. t I . i. - - ... r - 13 THE. MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1920 rOR SAL.K. ftlfocellaneous. REVOLVERS, new and used PISTOLS. Larsct Revolver Dealer in Northwest. No Purphaninff Permits Required. BEAURtfiARD'S. 0J MAIN" ST.. V AXCOLTER, WASH. Four blocks up from Portland car. Open Saturday Kvenlng. HALL GAS FURNACES. No fumes, no dirt, clean, healthful heat, inexpensive to operate; introduc tory price xlL'5. Phone Main 7l65 or call 167 tark St., just south of Mor rison. ' fcfcWINti machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts (or all makes; ma chines repaired and rented Main 0131. SEW1NU .MACHINE EMPORIUM. lrnl Third, near Taylor. BICYCLE for nale reasonable. 713 Clin ton at. ror. Slat- Phone Soil. 150. fOB 8AI.B ADTOMOBILW. HOT SPOT 1919 CHALMERS t.IOHT SIX; PRICE $1330; KWUIPPED WITH CORD TlRIiS: "CAN l"SB K E ROSEN E FUR FUEL" ; WILL TAKE IN FORD AS PART PAYMENT; WOULD I.IKE TO SHOW THIS ONE. JACK. HliKZlNGELR. EAST 6363. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. you BUY OR ct:t,l AN AUTOMOBILE. WK FURN'SH THE MONEY. Ol'lt SERVICE WILL PLEASE VOL'. OREGON BON J & MORTG AG E CO.. 0S SELLING JJLDG.. I'D FLOOR. J-PA5SE.NGER, 16-VALVE STUTZ CAR FOR s-Al.E, EXCELLENT CONDITION IN EVERY DETAIL; HAVE BoCGHf fTUTZ BEARCAT AND AM GOING TO MiLI. MY TOURING CAR; IF YOU WANT A HIGH-CLA.SS CAR REASON ABLY. SEKi ME. CAR CAN BE SEEN AT STL'T. GARAGE, l!ld 10TH Si'. FRANK L. WATKINS. 106 ;U ST.. PHONE MAIN 1644. PACKARD. SERIES THREE. 7 -PASSENGER TOURING. VERY AT TRACTIVE PRICE. CHAS. C. FAGAN CO., INC., 9TH AT BURNSIDE. BROADWAY 4B93. HAVE LATE 1!19 FORD. FULLY EQUIPPED EXCEPT STARTER; tijU. LAST tiJtjJ. ONE worm-drive Ford, in iirst-class state; one chain-drive Ford, in good order; both priced right and terms can be ar ranged with responsible parties. Ore gon Diamond T Truck Co.. U2U4 N. loth, Bioadway 4oo7. LATEST model Chandler dispatch, out 6 months, run 500O miles, all necessary equiptnent, cord and spare tires; buyer can save $.0O on this car. Phone Broad way KHi any week day. 1918 HUPMOBILE. This Is the real "comlorf car; run under 11.000 miles, fine mechanical con dition; extra Rood rubber, one spare. Some terms. Owner. East b!39. FOR SALE 0-48 Moon demnostrator. run 1000 miles, guaranteed same as new car. bie discount for cash or terms. Call K 9th street, or phone Broadway 354 or 317. ask for Mr. Hiller. J"OR SALE 1019 4-90 Chevrolet touring; tine little car; new tires. Real bargain. See janitor Dezendorf apts., -OS ltith. Mar. AlOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles. We wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Auto Wrecking Dept., 103-7 N. 11th su HUDSON HUDSON HUDSON. You know what a Hudson is; 1013 in perfect condition, cord tires, car like new; terms. Phone Main 4U-8. Mar. I'TCtf. "jlTg ' USED CARS! Prices fetock. right. No misrepresentation. " COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. WILL sacrifice my new 1919 Premier. A real car for a lady or gentleman. Cannot be told from new. Terms. East 6831. 1017 BUICK. 5-pass., light six touring car; car is in fine mechanical con dition; 3 tires; a brand new tup and looks and runs as new; a bargain; terms. Marshall 1613. 1(1 IS CHALMERS hot spot, 3-pass. touring car; in finest of condition, good tires; car Just repainted, looks like new; bar gain; terms. Phone ''Marshall 1950, apt. 42. 191 S OLDS, 3 wire wheels, oversize tires, new spare, bumper, spotlight, side mir- ' ror, motometer, tools; looks and run like new. Look at this car and make me an offer. Mr. Rike, Ramapo hotel. CHALMERS touring. 1917. in good condi tion; must sell; a snap at 7..0. with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near llurnslde. 191S HITDSOX super six touring car, good tires and guaranteed mechani cally; just repainted, looks like new; a bargain; terms. Phone East 196:1. 190 OVERLAND 1920. A new car that you can save $200 on. This car is the best buy in the city, terms. Phone Main 4028. Mar. 276U. XjODGE sedan. 191S. best of condition; wire wheels, one extra; will sell at $1550; will f onsider trade on Ford, balance lernid. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. iUXWELL touring. 1917. best of condi tion good tires; will sacrifice at $473. some terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 42H WILL buy a dandy 490 Chevrolet touring, newly painted, five tires, two new. This is a bargain. 434 Morrison. Marshall 5943. 1919 BUICK. touring car, fine mechanical condition: looks good, runs better; must sell; wi:1 sacrifice for $1475. Phone Bdwv. 34:b. FOR SALE by owner. Overland, model 90. in fine condition, at a good price: terms or cash. 220-42 after 2 P. M.. or Tabor 7202 after 7 P. St. BY OWNEFt 19IT model N' Hupmobile touring, ierfect condition; cord tires. Call T'tbor 10'Vl, LATE model Chandler roadster, in perfect mechanical condition, new rubber all around. Call Woodlawn 2310. FRANKLIN', series 9: Buick. 1917: Bulck. 1914: stutz. 1913. Henry Funk Auto Co.. 423 Multnomah st. 1917 MAXWELL touring car, good tires. good mechanical condition. $400. Can make terms. Call Tabor 6R76. 1'ORD delivery, fine condition, good tires a real bargain. 4r.0, terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. LIBERTY 1919. five-passenger, excellent condition: cas-h or accent Ford In Dart payment. Call East 3B90 eveninan 1915 FORD touring. best of condition Will sacrifice at $350: terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FOHD COUPE. 1920 model with starter, run leas 1000 TTl 1 1 es. an ranan .ujh. 1919 LEXlNGfUiv nu naa best of ears ana looas iimj uwv. xvuu very uttte. Terms. Call East 6831. . CHEVROLET. 1918 in A-l mechanical condition; a Dargain. socio, terms. 30 Grann ave. .nri, near nurnaiae. 1920 FORD. se:f starter, demountable rims and one-man top. first-class condition. lU llUamwn, simile c. 3U3. JaAXWELL touring, 1919: good paint, good tires; a rcai unay l .i.vr. wim lerma. Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FoViD delivery, oest ciosea body, self starter, all complete, by owner. 1407 F street. Vancouver, man. 1914 FORD touring, good condition; will . sacrince at . terms, ov Grand ave. North, near om name BUICK four bug for sale; good tires; cat In first-class condition. W. H. Pierce. Diamond T Truck Shop, 90 N. loth st. FOR SALE Big model N Hupmobile. good tires, good paint. Call Front and Mont gomcry garage. MAXWELL 1910 for sale, exceptional bug in fine condition. . Phone Mllwaukle JR. 1916 CHEVROLET touring, good condition: a bargain at $400. terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. nuys 1918 Ford delivery, aonrt . new, $200 cash, balance to suit. 1496. Tabor BUICK '17 light six. in fine shape. Price $950. easy terms. Enough aaid. 523 Alder st. Bdwy. 3411. FORD roadster, fine shape; demountable wheels, good tires; a snap at $523. 30 Grand ave. North. near Burnside. p7" " 0.GARAGE, 380 Union" ave" l blk. FRANKLIN. wrlM ??U ben 8 and 10 A. M.. 415 fcast 7th at., corner Grant. ISTO CHEVROLET for Immediate delivery. iightlyu5Haye3at JBroadway 2199.' FOR AK 11T TIpo Six. snap' for 4800. Marshall 3043 between 12 and 1. 1V li HUPMOB1 I.E. like new. run 7000 miles. East il-i. FRANKUN. like new. $2000. Henry Funk Auto Co.. 423 Multnomah at. ia:. BUY8 my series Franklin. KOod condition- Broadway 1764. I FOB BALE AUTOMOBILES. VERY OFTEN A.V AD APPEARS "FOR SALE AT BIO REDUCTION. DEMONSTRATOR, RUN 3000 MILES.". Did you ever see a Chandler demon strator offered for sale on this basis? 3000 MILES FOR A CHANDLER JUST TUNEff IT UP. The demonstrators that we have in service now are two years old and have run In the neighborhood of 20.000 miles. Owing to the scarcity of cars we will, in ail likelihood, continue them in serv ice for another 20, MOO miles. If through any reason these cars should be abused, we run them through our shop on the rebuilding plan. Just as we have the cars listed below, and on the strength of their performance with proof of Chandler quality evidenced by the mile age showing these 20,O0O-mile demon strators REBUILT CARS have increased our factory allotment loo per cent in the last year and have created a demand for Chandler cars and Chandler quality which has been lry difficult for n In keen nar with. We are about even now on new car ! deliveries but have kept In reserve to supply the past shortage the rebuilt Chandlers listed below, some of them of very low mileage. We stand behind these cars with a full guaratee the same as the factory furnishes on a new car. If you have a friend who is a mechanic, bring him up. Have him look them over. MOST MECHANICS FAVOR THE CHANDLER CAR and we feel that you will find something that suits you. HONESTLY PRICED, THOROUGHLY REBUILT. Remember, we make terms to suit long-time terms if you wish and we guarantee the quality. 1018 CHANDLER. 7-PASS. Wire wheels, good tire equipment, rebuilt and perfect mechanical condition $1600 1918 Chandler. 7 - pass., rebuilt throughout; good tire equipment, body reflnished 1330 1918 Chandler. 7 - pass., first-class-mechanical condition; good tires 1500 1918 Chandler, 4 - pass, roadster, rebuilt, new top. cord tires, with extra 1600 1917 Chandler. 7-pass.. good me chanical condition, newly paint ed, good tires, with extra 12S0 SPORT ROADSTER. Chandler. 2 - pass., special body roadster; wire wheels, cord tires, ,racV lines and fast performer.. 1650 1918 Oldsmobile. 7-pass.. good me rhnical condition, good tires.. 1100 1917 elle touring, repainted, over hauled, good tires 1000 1916 Buick roadster, good condi tion throughout good tires 900 1916 Saxon touring, good mechan ical condition 430 1917 Ford touring, electric lights and demountable rims 450 1917 Saxon roadster, fi-cvl rnnA condition. good- tires. Some Remember Our Used Other Good Buys. Car Bargains Are In Our Own New Storeroom. 603-607-609-611 Washington St. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO.. Broadway 494. Main 5125. USED-CAR BUYERS. we are offering for imme diate delivery a number of ell- known cars at prices that cannot help but interest you. in this list you will find pierce-arrows. packards, cad illacs, stutz. hayxes and oth ers, with factories and local distributors of substantial strength. none of these crs are of the mushroom variety Skedan be arra-nued when CHAS. C. FAGAN CO.. INC.. DISTRIBUTORS PIERCE-ARROW MOTOR CARS AND TRUCKS 9TH AT BURNSIDE. BROADWAY 46R3. LIGHT CAR Will sell my little 1920 five! passenger car. run only 60 days The prettiest small car in Portland. Body robinsegg blue, genuine blue Spanish leather upholstery. powerful Hershel Spilman four motor, 30 miles to gallon gas. equipment Includes bumper extra tires, tire cover, wind deflectors, etc price 18O0; will take diamond or Ford as part payment. A 590. Oregonian KISSEL Kar Agency offers used care that will merit our investigation. 1919 Premier better than new, spot light, new ia,' ,ele?tr;u -ear. ahUt easy, terms. 1919 Lexington minute man six. just like siew. Small payment down and drive away. 1916 Ford five-pass.. J150 je-aa. Call Automatic 524-14 for demeuat ration. TODAY. SAVE $1025 ON LATE HL'DSOX SI Pt.K SIX; PRICE $2(WO WITH GUAR ANTEE; CAN MAKE IMMEDIATE DE LIVERY. JACK HEKZ1NGER. EST 60 63. DODGE TOURING, $050.' This car is in fine shape; runs and looks fine, and has good tires and one new one; come and see it; It will please you if you want a good car cheap. 003 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co STOP. LOOK. 1920 OLDS "8": CORD TIRES. SHOCK ABSORBERS; RUN 1200 MILES; $2U)0 CALL ME FOR DEMONSTRATION'! JACK HERZ1NGER. EAST 6363 LATE CHALMERS SIX. You know what Chalmers means This car has always been driven by and naa a cnautleur to take care of It; Is in im oest 01 snape, with very good tires: tor a good family car it is hard lo peat; aoou will take It. East 3130. 1917 HUDSON LIMOUSINE. $2430; RUNS anu LOOKS lIKE NEW. IF YOU WANT A REAL RARGAIN. CALL EAST 6949 FOR APPOINTMENT. ALSO a i.uuu MAXWELL AT A wiu.i-.ii b. i-passenger, every conveni ence, trade my equity for light car go snares with responsible party for ure car. .Broadway 21152. Mcintosh till 6 P. M. 1919 MAXWELL 1019. v ay pay a cents rartare 7 xou can buy this '19 Maxwell that is so Mnnnm. ical to operate for $850. Terms. Phone ittam w.o. -i a 1 . .100. 1919 OAKLAND SIX. enclosed car; me chanically perfect; good paint and tires price 12no. and take in good used Ford or sen 011 easy terms. JOHNSON, 248 Stark St.. Main 5429. 1919 BUICK. Buick louring, in perfect condition; 5 ovrriiie euro iires just put on; car iooks ana runs line new; will give terms. cast '19 MAXWELL BARGAIN. tan 1 snow you my late '19 model Maxwell touring, with 4 new tires? The best running Maxwell you ever sat be- nina; fiiiu, terms. laoor 7817. MAXWELL 1920. Cash or terms. $985. Give phone number. B 597. Oregonian. 1919 CHEVROLET 1919. Why pay 8 cents carfare when you can buy a 1919 Chev. for $650? Phone cast dijj. .viain wjb. NATIONAL SIX. One of the very good cars of 1917: Silverton cord tires and in dandy shape you cant wear It out; let me show it to you. caai jiao. ESSEX. 1919. touring, in best of condition will sell at $1530 and give terms: con sider trade on smaller car. 30 Grand ave. Nortn, near tiurnsiae. 1919 PREMIER i-passenger touring car, repainteo ana overnauiea, a real buy reasonaDie terms. iuwy. yj. 14th and Morrison. FoRD touring. 1917. used privately; good paint and good tires: a real bargain at 4.u, icrins it oesirea. au Grand ave. Norm, near burnside. LATE 1910 Ford. In first-class runntn condition, over $10O of extras- for oulrk sale, will sell for $505. Phone Sellwood 717. LEAVE town June 25. must sell late Ford roadster, now pistons and ignition. painted. 8 tires. 6 tubes, tools and ex tras. cast iu atter i: o Clock. S1A0 CARTER CAR. In good funning or aer, goou ruuuer u new oaitery. Front st. 3918 MAXWELL.. like new, $700; $2X0 d-wn. bal. easy payments. 14 2d st. Main (.'is. MAXWELL touring. 1020. used privately a snap at tiu.a: terms, urand av North, near mjrnsiae. MAXWELL touring;, slightly used, perfect condition; new tires; bartain. Tabor 2430. NEW 1020 Ford, wire-wheel tourinr car will aell for cash or take player-piano for part payment, tan raDor -ft.'u3. KoRD truck, gear drive, good condition wiil sacrifice at $650 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1912 FRANKLIN touring, cheap, by owner. 1010 BUICK for sale by owner, cord tirea will sacrifice. 3.3 . 7th st. East 7094. DODGE. 191. in best condition; price 700, FOB BALK AUTOMOBILES. WE HAVE MOVED TO OUR NEW FOUR STORY BUILDING. BROADWAY AT EVERETT. To direct attention to our new loca tion we are continuing our removal ia'e pHces for a short while longer. Our stock Is complete. Most of It overhauled and many cars repainted and all of them worth more than wo are asking for them. We offer here a few for your approval: 5-pass. Studebaker, model 25, in good shape, with new spare tire. $300. 5-pas. Overland, model 79, good condi tion. $250. -pass. Jordan sport marine, perfect con dition, with five cord tires. 1918 Oldsmobile, 5-pass., 6-cyl. 1918 Oldsmobile. 7-pass... 8-cylfnder, re flnished: In very fine condition. 1919 Mitchell. J-pam., 6-cyl. 1918 Mitchell, 4 -pass., club roadster. . 1919 Mitchell, 7-pass, 6-cyl. 1918 Mitchell, 4 -pass., sport model, re finished. 1919 Mitchell. " 7-pass., 6-cyl.; demon strator. 1918 Overland club roadster, model 90. . Many others, both large and small. Terms If desired. No brokerage charges. We carry all of our own notes. MITCHELL LEWIS STAVER CO.. Broadway at Everett. Phone Broadway 4675. SCRIPPS-BOOTH COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. 1919 Scrfpps-Booth touring, excellent condition; has just Deen overhauled, new Goodyear tires all around. 1919 Chevrolet 490 touring, frist-class conditton, has Just been thoroughly over hauled, equipped with five tires prac tically new. This Is an exceptional bar gain. CASH OR EASY TERMS. 522 Alder St. Phone Broadway 3169. FORD OWNERS. CHEVROLET OWNERS. Motors overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled Valves ground, carbon removed 3 Magneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures a perfect-running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. THE REASON the Ford engine starts hard and the lights are dim Is because the MAG NETO is weak. Have it RECHARGED bv EXPERTS. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO.. 210-212 Jefferson. Main 7644. USED CHEVROLETS. SERVICE RELIABILITY REPUTATION. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. CHEVROLET AGENTS. 14TH AND ALDER STS. BDWY. 240. OH. BOYS! FORD SPEEDSTER. This is a real one; has just been re finished a bright red with cream wheeis; hss new novelty leather top and two sets side curtains, windshield and other extras; fine running car and there Is not another one in all Portland like it; low price, and we will take $200 down, balance easy; come and have a look at a regular fellow's speedster. 305 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled 6 Valves ground, carbon removed 3 Magneto recharged 5 Wo hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc.. which Insures a perfect running motor Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE ACTO REPAIR CO.. 280 Front St., corner Jefferson. HUDSON. 7-passenger super six: looks iiae new; guaranteed as new car me chanically: - good tires, wind deflectors, clock. Mower vase and bumper: new car like this would cost $3025 and none to be had for 60 days. My price $1900 or $800 cash and terms. This is a real bargain. Manville. East 8695. CADILLAC 4-PASSENGER TOURING. 1017 BEST-LOOKING CADILLAC IN PORTLA N D FOR THE M ON E . PRICE $2500. CHAS. C. FAGAN CO., INC., 9TH AT BURNSIDE. BROADWAY 4fi03. ONLY $.100 Oh. boy! such a car One of the best running cars in the house; 1915 Paige; a good-looking car with fine tires on it. This is the kind of a car to buy if you want to cut down your initial investment. Look it over at the COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., Washington St. at 21st. Main 6244. 1920 OLDSMOBILE "Mx roadster. .. $1 000 1018 oldsmobile liRht "6" roadster. J'T0 1019 oldsmobile sedan 18.0 1919 Maxwell 700 191 6 Dodge roadster, new tires. . . 725 010 Oldsmobile "S" 7-pass. 1917 Studebaker eix 7MI Buick six, 5 passenger 1000 OLDSMOBILE CO. , Broadway at Couch. HERE is the opportunity of a lifetime for the man who wants a high-grade motor in an old car to rebuild. Stearns Knight think of it a silent Knight motor in a 1912 oar. in fine shape, for amy win sen on terms. COVET MOTOR CAR CO., Washington St. at 21st. Main 6244. CADILLAC. SEVEN-PASSENGER, LIKE NEW. COMPLETELY" EQUIPPED; BARGAIN. MAIN ri.-.83. MAIN 715 FOR REST OF WEEK. THIS b the kind of car to make a classy bug out or; 1912 Studebaker at your own figure, not more than the price o an old Ford. B sure to see it at COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., Washington St. at 21st. Main 6244. OVER LA N D C H UM M Y O V E R L A N T One of those easy-riding chummy roadsters that you like to drive. You will be money ahead if you buy this chummy: $700, terms. Phone Main 4028 Mar. 2766. CHALMERS roadster; new paint and too. good tires, best of condition; $S60, with terms. i)u vjianu ave. .North, Burnside. near FORD delivery car with good panel body. wio moaei, nrst-ciass condition ; $600 '2 Third street. FOR SA LE 3 -ton G .M. C .truck. 1 yearfold; JJO00. terms. Call Broadway S914. 12th and Flanderc. 18 CHEVROLET. starter. demountable rims, spowigni, usea privately; runs like new; $525. 387 E. 1st st. N. 1919 MAXWELL, $700. touring car, good condition, good rubber. Phone Bdwy ISO. week days. CHEVROLET touring. 191S. fine condition: will sell$550. terms iT desired. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FOR SALE by owner. 1915 Reo o-pabs first-class engine, new battery, new tires Call Broadway 2370. STUDEBAKER four, in fine condition wiil sacrifice and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1919 CHEVROLET roadster. 2 wire wheels oversize tires and new paint, completely overhauled. Terms. Call Columbia 656. SAXON touring. 1917; must sell; will take $700. This is a snap. 30 Grand ave North, near Burnside. 1920 ESSEX roadster. A-I condition guarantee still on this car. Terms. Woodlawn 3331. East 3319. m DODGE. 1916; this is a snap at $S5o7wlTl give terms- 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. , Automobile W anteoZ ' WE ARE in the market for used cars. Drive them in and walk away with the money. Pacific Auto Co.. 523 Alder st WILL trade good young work team and some fresh cows for iv late model auto mobile. Call at 896 Powell Valley road AUTOMOBILE storage space, special rates to dealers. American A uto mobile Co., bet. 13th and 14th and Burnside. WANTED Light auto for exchange of diamond, value $700. V 611. Oregonian. WILL give good, clear residence lot cash for auto. Tabor 1301. Lnd 8 IOTS. Bayocein, value $1200. trade for used Buick. AN 702, OregoLiao. FUR BALE ALTO.HOBILIM, Automobiles Wanted. WANTED To buy late car for cash. FEELEY. BROAD WAT 118. HAVE'a 5-roorn unfurnished bungalow, full cement basement, 5 blocks from car line, $1300; will take auto aa part payment, balande terms. T. W. Riley. Tabor 4350. WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. WE PAY CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 127 Lownsdate st. W. corner 15th and Washington. CASH FOR YOUR FORDS. 630 ALDER. BROADWAY 1852. WE PAY CASH FOR USED FORDS. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. USED FORDS EXCLUSIVELY. GRAND AVE. AND EAST YAMHILL. WE WANT cars. Customers on our lists for all makes ol cars and can make that car mean money to you. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO.. 531 Alder st Broadway 2411. WANTED Ford touring car not older than 1918; must be in good condition and price must be right. Bring to 407 Hall st., for demonstration between 9 and 2 o'clock Monday only. H. Hunter. WANTED A late model Dodge, in good Condition, as part payment on 1920 Cliandler dispatch. In excellent condi tion. Phone East 21. WE BUY and sell second-hand automo biles; no charges on automobiles left with us on consignment. American -Auto Co.. bet. 13th and 14th and Burnside. DODGE OR LIGHT AUTO WANTED. I will give a good lot, 140x30 feet, corner, worth $400. and cash for a good light auto. Address AH 411. Oregonlarr. REAL ESTATE contracts paying $30 monthly to trade for auto. 325 Railway Exchange Bldg., Main Motorcycles. 1017 HARLE Y-DAVIDSON, spotlight and tandem, lirst-class condition; $250 cash only. Call 125 Flower at. WANTED To buy second-hand motor cycle., terms; Cleveland preferred. V 623. Oregonian. 1918 LIGHT-WEIGHT twin Indian, good tires, tuny equinpea. jllo. 4409 63d St.. S. E. Tabor 0097. BARGAIN Harley-Davldson, sport model st20, must sell, a snap. See at 9U21 36th Ave. S. E.. J. Gascic. FOR SALE Henderson' motorcycle. 124 Knott st. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES Tit 1 ua. U4-200 3D ST. MAIN 6230. Motorcycle. 1915 INDIAN, new oversize pistons, over hauled last month, two extra 4ubes. one new tire. Presto, tandem and will sell for $150. Week days, evenings after 6 at 131S Williams, or call 313-47. automatic. USED MOTORCYCLES. All makes, terms if desired. Used mo tors, parts, etc. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand ave. Excelsior, Henderson and Cleveland agency. Auto Tires and Accessories. FOR SALE AMBU electric trouble shoot er, complete, cheap. Wm. Cook, route A. box 93. Portland. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without driv ers. Day or nieht service. COUCHMAN GARAGE. 10th and Couch. Remember our number. Broadway 3696. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLANDS. HU DSONS. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BROADWAY 2408. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS- WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1920 models, reasonable rates. 132 12th st.. bet ween Washington and Alder. Bdwy. 840. NEW. CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND G LIS AN STS. A 2029, BROADWAY 2629. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. I. SULLIVAN'S f'ASHION GARAGE. Mar 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1236. ALTHOF & BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVEKS. ARMY GARAGE, THIRD AND TAYLOR. MAIN I6S1. 5-PASS Dodge for hire; touring, calling. shopping, highway. roadway 04i. FOR SALE TRICKS AND TRACTORS. ASK ABOUT OUR FREE TRIAL ON TRUCKS. We have one of the largest stocks of used trucks in the state of Oregon. They are all completely overhauled and put in the finest possible condition. It will pay you to Investigate our line. SPECIALS THIS 'WEEK. . 1-ton Moreland $ 05O 1-ton Republic 750 1- ton Panhard SOO 11 -ton White 3t00 2- ton Reo 750 -ton Republic 750 Many others to select from. Easy terms. No brokerage. G RANKING & TREECE. 542 Alder St.. Corner 37th. Broadway 1723. TRUCKS TRUCKS TRUCKS. 1919 Ford delivery $575 1917 Reo speed wagon 650 1917 Ford delivery 375 1918 1-ton Ford truck 475 1917 Buick delivery 70( f 1H17 Republic - ton trucK T oil 1919 Panhard 1-ton 750 OLDSMOBILE CO., Broadway at Couch. TWO-TON truck with transfer body ana top, almost new, in Al condition, a bar gain. 411 Sumner st. Phone Woodlawn 4542. TWO-TON Diamond-T truck for sale cheap, easy terms. Steady 1ob soes with truck; am clearing (24 a dav. For particulars callevenings,Tabor 8660. ONE-TON Republic truck, first-class con dition, for $1)00, cash or terms. Call 235 First st. People's Furniture Co. Call Monday forenoon. FO RS ALE BY OWNER. 3919 a -ton Packard dump trucks; season's hauling goes with truck. For particulars call Automatic 215-05. GARAGES. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. General auto repairing and used cars. TERMINAL GARAGE. Fifth and Hoyt Broadway 1388. WANTED MISCEI.LANEOtS FURS FURS. FURS. Cleaning and alterations, any descrip tion. Uxe La France t ur dressing for summer and save $100. Reasonable prices. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. 163 W. Para, bet. Morrison and YamhllL Main 6529. $8.60 UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES, ETC. BROADWAY 3932. 245 BURNSIDE, BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. WE WANT used 'clothing for cash at the hignest possible prices. See us it you wart to sell; prefer suits, overcoats, sin g.e coats, trousers and fur coats. Gold baum, the tailor, at 16 First hL, near Monisoii. Phone Main '738. DIAMONDS WANTED. We pay cash, in any amount, for diamonds. VINES' JEWELRY STORE. 257 Washington St., cor. 3d Main 6649. JUNK WANTED JUNK. Why not sell your junk direct to the dealer and get full value? Wo also buy tools, furniture and men's cast-uff cloth ing. Main 734. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cast-off clothing; highest cash prices paid; will call, day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3 225 209 Ma d ison. BEN ADLER pays highest prices for second-hand men's and ladies' clothing; specialize in gents' clothing. Call at 2Q1 3d st. Main 3207; WANT 4 mirrors, 24x36. Call, write or phone Con Sliver. 209 Morrison St., Main 5753. v E BUY second-hand clothing, furniture and junk of all kinds; highest prices paid. CailMain2789: 164 10th st. WANTED popcorn and peanut wagon with standing room; give price and style. 1 AK 413. Oregonian. WANT AUTOMATIC S H O T G U N .22 RIFLE. AIO CARBINE. MAIN 4495 TA HOR79 S. WANTED 21 -inch Gurley Y level; state price and where can be seen. M 526. Oregonian. SAFE Want office safe, must be cheap; give size inside, price and where can be been. J 581. Oregonian. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dia jnonda J-an Marx & CO.. 283 Wash, st WANTED New or nearly new infant's layette. Phone Columbia 019. WE will buy your old typewriters and pay you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co. 94 oth WALLS cleaned like Beiew. Wdln. 6208L new; it's cheaper WANTED MISCELLANEOIS. SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS, t PAY SPOT CASH AND THE HIGH EST MARKET VALUE FOR DIA MONDS. NO AMOUNT 18 TOO LARGE FOR ME TO HANDLE. I AM COM MISSIONED BY A LARGE DIAMOND CONCERN TO BUY ALL THE DIA MONDS OFFERED. MY LOCATION IS DOWNTOWN AND CONVENIENT. ALL BUSINESS IS STRICTLY CON FIDENTIAL. ERNEST DEEDS. 340 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 3173. $12.50 TO $25. FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER, THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone In the city for suits, overcoats and shoes. Call Marshall 1229 or 253 Madison st. near 3d st. Will call daV or evening. UP TO $35 FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay anv price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d St.. N. W. cor. Huh. Main 9344. Furniture Wanted. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. We . want your used furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves and all household goods, and will pay the highest cash prices. TOP MARKET PRICES. We also buy and sell hardware, tools, sporting goods, tents, bi cycles, typewriters, adding ma chines and btore and office fur niture. When you have anything to buy. aeil or trade. CALL MAIN 9073. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO. 221-223-225 Front St. MARSHALL 6981. GEVURTZ KL'RNITURE CO.. WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL aCALLtj .ATTENDED TO SAME DAY; HIGHESI 'PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLD EST. MOST RELIABLE HOUSLj OF OUR KIND IN PORTLAND. 183 FIRST ST. PHONE MARSHALL 5981. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CARPETS. ETC. lOU'R CaLL WILL BRING THE UUiER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 3O0. WE WANT YOUR FURNITURE, CAR l'ETs. RUGS. BEDDING. ETC., TO FURNISH A 50-KOOM APT. WILL PAY MORE THAN DEALERS. CALL US IMMEDIATELY AND WE WILL CON VINCE YOU ON THE PRICE WE PAY. DAY PHONE, MAIN 738; EVENINGS, MARSHALL 3464. 1 WANT YOUR FURNITURE. CARPETS. S'lOVES. ETC, TO SHIP OUT. AND W ILL PAY MORE THAN OTHER LOCAL DEALERS. A PHONE CALL WILL BRING BUYER AT ONCE WHO WILL CONVINCE XOU.- CALL JXA1N 4773. WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR USED FURNITURE. CALL EAST 0417. ASK FOR MR. ORMANDY. BE SURE AND LET US SEE vnnr furniture nd. household, KOuda be fore you sell. We are in the market for same ana win pay nigm-si pnea. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE, 208 Firal st. Main 7728 I WAXT used furniture: cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household, goods. Call us for one article or a nouse luit. ana a competent., courte ous buyer will call. Marshall 2693. Crown. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used rurniture. see us u-iore you sen. .CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. MAIN 8878. MAIN 8951. We buy everything in furniture; pay the price. FREEMAN-WOLF FUR CO., 200 lt bt.. S. E. cor. Tay.or. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4627 or 166 First at. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points uii Household goods. Pacific Coast For warding Co., 9th and Hoyt. Bdwy.703. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE W A NT ED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. WANTED Used furniture. Wl1 pay best prices. Main 5064. HELP WANTED MALE. SALES manager wanted for one of the largest realtv firms in the west. Must be fully cupable of managing and taking charge of department : also must invest $:ooo cash. Kindly address B OiJO, ore gonian. WANTED First-clar printer for job and newspaper. Mint be competent. Sinale man preferred. Must be good job prtss nian. 37.."0 to ccmpeteat man. Ad dress Box T. Milton, Or. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL 402 HAWTHORNE AVE. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU HOW TO BOSS THE JOB. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES. REALTY talesman with auto to show city property, must possess pep and be capa ble of earning $5090 per year. G. C GOLDEN BERG, A bing ton Bldg. "35 Years in Portland." WANTED First-class boiler and engine man as inspector in Oregon and South ern Was lung ton by large ffiaualty com pany ; f-alary and expenses. AP 426, Oregon ian. W ANTED Boys to usher in grandstands during Rose Festival and Shrine week. Call 244 Broadway, between i and 7 P. M. Good pay. PLASTERERS wanted; open-shop condi tions; all summer's work; $11 tier day of 8 hours. Write John T. Walker. 448 South Main at.. Twin Falls. Idaho. EXPERIENCED salesman at once to seil shrine emblems and noveities for manu facturers; best line out. Phone Bdwy. 3612. SALESMEN, exclusive territory, represent ing manufacturer, quick returns; $50 to $200 required. S39 Chamber Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. WANTED RelKbl-s man, every locality, spare time, for criminal secret service ork. S-nd photogra ph. give age and references to Box 804, Seattle, Wash. WANTED Husky young man. about 18 years of age. for bag manufacturing. Apply Ames Harris. Neville Bag Co.. 15th and Hoyt sts. WANTED Married couple for toll road for 3 months: woman to collect toll, man to work on road. AH 4S5 Ore gonian. . ACCOUNTANT Young man as bookkeeper in office of retail establishment: give age. references, experience and salary expected. D 522.Oregonian. WANTED Experienced driver for de livery car at the Master Cleaners & Dyers; wages $33 a week. Astoria, Ore gon. WANTED Assistant foreman, tmall mil!. $6; man and wife ypoks. 20 men, $ 1 25. Cousin's Employment Service, 273 Burnside. st. NEED - additional young men for work at club. Also one school boy for even ing work. Apply In person, Multnomah Amateur Athletic club. VARIOUS characters of players wanted by film nroduclnff corporation. Apply general offices, 540 Morgan bldg. Open evenings between 7 and 8. JAPANESE boy for two or three hours work every day, for a good room and breakfasts. Broadway 4298. WANTED First-class presser and bushel man, wages $36 per week. Master Cleaners & Dyers. Astoria. Oregon. MAN or boy with horse and wagon or light auto to de! iver telephone books. Apply 127 Eleventh st. - YOUNG man to learn printing trade In small shop, with eolendhi opportunity for rapid advancement. 758Front st. WANTED An experienced chauffeur for a private family with city references. H 685, Oregonian. EX PERIENCED automobile painter want ed. Apply at 2d floor of garage, E. 13th and Hawthorne. WANTED Students to learn vulcanizing and retreading by Akron. Ohio, gradu ate 433 Stark st. f WANTED A man with car to call and de liver for cleaning and dye works do in a big business. Phone East 3450. WATCHMAN for factory, union wages. One who understands window washing preferred. AP33S. Oregonian. TW(5 house-finishing carpenters. Mar shall 1050. vi v und wife, cook and helper for ex- tra gang work on ranroaa. tiawy. L'.mn, WANTED Kitchen porter. Campbell ho- tel. WANTED Waitress. Madison iu HELP WAN TED MALE. WANTED. Several boys over 18 with wheels to deliver telegrams In the city; salary $3 per day; nicht work during the sum mer: splendid chance for advancement. Apply MI3SSENGER SUPERVISOR, WESTERN UNION TEL. CO.. 76 Third St. LUMBERMAN experienced in the woods. mill, ractory, yard and orrice wame y reliable, strong, old-established firm to go to Australia for . five or at least three years; applicant to give detai'-s outlining separately his experience in each of the foregoing, one familiar with Douglas fir. cedar, spruce. Idaho white pine and other northwestern woods. California redwood. California white and sugar pine and other California commeroii. woods (their uses, characteristics and possibilities, their manufactured prod ucts, especially box shooks, doors, ve neers, wood pipe, etc.) required; must be of excellent character and situated to give any bond required; full details to be given in original application In own handwriting, naming references and salary wanted ; young married man with family preferred. Address P. O. box 083. Taroma. Wash. $300 TO $500 A MONTH! Are you earning that? Many automo- hi'. o v nprl m re- Y nil mV -loin th hieh-salaricd. skilled-mechanic ranks if you take advantage of the gas engineer ing courses offered by the LEADING AIT TO SPHfini. iV THE WEST. WITH A RECORD OF MO.IK SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES THAN ANY OTHER SCHOOL. Investigate, enroll, and don't pay us a cent until vou are convinced that we 11 deliver the 'goods. That's fair, isn't it? Write for our $L 88-page catalogue. It's frte. Ask for Book No. 5. OUR COURSES ARE FREE TO OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. ADCOX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. UNION AVENUE AND WASCO ST. MR. EX-SERVICE MAN Are you hunting a Job, or seeking a career? Have you discovered where you fit in? Would you like to talk over your problem, confidentially, with a man of w ide experience who will take a personal inf'-rest in you? The Y. M. C. A. advisory and em ployment dept. can assist you In choos ing, and can help you find the place for w hlrh you are best fitted. This service is absolutely free to ex-service men. See one of ihe secretaries. Room 307. CARRIERS wanted in all parts of the city. File applications now. This is the best time of, the year to secure the most profitable route. ' Apply city circulation dept.. 203 Oregonian bldg. THE MEIER FRANK COMPANL re quires the services of an experienced salesman for the trunk and suitcase de partment. Pernaannt position. Apply Employment Bureau, Sixth Floor. Meitr & Frank Co. . WANTED Men and boys to work Satur days and Saturday night. Apply Mr. Henderson, mail room. Oresonian. bth and Alder AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. Automobiles. tractors, vulcanizing Tins school, not run to make money but to make automotive mechanics, is super vise! by leading automobile and tractor business men of Portland. Students do practical repair work. Free tuition to ex-service men; clip this ad. Send It or call at office, 416 Oregon Institute or Technology. Y. M. C. A. building. WANTED At Spokane, an experienced In surance man. famiiiar with fire, liabll Itv and bonds desired; applicants having experience in one line only will be con sidered. State qualifications as well as age. salary expected. Reulies held In strict confidence and to reference con sulted until alter first Interview. AY 943.OreKonian. - Three advertising solicitors quick for our Seattle office; B. R. C. Shipper K R Guide; two to thiee months work: can earn from $12.50 to $50 daily. Se vi a na ri- Cmndiill between 4 and 6 only on Sunday. Clyde's Agency. 210 Stock Exchange bldg. 2310. Phone Marshall WANTED HIGH-CLASS bArtnlC- . REPRESENTAT1V fci 1 1 w f" TABL1SHED TRADE TO REPRESENT A FACTORY MANUFACTURING QLAL-i-rv 1 ivk OK UPHOLSTERED FU R- MTI'KK IN NORTHWEST. ADDRESS D .'.25 OREGONIAN. n-iVTrn PKOPI.K OF ALL TYPES roK MOVING PICTURE WORK AND SEVERAL BATHING GIRLS. SEVERAL NEAT YOUNG MEN. LALL ;iNi 12 AND 6 O'CLOCK. 521 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. IF YOU have n Ford car and any pep at all. you can double your salary and have n!pa-nt. disnified outdoor work .as well. It will be worth your while to find out nhont it. See Mr. Mills at room 934 Chamber of Commerce bids-, between 0 A. M. and 5 P. M. week days. ENERGETIC AND LIVE man to take my 2H-ton truck and trail er on m v contract for log nauung. will let vou take came with $4oo down; can make $30 per day guaranteed. East 4916. WANTED Salesmen who can sell bigh- imiilt; tienendablc nursery stock. xclu tfive territory open in Oregon, Wash, and Idaho. Attractive selling contract and cash advanced weekly. Address Albany Nurseries, Inc., Albany, Or. ynt'W. man wanted for shoe business k valley town ; must d a live wire ana prefer one with ome experience : good waxes. Apply, giving particulars. A v 947. Oregonian. WANTED Gang tawyer for WMckes gang dav shift. $7.25 for 8 hours. Crosse tt Western Lumber Co.. Wauna. Or.. 75 miles below Portland on Astoria divi sion F. P. & S. Ry. HANDY MAN tn tt nrk in caraze: waees $100 per month .state experience, age. married or single; steady work if satisfactory. Answer in own hapd writing. AR 407,Oregonlan, MAN with exprl-ince, secret .Investigations, state descripti n nnd full pai ticulars as to ore vi jus connections. Give address and telephone number. AP 427, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED 'Japanese cook; good w aires. smll family; -d girl Wept. 363 West Park, corner Mill. 4172. Phone Main OFFICE BOY for mp.nufacturing concern, Address n own handwriting, stating age, experience if any. ar.d whether living at hoire. KJ 1O0. Oregonian. W A NTET) Names men. boys o er 16, wishing become railway mail clerks $110. $175 month. Answer AV 930. Ore gonlan. " WANTED Experienced light and power linemen; also electrical man experienced in arc light maintenance work. Apply ;t!9 Ga3co bldg. WANTED An old man to work aroun hotel and garden. 1751 Derby st.. Ken ton. MAN capable of taking charge of sawmill or other construction open for job. Phone Bdwy. 2i4. room 24. SHIPPING clerk, acquainted with city, ex nfrlenced in stationery business. BJ 712 . Ore b onlan. WANTED Linotype operators, non-union good wages, steady work. Address AN 7i!V. Oregonian. Ph 1 NTER-OPERATOR. married man ore ferred; may be permanent: position open now or two wee ks. av o, urcsonun WANTED An experienced Janitor. Mai ory hotel. 171 Lownsdale. WANTED Platen press feeders. Inde pendent Printing Co., 208 Alderst. LEARN the vulcanising business. Call or write 158 East Broadway. . FIRST-CLASS barber. $25 guarantee. 60 over $35. Emil Febvet.pailas.Or. uii 'i iid shovel laborers wanted. Port' land Gas & .Coke Co., 241 Flanders st. MEN to hang decorations. Call East 346: at once. i WANTED- Boy for delivery In tailor shop, Call Monday. Main 529. 505 Koyal bldg, WANTED A man on hog ranch. B F. Brandon, oresnam, vr. aui. t pRy ook wanted t Seaside. Or. Write CI Iff Johnson WANTED At onrc expr. flour itackers; Urge mill; steady work. Call 71 3d St. HELP WANTED MALE. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. ILASKAN ENGINEERING COMMISSION. WANTED. Railroad laborers for ALASKA. For U. S. GOVERMENT RAILROAD Under construction from Seward to Fairbanks. Alaska. EXTRA GANG AND SECTION MEN For MAINTENANCE OF WAY. Wagea $5 per day. board $1.50 per day. For sailing dates and further Infor mation apply to ALASKAN ENGINEERING COMMISSION. Room 301 new Poatotfice building. Portland, Oregon. 18.287 YOUNG MEN have. In the past ten years, been assisted In finding positions through the Portland Y. M. C. A. advisory and employment dept. This is not an "agency." and no extra fees or commissions are chargea. Employers naturally turn to the x for men because we appeal to the best type of men and boys. Our demand at present is far greater than the supply. You never had such an opportunity to get a better position if you are prepared for It. All men in clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially invited to consult one of the employment secre taries, room 307.- Free vocational guidance and employ ment for rx-service men. THE MEIER A FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of an experienced fur operator; permanent position. Apply Mr. Ludwlg Hlrsch. ourth Floor, Meter & Frank Company. HELP WANTED We want two good out side city salesmen to create business and sell pianos rn Portland and vicinity. Must be competent. Splendid opportu nity for a real live hustler. Salary or valrv and cbmmisslon basis. Apply to Mr. Gabriel, care The Wiley B. Allen Co.. Morrison st. at Broadway. A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN Represent a reliable established company in your territory. Experience not necessary. We help you succeed. Some splendid open ings now for young -middle-aged or elcerly men. Toppcnish Nursery Co., Toppenlsh, Wash. THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of three janitors; permanent positions. Apply employment bureau, sixth floor. Meier & Frank Co. COUNTRY printer wanted, capable of handling press cork and good on ads. New No. 14 linotype due here. Power cutter. 36 hours a week. 8 hrs. Perma nent position. County seat town of 3000. Comparatively cheap living. Observer, Dallas, Or. Help Wanted Salesmen. WE want a few forceful salesmen who have earned $130 pr week up; stock, bond or life Insurance experience pre ferred, but not necessary : ours is a le gitimate business and we furnish you with live 'cads and bank references. If you have ability an excellent connection may be made. Call Mr. Stone, Bdwy. 1416, for appointment. IF you are not satisfied with your out look: in your present position it mtgnt be well to make a change. We have a fine opportunity tor an honest, ambi tious man between the ages of 25 and 45 years to fill a poslttoi of trust. Large earnings and rapid promotion. App.y to II B. Fox, 1109 Spalding bldg., be tween 2 and 4 P. M. SALESMAN wanted to seil recently in vented carbon remover ana gasoline vap orizer; gets 40eo more mileage; no tab lets: something entirely new; sells at sight. Meet state organizer at 401 Mc Kay bldg., 10 to 11 A. M. or 3 to 4 P. M. Ak for Gustin. WE HAVE a splendid opening tor a hiRh- class and educated salesman or ability in our talking machine department; sal ary and commission basis. Apply to Mr. Norria, The Wiley B. Allen Co.. Morri son at Broadway. WANTED Experienced specialty salesman to sell Twenty-Mule 1 earn borax orou ucts. Call at 1212 Gasco building, Port land, Monday. 1 to 4. WANTED Salesman ror eiectric house hold appliances; most popular line on the market. Liberal com. Electric Maid Shop. 133 Tenth st. READ this carefully and then think. Pat ented kerosene generator lor horus; price $12. Call now for exclusive territory exceptional big profit. 711 Clinton st LARGE corporation desires services of capable man over -. as salesman; gooa compensation : permanent income. 413 Northwestern Bank bldg. SA LESMEN wanted to buy Shriner em blem, wholesale, from manufacturer. Broadway 3612. WA N T EU AG KXTS. MEN and women, sa'es agents, Oregon. Washington. LaUtorma. can or writ Algrat Electric Co., 425 Washington st. AGENTS at once. seiilng 59c per moots hospital McKeia. 501 corbett bias. AGENTS wanted to sell Shriner enable ms for manufacturer. Broadway dui-'. HELP WANTED kImALE. THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY quires the services of two experienced dru saiesDeoDle. Apply employment bureau. Sixth Floor, Meier r rank company. WANTED Well-educated young latlv ste nographer and bookkeeper, experienced In loan and Insurance business : ulease apply in lonchand. stating ace. years' experience, names of former emolovers. salary wanted, time you can start work ing and address. Geo. M. Reed & Co.. Grangevilie. Idaho. LUMBER stenographer. $150. Three lum ber stenographers. 12.. Bank stenog rapher; la vv stenographer. Dictaphone operator. $110. Bright beginner in ste nography. 301 Northwestern Bank building. WANTED Two girls or ladies not over 30, work at Columbia Beach, also one for tore work; good salary to right party. 242 Salmon st. VARIOUS characters of players wanted by film producing corporation. Apply at general offices. 540 Morgan bldg. Open evenings between 7 and 8. HOME for good woman ; fine country home and $20 monthly; no washing. This Is a snap for right party. C 638, oregonian. WANTED Experieced waitress for soda fountain and lunch counter. No Sunday work, steady employment. Apply foun tain. Woodard. Clarke Co. MILLINERY makers wanted ; experienced only. Apply Lowengart & Co.. Broadwav and Burnslde st. WANTED Girl over 15. living near 21st and Northrap to care for child few hours daily. Apt. 101. 274 N. 21st st. WANTED Competent woman for cook ing and downstairs work. Apply morn Ings. 183 N. 20th. Robertson. WANTED Experienced pantry and ter giris, night shift, good wages. Dairy Lunch. coun Cozy STENOGRAPHER Good future for one with ability. Please answer fully. Y 534. OregonlHn. YOUNG girl who lives, at home to do light work In apartment part of day. Mar shall 1728. W A NT ED Competent woman cook. Port- land Convalescent hospital. Marshal 2x03. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at N". Second street, good wages. Phone Broadway 15R2. A COUNTER girl wanted. Globe Dav Lunch. 567 Washington st.; no Sunday .work. WANTED An old-fashioned Christian mother to keep house and care for in valid. Tabor 41' 4. POWER machine operator wanted. Apply lowengart & Co.. Broadway and Burn side st. WANTED Housekeeper on .lections to one child. A. 84A. Vancouver. Wash. ranch, no ob H.f Rt. 0, box COM PTOMETER operator: good steady position for one with ability; please an swer fully. V 537, Oregonian. ELDERLY lady for housework and care of two children: German or Swedish pre ferred. Woodlawn 240. WANTED Chambermaid. 12th and Wa?hington. Palace hotel, W A NTED Dressmaker's rtfH-4:. helper. Phone WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Apply Hotel Eaton. A WOMAN wanted l do housework lor a Vldower. V 2l, Oregonian. WOMAN to help in the kitchen. Camp bell hotel. WANTED Cook for small hospital. Call 742 Overton st. WANTED Experienced candy girl. Ap ply Rebe's confectionery, 3t5 Alder. WANTED Experienced chambermaid at the Mallory hotel, 171 Lowndale. W VNTBU Teachers for misi.,n pi-hoof Apply 17Q'4 Kirat si.. 7 o'clock I". M. EXPER1ENTED laker Kitchen Dairy Lunch. help Apply HELP WANTED FEMALK. DO TOU WANT TO EARN GOOD SALARY? A salai-y that Is paid while to a learn the business, that increases frequently as you gain experience? DO TOTT KNOW HOW MUCH TELEPHONE OPERATING EMPLOYES EARN? And what excellent opportunities they have for promotion to execu tive positions ? WHY NOT obtain: THE FACTS? Our employment supervisor will rladly tell you the facts and will also explain the many other ad vantages of telephone operating for young women. Apply at Telephone Company. Room 601, 6th Kioor, Telephone Building. Fark and Gak Sts. THE PACIFIC TELEPHON B TELEGRAPH COMPANY. WANTED Experienced lady pressers; good pay. Apply at once. Enke's Dye Works, East 3d and Ash sts. THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of experienced mani curists. Alto operator for permanent hair-waving machine. Apply Employ ment Bureau, sixth floor. Meier Sc. Frank Company. WANTED Women and girls, experienced. or inexperienced, shaking, feeding and folding on mangle; other good positions. open; advancement to tho:e who quali fy in their work. Take Rose City or Montavilla car to East loth st. and walk two blocks south. Troy Laundry East 10th and Pine. WANTED PEOPLE OF ALL TYPES FOR " MOVING PICTURE WORK. AND SEV ERAL BATHING GIRLS, SEVERAL NEAT YOUNG MEN. CALL BETWEEN 12 AND 6 O'CLOCK, 521 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. WANTED Girls to work on flat-work ironer; no experience necessary ; rood w a ees; steady work. Apply Oregon Laundry Co. EXPERIENCED GIRLS to launder neck bands on new shirts, experienced Ktrls to tew cuffs on shirts, experienced girls to fell shirts. Apply at office. Mt Hood Factory. 233 Couch street. EIGHT more ladles at once to travel In Washington, between the ages of 25 and 40; good salary and expenses paid. Ap ply today. 5 to 7 P. M.. Mr. Calvin. Con gress hotel. 6th and Main. - APPLICATIONS -sill be received from young women aged 20 to 35 for wood-. workinR factory at St. Johns; good pay and steady employment AB 3i2. Ore gonian. GIRLS FOR FLAT WORK. AMERICAN LAUNDRY. 140 East 3d su North. SALESWOMEN Two reliable women be tween the aKs of 30 and 45 who r. capable of meeting the bei-t people; S75 to $10o a week to right parties. Call room 305 Central bldg. 132 10thst. WANTED Young girl who has some ex perience in cooking, who is willing to learn or good lady cook; no children : good wages. Dave E. Way. box 4, Tiiu ber hvtel. T i xu ber, or. XX y girl In need of a friend applv to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. Mav lair and Alexander sts. Phone Main 3450. DM car. - WANTED German housekeeper tor wie owr Rh 3 children. St. Johns car to Emerald st.. - blocks north. Mr. Septich. t5 -Baldw inst. W NTED Names women, girls over 16. wishing become government postal clerks; commence $1200; answer imme- , diateiy. AV 13 1. Oregonian. W A. NTED Young lady with thorough Knowledge of the city: to answer tele-, nhone and help in office. Apply Ice De livery Co.. isth and Thurman st. M A K E forty dollars a we k as a chorns irl See nie peiween 1 ni - --. Hi Eilers Music bldg. Ask and 8. for Mr. Bitker. W NTED Competent, experienced bnok- keeper and stenographer; good satarv to right partv; state experience and give rcferences."AddressB52 4.Orcgonian. EXPERIENCED girl on power machine: "none but thorouchly experienced need apply. Brownsville Woolen Mills. 3d and Morrison. i - GIRLS to aisiFt with care of children at the beach during July and August, or one who denires permanent position. Marshall 3065. . SC HOOLGIRL to no to beach for sum mer months and assist with child 3 years old. Call 510 K. 14th St. N.. or ; Phone East 74015. liXl'lCKIKNClSrj finisher on coats anil "vests. Apply Brownsville Woolen Mills. d und Morrison. ' WANTED Woman to work and care for help with children hoilfce durtnx Call East 42J4. Shrine wee. nit'STBR CilRI. wanted at the Globe Dairy Lunch. i'J7 Wahinston. -No bun daywork. nir n.nra frittenton Home Is readv .lie . , L-.,, .. t.-. liein anv Ullsan. -JIV" East iio. - iXPERIENCED WAITRESSES, ROOM A l.EX- ?CrHA COURT. 53 KI.LA STREET w a vtfii An experienced waitress; Rood wa7es.oTm and board. Mallory Hotel, til Lownsdale. vTv t ED Fa ncy gown p r e ss r re . Apply Broadway Dye Works. -72 Union ae near Broadway. , WAITRESSES wanted nt the White Way restaurant. good wages. "Writs LUff Johnson. Seaside. Or. WANTED Smart girls to learn fancv owa pressing: good wages while learn-in-. M 524. Oregonian. " iv- N'TED Dining room girl. 1751 Derby. Phone Woodlawn 2015. 14 per week, room and board. WANTED Checker; one acquainted with 11 irks system preferred. See steward. Portland hotcL .- iTvpRIENCED restaurant cashier. Ap ply Mr Johnston, Coffee Cup Cafeteria Cc . ,io3 Park at. VANTED A girl or woman for broken hift for cafeterii work. A pply after noons. Call 40d Washingtonst- TYPIST for insurance office. Experience not necessary. Salary $.".0 to $o0 month ly AppW fr"7 Electric bldg. EI N IS HERS wanted on ladies' coats and skirts. 83 Fifth st. Bergman & Lurie. ' A OIRL to assist with house work; good wages. Call Main 4568 or 9S Raleigh st., near 2ith. EX PERIENCED cafeteria girls wanted. Coffee Cup Lunch. 124 Broadway. NEAT girl for general housework ; wagf s according to ability. Phone East 3il"0. NEAT .""quick waitress wanted at 223 5th; no Sunday work. EX PERI ENCED hemstitching Meier & Frank company. opera tor. WANTED Five waitresses. Union Statio.i restaurant. R AH6. Oregonian. WANTED A dish washer. 1751 Derby st. p h o n e Woodlawn 21 5. " WANTED A ffirl for cuffs. Opera House' Laundry. AIo Inexper. help wonted. WAITRESSES wanted. Call 11 A. M. Oriental Caf. W A NTED Lad y Couch. barbers. Inquire at 324 ! WOM A N Six hour a day. hall w ork and 1 cleaning apts. Phone Ma n S3. . DICTATING machine Menornphers. irood ' position. Kdiphone. 602 Oregon bids. i A ' ' : . ':-....: