THE MORNING OliEGONlAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1920 17. CONGRESS VISIT EXPECTED DOZEN MEMBERS OF APPRO PKIATIOX GTtOUP DUE. G Men Wlio Coatrol Fund fjr Proj ects to View Coa.vt Work of Watering Deserts. There will probably be 12 con gressmen members of the delegation representing- the appropriations com mittee that will visit Irrigation proj ects and national parks of the coast in July. According to Information re ceived by the Portland Chamber of Commerce the party will begin their Oregon tour at Klamath Falls. Stephen T. Mather, director of na tional park service, has mapped the trip by which the congressmen will see the highways and other Improve-j ments made at Crater lake, then pro-! ceerl via the highway through the Klamath Indian reservation and over the divide between the drainage of the Klamath and Deschutes to Bend. The programme for the entertain ment and information of the com mittee in the section east of the mountains will be arranged at Bend and will probably Include plans for having some of the irrigation proj ects of Deschutes and Jefferson coun ties. At Klamath B'alla the local chamber of commerce will have charge of the entertainment. A. L. Parkhurst. manager of the hotel and transportation service at Crater lake, will have the preparations completed for taking: care of the party at the lake. The exact dates are not yet fixed, but probably the party will be at Klamath F"alls July 8, Bend July 10 and will reach Portland and leave for Tacoma the night of July 11, devote two days to the Puget sound district and proceed to Yakima July 14. July 15 the party will visit the Umatilla project and leave Pendleton July 16 for Boise. KAISER RUMORED INJURED Belgian Reported to Have Wounded Former Emperor in Jaw. DOORN, Holland, June 17. There are persistent rumors in the village that the former German emperor has been assaulted by a Belgian who. showing a forged pass, gained ad mittance to Doom castle. It is asserted that the former emperor was wounded in the law and that the Belgian was arrested. It has been impossible thus far to ascertain whether these rumors are true. PRICES TUMBLE IN PARIS Coffee Cos-ts Ije&s Than in Brazil, Say Newspapers. PARIS. June 17. Prices of various commodities in eevryday use con tinue to decline in this city, and newspapers say that coffee costs less in Paris than in Brazil. Cotton, which for several days, was firm, has again undergone an impor tant decline in Havre. AUCTION SALES. At Wilson's Auction House. 1 Furniture. 169-171 Second St. A- ML MEETING NOTICES. MOUNT TABOR LODGE NO. 42. A. F. AND A. M. TU-inO Special communication Friday. TXyyli June 18. at 2 P. M. sharp, for X X the purpose of conducting the funeral services over the re mains of our late brother, Joseph S. Pur dom of Whitman lo.lge. No. 49. F. and A. M., of Pullmu... Wash., Irom Flnley's par lors at 2:30 P. M. to Portland crematorium. Bring autos. By order of the W. M. M. R. S PAULDING, See PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 3i. A. K. AND A. M. Special communication this (Friday) art., 5:15 o'clock. Masonic temple; work in 'F. O. de cree. Stated communication 8 Visiting brethren welcome., By M. H. J. HOUGHTON, Sec. sellwood lodge i. no. . .' il.,-- 73??. clal '"meeting this (Friday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work M. M. decree. Visitors wel come. Refreshments. By or J. H. BUTLER. Sec. WAVERLT LODGE TJ. D.. ar W. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this Friday evening. 7:Si o'clock. Waverly SU'SSJ. hall. East 28th Work in E. A. deg welcome. "By order W. M. H. E. VERRINDER. Sec. ROSE CITY CHAPTER No. 16. O. E. S. Stated communi cation this (Friday) evening. o'clock. Pythian temple. W. Park and Yamhill. Visiting members welcome. Degrees By order of W. M. M. E. HOWATSON. Sec. PORTLAND AERIE. NO. 4. FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES, wish all members and visiting Eagles to attend our regular meeting Friday evening. June jg. SPECIAL to make arrangements for Tlstting Wash ington atAts convention to be held in Van couver. Wash.. June 22. 23. 24: Oregon siale convention, held In Portland, June ---, -j. w isn everyone present, .pacif ic states hall. 11th and Alder streets. PORTLAND AERIES, No. 4. FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES Meets every Friday evening, 8 o'clock. In Pacillo States hall. 11th and Alder streets. H. E. MILLER. Sec. MULTNOMAH CAMP. NO. 77. W. O. W., will give a dance at their hall. E. 6th and Alder Friday night, June IS. for member, of W. O. W. and their ladies oniy. AamiEsion free. J. O. WILSON, Clerk, KMiULAH meeting to night (Friday) at Odd Fel lows temple, 226 Alder street, work in the first de 'N9I5 glee. Vll.r welcome. K. A. CLARKE. N. G. J.' P. COXON. Rec. Sec. W EBFOOT CAMP NO. S3 WOODMEN THE WORLD, meets every Friday ., i ai vy. u. vv. temple, Eleventh lr"i-, ah mempers requested to be pres- win. Eiicuuua oi omcers. K.MBI.EM Jea-elry. buttons, charms, pins. " tfacafr nroa., tdl-a oth St. FRIEDLANDER'S for lodge emblems. ' J- y.o n.m ineuaig. Washington st. DIED. CAMPUS-li this city. June 17. 1920. Will iam r. Camples, aged 53 years. Deceased is survived by four dauarhtera MrL w K. Warren. Miss Thelma Camples. Mlsa Grace Rose and Miss Ruth Gagnon and a son. Ernest Camples, all of this city. Re mains are at the parlors of the Skewes . nucunnirn company, corner Third and Clay streets. Fuueral notice later. rI.,,K; In thl cl,y- June 17- Areta Evelvn fik. aged 35 years. laO of Yakima. wasn.. wire of Koy A. Fisk. The re mains are at Flnley's. Montgomery at "m. iivum vi lunmi Hereafter. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cruelt- to animals. Offices, room ISO courthouse. Phone Main 878 from 8 A- M. to 6 P. M The society has full charge of the c.ltv pound at its home. 635 Columbia bou levard. Phone any time. Woodlawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small 'animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared lor. All dead animals, cows, horses. ic piciteo. up ire oi coarse. and social. HASSALO FI VEML NOTICES. WM?Jfr;In th, J"n ! Lawnnw vvinfleld Green, need 88 yrsrs, husband S..i.'!v" Gr. "n of Wesley "Green of fusion, or.: brother of Mrs A. W. ewoy and Ernest L. Green of Amltv. Or.; Mrs. Louis Kbellnar of Portland. and nephew of Mlu Ida Scott of for T . 'he funeral services will b held .? i-rd?y June 1n- 10:30 o'clock A. M.. at hinley-s. MontTOrrery at 5th. Fnends t"ry Jnterraent Mount Scott ceme- C A SLOW At the residence of hi daugh ter, Mrs. Dwlght Cheney. 91 East Emer "" "yet. June 16. Stephen T. Casio w. aged 74 years, father of Moses R. Caa low and Mrs. Cheney, both of Portland. mi i. clow of Grand Raplda. TV afternoon at the chapel of Chambers I - - - uiiniai service were nn n tnift eomoanv. -lMi ifiiiinD-.,n,, .'.m. . The body will be forwarded this (Thurs- day) evening- to Panora. Ia., for Inter ment. DRINKER In this city. June 16. 1120, John T. Drinker, aped 58 years, beloved Brother of Annie M. Drinker: uncle of Mrs. Clinton O. Stone. Mrs. C. B. Russell, Elva G. Drinker. Nellie R. Hinds and F. P. Drinker. Friends invited at at tend the funeral services at Holman's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon sis., at P. M. today (Thursday), June 18, 1920. Interment Rlvervlew cemetery. PURDOM At Pullman, Wash.. June 13, .juNia.11 eamuei r-urdom. aged twi years, husband of Ruth Annie Purdom, father of Clarence A. Purdom and brother of A W. Purdom of Riddle, Or. The funeral services will be held today (Friday). June IS. at 2:30 o'clock P. M-, at the Portland Crematorium chapel. Frienda Invited. J. P. Finley 4 Sou, directors. BALES The funeral services of the late riacnei Bales will be held Saturday, Juno 19, 2:30 o'clock P. M., at the Centenary M. E. church. East Ninth and Pine. Friends Invited. Interment, Mount Scott cemetery. J. P. Finley A Son, di rectors. KEXOYER The funeral services of the late tmlly Kenoyer will be held to morrow (Friday), June 18, at 10 A. M., from the funeral parlors of A. D. Ken worthy A Co.. 6802-04 B2d St. S. E., In Lenta. Interment Multnomah cemetery. BOWLING Funeral services of June Bowl ing, belovea Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Bowling, will he held Friday. June 18, at 2 P. M. at the chapel of Miller A Tracy. Interment Multnomah park cemetery. PATTERSON The funeral services of the late Kit a. Patterson will be held today (Friday), June IS, at 2:;:0 P. M . at the chapel of Miller A Tracey. Interment Mount Calvary cemetery. BISHOP Funeral of Frank Bishop, for merly of Gobel, Or., at Portland- Crema torium, tomorrow (Fridey). -June 18, at 1:30 P. M. Friends invited. MEMORIAL NOTICE. IX MEMORY OF WILLIAM HARDER, WHO PASSED FROM- THIS LIFE JUNE 18, 1914. "He ia achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much: who has gained the res-pect of intelligent men and the love of little Children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an li Droved oopdv. a perfect poem, or rescued soul: who has never laoked ap preciation of earth's beauty or failed to express it; who has always looked for the best in others and given the best he had; whose life was an inspiration whose memory a benediction." FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES AUTO LIVERY. MARSHALL 114. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL UIHEll-UIW. Knv lnriLtd in their new residential fu neral home. Morrison at 12th. woat side. Phone Broadway 430. Automatic 545-58. The Funeral Home of Refinement and Distinctive Service. Note We have no branches nor any con nectlons whatever with any other undertaking firm. EDWARD HOLM AN &SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS Third and Salmon Sts. Main 507. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less Independent Funeral Dlreotora. WsWhinyton Street between 20th and . . - ait streets, Wt Side. Lady .Assistant. Main 2601. 578-85. J. P.- FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at Filtn. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of home. lth and Everett sts. Telephone Broadway 2133! Automatic QJl-3.i, . F. S. DUNNING. INC. 414 E. Alder. Phone East 52. Perfect service, personal direction, free 80 of floral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR successors to Wilson A Ross. Multnomah at East 7th. East 54. Irvington district. PT T TTT? fTT E. Eleventh and Clay. . Ll. LirjUV-zll. Eaiit 781. T. 183:1. iTPTPCnM Twelfth and Morrison Sts. H.rv.lVjOVJlN Broadway 2534. A. D. KEN WORTHY & CO.. 5S02-O4 92d St., Lents. Tabor 5267. A. R. ZELLER CO. tlliams ave. 08S. C 1088. ; BREEZE & SNOOK biS? SKBWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY, 3d and tiiay. M 4 la-. A 2231. Lady assistant FLORISTS. 72iAtii&e 328 MorrisonSt. "tfri uiuiunuiy I 2 jj-r. wtu riviiiaonai. stores - Bet.BnhrjPark Mat?57 Charge Accounts Solicited. Smith s Flower Shop Portland's progressive florist. We special ize In funeral design. 141 6th, oppoaite Meier et f rame s. Main izid. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists. 354 Washington. Main 269. Flowera for all occastona artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists, 2ST Morrison st. .Main i ira. r ine nowers and floral de signs. No branch stores. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington St., di. at n ana oin. Alain aiuz. A. HOI MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 266 Fourth St.. Opp. City Hall. Nra Bros, ftb BLAE5ING GRANITE CO. rXT THIRD AT WAOISOW BTREtT NEW TODAY. 27 Income West Side Apartments. Walking Distance. $50,000 A 669, OREGONIAN Mortgage Loans Utaeat tnffTCat rateat lnBtallmeat r. layanettla IC alealretl. BallaHaifC loauaa saaide. Nei delay la closlnx. A. H. BIRREJLJL GO, tlT.SlU Northwestern Basic "-"."ij. aiarsaaii EXECUTOR S AND ADMINIS TRATORS Will Ktnd Our Thrlce-Securcd FARM MORTGAGES Evreptlonal tnveatments for trust foBda. Not a fereelosure ta twem tT yesure. FEAR aft - GRAY. Phone Main 35. 102 Kourth St. Phone your want ads to The Oregro. nian. Main 7070, Automatic 560-95. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, m di'or accounting system opened, main tained; income tax service; references. Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. Main 7443. ALTERATIONS. RIRIVn nnMl all . m - A - remodeled, cleaned, dyed, pressed. Em- porium Dye Works, 549 Morrison. proaaway 4.59. LADIES' tailoring. Perfect fitting: work guaranteed. 1. Keubln. 408 Bush-Lane bid. ASMVERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Gold, silver and platinum bought. AUTO REPAIRING. A D. HINES. R. M. BRACE. Res., auto. 618-13. East 381. H. A B. REPAIR SHOP. First-class repairs on .all makes of cars, all work guaranteed. Service day and night. AUTO TOPS. DON'T HESITATE. Auto upholstering, top. curtains, gen eral repair, painting. MONARCH MOTOR CO.. 343 Vancouver ave.. near East Broadway. Phone East 4138. BATHS. CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths and mas sage. 10th floor Broadway bldg. Uu- Dr. Laura E. MULTNOMAH Hotel Turkish baths: all day and all night. CARPET WEAVING. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag ruga all sixes -Mall orders prompt. Send for Booklet. 8x12 rugs steam or dry cleaned, I1.B0. FLUFF RUO CO.. 54-56 Union ave. N. East 6518. B. 1475. CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING. FLUFF AND RAG KUGfi WOVEN ALL SIZES. WRITE OR CALL. PORTLAND ECU CO. 172 E. 17th st. Bellwood 3622. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 387 Washington. Bdwy. 434. A 1254. CHIROPODISTS. DR. O. O. FLETCHER, aseptic chiropo dist, graduate nurse assistant: all mal formations of the foot scientifically cor rected. Suite 512 Morgan bldg. Main 8762. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist: corns, bun Ions; foot arches made to order. 311 Swetland bldg.. 5th and Wash. Main 10S1. ETHEL McCOl". chiropodist. 609 Buchanan bldg.. Wash. bet. 4tb and 5th. Main 5076. DR. B. LOUISE COX. chiropodist. 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. 438 Morgan bldg. Main 4998. CHIROPODIST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM. EsteMe and Florello De Venev, the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists in the city. Parlors 802 Ger linger bldg., P. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPRACTOR. 300. 0O0 KNOW McMahon. 100 Chlroprac tor. Throngs pronounce treatment best. CHIMNEY SWEEPS. BISHOP CHIMNEY SWEEP. Furnace moke through registers, needs repairing or cleaning? Tabor 3883. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Royal bldg. Marshall 5822. Multigraphlng, mimeographing and man advertising. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1796. No collections, no charge. Estab. 1900. Christian Science Practitioner. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE practitioner. Grace E. Moore, C. S.. Broadway 4046. - DANCING. BERKELEY DANCING ACADEMY Pri vate lessons day. eve.; latest steps Jasz shown. 129 4th st. Main 3318. Mrs. Summers. MRS. BATH. 30S Dekum bldg. Private lessons day and evening. Main 1 345. BALLROOM and stage dnclng Miss ' Dorothy Rasmussen. 610 Ellers bldg. I1ENTISTS. Dr. A. W. Keene. . , DENTISTRY. 351 Washington St. Without pain; latest nerve-blocking method. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL 415 East 7tV cor. Grant. East 1847 and 219-62. Dogs and horses clipped ELECTRICAL- REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND and Repaired Bought and Sold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. Phone 527-27. 24RH 1st St. M. 871. H. M. H. ELECTRIC CO. 34 N. First. Portland, O. Re winding and electrical repair ing a specialty. New or used motors. Bdwy. 1045. A. 1046. FERTILIZERV JT.RTH.I7.E vour land If you want big crops: read about t;. JU. wonaer in our 1920 catalogue. Routledge Seed at Floral Co.. 145 2d St.. Portland. Or. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS' AND HILL SUPPLIES. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-88-87-80 Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front sC PAINTS. OILS ANP GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. RASMUSSEN A CO.. Second and Taylor. WE CALL FOB TOUR OLD CARPETS. Raga asd Waolest CIothln FLUFF RUGS aJI Wort Trs 0t Promptly Bass Kits Wares All alaea Kail Orders. Send few BookJet Carpcte Cleaned. I-aid avatd Refitted. ' XOHTHWEST HUG CO. ltM Eaiat 8tm St. Pat vne East SSttO. LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money on real estate, first and second nortgaggs, contracts, livestock, notes, etc F. L BOWMAN & CO. SIO Cktm ef Com. Bids Main 30M. FLOATS MADE WITH SPEED NOVELTY FURNITURE MANUFAC TURING COMPANY S81 HAWTHORNE. PHOXE K. 7344. Jill KKW TODAY. ' pp ppanasj J Irtmor BHTPPBO yj I ANTWHERK, In seetione ready te H H I Send or circular. Call at fact err- r H Bee Ufe-sise sample. HI J II RfJJIMADK BUILDING CO- 1 I L 1B E.lth St, bike. 8. Hawthort 1M I I Fbooe Laat 6114. Portland. Oragn. I ! FTJEL. JENSEN HALE FUEL CO.. Llnnton. Or. Phone Col. 13. Short and 4-ft- siao wood. Planing mill trimmings and lo in, cordwood. No. 1 cedar shingles. $4.60 per M. No. 2 cedar shingles. $2.00 per M. . No. 1 fir shingles. $3.75 per M. Pricea F. O. B. Mill; . FOR first-growth fir cordwood call East zaae. M. Heerdt Fuel Co. GLASS AND GLAZING. GLASS AND GLAZING orders promptly taken care of. Reasonable. Automatic 31027. HEM STITCH TNG AND PLEATING. T. a D. HKVSTiTrHTNG shop: superior work: prompt service. R "is Ellers bldg.. 287 Washington st. HOTEL SUPPLIES. ROACH powder. Insecticides, germicides, brooms, mops, etc We contract ana guarantee to rid your premises of bed bugs.' roaches, etc Main 607L Coast Chemical Co. LA WKMOBERS SHARPENED. LAWN mowers sharpened and called for; furniture repaired; express service. Ta bor 9427. MUSIC TEACHERS. L. Carroll Day. piano, vocal lessons, prac tice piano. 1 h. day. (5 mo. Bdwy. 2..55. MRS. J. M. LoveJoy. Instructor of popular ragtime, classic Tabor 8815. MOWERS REPAIRED. WE buy and sell and exchange mowers at a very reasonable price. We call and de liver. 247 Grand ave. East 4981. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. nr. ARSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronaga on the basis of capable service. Thou- MnAa nf Mtlflrl Customers. A -l.l will rnnilnm vnti Charles W. Good man. optometrist. 209 Morrison. M. 2124. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TEST- jStf. Id with modern instrument. 4Js . flttwl from S'Z M UP. A. E. HURWITZ. optometrist. 225 1st at. GEORGE RUBENKTEIN. the veteran op tician, is an expert eye fitter, and hla charges are very reasonable: satisfaction guaranteed. 226 Morrison St., near 2d. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 40 years. All communl- rntlnna .tHfil 17 enn f Id r n 1 1 al : DromPt. ef ficient, conscientious service: handbook free nn reciuest. MUOTf A CO.. patent attorneys. San Francisco office, Hobart bldg., 5S2 Market St.; Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg.: Washington of fice, room 103. 625 F St.; New York office. Woolworth bldg. 5T C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R.- A. PHILLIPS. Broadway bldg.. rheumatism stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birth marks. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALES prices. Stark-Davis Co.. isa 4tn. M. iv i. PRINTING. PRINTINGS, in F. W. BALTES & COMPANY, d Oak Sts. M. 75. 511-65. PAINTING AND DECORATING. PAINTING. DECORATING. SIGNS. KAI,- SOMININO: BEST WORK. TABOR 266. KALSOMIMNG and painting very rea- sonaDie. K.ast nn. PAINTING, paperhanging. John C. Con- llfk. 133 16th st. N. Broadway 2945. POI'ILTBY STJPPT.IE8. EVERYTHING needed and used by prac tical poultry - keepers: catalogue free. Routledge Seed & Floral Co.. 145 2d St.. Portland. - PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. FRANK A. GUTH Dictation day or night. am Kanway Kxcn.. bldg. Main iaua. SCALP TREATMENTS." ETC. ROM-I-DA PARLORS. Special scalp treatments, shampooing. manicuring. 428-420 Medical building. f none Main ?u. SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE FURNITURE CO.. 221 FRONT ST. We buy and sell everything in the hardware and furniture line. Phone Main 91172. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 601 Dekum bldg. u. S.. foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH The Service With a Reputation. MOVING-PACK'G-STOR AGE-BAGGAGE. 13th and Kearney. Branch 68'4 Bdwy. PHONE BDWY. 3309 NORTHWESTERN TRANSFER CO. B4-m Front St. STORAGB AND HAULING. DISTRIBUTION CARS OUR SPECIALTY. Phone Main 446. 544-68. OREGON TRANSFER -CO.. 474 Glian st.. corner 13th. Phone Broadway 11181 or 1140. We own and operate two larce claas "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates in the city. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 105 PARK ST. Main 3105. A. 1051. MANUFACTURERS IDES. WOOL AND CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROTHERS. 15 Front st. PLUMBING SUPPLIES ANP PIPE. THE M. L. KLINF- CO.. 84-8-87-S9 Front. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERD1NG A FARRELL. 140 Front Et. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. Front and Morrison. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. NEW TODAY. Mill-Made Sectional House No. 2 2 6-P. 8 rooms, bath and closet, price $372. Shipped anywhere In 4-foot aectlona. Ask about our Special Portable Garage, size 10x18. Price 875. Write or Phone for Catalogue Elwood Wiles & Sod R02 Title Tmst Bldg. On 4th St.. Bet. Mark sod Oak. Phone Mala 4724 Send Us Your Old Caxpets (We Call and Deliver) Old Rngs and Woolen Clothing. We Hake Beverstble. Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS Koom-Slae Flnff Rugs Woven, $17.50 Rat Rugs Woven All Sixes. Clothes Cleaning and Dyeing Depta. Mail Orders Send for Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning Salt Rugs. Steam Cleaned, $1.50 WESTERN FLUFF RUO CO, ' 5 Union Ave N. Phone Kaat 8516 Edward E. G oil dey Co. MORTGAGES LOANS United ftatee Bank Rsuidisuj I B 11 NEW TODAY. Auction Sale Big Sale Sat. 2 P. M. Sharp Saturday we will sell a good lot of high-grade furniture, such as Dining-room Sets, Liv ing-room Furniture, Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Quilts, etc Oki Furniture Co. 209 2d St. Bet. Taylor and Yamhill WANTED AM ISEMEXTS for July S celebration at Sherwood, Or. Address C. I. Calklna, Treasurer of Business Men's Association. Bank of Sherwood REAL ESTATE. far faaUc Flat atpsl ApsKmaot Property. FOR 8ALE Fine 2 5-room flat bldg., close in on east aide. 1 block of K. C. P. car; with iireproor garage; this Building li modern and in fine condition, hard-sur face at., bonded Indebtedness all paid! price $7000. $2000 cash, balance easy terma, 6 per cent; Income $85 month; will net you 13 per cent on purchase price: if interested call 407 U. S. Nat'l bank bldg. O. W. T. MUELLHATJPT A CO.. C. E. Adams. Broadw ay 8838. INCOME PROPERTY $15,000. Four party flats, modern; 5 large rooms, bath, fireplace, furnace, cement basement, large, balcony for each flat: . lot 100x100; corner, on E. 18th at., one block from car; walking distance. Will net 10 per cent. East 2871. TWO TO SIX-ROOM flat building, modern. One 5-ronm cottage and garage, corner lot. 51x189, cinse-in, east side. Income SSG.SO per month: will consider $3000 in tra-Je, balance $2500 cash and mortgage. $4500, 3 years 7 per cent. Price $10,000. G 024. Oregonlap. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. Six-family apartment, close In, east side; live In one, let others pay good Income on Investment; low price of $7500. for quick sale, terms. Phone owner. 316-19. morning and evening. $5150 TAKES flat bldg., 2 modern data of b rooms eacn; large rooms; lot ooxi; nico lawn and roses; one furnished in cluded; Income $768 per year; on Tll lamook St.; a nap. Tabor 6441. MODERN 4-famlly flat, walking dialance; only I'.HWl'i irom o ner. Kast 59; terms. For Sale Iieoch Property. CHOICE BEACH LOT EXCHANGE FOR Painting and Paperhanging and furnish material. Lot located In Tillamook beach (Salt- air), near station and ocean. AH 497, Oregonlan. AT GEARHART. TO SBLL OR RENT. Eight-room house, consisting of four redrooms. maid s room. living room. dining room, kitchen and sun porch. ti. L. HAMBLET COMPANY. 606 Corbett Bldg. 6-ROOM cottage and two lots at Seaview, wash.; cottage haa all furniture needed and Is ready to move Into at once; for list of furniture and price, inquire 330 Worcester oiqg. wain OHliu. FOR SALE Or will rent or lease, two choice lots. 90x140 feet, at Tillamook beach, on board walk, county road and rauroaa; near cance pavilion aaa hotel. Aoaress l-t ibu. oregonlan. .MUie;M.-N oeacn come wanted; will ex change modern suburban home, two I acres, value $6500. with well-built beach homo of same or less value. For panic- I li 1 u r ta sa H art ran a. as R. - T I Q .-AVAn(Bn l FOR SALE Seaside. new, modern. 4- room cottage, turn tshed; electric lifchts. running water, one block from ocean. owner. Tabor 037. KOK SALE uOxlOi. Rockaway Beach, nr. srhoolhouse. Auto. 21J-GO after 6 P. M. For Sale Lota. LOTS FOR SALE. UNIVERSITY PARK. THE HEART OK THE PENINSULA DISTRICT. Erect your own home 'where living 1 costs are nominal. where permanent work Is assured, where surroundings are meal and nature with a lavish hand i scattered her bounties, on terms of 125 I down and balance SIO a month we can furnish you with a fine lot and you may proceed witn the neat building. Why vade and delay? Conditions as they ex ist were paralleled a year ago and little rein-. i win d round a ytar rrom now. l ima niea. lots alone endure. Mahoney. COE A. MrKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. Evenings. Columbia 638: $10 DOWN. $10 MONTHLY. Thin splendid lot. having frontage on S streets, 1 of which Is paved; cement sidewalks on other streets, street work alone cost over $9M), all of which Is paid. You can have this lot for. $850 on the above terms. We have no hesi tancy ln recommending this to you. Fred vv. irerman Co., 732 Chamber or com. APARTMENT SITE. Beat In city. Portland Heights, 200x loo, almost level; sts. In and paid; mag nificent grounds: fine view: CHEAP. REED VIEW ADD. 11 lota. 50o each, $25 cash, balance In monthly paymenta. 115 per month. last -1 & Herdman. FOR KALE Two dandy building lots in Alameda on 3.ld near Mason street, aux 110 feet each, at bargain prices and very li'beral terms; alo two lots tn Argyle Park. Owner, J. S. . Bcall. care Coast Culvert & Flume Co. IN ALAMEDA PARK. Improvements all ln, lots ranging from !50 to slioo. ALAMEDA INVESTMENT COMPANY. 6Qo Corbett Bldg. Marshall 635. SOME SNAP Rose City Park lot, SOxlOo zt., on pavea at., 3 oiks, car, surrounuea by fine homes; $&!3; St. Improvements paid. W10 TiDDItts at. AU eo4. urego- nian. $20,000 CASH, completely furnished apart ments: waiKing distance: income sid.oiiu. . balance eaxy terms; no trade. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. TN ALAMEDA PARK. One block from car line. 60x100- for rstio; Improvemeats all paid. Call Mar- - shall 835. FOR SALS 100x131 feet on 3 paved sts.. zotn and ivon. all imp. in and paid for: fine location for garage. Price $5000; 1 block from Division. X 114. Oregonlan. ONE lot for sale. 50x100. with water on: bcotmo place, I blk. from Columbia park. I'M one col. U31. 107 te. Decatur St.. St. j oana. LOTS. Menlo Park sub-division, cheap ior casn. u. v. Morgan, tolli smith bldg.. Seattle. Wash. HAVE cocne choice lots In Warrenton's prospective business center. R. L. xoke. lldi Northwestern Bank bldg 2 LOTS. 50x100 each; corner Halght, Al berta: street improvements ln. Inquire 244 Alberta st. M. B. I850 BRAUT1FUL lot: Ladd's addition. near zutn. cve.iiv.-ooa oou. ALAMEDA PARK 1700 takes lot on 3ist st.; paved, paid. Tabor 6447. For Sale Houses. A wu.MJ&Hruu oargain. 4 houses: niv j on f.oOO; can be doubled by malt ing a rew repairs; must sen to pay mort gage on other property.- See owner at 511 Merchants Trust bldg.. ftth. Wash. MUST BK SOLD THIS WEEK. Sellwood, 10xl00, 5-rooJii house, paved street. beautiful lawn. flowers: only 'iwj; any reasonaoie terms: owner non resident, l. u. mra, Marvnaii ifi $o200 Walking distance; save car fare and time; o rooms, moaern: now vacant. WILGUS D. SMITH. 600 Williams Avenue. Phone Bast 120. Woodlawn 6861. CENTRAL east side corner lot as part payment on A or 7-room house In Irving- ton or Portland Heights; cash. BC 845. Oregonian. remainder 5-ROOM cottage, walking distance; street paved and paid; partly rented for $.11. AO a month; price only $3100. G. A. Kasper, . Panama bldg. $6.00 Nice seven-room home on Wasco street, close to two car lines, walking distance; will require S2500. Main 33. Geo. D. Schalk, 21 Stark st. NEAR S. P. SHOPS, ft-room modern hou-e, corner lot, va cant. 77 B. 2 2d st. South. Immediate possession. REAL ESTATE. For Sole -House. FTVE-P.OOM BUNGALOW TWO LL'i- S30O0 Nice bungalow, eiecincivj. fin condition, garage, lots or fruit. 80xl2O grounds, easy terma, on Woodstock can;ne. $3500 Good 6-rm. 2-story square house: electricity, bath, paneled dining room, fuil cement basement, ga rage. pacd street, corner 34th and Market, about $1000 cash. $30 a, month. , TC. TAYLOR ST.. S-R- HOUSE. 420O 8 r., good 2-story house, good basement, bath. 2 tol'ets. large garage, city liens paid, on E. Taylor, near 36th; on reasonable terms. GRUS5I BENNETT. R1" Board of Trade Bldg. Main 74..-. ANNOUNCEMENT! Home-seekers, for your convenience the large display room of FRANK L. McCUlRB, LARGEST HOME-SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST, Will be open EVERY WVF.NTNG. Within a few minutes you'll find many homes you'd be Interested In and one of our ERIHTEBS MACHINES will take yon RIGHT OUT. See ' FRA'K L. McGUlE T Buy Your HomK Ablngton Bldg. MMn 106S. 8d St., Bet. Washington and Stark. WALNUT PARK. 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. X6S..0. One of the finest bungalows In this highly restricted residential district, l ou llevcr. never, would expect to buy such a home as this a bungalow so well planned. go well constructed so well located for so little money. Mind you this is one of the very choicest corners In Walnut Park. You will have to see this to appreciate the real value. See it today. A G. TEEPE CO., 364 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3002. Branch Office. 60th and Sandy". HOLLA DAY PARK. S&250. Beautiful 5-room bungalow, strictly modern In every respect. Large living room and dlnlns: room, hardwood floors. fireplace, built-in bookcases and fine nutlet, finished in white enamel; uutcn kitchen; 2 bedrooms and hath: large attic: full cement basement, furnace and laundry trays. Imr-rovements paid. J. L. KARNOPP & CO. 319 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 675. HERE'S SOMETHING INTERESTING! A most beautiful home, harmoniously decorated, with the modern appoint ments you will appreciate. 6 rooms, bath, new pipeless furnace (heats bet ter at usual cost! on paved street: sewer; everything paid. Price only $3850. $750 cash, fit would be a snaD at $500 morel: Richmond-Hawthorne district. 1040 Arnold, near 34th st. Ta bor 6804. I OWN a 6-room bungalow. 2 of the rooms being unfinished, at 1125 N. 2atn st. This houne haa Just been completely overhauled In every detail and is in first-class condition, for that reason 1 am very desirous of disposing of same and do not wish to rent it. Price $2750. but no reasonable offer will be retused. Only $ ,V 0 cash, easv monthly pay ments. F. M. Phelps, 527 Cor be It bldg. Main 7141. ON 39TH ST. SOUTH OF HAWTHORNE 6-room. 2-storv house, strictly mod ern. Fireplace, rurnace, cement base ment, laundry trays. Built-in book case, buffet, cabinet kitchen. Nice liv ing room and dining room, a bedrooms. Double garage. 50-ft. lot. Nice lawn. roses and fruit trees. Paved sts.. side walks: near carllne. Price $4550. Terms If wanted. Main 7141. Mr. Smock. J4.-.00 4."i00. CUTF. LITTLE F.OSK CITY HUMS. Claasieat little IV-room bungalow, fin tshed in ivory throughout, all floors hardwood, every comfortable and con- ven ent built-in feature, cneertui lire Place cement br.sement, furnace, ftna garage with cement runway: fine buy. HOLl'EN it K( HILMAN, 228 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Main 6350. $8001) IRVINGTON BUNGALOW 16000 Modern 5-room bungalow, den ana Bleeping porch, has H. W. floors, fire place, buffet. Dutch Kltcnen. lull ce ment bafement. furnace, laundry travs. 50x100 lot. tiood garage, shade trees. 4 fruit trees. 1 blk to Broadway car Price I6UO0, terms. Mr. Jesse, o.'l cor bett bldg. Main 714L 64 WILLIAMS AVE. and 2S2 Monroe St. are 6-room houses on one 50x100 corner lot. Double garage with cement drive way. One house rents for a4u a year. OwneT lives in 22 Monroe at. anu is building larger 11 wee. and the need of building monev compels a sacrifice. Wanted $7O00. but see them and make offer. Main 4502. 120PO UNUSUALLY well-built 5-room modern bungalow in ROSE 'ITY PARK district, at a sacrifice: all built-lns, WHITE ENAMEL. KITCHEN. BATH and HALL, wash room with trays, full site basement; must soli at once; term easier than rent. See before none, i M Morris st. Rose City car, off at 70th, walk 8 blocks south, half block east. STOP PAYING RENT. For small payment down you can buy a modern -room house, close in: tin residence district. Reception hall. nient basement, furnace., fireplace, tubs. all built-in features. 3 bedrooms. Dutch kitchen. Paving paid cement retaining wall. lawn. rnra. cic. u BkaviML. w er. 521 Margue r 1 te ave. A REAL HOME. Good 8-room modern house, one acre of ground, with fruit, berries. Mowers, roses, etc.: grounds and house In first- class condition ana up to aaie; min utes on car. Inquire owner at e.l fc.aat 30th. Woodstock car to Jlitn. walk one block south. FOR $3350 we can give you a well built 8-room house witn natn. 1'utcn Kltcnen. buffet, convertible sleeping porch. This Is located on a 80x100 lot with lots of fruit and shrubbery, only 1 block to car. $1HK cash. $23 per month. JOHNSON-liODSON CO.. H33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. 440 EAST 2 1ST ST. NOKTK. IRVINGTON. Bungalow. 8 rooms, living rrm 16xSO. sunroom, dlnln room, large kitchen, one bedroom and hath, first floor- 2 large and 1 small bedrooms second floor: ga rage. Mrs. Hirry Price Palmer. East 707. ROSE CITY DISTRICT Here's a pretty Hat a home for someooay. nice rooms. yes, a bungalow. Good hath. 2 nice bed rooms, cement b-nsement. garage, lots of fruit, berries, rosea and shrubbery ga i nr. Nnihln-r cheap but the price S20MV $8.10 down, balance easy. Phone RllJ-32. 5O0 G A NT EN REIN AVE. $2000 2."iO CASH. nrCT i-l.nsK-lN SNAP IN CITT. 5-room. neat cottage: 50x100; paved eta.- fruit, tio. look! Near Russell st. G. C. GOLDEN BERG. Abinrton bldg. Main 4803. j3Y OWNER Immediate possession. 14- Btory t-room duiih.iw- . .. .,.-,, t. full Jot. fruit, garden, room for garage; n Kiw.lra f n.m Hawthorne car line: sac rifice at $32iK. easy terms. S25 Glenn ave. Tabor 26l3. FOR SALE LARGE HOME AND THREE ?D NEVER OCCUPIED; SIX MILKS OUT- COST 1X0.000, WANT -OFFER; p iv ATE SALE. AJ 411, OREGONIAN. 6-ROOM cottage and two lota at Seaview. and la ready to move into at once: for list of furniture and price. Inquire 3;!0 Worcester Diag. aiam joo. nun TAKES modern 5-room home, hard WOOd IlOOrS. Ill C l ' r-. vsKiiiciii. 1 ..u 111. li larae: house nearly new: located on Tibbetta St.. near 2.".th. Terms. S10U0 caan. balance monthly. Tabor 0441. 734"b:. burnside. oo. 8-room modern house, having 4 bed vnnTTia fireplace. furnace. laundrv trays; lot 4Sxl00; snap; terms. Kast .'Nil. NO BLUFF1 Selling less than cost 4 years ago; must leave the city; 6-room modern hon.e- fireplace: 5 blocks Franklin high snhooir 2i00, some terms. See It. Mar shall 1022. I 4-ROOM modern, double-constructed house. rarden. 100; terms. B315 C3d ave. S. E. Phone Tasor 431S. IRVINGTON bungalow, between Brazce and Knoll, oaa iimii.. i.wij ljuibii. moms sleeping porch, garage. S7000. Neuhausen. Main 8078. FURNISHED home snap; 3 bedrooms and B eeDUlB pOrCli; luiuatn I . i -1, 1 i. r-.. Thla Is a dandy buy. Will give terma Tabor 5319 morilng: evening. Main 7i31 " IRVINGTON. 6-room bungalow, up-to-date in every respect: now vacant, jv quica possession. ' 1 . .1 17 ... 1 1 1 11 3 ( .IU. .Tl 1 1 , ' 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 ' . IRVINGTON. ' v... amhatantial modern 7-room res! dence. 8th at., near Stanton. Donald Macleod, 1001-Z Braiding bldg. vaq RALE by owner, 4-room modern cot tige, full-siMd attic lot 60x208 ft 1 bearing fruit trees. Derries garuen. net 2GO0. 5515 5d ave. S. L. -ROOM HOUSE. $2000. TP, 30th and Burnside ets. : newl tainted, ln fine shape. East 2871. s'OR SALE by owner, three 7-room houses. located at corner i -i ' ' "1.1 Call East 402 or 8ia Kaat Asn at. IRVINGTON. 6-room house, cheap at S420O; good neighborhood. McDonell. .cast 41VI. IF YOU WANT A BUNGALOW either furnished or unfurnisher, see WOODCOCK.. 200 HENRY BLDG. BEAUTIFUL home with a lots for owner; reasonable. East 287. sale by REAL ESTATE. For Sole Housea. WALKING TMSTANCE. $3650. Very desirable, modern llttle; home of 5 rooms and bath. 871 K. Irving at., near 2Slh; hardwood floors: living room, reception hall, dining room, kitchen on 1st floor, 2 bedrooms and bath on 2d: full cement basement, stationary tubs, splendid 50xlOO lot. 2 big bearing cherry tre-s. line garden, dandy garage, paved street (paid); a very nice neighborhood, con venient to stores, churches, school, etc., and Jur a nice walk over town and saves 8-cent carfares. Leaving Portland: will sell for .".6M. $10OO cash, balance like rent: Immediate possession. This is a "spick and span" little home in very best of condition. Can at 871 E. Irving st. or phone Main 5073. No agents. BrNC.AT.OW AT A SACRIFICE. - Owner called to Suit a rwl mn.r rlflce for quick sale beautiful 8-room buncalow-type house near 37th St.: has hardwood floors on dining and living rooms, fireplace and lovelv buffet, bulli ln bookcases. Dutch kitchen. to. bad rooms and bath on around floor, two rooms and Large Bleeping porch upstairs. See owner. 1115 Clinton il $1000 will handle. - RED HOT IRVTNGTON SNAP. $eooo. Attractive strictly modem I tory 6-room home with lots of room for garase. located on N. E. cor. E. 12th and Hancock sts. Just repainted and decorated in side and out and a real bargain. Call owner. Tabor 43S. SlOO DOWN. Balance $15 a month and Interest, for a four-room cottage on a 50x100 lot In a good neighborhood; here is your cnance to beat the H. out of the c. or L. Look it over at 1557 West anna. And don't wait. Price $1100. Mahonoy. COE A. McKEXNA CO, 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. Evenings, Columbia 63S. fftSOO IRV1NC3TON" HOMF $6.V0. On Eart 17th et.. near Thompson. fine rooms, large sleeping ponh. fin Ished attic, full cement basement wirh Fox, furnace; fireplace, sunroom, eastern oak floors with inlaid borders. If you need 4 or more sleeping rooms and a Large living room this home will pleas you. The houpe Is too la rye for me. and I have priced it very low for a quick sale. Inspection invited. Call East 24:G. PIEDMONT NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH. Very pleasant 7 -room house on Cleve land avenue on a fine lot with lota of fruit; living room, dining room, kitchen, one bedroom downstairs. 3 bedrooms and bath on second floor. Full cement base ment, furnace. 45uu with S10O0 cash. MacTNNES PRATT. Broadway la.. 2O9-210 Oregon bldg. COMPLETELY FURNISHED Stt-JOO. 4-room bungalow with sleeping porch. In good neighborhood. East St. Johns, on car line; excellent furniture; 4ixio0 lot and a garage; $000 down. This is sweet. Mfthonev. COE A. McKKNNA CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4.V22. ETvenlngs. Columbia FOR SAT.E Fine 2-B room flat bldg.. close ln on east sid- 1 blk. from R. c. P. car. with fireproof garage. This building Is modern and in fine condition: hard-enr- face St.. bonded indebtedness all piid. Price $7000. $2000 cash, balance easy terms. 6 per cent. Income H5 month. V'lll net you 13 per cent on purchase price. If int-r?3ted call 407 V. S. Nat. Bank bldg. O. W. T. Muellhaupt & Co. C. E. Adams, Broadway 3S3S. JUST WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR. One of those nice 6-room bungalows in Sunnyside. 2 lots, hard surface streets and city improvements, all In; for only $3200; east side. One of those large, comfortable mod ern homes on upper College street for only $r.."i0O; west side. J. B. HOLBROOK. 214-213 Panama bid. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY PARK. C1ASST. MODERN BUNGALOW. S roomy rooms, breakfast nook with modern tables and aoata; all modern builtlns. Iinianed in old ivory white en amel, tapestry paper. Full lot. all im provements ln and paid, close to car, very fine location. low price, liberal terms. Owner Tabor 2H2. VACANT. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. WALKING DISTANCE. EAST SIDE. 30S MULTNOM H ST.. NEAR UNION. 8 ROOMS. MODERN. GASI'O FUR NACE. GARAGE. FINE BASEMENT, ATTIC: "l00. TERMS. POINDEXTER. SOS SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1SOO. RESIDENCE E A ST 6771. OWNliH LAURBLHURST. Just com pleted the most modern a-room bungaww tn the city. Hardwood floors. French doors. tile bath. fireplace. breakfast nook, glass knoba: Yale locks. Interna tional furnace: garage with solid ce ment run and front porch. 1 block to car. 1225 E. Flandera. Well-r. Tab. 8743. L tl"REI.lli"RST. VACANT. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. STRICTLY MODERN HI Nli A LOW : HARDWOOD FLOrtKS. C.ASCO FUR NACE, GARAGE: f5l0. TERMS 2500 CASH. BALANCK MONTHLY. PuINDEXTEH. - SELLING BLDG. M V1N lSKll. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. HEIGHTS. VERY FINE HOME. CORNER LOT EVERY CONVENIENCE: THREE 1UTHS, HOT WATER HEAT. GA RAGE; SHOWN ONLY BY APPOINT MENT. POINDEXTFR. 20 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1SOO. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. SEVERAL GREAT BTTTS IN IRVINGTON COLONIALS AROUND $10.1100. Other bargains at f 20.000 and at S5000, Some will exchange for smaller. R. T. STREET. Irvington Agent. East 894. PHYSICIANS. NOTICE; IRVINGTON PALATIAL HOME. lOOxluO corner, 13 rooms, 9 bedrooms. x-JOOO worth t-t carpeta go with house; Investigate price and terms: fine for F'-ritarium. Mr. Delahunty, 270a Stark , . Main 1700. ROSE CITY bungalow, six rooms, large unfinished alllc. cemeni basement. dandy grounds, roses, fruit and shrub bery. Dutch kltehen and fireplace, no hardwood floors or furnace: best buy In Rom City; price S4IM1II. casn required $1700. balance easy terms. Apply owner, 439 E. 64th St. N. IRVINGTON COLONIAL BUNGALOW, 73fK) $20(tO CASH. From owner. 731 East lhth N.: 6 per fect rooms: tapestry paper, ivory, tire place, bookcases, built-ins. h. w. floors. linoleum, laundry, equipped, young trees, shrubs, garage. East 41. BARGAINS. Magnificent 8-room house. Irvington hMt ln.-ation: hardwood lloors through' out; every convenience: $1000 cash, $100 per month: just right small family. East 273. Herdman. A SNAP SEE THIS. $3600 will take my new 7-room mod ern bungulow with two lots If taken at once; terma. See owner. Take Wood stock car to 52d st. 5104 0:uh ave. S. E. BEAUTIFUL 7-room home and sleeping porch, moaern in every reapcci. ji 100. east front, lawn, rosea and garden, close to school, walking distance to Jefferson high. Call Wdln. 4624. PIEDMONT home; cor. lot. I'M) ft.; 8 beautiful rooms. . urepiaces. not water heat, living room 2Sx28; owner will sell thta house for of Its cost of con- struction. East 8015. I.AURELHURST. By owner, modern 7-room home and sleeping porch, with every convenience; a large garage. You can see It any time you like. 1S8 Laurelhurst ave. REEDWAY S ROOMS ONLY $2SOO. Owner must sell. See and make offer: near car: excellent condition. Some terms. ImmeUiale possession. Marshall 1 022. isno AM leavmg city: will sacrifice 5 room bungalow on fine lot: lots of roses and fruit; fine chicken coop. Call own er. Automatic 213-30. or write AO 714. Oregonian. S4iMo IF SOLD by Survday; 914 Francis ave.. 8 rooms. garage under house; terms. Owner. F. Ahendroth. 146 Broad- FOR SALE3 Lot and unfinished house on Willamette blvd., 603 West Burr street. South St. John. By owner. $2100, terms. Phone Automatic 21166 A NEW 7-room Dun-galow witn garaRe, Just completed, $73UO. $15uO 219-65. facing laurelhurst park; cash required. Phone AN exceptionally well-built modern house, 7 rooms, hardwood floors, furnace, full lot, $4.--oo. $1500 cash. East 5771'. 6-ROOM modern home: fine lot, garage space; paved street; terms. 3U8 E. 35th. Owner. East 741. FOR SALE 6-room modern house, wen built. In Sellwood. by owner. Wd. 4219. MODERN 5-room bungalow. Willa Hla. Call owner. Mam 3494, REAL ESTATE. For Sale -lloua a.fHRN.ISHED BUNGALOW. r..rWit.Tic ?rroora bungalow with good furniture room has nice fire E !f an . ,len' w,tb- built-in bookcases, f Si-?.tfociri.c. ""urea, dining room h;n. buff.t wlth u lat8 mlat9. VZl bem celling; two large liunc bedrooms w,th bath between; Dutch i e-". bite. half cement basement hV?H' furnace, garage, lot 40xlOil. fSi. I.!!"" now going In. J40O0. $1000 cash. $so month. Including Inter I'Vv. 7 PJT" "nt- - w- Muellhaupl B' d!,m' 07 V. S. NatioaJ I. , RECHERCHE h.,?. Bn T ?ori describe this lovety bungalow of ave rooms and sleeping PV'.' " rooma large and commodious: , wood ors. built-ins Installed by viJV, 1."ira,lsman: French doors: lot ..iimuo. with various fruits; big chiclusa ?,?',.. 1 foncr'e basement: here Is. m our honest nmnmn .. -. i . ed home;b,,y47M?'ne,i- "."- j j , , " " , ' i .in i j consiruct- . Alp. MahonrT. COE A. McKENXa a CO.. 82 Fourth at. Main 4522. Columbia CIS evenings. "t COLONIAL HOME. i.JJ Pe.most. hutiful residence In Tort f. 'i.'"' choicest view; "elusive local room": a" "ocrs; every con- KW able. conv-n'ence: 3 tile fireplaces. X !UEV.. 0t Ta,'r heat- two 'eepln R?. ".Quartered mahofrany woodwork. .r,il3":'.. concrete Karate, servants' 2 r.3 Wlth balh- ful1 tllu- Phone lor appointment. ABLI.NUTOK HEIGHTS 130.000. ' ,. Mr. Mahoney. '"- COB A. McKKNNA & CO, - 82 Fourth St. '- - Main RS71. KXCLUSrVEI NOB HILIa HOMB wJ'5,'yerr,hjn5 tnt Ton would !ip? f'ud ln ono of Portland's oest 10-rm. homes. Including U porch, tarapj, h. w. doors. 2 baths, on 60xlH lou l--ruit, H block from car.or tirst-class barsaui. carl Tabor 30S9. J;o agenta. FOR SALE Beautiful XL t strlcted district; strictly modern 9-roont roeidence; four bedrooms and closed-tl "P"'f Vorch, large living room wita nfAdeP llrcP?e. large, attractive l.,"? Z"."1? buitet and chlt.a cloaet. Uutch kitchen, clothes chutes, two corni p.ete bathrooms, large closeta and cedar store room, hardwood floors, full cement driveway and basement, eiceilent ta rage; improvements all paid; 112.SOO. terms. Mouse alone could not be dupli cated for this amount. Tabor 3S9T HAWTHORNE. PRICE $3S00. 5-room bungalow, fireplace. built-Ws, ' . " ""ellric ugnt. tioored at tic, run cement basement, paved atrcet. I'.X- onfblock o car line; place worth $4200; will ell on best term. f.-..i a" ,fr.,;rlc at l Fourth. Phoai Marshall 3S;i8. B.RAIN $4500 BARGAIN. $J0O0 DOWN, BALANCE LIKE REVT; Noarly new modern bungalow; white enamel finish, built-ins, big Dutch kitch--en. line bathroom, flrenlace. latest elec tric fixture, large lot 60x100. bearing fruit trees, roses and flowers; one biocat from Klllingsworth. near car and Ockloy Green school. Call Mrs. TrestraiL, Woodlawn 31S3. . LAURILHl'HST SNAP 7 nice, large rooms and sleeping porc"h Just east of park; full basement, f u--naco. fireplace, lota of built-inj,, eastern oak f.oors down. This is the biggest bargain in Laure'.hurst; price $oOOO. See J. A. McCarty, E. 3lith and Uisan-C4. office. Tabor 3433; Sunday and eve nings. Tabor 5057. BUY FROM OWNER Lovely home nea Westover Terraces: 8 rooms, modern hardwood floors, sleeping porch ivorv Dutch kitchen: lot 52x110 feet: fruit ir.T.a. i-crnes. Krapes ana flowerni grounds and location ideal: five minutes' walk to Montgomery Ward's store 101O Thurman st. Phone Main 5072. ' " ONLY $1504. ! Here Is an opportunity to get a nlty little bungalow on corner lot 50xlO4; hard-surfai-e street; 4 rooms. 2 nice ap ple trees in yard; only Jot) down and house vacant. PACIFIC REALTY. M 847 49 Spalding Bldg. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE A-very comfortable 6 rooms and sleep ing porch, house located on E. Davis St., near 5Sd, lot 00x100, large porches, both front and rear; lots of fruit trees: now vacant. Price (2750 if sold this weak SSliO will handle. See J. A. McCarty at E. 30th and Gllsan-sla. office. Tanor 343:1; evenings and Sunday. Tabor 5j57. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into income? We design and build upartments, ga rages, residences, anything: furnish plans and finance. Established 10 vi-nra We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SATIsl FACTION. L. R. liailey Co., Inc.. 91 N. W. Bank bldg. UNBELIEVABLE. $3250. $1850 cash, very easy terms on the balance; 5 rooms, modern. In first class condition, complete hot-water heat, ing system, good garage and poultry house, large auic, 4ftxluO lot, close to car. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. BY OWNER Five-room bungalow, store house, !s acre berries, fruit trees; west side, near city limits, city delivery, wa ter, gas. electricity, paved Capital high way. Dosch station. Southern Pacific electric, 2l mlnuiea out, 6 We fare, S48uti terms. lan8130; im.-.o R. C. PARK; almost new., partly furnished; bath. gaa. electricity, largo corner lot. part cash, balance 6 per cent: move right in: some distance out. but fine chance for honest man with t60O to get nice little home; good neigh borhoou. near school. Owner. Tabor 2078. A REAL home -for I5850 In the most de sirable part of Rose City Park, consist ing of a modern six-room bungalow, beautiful shrubbery, fruit trees and be-. riea; must be seen to be appreciated; by owner at a reasonable price. 443 E. 52d st. N. Tabor 5141. - IRVINGTON CAU. Brand-new ft-room bungalow, strictly modern, furnace, hardwood floors, butlt 1ns. etc.: all street Improvements In and paid; $050 cash will handle it; move right in. Phone owner. East 4000. TWO FOR ONE PRICE. $2700. $500 cash, $30 monthly and in. terest, buys two 5-room houses with bath and toilet, gas, electric lights. I block from Sellwood car. Fred W. lier . man Co., 732 Chamber ef Commerce.- .. SUBSTANTIALLY built 7-room house at a price offering splendid investment; trees, shrubs, pleasant locality, east sldn. near Willamette blvd. - Owner. 131 w. Wygantst. ' ' - JfiOllO WILL BUY Rose City Park furnished bungalow, - 5 rooms, sleeping porch, garage, tine lawjt and trees. See owner on premisea. 510 E. 44th North. Tabor 2sol. HAWTHORNE CLOSE IN VACANT. $320t Nearly new. double-constructed 5-room bungalow, newly painted tinted; fuil lot. paved street. 1U68 K. Lincoln, near Marguerite. : 3-RM. plastered house, 2 blocks from car; berries and fruit; this can't be beat for the money; compelled to sell; $1000, $300 down. Auto. 261-3 1. Lents 3'.'21. ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS 6-room spacious bungalow; every convenience, nice sleep ing porch and fireplace, large grouafls, beautiful location. BROOKE. Mar. 4827. 541 Montgomery drive, west end Elm st,. MOVE RIGHT IN TODAY. Brand new four-room bungalow, near Union ave. and Piedmont; $:t.".o ca-U will handle it. Phone, owner. East 40'.o. WEST SIDE. Lot 50x100. on Overton St.; two houses income $3-" per month; price X4SOo! Owner, Tabor 6168. i FOR SALE 1O02 Vancouver ave., 5-room bungalow-, double construction, built. in conveniences, improvements: no indebt edness; garage. Wdin. 1231. BY OWNER. '" GRAND AND BROADWAY. '---', o-room coiiuunapie ninutjrn noma. 344 Grand ave. N. East 42M7. SlOoo cash.- ATTR ACTIVE bungalow, just about com pleted; two large lots, garden in; $2ol, easy terms; near Council Crest. Al4r. 5210. PIEDMONT. Strictly modern 0-room house; bol water beat, exclusive district. Woodlawn 1S7. $400 MODERN 4-room house, close In ; fine condition: paved street; about 00 cash. Phone Wd. SSflft. $15O0 DOWN will give you possession of a new Rose City Park bungalow. Call owner, Tabor 7247. I AM leaving citv this week: will giVe someone big bargain in Irvlncton colonial home If taken at once. Tabor 2076" MODERN 5-room bungalow with garage, on paved street near Alberta car; price $2750. terms. 1063 E. 13th st. N. . 6-ROOM house for sale by owner, located on car line; bargain Phone Main 9'.I7. t HOMKS . 1 IRVINGTON From $7000-$2J.OOf. McDo-iell. East 419.1 FOR SALE FINE MODERN HOME.! ROSE CITY PARK. PHONE 312-79. $1700 4-room furnished housG. lot IJ-is1! 100: berries: terma Tabor 2213. I ROSE CITY bunralow. modern; tr.ove'in;i furnished ; $2.Q". T:ibor Otto. , s 5 ACRES, close in, cheap. Edwin Jaoob-! son. 71S Spalding bids. Main 5U12. j 3 J : -0