' f S . ' 19 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1920 7. "1 V FOR RENT. Rooms Witn Boar4. CAMPBELL. HOTEL. 23D AND HOTT STH. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL, ' 741 WASHINGTON 81. Two of the beat known residential hotels on Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, S'J.&U a day up; raiea by day or month. Meals served to transients. KOKTONIA HOTEL. Portland downtown hlgh-dags family hotel; rooma en suite or single, with or without board, (or families and business men and women We giv. you all the comforts of a noma Reasonable rates. ltooms With Board In Private Family. I'BIVATE home for children at 711 Ever ett M. Marshall 'JIB'.'. t urn lulled Apartment.. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier c Frank's store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern; 2 and 3-room furnished apts. ; all outside with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient. HIGH CLASS. Beautifully furnished 3-room apt. and Bleeping porch, all outside rooms, very eleuant and modern; references required. Marshall L'S3(l. KINGSBURY APARTMENT. lKtj Vista Ave. 3-room furnished apt., - disappearing beds; outKide balcony. Price Adults only. Main IISk;; lull RKNT :;-room apartment, furnished complete except linen, for July and Augu.st. walking distance, west side, ref erences required. Phone mornings. Mar- aha il 5710. VISITORS. TAKE NOTICE. 2 and 4-rjum apts.. renovated and newly furnished, suitable for 4 or 6 adults; easy walli or N&S car to Grant tt ol' Sd st. THE LAURKTTE. FtrictW first-rliiss 3-rm. front apt., completely furnished, $75; adults. 228 1 1th st. Main b::q. CORN-Klt. modern 2-room apt., well fur nished, with private bath and phone; $4.": will be vacaTit Sundav; 7 minutes walk from Morrison. Call Mainl0. 2-KOOM furnished apartment to sub-let for Ihe month of July or longer. Phone Marshall 2074. . PRABODY APTS.. 19th and Upshur Housekeeping aoartments. 1. 2 and 3-rm. Steam he at: rraaonabl e. Broadway 1548. t-ROOM. completely furnished apartment with 2 built-in heels; also a 2-room spartnient. Main S757. SAN MARCO, cor. E. 8lh and Couch One S-rooni furnished apartment with private balh and phone. Price $40. K. 100. 1'UHTNOM AH 4 rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, walking distance; adults. 200 East 13th st GAKK1EI.D 3 rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, newly tinted. 361 East Vailing. 1 block west Union. FOIl RENT Furnished 2-room apt. with piano, for July and August. Main 6041, a pa rt rn ent ' S'fJ. . ONE 3-room fur.ilshrd apartment, :'.04 Guild st. Guild Apartment, bet. Thur nmn and Vati'fhn sta. CNK'N AVE. and Klllingsworth. $13.50. ail complete: concrete bldg. EENMsON APTS.. 1027ii Belmont, 3-room furnished apts. and -ROOM furnished flat, sleeping . porch. 3l Chapman st. Marshall 4174. 3-ROM apartment for sub-rent; strlctlj modern. Main :50. TWO or three-room apts., 157SV E. Glisan st. MV car to 60th. Tabor iU'-'o. Unlomlsued Apartments. JAEGER APARTMENTS 701 Washington St. Will have several apartments ready for occupancy on or about June 15; can make reservations pot'. THE MARLBOROUGH 5-roora modern apt. vacant July 1; walking distance, Main .016. I'NKURXISIIKO 3-rm. apt.. 64Si,4 Ihur man. near 20th. Marshall 4761. Flats. JHUiEItN 5-room and Broom flat, 550 and 652 Everett and 17th, west side, 5 min- ntoH from business center, separate base ment and furnace. J. R. Downes, 302 Dekum bldg. a-ROOM modern upper flat with sleeping prrh. 4o rs. 2otn st. r.o cniiaren. sou. Call at 745'A Roosevelt at. Mar. 3719. fi-KOOM modern flat, clean. Couch and Eighth street. 483 V4 K. Furnished Elate. APARTMENT FLAT of 5 elegantly fur nishca rooms for rent. 6 minutes' walk from center of city, all modern Improve menu; will give a lease from one to three years. Apply at once, 312 Ten th St. BEAUTIFULLY situated 6-room residence flat, out of the ordinary, furnished, July ana August, tt'jo oavier st. 6-ItOOM elegantly furnished modern, west aide, advancea rent a montns; reier ences. Main 4804. 4-ROO.M upper flat, furnished; rent rea sonahle to 2 or 3 permanent adults. Ta bor 0U34. FIVE rooms, strictly modern, beautlfull fornlnhed throughout, located near Al berta St.. rent $50. Gustoff. Bdwy. 4975. $36 5 ROOMS, new, modern, clean, com pletoly furnished, r.dults only. o2 Mil Iiouck rapine ltooma. IfOUSKKEKPIXG ROOMS $2 PER. The Alton Hotol, 381 Yamhill t.. risht , downtown: cleu.n. We have accommoria- ! tion for large families and over 100 I People. , TRUNKS and baKsace delivered in down town district for Auto service. Free storage for 15 days. Phone Bdwy. 244?.. TRUNKS and baKKase delivered in down town dtotrlct for 25c; auto -service. Phone Main 295. HOHSffiKKEPING rooms. 'l oer week.. J 47 Thtrteneth street: central, clean; havo acrominodationa for 2o people. B AS KM IS NT H. K. room, suitable for bach elor. LM)li 11th. OM'3 housekeeping: room, free cookine sa&. si 4 a mo. -t'.'u i'iay sr.. HimaeaecplDg Rooma in Private Family. lRVINiiTON On car line. 3 larse roomn, completely furnished, Kround floor, larwc yarn, roses, porcn, piano, u replace, :;, includes lights, water, phone ; no chil dren ; suitable for man and wife, cm ployed people preferred. Kant 43R4. 2 CIjKAN H. K. rooms, Kas, range, .water. Kink; 2 bf.la; walking distance. 168 ISth I nt. N. Hdwy. 1740. POH RENT Two suites furnished h. k. rooms. 510 C'roby st.. two blocks east from Broad w ay bridge 1 ROOM and kitchenette for light housc- Vfe ping . irtirrtge. rawt jbi. CORNKR room, modern home, all cun- vonlenceg. Bt 71 Oregonian. TWO larye. newly furnished outside iiousc- nfini; room: a'luu.s oniy. ;p si. JIOUKKKKPINU rooms, clean; running water. i4! 0th t. ONE! -room with Kitchenette. G6 N. Jlat. Houses. 7-ROOM mod. houje. P76 E. Morrison. $35. -room Mouse, m Ainerta st.. n. -room mod. lutt?e, 20' Page st., $35. P-room house. 507 12. Oak. 0-rooin mod. house, 6104 Division st.. 137. ro. FRANK T. McGUIRR. MMn 106$. XtirKTtf TOIT MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC lisbt service. Broadway 6 SO. A C747. 08 IRVING ST.. west side, walking dii tance, 3 darge clean rooms. Sleeping! porch. Lower floor, quite private bouse; rtesiraoio aauita oniy. SUNNVSIDE. paved street, near Laurelhurst Vark and car line; rent $30. Gustoff. Bdwy. 4975. t-ROOM ho us for rent. $15. East Port land. Maddock, Ml Merchants' Trust Bldg. a-ROOM house. large sleeping porch, partly furnished. 63 Tioga St., St. Johns car. LOCAL and lon-r-dlstanca movint and hauling; first-class equipment. , Green Tr. Co., 202 "e Alder st. Msin 1261, 573-6L MOVING Piano, furniture and long-dis tance hauling a specialty. O. ft W. Truck teervico Jo 4U st. P none nawy. 31.1 TO LET 8-room modern home will be va cant July 1. Phone Main 2714. Adults. Furnished Houses. 7-ROOM house, well furnished ; yard, rose bushes, trees, electricity and tas: Al berta district: $50 per month. 1135 2od su N. woodiawn anot. IRVINGTON Comnletely furnished mod ern home for rent for summer, $175 month ; every moaem electrical venlence. Garage. East 61S9. $65 PER month will rent modern fur nished 5-room houpe to responsible adults until August 24. Main 1458. 4 ROOMS.' close to car, $18 month: furni ture for sale, excepting range, $50. Cobb HrOD.i L'aH St- si:NYSlIE district. 4-room furnished tsse; will rent to desirable couple. 1007 East Madison St.. near o4th. 8-ROOM house completely f uri1ied, rloKe In. near park on west side. Main 4 -ROOM and bath bungalow, 215 E. 70th N. MV. car. XurnUhed. FOR RE7TT. Furnished II o uvea. FOR RB.VT To responsible peopl. for the summer, very elegant und complete Jrvtngton home, grand piano. rola, e!. washing: machine, mangle. Hoover sweeper, sleeping porch, garage. Phone Kast -'!ol 7-ROOM fucnished home, sleeping porch and Karate, for rent till Sept. 1; nice neighborhood, reasonable rental to re sponsible party; references. Phone Ta bor 7974. WILL RENT home, furnished, 4 months, starting August 1; 10 rooms, all con veniences, garage: $100 per month. Mar. Bummer Resorts. FOR SALE OR RENT. THE NOTED CEDAR ISLAND. South of Portland lies this beau tiful island. The time is here when there is big money to be made at this noted summer re sort or camping ground. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 514-20 Swetland Bldg. WHT SPEND a lot of money on R. R. fare when we can irlve vou a rood camp site At Columbia Beach, including fuel, light ana water at So to 110 per month? Dad dy can be with you every night. If in terestea. take ancouver car. Mac LEAN'S CAMP. OSWEGO LAKE. Cottase for rent, partly furnished: reached from Oswego station on 4th-6t. red electric line. MacLean. 507 Lewis bldg. Phones Bdwy. 6000 and Oswego 431. HOT SPRINGS HOTEL. STEVENSON. WASH. In the center' of the beauties of the Columbia gorge, near the "Bridge of the ioas. The place for tour summer out Ing. Meals the best. TO RENT FOR SEASON. 10-rooin modern house, fully furnished; garage, conveniently located; also small cottages, clean ana comfortaoie. Jura R. H. Moffltt. Seaview. Wash. MAKE reservations now at the Andora hotel. Seaside, Or.; small, homelike plsce, modern, bathe, lavatories, etc, room and board $2.50 a day and qp. SEASIDE Del .Mar Apts., 2 rooms, fur. ior iioureKecping ior 4 people; cicaii, everything furnished; rates by day. or week. 3d st. and 2d ave. AMPERS. hikers, fishermen. The Wa- tum Lake pack train. 3 trips a week from Cascade Locks. Phone Glovers I store. HAVE one 7-room house. 3 bedrooms. bath, hot and cold water, fireplace; to rent juiy ana August, at ocean i.aKC, Tillamook beach. Phone Tabor SS27. EAV1EAV. W ASH. Seacrest cottages. Furnished cottages and rooms for rent by the clay or week. Marshall 33S9 un- til Thursday night. SEASIDE bungalow. 4 rooms and attic strictly modern, block to beach, pavea streets, well furnished, from July 1. Marshall 3569. NEW 16x16 house-tent. Cannon Beach. Or. running spring water p"iped to door, tor particulars. AO 716. Oregonlan FOR RENT 5-room JTurnished cottage. fireplace, running water, ocean view. beach center, for the season. Kast 148. SEAV1EW furnished house with fircDlace. lacing ocean, large lot, 12a to Sept. 1. i-none main .n. NEAHKAHNIE For rent, 5-room beach e-oitage, lully turnlshea: glorious view; eciison. tuaion, Alain xai. SUMMER COTTAGE Hull's large, com inrrnnie nou.i. Intnl. on o.An n rnr after July 5 for season, $173. East 4879. J GEARHART 6-room furnished house; rent juiy, .iu. Balance of June if desired. Phone Marshall 3S0. WANTED Furnished cottage with two beds on Tillamook beach for two weeks, beginning July 10. Phone Marshall 935. SEAVIEW Well furnished .cottages, in choice location: also furnished house tent. Main 8998. PRIVATE cottage hotel for couples; ocean view; loveiy location; $a each per day. a. -eei, nit Htn ave., beaslde. or. BEAUTIFUL "Battle Ground. Lake Wash." Take Yacolt road out of Vancouver. Come to the mountains. Admission 10c. FOR RENT Desirable 4-room furnished cottage at Seaside. Phone East 3684 before noon. ROOM for rent. Ocean view. Inquire D. Auuner, a ave. w .. seaside. Or. OCEAN CREST APTS. Light housekeep ing, rtocaaway Deicn. TO RENT for July, cottage at Kealikabnie. Marshall 14JO. FURNISHED room with use of kitchen, seaside. East 6j27. FURNISHED cottage at Gearhart. 4 beds, siu per week. East 5579. Stores. STORE for rent A first-class. fully equipped four-chair BARBER SHOP in renter of downtown district: HEAT, LIGHT AND WATER FURNISHED: can be leased until January 1. 1925. In quire 401 oregonian bldg for full par- titulars. FOR RENT A good-sixed storeroom with two nice display windows and a good confectionery; cigara and tobac-co, t CONFECTIONERY" Will sacrifice high drinks and light lunch: reasonable rent class business in west sjde apartment- to right party. Call at 2Q0 First. FOR LEASE SALESROOM 36x2,V WITH AUUJTIU.NAI. SFACfci, IN LARGE GA RAGE. SPEEDWELL GARAGE. 14TH AND COUCH STS. PHONE BROAD- WAY 374. (25 STORE, went side, cioao la, 23 1 M iei TaDor liii Mmcellaneous. FOR RENT Large, beautifully decorated stucuo. est in city. Uardwood Iloor. call office, tilers M usic bldff. BLSINKSS OPPORTUNITIES. ICE-LESS RKFRTQERATOR. No ice ; no chemicals; no elec tricity; no cost of operation and the price Is no greater than the ordinary refrigerator. Will keep food longer and better. Think what this means to the home, the More, the farm. Salesmen wanted in every county, in every state. If you are a "live wire" and quali fied, write or call for our propos ition. This is a wonderful oppor tunity for our representatives to make hi money. ICK-LKS REFRIGERATOR CO., 107 N. ' Broadway, Portland, Or. BAhbRY ror sale or trade for car. Must sen as i nave omer Dullness. Write box 173. Carson. Wash. .FOR SALE BY OWNER Grocery and confectionery, cnne in; doing fine bust ness. For information Broadway 3&48. WA NTED A man with $.1000; A I busi ness proposition, clearitiff 91000 month. BF 712, Oregonian. CLEANING and pressing parior in road location, r or particulars write E H Hon net t. Powers, Or. j FOR SALE Barber shop, good location: i:ii?mp irui iuiik lease. Apply 376 Commercial at-. Astoria. Or. FOR SALE Furniture repair shoo: best gftnian. BAKERY FOR SALE. Doing cash business: good location 393 E. 3tth st. Tabor fiift.j. COMPLETE printing plant for small coun- try paper. -:o. jjox 4g, st. Helens. Or. - I ! E. per I con - cot - 0. E: " llilr- ' - rlP. EOrritV. !M WW.. i-X-r. t-im. Imm mmlm ri4. .-.i.Jl I Bl'SIJiESS OPPORTUNITIES. HEADQUARTERS FOR BUSINESS OP PORTUNITIES. GROCERIES. $1350 Close in, west aide, all cash and carry: lease. i!300 Or invoice, good fixture and $90 to 70 dally sales; 6 modern living rooms: rent 133. $2650 Good location, fine business, rent 40. $2500 Or Invoice, (40 to $60 sales, 5 living rooms with bath, rent $20. CONFECTIONERY AND CIGAR STANDS. $1200 Fine little place, 4 living rooma, $40 sales. $2000 Neat place, good fixtures, living quarters, low rent. $3700 Extra good buy. west aide apartment district, $75 sales. RESTAURANTS AND LUNCH COUNTERS. , $450 Close in east side, neat place and work lor 2 people. $1500 Busy place on Washington St.! owner needs a rest. MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture hospital, lots of work and long profits. $1000 Tire shop and accessories. Close In, west side. $500 cash will handle. .BROWN V BrDDLE. 324 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Phone Mars 3331. tlAVia an exceptional proposition to make to live man organising state sales forces In the various states; fastest selling arti cle oa tha market. Manufactured in f;"?r,.' .-'r' V"i..f:..r . and Atlanta, Ga. Exclusive terrltirry to men wno mean business, and have sur- ficient capital to handle the matter prop erly. Call at the borne office of the Sant Manifold Sales corporation, room 934 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Portland, Or., between 8 A. M. and S P. M. week days. A FINE OPPORTUNITY. Owing to health and other .business ln- ffrMta. must sell here and icq to Cali fornia; have factory distribution of na tionally advertised popular priced tire: stock all bouzht at low old Drice. being 20 per cent under present wholesale price: store located in heart of retail tire district: low rent: will sell stock ana fixtures at original cost .price and accept secured note for part. -Call at 62'4 6th street. PARTNER WANTED. $500 TO $1000 TO EACH PER MONTH POSSIBLE. GOING SUCCESSFUL BUSI NESS. NEED ACTIVE MAN WITH ABOUT S5C0 TO JOIN ME. "NO GAM BLE' ABOUT IT. ADDRESS PRINCIPAL NO AGENTS). BC 706. OREGONIAN. ' ' STRICTLY MODERN 150-bbl. flour mill. I Mixed feed ration plant. Molasses mix ing Plant. Alfalfa meal mill. All op erated by electricity. Electric power I nhtaineri at verv reasonable rate. Every thing ready to operate and in firat-clasa condition. Located in thriving town. Special opportunity to anyone who wishes to engage in this line of business. Call at Q27 l namper or uommercq mm. BARBER SHOP FOR RENT A first- class, fully equipped lour-cnair nn. rt BER SHOP in center of downtown district- HEAT. LIGHT AND WATER FURNISHED; can be leased until Jan uary 1, 1925. Inquire 401 oregonian bldg. for full particulars. nrt.: ,v iVK lost solo a farm for an old t-ouple aTld they wish to ouy irom i 5 acres with moderate lm-provemeuis near Beaverton or Gresham. Will pay cash if price Is right. STEWART A BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOR SALE Restaurant in north Idaho on Milwaukee: established 14 years, saw mills, logging: o furnished bedrooms: owner Bick and alone, sell cheap. Call Marshall 3323. write i. w. nmmerroan. Box 132 St. Joe, Idaho. GROCERY. Old established business in fine new buildin-g: rent of two storerooms ana modern 5-room flat, only -: s-iiuv to $:iooo will handle. M-ake us an offer. See Mr. Mast. 5Q2 Couch blag. YOUR chance to make money quickly: Put $23 or more to work and see now quickly it will build up a substantial Droflt. Inquire 216 Chamber of Com. bldg. Hours 7 to 12 Investor Trading Association. , . GROCERY. $1650 buys dandy little cash grocery with four living-rooms. 14 acre of land; rent only $10, with a lease. See Mr. Mast, 502 Couch bldg. ' PARTNER wanted for automobile busi ness. Handy man with $oo0 can buy equal half interest in the equipment and two automobiles. Room 401 Dekum bldg. 27 INCOME $13,500. West side apartments, walking dis tance, will sacrifice for xoo.ooo. R. W. CARY. 1219 N.'W. Bank Bldg. RESTAURANT. $1000 Old established confectionery and restaurant business: an 8-room house and large lot: rent only $30; lease See Mr. Mast. 502 Couch, bldg. FOR SALE Only steam laundry ln coun- t.v: doing an excellent business: every thing Is in good conaition. iireprooi building, long lease, cheap rent. Ad dress AV 977. Oregonian. A PARTNER WANTED. For a garage: 48 cars steady storage; sell gas, oils, tires and auto repairing; net profits are $350 per month for each partner. jaii room wi ieaum oiag. house d-istrict: price $3800; will consider tourrnff car as part or purchase price, i iSee Mr. Mast, 502 Couch bldg. HAVE a growing business and need part ner for office. Clearing ouu per mo. Business shows for Itself. Price $2000. AC HOP. Oregonian. WANT partner In mining deal; best assay $200 in gold per ton and free milling. For further information AH 845. Or gonlan. , PARTNER wanted for manufacturing; want buyer to keep the accounts, collect, etc. Profits $250 month for each part ner. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. DRUG STORE FOR SALE. Country, doing $50 cah per day; will take invoice; growing town, Willamette valley. owner, av 3-', uregonian. LADY wishes to sell auto repair and black smith shop, storage more man pays ex penses; very reasonable. 533 Morrison, apartment 11. ' MUST SACRIFICE. Grocery and confectionery: no odpo- sttimi', cheap living room. Marshall 2438 I or 1700 Union ave. , DENTAL practice: old-established prac tice na equipment ior saie. in good location. Call before 11:30 A. M. Wood lawn 1285. i FOR SALE Grocery doing good business old established comer; stock will invoice bout 150O0: fixtures: set Drice. See owner personally. l pit, oregonian. MF.RRY-GO-ROUND for sale. Price $350. For particulars write 10 i liiaraooa, or. Box 37. GROCERIES, Invoice. & living rooms. Are! you irom ii(-&ouriT rnooo Woodiawn 211. PRINTING OUTFIT 10x13 press type. mones. leads, etc.; $250. BC 715, Ore-1 gonian. JOB PRINTING An established plant. 3 I jobbers, iota or type, gooa trade, $2000, FOR SA LE Modern, blacksmith shop ln 21 5-R5. fully equipped live town. Phone LOT 2. block C5. Bayocean Park, for sale or trade for automobile. BJ 831, Ore gonian. CANDY KITCHEN In theater building. 1300. Good business. 803 Thurman st. FUEL BUSINESS at invoice, about $2000; cood proposition. Call Woodiawn 1346. liMGoAife. a. wojc aa -vfeo rk Ufa j: " . . .,jn, e I w na w BI8LNESS OPPORTUSIITIKS. FOR COLUMBIA RIVER RESORT. , Within about one hour by auto, we have one of the finest pieces of property for a resort to be found in the northwest. There are nearly 100 acres. It lays In a. cove near the Columbia highway, adjacent to the Columbia river. Most beautiful natural surround ings and view, with one of the finest springs In Oregon. This Is a ranch that has natural environ ments for the development of a fine summer resort. A fine place for a hotel, summer cottages and camping ground, where tourists and city folks would delight to spend their summer vacation. This is a proposition the possibilities of whlcTI are limited only by-your ability to develop. There is fish ing, hunting, climbing and bath ing. Just a nice distance from Portland on the "Highway of a Million Thrills." Come In and we will show you its possibilities. Price. $25,000. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 614-20 Swetland Bldg.. Phone Mar-hall 88 b3. VB combination now being made be tween going nhnnnir. nh r-nmnunv KUn- plying dealers throughout the northwest I with very popular phonograph and large I rurniture manufacturing company. Un- 1 oquaiea opportunity for a few investors to get in en the ground floor. Haa every ieguara against loss and In tha Judg ment of responsible business men who are interested in company will pay very I uouBoineiy. ultra conservative esti mates place dividends in excess of 20. oia jLekuin Bldg., between 10 A. M. and 8 P. M. or phone Marshall 2684. for sale or trade, on the east side, close in, doing a COOd hunlnoui fullv .nuinnKH seats 65 people: will sell on terms or take . v. p to '" ln trade; a dandy placs o urKain ii sola mis month. Uj 712, Oregonian. UK A LE One-half or nil of the Trluho foundry and Machine Shop plant- at Lewistoo. Idaho. The beat location in the northwest: with n lanr. custom hnsi- ness. ' Come and see w-hat we offer, for - sale or write for information if inter. ested. Idaho Foundry .&. Machine coin. t"".'. -'. lj. -tayior. BAKER WANTED. Oh BoyI 'What a fine business walt- !".?.. r you Prosperous town in the Willamette valley, for only $300. where mo ousiness men will be back of you. v, rite at once for particulars. AV 989, 1 WANTED Office manager and treasurer ior Dig sianaara truck company: must be capable of handling finance; $20,000 W'lii handle oO per cent of stock. Our company ia properly financed on the unloading, handling conditional sales contract. n Q-J7. oregonian. HALF interest in transfer and storage: must be cash; good paying business; no I work attached as laborer. All auto I trucks and equipment for general haul. ' in np-iop snape. clear, clean, cash -Paying business. Information 144 1st st. BY OWNER- Parage. luoxKMl. loci.il i.. ccnier oi city, storing t cars regular: repair shop fully equipped, working 4 men. 4 years lease, $7000: $30O0 will handle: 2M, years to pay balance. In- quiro dciiwoou ell. FOR SALE or lease, first-class meat mar- wen caiaDiianeu. aoing a good busi ness, best up-to-date equipment, refrig eration: located In west-side nuhlla mr. ket: good lease. Por particulars phone nrt wi i ii ter O I . pi. FOR SALE: Delicatessen, tee cream and home bakery In one of the best apart ment house districts of Portland: cheap If taken before the first of July. Call nmn ivoo. CARD ROOM, soft drink business, north. east corner First and Madison: rinil paying and established trade; must sell on account of sickness, AR 841, Ore- Hon imn. GOOD location for bakery, batcher shoo or specialty store: modern store build ings ln good population center: good in ducement to right parties Johnson. 248 BiarK st. HARDWARE store ln Portland ilolni good business, for sale owing to owner's sudden death. Full particulars address Loring K. Adams, 730 Chamber of Com- merce niog. CAUTION. BUYERS Before closing deal of so-called Interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. 421 Oregon bids. Broad- way ltfua. VULCANIZING shop, complete modern equipment. Bargain for cash or would loiteiucr u tue un a gooa llgnt Car. x nun a vuuaiwD ;ov weeK a ays. BIG LUNCH. Ice cream and soft drink concessions with equipment at Columbia Beach, near bath house, for aale. Phone Main v4tf, Jar.uray. GROCERY FOR SALE. Good clean stock. Ana location rnt $22.50; brick building; a bargain if tanen mis wetn. roone isast 2221. FOR SALE Patent for U. 6. and Canada on an automatic painting machine, or on royalty; great labor-savins device; no conipeuuon. 1 lay su PARTNER wanted, if you have C30O and a Ford car, or $500 apid want to go in the second-hand business, write BF S21, Ore- gonian. U P-TO-DATG bakery for tale, eastern Oregon town oi dyuu population; no com- ptjtlon; money-maker for practical baker. AV 066, Oregonian. iriMt eAL.ii taeai sanitarium site on shores of Medical lake. Wash., 17 miles I from Spokane: Interurban line. Phone Mar. 23Q or can at vis Columbia at. MILK BUSINESS Old established route 4 cows, truck ana ail machinery; In come about $1800 per month. AM 792. oregonian. . FOR SALE BY OWNER ERIKSON'3 W H 1 IIS tSHlU.l.lJ AlATCirl.MT X HOME, 7'Jo tzv in. rwui & aiii'tv. EXCELLENT opening for capable man In realty business; must invest with, serv- lcea. licx a b gta, oregonian. Business Opportunltiee ITantedL A GROCERY WANTED. Have 21 acres, all In cultivation. V mile from town, Willamette valley, rich soil and level; will exchange and Day any difference. B. M. Price & Co., 200 Henry piag. WANTED Truck hauling; reliable pri vate party wants a responsible haul- lnr contract : nave new 2 -ton truck. Walter James, Route 2. Box 13-A. Hills dale, or. -none Marshall I7l. 1 WANTED Good location for garage. 271 TO BUY 2 or 3-chalr barber shop; must be cheap ror cash, hj i t4. oregonian, 'Stoeka and Bond. GOOD SPECULATIVE INVESTMENT. U shares of stock of Greater Portland Realty Co.. $3300. Inquire 244 Alberta at. Hotels and Rooming House. MRS. M. E. LENT. Hotel and apartment-house broker. 623-4-5 Northwestern .Bank bldg. FOR beet bargain In apartment houses members o t the Rea 1 ty B oar d. Yates Realty Co.. 245 4th St. 10-ROOM bouse, furnished, for aale; nice corner lot, furnace, close in on west ide. Call 6U4 ront at., corner Meade. 16 ROOMS and restaurant, close in. Alblna ave. 42 H. K. room suites. t;ast 34S7. Rent Itto. i years ieae ; income iov. FOR SALE x0-room apt. house clearing $400 per mo. ak bli. uregonian. POLLY AND HER PALS x4aii 17 1-0 This opfy rpiAOt) STBirKS M I U. 1E1.1. HV CLIFT BrSINKfiS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotel and Rooming Houses. SALE Modern brick hotel and store building. 2-story with basement, steam heat; first floor has confectionery, gro cery, Jeweler and real estate office; pool room In basement; second floor has 24 rooms; Income from rents better than $20OO per year: located on corner lot and paved highway. Owner has other busi ness Interests, hence will sell for a quick sale at $21.0OO. If hotel was managed by owner it would greatly increase the profits. For further Information call on W. E. Kidder. Carlton. Or. i COUNTRY HOTEL. ONLY $1000 CASH. An opportunity to buy in a good east rn Oregon town, hotel. 32 rooms, bulld Thg, lot, furnishings, kitchen equipment: all goes to trustworthy buyer for $5lHK). $10OO cash balance $50 a month; a snap to a' buyer with good references. H. J. Drlesael. 1205 Wilcox bldg. Main 6416, East 5800. IF TOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL. Business. Hotel. Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, see F. RIERDON. WATCH OUR ADS. WK GET RESULTS RITTER. LOWE CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. VISITORS. TAKE NOTICE! Rooming and apartment houses Of every size and nature. 1 11 help to nn ance you. Free information to all visi tors. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Couch Bldg. Oregon m Leading Broker. TO BUYERS ONLY. We have hotels and apartment houses in all parts of the city, all prices. See our lists; if anything we have Interests you. we will show same by appointment. THOMSON. Iir-rltl ASI-UI. ROOMING house, . 23 rooms, all outside rooms, west side, close in, rent oniy lease; all rurnlsnea: price iwu. umer bargains. Garland, 201 Third at., cor- ner Taylor. HOTEL BURLINGTON for sale; will rent building and sell furniture; locatea in center of best manufacturing district in Portland: best investment in city, uo Burlington St.. at. Jon ns. or. FOR SALE Hotel, fully' equipped, in growing town, doing capacity ousiness, reasonable if taken soon, $2500 cash down will handle. Write for particulars. Ed Kelly, Wheeler. Oregon. FROM OWNER. Wanted, lease and furniture of mod ern apts. or housekeeping up to 23 or 3( rooms: $15O0 cash, balance terms. BD 716. Oregonian. HE ADOITARTERS FOfl HOTELS AND rooming houses, all sixes; if looking for a hotel or rooming nouse can ana iis n over with me: 15 years in the business. J 63 14 W est fa nt St. KJ. e. wnoerwo. PHONE Bdwy. 4SS0 (we call for particu lars) If you wani lo sen your rooming or apartment house. Quick service. MRS. THUMUW, nenrj pin. WKIlflMH VISITORS. Wo have hoteLs. rooming houses, dwell ings and land. Come in. Barney John son Co., 170 10th st. Main SI 60. FOR SALE Close in, fine locality, nicely furnished housekeeping apartments, 26 rooma, with lease, low rent; no agents. Phone 514-7-1. 35 ROOMS, all H. K., rent $50, lease; electric light, steam neat, tor quica aale. $100 and $175 will handle It. Mr. Magoon. 626 Cham, ot com. Plug. $1350 FOR 11 rooms, extra good furniture; rent $4i.u; a gooa aomq wim " mmwi. Main 6i;i. FOR SALE 10 housekeeping rooma; good I .. . ' - ..... I .. . , I Call Main 2530. IF your hotel or rooming house Is for sale, call aimms, -o tnanmcr oi merce bldg. -Main .ii. LOST AND VOTTND. LOST Corner Slat and Washington, our- ing electric parade, i ueeo-ay num. gin tan and green knitted tarn. Mrs. Oakes, W3 Everett st. LOST Coin purse on Broadway and Oak Sat. 6 P. M.. containing some coin ana 2- keys. call woodiawn uoiu. newara. LOST Small white female poodle. Please Phone Taoor ojs or can iiw x-ara. ier ward. LOST Green Panama parrot. 11 o'clock Tuesday morning, irom 404 c. e.ouctu Reward offered. Phone East 8481. LOST Bank book on First National bank; finder please return to bank. Mrs. J. Breed en. 1LOST YELLOW HANDBAG BELONGING TO NURSE; REWARD $10. 44 NORTH FIRST ST. LST A gold wrist watch and bracelet on Jefferson st., between 13th and 2i 14th Bt. Reward. Call Marshall 2553. LOST A Masonic charm marked B. Albert Pike, No. lo. Hewara. fnone wiuiano I Brust, Main nou. -q touege st. LOST Little girl's white fur, on Oregon City car at MliwauKie, Tuesaay evening after parade. aninaman, an l-ine. FOU. D Woman's scarf. left in machine; give description ox article, am . it. ore gnlan. - LOST On Broadway bridge Tuesday night. brown overcoat. finaer pnone Main 62:t. Hewara. IFOUND On Stark, between 4th and 5th, dropped by a banner riumg in car. wait Col. 396. LOST Airedale, female: Lucas county license -t-A. ttewara. inuu a oei. ai 3462. LOST Wednesday afternoon. In vicinity of W. Park and Clay, white iernaie I collie puppy; reward. Call Main 207. rOT W. Park. LOST CUFF BUTTON, NAME EX- GRAVKU; KKWAHU I UK nlUttW. A. B. WILSON, DUNSMUIR, CAU LOST Ladv'a bracelet watch. Bristol movement, gray riDDon atiacnmeni; re ward. 4Qf aiercnanta i rust oiag. i.rsT Oown town Tuesday evening. bunch of about nine Keys, rinoer pi ease call Main 144 or East B317. Kcware. LOST Au Airedale dog with a collar, chain and Seattle license; - rewa.ro. nciurn to 60 becond at. LOST A French poodle gray and black spot tea: answers 10 name oi uuney; re ward. Phone East 101 FOUND A bicycle. Phone East 4O70; give description. t LOST A boxed fox fur on 4th st. Leave ! at Oregonian ; rewarq. LOST Golden brown Boston male puppy. 1 o rewarq. l a por 3-:.o or jast aiow. LfST Shriner's pln with safety catch. Phone Main 3S77. Reward. LOST Gold belt buckle, R. E. W. fn- graved inMde; rewarq, rnone Kast q4i. LOST Black hand bav. Phone Mr. Uai Reward. kins. Bmanway nio. LOST Long light tan kid glove Tuesday evening, vicinity 19th street. Main 6381. LOST Brown bear; return to W. K. Baker, Multnomah notei, anu save trouoie. LOST Tuesday. Billy. hi. 1254. tan pup; answers to 109 K. 17th st. Reward. LOST Pearl and diamond brooch, ward. Woodiawn 4323. FOUND Little girl's black silk coat. 609 - Everett st. LOST A cap on Alberta or near 17th and Everett. Finder kindly phone Bdwy. 4.MM. LOST Brown silk chain purse. Peninsula Park. Wdlru 3050. LOST One nickel-plated crank at East l:ith and Burnatde. Regard. Call Main 53. LOST Tues. evening bet. Bdwy. add 12th on Morrison, gold cuff link. Mar. $72. STKRRBTT, LOST ASD FOUND. THE following articles have been found on cars of the P. R.. L & P. Co.: June 1 Purse, bunch keys, 4 ssl. keys pipe. 1 glove. 1 pr. gloves. 4 packages, belt. coats, camp stool. fishing pole. 5 luncn boxes. S suitcases, basket, can oil. Ko dak, umbrella. June 22 4 purses, bunch keys, watch fob. camera. 3 pr. gloves. envelopes, belt, pennant, 4 packages, auto curtains. suitcases, S lunch boxes. 18 umbrellas. 1 pooaie aog. obtain property at First and Alder sta ,..ji i.. m,.t Ar imnerial hotel on corner of Broadway and Stark, brown mink cape. fur. with ermine detachable collar: the ermine has two little tails on the rrnnt- lined with brown figured silk under georgette. Phone Wood lawn 4'lto, receive liberal reward. 675 Williams ave e-.n, nKWAnn For information leading to recovery of mink fur neck piece, brown silk lining; can be identified. Los Angeles label; lost between Haxelwood restaurant and Oregonian office about June 10th. Call manager Rainier Hotel. Ttrtp. tiii-ir. 1 . . ., .Aiii . farm for an old couple and they wish to buy from 2 to 5 acres with moderate improvements near Beaverton or Gresham. Will pay cash if price Is right. 6TEWART & BUCK". 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. LOST Bv deliveryman. Monday morning, leather bill folder containing about $.7 In enrrnev Finder nlease return to J. A. Austin. 512 Washington. Bdwy. 2545 Reward. ' LOST Between Kalama and Portland by Shrlner. tire 34x4 j. U. S. corrt. lilm Ap person. Cover black with maroon stripe. Return Sumner Iron works, P;ttock blk. Reward. LOST A diamond Alpha Tau fraternity pin. 1n Imperial hotel or on Broadway. Pin Is maltese cross design. Return to V. L. Cameron. S03 Cascade ave.. Hood River. Or., for liberal reward. LOST Reward for return of Boston Terrier "Bobbie Hall. taken from or strayed from automobile parked on Third st. Tuesday evening. Main 8000. Dr. M. K. Hall. LOST Wednesday afternoon, wrist watch on Broadway, between clay ana jerier son sts. Finder kindly return to Rex ford Apts.. apt. 10, corner Broadway and may, or pnone Main lno. LOST Child Is heartbroken over loss of little bulldog which she has had 8 years: color dark brown, white breast and col lar; male; liberal reward. Mar. 2120 or Mar. 1300. LOST-Mona 23, Elk tooth charm. B. P. O. E. S20 on one side. J. C. E. on other aide; finder return to 3R6 Montgomery st. and receive reward. Blanche Egglcs- ton. ONE case, of 73-watt lamps, somewhere between Alblna ferry and East 7th and Everett, each lamp marked Foster A Kieiser. Please call Broadway oi2b reward. LOST A purse containing $50 to $75 and 2 trunk keys. Frank Boyer. of Rajah Portland special, care Imperial Hotel. rtewara. LOST Black wallet with number of card and cash. If found please report to Cap. tain Allen. Aladdin Patrol, car The While Co. LOST A Marten fur cape, with tails I pending, on Pacific highway, near Wolf I Creek, Or. Suitable reward offered. Mrs. I H. I Crispin. Wolf Creek. Or. LOST One-pelt Stone Marten neckpiece. 1 main floor Columbia theater, about If I o'clock Sunday. Reward $10 if returned to win Knight. LOST Tan suitcase at Y. M. C. A.: large ' ' T mi .in! . u.- Ii.nil!.. eont b in u Ii ' III. Anderson, care 1. M. C. A. LOST Lady's- wrist watch with initials N. M. G. on back, between ladles public toilet and Y. M. C. A. Finder please pnone laoor m. rtcwara. LrOST Pocket'ooo-k containing two bunrhes keys. S4 or . in silver. 1 check for Mrs. Ella Whltaker. near 16th and Jefferson: reward. Phone Seliwood S43. HUDSON seal scarf, between 11th and 12th on Morrison: finder please return to United Apparel Shop, 361 Morrison; re v ward. WRIST watch lost in Oregon grill Tues. night; initialed "O. L. B. Notify Mar. 32oi and rece i ve cas hrew atu LOST Downtown Tuesday, bunch of keys. Finder please return to Mr. Graham, zr3 Board of Trade bldg. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. WB HAVE Just aoi-d a farm for an old couple and they wish to buy from 2 to o acrs with moderate improvements near Beaverton or Gresham. Will pay caan ii pnee is riant. STEWART St BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Proposals Invited. NOTICE TO OONTRA.-TORS Sealed proposals will be received by the commissioner of public works of the staie oi laano, at the of nee of the com missioner. Boise, Idaho, until two 2) O'clock P. M. on thA 14th fiav r.f Jh'v 1020. for the construction of 4.27 mile's oi iNortn ana south highway. Fed. Aid ProJ. No. 39 (crushed rock type), ln i Lewis county. Proposals will be opened and publicly reio at inn aoove siatea nour. Plans, specifications, form of contract. proposal forms and other Information I may be obtained at the office of D. ! P. Olson, director of highways, Boise, Idaho, and from R. L. Ewlng. district engineer, Lewiston, Idaho. A deposit of ten dollars ($10) is reaulred for each set of. plans and specifications. The de - posit will be refunded if the plana are reiurnea in tact- All proposals must be made on the Torms iurnisncci. and must be signed by me oioaer. witn nis name and post office address. The right Is reserved to releet all proposals, or to accept the proposal or proposals deemed best for the state of ioano, No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by an acceptable proposal guaranty In an amount equal to five per cent (5) of the total amount of the proposal. This guaranty may be the form of, (a) cash; (b) a certified check; or (c a bidder's bond. If a eer lifted check accompanies the nrooosal the cheek shall be drawn on some bank In the state of Idaho and made payable to the commissioner of Dublic works. The proposal guaranty will become the property of the state of Idaho, not as penalty, but as liquidated damages, if the bidder, upon acceptance ot his oro posal by the commissioner, falls or re fuses to enter into a contract ln accord ance with the term of his proposal within ten (10) days, (not including Sundays), af te"Fpresentation of the con tract to 01m ior execution. D. P. OLSON. Director ot Highways, wi. J. HALL Commissioner of Public Works, Dated June 24. 192Q. NOTICE OF BALE OF DRAINAGE DIS TRICT BONDS. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived by. the board of supervisors of the Klamath drainage district of Klam ath county. Oregon, at the office of said , board, which is in the courthouse ln the city of Klamath Falls, Or., for the pur- cnase ox s.uu.ovu or tne oonas or saia Klamath drainage district, until the hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon on the 17th day of July. A. D. 1020. Said bonds are to be dated July 1. 1920, and are to bear Interest from date at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, pay able on the first day of January and the first day of July each year. The beard of supervisors reserve the right to reject any and all proposals for any reason and If not satisfactory to said board. Address all communications and ai: proposale to ths undersigned. C. R. DELAP, See. of Klamath Drainage District. Klamath Falls, Orcgqn. iSPKCIAl. NOTICES. Proposals Invited. UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD. Washington, o. c sealed proposals tor purchase of steamship "De Kalb'': Sealed proposals will be received at the above office until 10.30 A. M. June SO. 11120. and then opened, for the pur chase of, the above vessel on a lump sum basis "as 'and where is." Certified check for JO per cent of the purchase price must accompany each bid. Terms of payment 10 per cent cash, balance over period of ten years. - Prospective bidders may Inspect ves sel on application to shipping board. Plans and specifications for recondition ing accompany vessel and are open lor inspection at the above office. Proposals should be addressed to United States Stiipping Board. Washing ton, D. C, and Indorsed "Sealed Pro posals for Steamship 'De Kalb. The board reserves the right to reject any ana ail digs. Miscellaneous. SEALED bids will be received for a stock of merchandise located at The Dalles, Oregon, consisting or groceries $2UHo.80, tobacco $276.57, pharmaceutical goods lliu.l.). zerolene Ilia So. total $2546.17. up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday. June 2S, 1920. An Inventory may be seen at my office. 140 Morgan building, and the goods may be Inspected on application at jno Dalies. terms cash ana a certified check for 10 per cent of amount offered must accompany each bid. The right is reservea to reject any and. an bids. R. L. SABIN. SEALED bids will be received for a stock or general merchandise located at Ke so. Waahington. of the inventory value of S1B.46U.7U up to 12 o clock Wednesday June 80, 1920. iThe inventory may be seen at my office, 740 Morgan' building, and the stock is subject to inspection at Kelso. 'I erms cash and a deposit 10 per cent is required with each bid submitted. The right is reserved to re ject any and all bids. R. L. SABIN. MR. T. McDONALD will not be responsible for any oius contracted by Mrs. 1. Mc Donald. FINANCIAL LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUT OR BELL-AN AUTOMOBILB. WE FUUNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND tt MORTGAGE CO.. SOS SKLLIN3 BLDG.. 2D FLOOR- MONET TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY. TITLE AxD TRUST BLDfJ. Cash paid for mortgages and sellers con tracts on real estate ln Washington. Ore gon. H. K. Noble. 816 Lumbermens bldg, WK BUY first and second mortgages and sellers contract. F. E. Bowman fc Co., 2J0 Chamber of Commerce. Money to Loan on Keal Kstate. residence; loans. 7C. five-year oeriod. iou may ray $10O or any multiple thereof account principal, semi-annually and reduce in- lercol on loans uoutr owrv. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60; vaiue house and lot at T. You pay ooe-h.aif of od per cent account principal monthly. For ex ample. $2000 loan, you pay $10 monthly and intercut; you havo privilege ot pay ing $100 or any multiple tnereoi month ly, interest rtaucea accural ntfty. isu COMMISSION. , Five-year period, tf-jb. Excellent re payment privilege. Main b308. 407 Yeon Bldg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION. Kjn. lznprovea property, ur ior uuprova- menl purposes. The best ana easiest metnoa or paying loan is our monthly payment plan. 3-t-2 Der month for 30 months, or $21.24 per month for 00 months, or per momn ior vo mo n ins pays a loan of $1000 and interest. Loana ot otner amounus in aame pro portion. Repayment prlvilegea KQU1TABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN, iti. DUira bu, roruaoa. ur. MORTGAGE LOANS. NO BKOKB KAGE. LOWEST RATES. Cltv or farm. Liberal repayment ortv- 01 Third Streeu Main 8067. Room 2. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS en farm and city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ileges Loweui aiea WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO, 80 Fourth SC. Portland, Or. $60,000 TO LOAN ln sums to suit on city, uouroan auu xarms. xiuiiaiug loazu pecialty. WILLIAM O. BECK. 215-21d FAILING BUILDING.. THIRD AND WASHINGTON. MORTGAGE LOANS FARM AND CITY PROPERTY AND 7 INSTALMENT LOANS NO COMMISSION U . lJ. AiSC 1 MAL I tU 83 4TH ST.. HENRY BLDG. I MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. USUAL RATES. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 20S SELLING BLDG. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley rarma; no commission; no aeiaya. PKVERBAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, hi oixtn st., roruana. or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Aliracnv repaying privuges. A. H. B1KRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg., Marshall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE loans on improved farm and city propny. ivriun repaying privi leges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD. 309 Piatt bldg. Main 5371. - " LIBERAL LOANS! " We loan our money on real estate, 1st and 2d mortgages, contracts, live stock, notes, etc F. E. Bowman ft Co.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026 MONEY TO LOAN, en Improved city property and also im proved farm property. Current ratca WM. Mc MASTERS, 831 V. S. National Bank Bids-. I $400. $300, $o0O, $800. $1000. $1200, $1500, e-uuv v mc-, (juick action; pay off $100 or more at any Interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co.. 031 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. CITY AND FARM LOANS. No Delay. No Delay. No Delay. $1000, $1500. $2000. $3000 and UP. Ve loan our money on real estate F. H. DESHON. 615 CHAM. OF COM. $300. $400. $500. $750. $1000 AND UP; low rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main C445. $500. $1000 AND upward on Improved real estate; favorable terms; no delay; no brokerage. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. ' I $18,000 to loan. D. A. Norton, Fenton oiag. SEE OREGON INV. ft MORTGAGE CO., 222 Cham of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MONEY on farms and improved city prop erty. K- K. Baxter. 1203 Spading bldg. MORTGAGE! LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent. Louis Salomon ft Co.. 40 Selling bldg. 1 131 1 IMI-UK.'- FINANCIAU. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL. LOAN ASSTf. MONEY AT 3 PER CESI. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSI NESS MEN TO PROTECT BORROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. PIANOS. VIC TROLAS. LIBERTY BONDS AND FUR NITURE. S94 STARK ST., NEAR 10TH. CARRIE MYERS HERRMANN. Mgr. ' PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. DO YOU NEED MONEl AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE T YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS. VICTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture ron tracts, we will pay them up and advance you ' more money if needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans, and leave the se curity ln your possession and you can repay us In small monthly paymenia ALSO WE MAKE SALARY LOANS, to salaried people, on their own note. Rates reasonable. Private offices. All business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (LICENSED.) 806-317 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 828$. S. W. cor. Third and Washing t on. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY. . on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly paymenta Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGES. NO INDORSEE. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We alo loan on household furniture, pianos, etc, without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO LICENSED. 518 FAILING BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds. watches. Jewery and bonds: legal rates; all goods held 1 year. VINES JEWELRY STORK. 114-116 Sd St.. cor. Washington. Main 6640. MONET to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; legal rates; articles hold a year: estab lish rd IS V9. lan Marx & Co.. 2S3 Wash. V ANTED To borrow $2000 bv pri-vate party on property valued at $S000; no commission. BC" 765, Oregonian. HATHA WAY loana on pianos and furnl. ture. legal rates. 208 Waahington bldg. GEO. HARVEY loans money on hoaee. hold goods, lesa: rates. Tabor SSva. QUICK money on unsecured note to aala- ried people. 305 Wilcox bldg. loana Wanted. LOAN of $350 wanted, secured by $12oJ stock of auto parts. BC 714, Orcfionian. ' TO BORROW $3."-0O on fine 8-room Ladd addition home; $2M on modern Hawthorne bun galow. $1500 on Penlntsula bungalow, al! 3 years. 7 per vent, gilt-edse loans; no brokerage. Main 74S7. W A N T K D -$5 0Q for 3 yea rs at 7 per cent on real estate, Portland, worth fie times loan aked. A B SC.. Oregonian. WANTED $100 for 4 months or 1 year. at 8v. ell secured. BD 714, Orego nian. $600 FOR a short time;- A-l security. BJ in. urrcoTiiin. SEE OREGON INV. ft MORTGAGE CO.. v Mom. 01 commerce. tn ana btarx. PKRSONAL, EPHEDRA THE NlfiW HEALTH BUILDER. Ephcdra Is a harixwesa herb used to the treatment of ail kidney diseases, dropsy, stomach and loiestiaai disor ders. Ephedra Is a germicide and tonic. Cleansing the stomacu, liver kidneys and intcjitlnal orgau. Ephedra relieves gas and acid condi tions o the intestinal organs, and hag tne most wonderful elfects un all rheu matic conditions. 10 tJajH' treatment, $2.50. EPHEDRA CO.. 202 All sky bid., Portiand, Or. DR. AND MRS. NISBETH. are pleased to announce mat ma iMitueia baniiarium, bio Love Joy bt., is open to the public lor their special line of treatments, lira, Niebetli in lull charge. We specialize ln rheumatism, nervous disea-4ea, paralysis, diabetes. Bright'a disease, stomach trou ble, high blood procure, lauity circula tion, lauity metabolism and ail chronic dlbeases Caloric system of feeding. Milk diet when indicated. Phone sani tarium, Broadway otXiL Of lit. Broad way 518. THERE is a rerody at hand for every dis cordant condition. The Psychometa physical institute Invites you to call and hat t a personal Interview with ita di rector. Dr. D. K. Zimmerman, Psycho mvtaph. 310-317 Bush & Lane bldg. Phone Main 670X 10-12 mornings, 2-5 afternoons; evenings and Sunday by ap point meiit IAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER Is a cleansing, healing germicidal and Invig orating douche, a .ire a 1 aid In leucor retm and female dibordera; 5uu and $1 per box. Portland Hotel Ph armacy. 1 OUAUANTEJS to cure corns, bunions, ing. nails, warts and moles absolutely; new invention, no patn, no sore net,. Lowest prices la town. Consultation free. Here X2 aeara; arches fitted. frUo Dekum bldg. BUY YOUR SUMMER FURS AT " ' - THE FUR SHOP. Fine furs to order. Moderate prices. Above hlifh rent, below high prices. 600 Swetland bldg.. 5th and Wash. BIBLE SPIRITUALISTIC CHUHCH SO C1ET1 Meetings; Sun., Thurs., $ p. aj., 15 E. 15th at. cor. E. Burnaldc. Rev. Mrs. J. C. Schorl can be seen privately. SHAMPOOS, marcelle. water wave, maoi- .1 curing, facial and scalp massage, elec tricity. Broadway lOSsi. 23u Fiiedner T ' b I u g. 10 th and Was tun gt o n. " FEBVET ft HANNEBUT. leading wig and ' loupe makers, finest stock human hair goous, hairdrevaiiig, manicuring, face and scalp treatment. ii-jj Akier. Main 04d, SI GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. E ton's. the CHIROPODIST acd ARCH bPLdTT, -who doesn't hurt you; 8 yra. here.; exam. . free. Globe bldg.. 11th ft Wan. Bwy. 2S24. IF YOU ARE TIRED AND NERVOUS, visit the Sunhomti Parior, scientific body, face and scalp mabeage. 427 ilor- , gfco bldg.. Main ID'jO. iTjR VOL'S AND CHRONIC DISEASES treated by NlfiW METHODS. iill, J. VV. BATDORF. Naturopath, 304 Dekum blag. I to 5 P. M. Main 1160. BATHS Steam baths, chiropractic body massage and vibration. Dr. Margaret Haynio, Main 1705. 215 Swetland bldg. Open evenings. Trained nurse aseistant. DO YOUR FEET HURT? See Dr. Ethel A. Sacrl, 605 Raleigh bldg.. IO A. M. to 6" P M. Appointments evenings. Mar. 370. " uWlCL'WNtt. face and scalp, massage . and sliampooa. CU5 lla lcii;h bldgr. liar .hall :o7. Appointments eveninga. UHAUUATE nurs. treats iumbaso. etc. : HOU.S " " J . ....... . ruuBI Main 1041. Otflce SOb-C Third at. SCALP treatment, facial massage, electri till treatment, steam bath and masasa jHiel Bui'Ke., 3Q Uekum bldg. .I1.ES can b. permanently cured without . operaUoni. Call or writ. Br. Lieaa, -g-,4 V. Morrison at. Supertluous hair, moles, warts removed by 10 needles method; trial free. Jo.i. I'lw K-y. 514 ljush & JLans bldg. Main C3ta. 11AS5AUB. baths for constipation, stom- , . ach kidney, rheumatism. Ur. Klna Sor- mien. 508 Panama bldg. Druglea. phy. BUfKHkUUOUS hair removed forever by mulllple-needle method. 504 SweUaod bldg.. fifth and Washington sta jnx.pHb"R steam bath, violet ray; Improve your system. lira Rollins. 4-8 Clay. Main b359. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. ' CAL.L, East 85S4 to have any kind of beauty work done in your home or mine; hair-dying a specialty. BODY mass-lav. violet ray. 10 A. M. Ip I P. M. daily. 4o0 Morgan bldg. Main 73. HAWAIIAN entertainers for alt oecasloaa Call Tabor .750. . kCeCTRIG CABlNfcT BATHS. Dr. Ironsides. 3Q9 Broadway bldg. OKRTRUDE DANIELS, superfluous hair. manicuring, face, acalp. Fiiedner bldg. , ETHEL, McCOl', chiropodist, 609 Buchanan bldg.. Wash, bot. 4th snd 6th. Main 007.. DOESN'T Tom, Djck or Harry pay you? , bee Vlereck. collections. Dekum bldg. , FHIMEOA BALM, formerly called Balm of V i B s. 844 E. 83d. Bell. -J13 mornln n. PILES CAN BE CU RED without oper- tion. Free booklet.! P. O. box 1100. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without an operation. Free booklet. P. O. box 1100. WILL Gregg Berry write Joe Jacksey at HZ' Third ave.. feattlf. Washington? A-l MAsSSAiiE, 413 Buchanan bidg., "Was-., bet. 4th and jth. Mfcin b:06. PATIENTS to tske cabinet bstbs with ' mausase or hourly nurslns;. Tabor t17i - JUN1CIIE will cure or money back. 40S l.e k u m 1 t d jr. - . MRS. O. C. MONTGOMERY meet husband - liotel I'hilip, Uurnaide, 4th and Oth. t V - - t -t J. .1 w 'n r. , 1" af