Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 24, 1920, Page 14, Image 14

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Horsehicie Whines . When It
Gets 19 Clouts.
Beavers Annex Comedy Victory
Featured by High Art or
One Bifr Schaller.
Pacific Coast league Standings.
W. I,. Pct.l W. L. Pel.
halt Lake. 44 31 .587, Portland .. . 34 3i .41)3
Vernon.... 43 35 63 Sacr'inento 3'J 43 .4'J7
Sjo ran.. 4J 33 ..".Mp.oakianJ. .. :;j 441.418
U'l Ante.. 4J 84 .ui3 Seattle. .. . 21 .o'J.
Yesterday' Kectulta.
At Portland lu, Seattle 7: at Vernon 2,
Sjn r'rancisco t; at Oakland 3, Los An
gtrlea U, at Sacramento u, ait iake 7.
Heavy slugging featured a 10-7
victory for Portland over the Seattle
Pacific Coast leuguers yesterday
afternoon at the Vaughn-street bail
orchard. About one-half of the 3000
1: let of sole in the grandstand were
ivd-fezed Shrinets here for the con
vention and a recapitulation of Who s
Who in lied Noses or fezzes re
vealed that a majority of the visitors
were Sons of Nile from Seattle.
Fortunately they have seen ball
tames on the coast before or they
might also share the opinion of the
eastern visitors that ballplayers west
of the Rockies are related to Ueleria
Tremens tho well-known cotillion
Baseball utt It Shouldn't.
It was a regular third-alarm game.
The pitching was gink-gink whatever
that is, and tho fielding was worse.
Seattle conspired to pile up a tola
of six errors behind Seibold, while
the Beavers got by with three behind
"Suds" Sutherland, but errors were
not responsible for all of the runs.
Neither Sutherland nor Seibold had
enough stuff on the ball o make a
bathing suit for a mannikin.
The air began raining base hits in
the early innings and the horsehide
was still whinnying around the lot
like a lovesick tomcat when the
ninth inning brought the game to a
close. One of the final thumps of the
'larrupy afternoon was a home run
over the right-field fence by Harry
Wolter of Seattle In the ninth inning,
ucoiing two runs.
Hlff Adhered to Km re.
Biff Schaller, Portland left fielder,
featured in the funmaking by get
ting his fingers caught between the
cracks in the fence while trying to
catch a high ball off Eldred's bat in
the seventh inning. The ball hit the
fence just above Biff's head and
dropped dead beneath his flat, faith
ful feet, but Biff was stuck fast like,
a barfly before a free lunch in the
benighted dark beer days of long ago.
langling his glove hand behind him
Biff shouted for Maisel to come over
and "pull do fence off me finger,"
V I 1 1 1 II UCUI tV UIU I til II1UV1I I. L I CI I
Kldred reached third base on the hit
and there he sat with one of those
grins you see at the fishmonger's on
the lips of a married mackerel and
died a natural death with hi
spikes on.
furiously a large portraiture of an
inv igorating beaker of light beer
adorned the left field -fence just
where Biff got his fingers caught,
but Biff .insists it was the platv of
wcinies in the picture We was after
and not the soft, but satisfying, stuff.
Pinch Ilitn In Bevies.
Yesterday was Portland's day to
hit in the pinches. Three times the
Beavers filled tho bases on hits, er
rors and whatnots and every time
somebody came through with a pinch
hit. In the second inning with the
Beore 2-0 in Seattle's favor an error
by Stumpf, Sutherland's single and a
walk filled the bases, and Wisterzil
scored two with a double past third
base. In . the fourth Maisel came
through with a screaming hit with
the bases full, and in the eighth Dick
Cox laced a two-bagger into right
center under similar circumstances,
clearing the bases.
This poke was exuded at the ex
pense of Carl Zamloch, who succeeded
Seibold in the eighth inning.
Today's game is scheduled to com
mence at 1:30 o'clock, so as to give
everybody an opportunity to see the
The score:
-AFTCR roVt SHOT The I - W u h,ss F I T1 W .if1 I
fTocRSF .! . .fcH '
isX.. Mw X '
I . 1 tu A ) I. , . I . . . . I
& osje - the - J M 18th OEC.o,Ns T2 Give uwpcr The .Shoe a, mo -Some-
. brook.... , Am TGe PoRen. hollers Thsrb.5 Some-
ggl 0 1 VA A GR-R-fa-RAND and
. A.rLM GLOR-R--RtoosFEeiLiNj'r
i r ' ' I s r X' 1 I
O'Dowd to Meet Ortega in
158-Pound Bout.
loch 3. Time, 2 hours. Umpires. Casey and
Moiling .Soiled and Hits Bunoiictl
for tiiinplc Win.
Angeles won from Oakland 9 to 3,
hitting Holling freely and bunching
hits in the second, seventh and
eighth innings.
Keating was effective with men on
bases. The score:
I.os AnRplna I
H K Jl O A'
MITr.m 3
McA'ly.s .1
K.t'r'dl.'J 'J
Craw'd.r 5
llassl r.c 3
Kliis.l. .. 4
Nlrh ff.3 5
Keal g.p t
0 1
1 3
3 II
1 1
1 3
2 4
2 1
1 0
llCnnper.m " 0
BiWillp.r.. 4 1
Mlller.l.. 5 0
2 O
1 0
1 1
it 3
S 4
r. 0
2 n
O 2
liKniKht.3 4 0
0 outxto.l . 4 0
OlKitza ns.M 4 0
Uj Lorm'n,c 4 0
0 2 1 4; A.Arlt,2 4 t
110 lIHolling.p 4 1
Totals 34 9 13 27 141 Totals. 3S 8 12 27 15
Aneeles.: 1 3 II ( u 0 2 2 1 !
Claklanil 0 l 1 0 O O (I 0 2 3
Krrora, Kllis, A. Arlett. Stolen bFK.
Fltsfmmons, MrAuIcy, Kfllrfer. Thrf
ham hit. Miller. Two-base hits. Kills. Kll
leler, K. t'randall, (JtIkks. A. Ariett, Wille.
Bases' on halls, off Keatlnp 2, off Holling
1 Struck out, by KeatinR 3, by Holling 4.
Hit by pitcher. Killel'er. Double playa,
Klllefer to K. Oramlall; Kitzsimmons to A.
Arlett; A. Arlett to Kltzslmmons to Ciuiato
tJuisto to Fitzslnimona to tluisto. Runs
responlhle for, Keatltif; 2, Hollinff 7. Utn
piit;. .Anderson and Byron.
Scvcnlli-lnning; Rally Xcts 5 Runs
and Victory.
SACRAMENTO. June 23. Coming
from behind. Sacramento staged a
batting rally in the seventh which
netted five runs and pave her a 9 to 7
victory over Salt Lake in the second
frame of the series. Bromley and
Thurston were driven from the mound
and Manager Johnson was forced to
send in "Lefty" Leverenz to, finish
the contest.
Penner and Mails for the Senators
were removed from the box when
pinch hitters were used in the sixth
and seventh innings. Kunz held the
Bees safely in the last two innings.
Maggert. Sheely and Orr secured
Kulli Makes 2 0 Ui Homer and
Yankees Win, While Tigers
and Athletics Lose.
CLKVKLANO. June 23. Cleveland!
made it three straight from . Boston
today by winning, 7 to 6. in 14 in
nings. The winning run was cored
with one out on successive singles by
Chapman, Speaker and Smith. Each
team scored three runs prior to the
ninth inning, in which each again
scored three. Krora then on there
was no scoring until the 14th. Score:
R. H. K. It. H. E.
Boston 6 9 lCleveland. .7 15 4
Batteries Jonee, Russell and Wal
ters; Morton, Bagby and O'Neil, Is'un
amaker. --4 ;
- St. Louis 3, Xcw York 6.
' SX. LOUIS, June 23. Ruth hit his
20th home run of the season in the
New York-St. Louis game here today.
The visitors won. 6 to 3. taking tho
odd game of the series. Shawkey was
forced to retire in the ninth, when
he strained his left side while pitch
ing. Leading off in the sixth, Ruth
drove the second ball pitched into the
center-field bleachers. The score:
R. H. K. R. H. E
Nework.. 9 lSt. Louis. . .3 9 2
Batteries Shawkey, Quinn and
Hannah; Shocker, Van Gilder and
the French titular tournament and
expects to sail for America June 7.
Women's Match Will Be Arranged
at Later Date.
ABERDEEN, Wash., June 23. (Spe
cial.) A team of Grays Harbor golf
ers will leave here Saturday morning
to play a match with a team of men
golfers on the Tacoma links. Ar
rangements for a woman's match
could not be made by the sound club,
so the women of the harbcr will have
to postpone their match with Tacoma
until later.
Harbor players scheduled to go to
Tacoma are W. G. Fovargue, Heinie
Schmidt, T. G. Gardner, W. J. Tat
terson, 11. K. Phipps, J. C. Fuller,
K. H. Taylor, W. E. Lindsell, A. L.
Paine, S. M. Anderson G. S. Fow'.:r,
Thorpe Babcock, W. A. Rupp, J. B.
Bridges. L. G. Humbarger, Robert
Ewart, George Kellogg, F. G. Foster,
G. E. Anderson, A. L. Davmport, A. W.
Middleton, K. R. Ward, J. F. Robert
son, S. K. Bowes, W. K. Campiell,
G. P. Halferty, T. B. Bruener, Neil
Cooney, E. C. Miller, J. E. Stewart,
L. A. Wilson.
Dodgers Defeat Pirates After Early
Scores and Braves Over
whelm Cardinals.
PHIADKLPHIA. June 23. Philadel
phia shut out Cincinnati today. 3 to 0.
The visitors made a rally in the
eighth, when Duncan was hit by
pitched ball and See, who batted for
Ring, singled, but Meadows tight
ened. The score:
R. H. E.l R. H. E.
Cincinnati. .0 5 llPhila 3 8
BatteriesJ-Ring and Wlngo; Mead
ows and Tragreser.
Seattle I
B It n O Al
JUlodTn.l 3 0
Hohne.o. 5 0
Murp'y.l 5 0
Klu'rt.m 3 3
Wolter. r 4 2
Ken'liv,2 3 1
S'.umpf.s 4 1
Jiald'ln.c 4 0
S-ibold.p 3 0
Zam'k.p 1 0
:t! Wiste'1.3 4
Oi Malsol.m T
O'Suharr.l 3
I'Cot.r... 5
2'Baker.c. 5
4;SiKlln.2. 4
,11 S'pran'r.s 4
0 Suth'nd.p 4
0 3
Totals.37 7 9 24 111 Totals .3tt 10 10 27 10
Seattle 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 2 7
Hits 1 2 0 2 2 0 1 0 1 9
Portland 0 3040003 10
Hits 1 3 1 2 1 0 0 2 10
Krrors. Bohne, Wolter, Kenworthy.
Slumpf 2, Baldwin, Wisterzil. Spranger 3.
Hlruck out. by Sutherland 1. Seibold 2.
Haes on balls, off Sutherland 4. Seibold 3,
Xamlock 1. Two-base hits. Kenworthy,
Tii.uiwln. Wisterzil. Baker. Kldred. Wolter,
i 'ox. Throe-base hit. Eldred. lJouble
nlavs. Sutherland to Spranger to Blue.
s.x-rifleR bit. Wolter. Stolen badges. Maine!
-Murphy. Hit by pitched balls. Schaller,
t-Elne hv Seibold. Fassed ball. tfaKer. in
nines pitched, by Seibold 7. runs 8. at bat
2l. Charse defeat to t-elbold. Rims re
notislhte for. Helbold 3. Sutherland 7. y.a-nv
Pure Juice
of the
ome runs.
Salt Lak
The score:
B It H
MaR't.m 0 2 2
KruK.2. 4 11
R'mlcr.l 3 0 1
Sbecly.l 4 11
Mull'n.s 4 0 1
Hood.!.. ." 0 1
Sands. 3 2 2 0
Jenk's.o 4 0 1
B'm'v.p 3 11
Thurs.p 0 O 0
L-'v'-iiz.p 10 0
Jo'son.s 5 ' 0 0
O 0
0 1
1 1
1 2
2 3
0 o
1 0
01 Konp.l . .
1 tlrover.3
O'l 'om'n.m
3 OlMoll'tz.l
1 0 She'n,3-2
1 OOrr.s
1 HHurley.r
3 1 't'ook.c. .
0 O'Penner.p
0 Mails.p. .
0 OiKunz.p. .
1 OlKlttery
Totals 40 7 ! 23 31 Totals 37 9 13 27 7
Batted for Malls in seventh.
tBatted for I'enner in sixth.
Sale Lake 1 1 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 7
Sacramento 10 10 0 2 3 0 9
Srrors. Kruj. Kopp. Compton. Sheehan,
Orr. Cook. Home runs. Manffcrt. sheelv.
Orr. Two-base hits. Hood. Hurley. Mulli-
Ban, Jenkins. Ptolen buses. Kopp, Rum-
Sacrifice nit. tSrover. Rose on balls.
off Penner 2. off Kunz 1. off Bromley 3,
off Thurston 2. off Leiereny 1. Struck out.
by penner . Dy Mails 1. Dy Kunz 3, by
Bromley 1, by Thurnton 1. Oouble plays,
Sheelian to Orr to Moilwitz. Passed balls.
:ook. Hit bv Ditched ball. Sand bv Malls
Charpe defeat to Thurston. Credit victory
to Penner. Umpires, Phyle and Eason.
Detroit '2, Washington 5.
DETliOlT, June" 23. Washington
made a clean sweep of the series with
Detroit by winning the final game
today, 5 to 2. The visitors grouped
their hits to better advantage than
the Tigers. Uetroit's only rune came
in the sixth, when Ainsmith hit a
home run, scoring a man ahead of
him. The score;
It. H. E. R. H. E.
Wash'gton..5 S 0 Detroit 2 6 1
Batteries Erickson, Johnson and
Gharrity; Ayres. Okrie and Ainsmith.
Princeton Squad Picks I'p 2 7
Strokes in College Play.
GLEN COVE. N. Y.. June 23.
Princeton golfers still maintained
their lead at the end of IS holes to
day in the team championship of the
inter-collegiate golf association over
the Nassau country club links. The
Tiger golfers gained a 27-stroke ad
vantage over Yale yesterday.
To start the third round of the team
event, which is coincident wiln the
qualifying test for the individual title
play to begin tomorrow. J. Simpson
Dean, Princeton golfer, returned
fine 74, ten strokes better than A. L.
Walker Jr., of Columbia, winner of
the title a year ago.
Princeton golfers, Including Dean.
Pullina:.. Mirtin W. Littleton Jr. and
J. H. Douglas, had a total of 324 for
today and 954 for the 54 holes. Yale
was second with 976. and Dartmouth
third with 1008.
Chicago . 7, Philadelphia 0.
CHICAGO. June 23. Chicago shut
out Philadelphia, 7 to 0, today by
bunching hits behind banes on balls
and erratic fielding of the visitors.
The score:
R. H. E. R. H. E
Phila 0 S 4 Chicago 7 9 0
Batteries Moore and Perkins; Ci
cotte and Schalk.
Tisrers Kail to Get Hits and Lose
5 to 2.
t-OS AXCE1.ES, June 23. Love's pitch
ing was largely responsible for Sao Fran
cisco beating ernon, 5 to 2
The Seals clinched the came In the third
when Connolly singled infield and scored
on Koerners double to left. The score
San Francisco I Vernon
Corhan.s 4
Cv'n'y.2 4
Con'ly.l. 5
K rner.t
Schlck.m 3
Kamm.l. 4
gnew.c 3
IjOVC.P. . d
1 2 3 0! J. Mitch. s 3 0 113
112 SI High. 1.... 5 0 13 0
0 O 2 2iChbn.m 3 0 2 1
13 2 1IFIsher.2 4 0 0 2 1
0 1 13 01 Borton.l. 3 10 7 0
1 O 1 OlMorse.r. 3 112 0
12 1 31 Smith. 3. 4 0 13 3
0 2 1 llD'v'm'r.c 4 0 0 8 1
0 0 0 2lWMitch.n3 0 0 0
Lnne... 1 O 1 n n
Totals.38 5 11 27 141 Totals.. 33 2 7 27 10
Batted for W. Mitchell in 8th.
San Francisco. . . 0 2100000 2 S
Vernon 02000000 0 :
Summary: Errors. Koerner. J. Mitchell
w. Mitchell. Tnree-base-hit. Corhan. Two-
base hits. Kamm. Koerner. stolen ,.-es.
Kainm, Chadbourne. Borton. Schicl:. Sac
rifice hits. Caveney. Kamm. Struck out
by Love 1. W. Mitchell S. Bases on balls
off Love 5. W. Mitchell 3. Runs respon
sible for. W. Mitchell 3. Double play
Caveney to Corhan to Koerner. Umpires.
McGrew and Holmes.
Parke's Vietroy Over L. S. Ibarap.
Stimulates Knsliah Game.
wiMBWiou.N, June 23. The unex
pected victory of the English tennis
expert, J. C. Parke, over William
Johnston, Lnited States singles cham
pion, during yesterday s play in the
British championship tournament here
is commented on by the press a
kely to give a- fresh stimulus to tne
game in the United Kingdom.
As to the merits of Parke's victory
itself, however, the English experts
generally agree that Johnston had an
off day, putting up a game that was
far below his standard in the Queens'
club tournament last week.
New York 2, Chicago 1,
Marshficld Fans Are Pronised
Good Boxing Card.
MARSH FIELD, Or., June 23. (Spe
cial.) The Marshfield boxing com
mission promoter, John R. Herron,
has secured the best boxer for a lead
ing card in. the July 3 programme
that was ever induced to come here
for a fight. Billy Mascot, the bantam
champion of the Pacific coast., is to
meet Purdy. the boy who is climbing
so fast and who was to have had the
Mascot fight at Milwaukie. last Mon
day. Purdy lost by the flip of a coin
to decide whether he or Blue would
be on the Milwaukie card.
Herron has two other bouts -for
July 3, one of which will be an ex
cellent battle between two local men
who have divided honors in two pre
vious matches, McHale and Dawson.
NEW YORK. June 23. Toncy
bested Alexander in a pitchers' battl
today. New York defeating Chicago,
2 to 1. After Chicago took the lead
in the first of the seventh inning on
a double steal worked by the forme
Giant stars, Merkle and Her.og. New
York batted out two runs in the sec
ond halfr The Fcore:
R. J I. E.l It. H. V
Chicago 1 9 llNew York. ..2 6
Batteries Alexander and O'Farrell
Toney and Kmith.
Brooklyn S, Pittsburg 2.
BROOKLYN'. June '23. The Brook
lyn Nationals defeated Pitte':urg,
to 2, today. Tho Pirates bunched
three hits and a sacrifice off Mar
guard for two runs in the first. Th
Dodgers hit Carlson freely. Th
clubs will play off r postponed gam
tomorrow. The score:
- R. H. E. R. H. E.
Pittsburg.. 2 8 llBrooklyn.. . 5 12 1
Batteries Carlson and Schmidt;
Marquard and Miller.
Boston , St. Iouls 2.
BOSTON. June 23. Doak's wildnese
In the first inning enabled Boston to
pile up four runs against St. l.ouis
and .easily won the scooiid game of
the series today. 6 to 2. Oeschger
held the Cardinals to six hit;. Lavan
was ordered out of the game in the
fourth for protesting a called strike.
The score:
R. H. E. R. H. E.
St. I-ouls. . .2 6 2jBoston 6 7 1
Batteries Doak, Shordel, North,
May and Dilhoefer; Oeschger and
Angling Reported Excellent.
HOOD -RIVER, Or.. June 23. (Spe
cial.) "I have never seen trout rising
to flies better at this season of the
year," says Angus McDonald, just
back from an outing on Green Point
creek. Mr. McDonald returned home
with 21 beautiful trout. He says the
fishing of the upper stretches of
Hood River should be fine this week.
All-Star Card Prepared for Fans
at Milwaukie Arena by Box
ing Commission.
Mike O'Dowd and Battling Ortega
will fight for the 158-pound cham
pionship of the world tonight over
the ten-round route at the Milwaukie
arena. The match will be the main
event of the greatest bill of goes that
has yet been presented under tne
uspices of the Milwaukie commis-
They will weigh in, this afternoon
t 3 o clock at the Olympic gymna
ium, but that process is hardly neces
sary, as both were below the requirea
it yesterday and should not shiver
he beam today unless they ate straw
berry shortcake last night or imbibed
too much "nearbeer."
Boy Are Equal Favorite".
Battling Ortega will get the oppor-
tinity tonight that he has been look-
ng for for three years, a cracn i
Mike O'Dowd. and for the first time
n. some years a Pacific coast boy la
an equal favorite with a champion.
Despite O Dowd s wonderful aggres-
veness and past record, a numoer oi
the boxing followers are picmng
Ortega to give as good as he takes
against the St. Paul mittman.
If condition makes a fight, tonight a
battle should be a pippin, as both men
are as fit as the proverbial fiddle.
The contestants went through a light
workout in the gymnasium yesterday,
punching the bag a few rounds, skip
ping rope and shadow boxing. Neither
donnea a glove, nor win lucjt
the time for the start of the contest
rolls around.
Ortega has met just enough good
boxers to not be a bit awed by
O'Dowd's prowess. The Oakland bat
tler has fought such boys as Marty
Farrell. whom he knocked out: rranlt
Barricn. four or five times; Mike Mc
Tigue. the Boston boxer who recently
put away Eugene Brousseau. the son
Rat inn a 1 Montreal middleweight; Ted
("Kid") Lewis, former middieweigni
champion of the world; George ("K.
O.") Brown, "Soldier" Bartfieldf twice.
and others.
Orteea knocked Ten Lewis from
pillar to post in a four-round match
Oakland when Lewis was welter
weight champion of the world, only to
have Referee Jim Griffin call tne
match a draw. Such performances
entitle Ortego to a good deal of con
sideration. although he may not even
go the distance with O Dowd.
Ynimf Rrr.wn- the I.OS Angeles
'crong-to-cong" mixer, will tangle 10)
rounds against Johnny Noye of St.
Paul in the semi-windup. Noye is a
fast, clever boy with a good left hand
and fjgures to give Brown a tough
fight if he can hit while getting
away. One thing is certain and that
is that Brown does not give his oppo
nent a chance to set himself regard
less of the "number of rounds the
fight is billed to go. The Los Angeles
Knr ie ii Inn nf bin mnn from Start
to finish, but a good left hand may I
find him.
Noye May Land Left.
Noye seems to be strictly a left
handed boxer, that is, a boxer who
uses his left only to'any advantage
Brown is a two-fisted boxer and
when he steps in the ring his oppo
nent must think he has a dozen hands
the way he showers his punches in.
They come in deluges.
You'll get just about twice the wear
out of your suit if you have an Extra
Pair of Trousers.
HAT means: Comfortable
Garments correctly de
signed and tailored at mod
erate prices.
Nicoll's isn't the ordinary sort
of tailoring nor conducted un
der ordinary ideas of making
to order.
We're large buyers of woolens
taking cases, often, where others
buy yards.
That's a saving in the
first cost.
A well-drilled organization of
competent cutters and skilled
tailors to look after the details
of your order.
That assures tailoring
Of Special Interest Right Now
Full Suit and Extra Pair
of Trousers
$55, $60, $65 and Upwards
Oscar M. Smith, Manager.
108 Third St, Near Washington
Crlmson Club Falls- Down in Field
and Loses 1 to 2.
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June 23. Yale
evened the series with Harvard today
by defeating the crimson team, 4 to 2.
Poor fielding by the crimson outfield
and the batting of Holmes, who got
three timely hit.i, was responsible for
Harvard s downfall. The deciding
game will be played at Fenway park
in Boston on Saturday. The score:
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Yale 4 8 ((Harvard 2 6 3
.Batteries Coxe ,and Peters; Goode
and Blair.
Baseball Summary.
Former Tacoma Baseball Majrnalc
to Find Material for Cincinnati.
TACOMA. 'Wash.. June 23. (Spe
cial.) Russ - Hall, former Tacoma
baseball magnate and known all over
the coast for his connection with
various clubs, is now a scout for the
Cincinnati Reds. He went on Garry
Herrmann's payroll a few weeks ago
and his territory covers all the west
ern leagues. -lall returned to his
home in Tacoma today after two
months spent in the east. He went
by way of California and saw games
in the coast as well as the major
Several promising stars have ap
peared on the Canadian circuit this
season, it is reported.
Eight Thousand Expected in Poca-
tello to See Fray.
POCATELLO, Idaho. June 23
(Special.) The next opponent of Mike
O'Dowd, who fights Battling Ortega
at Portland tomorrow, will be Gordon
McKay at Pocatello July 5. An open
air stadium has been erected to ac
commodate 8000 fans. McKay in 42
ring battles has loet only one and
never has been floored, much less
knocked out. As McKay is the same
kind of a rugged fighter as O'Dowd,
a battle royal is anticipated.
Chelialis to Stage Shoot.
CHEHALIS. Wash.. June 23. (Spe
cial.) Next Sunday the Chehalis Gun
club will hold a compettive match at
Millett field, Chehalis, against a team
from Castle Rock. Merchandise prizes
will be put up and the shooting will
be in teams of five. There will be
four classes. A, B, C and D. There is
much interest in the Chehalis Gun
club and some good scores are being
made by some of the members.
British Women Golfers Coming.
NEW YORK. June 23. Several
leading British women golfers, in
cluding Miss Cecil Leitch. the title
holder, are coming to "America this
year and may compete in the women's
Many or tne fchriners at the Port- national tournament at Cleveland, ac
land convention already have mada I cording to a letter received here from
arrangements to stop off in Pocatello I Miss Marion Holllns of Westbrook.
for the O'Dowd-McKay go. fil. T. ''Miss Hollins is participating in
Women Golfers in Action.
Pa., June 23. Mrs. Ronald Barlow of
Philadelphia won the qualifying round
of the women's invitation tournament,
played here today, with a card of 91.
Mrs. G. Henry Stetson. Philadelphia;
Mrs. F. C. Letts, Chicago; Mr. Charles
Knight, Garden City, and Mrs. J. R.
Price, Pittsburg, tied for second,
with 92.
Helen Wills Coast Champ.
BERKELEY. Cal- June 23. Miss
Helen Wills of Berkeley won the
women's junior championship in the
Facific coast tennis tournament here
today by defiatlpg Miss Druscilla
Stevens of Oakland in straight sets.
6-1, 6-1.
National fMfu Standing.
W. L. P.C.I . W. L. P.C
Cincinnati III '-"! -SV4I Plttsbum. 24 a 4140
Rroolilvn. . "9 24 ."47 Boston. .. t!3 '-'(J .4
Chlrueo.. R "i ..V.til Ph lladel'a J4 :il .::
St. Louis.. SO I'S .SI TiNew York.. 4 32 .429
American f-eairue Standinrft.
Cleveland 3!4 in 72: Boston '-'s .-,0!
Vpw York ::! 22 .TOWSt. Louis.. 2S 211 .41(1
Chicaito.. :'.3 'J.", .r.ti"! Detroit. ... 113S.33:1
Washlne'n 28 26 .olol Philaucl a. 16 44 .267
American AsHoclmtion ReMultn.
Minneapolis 3-7. at Milwaukee 6-3.
Columbus 10. at louisville 5.
Toledo 7-4. at Indianapolis 8-4. Second
called darkness. )
St. Paul 13. at Kansas City 7.
Southern Association Revolts.
As Memphis 5-1. Atlanta 1-2.
At Little Kock 4-3. Birmingham 1-2.
At Nashville 4. New Orleans 3.
At Chattanooga 5, Mobile 4.
Western I.eaicue ResultM.
At Wichita 3-0, Sioux City 4-8.
At Tulwa t-4. St. Joseph 4-6.
At Oklahoma City 0. Omaha, 6.
At Joplln 2-7. les Moines 6-10.
. How the Merles Stand.
At Portland one game. Seattle no same;
at Vernon one game, San Francisco one
game: at Sacramento one game. Salt Lake
one game: at Oakland one game. Los
Angeles one game.
Where the Teams I'lay This Week.
Seattle at Portland. San Francisco at
Vernon. Los Angeles at Oakland. Salt Lake
at Sacramento.
Bearer Batting Averages. '
B. H. Av.l B. H.'Av.
Sutherland t2 23 .373i Schroeder 214 7.243
Glazier. . 3 1 .333 Spranger.
Blue J- 8 .K.l-I KlngUon..
L'.:4 74 Slti! Ross
2.141 7S .30.1 Junty
2ml 7ft .'JMtlJoties. . . .
272 7S .:!' Sielin
1!0-J .1.1 .J74 Kalllo
S2 22 .2HSI Poison . . .
The -eight-round special between
Allie Nack, the New York 140
pounder, and ' Frankte Murphy of
Denver should be another fast bout.
Both men are aggressive boxers and
have shown hitting ability in their
previous starts here. Nack fought a
drav with Puggy Morton and should
have had the call, while Murphy has
shown against Stanley Xv'.lis and
Johnny McCarthy. Nack and Murphy
agreed to make 140 pounds at 3
o'clock this afternoon.
There will be three six-round pre
liminaries served up as an appetizer
Danny Edwards will meet Frankio
Garcia; Ted Hoke is down to meet
Johnny Fiske, while Baby Blue will
box Mike De Pinto in the curtain-
Frankie Garcia is the former na
tional bantam champion, who fought
under the colors of the Los Angeles
Athletic club as an amateur, and
Danny Edwards will be in for a tor
rid session if Garcia lives up to ex
pectations. The first lout will get
under way at s:la sharp.
Battling Curdy, a Cleveland ban
tamweight with a string of clippings
reaching from here- to Lake Erie,
dropped in yesterday and wants to
meet the best boy at his weight in
this neck of the timber. Purdy has the
earmarks of a real scrapper and men
tioned that Billy Mascott would be a
good boy to try out on.
Andre Anderson has received an of
fer to box Jack Johnson 20 rounds
in Tia Juana July 4. He is consid-
The meet is set for Sunday, July 4.
and will be for the southwest Wash
ington high school championship. The
meet was to have been held in C?n
tralia in May, but poor track condi
tion caused cancellation. It will start
at 1 o'clock.
Yakima Outslugs Victoria, 2 Pitch
ers Going Down, and Tacoma
Wins Fcalurc.
SEATTLE, Wah.. June 23. Talley
pitchen a one-hit game and Seattle
Fhut out Vancouver handily today,
5 to 0. The score:
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Vancouver.. 0 1 3Scattle 5 5 0
Batteries Rapp and Tobin; Talley
and Boelzle.
Spokane 1, Tacoma I.
SPOKANE. June 23. Grandstand
playing. circles catches and . good
fielding featured today's game, which
Tacoma won. 4 to 1. by batting
"Sad" Smith's offerings over the lot.
King Cole had the locals at his mercy
all the way. The score:
R. H. E.l It. H. E.
Tacoma.... 4 13 3;Spokane. . . . 1 7 2
Batteries Cole and Stevens; Smith
and Fisher.
Yakima 11, Victoria ".
Washington Commission Hears Ev
idence In Walla Walla Cases.
WALLA WALLA. Wash., June 23.
(Special.) 'Proposed Increase of gas
and electric light charges In . alia
Walla and the surrounding territory
by about 20 per cent was argued at
the hearing held today before the
state public cervicc commission.
Many of the officials of the Tacific
Power & Light company, including
President Guy Talbot, Vice-President
John A. Laing and Manager Lewis
McArthur. all of Portland, were pres
ent and took part in the hearing.
D. F. McCurrach. consulting engi
neer, was on the stand most of the
time, quoting figures to show that the
company's earnings are not sufficient
to maintain the Interest on the bonded
indebtedness and provide extensions.
Decision was reserved.
The title of Bsttv Compson's initial
star picture has been changed from
The Test" to "Prisoners of Love.'" It
has just been completed.
YAKIMA. Wash.. June 23. Yakima
defeated Victoria this afternoon in a
slugging contest. 11 to 7. Yakima
knocked two pitchers out of the box
in the first two innings. Zenckle
maila. the feature catch of the day.
when he prevented Hillyard from I
scoring a home run by climbing the!
fence and catching the ball with one
hand as it went over. The score:
R. H. E.l R. H. IS.
Ijord wmm
Mild Ha-
.7 12 lYakima 11 17
crlng the match, but since reading I victoria
about Black Jack's status in the Mex- Batteries Kelly, James, Young and i
lean country does not seem eager to i Cunningham: Kastley and Cadman.
accept' the offer. ' -
High School Stars to Compete.
ABERDENN. Wash.. June 23. (Spe
cial.) Chehelis. Centralia, Montesano.
Hoquiam and Aberdeen high school
stars will compete here in a track
meet dcriner the Splash celebration.
California Defeats Michigan.
ANN ARBOR. Mich.. June 23. The
University of California team batted
three Michigan pitchers at will today
and won the final game of its tour.
7 to 1.
Maisel. ..
Schaller. .
Cox ......
Koehler. .
14 34 .2-"J
1SI.1 44 .226
L'S 14.214
::i n .193
27 3.1S5
1S1L' 34 .171
IS .111
52 3 .004
Fox Farm Planned.
KINGSTON". Ont. A silver fox
farm on the Galloups Islands between
this point and Cape Vincent is to be
established by capitalists from New
York. The situation is said to be
ideal, the animals being permitted
to rove in their native conditions
without any danger of their getting
Two boxing cards are already slat
ed as. tentative for July. The' Mil
waukie commission has practically
decided on July 5. while the Portland
boxing commission is considering
July for its next show.
Elks Announce Programme for
Smoker at Olymplu June 26,
OLYMPIA. June 23. (Special.)
With a double main event as a head
liner, the committee in charge of the
dedication day smoker tinder auspices
of Olympia lodge of Elks, announces
a programme of high-class boxing
for the' evening of June 26. Of the
headliners the fix-round bout between i
Bobby Harper of Seattle and Archie j
Stoy of Aberdeen will bring together ;
two of the fastest 133-pound boys on
the coast.
Of equal interest will be the six-1
round go with Lackey Morrow of
Spokane, claimant, to the coast
featherweight title. and Morgan
Jones. Tacoma, as the principals. The
boys will meet at 125 pounds.
As a curtain raiser there will be a
four-round bout between Stanley
Fitzgerald of Seattle and Mike Mit
chell of Seattle at 122 pounds. Fol- (
lowing the curtain raiser. "Cougar" i
Jones of Aberdeen will meet Jack
Dailey of Hoquiam for four rounds
at 145 pounds.
Mike DePinto. Portland, and Billy
O'Neil. Olympia, two fast 116-pound
boys will travel four rounds and a go
between Frankle Pete. Seattle, and
Monte Lable, Olympia. four rounds at
128 pounds, completes the programme.
mmsrr fcvery
Cigar By
THE HART C1C.AR CO.. Portland.
Men who have worn both
No metcwl can toichi you
and imitations, know that the
genuine &&RIS are the best.