TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1920 tl CITY NEWS IN BRIEF City Editor Main 7070. A 095 Sunday Editor . . .Main T070. A 609S Advertising Department. .Main 7070, A B0s bupertntendent ot Bld. . -Main 7070. A S0KS AMUSEMENTS. HEILIO (Broadway at Taylor) Louis Mann Jn "Friendly Enemies." Tooljit I.YR1C (Fourth and Stark Musical com edy. "The Merry WhirL" 'Inre shows dally at 2. 7 and 8. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Tamhlll) Vaudeville and moving picture, 2 to 6. 6:45 to 11 P. M. Saturday. Sundays and holidays continuous 1:1 A to 11 P. M- ANTAGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude ville. Three shows daily, 2:30. 7 and :0a. COUNCIL. CREST Free amusement park. Take "CC" cars. Morrison or Washing ton streets. THIS OAKS Amusement park. Free ad mission until 6 P. M except Sundays and holidays. Take cars at First and Alder. r THRIFT STAMPS, WAR SAVINGS STAMPS On Sale at Business office. Oreg-onlan. Convention Coming to Poriluid. The next national convention of the Security Benefit association, successor to the Knights and Ladies of Security, will take place in Portlnad in 1924, according to advices received yester day from St. Louis, where this year's meeting is being held by L.M. Thomas, Oregon manager of the association. Two delegates to the convention at St. Louis. Fred C. King and J. M. Peters were sent from Portland. They obtained the support of the Denver delegation in capturing the conven tion. It is thought that the conven tion in 1924 will bring about 2000 per sons. The Security Benefit associa tion has a membership of 260,000 and members of the order hold a national convention every fourth year. Jewish Services Announced. Serv ices will be held at Congregation Ahavai Sholom, Park and Clay streets, tonight at 8 o'clock. Tomorrow morn ing services will be held at 9 o'clock. Rabbi R. Abrahamson will officiate. Services at Temple Beth Israel will be held tonight at 8 and tomorrow morning at 10:30. The subject of Kabbi Wise's lecture tonight will be "The Jew and European Liberalism." 6ervices will be held at the Congrega tion Novah Zedek Talmud Torah, Eixth and Hall streets, tonight at 8 o'clock and tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. Rev. Abraham I. Rosen crantz will officiate at both services. All men and women are welcome. Pardon Only Hope of Marie Ejdi. Unless a pardon is granted by Presi dent Wilson within the next five days, Dr. Marie Equl must begin serving her sentence of three years in the federal prison at McNeil's island for violation of the espionage act. Dr. Equl was convicted in the local fed eral court in December, 1918. She lost in her appeals to both the circuit court of appeals and the United States supreme court. A 60-day stay of ex ecution was granted pending an ap plication to the president for a par don. This stay -expires June 17, and Dr. Equi will be taken to McNeil's island unless a presidential pardon Intervenes. Licenses Mat Be Canceled. Can cellation of the vendors' licenses of eoft drink stand proprietors who Bell bootleg whisky will be sought by Johnson Smith, federal prohibition director, according to announcement by him yesterday. Recent raids by federal operatives disclosed that north end dispensers have been selling large quantities of so-called soft drinks which have analyzed as high as 9 per cent alcohol. Fourteen cases are now pending in the federal court as a result of a series of raids through the north end two weeks ago. Fresh Beep Liver, 10c. At Frank L. Smith's. 228 Alder street: Boiling beef. 10c. Corned beef, 15c. Good pot roasts and veal stew, 121&c. Best cuts oven roast beef. 15c. Tenderloin steak, roast veal, 15c. Small porterhouse steaks, 15c. Best cuts of round steak, 20c. Beef hearts, prime rib roast, 15c Legs mutton, 25c Sh'lders mutt., 12 c. Loin mutton or veal chops, 20c. Frank L. Smith's, 228 Alder St. Adv. Dr. J. M. Coulter to Speak. Dr. John Merle Coulter of the University of Chicago will address members of the Oregon civic league who will hold their last luncheon of the season to morrow noon at the Benson hotel. Dr. Coulter is known to be a keen poli tical observer of International as well as domestic fame. Reservations for the luncheon may be made by phoning Main 421. Engineers to Hear Lecture Mem bers of the Oregon chapter of the American Association of Engineers, holding their regular monthly meet ing at their club rooms at the Tilford building tonight, will be entertained by an illustrated lecture delivered by O. L. LeFever on the Northwestern Electric company's high - pressure eteam main. Visiting engineers are invited to attend the programme. Vincent Vedolan Arrested. Vin cent Vedolan was arrested in front of the U. S. hotel on Salmon street yes terday by prohibition agents who said they found three gallons of moonshine whisky in his automobile. The machine was confiscated and Vedolan was held under a federal charge of violating the prohibition act. Damages for $10,900 Asked. Dam ages of $10,900 were asked by Paul Emerson Noble Sr., from Enke's City Dye Works in the suit which went to a jury In the court of Circuit Judge Gatens last night. The claim is for injuries received by his son on Feb ruary 4, who was struck by an auto mobile while riding his tricycle at Eighteenth and Lovejoy streets. Realtt Board Luncheon Todat. "Title Insurance" will be the subject of a talk to be given at the regular Friday luncheon of the Portland realty board in the Portland hotel grill at 12 o'clock today. ' Morral Wil ton, president of the Washington Title Insurance company of Seattle will deliver the talk. Cook Burned bt Explosion. ThomaB Nelson, colored cook in a restaurant at the Union station, re ceived burns on the face and hands yesterday as the result of the ex plosion of a gas stove. He was taken to Good Samaritan hospital. Nelson lives at 65 East Tenth street. Lincoln Memorial Meetino Called. Members of the Lincoln Memorial society will assemble tomorrow after noon at 2 o'clock in room A of the central library to elect officers to fill two recent vacancies. Special patri otic arrangements for the future will also be discussed. Milk and Rest Cure. An effective means of treating the most serious forms or stomach and intestinal diseases. The Moore Sanitarium, East (. onice us boning bidg.. Main 6101 Adv. Bakai Assembly to Meet. The regular weekly meeting of the Baha essembly will be held in room 616 Hush & Lane building at 8 o'clock tnis evening. Police Inspection Get your helmet now. new shipment now jn prices same, eastern Hat Factory, 64 Third ct., bet. Oak and Pine Adv. Crawfish. Fine large Yamhill fish now in. Jake's Famous Crawfish, 101 Uth at Bdwy. 4203. Adv. Plaster Board, beaver bo.-rd, Cor nell board for walls and ceilings. Timros, Cress & Co., 1S4 Second st Adv. Kemherer Coal, Carbon Coal Co.. mine agents, 821 Hawthorne ave. East 1188. Adv Found. Umbrella, Decoration day. Lone Fir cemetery. East 877, evening". Adv. 4 Inman Estate Appraised. An estate valued at $665,904.16 was left by the late Robert D. Inman of the Inman Poulsen Lumber company, according to the inventory of the property sub mitted to Circuit Judge Tazwell yes terday by A. A. Lindsley, B. D. Sigler and Alex C. Rae, appraisers. The chief item was 200 shares of the capital stock of the lumber company, having a par value of $1000 a share, but appraised at $500,000 in all. Vic tory liberty bonds totaled $20,200, bonds of the fourth liberty loan, $8590, and war savings stamps, $876. Divorce Suits Filed. When L. L. Menth, longshoreman, bought himself a $14 hat. an $18 shirt and placed $25 In his savings account, he refused the request of his wife for $3 with which to buy their baby some shoes, Mrs. Alta Menth alleges in her divorce action filed in the circuit court yes terday. Other divorce actions filed were: Ira C. against Gladys E. Arnett, Louise M. against George V. Adams and Hazel Lea against Harold Blaine Knox. Fire Hazards Cause Arrest. C. Oki, Japanese proprietor of an establishment at 209 Second street, and S. Director, who conducts a store at 165 First street, were arrested yes terday on charges of maintaining a fire hazard. The two men were charged with permitting an accumula tion of board, excelsior and broken furniture in the rear of their stores. Dancing tonight, great Windemuth floating pavilion. Brooklyn car or launches at foot of Morrison. Adv. New Cadillac, suburban for sale. E. 4943. Adv. TDM WING RESUMES TRIP OHIXESE AGAIX CXV WAY TO PEYITEXTIARY". Other Escaped Prisoner Still at Large and Armed With Guard's Revolver. Tom Wing, Chinese, one of the pris oners who made his escape from the train while en route to McNeill's Is land Monday night and who was recaptured the night" following by Police Sergeant Wade and Patrolman Drapeau. left the Portland jail yes terday noon in the custody of W. E. Cavanaugh, government guard, and is once again on his way to McNeil's island penitentiary. "Me darn fool, nobody home," de clared Wing yesterday as he was carried from the jail to the waiting patrol wagon. He is suffering from a fractured knee and several broken ribs as a result of his experience. E. A. Gardner, another prisoner who escaped at the same time, is still at large. He has a revolver which he took from one of the guards and is considered desperate. He was sent to McNeill's island for 25 years fol lowing a mail robbery in which he is said to have taken $65,000 in currency and a similar amount In bonds. JOHN McCORMACK. . John McCormack sings at the Audi torium June 17. Floor $2.50, $2. Rear balcony, $2.50, $1.50. Side balconies $2, $1.50, $1. Add 10 per cent war tax. No tickets mailed unless order is ac companied by check, war tax and self-addressed, stamped envelope. Box office sale opens at Sherman, Clay & Co. Monday morning. PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE in monthiy installments and really own your home. See us about your renewal. Special proposition. Port land Trust Co., Sixth and Morrison, Adv. Woman's Leg Broken. KLAMATH FALLS. Or, June 10. (Special.) Mrs. J. V. McKee's leg was broken in two places when a fractious horse that she was riding became un manageable and thiew her. When Portland Entertains Decorations, roses, sunshine, beautiful scenery, all help to ward making Portland's guests have a good time. But there is something bigger and far more essential; some thing that will make Portland known, not as a city of "graft ers," but as the city of the "Square Deal." THAT IS: That every Port lander who has any business dealings with visitors to Port land shall do the fair and just thing by them; that the Golden Rule shall be put into actual practice. The BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU is making every effort to eliminate any un scrupulous business tactics. We will appreciate the assistance of all loyal citizens in informing us of any attempts to take ad vantage of strangers. Better Business Bureau Portland Ad Club 308 Oregon Building Broadway 2605 f - ' ...... ,., ,. .. . Trq I?.,- V 4 y 4SwS if . a tTi ; mm.mm msssss LINE OF MARCH DECIDED ROSE-COSTUME PARADE CAUSE OF MUCH INTEREST. Anne Jeannette Layton Is Chosen Queen of Willamette Heights Annual Celebration. Anne Jeannette Layton will be queen of the annual Willamette Heights children's rose-costume pa rade on Monday. The parade forms on Thirty-first street, south of Thur man street, at 2 o'clock sharp, and the line of march will be up Thurman street to the end of the car line, back on the opposite side of the street, dis bursing at Thirty-first street. Elab orate plans are being made for this interesting event, and much mystery surrounds the various floats and cos tumes in which the children will ap pear. This event creates a great deal of interest and keen competition among the future belles and beaux of the Willamette Heights section, and as the young folk have decided ideas of their own, their costumes and deco rated floats or vehicles will express their own individuality, at the same time conforming to the rigid rules laid down by the managers. Officers of this enterprising asso ciation who are managing this year's festivities are: President. Beulah Belcher; vice-president. Elizabeth Wood; assistant managers, Virginia Zan and Betsy Wood. Kntranta are: Caroline Berg. Anne Jean nette Layton, Lenore Durkee, Barbara Clark, William Scott. Betty Goodwin. Ruth Goodwin, Aimon Baker, Klnls Jones. Nan Durkee. Hugh Montgomery. Sylvia Strain, Worth Fowler. Ruth Clarke, Tommy Em ory, Marian Weils. Helen Hoffmark. Jack I.ayten, Niel Schiely. Bounton Tickner, Donald. Charles and Max McFurson, Will lam and John Riehl, Eleanor Sfiiely. Carol and Bartlett Cole, Polly Sherman, Sally Keed, Caroline and Catherine Duram. Bet ty Goodman. Bernard Strywoll, Betty and Alice Hung-erford and Janet Wells. WOODPILE RULE ALTERED Ordinance to Apply Only on Sight seeing Routes Piles of wet wood in districts which visiting shriners are not ex pected to visit will not be molested by the police officers. Instructions to this effect were -issued to Chief of Police Jenkins by Mayor Baker yesterday. Along sightseeing routes and in the better residential districts, the police officials will endeavor to have all wood piles removed. "Common sense must rule," said Mayor Baker. "It would be a gross injustice, I believe, to force people to put wet wood in their basements, when such piles are not on sight seeing routes. "As a matter of fact, with the fuel oil shortage looming in tire fall, peo ple should be encouraged to purchase wet wood now and pile it where it will dry. Fuel prices, no doubt, will go up and my advice is to buy wood now." An ordinance is on the city statutes providing that wood cannot be piled on the curbs for more than 3u days. Mayor Baker favors an extension of time in districts where tourists and visitors are not generally taken. NEW LAW TO BE INVOKED Ray Roland to Be Prosecuted' Un der federal Theft Statute. Ray Roland, alleged automobile thief of Portland, will have the un certain distinction of being the first person in the United States to be prosecuted under a federal law aimed at automobile thieves. Roland, who is now under arrest at Seattle, is to face prosecution in the federal court at Portland on a charge of transport ing a stolen automobile from one state to another. The new federal law, which has been in effect but two months, is known as the national motor vehicle theft act. Under its provisions any person stealing an automobile in one state and transporting- it to another Men's Woolen Sweaters $3.85. Get . yours today! You're bound to need one this summer if you go fishing or hunting or any place outdoors and re . member, too, this stock is limited so get it -today. Am BROWNS VI LLE WOOLEN MILL STORE Entire Building; Third and Morrison Entire Stock MEN'S FURNISHINGS Included in Our Great Reduction Sale Handsome SILK SHIRTS $785 1920 patterns in attrac tive stripes and plain whites and tans. Heavy tub silks, fiber silks, china silks and pongees. Taken from our regular stocks not sale shirts! All sizes. Men's Athletic Nainsook Union Suits B. V. D. and Gotham Makes. Special at $1.60 All our Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Clothing at 20 reduction. Shirts, Suits, Overcoats, Shoes, Hats, Underwear, Socks And Everything Else in the Store imG&r.. EXCLUSIVE KUPPENHEIMER HOUSE IN PORTLAND. Morrison at Fourth S. & H. Stamps Given. state can be sentenced to five years in a federal prison or fined up to $5000. Roland will first stand prose cution in the state courts. BLAZE STARTS IN ATTIC Fire Does About $50 0 Damage to Building and Furniture. Fire which started in the attic over the apartment of Dr. D. B. Howard, in an apartment house at the north east corner of Park and Jefferson streets, did about $500 damage to the building and furniture yesterday morning. The cause of the blaze has not been definitely determined. Fire Marshal Grenfell learned that the two adopted daughters of Miss Howard, Velma and Thelma, were in the attic about half an hour previous and he expressed the belief that they may have scratched a match in looking for some of their belongings. They de nied this. The building is owned by Lansing Stout. Among those whoee furniture and apartments were damaged by water were Dr. Howard, A. Spellman and E. P. Long. When the fire first broke out. Dr. Howard feared that her two adopted daughters were in the attic and at tempted' to rush up the ladder to rescue them. She later learned that they had gone to the store nearby. CARDS OF THANKS. We sincerely wish to thank our friends for the beautiful floral offer ings, kindness and sympathy shown in our recent bereavement and during the sickness of our beloved son and brother. MR. AND MRS. A. KELLER. Adv. WALTER P. KF.T.l.ER. We desire to thank our friends for the many kind acts and sympathy and for the many floral offerings in our late bereavement.. J. N. DECKER. CHARLES DECKER. Adv. EDWARD DECKER. GOT A MINUTE TO SPARE? then read this ad! Here's some information for you to profit by! pvO you know that we are the largest manufacturing clothiers west of Chicago ? TTVO you know that our direct selling policy, i. e., from maker to wearer, eliminates the middleman and his profits and tlfat this saves thousands of men thousands of dollars every year? T0 you know that through our large volume of sales we can under sell any clothier in the northwest on All-Wool Garments? IO.W, DO YOU REALIZE: that direct selling, an enormous volume of sales and a low margin of profit enable us to sell for less the finest Suit that you can buy? MOW, knowing these facts, remember them! The very next time you are in need of a Suit remember that a BROWNSVILLE ALL WOOL SUIT costs you no more than any other kind and in fact is much cheaper for the reason it will outwear any suit you've ever had. 1 10 discount on Men's ready-made Suits $27 to $54 Men's Special Shirt Sale $2, $2.50, $3 and upward. Yoall fall for this assortment ! Nothing you have ever seen can hold a candle to them for quality, style, and a variety . of patterns. Remem ber the' early bird? Well, then, come early. DRIVER SENT TO PRISON Meter Arranged to Show Less Than Full Amount Collected.' Robert Wooden, driver for the Port land Taxicab company, was given 120 days in Jail, 90 of which were suspended, when he answered to a charge of larceny by embezzlement in the municipal court yesterday. Wooden is said to have arranged his meter in such a manner that he was collecting more money than the register showed. The surplus he is said to have pocketed. Charges against him were filed by B. Royce, one of the proprietors of the company. Night HORSE SHOW JUNE 21 TO 25 MULTNOMAH FIELD Tickets on sale Sherman, Clay & Co. Reserved Seats $2.20 Box Seats $3.30 (Include War Tlx) FOR RENT STORE OX BROADWAY. XKAR EVERETT STREET. CENTER OF AUTOMOBILE ROW. Inquire at SO NORTH BROADWAY. tailored-to-measure Suits $45 to $85 IP SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. distributor of Vlctxolaa and Victor Boeor&a 45 Fourth Street; Portland This is one of a series of advertise ments by Sherman, Clay & Co., Whole sale, in the interests of the VICTOR dealers. WOMEN HELP WANTED Frui-canning season now on. STAR FRUIT PRODUCTS CO. Phones East 194-195 E. First and Yamhill PREPARE!!! Preparation is essential to success. The summer school at the Y. M. C. A. offers opportunity for young men to prepare for college and to prepare for business. School Opens June 14 A partial list Mathematics Science Bookkeeping; Shorthand Register Now Dept. C Oregon Institute of Technology Fourth Floor. Y. M. C A. U DIFFERENT 99 This Root Beer Barrel is in a class by itself has led its field for fifteen years and is above all the most popular today. The MULTIPLEX is strong, durable, effi cient. Timed so nicely it puts the exact quantity of syrup into each drink measures it with the car bonated water creams it and draws it into the stein with one turn of the lever in three seconds. CHARLES E. HIRES CO. Represented, by Spohn & Wing, J. Hungerford Smith Co Armour & Co, or your local Jobber Multiplex Faucet Co. Stj Louis. Mo, Public opinion based on the supreme quality of the VICTROLA, has made it the one STANDARD talking machine of the world. Practically all the world's greatest artists have chosen it as the one medium worthy of their art If you want the BEST, go to the VICTOR DEALER who specializes on the VICTOR product. There are a number of such dealers. They will gladly demonstrate, arrange terms of payment, and will serve you well. of subjects offered: Com. Cieoeraph? 1'y pewriting; SpaniKh Ladies John M. Fetherston, Pittsburg, Pa. (Edgewood), says: , "Every claim made by you for the Almetal House hold Steam Laundry has been fulfilled in the oper ation of our machine. After trying; out other washing machines we were more than pleased to find how thoroughly the 'Al metal' cleaned the clothes. Now even the towels come out white, while before we had to be content with a dull gray color." For sale on terms at the Gas Office. Alder near Fifth. Phone Your Want Ads to The Oregonian Main 7070 A. 6095 f 1 L wuaaabu Boys' Summer School June 14 August 1 H. M. Barr. principal of Irvinyrton School, ia serving as Principal of Summer School, assisted by B. A. Thaxter and V. A. Petteys. During the year all are princi pals of Portland schools. 4th to 8th Grades Each boy's special need analyzed and provided for by class work supervised study. or private tutoring. Physical development cared for by gymnasium training under expert supervision. All under avasplces of Oregon Institute of Technol ogy, Y. M. C. A. Call or write Hugh Miller, Dept. C, Office 416 Shrine Decorations FURNISHED and HUNG Let Us Estimate Your Building W. B. Wilcox & Co. EAST 3462 Spendyour vacation in SAN FRANCISCO AT THE HOTEL TEWABT On Geary St, Jnst off Union Square, close to everything worth -while. Good accommodations at moderate rates. Breakfast, 50c, 60c, 75c, Lunch 70c (Sundays 75c), Sinner tl.25 ( Sunday i tl.50). Municipal car passes the door. Stewart. Motor Bus meets principal trains and steamers. It Is advisable to make reservations In advance of arrival. BEAVER BOARD i$Bt FOR BETTER WALLS AND CEILINGS RASMUSSEN & CO. N. E. Cor. 2d and Taylor Sts. Estab. 20 Years in Portland C. Gee Wo Root and Herb Remedies 162 Vt First SU Portland, Or.