THE 3IORNING OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, JUNE 11, 1920 13 HKI.L' WANTED FEMALE. WANTED. SINGLE NEEDLE OPERATORS. GOOD WAGES. M)-HOUR WEEK. SATURDAY AFTERNOON OFF. HIRSCH-WKIS MFG. CO.. 200 BURNSIDli ST. G1RT.S wanted for factory work; steady employment: rood vises. Apply Amer ican cu Co.. 14th and Front. THE MEIER A FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of an experienced fur , operator; permanent position. Apply Mr. Ludwig Hirsch, Fourth Floor. .Meier & Frank company. MOTHERLY lady to kcop house and care for two email children. Room and board and some wages. For mother who works. Call after 7 P. M. Monday. Ta bor t;oS3. CoolC or Keneral work for mlilmen, close in. .Main 521(2. Wanted Domestics. WANTED A woman for general house work in private family on ranch. No washing: house with all city conveni ences. Would consider woman with a daughter, ago 12 to 14 years. Call Main 2515. WAXTKD American woman, not over 40, do plainest rooking and keep house in laboring nun's home in lumber camp in the mountains: $5 per week. L. C. Fisher. Caicade Locks. Or. Box 62. WASTED Girl or young woman to assist J ' with general housework, must know how to cook, good wages, small house. Main 51M. 7h Marshall. t BKST WAGES for girl to do rooking. Thone Main 2112. 42: Vista avenue, cor. i c.irur I.;in', Portland heights. WANTED Competent giri for general housework; good pay. Call at 735 Rear. ' I rey Ktrif.M WANTED Competeru girl for cooking and downstairs work, no laundry, good wages. Wood. awn 2. .05. HO HOWSKK KKr'KH for man bvnd invalid CaU Main wift, wanes Jio per een. 4i'. KXl'l'lRlKN'CKU Kirl for eooklns and ho in p hnuffworlt; no wnshinjf or furnace, no Thurnlay dinner. S'1'1 Johnson st. K X I ' K KIKSC'KD (Ctrl for (rne ral housft work ; wafir'S good room, modern rcnvniencrii, 40H N. 32d st. Main 78M). WAN'TKU Competent JTlrl or woman for pen oral housework; wages $50 pr mo. Mrs. i. L. Simmons, Montesano. Waah. EXTKHTKNCED R-frl for general house work. Phnne Mar. 410. 1131 Franklin M.. Willamettr- Heights. W A NTKD Experience1 d girl tor general houneo--k, good room, home and wages. EiiHt l :i. m EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, adults only; no washing. Main . TO astrtt with genorp.l housework, all adults, no Sunday dinners; no washing. Ill N. --! st., tiear Flandors. Mar. .':"77. W A NTK D An experienced second maid: r-'fTt nccs required. Main T'.'US. W A NT El Competent housekeeper for gtnral housework. Wdln. l'8tt. (Jnou housekeeper and cook. 205 North am st- WANTED 1167. -A girl for second work. Tabor HELP WANTED MALE OR FE.MALE, WANTED Cherry pickers; families want ed lor cherry picking in orchard near Hdlem; frets camping; good wages can bo made. Address McKinlay Orchards Box R. 1, Salem, Or. WANTED Man and. wife to cook for ext ra gang ; yard man for hotel and 'waitress for hotel. Call Monday. Bdwy. 2T,0V. 12 North 4th st. W. F. Rogers Hotel Co. EPCCATIOyAL. -STAGE OPPORTUNITIES. The COTILLION SCHOOL UP DRA MATIC ART. under tiie direction of BEATRICE O'M ALLEY, teacher of dra matic vaudeville and motion picture work. Expression and makeup taught, special attention given to the training of children. NOW OPEN. Cotillion Academy. Private and class Instruction. Hours 10 to 4. Broadway o3S0. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks, give you a set of tools and some pay while learning. Positions secured, Ore gon ex-service men the course is free to you. Write or rail for particulars and catalogue. 234 Burnside t. POSITIONS ASSURED. EV E K Y G R A DU AT E OP BEHNKE-WALKER Business college. Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, ttecretarial. Free catalogue. MANUSCRIPT or report on any subject re vised, capitalized, punctuated, corrected if necessary, comiatjnuai, mouerate cnarge. Main 6050. 7 to 9 Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday evenings or AM 40o. Oregonian. fiHKflON BARBER COLLEGE wilt teach you the trade in S weeks; scalp and .face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while teaming, tuition retiuteu mm term, -.w maaison. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeep ing, stenography, civil service, secretar ial, special courses; expert teachers, day and night. Euro a now. uawy. &o&3. V EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. X Miss Buckel's private school; individ ual instruction. 122 Grand ave. E. 427, PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you ret of tools free, position secured. 3S N. 2d st. MRS. H ANNUM'S shorthand, typewriting school: day, evening. 20O Tillamook eu East 3S00. KOOKY MOUNT. Teachers Agency. Enroll free. rank k.. v eues, ex-asst. state supt., Mgr.. N. W. Bank bdg. Main 8276. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele. graph Institute, 434 Railway Exchange plug. tree nooKi e z. TATKS-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Aiam croaqway bidg. KliK Teachers' Agency Journal bids'. M 4N35. Teaching positions, free registration. THE International Correspondence Schools caa raise your salary. xt;u, oak st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. PAINTING. DECORATING, SIGNS. KAL SOMINING. BEST WORK. TABOR 206. TOVXij man. 3 years' general office ex p,crlence. wants position. Phone Broad way 2266. EXPERIENCED ex-service man wants do futiou as timekeeper, in or out of town. m 708, Oregonian. CA R PEN TEH will contract any kind of new or repair work. Garages or smal homes. Main 64U0 evenings. NICE-APPEARING young man would like position driving private car. Woodlawn 1401. READ THIS. House and root' painting; lead and oil kalsomining. Belew. Wdln. 6200. COOK and baker, good on dinners, short onters, Drai and pastry, wants work, a .n 4tM. oregonian. PRINTER, skilled in country work, seeks MiuHiion. AaaresB or wire AP 708. Ore Eon:un. FLOOR waxing,, window washing, wood work, vacuum cleaning, house cleaning. Tabor 22oo. evenings. CESSI'OOLS, fewer connections, houses raised, cement work of all kinds. Tabor 800S. BOY near 16 would like work as office boy or delivery. Tabor1757. PA PJiRH ANGING by the roil. Pook Sell 2li after 5:30. WANT Job stationary oil firing. 2364, apt. 3. Main FOR painting and kalsominlng pnone Ta bor 5S50, CARPENTERS. Al; work remodelin or new work; day or contract. Tabor 9049. CARPENTER, finisher, f irst-claaa" live man, has miter box. Bdwy. 716. A-l CARPENTER, builds and remodels, cheap, by contract. Woodlawn 12A. YOUR auto repaired at your home for less. phone Col. 706. . ELUERLY msn wants job; night or day watenman. -i 000, vregonian. '1 GARDENER, lawns leveled. , I y rolled. Phone East 6296. WANT contract for hauling wl h ton truck by dav or month. Main 6169. ROOSTS tinted. $3 and $4: good work and attention. B roadway 352::. PA INTiNG, tinting; fir-: -c ork and best of materials. Phout; 316-59. SITUATIONS WANTED HALE. INTERIOR RENOVATING. Louis Burk is a- wonder at cleaning decorated walls -and ceilings, woodwork, furniture, floors and everything; paint ing and tinting the better kind. You'll like niy work and price. Broadway 180O. GARDENER, agricultural college trained, exceptional references, overseas otficer; can beautify or commercialize property; permanent or temporary position con sidered. G 625, Oregonian. POSITION as cook or general work in hotel by Japanese; good references. Ad dress Frank. 813 Second St, city. Tele phone 513-19 Automatic. BY "WATCH MAN Day or night place. Experienced. 13 months last place. References furnished. 6021 37th ave. S. E. WANTED Position by an experienced logging cam timekeeper, scaler and commissary man. Address AV 94U. Ore gonian. . TOUNG man aged 26 years desires posi tion as chauffeur in private family. Can drive and take care of any make of car. Address 508 Borthwick St., city; FIRST-CLASS machinist, used to all kinds of work, lathe or vise; have several Rood city references ; can handle foreman or assistant. AL 702. Oregonian. WHO can use college man where engi neering education would, be of value? Outside work preferred. Jerry GiHis, Wl East 426. WINDOW cleaning, an exclusive residence service; if it were possible- to do better work, I'd da it; f Joor-cleaning and wax ing. Main 547. ABSTRACTERS. Do you need a professional abstracter? V r6.". Oreponian. PAINTING. TINTING. REASONABLE ESTIMATES; RELI ABLE, MA R. 3214. SALKSMAN wants position with reliable firm at present employed. H G33, Ore gon. an. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. REFINED young woman with 4-month s o:d baby desires work in small family, city or country. C. S. preferred. 49a Mar ket st. . Lace, hcrim AND MARQUISETTK cur tains done up Uke ne Villi ca:L E&st 8318, EFFICIENT bookkeeper and stenogra pher, .i years' experience ; best of refer ences. Slain 2M7. MIUI'LB-AGED lady wants housework. In a small family, or day work. Call Wood lawn 37Hfi. H Hi H school girl wishes to take care of c h i ldren and go to beach. Call Tabor 4455. ELDERLY lady will care for children by the hour, evenings. The very best city references. Call Bdwy. 5165. lAC'E scrim, Maxqueicette curtains hand laundered; 10 years experience. Called for. East 6196. WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evenings while mother is away; references. Woodlawn IfttL FANCY hand laundry done at home; sat ts! action guaranteed. East 5TS4. LADY wants housecleaning, other work; hours, dy; work guaranteed. Wdln. W3U5. WILL TAKP3 good care of children, after noons or evenings. Call Main 1KH. FLOOR WAXTNO, window washing and general housecleaning. Marshall 341'.. FOfifTION as chambermaid ; Alain 680.1. room 15. after 8 A. M. C j LOR ED woman wants chamber work. Phone Broadway 241 7. WOMAN wants work. 40c to 50c hour, car fare and lunch. Main '1.UV4, apt. 3. WANT day work. E. 87:0. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Of fice. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po sition, befit of references. J 643, Orcgo nian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher wanis position in city; references. Main MlK. STENOGRAPHER 2 years experience permanent or temporary work. Mar shall 4S87. CASH IER and bookkeeper wants position - on or about August 1st: salary $100. M 5 8 3. Or?g o ni an. MIMEOGRAPHING circular letters done reasonably. 614 McKay bidg. Write or call from 4 to 6 P. M. TEACHER would like clerical work in of fice for suatmer. AG 71 1, Oregonian. TYPIST wants copving to do during spare 1 1 me. M arahall3903 . EXPERIENCED lumber stenographer de sires position. Phone 315-82. Dressmakers, CO A TS. DRESSER. SUITS M A DE AND REMODELED. uressmaKing Dept.. em porium Dye Wks.. 049 Morrison. Bdwy. 4259. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, suits, dresses. voiles, etc., alterations of ail kinds. Mrs. Kelly. 752 Vancouver ave. Phone 316-06. RESSM A KING, work guaranteed, prices right. 311 Central bidg, 10th and Alder. Main 3408. .DRESSMAKING, remodeling done at home; all work guaranteed. East 694. 70 E. 30th st. t WOM AN wants dressmaking and reasonable. Tabor 7Rr5. plain tewing, RELIABLE dressmaker and tailor, by day. Phone Tabor 3643. NURSE d-es ires position. Telephone East 7211. Housekeepers. LADY with 2 boys would like a place keeping house for some man with not more than one child, in the country; will consider city. BD 412, Oregonian. YOUNG woman, excellent cook and work er, wants place, 2or 3 aduits only; wages $."0. CaU mornings, automatic 219-74. DomcMtlcs. THE VERIBERT WINDOW CLEANERS. TABOR 463S. House cleaning, floor waxing and vacuum cleaning; estimates cheerfully given; best of references. THE IDEAL WINDOW CLEANING CO., Tabor a.. "Window washing, floor waxing and house cleaning made easy. We save you time and money. talk with us. HOME economics graduate with four years practical experience wants position as manaser or housekeeper in good home. A V 30. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. House. WANTED by responsible party, a furnished house of five or eix rooms in good loca tion, rent reasonable, adults only ; 01 would take care of home in owner's ab sence; reierences exchanged. AM 411, Oregonian. WANTED HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS, LAWN. TABOR 4S84 OR MAIsN 2804. WANTED To rent furnished. 4 or 5-room bungalow, modem, by refined couple; must be convenient ear to Union station; first-class references. Main 32GS. WI LL LEASE for one year or longer, strictly raoflern unfurnished 6-room house in good location. tesponsi Die parry witn lour adults in I amity, pnone Hast 201. TO RENT your house or for Insurance call Main 8150. C. A. Wagner Co.. 230 Stark st. uener?' insurance and rentals. WANTED To rent, modern 4-room flat or houae, east side,; will lease; give rent and location. O 21, Oregonian. WANTED A neatly furnished modern house or bungalow for adults. Call room 3. phone Mar. 456. WANT to rent i furnished, on 4092. 1 4 or 5-room house, un east side. Call Tabor RESPONSIBLE party wishes to rent or lease 4 or 5-room house by July 1 or 15. AN 495.Oregonian. HOUSE or flat, partly furnished, 4 or 5 rooms, east side. Call East 3363. Apartments. WANTED By gentleman and wife, for 2 months from July 5, elegant 4 or 5-room apaitment on west side. Must be finely and completely furnished and strictly first-class In every respect. The best of care will be given. Main 4430 from 10 to 4. A FURNISHED APARTMENT. SMALL HOUSE OR FLAT ON EAST SIDE NEAR IRVINGTON, UNTIL SEPT. J; 3 BUSINESS MEN. CALL EAST 6O09 UNTIL 10 A. M. OR AFTER 6 P. M. WANTED 3 or 4-room apartment, un furnished, by June 30; responsible couple,- no children. Automatic 212-91. Evenings. Rooms. WANTED By two women of refinement, two bedrooms and housekeeping privi leges; private home, Irvington. Akmeda, Rose City, Laurelhurst. 3 13-64. MECHANIC, employed in city, wants liv ing room for caring for house or doing work evenings. Y 650, Oregonian. Rooms With Board. W1D.OW Is unable to care for her three children, would like good country peo ple to board them, reasonable. P 59P, Oregonian. VA NTKD Immediately, good home in the country for boy aged V. c 6-0, Oregonian. FOB RENT. SOME very good clean sleeping rooms. 208 17th. near Taylor. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL TNFORMXt ION BUREAU, 501-2 COUCH BI.DO. MAIN 4S5T. RESERVE YOUR ROOMS NOW FOR SHRINEKS WEEK AND CARNIVAL. ROOMS FOR SLEEPING. ROOM9 WITH BOARD OR ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. HURRY OR YOU'Ii BE LEFT. FURNISHED ROOMS. ' HIGH-CLASS. Few rooms for gentlemen, very light and airy; references required. Marshall 230. ' ' HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St.. at East Sixth. The principal east side hotel; dignified and refined; $1.25 per day and up; $6 per week and up. . PRINCESS HOTEL. Centrally located, strictly modern. Wondertul views of mountains and river. Special rates to travelers. 349 E. Burnside. Phone East 171. 4 FURNISHED rooms in rear of store modern plumbing. Inquire grocery store. Water and Gibbs-street. S. car south: rent $16.u0. including heat, water and garbape service. Main 2317. ADRIAN HOTEL, corner Grand ave. and East Morrison st.; hot and cold water in every room; $1 per day and up; also rooms with private baths. ROYAL PALM HOTEL. Third and Fanders. newly furnished, strictly modern; new management; rates fl day up. $3 week up. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th street, at Washington. Large, attractive, spotless rooms, clone to amuse, and shop, center. Bdwy. 1443. NEWLY furnished rooms and transient so licited. 493 Yamhill st. Phone Main 4H3ti. Mrs. A. Read, formerly of the Read hotel. ST. PAUL HOTEL, 4th and Alder; tele phone, elevator, hot and cold water; $1 up; private bath, $2 up; permanent. $5 u,p; private bath, $! up. N IC-E single rooms, housekeeping if de sired. Transient or permanent. 605 F land era 50 CTS. A DAY Sleeping rooms, over looking river. MUwaukie hotel. Corner rooms $5 a week, 7c fare. YOU will be surnriped. Rooms at MU waukie hotel 50c and $1 a day. Cor, 1t and Alder. SARGENT HOTEL Housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Phone East 29 L 271 Grand ave. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison st. at Tenth. Rates l a aay up. w eesiy, up Steam heat. Free phone and hatha. LEEDS A"PTS. Single rooms; modern, fireproof bidg.; $4 per week up. 210 Mar ket st. 75c. $1 DAY , -2.5J week up; outside rooms. MOtei HU.llia.C-. ou near jcuiimhi. T'nttirnisfaed Rooms 70S IRVTV'r ST., walking distance, west side. Call private house, 3 large rooms. Desirable man and wife only. Furnished Rooms tn Private Family. SUITABLE for two men. beautiful view bath privileges, walking distance, near Bdwy. bridge; board if desired, 2 blks. north of Bdwy. 2 West Williams ave. 423 Flint st. CLEAN furnished sleeping room with bath and teler-hone. I Mk. to car. clone in. TuhrtT. O.l- J frATH in A M to 5 P. M Sunday ; "Monday, East 113 from 9 to 5, or 520 E. Ash. 454 HALL Room and sleeping porch. walking dibtance; kitchen privileges Main 4DS0. .- NICELY furnished room In modern private home, close in: rates reasonable; perma nent or delegates. Tanor .V.t.i't. FURNISHED room with sleeping porch In apartment, suitable for two empiojeu. Main r.410. ititt? VTSlHPn sleeninir rooms with or with out breakfast. 921 East Burnside. Phone 21H-S5. REFINED middle-aged widow lady wants lady near same ago, wnin. in.. FOR RE NT- -Furnished room, close in, on west side. 172 Sherman st. FURNISH F.D room and sleeping porch ; gentleman. 8o iamniii. cor. --Jin Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTBU 23 D AND HO YT STS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best known residential hotels on Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meais served to transients. NCRTONI A HOTEL, Portland's downtown or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; w; $5 per week. Aut. 21-17 walking diHt.-i nee ; K. 7th st. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON, itso 10th st. For business girls and students reasonable rates. Mar. 1251. Rooms W 1th Koard tn Private Family. WANT children to board under 6 years: by elderly lady with home at beach. Beet of references. Mrs. B. F. Wade, Ocean Park. Wash. NICE clean roor.i. near shipvard, walking distance to town. 2 cu rimes at aoor. 706 1st Et. Main 4:-90. WANTED Babies to board in own home. Phone labor blo. LAr6e room and good board -at 590 E. Salmon st. East 8303. FurnisheI Apartments. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank store ; good surroundings, strictly mod ern : 2 and 3-room furnished apts. ; al' out-side with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient. CHATEAU BELLE MAE. 3-room apt., private bath and balcony. 2 beds ; clean as a hospital room. Also another small furnished room suitable for 1 or 2. Cor. of 4th and Hall. GRADUATE nurse wishes another to share furnished apt. in Nob Hill district. Call Broadway 3627. 3-ROOM furnished apartment with bath. iood light rooms. pine, convenient car service. labor out;. PBABODY APTS.. ltn and Upshur Housekeeping apartments. 1. 2 and 3-rm. Steam heat; reasonable. Broadway 1546 PORTNOMAH Four rooms. hardwood floors, walking distance; adults. K. 13th su 20O LEEDS APTS. 4 rooms and bath; fire proof bidg.. clean, dose in; $48. 210 Market st. Mar. 3597. ARCADIAN, 706 Everett, near 22d 3 room modern apt. ; married couples only, no children; references. UNION AVE. and Ktllingsworth, all complete; concrete bidg. S19.50. ALCO APTS.. E. Couch and Union ave. 2 - room apts.. reasonable. 3-ROOM beautifully furnished apt. for July and August. Bdwy. 618. DENNISON APTS.. 1027 Vi Belmont Two and. three-room apartments, furnished. Unfurnished Apartment. UNFURNISHED 2-room apartment for two adults in owner's home; 1 block library; 215 ltth St.. corner Salmon. Phone Main 8078. 3-ROOM modern unfurnished apt. ; good building, steam heat, no children, $30. Waverly Court, B. 26th and Clinton sts. FK EE apartment for a couple to care for furnace ana nans. Apply iu Morgan bhU- 4-ROOM light outside apartment in mod ern brick apartment building. 2(4 North 21st. near Northrup. Bdwy. 4730. FIVE rooms, Carmelita, 13th and Jeffer son. Furnished or Uniurnlshed Apartments. JAEGER APARTMENTS 701 Washington st. Will have several apartments ready for occupancy on or about June 15; can make reservations now. : Flats." " MODERN, cheerful, unfurnished 4 rooms bath, sleeping porch, front porch; won derf ul view ; private ; furnace, basement space; west side,- close in; permanent; jiduits; reierences. Jiar. 4-'u. 5-ROOM upper flat, modern in every way, large sleeping porch, $30, west side. In quire grocery store, cor. Waters and Gibbs street. S. car south. Main 2317. MODERN 5-room flat, newly papered and tainted. 202 V. Margin st., root 01 Hal sey, 10 min. walk Irom Union depot. East 3012. FLAT for rent, furniture for sale. Phone Broadway 4238. 5-ROOM flnt in rinubl house 5207. 1073 Division.. NICE 5-room flat, close in. $20. E. Yamhill st. East 3498. Furnished Flat. ELEGANT 5-room upper flat and sleep ing porch;- references; no children. 593 By bee ave. . MCLLi furnished j-room modern upper flat. adult only, $75. Call between 9 and 12 and after 2. i2'-2 2od st. N. LAK"K i-rouin modern flat, porch. Phone E ti69. .... FOR KENT. Furntenea Flats. FOR RENT 6-room flat, furniture for sale, strictly modern in first-class con dition, Victrola and everything complete, .bedding and all. Call after 5 o'clock or any time Sunday. 3t6 Broadway. ELEGANTLY furnished 6-room flat and sleeping porch, piano, Vietrola, Radiant fireplace : close in on east side. CaU Main 5003 or East 2126. STRICTLY modern 5-room furnished flat with sleeping porch, water, garbage ana phone. East 2101. 861 E. Washington, corner 2Sth. ROOMS, strictly modern throughout; beautifully furnished : located near. Al berta St.. No 100OH E. 18th N. Owner at place, or call Gustaff. Bdwy. 4975, Mon. WELL-FURNISHED 6-room flat. Portland Heights, for rent until November 1. caoi Mar. 3714 between 9 and 5. TO RENT 3-room modern lurnished flat. nice lawn and wash trava In basement. 338 Sth st. N. Main 4861. . 5-ROOM flat furnished; close in; East Side; modern. $45; no children. E. 3607. 4-ROOM bungalow flat, nicely furnished. interior white enameled, fireplace; price $65; adults. CaU Main 3883. Housekeeping Room. NICELY furnished room on first floor. suitable for office or sleeping room, davenport bed, also coach, privilege of using electric grill; vacant June 15 V6 Flanders. . DESIRABLE single and three-room house keeping suites, completely furnished, pri vate bath, laundry. 186 Sherman st. Marshall 39S3. THE BEAVER, I2th and Mar.; furnished H. K rooms. $15 up. including gas range, hot water, electric lights, laundry room- TRUNKS and baggage delivered in down town district for 25c Auto service. Free storage for 15 days. Phone Bdwy. 2445. 4-ROOM apt., (3.50 weekly; 4 2-room apts.. $2.50 weekly. Electricity, gas, nice quiet place near shipyards. 657 1st. TRUNKS and baggage delivered in down town district for 25c f auto service. Phone Main 295. LARGE, clean, single housekeeping room, light and gas furnished, hot and. cold water. 554 E. Madison, cor. 3 3th. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, one two-room apartment, $3, ana one t hree room apartment, $5. Call East 567. 1 TO- 2 ROOMS for housekeeping, walking distance ; low rates. 504 E. Clay. THREE-ROOM furnished housekeeping. Adults. 390 Russell at. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. WILL rent for July and August two nice ly furnished front rooms and kitchenette, first floor, very light and homelike; lights, water, telephone and bath free. Everett L THREE CLEAN ROOMS, ENTIRE UP PER FLOOR. CONVENIENCES. NO CHILDREN. WOODLAWN 2SS7. LOVELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 586 Pettygrove st. 105 20TH. cor. Flanders housekeeping rooms. -Neatly furnished TWO furnished H. K. rooms; walking dis tance. Adults. 690 E. Burnside. Houses. FOR LEASE for the time of one to three years. my beautiful 5-room colonial bungalow, modern in every respect?; will lease to responsible party; furnished complete. See Armstrong atjtfultnomah a taction. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service Broadway 560, A 6747. LOCAL and long-distance moving and hauling ; first-class equipment. Green Tr. Co., 202 Alder st. Main 1261, 672-61 MOVING Piano, furniture and long-Uls-tance hauling a toecialty. O. oc W. Truck Service Co., 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS New' 8-room res idenco. Phone Oak Grove 1-M. LARGE 12-room house Tor rent - at 373 Ross st. corner of E. Broadway and Ross. Call East 3376. 5-ROOM house for rent at Os w e go. In quire for Mr. Rosen tread er. 5-ROOM house In vicinity of shipyards. Inquire 6J76 4th st. MODERN 5-room house, car; $25. Main 4416. one block from Furnished Houses. IRVINGTON beautiful new home, com pletely furnished, for rent to responsible parties from June 27 to September 6, $ i00. Strictly modern ; electric range, wash mat-hine, mangle, vacuum cleaner, children's outdoor gym and playground. Beautiful flowers and p hrtibs. Garage. 03O East 16th N. East 6180. FOR SALE or lease. Richmond district. near 2Sth Kt. . modern 5-room furnished bungalow, f i sepia ce and built-in con' ven iences; fine view. Main 8359. COMPLETELY furnished modern house, large, reasonable to responsible couple, no children; must have references. V 6S6, Oregonian. FOUR rooms, $18 mo.. stoves, tables, kitchen treasure, sanitary couch, dresser, etc., for sale. $100., Cobb Bros., 263 Oak st. FOR RENT for summer months. 5-room furnished cottage close in 01 east side. To adults only. AP 707. Oregonian. 5-ROOM furnished bungalow, Willamette Heights. $45. Write, giving references. O 602, Oregonian. FOR RENT New elegantly furnished 5 room bungalow in Rose City Park. Call automatic 317-74. ask for Summer. 7-ROOM furnished house, including piano, after June 15. Rent $75 per month. CaU 155 E. 14th st. N. W. cor. Beimont THREE room furnished cottage with garden. $25 per mo. Phone Main 7388. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale. (Srant. Main 1167. . HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale. Tabor 8075. 05 East 69th st. N. ' FURNISHED 5-rm. house till September L East 87HO. 6- ROOM furnished house. 866 E. North. Automatic 313-36. Summer Kfsorta. FOR RENT Camping space on Rock is land. 20 minutes from city on Oregon City and MUwaukie cars ; ideal summer resort ri?ht at home; light, water and fuel furnished; ferry meets all cars. For reservations call Broadway 3021. WHY SPEND n lot of money on R. R. fare when we can giva you a good camp site at Columbia Beach, including fuel, light and water at $0 to iu per inontn : uaa dy can be with you every night. If in terested, take Vancouver car. Mac LEAN'S CAMP, OSWEGO LAKE. Cottage for rent, partly furnished; reached from Oswego station on 4th-st. red electric line. Mac-Lean, W7 Lewis bidg. Phones Bdwy. 5000 and Oswego 431. HOT SPRINGS HOTEL. STEVENSON. WASH. In the center of the beauties of the Columbia gorge, near the "Bridge of the Gods." The place for your summer outing. jweais tne oest. WHY NOT rest and enjoy the quiet and cnarming scenery, natural woods, 1a beautiful suburban home? Milk, butter. eggs, vegetables produoine riicht here 6 miles by auto; near electric line. Phone Main 3939, afternoon. AT RHODODENDRON 5 very beautiful iy located bungalows, 3 and 4 rooms, large fireplaces; on Still creek and Zigisag. Inquire Rhododendron Inn, Rhododendron, Or. TO Hn?N f J? OR SEASON. 10-room modern house, fully furnished; garage, conveniently located; also small cottages, clean and comfortable. Mrs. R. H. Moffitt. Seaview, Wash. MAKE reservations now at the Andora hotel. Seaside, Or.; small, homelike place, modern, baths, lavatories, etc., room and board $2.50 a day and up. SEAVIEW cottage for rent for season; very fine location (on the ridge): fur nished, bath, electric light. 5 bed. Write or call weekdays. 4903 34th ave.' S. E. NEAHKAHNIE For rent. 5-room beach cottage, fully furniened; glorious view. Kaon, Main 2327. - COMPLETELY furnished modern house at Bay Ocean for August, $20. CaU Mrs. Trommaid, East 216. 5-ROOM cottage completely furnished for month or season. Beach. Center, Wash. Phone Main 9299. PRIVATE cottage hotel for couples; ocean view ; lovely location ; $5 each . per day. A. L. Peel, 119 9th ave.. Seaside. Or. FOR RENT to Sept. 1. 5-room furnished cottage. See C H. Precemeder at Sea side , 0 r .. o r ph o ne Tabor 142 8 . SEAVIEW Attractive, well-furnished cot tages and house-tent; very desirable. Main 8998. BEAUTIFUL "Battle Ground, Lake Wash." Take Yacolt road out of Vancouver. Come to the mountains. Admission 10c. NEAHKAHNIE BEACH, for rent or sale, furnished cottage, ocean view. - Main 7030. SEASIDE For rent, 5-room furnished cot tage; best location, near beach: $150 un til Aug. 15. Tabor 453 or Main 1001. 2-room house for sale at cost. For par ticulars write P. O box 250. Portland. OCEAN CREST APTS. Light housekeep ing. Rockaway Beach. ROOM for rent. Rockaway Beach. East 1276. ; - FLRN1SHED cottage, Seaview, Wash., for rent to -'July 10 only. .Main 113. FOR RENT. Summer Resort. BUNGALOW at Seaview. loeated on the ridge, overlooking ocean; 7 rooms; mod ern conveniences, including bath, tele . phone, electric lights, hot and cold water; excellent range and fireplace; ready to move in except linen and sil verware. Call Main 335. Broadway 4642. Address box 15, Seaview, Wash. NO profiteering 4 nice completely fur nished cottages at Long Beach from 2 to 6 rooms to rent for season cheap. Bedding, everything complete, as party lives there and has Just cleaned them perfectly. 1360 E. 23d mU N. Wood lawn car. Store. FOR RENT. A VERY ATTRACTICR STORE ON BROADWAY, NEAR EVERETT ST., CENTER OF AUTOMOBILE ROW. INQUIRE AT t 80 NORTH BROADWAY. FOR LEASE SALESROOM 36x25, WITH AUUlUU.NAli SPACE, IN LARGE GA RAGE. SPEEDWELL GARAGE. 14TH AND COUCH STS. PHONE BROAD WAY 3974. - FOR RENT Space 3545. suitable" for auto top or patnt shop. 462 Hawthorne ave.. Sd floor. Phone East SOI., ask for Hines or Brace. GROCERY store in a fine location, doln good business ; small rent ; good propo Bltion. AM 395, Oregonian. 25 STORE, west side, close in, 23x4 feet. Tabor 1114. ROOT BEER stand for rent. 603 Fenton bidg. Broadway 274. Offices. OFFICE or desk room for rent, way Exchange bidg. 320 Rail- BrsrxEss opportunities. CONTRACTOR WIRES . "URGENT NEED OF MORE TRUCKS. A GUARANTEE OF $3.75 PER BTR. FOR 10 MONTHS WOJK, IN WRIT TNG. ANYONE . MEANING BUSINESS WILL GO TO SEE THIS JOB. FARE WILL BE REFUNDED IF JOB IS NOT AS REPRESENTED. R. E. HARNESS, BROADWAY . 1572. SUNDAYS & EVENINGS. TABOR 1344. FOR SALE A good Investment, 4-store building. 5-room eottage. a barn and fine garden, on paved st. and all sidewalks in. close to Portland, rent bringing in about $50 a month; $3000 cash will take this. By owner.- Come out and see this. J. F. Fulton, 209 N. Main at, Newberg, Or. FORCED to sell on account of sickness, fine grocery store in. the best residential district of Portland, doing a fine busi ness; will stand Investigation; a little over $200 will handle It; rent $35; for lull particulars call 284 Morrison st. ELECTRIC light and power plant In town 01 iuo population near Centralla, Wash. Modern 2200 volt A. C. distribution sys tem. Present business can be doubled im mediately. Would cost $5000 to dupli cate; $2000 cash takes it. Oakville Elec tric Co., Oakville, Wash. SALES manager wanted for one of the largest realty firms In the west , must be fully capable of managing and tak ing charge of department ; also must invest $3000 cash. Kindly address B 632. Oregonian. GENERAL store in ono of Portland's best suouros. a bout $ .1OOO stock ; doing over 5Hio a day; small expense; living room larpe basement. Will sell or rent fix tures. Owner wants to retire. A 688, vregonian. BIG SACRIFICE. Sale or trade grocery and confection ery; no competition; living rooms, cheap rent, lease; gooa cnance to nanoie auto mobile accessories. Call Marshall 2438, or 1700 Union ave. N. BUSINESS" CHANCE HEADQUARTERS. Rooming houses, restaurants and cigar stores, confectionery, groceries and pool halls. See us before buying, we have some good buys. See Harper &. Morris, 4 22 -423 Henry bidg. BRAND new restaurant at Corvallis; best paying restaurant In city, clearing $400 month. Dairy lunch on one side, dining room on the other. Reason for selling, sickness. 228 N. 20th st. Lucille Court Apts. W. A. Tarpley. Bdwy. 2071. MUST sell on account of sickness. 10 rooms, well equipped, private hospital, doing good business: ideal location, cheap rent : fine chance for a couple of unrsea; will sell reasonably. . Woodlawn 2150. - m A CHEAP STOCK OKT.ROCE RTFS. I must sell my stock of groceries and fixtures at a good bargn tn ; bet loca tion for permanent grocery, $1000 cash takes It. Call East 5062. GOOD location for bakery, butcher shoo or specialty store: modern store build ings in good population center: good in ducement to right parties Johnson. 248 Stark 6L JOB OFFICE for sale; one of the be.'t equipped job printing offices in fine - city of Oregon; good business, and will sell at a bargain; $4000 cash. AV 937. Oregonian. CAUTION. BUYERS Before clostnsr deal ef so-called Interest in established real estate business get advice of Portland Realtv Board. 421 Oregon bids. Broad- way 1902. 18-BOOM transient hotel for sale; newly papered Jnd pain too. new curtains ana draperies, extra good carpets, well fur nished. Price right. Call 229 First st. st west side. FOR SALE One vulcanising plant with' a full line of parts and retread bands; also one 1918 Mitchell car. Maunt Tabor garage, 33SO Hawthorne ave., W. Mahn berg, proprietor. BILLIARD hall and soft drinks, largest mace in town ol i-,uw ; long leae. iu tables, clearing $400 per month. Price $4000 cash. AV 3. oregonian. FOR SALE O. K. cafe: well equipped, good location; cash $400. Dallas, Or., box 163. No other restaurant in town. Miss Frances Snyder, box 163, Dallas, Or. FOR SALE At cost. Al hardware and furniture business. Winchester store, in best little town in state : sickness com pels sale. J 622. Oregonian. FOR SALE Good paying photograph studio, well located, good business and encouraging future; owner leaving city; terms. V 683, Oregonian. BIG LUNCH. Ice cream and soft drink concession with equipment at Columbia Beach, near bath house, for sale. Phone Wdln. 4024. VL' LC ANI ZING shop, tires and accesso ries, full modern equipment, good loca tion ; bargain for cash. Call Woodlawn 2629 week days. i E. H. & A. N. HOSNER. dealers In Blocks and bonds ; invest menu. Phone Main 4823, 60S McKay bidg. . t. FOR SALE Grocery store in a good coun try town ; daily sales $90; will invoice about $30O0. Box 158. G res ham, . Or. Phone 1001. FOR SALE Confectionery store. Jefferson depot, $1000 cash, good real estate, bal ance. TOO confining for one. must have lady or gent partner, Portland photographer, inexperienced taught. A 503. Oregonian. FOR SACK TwQ-chalr barber shop; a bargain; terms. Ed Miles, Hermiston, Or. FOR SALE Shoe repair shop. Champion machinery, doing good business. Cail or write, 432 1st st. Raymond, Wash. SMALL second-hand stock for sale, east side location, store for rent. AM 393, Oregonian. GROCERY stock and fixtures for sale, .good corner location. Will invoice. 514 Alberta. FOR SALE OR LEASE Fully equipped theater in Astoria. Oregon. Terms. D. H. Walch, Astoria, Or. FOR SALE An old established flour and feed business good location ; will bear I n v e s tigation. AK 48 4, Oregonian. MUST get partner or sell only cleaning and pressing plant In $75,000 payroll town ' In Oregon. Address AV 942. Oregonian. $25 BUYS a profit-sharing membership tn the Investors Trade Association. In quire 216 Chamber of Commerce bidg. TAILOR shop for sale; every equipment; 2-year lease. $20 per mo.; $1000 will han dle. 164 West Park. WILL sell or trade 3 stores and two six room flats, 61st and Belmont. Main 3720. x , FOR SALE Woodsaw complete with team and haruefs- Call at248 East41st st. BAKERY for sa'.e. rood location; will sell at a bargain. 393 E. Sfith et. Tabor 6l5. NICE small restaurant on corner. 6 tables'. 9 stools. 375 E. Burnaide. .'iOR SALE A nice 3-jhair barber shoo. 3 nqulre a-- uoucn st. SMALL, busy restaurant for sale; low rent: terms. 375 Front st. GOOD-PATING bakery for sale on account of Illness. A 567. Oregonian. FOR RENT Space for florist or cigar stand. wainiooo. FOR SALE Dandy good cigar store cheap. S42 Front at. 8-CHA1R barber shop for sal a. 00 Vj N. 6lh street. lnuuire BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. HEADQUARTERS FOR BUSINESS OP PORTUNITIES. GROCERIES. $2500. or Invoice, 6 living rooms and bath, sales $50 to $70. $5500. clean stock: would consider resi dence of equal value. $1500, strictly cash-and-carry; xery. neat place; low rent. . $110O or Invoice; two living- rooma; rent $25. CONFECTIONERIES. CIGARS AND SOFT DRINKS. $2000. east side, living room, fine place and low rent: I4O00. extra good buy, 2 living rooma; $40) rent, lease. RESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTER. $5.V). close In. east side, good buy. $1500. busy place, money-maker, west side, rent ISO. MISCELLANEOUS. 4700. cleaning and pressing parlor, well equipped, including furniture for three rooms; rent $25. $1600. tire shop and equipment for Gates half soles; stock of accessories st In . voice. BROWN At RIDDLE. 3?4 Ry. Exch. bidg. 3d and Stark, LUMBER HAUL. HAVE LUMBER HAUL REQUIRING TWO NEW 3 -TON TRUCKS, GOOD FOR TWO TO THREE TEARS WIN TER AND SUMMER, OVER HARD SURFACE ROAD. EACH TRUCK CAN EARN FROM $35 TO $40 PER DAT. LIVE IN PORTLAND. CALL PURDT, EVENINOST ABOR 1344, DATS BRWT. 1572. FOR RALE 'AT TNVOtCB. One of the best retail furniture stores n Oregon, all clean stock, every article In this store is as staple as sugar or coffee; doing a good business; situated In nt t H a ht hllKinKM blocks ln town, cheap rent, long lease; in town?J almost $ 10U0, pavrolfc close to $12o.O00 per month. The only first-class furni ture store In town. Have been in busi ncs 6 years; sickness the cause or this sacrifice. Address Box 431. North Bend. Or. 2 TRUCKS HAULING GOODS ON We are able to show. you a first-class hauling business with 2 trucks, both 1020. One ton truck and one 2-ton triiflr fUarlnp SfHlO rver month: CStab lished 3 years: other business compels me to sell this business; open for investi ca inn a rpa i hn v ani. monev-maker. See my agent for full particulars. Price 9300P. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., -805 OAK ST. HAVE an exceptional tro Position to make to live man organising state sales forces In the various states: tastest seinng arri cle on the market. Manufactured in Portland, Kansas City. New York city, and Atlanta, Ga Exclusive territory to men who mean business, and have sut fictent capital to handle the matter prop erly. Call at the home office of the Sunt Manifold Saies corporation, room 934 rhmnhfr nf Commere lldir.. Portland Or., between 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. week days. FOR SALE 12-room fullv eoulpped mod em maternity home in beautiful section 01 city, 0 beds, nursery, delivery room, 2 baths, large kitchen, cement base ment, 100x100 lot. garage, fruit trees, garden; established business, doing $10,- OOO a year; can secure long lease on building; will sacrifice on quiek turn over; owners leaving city. oive pnone numbr. BD 39S, Oregonian. PICTURE theater for sale, thoroughly up-to-date, in one of the livest and grow ing towns In Idaho. Seats about 450; machines and all equipment practically new and" In oefect order. Price 1S500. Do not answer this unless you have $6500 cash. Long lease and reasonable rent. Box 205 St. Anthony. Idaho. BAKERY for sale, good location and good town of 1700 population; all fixtures and . utock. worth $2500, at a sacrifice price or $1 100, as I have two places or bus! riess and must dispose of one and must do it quick. Address A. Meyer, Golden dale. Wash. Box 216. WANT A BUSINESS PARTNER WITH $500 CAPITAL. A BON A -FIDE PROP OSITION, YOU HANDLr ALL THE MONEY; GUARANTEED PROPOSl TION FOR THE RIGHT PARTY. AP PLY 521 CHAMBER OF COMMPKCK B LLH3., ASK rK F R E I) P E R CORN, FROM 12 NOON TO 6 P. M. Buftinews Opportunities Wanted. WANTED New and second-hand f urn I ture store, up to $3000 valuation. Ad s dress Lee. 10O9 Plum st.. Centralis. Wn Stocks and Bonus. E. H & A. N. IIOSN E R. Stocks. Bonds and Investments. Want Beaver State Motor stock, pa ciric Mtate Kire stock, American Lite ograph stock. Phone Main 4i23, 608 McKay bidg. Hoteli and Rooming House. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL . Business. Hotel, Rooming or Apart men House or anv kind, anywhere, see F. RIERDON. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE &. CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. HERE'S ONE THAT SHOULD SELL ON SIGHT. Eleven housekeeping rooms, rent on! fin, close in. net income over $h,; mus sell at once, price $50. fome terms. Simms, 425 Chamber of Commerce bidg. .Main 4'i i. TO BUYERS ONLY. We have hotels and apartment houses in all parts of the city; all prices. Come in and see our lists. If anything we have interests you, we will show same by apointment. THOMSON, 620-21 Henry Bidg. $12 RENT for 14 modern rooms and other personal property to trade for modern house equity or Improved acreage close in. or something I can leaFe. Going ' south July 1st. Take this now and get the convention crowd. Give phone num ber. G 527. Oregonian. 42-ROOM HOTEL. Some H. K. rooms, very good west side location, lease . and very low rent, pres ent owner has had it for ten years: a bargain for some one, $4510. terms. 401 Stock Exchange bidg. Main 53S5. lo-KuOM houie, corner lot. for sale; com pletely furnished for 4 families; 2 bath rooms, furnace, west side ; walking dis tance; good income. Price $6250. East 1 60S. 06-ROOM HOTEL AND APT. This is one of the best buys in the city, will net $400 per month, brick bidg.. lease, very low rent, $5000, terms. 401 Stock Exchange bidg. Main 53S5. PHON E Bdwy. 4KS0 woa. cail for particu lars) if you want to sell your rooming or apartment house. Quick service. MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 Henry Bidg. FOR SALE By owner, 11 furnished H. KL. rooms all occupied, close in wast side. Rent $35. See owner at 255 Sth st. Call between 11 A. M. and 4 P. M. week days. FOR SALE My equity in 40-room hotel; downtown location; cleared $700 in May; or will exchange for city or suburban home. Phone Main 1826. 56-KOOM HOTEL. NEAR U. DEPOT. With 3-year lease, income about $700 per month. See this money-maker. 401 Stock Exch. bidg. Main 53S5. FOR SALE -"Rooming house of 65 rooms. 40 unfurnished, 25 furnished. Inquire at restaurant. 35 North Fifth st. APT. HOUSE, near city hail. 45 rooms, I, 2-rm. apts., good business; by owner, price $5500. Inquire 202 McKay bidg. MRS. M. E. LENT. . Hotel and apartment-house broker. 623-4-5 Northwestern Bank Bidg. FOR best bargain in apartment houses ses members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co., 245 4th st LOST -AND FOUND. LOST Black traveling bag containing hohv fiofbes: bae lost somewhere on Powell Valley road. 82d street or East GHsan. Return to u. k. nariwig. io Stock Exchange bidg. Keward. m r nqr T.dv onen-face monogrammed sil ver watch, Friday evening; finder please call at 2S6 12th st. or phone Main ioa. Regard. LOST Wednesday. June 9. U. S. bank bill holder containing $20 to $30 in $5 and io aenominatiuiisi j-wu. v gonian. PARTY who took gold-handle umbrella from Meter &. r ran a juue 1 is xnuwu, leave -ut store. LOST-Friday, small leather grip contain ing mechanic's tools; finder notify Bdwy. 1704. 391 Oak st. Liberal reward. LOST A white Clumber spaniel., yellow ears, short legs, name of owner on col lar Phone East 374. LOST Automobile safety lock on Haw thorne ave. Saturday. Reward. East 4042. ' LOST Boston bulldog at 5th and Stark Friday afternoon. Reward. East 32011. jJoST Black handbag, very needy to owner. Reward. Miss Reed. Treves hotel. LOST A Collie dog. "Sandy." 7510. Reward. Call East osT Ore-., pattern of dark blue tri cotlne. Mxs. A. &T- Young, . Uillsboro. Or. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE OF SALE OF DRAINAGE DIS TRICT BONDS. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived by the boaxd of supervisors of -4he Klamath drainage district of Klam ath county, Oregon, at the office of said board, which Is in the courthouse In the city of Klamath Falls. Or., for the pur chase of $200,000 of the bonds of said Klamath drainage district, until the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon on the 17th day of July, A, D. 1920. Said bonds are to be dated Jury 1. 1920, and are to bear Interest from date at the rate of 6 per cent oer annum. tav- able on the first day of January and. the first day of July each year. The board of supervisors reserve the right to reject any and all proposals for any reason and If not satisfactory to aid board. Address all communications and all proposals to the undersigned. C. R. DELAP, Sec. ef Klamath Drainage District, Klamath Falls, Oregon. NOTICE. OND SALE. Notice Is hereby given that the Port of Newport will receive sealed bids for nur- A chase of fifty thousand ($50,000.00) dol- lars port bonds, to run for a period of twenty-nve years, oeartng interest ax the rate of 6 per cent rer annum. All bids will be opened at the office df the secretary of the port commission at New port, Oregon, at 7:30 P. M. on the Sth day of July, 1920. The Port reserves the right to reject any and all bids. B. F. JONES, Secretary of the Newport Port Com mission. SEALED BIDS win b received until 13 noon, June 2T, on stock of groceries, rn- voice iz,;vo. i.ertmea cnecKs or cash 10 per cent of bid must, oocouvmot bid. Right reserved to accept any or reject all bids. Invoice may be Inspected, at o4i PlttOCR mock. THE AD J U STM ENT B URE ATJ. Mtwellaneous, NOTICE TO THE LEGAL VOTERS OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO 1, MULTNO MAH COUNTY. OREGON. You are hereby notified that pursuant to a resolution of the board of school directors of school d strict No. 1. Mult nomah county. Oreeon. a sDeclal school election will be held within the district on Saturday, the 19th day of June, 1920, to vote upon the Question of authorizing the district to levy taxes wi.hin the dis trict upon the assessment roll for tha year larger by $95ud00 (being ap proximately a 3-milI ievy upon the as sessed valuation of said district) than the amount limited by the constitution of the state of Oregon, unless specifically authorized by a vote of the electors of the district. saJd amount being the amount necessarvtin the onlnion of the board to provide for the purchase of necessary sites and the erection or scnooi buildings in various portions of the dis trict durlnjr the ensuinir vear. The polls will be open on the day tf election irom 12 noon to a '. iu. ana tne qualifications of voters at this election are fixed by chapter 99, General Laws 01 Oregon for 1917. In this election the voter mast have the property qualifica tions, j Dated this 29th day of April. 1920. O. M. PLUMMER. Chairman Board of Directors. R, K. THOMAS. District Clerk. PROPOSED SALE OF STEEL RAILS. Notice is hereby given that some time in the month of July, 1920. a sale will be sought under appropriate proceedings in the district court of Nome. Alaska, of approximately 4O0O tons of second-hand steel rails, formerly the property of the Seward Peninsula Railway company, and now lying on the tundra and on the right-of-way that was formerly owned by the Seward Pen insula Railway com pany, extending from Nome to Lane's landing, a distance of about 0O miles north. These rails vary from 30 to 40 pounds per yard, principally 36 pounds, arf!' some sections of tho rails might be used, as they now w for operating hand cars in removing the rails; other sec tions are disjointed and cannot be tw used. Tho sale, if ordered by the court will be a ma rsh 1' salo to the high est bidder for canh and will take place som time after the arrival of the steamship Victoria, at Nome In the month of July, 1020. For further information apply to William H. Gorman. P. O. box 263 Seattle, Washington. NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION. Notice Is hereby given to the leral voters of School District No. 1. Mult nomah county, state of Oregon, that the annual school election for said d istric will be held on tne tnird Sattirdav June, beins; the 19th day of June. 1920, for the purpose of electing two directors to Ferve for three Xfarg; said election to be held at each of the several poll places in said district as provided by the board of directors, and the election to beein at the hour of 12 o'clock noon and to continue until 8 o'clock P. 11. of said day. Dated this 10th day of Mit. 1020. O. 51. PLUMMER. Chairman Board of Directors R, H. THOMAS. ' District Clerk. T"wiKE. Sarah Cutting, having le-ft n bed and board. I will not be rsooiusibl for any oil Im contracted hv her af te June 12. 1020. Ed. W. CUTTING. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE t'O., 20S SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR, Cash paid for mortgages and sellers' ron tracts on real estate In Washington. Ore gon. H. E. Noble, 316 Lumbermens bidg WE BUY first and second mortgages an sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman 6c Co 210 Chamber of Commerce. Money to Loan on Keal Fstate. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On Improved property, or for improve' meut purposes. The bebt and easiest method of paying a loan is our mommy payment plan. $32.26 per month lor 30 months, or $21.24 pi r month for 60 months, or $1j.17 per month for 96 mouths pays a loan of $ioou and interest. Loans of other amouuu in same pro portious. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN Hi star. t-. .romano. or. MORTGAGE LOANS. NO BROKBitAOE. LOWEST RATES. City or farm. Liberal repayment priv ileges. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY, 91 Third Street. Main 3067. Room 2. Chamber of Commerce Bidg. MORTGAGE LOANS on. farm and city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ileges Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 80 Fourth St.. Portland. Or. $60,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit on city, suburban and farms. Building loans a specialty. , . WILLIAM G. BECK. . 215--J16 FAILING BUILDING., THIRD AND WASHINGTON. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val lev farms; no commission; no delavs. DiJVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, 87 Sixth St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 6 PER CENT AND 7 PER CENT. NO COMMISSION. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. S3 4TH T.. HENRY BLDG MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying prlvijgea. A. H. BIRKELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bidg. Marshall 4114. a 4 1 1 S. MORTGAGE loans on Improved farm and city properly, 'lavuraoie repaying prlvf leges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD 309 Piatt bidg. Main 5371 LIBERAL LOANS. We loan our money on real estate. 1st and 2d mortgages, contracts, live stock, notes, etc. F. E. Bowman A Co 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 302B MONEY TO LOAN; : on Improved city property and also Im proved farm property. Current rates. WM. Mc MASTERS 331 U. S. National Bank'B Id g. $400. 500. $000, $800. $1000. $1200. $1500 $2000 and up; lowest rates, quick action : Dav off $10o or more at any intere.r Ha,-' Gordon Mortgage Co.. 631 Chamber of Commerce bid g. Main 1370. CITY "AND FARM LOANS No Delay. No Delav. No Delay. $100'.). $1300. $2000. $3000 and U& We loAn our money on real estate' F. H. PES HON, 015 CHAM. OF COM. $300. $400. $500. $750. $1000 AND UP- lo ratesj quick action. fred W. German uo., i nm. " . ..lain ) . . MOKTGAGL.S ann sellers contracts bought for casn. i-i--io northwestern Bank bidg. Main 30O2 $500. $1000 AND upward on improved real v estate, la.umui. icinis; no aelay; ! no brokerage. John Bain, 507 Spalding bidg. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE COT 222 Cham of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MONEY on farms and Improved city prop - erty. H. K.: Baxter. 1203 Spading bidg. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Keel Estate. RESIDENCE LOANS. Ti five-year period. You may pay $100 er any multiple thereof account principal, semi-annually and reduce 1 texest on loans under $50O0. INSTALLMENT LOANS, Will loan 60 value house and tot at 7. You pay one-half of one per cent account principal monthly. For ex ample, $2000 loan, yon pay $10 monthly and Interest; you have privilege of pay ing $100 or amy multiple thereof month ly. Interest reduced according r. NO COMMISSION. . BUSINESS LOANS. FlVe-year - period, ExoeHant re payment privilege. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPAKT, Main 8308. 407 Ycon Bidg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 per cent. Louis Salomon A Co.. 40 Selling bidg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salarlea. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOA2C AS3V. MONET AT PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BT PORTLAND BT7SW NES3 MEN TO PROTBCT BORROW ERS. LOANS MADE : OK DIAMOND, "WATCHES. JEWELRY, FIAXOS. VTO TROLAS. LIBERTY BONDS AND FUR NITURE. 94 STARK ST.. KSAR lOVH. CAR MS MTER3 HERRMANN. Mtr. PORTLAND RBiTKDIAt. IOAH ASSW. ... rJRP.-JOU N"EED MONET AI IiAXl RATE3. QUICK SERVlCSt XOU CAN GKT IT TODAY. LOAN'S MADE ON trP.?fOBll'ES- FURNITURE. PIANOS. V1CTROLAS, REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC ir Tour payments ara too lars m TOUr !Itomlle or furnitur. contracts, wa will pay them op and adanea yon mora money if needed. Wa m&ka.a cla.ty of these loans, and loavs lh curlty In your possession and you caa re.p,ay H? ln "-'! monthly payment. ALSO WE MARK 6ALARV LOANS, to salaried people, on their own nota. Kates reasonable. Private offices. Ail business strictly confidential. - PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY ... ... - (LICENSED.) S0S-3OT Dokum Bidg. Marshall g. W. cor. Third and Washington. SALARY LOANS. CHATTELS. WI LOAN MONEI. an ahort notloa to marled or w-orklna? men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Eacn transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGES. NO INDORSES. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY, w. also loan on household furnlturav pianos, etc.. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLU-IBIA DISCOUNT CO.. LICENSED. S18 FAILING BLTX3. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds, watches. J wary aan bonds: local ratn.: all (roods held 1 year. VINES JK1TELRY STORE. 114-118 3d St.. cor. Washington. Main 6649. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; lecai rates; articles held a year: estab llshed 1SSS. Dan Marx Co.. 2 S3 Wash. OEO. HARVEY loans monev on house- holi goods, legal rates. Tabor SS06. QUICK money on unsecured nota to sal- arlcd. people. 803 Wilcox bidg. HATHAWAY loans on pianos and furni ture. legal rates. 208 Washington bidg. r.oans Wanted. LOAN wanted, west si-le. $."Ono for 5 years at a per. cent, on brick buildlnc; income $1G5 p'r mo. See Air. Bollis. Wakcficld Kries. 65 4Lh st. SEE OREGON INV. & MOKTuAuE CO.. Chum, of Commerce. 4th and Stark. rKKSONAL, EPHEDRA THE NEW HEALTH BUILDER. Ephedra Is a hartihcss herb used In the treatment of all kidney diseases, dropsy, stomach and intestinal disor ders. Ephedra is a, germicide and tonic Clt-ansing the stomach, liver, kidueyt and intestinal organs. Ephedra relieves gas and acid condi tions o tho intestinal organs, and hat the most wondertul clfects on ail rheu matic conditions. iti das treatment. I..30. EPHEDRA CO.. tj Alisky bidg.. Porl.aud. Or. DK. AND M RS. NISBETH are pleased to announce that tho Nisbclh Sanitarium, tilo Love.ioy Ft., is open to the publi for teir special line of treatments. Mrs Nisht-lh in full charge. We specialize ii rlitiumatlMn, nervous diseases, paralysU diabetes, .Bright's, stomach truu ble, high blood pressure, taulty circula tion, laulty metabolism and all chroni. diseases Caloric system of feeding AlilK .diet when indicated. Pbone saiu tanuin, Broadway 3ul. Office, Broad w ay jls. THERE is a remdy at hand for every dia cordant condition. The Psychometa physical institute invites you to call an.i have a personal interview with Its di rector. Dr. D. K. Zimmerman. Psycho metaph. 31U-317 Bush Ik Lane bid). Phone .Main t7til. mornings. ::- afternoons; evenings and Sunday by ap poinlment. BAKBCRIXO in ail its branches, satisfy tion guaranteed; manicurist Connectci. ;ormerly In Dekum, ituiuigh and Alaciea births. So!. 4tu st. Henry Bidg. barbi shop. THE Independent Bible Spiritualist.' Cnurch and Suciety will open meeting Sun.-Tbuis.. P. M Rev. Airs. J. I Schorl, 15 East 15th N., cor. E. Bun. side street. LADIES' and gentlemen's Panama jira-. felt and beaver hats cleaned, blockei dyed and renewed; buckram, net an wire frames. LaFrance Hatters. 3T'.. Morrison at. TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER is cleansing, healing germicidal and Invie orating douche, a great aid In It-ucoi reha, and female disorders; noc and i per tiJi. Portland Hotel Pharmacy 1 UijAkANTEE to cure corns, bunions, ini nails, warts and moles absolutely; ne invention, no puin, no soreness. Lowe prices in town. Consultation free. Here 3 tears; arches fitted. 5U3 Dekum bidg. BUT YOUR SUMMER FURS AT THE FLU SHOP. Fi-ne furs to order. Moderate price Above high rent, below high prices. tiOtt Swetland bidg.. Sth and Wash. JIM SIMMONS, eon of W. A. Simmons. Ky., please correspond with J. N. Jack son. 44V -id at., Portland. Or. School mate. FEU VET c H ANNE BUT, leading wig an. loupe maKera. unest stocK numan hai. goods, halrdresslng. manicuring, face am scalp treatment. 34U Alder. Main 4t 1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eiton'r the tMiKVjruui3i anu A rtc, t si'lST. who doesn't hurt you; 8 yrs. here; exatr free. Globe bidg.. 11th & Wsh. Bwy. MATILDA ARNESEN. medical gymnar graduate irom nurway. c-team Datm soieuUiic massage, electricity. 305 Co luml'i.1. bidg. Main 283D. Ladies onis IF Y O L. a 1 r. 1 1KCL A .n it .MSKV OU& visit tne ouonume ranor, scientitl- body, face and scalp massage. 427 Mor nan b.dg.. -Main 11)9. NERVOUS AND CHRONIC DlSEASEi treated by NEW METHODS. DK. J. w. BAlDUKt. Naturopath. 364 Dekum bidg. 1 to 5 P. 31. Main 1160 BATHS Steam baths, chiropractic bod massage and vibration. Dr. Margarai Haynle. Main 1705. 210 Swetland bidg Open evenings. Trained nurse assistant. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago! etc Hours 2 lo 5 or by appointment. Phoot Main 1041). Office 308-C Third St. PILES can be permanently cured without operatlonl. Call or write Dr. Dean. 234 Morrison at. Superfluous hair, moies, warts removed by 10 needles method; trial free. Josla Fin ley. 514 gush & Lane bidg. Main 6368.' MASSAGE, baths for constipation, stom ach, kidney, rheumatism. Dr. Klna Sor ensen. 5U8 Panama bidg. Druglesa phy. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed forever by multiple-needle method. 504 Swetland bidg.. Fifth and Washington sts. SULPHUR steam bath, violet ray; improve your system. Mrs. Rollins. 426 Clay. Main S3.VJ. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. ELECTRIC CABINET BATHS. Dr. Ironsides. 30i Broadway bidg. GOITRE, evlargen glands; euro yourself, A. R. Strachan. route 5, Hillsboro, Or. GERTRUDE DANIELS, superfluous hair. manicuring, face, scalp. 322 FUedner bidg. DOESN'T Tom, DJck or Harry pay yout See Vlereck. collections. Dekum bidg. PR1MEDA BALM, formerly calledBalm of Figs. 844 E. 33d. Sell. 2213 mornings. PILES CAN BE CURED without oper tion. Free booklct-l P. O. box 1105. Al MASSAGE, 415 Buchanan bidg.. Wash, bet. 4th and 5th. Main 8308. RAGTIME taught quickly; get in on tins. For appointment. Automatic 310-27. ETHEL McCOT. chiropodist. 609 Buchanan bids.. Wash, bet. 4th and Sth. Main 5073. BODY massage, violet ray. 10 A. M. to S P. M. daily. 450 Morgan bidg. Main 7579. I RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without an operation. Free booki.L P. O. box 1100.