-:..,-.'.'. . 20 THE MORNING' OKEGOMAN, Fit ID AY, JUNE 11, 1920 tate AlCTION SALE. At Wllaon', Auction Haul Furniture. 1R9-171 Second .1. 19 M. MEETING NOTICES. Al. KAPF.R TKMPI.E. A. A. O. N. M. P. Ct;rniontal Fusion Saturday. June 1 -. Municipal Hiiditorlum. Third and Mill streets, at J:.T P. M. Business session at Tvthian hulldlnir. West Park and Vamhill Mreeta. at 10 A. M.' Candidates report at pouth room of auditorium at 1:13 P. M. Vaudeville entertainment for Slirlners and thlr ladles at the auditorium at 8:15 P. M. Admi.-slon by V.IJO card only. Pe tition should be turned In not later than 5 P. June 11. By order of the potcn HUUH J. BUVD, Recorder. A. AND A. S. RITE Forty, second semi-annual reunion. Programme for todav: 11:30 A. M . address to class on Masonic symbolism: noon. 3Hd riejtree class photosraphed : 3 P M-. 3-ti decree. firt and pecond sections: S P. M.. 3-'d flcurce. il- nal section. Bv order , nai section. . 1RKS1DING oFKlCiiR. PfXXTSlPE CHAPTER. 1". p... R. A. M.. Eat 3ith and Haw tliorne Stated convocation toniisht iKrldRM. 7:o. o'clock. W. J. BllECKLL. Sec. WASHINGTON COMMAS .V? DERV, NO. 10. K. T. A spe cial conclave will be held Fridav evening. June 11. at 7:"fi P. M. for the purpose of ronferrinsr the Order of rhe Temple on a lars-o c'ass of candidates. Candidates report at 7 P. M., iunt F.ichth and Burn aide streets. j. i tlSMAN. Recorder. TVAVERT.T LODGE. TT. D.. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Fridav) evening-at 7:30. Waverlv hall. B. JC.th and Clinton. Work in E. A. degree. Visitors wci- By order V. M. H. E VERRINDER. Sec. rOIITI.AVD LODGE NO. 55. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this t Fridav) c veil in g, I o'clock. Masonic temple. Work in the E. A. degree. Visiting brethren wcl ordcr of W. M. H. .1. HOL'GHTON. Sec. SEI.l.WOOD LODGK NO. 131. A. F. AND A. M. Stated mrtins this i Friday t eve ning at M o'clnt-k. Visitors m elrome. Bv r.rdr W. M. J. H. BL'TLEK, Sec. AI-RiiRT T' 1 K 15 LODGE NO. A. K. AND A. M. Stated coin rutin it h t inn Priday eve nin, June It. at 7 :'.i o'clock. Visit ins hrethrrn weU-om. t:. V. COOK, Secretary. M V UTI-t: CIIA PTER. NO. kj. V.. S. Ittjfiular meeting this ( Friday evening in Die Pythian hall. West Park and Yamhill streets, at S o'clock. Social. All O. K. S. cord-ally invited. By order of W. M. TKNNH-: H. OALLOWAV, Sec. MOONLIGHT DANCE on toat Swan, Friday cvenine. June 11. b.v Corinthian Chapter. O. E. S. Benefit Ma.-onic and Eastern Star Home. Leaves 8:30 hharo. foot o Jefferson st. DEPARTMENT OF ORE OCX, CJ. A. R. The funeral of our late comrade. Hugh Teets. Co., A, OL'd Pennsyl vania infantry, will he from Holman'.H, Saturday, June 1J fct '1 P. M, Jiu riTient O. A. R cemetery. Comrade Tet-ts was a mem iter or Uenret Wright Post. No. 1. C. A. LAMER, Commander. A. C. .SLOAN, Adjutant. KIRK PA TRICK COUN CIL. N'). 2227. SECURITY BEXEt'lT ASSOCIATIO N . will give the usual 5oo card party and dinner at Swiss hall. Third and Jefferson sireets, this (Friday) eve ning. Members come and hi-inir vour friends - for good time. Cards start al 8:30 sharp. Admission 15 cents. PORTLAND AERIE, - No. 4. FRATERNAL ORDER OF LAG LKa Meets every Friday evening. 8 o'clock, in Pacific States hail Ilth and Alder streets. H. E. MILLER. Sec m,TNOMAH COUNCIL. NO. 1IS1. TIOTAL ARCANUM, meets the second and rou-th Fridavs of each month in me t. i . hail at Uth and Alder Ms., at 8 V. M. CLARENCE R. HOTCHK.1SS. Regent. S. Al. FRE1S. Secretary. "CVERFOOT CAMP NO. 65. WOODMEN mj-' THE WORLD, meets every Friday rfcrht at W. u. W. temple. 128 Eleventh street. All membeis requested to be pres ent. Election' of officers. TUESDAY, JUNE 15. W. O. W. ball. 1US Itth St.. dancing partv; Oregon assembly Uxited Artisans. Bring your lriends. EMBLEM Jewelry, oultona. charms, plna, Btw deslEns. Jaeger Bios., 131-a 6iU u FRIEDLANDER'S for lodga emblems. class pins and medals 310 Washington at. FUNERAL NOTICES. BOLLMAN At th restdmce. IfiM Van UoUb'hton street. June 8. Charles V. Roll man. at;rd .14 years, iclovod husband of .W-Tinie Kollinan. futhr of Mrs. !-orelta Pahlman, Mrs. Hal Andrews. Georce and t'.la ronre Uollman. All of this city. 1 r reaped was a member of tho Mat-cabroa, Artisan and Jlonsr lodprs. runoral serv ices will held Friday, Juno 11. at U:.t0 A. M. at St. Andrew's rhurch at lortn mnuih. Infrmcnt at Ro. City ccmo try. The Iron Herald paper of Nccau Tirp. "M irh., plasfl copy. Arrangements in care of Miller & Tracey. Ql'IMBY At the rraidencf. 126 East Fif teenth street, .Tune 7. 1ti2n, Phoebe J. Julmby, a ced 71 ears, w ife of t he late 1. .1. Qiilmhy, moi her of M rs. Caroline Wiknaiier and Mrs. Oraco 11. R razee of T'ortland. Or., and Han H. Quimby of New York eity. Friends invited to at tend the funeral services at Hol man's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon sts., iit 3 P. M. today (Krlday. June H, llJ0. Interment Kivervicw cemetery. BKNBOW At Wafhoucal. Wash., June JO, Roma Mary Renbow. nped 27 years ?t months 1ft days, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Jones, mother of Homo Marie Renbow and niaier of (;eorRia and Mar tha Jones, all of AVashoufial. Funeral services will he held from the eonserva--torv chapel of the Kant Side funeral di rectors, 414 Kast A Ider. Saturday, June 3 2. at i a. m. interment M t. Scott. Friends invited. CRAY At th residence. 120 W. Sumner street. Wednesday. June t, Martin Gray. a pert 74 years. lie is survived, by his widow and one daughter, Mrs. Charles J Campbell. The body will be for warded by Chambers company tomorrow Friday) to Albany, 'V-here interment will be made in the family plot. Albany Or., papers plcaae copy. COHEN In this city. May 31. 1120. Ron Cohen. a.eed 4 years, holoved mother of Mrs. c- I-- iirown, fti rs. .i. it. w mmer, M rs. Simurl Marsullcf. Edward E. and -Arnold Cohen. h rirnrts invited to at tend the funeral services at Wolman'i funeral parlors. Third and Salmon sts.. at 10 A. m. Sunday, .nine l.. l.2u. In terment Beth Israel cemetery. BTLCOX In this city. June 9. Lois Jane Silcox. aged 1 year 6 months 11 days. daughter or Air. ana airs. t . sicox East 73d North. Funeral services will be held Friday (.today) from the conservatory chapel of the East Sid Funeral directors. 414 East Alder, at 2 P. M. Interment in Lone Fir. Friends Invited. ANDERSON June 7. at TTnderwood Wash.. Thomas Anderson, aced 74 years. husband of Mrs. Christine Anderson and father of Mrs. E. J. Buchler of Osace. Iowa, and A. N. Anderson of this cit v. Funeral will be held from Mo En tee & F.ilers parlors, 16th and Everett streets. Saturday. June 12, at 2 I. M. Friends Invited, interment Kiverview cemetery ANDERFON-MeALMSTER Joint funeral ervices Tor Edwin A. Anderson, aged ." years, and Cynthia McAllister, aged 6ft years, brother and sister, will b con ducted today (Friday) at 2 P. M., in the mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthv A Co.. .VJ02-04 2d at. S. E in Lents. FriendM invited. Interment Kose City cemetery. HJBBARD The funeral ervices of the late Anna Beatty Hibbard. aged 71 years will be held Saturday. June 12. 2 o'clock P. M., at the Crntenary M. E. church. East Ninth and Pine. Friends invited. 1 n terment Rivervtew cemetery. J. p -Finley & Son. director. BOW In this city. June . 1020. Gilbert H. Bowe. ase 81 years, at his late resi dence. 1707 Oregon s-t. Funeral serv ices will be held todav (Fridavi. June 1 1th at 2:30 1 M.. from the Portland Crematorium. Friends invited. Ue mains cara of Eric to a Undertaking Co, , 9k) Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, ACCOl'NTANTS. , JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, au ditor, accounting syttem opened, main tained: income tax service; references. Concord bldg.. and Stark. Main 7413. ALTERATIONS. LADIES" tailoring. Perfect fitting: work guaranteed. 1. Reubin. 40S Bush-Lane bid. ASSAVEKS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second jold, silver and platinum buusht. AUTO TOPS. DO.VT HESITATE. Auto upholsterintr. top. curtains, ecn eral repair, p&intins. .VU.N'AiiCH MOTOR CO 313 Vancouver ave.. near East Broadway. Phone East 4130. BATHS. CH I ROPR ACTIC. steam baths and mas page. 1 0th floor Broadway bids. Mar shall 31S7. Dr. Laura 15. Downing. MULTNOMAH Hotel Turkish baths: men: allday and all nieht. UC1LDEKS. CAIlPtiNTKR work, remodeling and build in. Phone aiain 7yu4. Call room -lo. CARPET WEAVING. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag rugs all sizes Mall orders prompt. Send for Booklet. BxLi rugs steam or dry cleaned. Jl.50 FLUFF RUG CO.. 5-50 Union ave. N. East 6516. B. 1475. CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING. FLUFF AND RAG RUGS. WOVEN ALL SIZES. WRITE OR CALL. PORTLAND RUG CO.. 172 E. 17th St. Scliwood3622. OLD carpet and linoleum laying done by experts. Phone B. CS87. . CELLULOID niTTONS. THE 1RWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 3S7 Washington. Bdwy. 434. A. 1254. CHIROPODISTS. DR. O. O. FLETCHER: aseptic ehirooo Oist. graduate nurse assistant: all mal formations of the foot scientifically cor-rei-ted. Suite 512 Morgan bldg. Main 8712. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist: corns, bun ions, loot arches made to order. 311 Shetland bldg.. 5th and Wash. Main 1081. DR. B. LOUISE COX, chiropodist. 10 A. M. to UP. M. 438 Morganbldg. Main 4088. CHIROPODIST ARCH SPr.ClAI.lST. WILLIAM. Estetle and Florello De Venev ttie only scientific chiropodist and arcb specialists in the city. Parlors 302 Ger linKcr birig.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Plu.ne Main 1301. CHIROPRACTOR. 300 r10 KNOW McMahon. i00r't Chiroprac lor. Tiirongs pronoun J treatment best. CHIMNEY SWEEPS. T5I.-HOP CHIMNEY SWEEP. Furnace smoke through registers. nerds repairing o rcl caning. Tabor 3SS3. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Rnval Multisraphing. ail advertising. bldg. Marshall 58 m.meographing and COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 173S. No collections, no charge. Estab. 1900. CONTRACTORS. FOR BRICK WORK, phone Jack Wempe. tile and concrete. Woodlawn 8230. Christian Science Practitioner. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE practitioner. Grace E. -Moore. C. S.. Broadway 4016. DANCING. BERKELEY DANCING ACADEMY Pri vate lessons dav, eve.: latest steps iazz shown. 129 4th St. Main 3318. Mrs. Summers. M RS. RATH. 20S lessons day and Dekum bldr. Private evening. Main 1343. BALLROOM and stage dancing. Miss Dorothy Rasmussen. 610 Ellers bldg. DENTISTS. DR. A. W KEENE. dentist. 331 Vb Wash ington. Painless Nerve Blocking Method Used. HOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL 415 East 7th. cor. Grant. East 1847 and 219-02. Dogs and horses clipped. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND Bought and Soid. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. Phone 527-27. 248'b 1st st. M. 871. H. M. H. ELECTRIC CO. 34 N. First. Portland. Or. Re winding and electrical repair ing a specialty. New or used motors. Bdwy. 1045. A. 1046. WHOLESALERS AND KNOLNEEliS' AND MILL SUPPLIES. THEM. I.. K LI XEjCO.. 64-86-87-S9Front. GRAIN MKKCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPS. THANH AUSER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front st. PAINTS, OILS AND GLAHS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. HASM USSEN & CO.. Second and Tavlor. F V N E R A L N OTICES. TEKTS At the residence. o25 Thirteenth street. Jine 8, ll2i, Hugh M. Teets. aged 77 years.' Friends invited to attend the funeral services at Ilolman's funeral par lors. Third and Salmon streets, at 2 P. M. tomorrow (Saturday). June 12, 1J20. Interment Cirand Army cemetery. BATT1STK In this city June f. Joe Pat- tiste, aged ;iS years. r unerai services will .he hold from the East Side funeral directors' chapel Friday. June 11, at 10-.;tu A. M. Interment Lone Fir ceme tery. Friends invited. DONLEY The funeral services of the late Jerome Donley, aged years, will do held Saturday. Juno 12. 1 P. M., at Fin ley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment Multnomah ceme tery. FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral service, JONE3 AUTO LIVERY. MARSHALL 114. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL DIRECTORS. New located in their new residential fu neral home, Morrison at 12th, west side. Phone Broadway 43, Automatic 545-58. The .funeral Home of Refinement and Distinctive Service. Note We have no branches nor any con nections w hatever with any other undertaking firm. EDWARD HOLM AN &SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS Third and Salmon sts. Alain 807. N L.aiy Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less Independent Funeral Directors. Washington street, between 20th and 21st Streets, West Side. Lady Assistant, Main 2091. 578-S5. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomary at Fifth. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a horn, 16th and Everett sts. Telephone Broaxiway 2133. Automatic 521 -33. F. S. PUNNING, INC. 414 E. Alder. Phone East 52. Perfect service, personal direction, free ue of floral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR Successo-s to Wilson & Ross. Multnomah at East 7th. Kast 54. Irvington district. P Ij LERCH e- Eleventh and Clay. X Lj- J-'JJ-VV-n- Kast 781. T. 1833. P.T?Tf!SON Twelfth and MorrlsonSta. EiliUjOUlN Broadway 2534. A. D. KEN WORTHY. CO.. 580-04 d St., Lent. Tabor 628T. AR 7PI I PR Pn 592 WIHiamsTve. 1 fli ILLLin UUi East 10S8 c 1088 BREEZE & SNOOK TM58.BBm103n4t SKEWE3 UNDERTAKINO COMPANY. 3d ajid Clay. M 1162. A 231. Ldidy asslstanu - I tri i man Jill, SIB feTb Lr Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. FOR first-srowth fir cordwood call East :Hr6, M. Heerdt Fuel Co. FERTILIZER. FERTILIZE your land If you want bix crops; read about "C M. Wonder" In our Ift'JO catalogue. Koutledge Seed St Floral Co.. 145 Ud St.. Portland. Or. GLASS AND GLAZING. GLASS AND GLAZING orders promptly taken care of. Reasonable. Automatic 310L"7. HEMSTITCHING AD PLEATING. T. & D. HEMSTITCHING shop: superior work; prompt service. R. 618 Oregon Eilersbldg.. 27 Washington st. H E M STITCH I Xfl8 "centT per"yard, and plaiting at llthand Washington " MISIC TEACHERS. L. Carroll Day. piano, vocal lessons, prae tice piano. I nr. day. $5 mo. Bdwy. L'aSS. M'RSEBT STOCK. WE CARRY full assortment of choice - fruit tree, berry plants ornamental trees, shruhs. rn'f etc. OREGON XL'RSERT CO.. OREXCO OR. OPTO.M ETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thou sands of satisfied customers. A 1 will convince you. Charles W. Good- optometrist. 2UJ Morrison. M. 1.4. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TEST ed with modern instruments. Glasses fitted from S2.50 up. A. E. HURWITZ. optometrist. 225 1st st GEORGE RUBENSTETN. the veteran op tician, is an expert eye-fitter, and his charges are very reasonable: satisfaction guaranteed. 22tJ Morrison St.. near 2d. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 40 years. All communi cations strictly confidential: prompt, ef ficient conscientious service: handbook free on request. MUNN &. CO.. patent attorneys. San Francisco office. Hobart blue, ssa Market st. .- Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg.: Washington of fice, room 103. 625 F St.: New York office. Wool worth bldg. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years" experience U. S. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway bldg.. rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, iiver. kidney, bladder, ractal. prostatic, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birth marks. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 188 4Ui. M. 7U7. PRINTING. DQIMTIMf! F. W. BALTES COMPANY, mill I lllU 1st and Oak Sts. M. 705. 511-63. " PAINTING AND DECORATING. PAINTING. DECORATING. SIGNS. KAL SOMIINGjBESTVVORK. TABOR 20b. KALSO MINING and painting very rea sonable. East 118- PAINTING, paperhanging. John C. Con lisk. 133 16th St. X. Broadway 294u. POULTRY SUPPLIES. EVERYTHING needed and used bv prac- ttcal poultry Keepers: catalogue tree. Routledge Seed Floral Co.. 145 2d St.. Portland. ri'BLIC STENOGRAPHER. FRNI A. GUTH Dictation day or night, 307 Railway Exch. bldg. Alain 1503. SECOND-HAND STORKS. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221 FRONT ST. We buy and sell everything in the hardware and furniture line. Phone Main UOiJ. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 01 Dekum bldg. U. S.. foreign trademarks. " TRANSFER. AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH The Service With a Reputation. MOV1NG-PACKG-STOK AGE-BAGGAGE. 13th and Kearnev. Branch liNft Bdwy. PHONE BDWY. 3309 NORTHWESTERN TRANSFER CO. 64-f6 Front St. STORAGE AND HAULING. DISTRIBUTION CAKS OUR SPEUIALTF. Phone Main 44li. &44-US. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Ullsm St.. corner 13th. Phone Broadwav 1-Sl or llS'J. We own and operate two larEe uiass "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates in the city PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 103 PARK ST. Main 3ISI5. A. lOr.l. WINDOW CLEANING. HE IDEAL. WINDOW CLEANING CO.. Tabor 336. Window waahinjr. floor waxine and house cleaning made easy. We feave iou time and money. Talk with us. MANUFACTURERS HIDES. WOOL AND CARSCARA BARK. KAHX BROTHERS. 195 Front st. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AND PIPE. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. S4-86-S7-S0 Front PKODUCE COMMISSl6x MERCHANTS. BVERDING & FARRELL. 110 Front st. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FLT T ,LP: R & C O . . F r o nt and Morrison. ' ROPE AND HINDER TXVI N E. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northruo. DIED. IRWIN In this city. June 10, John Fred crick Irwin, aged 25 years, son of Will iam a?id Mary Reeves of 45 East For tieth street, and brother of May L. and Clarence N. Reeves of Portland. The remains are at Kin ley's. Montgomery at r uin. isotice or lunerai hereafter. HEATH In this city. June K. Mir?a pet Heath. ajrM .".o years. The remains will ne lorwaraen t riday. .Tune 1 1. by J. P. I' in ley & Son. to Boise. Idaho, where services win be held and interment made. WJRNA In this city. June 10. John Wir na. a gcd ui ears. Remains are at the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthv & Co., .VS02-04 IL'd s:. S. E., In Lenta. No nce oi xuncrai later. DKNO DU In this city. June in, John Denoydr, aged years. Remains are at tho funeral parlors of A. D. Ken worthy & Co.. DS02-O4 02d st. S. E.. in i-enrs. notice or lunerai later. GOODWIN At the residence. 42l R2d street S. E.. Monday, June 7. Frederick i.oouwin. a Red 2 years. Baker, Or papera plca&c copy. FLORISTS. 7?gjbluh 328MorrisonSt. ' lZ, : tlWtlanX UjvaI Wt TCI 2 f",T- Jto norrisonaT. - stopes - ' BetBrdwjcSPark Mar.?57 Charge Accounts Solicited Smith's Flower Shop Portland' progressive florist. We special ize in funeral devijrn. 141 4 6th, 'pobUe Jirier rranKs. Aiain JAPA.V FLORIST 167-170 4th st.. Flrehouse Market. All kinds or i towers. tteoainK and veet- aDie plants. .Japanese ahrubberv nursery stock. tubs. baskets, sarnen seeas. special sale. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists, 354 Washington. Main 26. Klowera for all occasions artistically arranged. tLAKKh BROS., florists. 27 Morrison st Aiain i fine flowers ana floral de bikijs, io orancn stores. 'iUSHTH rLORA I CO.. 2S7 Washlnrton Ft., oet. tn ana atn. Main aiU2. A. 1161 OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all eases of llrr crtrclty to animals. Offices, room 150 courmouse. fhona Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The society has full charge of the city fiuuuu tx l 19 11 villi UJil LUIUITIDia DOU evard. Phone any time. Woorilawi 764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, ana stray animals cared tor. AH dead animals, cows, horses. tic. picKea up tree oi cnarge. Phone your want ads to The Orego man, Alain 7070. Automatic &60-35. n MOl'.NMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS Fourth St.. ODD. City Hall. Nfu Bros. BLAES1NG GRANITE CO. i third at WAOISON street ftEW TODA1. m mm Mill-Mnde Sectional Houte No. 226-P. It rooms, hith and Vloset, price $372. Shipped anywhere in 4-foot sections. Ask about our Snecial Portnble Oarage, r.ize 10x1 (t, Frtrje $75. IV rite or Dione for Catalogue Elwcod Wiks & Son S0J Title Jt Trust Bldg. On 4th St.. Het. Stark and Oak. Phone Main 4724 Erected rn Portland or SHIPPBO ANYWHERE. In sections ready ta put together. Easy for one man ra erect in a day. Our cash pricea factory direct to you. no middle man, me-.n - GREAT SAVINO. Send 'or circular Call at factory See life-slxe sample. RED1MADE BULKING CO.. SIS L. 1 1 tli St.. 3 blks. S. Hawthorne. Phone fc.at 5114. Portland. Oregon. IRVINGTON Possession August 1 Here is your opportun ity to pur chase direct from owner, who is leaving- Portland, one of the most de sirable homes in this exclusive dis trict. 7 rooms, large attic, full cement basement.. 2 toilets, furnace, hardwood floors downstairs; white enamel up stairs; large garage; beautiful shrub bery, vines and flowers; lot - 50x100. House has east facing and is situated on the best block in all Irvington. Location 5S5 K. ISth X , between Knott and Stanton, streets. 1-ook it over from the outside and if interested ring the bell. Price $9500, cash or terms. Send Us Your Old Carpets We Call and Deliver) Old Roes and Wuolrn Clothlata;. We Hake lleterallile. Uaid-tvoni FLUFF RUGS Room-Size Floff Knsaw Woven. 17.SO Ran Rdki Woven All Sizes. Clothes Clraninar anal Dyclnar Uepta, Mail Urderav scad awr Uuukleb Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning xlZ Robs. Steametl Cleaned. SI. 5 J H ESTEHN FLI FP RUG CO. Ml alonAvc N. 1'kune blast S1 WK CALL FOR YOUR OLD CAHfKTS, Ross and Woolen Clothing I LUFF RUGS All Work Turned Oat Promptly RK Atuae Woven All Size tail Orders. Send for Booklet .aivela tjleikned. Lulu, mud RefltteU. XORTUWKST Ht'U CO. IMS lail Ma St. l'kunc avast West Side One of the best warehouse and fac tory sites; 100x100 corner on track age, 12th St. $43,O00. Terms. Slelten Main 5429 LIBERAL LOANS (Ve loan our own money on real estat. txrst aod second mortgages, contract,. livesLocA, notes, etc . F. E. BOWMAN & CO. 210 Chain, of Com. Blue. Mala 3U3. Mortgage Loans Unfit Intercut rntat Installmeat r anile No delay la cloala. A. rl. B1RRELL CO. tl7-2llt N.rlbnnlera Bank iluudi.. ti.r.Baii ana. Peraonally Eiamlnal FARM MORTGAGES Sums to Suit. No Better Securltlaa FEAR & GRAY 102 lourth Street. Edward E.Goudey Co. mortgage: loans Cnl.ed Statea Uank Bnllllm RKAL KSTATE. 1 or Sale -Hat and Apartment Fropert.T, FOR SALE East side Income Dronertv raying $325 per month rent. A good flats, always rented. $4000 cash will handle. To those meaning business. No dealers. Phone East 324 for particu lars and appointment. 13TH NEAR ALDER. $.15,000. 50x100 Lot Large Bldr. This property is" well located to get the benefit of near future developments. RITTER. LOW K & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. GREATEST BARGAIN. FINEST apartment site 071 Portland Heights. 100x21)0. practically level; streets paid: splendid view, overlooks the city; good car service; for $22.0tM) this best Investment city. East 273, Herd man. .CLASSY BRICK APARTMENT. -$40000. Wert Side, fine location, good income, easy terms. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 4 FAMILY FLAT. $9500. ROxlOO lot. each flat ' has 5 rooms, rental value $140 per. month: located central Eat Side. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. OWNERS MUrjT HAVE $15.0O0. Will sacrifice apartment building com pletely furnished ; a t tractive income ; wal king ditnc.. Price $50.oao; no trades considered. P 52.t. Oregonian. HOME with 15 per cent net income. 6 flats. close In. ISOOO; pay part, let it pay bal. ' aiaiu itioi. BEAL ESTATE. for bale Flat and Apartment Property. APARTMENT HOUSE PROPKRTV. CLOSE IN. WEST SIDE. 3-ctory and basement, brick, on nice corner. Completely furnished with first-class oak furniture. Over ,"00 per month net Income. Price only 50.00l. Part cash and terms. This Is positively the bett buy in Portland. PACIFIC AlJENTY. INC.. 011-;0 Shetland Bldg. BROADWAY BARGAIN. 1J.0IK. 2H-rm. flat bldg.. onlv a few minutes" walk from center of city. This is a fine investment. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bids. " BUSINESS BLOCK. On Third street, downtown district: hotel and store rooms. Owner says SELL 'IT. Fine chance for you to muke some money. S. S. PRENTISS. 615 Chamber oC Commerce bldg 3-STORY BRICK. 1 22. 500. located on 1st street near Burnside: very suitable for wholesale house. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. For Sale Beach Property. CHOICE BEACH LOT EXCHANGE FOR Painting and Paperhanging and furnish material. Lot located In Tillarnooli beach (Salt air). near station aul ocean. AH 48. Oi egonian. irnn sir r - i m ... i n two choice lots. 50x140 feet, at TiUamoolfl beach, on board walk, county road ana railroad; near dance pavilion and hotel. Address H 180. Oregoniaru For Sale -Lots. PROSPECTIVE HOME BUILDERS. We will furnish you a first -class tot without any cash payment ; after your houpe has been erected you can pay ua small monthly payments, tame as rent. We have lots which we can furnish vou in almost any part of the city. Build your home now and we will co-operate with you. JOHNSOX-DODSON CO.. JttZ N.V. Bunk Bld. Main 37S7. IRVINGTON. 75x100, northeast corner of 19th and Stanton sis. This lot has a scattering growth of beautiful natural trees; It is tiie cnoicest corner in Irvington. Price 53UOO. I.L'EDDBMAXX COMPANY, Chamber of Commerce. Main 6067. p t i L. I fcT R ' F f-XAP. 5 LOTS 40x100 FEET $400 EACH. Located, near .".oth and Hawthorne iv.; improvements all in: small amount .due on bonded assessments. L 02O, Ore gonian. FOR SALE Lot 1. block M. Laurelhurst addition. Portland, at price far below cost, cash or terms. Beautiful corner on East 3 Uth t. Chas. S. Fisher. Eu gene. Or. WOODSTOCK. Txt 40x120. right on the carline, side walks i-n and paid, for $U75 cash; a bar- gam.Phone Tabor U460. FOR SALE 100x11$ fect on 3 paved sts., 2tUh and lvon, all imp. In and paid for; fine location for garage. Price $,"000 : 1 block from Division. X 1 1 4r Oregonian. S N A P $ Li (Cs N a"r 100x.U2 fect. on Hast Lincoln st.. one oiock to car. improvements all in; S.jti2 paid on assessments. K Oir, Oregonian. CORNER Two lots. Kact 4!U h and Madi son: improvements all in, balance due on assessments, 1UU. Price 1000. H 61B. Oregonian. HAVE tome choice lots In Warrenton'i prospective business center. It. JU Yoke, ll5 Northwestern Bank bldg. 50x100 LOT. Oroveland Park, barrain: paved; fax.es wet. Tabor 0046 evenings. For Sale House. REAL BARGAIN. Dandy bargain, like new. In A.oerta district: combination living and dining room. large bedrooms, bath and toi let, cement basement: sr.x ino-ft. ot. 8 bearing fruit trees. shade trees, includ ing 1 beautiful holly trees. Price cut for quick sale to JJoMO; $0o0 down. See ing is buying. 1WREV-SAVIDGE COM PANT. 210 Railway Kxchange bldg. Main 747. A FINE ONE. Seven-room bungalow In first-class condition ; one bedroom 1st floor. 3 and bath on I'd floor; fine oak floors, furnace, fireplace and modern basement; wonder ful lot of flowers in vard; on best street in Westmoreland ; price $.Y2o0. terms. Shown only by appointment. LADD ESTATE CO.. 246 Stark St. Marshall o454. ROSE CITT PARK. 6 Rooms and Sleeping Porch, S4H30. Here, truly, is a good buy. This bun galow In located on 4th st . north of Sandy. Rose City Park's very choicest location. See it todav. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 1164 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3002. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. FOR MR. HANDYMAN. 7-room frame house, in poor condi tion: city water, cesspool, graded streets; located in Overton Park ; large wood shed and barn, some fruit. Price $1000; $100 cash, $12.50 and interest at r monthly. Fred W. German Co.. Cham, of Com. NOW VACANT. 7-ROOM HOUSE. FINEST CONDI TION. LARGE. ATTRACTIVE LIVING ROOM. H. W. FLOORS. GARAGE. 440 Fast 7th st. N.; near Broadway car. This place Is a bargain, and your own terms. Owner, East 5&5. or Broadway iwy. lor appointment. ELABORATE and complete 5-room bun galow near Alameda drive, on 51st st. Every modern convenience. House kept up in wonderful shape and like new throughout; excellent gounds. sightly corner lot. Owner leaving lor Idaho. Price $5i'50. $1650 down. C A ItEV-SAVIDGE COMPANY. 219 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 74S7. $ 1 000CASH. " Good 5-room home, nicely papered, elect. Its., good plumbing, hard surface Ftreet all paid; "J blks. from Mt. Scott car. Balance of $600 can run to suit you : price on eary terms. $1 700. SI R NKY G. LATH HOP. 516 Abington bldg. I Sign of the horseshoe.) $ TOO "WILL H ANDLE. Good little 3-room house; water, gas, some plumbing, some furniture goes with the place; lot l-"xlno. with fruit and shrubbery. Price $ 1 60, payments just like rent. Immediate possession. J OH NSOX- DODSON t 'O.. 6:." N. W. Bank Bldg. Main .'I7S7. TWO BIG BARGAIN'S. 6-room home and two full lots, near Hawthorne carline. $200: easy terms. 6-room fine modern bungalow, largn lot. 4T5 Rosclawa ave. A bargain at $4200, terms. C. De YOUNG & CO.. MO Spalding Bldg. Main 7 ",51. HEIGHTS. One of best views on heights, overlook ing city and Tualatin valley ; strictly modern retidonce. three bedrooms and sleeping porch ; beautiful grounds, 2 lots; price $H..0OO. PtINDENTKR. L'O1? SELLING BLDG. MAIN ISQO, RESIDENCE. 271-18. FOR SALE by owner, "-room house in Irvington. close to school; full cement basement. furnace, fireplace. laundry trays, la rge hall, living room, dining room, kitchen and pantry ; 4 bedrooms and larce attic, all In Ivory and wnite; $55O0. Main 3581. Owner. 85 Third st. ARE you looking for valuation ? Loveiv 8-room home, excellent location : fine living room, fireplace, sleeping porch, closets w ithout -ido windows, full ce ment basement with eemenfrt-in fruit closets; beautiful grounds : .S50. with terms. Call owner, Tabor 9155. N K W 9-ROOM HOME $4500. 50x1 no lot. in good distrirt. 1 blk. from car and hard-surtace Ftr-et; best plumb lug: $H00 cash imavbe less) will handle SIDNEY G. LATH ROP. 516 Abington bldg. (Sign of the horseshoe. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. 4-room cottage, water, lights and as east front lot ; close to car and school ; good district; $10.-0. small payment down, oai. easy. 2 none oia-o. or inq. r. toin si. rs. $2250 BUYS excellent 7-room house, splen didly located; plumbing, electric, tea garage; want $650 down. Thomaion, 6248 Foster road. Mt. bcott cars to Laurel' wood. MODERN 5-room houue on E. Grant st. choice corner lot with Improved st. ;;250. One of the best buys in this dis trtct. For particulars call at 404 Piatt b' d g.. 127 Parn et. BARGAIN Must sell 6-room modern house, near car. close In. street paved, paid; lawn, roses, fruit; $o250i; easy terms. (Uo t-paiaing oiag. FOR SALE 6S09 85th st. S. E. Living room i:xu it., 4 rooms, natn. toilet, ga rage, woodhouse. By owner, G. F. Miller. Tabor 5oi. FOR SALE Du ten colonial, located on one of lrvingto-n's fine corners; $10,000 value for $i0O0; leaving city. Tabor 206. VERY pretty place for sale at Bell sta tion ; 5-room modern bungalow, 4 blks. from car. !c commutation fare. Phone Milwaukie OA. Mil. K. h. j, box 16.. SACRIFICE Owner leaving city; modern 5-room bungalow $2S50; attractive term a Tabor 7055. BARGAIN 306 at.5C4 .atreet aorUi. . BEAL ETATE! For bale House. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. ."14-2 Swctland Bldg. Phone Marsahtl 3'JSJ. ROSE CITY SACRIFICE. "-room house with p'.eeplng porch, fireplace, furnace, all buill ins. fine lawn and shrubbery, good garage, 50xl'0 lot, below the hiil and one-half block from Sandy blvd.; price onlv $5600 and 25on cash. Vou will have to hurry to get this, as price is so low and in the best location in Rose City. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 514-20 Swetland Bldg. COMPLETELY Fl'RNISHED IRV INGTON COLONIAL BUN GALOW. Here is a real classy 6-am. bun Itaiow. only built mo., in the best part of Irvington. This home is absoltucly complete, with every modern convenience imaginable, in fact too many , to mention; fur niture also new and exquisite; ex ceptionally flnt: garage.' If you are iooking for something with dig nity and refinement in a home be low cost, don't lai to look at this. For particulars and appointment for Mr. Jesse. 0-7 Corbett bldff.l Main 7141. ROSE CITY SACRIFICE. 472. tt-room house with sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, all built-ina. fine lawn and shrub bery, good carage. 50x100 lot. be low the hill and one-half block from Sandv blvd. Price onlv $.00. and $2500 cash. You wilt have to hurry to ret this as price is so low and In the best location in Rose City. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC., 514-20 Swetland Bldg. OWNER LEAVING SACRIFICES R. C BUNGALOW. ONLY $1200 CASH P4YM KVT This beautiful bungalow home of five rooms on corner, with all oaving assess ments nam in furnii on market nv own er leaving city; home nearly new; has Dlne'ema furnace. hardwood floors, old ivory finish: price of ."200 includes some nenonal nrooerty. This bargain win test anyone's sincerity as a. home buyer. Mr. Johnton. with O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY, 332-o Railway Exchange. WILT.AMETTB HEIGHTS. Beautiful 7 -room house with enclrrlins: balconies, sunroom. larice living room and dining room with hardwooil floors, pass I pantry and kitchen, all in white enamel; lovelv bed rooms. fine concrete aarage the view of the mountains is breath-tak ing: here Is value at $8000; only $1000 down, balance like rent. Mahonev, COE A. McKEXNA CO.. RJ 4th t. Main 45JJ. A GOOD BUT ON LOMBARD STREET. 6-ronm house in fine shape, has bath jras and electric lights: has large living room, dining room and Dutch kitchen thrc nlfe larffp. lieht bedrooms UD stairs: full cement basement: Ul bear ing fruit trees, berries, etc.. chicken house, stable and aarase; lot OOx'JlMl ft. Pri- s.hoo- JtJOOft cash. Phone Oliver. with Haramve Realty Co.. 1 N. 6th. Broadway 4381. Rv. nui'nF hi-a n A -ne W tive-room bun ralow a dream of beauty and comfort: hnil.tef huvinc rn1nrrl rrints bV Quan tity purchases offers this and another n.u.- Hvf.rnnm huntralnw nn adiaCCnt lOtl o. .nd.-i..1 r.r-i,.- - ,..mr: S4SMI. SSTtO cash; inside bungalow at $4t."0. $7.0 cash, bal. very easy terms. See these at once. Call Main ol99. $(V;oo GRAB THIS ONE. QUICK TV T. 4 I'RKIiHPRST Just think of it s-room house in fine condition: living room, dming room, den i and gunroom downstairs: o nice bed- mnmn n n il Kleeoinir porch above: on.y ;; blocks from car: high, sightly lot, fine mountain view. Som lucKy one geis this Must be sold. Phone Tabor Wl.V.i. NOB HII.U modern 9 - r m . home, st. on west side: verv Strictly near L'otn exclusive district. Exceptional bar gain. Mrs. Lucies. laoor juow. BIGGEST VALUE IN IRVINGTON. tv-.nn R rooms modern. 4 bedrooms and !en.nff Dorch. reception hall. larce liv- in a- mom. attractive dininjE room, east ern oak floors, lull cement basement. fruit room, finished attic. Located on 17th. near Tillamook. In- , spection Invited. Call owner. East 2436. sr.ttO CASH hand.es this 5-room modern ' buntralow. Dutch kitchen, gas, electric lights. Bull Run water. bath and toilet. full cement basement; lot 50x10). fruit trees berries, chicken house, room for about 2 doz. chickens; garden all in; price $2500, by owner. Phone Milwau kie 22-W. BEAUTIFUL WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOM E. This Is a wonderful buy. as the value 1 m nsir i nnsldered in this sale. 8 rooms. all beautiful, and the view cannot be excel d; 75x110 ground, shrubs of all kinds. Pacific Realty Co.. Main Si7. 40J Spalding bldg. WANT OUICK ACTION. fl-room house., just remodeled, ivory finish, walls Daoered; excellent location. SO ft. paved st. and car line; bearing fruit trees and flowers; $2583. with terms (less than house aione would cost). s::n rent has been refused; deal with owner: no agents. Evenings, Tabor 1702 JUST what you have been looking for. Mr. and Mrs. -omcseeKer. one 01 inose nice 5-room bungalows, close to car and Ktnrps. and fine furniture, all lor $2o0. I have many others from $2000 to ' sin nun each, on w hich I can quote homeseeker reasonable prices and terms. .1. H. Ho brook, ran a ma urns. BARGAIN. Owner and builder must sell at once. nw Alberta bungalow. 4 rooms, bath and sleeping porch, hardwood floors. white enamel, bookcases, full cement 1 hosmani furnace. laundTy trais. 1 in- olpum kitchen and bath. Price $3450. Wdln. M6. 4-ROOM bouse for $1fiOO. In Unlversltv Park; s5oo aown. nai. mo. ana in terest . Really 5-room home. 1 room extra large: 1 block to carline; has cac hath and elee. Its.: lot 50x100 ft. Phone Broad wav 4381. Mr. Olivcc. Hargrove Realty Co.. 122 N. 6th sL IRVINGTON. I have a number of fine, modern homes, including bungalows, for saic ihi aririition. For further details carding price, terms and appointment to show call on C. L. Brown. ..l Hal. way Exchange bldg. Main 7511. JUST bought a farm, win se.i our .-rooin house, l SIOCK roiu ;i v. - 1 nut?. aitth st.. very reasonable ; or will trade for livestock or farm machinery . Inquire at 990 Powell Valley rd. Phone Sell. Tli. - rOR SALE "Modern 7-room home at 70S E Aiikenv. immediate possession ; tv large Enslish walnut trees. roes N., any time exceptSunday. ROSE CITY PARK Furnished bungalow ; an artistic, well-built house with garage and nice shrubbery; in best part of dis trict. 510 E. 44th N. Price $0000. Owner. MODERN house with garage on E. Irving nt., near 2Sth; . rooms, hardwood noon, 5okI00 lot. paved street paid, tine gar den, fruits, etc.; price $3650. $10t)O cash wiil handle. Main 50. 0. MODERN 5-room bungalow with a lot and a half at 122 E. 43d st. for sale bv owner; block from Sunnyslde car line and a strictly modern houe. Call Ta bor S615. IRVINGTON CAR. Brand-new 6-room bungalow, strictly modern, furnace, hardwood floors, buli t 1ns. etc; all street improvements In and paid ; $150 cah will handle it; mov right In. Phone owner. East 4000. FOR SALE Large home and three acres of ground, all furnished, never occupied; six mils out; cost $6000, want ofrer; private sale. Address A J 411, Orego nian. FOR SALE 5-room modern bungalow on 50-foot lot near KilHngsworth and In terstate; reasonable cash payment. Own er in city over Friday. Wood la wn 3 1 S3. 7 MUST SELL AT ONCE. 1 4 rooms and ba th. xt block south of Mont a villa car. 104 E. 67th st. North. Tabor 3527. BUV from owner, 5-room oungalow. first class condition. $2K50; make offer; must sell, terms; 2 blocks to car and school. 447 Sumner st. S-ROOM modern house, also furniture, near Hawthorne, on 34th St., will be vacant SMurdav afternoon. Call at 262 Glenn av. Tabor 5020. 9-ROOM house, furnished for H. K., elec. lights, good furniture, good location, west side, cloe In; $S00, $500 cash, bal ance easy terms. Call Marshall 4012. 4-ROOM bungalow and garage. $2275; near car. on 58th st. : full basement. 6 good fruit trees. flOxlOO lot : terms. L J. Lamb, 1026 C. of C. bldg. Mar. 1583. nnnvis 312 Halsev at Int. .- . k I Pries $2350. Vacant.. Main 4 So 3. REAL. ESTATE. APARTMENT HOUSE PROPERTY. CLOfc-E IN. WtaT tflDL. 3 stories and basement, brick, on nice corner; completely furnished with fli"Et-class oak furniture; over $5O0 per month net income. Price only $50.0iio. part cash and terms. This is positively the best buy in Portland. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 514-20 Swetland Bldg. EXTRA GOOD BARGAIN ON 32 D ST. 7-rm. bungalow; has full cement basement, laundry tr ys. pipeless furnace, fine while brick fireplace, double floors and walls. lined with building paper, bathroom and 2 toilets, 4 bedrooms with clothe closets, living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen. Owner leaving city and will sell for $ ;S5rt. $1000 down and $o0 monthly. Phone Tabor 604 or Main 7141. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. Artistic 5-room bungalow with good furniture, living room has nice f : re place and den. with built-in DooKCases, nice electric fixtures, dining room has artistic buffet w ith large pla te glass mirrors, beam ceiling ; two large light bedrooms with bath between ; uuicn kitcheu in white, half cement basement floor, good furnace, garage, lot 4ux1 00. nara surface street now going in. twiv, $1000 cash, $50 month, including inter est. T per cent. O. V. iueunaupt & Co.. C. E. Adams. 407 V. S. National Baik bldg. Broadway 3833; residence, Woodlawn 3433. IRVINGTON HOME WANTED. "Wanted, large Irvington house, not lets than 10 rooms; corner preferred, about 100x100 lot; must be up-to-date; live buyer waiting. Can get you quick action if priced right. Will - consider anything up to $20,000. Must be not more than six or seven blocks from Irvington school. Phone Marshall $400 DOWN. Modern bungalow. 1 blk. from car. on E. 2!ith si. This place is well built, new and in good neigh borhood. Price $2700. Phone owner. Tabor 604 or Mam 7141. SVJOO CASH WILL HANDLE SAVE YOU R KENT MONEY I have two fine homos in Laurelhurst. One bungalow. 6 rooms and a beautiful 6-room colonial. Both have line gtir.tge. both in fine condition. Old ivory finish. the best of everything. A few dollars added to your rent money and your house troubles are over. See me todny at the office K. 30th & Gisau sis., or phone Tabor 34:.:.. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS S1S00 3 rooms and large attic. 2 rooms p'astcrcd. w atcr. gas and liehts ; lot 80x100. with all kinds of bearing fruit and berries: 2 chicken house:, wood shed and good garage: 2 short blocks from car. This i ail neat and cic; and a ery good buy ; $300 ia.-h. $25 monthly. Fred V. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. LAURELHURST SNAP Double constructed, H rooms, den, sun room and sleeping porch ; lull cement basement, furnace, fireplace, hard ood floors, down ; fine large rooms through out. Grand view of mountains; lots of shrubbery. A wonderful buy for $i.3"0. Some terms to right party. J. A. Mc carty. 270 i Stark. Main 1700. Eve. and Sunday. Tabor 5057. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW Double constructed S rooms. music room, sleeping porch ; extra large lot. lu best of condition and location; 2 bedrooms on ground floor. Beautiful fireplace. French doors. For further information call J. A. McCarty, 27 o Stn rk st. Main 1 . 00. Eve. and Sua. Tabor 5057. I R V IN ITON CO laONIAL B U N G A LO W. $7500 BUY FROM OWNER. Large living room. French doors, ain Ing room, perfect kitchen. breakfast nook, three bedrooms, sewing room, aal drapes, rods. $150 range, inlaid linoleum, bu th, fixtures, garage, full lot, shrubs, garden, small trees. Immediate pos session. East 419. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. MoH desirable 6 rooms and sleeping porch. living room very large; absolutely spic and span, having been recently re decorated; beautifully situated on four lots, among fine trees; has nice garden; $SO0O. BROOKE. 541 Montgomery drive, cor Elm at. Mar. 4827. Call mornings. IRVINGTON. 1 1 ROO M S. PRICE $ 1 0. 500. Fine 1 1 -room strictly modern house in the hrnrt of irvington. on JMh street In perfect condition. If ou are looking for something good in the best residence district in Portland, you will buy this. Call us up. PACJFh' AGENCY. SWETLAND BLDG. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into income? W e design and build apartments, ga rages, res-idenees. anything; furnish plant and finance. Ef tablishcd 10 vcars We Offer SECURITY, SERVICE. SATIS FACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc.. 9JI N. W. Bank bldg. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW BY OWNER. S i x roo m s, in ft n e condition; h . w floors, fireplace, tine furnace, big base' ment. garHge, paved street, pretty snrub bery. bearing fruit. $4s5o, $;mo down; discount tor cash. t0b L. ,2d N. Rugs and Drapes Cheap. PHYSICIANS? NOTICE! " IRVINGTON PALATIAL HOME. lOJx IOO eorner lot, 13 rooms. l bed rooms ; $20)0 worth of carpets go with house ; in vest agate, price and terms on application; fine place for sanitarium. Call Tabor 3433. N E W TRVIN G TO N' CO LO N I A ! -. Large living room, center hall, sun room, kitchen, dining room. 4 iarce bed rooms, tile bath, beaut it ul plumhinu fi tures. 2 fireplaces; ivory finish, papered and decorated t h roughout ; garage. Ta bor 5V4 or Tabor - 1 '-' i . FURNISHED 7 at a iacrificc. part payment room strictly modern horn Will take small auto as ha rd wood floors, gam gc in basement. furnace. L'uich kitchen breakfast room : both gas and Meet ricity t h rough out house. Phone Wdln. 3SHO. $200 BUNG ALOW. 5 Rooms. Near W oori stock ( 'a r : Terms. H.-.im MOTHER AND DALGHTKR. Fine 2-family hMlxKin, up in the tnin tit e. KIMin gs wort h. 3.1 iss Slocom b, 6.'4 Henry bidg. Bdwy. ol ,JL OWN ER. T must sell my 6-room modern hou immediately; carage. My price was $.;.".. )0, but come out and see it at Monroe st. and make me an oftcr. or nhone East SI i BY OWNER Fine. big. double constructed modern house, ground luOx 117: al I floors ha rd wood. windows pla te class. full basement, wash trays, fireplace, furnace, floored attic. Call Main MP5. ONLY $1500. With a very small cah pavmrnt and ready to move in. 4 rooms, light, water and ca.". This is a bareain. Pacific RcaMy. MainKI7J 400 Spalding bMg FOR SALE. $5Ol0. TERMS. Attractive seven-morn bungalow. Rose Cit v pa rk, hard wood floors, fireplace, white enamel finish; lot 50x100. D Ha2 Oregonian. WEST SIDE. $3ft50. fl-room hou.se. K-m4n. walk nets center: ail improvements o bust in and 10tn ft. paid for; pome furniture. 2t-j s. A REAL harpaln. 4-room bungalow, fur nished complete; bath, gas and elec tricitv. garden, berries; cheap and terms Tabor 922!. $5O0 WILL HANDLE. Large square house, fine condition: double garage: roses, fruit, fine view; save your iunt money. Owner. Main 4Sg4. MODERN 6-room bungalow, bath, electric lights and gas. full basement. Karase and 40x100 lot. for sale at 128 Vermont si.. Fulton. " ' FOR SALE By ow bath, lance lot. garden all up. W oodlaw n 6114. nor. 3-room house with garage and henhouse: For particulars call MOV 13 RIGHT IN TODAY. Brand-new four-room bungalow, near Union ave. and Piedmont; $350 cah wii; handle It. Phone owner. East 4WU tOR SALE 3-room furnished tent house; ran. electric lights and water; terms reasonable. 5601 44th ave. Southeast; Mt. Scott car to Archer Place station. LET ME help you Tell me what you are looking for. home, acreage, farm or business property. Tabor 195. gy OWNER 344 Grand North, near Broadway. 6-room modern house. East 4 29 7. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW-, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, garage Pliont Tabor 4373. 45th st fl7n0 4-ROOM furnished hotie, lot 62V-X 100; berries; terms. Tabor2213. 7-ROOM bungalow for sale by owner on E. 45th st Tabor 4S73. MODERN 5-room buncaiow. Willamette Hts- Call ownr. Main 5494 HAWTHORNE MT TABOR HOMCS TABOR 4tfi RODABAL'GH. REAL ESTATK. For (Sale House. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. MINNESOTA A V EL $2250 Nice 5-room cottage elect., bath, basement, etc.. nice loca tion, two blocks from Ockle" Green school. on Minnesota ave.. near A ins worth. About $00 cash and $25 per month, including interest. 5-ROOM BUNGAI-rOW. FRUIT. $3200 Fine 5-room bungalow, elect.. bath. cement basement. lot 50x105: six fine bearing fruit trees, small fruit, sh rubber v; one block to Mt. Tabor car. on East Tavlor st.. near utn. About $1500 cash. $30 per month, including interest at 6 R-RM. HOUSE. COR. E. MAIN AND 23D. J3N50 Good 6-room snuare house. 3 bedrooms, all 14ght. airy rooms: electricity, bath, attic, cement basement, buffet, trays, fine lot 50x73; paved street, paid; 9S0Q cash. $25 per month. GRL'SSI & BENNETT. 31S-21 Board of Trade. Main WONDERFUL VIEW PROPERTY. for $23on by paving S400 down snd the uated home of 9 rooms, bathroom. P " tries and large attic which can be di vided into several bedrooms. he view is unsurpassed and the property Is c?n venient to carline and good roads; has practicaliv all city conveniences thougn just outside city limits. N 607. Orego nian. GOOD, substantial 6-room house, walking distance; 3 large, lisrht room, reception hall and pantrv first iioor: wen ven tilated bedrooms and bath on second floor: full cement basement, furnace, laundrv trays, woodllft. The lot is well improved with beautiful lawn, tree roses, irult trees, grapes and berries. You can get immediate possession. Jiaoo rash, small pajment every 6 months. $4500; streets hard surfaced and paid. .TOHNSON-DODSON CO.. -633 X. . Bank Bldg Main 37. NOW VACANT. LOOK IT OVER. , Laurelhurst modern home of T rooms) and siecplng porch; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, full cement basemenr. lot 50x100. improvements paid; J oca ten 10-.0 Clackamas st., between od ana 35th. 1 block of Sandy blvd. and Ko City car. Go out and go through tn house, it will be open. A real buy for $5250, only $1500 down. KAM-.K V n. a i.n o 1 . S22-7 Gasco bldg. M' WHY PAY RENT when vou can buy a 5-room bungalow for $2:i00 bv paying 4O0 down. and. the balance at $20 per month? Now. this is a fine place and the party has got to sell. Only f block from car. Monti villa district. SlfiOO, $500 rash, buys o-room house, full lot. large cherry trees, fuil of cher ries, chicken houses, fine garden. nr pav rTii 7 inouire r. L.a.in., hone Tabor 734. or Tabor $11. WHY PAY RENT when vou car buv a .5-room bungalow for $2500 by naying $IO0 down and th balance at $20 per month? Now. this W a fine place and the party has got to sell. Only ono block from car. Monta vil'a dstr-.t. $1000. $500 cash. buys six -room house, full lot. large cherry trees full of cherries, chicken hous-s. fine garden. Whv prv rent? Inquire liSi'O E. Stark, or nbone Tabor 734. or Tabor G ROV ELAN D PARK. 5- R OO M B I" N G A LOW $ 4 7 00. $1(O0 cah will handle. We want von to see this then you compare it w: to others vou have seen for much more monev. This is located in one of Port land's finest reiti icted residential dis trict. A. G. TEE PR CO.. 204 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3002. Branch Office. 30th and Sandy. FOR SALE By owner. S-room nousc. an modern improvements: iwiiaihii. 101. 10 English walnut trees. 5 cherries. apples. 2 pear?, apricot, prunes, plums. 3 grape vines. 2 qulncor. logan. raspber ries and black-berries, e'e: ruses, plentv r.f flowers: evervthing Ir a fine home. Price and terms easy It Akn leaving town. 143 E. 7Hji st. N Glisan. No agents. tabor pio IMMEDIATE POSSESSIO We have a double-constructed "-room KmiuA niih Kleenlntz oorch. 1 blk. from ear; lots of truit and shrubbery; 5Oxl00 lot. garage. Liberal terms, - J00. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Cor. 30th and Hawthorne. Tabor 4bo. NEW LAURELI 1U R S T Bl' N G A LOW. Here is a house, the best money can buy, mo.iern in every respect, including hard wood floors throughout, tile bath, ped estal lavatory, beautiful fixtures, cement porch diamond furnace, garage; $.mi) cash, balance mortgage. ll.i Laurel hurst ace-, near 30th at. Owner and builder on premises . ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Furnished 5-room bungalow, fine sleep ing porch, cement basement, lots of roses, fruit, shrubbery, etc., garden tools and everv thing for $3250, $1200 down, balance terms. Will take good auto, about $700. immediate possession. Tele phone 318-32 BEST BARGAIN IN PORTLAND. ROSE CITY PARK. Absolutely mus-t be sold immediate. No bunk beautiful 6-room bungalow, hardwood floors. Ti replace, furnace and all modern conveniences. If vou want this snap you will have to hurry. Auto matic 315-74. $2050 $050 CASH. 4-room bungalow style home with tw unfinished rooms In attic; large, homer rooms, complete kHchen. full plumbing, good basement. 4012t-foot lot. garage, J O H NSOX - DO USON CO.. H33 N. W. Bank Bldg; Main 3787. OREGON CITY. Walking distance to mills, 2 lots, tin ga rden. 5-room hous-e, furnished com plete, with the best of furniture, chicken houho $35 chickens, house in A 1 condi tion, 'newly papered, $1O0. Interstate UihI Co., J4S Stark. Main 5429. $1950 R. C. PARK; almost new, partlT, furnished : bath. gas. electricity, lares eorner lot: part cash, balance 6 per cent: move richt in: some distance out. but fine chance for honest man with $600 to get nice little home: good neighborhood, near school. Ow net . T a bor 2678. m ON LY $2650. Modern home of 7 rooms and bath: S n!-e bedrooms, cement basement: 2 blks. from Mt. Scott car; all assessments ta;o. Say $5mi rah. $23 month. SIDNEY G. LATH ROP. .! ADington bldg. (Sign of the horseshoe. ) 7-ROOMS, modern. close in on 24 th, full lot, $3750, 5oO cash: also 7 rooms, thor- oughly mortern. larce corner lot. paved st recti, all improvements paid, on Eat Main, $500i. 51.UU ca.-n. micrsiam Land Co., 24 Stark. Main 5429. CZY 4-room houe. bath, gas and eiec trieitv. good basement; convenient to both Hawthorne ave. and Sunnysidc cars. Price $195u; $t;oo rash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. t.33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 2 beautiful homes in Irvington. S rooms, fireplace, built-ins. all modern, garage, steeping oorch. For further in formation call 423 Carlton hotel. Mr. Law son. . SELLWOOD HOME. 2o0. 8 rooms and bath. 5 bedrooms, small garage. 1 blk. to car. 1 blk. to school. You can buv this on easy terms. SID NEY G LATH ROP. 516 Abington bldg. i Sign of the horses noc. KEEDWAV AVE. BLK. TO CAR. $JS0. Modern 5-room bungalow, A 1 condi tion immediate possession; see today; $7.".o csh; best buy in Portland. Mar ahall H22. ' FOR SA1 by ow ner, modern 6-room house. $105O. $5mo down, balance $20 a month; lot 5ixloo: basement and gar- den in. 695 Tacoma ave. Phone Sell wood 39 L IK V 1 NGTON BARGAIN. $4500. terms; 5 rooms, giasscd sleeping porch, bunga low, furnace. fireplace. 50x200. fruit, berries. S42 Multnomah st. Main $07$. East :;im. I HAVE a modern 5-room bungalow In first-class condition, 1 blk. from Lad-is 'add., walking distance, corner lot. Owner. S300U. $1 -OO cah ; a genuine barga in. M. 621. Oregonian: IRVINGTON COLONIAL-STYLE HOME, choice location, oak floors, center ha;;. 2 fireplaces, beautiful paper, com prte in every detail, double garage. Ncu hausen. Main SOTS. East 594. ROSE CITY PARK 6-room bungalow with all modern bullt-lns, 2 fireplaces, fur nace, near car: price $45oo, $220O casti. I' hone owner. Tabor 1474. $o-50 BUYS one acre. 6-room modern house and garage, close in; some fruit and ber ries, pay like rent. See J. E. Musgrae, 4"2 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room bungalow. $32"0. terms. 603 E. 66th st. N. East $334. Laiacn. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 8-room residence. $10,000: two cast side residences. $12fQ and $2750;must sell quick. Tabor6337. SELLWOOD Nice, clean 5-room modem bungalow ; paved streets $3100. Se.L 1SS. a NEW bungalow. 6 rooms, sleep tn g porch. 4 -Id st., n jar Hawthorne. Right price, $50QQ. Sei I wood 1GSS. No agents. BARGAIN 366 East 50d street north.- t oon : .. nrar