. i. 1G THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, . JUNE 17, 1920 i i - '. - - - ! V. 1 1 t t ' -1 v. BEAL ESTATE. PACIFIC AGENCY INC, M4-'J0 S wet land Bids. Phone Marshall SUSa. IRVING TON'. 0-room modern house. has hardwood f loom, fireplace, fine furnace and very fine built-in features. Rooms are all good lre and nicely arranged. House in perfect condition outside and in. Just like new. Too large for the present owner. Price $J."0; one half cash. To see this place call us up and arrange for an ap pointment. PACIFIC AGENCY INC, 61 4 -JO Swetland Bldg. ALBERTA. $3500 This is another one of ur exceptional Alberta buys. Double constructed bungalow, fire place, furnace, hardwood floors, paneled dining room, bedrooms, bath and kitchen finished in white enumpl ; full cement basement. Utundry trays, everything in ex cellent condition, two blocks from the car; $1400 cash. PACIFIC AGENCY INC, M-4-..0 Swetland Bldg. WOSK CITY PARK BARGAIN. 5-room bungalow with large floored, attic, reception hall, living room and dintnc room: has maDle floors, fine fire place with bookcases and nice buffet. Dutch kitchen in white, two large bed rooms and bath downstairs, full cement basement, cement floor, new pipe less 1 urn re. laundry tub. hard surface dux 100 lot. nice lawn, garage. Price $."0K), $1,000 cash, balance easy terms. O. W. T. ML'ELLHAUPT & CO., C. E. Adams. 407 U. S. Natl. Bank Bldg, Bdwy. US.'SS. Res. Wdln. 3433. COTXNT A Is ROM E. Verr attractive, massed with flowers arched, pergola, sunroom draoed with vines ; hall, living, dining and sun room can be thrown into one attractive room f hroiiKh une of French doors; 3 bed rooms, sleeping porch all in ivory, hard wood floors, hot -water heat : built five years, by day labor: curtains, silk drap ery free; now vacant; only $0350. Mo agents. ast 2347. NOB HILL BARGAINS. Modern 8-rm. home with sleep ing porch. Restricted district, west side. Fireplace, furnace, built - ins, j block to car. Trice only (7000, t'Tirifl. .MRS. LUCIUS. TABOR 3083. ROSE CITY PARK SACRIFICE. 1 I am forced to raise money immed it iatrly and will sll at a big sacrifice I one or trie nicest ouncaiows in the dis I trict ; new hardwood floors throughout, finished in ivory and mahogany; large t at etc and garage. Jf you are looking lor a real come, sea tnis at oa IS, r&th et. In. S.N Ideal homo in Piedmont; extra large living: room, fireplace, built-in bookcases, buriots and other conveniences; large Dasement, iruit closec, porcelain tubs, line furnace, cor. lot 100x100, street im provements in and paid, near car tine and school, garage. 8 fruit, 2 English walnut trees, grapes and berries, Price Kaolin. Owner. Woodlawn 3869. A SACRIFICE. This place, close to one of best car lines In city, yields an income, and is a line small home; house has four rooms. deeping porch, all modern conveniences ten iots in all; eight planted with ber ries, grapes, fruit trees. Owner unable to care for place. Price $i.00. part cash faiance mortgage. Lee-rtobertson Co, 413 Corbett Bids. JbOlt SALE By owner. leaving city modern bungalow in Waverly Heights, o-rooma and sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen. built-ina. furnace, garage. paveu street; a diocks to carnna; im provements all in and paid lor; terms. -none laoor ioi. $4500 $4500. $1000 rash, 6 per cent, long time lor a well built 7-room house, N. W corner Division and 30th. Modern: full lot. Look it over. It's worth far more E. P. DREW, 3H4 Lumbermens Bldg. Broadway 1080. AN EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. Eleven rooms, extremely well built: beautiful grounds. 7Sxluo: close in. east side; 1 blk. to the best car line in city; I must be sold immediately. For full par- I THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. ONLY $.-,00 DOWN. Coos-looking double constructed 8- room house; hardwood floors, fireplace, I a-very ouiu-in convenience, in the very sBt or conaition insiae and out; 43X100. h-lruge. etc. hard-surface street and iter in and paid: Hawthorne district; sold by owner. Tabor 8129. CMARMING HOME. BEAUMONT. o One rooms and sleeping porch; solid I obk noors. ttuui-ins, uutcti Kitchen, full cemont basement, line lurnace. all im , provements paid; $"i7.0. $1500 cash. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6015. LAURKLHURST $6300. Beautiful 7-room home with sleeping J portu, 1.UKC iiviiik room, iuii oaaement, furnace and fireplace, hardwood floors. Hazelfern place, near Glisan. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 STARK ST. J ti.in BU NGALOW 100x100. . 5 ROOMS, comer. Woodstock car for i Twice oi oungaiow ana one lot SG500: 2- l family home. 6 rooms each, hardwood cloors, ouut-ins. is.iuingsworth. 100x100. Miss Slocomb, 624 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5473. w'lK RICHMOND BUNGALOW HOME. bix rooms, finished in old ivory and finest quality paper; a beautiful home xor someone; oak noors: only ston. S. S. PRENTISS, 615 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. , ' LAURELHURST BUNGALOwVTaND HOMES See J. A. Mccarty at S. 39th and GliKan-sts. office. Tabor 3433; evenings and Sunday, Tabor 5057. Associated with Laurelhurfet company nearly nine years. . t-iH.000 IRVINGTON. Modern. 6 rooms, hdwd. floors, fire place, built-in buffet, sleep, porch, fur- I Race: nouse iinisnea in wnite tnroueh- . out; garage. Price $09,000. Owner, 454 tit. uin ai. . rnpne ojvs-eu. " FOR SALE BY OWNER. lH-tory 7-room modern cottage with large attic, electricity, gas and laundry: linoleum on kitchen and 3 bedrooms: walking distance to town and near 3 I car lines: n-w. an Hancock St. ttJY OWNER Immediate possession. Hi story -room uuiiKatow: run Dasement. lull lot. iruit. garaen. room for garage: , 2 blocks from Hawthorne car line; sac rifice at $:1200. easy terms. 320 Glenn ave. xaDor -'tiu. ;32,Hl Walking distance, save car fare and time; six rooms, monern. now vacant. WILIiUa V. SMITH, 600 Williams Avenue. Phone East 1208. Woodlawn 5861. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. Fix rooms, full lot. modern plumbing. with sewer connection; .uixiuo lot, one block from car: only x-jk.o. easv trmM W. H. Ross. 1100 Northwestern Bank bid. 1'OR SALE LARGE HOME AND THREE ACHES or"' bltut u, ALL FURNISH ED, NEVER OCCUPIED; SIX MILES our: toi u,vuu, waini' ukpkh- PRIVATE SALE. AJ 411, OREGON IAN. $3500 TAKES modern 5-room home, hard wood tiooro, iirepiace, Dasement: rooms all large: house nearly new: located on Tlbbetts St., near 2."ith. Terms. $1000 casn. uaiance monnuy. laoor 0441. 7-ROOM modern place on 62d St.; lot 180x120, garage and barn, fruit trees ana an ainus oi oerries and garden; uai iur wmi casn. liar- lana .oi, oa Bt. f-KUOM house, close In on East Side on corner ti, nuusw nu just been painted Inside and out: all modern con veniences. Will sell fQr $5500; terms. 41S coruen mug. JEW 8-rm. bungalow, with bath, breakfast nook, full basement, gas. electricity; 9 HMauneu uruns uuii'ucei; -ou; terms. Owner, labor -ROOM modern, double-constructed house beam celling, elect, and gas. a lots iti garuen. ivrius. uia ooci ave. S. E. raone xauor luto, ot xy owner, modern 6-room .auretnurst uoiue. uoudis construction. hardwood floors, many built-lns, splen- gm lurnace. cuoice location, laoor 3555. VOR SALE by owner. 4-room modern in. tags, full-s.zed attic, lot 50x206 ft.; 13 1 bearing iruii irees. uernes. garden. Sell. 2oou. oolo oa ave. -o. S OR SALE by owner, three 7-room hout.es, located at corner Hlth and E. Ankeny. .aiL cast, otu- or DI4 cut Ain sc. HOI.'SK. 3 rooms, well built, modern con veniences: good-sized lot. on the Canyon I rnno ; i.n. Lirriiis. wain ioiv. 3BKAUT1FUL home with 2 lots for sals by owner; reasonaiue. cast .ui, 8-ROOM modern house. 291 E. 39th it.; no ayema. HAWTHORNE MT. TABOR HOMES. REAL ESTATE, ior Sale House. J. A. WICKMAN COMPANY, "Shortest Way Home. " Tears of study of local conditions, a thorough knowledge of districts, fa miliarity with values and a splendid or ganization, enable us to give you the maximum value in home-buying. $9000 Apartment flat building, about 8 years old. all in first-class condi tion, situated close in with a won derful view of the city. If you are looking for a home and would like to have an income in con nection, you will find this the most exceptional bargain to be found. If you have a medium size house, well located in the city, would consider trade pro viding it is valued at the same standard. $7800 Mt. Tabor district. 8-room. mod ern house, all built-in features, situated on spacious grounds, landscaped, overlooking the city. An exceptional buy. $3675 Combination home and business property, established grocery busi ness now on premises, has al ways been a paying proposition. This is your chance to buy a com bination home and income prop erty right. We have a bungalow in the Rose City Park district situated on ground 100x109. garage. If you are looking for a good buy, call us in regard to same at your earliest convenience and make offer on this place. BUNGALOWS. All manner of designs and sizes, sit uated In Rose Citv. Alameda. Laurel- hurst. These bungalows are under course of construction, some complete. You may have your choice of the inside fin ishing and other minor aerans wji- we will Inpornnrstfl in finishing. Why not buy a new bungalow, get the first wear? $1150 Just a dandy, little bungalow sit uated on a corner lot. This bun galow Is under the course of con KinirHnn nd is enclosed. Prop erty and house could not be du plicated for anywhere near this sum. If you are looking for I nan It wnillH nV VOU to invest! BrntA this which is at a reduced price, at once. You should see our photos of homes in this and all other desirable districts. We have them at all prices and terms ana can suit the most exacting. We have 7 autos with courteous. M pable salesmen who will assist you in finding Just the house you are looking lor. T A wir'k'MAN COMPANY. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1004 and 583. CORBETT HEIGHTS. 406. $95O0 About one-half of the original cost for one of the most splendid homes in Portland, con sisting of 8 beautiful, large rooms, a most delightful view of the . Willamette river, the east side lies in a panorama before you with an unobstructed view of the low-lying hills, with Mt. Hood rear ing its snow-capped peak far into the clouds. Why not have hung on Nature's canvas before you en Inspiring view of her most mag nificent handiwork, the equal of which no artist's hand could ever portray. The house was built by day labor, superintended by the owner. Nothing froze in this house during the cold weather of last winter and required only the min imum of fuel, as it has installed one of the best hot-water heating systems. The grounds are lOOx l.-0 feet. If you want a beautiful modern home with a view that cannot be excelled it would be a pleasure to show you this one. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC., 614-20 Swetland Bldg. IRVINGTON. owx-f:t? T. HAVING THE CITY. if vnn arA interested In purchasing a home situated on the best block in Irv ington. see this one. offered for the first time, before you buy. House has seven wwifn. ls.rrn attic, full cement base- ment. built-in bookcases and buffet, two toilets, hardwood floors, large garage, furnace, laundry trays, beautiful shrub bery, vines and flowers; lot 50xl0O, with east facing; new draperies and some f,.,u,.r srn with the place. Buy direct from owner and builder. Phone East I 1329 for appointment. RED HOT IRVINGTON SNAP. $6000. Attractive strictly modern 2 Btory 0-room home with lots of room for garage, located on N. E. cor. K. 12th and Hancock sts. Just repainted and decorated In side and out and a real bargain. Call owner. Tabor 438. ia I.- K ITi-TaJ-ITr. MT TAROR HO11IE. rin Kf Hawthorne near City park in Mt. Tabor district this 7-room California 1 hunealow bu t less tnan a year, nn- ished throughout In old tvory: every! mniinrn convenience, furnace, fireplace. oak floors. Street liens paid in full. Owner i tnnvinL' out to suburban home. Will sacrifice for $4750 and accept small down payment. CAREY-SAVIDGE COMPANY. 219 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 7487. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. T.p r.pniinilB Ftearine Fruit. 7 rooms and double sleeping porch. hot-water heat, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, living room 30 reel long: nearly 'A block or grounn. beaumuuy iaui- .aiirl rhntcA Hearins fruit and shrub bery, large garage; aaioinmi hil. j park; with all st. Imps, in and paid; price $SdUU, reasonaoie term?. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main oijj. MAKE AN OFFER. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. 11950 YOUR OWN TERMS $lfla0. x-tr.AR PKXINSULA LBR. CO. MILL. C nnvm hmu. VHfUnT DluniUlllK. KdB. etc.; Just newly paintea ana piipereu imidR' irond condition: several fruit trees; near w umraeue lhvu. mansion, but beats renting, and is worth the money. Main 7Ut7. .Marleis or Will iams. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HKRK IS A PRIZE. ThA owner left town and ordered las 1 n .iinncn of bin modern 8-room home at losa. substantially num. auuui o i years old, line yara ana iawn. many i natural shade trees, paved streets and j other assessments paid up. On Wood stock car, 41st St. Will accept $3200. $000 down. . UARfil-SAVIUUa .Uflirillll, 219 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 7487. JUST WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR. One of those nice 6-room bungalows in Knnnvslrie. 2 lots, hard surface streets and city improvements, an in; xor oniy $3200; east side. one ot tnose large, comronamo raou- ern homes on upper College street for only $uA0W; west side. J. B. HOLBROOK. 214-215 Panama hid. $1600 BEAUTIFUL LITTLE HOME $1600. TTRITIT CHICKENS AND A BARGAIN. 4 rooms, lull Dasement, electric ugms, gas: fine lot with 11 bearing prune trees, chicken house and runs; 2 blocks from cars: sidewalks in and paid. This la wonderful little place and In best of condition: terms. Main 7967. Mariela or Williams. 820 Cham, of Com, bldg. A 5-ROOM house near Woodmere school with $70O worth ot good oaK turnlture; owner is called away, will sell for $1400, terms. You can't afford to pass this up. AaU Mr. Marshall, with FRANK L. Mc- GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. PHONE MAIN 1068. FOR $3350 we can give you a well built 6-room house with bath. Dutch Kitchen. buffet, convertible sleeping porch: this is located on a 80x100 lot with lots of fruit and shrubbery; oniy 1 block to car; $1100 cash. $25 per month. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. OWNER LAURKLHUltST. Just com pleted the most modern o-room bungabiw I in the city. Hardwood floors. French I doors, tile bath, fireplace, breakfast I nook, glass knobs; lale locks. Interna tional furnace; garage with solid ce ment run and front porch. 1 block to I car. 1225 E. Flanders. Weller. Tab. 8743. $4500 ONLY. $1000 CASH. New 5-room bungalow, breakfast room, buffet, bookcases, fireplace, hardwood floors, cement basement: this house Is double constructed on 50x100 east front lot. tet us snow tnis. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 378T. $200 DOWN. . 5-room bungalow with bath and toilet. cement basement, very nifty and In good I condition; fruit trees, shrubbery and I berries. Tou'can be the luccky buyer! it you nurry. aacrmce price or 52UOO. UAKftl-SAVllAilU CO-MfANY. 219 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 7487. HEIGHTS. VERY FINE HOME, CORNER LOT: EVERY CONVENIENCE; THREE BATHS. HOT WATER HEAT GA RAGE; SHOWN ONLY BY APPOINT- M fc l . POIN DEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. SEVERAL GREAT BUYS IN IRVINGTON COLONIALS AROUND $10,000. Other bargains at $20,000 and at $5000. some win exenange xor smaller. R. T. STREET. Irving-ton Agent, East 894. IRVINGTON COLONIAL BUNGALOW. $7300 2000 CASH. From owner. 731 East ISth N. : 6 per fect rooms; tapestry paper, ivory, fire place, oooKcases, ouni-ins. n. w. noors, linoleum, laundry, equipped, young trees, anruvs, sarase. l -itf. KEAt ESTATE. For Sale Houses. THREE SWELL HOMES. $8500 Pine 9-room house, furnace, two fireplaces, oak floors: cab. kitch en, 5 bedrooms; corner. 100x100, Hens all paid, garage with two rooms furnished, some fine fruit and garden: on E. 32d and Clln ton: $2500 cash. 19000 Fine 8-room house, furnace, four fireplaces, library, sewing room. 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, large attic, elegant view, corner. lOOx 100. paved street paid, bn Mount Taboa. corner Morrison and East 53d; house cost $95O0 to build; iots worth $5000: price $0000 on any reasonable terms: will take ..." smaller house In trade. $10.000 Swell 8-r. house, strictly mod ern in every particular, furnace. 8 fireplaces, oak floors. 4 bed rooms, sleeping porch, restricted neighborhood. Just south of Hawthorne ave. on E. 24th: walking distance: will sell ele gantly furnished or unfurnished or will take good 5 or 6-room bungalow in trade. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452. IRVINGTON. VERY FINE 100x110 CORNER. 12-room modern house, located on 100x110 corner, very convenient to two carlines. most beautiful grounds having been cared for by e-n expert gardener. The house in itself is very nicely arranged throughout. All of the rooms are very large and ideal for entertain ing. This place has 4 fireplaces, fine hardwood floors, first-class hot water heating plant, 2 bath rooms, and all modern featurea Also fine garage. Owner Is leav ing the city and will not reiuss any reasonable offer. PACIFIC AGENCY INC. 514-20 Swetland Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. NIFTY BUNGALOW GASCO FURNACE $5350. Here, 'folks, is one of the most won derful little - bungalows you ever saw. It's just as convenient, comfortable and good-looking as one could imagine; and the quality of workmanship and mate rial surpass even the other features men tioned. Now, you Just could not imagine a more modern bungalow modern even to the extent of having a Gasco furnace and instantaneous hot-water heater; hardwood floors and those things go without saying. A. G. TEEPE & CO.. 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3092. Branch Office. SOth and Sandv. RECHERCHE Is the only word to describe this lovely bungalow of five rooms and sleeping porch; rooms large and commodious; naarawood noors. hullt-lns installed by master craftsman: French doors: Jot 50x100, with various fruits; big chicken run, full concrete basement; here is. In our honest opinion, a strongly construct ed, scnsmiy designed, perfectly appoint ed nome; s7.iu. Mr. Mahoney, COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. Columbia 63S evenings. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. SOxlOO corner, $7500. Fine 8-room modern house on this splendid corner lot, with very fine shrub bery; also good garage, located In very best part of Irvlneton. This Is a real bargain at the price of $7500 and $2500 will handle it- PACIFIC AGENCY INC. 514-20 Swetland Bids. ROSE CITY PARK. $5200. Just completed. 5 rooms, evervthln of the latest and best construction.. We want the chance of showing you this splendid home, every, modern conveni ence: all butlt-lns: hardwood floors: full basement, furnace, fireplace, lawn and trees planted; immediate possession ot house; act quickly. See us today. REALTY DEPT.. LAWYERS' TITLE & TRUST CD . 2S5 Stark. Marshall 1898. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. UARAME $4500. Here's a good buy vou'll admit it too when you see this bungalow: nicely lo cated, near car: you will find In this re markably low-priced bungalow hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, etc. Yes, and a ga rage; liberal terms. A. U. TEKPE & CO.. 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3092. Branch Office. SOth and Sandy. IRVINGTON. Very attractive 6-room bunga low, centrally located in this beautiful district: hardwood floors, all buflt-ins. fireplace, furnace, full basement, large lot. fruits, flowers, shrubbery: close to schools and cars. Price $6500. terms. REALTY DEPT.. LAWYERS' TITLE A TRUST CO.. 285 Stark St. Marshall 1R9R. $4800 ONLY. $1000 CASH $4SI0. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN! A lovely 5-room bungalow, finished In ivory throughout; ail spacious rooms. every moacrn ana convenient built-in, beautiful oak floors, cheerv fireplace. EASY TERMS. BALANCE LESS THAN S20 PER MONTH AND INTEREST. In vestigate. now! HOLDEN KOHLMAN. 228 Ch. of Com. bldg. Main 6550. OWN YOUR HOME. $2473 VACANT VACA NT $2475. WHY TRY TO RENT? "6 rooms, full basement, electric lights gas. fine plumbing; corner lot 50x1,10, 7 fruit trees. This house in finest condi tion; Just newly tinted and decorated and nothing lacking: a beautiful little place at bargain price; terms. Main 7007. Martels or Williams. 820 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. 14750 ONLY $1200 DOWN $4750. BIGGEST BARGAIN IN ROSE CITY. Classy ' 6-room bungalow with every conceivable bunt-in xeature. hardwood floors, living room and dining room finished in natural, bedrooms and kitch en in white; fireplace, cement basement, xurnace. street paved. HOL.DEN & KOHLMAN. 228 Ch. of Com. bldg. Main 6550, BEAUTIFUL PIEDMONT BUNGALOW. 8 rooms: bed rooms on first floor. bullt-lns In living room, dining room and kitchen, hardwood floors, full cement basement: 2 furnaces, one hot air and the other Gasco. fireplace with large gas grate: corner lot. garage, street ir provements paid. Price $7500. terms. BROWN & GRANT. 201-2 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 3222. BEAUTIFUL 3-room residence and dandy sleeping porch; hot and cold water, gas, electricity. cement basement. cement walks, all in new condition: near proml nent car line; reasonable terms. 1 want you to see this place and make offer nearly furnished with nice furniture sell with or without. $2500. Call Auto niatlc S10-26 before 9:30 and after 6 P. M. . ... . IDEAL HOME. $6000. Located in Laurelhurst district: 6, room house: fireplace. furnace. full basement, garage and large ground. 92x 93: plenty of fruit and berries: flowers and lawn. -This Is an Ideal home priced right at only tooou. ll'mu cash. F. L. EDDY. RITTER. LOWE tc CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW S4S50. Located on 46th St.. north of Sandy D.va. in is is one or tne cnoicest lots all of Rose City. The price is extremely low. see it toaay. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3092. Branch Office. SOth and Sandy. 6-ROOM HOUSE 1104 BELMONT ST. 'Cement basement, fireplace and verv good plumbing; owner in east and wants It sold. Any reasonable offer will b submitted and considered. Don't disturb tenant; we win show you If Interested. BROWN & GRANT. 201-2 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 8222. ONLY $1504. . Here is an opportunity to get a nift little bungalow on corner lot 50x100 hard-surface -street; 4 rooms. 2 nice ap pie trees in yard; only Juo down an house vacant. PACIFIC REALTY. M. 847. 409 Spalding Bldg. $4250 ROSE CITY PARK $4250. I am offering for sale a good, substan tial double-constructed 7-room 2-story house. 4 large, spacious rooms on low er floor. 3 big, airy bedrooms with large closets and Datn aoove. tun cement base ment. fine furnace. Call East 2371, bet s and 7 for an appointment. BY OWNER 5-room bungalow; fireplace. breakfast room, nardwood floors; ready for occupancy; cor. SOth and Siskiyou. Special price thin week, $5150, some terms. Owner will be there Thursday and Friday. Phone Main 7531. I HAVE 8 5-room flats, 2 furnaces, large lot. fruit and roses, on Hawthorne car lines: sell for price of small bungalow; 74 'investment for you and house rent free. 702 Title & Trust bldg. 6-ROOM house.' price $2200. terms $175 cash; lot juuxiuu. an in garaen, fruit, berries, etc., fine location, - east . side. Garland. 201 3d st. ROSE CITY PARK. BEAUTIFUL 6-ROOM BUNGALOW FOR SALE BY OWNER. 490 E, 53D BT. N.. COR. THOMPSON. BEAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. S ACRES. Near Kendall station and 82. st. This ground has a little gravel like all Mt. Scott country, but yet is a snap. 7-room house, good barn, chicken house, city water, electric light, orchard and all under fence. A farm In the city. Price only $4900. 10il cash. Mar shall S0S9. fter 6 P. M. phone Automatic 219-19. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME. This Is an exceptionally nice 7-room house, with large veranda -full built-in conveniences, buffet, etc. Bath com plete; full cement basement. Beautiful yard with shrubs and roses. A full acre of o-round with fruit and earden. This is not a run-down, abandoned place, but without exception, the nicest. most complete suburban home we ha ever listed under $4000. The price is $3500; and requires only $5uO cash to handle; 30 minutes out on Oregon Elec tric; close to station. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 827 Chamber of Commerce. V. ACRE. Good 5-room plastered house. fur nished with ordinary furnishings, ce ment basement. 100 chlx from one to 4 months old. new chicken house, good garden, fruit, all fenced, chicken tight fence, just outside city limits. $1500, $300 cash, balance monthly, house alone worth more than Drice asked. Soren Peterson, 1103 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 373L BETWEEN PORTLAND & BEAVERTON. Nearly 13 acres, half mile from paved road. All under cultivation: 8 apple trees. 5 cherry trees; 1H seres logan berries! 1200 strawberry plants. Balance of the land In corn, potatoes, wheat and garden. Best of soil. Gas In the house. Lights on the street. New plastered room eeml-bungalow. Small creek on the back of the place; $3000 cash, easy terms on the balance at 6. Personally inspected. Brooks, with JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. ON COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. Ten acres, 9 miles from courthouse on Columbia highway, all level and very best or soil, no gravel; 3 acres cultivated, balance very easily cleared; has 40 bear ing fruit trees, 2 wells, all fenced; shack house in beautiful grove of fir trees. This can be had if taken at once for only $3200 on terms, or will divide. F. R. Jesse, 527 Corbett bldg.. Main 7141. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME and two acres, right at Waluga post- I otlice and Bryant station, oswego line; 6 rooms, sleeping porch, reception hall; white enamel kitchen, pantry, bathroom, h. w. floors, fireplace, furnace, cement basement, electric light; modern in every detail; easy terms. For particulars see or address owner on property or tele phone Oswego 352. N. Laury, owner, Waluga. Or. LOTS OF FRUIT AND BERRIES. 4- acres on the Oregon City line; 3 1 blocks from station. Nice shade trees. Large amount of bearing fruit; 2 acres in crops: 4-room cottage, nearly new. Fruit house, chicken house, other build ings: price $450O: personally inspected by Marsters. photos at orrice. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. bhia FARE. On Oregon Electric. 20 minutes ride. 5-room and bath bungalow, . including 1 furniture for $2500; terms. 2 blocks I south Roland station, 1 block west to I 1731 Tenth st. , MaeTNNES As PRATT. Broadway 1658. 209-210 Oregon Bldg. MULTNOMAH BUNGALOW. 4-room modern bungalow: has white! enamel bath, built-ins galore, garage. 4 acre. KEMP & WALSH. Suburban Homes Only. Main 3439. Multnomah. ACRE TRACT. NEW BUNGALOW WITH ELECTRICITY. GAS. WATER. ON O. K AND S. P.. NEAR BEAVERTON HIGHWAY: $3300. TERMS. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT TRUST CO., 284 OAK ST., BROADWAY 943. OSWEGO LAKE HOMESITE ONLY $50O. Magnificent view overlooking Oswego lake: maple and dogwood: water, lights. rock road. See owner, 500 Concord bldg.r 2d ana ptara. - WOULD YOU GIVE ONE DOLLAR FOR i w o r If so. then see the ten-sere fins home near this city, all In crop and with a new house ready to take possession. COBB BROTHERS. 263 OAK ST. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line. from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City., car line, sign ' Alder BrooK. AT Capitol Hill, 11 minutes out on Oregon electric; six-room mooern Dungaiow, with bath. den. fireplace, city water, gas: double constructed; wonderful view: only $2650. on terms. iwarsnau 1ST4. ifirt TO $500 cash gets possession, one or two acres, witn nouse; i.aKe urove ana Bryant. Oswego late: prices $1000 to $2500. easy terms. Main 36i2. McFar- land. 208 Failing bldg. WE have several suburban homes for sale ranelng In price from Siou to t-OO. CloBe in. near car line. Easy terms on I all. Lee-Robertson Co.. 413 Corbett bldg. onoo Fine summer home, fronting lake. at Lake Grove station. Phone Oswego 722. For Sale Business Property. BUSINESS PROPERTT. i In the heart of the downtown district we have a good business property for sale at a price that would pay you a good dividend on the capital invested. Present net income is about $10,500 per annum. If you are looking for a business Investment, call at our office and let us show you this property. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC., G44-20 Swetland Bldg. GROCERY store for sale. $950 cash: fine location, doing gooa ousiness: nave otner business, cannot handle both; clean, new stock. 353 N. 23d St. For bal, -Acreage. T1f5GED-OFP LANDS. Tracts. 5 acres up, located within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad; good soil. Tin mck nlenty of water: work nearby: buy on your own terms. Prices $2U to $65 per acre. LEUDDEM ANN CO.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 2Vi ACRES 4-ROOM HOUSE. . $1250 $300 CASH. At Pleasant Home on Bull Run elec-1 trie; fine soil; great place for berries I and poultry; on good auto road. Call I Mr. Boehm. MacINNES A PRATT. 209-10 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. ROSE ARBOR. Garden tracts on Tualatin highway. paved road from Bertha to Forest Grove. Beautiful tracts of full-bearing fruit ,rni: rt U.c fare. Prices for 11250 $1850 per tract. See N. H. ATCHISON, 1 240 rlenry plug., exclusive sales agent. INCOME-PRODUCING FARMS. r AT GRESHAM. THE BEST farming section In Oregon, exceptionally good bargains to offer in I stocked and equipped xarms. suburban homes, chicken ranches and berry lands. KRIDER sc xi.L.viiNU iurt, ureanam, or. .'5 DOWN. $10 MONTHLY. in acres of fruit land In Sheridan View Acres, below Sheridan. Oregon: 5 I acres have been cultivated: some timber.! Total price $695. Fred W. German Co, 732 Cham, or com. 10 ACRES, half In crop: house and barn: near Clatskanle. Price only $1300 if taken soon. I will be at 308 McKay bldg. 2 days, or I. O. Holmen, Clats- kanie. Or. 1R ACRES, all clear and level, no build ings, 14 miles west of Portland, at Mat- nn Ktatlon. S. P.. Korest Grove highway. Will sell less If 18 too much. $300 per acre. rJ. ucivoyt. ttingooro. n. a. CHOICE suburban home sites, one or more acres, walking distance 10 car on Ore gon City line: $4fu per acre, terms. INTERSTATE LAND CO. 248 Stark St. , Main $429. BARGAIN Excellent 20. near electric. buildings, stream, best soil, crop In cluded. I32UU. A4i .bast oath North. Tabor 7Qja SACRIFICE Choice 15. near Vancouver, ' ideal location: good buildings. sur roundings; bargain, jjhw. hi East 6th North. laoor ,ooo. 10 ACRES in Hazelwood. short distance! east of city: sacrince lor x.iooo. Owner, 910 cn. ot com, riippe Jiar. Jofto. 10 ACRES. 1 miles east of city limits. city water, an ciearea ana zencea, on cariine. East moo. $12.50 PER A., 120 acres. Columbia Co,, some timber, worth double, cash. McFarland. -a railing oiqg. 10 ACRES first-class timber at Tlgard; sell cheap -labor oto. 160 ACRES In Bitter Root valley, Montana, for sale or trade.' 673 Mississippi ave. 4 ACRES, level, near electric sta.. McFarland. 208 Failing bldg. $900. BEAL ESTATE. Acreage. 2V4 ACRES. $1490. FARKROSE. $75 down. $15 month, interest In cluded at 6 per cent; corner tract, north boundary line, good stream of water, some beautiful trees, cottonwood. ash and oak, balance In meadow, silt land, very best garden and berry land, located in North Parkrose, Just open for ssle. This-new tract is selling fast and the early buyer will have first choice of location. Branch offlcs end of Parkrose car Una, J. L, UAETUAN COMPANY. 7 hi ACRES. PARKROSE, NEAR. CITT. $4604. $230 down, $46 month. The south boundary line Is a fine stream, rich silt land, some uncleared, v beautiful trees, ash, oak and cot tonwood, hlh quality land, well located, in new rapidly growing section. For rock bottom price see this at once. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, Parkrose branch office on Sandy boulevard, at end of Parkrose car line. 8 ACRES IN 4 AND 5 YEAR OLD LOGANBERRIES, 5 ACRES BEARING PRUNES. IN FAMOUS NEWBERG AND DUNDEE DISTRICT. Loganberries will have big yield this year, contracted for big price to rvew- berg cannery: family orchard, garden. making 15 acres in all: spring, electric wire for lights on place, fine soil: only 6 blocks from electric station, stone's throw from hard surface highway, church, store and school. Price $10,000. This years- croo should y eld xtwoil. See SAM HEWEY. at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. Room 7. Chamber ot Commerce Bldg. 11-ACRB HOME. LAKE ROAD. 11 acres, all under plow; about 100 frrape vines, 60O strawberries, goose berries) and blackberries: 5 -acre or chard, mostly apples; finest sandy loam soil; paved road; 2-story 7-room house, barn 40X6O. hen house, hog house, etc. full equipment of tools. 1 reg. Jersey cow. l span Percheron mares. 5 hogs and about 20O chickens. 5 acres oats. This Is an Ideal home place. Price $10,000, one third cash. F. L. EDDY. RITTER. LOW E & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ON THE POWELL VALLEY ROAD. Ten acres, fine soil, eight acres unde cultivation; absolutely free from rock and gravel, one acre of variegated bear lng orchard, all fenced: has four-room house, woodshed, chicken house, bnrn and well. 5 blocks of the electric depot close to school and church. 12 miles from Portland; price $.-no. $2000 cash Personally Inspected by Davis, with John rerguson. uerllnger bldg. GRESHAM 20 ACRES. Stocked and Equipped. $6000. 20 acre, all under cultivation and crop, located on fine auto road, east Gresham; house, barn and outbuildings team. cows. hogs, chickens, farm im plements: 1 acre family orchard. A strawberries, A. raspberries. 2V A, potatoes, bal. In oats. 1'rice. Inc. crop stock and imp., $6000: terms. See Mr. lanKus with CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. ON BUCKLEY AVENUE. Cornering on another fine hard sur face street. 10 acres offered lor sare at genuine bargain. There are about three acres of orchard, a fine grove, som berries, a well, old house and bard, Bu ttun water in -street: only two ml ei from city limits'. Price, $5C0 on terms. MacINNES & PRATT. 209-210 Oregon bid Broadway 1658.- 6 ACRES. POWELL VALLEY ROAD. Located rfht on Powell valley road only miles east of 2d St.. lie beautiful 6-acre tract., all under cult! vatlon, with fruit and some berries, good barn, well wlt-h pump, fair house, hl is a fine place with location hard to beat. Price $4000. $20OO cash. K. L. EDDY. RITTER. LOW B & CO.. 201-:i-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. BEAUTIFUL 1-3 acre at Hlilsdaie. highl cultivated, lots or berries and garden tine 6-room bungalow, beamed ceiling, bath, laundry trays, basement, fireplace. garage, city water, gas and lights: beau tiful view. This home is close in and very good buy. Hurry If you want It. fiesgara. witn COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. XVz ACRES. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. FRUIT. Nice a-room house, cement Dsmt.. good floored barn, chicken house, assorted bearing fruit trees, berries; i-acre In fine garden; fine piece of land on mac adam road, on tjuckley ave.. near Crll bert road; 5 blocks to car and paved road to city. Price -l.oo, some terms Ask for Mr. Cowgill. with GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 74G2. JUST OUTSIpE CITY LIMITS. $1200. $25 down. $12.50 monthly, buys 1 acre of ground, all set out to assorted bearing fruit trees and berries, in a high state of cultivation. We have sev eral of these tracts, also some H-acre tracts, which may be bought oa the same terms. Salesmen with autos . to show 'these tracts at any time. Photaa at of fice. Fred w. uerman Co., T32ICbam. of Com. 33 ACRES. $0000. 26 acres under plow. 2-story 9 -room house, barn 4Ox70. family orchard and berries: 26 acres oats. bal. pasture: good well and also creek: fine road. Price only $6oo0. crop and all: one-half cash. r . l. r. l u z . RITTER. LOW4S & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. FIVE ACRES good rich soil, all In crop close to station: o-room nouse, large barn, chicken house, root cellar, garage. family orchard, all kinds ot berries, Dorse, cow, nogs, 4 cnicaens, ioib oi rabbits. Price $:ioOO. terms. KRIDER A ELKINGTON, GRESHAM. OREGON. 2 ACRES l-ROOM HOUSE. $1250 $300 CASH. At Pleasant Home on Bull Run elec trie: ftne soil. Breat place for berries and poultry; on good auto :road. call Mr. Boenm. - - j - MacINNES A PRATT. 209-10 Oregon bldg: - Broadway 3658. FOR SALE LOGGED-OFF" LAND. Write for map of western Washington showing location, price and terms. Over ten thousand acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual settlers. WEXERHAEUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash, - 1440 ACRES FOR STOCK. 800 acres deeded, 640 acres relinquish ment, all In one body; ounchgrass land abundance of water all the year around small house, team: 60 acres now in cul tivation, more tu be put in. It is a big chance for sheep, rrtce 4.inn, nait casn. MacINNES & PRATT. 209-10 Oregon Bldg. Broadway 1-C58. 20 ACRES. $2000. 20 acres has all been cleared, family orchard of 18 trees, 3-room plastered house, small barn, sprinc water. Price only $2000, $5o0 cash. F. L. EDDY. RITTER. LOWS & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 15 ACRES. RAINIER. $325. 35 acres near Rainier: 8 acres level 7 acres rolling; small house. Price $525, $20O cash. P. L. ETJDY. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. Homesteads, Relinquishments. FREE HOMESTEADS.'' J. L. PORTE. CANADIAN GOVERN MENT AGENT. SPOKANE. WASH., will be at the SEWARD HOTEL. (Portland on June the 18th. 19th and 20th to give information to parties who are Inter ested In free homestead land in Western Canada and also to arrange for reduced settlers rates from tne Canadian boun dary line to points In WESTERN CAN ADA. For Sale Farms. 220-ACRE alfalfa ranch for sale, on th Yakima river: 90 acres now in alfalfi will cut 1000 tons this year: continuou water right paid up, good improvements. land all perfectly level: will take some trade. AV B61. oregonlan. THB noted White Pelican Meadows, qual ity, not quantity -, sou acres natural meadow, good water right, crop, fu equipment, including 300 cattle. free range; part trade, terms. J. L. Cliff, Sliver Lake. LaKe jo., or., owner. FARM 20 acres. 10 acres clear; hous and barn, fruit trees, spring and creek, water, timber: 14 miles from city; most ly paved roaa; price I4UIH1. terms. E. J. GEISER. 417 Chamber of Com, 914 ACRES ONLY $75 DOWN! On electric line and highway, close t sta.. store ana scnool: price $950. $ down. 7 years time on balance. Draper, FOR SALE Kiver bottom larm. close ta good town, near roniana, witn or with out stock. Address owner, P 619, Ore go man. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; runnln water, gooa sou; vi uuaoie; empioymen easy terms. J. R. Sharpe. 83' 3d st- 10 ACRES. $2500; bungalow, orchard, barn, garden, some timber, scenic. Ma 5672. A&cirartana, -us failing bldg. SEAL ESTATE. For Sale -Far KLAMATH COUNTY FARM LA N Do. All situated In wonderful Klamatn basin; 32o acres under Irrigation; six miles from Klamath Falls; all in crop; 100 acres In alfalfa, balance grain; splen did S-room house, good barn and sheds; all fenced and cross-fenced: price $a-.-000, 4 cash, balance easy terms. 160 acres. Irrigated. 7 miles from Klamath Falls: 77 acres In alfalfa, bal ance grain; fine $4000 barn, good house, electric lights and power, woven wire fence. Price $16,000. terms. 137 acres. Irrigated, hi mile from Merrill. Oregon. 20 miles south of Kla math Falls: water right paid up. o acres in alfalfa, balance grain and pas ture: good 4-room house, good barn, windmill and deep well, electric lights, fenced and cross-fenced, woven wire: price $100 per acre. $6000 cash, balance easy terms. . ,., . . 1400 acres. 15 miles from Klamatn Falls: IOOO acres under private irriga tion plant and all tillable; 120 acres in hay: lies along Klamath river and Is good rich soil; 400 acres grazing land. 4 millioa feet timber on high land; -room house, one new hsy barn, capacity BOO tons- one stock barn 80 ft. long, machinery sheds, chicken house, etc., price $75 per acre. $2500 cash, ba.ance 1 to 10 years, 6 int. These are all exceptional buys. Hays others can show you. If Interested In the Klamath country, call or write to DR. R. R. HAMILTON. 408 Morgan bldg.. Portland, or. Phone, office. Main 1719: res.. Wd. 3947. EQUIPPED 80-ACRE SNAP. SO acres, all the best of deep clay loam land: no rock or gravel: all well fenced and cross fenced; 25 acres In cultivation and now in crop, consisting of oats, corn, potatoes, clover, etc. some timber, balance open seeded pas ture: good bearing orchard of as sorted fruits: good 7-room house, good barn 38x52. chicken house, granarv. hoghouse. all outbuild ings: well watered by stream and wells. Personal property consists of 6 good dairy cows, three - vear-old heifers. 4 hogs, good team, 2 wagons, harness, mower, rake. disc. harrow. cultivator, stoves and all small tools too nu merous to mention. Located only 54 miles from town in good dis trict. Price only $6000, good ThB R. S. THOMPSON CO.. 410 Washington St., Vancouver, Wash. IRRIGATED ALFALFA FARM We have listed an SO-acre farm 7 miles from Redmond. Oregon, which has a fine stand of alfalfa on 70 acres, which will cut a $4000 crop this year. The first cutting will be ready to cut about Julv 4. Owner wishes to sell quickly and will make the fol lowing terms: The Price sno-w-lth a cash payment of $2000 and $3000 this fall, assume mortgage of $1200. the balance $1000 per vear at 6 per cent Interest. The owner will do all the work on this year's crop, do the Irrigat ing and harvesting of hay and will, give the buyer half the crop, which should be $40OO. or if yon want immediate possession tnis can be arranged. Don't overlook this opportunity. Remember the first cutting Is less than 30 days. Mahoney. COE A. McKENNA t CO.. . 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. ri.ii'kiiu COUNTY. STOCKED AND trnrtppEn. KT acres. 50 acres In cultivation and in nn i.i acres of oak and fir Umber. K.,n iininn oasture: about 50 acres i . . in h.iktire slightly rolling barn 30x0, ' with roothouse, hoghout.; i ..i... .,iihiiltilln. 2 wells and spring: included are 3 horses. 7 milk cows. 2 bulls, 2 heifers. 1 steer. 2 brood sows. 10 pigs, some chickens; full set of farm implements included, gasoline 1 . . . uniratnr. D OW. dlSC. tl i . niirv. etc.: this is Jus1 314 miles from Oregon City; price, com plete. $13,000. $6000 cash, terms on the Vi.lnca. This is a very decided snap and must be seen to be appreciated. Vhntn at office. Fred w . oerman -o. 732 Chamber of Commerce. NORTHWEST OF KEWBBRG. - 1 - I. th Chehalem val 1... . A v-o main road, with gravel road on both sides of the place; only lOO yards to high and grammar sehool. . ,, . ....lilv-aflnn and in crop; 40 acres of clover. 10 acres potatoes, balance in garden ana corn. amti . . . . . -. the place: 5-room house, barn, granary. 1 - -nH .hert- small orchard along the creek, enough fruit for family I -J5. ner acre with stock and .rt mil the cron: $6'0 cash , ' rL" ,-n ri.i-llnnrxr Mannerl. waia jonu x - building. LOOK AT THIS! "0 acres. 6 In crop. 3 cleared readv for Plow. 1 acre In garden, fa in II v orchard and berries. Good 5-room Cali fornia bungalow: good barn with cement foundation. four chicken houses. -springs. 2 wells; 1 mile to Canby. VMth this place goes 2 young horses. 2 good cows. 1 heifer soon fresh. 3 shoats. Ml chickens, harness, wagon, cream sepa rator and camplete line of farm imple ments Also household furniture. Can you beat It? Price, including every thing, onlv $.100O: terms. JOHN B. HOWARD. 818 Chamber ot Commerce. FiL'IT FRUIT FRUIT. . 13 acres of -black loam soil, all tillable; 3 acres of prunes. 5 acres of commercial apples 4 of an acre In pears. Vs acre In strawberries, a good well and spring, 5-room frame house and a barn. In poor condition: Included In the price are 1 good team. 1 power spray outfit, com plete 1 disc harrow. 2 plows and a cul tivator. 130 chickens. 4 turkeys; on a good county road. 10 miles from Port land. Price $8250. $4500 and a long time on the balance. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Coiru , rr. 1 1.- '-A"ti arn-n deeded lana larm -" -. 1. ,.,.. near Tlratw- and improica " - -- scy Or.: nearly 200 head of cattle and horses, machinery, growing crops ...iv ixaasesslon given, creek runs .hrnnrh ranch furnishing Irriga tion; thousands of- acres oa free bunch grass mountain range adjoining: 10H) BlmAI, level irrigable land, res ervoirs and irrigating system, splendid soil houses and barns. 1 have also sev eral farms tin Linn county. Oregon, for sale. Address ueo. . " "-. " Oregon. EVERYTHING GOES. "5 acres.-located 6 miles east of Ore- 7, r-uv near the Abernathy road: 20 r which goes with the place m.clt loam soil. 2V. acres of assorted k.,a rh.af .nf wire fences, small creek. 5-room ' house, barn, granary, chicken . t ... m 1 cow and 3 cows on shares: blacksmith shop snd tools: 75 chickens, complete line 01 macninery. aenarator and- good rord de livery car; price $5000. $2600 cash. John Ferguson, uernnatr wms FOR SALE STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH 135 acres. 7 miles from town. 25 acres in cultivation, creea ooiiom, an tmw , I..,, ham. 6-room house, out buildings. R. F. D.. 10 mlleh cows. 19 young stock. 1 bull, cresm separator, sow and pigs, chickens, rabbits, bees, tesm. wagon, harness, farm implements, trout stream through plsce: some tim ber: unlimitea ouibiuo 'ana". w some terms. AV 954. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 120 acres, 5 miles city Bend nnw nultable for alfalfa, potatoes. berries, garden; Columbia highway goes through place: Mt mile Deck river: some crop, spuas. r-ricai ua i"" -". 1350 set quickly, its worth the money; have few photos of place. EDWIN J. ROGERS. Tumalo. Oregon. unr. AND DAIRY RANCH. 20 acres, all level, sandy bottom soil. g acres in cultivation; a-roum iiuuc. h..n and silo, family orchard and !L.-i.e' m miles to good town. One rA horse, cow. chickens, buggy, plows. Stc This is a cheap buy for $1500 term8- JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Chamber of Commerce. X SNAP EASY TERMS FOR OlIICK SALE. Am a-olns to California, will sell all or any part of 240 acres good land .-.,iif cleared. 2 houses furnished, horse, buggy tools,- orchard, berries, flowers, t your own price. Moody. Wsshougal, Wash. Aiso 7-passenger Overland car. G. E. MESS1NGER. Seaside, 01.. Ecola RouteJ 00 apprs 20 clear.- good pasture. houH haarn. orchard. 1V4 miles to station; all nr .3400. Come look. Terms. Cal 499 Willamette blvd., mornings or after 3 P. M. i-rvi? as.T.ic Good bargains In choice WI1 ,.mita vallev farms In cultivation and In crop, ranging from 50 acres to looo acres, wall imprc-veti. v.aii on or T-rlte j. y. Pipe. Albany, or. FOR SALE 55 acres finest Tualatin val ley land; team, poultry, crops, tools. buildings, family orchard, one mile to P. O. and R. R-. 11 miles to Portland. Ow ner. box 1S9. route 1. anerwood. Or. DAIRY FARM for saie: -3-year leaae. 1 year paid: Mlntborne Springs dairy, near Mllwaukle; 16 cows and bulL 473 Dover St. ' ' CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $7$ to $500 ner acre: essv terms: best soli. Farms for sale, all sues. McFarland. 208 Falling Bldg. FREE FARM LIST3. San Joaquin valley farm. Paul Rossier. Stockton, CaL REAL ESTATE. For Bale Farms. 28 ACRES OWNED BY A WIDOW WHO HAS GOT TO MAKE A SACRIFICE. This Is located IS miles oft Newberg highway, on good rock road; 20 in crops, wheat, oats, corn, potatoes and good family garden: good 5-room bouse, 1 large barn and all outbuildings, fine family orchard In full bearing, good well and running water: with this goes team of horses, 4 good cows, 2 heifers, fi hogs, 50 chickens, surrey, buggy, wag on, all farm machinery and tools, 10 cords of wood. 10 bushels wheat, some ' oats and hay in barn. This is extra good soil and crops show It. Price has been reduced from $S500 to $7500 lor Quick sale; $2500 cash will handle. STEWART e BUCK. S15 Northwestern Bank Building. DAIRY AND ALFALFA RANCH. li MILES FROM CITY LIMITS OS" VANCOUVER. 276 acres, about 200 acres of fine sandy loam river bottom land, that can Im cultivated, balance In ODcn pasture: new barn that will hold 100 head of cattle and ISO tons of hay. good 6-room house, dairy with concrete floors, ma chine shed, 25 to 30 acres In alfalla. This la absolutely one of the best buys around Portland. Price $30,000, half cash, balance long time. Always see Mr. Blair, for leases, with THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE, 3d and Main Sts. Vancouver, Wash. TO SETTLE AN ESTATE. NEAR WAPATO. $7500. An excellent dairy and grain farm of 61 acres must be sold; half In splendid crop: house and barn, running spring water, supplies house and stock; 35 miles from Portland, electric railroad station 500 feet from house, not on farm; paved highway to Portland now under con struction, passes house; $4500 cash, bal ance ttUj per cent with suitable terms. Personally Inspected. H. J. Driessel. 1205 Wilcox bldg., Portland. Or. Main 6416, East 5860. 39 ACRES. 13 in cultivation and in crop. balance timber pasture: timber enough to clear land; living stresm runs through place: old house, good large barn, water piped to house and barn; 20 head of sheep. 200 chickens, good horse, light wagon and buggy, all farm tools: located 2S miles from Sherwood: good road; price $4600v ra&h will handle. This Is one of the cheapest places In Oregon. There is no better land. You can move right In and make money the first day. If you are looking for a snap, see this. 901 K. Madiaon. Phone Tabor SUM. 160-ACE LINCOLN COUNTY RANCH FOR A BARGAIN PRICE. The improvements consist of three room house, good barn, cellar, well, about 5 acres under cultivation and about 12 acres slashed : 80 acres of prac tically level land and about 60 acres good quality ot second-growth fir and 120 acres of tlllsble land after cleared; a good-sized all-year running creek through place. Price only $1000. Look this up. E. A. LINDGRF.N. favon Land Co.. 9:15 N. W. Bank BMg. STOCK. CROP AND EQUIPMENT. 30-acre farm on Powell valley road; splendid soli: all lies fine: 6-room plas tered house, large barn, chicken house. .hoghouae. 2 wells, family orchard. acres loganberries, line young team, new harness and w-agon. 4 good cows. 1 heifer. 1 colt. pigs, chickens, plows, har row, disk, mowing machine, cultivator, cream separator. seed drill. manure spreader, small tools and household fur niture; price $9000. terms. KRIDER 4- ELKINGTON, GRESHAM. OREGON. FOR SALE by owner, going stock and dairy farm of nearly 500 acres: 125 acres in crop and grass. 200 acres bottom land 30 acres fenced hog-tight: running stream all Vear. good honte. large barn. about 6t head cattle and horses. 20 head hoes, poultry. 7-ton scale house, new B. L. K. milker. 2 new gas engines, all necessary implements, excellent .orchard ; on Pacific hlghw-ay. near two R. R. towns: shipping point m miles: prlc $:iO.O00. terms; part exchange possible. Address P 616. Oregonlan. . $2800 7V4 acres locsted 17't: miles from Portland Just off the Portland-Newberg highway: all In cultivation: finet of black loam soil: family orchard and lots of loganberries: tine spring on th place: 6-room house with fireplace. first-class barn and other outbuildings: fine Jersey cow and a lot of chickens and some farm implements. This is bargain In cheat) acreage. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Chamber of Commerce. A GREAT, GOOD BUY. 760 acres near red car line on west side. In the heart of the Willamette valley; lots of open land and balance In crop of timber ready to harvest substantial returns: make a fine stock ranch; some buildings and fencing, all good soli and abundantly watered. Ownef must sell, but can make inviting terms or payment: only $2.r per acre. is. Cook. 601 Stock Exchange bldg. WASHINGTON CO. FARM. Fine dairy place of SO acres, fine, rich bottom land, about 60 acres in cultiva tion, balance good pasture. 7-room house. large barn, granary, chicken bouse, new fence, on county road. 2 miles from hlch- way and S. P. electric and 200 feet from scnool nouse. can be bought with crop or wunout. rite owner, AV 64, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE The best buy in the Willam ette valley: 00 acres, 10 miles north Corvallls, on electric line; most modern and up-to-date buildings, fully equipped ior s.kmiu casn, balance, $i2,5oo. part or all on or befrre 1!3. with In terest at 5 pqj cont pv auiim; iiumn mate possession. for Information wrlti A v !:. oregonlan. 120 ACRES. White Salmon valley, parti ajiearca ; nouse lias Iirepiace. living, din Inj. bath, kitchen, sun. .1 bedrooms, dou ble deeping po.'cii; grand view of Moun Hood and vally: $10,000 has I.-en pended on this place; your own terms. imko oner. owner, sou E. stn N. oooiBwn 1 1 ' j a . LAND IS THE TH1NC! Especially rich Santiam river bottom tana, jian mile to station, splendid mar kets: canneries, creamery, etc.; about n acres meal tor berries, spuds, hops iv-a per acre; going tor qulc mr ;wap; reasonaDie terms. Lumbermens bldg. NOTICE. I have two ranches for sale; one 56 acres. 4U acres in cultivation. $15,000 one witn so acres. 40 acres In cultivation s-totiu, nail down, easy terms for ba ancc. 1 hey are bargains. Come and Bee. tan give possession at once, os car 10m. rnuotnatn, or. FOR SALE DAIRY RANCH, 77 ACRES ureen grass ine year around. 30 fin cows. 1 registered Guernsey bull. Per lection milking machine, silo. team, all implements, -room nouse, 2 barns. Thi is aiaed lana; cream check now $350 rnontn; aio.uuu. nair casn, balance terms. v-J. rutuam, oeatien, n SSH. vnt.a 1, siock ana niiana ranches eas ot the mountains tor sale from $35.00o t $400,000; wouid tae part payment I city property on some. If you are look ing for a going ranch, it will pay you to see us. Lee-Robertson Co., 413 Cor bett bldg. LISTEN Are you interested in investing in some or tne nneat Willamette valley farming land, whllch is adaptable to hops, loganberries or diversified farming and lies at th intersection of two main highways and a railroad? if so. phone East 1719. IMPROVED 60 acres close to Eugene; 6- room nouse. Darn, otner bldgs.. 58 acres In. cultivation; $6000; half cash, bal S years, or will take light cars or worn driven Ford trucks, or grocery stock to $3iKH). bat cash. Box 42. Goshen, Or. TV ANTE n REAL ESTATE. WANTED 5-room bungalow, $25041 to $3000; fireplace, built-lns. cement base ment; not over Z blocks to car. Will pay $500 cash. $30 per month. Tabor 51 S5. WANTED Cosy bungalow or modern house. Irvington, Rose City. Laurelhurst. Hawthorne preferred: must have satis factory price and terms; absolutely no agents. AJ 721. Oregonlan. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW WANTED. Must have hardwood floors, east front and worth the price. 5 rooms; have $1500 canh. Marshall 1022. W ANTED Vacant 6-room house on nax ed st. in Rose City Park, Hawthorne or Kicnmona ais-tnct: price 4UU0. E. J. GEISER. 417 Chamber of Com. 10 ACRES. Mllwaukle district, on cariine: small timber. running wster: value $4500. Want small, modern house: will not assume. Phone Mllwaukle SLY. FRANKLIN roadster, first-class condition. $800: will trade as first payment on a small 'house, balance monthly. Wood lawn 1700. WANTED The best, close-in. 6 or 7-room house that $3000 cash will buy. Will take furniture if reasonable. Address -O. M.. 715 CI 1 n ton st. ; 5 OR 6-R. bungalow, good district. If price and location right we can deal. Give particulars. AR 721. Oregonlan. WANTED Close-in farm or suburban home from $3000 to $12,000 for fine city property. Owner. AB 722. Oregonlan. HAVE cash customer for a 6-room house from $1600 to $2000: what have you to offer? L 615, Oregonlan. IF your west side property is for sale see John Singer for results. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 9478. WESTOVER home up $15,000 from owner. East 419. GOOD PIANO as first payment on subur bs n place. BJ 721. Oregonlan. TH E beet buy I can find for $"0H) In a 5-ro-om bungalow; $500 cash. East 5771. MODERN 5-room house. In or near Uonia vllla. AM 710, Oregonlan. w a Mr n r r.u estate. FRANK I.. M'GUIRE. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Sold over 850 homes last year. Over 520 homes to date this year. Is your HOME FOR SALE? Wa NEED IT NOW! TODAY! Well per sonally APPRAISE. INSPECT AND PHOTOGRAPH IT. We display EVERY PHOTOGRAPH IN OUR URGE DIS PLAY ROOM which Is continually thronged with live EARNEST ROM E BUYERS: 18 experienced salesmen with autos to work on THE SALE OF YOUR. HOME. SEE FRANK L. sTGCIRK. To Sell Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main IOCS. Open Evenings and Sundays. I WANT A HOUSE ON WESTOVER TERRACES OR IN BETTER PART OF . WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. MUKT BE BARGAIN. ALL CASH UP TO $20,000. A? 718. OREGON1A.K. WANTED. 6 or 7-room modern residence or one that can be cheaply modernized, on or near hard surface, reasonable walk ing distance of Jefferson high; might buy; prefer to turn in 5-room cottage and sleeping porch, plumbing, gss. elec tricity, wash trays, cement basement, cement walks, near car line; now renting at $25 per mo: in fine condition: $2500: will assume according to conditions. N 604. Oregonlan. WE are in touch with many persons de siring from 1 to 6-acre homes priced right that can be purchased with about $500 down. If you have such a place and want quick sale, let us know about It. F. L. EDDT. RITTER. LOWE A CO 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bids;. WE NEED listings of houses from every district: Just phone and wo will do the rest. REALTY 1DEPT, LAWYERS TITLE 2S5 Stark St at TRT7ST CO Marshall 1S9S. MANY CLIENTS "WITH THE MONEY MR HIGH-CLASS HOMES. $7000 TO $;;o.noo. irvington heights or LAURELHURST: MUST BE STRICTLY MODERN AND WELL LOCATED. l'Ol N DEXTER. 21S SELLING BLDG. MAIN JS0. RESIDENCE BAST 677L SELL NOW. We make quick sales because wa do not list more property than we can give our personal attention. If you w-ant to sell immediately our sppraiser will call. WELLER & R1NEHART. 212 Cham, of Com. Main 4503. WB have client waiting for Lomes from $2tiou to sitiuu; good xitst payment. ir your property is for sals cal at our of fice or phone. O. W. T. MUELLHATJPT CO. C. E. Adams. 407 U. S. Natl. Bank Bldg. Broadway 3S3S. FOR A DOCTOR. CLOSE IN EAST SIDB OR WEST SIDE, TWO-STOKY HOi-eK WITH FOUR OR FIVE LARGE ROOMS FIRST FLOOR: PREFERS CENTRAL F.NTRANCB HALL. POIN DEXTER. 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1M10. RESIDENCE EAST 67 71. WE NEED listings f houses from every district; just phona and e will do ths rest. REALTY DEPT. LAWYERS' TITLE aft TRUST CO., 25 Stark. Marshall lf. WE HAVE customer waiting for a strict' modern 6-room colonial nouse. prercr Irvington. but would consider some oth er good location. If you have the house, rale is made; submit at once to METV--tl ER-PAR K KR-FERUl'SON CO.. 169 Oak si.. Broad-way 5355. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED. Price must be right and terms very easy; we have sold over 600 homes In the past year. If you want action, list with us. Fred W, German Co.. 73J Cham, of Com. WANTED Listings of lots at prices that would proe some inducement to buildera REALTY DEPT.. LAWYERS' TITLE & TRUST CO., 2V Stark. Marshall 1R9. WANT 6-room strictly modern house w-ith garage, lot not over 2 blocks of Haw thorne car. between Glenn ave. and 3Uth st.: will pay all cash. Mean business. Phone Main 6729. WANT central East Side houses with full or fractional lots: sold several tno past week and have customers waiting. HENRY W. (JODDARD. 243 Stark st. Farms Wanted. WE are In touch with many persons de siring from I to .i-acre homes, priced right, that can be purchased w-ith about $500 dtiwn. If you have such a tl4e and want quick sale, let us know about "" K L. EDDY, RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED. TO RENT. Mr. Farmer, I have an American with five full-grown sons; they are considered among the best farmers in the state ot Oregon; have farmed the place they are now on for the last 8 years: they want to rent 5U0 to 1500 acres for cash and have their own equipment: will take possession this fall if you have farm of Ihia sort with good buildings with Hi to 2-3 under plow. Write me. J wll send them right out. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Bo:ird of Trade b!dg. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR LEASE. DOO ACRES, $7ou PER YEAR. 500 acres, with about 200 acres that can be plowed, balance In open pasture, 2t,0 acres of this la upland and all level, balance is on bottom, very fine grass land, house and barn, railroad station on place, on paved road, mile from good country town: personal properly: :5 head of high-grade milch cows, 5 head young cattle, full line farm machinery, will sell all or part of cattle and site 3 years' lease at $750 per year. THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. 3d and .Main sts., Vancouver. Wash. FARM WANTED. I have a client wanting to rent a large farm around 7')0 acres. He wl'.l pay cash rent and take possession this fail. Would like half or two-thirds under plow and good btdgs. Write me at onvc A. G. BENDER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bids IMPROVED 13. near Vancouver. 80 near Oregon City; 10 near Creswell-Eugene. 6'i orchard. Season's rent, either 5125. Sell attractive terms:" accept good resi dence 141 East 69th North. Tabor 7055. 100 ACRES, small house and barn, some fruit. 14 acres culti-vated. rest pasture, good water. 4 miles east of Oregon City: $t0 per year. A E 707. Oregonian. 15 ACRES, H mile from city limits, tor rent, $12 per month; 25 hogs. 50 bens: for sale. $650. Phone Mar. 1639. All 724. Oregonlan. DAIRY 50 head of extra weil bred cows and heifers: milk route In prosoerous town: splendid pasture; terms. AV 063. Oregonlan. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE Three million guod timber, three-fourths mile macadam road 10 siding: splendid logging ground: fine mill site, plenty of water: near Eugene. H1NKSON A WOOD. Eugenea Oregon. WE WANT a good cordwood show, o'.d growth stumpage: m-ust bo accessible to R. R.; will doatl quickly on something good. 324 Yeon bldg. FOR SA1.B 120 acres in Clatsop county: about 3 million ft. yellow fir. on river snd highway. "0 per acre. R. 6. box 6::. Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE Fir stumpage, 3-mile haul by auto truck to deep water, $3. Watts ei Price. Scappoose. Or. FOR SALE 25.000 mill and railroad, plenty of timber. planer, of 492 Tuyloi TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. EXCHANGE. Modern 5-room bungalow, attic, gar age. near Sandy Road: valued at $52. in exchange for 100x100 5-room. on firs! floor, would go out to 70th street WHAT HAVE YOU? RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak st. Broadway 4133. DO YOU WANT TO TRADE YOUR CITY PROPERTY FOR A FARM? We have several stocked and equipped places in various localities on which we can take city property at part payment. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. I HAVE a choice 100x100 corner, Portland Heights, clear, to trade In as first pay ment on six or seven-room modern bun galow In good neighborhood, city or suburban. Owner, O 660, Oregonian. FOR SALE, or will trade for farm or city property, two -sections of timber land in Lane county, containing over 7.000. oou feet. Address Hotel Osborn. Eugene. Or. 75x100 PORTLAND lot to trade for Los Angeles lot or house and lot. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. EXCHANGE lot for Los Angeles lot. J. Finley Berry, care J. H. Kitterman. Banks. Oreon. WALLOWA COUNTY wheat and stosJx ranch to trade by owner for coast prop erly. 603 Title & Trust bldg. Main 2242. 1 , "or . t i " i ' l'. . -1 ..-. t'r: - , 1 V----V I; " . I.'- . fc - 1: . x