- V 17, THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TIIURSDAT, JUNE 31, 1920 A -j : . -J ; 1 '"i . ' - i 4 . - .'I v. ; i . .-1 . V ' '-v.1 I'M 4 " V. V REM. ESTATE. For Kl Uoum. PACIFIC GKNCT, TNO. 5th Floor bwetland Bid. SHIUNEItS AND OUT-OF-TOWN VISITORS. -We are dispensing city homea In the bent city on the Pacific coast and la tho best climate on this globe; a mon sr the most congenial people to be found anywhere. Come in and let ua locate you In a pleasant, modern home; one you can enjoy the remainder of your sojourn fa ere. 7RVTNGTOX. 494 $90oo This is a modern, -room home, well located on- E. 27th st. near Brazee; h. w. floors, full concrete basement: h. a. fur nace, parage; everything is in pood condition; Rood large lot. If you are look in? for lrvinlo-i property, see this. TRVT NGTON. 494 $0000 This is a modern 8 rooin, well located in the select district; rooms are large and airy; white enamel finish and hardwood floors, fireplace and good heating system: good garage; on 00x100 lot. The place is about 3 years old, but Just as (rood as new. Call on us for appointment to see this place. ALBERTA. 4S0 $3250 will buy this fine 5 -room Alberta home on K. 18th t., near Going, with hardwood floors and fireplace; 2 blocks from carl inc. 4 blocks lrom school. It Is also piped for a furna.ee. Will take you out to see this by ar rangement. ALBEUTA. 470 Good buy at $:t000. and only $louO down. bal. only $20 per mo. Thi is a 5-room eotta.ee on feu inner st., near 2Kth. Besides the 5 rooms, it has bath, gas. electri city, concrete basemcut and is in good condition. PACIFIC AGliNCr, INC. 514-20 Swctland Bldfi. LARGEST TIOMTS SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Over 1000 Photographs of Homes FOR SALE. See FRANK L. McC.L'IRE. To Buy Your Home. Am you looking for a home? Try the M;OU IRE SYSTEM of scientific home service. Home buying made easy, over 1wk Photographs of homes from every district in the city. PRICES you can Phv EVERY HOME PERSONALLY" IN SPECTED AND APPRAISED. If neces MHry wo will help you make your down payment. Open Evenings and Sundays. 1 -S uuIom at you r SE RV 1C E. It It's real home value you want, sco FRANK L. MeGUlRE To Buy Your Home. Ahtnston Bldg. Main 106S. OWNER MUST SELL HIS BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE at once, as his business requires him to leave the citv soon : 9 rootnc, strictly modern; none in Portland for the money. $14,000. part cash. Phone Bdwy. nao. SUPERB NOB HILL. HOMES. In finest exclusive locations, with everything that you would expect in fine. modern a to l--room homes: large grounds. 4 and 5 bedroom, besides nialiiH1 auarters: libraries, extra baths. fireplaces, from 10.0'IO to f3.i.U00, and all of them worth far more: no agents. Mr. Schaeier, ijdwy. Mti or Main bot. IRVINGTON BEAUTT. Have junt completed a first-class 6' room bunealow. .'lt Kast lioth North hrilwooi tlnurs. fireolace. furnace, linen closet. buffet, beautiful tapestry and lichtlnr fixtures: larae. attic: this is a lirsl-class home in every respect, with all mortem conveniences, brand new nrst time advertised. If you are luter ested in a home, don t fail to see tni one. Open today. A. U. Malmquist, owner and builder. K11R1NT.R9 AND VISITORS who ara conteniDlatinc locatinR in Port land and vicinity will find NOBLE P. C. Ilinehart at your service in assisting you to set located. Information regard in- the best residential sections am their relative property value freely llv n. Phone Main iiO'i and a machine ia at your service. WKLLER RINEHART. Bungalow Builders, Real instate Dealers, Chamber of Commerce .Blag. LAURBLHUR8T. Just completed typical California bnn ralow. finished in the old ivory enamei large plate glass windows, hard -vood floors In every room; beautiful lightin fixtures; tile bath, pedestal lavatory, Dutch kitchen, pretty breakfatt nook l&rce Kreneh nlate mirrors. cemen porcb. furnace, garage; easv terms. 1144 Laurelhur&i avis., near aiUth st. Buy direct from owner. SIX ROOMS AND BATH. Lot 100x100, J'J fruit trees, lots of berries; will include gas stove, ranee, carpets left on floors if sold this week. Price $250; i?50 down, bal. $15 per mo. and Interest. Call Mr. Fisher, Main. &1-D. .- Stark at. For 8a le -Bufionts rropa"w. BUSINESS PROPERTT. Tn the heart of the downtown district we have a good business property for sale at a price that would pay you a good dividend on the capital Invested. Present net income la about $10,500 per annum. If you are looking for a business Investment, call at our office and let us show you this properly. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., 614-20 Swetiand Bldg. TRACKAGE. 100x200 BUSINESS CENTER FRONTS. 100 FEET EAST FIRST STREET. 100 FEET EAST SECOND STREET. 200 FEET EAST WASHINGTON. WITH 200-FOOT TRACKAGE. W. S. POINDEXTKR. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. Suburban Home FURNISHED HOME NEAR MILWAUKIE. New 4-room plastered house, gas. city water in the place; on 100x100 with 14 bearing rruit trees; lots or small fruit graded street ; place well furnlehed, dinlnK set. rugs, dresser, center table, gas range, heater, kitohen furniture and utensils: immediate possession. Price $1UU0. $1100 cash. Fare one line 7c and one 5c. John rerguson, Oerlinger bldg. SUBURBAN HOMES PRICED RIGHT. Modern bungalows with one to five acrea on Oregon City car line; asst. fruit, gas, electric lights, good schools, good roads to Portland: 20 to 30 minutes out, HARRY W. KLKEB, Suits 001-2 Stock Exchange Bldg., Phone, Evenings. Milwaukie 9tt-W. Office. Main BJG7. Sd and YamhlU, Portland. Or. SUBURBAN SNAP. Attractive 6-room modern house. Just outside city limits, at Capitol Hill, 11 minutes out; S blocks to station; city water and gas; bath, den, fireplace ; house Is double constructed and In ex cellent condition ; wonderful view ; only $irtr0. on terms. Marshall 1S74. OS COURTNEY ROAD. OREGON CTTT LINK. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL. HOME SITE. 8 ACRES, SMALL HOUSE. GAS, ELECTRIC. OTHER BUTUDTNGS, FRUIT TREES. ETC.. VERY REASON ABLE. INQUIRE HAT SHOP, 144 4TH STREET. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, 'welt located, near car line, from 11800 up. Inquire 3d liouue north of Rtsley station, on Oregon City tar line, sign Aioer isroo." BECAUSE or HI health will sell my new hi.me in suburbs; bungalow; vpter. elec tric li-rhts. gs: 4. ft lots; cot Son rton epga in May, Deyoe, Bell Sta., Grcsham car nne. For Sale Arreage. i lN E modern live-room house and three si:i: houne coat S'-'OOO; will sacrifice for VJ:.j0, terms. Tabor 610S. T ACRES, near Aibuny. 5 in apple trees. For prlre of mortgage foreclosure xnn coFtn. Brotdvay AA.i, room 30.8... 10 ACRES firnt-cl&sa timber at Ttgard sU cheap, raoor oia. BEAL K8TATK. For 8aie Acreage. POLK COUNTY $43,900. 49 acres. 415 acres tillable. 200 acres In cultivation, 150 acrps good oak timber. 24 acres of prunes 6 years old, good fam ily orchard; 8 -room bouse In good condi tion ; large barn 36x70, 2 stock barns, new hog house, chicken house and tool house ; good well and 2 springs; place la fenced and cross-fenced; land slightly rolling, best of soil, located on county road 44 miles from Dallas; $18,900 cash, long; time on balance. Photos at office. FRED V. GERMAN CO. 732 Chamber of Commerce. 8HRINER3, ATTENTION! Do not overlook Lebanon while on . your trip the strawberry citT of tho northwest. Come and wo will show -you the country. M. L. SOUTHARD & SONS. Realty Co., Lebanon. Or. GOOD BUNGAXOW. iJi acres, located half mile from city limits and car line; all under cultiva tion : fruit trees, garden and berries. Good bungalow of 3 rooms, breakfast room and bath; Bull Run water, gas; cood Dlumbinfc: traveled street : chicken house and runs. Price $2550 cash. We will get a loan for part of the value. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. CHICKEN" RANCH 5 acres, with modern bungalow, private water system and tower, on improved county road, clone to Powell Valley blvd.. which I am go in sr to sell on account of poor health. House is nearly new and the property is in excellent condition. trice iiiuu, 12750 of this can be Dald at the rate of $50 a year. To see the property, call upon my representative. BEN KIESLAND, 404 Piatt Bldjr. 127 Park St. JUST OUTSIDE THE CITY LIMITS. S1200. $25 down. M2.50 monthly, buys 1 acre of ground, all set out to assorted bearing fruit trees and berries. In a high state of cultivation ; we have Beveral of these tracts, also some ti -acre tracts, which may be bought on the same terms. Salesmen with uutos to show these tracts at any time. Photos at office. Fred W. German Co., 732 t'hamber of Commerce. FOR SALE J2V-acre chicken ranch, fer tile land, all in cultivation, good bunga low, barn, chicken houses for 1500 hens; young team, wagon, buggy, harnesses, tools, cow, 40 chickens, crop ot wheat; on Pacific highway s. P. flag station joins place; city lights and water avail able; near town. $5000. H. L. Fuller, Dille.v, Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE 11 acre; 5 acres in apples, prunes, pears, peaches, plums, grapes, berries, garden lot and building site, 5 acres in grain and Vs acre in potatoes; good 7 -room house. barn and other buildings: will accept part in trade, r or appointment call Main 6473. J-.O LOCATKS YOU ON 2 ACRES. Right at electric station, east side near Base Line road : lies line, near erove timber: vour chance to iret a piece of acreage right: price $900; terms 00 cah. $H monthly. M'EDDKMANX COMPANY", 01. Chamber of Commerce. LOOUED-OFF LANDS. ' Tracts, 5 acres up. located within 30 miles ot foruann, on raiiroaa; good sou, no rock, plenty of water: work nearby; buy on your own terms. Prices 920 to $6 per acre. LEUDDBMANM CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR ALE LOGO ED-OFF LAND. Write for map of western Washinston showing location, price and terms. Over ten thousand acres sold last year at our low prtoe. Easy payments offered to actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Taeoma, Wash. INCOME-PRODUC1NO FARMS. AT GRESHAM. THE BEST farming section In Ortmn. exceptional! good bargains to offer in stocked ana equippea urme. suburban homes, chicaen rancnes ana berry lands. K RIDER & LKitMtiTU, Urea ham. Or. SEAV1EW. Wash.. 8 acres, all cleared cows, horse and wagon; 1 acre straw berries: 1 acre potatoes: Ik. barn: blocks P. O.. high school: all milk and vegetables sold at place ; f ,"noo, $2000 down, Dal. easy terms. ueorge i. Putnam. OSWEGO LAKE ACREAGE. A fine chance to locate your home clo. to the lake and car line; live acres, $400 per acre, terms. S. S. PRENTTSS, 615 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. iyz ACRES 8 miles out on Terwilliger Douievaru. nine oil pavement, ail in cultivation; iw young iruii iree, sprin water, iair o-room nouse, large barn. 427 Lumber ixcnange oiag.. an1 IStarK sib - 80 ACRES, f3500; house, barn, orchard timber; 2 miles Columbia river; gooi buy ; $1200 cash. Main 6672. McFar lan a neaity o., r ailing oiag. FOR SALE On Orenon City electric, Ris lev station; 1 Va acres, well Improved. 7 room house, good condition, grapes and some fruit. Phone oak orove U t - J, TEN AND ONE-FIFTH ACRES. t'NIM PROVED LAND; TERMS TO SUIT. W. V. NELSON. OAK GROVE. OR. Homesteads, Kellnqnishmcnta. 2 HOMESTEADS, beautiful heavy "timber, 2 miles from railroad, 4 miles from town, on wagon road; if taken quick. t3U0 cash each. apt Corbett bldg. Fruit and Nut Lands. GROW FRUIT 7$ acres best fruit land in state, 20 miles west near paved highway, 2 acres clear in crop. 13 acres have been slashed and in brush, 200O cords wood on place; can supply all buildings from never failing: spring: good neighbors; rural route, milk wagon every day. near church and school; adjoining lands sell ing $150 ppr acre: can buy for $R0 pet acre. Se Willis. Tax Dept.. Courthouse. For Sale- Farms. ATTENTION, SHRINER3! Our cars at your service for see in S Vancouver and vicinity. CDER MARKET VALUE. 10 acres of rich black loam sotl, all in high state of cultivation ex cept acre of timber, fenced and cross fenced, good well at back door, young orchard of assorted fruits in full bearing, abundance of ber ries and small fruits. Most all seeded to timothy and clover; good t 4-room houe, new barn, new ga- rage, woodshed, chicken house and park, hog house and lot, 3 excep tionally fine Jersey cows, good team, 2 hogs, 90 chickens, 2 sets of harness, '2 wagons, plow, har row, cultivator and all necessary small tools. Barn equipped with hay fork, box stalls, etc. Only H mile from town, nhort distance from electric car line. Ideal coun try home on good auto road, with all rural advantages. Price $4000, cash. SMALL DAIRY AND HOO FARM. 36 acres, 20 acres In high state of cultivation, all in crop, balance In open seeded down pasture, tim ber for domestic use, fine spring stream through place, 1 acre of bearntg prunes, 1 1 00 strawberry plants, large family orchard in full bearing, small fruits of all kinds, good 5-room house, good barn 32x45, double-walled fruit house, chicken house and park, hog house and tool shed, good team, wagon, harness, 3 fine dairy cows, 2 heifers, 3 hogs, 65 chick ens, separator, plow, harrow, mow er, rake, all small tools,, together with household furniture, including range, heater, rugs, bedroom sets. In fact, everything on the place; small prune dryer, close to school, on, good auto road, 1 mile from good Pacific highway town, all ru ral advantages. Price $5500, lib eral terms. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 80 acres of the very best loam soil, all tillable, 25 acres in cul tivation, no rock or gravel, fine - spring in pasture, good well at house, good eight-room plastered house, almost new 6-hole range, some furniture, also 4-room house, dairy barn 32x116, in good condi tion, hay fork, pulleys, rope, two chicken houses, hog house and lot, dairy, large woodshed, building? all painted, elevated building site, beautiful large shade trees, .'50 ap ples, pear and plum trees, fiO bear ing Italian- prune trees, 5 good dairy cows, good team, wagon, harness, mower, harrow, 60 chick ens, separator, adjoining large prune orchard in highly improved district, beautiful view of sur rounding country and snow -capped mountains, 3 miles from town on good auto road, close to school, with ail rura 1 advantages ; price " $70nn. half cash. THOMPSON. SWAN LEE, Third and Main Sts., Vancouver; Wash. GOING to Europe, want to seil. reasonable. one stock and timber range not far from here: also 2 sood lots, close in. AK 70l, Oregonian. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up: running water; good soil. tillable; employment; ea5y terms. J Tt. Sharpe. 83 S 3d st. 40 ACRES. Kmall Tiouee, 8 acres cleared. Ivt B rery cheap. I' or particulars. writs Butkevlch, route 1, Carlton. Or. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Farms. FIVK FARM BARGAINS. LANE COUNTY $3000. 7J't acres. 00 acres tillable. .25 acres In cultivation, cood black soil, all fenced and cross-fenced, 4-room house, barn, 80x100. milk house, potato house, other outbuildings, good creek through place, ffpring water piped to the house, 4 acres family orchard, rural route and tele phone. Included in price is complete set of farm implements. $1000 cash, bal ance 000 yearly with interest at 6 per cent. Photos at offfce. YAMHILL COUNTY $12,000. 350 acrea. all nocked and equipped, over 100 acres tillable. 50 acres in culti vation. 25 acres very easily cleared. 25 acres fir and oak timber, balance stump pasture; 0-room house, barn, 40xSO, siraw barn and goat barn, hog, chicken and wood house, familv orchard, small creek, sprina-s and aood well: complete set of implements, wagon, etc.; 3 chunky mares, 2 colts 2 years old). 6 cows, 3 yearlings, 5 calves. 1 bull, 6 pigs, 100 chickens. $6000 cash. This is a good paying farm and first time offered for sale in tho past 25 years; 44 miles from Portland and 6 miles from good town suaa railroad. Photos at office. WASHINGTON COUNTY $13,500. One-half cash, terms on the balanee 318 acres tillable, 50 acres in cultiva tion and in crop, 35 acres of fir timber, well, spring and small creek, about Z acres of family orchard, 7-room house in fair condition, also email tenant house barn 40x00. silo, machinery shed, straw shed and other outbuildings; equipment! consists of binder, mower, rake, olsc. plow, 3 wajons, buggy, 2 harrows, root cutter, platform scales, stump puller, gas root cutter, woodsaw and small tools; :i horses and harness, 1 Holstein bull. 7 milk cows. S yearling- heifers. 1 calf, 3 brood sow, loraled . on county road. close to school. 20 miles from Portland. LINN COUNTY S23.00O. We have a Bnlendld 200-acre datrr ranch. 7 miles from Lebanon. 2.0 acres are tillable 340 acres in cultivation, bal ance in second-growth fir and oak tim ber; good rich loamy soil; splendid 7-room house with bath, bam 4Ux4. with 340-ton hayloft; good stanchions oeiow; z silos, granary. miiKnouse. wood Hon we and straw shed ; water piped to buildint? from larae sorinic: $6oOO cash unlimited time on the balance. This is the place you, Mr. Htockmnn. have been looking Tor. Photos at office. FRED V. GERMAN CO.. 7:12 Cham, of Com. SIIRINERS, ATTENTION! Do not overlook Lebanon wh.lle on your trip the strawberry citv of the northwest. Come and we will bhow you the country. M. I. SOUTHARD &. SONS. Realty Co.. Lebanon, Or. FO R SALE H50 acres land on the De schutc river, located 2 miles below Tumalo. Or., and 9 raliea below Bend Or.; will sell at a sacrifice. About i" or 300 seres under water, excellen place for dairy farming. Deschutes rive through place. Ftrst-clas water right under one of the best irrigation system in Oregon. This place can be bough with a small cash payment, balance ion time at 6 interest. Buy from owne and save com mi an ion. Address owner, P. O. box 34.. Bend. Or. FOR SA LE by owner, xolntc stock and dairy farm of nearly 500 acres; 125 acres In crop and grass. 200 acres bottom land, to acres fenced hog-tight; runnin stream all year, good house, larso barn about 60 head cattle and horses, 20 heaa hoss. poultry. 7-ton scale house. B. L. K. milker, 2 new gas engines, all necessary Implements, excellent orchard on Pacific highway, near two R. R. town: shipping point 34 miles: pric $30, 0J 0, terms; part exchange possible. Ada ressr oi. g. uregonian. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS. 300 A. In Yamhill co. ; 150 A. In crop, bal. pasture and timber; all tillabl running water, good 7-room house, also house for hired help; modern dairy barn and horse barn, electric lights and water in house and barn, well fenced on west side highway, 2 miles of Amity. Price sloo per A., includes crop, stock and imps. Possession any time. Good terms; Phone Main 631. Write J. P. Allison, Amity, Or. Route 2. 8 Cham ber of Commerce Bldg. Phone Main 623L 210 ACRES, S23 PER ACRE. DAIRY, STOCK, SHEEP. Benton county, 24 miles to railway, gravel road: 40 acres creek bottom in cultivation, small creek, gravity spring water, 4-room box house, barn: fenced and cross fenced; some fine timber with a ready market; 70 per cent tillable, good pasture. For a quick sale this place is offered at half its value. Glad to show It. MacINNES Sc. PRATT. 209-10 Oregon Bldg., Fifth and Oak. FOR SALE by owner. SO acres good- land SiO acres in grain and hay, 30 acres seed - ed to young clover; good family orchard. good wen, springs ana running watert 'JO acres good timber. 1U acres eavv cleared: all well fenced; 4-room house and barn: 2b miles from Tualatin. 1 SI miles from Stafford school and 4 mile from rock road; ioo per acre, terms to suit purchaser; will take city property in pari payment, jtaaresa j. .rrancls, Sherwood, Or. R. D. No. 1. 1B0 ACRES, 30 cultivation, 5-room house. barn, 3 acres prunes, over $1000 worth of prunes sold from tlese 3 acres last season, 3 cows, and all farm equipment: price snouu; nan casn, a years. 8 per cent: 40 acres, 1 mile Battle Ground, house, barn, orchard, running water. Make fine small dairy farm. Price $4000. Terms. W. H. McCarty. Battle Ground, Wash. FOR SALE. 116 acres. 4 miles from O. C. court house, on Molalla road: on W. V. South ern. Eby station, V mile: 35 acres in cultivation, li-room hou?e. 2 barns, water piped from spring to house, fine trout stream; can be divided into two places. Information inquire 746 E. Main St., Portland, or R. No. 3, box 42, Oregon City. H. J. Baily. owner. FOR SALE Small fruit farm, 11 acres; SS acres in family orchard, strawber ries, loganberries, black caps; fuH set of buildings, 6-room house, hot and cold water, electric lights, cement sidewalks; on Capital highway at Tualatin river bridge, 1 miles south of Tigard: two pigs, cow and chickens; price $7000, terms. K, B Sherwood. Or., route 1, box 53. 10 ACRES, white balmon valley, partly cleared; House naa ri replace, living, dtn in bath, kitchen, sun, 3 bedrooms, dou ble deeping porcu; grand view of Mount jriooa ana vauey ; nas Den ex pended on "this place; your own terms. MAK oner. uwor, oo jsi. em N. Woodtawn 1704. A BARGAIN. 60 A. 82 A. clear, 2d growth timber. 2 running springs, railroad through place and hard surface road; 12 miles irom ronianu. .y owner. i or infor -nation write BJ 775. Oregonian. DO you want a real good farm close to Portiano. i -uny equippea, with &0 acres in crops, or an 8-room house, close in, or some timber; It will pay you J to find out aDout in is irom owner. Call or adaress r. un s&. xt. 14-A. FARM BARGAIN. uu. 10 acres In crop: 3 miles of Oregon City; small buildings, creek, best soil; $1S00 down. F. Bombard 600 Iuan sc. uregon v.nr. SOME FARM BARGAINS. Eastern Oregon wheat farms, buy ngnt, in iu "'sin set our oo script ion ana prices. MORRIS BROS., MAUPTN, OR. FARM for sale, 30 acres, 18 miles from City , near dwuuu , i m wmnuu and fruit; buuaings. water, wood, near school ana cnurcn, oauu; traae or terzaa. Automatic .lo-vo. ino ACRES, suitable for fine stock ntnrh 480 acres fenced, perpendicular waterfall, several creeks; $15,000. reasonable pay ment down, balance 6 per cent long time. AJa ooi, urcKDUiu. 40 ACRES, partly Improved. Most desir able tract for summer home ranch be tween foruana ana Ait. iooa, half way out. Geo. B. Coupes, owner, (HI a Cor bett st. FOR SALE Good bargains in choice Wil lamette aiiey tarms tn cumation and In crop, ran?ln from 50 acres to 1O00 acrea Will Improved. Call on or writs J. V. Pipe- Albany, Or. TWO wheat farms, one 1452 acres, another 4 SO acres to trade for ranches in-the valley. Both places have fine crops of wheat that ko with the land. M. Fltx- maurlce. Condon. Or. TO OUR VISITORS: Anyone desiring- Information regarding farm lands, industries or investment, in Oregon pleaie apply to Oregon State Cnamoer or ommerce. Oregon Dldg. 220 ACRES. 210 cultivated, modern 6-room ' house, on hard surface road, 75 miles from Portland; price $23,000. half cash, terms balsnce. P 620. Oregonian. CHICK.E;." FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $75 to S500 per acre: easy terms: best soil. Farms for eale. all sues. McFarland. 208 Falling bltrg. VISITORS, ATTENTION! If you want de pendable information as to alfalfa or fruit lands in Oregon, phone Geo. C. Howard, 6S2 K. 4 2d N. DAI U Y FARM for sale: 3-yesr lease, 1 yesr paid: Minthorn Sprin rs dairy, near Milwaukie; 1 cows and buiL 47a Dover st. FOR SALE River bottom farm, close te good town, near Portland, with or with out stock. Address owner, P 613, Orego nian. FOR SALK 10n-acre farm, with crop; also a :;nn-acre dairy farm, write H. J, Kichter. Amity. Or., for particulars. FRTK FARM LfST-J. San Joaquin vaUov (arm Paul E.sUr. Stockton, Cal, REAL ESTATK. Sale YAMHILT, COUNTY, FOR "WHEAT. CORN AND OATS. YAMHILL COUNTY FOR CLOVER. YAMHILL COUNTY FOR PRUNES. 360 acres. 7 miles northwest of Yamhill, Oregon. Between 35 and 40 acres In cultivation, fair house, 2 fair barns, running water. About 24 miles from R. R. station, near sawmill. Telephone in house, school and church close by. Young bearing orchard. This Is all good land, when cleared. Some good timber. This is a real snap at the price. Price $0500. Would take $1500 or $2000 in trade on smaller place, and some little cash, about $2500. Balance can stay on the place. WITH STOCK AND MACHINERY. 31 5 acres, adjoining McMlnn ville, Oregon, on paved street. -sewer in, electric lights, city water. 8 -room house with large shade trees, large barn, silo, mod ern dairy house, large granery, . also large Implement house. Good horse barn and large dairy barn. Fine home for any one who wants to run a modern dairy, or raise fine stock, as the location is best in the state. All good land, about 70 acres In cultivation now in crop. This is No. 1 Yamhill bottom land. . some timber, balance pasture, tiood family orchard, all kinds of fruit. Only 8 blocks to business section of McMinnviile, Oregon. About -the same distance to school. - Close to college and in a good moral town. Price $200 per acre. Possession at once. T7 acres, 21 acres In beaiinjr prunes, 3 bearing pears, 14 bearing apples. 7-room bouse, hot and cold water and plumbing. 6-tunael prune dryer, large chicken house, well house, fine water sys tem, good barn, 500 chickens. 10 acres fine grain, balance timber for wood for prune tlryer. Price $20,000. Half cash. This year's crop will pay $10,000. Fine or chard, no trees missing. Just com Ing into full bearing. No. 3 prune land. Trees are loaded this year, bee this at my expense. J. C. GILBERT. ' I. O. O. F. Bldg., Ground Floor. McMinnviile, Oregon. A CTT A NTT? FOR THE TA WITH bJlAlL CAPITAL TO GET A GOOD FARM CHEAP. No. 1 40-acre farm. SO acre) In cul tlvatlon. on main road. 40 miles from Portland, two miles from cood smal town and railroad station; well fenced. with good house, barn and outbuildings; price., inciuaing all livestock and com piete larminir outnt and thia vear a crops, V..-.09. with $1500 first payment inn oaiance very easy terms. No. - 72 acres near Camas. Wash.; -- acres under plow: new house, barn and outbuildings well fenced; soil good for orchard or grain; price includes ten neaa ot cattle, small nock or sheep, chickens, etc., and also complete farm in? outfit; only 60X, with J10UO aa first payment. o. o o acres, neariv all In croo good soil, buildings, fences and orchard; close to school. :o miles from Portland o .miles from railroad station and stores. rriee. Including this year's crop. 4(KH)1 wt.n small nrst payment and easy terms. No. 4 74 acres, with new buildings, good fences and good sotl. especially suitable for prunes or walnuts or fine for dairy; on main road, 3 miles from small town near Dallas. Or.: price. In cluding crop, S3000. with (1000 nrst pay menu For further particulars see NEWELL-VA.V AL8TINE COMPANY, oor and 506 Railway Exchange bldg. 1100 ACRES OF LAND UNDER, GRAVITY DITCH Win be offered for sale at the of fice of Attalla Irrigation District No. 1, commencing June 7, at 9 A. M., and will continue from day to day until all the lands are sold. Title to these lands has been ac quired by the district on account of delinquent water assessment and, it being the desire of the district to get all its land under cultivation at an early date, we are offering it at prices for cash that should Interest everyone who desires a home in an irrigated district. Kead tho following prtcea: Class No. 1 Price $125 per acre. Class No. 2 Price $50 per acre. (Mass No. Price $:t0 per acre. Class No. 4 Price $20 per acre. Clsss No. S Price $5 per acre. The above prices are subject to advance every 10 days. First come first served. If you can's come In person, select your tract and mail your check to J. H. S harry, secretary. Signed: F. C. LETTERER. A. K. HAWKINS, K. B. VOGEU Di rectors. CONSIDER PORTLAND HOUSE. 80 acres, located 22 miles south of 1 Portland, near Sherwood, 3 miles from I Rex. AH can be cultivated, 50 acres in crop, balance in standing timber; over jouo cords of wood, orchard of apples. prunes, plums, quinces and small truiu ! A-l soil, good for nut culture; barn. 26x 50; shed. !0x50; bouse, milk house and i otner duii dings. w itn tne place go high-grade cows, 2 heifer calves, fins young team, driving horae. 4 pigs, chick ens, geese, binder, mower, ras entrine. hay rake, 2 wagons, 1 hack, buggy, cart. a plows, s cultivators, good narness. corn sheller, clover seeder, feed cutter, cream separator. Incubator, brooder, hay I fork and complete line of furniture, tools and ail the crop. Price $13,000 $5000 cash and $2000 when crops are sold, j the balance at 4 per cent for ten years. The personal property and crop are j worth $4000. or will consider small piece of acreage close to Portland, or Portland house, up to $4000. Personally Inspected by Nelson, witn JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building. MORTGAGE FORECLOSTTRE. About 300 acres, fenced, with 8 room house, barn and outhouses, two springs of fine water, about 40 acres arable, remainder wooded. 30 miles below Portland on high way and railroad, -overlooking Co - lumbia river, adapted for atock or subdivision Into tracts for country homes. On aeceunt of foreclosure thie farm must be disposed of imme diately; $25,000 takea It, Think of it- Less than $75 an acre to nr nothing of Improve ments In way ot fences, buildings, etc. If Interested call on J. 8. Parke at 104 Fifth at., or write to Ruth erford Realty Co., St. Helena, Ore gon. STltriT AND WALNUT LAND. Of the best, beautifully situated in the Chehalem bills. 25 miles from Portland, 6 miles from Forest Grove, two electrio roads tf roues from property. Llahta on Portland Heic-hta tn full view: splendid view of Wil lamette vallev: some of the land Is cleared and ready for planting;; part U tgmber and part is pasture. But a 40-Acre Tract for your oountry home or for an aa Joyabie nome in old age. From $85 to $200 per acre. GEO. E. ENGLEHAKT CO., Broadway 6173. 6-4 Henry Bldg. THE verv best larxe farm In the Willam ette valley of 45 ! acres, with only lOO acres not in cultivatio and that is in ra-Bture: only 3 miles of red electric. K, R., and town, on pavement; 85 miles of Portland: finest of fruit and locan - brry land; no better land out of doors than this; rood 6-room house with hot and cold water; spring1 water piped to . all huildlnrs. whole farm lencea witn woven wire fences; 12 acres of bearing orchard, good barn and other outbuild ings. Owner at Main 5444 Monday and will give a close price, as he is sick, and really wants to sen. FARM BARGAIN EXTRAORDIN'ART. 80 acres for sale at half value; richest soil, 3d miles from Portland; large fam ily orchard. appiee. pears, cherries, orunea. srranes. berries, also potatoes. timothy; wire fenced, rock road; value $150 per acre; fracrifice for 5. part cash. Owner, phone Main witf. FOR SALE S20 acres eight miles from Newberr. Or.; main Highway cuts prop er tv; 120 acres in cultivation and tn crop, balance in timber and pasture ; .rood 6-room house, excellent barn and silo. '3 acres in frulC good spring piped to both house and barn, ment call. Main 6473 or r or appoint- write BJ 7IS, Oregonian. irr.R RAI.K DAIRY RANCH. 77 ACRES. Green grass the year around, 30 fine cows. 1 registered Guernsey bull. Per fection milking machine, . silo, team, all ' implements, 7-room house, 2 barns. This im diked land ; cream check now $350 month; $15, Ow, half cash, balance terms. Geo. L. ruuam, oeavicw. vvaso. J4EAL ESTATE. For bale THIS 75-ACRE FARM only 1H miles from Sherwood. Newberg nignway, 4. acres in clover, wheat, oats ana potatoes, bal. in f r timber ana stump pasture, good well and running water, 3 acres in full bearing orchard, all kinds of fruit; 5-room house, bam. an outouimings; this is fine sou ana can be bought for $10,000. $2000 cash, ba.1. long time at 6 per cent; there is also some personal property for sale. STEWART & BUCK, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS BUY. Over 50 acres, between Wilsonvllle and CRnbV. 1 U miles from R H station. close, to mail and cream route; about 30 under cultivation, dandy li-acre family orchard, aood R-ronm honM. barn and 20 outbuildings; 12 acres In pasture, bal ance in timber; about 20 tons of. clover now ready to cut. The price ot this Is only .v-00 and we defy any one to find a good a buy as thus in this locality. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. TALK ABOUT A BARGAIN. 104 acres. 14 mile, east of Sher wood, close to good graveled road; six acres cleared, balance In open pasture, 32x12 shack, stump puller and small tools: houtte la furnished for a bachelor: will let ecrythin; go for 1BOO. nail cash, and will discount for all cash. KTKWAKT RUI K. S15 Northwestern Bank Bids- EAST TERMS. Write AF 3T0. Oregonlan. and I will come and tell you of the best buy on the coast. 1 have 24u acres; will sell all or part to best offer made this month. Must go to cal. lor daughter s health; borse tools, xurnitura lu go. Owner. OREGON FARM FOR SALE BY OWNER. j'- ml es from aood town in Willam ette valley, 3 miles to R. R. 4J0 a. good soil, on good road. Spring watered, all fenced, lies rolling. 3 sets buildings. 34i a. under plow. Plenty fruit, wood and pasture. brant A. MtjmunQ, aiajion, Oregon. R. 1. box 7.1. 46 ACRES good bench land In eastern Ore gon, all under water. mile irom live town. 17 acres corn, 18 acres nearly ready to seed to alfalfa, small house, ten pay ments at per cent; price inoflo. Ad dress Oregonian or phone vvoodlawu 4S70. WANTED REAL F.STATK. I MAKE A SPKC1ALTT Of SEI.LINO HIGH-CLASS HOMES FIIUM 0.'" V r, LOCATED IRVINGTON. ALAMEDA, LAU RKI.HrF.ST, MT. TABOR AND BEST WE.ST SIPW SECTIONS. ir YOU WANT TO SELL. PHONB OR MAIL FULL DESCRIPTION. POIN DEXTER. Z0S SELLING nr. 11'.. MAIN ISOO. RESIDENCE BAST 07 I 1. WE have clients waiting for homes from S2UOO to stoou; good nrsi payment. xi your property is lor sale call at our ot Ilco cr phone. O. W. T. MUELLHATTPT CO., C XL Adams, 407 IT. B. Natl. Bank Bid. Broadway 3838. SELL NOW. We make aulck sales because we do not list more property than we can give our personal attentlon it you want to sell immediately our appraUer will call. I WKLLER ft . RINEHART. 212 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4503. HAVE cash buyer for an apartment or Hat pullding in Aloina or jttuunoman add. up to $10,000; send lull description and lowest price. ALBERT HA RALA, 7Ho Mississippi ave. WANTED Good 6-room house, bungalow type preferred, priced about XHoOO; nave I-O00 cash and good clear lot in Rose City Park as lirst payment; no agents; do not answer unless you have a bar gain. Tabor 5'18. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED. Price must DO ngnt ana terms easy , we have sold over 600 homes in the past year. If you want action, list with us. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. tl or 7-room house in AiDeria aisinci. up o.,ir. wt. -.t nnco. AO 481. Ore-I to $3200. gon lan. I WANTED 5 to 15 acres adjacent to Port land, with small buildings, price not over $4000; terms $500 cash. Main 3669. H. W. Garland. 201 Third. Farms Wan tea. FARM WANTED. I have a client wanting to rent a large farm around 700 acres. He will pay I nth rent and take possession this fall. Would like half or two-thirds linder plow and good bldgs. Write me at ones, A. G. BENDER, HITTER. LOWE c CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trado Bldg n iJt it a A T L7 .t-l a fovm frtf an 1 ft vv ci JUJl . - .-V I couple ana tney wish to uuy irom - i 6 acre with moderate improvements near Beaverton or Gresham. W ill pay Mih If nrfn in rirht. STEWART & BUCK. 31f Northwestern Bank Bldg. WANT 1 acre or more near car line; must have some rruit ana gooa DuiiamgB, Will pay cash. Write full description and price at once. R. Ackley, 1101 East Morrison st.. Portland. Or. A GOOD wheat or stock ranch east of the mountains wanted. i.ee-ttoDertaon o., 413 Corbett building. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED To rent small ranch, two to ten acres; some iruu nu. pii.ee rur chickens. Write J. L.. Waverly Court, Apt. 3. -loin ana vnnton sts. TIMBER LANDS. CHOICE TIMBER LAND WILL BE SACRIFICED. For $5500 T will sell choice tim ber land, about five miles from Grants Pays, Or. Is pierced by county road, embraces 160 acres. Ten years ago cruise showed over S. 600,00 feet of fir. pine and ce dar. Fir runs from 5 to 7 logs to the tree. Cruise shows pine and cedar "sound and good."' Dump otf Joe creek. Map location of claim, section 10, township 35, range .". For further details address C. H. Eddy, room 12, Lumbermens Bank bldg.. Uoquiam, Wash. COMPLETE logging outfit. 10x12 and l.XlZ donaeys huu a-ti uiij.uviu, now -.-.- tin- on Wiiliipa, Harbor; will sell for $8AOO or exchange as part payment on ami i --. - - n- liMt of eauicn'ent. and state vouf offering. Aoareji jdoa oi, couia ct-oa, Wash. 45,000.000 FEET fancy yellow fir Umber. Raiiroaa poi -. m hi for 50-M saw mm. f reight on lum ber to California and eastern points oractlcaily same as roruino. au ai 627 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. -a.-xr'pv.r- Man to run mill, saw by thousand; all equipment is lurnianeo, or rill sell mill on easy terms, irieniy ui timber. AG oregonian. FOR SALE 46 acres timberland, 30 miles from roruano. xua-u- yuu- East FOR SALE Fir stumpage, 8-mlle haul by auto truca to aeep wtier, a. rr aiL- s Price, Scappoose. Or. $850 40 ACRES, Lane county. Blue Rlvo district. UWiicr, 4iu , FOR KENT FARMS. 160 ACRES, all fenced, about half fence v. n v iipni: na v no . n a n. .uu ui.b. 3 cows. 2-year-old steer, bull, yearling k.irer -nri it calves, team and all Imple ments, tools, etc.. 20 acres In crop, most ly corrs: will sen everyinina cu-ap i'u lease foe place for 3 years at $50 pet year to a good man: want quick actloa Located near Lyle. Wash. STEWART & BUCK. S15 Northwestern Bank Bldg. TO EXCHANG- REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE Just"sold a farm for an old couple and they wish to buy from 2 & acres with moderate improvemen-s near Beaverton or weanwu. in v-j cash if price is riirht. STKWART A BUCK. 31f Northwestern BanK Bldg. I FOR 8AL.E or trade for dairy farm, 40 acres commercial appie oruoaru chicken ranch, 28 miles from Portland; trees starting to bear; modern 6-room house, small fruit. S&0O0. Owners, gore Bros., Katacada, Or. EXCHANGE OFFICE. We have experience in trading, call and tell us what you have. bee Mr. Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Bdwy. &043. 410 Henry Bidg. - WILL HELL OR EXCHANGE Minnesota wheat land for timber land. Improved or unimproved farm land or city property in Oregon. Woodcock, 20O Tlenry bldg. - I FARM for sale, 16 acres in alfalfa. 16 in - bearing apples; will consider house aa -pavment. , Owner at 6S2 E. 42d N. Tabor 7SS4. WHAT have you to exchange for a mod ern SOUtnern caiuornia nume in rwv-r- side Co. ? Phono Woodlawn 3221 after 6 P. M. Owner. FOR SALlfi, or will trade for farm or c.T property, two -sections 01 umwr iani In Lane- county, containing over 7.000,000 feet. Address Hotel Qeborn, Eugene. Or. 10 ACRF.S of finest alfalfa laud with wa ter rights: trane 1 or roruanq property and uirume. Phone Tabor :ts25.. IMPROVED l. acres, Gran-evllle, Idaho, for Montana land- xx. oparuer. ia cit ato ne hotel. TO EXCHANGE BEAL ESTATE. HONK! Bob Whites and China pheasants I hear them every raornmt: i ii " or trade you this Joy. w i 1 1 1 m v B K. KrniTipi:r. "jiTnuT HITSOAIXJW- HOUSE ("Six Cedars"). 14 nviles west Portland limits: drive out Torwillicer blvd.: house well planned, well built. Bpaulou;. attractive; front, back firlass covered and sleeping- porches: French doors, buffet, bullt-ins. fireplace, bath, toilets, laundry, full basement, furnace, hot water: unsurpassed views: roe-en-circled lawn: 5 rich acres, fruit, shade: barn, double garage, chicken house wa ter), electric lines near: nu.ouo. rin. You'll not meet another nuch bargain. Residence phone Main S:3!i. about 8 A. M. or 7 to 9 P. M. llillEdale. Or., route 2. box 78. ACRES under the ditch, miles from Hermiston, small bouse, good wen &nu pump, partly improved. Price $2-00, House on 10th and McLaughlin st-. close to Brookland school, equity in bouse. $1000. contract or sale on nouse in Aioena dlst., Portland: monthly payments $:(0, balance due on contract. $1050. Want grocery In Portland. Write box 09, Moro. Or. COMPLETE logging outfit. 10x12 and 1-xl'J donkevs ami all eauipment. now operating on WUlapa Hwrbor; will sell for fSOOO or exchange as part payment on a small Willamette valley farm. Writ for list of equipment, and state your offering. Address Box 6S1. South Bend, Wash. WILL TAKE CITV PROPERTY on these farms: 2TO acres in one, 70 I acres cultivated, buildings, only $S-00: too acres in other; tine stock farm; o.OOO.ooo feet of timber, good water; only $2t.OoO: both Linn county. B. M. PRICE & CO.. 200 Henry Bldg. 40-A. RANCH, good building, on paved highway, trade for storo In country or house and lot. AV 902. Oregonian. TO KTTHANGF MlSCKT-.LANF.OrS. EXCHANGE $IO0 vacuum cleaner lor what have you ' 11)0'., Third. FOB SAI.K. . Horses. Yehlelew, Livestock. TO one and all that are in the market for horses. I have 50 head of the best chunks that have been shipped into Portland this year for the money, nave more horses than all tho horse dealers in Portland to pick frrwn. Horses from 1200 lbs. to 1H00 lbs., from 5 to ! years old; a few unbroken ones, from $125 a span up. Some of the best ranch horses, all in nne snape, mat nsvo been seen in Portland this year. They are for sale, exchange or hire. Must sell, for I have 150 head and will soon be through working them. Will sell any of them. I guarantee all borers as represented. Have some of tliebet ranch teams for small places, $175 to $225 a span. Phil Suetter. 2to Front St., Crown stables. SKK TIIESB RKFORB YOU DECIDE. Four teams of big young horses and mares weighing from 1450 to 1700. from to 8 years old. Right out ot work and in good condition. Trial and guar antee with nil Knraa harness. St. Johns Contracting Co., cor. Richmond and Syracuse streets. St, Johns. Pay 8c car fare and save $100 a team. DEAD atock removed quickly; cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Milwaukie 69-J for results, FOR SALE Three teams with harneaa, barn E. 6th and Ivon ats. Holman Fuel Co. FOR SALE: Thirty-five registered Shrop shire March and April ram lambs: $20 each. Holman Fuel Co.. 94 6th St. WE BUY and sell cattle, cheep and goats. Campbell-Phelan Land Cattla X, ao-i Couch bldg. TWO good fresh cows, heavy milkers. 90S Powell Valley, corner 32d and Powell. Take Woodstock car. - - - - Apply Sisters Farm. W. 26th St.. an- couver. Wash. FOUR good horses for sale; must be sold at once, regardless oi price. j.u.u .c-. YamhlU st. FOU SALE New set double buggy har ness, $60. lioiman ue. co., U ith uU FOR SALE 8 good grade cows, all milk- I Ing, $1000. c. E. lllidge. coroetu ur. L.AKGE pastures lor rent near Portland. DEAD horse, animals hauled away freo. Portland Rendering Co., VV ood 1 a w a a o. DEAD HORDES taken quickly; cash for dead cows. Tabor 4203. a vwa r,M arion m..A Ko Ttla 7T7T, w r, -wv. " " risuow, Organs and Musical lnstrumenis. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. Boudoir upright piano, cash 65 French upright piano, cash 75 300 Gray & Co. upright, cash 110 $450 Hallett & Davis upright, cash.. 145 $425 Dunham & Co. upright, cash.. 165 $175Hallett A Davis upright, cash.. 15 $475 Davis A Son upright, cash .... 213 oou tvimuaii $t co. upright, cash... $7Ti0 Stelnway Ac Sons upright, cash 210 $750 Hara & Co. player piano, cash 395 $.O0 Thompson player piano, cash.. 435 $10O0Singer player piano, cash.... 405 Parlor organs $li, $25, $33 to $45 j Pianos stored 75o month. 1 Pianos bought and sold for cash only. 103 10th st. at Wash, and Stark sts. $15 and $2 cash sends home a piano. $25 and $50 cash sends home a player piano, balance $8, $10 to $20 monthly. be h wan -2fiM.no Co. 101 Tenth su at Stark. PIANO BARGAINS. $175 and up. Good standard up right pianos at prices you cannot beat. Stop in and see them. You'll be convinced. Terms given. SE1 BER LING-LUCAS A1U&1C CO. 125-127 4ln SU, beu Wash, and Alder. BRCNSWOCTC PHONOGRAPH and records, like new: uv, f.iO: terms. SEIBERLINQ-LUCAS MUSIO Co. lt au. bat. Waab. and Alder. 10 PIANOS. J 100 to $200: TERMS. Chtckennic. Kimball. Kurtzmann, Gay lord, Thompson. Hinze, 2 Kiachers. Mil ton. Franklin, others. Can't do better; low expense, quick sales, makes our low priced. Brokerage Co.. 312 Wor cester bldg-. PIANO FOR VICTROLA. 200 new VICTROLA and RECORD OUTFIT; trade tor used piano; beat proposition. Main bElB-KUNU-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 123 Fourth St. TRAD- YOUU PIANO or or can on a now Vlctrola and records; our proposition will pleaae you. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth Street. Main 8080. PHONOGRAPH, large walnut phonocraph and selection OI nian-ci -as rrcorai; rea. aonably priced for sal by private party. East 226. GRAFONOLA outfit, worth mora than air0. will aell for $9S cash tills week: must leave city first of July. Fhone(Mar- eha'.l 2T. PARIJJR GRAND PIANO FOR SALE. In good condition and offered very cheap and easy terms. Phone Broad- way 5146. PIANO WANTED. Par cash; get our price. Selberllng- lAicas Music Co.. 125 4th at. Main 8586. PLAYER-PIANO WANTED. Will give Tillamook Beach lots for a good player. Write -J ab-. Oregonian, PLAYER pianos, good used pianos,- good values. U. V. Johnson Piano Co.. 141) 6th at cutset Dhonographa, built Ilka a violin, sola oy -v - - . Sixth st. to I gEVT j PHONOGRAPH WORTH BUY IN a. HAROUJ GI1B.RT. S84 vAMHILL. MELODY C make. G. 6th st, saxophone, genuine Martin F. Johnson Piano Co.. 14U WANTED Square piano with good rose wood case to be refinlshed for a table. Will pay cash or traae talking nucaiat Harold 8. Gilbert, 384 Yamhill at. EVERETT grand piano, mahogany, fine condition, ecourin. tiok . r . Johneon Piano Co.. 149 6th st. WE HAVE some fine values in used pianos. $250. 1325, $335. $450. G. F. Johnson piano Co., 149 Sixth st. WANTED to buy piano at once if bar gain; pay cash. Marshall 5709. No deal erg. ' SAXOPHONES, cornets, trombones and verything tor the modern band. -G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 Sixth st. GIBSON guitars, mandolins. mandoij F. Johnson Piano Co., J49 6th st. KIMBALL uprlirht piano only $150; n tone, terms. 3 1 2 Worcester. $125 BUTS a $4r.O upricht rase. 312 Worcester bldg. piano; nice fO BUT? 3w J. C. Fischer piano terms 312 Worcester bldg. Furniture for bale. NEW and used office equipment of every description; special bargains In roll-top desks and filing cabinets: see us before purchasinr. O. C. Wax, :t1 i-'ifth st. FJ H S A LE cliea p, a new- . . B. combina tion gas range, -a.it 3464 afternoons. FOB SAI.K. Furniture for bale. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars: fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & storage Co., 248 Fine .t. FOB SSAL.K One mantel bed and mattress, 1 willow and one wood rocker, 1 oil heater. Room S, Taylor Grand apart ments. E. loth and Grand ave. o" to 8 evenings. COMBINATION gas, wood and coal range, glass oven doors: bargain. Pacific Stor- age Co.. Kast SJ FURNITURE of T rooms ana piano, flat for rent. Call Jlaln 35SS). Poultry. PET ALUM A White Leghorns lead tbe world in egg production. We sell BABY CH1X at $13. so per loo during May and June; safe arrival of full count, strong, live chicks guaranteed. Tbe Pioneer Hatchery. 441 Sixth St., Fetaluma, Cal. BABY CHICKS. 10,000 one day to six weeks old. S. C. White Leghorns, loc to $L NORTHWEST POULTRY CO.. 82d st. and 74th ave. S. E. Tabor 8107. MUST sell Thursday 16 R. I. R. chicks. 9 weeaa oia; .l v . u. cnicas, o weeas oio. with hen: 20 W. L. hens. 1 H years old: also some feed and wire, all for $15. 125 uranain ave. FOR SALE 0-weeka-old rooster fryers. 36c each, bellwood 32ii. Dogs, Kabblta. Hirds, Pet Stock. AIREDALE KENNEIvS. Vlckery Hear Cat at service; pedigree matron, eastern stock, aiso male puppies for sale, reasonable. 124S E. Morrison. Tabor 7274. WANTED Scotch collie pup, male, play mate tor child. ill give good home must be cheap. 11U5 E. Grant St. Phone labor 4Ut-. PO LICK dogs, full grown, fine speclmena. well behaved, very reasonable, speedway Kennels, labor oOb. Launches and BoaUi. LAUNCH ARTISAN. .'.0x12 FT., SUITA BLE FOR PASSENGER SERVICE OR CRUISING. toELLWOOD D02. o GRAND AVE. HOUSEBOAT, rooms and bath; best moorage on river. bee caretaker. Ore gon Yacht club, adjoining the Oaks. HOUSEBOAT for sale: modern, furnished or unfurnished. No. 22 Willamette moor age. Sellood S7.S3. Typewriters, REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis trioutors of Corona portable. $50 com plete with, carrying case; aupplles for all makes. E. W. PEASE COMPANY, 110 Pixth SL Main 82M. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SKRVICE. All makes overhauled; expert mechanics. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy. Seil, Kent and Exchange. Main B307. Supplies. 263 Oak St. liUAHANTKKD factory rebuilt typewriter ALL MAKES, sold on monthly paymenta. Send for price list. Tho Wholesale Type- I writer Co., Washington st. UNDERWOOD NO. 6, latest model, like I new: will sacrifice for cash. AO 723, t-regoniao, VISIBLE machines, yeara guarantee. $20. l ne rteouut typewriter Co.. 3U4 oak at. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cat I rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1401. Machinery. 10 TO J2-1L P. Paimer engine for sale: price $200. Sam .Swartx, 1124 Macadam I St.. soutn h-ortianq. ONE Standard size Western elevating I Grader with plow and dink, 3300. John I bteelman. cnenaus. wash. FOR SALE 1 6-horse power Russell engine and aandwlch baler; all complete, Fred Peterson, I'ortland. K. y. p. 2. Miscellaneous. 11 LOTS together; this is a good site for a home; lots are planted in fruit, which brings $500 per year; lots are on 88th and E. Wtark sts.. 5 minutes' walk from end of Ml Tabor car line; $2500. Tabor 2466. " " ! BICYCLE. Pope. 22-inch frame. Mussel man brake; new Vitalic tires, nickel plated, forks. mud guards. $25 for quick sale. 4S3 E. I 2Uth si. N. after 5:30 P. M. Phone E. j 3o6t. HOT-WATER tanks. 80-gaL. $7: 40-gal.. $9; tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace coils, gas heatera Installed; ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams st. East 8516. FOR SALE Lumber, counters, desks, il luminated Shrine fez, statuary work on arch, camels, sphinx, etc., etc Ajpl - H. T Hutchinson, chairman salvage committee, 526 Artisans bidg. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-haud. at right prices, bought Bjia ana exenangea. NOKR1S SA'1 & LOCK CO 105 Second St. Main 204S. STOCK kale plants for sale, 50 cents per hundred $2 for 5O0. $3.50 for 1000 plants, postage prepaid, not less than hundred sold, cash please. W. L. Crisaey, jHonng, 1 Or. FOR SALE Indian curio collection, arrow heads, spear heads, rock heads, oue large carved rock, etc Inquire b09 Green wood ave. NEW "MNGKKS," $5 down, $3 month.. Expert sewing .machine repairing. Molt KLSON- TREET SINGER STORK, 382 Morrison, Marshall 72L FOR SALE Large mahogany bed daven port; cost $160 8 years ago; sell for $25; aibo child's small size violin, $10. East 1356. CAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar r hosts, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC bCALB & SUPPLY CO., Broadway 1966. , 48 Front iL BLOCK AND SLAB 16-lnch, $5.50 per 1 load in two load lots; cheaper and bet ter than 4-foot wood. National Fusil Col. East 204 L FINE SELECTION FULL-DRESS SUITS OK A 1-1". un ue,. i ji i UAKne.1.1. a MlblTlT CLOTHING STORE. 61 3D ST. WE SELL LADIES' USED APPAREL In our borne In Laurelhurst: prices rlffbt. 1132 E. Ullsn su laoor -s.o. 1 p..i.ITnP rTMli inn Phnlr. 1 T. W rfrnk 1 flat-top aekK, x naxe, jtusnong at lo 91 Park st. FOR SAUli 1 S-10 Mlddleby oven, Hobart cake mixer, prooi uoi, case tins, app.e boxes. A, M. only. 64 trana a- FOR SALK Cheney phonograph with rec ords; gueen Anne aeaign , price rignt. Must be sold. Woodla.n 4275. KODAKS. We buy, seil. re,t and exchange ko daks, tsandy's, 3-- Washington ac LADY'S brown suit, size 46, short, stout- wore once, 93a. cot o; going soutn. 6S7 Ka.il lth. llwood rar at Beacon. JEULLIARD and pocket billiard tables. showcases, wall cases, nxturu; terms. W. J. Qulgley, 366 Hawthorne. East 13. ELECTRIC fans and drink mixers re paired, new ubea ana excnaniea. iynon Electrlo Co., 302 Pine. Bdwy. 4193. HAY, nicely cu-red, looe. in city; reason able, i-ray. -u-iu 01 evenings, xabor 157. A.NV visitors interested in seeing valuable Indian coiiection auureaa xt Ore gonian. FRANSENS etepladdera are winners; band maae. 10 a 111 ei .me; reason ably pr.ced. Order one today. Bdwy. 716. CASH registers, showcases, scales. soda 10 un tain ana omer x ixiuxes. llo Ud st. FOR SALE Gentleman's 17-Jewel Hamil ton Roicl wai.cn anu, cnain. 000 iirand avenue North. $100 ELECTRIC vacuum cleaner. $5 cash. 100 S Third. FOR SALE Four-ft. flrst-growtll country SUGAR for sale at $24.25 per sack. Interstate ave. Wood awn 2922. OFFICE furniture from spruce division and shipyards. 31 N. 6th. Bdwy. 2739. FOR SALE Paint spraying machine. Champion Mfg. Co.. W din. atiOT. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening rireu.es. slightly worn. Main 9567. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners, $1 pCr day. delivered anywhere. Wdln. 3405. VACUUM cleauers sold, repaired, rented exchanged, bought. Bntlcy Co. M. 407. 5E-K ADDING MACHINE, $15. S13COR tTTT BLDG. MAR. 557. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale Pacific Tent fe Awning. 1 N. lt sC FOR SALIS Cash register, safe, adding machine, ahowcaae. 43 1st St.. near Ash. DRESS SUIT tuxedo and overcoat. Ta- bor 4160. SAFE, good as new. cheap once V 620, Qn-gcnlan. if taken FOR SALE Fine collection Indian bas kets; no dealers. Phone 57 Sell wood. FOU SALE Sanitary cot $10. Woodlawn 1712. and mattress. FOU SALE Draughting board and flling cabinet. Call Main 4j, 3 to 5 P. M. . FOU SALE Very tine- sapphire ring widow. BO S25 Oregon ian. on WALL tent. 10 oz ud but little; 16x20. Inquire Gl4 E. Morrison. SOME fine A ..minster carpet, 05 leaving town. Call Tabor 8118. yards; AT SACRIKICE 775. Oregon ian. Dne emerald ring, A T.nreK slab wood lor sale. Phone 2217, FOB BALK. MliK-ellanfeu. WHO WANTS AN1 AVERICJLV FLAGT I HAVE AS ALX--WOOI. BCNTLNCJ AMERICAN FLAG, 10 FT. BY 20 FT.. WHICH HAS NEVER BEEN ITS ED; IT IS JUST THE THING FOR THE PA RADES; WTLL SELL AT A REASON ABLE PRICB. FOR FURTHER IN FORMATION: CALL IA30B 62i. TREMENDOUS SALE Fixtures, register o io -o oa; Mationai register, penny up; round, covered floor case; candy case, cigar case, wall case, lea boxes, mirror. 3-pieca mahogany set. electrlo coffee grinder, soda fountain, draft arms, small safe $72. 50, one large stool, tables, gas range tor restaurant purpose, other Xixturea, naif price. 2W Salmon. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Rathar than return our salasmeri's ample line, consisting of raincoats, mo tor coats and leather coats, to tbe fac tory, we have placed them on sale to tho public at wholesale, prices in our local office. United Rubber Co. 724 Morgan bl d g. REVOLVERS, new and used PISTOLS. Largest Revolver Dealer In Northwest. No Purchasing Permits Required, BEAUREGARD'S. 702 MAIN ST, VANCOUVER, WASH. Foot blocks up from Portland ear. Open Saturday Evening. FOR SALE New Ditto with Bausch Lomb Tessar Series lib anaatlgmat lens, f. 6. 3. 6-inch focua for No. 3A, also grain leather, velvet lined case, with trap; will rll for100. This kodak and cae cost $128.98. Rl S:gl. Orenonlan. 39 PIECES Sheraton Patton community silverware. 6 hollow handle knives anil forks, 12 teaspoons, 6 tablespoons. H butter spreaders. 1 gravy ladle. 1 cold meat fork. 1 sugar spoon, for $30. cost 3.fi0. 6e7 East 9th. Scllwood car to Beacon. SEWING machines, new and second-hand. soia for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 9451. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 Third St.. near Taylor. ELECTRIC IRONS, appliances, doorbells. vacuum Cleaners, repaired; lixtures re wired. We call and deliver. Wood law r 1259 or East 4043. TOR BALE ArrOMOBIlEa. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUT OR SELL Al ATJTOMOBIUS, WE FURNISH THE MONET. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO SOS SELLING LLDG.. 2D FLOOR, FOR SALE. Beveral rood delivery cars, thoroughly overhauled and in fine condition. Why don't you put on your own auto de livery when such an opportunity presents Itself? Take your choice at the most ridiculous prices. Immediate delivery cars ready to go to work. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., Washington St. at 21st. Main 6244. 1-TON G. M. C. pneumatic, good plat form body, top and windshields; almost new. 1-ton Ford, worm drive, without body. 1 Va-ton White. 8Va-ton FederaL In addition to these we have several ethers, all sizes, all prices. Went worth & Irwin. 2QQ 2d st., near Taylor. $ 100 CASH. Leave for New York; must sell 1018 Ford roadster by tonight; good paint, 8 tires, 6 tubes, tools, storage battery, new -piston, and transmission; will do- Wash, st. 30 mi. per hour at high. Hurry. East 713. HERK's your chancs to jtei the best buy la Portland; STLDEBAKER SIX for only 1600. and say terms; looks good and runs rood, 1U14 model. COVEY MOTOii CAR CO.. Washington St. at Jlst. Main g?44. 1920 HUDSON SPKElfSTEH: BRAND NEW; MOVKR KUN: EQUIPPED WITH CORD T1RBS: RH.IDI FOR IMME DIATE DELIVERY. CAX.L. BKOAD "WAY 1410. FRANKLIN. How would you Ilk. to have a late) model Franklin, for the price of a .Max well? See it. "You'll bo surprised." Kajry terms. 623 Alder st. BOwy. .1411. li0 HUDSON speedster, run 4oOO miles; wire wheels, cord tires, bum pers and shock absorbers; will take small modern car and give terms. 307 Stark tt. Jtiroad way 602. BRAND new Hudson super six, 7-passen-ger, cord tires, delivered today ; will take small modern car and give terms. Write N 534. Oregonian. FOR SALE 191T Ford delivery in good running order; almost new body ; take good cow as part payment. Call 734 K. Pacillo st. 1017 DOIK-B touring car; engine recently gone over: splendid mechanical condi tion. Owner leaving town Monday; a nap at 750. Phone East 8QM - 5-PASdENGER Marlon car. good tire.i. storago battery ana electric ngnts, license. HX cash. 414 Gli&an st.. cor. 10th st. " BARGAIN-MT COLE TOURING. 7 -pass., good condition, nice appear ance. 7 tires; sacrifice $700, with terma. Sell 6M. FORD touring, 1917, used privately ; good paint and good tires. A real bargain at $450; terms If desired. 30 rand ave. North, near Burnslde. 10TOKS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles. We wreck all makes of cars and seil their parts at half price. David Hodea Auto Wrecking Dept.. 105-7 N. 11th su i u a a iu. tit. 1917. b--t of condi- 1 1 fin rood tires. Will acri'ic at 47.1. Some terms. 30 Grand ave. JSortlv, near Burnslde. CHALMERS roadster. 1917, new paint and top, good tires, best of condition, $S60, with terms. 30 Grand ave. isorth, near Burneide. ESSEX, 1919. touring, in best of condition. Will seil at $1050 and give terms. Con sider trade on smaller car. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. Big Stock, USED CARS Prlca right No Misrepresentation. CO V E Y MOTOR CAR CO. NEW OLDS six, cord tires, perfect shape $1650. This Is your chance to get de livery on new car. Ray Motor Car Co., PO North Broadway. Broadway 3!7. CHEVROLET roadster, 19 IS. like new. good tires, used privately. Will sell at $650 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. 7-PENGER Studebaker. good condi tion. Call bell wood 1114. &U6 Clay born ave jVEN-PASSENGER HUDSON 6-54. in first-class shape. 5 cord tires. $550. caiH or terms. Broadway 476. 63-9I N. 9th st. FORD delivery, fine condition, good tires. A real Darga-n "' .-.j-. w uidu A v e. North, n ear Burnslde. FORD truck, chain drive, good condition. Will sacrifice at $475 and give terras. 30 Grand ave. North, near tturnslde. WE PUT STEEL TEETH IN YOUR OLD FLYWHEEL. H. B. BLACK MACHINE SHOP. 5o4 ALDER ST.. BDWY. 266 1. I STL'DEBAKER four in fine condition. Will acritice and give terms, ou orana ave. North, near Burnslde. MAXWELL touring, 1920. used privately. A snap at. iui o. 1. ci ma. v. 1 avta. North, near Burnslde. I CHEVROLET touring, 1918, fine condi tion. VY lit neM . ou. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. 1915 FORD touring, best of condition. Wlil sacrmce ai lefms. ou umnu avo. North, near Burnside. LATE model, light six Velie, run only 7000 mile. $1050 cash. 21 Front St., corner Jefferson. DODGE, 1916. This is a snap at $AT.O. Will give terms. ou urana ave. oru near Burnslde. FORD motor transmission, good condition.' Wentwortn cc irwm, iu-., .uw (.., cor. Taylor. NEW Dodge touring, arrived today, wij l ta ke oeii oi- u 11. . v tm,. .14 Itailway Exchange building. at 1916 Saxon six, 4 good tires, paint first class condition; this is a map. J.75, $200, bal. time. Call owner. East R?4. FOR SALE Kiss L bug. $ 2 T0. Tabor 1 2 3 7T In AI condition, V MY 1918 Maxwell for sale; A-l aba pe; prt e reasonable. Call Woodlawn 0.4.:. FOR SALE at C Boot h roadster. bursa in. 19 1 1 Srripps Woodiawn 624r?. Terms, by C 11 LLC. fine 7-pasp. Tak it home, $900. 3211 Salmon. Main 478r. 1918 OAKLAND six for quick sale, $650. Tabor ."r0:.i. 1100 K. Harrison. OLDSMOBIT.E SIX. 1920. price $120. T ?nn s. Dunn. Seliwood 10'.:;. BD .OlU) touring, new ether extra, terms. ti mounts tl" riuaa Phvue -313-93. ' t .