Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 24, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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t blooms
Floral Pageant Today to Be
Movement From Portland Be
gins at 3 P. M. Today.
Great Decorative Display.
noesr- -av?
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Panoply Miles in length to Uonorl
Shriner Guests and Hosts at
Rose Festival Fete.
In order that the errand floral
parade may move promptly and
also that Judges and camera
men will have an opportunity
to Inspect the various floats
prior to the hour of marching,
all entrants are requested to be
In formation not later than 2
o'clock, taking their stations
as designated in the order of
Grand Marshal.
The choicest blooms from Port-1
lands rose bushes and thousands of I
the finest flowers from the green-1
houses and gardens of the city have I
been selected that the famous Rose!
.Festival floral parade this afternoon
may be prebented fittingly, not only I
to Portland, but to Portland's hon-
ored 75.000 Shriner guests.
And not only will the Shriners be I
here, but all of Salem. Oregon City.)
Kugene, Vancouver. Wash., and the!
nearby Willamette cities will be de
serted, for each city has sponsored aj
magnificent entry, either in the form I
of decorated floats or a marching!
Parade Ireeats Queen.
The parade will present Queen
Claire publicly. It will be miles in
length and will draw, it is believed,!
an even larger assemblage of people
than witnessed the electric parade.
There are hundreds of entries, by I
individuals, organizations, societies!
and cities. The fire department will I
show once again the amazing possi
bilities of giant fire trucks for deco-1
rative display.
Literally' hundreds of varieties of
Oregon's flowers will be displayed. I
For days trucks have been hairlingl
in ferns and greenery for the back
grounds. Florists and decorators,
aided by hundreds of volunteer assist
ants, will work from daylight today I
until Just before the pageant to com
plete the entries.
Many of the cam must be covered!
by elaborate framework that the!
flowers may have the right back
ground. Children, Portland's loveliest!
human blooms, will be featured.
Personnel of Cars AnoaiceL
The. directors of the Rose Festival
association will meet at the Multno
mah hotel, together with four Rosari
ans. who will act as escort to Queen
Claire and maids, at 9:45 A. M. Queen
Claire and maids will be at the Laurel-
burst club house, 1125 East Ankeny
street, at 10:15 A, M., ready to depart.
The entire party will leave the
Laur&lhurst clubhouse at 10:20 o'clock
sharp In decorated cars, arriving at
the west approach to Broadway
bridge at 11 A. M.
The personnel In the cars follows:
Frank V. Smith, grand marshal, in
the first car, followed by the directors
in cars two and three. These two
cars will be at the disposal of the
governor and other dignitaries of the
parade. Car No. 4 will convey the
Rosarian escort, E. V. Houser, Queen
Claire and the matron of honor, Mrs.
Carlton Betts. In the fifth car will
be the Rosarian escort, W. D. Whit-
comb, and the four maids, Catherine
Ainsworth. Jean Skene. Suzanne Cas
well and Virginia Mears; in the sixth
the Rosarian escort, M. O. Wilkins,
and the maids, Rhoda Rumelin, Kath
erlne Hart and Katherine Hoyt: in
the seventh, the Rosarian escort. W. E.
Conklin and the maids, Elizabeth
Bacon. Elizabeth Boschke, Jean Meier
and Madine Caswell.
Grand Marshal Smith will have full
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SugsstioTw Are) Made to Shriners
in Order to Expedite Work
of Railroad Men.
All baggage for trains leaving
tonight must be ready by noon,
so the baggage committee can
haul it to the depot.
Other baggage must be at the
union depot two hours prior to
the scheduled train departure.
It must be marked with the
temple name and will then be
placed on the correct train.
Trains will leave parking
places two hours before their '
departure time scheduled from
union depot. They will remain
in the depot 20 minutes. Mega
phones will announce each tem
ple as the train is ready. Take
only hand baggage.
All chanters organizations
are requested to meet in front
of the T. M. C A. today at 10
A. M.
Top (Left to right) Mrs. Ben W. Oleott. wife ef eovernor of Oreiront Mrs. Lro V. TonnjcwoHh of Loa Ancrlen, wife of the Imperial captain of the
Knardi Mrs. Kllia Lewis Oarretaon. -wife of the Imperial potentate, of A II fi temple, Ticomi, Wash.i little h ranrri Marie Uarrrtton, Mm. Ldiria
. Ivlns. .wife of the Illustrious potentate of Aflfl temple of Taromai Mm. Reorge L. Baker, wife of Mayor Baker of Portland; Mrs. A. B. Len of Salem!
wife of the Illustrious potentate of AI Kader, and Mrs. AV. J. Hofmann. wife of the past potentate of Al Kader of Portland. Below Mrs. Garretson
and her little daughter; the Aatoains leavinjr ways. Insert Cloclc presented to Mrs. Garretson.
P. M. and proceed to Cotillion hall.
Fourteenth street, near Washington,
where the officers ' of the Kosarians
will have charge of the arrange
ments. The grand floral parade is expect-
rharge of the cars from the time they led to start at 3 P. M. sharp, accord
ing to orders issued yesterday by
Grand Marshal Smith. The formation
assemble at the Multnomah hotel.
Rosartana and Cherrlans Join.
The Royal Rosarians and Cherrlans,
With their bands, will join the parade
a. j the west approach of the Broadway
bridge, where Queen Claire will be
met by the mayor and other dignl.
taries. The parade will then proceed
to the festival center, where the
coronation will take place under the
direction of the Royal Rosarians.
After the completion of the cere
mony at 12:30 o'clock. Queen Claire
and maids will be taken to the home
of Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett, where
luncheon will be served. After the
luncheon the royal party will proceed
to Davis and Eleventh streets, where
it will take its place in the float for
the floral parade. When the parade
is over. Queen Claire and maids will
be taken to the home of Mrs. David
Honeyman, 70S Prospect drive, Port
land Heigbts.
Line of March Given.
The line of march for the queen's
entry will be: Laurelhurst Park club
bouse to East Thirty-ninth, East
Thirty-ninth to East Broadway. East
Broadway . to East Twenty-fourth,
Kast Twenty-fourth to Schuyler,
of the parade will be as follows:
" Division 3"o. 1.
Forms en Eleventh street, facing- south.
with head of division resting: at intersec
tion of Everett street. Entries will ap
proach forming: place from east or west
on Flanders street, turning- south oa Elev
enth street to place in line.
Division Jfo. 2.
Section 8 Forms on Everett street, fac
ing east, with bead of division resting at
intersection of Eleventh street. Entries
will approach forming place from north
on Sixteenth street, turning east on ver
ett street to place in line.
Division No. 8.
Section 4 Forms on Iavi9 street, fac
ing east, with head of division resting
at intersection of Kloventh street. Entries
will approach forming place from seuth
on Fifteenth street, turning east on Davis
street to place in line.
Division No. 4.
Section S Forms on Fourteenth street,
facing south, with head oC division resting
ai intersection oi uavis street,
north on West Park to Morrison: west on
Morrison .to Sixteenth: south oa Sixteenth
to Tamhill: west on Yamhill to Chapman:
north on Chapman to Morrison; west on
Morrison to Washington: east on Wash
ington to Chapman: south on Chapman to
Morrison: east on Morrison to Seventeenth;
north on Seventeenth to Alder; east on
Alder to West Park; north on West Park
to Stark; west on Stark to Fourteenth and
Organizations for Today's Pageant
Must Take Proper Places.
In making the announcement of the
floral parade for this afternoon
through an oversight the following
data concerning placing of the entries
were not given:
Division 2, section 8. mounted and
driving entries. Division 3, section 4,
clubs, civic organizations and frater
nal societies of Portland. Division 4,
section 5. private cars. Division &,
section 6. automobile dealers. Section
9, unique entries. Section 7. indus
trial, business firms and banks. Sec
tion 2, outside municipalities, clubs
and civic organizations. Section 3.
on Fourteenth, street to place In line.
I It 1a Ion No. 5.
Sections 6 and 9 Form on tavls street,
with head of division resting at lnter&ec-
Schuyler to East Third. East Third to p"cc f 7.1 TfVom north 7r iolfh
J-Jast Broawj, cast. truu way to i on Ninth street, turning west on Davis
Hoyt. Hoyt to sixtn, sixtn to Main, I street to place in line.
! schools. Division 8. section 10, motor-
Entries I cvcles and bicvcles.
Ill tnnMofk fnrmln. rl... f -- . I
11 j wcb ou uiiNvii on c . l . turning soutn
Main to Park, Park to Salmon, Sal
mon to West Park and on to Park!
In the evening the royal party will
leave Mrs. Honeyman's home at 9:15 1
It is a hopeless task to try to re
store your health while your blood is
deficient In quantity or quality.
The blood circulates throughout
every portion of the body except the I approach forming place from south on Sev-
hair and nails. It takes the nourish-1 enteenth street, turning east on Davis
Division No. 6.
Sections T, 2 and 3 Form on Conch
street, facing east, with head of division
resting at Intersection of Eleventh street.
Kntries will approach forming place from
south on Seventeenth street, turning east
on Couch street to place in line.
- Section 2 forms on Couch street, facing
east, head resting at intersection of Thir
teenth street. Entries will approach form
ing place from south on Seventeenth street,
turning east on Couch street to place in
Section 8 forms on Fourteenth street.
facing south, bead of division resting at
Intersection of Couch street. Entries will
ment from the food and distributes it
to the various muscles and organs; it
takes also any medication that is ad
ministered through the mouth. The
blood is the only means by which
medication can reach the nerves. If
the blood is thin its carrying capacity
is lessened because it is the red cor
puscles in the blood that carry oxygen
and other needed constituents to the
various parts of the body.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People increase the red corpuscles in
the blood. They enable it to absorb
-more oxygen, to carry more life and
strength to the weakened organs. In
any disease in which the patient be
comes thin and pale Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills can be used successfully to
combat the anemia and build up the
health and strength.
A valuable booklet, "Building . TJp
tbe Blood," will be sent free upon re
quest. Dr. Williams'. Pink Pills are
sold by all druggists or will be sent
by mail, postpaid, on receipt of price,
CO cents per box, by the Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Schenectady. N. T. Adv.
street, turning south on Fourteenth street
to place in line.
Division ISO. 1.
Section 1 Forms on Couch street, facing
west, witn neaa or aivision resting at In
tersection of Eleventh street. Entries will
approacn lorming place irom south on
Ninth street, turning west on Couch street
to place in lino. .
' Division No. .
Section 10 Forms on Eleventh street.
facing north, with head of division resting
at intersection of Burnslde street. Entries
will approach forming place .from ai
and west on Washington street, turning
nortn on bioventn street to place. in line.
Particular attention is called to proper
routes xor approacmna- places pt forma
tion to avoid confusion and congestion
. The line of march for the floral parad
will be as follows:
Form at Eleventh and Oak street!
East on Oak to Broadway; north on Broad
way to Everett; ea.-t on Everett to Sixth;
south on Sixth to Pine; east on Pine to
Fourth; south on fourth to Oak: west
on oak to Fifth; south on Fifth to Morri
son r west on .Morrison to wixth; north on
Sixth to Sta.rH; west on Stark to Broad
way: south on Broadway to Main: west
on Main to park: south on rsrk to Jet
fersoa; west on Jefferson to West Park
To All Visitors Making Suggestions
Beautiful Souvenirs Will Bo
Mailed, It Is Announced. '
Visiting nobles of the Mystic Shrine
and their ladies are Invited to sug
gest an appropriate slogan for Port
land anrt the Portland Chamber of
Commerce will send a beautiful sou
venir to every person who responds
to the request. The publicity bureau
of the chamber wants to know what
visitors think of the city and its peo
ple and Sydney B. Vincent believes
that in the suggestion of some visitor
will be found a description- that will
express what Oregon would like to
convey to the stranger. In asking for
the verdict of the visitors to the
Shrine convention Mr. Vincent says:
"A slogan briefly and appropriately
to describe Portland as a convention
city, as a summer resort city, as
city where the climate brings out all
that is best in nature and in the in
dividual fortunate enough to reside
within Portland s boundaries, is in
vited from nobles of the Shrine and
from other Portland visitors. The
verdict of the visitor is more desira
ble than the enthusiastic encomiums
of the resident. Address your sug
gestion to the publicity bureau
Portland Chamber of Commerce."
The newer the driver the louder
the round of his horn and the more
OT only is the drum brought
here by the kiltie band of Gizeh
emple from Victoria, B. C, a
festival drum, bat it also is a war
drum. Way back about the time Eng
land declared war it was purchased in
a London music house and taken
overseas by the Western Scots, a regi
ment recruited in British Columbia.
It aaw service throughout the fight
ing and was played by the man who
has brought it to Portland.
- V
He wears the red fea of Islam tem
ple, San Francisco, and he carries a
motion picture outfit with him. He
loafs about one of the street corners
until the crowd gets thick and then
he goes into action.
With a wave of his hands and an
air of authority he lines the nobles
and their ladies up for a few score
feet of "flllum." And then after he
gets the women to look their sweetest
and the men, themselves, to do a bit
of primping, his-mono- picture cam
era suddenly explodes. The entire
front of the camera drops out and
this is the "exposure" which results:
"Meet me in 'Frisco in 1922."
a a
Ever hear of the Ancient and Ara
bic minstrel show?
In addition to its band, patrol and
chanters. Nile temple, Seattle, is pre
senting to Portland's Shrine visitors
the only t original black-faced Shrine
minstrel troupe. The minstrel organ
ization waa perfected by Harvey J.
Woods and Louis P. Schaeffer of the
band and includes members of the pa
trol ana band, together with some
specially talented "attached" mem
bers. They have all the class that
popularized this particular form of
entertainment and in addition are of
fering some exclusive Shrine special
ties oi note, watch for "em!
One of the finest group of chanters
at the session is that of Al Malaikah
temple, Los Angeles, composed of 24
highly skilled singers, and the har
mony which they have been wafting
about on the rose-scented air of Port
land has been one of the real delights
of the week. Hugo Kirchhofer is di
rector of the chanters, who are the
second group ever organized in
Shrinedom. Their eerenade of The
Oregonian local room was a classic
Their premier number, "America, My
Country," is a masterpiece.
Because of the large number of en
tries for the floral parade this after
noon, more bands are needed for the
long line of march. Those who are
willing to lend their musical efforts
are urged to report at once to Ralph
W. Hoyt, chairman of the music com
mittee, at the headquarters, Broadway
and Davis street.
Moslem temple's band and patrol
will give a special drill at 9 o'clock
this morning at Multnomah field. This
band and marching club from the De
troit temple is the largest in the
this morn'ng promises to be one of the
most spectacular special events of the
Sherm" Irisl. of the Za-Ga-Zlg
temple from Des Moines wears a mon
ocle with a red horn rim which seems
to make a hit with the girls. He has
been having a regular time with his
monocle, while C. A. Dixon has been
Kifty-eeven special trains are scbed-
nled to leave Portland in the 36-hour
period beginning at 3 P. M. today.
A complete schedule is printed here
with at the request of the traffic
committee as the only means of
reaching thousands of the nobles.
Other special trains will be pre
pared as quickly as the accommoda
tions can be obtained.
Suggestions Are Made.
B. E. Palmer. In charge of the rail
way terminal forces, who will work
continuously for 48 hours until the
congestion is relieved, had the fol
lowing suggestions to make last
"Nobles may enter trains at park
ing places any time up to two hours
before tram-leaving time.
'Trains will stay 20 minutea at the
Union depot and may be boarded
while there also. Only hand bag
gage should be carried, as the con
gestion will be great. Baggage should
be sent down to the depot at least
two hours before train departure time
and marked plainly with the name
of the temple.
Megaphone men will announce the
name of each train, the name of the
temple and the home town of the
Conrrrstlon o Be Great.
The baggage of uniformed men
should be ready at noon today eo
the baggage committee can move it
to Union depot in good time to get
on the trains.
Railroad men urge nobles to fol
low directions implicitly so that they
may be moved irom- Portland with
the least possible delay.
Some idea of the congestion is given
from the statement there will be
train in every block between Port
land and Tacoma after midnight.
Following is the schedule for train
Temola. Home Town." P. M
Alnad. East St. Ixuis 3:'0
Al Malaikah, lxs Angeles 4 :ihi
Aladdin. Columbm. O 4 " ' Tt
Medinah Cist section). Chicago. III... 0:00
Medina)! I2d section). Chicago. Ill 5:30
Ismail a, Buffalo. N. Y e:ii
Ararat. .Kansas City H:."0
Nile. Seattle 6:30
iHlxm. San Francisco 7:00
Abba. Mobile. Ala T:IO
Ralah (1st section). Fteadina. Pa..... 7:0
Raiah (2d Faction). Readins. Pa 7:40
Osman. St. Paul. Minn 8:t)0
Rarriad. Butte. Mont (S:'H
Aleppo (1st section). Boston, Mass.. :0
Aleppo t-d section), uoston. Aiass. . v:.
Salaam. Newark. N. J :;iO
Crescent. Trenton. N J B:30
Svria. Pittsbura- m:i
Akdar. Tulsa. Okla 10:30
Acca. Richmond, Va 10:30
Al Ham bra. Chattanooga i :
Kerbela. Knoxville 11:00
Khartum. Winnipeg ll:0O
fimvH Harbor. Aberdeen. Wash., and
Hoqulam. wasn 1 1 :u
Alee. Savannah. Ga ...11:lo
Pyramid, Bridgeport. Conn 11:13
Zamora. Birmingham. Ala 11:13
7nrah Trrf Haute. Ind ............. 1 i :1 3
Arabia. Houston, lex .J i
Almas. Washington. T. C 11:30
Giseh. Victoria. B. C 11:30
While You're in Portland
Buy Summer Footwear at
Portland's Best Shoe Store
Reduced prices are in effect this week on
smart shoes of the highest quality. Come in
and see our footwear, whether you wish to
buy or not. We show the latest novelties.
Women's Brown Kid Lace Shoes
Regularly $15 to $16.50
Only $12.50 the Pair!
These have taupe kid tops, welt soles, and cither
Cuban or Louis XV heels.
Women's Kid Colonial Pumps
Only $10 the Pair!
In brown, black, and in patent colt, with welt soles.
N ewest Stylet in Laird, Schober & Cos
Women's Puntps and Oxfords
TTil-Jf -? ,f ' V II I III I I jaWP
EV j 'jasiu
129 Tenth Street, BeU Washington and Alder
Potentate IjeaTCll Says Guarantee
of Mexican Revolution for Re
union Will Be Made.
El Paso's fes Is In the Shrine ring
for the 1923 convention.
Potentate Charles Leavell of El
Paso, Tex, guarantees a Mexican rev
olution for the reunion and a battle
In Juarez as the bis; event of the con
clave. As San Francisco has asked
for the 1922 reunion. El Paso seeks
the meeting; to follow.
New hotels are beins planned now.
Potentate Leavell announced Wednes
day night. There is a big hotel
planned for Juarez, in Mexico, oppo
site El Paso, but no nobles will want
to sleep while on the border for fear
of missing something. Bullet-proof
rooms will be provided for the impe
rial potentate and his imperial council
while In El Paso. Besides, the Mexi
cans yell "Fore!" before they shoot
across the line, "Senor" Leavell says.
Potentate Leavell, aided and abet
ted by John M. Wyatt. Wyatt Evans
and John Mason, is doing some felt
bootwork amonsr the delejratea in
Portland for the. 1923 reunion, and
has a -number of pledges already.
The El Paso delegation says the
fact that El Paso is located on the
Rio Grande, the only river in the
world that Is dry on one side and wet
on the other, has nothing to do with.
getting these pledges.
Thursday night the El Paso crowd
will put on a party of its own in front
of the Portland hotel, with a bull
fight and an Indian dance between
drills by the crack El Paso patrol.
71 Slirine Bands Serenade and
Chanters Do Stunts.'
The person who wrote the song to
the effect that "there's music in the
air" might have gleaned a new angle
of the situation had he been standing
on a downtown street corner yester
day. Crowds on every corner and in
front of every big building at about
two-minute intervals were treated to
concerts by some of the visiting
Shrine bands. Numerous special
stunts were staged by uniformed
chanters and members of patrols.
While crowds were waiting for last
night's parade the came groups sere
naded at points along the line. bo
close were some of them that it was
difficult to distinguish one tune from
another and theaters in particular
lost out on organ recitals when one
or two roving bands would station
themselves outside the buildings.
ii 1 VIm
a faithful accessory by blowing love I Boumi. Baltimore', Md.!!
messages witn nis bugle.
bam Dye, who is the "note" of
Akdar temple. Tulsa, Okla.. is the
boss of the richest afcereeation of
Shriners in the world. Lu lu temnle
of Philadelphia is said to be the rich
est temple, but the nobles of Akdar
have the largest bankroll. The 4000
members of Akdar represent JI00.-
000,000. There's Robert McFarlin. for
example, who has to worry along
witn a miserable S30.000.000. - and
.Kennedy, who has $10,000,000. and
Splnger, with his $5,000,000. One of
the most retiring chaps in Akdar pa
trol is vvuiiam Thompson. He and
his brother are preparing to build a
skyscraper at Sixth and Boston.
Tulsa, and it will be some building.
Taarab. Atlanta. Oa
Zenobia, Toledo. O
lil KaUT. sspoKane. wasn..
A. M.
.. .12:01
l.u (1st section!. Philadelphia... 1 :00
L.U Lu (2d section), inuaaeipnia.
Ksvpt. Tampa. Via......
Morocco, Jacksonville, Fla. .......
Alaafar. San Antonio
Moolah. St. Louis. Ho......
Damascus. Rochester. N. V.......
India. Oklahoma City
Kora, Lewiston. Mo
Lu Lu 3d section). Philadelphia..
Al Koran. Cleveland, O
Oasis, Charlotte. N. C
Hella. Dallas, Tex
Kl Mina, Jlveston. Tex
Kl Kalah. Salt Lake City
Had I. Kvansvllle. Ind
El Sibab. Macon, Ga
Mispali. Madisonville. Ky
Molla. St. Joseph. Mo
Shrine club. Amarlllo. Tex
Zurab, Minneapolis and K. ........
Osiris. Wheeling. W. Va
Almas. Washington, D. C
K.I Rind. Sioux Falls
Abu Bekr, Sioux City
out no one would suSDert it to sea
Bill going through his drill on Morri
son street in front of the grandstand. I Garretson Special. Tacoma. WasB
Tnn.. also, there. Is Hhar s, Mixhlin l Mural. inuisniii
who invented -something used in the
011 wens, ana Be drags down a
royalty of 100 a day, rain or shine.
Carl D. Shoemaker, executive sec
retary of the Oregon state fish com
mission, who is a member of Ilillah
temple of Ashland, Or, fools quite a
few of the nobles, not familiar with
the different temples of the state,
who think that all not of the AI Kader
temple are out-of-town guests.
Last night he was in a local res
taurant, when two eastern Shriners
came in. All ordered baked salmon
and presently an Al Kader Shriner
began to compliment them on their
choice, proceeding to tell them of the
merits of the fish, its life and habits.
Shoemaker said nothing until he had
finished his tale and then told him
who be was. "lie knocked me off the
chair," was the explanatory comment
of Carl D.
- .
All of the visitors have nothing but
words of high praise for the splendid
manner In which Al Kader has fitted
up a general reception headquarters
in the basement of the Portland hotel
It has been a real Mecca for the tired
sheik after the long parades and
walking about the streets, and for
the wives of shriners there is always
a fresh bouquet of Portland roses in
From a clerk In a man's furnishing
store to a manufacturer of breakfast
.food is one little jump, you must ad
mit, but Danny Dunn of Algeria tem
ple. Helena, Mont., has just made the
leap, and successfully. He's now an
honest-to-goodness manufacturer and
is mingling pleasure with business by
distributing samples of his breakfast
food about ail temple headquarters
Rameses. Toronto
Sahara. Pine Bluff
Alamnl. Little Rock
Midian, Wichita
Ballut-Abyad. Albuquenjue .
Ziyara, Utlca
Tehama. Hastinrs i;,----
Zuhrah. Minneapolis, Minn.
Mizpah, l"t. Wayne. Ind....
Tebala, Rockford, III
Mecca. New York city
Kerak. Reno
Tanfrler. Omaha
El Khurafeh. Saginaw
El Korah. Boise, Ida no..
El Zagat. Fargo. N. D.
J :."0
. . l::;o
.. i::io
. . 1 ::t0
.. 2:0
.. 2:00
. . I:0O
. . 2:
. . 2:00
.. 2::;o
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. . 4:00
. . 4:0
. . 4:30
.. 4:30
.. 4:30
. . 4:30
.. 6:00
. . 3 :XI
. . 6:O0
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.. 9:00
. . :30
. .1O:O0
. .10:00
. .10:30
. .10:30
. .10:30
. .11:00
P. M.
. . 5:30
.. 6:30
. .11:10
1 :00 A. M.
....11:00 P.M.
world. The drill which they will give throughout the city.
Mnrhinps Can Now Get Witlfln
Half Mile of Crater Lake Rim.
n.sMATH FALLS. Or.. June 23.
(Special.) By Saturday the road
from here to Crater Lake will be open
to automobiles, said Alexander Spar
row, superintendent of the Crater
Lake National oaric. today. Machines
can now get within half a mile of the
rim. He said by the week end the
last half mile will be open. Alford L.
Barkensburg, proprietor of Crater
Lake lodce. has arrived from Port
land and opened the-lodge, said Mr.
The United Stites house appropria
tions committee on an inspection on
the western parks and reclamation
projects will arrive here July 7, ac
cording to notice received by Herbert
Newell, project manager. They will
epend half a day on the Klamath proj
ect, and go from here to tjraier uko
National park.
Read The Oregonian classified ads.
Disinfection Fights
to Keep You Well
Enlist the powerful ally that will fight
for you against the ever-present menace
of disease germs. . ;
Proper disinfection fights unceasingly
to keep you well and protect you from at
tacks of contagious disease.
Mm. a. m. or m
Disinfe clant
Wherever applied, Lysol Iisinfectant
exterminates germ life or prevents its
In the ofEce: Have Lysol Disinfectant
sprinkled regularly in toilet-rooms, dark
corners, cuspidors.
At home: Have Lysol Disinfectant
sprinkled in sinks, drains, toilets, dark cor
ners, garbage cans. -
Have a little Lysol Disinfectant added
to all scrubbing water.
A 50c bottle makes five gallons of power
ful disinfectant; a 25c bottle makes two
Remember, there is but one genuine Ly
sol Disinfectant made, bottled, signed,
and sealed by Lehn & Fink, Inc.
Lysol Toilet Soap
25c a Cake
Contains the necarv proDortien
of tbe antiseptic isgredienta o( Lysol
Disinfectant to protect the bealtts
of the skin. It is also refreshingly
soothing, healing, and helpful for
improving the skin. Ask your
dealer, if he hasn't it, ask him to
order it for you.
Lysol Shaving Cream
in Tubes
Contains the necessary proportion
ef tbe antiseptic ingredients of Lysol
nisinfectant tr render the rasor.
strop, cup, and shaving-brush: anei
tically clean, fuard tiny ruts frnm
infection, and five an antieeptie
shava. If your dealer hasn't it, ask
him to order a supply for you.
rrw ioth M
t r