THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1920 11 i 1 I i ' 4 P.ITY NFWS IN RRIFF X-. --- City Editor Main 7070. A BOOS Sunday Editor Main 7O70. A ll5 Advertising Uepartment. .Main 7070. A 6003 Superintendent of Bids. . . Main "070. A UO'Jj AMUSEMENTS. L7H10 (Fourth and Stark) Musical com edy. In "The Speed Limit." Three iliowl daily at 2. 7 and . HIPPODROME (Broadway at TamhiU) Vaudeville and moving pictures, 2 to 5, 6:4o to 11 P. M.. Saturdays. Sundays and holidays continuous 1:15 to 11 P. M. PANTAGKS (Broadway at Alder Vaude ville. Three shows dally. a:30. 7 and :U5. COUNCIL, CREST Free amusement park. Take "CC" cars. Morrison or Washing ton streets. THK OAKS Amusement park. Free ad mission until S P. M., except Sundays and holidays. Take cars at First and Aliler. COLUMBIA BEACH Amusements and swimming. Take Vancouver cars on Washington, between Fifth and Broad- way. Hotel. Cook Scalded. Hans Ben son, one of the cooks at the Multno- ih hotel, was badly scalded About the lees and body as the result of falling into a huge vessel full 01 soup at that establishment yesterday afternoon. He was given first aid at the Police Emergency hospital and then taken to. the St. Vincent's hos pital. Daughters or Veterans will serve dinner at' room 625 courthouse, home cooking, family style. Adv. MOORE TELLS HEW STORY EFFORT MADE TO EXONERATE PAIi OF Ml'RDEREK. Nkjht Schools Hank High. Jerome Green, educational supervisor for the Knights of Columbus ex-service mens night schools in the Pacific coast states, left yesterday morning after a two-day inspection visit in Port land. Mr. Ureen was well satlstlea with the Portland classes, which have enrolled more than 900 world war veterans. His official report will be given at a convention to be held three days in Chicago, commencing July 3. This convention is for principals and supervisors of Knights 6f Columbus night schools. J. P. O'Hara in charge of the Portland classes will attend, llr. Urcen is now conducting a similar Investigation of the Tacoma and Se attle Knights of Columbus schools. Resort to Open Tomorrow. That Cloud Cap inn. the famous old moun tain resort, will open tomorrow for the 1020 season was made known yes terday when Homer A. Ilogers, man ager oT Mount Hood lodge and Cloud Cap inn, came to town. Mr. Rogers eald the roads to the inn were in bet ter bhape this year than ever before and that the heavy snow of last win ter had practically melted away from the lower regions, thus permitting opening of the inn a week earlier than usual. Many parties are scheduled for this year, Mr. Rogers said, and patrons will be glad to know that George Miller, the old reliable guide, has signed up again for this season. Driving While Drunk Charged. Albert Wing, who was arrested at Fifteenth and Burnstde streets Tucs- Hiv nicht bv Sergeant Cason on a rharee of driving an automobile while drunk, will have a hearing in the municipal court Saturday. Wing was arrested when he tried to run into Washington street in spite of a stop signal given by Patrolman Long. Ser-J eeant Cason said mat wnen vr mis tried to back out he did not know which way to cramp his wheels. Will iam Seeder, who was in the machine with Wing at the time, was fined 3 by Judge Kospnian yesterday on a charge of being drunk. Portland Woodman Chosen J. O. Wilson, clerk of camp No. 77 of the Woodmen of the World, was eleotel a member of the hoard of heal man seers of the Pacific coast jurisdic tion. Woodmen of the World, at their convention which is being he-id in Yosemite. Cal. Mr. Wilson ruoceeds W. C. Ilawley, representative in con press, who has held this position for the last 15 or 20 years. Ktve men comprise the board. The Jurisdiction has control over the nine PaVfie coast and Rocky mountain states. Mr. Wil- eon was present at the convention being sent by his camp, which is one of the largest on the coast. Trio Held for Investigation. Cltv inspectors are making an in veetigation of Earl Townsend, John Donlen and Harry Lyons, arrested by Inspectors Mason. Collins, Mitchell and Coleman. The trio are suspected of having been implicated in the bur clary of the establishment of Beeberg & Nelson at 1007 Thirty-first street north, last Sunday and taking about J200 worth of clothing and other arti cies. it was announced yesterday. At the time of his arrest, Townsend had a. Quantity of morphine in his posses sion for which he told the inspectors He paid flO. Boilermaker Is Jailed. Tom Mc Kenna. bollermaker, who said he was JEFFERSON CLAIMS LEAD County Held First to Raise Cliam- bcr of Commerce Quota. Jefferson county claims champion ship in the Oregon state chamber of commerce budget campaign, having raised its quota within 24 houra. Noting this fact and declaring that the state outside of Portland does not expect this city to fail to do its share in the campaign, C. E. Roush, chair man of the campaign executive com mittee for Madras and Jefferson county, has sent the following let ter to Charles Hall, president of the srste chamber: In less than 24 hours after your representatives, C. A. Fleming and E. Magruder, arrived in Madras our quota of 7o0 was subscribed. This has set a record, we believe. for the time in which any county In the state has subscribed its quota. "This section of the state is greatjy nterested in raising the greater Ore gon tuna, ana we want to see every other section or the state support this movement heartily. This applies especially to Portland. Portland has creat opportunity at tnis time to prove to the outlying sections of Ore gon, which comprise her trade terri tory, that she is willing and ready to co-operate in the solution of our problems, and we don't expect her to fail." SHRINERS VISIT OAKS Colorful Pageant Presented by River Front', and Gardens. Between 8000 and 10,000 visiting Shrlners and their ladies were enter tained yesterday at the Oaks, where a sea food luncheon was served. The river steamers Dix and Imperial were boarded yesterday by the ladies ac companying the imperial representa tives and a trip was taken to Oregon City, returning to the Oaks in time for luncheon. A special programme of water sports had been arranged by the management for the Shrinere yesterday, and the throng that poured thrwugh the gates arrived by. train. automobile and at the river landing by boats and river craft. Interest of the mid-continent visitors centered In the water sports and landing of the passengers who used the river route A colorful pageant was presented on the river front as the patrpls, bands and nobles gathered In the gardens brilliant with a riot of June blossoms. Admission was free, both to the grounds and theater, and the musical comedy company put on a special performance of the programme of the week, "Hogan in Egypt," especially written for the occasion of the im perial council session. Police Believe Second Confession of Prisoner Frame-Cp to Save Brake. George Moore, held at the county jail with Russell Brake for the murder of Harry Dubinsky, for-hire car driver, a week, ago Sunday on the Portland Oregon City road, has made a second confession in which he assumes full responsibility for, the murder of the driver, and exonerates his pal. Brake, it was said yesterday. Moore had previously said in his confession, following his arrest, that It was Brake who struck the actual blow which killed the driver, although he admitted complicity in the plan of murdering the man for his machine, and said he helped throw the body from the Oregon City bridge into the river. Deputy District Attorney Bernard admitted yesterday that, acting for District Attorney Hedges of Oregon City, who will prosecute the two men, he .took the statement from Moore in which the man attempted to exoner ate Brake. Details of the confession were not given out, on the ground that publishing them might jeopar dize the state's case and give Brake a chance to frame a derense. It was announced, however, that the new confession will be submitted to the Clackamas county grand. Jury when that body takes up the murder case. Deputy District Attorney Ber nard said he was inclined to doubt the second confession of Moore, and suspected that some of the prisoners in the jail may have Influenced him to attempt to save his pal by berating him as a stool p.geon. It is believed that the prisoners, many of whom at the county Jail are old and experienced crooks, have been scoring Moore for "peaching," thereby driving him into taking all blame for the crime. Lieutenant Goltz, who led the in spectors who arrested the two men for the crime, "said yesterday there were no doubts in his mind that Brake was guilty. He said It was easily apparent that the new coxites sion of Moore was a "frame-up." CilRISTERS ARE ARRIVING SWEDISH SINGING FESTIVAL HERE THIS WEEK-END. WIRELESS SENDS PICTURE New Invention Success fully Tried by Copenhagen Paper. (Copyright by the New York World. Fub linhed by Arrangement.) COPENHAGEN, June 23. (Special Cable.) A Dane, T. H. Anderson, has made an important invention by means of which pictures and sketches can be transmitted by cable or wire less over longest distances, for in stance from Europe to America. The invention has been tested here by experts who pronounced it to be of great practical value, especially for press illustrations. The appara tus is of the most simple construe tion and easy to m-ork. Any wireless telegraph or telephone system can be used for transmission and the cost of r U i SHRINER SILK HANDKERCHIEFS $1.00 The niftiest and most useful Bouvenir of. all. White silk with official emblem in corner. , Take or mail home to your friends. S. & H. Stamps Given Exclusive Kuppenheimer House in Portland. Morrison, at Fourth. freedom from washday "slavery." moti time for reading, sewing, "calling," outdoor recreation. strength to enjoy the leisure hours of life. beauty unmarred by house- - hold cares. an abundance 'of clean, sweet- smelling clothes without spending hours over the washboard "without paying excessive laundry bills! These blessings are yours when you use a Notice to Shriners Using Southern Pacific Lines From Portland . For your information, below is a list of Spe cial Shriner trains in the order in which they will leave Union Station Portland on Southern Pacific for California. ident; C.; A. Appelgren, secretary, and Herbert J. Anderson, treasurer. Marie Sidenius Zendt, soprano ' of Chicago, will be the soloist at both concerts. Monday the singers will hold their business sessions, at the close of which the Columbia male chorus of Portland, Charles Swenson conductor, will be host to the visitors at a banquet at the Benson hotel. ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE Come in and let us show you this won derful invention and tell you how easily you can own a Thor. A demonstration incurs no oougauon to ouy. $10 puts the Thor in your home balance easy terms. S. & H. green Holman. Fuel Co. Adv. stamps for cash. Main 3S3, 560-21. Ttead The Oregonian classified ads. "Buy Electric Goods From People Who Know" SMITfrHCeor ELECTRIC C(X ll315 bT. BIT.'VASHt STAJtK 71 VASHrNtjrox . ion, ittb eViaaasr mmninvfi nt thp i M. standifer shin hart a wav nf his own of takine working it is said to be very low. ,.1-.' r,r tho room shortage. After One Copenhagen newspaper h MoiiTntinir the Shrine convention all Published two photographs sent by night he entered a Japanese rooming means of the new invention, one of house at 248 Second street early yes- I them being a portrait of Chancellor terdav morning, chased the proprietor Bauer dispatched from Berlin out into the street and proceeded to . n tn it.. V. -l 1 1 1. to phar9H Motorcycle Patrolman' Stiles arrested POLICE CHIEF IS PLEASED him. He win explain to tne municipal Male Chorus 2 00 Strong to Appear in Concert at Auditorium Sat urday and Sunday. Members of the 200-strong ma chorus, who are to appear in concert at the public auditorium Saturday and bunday nights, are arriving in this city from points in Oregon Washington and California. With them are many others who have com here to enjoy the rare feast of vocal music The concerts are arranged a the feature of the seventh biennial singing festival and convention of th United Swedish Singers of the Pacifi coast, and the big chorus will be made up of members from nine choruses from different cities. The director is Axel Philstrom of San Francisco. In connection with the coming fes tival, it is interesting to note that the Pacific coast organization was completed in Portland in 1905 during the Lewis and Clarke exposition. Since then festivals have been held in San Francisco, Seattle and Ta- coma. The festival of two years ago was to have been held in Marshfield, but the war came on and a great many of the members went into the service. The executive committee in charge of arrangements for the festival here is composed of Albert Broddle. pres- ATTENTION! Shrine Bands Can you help us out for Floral Parade Music today? Report Before Noon Today Call at Music Committee Headquarters for Assignment judge today. Daniel. Sewell Improving. Daniel Pewell, member of the band of Islam Temple, San Francisco, who was seriously ill at St. Vincent's hospital from a sunstroke suffered en route to Portland, was reported last nis-ht to be improving. The delegation of -.vhich J-ewell was a member encountered some torrid weather befora leaving California and he was seriously af fected. He fell over while pariicipat ing in some of the demonstrations Monday and was taken to the hos pital. Fight Default Divorces Granted. . Kight default divorces were granted yesterday by Circuit Judge Phelps, who heard the cases in the presiding judges court. Separations were granted in the cases of Helen M. Blackburn against E. C. Blackburn X. Gulnan against Edith Guinan. OUie M. Meyers against Albert Meyers, Anna J. Lamberg against J. H. Lam berg, John Littler against Olga Lit tler and John Nice against Keba Nice Stenographer Run Down. Mary H Anderson, stenographer. Whitney apartments, lost some of her teeth and received bruises yesterday morning when she was struck by an automo bile while trying to escape being run down by another machine at Broad way and Alder streets. She was knocked down and her face came in contact with the curbing. She was taken to the Sellwood hospital for treatment. Libraries to Ci-ose Earlt. The public library. Tenth and Yamhill streets, and all of the branch libraries will close today at 1 P. M. and will remain closed for the remainder of the day. On Friday and Saturday the closing hour will be 8 P. M. Ue Columbia River, steamer Olym pian leaves Taylor-street dock daily 3 A. M. for scenic points up the Co lumbia, returning 5 P. M. Grandest scenery in the west. Round trip 12 Cafeteria lunch. Phone Main 8065. Adv. Members of force Doing AVell Un der Hard Conditions. Twenty-one policemen under the leadership of Captain Moore took care of the work of policing the city for ! the Shriners' Willamette valley trip to Salem and back yesterday. The po licemen looked after parking the cars in preparation for the event and also guarded the route, seeing that the visitors got in and out of the city safely. Captain Moore also had charge of the policing of the lines for the huge parade last night, the biggest job of the kind which has yet fallen to the Portland force. Every available man was detailed for the parade lines. Chief Jenkins expressed himself last night as well pleased with the way the police were handling the situa tion. mm mm SHRINERS, ATTENTION! Special Shrine souvenirs for the oc casion at Jaeger Bros., jewelers, 131 Sixth street, near Alder. Adv. t-'3V Baker Directors Re-elected. BAKER, Or., June . 23. (Special.) W . H. Strayer and vv . S. Levens were re-elected to serve another three- year term on the board of directors of school district No. 5 as the result of I school election held in Baker Mon day. The two offices were the only ones to be filled and nothing else was on the official ballot. School district No. 5 includes the high school and all public grade schools within then city limits as well as several near the boundaries of Baker. V Lewis Man Is Candidate. CHEHALIS, Wash., June 23. (Spe cial., E. R. Voorhies, former resident of Lewis in eastern Lewis county. where he yet claims his legal resl- Promisb fulfilled. Successfully dence, owing to his having a claim treating for pyorrhea, extracting, fill-I in the Big Bottom country, has an-I ing, and crowning teeth, without nain I nounced that he will be a. candidate by aid of Nerve Blocking, are realities I for the office of state representative. in our orrice. urs. Hartley, Kiesen-1 subject to tne republican primaries, dahl & Marshall, 307 Journal bldg. Mr. Voorhies has for some time been Adv.. Ian employe in the Lewis county I Moonlight Dance, excursion boat I assessor s orrice ai a deputy. Swan: welcome Shriners, Tues., Wed. ind Thurs. nights; leaves foot of Jef ferson st. after parade, return 1 A. M. Thursday boat leaves regular time. :4o. .turn ins. aov. Dr. Ella K. Dearborn, diseases of women and children: 800 Union tvi. north; 1:30 to 6 P. M. Adv. Drink Rubt Mist, that delicious beverage served at all fountains and refreshment stands. Adv. Plates that please. Dr. E. C. Rosa- man, specialist, sol journal bldg. Adv. Insist on Rubt Mist. at. all foun tains and refreshment stands Adv. Kemmerer Coal. Carbon Coal Co., mine agents, tsast 1188. Adv. Dr. H. Semler, dentist, returned. Adv.. Dr. Rat W. Matson has returned. X- New and Exquisite Creations in Diamond Platinum Jewelry Such exquisite creations in diamond platinum jewelry as A. & C. Felden heimer display could never be pro duced by me'diocre men. It requires the highest skill of masters of the jewelry craft the most talented men it is possible to secure. Feldenheimer jewelry always possesses the distinction and originality that char acterize the work of an expert. Its in dividuality meets with instant favor among discriminating customers. Likewise its in trinsic worth enhances the prestige of the wearer. We have an excellent series of diamonds gems of the finest quality from which your diamond needs can be selected. Name of Temple From 'Ainad .East St. Louis.... Al Malikah .... Los Angeles Aladdin ...... .Columbus Medinah I. .. ...Chicago Medinah II Chicago I smalia ..... ...Buffalo , Ararat Kansas City ..... Islam San Francisco... Rajah 1st Reading Rajah 2nd Reading Aleppo 1st Boston . Aleppo 2d Boston Syria Pittsburg .... a Akdar Tulsa Depart 3:00 P. M. 4:00 P. M. 4:25 P. M. 5:00 P. M. 5:30 P. M. 6:00 P. M. 30 P. M. 00 P. M. ' 20 P. M. 40 P. M. 00 P. M. 30 P. M. P. M. P. M. 6: 7: 7: 7: 9: 9: 10:00 10:30 Day of Week Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday - Thursday Thursday Thursday Date June 24 June 24" June 24 June 24 June 24 June 24 June 24 June 24 June 24 June 24 June 24 June' 24 June 24 June 24 Alhamhra and Chattanooga and Kerbela Knoxville .... Yaarab Atlanta 12:01 A. M. Zenobia Toledo : 12:30 A. M. Morocco Jacksonville .' 1:30 'A. M. Moolah St. Louis T 2:00 A. M. Moolah tnli will be open for occupancy. Union Sta :00 P. M. Thursday June 24 Al Koran Oasis .... .Cleveland ..Charlotte 2:30 A. M. 3:00 A. M. Friday Friday Friday Friday tion. about 10 I. Friday Friday June 25 June 25 June 25 June 25 M. June 25 June 25 Hella Dallas -j El Mina Galveston I 4 El Kalah Salt Lake J 00 A. M. Thee ears occupancy Hadi . . . . Alsinah Mizpah .... Moila ...... Shrine Club. Zurah , El Karubah. Osiris Almas ..... Murat ..Evansville, Ind.... . . Macon, Ga , .Madison ville, Ky... , .St. Joe, Mo . .Amarillo, Tex ..Minneapolis, Minn. . .Shreveport, La.... ..Wheeling, W. Va.. ..Washington, D. C :30 A. M. Tbee cars occupancy Friday June 25 will be open for about 11 r. M. Friday June 25 will be pen for about 11 1'. M. :00 A. M. The ran occupancy :30 A. M. 00 A. M. Friday June 25 will be open for about 11 r. M. Beautiful Souvenir "Our National Bouquet' The only production of its kind in the world, sold only in Orezon. This deeply interesting- work of art. lithographed on satin finished, linen, snuuiu ob in oery nome. rice fl.oo. oy mu.ii sac exiru. . V. S. State Klovrer Man Co.. I.r. 305 McKay Bldg.. cor. 3d and Stark. OREGON APPLE ORCHARDS For sale at $500, 10 to 60 acres in bearing, planted and owned by Arthur B. Thomas, Horticulturist, Forest Grove, Oregon. A. & G. FELDENHEIMER Jeweler Sllveramltaa Optlcinnn WASHINGTON STREET AT PARK 1W m IP m 'i i mi w n i li -iA'v. --an i i lit l .Ml I Indianapolis 9 Rameses Toronto Sahara Pine Bluff, Ark LlO Al Amin Little Rock J Midian Wichita, Kan A T J Ik , XT f .lyura unca, i. 1 ..... . Tehama Hastings, Neb.... Friday Friday June 25 June 25 Kerak Tangier ...... Elf Khurafeh , . Reno, Nev , .Omaha. ..Saginaw. Iev , Neb I w, Mich I 11:45 P. M. Friday June 25 Friday June 25 Special trains now occupied as sleeping Quarters will be taken from "parking" place about one hour before scheduled departing time. These trains will be placed in the Union Station as soon as possible, approximately thirty jninutes being necessary for this operation. It is suggested to avoid congestion at Union Station passengers now occupying "parked" special trains board these trains before they are taken from original "parking" place. It is essential that Shriners and their ladies board trains promptly in order that such trains may be dispatched on schedule shown. All baggage should be ready for collection by transfer companies before noon Thursday. t Special Note: The Terminal management and General Shrine Committee especially re quest that our own. citizens avoid going to the Union Station Thursday afternoon and even ing. There will undoubtedly be some congestion and all station facilities will be needed for the Shriners. It will be necessary to exclude visitors from the station grounds. Your hearty co-operation will be of material assistance to the transportation lines and the visiting Shriners. Southern Lines ,IOll M. SCOTT, Urnrral raxntngrr Acral GREASE YOUR CAR IN 15 Minutes ALEMITE Lubricator Co., 10th and Oak. OUT-OF-TOWN PEOPLE 1 i Our local patronage 1b large.- yet we take particular Pjide in the fact that visitors irom an parts oi io iiui -..- , ; enjoy the largest practice from out-of-town people. 1 DDinrC WHO has been brought to the highest state of perfection. The DrflUUt nUflK teeth on this bridge are interchangeable at will without removing from the mouth. We use gom or porcelain as your, ia.nv.-y aw- g tates. This is only one of our many original methods. PARTICULAR ATTEJiTIOH PAin TO PLATES I AND H KllM.t-.v wniv PYORRHOEA Sil'CC'KSSPlI.I.Y TREATED. EXAMINATION FB KB. 1 Houra I 8iSO to S P. M. Pnone Main S020. 33 Years In Portland. i Miss Catlin's School FOB BOARDING AM) DAY TtPILS Now ncniples lt new building on WESTOVER TERItACES An Ideal Location Basketball and Ten nis Courts. ' Pr paxs Rlrls for rastern as well as western collects Bnd schools, under a fac ulty of able eastern teachers. Number of students in each class limited. Primary, Intermediate and Hifrh School Departments Boys Accepted In Primary Grades. Special and College Preparatory Courses Music, Art. Physical Train- ine and Science. French Taught Throughout the School. Boarding Department Special Feature. Catalogue Hent Upon Kejuett to Wetttover Terrace. 1'urtland. Oregon. Pbone Marttball iZ9. - o i rv . . . w a ii (a1 8lCI 1 J WISE DENTAL CO. RELIABLE PA1NI.KS DENTISTS. 211 K11.1.N' BI.Dfi.. THIHO ASD WASHING TON, S. E. CORNER. ENTRANCE ON THIRD STREET. 1. ..rt sum Estab. 20 Tears in Portland C. Gee Wo Root and Herb Remedies 162 Vi First St., Portland, Or. n j REPAIRED PIANOS. PLAVEn. PIANOS. PHONO. GRAPHS Also rflntstlr1 by a new and better procesa tor less money. Tuning and action regulating. HAROLD S. GILBERT 384 Yamhill Street Planoa Bonsai. Rented. Sold. Phone Your Want Ads to The Oregonian Main707'0 A. 6095 Adv. I