Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 18, 1920, Page 13, Image 13

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Board to Make Decisions at
Conference Thursday.
director Thomaa Slakes Report on
Trip liast for Purchase of
School iMjulpment.
Bids for the construction of 14 ad
ditional portable school building's of
one and two rooms each, and totaling
2J additional rnorna for the city school
system, were opened yesterday after
noon by the school board at Its regru
lar semi-monthly meeting at 4 o'clock.
N awards wers made. The motion
to tabulate the bids and consider
them at a conference next Thursday
was carried.
Bids for portable buildings in the
following: school districts were called:
Two-room buildings, Arleta, East
moreland. Failing. Fernwood. Kerns.
Lents, Sabin, Shaver. Stephens; sln-Rle-room
buildings, Beaumont, East,
Laurelhurst, Llewellyn, Woodlawn.
Bids were submitted by elht con
cerns. A. Teller and B. T. Allen pre
sented the low -figure of $42,880.
Other bids ranged from J46.968.7S to
Kour new teachers were elected
and the resignations of several others
were accepted. Two received leave of
absence for one year. The newly
elected teachers are: Carl S. Zoolt,
principal of the Atkinson school:
Jacob Jordan, assistant in the physics
department at Benson Polytechnic;
Maurice K. Post, assistant In biology
and athletics, Lincoln high: Nelson K.
Llkins. machine shop. Washington
high. Miss Margaret Perceful. Arleta
school, and Miss Kdith Forbes. Arleta
school, each received a year's leave
of absence, the former because of ill
health and the latter in order to take
advanced work at the University of
HcMlKna-tionn Are' Accepted.
Resignations of Miss Virginia Not
tingham. Hawthorne school, and Miss
Marion Schneider.. Lincoln high, were
accepted. A motion that the school
board meet half the cost of increas
ing the salary of H. C. Seymour, state
club leader, from $2100 to $2100, was
adopted. Half of Mr. Seymour's sal- J
& .. i v.. .1.4 , V, n awii.ii II lira 1 nnl. !
lege and half by the school district.
Claims aggregating $432,774.64.
presented by R. H. Thomas, school
clerk, were allowed, and a motion
was adopted favoring the construc
tion of a. concrete "idewalk through
the Creston school yard. A committee
was named to decide on the location
of the walk.
It was reported that the board now
holds title to all of blocks 7 and 8
In Riverside, abutting on Brainard
street, between Denver and Concord
streets, and the board authorised the
proper .tops for the vacation of that
portion of Brainard street dividing
the school properly in order that the
school yard will not be cut in two.
Thfs property will be known as the
Beach school.
Mr. Thomas Makes Report.
George B. Thomas, who has iust
returned from the ei3'.. where he
purchased machinery for the Benson
school, made a brief report, and. the
board approved the employment of
Captain W. E. Palmer, one of the
chief clerks In the surplus division
of the army at Washington, to rep
resent the school board for one
month. Captain Palmer will endeavor
to purchase valuable government
equipment for the school board under
the Caldwell act of congress. A sum
of $500 for salary and $5 a day travel
ing expenses was appropriated by the
fcoard for Captain 'Palmer.
While in the east Mr. Thomas, with
Captain Palmer, visited depots of sur
plus army material at Columbus. O.,
Sharon. Pa., Pittsburg. Baltimore.
Washington, Buffalo. Cleveland. To
ledo, Detroit and Chicago, and ar
ranged to purchase lathes and other
machinery for the Benson school.
These purchases, together with ad
ditional machinery to be obtained by
Captain Palmer, will be assembled at
Chicago by the Transcontinental For
warding company and shipped to
Portland, thus saving considerable
money in freight charges, Mr. Thomas
It will be impossible for the school
board to secure linotype machines
or printing equipment from the gov
rnment, Mr. Thomas reported.
Landing Pln-e Obtained for Planes
in Forest Patrol Work.
SALEM, Or.. June 17. (Special.)
I. A. Klliott, state forester, returned
today from Bend, where he obtained
an emergency landing field to be used
by aviators engaged In patrolling the
forests of central Oregon during the
approaching fire season. The field
contains several hundred acres and is
located near Crane prairie. Another
emergency field will be located
short distance south of Mount Jeffer
son, according to Mr. Elliott.
Mr. Elliott says all plans have been
completed for the season's patrol
service, and that the planes will be
In actual operation by June 25.
Will to Shrlners at Centralia.
CENTRAL! A, Wash., June 17.
"(Special.) White Shrlners from all
parts of southwest Washington were
i.. .-....., i - . .j - . i ....
1 1 v-pii i i m i w ii tv j in kilciiu a, cere
monial by the Judea White Shrine of
this city. This afternoon a reception
for the visitors was held In the Ma
sonic hall, and at 8 o'clock a dinner
was held at the Hotel Centralia for
Mrs, Emma Love, deputy supreme
high priestess, and assisting officers
from Tacoma. The ceremonial was
held this evening In tha Oddfellows'
ball. A class of GO candidates was
Initiated, ,
Read The Oreeronlan clussH fieri ads.
Homely and Aged Faces
Now Easily Beautified
Th irtalnst facet made beautiful and
the complexions of good-looklnc women
Improved oidiah faros made young and
putty, blemished and weather-soiled faces
ntario apotlesa. whit and satiny In .less
than two weeks, by a very simple and
tiarmless process that acts almost like a
tniracle! This is all there Is to It: Ordt.
nary mercollsed wax, procurable at any
drugstore (one ounca will do). Is applied
nightly like cold cream, and washed off
mornings This gradually peels off tilt
lifeless particles ef surface skin, permit
ting the underlying skin to show Itself.
The newer, fresher skin, when wholly in
evidence, forms a complexion which for
beauty and youthtulness is Incomparable
with one produced by ether mean. A
complexion so natural, so free frem arti
ficiality, no ore guesses the secret of Its
acquirement. Vou'il not regret trying this
Don't Fail to Attend American Legion Minstrels and Overseas Revue at Baker Theater June 18, 19 20 Tickets For Sale at Theater Box Office. ij:
Piactically Every Department of This Store Has Joined in This Great Double Event, Of fering Bargains Which Mean Notable Savings Look to Your Present and Future Needs!
1000 Trading
jriven with every Hoover or Sweeper-Vac
Electric Cleaner sold this week. Telephone
for demonstration in your own home!
11 TO 2
- The Standard Store of the Northwest
Olds, Wortman S? Kin
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Kodak Service .
We do developing, printing, enlarging and
color work. Films left at 11 A. M. ready
for delivery at 5 P. M. the same day. Com
plete stock of Kodaks, Cameras, Films and
supplies. Department on the Main Floor.
"Keep Your Kodak Busy"
Women's High -Class Suits
Second Floor This is a group of beautiful
suits selected from our regular stock.
This season's very smartest fashions and
hardly two just alike in the entire as
sortment. In this great sale there are
Gabardine Suits
Serge Suits
Velour Suits
Tweed Suits
Tricotine Suits
Sport models with belted back and flare
peplums, semi-tailored and box effects
with narrow belts. Tuxedo, roll and notch
ed collars. Many of these have fancy ves
tees and are trimmed with braids, buttons
and fancy stitching. Sizes (POQ QQ
16 to 46. Priced special, at j507.0
Sport and Outing
duroy, with skirt and breeches Wool Khaki Suits with
skirt or breeches Black-and-White Checked Suits with
tailored collar, belt and peg-top breeches. All the very
latest styles. Prices range from $15.70 to $32.50
Cotton Khaki " Coats in Norfolk and flare styles.
Some with corduroy collars. Priced $3.05 to $7.50
Cotton Khaki Skirts in divided or habit back styles
with sport pockets. Prices range $3.95 to $6.00
Khaki Breeches in peg-top style with laced bottoms
and buttoned pockets. Also Breeches of corduroy and
wool. Prices start at $3.50 and range up to $10.95
Middy Blouses of cotton, or wool
khaki. Also the new Middy Shirt with
convertible collar $3.25 to $7.95
Leggings, all styles $1.75-$2.50
Outing Hats at $1.50 to $2.50
Second Floor Ideal for camp and
outing wear. Of khaki or blue denim.
Long sleeves, sport pockets. Prices
start at $4.50 and range to $7.50
Imported, Domestic
Main Floor Here you will find a
large and complete showing of
standard lines in Perfumery and
Toilet Watersatreasonable prices.
Now is a good time to supply
your needs for the summer
Houbigant's Roger & Galet
Piver's Djer Kiss Pinaud's
Coley's Richard Hudnut's Col
gate's Maurine Melba Will
terns' Palmer's, and many other
well-known makes, are in stock.
Drug Department
Main Floor
Special Showing
Imported Natural
The season of Sport and Outing
Apparel is at hand, and with it
comes an increasing demand for
Pongee Silk on account of its great
serviceability. Today we shall fea
ture a special showing of this ma
terial in weights suitable for men's
suits, net's shirts, women's
dresses, waists, etc., at prices
ranging $1.39 to $4.50 a yard.
Silk Department
Main Floor
Choose Any Girl's Coat
And now for a quick
clearaway of Girls' Coats!
Every model in stock will
go on eale Friday and
Saturday at PRICE.
Latest styles. Ages 2 to
14. Broken range of sizes.
Sale Prices
Georgette Waists at $3.98
i On Sale at Center Circle, 1st Floor
Main Floor A very low price indeed, for such pretty Waists, and only that the
lot is composed of short lines, you would be obliged to pay much more for
them. Dozens of dainty styles many are beautifully embroidered, or beaded
and others are trimmed with braids and plaitings. Flesh, white and CO QQ
two-tone effects. Sizes from 36 to 46 in the sale. Priced special DO,JJ
$ 9.50
Coats at
Coats at
Coats at
Coats at
Coats at
Coats at
Coats at
Coats at
Coats at
Coats at
Itli ! Mis
2000 Men's Madras Shirts
) Your Choice
t"C H "I W. ft
Main Floor
$49.50 Coats at $24.75
All Girls' Suits Reduced Vs
Broken Lines One or Two of a Kind
Second Floor Choose any Girl's Suit in our stock Friday and Saturday at
just off regular price. Lines are broken, therefore in many cases there is
but one or two of a style and size. Latest 1920 styles. SHOP EARLY!
Girls' Silk Dresses at $19.85
Silk Dresses $24.50
Second Floor Girls' Silk Dresses in
the popular plaids. Many pretty
color combinations. Also a lew in
checks. Ages 12 to in
termediate. Special at
Second Floor Small group of Girls'
Silk Dresses in the season's best
styles. Only one or two of each.
Ages from 12 to inter- CJQI PA
mediate. Priced only Ds.DU
Main Floor A rare opportunity for Portland men to lay in a good supply
of Shirts for the summer season at a substantial saving. A fortunate pur
chase enables, us to offer 2000 Madras Shirts fresh, clean new stock at
the above low price. As every man knows, madras v material is OF
unsurpassed for appearance and service. Dozens of neat patterns fDdmOtJ
Men's $1.50 and $2.00 Ties at 95c
Men's $1.25 Silk Hose 73c
Main Floor Men's Ties over 1500
of them in a great 2 Days' Sale.
Beautiful range of new patterns in
all the desirable colorings. Regular
$1.50 and $2.00 values, on Qr
special sale for 2 days; at itJC
Main Floor Men's Fancy Silk Hose
and Silk Lisle Hose vertical and
horizontal striped effects; many dif
ferent patterns and colors. HQp
Regular $1.25 grade; only
Ask for Green Trading Stamps.
Odd Lines of Boys' Suits
$6.65 and $8.85
Main Floor Broken assortment of
sizes. Junior Suits, ages 5 to 8 and
a few Norfolks and straight pant
Suits in sizes 15, 16 and 17. Mostly
in dark mixtures. Fine for P? ? P"
vacation wear. Special at DJvJJ
Main Floor Boys' Suits in a broken
assortment of sizes 9 to 17. Made
up in fancy mixtures in dark serv
iceable colors. Full cut. Pants full
lined. Don't fail to see JQ QfT
these. Priced special at DO.OtJ
Boys' Wash Suits $3.50 to $12.50
Bargain Circle, First Floor Special
lines of Women's Undermuslins of
fered at reduced prices for today.
Supply your needs FOR LESS!
Gowns $1.35
Women's Muslin Night Gowns in
slip-over style. Trimmed with lace
or embroiderey. Kimona or set-in
sleeves. Extraordinary (P'l OCC
values. Priced special at 0J-.Jtl
Night Gowns of white J0 fkO
cotton crepe. Special at JJW.UO
Pique Petticoats
At $1.13
Women's White Pique Petticoats
finished with scalloped fl"! 10
flounce. Priced special at DX.J0
Women's White Sateen Petticoats
with adjustable waist- fl" pTQ
hand. Priced soecial at DA.Ji
1500 Yards of Filet Laces
Special 9c Yard
Main Floor Filet Cotton Laces 2 inches wide. Edges and Bands to match.
Just such laces as are in constant demand for curtains, fancy work, under
wear, etc. This is one of the most important lace offerings we have an
nounced this season and you will say so, too, when you see what won- Q
derful values they are. Well worth 12 Me. Priced very special; yard
40-Inch Printed Chiffon Cloth
Special at $1.59 Yard
Lace Department, Main Floor Many women are partial to Chiffon Cloth on
account of its good wearing qualities and rich appearance. Several hundred
yards in this special offering. Full 40 inches wide. Beautiful printed pat
terns light and dark grounds. Much used for dresses, waists, CQ
blouses, etc. Shop early and get first choice. Priced special; yard 3i.J7
Real Filet Laces at V4 Off
Main Floor. Beautiful Filet Laces, Edges and Insertions in narrow trim
ming and collar widths. Large assortment of pretty patterns. Specially
priced for Friday's selling at substantial reduction of ONE-FOURTH OFF.
$18 to $35 Summer Hats
Second Floor -New Georg
ette Crepe Hats in many
pretty colors. White Milans,
Novelty Silk Hats, Leghorn
Hat6, Maline Hats charm
ing new mid-summer styles
for street and sport wear.
Fresh ehipment bought un
derprice. Choice of about 100
Hats. $18.00 to d" K Ail
$35.00 values at tDAO.UU
100 Trimmed Hats at Half Price
White Georgette Hats $10
Trimmed Hats at $ 6.25
Trimmed Hats at $ 7.50
Trimmed Hats at $ 8.75
Trimmed Hats at $10.00
Trimmed Hats at $11.25
Trimmed Hats at $12.50
Second Floor Just in New White
Hats of Georgette Crepe in the
latest styles. These are especially
desirable for Rose Festival wear,
50 in the lot. Specially
priced for this sale; at
iv.v? a I J J A .V.Vi i nit
CASSEROLES similar to above
sketch. ' Neat silver-plated pierced
frame. Bright finish. On fljf 7fT
special sale today; only tDvJ.lO
BREAD TRAYS in attractive
shape with pierced border design.
Sheffield plate. Burnish- &A fA
ed. Priced very special 3x.Uvl
plated, with fancy handle. 4 Q
Special for June Sale; each t
MUSTARD JARS of, engraved
glass with silver-plated cover and
glass spoon. Priced special ACkf
for the June Sale at only VKy
Silverware Dept., Third Floor.
Women's 50c Handkerchiefs
Special 39c Each
Get a good supply of
these, for they are excep
tional values even at the
regular price 50c. Scal
loped edge Swiss Maderia
Handkerchiefs in eyelet
and floral one-comer em
broidery effects. Many
dainty patterns to select
from. Our regular OQ
50c (trade at. each O' V
Hemstitched Handkerchiefs
Priced Special at 10c
Main Floor Women's Hemstitched Handkerchiefs with -inch hems.
These are shown in full tiize and have fine linen finish. 100 dozen. " f
1200 Handkerchiefs in the lot. Priced very special at, each XUl
Slip-On Veils, Special. 10c Each
Drape Veils, 65c, 95c
Main Floor Women's Adjustable
Slip-On Veils easy to put on and
easy to take pff. Full size.- and
good elastic band. Shown in' black
and brown. Regular 15c, - fin
2 for 25c priced special at --vJl
Main Floor Women's Drape Veils
in black, brown and navy. Latest
styles for ' motoring and street
wear. Shetland finish. Two espe
cially good lines are featured for
Friday at only 65 and 95
New Fancy Mesh Easy-On Veils at 35S 50, 65 and 75 each.
Trimmed Hats $2.98
Basement Millinery Sale
What woman would go with
out a becoming hat when she
can choose one at $2.98? The
Basement Millinery will place
on sale Friday and Saturday 200
Hats at. about half price. Tai
lored and Banded Hats in white,
navy, brown and black. Large
hats, colonials; turbans, etc.
Some are trimmed with flowers
and wreaths.
!Your Choice
We Guarantee It
to be the most economical and
the best quality coffee you can
buy, try a can and you will
never use any other brand.
Buy M.J.B. Coffee
in the 5-lb. size and save money.
53c Lb.
In the 5-Pound Size
$2.65 Can
Phone Your Order
Model Grocery, 4th Floor
Special Sale of
Brown Sheeting, 2 yards wide.
Good heavy grade. Specially HQn
priced for today's selling, yard 'OC
Brown Sheeting, 2V4 yards wide.
Good heavy grade. Specially QO
priced for today's selling, yard Ov
Bleached Sheeting,' 2 yards QO,
wide. On sale today at, yard
Bleached Sheeting, 2- 'yards QO
wide. Priced special; a yard fOl
lltl I. . . M V J 1
really marvelous utftimenU'-'Attv.