THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, TnUKSDAT, JUNE 24. 1920 21. WOO L SALE TO BE HELD AT SOIO Growers Decide on Tuesday, June 29, as Date. BUYERS WILL BE ON HAND hard wheat, 13.75: best bakers' patents. $13.73: pastry flour. $11.80: craham. 11.0: whole wheat. $11.85. JIILLFEED Prices r. o. b. mill: Mill run, $536&4 per ton; rolled barley. $730 74: relied oats. $7473; scratch teed. $9091. . CORN Whole. $82S3; cracked. $849 S5 per ton. HAT Buying price f. o. b. Portland: Alfalfa. $30; cheat, $25: valley timothy. $3336. About 700,000 Pounds Will Be Offered Rend and Condon Will Also Have Sales. There will be a scaled bid wool sale at Shanlko en Tuesday, June -9. This deci- lairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras. 4950r per lb.; prints, parchment wrappers, box lota. 64c per pound; cartons. 65c: half boxes. c more; less than half boxes, lc more; but terfat. No. 1, SI 52a per pound at sta tions: Portland delivery. -53c EGGS Buying price, current receipts, 8('37e. Jobbing prices to retailers: Can dled. 41 42c: selected. 4344c. CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook: Triplets. 28c: Young America. 29c; long horns. 29c. Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myrtle Point: Triplets. 31c; Young America. 32ttc Der nnunrl - . ruULTRi Hens. 20ig)26c; broilers, j-iw 32c: ducks. 40 50c; geese, nominal, tur keys, nominal. VfcAL ancy. 21c per pound. PORK Fancy, 21c per pound. Frnlta and Vegetable. FRUITS Oranges, 4.50(S7: lemons, $5 as.23 per box; grapefruit, $44x0.50 per box; bananas, ll12c per pound; apples. $3.50(6 4 per box: strawberries. $3.504 per crate; cantaloupes, per crate; cherries. 10933o per pound; water melons. 54?tic per pound; apricots. $2.75 LIBERTY BONDS STEADY STOCK MARKET IS I R REG CLiAR WITH SMALL TCKSOVER. ion was reached yesterday by a number of I Br r crate: nlneapoles. 17'20c per pound peaches, $22.25 per box; black figs. $3 per box; plums, 3.75Q'4 box; gooseberries, 8c per pound. VEGETABLES Cabbage, 3f4c per pound; lettuce. $22.75 per crate: cu cumbers, $12.50 per dozen; carrots, $49 7&9c per pound: rhubarb. 55r6c per pound: peas. 1012c per pound; asparagus. $1.75r 2.00 per box: beans, 1522M:C per pound. POTATOES Oregons, $1011 per sack; Takimas, JlOQill; new California, 10 0 12Vfec per pound. ' ONIONS Crvstal wax, S1.752 per crate: red. $22.50 per sack.. Staole Groceries. Loral jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: Cane, granulated. !4ic per pound HONEY New, $77.50 case. NUTS Walnuts. 26r38c: Brazil nuts. 35c; filberts, 35c; almonds, 3838Hc: pea nuts, . 166P 16',-ic; cocoanuts, $2 per dozen. SALT Half ground, 100s. $11.25 per ton; 50s, $18.75 per ton; dairy, $27.75 per ton. R IC E BHie Rose, loc per pound. BEANS Small white. 7Kc: large white. 7Hc; pink. 15c; lima, 15c per pound; bayous, llc: Mexican reds, 10c per lb. COFFEE Roasted, in drums, 39Qo0c, Hides and Pelts. HIDES Nominal. PELTS Iry pelts, fine and medium long wool, 15c; dry pelts, coarse, long wool, 10c Provisions. Local jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes. 4145c: skinned. 409 44c; picnics. 26c: cottage. 35c LARD Tierce basis. 25c: shortening. 23c per pound. dry SALT Short, clear backs. -JOHP-jc per pound; plates, 23c. bauon f ancy. 4UU57c: standard, 47c per pound. Hops, Wool, Etc. MOHAIR Nominal TALLOW No. 1. 9 10c per pound; No. 2. Sc. CASCAK . BARK Per pound, old peel. 12c: new peel. 10c per pound. WOOL Eastern Oregon, line, 50054c; valley, medium, 35c per pound; valley, coarse, 2Uc per pound. U11AJ. VAUH Uarlots, 20c. leading wool growers of that section who are in Portland attending the Shrine cele bration. About . 700,000 pounds of wool will be offered at the Shanlko sale. The wool buyers of thla city have announced their $4.50 per sack; horseradish. 25c per pound: K. garlic 40c: tomatoes. $2.253.50 per Intention to be present. boi. artIcnokes 50 per dozen. BDlnaoh. liu ua IV" im.c u v. j . w ..... and Condon wool sates. Sheepmen of both those places have notified the buyers here f their Intention to hold sealed bid sales. WHEAT OUTLOOK IN FRANCE GOOD Trospects in Great Britain Are Also Gen erally Satisfactory. The wheat crop situation abroad Is sum marized by Broomhall In hie weekly cable aa follows: United Kingdom Official crop reports generally good, although in some sections there has been too much rainfall. Franoe Outlook for all cereals is very satisfactory. Earing of the new wheat is generally good. Iu some parts of the southern districts, however, some deterior ation has been caused by dryness, but this is not regarded aa serious. Italy Harvesting will be very lato In the northern and central districts, but crops In these sections are considered good, but prospects in the south are very poor. Germany Official advices state that all of Prussia will have good crops of grain with the exception of rye. Australia Widespread rains are making Increased sowings of wheat possible. India The monsoon has had a good start. Official advices state there will be no exports of wheat before December, de Dite the satisfactory new crop of wheat. Russia All reports tend to condrm that there la only a moderate surplus of grain In this country and that it is Impossible to transport this. Hungary Kxtreme heat has deteriorated erons. Balkans Good crops are being harvested In these countries. I Greece This country has arranged for imports of Brains from Jugo-Slavia. Arirnntlna Wheat ioadincs have been resumed, but it Is uncertain whether addi tional wheat will be permitted to be cx ported after the present fleet of steamers la cleared. COKS SELLS F1FTT CENTS HIGHER Coarse Grains Are Firmer at Local Board Session. The coarse grain market- was flrmer yesterday. At the Merchants Exchange 200 tons of corn wero sold at $73 for June thlDDient. an advance of 00 cents over Monday's bid. White feed oats ranged from 60 cents to $1.25 higher. Marley bids .Fra also firmer. Th. w.thir forecast for the middle west, as wired from Chicago: "Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin. Minnesota, Iowa,' Ne trkii Kansas generally fair tonight and Thursday, rising temperatures. North and t-...,, n,v. immewhat unsettled and nnl.r tonlirht and Thursday." Terminal receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay i Portland Wednesday .. '" 1 Year ago ... 9 bean to date.Plj Year aso ...7000 Tacomay Tuesday .... 1 - Year ago 14 . Sea n to date.7::t2 Year ago . . .5501 tjentUe . , Tuesday .... " Year ago ... & Sea n to dale.(i.i2 i ear ago . . .0492 BUTTER SHIPPED TO SAN FRAN 4 1 SCO 4iood Demand for Liberal Arrivals on the Local Market. The butter market was firm in spite of very good receipts. In addition to the quantities going into storage, liberal ship ments are being made to San Francisco. Cube extras sold at 4050 cents. Egg prices were unchanged, but the un - dertone of the market was easier. Ar rivals are light but are more than suffi cient for the dem-vad. Cold storage holdings of butter in Port land have Increased during the past week. but show a heavy decrease over the same period last year, according to a report of the bureau of markets, just issued. For the week ending June 21, 484.043 pounds were held In storage against 868,339 pounds on June 21 last year. Butter held in storage on June 14 totaled 439,408 pounds. i Egg holdings in storage totaled 43.041 cases on June 21 against 39,224 cases dur ing the same period last year. Eggs held In storage last Week were 42,445 cases. Cheese In cold storage amounts to 31,331 pounds' against 75,241 pounds for the same week in 1019. ' DECLINE IN LOCAL Sl'GAR PRICES Trading Confined to Steels, Equip ments, Oils and Several of Food Issues. NEW YORK, Juno 23. Lacking guid ance from any constructive .quarter, to day's session of the. stock exchange was dull and superficial from the irregular opening to the apathetic close. The ticker was motionless for long intervals and many issues whiotr usually contribute to the ura business were relegated to obscurity. Financial, industrial and related con siderations seemed to play no part in the day's operations and pools evidently found It unprofitable to continue their recent tactics In selected specialties. Steels, equipments, oils and several oi the food ibsues furnished the only note worthy movement, notably Crucible, Amer ican Car, Baldwin, Mexican retroieum, su gars and Corn Products. These and kin dred stocks finished at variable advances. Sales amounted to 300,000 shares. The money market reflected the general inertia, call loans repeating their recent low and high quotations of 8 and 11 per cent on reduced borrowings. From 8 to 9 per cent was again bid for time funds, but offerings were negligible. Apathy extended to foreign exchange in the international money market. The rate reacted moderately as the buying power diminished with concurrent ease ment of French and Italian quotations. Reports dealing with the railroad labor situation were confusing, but indicated for the most part that the strike is on the wane at this and adjacent centers. These disturbances, however, have again crip pled production at eastern steel and iroa mills, according to trade authorities. Losses of large fractions to a point were made by bonds of leading railway systems, but liberty issues and the for- ign group were steady to firm. Total sales, par value, aggregated $12,400,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. 5$10c; cantaloupes, standards. $4.2394.73; ponies, $3.254; flats, $1.50(81.75; honey dew, $3.25 per crate; -oranges, Valen cia, $4. 7&g 3.50; lemons, $3.2&j5; grape fruit, $20)3.75; bananas. Central American, tllc; Hawaiian, 1012c per lb; pine apples $45.50 per dor.; apples. New town Pippins. $3Q3.7&; new crop. $2$2.50 per box $11.25 per lug; apricots, 5Sc per lb; do, $1.25-91.50 per crate; do fancy. 1012c per lug; cherries, black. 5 lOo per lb.; fancy, 10412c: soft white, 507o: Bin irs, 15017c; Royal Ann. 1012'4c; peaches, per box, $161.60; $1.5061.75 per crate; $11. 50 per lug; baskets, $1,259 1.40; watermelons. 8H4c per lb.: plums, $2 2.25 per lug: tragedy, $22.50 per crate; Clymai, 1.752.50; Santa Rosa, $2 -3 per crate; pears, $2.502.75 per box; currants, per chest, $6Jj8; chetrjr plum, $1 per small box; figs, black. 75c $1.25 per box; grapes, $13 per crate. Receipts Flour. 2790 quarters: wheat, 800 centals; barley, 2S94 centals; beans, 20 sacks: corn. 060 centals; potatoes, 1266 eacka; onions, 636 sacks; hay. 172 tons; eggs, 118.500 dozen; hides, 86 rolls; or anges, 500 boxes; livestock. 100 head. CATTLE MARKET IS LOWER STEERS DOWX 5 0 CENTS . LOCAL STOCKYARDS. AT CORN UPTURN IS SUDDEN SWITCHMEN'S STRIKE CAUSES BUXLXG IX CHICAGO MARKET. Cows and Bulls Also Hogs, Sbeep and Lambs Hold Steady. Decline. Ani Beet Sue- Am Can Am C & Fdy. Am H & L pi'd Am Int Corp. Am Loco Am Sm & Rfg Am Sugar ... Am Sum Tob. Am Tel & Tel Am Tob Sec Am Woolen . . Anaconda Cop Ati a At w l. Baldwin Loco 11.800 ' . Oils. LINSEED OIL Kaw. barrels, J1.S3: raw. drums, $1.90; raw, cases, $1.98; boiled. barrels. $; boiled, drums. $1.V2; boiled, cases, $2. TURPENTINE Tanks, $2.16; cases. $2.31. COAL OIL Iron barrels. 14 lie 17c; eases, 2734c UASOL1NE Iron barrels, 251c; tank ivagons, 25 4c; cases, 38c FUEL OIL Bulk, $2.10 per barrel. BEST WEEK OF SEASON ALL CROPS IX OREGON .MAKE RAPID ADVANCE. 1 2 2 7 6 . . 4 100 4015 5S2 230O 1110 23U0 795 3247 .... 14 .. ? 116 3321 1S2 S51S 4U . . 202 1242 1 'i 2 6 21 255 1205 600 1247 113 1770 649 2uU7 Winter WUcat Is Filling Well and Spring Grains of All Kinds Are Thriving. CLOSING; STOCK QUOTATIONS. Sales. 700 5U0 70O SOO 800 l.eoo 300 100 000 1,200 1,500 uoo ooo 200 Market Is S3 Cents Lower at $21.50 Basis for Cane Granulated. There was a 25-cent decline In local sugar prices yesterday to the basis of $24.50 a hundred for cane granulated. The easing off of the raw sugar market In the east would indicate that the peak of high prices has been reached and that even tually sugar will descend to a reasonable level. The decline, however, is expectel to be gradual. A 50-cent advance In a leading brand of condensed milk was announced. LOCAL Fit I' IT 8 CP PLIES ARE AMPLE First Oregon String Beans From The Dalles Section. Fruit supplies were large and business was fairly good. A shipment of plums ar rived by express and sold at $3.7564 a crate. Cantaloupes were firm, standards selling up-to $5.25 and flats at $2.25 2.40. ' Berries and cherries sold regularly at un changed prices. The first string beans came In from The Dalles and were offered at 20 22 ceuta a pound. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland $4,614,037 $1,151,678 Seattle 6.242.170 . 1,1 78.571 Tacoma 754.701 , 106.057 Spokane 1.8!6.399 707,493 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS v Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc. -Merchants' Exchange, noon session. Crop conditions In Oregon for the week are reported Dy the weather bureau as ioi- lows : The early part of the week was generally cloudy and cool, with light showers over a arge part of the stste. The Hatter part was warm, witb low humidity and uninter rupted sunahine. It was the most favor able week of the season for crop growth and- all vegetation made rapid advance. Snow in the mountains is now melting rapidly, and there is generally sufficien water for Irrigation, but no high wate has occurred. In the extreme southeastern counties there ia shortage of water for stock. Winter wheat has been much benefited by recent rains, and In the principal whea' growing counties is generally good to ex cellent. It is filling well in the mtlde sections and heading elsewhere. Sprin wheat, oats and barley are thriving, except that some late oats have a poor stand, Some of the earliest spring wheat is head ing. Harvest of barley is beginning In Jackson county. Corn Is backward, ow ing to the c,ool weather, but is now be ginning to grow well. Early corn is re covering from the effect of the late frosts. Apples and pears are dropping heavily. Cherry harvest is in progress in some of the milder sections. Strawberries have been ripening slowly, but will develop more rapidly under the .Influence of the present high temperature. Canning of goosebernee Is In progress. v lid black berries are turning color. Haying la extending Into some of the cooler sections. Where the first cutting of alfalfa and -clover has been made the sec ond crop is starting welL Feed on the range Is generally excellent, though in some southeastern localities It is dry. For the most part stock ia In excellent con dition. Early potatoes are recovering from the effects of frost, and are in market In lim limited quantities. Some late potatoes are still being planted. The main crop Is gen erally coming up well. Carden vegetables are making rapid growth since the weather became warmer. Hop. are doing well. Bait & Ohio Beth Steel B. Cal Petrol Canadian Pac. Central Leath Chandler Mot. Chcs & Ohio.. Chi M 4 lit P Chi & Northw Chi R I & P. Chino Copper. Colo Fuel & I Corn Products 14,700 Crucible Steel 21.900 Cub Cane Sue 3.&00 Erie . . Gen Electric. i Gen Motors. . Gt North pfd. Gt N Ore ctfs Inspir Copper. Int M M pfd.. Int Nickel ... Int Paper, . . . Kan City So.. Kennecott Cop Louis & Nash Mex Petrol .. Miami Copper Mid Sts Oil.. Midvaie Steel. Miss Pacific. . N Y Central.. N T N H & H. Norf & West. North Pacific Ohio Cts Gas. Ok Prd & Rfg Pac Tel A; Tel P-Am Petrol.. Pennsylvania. . Pitts c W Va Ray Con Cop. Reading Kep 1 steel R uotcn n i . Sin Oil & RfS South Pacific. South Ry 3 Oil N J pfd Studebak Crp Texas Co. . . . Texas & Pac Tob Products. Trans Oil .... Union Pacific U S Food I'rfl U S Ind Alco. U S Rtl Stores U S Rubber. . U S Steel..... U R Sleel pfd West Union.. West Electric. Willys-Ovid. . 600 9,200 3110 50O 400 1,200 200 5O0 2, OOO 1,900 200 ! 00 200 300 7.300 4.0OO 200 OOO 1,200 !0O 500 100 200 60O 0.200 2O0 1,900 2,700 1,000 200 100 60O 2.4 O0 3,700 50 9 110 5, 1O0 2.7O0 3 OO 300 OOO 3,900 5,O0 1.30O 3,300 . 2O0 4.900 9.:f0 17.20O 1.0O0 300 9.700 ' BOO 300 10.900 2.500 2.700 10,500 600 10O 5O0 1.600 High. 90 40 138 Vi 16 86 V4 9te Mil 123 871, Vitt 53 96 14 60 159 117 30 'A 89 Vi 2?i 13 3 63 X 100 51 32 07. 35 30,i 33 95 147V 53 12 140V4 22 70', 35 Vs 52 69 17 'i 74 -k 15 , 26V. 98 177 20'i SOU 4H 24 Vi 6S 28 V4 ss 71 39 4V4 45 102 '4 38 27 Vs 16 Vk 84 92 H ll:l', 31 92 22 4 loTk 7074 54 '4 4fl4 67 V4 17 113 67 74 92 7. 77 W 94 92 'A 105V4 83 4944 18 Last Sale. ao 39 H 138 Vs J5 80 96 4 58 5, 123 87 V4 93 v 54 96 56 V4 139 117 30 V4 89 29 112Va C.V?, 98 51 31 Vi 67 ',4 35-H 30 '.4 33 95 147 52 12 140 22N, (it)1,, 33 V 51 Ts 89 17 7414 15 26',-. 97 17'A 20 27 40 24 67 28 87 70 39 4 45 101 38 Vi 27 4 16 83 92 Low. 89 39 136 V4 15 86 95 58 123 86 V4 93 54 95 55 159 11 6 '4 30 88 29 Vi 112 65 V4 98 51 31 67 V4 35 30 Vs 33 94 143 52 12 140 2 2 V4 69 ' 35 5 1 88 17 74 , 15 26 97 173 20 27 40 24 67 28 87 70 38 4 45 101 22 26 16 83 V 91 112 W - 112 Close Is Strong With Advances Ranging Up to Two Cents Oats Crop Reports Bullish. CHICAGO, June 23. New strikes of switchmen on western railways led to a sudden upturn in prices today for corn. The market closed strong, 1 to 2 cents net higher, with July $1.80 to $1.81. and September $1.70 to $1.71. Oats finished unchanged to to cents fad vance. and provisions varying from 10 "cents decline to a rise of 15 cents. The early market had , suffered sharp declines, owing to lack of support and bad not shown much power to rally, although estimated receipts were somewhat meager. With traffic conditions again entering an other crista apparently, however, there was a general rush to buy and the bulge which followed kept gaining In force, especially In the last 15 minutes. Final trades were at the topmost point reached, notwith standing that heavy offerings from influ ential houses were rained into the pit. Oats were active, but for the moat part reflected only the changes in corn. - Con siderable notice, though, was taken of pessimistic reports which a leading crop expert sent from Bloomington, 111. Provisions averaged lower, chiefly aa result of packers selling lard. Arrivals at the stockyards were large yesterday, amounting to 38 loads, but 19 of these vent through. There was a good supply of cattle on the market and prices eased off all down the line. Steers are Quoted 50 cents lower, cows are down 5075o and the best bulla are $1 lower. Hogs and sheep held steady at former prices. Receipt were 828 cattle, 2 calves, 22 hogs and 287 sheep. The day's sales were aa follows: Wgt. Prlce.l Wgt. Price. 11 steers. 928 $ 8.75111 lambs. 60 $ 8.50 19 steers. 1082 7.251 8 lambs. 68 11. P0 9.00:20 lambs. 6.001 7 lambs. 8 00 14 lambs. 9.75111 lambs. 8.50, 6 lambs. 7.75'll lambs. 8.55 A lambs. 7.00l 9 lambs. 8.35 8 lambs. 7.001 7 lambs. 8.751 7 lambs. 7.00125 lambs. 6.50 4 lambs. 7.5010 lambs. 5 40 43 lambs 14 steers. 890 3 steers. 1063 1 steer. . 870 14 steers. 800 12 steers. 895 2 steers. 870 12 cows.. 1008 3 cows. .1080 2 cows. .1045 3 cows. .1048 12 cows. .1007 2 cows. 21 cows. 1 cow.. 3 cows. 2 cows. 15 cows. 3 hogs. . 7 hogs. . 4 hogs. . 4 hogs. . 23 hogs.. 45 hogs.. 3 hogs. . 8 hogs. , 12 hogs.. 15 hogs.. 5 hogs. . 75 hogs.. 4 hogs. . 7 hogs. . 13 hogs.. 9 hogs. . 12 hogs. . 1 1 hogs. . 4 hog. . 13 lambs. 19 lambs. 30 lambs. 575 792 1100 760 850 105 303 185 130 362 203 IsH 3M 183 125 115 186 130 175 . 142 . 214 , 182 . 104 . 201 30 63 58 69 3.5 7.23 13.00l 15. 50 13 30 13. SO 15.50 13.73 13.75 15.75 14.00 14.001 7 lambs 1 ewe. . 4 ewes. 2 ewes. 1 ewe. . 4 ewes. 34 yearl. 7 yearl. 2 yearl. 1 bun i sows 1 cow '3 67 73 75 87 85 6S 74 83 84 40 88 80 62 S2 SO 160 103 133 , 170 . 142 109 117 83 .1180 s. .Al4 . .rs40 16.00 5 cows. . 876 13.501 4 cows.. 917 11.501 3 steers. 943 14.25115 hogs. . 253 15.751 6 hogs. . 180 15.50)22 hogs. . 198 13.50i22 hogs. . 130 15.501 3 hogs. . 200 18.75! 3 hogs. . 210 6.001 1 hog. . . 340 8.50133 lambs. 74 11.00 8.50 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 8.50 11.00 11.00 11.00 9.00 11. OO 9.00 9.00 11.00 11.00 5.00 6.00 5.50 3.00 3.00 7.50 7.00 8.00 6.00 7.35 6 00 8.O0 6.23 8.00 15.55 16.00 .15.75 14.23 12. OO 16.00 14.75 11.00 11.00 NORTHWEST BONDS Affording Unusual Investments A list of choice municipal offerings, illustrative of many others which we own, is given herewith, carrying securities Yielding Sy2 to 7 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS American Bonds Exempt From AU Federal Income Taxes Hogs Prime mixed . . Medium mixed Smooth heavy Sheep Lambs Cull lambs Yearlings Wethers . . Ewes ' The Chicago market letter received yes terday by the Overocck & -Cooke company of Portland said: CorVi It was an erratic market through out the day. starting weak and undergoing a complete reversal, closing at the high point. "Today's arrivals were a disappoint ment, but apparently there was more than enough to go around, as the cash market wnn c?n3v u : i ri in 1 ,1 a t rtn lim -1 t lower, firming up slightly later In the day! Rough heavy with futures. Aside from some further I -ig labor disturbances rn the railroads, the general news was bearish. The strike re ported was purely local. . The late bulge. It seems, was due more to technical condi tions than anything else and, barring un favorable developments that might Inter fere with the movement, we think- it will be difficult to maintain prices. Oatfi Resting orders to buy on the early break took the ourp'.us off the market and brought about a complete recovery. Re ceipts were small, with a auiet cash de mand, and spot prices failed to keep pace with the advance in futures. Under pres ent conditions we doubt the wisdom of buying September cats in anticipation of further crop deterlorallon. Provisions Although hog receipts were stnnll the market was under pressure and ruled weaK. it is the opinion of close oh n-rvrr of condition n t th, 1 rta 1 BrAv yards Upat hogs have advanced enough for I fedr. "trong. inn present. Leading futures ranged as follows: CORN. 11.001 8 lambs. 63 Livestock prices at the Portland stock yards were aa follows: Cattle Price. Grain and pulp-fed steers $11.00a 1 1.50 Choice grass steers........... 10.5O'fi-11 .00 Good to choice steers 10.00'ii 10.50 Medium to good steers 9.O0&10.O0 Common to fair steers 7.00 8.00 Choice cows and heifers 9.00& 9.50 Good to choice cows, heifers. . 8.0OW 9.00 Medium to rood cows, heifers 7.00'(V 8.00 Fair to medium cows, heifers 6.00 7.00 Cannerrs 4.0O 5.00 Bulls 6.00'rt 7.50 Prime light calves 14.00i3 13.00 Medium to light calves 10 T.Oirr 13.00 Heavy calves 8.00010.50 1 5.25 15.75 14.75to 13.25 11.25W13.- 10.00tvlt.25 ll.73tfl3.75 11.00)11.30 8 00 10.00 7.00a 8.00 6.00t& 7.73 3.00 7.00 Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA, June 23. Hogs Receipts. 12,- 000, opening active, 15 40c higher. Clos ing dull witb most advance lost. . Top, $15.75: bulk. $14.25015.25. Cattle Receipts. o500, beef steers and butcher stock steady to 25c lower: best heavy steers. $16.2o; yearlings, $13.00; veal. SOc lower; stockera and feeders, weak. " Sheep Receipts. 4000. Lambs 25 higher. Best Idaho lambs held at 117. OO; native spring lambs, $15.75; shorn lambs, $13.60 013.70; sheep steady, beat ewes, $7.00; Rate 18,000 'Arlington, City of, Oregon, Sewer 6 500 t Astoria, City of, Oregon 1,000 Astoria, City, of , Oregon, Ser., No. 15.... 500 fAstoria, City of, Or., Imp., Ser., No. 4.. 8,000 fAstoria, City of, Or., Imp., Ser., No. 24.. 14,000 Buhl, City of, Idaho, City Hall 6 40,000 Clarke County, Wash., Road (Donohue) . . 5 1,000 Clatsop County, Oregon, S. D., No. 30.... 13,000 Coos County, Oregon, S. D., No. 8 16,000 "Franklin County, Washington............ 11,000 'Grace, City of, Idaho, Light 17,000 Helix, City of, Oregon, Imp 2,500 t Jacksonville, City of, Oregon 50,000 Jerome County, Idaho, Hillsdale H. D 15,000 Kelso, City of. Wash., Water 46,500 fLewis County, Wash., Road (Donohue) . . . , 8,500fMt. Angel, City of, Oregon 2,000 'Newport, Port of, Oregon 16,000 Power County, Idaho, Crystal Highway... 29,000 Prineville, City of, Oregon, Funding 2,000 Roosevelt, City of, Utah 6 4,000 fSeaside, City of, Oregon, Funding 1,000 Seattle, City oi. Wash., L. & P......... 1,000 'Seattle, City of. Wash., L. & P 5,000fShoshone County, Idaho, Clarkia H. D.. 2,000 Springfield, City of, Oregon 15,000 'Tacoma, Port of, Washington 55,000 'Teeton County, Idaho, Road & Bridge.. 5,000 tTurner, City of," Oregon 4,546 JfWapato,, Washington, Water Maturity Price Yield 6 6 6 6 5Va 5Vi 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 5i 5 6 6 6 5 5 6 6 5 5 6 6 A&O 1940 100.00 6.00 M&S 1924-36 100.00 6.00 F&A 1938 100.00 6.00 J&D 1922 100.00 6.00 M&N 1931-37 100.00 6.00 J&J 1931-39 100.00 6.00 A&O 1932-39 100.00 B.50 F&A 1929-30 100.00 5.50 M&S 1930-40 100.00 B.50 A&O 1924-39 97.36 5.50 J&J 1931-39 100.00 6.00 F&A 1932-39 100.00 6.00 A&O 1930 100. 00 6.00 J&J 1930-39 100. 00 6.00 A&O 1935 100.00' 6.00 M&N 1921-30 ToNet 5.50 J&J 1925-35 ToNet 6.00 J&J 1928 93.72 6.00 J&J 1930-S8 100.00 6.00 A&O 1932-40 100.00 6.00 J&D. 1938 100.00 6.00 J&D 1930-33 100.00 6.00 A&O 1929 96.39 5.50 A&O 1935 94.85 6.50 M&S 1933-39 100.00 6.00 M&N 1931 100.00 6.00 F&A 1936-37 ToNet 5.60 J&J 1931-36 100.00 5.50 J&J 1944 100.00 6.00 M&S 1929 100.00 6.0Q i: SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS American Bonds Exempt From "All Federal Income' Taxes Rate 5,000 'Buhl, City of, Idaho, Sewer DisL, No. 4.. 7 2,000 'Buhl, City of, Idaho, Paving Dist., No. 3.. 7 4,100ttGrandview, City of, Washington 7 40,000 'Rupert, City of, Idaho, Sidewalk I. D., No. 4 7 7,000 'Rupert, City of, Idaho., Paving I. D., No. 1- 7 2,200 Seattle, City of Wash., I I. D., No. 3072.. 6 26,000 'Soda Springs, City of, Idaho, Sewer 7 1,500 tSt. Anthony, City of, Idaho, Imp 7 3,981ttVancouver, City of, Wash., Paving 6 Maturity F&A 1926-29 F&A M&S F&A F&A J&J F&A J&J Mar. 1924-29 1922-23 1921-29 1921-29 1921-30 1921-29 1927 1921-50 Price TTleld 100.00 7.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 ToNet 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 6.00 7.00 7.00 6.75 tt Denotes $100 denomination. Denotes $200 denomination. tDenoten $500 denomination. t Denotes fractional bonds. 'Denotes $1000 denomination. Telephone or Telegraph Orders at Our Expense Morris Brothers iss I OwJtQawmwl 91 22 100 67 44t 46'.. . 67' 16 U2- Ut!' 01 '4 7s 1 'i 01 'A . 105 43 49 4 IStt BONDS. U S Lib 3s do 1st 4s . do 2d 4s . do 1st 4iil do 2d 4V 01 22 'i 101 H 70 45 Vi 464 67 Va 16-7, 113 (16,i !2V 77',. 04 P2li 10.". 83 4'i ISH 0RH July. . Sept.. July. . Sept. . July. . Sept. . July. . Sept. . Open. $1.77 1.6714 1.02U - .84.i 3G.25 21.60 High. Low. $1.81 $1.7Vi 1.71 1.6BH OATS. 1.04 - .86 PORK. 34.R5 36.35 LARD. 20. B2 -21.60 1.02 " .84 34.30 36.10 20.53 21.52 Close. $l.S0i 1.70 1.03 -A .85 34.60 36.35 20.55 21.55 PASCO LEAGUE NOMINATES, 1S.13 10.22 4 hard. No. O".0S; Amrli-Tr 5e .85.0OIA T T cv 6s. 03 ,.85.RiAtch gen 4s 70? ..8.2lliD & It G con 4s 61 . .85.50 N Y C deb 6s.. 87 4 do 3d 4is...8'J.261N P 4s 70 Is do 4th 4Vs...85.78iN P Ss aj Victory 3s .. 95.64 Pac T & T os... . .:.."" I W uon tab. .. ' ' .innvitS P cv 5s HIV-: .iooiPo Ry 5s 70 .1041-iV! P 4s 77 .104"4!i; S Steel 5 . 89Vi ..77 do 4,9 U S 2s repc. . . do coVipon . U S 4 reg. . . do coupon . Pan 3s regt. . do coupon Bid. Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, June 23. Closing quotations: Allouez Aria Com Calu & Arii. . . Calu & Hecla. Centennial ... Cop Range ... Kast Butte . . Franklin Isle Roy all e . . Lake Copper. . Mohawk North Butte . 30 lOld Com lOUIOnceola ., 58 VjIQiulncy .317 . 12 . 87H . 12 . 2 . 80 . 314 61 .. 17 Superior sup Ac uoflton. Shannon I tah Con .... Winona "Wolverine .... Granby Con Greene Can . . 25 38 Vi 30 5 5 1?1 6V 44 16 35 28 RIBS. July 1S.23 18.23 18.12 Sept.... l'J.30 19.30 19.20 Cash prices were as follows: Wheat No. 1 red, $2.90; No. $2.78. Corn No. 2 mixed, I.S3 ? 1.84 i ; No. 2 vellow. $U83V!1.R5'4. Oats No. 2 whit'3, $1 .17 1.18V4 J white, $1.1201.141. Rye: No. 2, $2.23. Barles-. $1.4915 1.53. Timothyseed. tlO'alJ Cloverseed. $25.35. Pork, nominal. ... Lard, nominal. $20.30. Ribs, $17.25fe 1SJ25. ' Orain at San l-'ranciaco. SAX FRANCISCO, June 23 Grain- Barley, spot, feed, $3&3.10 per cental; 'Oats, $3.10ro'3.20; corn, $7475 per ton; rye. nominal. Hay Fancy wheat hay, light five-wire bales. $3841 per ton;. No. 1 wheat or wheat and oat hay. $33838: No. 2. $32 35: choice tame oat hay. $37$?40; other tame oat hay, $3337; wild oat hay, noi inal; barley hay, nominal; alfalfa hi new, nominal; old, $30 32 stock hay, $29 '32. Seattle Feed and Hay. SEATTLE, Was., June 23. City deliv ery: Fed mill, $33 per ton; scratch feed. $02; feed wheat. $09; all grain chop, $80; Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, June 23. Cattle Receipts 8000. strong to 25c higher. Early top, $16.05. some higher. Bulk. $I4.oocrie.60 medium to best cows and heifers strong to 25c higher; others slow and steady, Bulla, calves and Blockers steady. Mogs rteceipts, ..uvu, sieaay 10 iw i - , . ,i higher. Big packers did very little. Top, I complete wram j lion $16.20; bulk, light and light butchers. $15.80016.10; bulk, 250 pounds and over. $14.854i13.80; pigs generally steady. Sheep Receipts,; active, 25c to 50c higher. Choice native lambs. $17. oo; bulk. $16.0017.00; choice yearlings. $14.73; aged wethers $9.25; choice ewes. $7.75 with bulk at $6. OO ft 7.73. Kansas- City Livestock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., June 23. Cattle 9000 had; quarantine cattle, native beef and butcher cattle mostly steady to 25c higher; quarantine steers. $11.25012; best heavy native, $17: long yearlings, $17.23: yearling heifers, $16.50; canners and com mon cows, -c lower; other classes mostly Steady. Sheep, 4 OOO head: best lambs, 403oc higher; top natives. $16: bulk, good to choice. $14.50 15.30: throwouts. $7.50r8r- other lambs and sheep ateady to 2c higher. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE, Wash.. June 23. Hoss Re ceipts 125 head, steady. Prime. $15,509 16.10; medium to rhotr. S14.50G 15.50; rough heavies, $12.75013.75; pigs, $12 13. Cattle Receipts, loo neaa; steady. Grain and pulp-fed beef steers. $11.75912.23; best grass-fed steers. $11.50012: medium to choice. $10011: common to good. $7.50 ei io; cows ana .leirers. 39.Toaio.7i; me dium to choice, $8.7310.15; common to good, $6Q8; bulls, $508: calves. $7.50914. Convention; Alliance to Jlerge. PASCO. Wash.. June 23. (Special.) The Non-Partisan leagrue and the Triple alliance convened here yes terday to nominate a county ticket. Not much of the proceedings is known and it was not learned whether a platform was adopted, or if so, what it contained. Another meeting- will be held next Sunday, and at that time the Triple alliance will cease to exist in this county and its members will affiliate with the Non-partisan lea&rue. The ticket will be placed in the field independently of the old par ties, splitting- the vote, three ways if there should be a candidate on both the old party tickets. There were no nominations for county school super intendent or county eng-ineer. .Tune. Oats, No. 9 white. . ..$09.30 Barley. No. 3 blue... 64.00 Tfarley. suindard feed 6s. yo Corn. No.'3 yellow... MHIrun 53.25 Kastern grain in bulk Corn, No. 3 yellow... 74.50 WHBAT Old crop. noTnlnsl. FLOUR Family patents, $13.7$: bakers -Bld- Julv. $69. 73 63. 00 62.00 73.50 53.50 73.00 Aug. $611. 25 62.00 61 .00 73.00 46.00 72.00 Coffee Futures Lower. NEW-fORK. June 23. There was a re newal of liquidation In the market for coffee futures at the opening today. First prices were 0 to 11 points lower and active months sold 10 to 14 points below yester day's closing fisrures during the early trad ing with July touching 13.08c and Sentcm. ber 13.55c. Lower Brazilian cables were a factor, but there was considerable cov ering at the decline and part of the losses were recovered with July selling up to 13.75c and September to 13.67c. The close was 6 to 8 points net lower. -July, 13.74c: spiemner,; uciooer. i:.4c; Decern ber. 13.70c; January. 13.73c; March, 13.78c M.iv. 13.82c. Spot coffee, dull; R?b 7s, 14 He; Santos 43, -.-iW-C. Metal Market. new York. June 23. Copper dull. Electrolytic, spot. June and July. 18 loci jiuKUBi auu oepiemoer, 1 if 1 y c. Iron steady. Prices unchanged. Tin ateady. Spot and June, 50c; July, 4U.OUC. Antimony. 8.00c. Lead nominal, spot and June offered at S.ooc. Zinc quiet. East St. Louis delivery, spot j.auc oia. r New York Sugar Market. , NEWTORK. June 23. Raw sugar nom lnal. Centrifugal. $19.06; refined, ateady fine granuiaiea. in - Duluth Llnxeed Market. DULUTH, June 23. Linseed, 4.00V O 4.0454. Chicago Iairy Prod flee. CHICAGO. June 23 Butter, firm. Creamery, 43 ft 56c. Eggs, unchanged. Receipts, 29,694 cases. Cotton Market. NEW TORK, June 23. Spot cotton qui et. Middling, 38.25c; Dried Frnit at New Tork. NEW YORK, June 23. Evaporated ap ples, dulL Prunes, steady. Peaches, firm. Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW TORK, June 23. Mercantile paper, 7. Exchange Irregular. sterling, eu-oay bills, 8.93V4; commercial, 60-day bills on banks, 3.U3V&; commercial. 60-day bills, 3.93: demand, 3.97; cables. 3.98Vfc; Francs, demand. 8.44; cables. 8.46. Bel gian francs, -demand. 8.87: cables. 8.89; guilders, demand, 85.76; cables, 33.77; lire, demand. 6.26; cables, 6.2S. Marks, de mand, 2.71; cables, 2.72. New Tork ex change on Montreal, 12 per cent dis count- Sterling weakened further in Jate deal ings. 60-day bills,- 3.92; commercial.. 60- day bills on banks, 3.92: commercial 60-doy bills. 3.91; demand. 3,u,; canies, 3 W7V. Government bonds steady; railroad bonds easy. Time loans strong; 60 days, OO days and six months, 8 Vs. Call money strong. High 11; low 8; ruling rate 8; closing bid 10; offered at 11; last loan 11. Bank acceptances v. Bar silver, domestic 09: foreign, 92. Mexican dollars, 70 Vi. LONDON, June 23. Bar silver. 61 & per ounce; money, 4 per cent. Discount rates snort bins, ovk per cent: three-months bills. 6.11-16 per cent. Convention City Chosen. MONTREAL, June S$. -Cleveland O., was chosen as the U!l convention citv of the American Water Wnrk oats. ; sprouuns- oa. .; rouea oats, association at its annual convention i , wuoio i ui ii , avi v;i cvm, inn) rolled barley, $78; clipped barley, $83; alfalfa meal, $45. Hay Eastern Washington, timothy. mixed. $47 per ton; double compressed. s.ii ; airaua, .; straw, here today. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, June 23. Barley, $1.18 pi. 46. i lax, NO. 1. 3.U24 3.97V. Swift Co. Stocks. Closing prices of Swift Co. stocks at Chicago were reported by Overbeck A 1 Cooke company ox r-oniana aa xoiiows: Swift & Co 108 Libby, McNeil & L.lbDy 13 National Leather 11 Swltt International 35 BAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current on Vegetables, Fresh Fruit, Etc., at Bay City. SAN -FRANCISCO, June 23. Butter Extra grade. 60c: extra firsts, nominal. Eggs Fresh extras, 46Vkc; first, nom inal; dirty No. 1. 40c; extra pullets, 38c; undersized, 31 Vic Cheese, old-style California flats, fancy, 31e; firsts, 27c; Young America, 30c. .Vegetables Beans. 710c; lima, 124e; bell peppe.-s, large, 1520c; small, 5610c: chile, 1520c; tomatoes, southern Califor nia, fancy, $2.5092.75; No. 2, $1.5002; onions. Crystal white. 75c$1.25 per crate; new red, 90c&$1.15; yellow, $1.25; cucum bers, natural growth, $1.251.50 per small boXi $202.25 per lu-f. hothouse $2.2592.50 per box; asparagus, 7fe8c; fancy graded. U'jjiioc. green asparagus. Otf.c; green onions, $1.5001.73 per box; etrpplant. CO 15c: psas, 3G4c: carrots. $2.753; beets, $1.25 per sack; summer squash, crate, 50o i$l; turnips, per saok. SI. 2301. 50; corn, per dozen. 40 030c; rotators. Garnet and White. 6'ic per lb. , Fruit Strawberries. 8-oz. baskets. 60c iff$l per drawer: 12-oz. baskets, 90cO $1.25: raspberries, $161.25 per drawer; do, $2.50f2.75 per orate: blackberries. 5085c per drawer; loganberries, $1012 per chest; gooseberries, large, ll'Vic per lb; do small,' New Tork Dairy Produce. NEW YORK. June 23. Butter, steady creamery higher than extras, 5959V;c; creanaery extras, f-805SVicr creamery firsts. 52V&&574c: racking stock, current make. No. 1. 4lH042cv Eggs Irregular; fresh gathered extra fir3ts. 465)48o; fre4it gathered firsts, grad ed, 4'04oc: ao umrraded, 4'.4 042Vfcc. Cheese Firm: stale whole milk, flats, current make, white and colored specials. 27 19 27 Vic; do average run. 25 Vi O 26c; state whole miltc twins,, current market, spe cials, -6 Vic Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Ga., June 23. Turpentine, firm, $1.55; sales. 18S barreis; receipts, 480 barrels; shipments,' 66 barrels; stock, 4960 barrels. Rosin, firm; sales. 1014 barrels; receipts. 1054 barrels; shipments. 2792 barrets; stock, 19,667 barrels: Quote: D, $15.40 E, F. G, H, I, K, M. N. WG, WW, $13.90 16. 05. IAILT METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, June 23. Maximum' tem perature. 66 degrees: minimum. 43 degrees. River reading, s A. 31.. 14:5 feet; change in last -4 noun, .z loot. rise. Total rain fall (5 P. M. to B P. M.. none: total rain fall since September 1. 1919. 33.22 inches normal rainfall since September 1. 43.62 inches: deficiency of rainfall since Sep tember 1. 1919. 10.40 inches. Sunrise. 4:20 A. M. ; sunset. 8:06 P. M. Total sunshine, 11 hours 10 minutes: possible sunshine. 15 hours 46 minutes. Moonrise. 12:59 P. M. Barometer (reduced sea level! 5 P. M. 30.28 Inches. Relative humidity at 3 A 1 oe ........ -, 4 .. - . I 6 P. M.. 36 per cent. THE WEATHER. STATIONS. "3 ta 3 Wind 3. Rochester to Hear Hart. CENTRAL.IA. "Wash., June 23. (Special.) Both Governor L. F. Hart and Clark V. Savidge. state land com missioner, have accepted Invitations to sneak at the annual Pioneer day celebration, to be held at Rochester Au trust 12. under the auspices of the Southwest Washington Pioneers as sociation. Invitations to deliver ad dresses have also been extended to Congressman Albert. 'Johnson and Oeorare H. Hlmes. secretary or . tne Oregon State Histories society. Class of 2 0 to Be Initiated. CHEHALIS, Wash.. June 23. Spe cia,l.) A team of officers of Chehalis Elks lodge NO. 13i win initiate a class of 20 at Onalaska Friday even ing. At Wlnlock on June 30 there also will be a class Initiation by the Chehalis Elks. Read The Oreg-onlan claseified ads Weather. Baker Boise CHERRY PICKING IS BEGUN Eg- Several Crews Are Harvesting- in The Dalles District. THE DALLES, Or., June 23. (Spe cial.) The cherry harvest of thla sec tion Is now under way. Several early picking crews are at work harvesting the crop. Intense activity will begin in practically every orchard in this section the first of next week. The Llbby, McNeil & Llbby cannery has contracted for most of the Royal Ann crop at a flat rate of 15 cents a pound, orchard run. The black cherries will be shipped to eastern markets. W. C. T. V. Wars on Fags. THE DALLES. Or., June 22. (Spe cial.) The fight against cigarettes was opened today in Wasco county with the filinsr of two petitions from Bitr Eddy and this city Dufur and Boyd, by W. C. T. U., backing up the measure which D. E. Frost sponsors and which will be submitted to the voters at the November election. The measure proposes banning- use. sale or possession of cigarettes in the state. The petitions contained 109 names. However, local cisrarette deal ers and the inhalins public are not worried. gary . Chicago Denver Des Moines. Eureka Galveston . . Helena t Juneau Kansas City L,os Angeles. Marshfield .. Medford Minneapolis New Orleans New York.. North Head. Phoenix .... Pocateilo ... Portland . . . . Roseburg . . . Sacramento St. Louis ... Salt Lake . . San Diego 6O1O.OO 121N 7o!o.ooj. . w 78 0.001 5410.14 . . W 64:0.00:10NE ICloudy Moudy IClear Clear W Cloudy luioudy 04 8S:0.02 12 SE Ft. clc 881 78-0.0O . .E taear 461 58 0.00 22INW Clear 8410.02 . .'SE 64 0.18,12'SW 146,0.20!.. HE 601 80:0.001. . 813 561 76 0.0OI. . SW 42l 640.0i!l2iNW 30) 78I0.0OI121NW 54 76-O.0O . . SW 74 88 0.01 . . W 60 74 0.00 .". W 50) 54IO.Oo'22iNW, 74 106'0.00 . . W 581 74 0.00(12SW 43 60.0010iNW 48 72:0. OO . . N 56 92IO.0O:i0 W 60 84-O.OOI: . E 62 84 0.0O'12'N 62 681O.OOI. .)W S Franclscoi to: on u.imi:oiw Seattle I 48l 50. OtV.. IW tlitka 42;J52 0.08;..... Bookane . ..( 46: 66 0.00:.. IN Tacoina 46 62 0.06!.. fW Tatooh Isd.l 4S! 56 0.00 18!W tValdex ( 42 J60.0.00I. .SW Walia Walla 4S! 70i0.00j.. w w..hlns-tna 60! 8O0.04!..'S s' ...1 50! SO'0.00 12iSE to;ear Yakima ..! 46! 72 0.00 20;NWjPt. cloudy IClear Rain Cioudy IClear KTlear Clear Clear (Clear ICloudy Cloudy ft. cloudy Clear KTloudy fu cloudy Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Kl'loudy nam Cloudy Cioudy Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy 'Cloudy tA. M. Ing day. today. J P. M. report of preced FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair and warm er: westerly winds. Oregon and Washington Fair and warmer; moerate westerly winds. NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS (ioldfleld Mersrer- Mlmrs Cs. . Reorganised Atlanta Minea Co. Reorganised Bine Ball Mlnlns; Co. C. O. I. Consolidated Mines Co. Uoldfleld Combination Mlnlns Co. Milltovrn Miniaa; Co. - Please communicate Immediate ly with the undersigned Secretary in order that you may be advised of the plan of merging the above companies Into the Coldfleld Deep Mines Company. . Please state number of shares you own. H. G. McMAHON. Secretary, Goldfield, Nevada. A Progressive City Improves and the money secured through bonds, goes back into the district for further development. That is what these bonds are for, and are of such general excellence that we recommend as a preferred investment. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO 7 Improvement Bonds Denominations $100, $500, $1000 INCOME TAX EXEMPT PRICE 100 NET YIELD 7 Orders by Phone, Wire or Letter Accepted " r , -i. f 3 i , si .tit.-v -, T '.teiya jHSs.)x .is ..tti,V.v.iW.. . iai Two of the large buildings in the improvement district county court house and high school mmm limn Under- S npervtHOTL Oregon Slae DonJd DcjrtguavC BONDS TRUSTS ACCEPTANCES Lumbermens' BIdg. For Sale 100 Shares of Western Rubber Co. of Tacoma Price on application. HerrinsRhodes'inc. , ESTABLISHED ISM. STOCKS and BONDS, Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 283. Members Chicago Board of Trade. INSURANCE .WE WRITE ALL LINES . C. De Young & Co. Main 7351 810 Spalding Bldg. Going Away This Summer? IF SO, entrust the management of your property with us. You will be assured of a practical and systematic handling of affairs. .Thus, the possibility of dete rioration through neglect will be eliminated. Strong 6 MacHauhtcn soRTiANoy COeeCTT BuiiOmG V,'t"-N FOREIGN BONDS! With the rising rates of for eign exchange, immense profits are being made by investing in foreign Bonds. We own and offer several issue? of German Municipal Bonds, which .offer the great est degree of safety, combined "with unprecedented opportuni ties for profit. We also offer for eubscrip tion Treasury Bonds of the City of Vienna, Austria, issued in May, 1920, and redeemable in May, 1924. Write now for descriptive circular and price list. Transatlantic Estate & Credit Co., Inc. 222 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Marshall 205. i t I ' . r.