. ... " - - - , ' .- : - T" . ,. . ' THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, .JUNE 25, 1920 . si V RKAL ESTATE. UK AD THIS! ONE OUT OF 1H,0. IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR VALVE, jour search will end right here with this 5-room HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW: the BIGGEST BARGAIN out of all I our 140 Kawthornei, and a VALUE YOU CAN'T AFFORD To MISS: just like NEW; fire-, place, built-in bookcases. Dutch kitchen, liens all paid; $500 down. BKST EASIER THAN KENT: ONE OK OUR EIGH TEEN MACHINES WILL CALL FOR YOU TODAY. $1750 HERE IS VALUE! Typical 5 room modern bungalow, cheery fireplace, dining room with maa Klv' buffet. MODEL WHITE ' DUTCH KITCHEN. 1 bedroom down, 1 up. white enamel plumb ing, electricity, gaa: ON EASY TERMS. SEE IT NOW. DON'T MISS THESE! $2100 On beautiful CRYSTAL SPRINGS ft LVD., adjoining Reed college is thin delightfully artistic K-room modern BUNGALOW, white ena mel plumbing, electricity, gas, full lot: TERMS. A REAL BAR GAIN. A machine will TAKE YOU OUT TODAY 285U 100x1 (10. ALL KINDS OF FRUIT; attractive. substantial 5-room modern BUNGALOW, two tun niest bedrooms, full TERMS: 1 block to basement ; Woodstock car. HERE'S A BIG BARGAIN. 100 WEST SIDE HOMES 100. 12200 A REAL WEST SIDE HOME bargain: Just $5no down ; 7-rooms, t-ubtilantial. modern, white ena mel plumbing, gas. electricity paved street, paid; Corbett near Porter.- UNUSUAL VALUE 93400 -HERE'S ONE OF SELLWOOD'S BEST BARGAINS, very artistic, modern. 7-room BUNGALOW, com lor table and pleasant, beet white enamel plumbing, electric ity, gH; vacam; close to car, on Bidwell; EASY TERMS. J-'SOO- -REAL KENTON" EXCEPTIONAL. V At.lE: 6-room subatantiai home. 1 bedroom down, 2 up: w hite iname! plumbing, electric Ity, Ran. jut rC down. $20 per month. SEE THIS. IK YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A HOME, tytmf in and aee our IOQ0 PHOTO GRAPHS of homes for sale. Every dls trii-l. every kind of home: prices you CAN PAY. Vo give satisfying KERV ice: SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. AFtlNGTON BI.DG. MAIN Hi8.. id. between Wash inffton and Stark. "10 Years of Reliable Service." HIGH GRADE LOW PRICE. If you will go as high as $25,000 for a home that is worth 50 per cent more money, and which is absolutely modern and desirable from every angle, see me quick, becauae you cannot afford to let such ODoortunltv oua. I also have somtt decided bargains In high-class residence property on which ownnrs win accent otner property conservative valuations In exchange. No property listed or offered for sale by ui above its reaJ value. Please do not of' for property in exchange at Inflated valuation. W. H. ROSS 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FU RNISHED B U NGA LOW. Artistic 5-room bungalow with good furniture, living room has nice tire place and den, with built-in bookcases nk-e electric fixtures, dining room ha artistic buffet with Urge plate giaMt mirrors, oca in celling; two large lign bedrooms with bath between: Dutc kitchen in white, haif cement basemen floor, good furnace, garage, lot 40x100, hard surface street now going in. $4KM), $1000 cash. $00 month, including inter est, 7 per cent. O. W. Muellhaupt & Co., C. E. Adams, 407 U. S. National Bank bldg. Hroadway 3bG8; residence. V ocMliawii 34 J. $0230 BUNGALOW $5200. HOSE CITY. 5 rooms, sleeping porch," hardwood fiours, but It-Ins, beamed ceilings, cabi net kitchen, furnace and firepace, lot 60x100, nea r Sandy road ; good neigh borhood. .See this right away; you will like it. Very easy terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., ' 303 Oak St. Bro a dway 4133. JUST THINK OF IT! A country home in the city; beautiful grounds 200x180. highly improved; beau tiful bungalow of 7 rooms; hot-water heat; double garage; fruit, fine garden, chickens, etc Price $14,000; worth $-o,-ooo. See it and be convinced. Call at office. East 3ith and Glisan its., or phone Tabor 3433. HIGH-CLASS COLONIAL. 100x112 corner, 1340 E. 82d at.. East - more land; line shrubbery, 9 rooms. 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, oak floors through out. All rooms enameled. Double con structed garage; 20 per cent under cost of duplication. Offered by owner, who is leaving city. Open to inspection "by appointment. Phone Sell wood 2539. CHOICE river front and otner acreage on Oregon City Electric. Six-room house. A averieirfh Heights. Two lots Benedic tine Heights, Poxli'O ft.. 9th and Han cock st Best business lots and building for manufacturing or mercantile pur poses in Milwaukee. Risley, Starkweather & Black. 602 Broadway Bldg. Phone Main ei9. JUST $2O0 DOWN. Completely furnished 3-room house. recently constructed, full 50x100 lot; with sidewalks, liens all paid; for total of $900; Just about lair value for the bare lot; abundance of fruit and roses. CAREY-SAVIDGB CO., Main 74S7. 219 Railway Exch. LAURELHURST. VACANT, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, STRICTLY MODERN BUNGALOW, H ATIDWOOD FLOORS. GASCO FUR NACE, GARAGE, $So0. TERMS, $2500 L AM. tt A 1-A INCtt HAP X . POINDF.XTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIX 1SO0. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. $3000 ROSE CITY PARK TERMS. Modern 6-room bungalow, spick and 1 span ; ivory finish, hardwood floors. complete plumbing, elec, gas. Dutch kitchen, wash tray ; some furniture in cluded; good location. Here is your chtynce; owner leaving city. Tabor 43Q7. $1050 R. C PARK: almost new. partly furnished ; bath, gas, electricity, large corner lot, part casn. oaiance o per cent: move richt in; some distance out. but fine chance for honest man with $600 to get nice little home; good neighborhood. near school- owner. Tabor 2678. HEIGHTS. VERY QUIET HOME. CORNER LOT: EVERY CONVENIENCE. THREE BATHS. HOT-WATER HEAT. GARAGE. MtUVV.-N U.LI tSX A PFUINTMENT. POINDEXTER. 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN iwoo. RESIDENCE EAST 6771 . 15O0 DOWN. Iarge two-story modern house in A1- nerta. 1014 ri. Jd w .: vacant, lmmrit. ate possession; price cut from $40fb to i.oOO for qutcK sale. CAKE Y-SAVIDGE CO., Main 7487. 219 Rail-way Exch. HAWTHORNE-RICHMOND HOME $3750 $7o0 cash ; o rooms, bath, f uu base ment, new pipe less furnace, laundry trays, paved street, sewer In; everything paii, be sure and come to see this. 1040 Arnold Tabor QN04. IRVINGTON CAR. Brand-new 6-room bungalow, strictly modern, jurnaca, narawooa xioors. nuiit- Ins, etc.: all street improvements in and paid; ou casn win nanoie it; move I right in. Phone owner, j&ast 4000. FOR SALE or exchange, large 2 Vi -story house, tun cement oaremeni. two tire n aces, furnace, large grounds. 200x200: all kinds of fruit and nuts, fine garden growing; beautiful view of city and mountains, uwner. tuu, oregonian. $2750 WILL BUY MY MODERN 5-ROOM house with 2 large lots planted to fruit, berries and grapes . An ideal place to raise your own living and keep a small bunch, of chickens. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg. 127 Park st. A BARGAIN 30-acre tract, right on Ore gon city car line, suitable for plattins; one good eight-room house on tract; price $24,000. Risley. Starkweather & Biack Realty Co., 602 Broadway bldg. Phone Main 6100. A BRAND NEW 3-room bungalow. batTu breakfast nook, full basement, pas. elec tricity, 0 bearing fruit trees. $2000; will consider light car and cash; terms on balance. Owner. Tabor 0220. -970O 5-ROOM. lot 50x100, garage, full basement, fruit, berries; on Hawthorne ave. step quica 11 you want 1L bee V. Clow. McKenna office. Belmont at 39th Tabor 643. 13 years.. V owner, fine horn, unincumbered, seven rooms, hardwood floor and butlt-ln full cement basement; corner lot: Hose City prk.Price J8S0O. Tabor 4392. HOSE CITT PARK" VACANT. Cozy 4-room bungalow, hath. toilet, basement, garage; niee GOxlOO lot, tree, lawn, shrubbery, garden: terms. -Move In, why pay rent? Tabor 5.M. FOR t'ALE or rent, large modem horn, for'sale, :500; for rent. $45, with furniture.- less for adults. Phone evenings or Thursday all day. Saturday afternoon and Sunuay. Wdln. ,548. FROM owner i rurnlshecl houses, ,til side. Nob Hill Mar v RKAL ESTATE. For bale J. A. WICKMAN CO. "Shortest Way Home." Years of study of. local conditions, a thorough knowledge of districts, famil iarity with values and a sp.endid organ ization enable ns to give you the maxi mum service in home buying. NEW. NIFTY MODERN BUNGALOWS. We are acting as agents for one of Portland's best builders and have a number of desirable bungalows, different Annr nlanc rid tl.'R tlnnM to Suit the most exacting ' purchaser, in Alameda r.ri ftv Park These buneaiows are under course of construction, some I complete; you may have your choice of Inside finish and decorations, J-ei us show you a new home. Prices reasonable, terms easy. ' VACANT SUNNY SIDE HOME. 4200 Buys home of -H rooms and batn with one bedroom 4wn and two up. This home was sold at this price before the war; no profiteer ing here; furnace, garage.- st. Imp. in and paid; SuOO down tfl responsible party. ALAMEDA PARK DISTRICT. $J40O You would never expect to buy this two-utory 7-room home on corner lot with paved st. and dou ble concrete garage for so lut.e money. This home immediately adjoining Alameda Park is an absolute bargain; terms. . WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW. laJTOU Just think of buying a new bun galow in this desirable district at this price. New and never oc cupied ; hdw. floor in targe living room, which can be used as com bination living and dining room, thus giving you three bedrooms. Fireplace, full basement, garage. Owner, now living In California, will give terms. T.iiTRKT.HimST HOME BEAUTIFUL. $3000 We are in a position to show you ahn!nfflv the best buy in this iaBirQhu addition. Fine view. convenient to car; 4 rooms down, .i ana siecp.ns iui- floors, built-in.;, attractive ga rage, fine lawn and shrubbery. This price has been reduced to sell this week- Strictly modern and a home you can weli be proud of. , Photos of these and hundreds of other desirable homes on display at our office. It will be to your advantage to inspect these photos. You will find here homes that you have admired and never Knew were for sale and the price is surpris ingly low on many of them. 7 cour teous salesmen with autos to show you the home which strikes your fancy. Let us show you. J A WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bids- Main 1094 and 583. SUPERB NOB HILL HOMES. In finest exclusive locations, with everything that you would expect in fine, modern 9 to 12-room homes; large grounds. 4 and 5 bedrooms, besides maid;' quarters; libraries, extra baths, fireplaces, from $10,000 to $33,000, and II of them worth far more; no agents. Mr. Schaefer. Bdwy. 767 or Main 66b. 8-KOOM house. 564 Powell St.. cor. 13th. See owner after 6 P. M. .Suburban Home. OREGON CITY CAR LINE. Six-room plastered house, atntation. Bath and all modern conveniences. Two nice, big lots, fine location. Only $3000. $300 cash will handle. 1 acres, four rooms and bath. Well equipped for chickens, good soil. Four blocks to station. Lovely view. A paying proposition. Oniy $3300. Five-acre home. 1-3. mile to station. Good six-room houne and outbuildings. Four acres in cultivation. Plenty pasture. Fruit and berries. Large spring. $4uoo. Beautiful five-room plastered bungalow. Overlooking Willamette river, near sta. Water system, bath, modern conveniences. acre good soil, very neat. $juu. 1 1-3-acre home, close to station. Modern sever, rooms and hall, basement Water system, bath, lights and gas. Good soil, fine location. Price $4730. New six-room house, nice lot. Four blocks to car. Price $1700. I handle nothing at Inflated values. Look them over and be convinced. Phone 113-W. C. E. APPLE, OAK. GROVE. OR. HARK! Bob Whites and China pheasants I hear them every morning ! I'll seil or trade you this joy. with my BIG BEAUTIFUL. 2-STORY BUNGALOW HOUSE 'Six Cedars . 1 miles west Portland limits; drive out Terwilliger bfvd.; house well planned, well built, spacious, attractive; front back glass covered ) and sleeping porches; French doors, buffet, bullt-lns, fireplace, bath, toilets, laundry, full basement, furnace, hot water; unsurpassed views ; rose-encircled lawn; 5 rich acres, fruit, shade; barn, double garage, chicken house (wa ter), electric lines near; $10,500, terms. You 11 not meet another such bargain. Residence phone Main 3039. about S A. M. or 7 to 9 P. M. Hillsdale, Or., route 2. box 78. FURNISHED HOME NEAR MILWAUKEE. -New 4-room plastered house, gas. city water in the place; on 100x100 with 14 bearing fruit trees; lots of small fruit; graded street; place well furnished. dining set, J rugs, dresser, cen ter table. gas range, neater. Kitchen furniture and utensils; immediate possession. Price $1900. $1100 cash. Fare one line 7c and one 3c. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bidg. SUBURBAN HOMES PRICED RIGHT. Modern bunsalows with one to five acres on Oregon City car line; asst. fruit. gas, electric lights, good schools, good roads to Portland: 20 to 30 minutes out. HARRY W. KLEBB, Suite 501-2 Stock Exchange Bldg., Phone, Evenings, Milwaukie 96-W. Office. Main 5267. 3d and Yamhill, Portland. Or. SUBURBAN SNAP.. Attractive 6-room modern 'nouse, Just outside city limits, at Capitol Hill, 11 minutes out; 3 blocks to station; city water and gas; bath, den. fireplace; nouse is oouDie constructea and in ex cellent condition; wonderful view; only j5.To. on terms, warsnau J74. ON COURTNEY ROAD, OREGON CITY LINE. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HOME SITE. 8 ACKba, SMALL MOUSE. GA ELECTRIC. OTHER BUILDINGS. FRUIT TREES. ETC.. VERY REASON ABLE. INQUIRE HAT SHOP, 144 4TH STREET. TWO-THIRDS ACRE, highly cultivated with new bungalow, hardwood floors. tiled snower, large garage and chicken houee ; most sightly location. 3 blocks from Ryan Place on Oregon Electric, 6c fare, IS minutes' ride: by owner, $o000. A. J. Blair. Main 1437. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." BECAUSE of ill health will sell my new nome in budutds; uungaiow: r.p.ier, elec tric lights, gas; 4, 5 lots; got 200 doxen eggs la May. Deyoe, Bell Sta., Gresham car line. $5500 IF taken at once, one acre, highly improves., 1 -room nouse. lacing it u pert statldh. Oregon City car. For Sale Busipeae Preper. BUSINESS PROPERTY. In the heart of the downtown district we have a good business property for sale at a price that would pay you a good dividend on the capital invested. Present net income is about $10,500 per annum. If you are looking for a business investment, call at our office and let us show you this property. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC.. 514-20 Swetland Bldg. TRACKAGE. 100x200 BUSINESS CENTER FRONTS. 100 FEET EAST FIRST STREET 100 FEET EAST SECOND STREET 200 FEET EAST WASHINGTON. WITH 200-FOOT TRACKAGE. W. S. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800 WE HAVE just sold a farm for nn nri couple and they wish to buy from 2 lo & acres - with moderate' improvements near Beaverton or Uresham. Will pay casn 11 pnre ivnKni. - . STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. LOT with store building and two fla on car line, in good neighborhood, all renieu; price ,oou. gooa investment See owner, John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. ONE lot, on Upahur St., near 20th, with trackage. Joha Bain, owner, 507 Spald- lag bids- Kor bale Acreage. BARGAIN -Excellent 15. near Vancouver; ideal location; Rood buildings, surround. Jngs; sacrifice, $3G0O. 141 East 6th N. Tabor 70oo. FINE modern five-room house and three acres; house enst f-'OOO; will sacrifice for $2050, terms. ' Tabor 6108. 7 yk ACRES, near Albany. 5 in apple trees. For price of mortgage foreclosure and costs. Broadway 144, room 308. 10 ACRES first-class timber at Tlar4 el) cheap Tabor 4515. BEiX ESTATK. . J"or bale Acreage. POULTRY MAN'S PREMIUM. Nearly 9 acres; growing crops; about 1 acre reserve pasture, springs and creek; 800 large bearing fruit trees, horse, harness, all farm equipment, cider mill, about 500 or more laying hens, 400 pullets. 20 cockerels, all high-grade S. C. White Lee horn. Tancred strain poultry; steady city hotel market; a pay ing investment ior worxers at .ui. Cash enough to secure sale and, stock. See Schmidt or Benedict, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 5043. 410 Henry bldg. POLK COUNTY $43.9001 439 acrea. 415 acres tillable. 20O acres In cultivation, 150 acrea good oak timber, 24 acres of prunes 6 years old. good Tarn ily orchard; 8 -room house in good, condi tion; large barn 3Bx70. 2 stock barns, new hog houae, chicken house and tool house; good well and 2 springs; place is fenced and cross-fenced; land slightly rolling, best of soil, located on county road AVa mllea from Dallas; $18,000 cash, iong time- on balance. Photos at office. FRED W. GERMAN CO. 732 Chamber of Commerce. SHKINERS, ATTENTION! Do not overlook Lebanon while on your trip the strawberry city of the northwest. - Come and we will show you the country. M. L. SOUTHARD & SONS. Realty Co.. Lebanon, Or. GOOD BUNGALOW. li acres, located half mile from city limits and car line; all under cultiva tion ; fruit trees, garden and berries. Good bungalow of 3. rooms, breakfast room and bath; Bull Run water, gas; good plumbing; graveled street; chicken house and runs. Price $25oO cash. W will get a loan for part of the value John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. JUST OUTSIDE THE CITT LIMITS. tlL'OO. $25 down. $12.50 monthly, buys 1 acre of ground, ail set out to assorted bearing fruit trees and berries. In a high state of cultivation; we have several of these' tracts, also some H-acre tracts, which may be bought on the same terms. Salesmen with autos to show these tric'-S at any time. Photos at office. Fred German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce1. a ACRES TIGARDVILLE. $2300. 5 acres, all under cultivation; berries, fruit. 5-j-oom plastered house. barn. chicken house. 1 ciw. chickens and all tools; crop all In; everything goes. Price only $2300, $iuoo cash. F. L-. EDDY. RITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-V-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE 11 acres: 54 acres In apples, prunes, pears, peaches, plums, grapes, berries, garden lot and building site, 5 acres In grain and lh acre in potatoes; good 7-room house, barn and other buildings; will accept part in trade. For appointment ca Main 6473. 45 ACRES. 4-ROOM HOUSE. J2100. 4 acres oi nne son, oniy mi.e io i electric line: partly cleared; 4-room bungalow, water on back porch'; price I only $2100, with $.oo cash. F. L. EDDY. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LOGGED -OFF LANDS. Tracts, 5 acres up. located within 30 mi le of Portland, on railroad: good soil. no rock, plenty of water; work nearby; buy on your own terms. Prices 920 to $65 per acre. LE UDDEMANN CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE LOGGED-OFF LAND. Write for map of western Washington showing location, price and terms. Over ten thousand acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to I actual eettier. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma, Wash. INCOME-PRODUCING FARM3. AT GRESHAM. THE BEST farming sectton In Oregon, exceptionally good bargains to offer in stocked aiid equipped farms, suburban homes, chicken ranches and berry lands. KRiDER vis. Gresham, Or. SEAV1EW. Wash., 8 acres, all cleared; 5 1 rows, horse ana wagon; x acre straw berries; 1 acre potatoes; lg. barn; 3 I blocks P. O.. high school; all milk and vegetables sold' at place; $5000, $2000 down, bal. easy terms. George L. Putnam. 7 ACRES 8 miles out on Terwilliger I boulevard. mile off pavement, ail in l cultivation; 100 young fruit trees, spring! water, fair o-room nouse. large barn. 427 Lumber Exchange bldg-., 2d and Stark sts. . UPWARDS of 5 acres splendid land. rr- tlally cleared and fenced on three sides, - near city and close to hard-surfaced road; $2500, easy terms. John Bain, owner, . o pa t u in g mu g . FOR SALE On Oregon City electric, Ris ley station; 14 acres, well improved, 7 room house, good condition, grapes and some iruit. r none uaK urove 37-j. SACRIFICED Choice 20. near electric; buildings, stream, best soil ; crop in cluded, $3250. 141 East 60th N Tabor 7035. Fruit and Nat Lands. GROW FRUIT 76 acres best fruit land in state, 20 miles west near paved highway. 2 acres clear in crop, lo acres have been slashed and in brush; 2000 cords wood on place; can supply all buildings from never failing spring: good neighbors; rural route, milk wagon every day, neai church and school; adjoining lands sell ing iou per acre; can buy ior su pei i acre, see Willis, Tax Dept.. tourtnouse. For Sale -Farms. A CHANCE FOR THE MAN WITH SMALL CAPITAL TO GET A GOOD FARM CHEAP. No. 1 40-acr farm. 30 acrea In cul tivation, on main road. 40 miles from Portland, two miles from good small town and railroad station; well fenced, with good house, barn and outbuildings; price, including all livestock and com plete farming outfit and this year's crops. $5500, with $150O first payment I and balance very easy terms. No. 2 72 acres near Camas.' Wash.; 25 acres under plow ; new house, barn ' and outbuildings; well fenced; soil good for orchard or grain; price Includes ten head of. cattle, small nock of sheep, chickens, etc.. and also com Die te farm ing outnt; only $6000. with $1500 as first payment. , No. 3 40 acres, nearly all in crop; food soil, buildincrs. fences and orchard; close to school. 33 miles from Portland, 1 3 miles from railroad station and stores. Price, including this year s crop. $4UOO. with small first payment and easy terms. No. 4 74 acres, with new buildings. good fences and good soil, especially ' suitable for prunes or walnuts or nni for dairy; on main road, 3 miles from small town near Dallas, Or. ; price, in cluding crop. $3000, with $1000 first pay ment. For further particulars see NE WELL-VAN AUSTIN E COMPANY, 505 and 606 Railway Exchange bldg. NOTICE. A Snap. 'Owner must sell JO acres level larrd I on account of health, 8 mllea from Che ha'le and two mllea from Adna, Wash.. on good - arravel road ; good im-1 provements; ready to move on; $1000, soma terms. If you are looking for I land, now la your chance. Come to Lit- I tell, wash.. Inquire lor M. sr. Prill. DO you Want a real good farm clos, to Portland? Fully ejuippea. with SO acres in crops, or an 8-room nous., clos, in, or soma timber: it will pay you to find out about this from owner. Call or address ot is.ltnal. SOME FARM BARGAINS. Eastern Oregon . wheat farms, buy right, in the right place; get our de scription and prices. MORRIS BROS.. MAUPIN. OR. FARM for aale. 80 acres, 18 mllea from city; near siavion; n in wainuts and fruit; buildings, water. wood. near .school and church. XSaOO; trade or terms. Automatic 213-06 1040 ACRES, suitable for fine stock ranch. 480 acres fenced, perpendicular waterfall, several creeks; ' $15,000. reasonable pay ment down, balance 6 per cent, long time. AM 835. Oregonian. 40 ACRES," partly Improved. .Most desir able tract for summer home ranch be tween Portland and Mt. Hood, half way out. Geo. B. Coupes, owner, t08 Cor bett st . FOR SALE Good bargains in cnoice Wil lamette valley farms In cultiat.on and In crop, ran?in$ from 60 acrea to 1000 acres. Wall Improved. Call on or writ j. v. Pipe. Albany, Or. TWO wheat farms, one 1452 acres, another 480 acres to iraao ior rancnei in the valley. Both places have fine crops of wheat tnat sro wnn t,ne iana. m.. Ka nt au rice. Condon. Or. Til otTR VISITORS: Anyone desiring Information regarding farm ands. industries or Investments in Oregon please apply to Oregon State Chamber or commerce, uregop oidg CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $75 to $500 per acre; easy, terms: best .soli, farms for sale, all sizes. Mcf arianq. railing bldg. DA1HT FARM for sale; 3-year lease. iear paid; Minthorne Springs datr. near lilwaukie; 18 cows and bull. 473 Dover st. FOR SALE River bottom farm, close 19 good town, near Portland, with or with out stock. Address owner, P ttl. Ore .40 nian. BEAL ESTATK. For Sale ATTENTION. SHBIN'ERS! OUR CARS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR SEEING VANCOUVER . ND VICINITY. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME ON PAVED HIGHWAY. $10OO UNDER VALUE. 39 acres, rich loam soil, all till able, 25 acres in high state of cul- . tl vat Ion, excellent well with gms engine attached, I acre of family orchard In full bearing. 2 acres of strawberries. 1 H acres of small fruits good 8-room house, in good repair; fair barn, dairy, chicken . house and park; hog house and lot. alt fenced and cross fencd; together with plow, harrow, mow er, rake, 2 cultivators, spring tooth harrow,-" heavy hawk, buggy, har ness, cream separator, garden cul tivator, all small tools necessary to -run a farm:- close to school; 2. miles from store and railroad sta tion; 8 miles from Vancouver, on paved highway. Price $6500. $3500 . 'cash. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 80 acres of the very best loam coil, all tillable, 25 acres in culti vation, no rock or gravel, fine spring - in pasture, good well at house, good 8-room plastered house, almost new 6-hole, range, some furniture; also 4-room house,, dairy barn, 32x116. In good condi tion: hay fork, pul'eys, rope, 2 chicken houses, hog house and lot, ' dairy, large woodshed; buildings all painted; elevated building site; beautiful iarge shade trees, seven large cherry trees. 350 apple, pear ' and plum trees, 50 bearing Italian prune trees ; 5 good dairy cows, good team harness, wagons, back. - mower, harrow, 60 chickens, sep arator; adjoining large prune or chard In highly improved district: beautiful view of surrounding country and snow-capped moun tains; 3 miles from town, on good . automobile road, close to school, with all rural advantages; price $7000, half cash. PRUNE AND DAIRY EARM. 83 acres best loam soil, no rock or gravel ; 30 acres in high ' state of cultivation; 30 acres rich bottom Land now in pasture; abun dance of timber for domestic use, most all tillable. Fine trout stream through the place; 14 acres 0-year-old Italian prunes in excel lent condition, good crop this year: .. 12 acres of assorted fruits in fulf bearing; good 5-room house, extra good dairy barn with, hay fork, pulleys, etc.; garage, two large concrete cellars, large granary, chicken house and park; complete water "system, water piped to alt buildings, concrete walks, shrub bery, etc. Located in the famous Fellda prime district, 1 mile from general stVe. 2 miles from main line R. R. station, 9 miles to Van couver, on paved highway. Price $lS.OOO; $6000 cash, balance at 6 percent. This is one of the best buys in Clarke county and will have to be seen to appreciate its value. UNDER MARKET PRICE. 80 acres; 55 acres in high state of cuftivatlon." very best of loam soil, no rock or gravel, fenced and cross fenced, all in crop; large gushing stream 30 ft. from houae; large spring stream through back tride of place; falls that could be used for generating power; young orchard of assorted berries and small fruits of all kinds; 5-room house, good barn, dairy at spring, chicken house and park, hog house and lot, 5 good dairy cows, heavy farm team, harness, wagon, two plows, harrow, disc, manure spreader, binder, cream separator; 2tM) .chickens and all necessary small tools, implements are alt new; close to school; 3 miles from good town on Pacific highway, on good auto road, with all rural ad vantages. Price $8000. Half,, cash. THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE, Third and Main streets, ' Vancouver, Wash. CONSIDER PORTLAND HOUSE. 80 acres, located 22 miles south of Portland, near Sherwood, 3 miles from I Rex. All can be cultivated. 55 acres in ' crop, balance in standing timber; over iuuo cords of wood. Orchard of apples, prunes, plums, quinces and small fruit. A-l soil, good for nut culture; barn, 26x ' 50; shed, 20x50; house, milk house and 1 other buildings. With the place go 5 high-grade cows, 2 heifer calves, fins young team, driving horse. 4 pigs, chick ens, geese, binder, mower, gas engine, bay rake, 2 wagons, 1 hack, buggy, cart, 3 plows. 2 cultivators, good harness. corn shelter, clover seeder, feed cutter, cream separator, incubator, brooder, hay ; fork and complete line of furniture, tools and all the crop. Price $13,000 $50o0 cash and $2000 when crops are sold. the balance at 4 per cent for ten years. I me personal property ana crop s worth $4000. or will consider smalt piece of acreage close to Portland, or I Portland house, up to $4O00. .Personally j Inspected by Nelson, with I JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE. About 350 acres, fenced, with 8 roora house, barn and outhouses, two springs of fine water, about 40 acres arable, remainder wooded. 30 miles below Portland on high way and railroad, overlooking Co lumbia river, adapted for stock or subdivision Into tracts for country homes. On account of foreclosure this farm must be disposed of Imme diately; $25,000 takes it. Think of it. Less than $75 an acre to say nothing of improve ments In way of fences, buildings, etc. If Interested call on J. S. Parke at 104 Fifth St., or write to Ruth erford Realty Co., St. Helens, Ore gon. EXTRA GOOD 80 ACRES. Very fine soil, about one-half in cultivation, extra good buildings, private water and light systems; especially well stocked and equip ped, including about a dozen milch cows; located close in, near store, . school, etc., and in fine neighbor hood. Here is a splendid farm and a money-making proposition I can offer at bargain price and on very easy terms. ' SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FRUIT AND WALNUT LAND. Of the beat, beautifully situated In the Chehalem hills, 20 mllea from Portland, 6 mllea from Forest Grove; two electrle roads 6 miles from property. Lights on Portland Height, In full- view; splendid view of Wil lamette valley; some of the land 11 cleared and ready for planting; part Is timber and part la pasture. Bay a 40-Acre Tract for your country home or for an en joyable home In old age. From $85 to $200 per acre. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO., Broadway 8173. tH Henry Bldg. FOR SALE 320 acres eight miles from Newberg. Or.; main highway cuts prop erty; ' 120 acrea in cultivation and In rrnn balanctf in timber and pasture; good 6-room house, excellent barn and silo. 3 acres In fruit, good spring piped to both house and Darn, for appoint ment call Main 64T3 or write BJ 718, Oregonian. r.RAIX or dairy farm 7, miles from Jit- Minnvllle; 160 acres In cultivation. 10 acres berries and prunes, family orchard. house, barn and garage: water piped to I buildings; fenced ana croas-tenced; worth investigating; price 10 per acre. good terms. E. H. Andrews. 63',i Williams ave. Phone 318-80. lrnn HAT.E DAIRY RANCH. 77 ACRES. Green grass the year around. 30 fine cows, 1 registered Guernsey bull. Per fection milking machine, silo. team, all implements, 7-room house, 2 barns. This is anted tana; cream cnecK now sdou month; 910,000, nan casn, Daiance terms. Geo. X. Putnam, ueaview, waan. 46 ACRES good bench land in eastern Ore- enn a. 11 under water, mile from liv town, 17 acres corn, 18 acres nearly ready to seed to alfaiia, small house, ten pay ments at 6 per cent: price SOOOO. Ad dress Oregonian orphone Woodlawn 4870. BARGAIN 1 acres; 5 acres in cultiva- tlon; 600 cords fine timber, young or chard, berries, 5-room house, barn, chicken house, good well and pump; , iron all In: btr bargain. 150. ' KRIDER A EL. KINGTON. Gresham, Or. 120 A. EASTERN OREGON alfalfa land: best water right, outside range, fair house, etc.; close to good town: bargain at soooo; morttfAge --vu; win taice acre age to 920O0 on equity. Owner, box 1, Baker, Or. J FOR SAL.E 100-acre farm, with crop; also a aoo-acre aairy irm, write i-t. j. Richter. Amity. Or., for particulars. LOGGED-OFF .lands, $10 acre up: running water; gooa son, ui.aoie; employment; easy erms. J rt. snarpe. 00 v tfq st. a( atrkp. small house. acres cleared. very cheap. For particulars. writs Butkevicu. route 1. canton, ur. FREE FARM LISTS. 8an Joaquin valley carina faui Kouitr. locxion. uai. - REAL ESTATK. For Sale 1 . SPLENDID FARM INVESTMENTS. In the Heart of the Willamette Valley. $25 per acre, 760 acres. 200 to $00 open - land, balance in a crop of timber, . of much value; all good farm land when clear; 'twould make a fine stock farm: 2 miles Pacific high WE way, now., being paved, and car line. , f A $73 per acre, 714 acres and all open but 14 acres timber; this is one -' of the best tracts of land In Ore gon, and 500 acres now in arop. , Fair commodious buildings; near highway, belrig paved., and red ' carline, west side. $133 per acre, 280 acres. 200 acres In grain and hay crop, now in excef lent condition and about ready to begin harvesting, 40 acres sown to clover and coming on fine; 40 1 acres timber; elegant buildings that would cost $14,000 to $15. 0O0 to build today. Now ready to move Into. You get crop and all . V for the price. B. S. Cook. 601 Stock Exchange Bldg. ALFALFA. POTATOES, STOCK. GRAIN. 160-ACRE IRRIGATED FARM. A decreed water rlarht for 145 acres, allowing 3.9 Inches per acre, at a cost of $1 for each acre actually irrigated. The soli is a deep. - mellow volcanic ash. a perfect soil for alfalfa, potatoes, clover and grain, with just enough slope to insure perfect irrigation. Fenced and cross-fenced, 2 houses, barn, road on 3 sides. 50 seres have been in alfalfa, clover and grain, some timber, plenty 'of outrange for stock. 4 miles to good town, with grade and high school; stores, etc... in the rBnd Richmond district, A perfect title to land and ater right given; price $50 -per 'ache with very easy terms. 34 cash. This land. belongs to absentee owner, hence low price. MacINNES A PRATT. ' ' 209-10 Oregon bldr.. 5th and Oak. V 42 ACRES. ' CROP. IMPLEMENTS. STOCK. 33 acres in cultivation and In erop, some timber, family or chard. 7-room house, barn, gran ary, machine shed. team. 3 cows, . heifer, hogs. chickens, wagon, binder, mower. plows, harrow, small tools, hay and grain; 5 miles from. Oregon City. $7300. A. C. HOWLAND. . 8th and Main sta., Oregon City, Or. SHRINERS, ATTENTION! Do not overlook Lebanon while on your trlti the strawberry city of the northwest. - Come and ws will show you the country.. M. L. SOUTHARD ft SONS. Realty Co., Lebanon, Or. FOR SALE 160 acres land on the De schutes river, located 2 mHei below Tumalo. Or..' and 9 miles below Bend'. Or.; will sell at a sacrifice. About 90 or 100 acres under water, excellent place for dairy farming. Deschutes river through place. First-class water right; under one of the best irrigation systems In Oregon. This place can be bought with a small cash payment, balance long time at 64 interest. Buy from own and save commission. Address owner. P. O. box 345. Bend. Or. FOR SALE by owner, going stock and -dairy farm of nearly 300 acres; 125 acres in crop and grass, 200 acres bottom land, 30 acres fenced hog-tight; running stream all year, good house, large Darn, about 60 head cattle and horses. 20 bead bogs, poultry, 7-ton scale house, new B. L. K. milker. 2 new gas engines, alt . necessary Implements, excellent orchard; on Pacific highway, near two R. R towns; shipping point IVi miles; price $30,000. terms; part exchange possible. Address P 616, Oregonlan. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS. 300 A. In Yamhill co.; 150 A, In crop. bal. pasture and timber; all tillable. running water, good 7-room house, also I wi a s ja I nouse ior mrcu nKip. moucrn uniry oarn 1 and horse barn, electric lights and water in hnuan and barn, well fenced on wif side highway, 2 miles of Amity. Price sioo per a., inciuaes crop, hook ana Good j p imps. Possession any time, terms. Phone Main 5231. Write Allison, Amity, Or. Route 2. 8 Cham ber of Commerce Bldg. Phone Main 6231. 240 ACRES. $25 PER ACRE, ' DAIRT, STOCK, SHEEP. Benton county. 2A miles to railway. gravel road; 40 acres creek bottom in cultivation, small creek, gravity spring warter, 4-room box house, barn; fenced and crosa fenced; some fine timber with a ready market; 75 per cent tillable, good pasture. For a quick sale this place la offered at half Its value. Glad to ahow it. MacINNES & PRATT. ' 209-10 Oregon Bldg.. Fifth and Oak. FOR SALE by owner, 80 acres good land; 50 acrea In grain and hay, 30 aciea seed ed to young clover; good family orchard, good well, springs and running water; 20 acrea good timber. 10 acres easy ..cleared; all well fenced; 4-room ' house and barn; zfc miles from Tualatin. 114 miles from Stafford school and mile from rock road; $2O0 per acr,. terms to suit purchaser: will take city property in part payment. Address L. J. Francis. Sherwood. Or. R. L. No. 1. 160 ACRES, 80 cultivation, 5-room house. barn, 3 acres prunes, wver siuuu worth of prunes sold from toese S acrea last season, a cows, ana an tarrn equipment; price $6oO0; half caarl. 5 yeara. 6 per cent; 40 acres, 1 mile Battle' Ground, house, barn, orchard, running water. Make fine small dairy far-n. Price $4000. Terms- W. B. McCarty, Cattle Ground. Wash. FOR SALE. 116 acres. 4 miles from O. C. court house, on Molalla road; on W. V. South ern. Eby station. mile: 35 acres In cultivation. 2-room house. 2 barnst. water piped from spring to house, fine trout stream: can be divided into two places. Information Inquire 748 E.. Main St., Portland, or R. No. 8. box 42, Oregon City. H. J. Bally, owner. FOR SALE Small fruit farm. 1H4 acres; 8 acres in tamiiy orcnara. strawber ries, loganberries, black caps; full set of buildings. 6-room house, hot and coid water, electric lights, cement sidewalks: on Capital highway at Tualatin river bridge, 1H miles south of Tigard; two pigs, cow and chickens; price $7000. terms. xw. x.a ou.rwuuu, wi., route x, box 53. " TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. 240 ACRES $25 PER ACRE. Just half Its value, in Benton county. Just right for dairy, stock and hogs. 2Vi miles to R. R. station. . Running water, rich soil, good paature. Ulad to tell you all about it. MacINNES & PRATT. 2Q9-10 Oregon Bldg.- Bdwy. 1658. . rnt.nMRIA county farme for aale. farm land and acreage, improved and unim proved, from 20 acres to 300 acres, $."0 to $150 per acre; land on Columbia highway, close to Rainier, Or. Inquire 10SO E. 20th North. Phone Wdln. 3543 or, write John L.. Mclntlre. Rainier, Or. 120 ACRES. White Salmon valley, partly cleared; houae ha, fireplace, living. din Ins, bath, kitchen, sun, 3 bedrooms, dou ble Bleeping porch; grand view of Mount Hood and valley; $10,000 ha, been ex pended on this place; your own terms. Make offer. Owner, 869 K. 8th, H. Woodlawn itu. - A BARGAIN. 50 A. 82 A. clear, 2d growth timber, 2 running springs, railroad through place and hard surface road; 12 mllea from Portland. By owner. For Infor mation write BJ 775, Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. Over S1.700.COO Worth OF HOMES SOLD Since January 1. 1!VJ0, by FRANK U McGUIRE. LARGEST HOME SELLERS OX THE PACIFIC COAST. You want results? Try our live, effi cient method of Home Selling. Our record : St homes sold last year. 0 homes sold in one day. 110 homes sold In May. 540 homes sold to date this year. Have you a houxe to sell? It's sold if lifted with us. We 11 personally inspect. APPRAISE AND PHOTOGRAPH your house within 24 hours after being listed. The photograph of your house will be disolaved in our large showroom, which Is continually thronged with live, earnest home buyers. it you can t come down. teleDhone. We'll gladly call Our only charges are the standard commission of 5 per cent in tne event or a satisiactory sale. IS experienced salesmen with autos to work on the sale of your home. FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Sell Your Home. Abfngton Bide Main 106. WANTED Good 6-room bouse, bungalow type preferred, priced about SS500; have $i:0O0 cash and good clear lot In Rose City Park as first payment; no. agents; do not answer unless you have a bar galn. Tabor 5298. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED. Price must be right and terms easy; we have sold ever 600 homes in the past year. If you want action. list with us. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham', of Com. WE'ARE IN the market for a good tidy 6 or 7-room house In Alberta district, up lo $:i200. Write at once. AO 4S4, Ore gonlan. . BUYER (not agent wants acre or more loganberry ground In or near Portland; any location considered. - BF 49, Ore gonian. 4 TO 10 ACRES, near Rush station. Main 4100. la inamtxr or commerce. . WANTED REAL ESTATE. MAKE -A SPECIALTY OF SELLING HIGH - CLASS HOMES FROM $6.0O LP, LOCATED IRV1NGTON. ALAMEDA, LAURELHURST. MT. TABOR AND BEST WET SIDE SECTIONS IF YOU WANT TO SEIL, PHONE OR MAIL FULL DESCRIPTION. POINDF.XTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 100. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. FOR FOR have clients waiting for homes 'rorrr-J $2000 to $lOOO; gOOa urst payment vour orooerty is tor i ctll at our of fice or phone. V. w nr M ttit f.t.H A UPT A CO.. C E. Adams. 407 U. 8. NatL Bank Bldg. Broadway Jba. RP.l I. NOW. We make quick sales because we do not list more property than we can give our personal attention.. If you want to sell immediately our appraiser win can. WELLER & R1NKHAKT, 212 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4503 - Farms Wanted. FARM WANTED. I have a client wanting to rent a large farm around 700 acres. He will pay wnt and take ooesessioD this fall. Would like half or two-thirds undar 'plow and good bldgs. Write me at once. A. G. BENDER, , - - RITTER. LOWE A CO.. go 1-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WE HAVE Just sold, a farm for an old conple a-nd they wish to buy from 2 to 3 acres with moderate improvements near Beaverton or Gresham. Vv ill pay caah if price Is right. STEWART A BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WANT 1 acre or more near car line: must ! have rome fruit and good buildings, i Will nav cash. Write lull description and price at once. R. Ackley, 1101 East Morrison st., Portland. Or. FOR RENT FARMS. IMPROVED 15 near Vancouver; SO nea Oregon City, pasture, irun; u nr Creswell-Eugene. Season's rent, either iv sell attractive terms: accept good residence. 141 East 69tta N. Tabor 7033. TIMBER LA-ND9. WE "have at present a dandy is-at. nao tu t a mtu ior tease n , n is :-.n(U.l nrn.iilnn in find at this time. You will find this a wonderful opportunity and the first man on the , ground will close tne aeai we .uuw. . i-.. c (tt-oq t Heal of snace rw ,.u mAvrtinA ftur offerings, but if 'vn.i r in thn market, for an operation in timber or sawmill you will do we.i to call at thia omce. as we """ i volume and nothing but bargains. THE BIRCH COMPANY. 324 Yeon Bldg. i COMPLETE logging' outfit. 10x12 and operating on Willi. pa Harbor; will sell for-$SOOO or exchange as pert " payment on a small WUKnu-tte valley farm. Write for list of eauipn'ent, and stale youf offering. Addro Box 6SL South Bt-nd, Wash. , 45.000.000 FEET fancy yellow fir timber. Railroad passing i.ujuii -able for 5o-M saw mill. Freight on lum ber to California and eastern points practically same as Portland. Call at 527 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. mostly yellow fir, 73-150 Mil I IHV fa ft a rwm ..wmill now in operation: a flume. planer and railroad loading dock; no brokers. For information write ttx Oregonian. Tivimr.R LANDS. Want to lease or buy a mill ready to run. any cize. AJjP7, Oregonian. w-t ciT m A A arrea timberland. au miles irom rorimuu. o- eju.u - F.ast Mll FOR SALE Fir stumpage. 3-mile haul by auto truck to deep water, $3- Watts ft Price, ScappoQgg. Or. . $850 40 ACRES. Lane county. Blue Rive T . , . . . u..n 41Q? OlStricu wwuor, TO KXCHANOE REAL ESTATE. TO EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTV. HOG AND DAIRY RANCH. acrro, ui " - gravel; 33 acre. In high state of culti vation, all fenced and cross-fenced, fine spring, small stream near buildings; good . 6-room house, brick basement. Z i .... v, invHd hnx stalls, hay fork. pulleys. ropes. dairy, double walled fruit house, poultry house and park, hog house and lot. large wood shed, well house. 500 bearing fruit trees, consist ing seven large cherries. 6 pear. JO Ital ian prunes, quinces, balance commercial apples: strawberries, raspberries: eleva ted building spot, woven wire fencing around yard, large lilacs, snowballs, roses and other flowers: buildings all painted, land slopes gently to the road overlooking highly Improved district: Ideal land for prunes, walnuts, clover, timothy. oat and vetch; 8 acres seeded to timothy and clover, balance In oats and vetch. Close to school, has all rural advantages. 6 miles from town, on good auto road. Price IS00O. THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. Third and Main sts. Vancouver. Washington. . HARK! Bob Whites and China pheasants . 1 hear them every morning! 111 p 1. this inv with mv BIG. BEAUTIFUL. 2-STORY BUNGALOW -HOUSE ("Six Cedars"). 1 miles west Portland limits; drive out Terwilliger well olanned. well hunt. spacious, attractive: front, back (slass rovcred) and sleepinc porches: Frencn doors, buffet. bullt-ln. fireplace, batli. toilets, laundry, -full basement, furnare. hot water: unsurpassed views: rose-en-clrrled lawn; 5 rich acres, fruit, shade, barn, double traraKf. chicken house (wa ter), electric lines near; iu ... You'll not meet another such bargain. Residence phone Main 303!). about 8 A. M. or 7 to 9 P. 41. Hiilsda,le. Or.. route 2, box 78. 1 10.50O. Fine ranch or suburban home. 5 acres, practically all can be cultivated, all - klnds of fruit: residence sits on a knoll and command, fine view surroundinK country: house has 12 rooms. 2 toilets, bath, furnace heat, fine concrete base ment, own water system, good barn ana located Vi miles Bth and Alder, witliin mile two interurban lines. Terms, or might consider city property. Take or pay difference. POINDEXTER. 2"S SEI.UNO BI.DO. Main 1 $00. Residence. Kast 6"1. . COMT.ETS loKElnK outfit. TOxl-S ana 12x12 .lon-teys ana ai equipment. -.....Hm, nn winn. H:.rlor: will sell for JR'lOO or exchange as port payment on a orrlaH W'.lUmolte valley farm. Writ f of. llt of eaulpment. and stale your offering. Addrasa Box 6S1, South Bend. Wash. ' FOR SALE or trad, for dairy farm. 40 acres commercial- apple orchard and chicken ranch, 28 mile, from Portland; trees starting to bear; modern 6-room house, small fruit. $8000. Owners. Kil . g-ore Bros., Estacada. Or. WE have 120-acre farm, well Improved. T."i acres in cultivation; also garage in ritv! nearly new 6-room bungalow; we will trade this for large, well-improved farm: must be stocked and equipped. "Woodlawn 2313. WHAT have you to exchange for a mod ern southern California home In River side Co.? Phono Woodlawn 2221 after 6 P. M. Owner. FOR 8 A LB, or will trade tor farm or city MAn.v twA U.Mrtlani of timber land In Lane county, containing over 7,000,000 feet. Address notet uaoorn. amenn. v- 10 ACRES of finest alfalfa land with wa ter rights; traae ior rornanu piupcn and assume. Phone Tabor 8825. FOB SALE. Home. Vehicles, Livestock. TO one and all that are in the market for horses. I have 30 head of the best chunks that have been shipped Into Portland this year for the money. Have more horses than all the horse dealers In Portland to pick from. Horses from 1200 lbs. to 1no lbs., from- 5 tp U years old; a few unbroken anes, from $125 a span up. Some of the best ranch horses, all In fine shape, that have been seen in Portland this yearT They are for sale, exchange or hire. Must sell for I have 150 head and will soon be through working them. Will sell any of them. 1 guarantee all horses as represented. Have some of the beat ranch teams for small places, $173 to $225 a - span. Phil Suetter. 285 Front at.. Crown stables. " FOR SALE Three teams with barn E. 6th and lvon sts. Fuel Co. harness. Holman vt-w catv Thlrtv-ftva registered Shrop shire March and April ram lambs: $20 each. Holman Fuel Co.. 4 otft at WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goats. Campbell-Phelan Land & Cattle Co.. 8u2 Couch bldg. ' PIGS for sals, ages 6 weeks to 3 months . Apply Slaters Farm, W. 28th St., Van- couver. Wash. FOUR good horses for' sale; must be sold at once. . regardless of price. 1029 E. Yamhill lit . : FOR SALE New set double bufcgy har- liess. sou. noiman run v-o. U4 5th st. 1.ARGB pastures for .rent near Portland. Main S5. ; DEAD horses, animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co.. Woodlawn 20. DEAD HORSES taken quickly; cash for dead cows. Tabor 4203 MILK. GOAT for sale. 331 Glenn ave. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicle. Livestock. SALE 1 mare, 10 years old; 1 pelding. 7 years; weight 14hi eaon . .heavy double harness; must be sold; have truck and no place to keep them; trial allowed. University Exp., 1337 Vin cent. Wood. awn 2oiS. SALE All my young fresh cows; all cpnt n ui nflmvv ricn ni Kers aiso your choice of 2 good teams, harness and wagons very reasonable. Take Wood stock car to Greenwood ave., 3 blocks N to 010 Powell Valley road. XEAD stock removed quickly; cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Milwaukie 6-J for results. Fiaoios, Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. Boudoir upright piano, cash..- $ 65 French upright piano, cash 75 $300 Gray A Co. upright, cash 110 $450Hallett A Davis upright, cash.. 145 $425 Dunham & Co. upright, cash.. 165 $473 Hallett A Davis upright, cash.. 105 X47. i h vin & Son nnrleht. cash .... 213 $350 Kimball A Co. upright, cash... 265 $750 Steinway A Sons upright, cash 200 $750 Hara & Co. player piano, casta 395 $9O0 Thompson player piano, cash.. 435 $1000 Singer player piano, cash.... 4'J5 Parlor organs $19. $25, $35 to $45 Pianos stored, 75o month. Pianos bought and sold for cash only. 103 10th st. at Wash, and Stark sta $15 and $25 casta sends home a piano. $25 and $50 cash sends home a player piano, balance $8, $10 to $20 monthly. Schwan Piano Co.. 101 Tenth st. at Stark. PIANO BARGAINS, $175 and up. Good standard up right pianos at prices you cannot beat. Stop In and see them. You'll be convinced; Terms given. SEIBERLINQ-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125-127 4th St., bet. Wash, ana Alder. ERUNSWOCK PHONOGRAPH and records, like new; save $50; terms. SEI BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125-127 4th St., bet. Wash, and Aider. in PIANOS. S100 to $250: TERMS. - VhUkermg. Kimball. Kurtmiann. Gay lord. Thompson. Heinre. 2 Fischers. Mil ton. Franklin, others. Can't do better; low expense, quick sales, makes our low prices. Brokerage Co., 312 Wor ccster bldg. PIANO FOR VICTROLA. $200 new VICTROLA and. RECORD OUTFIT; trade for used piano; bsst proposition. Main S5S6, SE1BER LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., " 125 Fourth St. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victrola and records; our proposition will please you. SE1BERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.,' 125 Fourth Street. Main 8586. ! WANTED Square piano with good rose wood case to be reiinisneu ior a tame. Will pay cash or trade talking machine Harold S. Gilbert, 384 Yamhill st. PHONOGRAPH, large walnut phonograph and selection of high-ciass records; rea sonably priced for sale by private party. East 226. ' PIANO WANTED. Pay cash: get our price. Selberting Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th at. Main 83S6. PLAYER-PIANO WANTED. - Will give Tillamook Beach lots for a fr pod player. Write'BJ e62. Oregonian. RENT A PHONOGRAPH. WUKTli BOi- YAMHILL. UPRIGHT Thompson piano In good condi tion. $ per muum auuicw ax- . Oregonian. WANTED t buy piano at once if bar gain; pay cash. Marshall 5700. No deai- era. s - KIMBALL uprihl piano only $150; nice tone, terms. 312 Worcester. $125 BUYS a $450 upright piano; nie case. 312 Worcester bldg. $2;0 BUYS 5600 J. & C. r icher piano on terms 312 Worcester bldg. Furniture for Sa4e. DON'T .SACRIFICE your furniture If going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars fireproof storage. C M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co., 248 Pine st. FOR SALE One mantel bed and mattress, 1 willow and one wood rocker, 1 oil heater. Room 2S, Taylor Grand apart ments, E. loth and Grand ave. 0 to 8 evenings. NEW and used office equipment of every description; special bargains In roll-top desks and filing cabinets; see us before purchasing. U. C. Wax. 31 Flltn St. FURNITURE. At once, separate pieces or complete for six rooma. All of the best at light price. Call at 330 13lh St. FOR SALE Six-piece ivory enamel bed room set, almost new; bargain; also dinin? table and rug. Call today or to morrow. 409 E. 14th St. N. COMBINATION gas, wood and coal range, glass oven doors; oargaln. fauiuu &tor ase Co., East syi. FURNITURE of 7 rooms ana piano, flat for rent. Call Main 3rr,. SuFA. new. condition. and Brus&uis rug, vxiJ Tabor U2J3. good Offiue Furniture. NEW and used office equpiment of every riercriptlon; special bargains in roll-top dsks and filing cabinet: see us before purchasing. P. C. Wax. 31 N. Fifth st. ' Poultry. PET ALU MA White Leghorns lead the world In egg production. We sell BABY , CHIX at $13.30 per 100 during May and June; safe arrival of full count, strong, live chicks euaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery. 441 Sixth St., Petaluma, Cat BABY CHICKS. 10.000 one 'day to six weeks old. S. C White Leghorns. 15c to $1. NORTHWEST POULTRY CO.. 82d St. and 74th ave. S. E. Tabor 3107. WHITE Leghorn chicks. l,"c each: R. I Red. 25 cents each; Oih) ready now, tiooo more June last hatch of season. J. K. Magulie. 7S7 Oregon st. East 1m5. CHOICE Airedale puppies. $25 up. Bush Farm. Lents. Or- Bl7. R. No. 3 Lenta Automatic 4322. THOROUGHBRED O. A. C. Barred Rock hatching eggs che;tp, lncubatur lots. 705 E. 78th st. . labor twotf. Ioga, Kabblta. Birds. Pet Stock. AIREDALE KENNELS. Vlckery Bear Cat at service; pedigree matron, eastern stock, also male puppies for sale, reasonable. 1248 E. Morrison. Tabol 7274. WANTED Scotch collie pup, male, play mute for child. Will give good home must be cheap. 11U5 E. Grant at. Phone Tabor 40S2. . POLICE docs, full grown, fine specimens, ' well behaved, very reasonable. Speedway Kennels. Tabor ouoa. Launches and Boats. LAUNCH ARTISAN. 30x12 FT.. EL'ITA RI.K VOU PASSENGER SERVICE OR " CRUISING. SELLWOOD 602. 606 GRAND AVE. t-FOOT flsh -boat. 12-horse I-airbanks- Morse motor. j. nouinson, iti Gibbs t. Phono Mar. 21ol. HOUSEBOAT for sale; modern, furnished or unfurnished. No. 22 Willamette- moor age. Sellwood S,S3. r'OK SALE :l7-foot troll boat, oak ribs, sound hull, 27-H. P. engine. J. R. Eublch, Kort Columbia, v asil. Typewriter. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale. rent, exchange. vv ara exclusive ai irihiitnTa of Corona portable. $o0 com plete with carrying case; supplies for all makes. E. W. PEASE COMPANY, 110 Sixth St. Main 22S5. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER All makes overhauled; expert mechanics. REPAIR ESTIMATES Ol KGUUsHX Buy, Sell. Kent ana e-xenange. Main 0397. Supplies. 203 Oak St. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. ALL MAKES, sold on monthly paymenta Send for price list. The Wholesal Typs wrlter Co. 321 Washington st. VISIBLE machines, year's guarantee. $20. The Rebuilt Typewriter Co.. 304 Oak at. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. Machinery. , AIR COMPRESSORS, AIR TANKS. V. S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, safety valves, coupling and automatic switches, every thing for the air line. AIR COMPRESSOR & EQUIPMENT CO. Broadway 3300. 220 Couch st. I 10 TO 12-H. P. Palmer engine for 6ale: price $2U0. Sam Swartz. 1124 Macadam St.. South Portland. ONE standard size Western elevating Grader with plow and disk. 83O0. John Steelman. Chehalis. Wash. FOR SALE 16-horsepower 'Russell engine and sandwich baler: ail completa. Fred Peterson, Portland. R. F. D. 2 Miscellaneous. FOR bos S.VI.E Vulcan . used 10 days. Has $15. range. :12; 2S l College HEATING PADS, elertric. 2. good condi tion, che'ap or trade. J Jfl. Orogonian. F.PLEY FUEL. East 2091. 4-foot country slabwood. old rfru-w-th timber. 1 ALDER slab wood (or sale. Phone 22137 FOR H fLK. AttsceiiaJQevun. TREMENDOUS SALE Fixtures, register from 5c to S2U.65; National register, penny up; round, covered floor cae; candy case, cigar case, wall cae, ice boxes, mirror, 8-piece mahogany set, electric coffee grinder, soda fountain, draft arms, small safe $72.56, one large stool, tables, gas range for restaurant purpose, other fixtures, half price. 243 . iSaimon. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Rathr than return our salesman's sample line, consisting of raincoats, mo tor coats and leather coats, to- the fac tory, we have placed them on sale to the public at w holesale prices in our local office. United Rubber Co. Morgan bldg. K&VOLVERS. new and used PISTOLS. Largest Revolver Dealer in Northwest. No Purchasing Permits Required. BEAUREGARD'S. 702 MAIN ST.. VANCOUVER. WASH. Four blocks up from Portland car. Open Saturday Evening. ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST. Painless dentistry by the nerve-boca-Ing method without after effects; I make X-ray examinations of teeth; 1 sped.!' in nrst-claas dentistry at reasonable fees. DR. A. W. KEEN E, Majestic Theater bldg.. 351 Vj Wash, st. SEWING MACHINES. 20 late drop-heads, like uew. Singers, Whites. National. Rotary. Willamette, . etc., $15 to $35. A large number of good machines from $8 to $10. Machines rent ed, $3 per month. Singer store. Moose bldg.. 113 4th st. Main 6S3S. FOR SALE New Ditto with Bausch ft I.omb Tessar Series lib anaatigmat lens, f- 6 3, 6T-lneh focus for No. 3A, also ciuin leather, velvet lined case, with strap; wilt wll for $100. This kodak and caae cost $128. OS. BJ S33, Oregonian. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main &43L SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM 100 Third St.. near Taylor BICYCLE. Pope, 22-lnch frame. Musselman brake; new Vitalic tires, nickel plated forks, mud guards. $-5 for quick sale. 4bb E. 20th st. N. after 5:30 P. M. Phone E. 3060. HOT -WATER tanks, 30-gaL, $7; 40-gal., $0; tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace coils, gas beater installed; ex pert plumbing, repairing. tat Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams at. Taat 6316. FOR SALE umber, counters, desks, il luminated Shrine fezz, statuary work oo arch, camels, sphinx, etc.. etc Appi H. T Hutchinson, chairman salvagt committee, o28 Artisans bldg. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. NUKR1S SAl'E ft LOCK CO., 105 Second St. Main 2045. STOCK kale plants for sale. 50 cents per hundred. $2 for 6oO. $3.50 for lOOO plants, postage prepaid, not less than hundred sold, casta please. W. L. Crissey, Boring, Or. FOR SALE Large mahogany bed daven port, cost $10O i years a no; sell for $25. Also child's small size violin. $10. East 1356. SEE the electrical parade Friday evening - in comfort. Window seats at N. W. cor ner 5th and Glisan uts., 75 cents. Broad way UP. FOR SALE Indian curio collection, arrow heads, fa pear heads, rocK neadt, one iarge carved rock, etc Inquire SOU Green wood ave. NEW "cUNliKUS," $5 down. $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. MuKRlSOK-STREUT SINGER STORE. ob2 Morrison. Marshall 721. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prlcea, PACIFIC SCALE A SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 1D66. 48 Front St. bLOCK AND SLAB 16-lnch. $5.50 per load In two load lots; cheaper and bet ter than 4-foot wood. National Fuel Col. Last 2Q41. ELECTRIC IRONS, appliances, doorbells, vacuum cleaners, repaired; fixtures re wired. We call and deliver. Woodlawn 1201 or East 4045. FINE SELECTION FULL-DRESS SUITS FOR SALE OH KENT AT BAHRELL'3 MISFIT CLOTHING STORE. 6t 3D ST. FINE fir shelving, extra deep, wide base, 88 linear feet or less, 8 feet high; cheap, must move at once. ' Richards, 230 3d st. 4'J2Vi CORDS first-growth wood near Ore on City. $4: can make $2UO0. 141 E. ttinh st. N., Tabor 7U35. WE SELL LADIES' USED APPAREL in our home in Laurelhurat; price, right. 1132 E. Ullsan at. Tabor 2S25. 1 KOLL-TOP desk ana chair, 1 T. W. desk. 1 flat-top desk. 1 safe. Buahong & Co., VI park st. FOJt SALE 1 8x10 Middleby oven. Hobart cake mixer, proof box, cake- tins, apple boxes. A. M. only. 64 Grand ave. FOR SALE Cheney phonograph with rec ords; Queen Anne design; price right. Must be sold. Woodlawn 4275. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko daks, bandya, 82ft Washington at. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, . showcases, wall cases, fixtures; terms. W. J. wuigley, 368 Hawthorne. East 1J3. ELECTRIC fans and drink mixers re- palled, new used ana exchanged, liynson Llectric Co., 302 Pine.. Bdwy. 4293. 11 A V , nicely cured, loose, in city; reason able, my. .nam oi.i evenings, moor 107. ANY vi8itors Interested In seeing valuable Indian collection auureas ist) 742, ur gi.nlun. FKANSKN'S stepladders are winners; hand made, to laat a meume; reason ably priced. Order one today. Bdwy. 711. CASH registers, showcases, scales. soda fountain ana otner iixtures. 113 2d st. FOR SALE lientlcmsn l t-jewel Hamil ton gold waicu anu cnain. a.ls Grand avenue North. FOB SALE t-aini spraying machine. i:hamyion. .uvi. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening dresses. bsh.j " pobi. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners, $1 per day. deliverer ."J " VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rent.d. .icnanijcu, """""" j v-v. . . uu ( . DESK ADDING MACHINE $15. 61S COR. btill Pw- ........ SECOND-HAND tent and covers for mala. Pacific lent awuiij ilng. 1 N. 1st St. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st sc. near Ash. SXKE. good as new, cheap If taken at once v q-". FOR S'ALE Fine collection Indian bas kets: no dealers. Phone 57 Sellwood. FOR SALE Draughting ooara ana ming cabinet. iaii jiaih iq, q m o tr. m. W XLL tent, 10 ox., used but little; sua ibxJO. Inquire 634 E. Morrison. SOME fine Axmlnster carpet, 65 yards; leaving town. Call Tabor 8118. FOB BALE AUTOMOBILES. MAXWELL touring. 1920. used privately. A snap at $1075. Terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. CHEVROLET touring. 1918, fine condi Hon. Will sell $550. Terms If desired. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. 1915 FORD touring, best of condition. Will sacrifice at $350. Terms. 80 Grand ava. North, near Burnslde. LATE model, light six Velie, run only 7000 miles. $1050 cash. 2sl Front at-. corner" Jefferson. DODGE. 1018. This Is a snap at $850. Will give terms. 80 Grand ave. North. near Burnslde. 18-0 OLDSMOB1LE 8. equipped with cord tires; like new; $1000; terms If desired. ' EAST tKiS3. MAXWELL touring. 1919; icood paint, good, tires. A real snap at $000, with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. 1914 FORD touring, gooa conanion; will sacrifice at $300. Terms. 80 Grand ava. North, near Burnslde. CHEVROLET 1918. In Al mechanical con dition. ' A bargain $300. Terras. .- 80 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. SNAP HUDSON SUPER SIX. Beautiful car. good tiros; must raise money. Will sell at $1075. Sell. B51. FORD roadster, fine shape; demountable wheels, good tires. A snap at $525. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. FORD delivery, best of condition. A bar gain $450 Terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. 1919 PAIGE. Larchmont sport model; will sacrifice. It U worth your while to call Tabor 4207. - FORD, 1917. In fine shape. Owner will sell at $500. Terms If deslrxi. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. 1916 CHEVROLET touring, good condition. A bargain at 400; terms. 30 Grand Ava, North, near Burnslde. DANDY cheap. little AB 1919 Hupmobile 7 IS. Oregonla n. for sala FRANKLIN, series 7. cheap. Can be seen 0O5 East 29th St. Owner. Sellwood 2375. FOR SALE Kissel bug. In Al condition. $2.V. Tabor 1237. Ice st. 1918 OAKLAND six for quick sale. $t50. Tabor 5030. 1190 Harrison. OLDS MO BILE SIX. 1H20. price $1250. Trms Dunn, ScUwood 133. FORD touring. 1918, like new. $450. W6 tii garage. Belmont. at -Out. - r .. r. I: v 1 L":-