15 HAYWARD AND CODY the girls" prize went to Ockley Green, J SjB r wnose lair athletes ran up a total ol IS points. The preliminaries of the high Jump were staged in the four school sec tions on Wednesday with the thre The Way to Bring Down Is to Go After Them Prices Up qualifying- lumpers from each section in each of the four classes meeting yesterday In the finals on Multnomah Amateur Athletic club field- The summary of the events yester- ay rouows: High Jump. Blrls under 4 feet 9 Inches Glen Clark. Peninsula, first; Lau Verne Carr, Ockley Green, second: Corrinne Thompson, Kernf, and Josephine Price, Richmond, tied tor third. Height, 3 feet inches. Girls, open Ethel Jackson, Eliot, first: Francejean Errlngton, Richmond, second: Annabel Berir. Woodlawn, third; Rose Mears. Highland, and Mary Copeland. Olympic Honors Sought Local Experts. for NAMES ARE SENT EAST T1TE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1920 MAY COACH CHIPS Record of "oted Oregon Producers of Winning Athletes Found High in Sporldom. Bill Wayward, athletic director at the University of Oregon and Jack Cody, swimming instructor of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club. have been recommended by T. Morris Dunne, northwest representative of the American Olympic games com mittee, as coaches of the American track men and divers who will rep resent this country In the Olympic games at Antwerp this summer. Mr. Iiunne, who has charge of recom mending the selection of coaches as well as the athletes from the north west for the Olympic team, forwarded his Indorsement of the two men last night to the executive committee at New York. Recommendations from other representatives of various sec tions of the American Amateur Ath letic Union throughout the country will be made to the central com mittee at New York within the next week and then the final selection of coaches for the various branches of j sport in which the athletes of this country will compete will be made. I.oeal Ceaekes Have Record. The two men Indorsed by Dunne have an excellent chance of being selected as coaches in their line of sports, as both are nationally known for their ability in turning out star performers on the track and field and on the spring board. Hayward Is recognized as one of the greatest trainers and track coaches in the country and his experience gained at the last Olympic games, held In 1912, gives him an edge over the other aspirants for the job. During the several years that he has been at the University of Oregon Hayward has turned out several champions on both the cinder path and on the field. As a coach of diving Cpdy has few equals in this country and in his recommendation Mr. Dunne stated that he considered the local man to be the best in this particular line of aquatic sports. During the time that he has been at the Multnomah club Cody is credited with having turned out three national champions Mrs. Constance Myers Dressier, former women's national fancy diving cham pion; Louis "Happy" Kuehn, Junior national champion and Miss Thelma Payne, present holder of the women's national fancy diving title. This trio of spring board artists will enter the Pacific coast Olympic tryouts to be held in San Francisco this month. Athletes to Be Chosen Later. The selection of athletes to be sent east by Dunne will not be made until after the far-western trials, which will be held in Pasadena on June 26. The executive committee which will have the final say in the selection of all athletes for the American team will hold its first meeting in New York on July 6 at which time the recommendations made In such branches of sports in which tryouts have been held between now and that date will be considered. The next meeting of the committee will be held July 14 at New York and will be for the purpose of making the selection of the men's swimming team. The finals for the men swim mers will be held in New York on that date. i Take a run up my stairway for the quality suits at low upstairs prices. My upstairs method means economy for you because of low rentals, no expensive fixtures and because I buy and sell for cash. ' Suit and - j $ J'"Cn 1 jjj t ' v ' IV. 1 --3kll I It ' " 1 l V - .s-'Vi. - I m I s& . U I l to I I Specials $40 Alterations Free A Fit Assured Ramrl Smith, former state champion, nho irent into tesil , finals of titular toarney yesterday at Wsverl'y Coni. try club, defeating Dr. O. K. Wllllns. Kerns, tied for fourth. Height, 4 feet 4 Inches. Boys under 4 feet 9 inches Frank Smith, Creston. first; Joe Mulligan. Ock ley Green, second; Elbert McClintock, Eliot, third: William Cassiday, Peninsula, and Harold Keltic, Kerns, tied for fourth. Height. 4 feet 1 Inch. Boys' open Carl Miller, Arl-ta, first; Vernon Lawrence, Kerns, second; Robert Hynd. Highland, third: Lyall Searing. Ock ley Green, fourth. Height. 4 feet 11 Inches. Palnrer and Moodlie AVin. SALEM. Or.. June 10. (Special.) K. B. Palmer and Noble Moodhe won the men's doubles city championship from Walter MeDougal and Hugh Doney yesterday in one of the hard-est-foucht tennis contests ever wit nessed in Salem. The final score was 7-5. 6-2, 3-6 and 6-4. The tournament will end tomorrow. LEONARD STRAINS TENDON The committee will again convene LEG MIST RECOVER. OR PORT' In Boston on July 17 when the final choice of the track and field athletes will be made after the final tryouts have been held at the Harvard' Stadium. L.LXD BOUT IS OFF, Ilonejmans to Play Hood River. HOOD RIVER. Or.. June 10. (Spe clal.) The Hood River American Le gion baseball team, with a new bat tery, will play the Honeyman hard ware team of Portland. Sunday. Keogh. who has made an enviable record in Portland, will pitch for the locals, and Doc Perry, formerly with the Pacific Dental college, will catch here. C. C. Crew, who has taken the management of the local team, re ports that scouts for the Pacifio UUYUUYU U nin IN Upstairs Broadway at Alder Cat-ty Corner From the Pantages. declared that it would be folly for him to attempt to box next week. Gibson announced that he expected t go through with Leonard's plans to meet Johnny Sheppard in Portland, June 21 but stipulated that Leonard's leg "must first be well. If possible Leonard will go from Portland to San Francisco after the Portland tilt to fill a date June 24, if "Sunshine Jim" Coffroth can postpone next Wednes day's card that long. BARBERS TD FOREGO LIFT m WAGE RISE XEGOTIATIOXS NOT TO AFFECT PUBLIC. Champion's Go With Duffy in Bay City Canceled by Man' ager Gibson. LOS ANGELES, Cal.. June 10 (Special.) Billy Gibson, manager of Benny Leonard, tonight announced the cancellation of the champion's four-round) bout with "Dancing Jim my Duffy, scheduled for San Fran cisco next Wednesday night. Leonard Monday strained a tendon in his right Coast league will be here Sundav to e" during the staging of a moving watch Keogh's work In the box. . I Picture scene with Mull Montana at Universal city. Dr. C. W. Cook examined the crowned kins of the lightweights and N Moose Organize Baseball Team. ALBANY. Or., June 10. (Special.) A base Dan team is -being organized I by the Moose lodge of Albany and will compete with other Moose lodges and also other teams in this section! of the state. Charles Jones is man ager of the team. XT. S. Rowers Off to Henley, TTEW YORK, June 10. Twenty-two members of the Union Boat club of Boston, virtually all of whom are Harvard men, sailed from here today on the steamer Rotterdam to compete In the Henley regatta In England. BOBBY EVAXS NOT WORRIED $10,000 Insurance Policy Held by Local Eight Promoters. The report from Los Angeles that Lightweight Champion Leonard had called off his four-round go with Jim my Duffy at San Francisco on ac count of a sprained tendon did not worry Matchmaker Bobby bvans of the Portland boxing commission. If Leonard is injured and unable to go through with his match with Johnny Sheppard here June 22 the Portland boxing commission will collect $10, 000 for both the champion and the challenger, Johnny Sheppard, . have been insured for that amount by Chairman, Frank E. Watkins of the local commission. Evans is of the opinion that the Leonard Injury is not a serious one, however, and that Billy Gibson, who is rated the fox of the squared cir cle, is merely playing one of his tricks on the California promoters and side stepping the match with Duffy so that he may come here at once to omplete his training for the bhrine week contest. Gibson wired for transportation Thursday morning, which was sent him with the understanding that he would leave Los Angeles Saturday. It Is expected that both the champion and his manager will be here not later than Tuesday of next week as Shep pard and Joe woodman, his manager, have started from New York. Evans wired Gibson late last night asking for particulars on the cham pion's condition, but at a late hour had not heard from the champions camp. KERNS ATHLETES OCKLEY GREEN AND RICH MOND SECOND AND THIRD. Boys Trophy Taken by Winners While Second Place School Gets Girls' Honors. The grand prize for the school scor ing the greatest number of points in the annual grammar school track and field meet went to the Kerns school yesterday when the final events of the meet were run off on Multnomah Amateur Athletic club field. The events held yesterday were the high Jumps in two classes for both girls and boys and were postponed on ac count of lack of time from the annual meet which was held last Friday. The Kerns school total of points j for the meet, not including the events held yesterday, was 22 and a second place In the boys open high Jump. tie for third place in the high jump for girls under 4 feet 9 inches, and , two ties for fourth pla.ee in the girls' open high jump and the boys under 4 feet 9 inches in the events staged yesterday brought the grand total of points up to a. Second place in the final results of the meet went to Ockley Green with 20 points and Richmond was a close third with 19Vt points. The latter school lost a chance of landing in second place when Carl Kippel and Nephi Westergard. high Jumpers, were injured in an auto accident ywhile on their way to the field which S forced them to drop out of the com petition. Kerns was also awarded the trophy for the boys scoring the most number f points,, with a. total of IS H while ' EUGENE HAS MORE OIL Trucks Now Have Full Capacity and Pleasure Cars Half. EUGENE. Or- June 10. (Special.) Standard Oil service stations In Eu gene are now furnishing pleasure car gasoline up to B0 per cent of their tank capacity, and trucks are receiving their full capacity. Several cars of gasoline have ar rived for the company during the last few days, and A. H. Sprague, manager here, said yesterday that he is looking for more this week He was unable to predict whether or not "the situation would continue to improve. The other companies operating nere are also receiving more gasoline than for a number of weeMs past. Frantde Garcia, Loa Angeles) boxer, who meets Dick: Brem torn tonight. Differences Submitted to Arbitra tion, but Prices Will Be Kept Despite Outcome. Cheer up, fellers! The barbers have promised there will be no further rise, for the present at least, in the price of haircuts and shaves. Differences between the employing barbers and the barbers' union, which for a time threatened to make the safety razor even more popular than at present, have been submitted to ar bitration before the state board of conciliation, and both the employers and employes are ready to stand by the award to be made by this board. At the outset of the first hearing. held yesterday at the publio library, the employing barbers gave assur ance to mankind that the price of haircuts and shaves will not be in creased, regardless of the outcome of the arbitration. The sole point at issue is in the division of receipts be tween the employers and journeymen barbers. . Under the present scale barbers re ceive J20 a week and 60 per cent over J30 which they take in for their em ployer during any week. The barbers are demanding that the employers make a minimum scale of S2S a week and allow them 65 per cent over S3S taken in by them per week. The conciliation board consists of W. F. Woodward, representing the public; Otto Hartwig, representing organized labor, and J. K. Flynn, rep- resentlng the employers. FRANCE WAITS AMERICANS Visits From 800,000 Persons Ex pected In 192 0. CopyTisht by the New York World. Pub- nsnea oy Arrangement. PARIS, June 10 (Special Cable.) It is expected, confidently, that (00,- 000 Americans will visit France be fore the end of this year. And it is calculated. Joyously, that each of these welcome visitors will spend 500 at least while on French soil. So it is the simplest thing in the world to arrive at the conclusion that the Americans will contribute tl60.000.000 toward refilling France's pockets. which, as everybody knows, need re plenishing. when this great amount of money Is converted into francs it seems pro digious to the expectant French peo ple. But it is only just to say that all sojourners from the sister republic Mexico ex-Official Fugitive. EL PASO. Tex June 10. Paulino Fontes, ex -director-general of rail roads in Mexico, is being sought by the de facto government of Mexico in connection with a discrepancy of several hundred thousand dollars in his accounts, according to Roberto Pesquelra, financial agent here for Mexico. Cruiser Montana Now Missoula TALLEJO. Cal.. June 10. Mare Island navy-yard officials today were notified by the navy department that the. names of the cruiser Montana had been changed to Missoula, the name Montana having been assigned to the dreadnaught whose keel is soon to be laid in the Mare Island yard. ill with the I U I J) KdnftttedHead J The Hart Cigar Ce. f W S05-307 Fine 8C S Portland. Or. r will be received most cordially with out regard to the amount of gold they spend. Doubtless most of these American visitors will make a pious and patriotic pilgrimage to one. at least, of the vast cemeteries where rest the doughboys who made the su preme sacrifice to secure the world's freedom. There, in the carefully kept grounds and the graves decorated with Old Glory and the tricolor, they will flnd convincing proof of the gratitude and affection France bears the United States. Paris-Warsaw Flight Started. PARIS, June 10. Lieutenant Henri Roget, the French ace who recently completed a round-trip night across the Mediterranean, took the air this morning in an attempt to make non-stop night from Paris to War saw. This journey is the first leg of an "around Europe trip. School District Wins Suit. ABERDEEN, Wash., June 10.- (Spe cial.) In a damage suit , brought by John Malsyz against the Aberdeen i school district on account of injuries I sustained by a little daughter at play in the basement of the A. J. West 1 school building, the jury brought in a verdict of "no cause for action." Plant Sold for Quarter Value. MANITOWOC, Wis.. June 10. The 1 plant of the Manitowoc Shipbuilding company was sold to C. C. West for 1410,000. The plant originally cost about $1,600,000. Mr. West will reor ganise the concern and continue oper ations here. Fly Fishing Time! It's here at last, and a good as sortment of our Hand-made Dry Flies will help fill the basket. We have all the favorite patterns; also plenty of good leaders and tapered lines. BackusSWorria 273 Morrison SU Near Fourth TONIGHT FIGHT NIGHT THE ARMORY PERPETUAL MOTION JOE GORMAN vs. 10 RDS. YOUNG 1 0 RDS. BROWN HEAVYWEIGHT SEMI-FINAL 8 RDS. ANDRE 8 RDS. ANDERSON vs CLEM JOHNSON -SPECIAL EVENT 8 Rounds 8 Rounds FRANKIE GARCIA DICKBRENTON 4.Rds. Preliminary 4 Rds. JOHNNY BOSCOVITCH versus JOE SWAIN CARL MARTIN vs. GEORGE BURNS Tickets on Sale SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. BICYCLES Make Your Own Terms. Five-Year Written Guarantee. Durand Cycle Co. 60 Broadway. Phone Broadway 2052. A Tire Tube Our Original Annual EXTRA TUBES ALSO AT $1 Backed by greatest and most powerful Tire Distributing Organization in the whole world, who hold contracts with leading factories for their entire orer-produc-tion and surplus lots of tires, we are able to announce this sensational event A TIRE FOR 3 1 If you buy a tire at the list price, you get an extra tire of the same size and make for $1. Your choice of tires in our sale at $1 includes: NATIONAL SPEED WAY, BATAVIA, DREADNAUGHT, WARCO all first tires with original serial numbers, every one wrapped just as it(left the factory. Also FISK" seconds." DREADNAUGHT SOOO-MlIe Ttrea (FIRSTS) 30x3 ' Ribbed List $20.95 OI QC Two for I iOJ 30x3 Vi Ribbed for6..3.0... $27.30 33x3 Vi Ribbed List $30.90 tit an Two for UltJU 31x4 Ribbed mm m List $40.40 tK I Af) Two for t.g4Tli4-U 31x4 Vacuum List $41.50 J40 Cn Two for 'tiJU 32x4 Ribbed TofVr2:?... $43.20 33x4 Ribbed T-wofVr2.?0... $43.80 33x4 Vacuum TTwof$o4r3.?... $44.90 34x4 Ribbed tooV.??... $45.30 34x4 Vacuum $46.50 33x4 H Ribbed List $56.35 C7 OC Two for JliUJ 34x4 Vi Ribbed $58.30 34x4Vs Vafcuum Llirt $58.75' CQ 7K Two for J3il l 35x4 Vs Ribbed List $58.60 CQ Cfl Two for wJOiOU 35x4 Vi Vacuum List $60.15 C IE Two for 0 I I vl 36x4 V4 Ribbed tTo $6 1. 85 3ex4's Vacuum $63.40 TUBES Gray Only Flake (Seconds) Continents!, Vitallo ausd Service (Firsts) 30x3 List $3.15 ' C Two for '' 30x3Vi List $3.75 ?1 7K Two for i4-.! J 3Xx3ViLlst $4.25 C OC Two for WitJ 31x4 List $5.05 C OR Two for 0.Ud 32x4 List $5.35 tC QE Two for DiO J 33x4 List $5.45 f C JC Two for dOitd 34x4 List $5.70 C 7f Two for... Oil U 38x4ViLl3t $7.40 0 M( Two for Oil-U SSxS List $8.90 ' tQ On Two for. M'wU 37x5 List $8.90 Q Qfl - Two for J.JU r FISK FABRIC (SECONDS) 32x4 Vi Non-Skid " List $50.16 tCI IC Two for J 1 1 1 J 33x4 Vi Plain Two for "J 33x4 Vi Non-Skid $52.60 34x4 Vi Plain List $47.95 MQ QC Two for tU.gJ 34x4 Vi Non-Skid List $53.25 OC Two for dt.J 35x4 Plain List $50.10 C If! Two for vJ I U 35x4 Vi Non-Skid $56.70 3Ax4Vi Non-Skid List $56.85 C7 OC - Two for " iOJ 33x5 Non-Skid r... $63.00 35x5 Non-Skid K!!... $66.55 37x5 Plain wooV.!?. -$66.00 37x5 Non-Skid r... $70.60 FISK SILVERTOWN CORDS (SECONDS) 34x4V Ribbed $64.70 36x4 Vi Ribbed r... $67.85 33x5 Ribbed Ttof,o7r9:2.!...$80.25 35x5 Non-Skid S... $84.50 37x5 Ribbed r... $84.05 37x5 Non-Skid $8.30 30x3 31x4 32x4 33x4 34x4 WARCO Non-SkJd Only) List $16.25 I 7 OC Two for V I I t J List $32.15 00 C Two for PUUi I 3 List $32.65 qq cc Two for UU.O J List $34.35 0C OC Two for WJiOJ K. $36.05 30x3 30x3 BATAVIA 4000-Mile Tires (FIRSTS) Plain List $19.60 Two for. . . . Non-Skld List $21.05 Two for 30x3 Vi Plain List iii.iO Two for. . . . 32x3Vi Plain -list ;.4 Two for Non-Skid List $40.80 Two for , Plain List $38.60 Two for Plain List $39.60 Two for Ribbed List $41.60 Two for. . . Non-Skid List $43.60 Two for. . . Plain List $40.60 Two for. . . Non-Skld List $41.65 Two for. .. 35x4 Vi Non-Skid List $60.50 Two for 36x4 Vi Ribbed List $58.20 Two for 3x4Vi Non-Skid !... $62.50 Ribbed List $67.45 Two for. . . Non-Skid List $71.10 Two for Non-Skid List $72.50 Two for. . . Non-Skld List $75.16 Two for. . . 31x4 32x4 33x4 33x4 33x4 34x4 34x4 35x5 35x5 38x5 37x5 ..$20.60 ...$22.05 ,..$23.70 ...$29.45 ...$41.80 ...$39.60 ...$40.60 ...$42.60 ...$44.60 ...$41.60 ...$45.65 ...$61.50 ...$59.20 $68,45 $72.10 $73.50 $76.15 NATIONAL SPEEDWAY (Non-Skld Only COOO - Mile Tires (FIRSTS) 30x3Vi List $25.00 Two for , 33x4 List $42.95 Two for 34x4 List $44.15 Two for $26.00 $43.95 $45.15 34x4Vi List $58.20 $59,20 $60.25 38x4Tofl6r:3?...$6l.30 .$73.75 37x5 List $72.75 Two for. . . . 33x4 34x4 GRYPHON (Blemished) (4000-Mile Tires) Ribbed Only) TorVr2:?0... $43.90 List $45.00 Two for. . . List $46.20 Two for. . . $46.00 $47.20 In This Sensational DOLLAR SALE Yon Are Practically Getting Price of One. TWO TIRES for the Regular For Example: The list price of a Speedway Tire, size 30x3 H. Js $25. and the regular list price of Tube is $3.75. If you buy one Tire and One Tube it theSe prices, we will give you an additional Tire and a Tube for ONE DOLLAR each. The same applies to other makes in all sixea of any tires and tubes which we Include in this sale. 1111 flTICDO will be accepted for the convenience of those who cannot MAIL U ft U trio attend this sale In person. When ordering please specify size Riving first, second or third choice as to make of tire and enclose at least a S5 DEPOSIT, balance to be shipped C O. D Money will be re funded If you are not entirely satisfied on receipt of tires. Be sure to mention jnake of car, year, and model, also if regular size or oversize is wanted, clincher or straight" side. This- will assure you the. correct size and save you disappointment. NO TIRES MOUNTED DURING THIS SALE wL.II, I. .eeord with the Idea. f J.h- Wan--maker (th "f"t ..r'Jl srladly ro-oserste with him la his policy of sttscklax the present alfh prices ana rr th" hlciT?.. ol 'lhisV W "believe that this s-l wlU materially help motorists everywhere We are and we to equip their cars with tires and tube at economy prices. REMEMBER, this store Is a link In a chain of TWO HUNDRED tire stores, which extends from coast to coast, and tha giant buy--ins power of our parent organixation, makes thi sensational sale possible. The Next Time Kp Bay Tires. Bay Them a the "Keyetoae" Corner AND SAVE MONEY. Northwestern Tire Corporation Corner Broadway aad Gllsaa Streets, Port land, Oregoa. Paoae Broadway 2841. Largest Tire Jobbers In the Northwest. lxlc for tkia "KeT-tome" emblem on the balldintE ft