton, 20 minutes' ride from Portland, nearly new 6-room bungalow, garage and chicken house, only 5 minutes' walk from station. Must be sold at once and will give someone a bargain. Drive out and see this Sunday or Monday. Mrs. c A. Jriallenbeck. care Beaverton Lbr. Co., Beaverton, Or. 10 ACRES. 3 miles east of Park Rose. In cultiva tion, crop: fine buildings, best of soil close to car. macadam road: beautiful place; $700 per acre; terms, or will take some exchange. 511 E. 50th N. Tabor BEAUTIFUL HOME ON LAKE SHORE. 10 miles from Portland: electric llKhts. water, furnished, including piano, large B nuns wick phonograph. 2 of best boats; Ideal spot; $6500. Owner. 194 West Park. Main 8242. Inquire Monday and Tuesday between a ana o f. xi. PARK ROSE BUNGALOW BARGAIN 4th houee on Craig road. H block from Sandv bivd. ana raritrose car line: on or two lots with berries, fruit trees, hen house and garage; strictly modern, cozy. Well -DU Wl -roin uuiiH mow. 4-room DOSCH STATION. 5-room house. Bull Ru water. 6 lots. wonaenut vinw, tiuoc iu pave men t $3500, liberal terms. KEMP & WALSH. Main 3439. Multnomah. $2000 SACRIFICE $2000. 1 acre, nice bungalow, garage, fine garden soil, fruit trees and berries: lo cated 1 mile from ty limits; good auto road. Call fc-ast JJ24, week days. Tabor 0382. FIR TREES AND DOGWOOD. Just the place for your suburban home, close in. uniy do per acre, terms. S. S. PRENTISS. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. CHOICE S tf B UR BANH OM E S and acreaKe. well located, near car line, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Rlsley- station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Aiaer crooic. BARGAIN On the Oregon City car line 10 fine lots, all piantea; line 4-room summer houee and outbuildings, very cheap: small payment, balance like rent Oak Grove, dox 4u. BECAUSE of HI health will sell my new home in suburbs; Dungaiow: water, elec tric Hants, gas: 4. 5 low; got 200 dozen eggs In May. Deyoe, Bell fata.. Grcabam car Une. For Sale -Acreage. ACRE TRACTS IN BEARING FRUIT. $1200, $25 down, $12.50 monthly, buys 1 acre of ground, all set out to assorted bearing fruit, trees and oemea. in high state of cultivation. We have sev cral of t hese tracts; also some acre tracts, which may be bought on the sam terms. Salesmen with autoa to show these tracts at any time. Photos office. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham. of Com. FOR SALE LOGG ED-OFF LAND. Write for map of western Washlngto 'showinir location, price and terms. Ove ten thousand acres sold last year at ou: low price. Easy pay menu offered to actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma, Wash. SEAV1EW. Wash., 8 acres, all cleared; cows, horse and wagon; l acre straw brrias: 1 acre potatoes: Iz. barn blocks P. O.. high school: all milk an vegetables sold at place ; $5000, $2000 down, bal. easy terms. George Putnam. HAVE a beautiful tract containing 8.42 acres at Clackamas station; excellent berry land. 2 acres ciearea. Am leavin In 10 days: win sell cheap for cas Phone Wdln. 1497, or call 1060 Clevi land street. Chapman. 7 ACRES 8 miles out on Terwillige boulevard. nine on pavement, ail cultivation; 10O young fruit trees, sprln water, tair o-room nouie, targe bar. 427 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark sta UPWARDS Of 5 acres eptendid land, nar tialW cleared and fenced on three sides near city and close to, hard-surfaced road; $aauu, easy verms. jonn Bal owner, bvi apaiaing piag. it iiDira ilnmn 1 n ii nar CZrtm K.m WBt mile from electric car line; price flOOO $250 down, oaiance on easy terms, quire at 204 Third street. FOR SALE 13!4 acres of Orchard land. year-old trees, bearing; 4 acres timb land. Price $6000. i S. WiUon. Suth erlln. or. FOR SALE On Oregon City electric, Rii ley station; acres, wen improved. room house, good condition, grapes and some fruit. r-none uan urove 37-J. 160 ACRES in Alberta, Canada, clear titl what nave you r io?i n. a st., fo land. Phone iseu. 34 s. FINE modern five-room house and three acres; nouse cost .w"w; win tacrine for $2950, terms. labor 616S. 5 ACRES at Tonqtiln. 5-room house, barn and chicken houses; ideal place for poul try. Write owner, box 273. Hlllsooro. Or. FOR SALE 5 acres of beans, contracted; 5 acres of vegetables, contracted. E. 3158. 10 ACRES first-class timber at Tigard; t-ai cheap Tabor 4515. Homesteads. RllnquldhmeDt. HjMSTBAD relinquishment: House, barn, chicken houee, wootlshed. creek, spring, timber, road to place, garden, lots of outrange where stock can range all win ter; a fine stock proposition; a bargain. AF 713. Oregonian. FOR SALS Homestead relinquishment. 160 acres, small house and barn, good creek, plenty of range, good fish and game country. $400. Jones, room 410, American-Hotel. Third and Flanders. EX-SOLDIER wishes desirable homestead with good timber and water, deecrlbe fully. AV 999. Oregonian. HEAL ESTATE. For Sale CANADIAN PACIFIC RY. LAND. YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY In Cen tral Alberta and Saskatchewan are rich park kinds open prairie ready for the plow, interspersed with trees, whlcn afford excellent shelter for stock. Here gram growing, dairying and livestock raising are being carried on successfully. The country is Ideal for mixed farming. The Canadian Pacific railway Is offer ing a large area of these fertile lands in Lloydmlnster and Battleford districts. This fertile land win become the home of thousands of prosperous farmers. On similar land Seager Wheeler grows the world's prize wheat. Near Lloydnitnster the world's prize oata have been grown, and butter of the highest quality is made. A man can soon become indepen dent on a farm In this district. These lands can be bought now at prices aver aging about. $13 an acre. You pay down 1o. If land Is purchased under settle ment conditions no further payment of principal until end of fourth year, then 10 annual payments. Interest Is 6 per cent. Also thousands of acres of Irri gated lands in Southern Alberta at $50 per acre, on which the company will loan $2000 for Improvements to ap proved purchasers, with 20 years to pay for land and loan. Landseekers' excur sion party leaves Portland for Caigary, Alberta, on Saturday, July 10. Reduced railway rates. For further particulars see Canadian Pacific Ry. Co., 2 MS Rail way Exchange bldg.. JU. P. Thornton, district representative. DAIRY AND STOCK FARM. 389 ACRES 389. 150 acres in crop and cultivation, bal ance pasture and timber, good outrange for stock; located in Polk county. 15 miles west of Dallas, 4 miles from K. R. station; first-class buildings, water piped to house and barns; 50 head of high-, grade Jersey cows and heifers, all neces sary machinery to run the dairy; silo Itixllfi, ensilage cutter. feed grinder, truck. 5 head of horses, corn planter, binder, mower, harrows, plows, sepa rator, hogs, chickens, everything to run the farm; price $S0 an acre, everything included; good terms. For more informa tion see or write Joe Gentemann, 1B74 First st., Portland. Or. IRRIGATED ALFALFA AND POTATO LAND. 80 acres. 8 miles- south .of Redmond, m th main Daltes-Callf ornia highway; 56 acres cleared. 12 acres now in alfalfa; fiiiiv.nnid.un water risrht for 7 acres R-rnom house, barn. For potatoes and alfalfa growing this is the fint soil in Oregon and attractively priced at $4500 This should move quick. SI 500 rinwn halflncA easv terms. In our opin ion. this is a good opportunity. Call Mr. Mahoney. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth st. Main 4o22. Evenings and Sunday. Columbia os. 125 ACRES One of best equipped farms in Washington county. with crop. 19 cows, 4 horses and all implements, on highway. kinds of farm Price $29,000. tl acres, well improved : 45 acres in croo. balance pasture ana neavy tim ber: 12 miles from Portland, on main graveled road. Price $11,000. We have tracts, both large and small, close to Hiilsrboro. WASHINGTON COUNTY REALTY CO.. Hillsboro, Oregon. 140 ACRES in Linn county,. on main high way leading from Albany to Leoanon, nd l miles rrom raiiroaa; goo a e- room house, barn 48x50 feet; wire fenc ing, large chicken house, outbuildings, gas engine and water tower, hot and cold water in house, orchard and berries; be sides this there is growing timber for fuel on 5 acres. 1 mile from place. This is one of the choice farms in the Willam ette valley, with good graveled road, school, telephone and rural mall de livery; price t,ow. write or can upon t; award L. Williams, 0-2 oroetc mag.. Portland, Or. STOP! ARE YOU AWARE THAT FOR TUNES ARE BEING MADE IN HOPS AND LOGANBERRIES? I AM FORCED TO SELL IMMEDIATELY SOME OF THE FINEST HOP AND LOGANBERRY t v-r 1 vr Tlr L-- wn I a t t--TT" lT 7 a 1 LEY. SITUATED ON TWO MAIN HIGHWAYS AND . RAILROAD STA TION: 1DB TRACKS AND WARE HOUSE ADJOIN PLACE. LET ME IN TEREST YOU. PHONE EAST 1710. BJ 830. OREGONIAN. CLOSE-IN STOCK FARM. 159 acres located 30 miles from tha center of Portland with 93 acres cul tivated and In crop; 100O acres out range: barn, 40x120: good $000 house of 8 rooms, implements, crop, horses' and 50 head of stock with this place; price $20,0OO: this is no doubt the best farm buy of Its kind in the whole state. For further details call at our office. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 ifoiiwa y exchange tsiag. FOR SALE Forty acres of berry and prune land, practically ail In cultiva tion, 2 mi. from Sheridan. mi. from Wabash station: railroad on south boun dary line ; 4 acres set out to loganber ries. 6 acres raspberries, bearing next year, 18 acres of oats, 5 acres potatoes. Farm In beautiful location, rolling ground, near river; 2 acres of oak trees. Price $12,000, half cash. Write J. L. Showver. Sheridan. Oregon. FOR SALE 186 acres on Oregon electric. close to portiana; iuu acres tn cuit. ; crops in fine condition ; fair 9-room house, large barn; 10 acres walnuts, in bearing, some beaverdam in onion; 40 acreti timber. This farm must be sold on account of death of owner. Price $200 acre, good terms. 6?. O. W. T. MUEULHAUPT A CO., C' E. Adams. 407 U. S. Nat'I. Bank Bldg. Broadway 3S38. 160 ACRES of good timber, -mill of county roaa, 1 mne or re. . ana largest sawmill on coast: trout stream running tbrougn. trice sjduu. 18-room beach hotel in same locality, all furnished and equipped; good busi ness winter and summer; now rented : at Sal tair station: both in Tillamook county. Exchar.ge either or both for ranch or houses. Geo. Morse, owner, Jennings Loflge; Or. TAKE MY TIP, THIS IS RIGHT. -40 acres sandy loam, 25 acres In cultivation, 20 acres In crops, running stream year round through center of the place; good 6-room house, large barn and other outhouses, R. F. D., two miles from R. R. station and store. 13 miles from Multnomah court house: price $12,000, half cafh, balance long terms. Phone Main 7094, ask for Mrs. Marshall. FINE FARM FOR BALE. This fine 197-acre farm, located 24 miles from Battle Ground, Washington, on good road; good farm buildings and 30 'acres in crop; all equipment. 6 cows and team of horses for $60 per acre, with payment of half down and the balance on easy terms. w. b. Mccarty. Battle Ground, Wash. FOR SALE 42 acres. 4 miles from La Center, Clark county, Washington; 30 acres in crop; land lies nearly level; good soil and all tillable; 4-room house, big barn, etc.; one miles to school, in well settled community; see this Is to buy. at $4500. T. C. Nllson, owner, R. D. No. 66, La Center, Wash. 185 A. LOCATED in Polk county; highly improved; line Duiidings and fences, all in cult, but 14 a. ; crops, stock, machin ery, all go, as I have moved to town and decided to dispose of some; might take some trade or give good terma. I am the owner. Tel. for appointment Tabor 2285 Sunday, week days Mln 6419. FOR SALE 70 acres, 0 acres in alfalfa. 6 in bearing orcnard, good buildings, 2 good wells, entire place fenced with woven wire, 14 miles from store, post office, school and church. Will sell cheap if taken immediately. Address D. W. Catterlein. Apple ton. Wash. POLK county farms, all sizes; grain, clov er, vetch, prunes, apples, loganberries, dairy and stock farms, from $50 to $15Q per acre; near Monmouth and Indepen dence. 6ee or address J. H. Moran, Mon mouth. Or. FAMOUS JEWETT FARM RESORT." At White Salmon. 350 acres for sale very reasonable; fine terms. See pho tos and investigate. Zimmerman & Wnlte. i cnamoer or commerce. TWO wheat farms, one! 452 acres, another 4 SO acres 10 uaae -ror rancnes in th valley. Both places have fine crops of wheat mai go wun iu tana. Fitz maurice. Condon. Or. via 1. 1, lmorovea iarm. ciose in. mort gaged tor $2000, will take $500 for my equity. cn rc . f. jag. Kenna Belmont at 30th. Tabor 6493. IMPROVED 35-acre apple orchard; 35 miles from porttana: oargain. For fur ther particulars, address Horn Farm Agencv. inaianapons, ma. 40 ACRES, small nouse, 8 acres cleared. very cheap. ror particulars, writs Butkevicn. route i. canton, or. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, 17S to 500 per acre: easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, ai sizes. McKarland. 208 Falling bldg. niiHT FARM for saie: 5-year 1.... t year paid: Minthorne Springs dairy, near Mllwaukiet 16 cows and bulL 471 Dover st. A 70-ACRE FARM and crop for store from $4000 to $8500: must be O. K. A. A. ANDERSON. Owner. Molalla. Or. FOR SALE River bottom farm, close to good town, near Portland, with or with out stock. Address owner, P 610. Orego nian, . - 112 ACRES One-half mile from good town and electric cars: good berry land; pavement by place. AO 701. Oregonian. LOGG ED-OFF lands. SlOacre up: running water; good soil. I tillable; employment: eaiy terms. J K. anaroe. eiVj Jd st. j REAL ESTATX. For Sale Farms. PURE-BRED STOCK AND DAIRY FARM. 319 acres; over 100 acres in high state of cultivation, balance easily cleared ; entire tract Is fenced and cross-fenced .with woven lre; two living streams in pastures, modern 8-room bungalow with tile bath, sleeping porch, large living room, fireplace, full concrete basement with furnace, fine lawn with very choice shrubbery; one six-room tenant house, modern, double garage with concrete floor, gasoline tank, wellhouse and tank, water piped to all buildings; barn 238 feet long, large silo, milk house, steam boilers, steam separator and tester. Per sonal property consists of: 37 head of pure-bred Holstelns these cattle are all registered and from the choicest herds In the northwest ; large team of full blooded Percheron mares, one driving horse, 300 head of sheep and lambs. 3 head of hogs, large flock of chickens, wagon, harness, manure spreader, plows. narrows, mower, rake, ora oeiivery truck ana all necessary farm tools to run a modern, up-to-date farm. This place located 13 miles from Vancouver, of which ten miles will be paved this summer. There has been $62,000 spent in- developing this place, exclusive of personal property. Price $50,000. Would consider smaller farm or city property as part payment. Address owner. 1121 Yeon bldg., Portland, Or. Telephone Main 2982. 20-ACRE GRE6HAM FARM. Located southeast of Gresham on fine macadam road; every inch of this ground Is cultivated and in crop; one acre va riety orchard. h acre raspberries, h acre strawberries. 24 acres potatoes and the balance in oats. The following stock and Implements go along: 1 team, 1 fine Jersey cow. 1 brood sow, 12 hens. 1 wagon. 1- set harness. 1 Hoover potato digger, 1 Hoover potato planter, 2 Oliver. cm lied plows, 1 cream separator. 1 cider mill. 1 mower. 1 Sunerior craln drill, good six -room house, barn 35-50 equipped for 15 head of cattle and 3 horses. This land is deep black loam; prices only S6C00. Reasonable terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. 60 ACRES. STOCKED. Has 7 cows, -2 calves, bull, 3 dosen chickens, fine team of mares. 2 wagons. mare, binder, disc harrow, gang plow. and numerous other equipment. This year's crop of 20 acres oats, several acres corn, potatoes. 2 large clover fields and- fruit of all kinds which Is worth over $1500. - All first-class level black loam soil. Good 6-room house, large barn and outbuildings: on main gravel road, near Forest Grove. Price, including stock, crop and tools, only $10,000. Mr. Ackiey. 5Z7 corbett bldg. Main 7141. FOR SALE by owner, gotng stock and dairy farm of nearly 500 acres; 125 acres in crop ana grass, zwt acres Dot torn iana, 30 acres fenced hog-tight; running stream all year, rood house, large Darn. about 60 bead cattle and horses. 20 head hogs, poul try, 7-ton scale bouse, new B. L. K milker. 2 new gas engines, all necessary implements, excellent orchard; on Pacino highway, near two K. K. towns: shipping point 1 y miles; price $30,000, terms; part exchange possible. A duress f pitt, uregonian. - FINE DAIRY FARM AT REASONABLE PRICE. SO acres, located 5 miles from Battle Ground. Wrash., on R. F. D., cream and telephone line; all fenced and cross- fenced : house, barn and outbuildings, family orchard and small fruit: la Al clav :oam soil : has running water on place; 25 acres in crop. Price $02.50 per acre, half cash, Daiance easy terms. W. B. McCarty. Battle Ground, Wash. FOR SALE 168 acres, stock and fruit farm, near Chit wood. Lincoln county rich. dark, loam soil, abundant water. good road, near school and market; 30 acres in cultivation, fourth fine pasture, valuable timber, fenced, buildings, team, 40 sheeD. 20 lambs. 3 cows. 2 heifers. 3 vear-olds. 3 heifers, yearlings, and alt machinery with place; also this year's ctod including hay if taken before har vest: all for $6700. Titus Kurtichanor, Chltwood. Or. FOR SALE by owner. 80 acres good land; 50 acres in grain ana nay. u acies seed ed to young clover; good family orchard. good well, springs and running water; 2ii acres Rood timber. 10 acres easy cleared; all well fenced; 4-room house and barn: 2H miles from Tualatin. 1W miles from Stafford school and hi mile from rock road; $20O per acre, terms to , suit purchaser; win taae city property In part payment. Address L. J. Francis, Sherwood. Or. R. L. o. 1. 120 ACRES. White Salmon valley, partly cleared; nouse 11 as 11 replace, living, ain nz tath. kitchen, sun. 3 bedrooms, dou ble cleeplng po-'ch; grand view of Mount Hood and vaaey; iu.ww naa Deen ex pended on this place; your own terma Make oner. uwner, eov a. Bin t. Woodlawn 17Q4. OR SALE; DAIRY RANCH, 77 ACRES. Green gras the year around, 80 fine cows. 1 registered Guernsey bull. Per fection milking machine, silo, team, alt lmolemtats. 7-room house, 2 barns- This ft diked land ; cream check now $35u month; $ia,uw, nan casn, Daiance terma Geo. L. Putnam, aeaview. wasn. THE historic Waldo farm in the Waldo hills, 8 miles east of Salem. 4U acres, about 60O cleared: colonial house, barn. etc.. for immediate sale at $110 an acre. Terms. Address Clara H. Waldo, Mac- Cleary. Or., or Folger Johnson, U. Bank bldg. Portland. 4 ACRES sood bench land in eastern Ore gon, all under water, mile from live town, 17 acres corn, 18 acres nearly ready to seed to aitaiia, smau nouse, ten pay ments at o Per cent; price shuou. Ad- drees Oregonian or phone Woodlawn 4S70. $14 000 WITHOUT CROP If you want an ideal country home here is 35.31 acres, level, excellent soil, near hard-suriaced road, 4hk miles from Portland; no unde sirable buildings to discard, but can build to suit. Owner, John Cheidelln, Graham, Or. TROITT LAKE VALLEY 3S acres, well Improved, irrigated land. all stock and tools go with the place; , plenty of water; about 40 rods from vii ita of Trout Lake. $3000 cash, bal ance to suit buyer. M. Billings, 309 McKay. Main 1390. - A BARGAIN. 50 A. 32 A. clear, 2d growth timber. 2 running springs, railroad through place and hard surface road; 12 miles I from Portland. By owner. For Infor mation write tij no, oregonian. FOR SALE Well-Improved 140 acres; 801 crop. 60 pasture and oak timber; large I buildings; on r-aciiic nignway, wiuam, ett valley: crop, stock, machinery, fur niture; price $135 an acre; easy terma I Aaaress i 74th st. N., Portland. SOME FARM BARGAINS. Eastern Oregon wheat farms. buy right, in me ngnt yiacei gee our ae- scriptlon ana prices. MORRIS BROS.. MAUPIN, OR. r.Q rPKS at Peal Rocks. 15 cultivated and fenced: about 2 miles from new rall- rnri to Xewnort. 3 minutes from beach and daily auto stages to Waldport; clear; S1500 cash. Owner. KOPTON, 563 4th st". Mar. 3214. arrR saLE Good bargains In choice Wll- i.matti villtv farms in cultivation and In crop, raniag from 30 acres to 1000 acres. Wjll improved. 1 Call oo or write j. v. Pipe. Albany, or. fREK FARM tIST3. San Joaquin valley f aui nosiirr. puicKun. WANTED-lREAL ESTATE. FARM WANTED I want to buy a good going farm with at least half of the land under cultiva tion; must be on good rock road and nr.ffr it within Ko miles of Portland. Have $5000 cash to pay down 'and will go to sio.uw tor a gooa going iarm. Klndlv write me. giving exact location. price, and such information aa you would desire it you were looKing xor a iarm and were depending on the written de scription to gulda you tn the selection Of same. a.. Baotiu, Kouie a, ircan am, Or. WE have clients waiting for homes from $2000 to $7000; good first payment. If your property is tor aala call at our of fice or phone. C E. Adams. 407 U. S. Natl. Bank Bldg. Broadway shbs. SELL NOW. We make quick sales becausa we do not list more property tnan we can give our personal attention.. If you want to aell immediately our appraiser will call. W rJl.LK-K & KIWLHAKT, 212 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4S03. WANT modern 2-acre suburban home close to car and good auto road. Must be bargain and not more than $5000 to $tfoo0. See Mccormlc. 242 Washington St., or pnone jaain b-ju. WANT to buy home of 8 rooms bet. Wash ington and UliBan. 14tn and 21st sts. west side; have cash. See J. p. Mc Kenna, Belmont at aiith. Tabor 8493. " HOME WANTED. Near Shaver and 10th. Have dandy lot in AlDerta aistrict as part payment. fnone me at zi-m. WANT 1 TO ABOUT 10 ACRES. Near good car line, must have at least fair improvements or buildings. Owner pleasg address me at AG 703, Oregonian. HOME wanted, about 5 rooms. 1 or more lots, accessible to car service; state dis tance to school, etc. Owner please. AG 702, Oregonian: Farms IVanied. WANTED Large stock or dairy farm, pre fer stocked and equipped: would like to put in as first payment 30 acres prune and fruit farm. Improved; large crop of prunes in sight: on good Co. rosd. R. F. D.. phone: hi mile school. H mile elec tric station. 3 mites Monmouth state normal; best prune section in Polk Co. W. C. Roberts, Independence, Or. R. t. WANTED REAL ESTATK. Farms "Wanted. PRACTICAL farmer wants to meet some one requiring assistance on farm or will consider buying small place if cheap and on easy terms;, no agents. Will deal with owner only. AM 809, Orego-nian. TIMBER LANDS, EXCEPTIONAL MILL SHOW. Are yon Interested 7 Forty-five mil lion feet of choicest yellow fir In Clack amas county. Mostly level ground. Ex cellent show for mill. Lumber easily and cheaply gotten to railroad by a flume which is already built. Timber stands one mile from county road. Easy terms. H. E. Noble. &16 Lumbermen's bldg., owner. YELLOW FIR READY FOR OPERATION. 9.00O.0OO feet on quarter section on the Eccles railroad now building through the timber connecting with Portland. H. E. Noble. Lumbermens oiag: FC R SALE 440 acres (28.000.000 feet) good timber in Lane county. Oregon: half cash, balance at purchaser terms, with 7 per cent interest. Answer. AV 43. Oregoni.in. TIMBER LANDS. Want to lease or buy a mill ready to run, any slae. A J ai. uregonlan. FOR SALE Fir stumpage, 3-miie haul by auto trucK to deep water, $3. watts m I Price, Scappoose, Or. FOR KENT FA RMS. WALDO farm, 8 miles east of Salem; 940 acres, about wki ciearea: raise grain, sheeo. berries, fruit, truck, etc. Hou no- barns, fences, etc.; rent $3500 and taxes. I Address Clara tu Waldo. MacCleary. Or., or Folger Johnson, U. S. Bank bldg., Portland. 80-ACRE farm for sale or rent. 870 6th Marsnaii TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. PURE-BRED STOCK AND DAIRY FARM. 819 acres, over TOO acres in high state of cultivation, balance easily cleared. tire tract la fenced and cross lencea witn woven wire : two living streams in pas tures, modern -8-room bungalow with ttle bath, sleeping porch, large living room, f irenlaee. full concrete basemeat with furnace, line lawn witn very cnoice shrubbery. One 6-room tenant house. modern, double garage with concrete floors, a-asoline tank, well house and tank, water piped to all buildings, barn 238 feet long, large alio, miiK nouse, steam boilers, steam separator and tea,te. Personal property connista of 37 head ct nure-bred Holsteins. These cattle are all registered and from the choicest herds in the northwest Large team of full blood Percheron mares, one driving horse, 300 -head of sheep and lambs. 3 head of hogs, large flock of chickna wairon. harnciis. manure anreader. plows. harrows, mower, rake. Ford delivery truck andll necessarv farm tools to run a modern, up-to-date farm. This place '.s located 13 miles from Vancouver, cf which ten miles will be paved this sum mer. There has been $62,000 spent in developing this place exclusive of per sonal nroDertv. Price $50.0110. Would con- aider smaller farm or city property as part payment. Address Owner, 1121 Yeon Bldg., Portland, .Or. Telephone Main 2082- HAVE moved to city, must dispose of my rine iarm or 1&0 acres, nigmy lmwrovcu stocks, crops and machinery; this is no junk, and if you have - not got good nrnnertv do not bother mi. 1 "am the owner. Phone Sunday, Tabor 2285, week days Main 6419. for appointment. 40 ACRES near Goldendale, Wash., clear of incumbrance, also equity in two goon Alberta lots, to exchange for house in Portland or suburban home. Phone owners Tabor 78?.". WILL exchange fine 8-room house on Portland Heigntsor aoout live acres Improved suburban .property on good car line, AH 859, Qregonian. FOR-TRADE. . Lots 33-34. blk. L, East St. Johns, for Omaha property. Address M. Lng- land. 2523 North 19th St., Omaha, Neb. ONE 5-room residence, Sunnyslde. for Sa lem residence. ts.. e-u tnamoer com merce bldg. Main 7967 2 to 6 P. M. Sunday. . FOR SALE, or will trade for farm or city property, two -sections ot umoer iana In Lane county, containing over 7.0O0.00U feet. Address Motel uaoorn, Eugene, or 34 LOTS, S. E. cor. 43d and Division sts $600 each; want notei, apt. nouse, iarm. j. n. AicuAiiu.N. 2606 EaatSd st. Tabor 6361. GOOD Boise. Idaho, property, value $15. OOO. income mommy; want r'oruana residences or valley property or good business. George w . oouia. Boise, id a no. WANT trade, our office has excellent ex change for your acceptance. call 514 Swetland bldg. Pacific Agency, Inc. FOB 8ALR. Horse "Vehicles Livestock. AlU'TinN SAT.K Corner Vancouver avenue and Oolum bta boulevard. Take Vancouver car. get off at Columbia, boulevard, go west to Ilrst house. Wednesday, June 30, sale to commence at 1 1 nVtnrk A M Having sold my milk route and quit ting the dairy business. I will sell my entire herd of extra fine cows at public sale, consisting of 55 cows and 1 bun an excellent herd, large cows, fine pro ducers. Nurlv all vounr. all in fine condi tlon. 10 heavy springers. 8 fresh with calves by toot; somo long springers. Holstein. Durham and two Jerseys. Tuberculin tested and delivered on train or boat free of charge. I have rjersonallv insnocted this herd and can recommend them to any one wishing to buy extra gooj cows. Machinery Good aa new No. S Shar- nles cream kerj&rator. l!5-e:allon supply tank. Simplex, almost new; 2 water way milk cooler: 80-caae steriliser; belt bot- tln wiKh.r and Alortrif. motor: 1 -M . I Scotch marine boiler, takes 4-foot wood; ik.H P. Kureka cooler: barrel churn. 8 iron stanchions, 30 Individual drinking bow i. l 5-shov-el cultivator, uate plant er; set single harness; & horse collars and othr articles. Terms Sums under $20, cash: $20 and over six months time on approved se curity. Free lunch at noon. EXCELSIOR DAIRY. H. M. Selvert, manager. Col. W. 8. Wood it 8on. Vancouver, Wash., auctioneers. E. H. Metering, Vancouver National bank, clerk. ATTENTION 1 ANYBODY WAM1NO HORSES. We have bought trucks and must sell some of our good young teams, suitable for any kind of work, that weigh from 1400 to 1700, ages from 4 to 8; these animals are sold with a full guarantee and trial given, also have teams for hire and all kinds of wagons and tools: look these over. St. Johns Construction Co.. at Cochran barn, corner of Rich mond and Syracuse streets, St. Johns. 2 blocks from car. SdO BTJTS black driving horse, age 4 years. good top buggy and harnesa. oentie lor women or anyone to drive. . Also gentle pony $23. fit)24 86th st. MS car. Tabor 6H34. FOR SALE Mare. 8 years old, with colt. Is well broke and has a gentle aisposl tinn; also one aeldinr three years old. For particulars address frank Kosie- wlcs. Oswego. Or. FOR SALE Team of black mares, weigh ing 2UOO lbs., tj ana l years oia, oiocay buitt sound and true pullers: with bar ness and wagon. Inquire 132 Powell St., phone sellwood, pv. I MUST HAVE the money by July 1 $200. Will sacrifice my two iresn cows witn calves. S40 E. Lombard and 11th at. Take Woodlawn car. BARGAIN 4 head small horses, sound I and gentle: win sell 1 or All very chesD: also good camp wagon and several other c heap rigs snq names, al rront st. IU LARGE Holstelns. 3 to 7 gallons. One registered Holstem bull. Take Vancouver car to Columbia blvd. Go one block north. FOK SALE 18 stands of bees and equip ment; bartraln. Jiu b.. 7tKti St.. corner Market, ait.-xapor car. DEAD stock removed quickly: cash paid for dead cows ana crippiea norses. Phone Milwaukle a-J for results. YOUNG gray team, harness and wagon: weight 3O0O lbs. inquire lor Mc:rackln. Barton. Or. Hewitt FOR SALE A brown mare, weight 1100, wagon and single harness, reasonable. Sellwood 1212. 1087 Francis ave. for SALE Thirty-five registered Shron- shire March ana April ram iambs; $20 each. rtoiman ruet io.. otn st. WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goats. CampbeH-pneian una s cattle uo.. 302 Couch bldg. FOUR good horses for sale: must be sold at once, regardless of price. 1029 E. Yam h 111 st. FARM WAGON FOR SALE. CHEAP. 418 SYRACUSE STRK ET. BT. JUH.N5. pnp SALE New set double buggy har ness. 9O0. iioiman r-uei o., v otn St.! LARGE pastures for rent near Portland Main 85. DEAD horses, animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co.. woodlawn 20 DEAD HORSES taken quickly; cash for dead cows. labor eua. M I I.CH goat to sell. 1467 E. 'OHsan. 1 1-intM., Organs and Musical Instruments. GRAFONOLAS with music for rent. Em pire Co.. 254 Brosdway. Bdwy. 155. PLAYER-PIANOS, pisnos. tised pianos. G. F. Johnson Piano Co..149 6th. GRAND piano, excellent value. $735. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 toth. . FOR SALE. Pianos, Organs and Mimical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. Boudoir up right piano, cash 00 French upright piano, cash 75 $300 Gray & Co. Aipright, cash 110 $450 Hallett A Davis upright, cash.. 145 $425 Dunham A Co. upright, cash... 165 $475 Hailett A Davis upright, cash.- 195 $475 Davis & Son upright, cash 215 $550 Kimball A. Co. upright, cash 265 $750 Steinway & Sons upright, cash 290 $750 Hara A Co. p:ayer piano, cash 3s5 $0O0 Thompson player piano, cash.. 435 $1000 Singer player piano, cash 495 Parlor organs $19, $25. $35 to $45 Pianos stored. 75c month. Pianos bought and sold for cash only. 103 10th st. at Wash, and Stark sts. $15 and $25 cafh sends home a piano. $25 and $50 cash sends home a player piano, balance $S, $10 to $20 monthly. Schwan Piano Co., 101 Tenth il at Stark. - PIANO BARGAINS. $175 and up, good, used standard pianos. See them and you will be con vinced that they are real bargains. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125-127 4vh St.. Bet. Wash, and iier. PIANO FOR V1CTROLA. I2CK new VTCTROLA and RECORD OUTFIT; trade for used piano; bet proposition. Main S3S6. 125 Fourth st. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Vlctrola and records; our proposition win pi ease you. SE1BERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth Street. Main 8586. FOR SALE Zither-banjo, fine tone and in good condition, call fcJ. V. J-u-cretia St.. evenings between 6 and 7. Phone Marshall 806. WANTED Sauare piano with rood rose wood case to be reiinisnea xor a xa Die- Will -pay cash or trade talking machine Harold S. Gilbert. as4 Yamniil at. ELECTRh: piano, playa modern SS-note music: lust the thine for small tneater fine condition. Only $773. G. F. .John son Piano Co.. 34! 6th. BRUNSWICK phonograph and records. snap, just like rv-w. beibemng-Lucas Music Co., 12S-127 4th st-, bet. Wash ington and Alder. - - PLAYER-PIANO WANTED. Will give Tillamook Beach lots for a good player. Write HJ onz. Gregonian, NEW baby grand piano for sale; never been out of shop: terms or cash; reason able. Sellwood 2073. RENT A PHONOGRAPH WORTH BUY ING. H AROLL S. ttlllfe.KT. 39 YAMHILL. WILL ipay cash for your old piano, or will trade you a new victroia lor it. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 6th. PIANO WANTED. Pay cash; get our price. Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Selberllng Main 8586. UKULELES, accordions, harmonicas, vio lins, auitars and other musical instru ments. G. F, Johnson Piano Co., 14U 6th, GENUINE Martin melody "C" aa G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. phones. Hth st. J. & C. FISCHER player-piano, wonder ful bargain, imi. o. r. joanson r-ian Co., 149 6th. GENUINE Gibson guitars, mandolins, etc. G. r . jonnson riano o., i-iw in. Turnltura for Savie. SQUARE dining room table, $lo; dresse white enamel. 110 commoae, is; ma hnc-nn v chair, uo bolstered. $7 : old-fash loned bed davenport, $7; bed and springs, $15: 1-minute electric wash machine, swinging ringer. $60. Call Tabor 69 OAK dining table, $18; fctemway piano, oak aresser. book case, cm flonier, $12; tewnmower, $7.5u; rocker, $12; leather chair, $lo; breakfast tab! Tabor 3325. FOR SALE Cream separator, stove, tent, dress forms, cnina ciossl, ouiiei, norary table. threa-Quarter oea. aresser, reing erator, piano,, rocker, dishes. Call Tabor B21. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. w e can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co., 248 Pine st. FOR SALE Oak dining set, Ivory bed room set, wiener living room set, stove rugs, garden tools, etc.;- at ava.crifi.ee. 7402 56th avenue S. E. FURNITURE. At once, separate pieces or complete for six rooms. All of the best at right price. Call at 330 13th st. SEWING machine, motor, box couch, oas- elnet, baby carnage, lawn mower, gar den hose and two odd chairs. 414 .East T.Sth st. Tabor 4052. HAVE to sell my household goods,. Includ ing combination - rang? ana electric washer. Call Sell. 826. 790 E. 32d st. FURNITURE of ' rooms ana piano. Main 3559. for rent can COMPLETE sectional .bookcases, solid oak. very reasonaoie. aeuwoou ipjou. HOUSEHOLD furniture at sacrifice; must leave at once. ivi- oum avenue &. J. COMPLETE furnishings 7-room house; will sell at sacrifice, uroaaway Mil. Office Furniture. OFFICE furniture for sale; office can be rented as it stands it desirea. call Main 74!t0 between 12 and 1 o clock. roultrr. PETALUMA White Leghorns lead th world In eeg production, we sell babi CH1X at $1 0 per 100 during May and June: safe arrival of full coimt. strong. live chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery. 441 Sixth St.. Petaluma. Cal. BABY CHICKS. 10.000 one day to six weeks old. S. C. White I.eRhorns. l.c to $1. NORTHWEST POULTRY CO.. 82d St. and 74th Ave. S. E. Tabor S107. WHITE Leghorn chicks, loc each: II. I Red. 23 cents each; 000 ready now. aOOO more June 28; last hatch of season. J. R. Magulre. 787 Oregon st. East Iua. YOUNG white leghorn hens. $1.25 each. Excellent layers. J. R. Magulre. 787 Oregon st.. near E. 24th mt. WANT 500 pullets: must be good size will pay $1.40 each. Phone Marshall 1702. Uogs. Kabbila. Biros. Pet niock. Jogs, RAbhlta, Birds, Fet Stock. AIREDALE dog. 0 mo. old., fine condition $20. Call Tabor lsia mornings and at ter 6 P. M. FOR SALE Female thoroughbred pit bul pup, 9-u; also bcotcn come, male. . months old. East 7248 or 10 E. 28th st. FOR SALE 2 brmdle Boston bulldogs t weeks O'd. male and female. &H Colum bla st. Main 5S08. FOR SALE 7 Liewlyn setter puppies, very line stocK. 143 lenore St., cor Bel- view ave., W ood.awn. FOR SALE Thoroughbred and grade New Zealand rabbits at a bargain if taken a once. Call Sellwood 2073. POLICE dogs, full grown, fine specimens. well behaved, very . reasonable, bpeedway Kennels. Tabor oo&H. PARROT for sale; fine talker; $25. 04-Y. Milwaukle. HARTZ Mountain Roller. 2 years old Reasonable. East BOSTON terriers, S mo. old. for sale. 894 Yamhill st. FOR SALE 26 homing pigeons. $13: 2 Belgian nare rabbits. 0M una s. E FOR SALE 2 Boston terrier puppiea Bdwy. 1201. 140 Vi 11th at. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Boston terrier Phone Tabor QOttl morn lngs CHOICE 6INGERS FOR SALE. CALL MAIN 488. Launches and Boats. LAUNCH ARTISAN. 50x12 FT.. SUIT A ELE FOR FASSENUKH SERVICE O CRUISING. SELLWOOD B02. SO GRAND AVE LAUNCH 25-ft.. 4-cyllnder engine, semi cabin cruiser, suitable lor pleasure or camping, fftone Broadpey 48.8. TRAWLER. 32x9. 14-h. p. Regal. 2 year old; excellent condition; fully equipped for fishing. Main jotu evenings. HOUSEBOAT for sale: modern, furnished or unfurnished. r.o. 22 Wlliametta moor' age. Sellwood 37S3. N FOR SALE o7-foot troll boat, oak ribs, sound hull, 27 -H P. engine. J. K. Eublch, Fort Columbia, wasn. 4-ROOM furnished houseboat for sale. Call 4V Willamette moorage.' LAUNCH and Waterman engine for sale cheap. Call bellwood z-idd. Ty pe writers. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sal rent, exchange. we are exclusive all tributors of Corona portable. $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies for all makes. . E. W. PEASE COMPANY. 110 Sixth St. Main 2285. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All makes overhauled: expert mechanics. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy. Sell, Kent and Exchange. Main 6397. Suppllea. 263 H Oak SL GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters ALL makes, sola on montn.y payments. Send for price list. The Wholesale Type writer Co.. 321 Washington st. UNDERWOOD and Remington typewriters $3.50 a montn. empire Co.. -4 Broad way. Bdwy. 153 VISIBLE machines, year's guarantee. $20. The Rebuilt Typewriter Co.. 304 Oak'nL NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cu: ra tes. P. D. Co.. 231 Star k. Main 1 4 0 7 . ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co., Ml otn. Main otios. FOB SALE, Machinery. AIR COMPRESSORS. AIR TANKS. U. S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air host, check valves, safety valves, coupling and automatic switches, every thing for the air line. AIR COMPRESSOR & EQUIPMENT CO. Broadway StiOO. 229 Couch st. FOR SA LE 70-horsepower airplane en gine. Broadway aoi. ask for Taylor. Miscellaneous. LUMBER, LUMBER. GRAND STANDS, SHRINE CONVENTION, for sa'e at a bargain : 305. Ooo feet of No. 1 as sorted lumber, must ha cleared up In eight days, apply at stand No. 6, Washington st., between , 19th and 20th streets. DO LAN WRECKING A CONSTRUCTION CO. REVOLVERS, new and used PISTOLS. Largest Revolver Dealer In Northwest. No Purchasing Permits Required. BEAUREGARD'S. 702 MAIN ST., VANCOUVER, WASH. Four blocks up from Portland car. . Open Saturday Evening. FO R RAT .V. Vr Fitto with Bausch Lomb Tessar Series lib anastigmat ins. f. 6. 3, 6 -inch focus for No. 3 A. also grain leather, velvet lined case, with strap; will well for $100. This kodak and case cost $12S.9S. BJ 833. Oregonian. SEWING machines, new and second-hand. sold for less: no agents empioyea. com plete line of parts for all makes; ma- chln-a repaired and rented. Main 043L SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Third SU, near Taylor $200 BUYS 14x20 tenthouse with fly. 3 doors, double floors, electric lights, tele phone and 2 porches. 3 tables. 3 chairs, 2 rockers, 2 cots, settee, dish closet, wood range, oil heater and cooking utensils. Main 6000. t - v FOR SALE Bing cherries picked, pecked and shipped same nay. 10 pounas net delivered anywhere In Oregon. $4.15 box, money must accompany order; hurry as crop is short. J. B. Harness, box 95, Yakima. Wash. HALL GAS FURNACES. No fumes, no dirt: clean, helpful heat Inexpensive to operate. Introductory price. $125. Main 7005 or caU 107 Park st.. Just south of Morrison. HOT-WATER tanks. 30-gal.. $7; 40-ga! $9 ; tested and guaranteed ; stove and furnace colls, gaa heaters Installed; ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adorns st. East 8516. NEW "SINGERS." $5 down, $3 monthly Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON-STREET SINGER STORE. 382 Morrison Marshal! 721. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and secona-nana. at right prices, nougnt, sold and exchanged. NORRIS SAFE A LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. M a i n 2045. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE A SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 1966. 4a Front st. BLOCK AND SLAB 16-inch. $5.50- per load in two load Jots; cheaper and bet ter than 4-foot wood. National Fuel Col. East 2041. SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES SOLD. BOUGHT. RENTED. EXCHANGED. NEWMAN. 12S FIRST. MAIN 4493. ELECTRIC IRONS, appliances, doorbells. vacuum cleaners, repaired : fixtures re wired. We call and deliver Woodlawn 1259 or East 4045. FOR SALE Cash, by private party, two 14 karat diamonds, matched stones; will sell separately; shown by appoint ment. Phone E. 4467. - FINE selection of suits, gowns, coats and party dresses, secured from wealthy ladies. Reasonable prices. 403 Alisky bldg. Main 313U. KODAKS. -We buy. sell, rent a-nd exchange ko daks. Sandy's, 320 Washington st. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables. showcases, wall cases, fixtures ;- terms. W. J. Quisley. 369 Hawthorne. East 123. PRINTING OUTFIT 10x15 press, type. stones, stapler, stock; $250. EC 715, Ore gonian. FOR SALE .22 automatic rifle iike new; some cartriugea. Woodlawn oWo or Vo-k Vancouver ave. FOR SALE Round-cornered floor case, candy case, lirt-up top cigar case, sllcer. 242 Salmon. meat ELECTRIC fans and drmK mixers re paired; new. used and exchanged. Hyn son Electric Co.. 302 Pine. Bdwy. 42i3. FRANSEN'S stepladders are winners: hand made to last a lifetime; reasonably priced. Order one today. Hdwy. 7io. FINE SELECTION FULL-DRESS SUITS FOR SALE OK REST AT BARRELL'S M 1SFIT CLOTHING STORE. 51 3D ST. WILL seil cheap. 30-30 Winchester car bine with peep sight; appointment. AV 10U0. Oregonian. FOUR tables, stools, gas rsnge. double oven, candy jars, breadcase. soft drink mixture, adding machine. 242 Salmon. ROLL-TOP desk and chair. 1 T. W. desk, 1 flat-top desk. 1 safe. Bus-hong & Co., 91 Park st. FOR SALE 1 8x10 Mlddlebv oven. Hobart cake mixer, proof box. cake tins, apple boxes. A. M.onlye J3rand ave. FOR SALE Cheney phonograph with rec ords; Queen Anne design; price right Must be sold. Woodlawn 4275. ELECTRIC coffee mill, wall case. Ice box. number of other fixtures, at half price this- week. 242 Salmon. AT HALF PRICE Slightly used comput ing scale, steel ruing case. safe, office desk. 306 Oak at. . FOR SALE Wood and coal range with water coils. In good condition. 1076 E. Morrison st. MAHOGAKT bsr IS ft. long for sale. $130. HVltlj KK1TS, Kaiama. Wash. LICENSED independent electrician wires 3 rooms for $12; o rooms $20. Ail work, guaranteed to pass insp. Wdln. 3791. SOFT wood barrels. 50 gallons, suitable for fruit packing, ready for use, cheap. AJ 891. Oregonian. WE SELL LADIES' USED APPAREL In our home in Laurelhurst; prices right. 1 132 East Gllsan St. Tabor 2825. REFRIGERATOR AND "RAPID" FIRE- LESS COOKJSK, l.N GOOD CONDITION. T. 8329. THREE-PIECE mahogany set for private or oltice use. an value, act quick; $27.50. 242 Salmon. FOR SALE Small safe, a bargain. and large fire-proof 242 Salmon. 1 5-100-karat perfect diamond, worth $750; will take $550. Sellwood 1182.. FOR SALE 28 mole skins In excellent condition. Call East 6874. CHECK writer for sale, standard make, $10. 610 Lumbermens bldg. WICKER baby carriage, practically .new. - Call East 8547 mornings. GRAPHOPHONE and records, $25; white furs. $20. Marshall 3051. WRECKAGE WOOD. Delivered in stove lengths. Tabor 2704. GASOLINE wood ssw for sale or trade for a light car. 13S6 E. 17th, Sellwood. FOR SALE 50 ft. picket fence, also 1 new piano box Phone Tabor 3962. NATIONAL cash register, from penny up. value $400; sacrifice. $167. 242 Salmon. FOR SAT.E Paint spraying machine. Champion Mfg. Co.. Woodlawn 3t!07. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening dresses, slightly worn. Main 9367. FOR RENT Vacuum. cleaners. $1 per day. delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 3495. VAC1TM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, exchanged. bought. Bentley Co.. M. 4907. DESK ADDING MACHINE. $13. 518 COR BETT BLDG. MARSHALL 557. SECOND-HAND ten! and covers for "sale Faoifkj Tent A Awning. 1 N. 1st St. FOR SALE Ca.h register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st st..near Ash. SAFE, good as new. cheap If taken at once, v o-u. oregonian. ONE reed baby buggy for sale. Call Wood lawn 5047. FOR SAI scales- 2 FOR SALE Me rs'null ,E DAYTON 26 Stark st. and TOLEDO ew EKUnK scarf, 8x76. $125. joi'. COLLAPSABLE baby buggy for sale, reas or.able. 090 E. Oak St. FOR SA Marnhi I.E Now dress uit, size 37. $25. Lll 'Jli. eK S41.B Al TOMOBILtb. MAXWELL touring cur for sale, cheap new tires. laoor .-i.. $050 BUICK . .-passenger, really a good car. trail r-etiwoon 1912 FRANKLIN touring car cheap. Own er. Woodlawn 196. 1918 OAKLAND six for quirk sals, $650. Tabor 5039. 1190 E. Harrison. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. 191S CHANDLER, 7-PASS. Wire wheels, good tire equipment, rebuilt and perfect mechanical condition $1600 1918 Chandler. 7-pass.: rebuilt throughout: good time equip ment, body reflnished; good mechanical condition; good tires $1300 1918 Chandler, 7-pass.. first-class mechanical condition; good tires $1550 1918 Chandler. 4-pass. roadster. . rebuilt. new top, cord tires with extra $1600 1917 Chandler. 7-pass.. good me chanical condition, newly paint ed, good tires, with extra, $1200 SPORT ROADSTER. Chandler. 2-pass.. special body roadster, wire wheels, cord tires, racy lines and .fast perform er 150 1918 Oldsmoblle. '7-pass., good mechanical condition; goo tires -...$1100 1917 Velie touring, repainted, overhauled, good tires $1009 1916 Buick roadster, good con- . ditlon throughout; good tires, for $900 J916 Saxon, goad mechanical con dition ,.$450 1917 Ford touring, electric lights , nd demountable rims $450 1917 Saxon roadster. 6-cyl., good condition, good tres. 1919 Republic lVs-toc truck, near ly new; has 15 hours' service work due; Al condition through out; price $1000 SOME OTHER GOOD BUYS. Remember our used car bar- - gains are In our new storeroom. 605-807-609-611 Washington St. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. Broadway 494. Main 5125. EXPRESS A NT DELIVERY ATTENTION I We have four good Overland de livery cars, with and without start ers, both in express and panel top. They have been rebuilt in our shop. We will take your car in exchange. These deliveriea range in price from $400 to $800. Terma one-third cash, balance in ten monthly payments. Call and see. WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC COMPANY. BROADWAY AT DAVIS ST. Broadway 3535. STUTZ FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. ROADSTER. 6-PASSENGER AND 4 PASSENGER SPORTSTER. ALL LATB ltt-VALVE MODELS. CARS OF ME riUMCAL PERFECTION. ARISTO CRATS Us- APPEARANCE. BACKED BT OUR WELL-KNOWN POLICY OF -GUARANTEED SATISFACTION TO THE PURCHASER. WE ARE PROUD OF THE STUTZ REPUTATION AND EVERY CAR IS A SPECIAL JOB. IN DIVIDUAL LINES SPELLING CLASS. YOU PAY NO MORE THAN FOR AN ORDINARY CAR. TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED. YOUR CAKEFLL IN SPECTION INVITED. AUTOREST MOTOR SALES CO.. STUTZ DISTRIBUTORS FOR OREGON. TENTH AND SALMON. STUTZ 6-PASSENGER. 18-VALVB TOUR 1NU CAR. THAT BEAUTIFUL DARK BLUE ONE USED BY MAYOR BAKER IN THURSDAY'S AND FRIDAY'S PA RADES, FOR SALE REASONABLY. VALUE CONSIDERED: CAR IS IN x E K r E TT MEc'HAMCAL CONDITION. NEWLY PAINTED. CORD TIRES. IN FIRST-CLASS SHAPE ALL AROUND. SPARE WIRE WHEEL MANY EX TRAS: SEE IT AT STUTZ AGENCY-. AUTOREST MOTOR SALES CO., STUTZ AGENTS. 216 10TH ST. PHONE MAIN 3237. CARS that must be sold One Buick road ster in fine condition, $250: 5-passenger Buick electric starter, good mechanical condition, good tires. $450; Chevrolet. 2 new Ford tires. A-l condition. $650: Overland. 69 T. 5-passenger. runs like new. good tires. $300; 1 Glide car. a bearcat. 2 new Ford tires. $350: 1-ton Garford truck like new. 2 extra tires. J.'.oil. H. J. Paulson, 420 Belmont st. Phone East 1575. OVERLAND $300. Classy, late model touring! new paint nearly new tires with extra. A anap. "Vt oi th $0r0. Leaving city. G. C. KOEHLER. Main 1700. 270H Stark. HERE'S your chance to get the best buy In Portland; Chandler 6; runs good and looks good: car niu6t be sold at once; no reasonable offer refused:- don't call unless you mean buslnesa. 641 6th at.. corner Sheridan. 1920 MAXWELL demonstrator. Thia car has 5 tires; still has a 90-day guarantee, same as new; a new car would not give you more; speedometer has Just turned 3ooo miles. You can save $250. Call Tabor 781 7. Terms. BARGAIN in light car; act quick; bring $700 and you can drive away my late 1910 Maxwell that runs perfectly and has 4 brand-new tires that have not run 100 miles. Let ma show it to you. Tabor 90H7. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. A BARGAIN AT 1830 CASH OR TERMS. 7 TIRES. A-l MECHANICAL SHAPE. 90 DAYS' SERVICE AND RE PLACEMENT. CALL MAIN 6756. 1918 SUPER-SIX Hudson to exchange for house and lot or take smaller car as part payment; ran 1 1.0O0 mi.: can hard Iv be told from new. Price $1900; cord tires. CaU owner. East 341. OWNER WILL SACRIFICE Buick touring car. 1919 model, run 10.000 miles; will sell on easy terms. DOOLY A CO.. Marshall 702. Board of Trade Bldg. 3-3S PACKARD. 6-cyl., 7-pass.; perfect mechsnical condition: two extra tires; price $1800. terms. Portland Motor Car Co.. 10th and Burnside. Broadway 52L Ask for Mr. Krog. HAVE bought a big car; will sell my 5 passenger Ford, used only 6 months: never off pavement: demountable rims and some other extras. C. M. Egbert, Wdln 4. or East 185. PAIGE convertable roadster, in first-claas condition. By owner. Call 327-87. 1U1S FORD, electric starter, shock ab sorbers, Yale lock, speedometer, extras. Hurry. $575 cash. Tabor 8640 evenings after 5. DOLM5E. 1913; good tires, new battery. good mecnanicai conumon; win iana Ford or Liberty bonds; price $050. Les ter Heym Co.. 249 6th St. BY OWNER 1919 model Buick roadster. 5 cord tires, moiomeier. Dumper, spot light, 2 mirrors. Simplex wind wings, double tire carrier: terms. Tabor 8037. 1920 HUDSON super-six; can mage imme diate delivery; car is urana new, never run a mile. Hudson salesman. Jack Herzinger. EAST 6363. BEST buy In Portland 1917 Saxon six. 4 new tires, nrst-ciass condition an arouna. Call 75 E. 30th st. See owner at once. $325 with terms. 7 -PASSENGER HUDSON. 1918 MODEL. REPAINTED AND GOOD TIRES. A BARGAIN IF YOU CALL TODAY. CALL MAIN 6758. A BARGAIN for cash, 1917 light Overland. by owner; new top. piaie glass winaows, good tires and paint. Mechanically good all around. Address 228 13th st. Phono Main 9179. 1919 FORD First-class condition. haa been used very nine, aiuai sen at once. 1051 Kerby. SACRIFICE 1917 Studebaker. sell cheap. or traoe tor ror.i. 1 1 w pn.aie ga race. 23th. cor. Raleigh st. WE PUT STEEL TEETH IN YOUR OLD FLYWHEEL. H. B. BLACK MACHINB SHOP. 534 ALDER ST.. BDWY. 2681. FOR SALE by owner. 1918 Dodge road ster in good shape and a bargain; $S50. Inquire Green Paint garage. Oregon City. " COI.E TOURING. 7-PASSENGER, $650. Fine condition, nice appearance, good tires, genuine snap. Sellwood 631. jj 1916 FORD touring, with good tiree, shock absorbers, spotlight. 24S Yamhill, ask for Hicks. 5-TASSENGER Maxwell fine condition, must be sold; make offer; terms. Tabor Ull'.S. 1225 E. Maiiv FOKD touring. Just overhauled, good tirea, new paint, lots of extras. A bargain at $::7 5. 508 E. Harrison. 191 s DODGE, fine condition, will sell for $9j5. need cash. Call Tabor 8152. LIGHT Chevrolet delivery for sale. Call Monday; morning. Broadway 2852. FOR SALE 6-cyllnder 7-psssenger car, cheap. Tabor 420. BUG for sale, five Marshall 1IS8. new tires, A.I ahape. CADILLAC BUG, fine shape, $250. Ownar. AF 709, Oregonn. BUG for sale, $125. 228H VVasntngton St., 5 to 8 P. M. Owner leaving city. STUDEBAKER 18 four, only $630. series. Owner. 7-passenser Wdln. 6535. CL.VSSY Ford bug In $3J0. Woodlawn 754. A-l shape: price 11!5 K. loth N. 1017 GRANT six auto. -1 condition; price $530. terms. Tabor 129 t. ft