- " . .1 .' ! . .' : ' - V .:-' , i . . - 14 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1920 MUCH STILL HANGS . 1 IVl'ADOO INTENT Nomination Outlook at Con vention Is Hazy. MARSHALL HAS FRIENDS llrjan Is Factor to Be Reckoned With and Vice-President Looks Like Compromise. BY CHARLES C. HART. tA FRANCISCO. June 24. (Spe cial.) After two hours' inspection of the ground where the great demo cratic free-for-all will be staged next iveeK, the impressions which 1 gath -red on a three days', trip across the continent in the company of men who will be conspicuous in the big event re tonight unchanged. 1 find that just as much informa tion as to what is going to happen next week was obtainable on the overland limited on which I was passenger as appears to be available right here where the democrats of the nation are coming together. In fact, I flatter myself that there was more srenuine information to be had on the train than has been available here for the last three days, because so much depends upon what "William Gibbs McAdoo intends doing, and the man with the McAdoo destinies in charge was on our tra'n. The McAdoo representative hereto fore mentioned in my dispatches, Stu axt G. Gibboney of New York, found topers in his etate. He refused to ' aid in securing an enforcement law in Ohio after the voters bad written prohibition into the constitution by 25,000 majority and then he sat silent in the governor's office while the representatives of the liquor traffic, with his knowledge. If not his aid, waged a bitter fight against every law that the temperance element Baa secured during the past 50 years. "He was willing to allow these re actionaries to repeal constitutional prohibition, nullify the enforcement law and withdraw Ohio's name from the list of ratifying states erase it from the nation's roll of honor. He was even willing that the brewers should write into Ohio's constitution a falsehood, declaring that 2.75 per cent beer is not intoxicating, thus violating the national enforcement act. No wonder he has the enthus iastic support of those who manu facture criminals for pay and make a business of the corruption of poli tics.' Mr. Gibboney, the McAdoo repre sentative, was greatly wrought up today over a widely published story that Mr. McAdoo is suffering from an acute illness from tuberculosis of the throat. "It is absolutely false," he de clared. "McAdoo is as fit as a fiddle. I walked 10 miles with him last Saturday and he almost walked me to death." ' PXIOTEST IS. 3IADE TO BRl'AS AMUSEMENTS. ,-1 CONTIGUOUS 11 A. M. TO 11 I'. M. I 1 TII7TT TpBroadnayat Tsylor 0 12 X Ll VJ Pbone Main 1. TODAY - TONIGHT CONTINUOUS TOMORROW jtND SATURDAY. 11 A. M. TO 11 r. M. CECIL B. lleMlLX.E'S FAMOUS MOTION .PICTURE, ",WHY CHANGE YOUR WIFE?" Together With FATTY AHBICKLE'S HIT, "The Garage" PANTAGES LutdoR McCormick Presents Vaudeville Greatest Mrlodrat "THUNDER MOUNTAIN" A Virile Krnrv nt Ih, GrtBl Northwest. With a metropolitan cast, including Charles sartung ana Ann Hamilton. e tri it r. i isiu M ia. Performances daily. Night curtain at T and 8. Louisiana Liberty League Demands Volstead Act Modification. NEW ORLEANS, June 24. Decla ration that they would "not be in sympathy with any democratic plat form which ignores our demands for the modification of the Volstead law," is made In a telegram addressed toy the Louisiana Liberty league tonight to William J. Bryan and the "chair man and members of the platform committee of the democratic national convention." The league, according to Its president, Arsene Ferrilliat, has more than 15.000 members in Louisiana. The league said it wished to take issue with him on prohibition, and gfT fY "C Fourth wlXX,JLiXli At Washington "Baby Marie's Round-Up" . "Shoot on Sight" "2 A- M." Vod-a-vil Pathe Review Open All Day and All Night liimself waverine as the train went I added: ti and on and such newsDaDers as I "You and.the school of thought you could be obtained carried the news speak for violate the spirit of our that all the McAdoo delegates were standing pat notwithstanding the commission given to Mr. Gibboney to tell the convention that McAdoo was not a candidate. And then, when no further protests from Mr. McAdoo ap peared, Mr. Gibboney manifested more country and the intent ot our consti tution every time you attempt to en force in the form of sumptuary laws vour extreme, impracticable and un wholesome views on the people of this country. "We are glad the saloons have Been unsteadiness, indicating a tear that closed, but in denying us tne pever possibly his authority had been re- ages with our meals and in our homes voked since he began the long hike ever the continent. Marshall's Friend Busy. All political interest on the train centered in three candidates, McAdoo, Marshall and Cox. It was soon clear ly disclosed that it McAdoo was actually to retire from the race a purpose was in mind to try to turn his strength over to Thomas R. Mar shall of Indiana. Palmer had no friends in the democratic caravan. Miss Julia Landers, national com mittee woman from Indiana, joined our party last night at Ogden and fcoon let it be known that the Indiana delegation is coming to San Francisco to try to nominate Marshall. That failing. Boss Taggart purposes to throw the 30 Hoosier votes to Cox. Miss Landers, a brilliant woman, ?.M CASE ENDS viewers but she did not mind saying ranrtidlv that Indiana is against any thing that Bryan favors. And sne Property or Caruso. . . . i n.i ........ ...h;,.Vi i " vnK'CU I ' tOlu Wily. A lie 1 ta.ivju, r... -v.. ... . - . i ... .. o .mrv fr.r snme reason so far denied I EASTHAMPTON. "NT. Y.. June 24 the rest of the world, is that a few The John Doe inquiry into the dis days before the state-wide primaries! appearance on June 8 of jewels worth in Indiana Mr. Bryan was invited to to which; during many generations, our families have been accustomed your school of class control has done us a very great detriment. "We, as voters, will not be in sym pathy with any democratic platform which ignores our demands for the modification of the Volstead law. It is an undeniable fact that millions of once law-abiding citizens have be come deliberate law violators and are now encouraging smugglers and moonshiners in the sale and distrlbu tion of harmful liquor. "Modification restoring personal liberty in the importation, manufac ture, purchase and use of wine -and beer would soon put an end to this nation-wide practice of law viola tions." Court Unable to Locate Missing attend a banquet given In a on Wayne to the three democratic candi dates for governor. "Outrage" Is Remembered. Mr. Bryan, instead of talking about the infallibility of the demo cratic party and the divinity of Woodrow Wilson, arose and made a rip-roaring speech "on prohibition. Then turning to the three candidates he said: "And now, gentlemen, this is the time for each of you to tell where you stand on prohibition." This was an outrage which the Indiana democracy, led by Thomas Taggart, resents and is ready to avenge to the point of throwing Mr. Bryan through the window to tne committee oi o, n opportunity is afforded. Miss Landers is a most fascinating talker, who leads her hearers to feel that the site on which Indianapolis etands is hallowed ground because it is the birthplace of Thomas Taggart. Listening to her portrayal of the political and personal virtues of the Indiana democratic boss the historian would be prone to give Indianapolis full rank with Bethlehem not uetn Jehem, Pa. But somebody on the train, just as is noticeable here, kept bringing the prohibition question to the fore, and an analysis of all that was said led to the conclusion that much will hinge on the relative al coholic content of the several candi dates. Marshall, in this analysis, looks more like the winner because he most nearly represents the com promise of all extremes. Alcohol Test Made. The relative alcoholic standing or the several candidates is about as fol ' lows: Owen of Oklahoma and Mere dith of Iowa, less than per cent, thus bringing them safely within the terms of the . Volstead act; Marshall, 2.75; Cox and Edwards, old-fashionel bourbon, 150 proof, aged in the wood, or something like that. Palmer, pro testing his dryness while liquor deal ers in some parts of the country sell whisky over the bar unmolested, is impossible of classification. Neither side trusts him. While Tammany is for Cox, Boss Murphy would be willing to accept Marshall because the latter, while not so pronouncedly wet, has a record of having secured) the governorship of Indiana several years ago exclusively on the wet side of the liquor issue. On the train, as here. William Jen nings Bryan was maligned by almost everyone, and when a Cox delegate from Ohio joined the party at Ogden there was someone to organize the anti-Bryan forces, which included the supporters of McAdoo, Edwards and Marshall. Statement Causes Trouble. The. rest of the world will not ap- 1400,000 from the Easthampton villa of Enrico Caruso ended today -with this statement of the court: "We hav been unable to locate the missing jewels or any party who may hav taken them. There is not sufficien evidence to justify the issuance of warrant." AMUSESTETS- POPULAR I PRICES 11 A.M. to 6 P.MSSe 6 to 11 P. M 55c Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS K. BLACK, public accountant, au ditor, accounting system opened, main tained; income tax service; references. Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. Main 7443. ALTERATIONS. WEARING apparel, all descriptions, made1, remodeled, cleaned, dyed, pressed. Em porium Iye Works, 549 Morrison street. ' Broadway 4259. n DIES' tailoring. Perfect fitting; work uar, I. Reuoin, 408 Bush & Lane bldg. AS8A VERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 142 Second Gold, silver and platinum bought. AUTO TOPS. . AUTO TOPS. Work guaranteed, reasonable charges. East Side Auto Top. East 7739. 255 Grand ave., corner East Madison et. ITEL. jknskn ai.i: 1,-iTKi. CO.. Linnton. Or. Phone Col. 13. Short and 4-tt. slab wood. Planing mill trimmings and la in, cordwood. No. 1 cedar Bhinfrles, $4.50 per M. No. 2 cedar shingles. $2.50 per M. No. 1 fir shingles. $3.75 per M. Prices f. o. b. mill. FOLEY FUEL, iiast 2691. 4-foot country slabwood, old tcrowth timber. FOR first growth fir cordwood call Kast 2456. M. Heerdt Fuel Co. GLASS AND GLAZING. ULASS AND GLAZING orders promptly taken care of. Reasonable. Automatio 81027. NEW TODAY. REAL ESTATE. HEMSTITCHING AND PLEATING. AUCTION, SALES, .at Wilson's Auction Roma ! Furniture- 169-171 Second st MEETINO NOTICES. AL KADER TEMPLE A. A. O. N. M. S. Stated session, Saturday, June 26. at 8 P. M., Pythian Build ing, West Park and Yam hill sts. Visiting Nobles cordially invited. By order of the potentate. HUGH J. BOYD. Recorder. STJNNTSIDE CHAPTER. TJ. r . R. A. M.. East 39th and Hawthorno Stated convocation tonight (Fridays. T:".o o'clock. W. J. BRECKEL. Sec DON'T HESITATE. Auto upholstering, top, curtains, gen eral repair, painting. MONARCH MOTOR CO., 343 Vancouver ave., near East Broadway. Phone East 413. BATHS. T. & 13. HEMSTITCHING shop; superior work; prompt service. R 618 Oregon Ellcrs bldg., 287 Washington st. HOTEL SUPPLIES. ROACH powder, insecticides, germicides, brooms, mops. etc. We contract and guarantee to rid your premises of bed bugs, roaches, etc. Main 6d7L Coast Chemical Co. MUSIC TEACHERS. DR. McMAHON'S sanitary baths. Always ready. Steam, showers, plunges,, iuds. Necessaries furnished. Rubdowns and massage when desired. Service and prices cannot be beat. S. W. cor. 4th and Wash. Tell your friends. L. Carroll Day, piano, vocal lessons, prac tice piano. 1 h. day. $5 mo. awy. CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths and mas sage. 10th floor Broadway bldg. Mar shall 31 S7. Dr. Laura E. Downing. CARPET WEAVING, FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag ruga all sixes Mall orders prompt. Send for Booklet. 8x12 rugs steam or dry cleaned, $1.50. FLUFF RUG CO.. K4-58 Union Ave. N. East 651fi. B 14TS. GEORGE RUBENSTEIN. the veteran op tlcian. is an exDert eye fitter, and fits -charges are very reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. 220 Morrison St., near .a. CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING. FLUFF OR RAG RUGS WOVEN ALL SIZES. WRITE OR CALL PORTLAND RUG CO.. 172 TS. 17th st. Sellwood g22. CKLLUIXID BUTTONS. THP; 1RWIN-HODSON COMPANY, 387 Washington. Broadway 434, A 1254. CHIROPODISTS. Come to Dr. Gartner, foot specialist; corns. bunions, foot arches made to order. 311 Swetland building, 5th and Washington. Main 1081. FEET HURT DR. O. O. FLETCHER. aseptic chlro- dtst. graduate nurse assistant; all mal formations of the foot scientifically cor rected. Suite 512 Morgan bldg. Main nlNfilNO. MOOSE HALT Fourth nnd Tcylor streets. Monday, TnMdv Wednesday Shrln. era" night), Thursday. Fri rfav nnrt Saturday evenings. PrffppRfir Prasn'a Moose Orchestra with the Famous Singing Cornetust. Milton Buttc-rfield. KIRK PA TRICK COUN OIL. NO. 2227. SECURITY BK.NfciHr ASSUflAllUA, will not give their usual card party and lunch June 25, owing to festivities. Closed session July 2. Swiss hall, 3d and Jefferson sis.. S o'clock. AU visiting mem bers cordially invited. PORTLAND AERIE, No. 4. FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES Meets every Friday evening, 8 o'clock, tn Pacific States hall, 11th and Alder streets. H. E. MILLER, Sec DR. R LOUISE COX. chirooodist. 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. 438 Morgan bide. Main 499R. CHIROPODIST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florello De Veney. the only scientific chiropodists and arch ' specialists in the city. Parlors 302 Ger Ilnger bldg., S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPRACTOR. 300.000 KNOW McMahon, 100 Chiroprac tor. Thrones, pronounce treatment best CHIMNEY SWEEPS. BISHOP CHIMNEY SWEEP. Furnace smoke through registers, -needs repairing or cleaning? Tabor riKwa. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO., 1510-11-12 Royal building. Marshall 5822. Multlgraphine, mimeographing and man advertising. COLLECTIONS. NKTH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 17I1H. No collections, no charge. Estab. nmo. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PRACTITIONER.. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE practitioner. Grace E. Moore, C. S., Broadway 404h. HA55AL0 S Nights Sun. 15e to SI .25 Mon.-Tnen. 15c to $1.00. 4 Mats San. -M on. -Tut. -Wed. 15c to 75c LAST SHOW OF- SEASON! "KISS ME" Big Musical Farce. Kane & Herman: Gardner & Tfartman; 7Resista?; DOWNING ft WHITING; Bar tholdi'a Birds; Kinograms: Topics of Day. BtSU BROS. NOTE: Orpheum Season Will Close With the Matinee Wednesday, June 30. MULTNOMAH CAMP, NO. 77. W. O. W. will hold meeting at lt hall. East bth and Alder streets. Fri day night. June 25, at 7:30 sharp, Initiation. All visit ing neighbors welcome. J. O. WILSON. Clerk. HASSALO LODGE. NO. 15. 1. O. O. F. Regular meeting tonight (Friday) at 8 o'clock. Business session. V isitors welcome. R. A. CLARKE. N. G. J. P. COXON, Sec MULTNOMAH COUNCIL. "NO. 1481. ROYAL ARCANUM, meets the second and fourth Fridays of each month in the K. P. hall, at 11th and Alder sts.. at 8 P. M. CLARENCE R. HOTCHKISS. Regent. S. M. FRUS. Secretary. MYRTLE CHAPTER. NO 13, O. E. S. rteguiar meeting mis (i-riaayi evening, in Pylhlan hall. West Park and Yamhill streets, at 8 o'clock. Degrees. Visitors welcome. By order worthy matron. JENNIE H. GALLOWAY, Sec'y. WE'D FOOT CAMP NO. 65, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD, meets every Friday night at W. O. W. temple, 128 Eleventh street. All members requested to be pres ent. Election oi on leers. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms. Til Tin- new assigns, jaeger croa., 131.-3 oth St. FRIEDLANDER'S for lodge emblems, class pins and medals. 310 Washington at. DANCING. ATTENTION. SHRINERS AND OTHER VISITORS. Why not learn the Portland way of dancing in three lessons 7 BERKELEY DANCING ACADEMY, 120 Fourth St., 3d Floor. Mrs. Summers, Main 3818. BERKELEY DANCING ACADEMY Pri vate lessons day, eve.; latest steps jazz Known. 4tn si main 3410. Airs. summers. MRS. BATH, 208 Dekum bldg. . Private lessons day and evening. Main 1345. BALLROOM and stage dancing. Mi Dorothy Rasmussen, 610 Ellers hldg. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. rtT.ASSV.S AT A' SAVING. 1 solicit your patronage on the v, j i nf raDHbln service. Thou- t sands of satisfied customers. A frial will convince vou. Charles W. Good man, optometrist, 209 Morrison. M. 2124. iE YES SCIENTIFICALLY TEST. i(rtz ed with modern Instruments. ;lflss,a fittpi from $2.50 up. A E. HURWITZ. optometrist, 225 1st st. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extendei over a period of 40 years. All communi cations strictly confidential; prompt, ef ficient. conscientious service: handbook free on request. MUNN & CO., patent attorneys. San Francisco office. Hobart bldg., 583 Market St.; Chicago office room fill Tower bldir. : Washington of fice, room 103. 625 F St.: New York office, Woolworth bldg. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years- experience U. &. and foreign patents. 001 ueKom diqb NEW BRICK APARTMENT BUILDING PAYING BETTER THAN 11 NET ON PRICE OF. $55,000 Three - story and full 'base ment brick and concrete build ing:, excellent cast oiae aisirici, 60x100 corner; 29 sunny apart ments, each with three rooms and dressing: compartments. Hardwood floors and white woodwork predominate; mod ern built-in conveniences: con e i d erable equipment attached to the building:. Present income subject to in crease, as rents are very mod erate. Two apartments are now occupied by salaried employes, one by manager, a n o t h e r by janitor. Owner, ceratihs: prop erty, could materially increase net return. ' f We. U nhesitatingly Recommend This Investment Tor Sale Bech Property. SEASIDE. OREGOJT. ' On Board walk, one of the finest houses In Seaside. Nine-room house, five 5) bedrooms, all over looking the ocean. Linen and clothes closet, bath and toilet, large front room with fireplace and den adjoining, large dining room with built-in buffet; kitchen has wood, and oil range, built-in Dutch cupboard, stationary wash tubs and ten t!0 cords dry wood in basement. Nice lawn, garage and rowboat; well furnished: can be occupied at once. Finished in natural Oregon fir; modern in ail respects. City water and lights; lot 100 feet on Board walk. 125 feet deep, six 6 blocks from end of pavement, with good macadam road. No. 651 Board walk. This Is the best buy ever offered on the beach front at Seaside, known as the Fullam cottage: price J650O; no trades, not for rent, cash takes it. must be sold at once. Address, A. O. Godfrey, Oregon. Seaside, GO BY AIRPLANE. OR BY HTDROPLANE, MOTOR, TRAIN OR BOAT. TO ririTwnmHT park. SEASIDE. OR nnilH vniiraelf a cottage on the board walk or on the Necanicum river; buy a lot now for 4 ana put up a tent noine and build later. prices irom iu t sTOOr easv terms. Whitmer-Kelly Co. 414 Plttock, or F. M. cole, seasiae. ur. CHOICE BEACH LOT EXCHANGE FOR Painting and Paperhanging onH furnish material. Let located in Tillamook beach (Salt- alrl. near station ana ocean. Oregonian. . jSSBpSlBwpasSBST INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS, TWELFTH FLOOR, 1EON BLDG. Pi;RlSHPn rntl, trm mt Spa vie w. Wash. house alone cost sv.uuu; win sen $2400. including furniture- This property is being sold to close an estate and is a real bargain. Inquire 3o0 Worcester building. Main 580. SEAVIEW lot and 5-room cottage for sale beach lots. OOxOO. expanding to ocean price 1dOO. D 6T3. oregonian. l-'or Sale Lots. THYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway bldg.. rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birth marks. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALK prices. Stark-Davis Co., 188 4tn. M. mi. PRINTING. DDIMTINft F. W. BAL.TES & COMPANi, I Hill lilUlst and Oak sts. M. 765. Bll-65. PAINTING AND UKCORAT1NG. PAINTINO, DECORATING. SIONS. KAL- SOMINING; BEST WORK. IABUK JW. PAINTINO. paperhanging. John C Con- lisk. 133 ltitb st. N. Broadway awn. POULTRY SUPPLIES. EVERYTHING needed and used by prac tical poultry keepers; catalogue tree. Routledge ileed &. Floral Co., 145 2d st. Portland. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. FRANK A. OUTH Dictation day or night. 307 Railway Exch. bldg. Main ijuj ROOK PAINTING. Tjnoir PAINTING, all leaks stopped, all work guaranteed for 3 years. Webfoot roof security used. Phone Sell. 80:j6. SCALP TREATMENT. ETC. ROM-I-DA PARLORS. Special scalp treatments, shampooing, manicuring. 428-429 Medical building. Phone Main 79i. SECOND-HAND STORES. Houses w Garages Erected in Portland Shipped Anywhere In built 4-foot sec tions ready and easy to put to- 1 tether. A first-class house or garage di rect from the factory at a GREAT SAVING. You pay no middlemen's profit. Write for catalog. Redimade Building Co. fAdt Eleven u and Market. 2 Blocks aoflth of Hawthorne. Phone Kast 5114.. Portland, Or. LAURELHURST BARGAIN. RITV YOITH LOT NOW. Prices of lots are sure to go up as the nrices of building material aoes down. Now is your opportunity. See the man who knows everv lot in LaurelhursL. A few snaps today. Call at office. East :9th and Glisan st.. or phono Mr. Dei a nunty. Taoor S4j. TO OT.OKK CORPORATION. 1 50x100 lot on paved street, on car line near Peninsula, rose icaraeo; mis formerly cost over S 1 500: price now t."rt). all cash. Fred W. German Co, 7o2 Cham, of Com. 11 LOTS together; this is a good site fo a home: lots are planted in iruit, wnic brines iTtOO ner Year: lots are on fct and K. Stark sts.. 5 minutes walk from end of Mu Tabor car line; $2500. Tabor 24He. FOR SALE Large lot, 6Tth avenue, near Fremont street- cltv. and. tl seres l near Cazadero. both, go together; real bnrtrain: write now for particulars. Own er, J. UellKsaldo, 2807 Darwin ave., Los Angeles, cai. REAL ESTATE. For 8aJ U on sea. PACTTTC AOUXCT, 7XX 5th Floor (Swetland Bid. SHRXSTSRS AND OUT-OF-TOW VISITORS. We are dispensing city homes !n the beat city on the Pactfic coast and in the best climate on this globe; amonir the moat congenial peop'.o to be found anywhere, i.'ome in and lt us locate you in a pleasant, modern home; one you can enjoy the remainder oi your sojourn here. TRVTVGTOK. 4Q4 $0O0O This is a modem, . fi-roorn home, well located on E. 7th st. near Brazee; h, w. floors, full concrete basement; h. a, fur nace, garage: everything is in good condition; good large lot. If you are looking Xor Irving ton property, see this. TTtVT N'GTON". 434 fOOOO This ta a modern R room. well located in the select district; rooms are largo and airy; white enamel finish and bardwood floors, fireplace and good heating system; good garage; on &Oxl00 lot. The place is about 3 years jo7d, hut just as good as new. Call on us for appointment to see this place. ALBPTRTA. 4SO $3250 will buy this fln JV-room Alberta home on E. 18th st., near Going, wit h hardwood fioors and fireplace; 2 blocks from carline. 4 blocks from school. Tt is slso piped for a furnace. Will take you out to soo this by rangemeat. ALBERTA, 470 Good buy at mJiff only 1000 down. bal. only $20 per mo. This Is a 5-room cottage on Sumner at., near 26th. Besides tho 5 rooms, it has bath, gas. electri city, concrete basement and is in. good condition. PACIFIC AGEXCT, TNC J Swetland id&, "x-.y OWNER MUST PETX HIS BEAUTlFUti RESIDENCE at once, as his business requires "Mm t leave the cir soon; ft room?, strictl modern; none in Portland for tho money. $11,000, part cash. Phone Bdwy. 4133. NUMBER of fine building lots, sou the as corner 43d ana uivision, .mu and wiu; good district; near schools and car service. J. H. McMahon. 2606 E. 43d. Tabor 6361. LOT oOxTZVfe, on Hancock St.; near Grand ave., fibdu; ail improvements paio. n.ut 687. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 31 rRUT si'. We buy and sell everything in the hardware and furniture line. Phone Main 0072. SLABWOOn. GOOD 16-INCH SLAB WOOD. $4.0 a load; surely a bargain. Call me. Scllwood 1760. Extra, 2oc beyond Fail ing and east of 5-d. TRACKAGE 100x200 Facing 100 feet on East First 100 feet on kast becond 200 feet on East Washington 50x100 N. W. corner 15th and Irving W. S. POINDEXTER 208 Selling Bldg. Main 1800 HAVE; tome choice lots in Warreaton'l prospective Duslness center, it. JU. X OJLm. Northwestern Bank bldg. KICE 50x100 lot. reasonable. West Fied rnont. ' Inquire 249 E. "d ft. North. PBETIT Rose City Park lot. paved St., only $600. Owner. Tabor 3S25. RESIDENCE lot in Laurelhurst cheap for cash. Owner. Hroadway 144J. room 30&. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 60t Dekum bldjt. U. S.. foreign trademarks. DENTISTRY. nCMTIQTBY DR.A.W..KEEKK, 351 UL.1IIUMII W pain. ashinpton st. Without Latest nerve-blookinj? method. DO AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITT VETERINARY HOSPITAL 41! 5 East 7th, cor. Grant. East 1847 and 210-62. Docs and horses clipped. TODAV TONIGHT Continuous 11 A. M. to 11 P. M. "A Bl'fSINKSS PROPOSAL." romrdr skit: "BACK TO THE WOODS," fea turing MABEL NORM AND ; Kennedy and Kramer; Hailey and Noble ; .Francis and Phillips KLKCTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND and Repaired Bought and Sold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS, Phone S27-27. 24R 1st st. M. R71. DIED. PANAGOTJ In this city, June 22. Louis Panagou. aged 3t years. Remains are at the new. residential funeral parlors of .Dunning & lcb.ntee. Alorrmon at 12th st. r uneral notice later. II. M. H. ELECTRIC CO. 84 N. First, Portland. Or. Re winding and electrical repair f Ins a specialty. New or used motors. Bdwy. 104S. A 1046. FERTILIZER. FERTILIZE your land if you want bis f.ronsi read about j. jvi . wonaer in our 1920 catalogue. Routledge Seed & Floral Co.. 143 2d St.. Portland, Or. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO . DESPATCH The Sen-ice "With a Reputation. MOVlNG-PACK'G-STORAOK-BAUfiAGB 13th and Kearney. Branch S Bdwy. PHONE BDWY. 3309 UNION TRUCK PEOPLE Vmnt and Inlanders. CITT AND I.OXG-DISTAXOR HAULING ONE WEEK FREE STORAtiE. BROADWAY SV22. NORTHWESTERN TRANSFER CO. 64-fiS Front St. STORAGE AND HAULING. DISTRIBUTION CARS OUR SPECIALTY. Phone Main 446. 544-6S. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan St.. corner ISth. Phone Broadway 12S1 or 11G9. Ave own and operate two large class A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates In the city. PAOKINX1. MOVIXCi. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 103 PARK ST. Main 3103. A 1031. I VTOir1 MUSICAL LlivlL COMEDY Matinee 2 P, M.; Evenings, 7 and 9. . Laugh with MIKE and 1KB in "$100,000." A Merry Show, With Snappy Songs and Dances. Friday Night. Chorus Girls' Contest. EXTRA FOR SHRINE WEEK : ADELPHIA MUSICAL COMEDY CO. in "HOGA3V IN' EGYPT." Shows at 3 and 9 P. M. AMUSEMENTS CONCESSIONS Everr Afternoon and ETenlnx nreciate why the Cox men are so bit- I Admission to Park Free to 5 P. M. ter at Bryan, but -the explanation ia Daily Except Sundays and Holi- ITNEBAL NOTICES. OLSON" At the residence of hi son, 466 f ianaera street. June J. J., .feter uison, aged 70 years, father of O. M. and Clga Jison or tms city, iiart Olson or vvasn ington and Marie Olson of Salem. The funeral services will be held from the conservatory chapel of the East Side funeral directors, 414 B. Alder. Friday, June 25, at il P. M. FViends invited. In terment in Kose Jity .Park, cemetery. RASH At the family residence. 173 East Eighth street, June zs. Archie Miller Hash, aged 35 years, son of Mrs. Eliza Ann Ra&h, brother of Thomas RaBh, both of this city. Funeral services will be held at the conservatory chapel of the East Side funeral directors, 414 East Alder street, at 3:30 P. M. today (Fri day). Friends invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. HAYBARKER In this city. June 22. Mrs. Jessie J. Haybarker, aged 26 years, wife of Vera H- Haybarker. of 1037 Garfield ave. Funeral services will toe held Fri day. June -!o, at lt A. M . from the Port land crematorium. Friends invited. Funeral arrangements care of Ericson Undertaking Co. rUPUJS At St. Vincent's hospital, June 23. sister iiaria JJupuie. aged 4t Tears. a native of the province of Quebec. Can ada. Requiem mass win be offered at St. Vincent's hospital chapel today (Fri day) at o a. m.. rrienas invited to at tend, interment Vancouver, Wash. ROH R The funeral services of the late Charles H. Rohr, will be held-today. Friday. June zo. at iu o ciock a. m. at Finley's, Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Incineration Mount Scott crema torium. " WOOD In this city. June 24. Ethel Wood, aged 34 years, beloved wife of St. Clair wood. Funeral services win oe neia Fridav. June 25. at 10 A. M.. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment Multnomah Park cemetery. WHOLESALERS AND MANUFACTURERS FOR SALE Inside Improved Income Properties REALTY ASSOCIATES OF PORTLAND, OR. 401 Columbia Building 365 Washington St ENGINEERS' AM) MILL SUPPLIES. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-8-S7-89 Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPS. that the commoner gave out a state ment for publication in Ohio a few days atro which left nothing-' to be said about Cox" wet record. It did not receive general circula tion so her U is; "Governor Cox of Ohio is ' likely to be the residuary legatee of all the other wet candidates and may be regarded as the final ral lying point for all democrats, who. either because of financial interest in the liquor traffic or because of their own fondness for intoxicants, regard irv for linuor as the only legitimate affection and the right to buy it as the only inalienable right guaranteed by the constitution. "Governor Cox' friends will urge him as a compromise between wets of the Edwards type and the bone drys. But Governor Cox", record is as mal odorous ad Governor Edwards' and ex fends over a longer period. Cox In Ohio Is Cited. "The New Jersey governor began work In the vineyard, if I may be pardoned the illustration, at the eleventh hour, while Governor Cox entered in the morning and perspired hw the rays of rising sun of prohi- itn. He can obtain letters of recommendation from all the brewers distillers, wholesalers, retailers and days. Cars First and Alder. THANHAUKER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front at. PAINTS, OIIJ AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. RASMUSSEN & CO.. Second and Taylor. HIDES. WOOL AND CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROTHERS. 195 Front St. PMMBING SUPPLIES AND PirE. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. S4-S6-87-S0 Front. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING & FARRELL. 140 Front St. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morriaon. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordagi Co.. 14th and Northrup. Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver) Old Rosa and Woolen Clothinr. Hi Make Reversible. 11 and-Woven "FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL DIKHTUM, Now located In their new residential fu neral Some. Morrison at 12th. west side. Phone Broadway 430. Automatic 545-6S. Xhe rnnenu nunm ' . aoid .Distinctive Service. Kote We have no Drancnea nor iijr .uu- necttona wnaie" " 1 " - undertaking firm. MO I MI NTS. PDRTLAND MARBLE WORKS 26 Fourth St.. Opp. City Hall. o Bros. Sh BLAE.SING GRANITE CO. rtT THIWDAT MADISON BTBggT EDWARD HOLMAN &SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon Sta. Main 507. Lady Assistant. OUNCIL R EST PARK Free Amowmeat Park 120O Feet Above the City. RIDES GAMES r DANCING Ten-Pleet- Orcneatra and Monte Aoatln. Moat Popular Sona-ater in Western America. Hear Hlml HOP A C. C. CAB, FUNERAL CASS. LIMOUSINE'S for funeral services. JONK3 AUTO LIVERY. MARSHALL 114. FLORISTS. 328 MorrisonSt. Portland Hotel Mar 753 1 VtHfiC? JSAft MorrisonSt: stores - ' BetBrdwylPark Mar 257 Charge Accounts soueitea. BASE BALL Portland vs. Seattle Wednesday and Friday, 3 P.M. Thursday, 1:30 P. M. Saturday and Sunday double-headers . lft-P, . Smith s Flower Shop nrozreasive florist. We special ize in funeral designs. 14 Hi 6th, opposite Meier Frank s. Main 71j. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists. 354 Washington. Main 260. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists. 2S7 Morrison St. Main 779. Fine flowers and floral de signs. No branch stores. TONSKTH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington at., oet. 4tn ana otn. mbiq oiu-. a nut FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES AtXQ UV&KX, UAKSMU lit. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less Independent Funeral Directors. Washington Street between 20th. and 21st streets. West Side. Lady Assistant. Main 2691. - 5 1 8-85. J. P. FINLEY & FUNERAL DIBECTOKS. Main . Montgomery at Fifth. MrENTEE & " EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of . hme. 16th and Everett sts. Telephone Broadway 2183. Automatic 521-p.l. T S. DTJNNrNO. INC. in p. Alder. Phone East 52. Perfect service, personal direction, free use of floral cnapei a-" Mnnmv. DOWNING & McNETVlAR TOO 1.ATK TO CLASSIFY. LOST Link bracelet set with 5 small dia monds. Shrinera stand at Morrison or on st. net. r. o. and Multnomah hotel. Return to detective dept. at 2d and Oak. 22j0 CAFETERIA and lunchroom In neart or city doing good business; four year lease, some t6rros. See Morris, with interstate bana -o., Btartc St. NICE front furnished H. Alder. K. rooms. SOS KEW TODAY. Mortgage Loans eat Inter eat rates Installment 1 lea's II desired. Bnlldlns; las ads, Ka delay In eloslnsT. A. H. BIRRELL GO, El 7-21 U northwestern Bank BullUaf, nanuau FLUFF RUGS Boom-Size Fluff Rags Woven. S17.50 Rag Son Woven AU Sizes. Clothes Cleaning and Dyeing Depto. Mail Orders bend tor Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning xlS Rags, Steam Cleaned, Sl.50 western FLUFF RUG CO., 64 Union Ave N. Phono East 651 INVEST NOW On of Portland's best apart ment bouses; contains 35 fine apartments; building n early new, is strictly modern and up todate; income over $14,200 per year; price $125,000- Might consider part trade. Address owner for appointment. AO SS4. Oregonian. For Sale Houses. SHRINERS. ATTENTION! ro not overlook Iebanon while on your trip the strawberry city of the northwest. Come and we will ehow you the country. M. I. SOUTHARD & SONS. Realty Co.. . lebanon. Or. PENIXSUTdA BVNTJALOW. A modern 5-room bungalow of thr better class, double conetructrd. very substantially built, excellent hardwood floors, massive art-brick fireplace, larce elaborate built-in buffet, leaded-glass inlaid bookcases; in a-hort, this is a home of marked refinement, in perfect condl tion. HDlendid lawn. & bearing fruit treea: near St. Johns car, Portsmouth; $3l'o0 is the sacrifice price, very small down pay meat. Seeing i buytnj? here. CARE Y-sSAV'l DOE CO., Main 74S7. 2VJ Railway Etch. E1TPERB KOB HILXi HOMES. Tn fines exclusive location, with everything that you would expect in fine, modern to l--room homes; la rue grounds, 4 and 5 bedrooms, besides maids' quarters; libraries, extra baths, .fireplaces, from $10,000 to $3o.OOO, and all of them worth far more; no asents. Mr. Schaefer. Bdwy. 51t7 or Main Gu6. SHRINERS AND VISITORS who are contemplating' locating: In Port land and vicinity will find NOBLE P. C Rinehart at your service In assisting? you to set located. Information regard ins the best residential sections and their relative property value freoly giv en. Phone Main 4503 and a machine is at your service. WKLLKR & RTNEHART, Bungalow Builders, Real Estate Dealers, 2.2 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. LAURELHURST. Just completed typical California bun galow, finished in the old ivory enamel: la rice plate lass windows, hardwood floors In every room; beautiful lighting fixtures: tile bath, pedestal lavatory, Dutch kitchen, pretty breakfast nook; large French plate mirrors, cement porch, furnace, garage; easy terms. 1164 Laurelhurt ave., near &fth at. Buy direct from owner. A Kb A L. bargain; owner leaving city, will sell comer lot witn east ironu Jo-room house, rooms finished, full cement basement, room for one more hoiiHe and garage, close in, close to car. improve ments in. paid; $3M0, part rash, balance terms. 11U E. 16th st South. Portland. Call mornings except Saturday. FOR SALE Three corner lots; a bargain; 50x100, east front, and S-room house, -0 fruit trees, close to 2 churches, depot and station, Oswego. Inquire D91 taU 16th st.. South Portland. Inquire morn ing. except Saturday. GOOD fl-room Queen Anne style. oOxtoo lot, fu basement, wash trays, light. gas, hot and cold water; price $e00, fluoo casb. 8-room, lOOntlOO lot. lots of fruit, gar den; price $2000, $1000 cask. 5-room cottage, 33x100 lot, close in; $1M0. $130" or less caffh. K. II. ANDREWS. ITCH1 Williams. Phone 318-66. HIGH VALUE FOR THE MONEY. I will sell my modern 6-rm. house on Church St., near Interstate ave. Now vacant. Only short distance from Al bina car shops; S30OO. tw oulu cost at least $o500 to piit up the building, but I am away from the city and need money to establish a home in my new location. For particulars see my representative at 4i4 Piatt bldg., 127 Park at. SrX ROOMS AND BATH. -Let 100x100, 12 fruit tr es, .lots of berries; will include pas stove, ran go, carpets left on floors if sold this week. Price $JT00; S'J.0 down, bal. $13 per mo. and in'.erest. Call Mr. Fisher, Main oiD. J 18 Stark st. . $3675 HERE is a bungalow of 5 rooms, large attic, cement basement, L. trays, built-ina; location the very best; liberal terms. See J. P. McKenna, Belmont at SOth. Tabor 6493. We can show you more bargains "in 2 hours than you can find in 2 months. FOR MR. WORKING MAN. $1000; $200 cash, 15 per month buys 5-room plastered cottage, gas, electric lights, tull basement, on paved utreet. 1 block from the lrvinpton :af. This will not last long. Fred W. Geriniu. Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. HOME LOVERS. Tou will be charmed with the design, arrangement of rooms, built-ins and many other features in our modern, well built bungatow. S4-'0O AND UP LIBERAL TERMS. B. F. POND RfcALTY CO. THE IDEAL HOME BUILDERS. VJ30 SANDY BLVD. TABOR 3S"J5. FOR. SALE A good, modern, 7-room hnmfl. immediate possession: oO minutes' walk from center cf business district, on good car line; roses; two large English walnut trees. Terms on part. Phone own.r, East 3775. SNAPPY BARGAIN Owner must sell cox five-room oungaiow in nawtnorne am trict. near car. 1 blocks from school : beautifully and durably constructed, full concrete basement, large attic Phone Marshall 1157. SACRIFICE ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $3000 will buy you a quaint, attrac tive 5-room bungalow, interior in white enamel finish, part oak fioors ; beauti ful grounds and flowers; easy terms. See this today salesman with auto wiU drive you out. . CARBY-SAVIDGE CO.. Main 7487. 18 Railway Exch. FOR SALE by owner, 5-room bungalow ; large rooms, finished in old ivory and ' tapestry paper, French doors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, good basement and floored attic; price $3700, including linoleum on kitchen and bathroom; wood ranee: street improvements in and paid; $1230 down. $32 a month, including in terest. 40a Marguerite, labor S3-7. WE'ULL FOR YOWB OlJ CARPETS, Race and Weolea Clotfclns; FLUFF RUGS AJU Wrk Turned Oat Prmll R.s lias. Wvrcm AJ1 Slses Mall Orders. Send for B.okJet Caxncts C learned. Lsls aad ReUtted. XOKTHWEST RUG CO. IBS last 8t St. Pbwe last StKk FOR SALE Two-story, six-room house with full cement basement, laundry tubs full attic: one block from car, one block from Jefferson men scnooi; all improve ments in and paid to date, no mort gages : $2000 cash, balance $25 month. including Interest. bee owner. 1A3 Al berta St., one block from Mississippi can " THAT VACANT IAT. Why not turn a burden Into Income? We design and build apartments, g-a-rases. residences. anything:: furnish nlam and finance. Established 10 years. W. offer SECURITY, SKRVlCJi, SATIS FACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. Inc. ttl N. w. Bank biag. cin-mora to Wilson & Ross. Multnomah f? Kiit 7?h. Bast 54. Irvington district. P. I. LERCH Eleventh and Clay T. 1833. East 7S1. -r;i DTrCAM Twelfth and Morrison St HirLlv-OV-!. Broadway 2534. A. D. KEN WORTH Y & CO.. 5802-04 92d St., Lents. Tabor 6267. A. R. ZELLER CO. 592 Williams ave. East 10S8. C 1088. BREEZE & SNOOK ihti SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d bad, Cig& U. ilil. A2iJU -axilla EXECUTOR S At ADMINIS TRATORS Will Kind Our Tbrlee-Secared FARM MORTGAGES Exceptional Investments for trust funds. Mot foreclosure In twen ty years. FEAR A GRAY. Phone Main 35. 10a fourth St. LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money on real estata, tlrt and second mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, etc F. E. BOWMAN & CO. 10 Cham, of Com. Bids Mml SOSa. REAL ESTATE. l ftOKING FOR A PLACE TO LIVE? If you are, drive out to Laurelhurst office. East 39th and Glisan sts., and I will jive you the key to a brand new 6-room colonial house that you can hava bv a small payment down: your rent money will do the rest. Come out today. Phone lapor J-aj. TWO FOR THE PRICE Ot? ONE. One 7 -room plastered house, bath and toilet and full basement, also- one 4 roora plastered house, bot i tt gootX con dition, lot 100x163. lots of bearing; fruit trees, total price $2500; (1200 cash, $25 per month and interest at tt per cent Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cam. of Com. ROSK CITT PARK BUNGALOW. Beautiful 5 rooms, well lighted, floored attic, harawoott noors, iurna.ee, iirepievce full cement basement, laundry trays, !x xlOO lot. Paved street, sewer, everythnigr paid, trice oniy oou, ana a very grea Hat-train: 1 1500 cash. o55 East 49th N. 2 blocks north of Sandy. Phone 319-SS7. Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE LOANS United States Hank Bisllahaa $30,000 QTJARTKR BLOCK, SECOND AND EVERETT STREET. SEE OWXiiK, For 6sl Flat and Apartment Property. WB HAVE Just soUi a farm for an old couple and they wish to buy from 2 to 6 acres with moderate improvements near Beaverton or Gresham. Will pay caah If price is risht. i STEWART & BUCK. 313 Northwestern Bank Bldg. For Sale Bea-h Property. FOR SA.LE Or will rent or lease, tw. choice lots. 50x140 feet, at Tillamook beach, on board walk, county road and railroad; near dance pavilion aad hot... Address H ISO. Oregonian. FOR SAX.E Iot at Bay uceau Park. roadw& . , ROSli CITY PARK BARGAIN. S4UU0 buys hous with 5 rooms and bath downstairs. - large attic rooms used as sleeping- rooms, hardwood floors in hall, living and dining rooms, built ins. fireplace, etc. . Tel. Tabor 3316. 7-KOOM bungalow style double con structed, lo uuii w , trees ana berries, chicken house and runway, ce ment walk, free gas; reasonable prices lle-t E. Kth sc. N. Woodlawn 1367 or Tabor 8418. t420O 6-ROOM modern bungslow, 50x100 that is a home and a bargain, this is it. See V. Clow, at J. P. McKenna office. Tabor 84U3. Belmont at Sith. FOR MR. HANDYUAV $1000, $J50 cash buys 5-room unfin ished bungalow, lot 50x100; some fruit trees; 4 blocks from car line. Fred W. German Co.. 733 Cham, of Com. 4 oo 5-ROOM modern cottage, lot 100X 05 with --room cottage, all for S4200. This la spienaia jirwjieriy, iuu casn. Eee J. P. McKenna. Belmont at 3'Jlh. Tabor 6493. FRUIT All kinds ot iruit and garden. 3 lois and goou uuuac, iuii ni.n uaseuienc, light, water, bath, toilet, etc., on corner, only 3 blocks from Union ave.; S4000, terms. See or write 1456 Rodney ave. LAURELHURST. 3y owner, modern 7 -room home and sleeping porch, with every convenience; a large garage. You can see it any time you like. 188 Laurelhurst ave. i.0 CASH. 6-room house, needs some repairing, lot 50x100. half block off hard-aurfiice st ; price 1S00; easy terms. Mr. Fisher, Interstate Land Co.. -48 Stark tit. NEW 4-room house, toilet; lot 50x100; Rose City car line; fruit trees, garden, lawn- first-class condition; price -'000, terms. Call 78 E. 76th st. FOR SALE BY OWNER 7-room modern home, nicely located, 65th st. and Sandy boulevard. 657 East 65th au Price J6500, immediate possession. ' 700 HAWTHORNE district. 5-room ern house, cement basement, gi naved street, close Arnoia. in. bal. mod- garase. easy. 106v WEST SIDE If you are looking for th, most comfortable and convenient home in Portland, with every modern Im provement and a panoramic view of the WllJameil.e river kuu lh J, biiu ou wisn to spend $10,500, buy it direct from owner, 1010 Thurman street. Main 5072 For immediate sale, I am leaving city. WE BUY equities in houses for cash. Call Main 4303 if you have to sell in a hurry. Irvington, Kose City and Laurelhurat preferred. . UN EQUALED BARGAIN. 5-room modern bungalow, on corner lot, cloee In. walking distance; paved st., dandy fireplace; only built 8 years; $2750. $500 down. Immediate possession. CAREY-SAVIDGE CO.. Main 74S7 219 Railway Exch. PIEDMONT. Strictly modern -room house; hot water heat, exclusive district. Woodlawn 1S7. . 100x100. 8-room cement block bungalow, garden, 14 fruit trees, berries, lawn. roses, garage. Owner. Tabor 7843. S-ROOM house, bath, living room 19x12; garage and wood house. Owner, G. F. Miller. Tabor 58S7. 6809 S5th St. S. E. 2000 6-room plastered house; basement, gas; lot lOOxlL'5; houses and run for 200 chickens: 24 assorted fruit trees and berries: will sell furniture and chickens it wanted- Owner. Tabor 4!t41. ALBERTA 4-room house. garage. two 'ot.s. 1- trees, berries and shrubberv; jsono, s.-no down, balance like tent, lloi fc. iirli Konn, IjOhO OLD-FASHIONED house, attractive grounds, choice fruit. 63 East 60th St., corner Davis. HOUSES and garage for saie or wiii rent one. 756 East 9th st. X. FOR SALE FINE MODERN HOME. ROSE CITY PARK. PHONE 313-79. HAWTHORNE MT. TABOR HOMES. TABOR 42U9 ROD ABA UGH. MODERN 5-room buncralow. WUIamettn CU awaer. ilsin 6404, . A ' . t fry. T