" - . i - - . .V TITE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1920 17 .X N STAMP PROBE NEAR END i GRAND J CRT INVESTIGATING SALE OF BANK LOOT. rolioo Testify in Case Involving War Saving Certificates JjA Salle Under Fire. Grand jury Investigation Of the theft from Willamette valley banks of war savings stamps aid the subse quent sale of these stamps both In Portland and San Francisco had al most neared completion at the fed eral building last night. Chief-of-Police Jenkins. Chlef-of- Inspectors Clark, Captain-of-Inspec-tors Circle and other police officials and officers appeared before the grand Jury during the day. Robert La Salle, police inspector. Is being vNhA the subject of a thorough roue because of evidence wliich has Mn submitted showing that he had sold some of the stamps which were stolen from these valley banks. In addition to the grand jury Invest! cation, the matter is also being in- aulred into by Chief Jenkins. La Salle told Chief Jenkins about sell ing, the war savings stamps as soon as he learned they had been stolen, and doubt that he was In any plot to dispose of the stolen stamps is expressed in official circles. Morris and Jake Silverman, broth ers, are alleged 'to have been the chief agents In disposing of the stolen stamps. Both are under ar rest and at liberty under bonds, pending determination by the grind jury in me present investigation. The war savings stamps had been removed from their original certifi cates and placed on now certificates before they were eold. ' Silverman has admitted the sale of the stamps, federal officials say, but denied he altered them or knew they bad been stolen. That others probably will be im- pl'.cated in the wholesale dlstribu tlon of the stamps was admitted at the federal building yesterday. 2 DESTROYERS ALLOTTED Teasels to Be Sent to Aberdeen for Grays Harbor. Splash. ABERDEEN, Wash., June 8. (Spe claL) A telegram from Admiral Hugh Rodman, received by the cham ber of commerce, states that two large destroyers have been selected for participation in the Grays Harbor splash, celebration, which will be ifeld July 3, 4 and 5 under the auspices of the American Legion. The de stroyers are of the 1200-ton type and carry four-inch guils. The crews number 120 men each. While here the crews will be enter talned elaborately, the officers by dinner and dance at the Grays liar bor Country club and the men by dinner and dance. Lieutenant II. M. Delanty will head the committee entertain the officers and Chie Boatswain Mate W. H. Sanders that for the entertainment of. the men. Hood River Sends Delegates. HOOD RIVER, Or, June 8. (Spe oiaL) Canby past. Grand Army the Republic, of this city, will b represented at the encampment of the Oregon department by Com mander Reuben Frasier, S. F. Blythe John A. Wilson and George R. Cast nerv Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Frasier aoorrnrpmnied their husbands. Mrs, Blythe accompanied Mr. Blythe aa fa as Forest Grove. AMrSEMKXTS. BKfilNS TOMORROW EVE. HL'KKTS NOW SKLLlXi HEILIG Bdwy. at Taylor Phone Main 1 NIGHTS BK.IMN(i TOMORROW SPiX'IAL PRICE MAT. SAT. A. H. WOODS PRESENTS LOUIS MANN SPLENDID SUPPORTING CAST, In the Sensational Comedy, 10O PER CENT AMERICANISM. "Friendly Enemies" pi nurLY iN'nonsE'n BY IMIKSIDEM' WILSOt, evk's sfi'.r.o. xi.no, t, 7av, roc. SAT. MAT. 2, l.r.O, 1, T.",e, SOe. IjriTC Thnrstlay Evenina;. Auspices NU I L Portland Prosresslve Busi ness Men. fiiMiiiiiniiiiiiiiHiiitiiiiiHiiininiiiiiiiiiitiniHiNMiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: ! LARGE I VAUDEVILLE Benefit Women's Building, 1 University of Oregon 1 I STAR BILL ! I TONIGHT I I Wednesday, June 9 I I HEILIG THEATER I Prices $1.50, $1.00, 75c 1 - (No war tax) 1 &iuiliiinniiiiiiiniiliiittiMininiiitnmitiiiiitiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiimiHiiiiii DANCING TAUGHT All dances taught In 8 three - hour lessons. Ladies (3. gentlemen 95, st De Honey's beautiful academy. 23d and Washington. Begin ners' classes start Mon day and Thursday eve., auvanced classes Tues day eve.. 8 to 11:30. Di,.t, nr M..irah;, partners snd. prac tice. No embarrassment. Learn from professional dancers In a real sc.iooL AU the latent steps taught. Open all summer. Phons Main 7608. Private lessons all hours. Call afc onoe. DANCE Wl:l)ESIHY AND SATI'RDAY NIGHTS 1 Great Floating Pavilion, 15 saln .Alles from center of city. W1NDKMITH ON THE WILLAMETTE Gentlemen 63c: ladles 35c Brook- lyn car to Woodward ave.. or launches foot of Morrison st. ! W fs J. ..... AMUSEMENTS. and ing will and Jflahte Sun. iSo to tl.SS MoisVTues. 15c to $1.00. . Mate 6un.-Mon.-Tnea.-Wed. 13e to 75c. NELLIE V. NICHOLS Herself. Oliver Smith Co.: Jack Bexley . and Lillian Porter: BEKT HANI.ON Werner and Amoros Trio: Emll ana Willie: Kinograros: Topics ot the Day "LAST JilGHT" Muulrnl CnfflfdV tion NOTE! Thh Know Clones With the Matinee Wednesday. Jane . J ANT AGES Mat. Rally. :3. George Cuoos Presents His Latest Musical Success TirE FOLLIES OF 1920 With Jack Henry. William Pollard and a Genuine t'hoos HfautT i nonii. k iitiikk Kll. ACTS Performances daily. Night curtain at T and 9. Tr-V TONKiHI rOSCIA VKKDI, Musical JJiverrlKcments CLAKA KlMISM.l. UI-SU in ' initDi SIX MK 1.1'T. aMJ PICTURE NCMBEKS . LYRIC MUSICAL COMEDY Mat. Daily at 2; Evenings at 7 and 9. MIKE ANO IKE, In a Joyful Farce With Music. "THE MEKKY .WHIRL." Friday, Chorus iiirls' Contest. CIRCLE Fosrtk at Waahlaartoa Elaine Hammerstein in "Greater Than Fame" A t ma a. fnmdv d'Art. "Ima VmD." and the I Pathft N'qwi. Open from 9 o'clock in the I morning until 4 o'clock ot tne Ioilowinc morning. Picnic Grounds, Scenic Railway Boat Ride, Ferris Wheel, Carousal, Shoot ing Gallery, Games, Dancing. COUNCIL REST -:- at Hop a CC Car and Come GLOBE F.leve-ntl. and AVaabiii acton. Bessie Love IS Cupid- Forecloses TOO I .ATE TO- CLASSIFY. PIANO teacher will give lessons in ex change for fewr hours' practice on good piano In modern home. A oil, urego ntan. - ATJCTION SALES. At Wilson's Auction House. 10 furniture. 169.171 Second at. a. . MEETtNO NOTICES. BTO DAXCE LIBERTY ASSEMBLY, UNITED ARTISANS. East Side W. O. VV. hall, Wednes day, June 9. Admission 50 cents. Al, KADER TEMPLE. A. A. O. N. M. 3. Ceremonial session Saturday, June 1- .Municipal auditorium. Third and Mill streets, at 2:30 r. M. Business session Pythian buildinr. West Park and Yamhill streets, at 10 M. Candidates report at south room of auditorium at l:ir P. m. Vaudeville entertainment for Shrlners and their ladies at the auditorium at 8:15 P. M. Admission by 19:20 card only. Pe titions should be turned in not later than 5 P. M., June 11. F.y order of the poten tate. jiluh j. hui u. recorder. OREGON COMMANBERT. K. T. Order o the temple, Wednesday. June 9. at 1 o'clock P. M. and . at 7 o'clock P. M- R p,HTn nllnn ot stated conclave Thursday. June 10. at 9 o clock. A. M. Order of the temDle at i o ciot-K f. M. and at 7 o clock P, M. &tatea conclave at 7:30 p. M. C. F. WIKGAXP. Recorder. A.' AND A. S. RITE Forty-second semi-annual reunion programme for to day: 8:30 A. M., candidates assemble for registration; 10 A. m.. -Jth. nth and 6th de Krees: 2 P. M.. 9th ri.rrr.- a P. M.. 14th detrree; R. M., irlh degree. ay order. -ttj,siuii ut nciSH. DORIC LODGE NO. 1S3. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication W e d n esday June 9, t 1 P. M., for the purpose of conducting funeral services over the remains of our ' lte Pendleton brother, Stephen P. liould of lodse No. 5'. A. F. and A. M of Pendleton, Or, runeral irom Holmans at 2:30 P. M to Milwaukie cemetery, Urlng autos. By order of W. M. A. W. DAVIS. ' Secretary. MT. TABOR LODGE NO, 42. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication tnis (vvednes. day) evening at o'clock Stated communication at 7:30 o clock. Pythian temnle. ' 3SS street. Decree work. Vlsitln brethren welcome. L. V. JENKINS, W. M. THE MASTERS', WARD- I!..B AINU 1-ASir MASTERS' AsswiATiow WILL, meet Wednesday at 8 o'clock at the Acacia club. Picnic and mncn committees will report. Full attendance la danir.il ui but, prcMumi. LESLIE s. PARKER. Sec, FRIENDSHIP LODGE. NO. ISO, A. F. AND A. M.. E. 43d and Sandy blvd. Special com munication this (Wednesday) evening, 6 P. M. Dinner :30. Work in F. dee-re Viflltin. ureiuren welcome, uraer v . .-!. RUSSELL H STEPHENS. Sec. SELLWOOD LODGE NO. iai. a. F. A..NU a. M. Spe cial meeting this (Wednes day) evening at 7:30 o clock. Work F. C. degree. Visitors welcome, hj order w. M. " J. H. BUTLER. Sec. ALBERT PIKE LODGE NO. lttl A. V. AND A. M. Spe- clal communication Wednes day evening, June 9th. at 7 o'clock. F. C. degree. Visit ing Dretnren welcome. G. W. COOK. Sec SUNNTSIDE W. C. T. XJ. meets Thurs day at 2 P. M. with Mrs. Martin. 619 E. 56th North. Our hostess will conduct the leson on flower missions. Social and red letter days by members, led by Mrs. Wal ton. HDeclal music. visitors welcome. Take Roso City car to 57th. then north and west to 66tn ana Stanton. SAMARITAN LODGE NO. l. o. ' a f. Meets every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Oddfellows' temple, 226 Alder street. Initiation Visiting brothers always wel- F. W. KROLL, N. G. JESSE T. JONES. Secretary. REGULAR meeting this (Wednesday) evening at 8 o'clock, E. Sixth and Alder sts. initiatory de gree. Visitors always A. A. niNOliLil;. Di. li STARR, Secretary. U.N'ION COURT PAT3IFIC. INDEPEN DENT ORDER OF FORESTERS, invites 1 vnu to a card bartv and dance Wednesday. June 9. 8 P. M.. M. W. A, haU. 8 Eleventh I tonight. J I come. 31 CJ I welcomed. s) I S. A at. Aamisuioa us. MEETING NOTICES. GRAND FOURTH OP JULY PICNIC. At Bonneville. Oregon. Mondav. Julv 5. the Odd Fellows will hold their annual picnic and Independence day celebration. All Odd Fellows. Rehekahs- their families friends and the -general public wish an outing and enjoyable dav will be welcome. tuil uniformed 1. O. u. b. Dana furnish music, dancing, ball games other sports: Rood prizes for all events. Special train leaves Union station 8:45 A. M. Kare $1.50 round trip, includ ing admission to picnic grounds. Those going by auto 50c admission each adult. children 25c. Tickets on eale all I. O. O. F. and Rebekah lodges in city or at sta morning July 5th. EiiBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms. plas new designs. Jaeger Bros- 131-3 6iu SL FRIEDLANDER'3 tor lodge emblems, class Dins and medala 210 Washington at. PIKO. HIBBARD -At the family residence. 535 E. 37th t.. Anna Beatty Hibbard, aged 71 years, mother of Julia Hibbard, S. B. Hibbard and Airs. Sweneoa of St. Paul. The remains are at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. The deceased was chaplain of the' Sumner Women's Relief corps and & members of the Mothers' unit. So. 1. Notice of funeral hereafter. DONLEY At Vancouver. "Wash.. June 8. Jerome Donley, aged 38 years, late of 431 Magnolia t. son of lLr. M. Donley and brother of Milton, Dewitt, Will, Augustus and Hyram Donley of Port land, Frank Donley of New Orleans and Harry Donley of Spokane, Wash. The remains are at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. KOSKELA At Concord, Cal.. June ., Emma Koskela, aged 27 years, daughter of Mrs. Mary Koskela and sister of Mrs. W. J. Young, Lydla. William, Oscar and John Koskela. Remains are at McEn tee & Ei.er's parlors, lath and Everett streets. ANDERSON At the family residence. June 7, Edwin A. Anderson, age 65 years, beloved husband of Ellen Ander son of 6S27 Whitman ave. The re mains are at the funeral parlors of A. D. . Ken.ror.hy A Co.. 5tu-04 92d st.. In Lents. Notice of funeral later. FARLEY In this city. June 7. Hugh Far ley. 80 H Wood street, aged G2 years. Remains are at the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy & Co., 5t0J-04 92d st. southeast, in Lents. MENDENHALL In this city, June 7. William Edward Mendenha!, seed 52 years. Remains are at the funeral par lors Of A. D. Kenworthv & Co. LH0-2-U4 2d Bt., Southeast, In Lents. ft ALL In this city. June 7. Thomas T. Hall, aged U.T years, late of 430 Kart 11th st. Remains at P. L. Lerch .under taking parlors. Funeral notice later. PATTERSON In this city, June 7. John rauereon, agea 3 years. Remains are at the parlors of A. D. Kenworthy & Co.. 5802-04 W2d st. South east. In Lents. FtNERAL NOTICES. MKViST June 7. Annio M. Febvet. aed s years, wiift oi J. J. Ke!)Vft and daughter of Mrs. Mary Ward of County Alonairhan. Irt nnrt nnH iilsiaf nf Vl.-a -iary jicuinty oi iiutte. Mont., and Mrs. Aiiie wgan ot bi. I'aul Minn., and niece or iMajor M. E. Freeman of thi vil. r unerai win be held from the late ifsiuence. 11:1 jv. ::r1 at Wadnncr v june i. at :4." A. M.. thence to the i-ainearai, lijtn and Dav s atreeta. at a. wnere requiem mass will be of fered. Friends Invito intormm i . v,iry cemetery, services at grave prl vate. jriease omit liowera. McEntee & iieia. uireciora. SMITH June 5. at his lat riiHnrM T"ix Anou street. Christian Rmith. o-H mi j ars. Dejovea husband of Mrs. Mary A rmun, lather of George. Carrie and Clarence Smith, Mrs. Edna Mvers. all of iiiisi tiiy, r ranK fcmith, Ulendale, Cal.; A,tri ouiiia. r-iaveiy, AiDerta. Canada Airs. AiDert Anderson. Doyon, X. L. Fu neral services will be conducted Thurs day. June 10. at 2 P. M.. from PearBon's una-ertaKins parlors. Hiiftsell street linlon ave. Friend invited. Interment Aiuitnoinan cemetery. JACK-SON In this city. June 7. Caleb Bennett Jackson, aced 77 vp;ira beMovcrl husband of Mary Ellen Jackson and iatner or Edward Everett Jackson, both of this city; H. A. Jackson, Sispeton. S. u. ; l-ouie and Karl Jackson. Great Falls, iwont. : . w. Jackson. Lewlston. Mont Funeral services will be conducted Wed nesday. June . at a P. M.. from Pear son s undertaking parlors. Russell st. at tnion ave. hnends invited. Interment Great Falls. Mont. Deceased was a mem ber 01 the u. A. R., Bt. Johns post. GOUL.D At the residence, 1C71 Ports mouth street. June 6. lOiiO. Stephen P. ould. asced 5 1 years, beloved husband of Jennie Gould, father of George, Perry r red and Jack Gouid or Portland. Or., nd Mrs. J. B. Eernhofer of Juneau, Alaska. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at Holman'i funeral parlors. Third and Salmon sts.. at '2:30 f. m. today (Wednesday), June 9, luiiO. interment Milwaukie cemetery. GOODWIN At the residence. 4621 62d st, S. E,, Monday. June 1, Fredrieh Good win, aged S2 years, father of Mrs. Lillian Goodwin Fleck, Terry and Horace Good win ot Portland, and C. F., of Nam pa idano. unerai services win be neid the Mt. Scott Park crematorium at 2:30 P. M. Thursday. The body is at the par lors of Chambers Co.. 24S-250 Killings worth ave.. until 12 o clock noon Thurs day. QUWBT At the residence. 128 E. irth St.. June 7. 1920. Phoebe J. Qulmby, seed 71 years, wife or t.ie late XJ. Qulmby. mother of Mrs. Caroline Wik ander, and Mrs. Grace 11. Barzee of Portland, or., ana uan 11. wuimDy, ot New York city. Friends invited to at tend the funeral services at Hoi man's funeral parlors. Third' and Salmon stE., at 3 P. M., Friday, June 11, 1U20. In terment Riverview cemetery. GASKELL At the- residence, Beaverton, Or., June 7, Mrs. Ida Ager GaKkell, ape 70 years. 7 mo., 21 days; beloved wife of W. W. Gaskell. mother of Mrs. Myrtle Hougson, Beaverton, and Will iam Gas kell, at Brooks. Or. Funeral will be he'd at the above residence Wednesday, the 8th. at 30 o'clock A, M. Interment at Crescent Grove cemetery. Rev. Wiley, of ficiating. W. E, Pegg in charge of funeral arrangements. Friends Invited. WOODSON At Winchester, England, De cember 10, 1W1S. fcgt. Jerome t.. wood son, aged 20 years, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Harrison. The funeral services will be held today (Wednesday), June 9. 3 o'clock P. M., at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment Mount Scott cemetery. The deceased was a member of Company E. 162d infantry, A. E. F. MOFFORD At the residence. 1833 Dwight street, June . isaneiia Aionora, aga years ; beloved wire or Omer Mofford mother of F. A. Mofford of Hood River C. M. Mofford of Goble. Or.; Mrs. Edna Lane and Mrs. Laura Ankron, both of this city. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, Juns 0, at 2 P. M.. at the above residence. Arrangements in care of Miller & xracey. TCEI-SON In this city. June 7. Anton P. Nelson, aged a? years, oeiovea husband of Marie Nelson, father of Evelyn Nelson. Funeral services will De neid l hursday June 10, at 2 P. M.. at the chape, of Miller 4k. Tracey. Interment at Rose City cemetery. Deceased was a mem ner of the Longshoremen's anion local No. 35, also of the Danish Brotherhood. - SWBNON In this city. Mrs. Caroline Swenon. agea wi years, taie or xvrsz n;ast Alder. Funeral services will be held to day (Wednesday), June 9. -at 2 P. M. mt thft above residence. Friends Invited Interment Lone Fir cemetery. Funeral arrangements in charge of - R. W. Gable & Co., 1173 E. GUsan. st. CONNER In this city, June 8, Harry A- rnnnnr. acea a year, iair ui iu r. Yamhill street, husband of L.ula Conner .nr. fa 1 h or of Vina Belle and William Conner. The funeral services will be held Thursday, June iu. a:ju cjock r. Friends invited. The deceased member of O. O. M. DKfKRR On the Base line road. Mrs. -iftnn.A DecKer. aeea o years, oeiovea wife of J. N. Decker, mother of 'Charles W. and Edward Decker. Funeral services will be held weunesaay, june w, at P M.. at the chapel of R, W. Gable & Co.. lit 7 3 East Gllsan st. Friends invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. CELLER The funeral services of the late Arnold Keller jr., agea m years, son 01 Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Keller and brother rf Walter P. of this city, will t held today. Wednesday, June - 9, 2 o'clock t m . at Finley's. Montgomery at Fifth Friends invited. Incineration Portland crematorium. COMER The remains of Roberta Comer, hAioven aausrnrer 01 iir. anu oars, mn inmln Comer, will be forwarded Wednes day. June 9. at 7:40 A, M. to Lebanon, Or., where services and interment will take place. Arrangements In cart of Miller & Tracey. KELLER The funeral service of Arnold . Keller Jr.. acea zs. son ok mr. ana Mrs. Arnold Keller, brother of Walter P. Keller, will be held at Finley's chapel. Mnntk-nmcrv ana oin sis., at x r. sa . Wednesday. Incineration at Portland crematorium. Friends invited. TEETS At the residence. 325 Thirteenth street. June 8, 1920. Hugh M. Teets, .Bn 77 vears. Friends Invited to atten : the funeral services at Hodman's funtral parlors, Third and Salmon sts., at 2 P. M. Saturday June 12. .1020. Istcrmen . Grand Army cemetery. AE9CHBACHER In this city. June 6. Ro tin a Aescnnacner. area w years, oetove mother of Herman Tydeman of Greeham, Or. Funeral service wui oe neia wed nesday, June 9, at 1 P. M.. at the chapel : of Miller & rracey, FCSEBAt. CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral semce. JONES A.UTO Li V tilt X. MARSHALL 114. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL DIKtlTUKO. Now located in their new residential fu neral home. Morrison at 12th St., west side. Phone Broadway 430. Automatic 645-ia. The Funeral Home of Refinement and Dltinetlve Service. v-te We have no branches cor any con- necUons whatever with any other undertaking firm. EDWARD HOLMAN &SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS Third and Salmon Bta Main Lady Assistant. 507. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less Independent Funeral Directors. Washington Street, between 2Uih aa . aiit Streets, West Side. . Ldy Assistant. Main 269i. 8T8-8 7p. finLey & son FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at Fifth. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home, loth and Everett sts. Telephone Broadway 2133. Automatic 621-33. F. 8. DUNNING. INC. 414 E. Alder. Phone East 52. Perfect service, personal direction, free use of floral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR Ciioressors to Wilson at huh, jiuunujnm it East 7th. East 54. Irvlngton district. x t T7,XftT4" E. Eleventh and Clay. . Li. ijiLiv.Vjra EMt 781. T isaa. I'DIPOnM Twelfth and Morrison Sta Broadway 2S34. A- D. KENWORTHY A CO., BS02-O4 2d St.. Lents. Tabor 628T. A. R. ZELLER CO. 592 Williams ave. East 1088. C 1088. BREEZE & SNOOK iLsb iSh SKEWEt? UNDERTAKING COMPANY, 3d and Clay. M 4102. A 2231. Lady assistant. FLORISTS. 328 MorrisonSt. J&iff?343 MorrisonSt - stores - ' Bet.BrdwyiPark Mar.257 Charge Accounts Solicited. Smith's Flower Shop Portland's progressive florist. Ws special ire In funeral designs. 341 fc Cth, opposite Meier &. Frank's. Main 7213. JAPAN FLORIST 168-170 4th ouse Market. All kinds Bedding and veget Japanese shrubbery. It, tubs, baskets, gar. peclal saie. vMAHTIN & FORBES CO. Florists, 354 Washington. Main 269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., fiorists, 287 Morrison st. Main nu. t ine iiowers ana xiorai ae signs. No branch stores. TONSKTH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington It., bat. 4tb and itn. ualn &1U2. A llOL MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS Iflfl Fourth St., Opp. City Rail. Neu Bros, tfS BLAELSING GRANITE CO. nr THIHDAT WAD1SON STREET Phone your want ads to Th Orego- nian. Main 7070, Automatic D60-95. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 5 P, M. The society has full charge of the city pound at its home, 35 Columbia bou levard. Phone any time, Woodlawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals oared for. All dead animals, cows, horses. etc., picttea up iree oi cnarsre. TEW TODAY. rooms. (372. ' Shipped anywhere In 4-foot sections. Ask abont our Special Ports ble Garage, clze 10x19, Price (75. Write or Phone for Catalogue Elwood Wiles & Son SOS Title ft Tmt Bldr. On 4th St.. Bet. Mark and Oak. Phone Main 4724 CLOSE-IN APARTMENT-HOUSE SITE 100x200, adjoining one of the very hierhest-Errade of apartment-houses in the city; income from old building now on premises $100 monthly. A very aeciaea snap at $45,000. FRED W. GERMAN CO. T32 CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. WK CALL FOR YOTJR OLD -CAKPKTS, Raas and YVooiea Cloifclmsj FLUFF RUGS All Vrk Tnrsied On Prosaptly nic uags wsrts svii aiaea Mall Orders. Bend for Booklet. Carpets Cleaaed. Laid mad Uefltted. NORTHWEST HIIO CO. 1HH feast 8ts St. Psss feast 3560. J OWNER RETIRING $30,000 Bast Side Block. Fine brick building on hard surface. Corner, level in front and sloping street on side. Can enter with car to two stories, elevator to third story. Very stronerly built, almost , new. One-third cash, balance easy terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. 212 Ry. Exch. Bids;. Main 752 West Side One of the best warehouse and fac tory sites; 100x100 corner on track age, 12th St. S45.O00.. Terms. Sletten Main 5429 Mortgage Loans Lowest interest ratesi Installment r aaysnenls It desired. Bnlldlnsj Itsat made No delay la loalns;. A. H. BIRRKLL GO, I (17-219 Northwestern Bank BullsUajh 1 Marshall 4X14V . , &ZAm at.. Flreh nof flowers, able plants, nursery stoc den seeds. R Mill -Made Sectional House No. 226-1'. B E 8 rooms. lth and closet, price II NfiW TODAl . iSectionalS Erectefl In Portla-nd or SHIPPED A NT W HERB, in sections ready to V Send Us Your Old Carpets ins vjaii ana LeilTsr) Old Busts and iVmlca Clothlns;. Wm Make Reversible. Liaad-Movea FLUFF RUGS . Uoom-SUe Fluff Roc. Wans. Rasr Rna-s Worts All Slaea. Clotbes Clraainir and Uyelnst Heats. Mail Ordrrs Send fur UuukJe.!. Feathers Renovated . Carpet Cleaning x!2 Rocs. Steamed Cleaaed. (1.50 WESTERN FLITFF JITJtl CO. 64 Vnloa Ae J. 1'aone isst asit Personally Examined FARM MORTGAGES In Sums to Suit. No Better Securities. FEAR & GRAY 103 Fourth Street. Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE LOANS Csvlted states Mark Uaildlas SEAL ESTATE. For Sale -Mat and Apartment Property. 13TH JCBAR ALDER. $33,000. 60x100 Lot Large Bldr. .This property Is well located to sret wio oenenc or near future developments. ui i i j. i'. . i .v ) w i', at (jo.. 201-3-67 Board of Trade Bide CLASST BRICK APARTMENT. s-iLnm Went Side, fine location, giod income. easy lernis. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. run sale East side Income property paying "323 per month rent. A good investment. Consisting of store snd flats, always rented. 4000 ca."h will nandle. To those meaning business. No dealers. Phone East 324 for particu- iars ana appointment. 4 FAMILY FLAT. IU.-.00. oirxiuo lot. each flat has 5 rooms- rental value f!4u per mouth; located central Ji.at Hide. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade B!dg. 8-3TORT BRICK. $22,500. Located on 1st street near Burnslds: very fcuitatle lor wholesale house. KllTttK. LOWiS & CO.. 201-a-5-7 Board of Trade Bids. OWNERS MUST HAVE $15,000. Will sacrifice aDartment buildine com pletely furnished; attractive Income; waiKins distance. Price l.0. 0(10: no I trdUes- considered. P ;2:!, Oregonlan. HOME with 5 per cent net Income. 6 flats, I close in, ssuou; pay part, let it pay bal. .Main uibi. lor Kale Beach Property. - CHOICE BEACH LOT. EXCHANGE FOB Painting and Paperhanglng and furnish material. Lot located In Tillamook beach (Salt- air), near station aud ocean. AH 4U7. uregonian. FOR SALE Or will rent or lease, two choice lots. 50x140 feet, at Tillamook beach, on board walk, county road and railroad; near dance pavilion and hotel. Auareaa n igp, oreeonian. CANNON BEACH. 3 A., HALF PRICE. Cannon beach, 5 rooms, fireplace. ocean front; owner leaving thia week. vorm jifuuu, take I430U. Marshall 1022. jwonaay. PRICE FOUR THOUSAND. House and two lots rt mum, fur. ntsjied; fine location, two blocks from posionice. Write Box 004. Newport, Or. BEACH HOUSE for rent: 5-room cottage on oouievard. rent $30 per month If taken for season. M. E. Thompson. cm Mississippi, woodiawn 1733. HACH COTTAGE. Seavlew. Wash.: 5- room cottage, partly furnished, for tale vneap. ja oae, oregonian. For Sale Lots. ALAMEDA VIEW LOT One of the few choice building sites available In this limited dis trict rronts on two streets, over looking the city, surrounded by beautiful homes. Offered for a few "V. loss ,than it a worth. O 525, Oregonlan. PROSPECTIVE HOME BUILDERS. We will furnish you a first-class lot without any cash payment; after your house has been erected you can pay us email-monthly payments, same as rent. vVe have lots which we can furnish you In almost -all parts of the city. Build your home now and we will co-operate with you. JOHNSON-DODSON CO 633 N. W. Bank V.ldg. Main 3787. WAVER LEIGH HEIGHTS. M LOTS Lots IS and lfC block 17. on Franklin st.. bet. 2th and 31st.; paved st. and all city liens all paid; price $1850. terms or $1750 cash; also lot , block 8. on Ken- nwortn ave. near Franklin, for $8oo. " (' casn; everytmng paid. These are bargains. GRUSS1 & BENNETT. ' 318-321 Board ot Trade. Main 7452. BUILD TOUR OWN HOMR IN Lawndale, East 63d and Broadway; lots 55xW0 feet, fine trees; cement sidewalks graded streets, water, gas. lights. Terms oil mommy payment plan. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANT OF OREGON. Sixth and Morrison Streets. jmawi nave casn. w l sacrifice lot n mock from Montavllla car cn East Hovt St.. between 57th and 5sth: cement walk and sewer In. lot clear: no building re- un.tfua, tjBii casn. seilwood 3054. ROUE CITY PARK beautiful corner, east rum. uu,iw. improvements in and paid: enori oioca to bandy bivd.. 51st and i.umireun. VWltBT. CaSl IRVINGTON BARGAIN. suxiuu on 17th st., 50 feet south of mii-niim, easi ironi. rnca tloOO. terms AH 436. Oregonlan. HAv E some choice lots In Warrenton's prospective Dusiness oenter. R. L. Yoke, 1135 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR SALE: Half block on Hawthorne be tween iam ana itn sts.: other close-in uroMerLjr il iDLeresiea. juain 1954. for Hale Houses. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. 4-room cottage, water, lights and gas east front lot; close to car and school good a is trie t: iu.o. small payment uown. uai. easy. mgnr ttlB'il., or in. D3. Hi. Iilll 81. . . $-11:50 BUYS excellent 7-room house, splen aidly located: piumDtng, electric, gas garage; want96o0 down. Thomason, 6248 r oster road. ' Alt. Scott cars to Laurel- wooa. ROSE CITY SNAPS. Have - three houses Rose City Park, real snsps. aas7 terms. . J. BOBBINS. 361-30B Railway Exchange. Main 7931. t70 2-room house. 60x100 lot. woodshed chicken coop and good chicken yard small fruit; SoOU aown. balance JL'O per mourn. .nijuiio oil') ooin si. a. MUST SELL AT ONCE. 4 rooms and bath. hlnck south of Montavllla car. iu fc. oitn st. North - Tabor 3o-T. SELLWOOD. 8 ROOMS. MODERN. 2750. Lexington ave., near car; beautiful lot. fruit; flow casn. Marshall 1022. SALE or rent. 6-room modern, half acre, fruit. owner, -laoor 1&07. o ROOMS. 312 Halscy at 1st. 1350 cas Price 2850. Vacant. Main 4503. "' HAWTHORNE MT. TABOR HOMES TAB OB 4288 RODABAUGH, put together. Easy for on man to erect in a day. Our cash, prices, U I factory direct to you, no middle. J I man, mem a GREAT 8AVINQ. I 1 Bend for circular. Call at factory. I. l Bee life-size sample. y I REOIMADG BVILDEtO CO. I mj tn ii. i. u i . 1 1 -. . i .1 fbone Knt 6114. Portland. Uregoa. I REAL ESTATE. For Kale PACIFIC AGENCY INC. 014-20 SWETLAND BLDG. PMOXE MAKaHALL 3dl. $4S00. with a cash payment of ((Hn down, we can arrange terms on the balance to- suit you on this place, which we are offering one of the best buys in the city. This Is a strictly modern 7-room bungalow in excellent condition. wnicn nas a nice targe garage, lots of fruit ahd shrubbery and is only one and one-halt b looks from the car line. 402. 96500. Some terms on this 6- roomv modern home, on a full lot, with a number of fruit trees, shrubbery and flowers: full base ment, hot air furnace, paved street and everything shipshape. 391. 94800. Here is a moderately ?riced strictly modern home or rooms, bungalow type. It has a nice large living room, dining room, kitchen that ia a delight, four nice airy sleeping rooms, with closets, bath, furnace and fire place. A large garage; one and one-half blocks from the carline and everything in good shape. An exceptional buy in this district. 433. Near Broadway and Twenty- third, we have a 11-room house. Sounds big, but we have thein ; dining room, buffet, three bed rooms, 2 sleeping rooms, break fast room, furnace, fireplace and garage: ail kinds of fruit, 73x100 lot. Only $400. $1000 cash. ALAMEDA HILL. Typical California bunsslow. ex terior shingled and stained green, with white roof; 7 rooms, with beautiful view of city Irom every room; 2 bedrooms and gAaseed-ia. sleeping; porch, tiled bath room, with pedestal fixtures: hardwood floors In every room, fturaKe. with space for two cars; large lot Six i4U; beautiful lawn, with foun tain In yard; lots ot shrubbery and trees. This la a real home, very ' distinctive and In an exclusive neighborhood, close to schools and car lines. Shown by appointment onlyf el2.5uo. reasonable . terms. Realty Dept. LAWYERS' TITLK A TRUST CO., 283 Stark st. Marshall 1SUS. WALNUT PARK. NEW BUNGALOW 6SS0. Folks, we want you to see this ex ceptional bungalow. Tou would never expect It posBlDie to nuy sucn a uuiue .a this for so little money. This beau tlful home is located at 1123 Mallory ave., corner Emerson street. Just drive out and see for yourself what wonderful value is being offered here. Take a -builder with 'you have htm pass on its construction. You will find nothing better. e just can't over- describe Its beauty. There are u large rooms and den. There is a garage. Mind vou. this bungalow is located on ono of Walnut Park's most valuable corners and with all assessments paid, 'it'll be a downright pleasure to thow you. A. G. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark Near Third. Main 8002. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. IRVINGTON DL'ltH COLONIAL HOME. 8 beautiful rooms, in best of condi tion and modern to the letter. Non resident owner wants quick action. If sold this week O0 will buy It; 12500 cash, balance arranged. C. M. DERR. COE A. McKENN A 4; CO.. Fourth St. Main 4522. LAURELHURST. 8-room. 2-story home, well arranged, large rooms, 4 delightful bedrooms and sleeping porch. If you are looking for a home of this size in Laurelhurst. call at onre for appointment. The price is only $7500. Terms can be arranged. Mr. Bliss, Tabor 3328. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4322. NEW ALBERTA BUNGALOW. $.S75 TERMS $375. 1030 E. 211 T H ST. X. ALHERTA CAR. lmmed. possession, modern 5-room bung.; sleep, porch, hdwd. floors, at tic. .Dutch kitchen, pan. din. room, dandy built-in effects, elec. fix. and plumb.; complete shades, screens, linoleum: roses, lawn; block to car; fine neighbor hood; full cement bas'm't., cement floor. A beautiful home for particular people. See this today from 11 to 5. or phone East 4526 evenings. This bungalow is Just a few months old. Deal direct with builder. ROSE CITY PARK. -ROOM BUNGALOW, $4S5U. WE ARE OFFERING THIS SPLEN DID BUNGALOW. LOCATED IN THE VERY CHOICEST PORTION OF ROSE CITY PARK. You will have to see this to appreciate the plan and construction of this splendid home. A. G. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark Near Third. Main 3092. Branch Office, soth and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) KENILWORTH. 375. $4000. $500 cash payment will get you permission to move into this 7-room house, with Its large lot full of flowers and fault, one half block from the car line. This is a real home. PACIFIC AGENCY- INC. 514-20 SWETLAND BLDG., PHONE MARSHALL 3US9. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. $3300. 3 rooms, with fireplace, full basement, attic, all built-ins and garage. A real bargain. $0ft cash. Phone Broadway 3oH!i. nfter fl P. M. PACIFIC AGKNCY INC. 814-20 SWETLAND BLDG.. PHONE MARSHALL 30S9. ELEVEN ROOMS A BARGAIN! Exceptionally well built, beautiful grounds, 7Hxl00; close In on E. Madison St., 1 block to Hawthorn cur. This grand home roust be sold Immediately and the price is 25 per cent below its value. All Imprsveemnts paid, $8500, $2000 cash. THE LAWRENCE CO. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6!15. JS800 A REAL HOME. Bungalow of 5 rooms and den, sleeP' lng porch, big attic, Dutch kitchen., buf fet, bkcases.. fireplace, complete cement nasement. furnace, idry. trays, our lot. garage, fruit, flowers, sewer connected, best of plumbing in bath; no mortgage or lease to assume, good terms. Tabor 2!134. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 3 rooms, modern; cement basement, furnace, fireplace, h. w. floors, tine loca tion, paved St.; $5250. $200 cash. . THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6913. $1950 R. C. PARK: almost new. partly furnisnea: Dam. gas. electricity; targe corner lot: part cash, balance 6 per cent: move right In: some distance out but fine chance for honest man with $600 to get nice little home: good neighborhood, near school. Owner. Tabor 2678. NEW bungalow. 7 rooms and breakfast room, now being completed: narawooa floors, tile bathroom, finished in enamel and old ivory, modern In every detail: garage: beautiful location. 0l0 Hancock street, near 29th. Price $7500: J2500 cash, balance terms. Phone Main 807. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW You want a real up-to-date bungalow? Here la 6-r., corner, classy, convenient, beet ot construction, choice location and a real home. Look it over today. Call owner. Tabor 8292. IRVINGTON CAR. Brand-new 6-room bungalow, strictly 'modern, furnace, hardwood floors, built ins etc. ; all street improvements In and paid; $950 cash will handle It; move right in. Phone owner, Blast 4000. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW. $5560! lij -story 7-room bungalow, FUR NISHED, on overslsed lot with trees, shrubbery, 4 bedrooms, 1 downstairs. Tabor 407. . MODERN 6-room bungalow with a lot and . hair at 122 E. 43d st. for tale by ' owner: block from Sunnyslde car line and a strictly modern house. Call Ta bor 8615 4-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. ofvvvsmn NEAR 32D AND ALDER. 5osy 4 rooms, full cement basement. furnace, bullt-lns. jjutcn ancnen; sell for $3000, halt cash. Call Tabor 8152. IRVINGTON HOMES. Mm snlendid listings In this section: tf in the market for- a home, call Mrs. Harry Palmer. Kagt Titt. IRVINGTON bungalow; large grounds, 60 fruit trees, garage, nam auu cnicnen -house to match. Must be seen to be appreciated. Owner. East 238. MODERN 5-room bungalow. Willamette Him. Call owner, Mala 0494. KEAt ESTATE For Sale -IIous PACIFIC AGENCY IXC. 514-0 SWETI-ANO BLDG. PHONE JiARjjHALL aWMJ. HAWTHORNE. S49. $5500. and J1000 down for this modern 7-room h.oose. one block: from the carline. This place has everything for convenience from furnace to fruit trees, including garage and hard-surfacs street. 300. J1SO0 cash with terms on the balance for this 6-room bungalow type house, full cement basement and fireplace on 50x100 lot; sev eral bearing fruit trees and shrub bery. Price S5U50. 417. $3500 for this 5-room bungalo-w on paved street; full cement base ment. With a substantial payment down, good terms can be had on the balance. 8HRDLU ETAOIN. The bungalow Is beautifully finished, floors of hardwood, cabinets built In, convenient without crowding: sleeping torch. screened-in summer porch, tire place, full concrete basement, fruit trees and berries, clean, commodious closets. nOxlOO lot. and reallv the place is ex traordinary. The living room Is very large, the dining room Is big and airy Look It over with me. Located In Ports mouth, price 14750 and worth it. Mahnney, ' COS A. MoKKNNA & CO., 82 Koiirth St., Main 4,.i2. Evenings. Columbia &18. PACIFTC AGEVCT INC. 514-0 SWETLAXD BLDG.. . HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, $4500. Dandy 5-room 'bungalow, with hardwood .floors, fireplace, fur nace and all built-in: also good garage. Quirk possession: $l'o cash will handle. Phone Broadway 30S, after rt P. M. PACIFIC AOKNCT INC. 814-20 SWETLAND BLDG.. PACIFTC AGENCY TNC.W B14-JO SWETLAND BLriT PHONE MARSHALL 3lSl. $300 rtown. with the Balance like paying rent. This is a neat and new 3-room house, just off Lombard st. In the Kenton dis trict. Price $1750. 360. SI 3.10. only $150 down', for this S-room house on a full lot. near the business part of St- Johns. MOUNT TABOR. 407. (1230. Mr. Carpenter or Work ing Man. this is an uni-omplete house of 7 rooms, on 5oxl-. lot, with a fine view. HV putting a few hundred dollars more Info this house you have a home that Is w-orth at least $4000. We would call this n snnp. PACIFIC AGENCY INC. M4-20 8WETT.A ND BLUC PHONE MARSHALL 310. ALAMEDA PARK. We. are offering 2 new bungalows Just being completed. They are the last word in bungalow construction and both as to design and workmanship are superior to any you have seen lately In this beautiful subdivision. i,acn nungalow is complete in every y irom narawooa lloors to garage. we would consider it a real favor to iiate me privilege or showing you. A. G. TEEPE Cl. 264 Stark Near Third. Main 3092. Branch Office, 5th and Sandv. REAL IltlME. BEAUTIFUL CORNER LOT. 100x150 KTKMTI.Y MODERN RESIDENCE. FIRST FLOOR FINE FOR uvrn:. TA1X1NU: SECOND FLOOR HAS FIVE r. ED ROOMS. TWO BATHS. THIRD M.OOK MAS MAIDS' ROOMS. LARGE tnu.lAUU ROOM AND RATH- HOT WATER HEAT; LARGE GARVGE SHOWN ONLY m" APPOINTMENT PO IX DEXTER. 20S SE I.I.I N'G BLDG MAIN ISO. RESIDENCE 271-1S I HAVE left but one house at Multnomah arter having made a t lean sweep of my property: this is a modern 7-room home on Uaird Lane road, with a large tract of siuunu covereu Willi trull trees. I wish to maiie a quick sale and am offering ims property at l.niliu. Vou mar cail on me at naird Lane road, near 3Iultno mah station, to see the property or get ... ,.,uiti hiui my agent at -104 flatr hldg.. 127 Park street; he will bring you out in his machine and show you the uouse. r. l. Armstrong, owner. FOR SALE Beautiful Laurelhurst home r- t ! " tarne living room, tlen with Mn-iitre, naruBooa Honrs, beautiful buf fet. panelled dining room, three bed rooms, large lawn and planted garden iiiib Karate, everything paid. Owner it-ntiiiK i-uv, will .saOTIIK-e at $."ltril (wosh $05001. Cash wanted onlv sa.-.n balance easy terms, mostly monthly pay ments, annul ;. j-none Kroadwav 21S 1-01,10 mis is genuine bargain. n -t iUKKl. NIFTY BUNGALOW $3200. a. practically new new vw,l ano-f ment house type of bungalow; snlendid perKom entrance, Aiurpny disappearing oru. tirrnRiiiR room, iarjre nvrng room wnn nrepiare ana seat: fu:iman buffe Kitchen and breakfast nook, built-in lartie ana seats: beautiful lot on paved street ana canine. J.mu cash: any larg monthly payment will do. Fred W tierman io.. 1J2 Cham, of Com. LAURBLHURST PARK DISTRICT. Close-In location: best car servii-e. At tractive little bungalow. Just right for uunif coupie- con.pact easy to care for. Stucco eflect, large porch, large iiviii ruum, ivory wooaworK, fireplace, CORNER GROUNDS. PAVED STS A rtenshtrul. cliissy home. For sale by owner. Take Sunuyslde c.ir. Broadway - cvriinia, x:iyor oio:f. rso agents. $5000. ONLY $1000 CASH. $5500. ROSE CITY PARK CORNER Classy 6-room house, 3 large sleeping rooms on lower floor. 3 light and airy bedrooms and sleeping porch upstairs; every modern feature, oak floors fire place, cement basement, furnace," hard surface In and paid for; see this now HOLD EN & KOHLilAN. 028 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 650. A REAL HOME. A well-arranged home of seven rooms and large sleeping porch. modern throughout and in perfect condition, ap proximately one-fourth acre of land, fine garden, bearing fruit, large garage; this home is well planned and substantially built, and not of the present methods of construction. Owner will sell for $t;500 with reasonable terms. Phone Broad way 232b IRVINGTON. MODERN TWO-STORY RESIDENCE. HARDWOOD FLOORS. FOUR BED ROOMS SECOND FLOOR: ONE BED ROOM FINISHED IN ATTIC; FULL SIZE CONCRETE BASEMENT, FUR NACE GARAGE: $7.-or0: TERMS. POIN DEXTER. 208 SELLING HLDG. MAIN 1S0O. RESIDENCE 271-18. A BEAUTY. 6 fine rooms and sleeping porch; solid oak floors, built-ins, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, trays, fine furnace, full lot: all improvements paid; 4 blks. to Beaumont car. $5750, $1500 cash. THE LAWRENCE -CO.. 212 Corbett Ti.dK. Main 6915. HURRY BARGAIN HUNTERS HURRY. $:tsoo, plus city liens, ouys tnts week only, modern nome. oaK iioors. fireplace. one be a room with toilet and lavatory down: 2 or 3 with bathroom up; cement basement, no lurnflce. J04 Kast 21tth, near Wash. Call 830 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8078. $i700 LAURELHURST beautiful home: 8 rooms anu am, wiui an usual Dullt lns: lot 50x100, all Improvements in and paid: extra auraDie nouse. Dul'.t 3 years. $3500 cash. 6i on balance. 959 E. 1 rv- lng st. Take Montavllla or Rose City car to aist. HOME BARGAIN. 6-room cottage. Including furniture, Immediate possession: 100 ft. from car- line, fruit, hard surface, near grade and grammar schools. M. E. THOMPSON. Woowlawn 1733. 843 Mississippi. SACRIFICE SALE. 5-room bungalow, lot 50x100. eight fruit trees, full of fruit, real snap at $200(1. $S0O down, balance $15 and in terest monthly at 6 per cent. Phone owner. East 3595. $4000 -TO $7000, VIEW SITE HOME. Close in. seven-room, two-story frame. Income $40 monthly and home for two. Gas. electricity, water. sewer. lawn, garden, view. Owners. 453 13th, at Jackson, Portland. Or. IRVINGTON" HOME Modern In every way, 6 rooms and large sleeping porch, ' full cement basement, trays, etc.; hard wood floors up and downstairs; garage. Appointment, phone East 2830. FOR SALE Well built, sningied tubercu lar cottage, screened: electric lights. stove, pipe, -movable. Phone after 6 P. AL Tabor ettitt. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. FASCINATIN'O LAURELHURST HOMKS. Se England colonial masterpiece, lo cated on choice corner looking right into-, park: 16xS0 living room. den. tile tire plaoes, old ivory finish, 5 bedrooms and 2 tile baths on 2d floor, maid's room on 3d. garase; $15,000. One of the most complete and charm lng o-room bungalows, with garage, ever built, located at No. 30 Meikle place 42d nr. Burnside); nearly new; old Ivory finish, beautifuly papered and dec orated: s2-.: new furniture at rare bar Cam if . .-tied. i No more distinctive and yet practical l-story 6-room bungalow with large sleeping porch and garage can be found than at 33 Meikle place (42d nr. Bum side) ; very large rooms, old Ivory finish, 1 large bedroom and bath downstairs, i large. 1 small and large sleeping porch with bath upstairs: nearly new; $750O. Settled comfort and sunshine is wnat this classic 2-story 6-room home brings its owner; located at 1173 E. Davis st. (nr. 38th): Just repainted and decorated inside and out and like new; unusually well arranged, with large rooms. Z bed rooms, sleeping porch and garage. Spe cial price If. taken this week. Vacant. Pleasing; 2-story 7-room home wlta sleeping porch and double garage, lo cated on 73x100 at No. 110 llaxelfern place (Just S. of Gllsan). Owner will give someone a bic bargain, en this place. Vacant. Compact, comfortable an enjoylnm- wonderful view is the way you'll find tna lH-story 6-room home with garage, lo cates1 at No. 259 E. 33d st. N. Jut S. of Sandy blvd.): V immense bedrooms, finest oak floors throughout, beautiful -lawn with oversized lot; only $6500. easy terms. If these do not suit. I hare numerous ether exclusive homes ranging from $36,000 down, which 1 will be glad to show. R. M. Torrey. 103 Floral ave. Tabor 407. DO NOT DISTURB OCCU PANTS. BARGAINS ON EASY TERMS. $1750 5-ROOM HOUSE, 50xl00-foot lot. No. 1242 E. Clay st-, near Haw thorne ave. car. $3750 7-room home. No. 390 24th St. between Thurmaa and Vaughn sts. 37t0 7-room home, furaaee. fireplace. sleeping porch; Weidler St., be tween E. 2:th and E. 31st sts.; call Sunday at No. 933 Weidler st. $4000 7-room home, furnace. No. 122 t Commercial St., between Falling and Shaver sts., close to publio and high schools. $6000 8-room home, furnace. S fire places, finished attic: No. 270 E. 2Sth st., near Hawthorne ave. $7500 2-flat building, one 6-room, one. B-room. Well rented. Nos. 40H 40HV4 Park st, between Harrl n and Hall sts. F. V. ANDREWS CO.. 6th Floor. Piatt Bldg. Tel. Mar. WliS. ROSE CITY PARK. $4200. We are offering a beautiful home In Rose City Park at an unbelievably low price. This home Is complete with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, eta; street and sewer assessments paid. Probably never again will you have an opportunity to buy a home like this for so little monev. A. G. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark Near Third. Main 3002. Branch Otlice, 5ilth and Sandy. tOpen Sunday.! $7000. St'.S MULTNOMAH ST.. NEAR UNION. WALKING. DISTANCE. EAST SIDE, STRICTLY MODERN 8-ROOM RESI DENCE. FOUR BEDROOMS. HARD WOOD FLOORS. LARGE ATTIC. FULL SIZE CONCRETE BASEMENT. GASCO FURNACE. GARAGE: VACANT. IMME DIATE POSSESSION PO IN DEXTER. 2f SELLING BLDG.. MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE 271-18. A GRAND HOME. BEAUMONT. 7 beautiful rooms and sleeping porch; large living and diniugi have beam ceil ings, tapestry paper. k floors, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, trays, furnace, full lot. garage; all Improve ments paid; you will appreciate this home; $7000. terms. THE LAWRENCE CO. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. $70(.0. ALAMEDA PARK. STRICTLY MOD ERN TWO-STORY RESIDENCE, LARGE LIVING ROOM. DINING ROOM. TURKK BEDROOMS. FURNACE. HARD W O O D FLOORS. GARAGE. HOUSE NEWLY PAINTED INSIDE AND OUT. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. POIXDEXTEU. 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1SOO. RESIDENCE 271-18. P 1 E D M O N T $ 0500 PIKDMO N T. A 6-mom house in tine condition, floored attic, full cement basement, wash trays, furnace, tlreplace. inlaid hardwood doors, cabinet kitchen, all built-ins, 50x loo lot and alley, garage and runway: city improvements in and paid; terms r!ht: will sell completely furnished at $7.",oo and take auto as part payment. RCMMKLL & RUM M ELL. 274 Stark St. A FINE ONE. Seven-room bungalow In first-class condition: one bedroom 1st floor. 3 and bath on 2d floor: fine oak floors, furnace, fireplace and modern basement: wonder ful lot of flowers in yard; on best street in Westmoreland: price $5250. terms. Shown only by appointment. LA DD ESTATE CO.. 246 Stark St. Marshall 54.")4. IRVINGTON I RVINGTON IRVINGTON". A 7-room house in A-l condition: floored attic, full cejnent basement, wash travs. furnace, fireplace, all btillt-ins, hardwood floors, etc., 5Ktno lot. 3 blocks to car: price ONLY $0500, terms easy. ITS VACANT. Tou can get immediate possession. Phone for appointment. We will call after vou. RL'MMELL & RUM M ELL. 274 Stark st. $3250 $750 cash, easy terms: lli-story 11 room house: living room, dining room, kitchen. 3 bedroom, bath, laundry trays, .Mix 10O-foot lot: fruit trees, concrete foundation, large basement; place In good condition; now empty. 1 block to C ' JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. HEIGHTS. One of best views on heights, overlook ing cir and Tualatin valley: strictly modern residence, three bedrooms and sleeping porch: beautiful grounds. 3 lots, price 816.010. POINDENTKR. 2nS SET.I.TNO BLDG. M A IN 1WOO. RESIDENCE. 271-18. SNAP. $2950, $650 cash. O-room bungalow: living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath, laundry trays. 50x100 lot. fruit trees, berries. - grapes, straw berries, garden spot, concrete foundation, large basement, just painted and tinted. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank BMg. Main 8787. FOR MR. HANDYMAN. 7-room frame house, in Poor condi tion' ritv water, cesspool.-graded street?: located in Overton Park: large wood shed and barn, some fruit. Price $100i: $100 cash. $12.50 and Interest at 6" monthly. Fred W. German Co.. 733 Cham, of Com. (4000 6-room house: living room, aining room. DeoroouiB. u,n. j -- paved streets, sewer, fruit trees and ber ries concrete basement, furnace: place in good condition; 43x92 lot; $1000 will hand'ejOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 378T. NOW VACANT. 7-ROOM HOUSE. FINEST COKBI TION LARGE. ATTRACTIVE LIVING ROOM H. W. FLOORS. GARAGE. 440 East 7th St. N. : near Broadway car. This place Is a bantam, and your own terms. Owner. East Ss52. or Broadway 1997. foe appointment. JIOO WILL HANDLE. Good little 3-room house; water, gas, some plumbing, some furniture foes with the place: lot 33 1-3x100. with fruit and shrubbery. Price $1600. payments 1 nut like rent- Immediate possession. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. BUNGALOW. 3 nice rooms, attic and basement, "re place, bullt-lns. Dutch kitchen. 40x110 lot. near Franklin high school and ML Scott car: $270O. s.-.icasn CO.. Jilt". 1.A U nC.I W u 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. MAKE OFFER. One of the best view lots in Alameda park to be sold quickly. View overlook ing city on the Alameda. A rare op- """""JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Hank Bid ;. Main Si 87. $2S00 5-ROOM, CEILED ATTIC. Large living and dining rooms a bedrooms. modern plumbing. cabinet kitchen, full lot, hard-surface streets, ewer etc. paid: vacant: near car; easy terms: goon district- Buy it and move in. Main 6752. . ROSE CITY. v Modern 4-room bungalow, tun plums mr nice light fixtures, gas. good Dase mcnt pretty east front lot. close to car I school, garage. $1800. easy terms. This is a cute little home and the price Is very cheap. 318 32d. or Inquire 6s3 E. 75th St. N. - . rnp SALE by owner, 7-room house in Irvlnglon. close to school: full cement basement: furnace flreplace leundry trays. large nail. ' 1 " 1 " kitchen and pantry: 4 bedrooms room. and large attic, ail inirv , - $5500. Main JflJ'. " PI FN DID CORNER Modern 8-room res idence. $6000. small cash payment, bal ance 6 per cent, easy terms., H.iS L. Burnside. corner E. 18th. Main 4928. OLEAS 5-room modern cottage. nice grounds, good location; Immediate pos session. Phoa ellwood 5M0. f-'.v i' 1 ; - --