- -1 ' - - r - . ' 18 THE MOllXIXG OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, JUXE 9, 1020 REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. GREAT BARGAIN FOR QUICK DISPOSAL. JUST 15 MINUTES OUT. ONE BLOCK TO MISSISSIPPI OAR. THIS HOME HAS .1 L'ST BEEN COMPLETELY PAINTED INSIDE AND OUT. HAS FOUR ROOMS. I ,0 V K L Y LI V I NG AND Dl X I NG. KITCHEN IN WHITE ENAMEL. THIS IS TRULY THE CHEAPEST BUY WE EVER HANDLED, AND YOU CAN BUY TT FOR $1800 "WITH TERMS. R1ELY & GUSTAFSON. P03 Y EON BLDG. luxurious irvington homes. I am just repainting and decorating 2 of tho most distinctive and captivating homes In the tract. Both are vacant and will be completed this week. At 747 Weidler at. cor. 22d you'll And an unusually well-built and well- j rinnwl 2-storv 8-room house with sleep ing porch and the classiest garage in cliy ; large entrance hall. 16x32 living room, den. old ivory finish. 2 fireplaces, 4 tine bedrooms, attic, billiard room in basement : L'lillman plate glass win down and cut-glass doorknobs throughout; 95x100 cor. lot, new lawn. lots of trees and beautiful shrubbery; $13,000. No. 576 E. 15lh st. N. (nr. Knott) Is a 2',2-8tor' 10-room home of marked per sonality. Di unity, refinement ana cul ture predominates in this lovely home, located on 60x1 0O site, near school; cen ter entrance hall, spacious living and dining rooms, den, 4 fine large bedrooms and sleeping porch on 2d floor, 3 rooms on 3d. 2 baths, oak floors throughout, old ivory tin ish ; nice yard with lots ot h rubbery and ample room for garage; $12,000. R. il. Torrey. 103 Floral ave. Tabor 407. , FURNISHED BUNGALOW. Artistic 5 -room bungalow with pood furniture, living room has nice fire place and den. with built-in bookcases, nice electric fixtures, dining room has artistic buffet with large plate glass mirrors, beam ceiling; two large light bedrooms with bath between; Dutch kitchen in white, half cement basement floor, good furnace, garage, lot 40x1 0a). ha rd surface street now going in. $4000, SI 990 cash, $r0 month, including inter est, 7 per cent. O. W. Muellhaupt Co., C. E. Adams. 407 U. S. National Baik bldg. Broadway 3838; residence. WoodlaB n 3433. $6100 ROSE CITY $6000 6-room real bungalow on 45th st. ; center entrance to living room, fair size, ingienook fireplace, d ining room good size, nice buffet, modern kitchen with breakfast nook. two bedrooms with war d robe closets and bath down, two finished rooms up; full cement basement with trays and furnace; oak floors ; fin ish natural and enamel; new garage ; $1900 cash. MR. ROGERS, WITH COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. $1209 CASH WILL HANDLE SAVE YOUR RENT MONEY I have two fine homes in Laurelhurst, One bungalow. 6 rooms and a beautiful 6-room colonial. Both have fine garage. v.nth in fin condition. Old ivory finish. the best of everything. A few dollars added to your rent money and your house troubles are over. See me today at the office E. 39th A Gisau eta., or phone Tnbor 3433. ' HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS $1800. 3 rooms and large attic. 2 rooms plastered, water, gas and lights; lot 80x100. with all kinds of bearing fruit nt hrrifs: .' chicken houses, wood shed and good garage; 2 short blocks from rar This is all neat and clean and a very good buy; $300 cash, $25 monthly. Fred W, German Co.. J Cham, of Com. . LAURELHURST SNAP Double constructed. 6 rooms, den. sun room and sleeping porch; full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, down; line large rooms tnrougn out. Grand view of mountains; lots of shrubbery. A wonderful buy for $0309. Borne terms to right party. J. A. Mc Carty. 2704 Stark. Main 1700. five, and Sunday. Tabor 5057. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW Double constructed 8 rooms, music room, sleeping porch ; extra large lot. In best of condition and location.; 2 bedrooms on ground floor. Beautiful fireplace. French doors. For further information call J. A. Mccarty. 279 Stark st. Main 1700. Eve. and Sun. Tabor 5957. IKVINGTON COLONIAL BUNGALOW. $7500 BUY FROM OWNER. Larue living room, French doors, ain Ing room, perfect kitchen, breakfast nook, three bedrooms, sewing room, aal drapes, rods. $150 range, inlaid linoleum, bath, fixtures, garage, full lot, shrubs, garden, smrfll trees. Immediate pos session. East 410. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. Mon desirable 6 rooms and sleeping porch, living room very large; absolutely spic and span, having been recently re decorated ; beautifully situated on four lots, among fine trees; has nice garden; SS90O. BROOKE, 541 Montgomery drive, cor. Elm st. Mar. 4S27. Call mornings. 440 EAST 21ST ST. NORTH. IRVINGTON. Bungalow. 8 rooms, living room 16x30, sun room, dining room, large kitchen, 1 bedroom and bath, first floor; 2 large and 1 small bedrooms second floor; ga rage. Mrs. Harry Price Palmer. East IRVINGTON. 11 ROOMS. PRICE $10,500. Fine ll-room strictly modern house in tne heart or irvington. on loth street. In perfect condition. If you are looking for something good in the best residence district in Portland, you will buy this. can us up. PACIFIC AGENCY, SWETLANO BLDG LAURELHURST. New strictly modern bungalow, move right in. hardwood floors throughout. tnc oat n room, low down tub. pedestal lavatory, large living room, across the i rout; located at ii'L'o Kianders, 1 block south or Laureinurst. car. For appoint ment call Owner, Tabor S743. or Main -i.lO.i. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income? v e nesign ana Duna atartments e-a. rages, residences, anything: furnish plan? aim u nance, r-iauiisneo iu years. v offer SECURITY, SERVICE. SATIS FACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc.. 921 N. W. Bank bldg. : BUNGALOW BARGAIN $1200. $50 cash, $12.50 monthly and O in terest buys a 5-room plastered bunga low; concrete foundation, 50x100 lot. good condition. Place is vacant and you can move right in. Fred W". German "o.. 732 Cham, of Com. $4 5 no. ROSE CITY PARK 6-room bungalow all on one floor; nice attic, good basement, furnace, 3 blocks to car. corner lot. Office E. 39th and Glisan st. Tubor 3433. Mr. Delahunty. SUBURBAN HOMES. ' I have some fine offerings, will gladly furnish you with photographs and full information. Mrs. Harry Price Palmer, East 7976. MODERN 6-room bungalow, bath, electric lights and gas. full basement, garaice and 40x100 lot. for sale at 128 Vermont -st.. Fulton. 7-ROOM modern home, full lot, all im provements in and paid; $3750. $500 cash, terms on balance. Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark st. Main 5429. FOR SALE By owner. 3-room house with bath, large lot. garage and henhouse: garden all up. For particulars call Woodlawn 6114. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS homes at $.S000 S.S500 ana shuuu. information cio.n.. given. Mrs. Harry Price Palmer, East r.fiD, 411 EAST 17TH ST. N.. center of irvin. ton, 4 rooms, some plumbing, cement u3ciucu . . hiic . lu.fc ticca huu enruouerv Owner East 79.6. MOVE RIGHT IN TODAY. jsranu-new i um -i uoiii oungaiow, near Union ave. .iu t itfumuiu , s.ioO cah wli; handle It. Phone owner, East 4000. iOK SALE 3-room furnished tent house; gasv c'v a.ux water; terms reasonauic. "" i -Sim ave. southeast " M t. Scott car to Archer Place station. "WEST SIDE bargain; six flats, well built" $HOOO; will pay itself out; will make in dependent living. Main 3787. LET MB help you. Tell me what you are looking for. home, acreage, farm or business property. Tabor H5. b-ROOM cement block house. 14 fruit trees, berries, garage, garden In. Mount Scott district: good tyiy. Tabor 714a FOR SALE by owner, modern 6-room home, will accept $500 down. 1A&7 Holladay ave.. cor. 60th; M. V. car. BY OWNER 344 Grand North rTeTr Broadway. 6-room modern houe East 4297. g-ROOM modern house, 73x150 land gar den, fruit and improved streets, all'clear By owner. 04 E. 50th, near Stark. f-ROOM bungalow for sale by owner on L 4AJ2lpt: Tabor 4873. ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 50x100. corner lot U rooms; $3500. . 7973. REAL ESTATE. -Hout 1000 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. LARGEST HOME-SELLERS THE PACIFIC COAST. ON Are you looking- for a home? TRY THE McGUIRE SYSTEM of SCIEN TIFIC HOME SERVICE! It makes home-buying easy. PROTECTS YOUR EVERY INTEREST, puts you in imme diate touch wi th the home you ARE LOOKING FOR! OVER 10O0 PHOTO GRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE, every type, every DISTRICT! HOMES AT PRICES YOU CAN PAY! See OURS BEFORE YOU BUY. A MACHINE WILL TAKE YOU OUT TOD A Y. 18 Automobiles at your SERVICE. Open evenings and SUNDAYS. 140 HAWTHORNE HOMES? 140. $4100 HA WTKORXB'S superior home OFFERING! It-room double-constructed home. VERY DISTINCT IVE LINKS; in living room are leaded glass bookcases, fireplace, paneled dining room with leaded art-clHsa buffet: full WHITE DUTCH KITCHEN; HARDWOOD FLOORS; paved st. pawl. E. 47th. THIS IS UNDISPUTED VALUEM $2750 REAL VALUE is the FEATURE OF this HAWTHORNE 5-room clever bungalow, modern; TERMS. East 37th. Our ROSE CITIES range In price from $2700 to $10,000. One of our 1 H machines will take you out TODAY. DON'T" MISS THESE! $210 J On beautiful CRYSTAL SPRINGS BLVD.. adjoining Reed college, is this delightfully artistic 6-room modern BUNGALOW. white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas, full lot; TERMS. A REAL BAR GAIN. A machine will TAKE YOU OUT TODAY. $250 100x109.- ALL KINDS OF FRUIT; attractive. substantial f iva-room modern BUNGA LV, two sunn t bedrooms, full basement; TERMS. i block to Woodstock car. $2600 OWNER MUST SELL AT ONCE 1 Six-room artistic PENINSULA HOME, 3 sunny bedrooms', con venient floor arrangement; CLEVER BUILT-INS. SLEEP ING PORCH, cheerv fireplace: 1 block to car. Look AT THIS m NOW! $3150 ALBERTA'S BIGGEST BAR OAIN! Six-room very attractive modern home, paneled dining room, massrve buffet. SLEEP ING PORCH: laundrv trays, fruitroom. EASY TERMS. A ma chine will take you right out. I $2100 5-room wonderful bargain in an .ALBERTA home, lot 80x100. SEE THIS TODAY! j $2650 JEFFERSON HIGH DISTRICT. wonderful BARGAIN in a justlike-new BUNGALOW, 5 rooms, modern. built-ins. cement base ment. CLOSE TO HIGH SCHOOL. Peninsula park library, car barns: AN EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. $3250 WEST SIDE'S BIGGEST HOME BARGAIN! Six-room, pleasant modern BUNGALOW, artistic massive- columned front porch, sunny bedroom down, two up ; cheery fireplace; LIKE NEW. IT'S VACANT. move right in. 100 WEST SIDE HOMES 100. MONT A VILLA BARGAINS. $ 715 AN UNHEARD-OF SACRIFICE. neat, comfortable litsle 2-room home, white enamel plumbing, gas; FULL LOT, lots of room to build additions to suit yourself. EASIEST TERMS. Wasco St. $2800 DELIGHTFULLY ARTISTIC Montavilla bungalow, 5 rooms, at tractive dining room with mas sive buffet, MODEL DUTCH KITCHEN ; best white enamel plumbing, laundry trays, garage; TERMS. You'll want this little home. 50 SELLWOOD HOMES 50. $IG50 SELLWOOD substantial five-room home. full cement basement. SPLENDID LOT. 5uxl3ti; Harold avenue; easy terms. If YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A HOME, come in and see our 1000 PHOTO GRAPHS of homes for sale. Every dis trict, every kind of home : prices you CAN PAY. We give satisfying SERV ICE! SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. ABLNGTON BLDG. MAIN 1068. Third, Bet. Washington and Stark. "40 Years of Reliable Service." ONE OF IRVINGTON S BEST. A home to be proud of complete in every detail finest of hardwood floors throughout, large fireplace, best of fin ish, perfect condition ; 5ixl00 lot, good garage; everything like new; $7500 will handle. Let us show you this beauti ful home. ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. 5 nice well-arranged rooms, floored attic, large basement, good plumbing; 50x100 lot with alley In rear; less than loo feet to paved . street; a sirao at $3450, with terms. Call Mr. Libbv. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 5043. 410 Henry Bldg. WEST SIDE HOMES. 519-551 Broadway, near Jackson : 2 substantial houses; each has 7 rooms. cement basement, bearing 1 ruit trees in yard: iot full SOxlou: price J85O0. 300 Jarkion. near West Park, modern 8-room house; price $5000. Corner 10th and Jackson." modern 8 roujn hoie ; price $ti000. fJo not disturb tenants. Goldschmidt's Agency. 505 Stock Exchange Bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. ARE YOU" HOMELESS? TOUR RENT WILL BUY THIS. BE INDEPENDENT OWN A HOME. $2251 YOUR OWN TERMS $2250. 15x1 OO. WITH BERRIES. Eight -room doubhc constructed, plas tered houst: small basement; good plumbing;' electric lights, gas, large lot, 95x100; all kinds of berries; you haven't any excuse to talk high rent when you can buy a house like thia on the easiest terms. Main 7 67. Mariels or Williams. S20 Cham, of Com. bldg. 8-ROOM LADD ADDITION HOME. Attractive bungalow type, double con st rye ted home. Every modern conve nience. M any exclusive elaborate fea tures. Oak floors inlaid with mahog any, furnace, fireplace, white enamel Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook ; 4 large, light bedrooms. $0700, $30O0 cash. Exceptional opportunity. ' CAREY-SA VIDGE COMPANY. 219 Railway Ex. Bldg. Main 7487. MODERN BUNGALOW $3500. Here's a real snap. Modern 5-room bungalow only 4 yrs. old; well improved corner lot. hardy urfaced street ; full ce ment basement; Dutch kitchen, fine bath and all built-ins; close in on Tlbbetts st. You can't find another bargain like this in the city. Price only $3300, $1000 cash. G G. McCORMIO CO., 242 Washington st. Main 8220. $5500. ONLY $1000 CASH. $5500. ROSE CITY PARK CORNER. Classy 9-room house, 3 large rooms on lower floor. 3 light and airy bedrooms and sleeping porch upstairs; every mod ern feature, oak f lors, fireplace, cement basement, furnace, hard surface In and paid for: see this now. HOLDER & KOHLM AX. 228 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 6550. ALBERTA SNAP. $2000 5-room bungalow on 25th st., nifty and attractive, in good repair, bath, toilet. cement .basement, fruit trees, shrubbery and berries; $300 down, bal ance easy payments. CARE Y-SAVIDGE COMPANY, 219 Railway Ex. Bldg. Main 7487. MODERN 7-room house with every con venience; Dutch kitchen and upstairs white enameled: sleeping porch, garage: $7500; terms. 80U E. Yamhill St.. East 1155. PHYSICIANS. NOTICE! IRVINGTON PALATIAL HOME. 100x100 corner lot, 13 rooms, 9 bed rooms: $2900 worth of carpets go with house; Investigate, price and terms on application; fine place . for sanitarium. Call Tabor 3433. OWNER. T must sell my, 6-room modern house Immediately ; garage. My price was $3500. but come out and -see it at 2S2 Monroe st. and make me an offer, or phone East 8174. ALAMEDA PARK. For sale, 6-room house, built for a home last year; owner leaving city Woodlawn 1360 $$0t FURNISHED HOUSEBOAT $. 5 R.. neat, comfortable home; large porches, garden lot. opposite Oaks park. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 225Henry bldg. 9-ROOM houe, furnished for H. K.eiec. lights, good furniture, good location, west side, close in; $800. $500 cash, bal ance easy terms. Call Marshall 4012. ROSE CITY PARK" '-room bungalow. $0200. terms. 603 E. 66th st. N. East 8384. Lalsen. SEAL KSTATK. For Sale -House. HOME IN LAURELHURST. A distinctive Dutch-colonial home. living room with handsome fireplace, I French doors between living room and i attractive oining room, also between din ing room and sun room, Dutch -kitchen with all modern conveniences. Including breaxfast nook; 3 good-sized sunny bed rooms upstairs: also glass-enclosed sleep ing porch and bath ; hardwood floors downstairs and white enamel woodwork throughout, furnace, garage. Before de ciding on a home let us show you this one. Price $11,500, terms, LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commence. Main 6067. ANNOUNCEMENT. " HOMESEEKERS! The spacious display room of FRANK L. McGUIRE Is open for your convenience EVERY EVENING. Within a few minutes you can select any number of homes you'd be INTER ESTED IN, and one of our EIGHTEEN MACHINES will take you RIGHT OUT. See FRANK L McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1069. Third, between Washington and Stark. SWISS CHALET. Irvington. select, massed with flower, arched pergola, sunroom d raped with vines, hail, living, dining and loggia can be thrown Into one attractive room through use of French doors; 3 bed- rooms, sleeping norch: all woodwork in ivory, all floors hardwood: hot-water heat: built 4 years ago by dav labor; no agents; $12,OOV home for 4400. East 13 4 7. GOOD substantial G-roorn house, walking distance ; 3 large, light rooms, reception hall and pantry first floor, 3 well-ventilated bedrooms and bath on second floor. full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, woodtift. The lot la well improved with beautiful lawn, tree roses, fruit trees, grapes and berries: you can gft ' immediate possession: $1500 cash, small payment every 6 months; $4700; streets hard -surfaced and paid. JOH NSON - DQPSOX CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bld Main 3787. 6-ROOM HOUSE. 2 LOTS. FRUIT. Nice H-room 1 V -story house. In first clas condition; vacant and ready to move into; white enamel throughout ex cept kitchen elec., bat h. basement, cor ner lot !OxlOo: 8 bearing fruit trees, ber ries, good chicken house and run. lare garage; on Killlngsworth ave. and East iith. Price $3750. about half cash; no better home in Portland for the money. Key at our office. GRUSSI A BENNETT. 318-21 Board of Trade. Main 7452. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. Story and half 7 -room bungalow type home, built less than a year, elaborately finished off interior in old ivory; near city park. Nothing lacking here; fur nace, fireplace, oak floors, even street liens paid in full. You'll like this at tractive home. . Phone for an appoint ment to see it today. $4900. Easy terms. CAREY-SA VIDGE COMPANY, 210 Railway Ex. Bldg. Main 74R7. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. Attractive 7-room bungalow Jn beauti ful district. 150 ft. from Rose City Park car; full lot, beautiful lawn and shrub bery; new furnace. If you are looking for a bungalow in this district come and inquire a bout this, as it is a bargain. Price $4000. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Cham, of Com. YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS. A 5-room bungalow; floored attic, ce ment basement, wash trays all built ins. white Dutch kitchen, fireplace, etc., 40x100 lot- cltv improvements In and paid; price ONLY $4000; will take $000 down, bal. 1ik rent: rruist sell; leaving city. RUMMELL & RUM M ELL, 274 Stark st. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. $7000. A (i-room semi-bungalow; furnace, fire place, all built-ins. sun porch, sleeping porch, etc. ; oak floors throughout; fin ished in ivory and enamel, mirrored doors; beautiful view of river; garage, roses and shrubbery, linoleum and all drapes go; terms right. RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark st. 7-ROOM cottage, ftOxlOO-ft. lot, close In. low price of $1800; 5-room cottage. 72x 235-ft. lot, close in, sacrifice price of S2G50; 6-room house, close in, $2700; 5-room bungalow, a low price of $2250: 4-room new bungalow, a low price of -42550. These are all good buys and on very easv terms. Ridge Land Co., 400 Hawthorne ave. $500 CASH bandies this 5-room modern bungalow, Dutch kitchen, gas. electric lights. Bull Run water, bath and toilet, ful 1 cement basement ; lot 50x1 OO, fruit trees, berries, chicken house, room for about 2 doz. chickens ; garden all in ; price $2500, by owner. Phone Mllwau kie 22-W. BEAUTIFUL WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOM E. This is a wonderful buy. as the value Is not considered in this sale. 8 rooms, all beautiful, and the view cannot be excelled; 75x110 ground, shrubs of all kinds. Pacific Realty Co.. Main 847. 400 Spalding bldg. . $3200 $500 WILL HANDLE. Let us show you a good double con structed bungalow of 7 rooms; 2 bed rooms downstairs, built-in kitchen, good bnth. good basement, full lot, paved street, block to car and school. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. OP, 3 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37 S7. WANT QUICK ACTION. R-room house. Just remodeled. Ivory finish, walls papered: excellent location. R0 ft. paved st. and car line: bearing fruit trees and flowers; $238-5. with terms Oess than house alone would cost. $30 rent has been re-fused ; deal with wner: no agents. Evenings, Tabor 1792. ATTRACTIVE HOME. Nice home on 33d st.. located on cor ner; 7 rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace and Dutch kitchen. This house has avery convenience to make an at trnctive and comfortable home. Price $3750. JOHN E. HOWARD. 31 S Cham, of Com. BUNGALOW. " Finest in Alameda drive, large living room 1Sx30. dining room. breakfast room, sunroom. 2 bedrooms, connecting bath, sleeping porch, garage, every- thing, only $6S50; no agents. East i-4. - $3000 OREGON BUNGALOW I30O0. 7 rooms, in Jefferson high district; living and dining room, bedroom, kitch en on first floor: 3 bedrooms up. wide porch full lot: easy terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON" CO.. 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. 4-ROOM house for $160O. In University Park; $500 down. bal. $20 mo. and In terest 6. Really 5-room home. 1 room extra large: 1 block to carline: has gas. Yiath nd elec. Its..: lot 50x100 ft." Phone Broad wav 4381. Mr. Oliver. Hargrove Realty Co.. 122 N.6th st. m FOR SALE. 5-room bungalow, garage, lot o-sxlOO; 9 bearing fruit trees, roses and shrub bery full basement : some warden in: blocks from car. A54 E. 77th N. Take R. C. car. Price $2S50, $500 cash, bal ance easy terms. i NEW IRVINGTON COLONIAL. Large living room, center hall, sun room, kitchen, dining room. 4 larire bed rooms, tile bath, beautiful plumbing fix tures 2 fireplaces: Ivory finish, papered and decorated throughout : garage. Ta bor 5694 or Tabor 2124 12400 BUNGALOW". 5 Rooms Ner Woodstock Car; Terms. jrtr.OO MOTHER AND DAUGHTER , Fine 2-familv 100x10. up to the min ute Killlngsworth. Mss Slocomb. 624 Henry Jldg. Bdwy. 5173. 7TCOOM modern house and acre of ground, bargain, $3500. terms $500 cash, fine bearing fruit, berries and all in garden, good barn; good location. Wood stock: fine home. Sea Garland 201 3d, corner Taylor. BY OWNER Fine. Wr. double constructed modern house, ground 109x147: all floors hardwood. windows nlate srlass. full basement, wash trays, firenlace. furnace, floored attic. Call Main 8195. ONLY $1500. With a very small cash payment and readv to move In. 4 rooms, light, water and gas.' This is a bargain. Pacific Realty. Main 847. 409 Spalding bldg. FOR SALE. $5000. TERMS. Attractive seven-room bungalow. Rose Citv park, hardwood floors, firenlace. white enamel finish; lot 50x100. . D 632 Oregonlan. " WEST SIDE. $3650. 6-room house. 10-mln. w-alk to busi ness center: all improvements in and paid for; some furniture. 292 S. 16th st. ST.OO Walking distance to Broadway bridge 361 San Rafael St.; 50x100 lot. 15 large fruit trees. 7-R. house. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 225 Henry bldg. A REAL bargain, 4-room bungalow, fur nished complete: bath, gas and elec tricity, garden, berries: cheap and terms. Tabor 9229. OWNER SACRIFICING 6 RMS., MODERN. $2750, near Franklin high school; fire place; only $759 cash, balance to ut Clark station, near car. Marshall 1022. $500 WILL HANDLE. Large square house. fine condition; double garage; roses, fruit, fine view; save your rent money. Owner. Main 404. $Tl50ROSE CITY PARK; TERMS. 4-room plastered house, elec. gas. Dutch kitchen, full lot. trees; leaving city: immediate possession. Tabor 0559. T.nooM BUNGALOW, furnace, fireplace. hardwood floors, garage. Phone Tabor 4S73. 45th st. . t 11700 4-ROOM furnished house, lot 621x 100; berries; terms- Tabor 2213. KKA L EST A Tfc. For Sale Hoosea. ' J. A. WICK MAN" CO. Shortest Way Homo. - Years of study of local conditions, a thorough knowledge of districts, fa miliarity with values and a splendid or ganization enable us to give you the maximum service In home-buying. $1200 A 4-room comfortable home, doubly constructed, neat and clean. Chicken house and some fruit; terms. Out-of-town owner; must fell; va $1800 Buys 6 rooms and bath with one bedroom down, '2 up; close in, convenient to car; fruit. East front 50x90 with st. imp. in and . pd. This is a plastered home with as "d electric lights Terms. $1850 Buys 4 rooms, and bath.- Dutch ; kitchen. full basement wash trays; near Union ave. St. imp. 1 cfiJin U1,,? nd- Id- Jerms; . $2800 Buys 7 wm tad bath with cor- I ner lot 80xtW. OnW one blk. to : " 5-: convcnlent to franklin high, i erms. $oo00R. C P bungalow, doubly-con- j structed with 0 rooms, all on one - floor. Furnace, fireplace, full ce ment basement; all built-ins; cor ner lOOxlUO.O. with garage; paved , str. nwly decorated throughout. Out-oftown owner; must sell; va cant ; move right in. $4500 R. C. P. district, the very best buy in a 2-story, 0 rooms and sleeping porch that w know of; furnace, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, garage ; terms. Vacant, move right in. $4300 Five rooms and attic with ndwd. floors, fireplace, all built-ins. This nifty new bungalow in R. C. P. can be had with a small pay ment down ; vacant, move right In. Call and Inspect our photos ot the best buys in the different dis tricts; 7 autos at your service. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Kxch. bldg. Main 10fl4 and 5R3. NOTICE 1 HOMESEEKERS: For your conveni ence, our large display room with OVER 10O0 PHOTOGRAPHS OF homes for sale will be open. EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. These evenings are delightfully long. Why not spend a few minutes looking for YOUR HOME? A MACHINE WILL TAKE YOU OUT THIS EVENING. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Horn". ABINGTON BLDG. Main 1068. Third t. Bet. Washington and Stark. $5250. BIGGEST BARGAIN ROSE CITY. Ultra-modern 5-room California bun galow, perfectly immaculate throughout ; only one year old: white enamel through out; shining birch floors, every possible butlt-in. fireplace. Dutch kiu hen and breakfast nook finished in white, cement basement and $205 pi pel ess furnace; 50x 100 lot. streets in and paid for. This place Is being offered at a tremendous sacrifice and must be sold immediately. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. HOME BARGAINS. $1000 CASH and $15 per month buys a 4-room un finished bungalow; price $1350. $275 CASH and $25 per month buys a good 6-room house, good basement, fireplace ; 06 2-3x 100-ft. lot. two fruit trees; price $1800. See Mr. Chrtetenson. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broad-way 50-13. 410 Henry Bldg. OWN YOUR HOM E. $2475 VACANT VACANT $2175. A BARGAIN. ON TERMS. WHY TRY TO RENT? Six rooms, full basement, electric lights, gas, fine plumbing; corner lot 50xlOO. 7 fruit trees. This house is in finest condi tion, just newly tinted and decorated and nothing lacking; a beautiful little place at bargain price; terms. Main 7!i67. Mariels or Williams, 820 Cham, of Com. bldg. A GOOD BUY ON LOMBARD STREET. 6-room house in fine shape, has bath, gas and electric lights: has large livin room, dining room and Dutch kitchen ; three nice, large, light bedrooms up stairs; full cement basement; 29 bear ing fruit trees, berries, etc.. chicken house, stable and garage; lot 90x220 ft. Price $5HOO; $2000 cash. Phone Oliver, with Hargrove Realty Co.. 122 N. tith. Broadway 4361. . A SNAP FOR SOMEON eT MUST SELL AT ONCE. 524 E. 12TH ST. NORTH. $6500 BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON $6500. VACANT STRICTLY MODERN. Seven rooms, strictly modern ; full ce ment basement, laundry trays, furnace, fireplace, hdwd. floors; in finest con dition; just newly painted and decorated and really a splendid buy ; on terms. Main 7907. Mariels or Williams, 820 Cham, of Com. bldg. SEEING IS BUYING. A fine modern bungalow, close in ; built only a year and in A-l condition; combination living and dining room; two bedrooms, bath and toilet, white enamel Dutch kitchen, cement base ment, paved streets, liens paid ; special sacrifice. Price $2800 $500 down. Im mediate possession. CAREY-SA VIDGE COMPANY. 219 Railway Ex. Vldg. Main 7487. MAKE AN OFFER. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. $Ur,o YOUR OWN TERMS $1950. NEAR PENINSULA LBR. CO. MILL. Eight-room house, vacant; plumbing, gas, etc. ; just newly painted and pa pered inside, good condition; several fruit trees; near Willamette blvd. This is no mansion, but beats renting, and is worth the money. Main 7907. Mariels or Williams. 820 Chain, of Com, bldg. GRAND place for small sanitarium, west side ; modern, fine view of city, large grounds and lawn, full ot roses, shrubs and natural trees: house has 9 ropms. 3 big porches whicn could be turned into rooms with small cost ; hot-water heat. Price $14.Wi0; consider part in other good property. Owner. L. K. Moore. 31 7 Board of Trade. $2500 WEST SIDE $500 CASH. WALKING DISTANCE. A good ll-room house, suitable for 2 Oats: would bring in big income; one block from car on improved street; brick foundation and basement, 25x100 lot ; a wonderful bargain. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. WHY PAY RENT? $4 800 $ 1 000 DO WN . Balance $40 per month. Classiest flve ' room Rose City Park home you ever saw. You will be delighted with the spacious rooms, fine oak floors, every conceivable built-in, artistic fireplace; don't Over look a wonderful buy! HOLD EN & KOHLM AN. 228 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 6550. IRVINGTON FORECLOSURE. S-room modern, furnace, fireplace; beautiful location, close to car; taken in on foreclosure. Will sell for $075o, some terms. See Air. Epton. J. ROB BINS. 301-302 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 rooms, hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, electric lights, gas.- cement base ment. 50x100 lot. garage; price $52o. ' $2500 down. See K. D. Schomacker Main 103S or eve. Main 440S. FURNIShA) 7-room sfrictly modern home at a sacrifice. Will take small auto as part payment ; hardwood floors, garage in basement, furnace. Dutch kitchen, breakfast room: both gas and electricity throughout house. Phone Wdlti. 3880. OWNER MUST UNLOAD. 6-room. modern: hard-surface st.: 2 blocks to car: 1000 underpriced. Price $4900. $050 down, balance monthly. J. BOBBINS. 301-302 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. BY OWNER at bargain. ' bungalow ; every modern . convenience : hardwood doors. Ore place. 331 E. 47 th St., near Harri- son. - Suburban Homes. ON RED ELECTRIC. 10 acres, under cultivation, very close to station; good 6-room plastered house, other buildings; over IOO bearing fruit trees, gas, city water and electric lights can be had; $1459 cash, balance long .time at 6. No monthly payments. John Ferguson.- Gerlinger bldg. CHOICE river front and other acreage on Oregon City electric. 6-room house. Wa verleigh Heights; two lots Benedictine Heights, 95x100 feet. 9th and Hancock streets ; best business lots and building for manufacturing or mercantile pur poses in Milwaukie. Kisley, Starkweath er & Black. 002 Broadway bldg. Phone Main 0199. FOR SALE by owner. H acre. 4-room house, with screened -In sleeping porch. fruit, berries, gardei. barn and chicken house; 10-mln. walk from car. in Wood stock district; $1600, $700 cash, balance easy terms. Phone 530-65 between 9:30 A. M. and 6 P. M FOR SALE One' acre. 3-room chicken house and brooder; citv house. water and gas; Xis acre in grain, remainder in potatoes and garden. S0 assorted fruit trees, all kinds of berries; end of Wood stock car. Price 1900. easy terms. George Erne. 70th aye, and 57th st. SHINGLED bungalow, nearly y acre, no gravel, good view, fruit and nuts. Sold $150 cherries alone last year; small cow barn, chicken house: 15 minutes' walk Alberta car, $3000. Residence Malnx3377. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES, and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1S00 up. Inquire 3d house north of Rlsley station, on Oregon City wr line, sign "Alder Brook" - SUBURBAN HOMES. I have sone fine offerings, will gladly furnish you with photographs and full information. Mrs. Harry Price Palmer, East 7976. $3750 FINE 4 acres, house, orchard, gar , den. berries: near electrie. Main 3072. McFarland Realty Co.. 208 Falling bldg. COZY HOUSE, fronting Oswego lake. Get off Lake GroVe station, down steps to the left, first gray bouse. i duburbava Home. MULTNOMAH HOMES. $2000 3-ro-m no use with half acre of HKAL ESTATE. ground on Capitol highway, a short distance south of Multnomah sta tion. 1 $2450 Beautiful new modern 3-room t bungalow with breakfast nook, and many built-in features, located on two choice sightly lots planted to garden, n Buckingham Heights. $3000 Large modern 3-room bungalow. fun basement, situated on boule- vard in Buckingham Heights. $3300 New modern 4-room bungalow wlth breakfast alcove. largo build- '"ff site, in Allen quaiters. close to Multnomah station, $4250 Beautiful modern 5-room bungalow on Baird Lane road, only couple blocks from Multnomah station" . $5000 Lar;e tract of ground, tew modern 7-room home on Baird Lane road, plice just completed, fine garage, evury modern convenience. AH the foregoing are cn Improved roads, either hard -surf ace or macadam, snd lire up-to-date places. Several of then hav been built only a few months and possession can be given of any of them on short notice. These places will make you a good permanent home and every dollar spent will be well invested. B-side theae I have the additions of SOUTH MULTNOMAH HALF ACRES. LU.VALTLO. DENLY HEIGHTS. ALLEN' QUARTERS, QUEENSLAND. PRIM ROSE PLACE and BUCKINGHAM HEIGHTS, offering homesits ranging in size from one iot to half acre on tenon of H per cent down ond $10 a month, n t prices ranging from $350 to $1000. This property has streets, side walks. Bull Kun water and in most in stances gas and electricity extended to the property and paid for. You know jvhat you get you see it when yon buy. There has been a wonderful move ment - ip' vacant property in Multnomah In the bast two months. There is a reason. I will be glad to ta ke you out and shw you the property at your own convenience after business hours or on Sunday. Call up my office. Main KRO, and make an appointment. We are try ing to serve tho public Sundays from our Multnomah office, but there ii so much to do that we would prfe; to meet you by rtppointment. BEN RIESLAND. Owner and Exclusive Sales Agent of Propeities at Multnomah. On the Oregon Electric. Office 404 Piatt Bldg., 127 Park st. TWO ACRES- OF CHERRIES. 6 acres, located on a fine road. 5 blocks from pavement and depot ; 5 '-i ' acres under cultivation; Vz acre of stand ing timber, two acres of Blngs. Lam berts and Royal A nn cherry trees, all bearing; large orchard and all kinds of berries. No gravel or rock in the soil ; jo miles from the center or fortiana. j private pressure water system ; gas tor cooking and lights: large chicken house, new garage, with cement driveway; an exceptionally fine piece of land, well lo cated. Personally insiected. Photos office. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. SUBURBAN HOMES WORTH WHILE. If it's a suburban home on the Ore gon City carline or In Milwaukie you want, we cn suit you. We personally inspect all ulaces before offering for sa; A rumber of enables us to years know this lo- lues. KLEEB & PARRY. First Slate Bank Bldg. 19. Auto Strvice. Milwaukie. Oregon. MODERN, new double constructed bunga low of 5 rooms and bath; nice big fire place, wonderful view, good barn and 3 acres, one acre in strawberries ; near town ; would make someone an ideal home. Price $3500; terms. LAURA M. WILLIAMS. Newberg. Or. ..Phone Red 131. HALF ACRE. Fine 4-room bungalow, - in splendid condition, screened porch, garage, chick en house, all kinds fruit and berries, nice garden, just outside city limits, near car; $17l0. very easy terms. SORES PETERSON. 1102 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3731. Evenings. Tabor 322. TWO acres. $2000: house, berries, garden. Main 3072. McFarland. 208 Failing bldg. I-or Sale Oulnes Property. FOURTEEN acres. One farm, near Mil waukie : 5-r. bungalow, orchard, barn, spring; $8400. McFarland. 208 Failing hide;. Fr Sale Acremge. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 1 'BLK. TO CAR. All in high stale of cultivation, beaver dam land, raise vegetables and the place will pay for itself in a few years ; good 0-room house, bath, toilet, water sys tem, e lee trie lights, good barn, concrete foundation; chicken house, etc.; 28 bear ing fruit tree?, berries and shrubbery ; price $0500, $2000 cash, balance terms at 6 per ayent. See Mr. Schmidt, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 5043. 410 Henry Bldg ONE ACRE WITH FINE B U N G A LO W . 5-R. bungalow and attic, f ireolace. rement basement, hot and cold water, bath, toilet, garage ; 'j A. spuds, bal. in garden; near Powell Valley road and Buckley ave. : good road all the wav from Portland; price $3700 for houhe and one acre up or - acre extra in fruit for $4150. $500 cash. bal. to suit at O'-o. Ask for Mr. Cowgill. with GRUSSI & BENNETT. 31S Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. . JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS $1350. $25 down. $12.50 monthly, buys 1 acre of ground, all set out to assorted bearing fruit trees and berries, in a high state of cultivation. We have sev eral of these tracts, also some '-a'-re tracts, which may be bought on tne same terms. Salesmen w ith autos to show these tracts at any time. Photos at office. Fred W. German Co.. 732 " Cham, of Com. SUBURBAN ACREAGE AT PARK ROSE. Ten acres. l,- in cultivation and crop, balance easily cleared, dandy fruit and berrv soil; has beautiful 4-room cottage, sleeping tent, garage, chicken house, dandy park, wonderful view and loca tion, young fruit, berries and shrubbery; must be sold, worth $11,009: price $0500. $2500 cash. See Mr. Schmidt. I VTKHSTATE IN VESTM ENT CO.. Broadway 5043 4 IO Henry Bldg. $20tt0 5 1 ACRES, located 2 Dtocks from the electric station anfl z diocks irom the main paved highway; I7tfc miles from Portland : all in cultivation; IS full -bearing fruit trees. I 4 acres In strawberries, 909 blackcaps. 50 logan berry vines. 4-room shack house, barn and chicken house; very finest of black loam soil; terms. JOHN E. HOWARD. 31 S Cham, of Com. 3 ACRES, 0-room bungalow. 1 mile from Milwaukie. mile Evergreen station electric lights, gas. fireplace, sun porch, garage and outbuildings, fine spring water under pressure; best of soil: abun dant fruit and berries; running stream. This is an Ideal suburban home for only $4250. Call Main 59$s. 417 Abington bldg. $2500 WI Li buy a fine tract of nearly 5 lj acres, about 4 miles from Portland courthouse, close to hard-surfaced (Can yon road, partly cleared and fenced on three sides; an excellent property with good view; most convenient for a country home, easy terms. John Bain, owner. 507 Spalding bldg. ACREAGE BARGAINS. $lOO CASH and $109 per month buys a well-located one-half acre, gas. water, electric lights, etc; price $009. See Mr. Christen son. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 5043. 410 Henry Bldg. FOR SALS LOGGED-OFF LAND. Write for map .of western Washington showing location, price and terms. Over ten thousand acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. ACRES, acres, some tracts all In fruit and English walnuts. $10 month: also tract with garden planted, 2-room shack, water. $5o cash, $10 month. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALlt by oner. two acres on river road, between Jennings ave. and school house at Jennings Lodge: modern 6-room house, good water system, plenty fruit. 5 ACRES, city limits on Columbia blvd.: houe. barn, fruit: city water can be had ; no city taxes. $t000. Residence, Main 1377. ACRES, unimproved. $2599; water, gas. electricity: terms; paved st.. 3 blks. car. Tabor 2213. $)9 PER ACRE 249 acres, west of Scap poose; good bargain. Main 3072. Mc Farland Realty Co.. 298 Falling bldg. ONE acre,, 9-room modern house, close in ; pay like rent. See Musgrove, 432 Chamber Commerce. 169 ACRES In Bitter Root valley, Montana, for sale or trade. 673 Mississippi ave. HALF ACRES more or less. 71st. near Hawthorne car. Owner. Bast 3860. FOR SALE or trade. 1 0 acres. Improved. Broadway 3135 after 6 P. M. SEAL ESTATE. -Acreage. CHICKEN RANCH. Dandv little ranch of 7 acres. 4 of which are in high state of cultivation, balance in pasture; land lies sloping, making perfect drainage; plenty of ber ries and grapes; good garden In and doing fine; plenty of potatoes and corn. Good new buildings, 4-room plastered houe. good barn, wagon shed and buggy shed, outside cellar with concrete foun dation. 4 large poultry houses. This place brought in over $100 per mo. all spring off of poultry products alone. House has good situation, fine water, nice shade trees and roses, on good road 1 miles from town. This is a perfect little home. Price $3500; terms. ALSO $200 down and $13 per mo. buys U acre, all In fruit trees and berries with fair 6-room house, right in good valley town with big payroll. LAURA M. WILLIAMS. Phone Red r31. Newberg, Or. JUST OPENING UP A NEW ADDITION. CLOSE TO VANCOUVER AND PORTLAND. NBA R THE PACIFIC HIGHWAY. In tracts of 5 acres up, on terms of $10 down and $5 per month, buy a 5 acre tract. Prices ranging from $50 per acre up. Good soil. Free from rock or gravel. Lies level; just enough slope for drainage. Some bottom land. Fine land for prunes, berries or gar den truck. Fine location for poultry ranch. Wi 11 make you an Ideal home. Highway being paved close to this ad dition. CHARLES DELFEL, ' 318 Railway Exchange. ACREAGE. 2-acre tract, close In on 32d St., -all In cultivation, house and barn, fruit, for a sacrifice price of $3250. Also 6-acre t ract near Vancouver, with a 6-room modern house, a fine home, a low price of JL270O. A lso 20-acre tract close to Vancouver, witn 5 acres of bearing fruit, and 2 acres of young prune orchard Must sell; $3750. Also i of an acre at Oak Grove, fruit and berries. 4-room house ; price $2500; fine home, with 4 acres bearing fruit of all kinds. A low price of $6000. . At Oak Grove. Easy terms, RIDGE LAND CO.. 4O0 Hiwthorne Ave. A VERA' ATTRACTIVE PLACE. 2 acres, located 1 block from the Red electric station : sidewalk to place ; 14 blocks from paved road, good cheap train service ; all under cultivation, beat of soil : 14 bearing walnut trees large or chard of apples, pears, cherries, etc., 4 blocks to school, walk all the way; good double constructed bungalow, piastered, dining room, living room, kitchenette, bedroom ; gas, city water, large painted r hick en house, room for 500 chickens. $1100 cash and easy monthly payments. Persona! I v Inspected. Anderson, w ith JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. PARKROSB 2 ACRE TRACT $500 PER ACRE $50 down, $15 month. Including in- j terest nt 6 per cent; some fine trees, silt land, north of Sandy Blvd and car line; this tract just open. Parkrose ; branch office on Sandy Blvd nt end of , Parkrose car line, open every day. J. L. HARTMAV COMPANY, 7 Cham ber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. TO ACRES. PARKROSE 5 Eli. ACRE. 55 5 per cent down. 1 per cent a month, silt land, very best garden soil, nearly all claared; some trees; north of Sandy Blvd and car line; this tract ust open. Parkrose branch office on Sandy Blvd at end of Parkrose car line; open every day. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg HOMESTEAD relinquishment. 25 miles from Portland, 80 acres, no Improve ments, 4 miles from highway, living trout stream, some good standing tim ber; $500. Main 5429 or Main 1 852. Homesteads. Relinquishments. One pair of ZEBRA fitches and attractive Japanese cage. Bargain at $10. Call week davs between 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. 210 Chamber xf Commerce. Phone Main 3020. HOMESTEAD relinquishment, near Sea side. Oregon. Phone East 1693 after 5 P. M. Fruit and Nut I-and. A SNAP IN PRUNE ORCHARD. 18M.'-acre tract of rich soil of which 7 acres is in 8-year-old prune trees, which have a good crop this year. Bal ance in grain, some family orchard and cherries. Lies 1 mile from good town on paved highway. This is a money making proposition and a bargain at only $7400; good terms. TAura M. Williams, Newberg. Or. First and Blaine Sts. Phone Red 131. For Sale -Farms. FULLY EQUIPPED DAIRY. 100 acres. SO acres In high state of cultivation. 29 acres more almost ready for the plow, balance in open seeded -down pas ture; timber for domestic use: well fenced, mostly woven wire: 1 acre of Italian prunes, large family, orchard in lull bearing, large grape arbor, straw berries and small fruits of all kinds: good 7-room house, cement walks from front and rear, new woven -wire fence around house, large shade trees, abundance of shrub bery and flowers: dairv with ce ment floor, garage, granary, tool house, wood shed. larice dairv barn, fully equipped with modern conveniences: new 1 00-ton silo. 12 dairv cows. 3 heifers. 3 horses, mower, rake, disc harrow. 2 plows, steel harrow, cultivator, large De Laval separator. 2 sets of harness. 5 pigs, fullblood Shorthorn bull: all small tools: fine croo of oats and vetch: 3 acres of sunflowers for ensilage; 2 acres or potatoes: 4 acres of corn ; 4 miles from town, on good auto road with all rural advantages. Price $20,000: halt cash. THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. Third and Main Sts.. Vancouver. Wash. JUST THE FARM you are looking for. Any size and any price, crops., implements and stock go with fa t-n State size and price wanted in first letter, we can suit you. A. A. ANDERSON. Molalla. Or. FOR SALE The beautiful Crane island in the San Juan island group, containing 220 acres: 30 acres in cultivation; an ; Ideal summer home. 90 miles from Se- j attle and 35 miles from Bellinehara. , Wash For further particulars address ! j. C. Hammond. 1303 14th ave.. Seattle, i Wash. j $75 DOWN ON 10 ACRES. Good soli, no rock; near sta. and high way; work nearby. Price $1990: $75 down. 0 years' time on balance.- Draper. 491 Board of Trade., FOR SALE By owner. 100-acre farm, half clear: 30 acres swale ground: 1 mile off hard surface road. 6 miles east of Van couver; good buildings. B 010. Ore ronian. 400 ACRES fine alfalfa land, only 3 miles from town; good school, churches, etc.: water right alone worth price asked; will sell for $40,090. $15.09o cash, bal ance five years. Lee-Robertson Co., 413 Corbett bldg. BEST BUY IN CLARK CO. 10 acres im proved : all in crop; orchard, berries: fine house: near schools, stores: oaved road 1 miles N. W. of Orchards on Glenwood road; $5000: terms. Mrs. Haystip. R. 9. Vancouver, W ash. WHEAT, stock and aMalfa ranches, east of the mountains, for sale from $3u.0OO to $44) 099. If you are looking for a going ranch it will pay you to m us. Robertson Co.. 413 Corbett bldg. Lee- L1STEN Do you wish to buy some One land that is adaptable to hops, logan berries or diversified farming. If so. phone E. 1719. D 7S. Oregonian. FOR SALE 160 acres wheat and coal land In North Dakota. Will sell cheap if sold at once. J. M. Gelflns. Columbia City. Oregon. ; DAIRY FARM for sale: 3-year lease. 1 year paid; Minthorne Springs dairy, near Milwaukie; 16 cows and bull. 473 Dover st. FOURTEEN acres, fine farm, near Mil waukie; 5-r. bungalow, orchard, barn, spring. $8400. - McFarland, 2uS Failing bldg. - CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $75 to $500 per acre: easy terms: best soil. Farms for sale, all sixes. McFarland. 208 Falling Bldg. $590 CASH 10 acres Tualatin vallev. , price $3599. Big barn, level, some timber. Main 3972. McFar lan d. 20 Failing Bl d g. CHEAP 21 acres, weil improved orchard, bearing, fields seeded for hay. Dudley Perkins. Carlton, Or. , keal estate. For Sale -Farms. . CORN. CLOVER. DAIRY. HOGS are the leading products of this 80-acre lrm. fully equipped in the UMPQUA VALLEY, only ;iu miles from a good town c the to. P. R. R. Of the SO acres, ti5 are in- cultivation. At present 10 are In clover. 10 in wheat. 10 in oat- t in clover and vetch. 5 acres In young prunes, lo acres in corn; plenty of timber and, watered by springs and creek. . New house of 7 rooms not quite fin ished; new barn . "cost over $2000. silo, other buildings; fenced into five fields, hog tight. With the place go two fine teams. 7 cows, 3 brood sows. 22 pigs, all tools and machinery. Everything except house hold furniture. The t'mpqua valley has the longest growing season In Oregon.- Corn 'always cures. This is a splendid buy at $1000. Terms $4hu cash, balance long time. MacINXKS & PRATT. 20:-O Oregon bldg.. Fifth and Oak. YAMHILL VALLEY FARMS. 7 1 acres, equipped ranch. 3V miles from Down on good rock road, fair 6 room house, good barn and outbuild ings, city water, free mall delivery, telenhone: all crops co with ulace. con sisting of two acrcs'of potatoes, wheat, oats, vetch, hay; 5l acres tillable; bal ance. 15 acres, wood land: all stock and machinery included ; 4 good horses. 2 cows. 2 hogs. 150 ch iekens : can give pos. ession at once; school and church 1 mile. " 117 acres under plow. 2 miles from town; no buildings; wire fence: count v road on south and cast sides of place: at $110 per acre; entire, croo of 15 acres, hay; i3 of balance of croo kocs with place; $3500 4.ah balance at 6 per cent W MDNER & VOUGHT CO.. Realty Dealers. Bank Bfdg. Yamhill. Or. BEAUTIFUL WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. Only 6 miles from Eugene. 270 acres, all fenced and cross-fenced, one 6-room house, one barn OOxSi) feet, nice family orchard of assorted fruits, on rock road: one quarter of a mile from good school; a raitruau biuing fi me larm ; auuui 1 5 acres in oak grove, about 150 acres in grain, $100 per acre; might consider ta king about head of good dairy cows or 2-year-old Hoi stein heifers as part payment, some cash or aomet hing equal to cash, balance 6'5 per cent, at long-time mortgage. Same party has 30 acres at $200 per acre on Hillsboro road, near Beaver ton, ail cleared, hut a bout 5 acrvs; ready for piow ; no buildings; first-class soil ; libera I terms. Owner. . 20o E. 47th st. Phone Tabor 05 for ap pointment. VERY CLOSE i O PORTLAND. 0 acres, located Irt miles from center of Jit jr. In Washington county, Oregon ; il can be cultivated; 30 acres under cul tivation and in crop, balance in pasture; all tine soil, no rock or gravel, well drained land: young family orchard, be ginning to bear: well and creek ; good house, 4 rooms finished downstairs and room for'2 upstairs; large barn U2x50, on rock foundation; brick and concrete po tato house, chicken house; w ith this place go 2 horses. 2 cows, brood sow-. 3 heifers. 00 ch iekens, binder, mower, hay rake. plow, harrows, cultivators. 2 sets of harness, wagon, hack, crops and all the toors; only 30 minutes out; price $:moo. $4000 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. THIS IS A GENUINE SACRIFICE. 20 ACRES. ALL GOOD LAND. Present owner is almost blind and i forced to sell: 15 acres in crop, most ali the balance earn be plowed. In good pas ture now; fenced on 3 sides with woven wire ; large 2-room house, good little barn and outbuildings; on graveled road, mail and cYeam route; grocery and meat wagon twice a week. With this goes 1 good horse. 1 good Cow. about 40 hens and a lot of little chicks. 1-horse wagon, harness and" some tools. Located between Gresham and Damascus in a thickly-settled district. Price $37oO if taken at once We defy anvone to find an unim proved piece in this locality for this price. STEWART & BUCK. 515 Northwestern Bank bldg. NORTHWEST OF NEWBERG. 00 acres, located in the Chehalem val ley right on the main road, with gravel road on bnth sides of the place; only 100 yards to high and grammar school: a.I under cultivation and in crop; 49 acres of clover. 10 acres potatoes, balance in garden and corn ; small creek through the place" 5-room house, barn, granary, chicken house and shed; small orchard along the creek: enough fruit for family ue- price $225 per acre, with stock ami equipment and all the crop; 0O0U cash. joHSNeFERGtUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. DX1RVM EN. DON'T O V E RLOO K THIS BUY. 00 acres 5 miles from the city lim its on the- east side; 40 acres or more under cultivation: ail good land: large v .;n,wl tnr riairvinc: .i-room house garage and outbuildings; spring high-grade Holsteui cows. 2 heifers and a bull, good team of horses, a full set of farm implements, all in good condi tion- blacksmith snp w mi Everything complete for $14.0ot. tasn- STEWART & BUCK. ::I3 Northwestern Bank bldg. half STOP. LOOK AND "LISTEN. The biggest bargain on the market to day, 4 so -acre wheat an I alfal'.a farm, all' rich soil, plenty watr to irrigate 40 acres. SO acres bottom lnd. all highly Improved; 15 horses. 15 head of cattle, hogs sheep. chickens, geese, improve ments; worth $13,000: with stock, crop and machinery for only $75 per acre: good terms: must be sold at once; don't miss this. PKPER Ss RICHARDS. 508 Buchanan Bidg. CLOSE-IN FARM. 40 acre of rich bottom land.i-fine for potatoes, truck- aardeninc or dair. In a short time will be within 89 rods of bard surface ; 30 acres are now culti vated and In crop: II vine stream. If vou want to double yonr money during . the next vear Invest In this choice 40 acre farm. Estate must be closed at once. Price only $100 per acre or less than cost of clearing the land. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. R0 ACRES 5-room house, family orchard, large cherry trees and lots of cherries : running water at the house from sorin. 15 minutes walk to store, station and tos toff ice; 49 rods to high wav : about M 50 acres slashed and burned vears aeo; easy to clear: about 159 cords of hodv fir Wood cut and one million feet, more or less, of standing timber: all this for 40O: $1509 cash. Will consider an auto on balance. Owners : O. 523 Ore gon :an. FARMS. 019 acres At 19 per acre in central Oregon. Lots of natural grass, part un der cultivation, fair buildings, lots- of water the year round, .owner says: lots of outrange. Will take a dandy cattle or sheep ranch. Part cash down, pos session nt once. McCLURE-SCHMAUCH CO.. ilailway Ech. Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 99 acres about 2 miles off Columbia high wav near Crown Point: beautiful scenery wonderful country homesite or ranch: part timber, about 29 acres un der cultivation, fine spring, old build ings etc.. on place: price $0509: must sell 'at once: part cash, balance terms. N Oil. Oregonian. THE FAMOUS .1 E WETT FARM VI) RESORT AT WHITE SALMON. . col n tit v K- v O W N TO M A N Y PFOPLE- 349 ACRES FOR SALE AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICE AND KY TERMS. SEE PHOTOS AND I N - VFSTIGATE ZIMMERMAN & wnur,, SIS CHAM. OF COM. FOR SALE Bv owner. 60-acre farm near HilWboro. highly improved. Will sell on reasonable terms. Croos all in. Will " n With stock and machinery or with out Address Box 129. Rte. 3. Hills boro. Phone Hillsboro 33-R-3. foGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up: running water- good soil. tU'abJe: employment; e?sy terms. J R. Sharpe. 83 3d st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. W A NT ED West Side, either business or residence propeiij. jiumuuus ---: property is my specialty. John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANT 5 or 6-room bungalows in any good district from $5OO0 to $S000; can eet quick action if priceu ngnt HENRY W. GOPPARU. 243 Stark St. HAWTHORNE OR RICHMOND HOUSES. Have buyers waiting, some cash. Hurry We guarantee to sell what we list. Let's p ro ve it. Marshall 102 2 fGot $10,099 cash and $12,900 in real es tate for income property. What have vou? Box 45. Oik Grove. Or. I WANT 20 "ACRES NEAR BEAVERTON. Must have fruit and worth the ftionej-. Have cash. Mr. Barber. Marshall 1922. 1 WISH to buy fwm owner modern home in Alameda Par or Rose City Park; will pay $0090. C OOP. Oregonian. HAVE $509 to pay on modern bungalow up to $3009 in any good district: wish to deal with owner. D 63LOregonian. WANTa modern colonial house in Irving ton or- Alameda Park. Strong Ac Co.. 634 Chamber of Commerce. Main 25S7. 5-ROOM house with garage; part cash, balance trade. P 526. Oregonian. WANT bungalow. $3500 to $300 cash. gooddistrict; owners. B 081. Oregonian. A MODERN 5-room bungalow, east side. O 041. Oregonian: LOT in Rose City Park or district. N 61o, Oregonian. Ml Tabor WANTED REAL ESTATE. WB NEED YOUR HOUSE TODAY! OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS'. WORTH of Homes Sold Since January 1, H2 by FRANK L. Mrtil IRE. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. You want results? Try the McGuirc system of scientific home selling. Our record : btii Homes sold In 1019. 9 Homes sold in one day, March 112 Homes sold In March. 513 Homes sold to date this year. Your home Is sold if listed with us. 1.1st it now. We personally iusiect and appraise every house lusted. All phto-, graphs are displayed In our large dis play room, which is continually thronged " with live home buyers. If you can't com down, telephone and we'll gladlv call. Our service is free. No charge except the standard commission of 5 per cent in the event of a satisfactory sale 1 S experienced salesmen with autos to work on the sale of your home. SEE FRANK I.. McGUIRE TO SELL YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 100S. Pn Evenings and SundaV WE have clients for homes In Irvington must be east of 15th st. and north of Hancock. 6 rooms, from $60OO-$7000. Laurelhurst 5 or 6-room bungalow with sleeping porch, up to $0500. Mt Tabor West slope. 6 rooms, must have 31 bedrooms: up to $6000; wiii pay $2000 cash. Wcstover Terrace 6 or 7 rooms where good view of city can bo had. If vou have a place like this for $7000-$S000 we have a buyer. South Portland 6 rooms south tt Hamilton st. ; large lot; must be a bargain. There are people waiting for listing to come into the office from every dis trict. For quick action sec us. Realtv Dept.. LAWYERS TITLE &. TRUST CO. 25 Stark St. Marshall 1S0S. IN IRVINGTON, A LA M EDA, LAUREL HURST OR ROSE CITY. STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE WITH TH REE OR FOUR BEDROOMS; PREFER BUN GALOW, BUT MY CLIENT WILL BUY T W O-STOY HO USE IF SU I T K D AN D WILL GO AS HIGH AS $ 1 5.O0O. POIND EXT ER, 20S SELLING BLOC. MAIN 1SUQ. RESIDENCE. 27L-1S. SELL NOW. We make quick sale beca use we do not list more property than we can give our personal attention. If you want to sell immediately our appraiser will call W ELLER & Rl N KHAR T. 212 Cham, of Com. Main 4503. HAVE you a homo to veil? V c need list ings of homes from every district. There is a buyer for every place that is priced right. List with us if you want action. REALTY DEPT. LAWYERS' TITLE & TRUST CO.. 285 Stark. Marshall 189s. WE have client waiting for homes from $2000 to $7oo; good first payment. If your property is for sale call at our of fice or phone. O. W. T. MUELLHAUPT- CO. C. E. Adams. 407 U. S. Natl. Bank Bldg. Broadway aan. FOR A CLIENT. STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE WITH AT LEAST FIVE BEDROOMS, EITHER IN CITY OK SUBURBS: PLACE MUST BE HIGH -CLASS AND WELL LOCATED. POINDEXTER, 2oS SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1SOO. RESIDENCE. 271-18. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Price must be right and very ca-sv terms ; we have sold over 000 homes in the past year. If vou want action . list with us. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. A NOB HILL HOME 8 or more rooms: niyst bo first-class in every way; garage and all conveniences. Not to exceed $20,000. N 652, Oregon ian. WANTED Strk-tly modern 7 or 8-room house in Irvington or other good district, close to car: good payment down or all cash. X 111, Oregontan. I JtVANT a modern 5-room bumralow with garden, a little ways out. on easy terms. Give description and all details. P. o. Box lu97. WANT 5 acres with modern home and fruit E. of citv on or near paved road, up to $0ooo. Mn s:tl. HEN RY W. C.QLDARD. 243 Stark St. "WANT 100x100 MODERN 5-ROOMS. Good residence d istrict, $4o0: have $2009 cash. Mr. Barber. Marshall U22. Farms Wanted. WANTED A farm. Oregon breeder has herd of purebred hogs, weiJ equipped and profitable business in three states, on rented farm. Wants permanent lo cation. Wishes to join with farm own er, develop model breeding plant and enlarge business. Farm should bave 4U to 90 acres cultivated and be near ex press shipping station. Address Breeder, 701 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED The best improved 20-aere farm that $4 009 of bankable papers will buv. within 20 miles of Portland: own ers on ly. Address lO1 Kr$nt si.. room o;. WA NT good farm, 4o acres or more ; will give one-third clear residence lots, bal ance cash. R 523. Oregonian. Wanted to Kent Farms. WANTED. TO RENT. Mr. Farmer. I have an American with five full-grown sons: they are considered a mong t he best farmers in the state of Oregon; have farmed the place they are now on for t he last S years: they wa nt to rent 500 to 15ou acres for cash and have their own equipment: will take possession this fall if you have a farm of this sort with good buildings with to 2-3 under plow. Write me. I wi.i send them right out. A G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board o Trade bldg. TIMBER LANDS. SAWMILLS. No. 1 I. a lie county. 20 M. a pacitv : enough timber available to supply m:.l for ten ea rs. Xo 7 -Clack h mas county. 1 o M. ca -pacity; this mill has large order fr ex port ties at $27.50. No S Linn county, lo M. capacitx. . mile to R. R. : enough timber available to run niWI for 59 years. Vehave several other good buys from 10 M. to to M. capacit. Conic in and see us. Hermann & Jec. 429 Lumbuf mens bldg. ; 9xl9 HEFFKRMAN Seattle donkey. 1 4oo feet 1-inch plow steel line. ".Shi feet " -inch line; all necessary blocks and small too:s. complete loginir equipment. Price $2OO0. A ppl.v F. E. Bow man & Co.. 210 Chamber of Commerce b'.dg. ltio ACRES with 5 million foot good saw timber: bargain: terms or other property for one-hall consideration. P 0-0. Ore gonian. . WILL lease 25.090-capacity mill and planer 011 railroad, plenty of timber, good chance to make money. AV 22. Orego nian. FOR SALE Fir stumpage. 3-mile haul by auto truck to deep water. $3. Watts & Price, Scappoose, or. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. BY OWNER Prune farm. 59 acres, wetl improved, stocked and equipped, in the best prune section of Polk county; big crop in sight. Vi mile good school. mile electric station; price $29,90o. Would take improved 5 or 10 acres near Portland, come cash, balance good terms. W. C. Roberts, Independence. Or. R. 2. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Electric light and milling plant, oper ating; price $15,0O9; half of original cost' owner, must have change: will con sider exchange in Willamette or Pugct COund improved farm. Plainfleld Electric Light & Milling Co.. Plainfleld. Wis. WILL exchsige my Minnesota wheat and flax lands for small ranch, garage or city property. Give full particulars first letter. H. HADRATH. Thief River Falls. Minnesota. ATTRACTIVE EXCHANGE. Furnished apartment, close in on east side, value $19.oo9; want improved close in farm or near good valley town. Phono automatrc 219-19. APARTMENTS FOR FARMS. One S1S.O09. one $49. OOO. one $05,000. one $2oo,ooo; any of these for farms. J. BOBBINS & EPTON, 301-302 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. FOR SALE, or will trade for farm or city property, two 14 -sections of timber land in Lane county, containing over 7.000.9O9 feet. Address Hotel Osborn, Eugene. Or. WANT to trade farm, orchard, good house and barn and Win ton Six auto for any kind of property, mill and timber pre ferred. AV 910, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE for a good used car. my equity in an unfinished house, acre, lot and bearing fruit. Phono East 5829 after 7 P. M. Tabor 1679. WOULD TRADE $1590 equity in $5099 im proved place for most anything of value. Place has garden and 1599 loganberries growing. Tabor 2331. A GOOD ranch or suburban property and $39,999 cash will put you in possession of a prime good west side Income prop erty. A 6S0, Oregonian. $1990 EQUITY In ten acres, all clear, best location: will trade for automobile or what have you? Phone Tabor 1299. FOR EXCHANGE 4 lots. Clear. Welling ton Park; will trade for good used auto mobile. U. A. Beach. Dallas. Or. GRANGEV1LLE. Idaho. 100 acres., im proved, for Canadian land. H. Sparber. . Blackstone hotel. 49 ACRES fine valley land for good used auto. Tabor 3494. 49 ACRES irrigated land lor 9-rooin house. Main 6127. 1. E. Spencer.. A - -, . ; r i: w