THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAT, JUNE 11, 1920 13 SiBS TO mm 'inilllIIII!llll!l!lililllIH!IIII!!I!IIIIIIIil!!liIlllllllilllilll!l!llllI!IlllIlll!lllIlin CiUFOiMBllESI JUNE WHITE DAYS ! JUNE DISCOUNT SALES! 1 Vanguard of Los Angeles Nobles Reaches City TRAINS READY TO START Reduced Prices on Muslin Underwear, Corsets, Laces, Embroideries, Hosiery, Silks, Dress Goods, Underwear, Domestics, Footwear, Curtains, China, Glassware, Etc. Buy and Save! Southern Nobility Busy Arranging for Great Heglra to Portland; Scuttle to Entertain. All the nobility of Southern Cali fornia Shrinedom is busily arranging for the great heglra to the convention city of the country, and they are bringing hundreds, maybe thousan'ds, of boxes of oranges with them for free distribution. This is the latest word from the sunny eouth, which reached the Shrine headquarters yes terday. The famous California band, patrol and chanters of the Los Angeles tem ple will be here in full force and already some of the advance guard lias arrived in the city, several Los Angeles nobles showing their faces yesterday at headquarters. They re port that hundrads are coming on two special trains. Visitors Rtndj to Depart. . Potentate Louis N. Cole of Al Ma Ifiikah temple is in charge of all ar rangements and, according to re ports, everything Is in readiness to the ring of the bell on the engines of both trains. The Los Angeles boys will be quartered at the B'nai B'rtth club, and with hundreds of boxes of oranges to distribute. doubt Jess the hall will be a popular ren dezvous. Portland Shriners who were in at tendance at the Indianapolis conven tion last year. will remember the fea ture demonstration by California Land of Sunshine patrol, which dis tributed hundreds of boxes of oranges from big motor trucks piloted through the streets by the fezzed vis itors. And Portland and her visitors, north, east, south and west,, are, ac cording to reports promised a eim llar, though better, treat. Among those from Los Angeles who will receive a great welcome in Portland this month are Noble Leo V. Toungworth, who. at Indianapolis, was elected imperial outer guard of North Ajnerica, and at the meeting here will go one step farther up the ladder of succession. Los Angeles Special June 21. The Los Angeles double-header special train will leave the southern city June 5 9 and will arrive here on June 21. Their plans call for an im mediate exit from the convention city as soon as the imperial sessions are over, that they may arrive home in time to start the long series of post convention entertainments to be giv en there for eastern Shriners who plan to return east via the southern route. It is estimated that the total strength of the Los Angelea delega tion here will be about 400. In order to be able properly to entertain the thousands of Shriners who will visit Los Angeles on their return trip and also on their way here, members of Al Malalkah temple have organized an automobile club and permanent entertainment com mittee, which will be called the Al Malaik-ah Caravan club. Seattle to Kntertaln Deleicntes. News which has reached the Shrine headquarters indicates that Los An geles will have nothing on Seattle for entertainment of eastern visitors, and not only is the northern metrop olis to be a riot of color, but they will have listed close to 2000 autos by which the visitors will be con veyed over the King county highways and byways. Tacoma ie doing like wise. Manager McGettiga'n of the Orphe um yesterday announced that he had ordered cots to be placed in the the ater to care for his actors and actresses during Shrine week. They eay it will be a real theater party that week at the Orpheum, but the party will be behind the scenes. Mr. McGettigan says there are hundreds of Shriners already in the city from out-of-town points, according to in quiries he has had as to whether or not the Orpheum will have a show Shrine week. He said Joe Howard would be the headliner for the week. FOUR THROWN FROM CAR J&ntomobile Swerves Quickly to Avoid Collision. In an effort to avoid a collision with another machine, Eugene Weyd, 2084 Schuyler street, swerved his au tomobile quickly at the intersection of Grand avenue and Hasealo street yesterday morning, causing it to ov erturn. Four persons were in the car at the time. All were thrown to the pave ment, but no one was hurt, accord ing to report of Patrolman Fleming. U TaARK-ROOTi; 1 t 1 1 C LAO-KOLA CO. if Assist Natnre by taklnc BARK ROOT TONIC A Mild Aa Appetiser 2 til thi yon went va j our uaiiy work feeling down in the mouth ; and mnny the time that yon eme fil the daily grind job mu in. Then whr not let Bfcrk ftovt nelp Jou. st m little In the mora ine t start the day rijrht; Just a little after work or on retlrlnr at Uiitt yenr bow- en. prevent I nd I Kfiitlei and rive yon a hearty ap- jpetite. jdone for oth 'er it will al- Remember the label. Bo convinced. See that It bean the Give It a trial yean squaw. Ae- . today. Sold eept no sabsti- - at all reliable tote. : drnjrriats. er write CELRO-KOLA CO. rNwtland Oretreai Dependable Coffee 3 Lbs. $1.60 4th Floor Dependable Coffee is vacuum packed, which retains the rich aroma and flavor. Order good supply for (J- f!f the summer home. 3-lb. can for 1DU CITY AND OUT-OF- TOWN MAIL ORDERS FILLED AND FOR WARDED PROMPTLY The Standard Store of the Northwest Olds, Wortman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods PORTLAND AGENCY FOR HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS USE THEM FOR BEST RESULTS Boys Shirts at $1.00 Main Floor Special assortment of Boys' Sport Shirts priced for quick selling. These are made with long sleeves and have sport collars. Plain white material only. All in the sale Horn up C'l fill sizes to 14 Priced very special at Get Ready ! PREPARATION SALES Get Ready ! -Here Are Many Things You'll Need for the Conventions and Rose Festival 1 Women's Silk Petticoats Special $6.95 Hi Second Floor Silk Jersey, Taf feta and Messaline Petticoats in many attractive styles. Plain tailored, tucked, plaited and ruf fled effects. Large assortment of colors, including turquoise, rose, green, purple and change ables. All lengths from 34 up to 40. We also include a few Taffeta Petticoats in the out sizes. Priced special QP for June Sale; only aJtjD Women's Silk Petticoats At $7.98 And 8.95 Second Floor At these prices we show an ex ceptionally good assortment of Taffeta Petti coats in large sizes for stout women and also the regular sizes in Taffeta, Messaline and Silk Jersey. Many different styles. flJO QCT Black and colors. Sale 87.98 and DO.i7t We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps. Lingerie Waists Only $2.25 On Sale at. Center Circle, 1st Floor Main Floor When you see what dainty Waists these are you will buy sev eral of them! Made up in plain white voile and fancy striped voiles. Some are tailored, others are trimmed with pretty laces and tucks, or embroid ered in beautiful designs. Long or short sleeves. All sizes from JJO OC 36 un to 46. in the sale. Priced verv snecial for todav's selline-. at DiitJ Sale of Leather Coats Second Floor Women's and Misses' Leather and Leatherette Coats in all the season's best styles now offered at special low- prices. Short and me dium length models. A few have fur collars. Shown in various colors. Women's $59.75 Coats at $44.81 Women's $62.50 Coats at $46.88 Women's $69.75 Coats at $52.32 Women's $75.00 Coats at $56.23 Women's $87.50 Coats at $65.63 Women's $25.00 Coats at $18.75 Women's $35.00 Coats at $26.25 Women's $45.00 Coats at $33.75 Women's $49.75 Coats at $37.32 Women's $55.00 Coats at $41.25 Don't wait until the Last Day buy your Personal and Household Needs NOW and be in readiness to receive your guests and to enjoy the Gala Days of Conven tion Week. To encourage early shopping we have planned a series of "Preparation Sales" for Friday and Saturday, offering Special Lines of Wearing Apparel and Household Supplies at great savings. These are in addition to the June White Sales and June Discount Sales now in progress throughout the store. S..& H. Green Trading Stamps given with purchases an additional saving on purchases. Untrimmed Hats at Half Price $7.50 Hats at $3.75 $18.00 Hats $9.00 Second Floor Unrestricted choice of all Wom en's Untrimmed Straw Hats today at just half former prices. All the newest shapes in large, medium and email effects. Black and colors. Sale Prices $7.50 Untrimmed (PO rrr Hats sneoial at DcJ. - $10.00 Untri m m e d Hats priced special at $12.50 Untri m m e d Hats priced special at $15.00 Untrimmed Hats priced special at $18.00 Untri m m e d Hats priced special at Black Sailors for Sport Wear, Special $4 Second Floor Black Straw Sailors faced with white. Very stylish for street and sport wear. Smartly tailored. Medium size. Specially priced ff for this great TWO-DAY SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT Ott.VU $5.00 $6.25 $7.50 $9.00 All Boys5 Suits Reduced Main Floor Hundreds of Boys Suits in the latest models and fabrics (Blue Serges included), on sale Friday and Saturday at i off regular prices. Parents will do well to buy the youngsters' clothes during this sale. Note the following sale prices now in force: $15.00 Suits $11.25 $32.50 Suits $24.38 Boys' $17.50 Suits only.. Boys' $20.00 Cjl f AA Suits onlv.. DJLJ.VJU Boys' $22.50 Suits only. . $12.63 $16.88 Boys' $25.00 Q rrr Suits only.. I5-LO.IJ Boys' $27.50 (POft Q Snit. onlv.. tOVi.OO Boys' Suits s; 3 S22.50 Boys' Pants Special $2.69 Sale of White Footwear Women's $6.00 White Canvas Laced Shoes with covered military heel. All sizes in the QfT sale. Special, the pair vrxmVfJ Women's .White Albo Cloth Sport Shoes. Mediuirf round toe last with tip. Regular $7.50 QP grade. Priced special at D Women's Ostend Cloth Boots 8 inches high. Narrow tipless toe with covered half Louis heels. All sizes, grade. Regular $7.50 P tr A pair at only Handkerchief Specials Main Floo r Women's All-Linen Handkerchiefs with dainty white one corner embroidery and 1-16-inch hem. These are of regular 65c grade. OQ Specially priced .for today, at Women's Linen Handkerchiefs with one corner embroidery in white and colors; -inch hem. Regular OQ 35c grade. Priced special at Otx Women's Sport Handkerchiefs in fancy colored, hand-blocked prints. Large selection of pretty de- 1 Q signs; 25c values special at Women's Plain All - Linen Hand kerchiefs of fine quality with neatly hemstitched edge. This is our OQ standard 35c quality; special itfj Handkerchief Dept. Main Floor Hair Ribbons At 39c Main Floor A phenomenal sale of high-grade Hair Bow Ribbons for Friday and Saturday. Plaids and fancy Taffetas in dark, medium and light colors. A good opportunity to supply the children's needs. OQ Special Two Days Sale; yard 07C Odd Pieces Ribbons 2c, 5c, 10c Main Floor Closing-out prices on odd pieces and odd colors in narrow ribbons. These may be used in many novel ways for Rose Festival and Convention Week; yard, 2, 5, 10 Folly -Anna Underwear In the June Sale Main Floor Polly-Anna Under wear exactly meets present day styles. No unnecessary bulk to take away the slim lines that women demand. It's the daintiest combination of vest and drawers with individual feature of skirt back that gives just enough free dom to insure grace and comfort to slim and stout figures alike. Made up in Dimities, Voiles, Madras, Fancy Swisses and Silks. All Polly - Anna garments at special prices for one week only. Sale Prices $ 3.50 Underwear now $ 2.95 $ 4.50 Underwear now $ 3.95 $ 6.00 Underwear now $ 4.95 $ 7.50 Underwear now $ 5.95 $10.00 Underwear now $ 7.95 $15.00 Underwear now $11.95 $17.50 Underwear now $14.95 Women's Silk Hosiery $1.59 Black, White and Colors Main Floor Women's Full Fashioned Silk Hose in black, white and a few colors. These are "seconds" of a standard $2.50 grade. Lisle reinforced heels, soles and garter welt. Fine or heavy grade. Spe- fTQ cially priced for this sale at the pair oi0 Women's Lisle Hose At 69c Pair Main Floor Women's Lisle Hose, full fash ioned and seamless styles, - in black and white. These have very slight im- 5Q perfections. Full" range of sizes; at $3.75 and $3.95 Georgette $2.95 Lace Department, First Floor Real QUALITY Georgette Crepe, the kind that gives SERVICE. Shown in all the desirable colors for dresses and blouses. Standard $3.75 and $3.95 grades. On special (PO QfT sale today only the yard 65c Veilings At 49c Main Floor Extra special offering for today. Black and Colored Veil ings, in the very newest patterns. Perfect goods from our own regu lar stock selling at 65c a AQkn yard. Special, today, a yard Easy-On Veils At 15c Main Floor Don't fail to have a full supply of these ready for Con vention Week- Easy to put on easy to take off very smart. Full size. Hexagon mesh. Regular 25c " grade $1.50 a dozen; each -LOC Men's Clothing 25 Off - This Includes Blue Serge Suits Unrestricted Choice of any Man's Suit in our stock Friday and Saturday at 25 off the regular prices. Latest 1920 styles for men and young men. All Men's Suits All priced All priced All priced All priced All priced All priced All priced l4 Off Men's $30.00 Suits for this sale; only Men's $35.00 Suits for this sale; only Men's $40.00 Suits for this sale; only Men's $50.00 Suits for this sale; only Men's $60.00 Suits for this sale; only Men's $70.00 Suits for this sale; only Men's $75.00 Suits for this sale; only $22.50 $26.25 $30.00 $37.50 $45.00 $52.50 $56.25 r- win Brown Sheeting at 78c Yard Lengths From 5 to 20 Yards. Main Floor Manufacturers' Mill End pieces of Unbleached Sheeting offered at a special low price. No telephone or C. O. D. orders filled and none sold to dealers. Sold '7C only by the piece; the yard PILLOW CASES of splendid qual ity heavy Unbleached Sheeting, in size 45x36 inches. Specially QQn priced for this sale at only Bleached Sheets, size 72x90 inches; at, each Other Special Offerings sh75c Bath Towels of good large size. Priced special; eac Bed Spreads in large OC full size. Priced epecial DvJ.tJ Scalloped Pure Linen flK QO Napkins; special, a dozen oOmUO Unbleached Table Dam- (J- rTfT ask, on special sale; yard OA. 4 J Linen Weft Toweling, in OFCf brown or white; the yard Figured Linen Lawns for summer dresses; special, the yard $1.75 Washable White Silks Special $5.50 Yard Main Floor Sport Silks that will stand tubbing and hold its beauty of finish. These are splendid heavy qualities and are much the- vogne for wom en's skirts, suits and dresses. Garments made up in these silks give best of satisfaction. 600 yards priced special for the June Sale a yard $5.50 Basement Sale of Trimmed Hats Values to $7.98--at $4.98 Another Great 2-Day Sale of Trimmed Hats in the Basement Friday and Saturday. Small and medium size hats trimmed with flowers, ribbons, and fancies new turbans and larg hats for women and misses. Large brims, rolling brims, pokes and various otlrer styles. CJyl QQ Mostly in black straws. Regular $5.98, $6.98 and $7.98 Hats, specially priced at only OiwO We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Ask for them. . .. 2 Weeks' Cleanup Campaign Electric Sweepers If you have any need for an Electric Cleaner now is the time to place your order. During the Two Weeks' Clean up Campaign we will give ABSOLUTELY FREE 1000 Trading Stamps with every purchase of a Hoover or Sweeper-Vac Electric Cleaner. These are in addition to the regular stamps that are given with the purchase. And to every person who furnishes us with the name of a prospective buyer of either of above Cleaners which results in a sale during this campaign, we will give $1.00 in Cash Don't fail to take advantage of this offer! See demonstration on Third Floor and telephone us for a demonstration in your own home. Rug Dept., 3D FLOOR Cleaners Sold on Easy Pay Plan $5 DOWN gg A MONTH June Sale of Curtains A pair of fresh dainty Curtains will make that- room more pleasant for your guests. By making your se lections this week you will save con siderable on curtains and draperies. Ruffled Swiss Curtains Third Floor Ruffled White Swiss Curtains suitable for bedroom or summer cottage. Several different patterns to select from. Specially priced in this sale $1.69, $1.98 Voile Curtains At $3.25 Third Floor Voile Curtains of splendid quality trimmed with pretty lace edges. Very effective for any room in the house. Spe- CQ OF cially priced now at; pair VOILE BED SETS trimmed with filet laces. Priced spe cial for this sale on Curtain Nets Reduced 85c Curtain Nets special- FT A ly priced for this sale; yard ' Regular 95c Curtain Nets QQ priced special now at; yard 0"v Regular $1.00 Curtain Nets Q r7 nrieed snecial now at: vard Oil Regular $1.25 C u r ta i n Nets priced special; a yard iiy $5.75 98c illlllllllllllillllllllNllliM