Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 09, 1920, Image 1

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'ni T T"n 18 Entered at Portland (Oregon)
ULl. AjAJV XO,xf 4 Postofflce as Second-Clais Matter.
As Conventions 'Go,' Af
fair Is Tame,
Call to Party to Oust "Wilson
Dynasty" From Power
Is Cheered.
Adjournment of Two-Hour
Meeting Sees Committee
Deliberations Start-
CHICAGO, June 8. The repub
lican national convention demon
strated at its opening two-hour ses
sion today that if it lacked leadership
it did not lack harmony for the pre
liminaries at least.
Most of the session was taken up
with the keynote speech of Senator
Lodge, temporary chairman.
From the moment that National
Chairman Hays stepped out on the
speaker's platform and called the
assemblage to order until adjourn-!
mcnt time, the average looker-on
might have imagined that it was all
over but the shouting. Not a lung
let loose with any wild scream for
a favorite; not a voice was raised
in protest to any set plan for the
preliminaries, and all joined in shout
ing approval of Senator Lodge's call
to the party to rise up and sweep
the "Wilson dynasty" out of power,
'""fp Opening Is Tame.
But as conventions go, it was
tame. It seemed as if some of the
factions felt that the ice was thin.
Half an hour late in starting, the
convention jumped quickly to its
work. First came the national chair
man, who received a roar of cheers
from the delegates, and the Right
Rev. Charles E. Woodcock of Louis
ville, Ky., whose opening prayer
wafted through sound amplifiers
reached every part of 'the hall. ,
The crowd that had been rev
erently silent during the prayer,
shuffled its feet and kept up a con
tinuous rattle of talk while the sec
retary, in a droning tone, read the
formal call for the meeting. A lit-
. t tie earlier it had roared with laugh
!. ter at the acrobatic antics of a song
, leader as he followed Chairman Hays
Nominations of ex-Senator Bever
idge and Senator McCormick
Are Defeated.
CHICAGO. June 8. Senator Lodge,
temporary chairman of the republi
can national convention, was selected
today by the committee on permanent
organization as permanent chairman
and his name will be presented to
morrow to the convention for ap
proval. There were three nominations for
the place and Senator Lodge was
named on the first ballot, over ex
Senator Beveridge, Indiana, and Sena
tor McCormick of Illinois. The vote
was: Lodge 22, Beveridge 9. McCor
mick 7. On 'motion of the Illinois
member, the recommendation was
made unanimous.
The remainder of the temporary
organization was recommended for
permanent service without opposi
" Senator Lodjre was placed in noml
nation by William Barnes of New
York, Mr. Beveridge by Governor
Goodrich of Indiana, and Senator Mo
Cormick by Lieutenant - Governor
Oglesby of Illinois. No speechmaking
followed the nominations and the vote
resulted as follows:
Lodge Colorado, Connecticut,
Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts,
Michigan, Mississippi, Minnesota,
Nevada, New Hampshire, New York,
North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio,
Oregon, Rhode Island. Tennessee,
Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Vir
ginia, Wyoming 22.
Beveridge Arkansas, Idaho, In
diana. Kentucky, Missouri, New Jer
scy. New Mexico, Oklahoma, Porto
Rico 9.
McCormick Alabama, Delaware
Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland,
Nebraska 7.
Sub-Committee Tackles
Prodigious Job. :
Irreconcdlablcs Shake Fists Where
Old Guard. Shakes Finger
of Warning.
Pleas and Petitions "of
Kinds Rushed In.
Indiana Senator Has 12 Assistants
Mr. McCamant of Oregon
Among- Number.
CHICAGO. June 8. The real job of
framing the republican platform was
entrusted tonight to a resolutions
ub-committee of 13, while the full
committee of 03 appointed by the
convention was conducting a public
hearing for all who had suggestions
to offer.
vaison or Indiana, over
wnelmingly elected chairman of th
committee earlier in the day. followed
the usual custom and assumed also
the chairmanship of the sub-commit
tee. Among the other member
named by him were Senator Borah
laano, wno wants a plank rejecting
entirely the league of nations; Gover
nor ueecKman of Rhodn Island -who
7000 Gallons Located by Hrc
Mari-haU's Employes.
Grenfell announced
Kire Marshal
last night that his men had discov
ered 7000 gallons of gasoline stored
on the premises of the Columbia River
Shipbuilding company without permit.
He said he would ask a warrant fori
the arrest of the persons responsible
as soon as the responsibility had been
The. firemen found the gasoline in
the course of their investigation to
prevent hoarding of the petrol dur
ing the present shortage.
marshal said the gasoline was stored
in a crude oil tank, and that the city
probably would make no objection to
its storage under proper conditions.
No evidence has been found' regarding
the time when the gasoline was purchased.
- 1
the platform to lead the singing
and cheers.
Delegates Roar ApprovaL
There was a roar of approval from
the delegates when , Chairman Hays
declared that the republican party
had met in free and open convention
"to accept from the people a man
date for the government of the
United States." A second outburst
came a moment later when he shout
ed "there will be no bolt in this
The appearance of Senator Lodge,
who had been escorted to the stage
from his place on the floor with the
Massachusetts delegation, wa3 the
signal for the first real demonstra
tion of the day. Crowds in the gal
leries stood, as did the delegates,
cheering and waving flags.
The cheering broke out afresh as
he was introduced by Mr. Hays as
"Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of the
United States." Then for an hour
and a half he held the close atten
tion of the big auditorium and
brought forth cheering by sharp
thrusts at all the policies of the Wil
son administration.
Other Work Quickly Done-
It did not take long after Senator
Lodge finished speaking to wind up
the other work. The usual announce
ments were made and organization
resolutions rushed.
That was the end of the first day's
work, and on motion of Governor
" I Beeckman of Rhode Island the con
i vention adjourned until 11 A. M,
" t tomorrow.
x .. With the adjournment the various
.3 committees immediately went to
. . '3 work, the resolutions committee be-
. ' '4 ginning consideration of the plat
". .j form and the credentials committee
J.o review some of the delegate con
, 1" tests which were decided last week
"i bv th Tiatir.l committer.
'. . . . . ...
. a . I t ort iiiuiuies utrore tne conven
Knight Commandersbip Conferred
on American General.
LONDON, Jane 8. King George to
day conferred a Knight Commander.
ship of the Order of St. Michael and
St. George on Major-General William
Gorgas, former surgeon-general of
the United States army.. The king
took advantage of his viBit of inspec-
lon at the Millbairk military hospital
to call on the distinguished Ameri
can at Queen Alexandras nursing
home, which is attached to the hos
In a Ibng talk with General Gorgas
the kins complimented him on his
great achievements in conquering ma
laria in the. canaizone by medical
Louisiana Senate Blocks Motion by
Close Vote.
BATON ROUGE, La June 8. The
resolution providing for ratification
of the federal suffrage amendment
was defeated in the senate of the
general assembly of Louisiana to
night. The vote was 22 to 19 on s
motion to postpone indefinitely con
sideration of the resolution.
This action of the senate does not
mean the definite defeat of suffrage
in the Louisiana legislature, as a res
olution exactly duplicating the one
introduced in the senate is now pend
ing in the house and if it passes will
again come before the senate for final
General's Supporters Elated De
spite Trend of Old-Timers'
Talk for London.
punnciy objected to too much
senatorial control In the convention
nd Ogden L. Mills of New York, wh
mchucu imirman nays policies com
mittee of 171.
Aitnougn the leanings of some of
he members have not been revealed
it was said that an effort had bee
made to make the sub-committee
representative of all the extremes of
republican opinion, particularly on th
still unsolved treaty issue:
Mr. HrCamant Member.
In addition to those named, the
sub-committee members are William
Allen White of Kansas; William
Heyburn of Kentucky; D. Lawrence
Groner of Virginia; Louis A. Coolidge
of Massachusetts; Senator McCormick
of Illinois; Senator Smoot of Utah:
Wallace McCamant of Oregon; Harris
Gilpin of Michigan and John F. Ney-
lan of California.
Although the hearings of the full
committee will continue through to
morrow, it was said that the sub
committee might begin its work early
the morning in the hope of com
pleting the platform by Thursday.
As at first announced by Senator
Watson, only 11 members were in
cluded on the sub-committee, but the
names of Senator McCormick. an
other of the senate Irreconcilables.
and Mr. Neylan were added later.
Petition Deluge Start.
Among those heard tonight was
Henry Lane Wilson, Indiana, former
American ambassador to Mexico, who
pleaded for a platform declaration
recognizing "our direct responsi
bility" for conditions in Mexico and
pledging the party to "full protec
tion" of American property in Mexi
can territory. He said, however, he
did not advocate action "which would
lead to intervention or wa."
Immediately a 'deluge of applica
tions and petitions descended on the
committee table and Chairman Wat
son declared that almost continuous
sessions would be necessary night
and day to give hearings to all of
those desiring it and to work out a
programme of party declarations in
time for submission to the conven
tion Thursday.
Those clamoring for an audience
include wets and drys, suffragists
and anti-suffragists, economists, Irish
sympathizers, labor leaders and many
others who thought they could give
(Cooyrlxht by the Ball Syndicate. Inc.
CHICAGO, June- 8. (Special.) As
Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler would say,
the battle is Joined. What Nicholas'
would mean is the trouble is started.
All hopes that this convention would
finish like a love feast are fallen and
cold and dead. Like all good high-
class trouble, it was unpremeditated;
it stood not on the order of its com
ing, but came with a rush, and not
men, but issues, started it.
In the stilly night of Monday the
old guard leaders sent young Ineo
dore Roosevelt to see Senator Johnson.
'In the interests of harmony. Sen
ator," said young Theodore plaintive
ly, "whom do you want for permanent
"Borah," said Johnson.
"But, Senator," protested young
Theodore, "that would not be in tne
Interest of harmony."
"I know it," said Johnson.
Young Theodore returned to his co
horts a sadder and wiser assembly
Harmony Bets Off.
In the meantime other promoters of
harmony had been to ask Senator
Borah about the platform.
"Senator," they asked pleasantly
"Won't you stand for a compromise
plank on the league of nations?"
"No," said Borah.
"Tour refusal is not in interest of
harmony. senator." said the emis
saries reproachfully.
"I know it," said Borah.
So all harmony bets are off. The
irreconcilables are just as irrecon
cilable as they ever were, which
means that they are considerably
more irYoconcilable than so many
(Concluded on Pare 11. Column 2.)
CHICAGO. June 8. The Wood forces,
although the general trend of talk
among old-line politicians is toward
Lowden, are elated tonight. They won
a victory In the principal business
Instructed Wood delegates won the
two most important committee chair
manships Senator Watson of Indiana
for resolutions and Edward D. Duf
field of New Jersey for credentials.
Frank H. Hitchcock was designated
by the Wood delegates as their su
preme strategist.
Think of the pyschological effect
of this victory," he said, when asked
where and how he expected Wood to
benefit from these steps in organiza
We controlled the committee against
powerful opposition, almost solid anti
Wood forces," Mr. Hitchcock added.
'So far as increasing our total num
ber of delegates is concerned the se
lection of Mr. Duffield over Charles H,
Innes of Massachusetts, is of small
moment. We will make no effort to
overturn the work of the national
committee on contests. To do so would
prejudice the Wood cause and I have
given our forces instructions not to
do so. No rough stuff will come from
us, but we are glad to be able to show
that the majority of the committee on
credentials and also of resolutions is
not against Wood."
Talk Drifts Toward Lowden.
While these developments were tak
ing place the drift of the talk, and it
may be nothing more, was toward
It was kept going by the old-line
party leaders, but whether it is suf
ficiently potent to affect the dele
gates opposed to Wood or Johnson
they do not proless to know them-
Senator Lodge Fails to
Rouse Enthusiasm.
Committee Continues Work Late
! Into Night to Clear Stage for
Convention Programme.
Choice of Chairman Regret
ted by Management.
Concluded on raite ft. Column 2.)
CHICAGO, June 8. The Wood in- '
structed delegates, unaccompa
nied by any of the managers who
have been Identified with the cam- i
paign thus far, after a conference
with the general late today, agreed
on Frank H. Hitchcock as field mar
shal for their forces, with Frank
Knox of New Hampshire as floor
leader for the present.
Mr. Hitchcock is to be assisted by
a board of strategy, including William
C. .Procter, Senator . Moses, Norman
Gould of New York and others. Major
Knox will be assisted by Galen L. Tait
of Maryland and William H. Boyd of
Ohio. Senator Frellnghuysen of New
Jersey also has been offered the place
of floor leader.
California and Kansas delegations
today reported tacit agreements to
defer elections of national committee
men until after the nominations.
Friends of Senator Johnson, in
majority on the California delegation,
were reported opposed to re-electing
William H. Crocker as national com
mitteemen. In the past Mr. Crocker
has been prominent in the anti-John
son wing of the party in California.
It was reported that some of Sen
ator Johnson's friends had urged sup
planting of Mr. Crocker by a man
friendly to William Randolph Hearst,
whose newspapers are supporting the
Johnson candidacy, but opposition
was said to have caused abandonment
of the move and the agreement to let
the national committee election go
over temporarily.
An attempt was made late today to
form a union of western state dele
gations under the auspices of Sen
ator Johnson's supporters. The first
step, a meeting called just after the
conventioned adjourned by former
United States Senator Frank P. Flint
of the California delegation, was at
tended by delegates representing
Utah, Washington, Nevada, Arizona
and Oregon.
Governor Lowden goes into the re
publican convention undisputed mas
ter in his home state as a result of
his victory last night in the Illinois
caucus over Mayor William Halo
Thompson of Chicago, but probably
will lose the 17 Cook county' (Chi
cago) votes which Thompson controls.
Delaware's six votes in the conven
tion are expected to be cast on the
first ballot for T. Coleman Dupont
national committeeman. Daniel O.
Hastings of Wilmington will make
the nominating speech. - . '
Henry Lincoln Johnson, an Atlanta
negro who led the fight of the Low
den delegates before the republican
national committee, today was elected
national committeeman from Georgia
by the state ' delegation. The Wood
delegates, headed by Roscoe Pickett,
tho defeated candidate for national
committeeman, announced that they
would carry their fight to the creden
tials committee of the convention.
Speaker Lacks Spirit and Does Not
Compel Veneration Because
Too Youn".
(Copyrisht by the New York Evening Post,
Inc. Published by Arrangement.)
CHICAGO. June 8. (Special.) The
party leaders are dissatisfied with
Senator Lodge's keynote speech. It
had been decided that Mr.. Lodge was
to be not only temporary chairman
but permanent chairman as well,
and that it was too late to make a
change. - But it is no secret that
after the- speech this morning the
party management wanted to make
change. They would have pre
ferred some one who could put a
little more spirit into the occasion.
Senator Lodge is not old enough to
be. venerable, and a little too old, or
at least too tired from his long win
ter in the Senate, to be able to in
spire those emotions which are the
purpose of the keynote speech.
One feels compelled to admit that
as a keynote speech Senator Lodges
effort was a little inadequate in sub
stance and disappointing in its re
ception. A Keynote speech is sup
posed to bring forth great bursts of
Handelappingr Not Kxrited.
Today there was nothing, like that
The most excited reception that any
part or tne speech got was merely a
slightly gusty ' handclapping. The
first applause Ji'ame when Senator
Lodge had completed Uis rather over-
literary beginning and got down to
pounding the- democrats. It came
when he said that "Mr. Wilson and
Ills dynasty, nis heirs and assigns, or
anybody that is hi, anybody who
with bent knees has served bis pur
poses, must be driven from control
trom all influence upon the govern
ment of the United States."
Kverybody, of course, recognized
the allusion to Mr. McAdoo, and
many, as good partisan republicans.
applauded it, but many others fc
that just that way of beginning the
indictment of a party had an un
pleasant touch of partisan meanness
A stump speaker can talk that way.
but the senior senator from Massa-
chuetts delivering the keynote speech
at a great national convention ought
to have sorriething a little more cle
vated in his armor for such an occa
sion. WasnlKh Ma I Ire Kelt.
Nearly all Senator Lodge's allu
sions to the administration had this
same trick of waspish malice. The
jrncsi namDergcr was chosen na
tional committeeman by the Utah
caucus today. Other states elected
as follo"v s: 1
Tennessee, John W. Overall; Maryland,
William P. Jackson; Arkansas, H. I Rem
mell; South Carolina, Joseph W. Tolbcrt;
Kentucky. A. T. Hart; North Carolina.
John M. ftforchead; HUnois, Lawrence. Y.
Sherman: Arizona. Allen B. Jaynes; Porto
Rico, Robert H. Todd; Tasas, H. F. Mc
Gregor; Montana, O. II. P. Shelley; South
Dakota, W. C. Cook; Philippines, II. I.
Picketing bv the national woman's
r,awv nntKiriA ih. ri.iL.nm was I administration could have been in-
! There was and is abundant mate
rial for that. In Senator Lodge's
as quiet as a lawn social.
Under orders from Mayor Thomp
son the police made things as com
fortable for the pickets as possible.
For four hours they stood bareheaded
and silent in the sun holding banners.
They will be on the job again tomor
row and until the convention ad
journs. "What do you think of Hughes for
president?" was asked of John L.
Lewis, president of the United Mine
Workers. "Well, this convention
might go a great deal further and
do much worse," the mine workers'
president replied. Labor is showing
way of getting at it the audience
felt & certain malevolence of per
sonality which was repellent.
On another occasion Senator Lodge
referred to Mr. Wilson as "a demo
crat free-trader of socialist proclivi
ties." That kind of political contro
versy makes an uncomfortable l.npres
slon. As you listened, you felt it was
just like throwing bricks or epithets.
You felt that Senator Lodge was just
calling the president hard names.
Also, again and again, Senator
Lodge's speech reflected the fact that
CHICAGO, June 8, Late tonight the
credentials committee of the repub
lican national convention was still at
ork hearing appeals from last
week's decisions of the republican na
tional committee.
Practically the same ground was
being gone over and the prospects
were that the committee might sit
until the small hours of the morning
to complete its report and enable the
convention to go ahead tomorrow with
a permanent roll of the delegates.
The committee refused to hear a pe
tition filedby Thomas Mannix of
Portland asking that Wallace McCam
ant, delegate at large from Oregon, be
unseated on the ground that he "ob
tained his election by fraud." Mc
Camant, the petition said, refused to
be bound by the Oregon preferential
primary, which was carried by Senator
Johnson. Prior to his election as dele
gate, it said he had promised to abide
by the primary instructions.
In the last Georgia contest, from
the tenth district, the committee up
held the national committee s action
seating Dr. Robert C. Williams of
Augusta, reported to favor Lowden.
The contest of the Wood challenger.
W. Lyons of Augusta, was di
A contest application from Louisi
la was refused, leaving the "regu
lar" delegation on the permanent roll
The committee affirmed the action
of the national committee by seating
Representative Thomas D. Schall and
L. M. Mithun from the tenth Minne
sota district, uninstructed. The
"regular" delegates, who were pledged
to Wood, lost their appeal.
The .'fourth Missouri district dele
gates on the temporary roll, favor
able to Wood, were seated when the
contestants failed to appear.
The delegates from "the second and
fourth Oklahoma districts, placed on
the temporary roll by the nationa
committee, were ordered seated. The
second district delegates are unin
structed. while the two delegates
from the fourth favor Lowden.
The four Wood delegates from tho
fifth Oklahoma district, seated hy the
national committee, were" placed on
the permanent roll. The four, includ
ing two women, were the contestins
delegates before the national commit
tee. L. G. Disney of Oklahoma, mem
ber of the credentials committee, op
posed seating the Wood delegates.
Hhe foul Mulvihill delegatcs-at-Iartre
from Mississippi reported favor
able to Governor Lowden were placed
on the permanent roll and the appeal
of the Howard faction from the na
tional committee ruling dismissed.
Of the 137 contests derided by the
national committee. 101 were ap
pealed. Henry Lincoln Johnson, the Atlanta
negro chosen national committeeman
today, and three other delegates-at-large
reported favorable to Iowden,
were placed on the permanent roll.
The Wood forces gained one Georgia
vote, however, when the committee
unseated a Lowden district delegate.
The committee's action left the Geor
gia delegation standing 12 unpledged,
but claimed for Lowden, and five in
structed for Wood. ,
Edward D. Ouffield of New Jersey
was elected chairman of the commit
tee. 28 to 16. over C. H. Innes of Mas
sachusetts. William F. Laub of Wash
ington was chosen secretary. The
election of Mr. Duffield was said to
be without significance as to the pres
idential race.
Chairman Duffield was said to be a
Pennsylvanian Seems to
Be Best Bet.
Belief.That Neither Wood Nor
Lowden Can Be Nominat
ed Is Growing.
Interest of Many at Conven
tion Seems to Center on
Pennsylvania Executive.
Concluded oa 1'as- .i.ii i,
Terms of Peace "Worked Out bv
North and South China.
SHANGHAI, June 8. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) A definite agreement
on terms of peace between northern
and southern China 'has been reached
between Wang Tih Ting, northern
plenipqtentiary peace delegate, and
the southern leaders, Wu Ting Fang,
Tang Shao Ti, former premier of the
Pekin government, and Dr. Sun Yat
Although peace delegates have been
here for nine months, they met for
the first time in formal conference
Two Aviation Cadets Instantly
Killed at Kelly Field.
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., June 8. Avia
tion Cadets Roy W. Ellington of Mc
Croy. Ark., and Harold Brawley of
Mildred, Mont, were instantly killed
at Kclley field today when their air
plane went into a tail spin and fell
2000 feet, bursting into flames when
it struck the earth.
Both cadets came here recently
fri. ilitJi field, Riverside, Cai.
(Concluded on Page 11. Column 3.) I his victory last night In the Illinois I (Concluded on Pace 6. Column 4.) I Concluded on Page 6. Co,uronj
I IHE VArAY , I par.- ' ' I WE CAM C-ivE I ,ARE.FU-TH?-RE, H RAM) ! B Z I
j 0S '
- h, 7ivxtvv,5HrTo wiKaro ui .
a i mm .zss u rv ta. w G-"f - v w . i . . n i
I Yy . ' , I GE.T 50tAE.THlHe NET Ollt31bE. OF THE. II
m i I ll.l..tA MtM .U.IJLU-tJA.JAiXl.l.'.t.M..'..M.'
CHICAGO, June 8. (Editorial
Correspondence.) A man, a politi
cian of national fame, told me today
that tomorrow he would tell me pre
cisely what the programme is for the
nomination of a president. I had
been looking: for him ever since I
came here. I knew he was in touch
with many states, many leaders and
many interests, and I had confidence
that he was more nearly in the cen
ter of events than any other of my
acquaintances. But of what value is
inside information tomorrow? I
want to know today, since I have
many misgivings about tomorrow.
Anything may happen over night
and upset the best calculations of
the keenest engineers of the political
machine. I avoid the use of the
term "steam roller." It is not here.
I have my doubts also about the ma
chine. But to the popular mind no
convention can exist without a ma
chine, and no machine without en
gineers, so I, adopt the phrase.
Sproul Held Possibility.
What I suspect that my old-guard
acquaintance purposes to tell me to
morrow is that neither Wood nor
Lowden can be nominated and that
Johnson must be beaten and that
necessarily a dark horse must be
found. I suspect also that he will,
unless he changes his mind, give me
the name of the ebon animal, and
my guess is that it will be Sproul of
Pennsylvania. I will report my dis
coveries later.
For the present it is sufficient to
say that evidences are multiplying
that the high-card of dark horse pro
moters bears the name of the popu
lar and impressive looking governor
of Pennsylvania. I am confirmed in
my "conjecture by an interview with
another noted politician, who so far
as I could see has teen making
strenuous efforts for three or four
days to ascertain the location, direc
tion and capacity of the band
wagon. I asked him in the name of
all the people of the great north
west, thirsting for authentic infor
mation, to help me relieve their sus
pense. Theory Is Advanced.
"Let me know," he said sagely,
"what you think about it and I will
tell you whether you are right or
I advanced a theory as to condi
tions and probable results. It wa3
a poor thing, but mine own, as the
poet says. I thought it could serve
qc moll sanv
It was in brief that the temper
of the delegates was steadily being
hardened into a determination to dis
card the three leading candidates
after a series of fruitless ballots,
wherein a deadlock would result. It
was probable that Wood would lead
in the first ballot, and for several
ballots, and be followed in close
order by Lowden and Johnson. On
the second ballot Wood wouM make
material, not from Lowden, and not
much, if any, from Johnson, but from
states like New York, which would
cast a complimentary ballot for
Nicholas Murray Butler, and from
Pennsylvania, which would drop
Sproul with the deft intention of tak
ing him up later. Michigan and
Nebraska would soon leave Johnson,
and would go to Wood and Lowden,
and on the third or fourth ballot both
Wood and Lowden would be submit-
t-nA f a TOkal tA;r. us tn urhthll ni
character. PaSe 14 - . I""""
OrPBon democrats snort one delegate, not tney couia respectively nuiu tneir
fage ji of
Shelly fined and cnt to jail uc"S'
Where Johnsor. would be on this
(Concluded on Paso 6, Column 3.)
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature,
tii degrees: minimum, degrees.
TODAY'S Fair; winds mostly westerly,
Ratification of treaty demanded by labor.
Page 2.
Naval-base party due to visit Portland In
November. Page 2.
Short wheat crop this year forecast by de
partment of agriculture. Pago 3.
Domet Ic.
St. Iouls shoe manufacturers announce
sharp cut in prices. Page 2.
Harmony marks opening session of re
publican convention. Page 1.
Senator Lodge Is selected permanent chair
man of convention. Page 1.
Harmony bets off at Chicago. Page 1.
Keynote, speech is disappointment. Page 1.
Wood forces elected by cholre of general's
backers for high chairmanships. Page 1.
Work of framing republican party plat
form is begun in Chicago. Page 1.
"Jack" Dempsey on trial for evasion of
draft. Pae 4.
Committee refuses to hear contest oxer
Judge McCamant's seat. Page 1.
Sproul of Pennsylvania suggested as pos
sible dark horse winner. Page 1.
Troublous times ahead at Chicago. Page 1.
. Pacific Northwest.
264 Students graduated at Oregon Agricul
tural college. Page 5.
Rain proves great benefit to crops. Page 3.
t Sports.
Xegro battler may stage big surprise.
Page. 16.
Coast league results: Oakland 0. Portland
5 (10 Innings); Salt Lake 10. San Fran
cisco 3-: other teams traveling. Page 16.
Dr. Willing turns in low medal score In
golf tourney. Page 16.
Commercial and Marine.
Oregon grain crop condition, prior to rain,
under that of year ago. Page 23.
Chicago corn market affected by weakness
of silver. Page 23.
Dividend cut weakens rail list in stock
market. Page 23
Limestone to be handled
process connected with
Portland and Vicinity.
Jury finds second-hand dealer
being tence. mie 10.
Pageant of Rosea to D international
here for new
result of
Page 9.
Out-iialu points call lor sasouuu.
collision on Linntoa load. I
.Concluded, oa f i J 0. Column Li.
. .. -A.