Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 08, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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ED TO 200
. . " -- - T I mtimum
Commander Wants "Some
thing More Active."
Leader of V. S. Forces in Europe
Is Mentioned as Possible Dark
Horse at Convention.
WASHINGTON", June 7. General
Pershing will retire from active serv
ice within a few months. He an
nounced his intention today in a let
ter to Secretary 'Baker.
The American expeditionary forces
commander declared he felt he could
give up his military duties without
Impairment of the service and "thus
be free to engage in something more
active." He did not indicate his fu
ture activities.
The general's letter to Secretary
Baker follows:
"Dear Mr: Secretary:
'Referring to our conversation of
a few days ago, 1 wish to say that it
has long been my desire to return to
civil life. Throughout my military
career I have been vary much occu
pied and the assignments that have
fallen to my lot during recent years
have been more or less Important.
Grratrr Activity Soofthl.
"It now appears that my duties are
not likely to be of a character that
will require more than a portion of
my time. Under the circumstances
I feel that after the completion of
the work contemplated by the army
reorganization act I could relin
quish military duty without detri
ment to the service and thus be free
to engage In something more active.
"Therefore, unless a situation
should develop to justify my remain
ing, I contemplate taking the step
indicated within the next few months.
"Should the necessity arise in a
time of crisis or otherwise, I assure
you, Mr. Secretary, I shall stand
ready to serve my country in the
futuiv. as 1 have in the past.
"With great respect and high es
teem, I remain very sincerely,
Decision of General Pershing to
retire came as a surprise to Wash
ington. . His prospective future detail
had never been announced, but sev
eral times he had been mentioned in
connection with the office of chief
of staff.
I'ernhlnc Mentioned a Dark Horse.
General Pershing, as a republican
presidential candidate, had been put
forward in the Nebraska and Michi
gan primaries, but delegates pledged
to other candidates were elected. Po
litical observers at Chicago, however,
have mentioned him among dark
The American -expeditionary force
commander will retire as a full gen
eral, that title for life having been
conferred on him by congress. He
will bo 60 years old next September
and would not reach the retirement
uge until 1924.
The selection of Pershing to lead
and organize the American expedi
tionary force was made soon after this
country entered the war. In June,
1917, he went to France. He returned
last September. After completion of
the work of winding up the affairs of
the American expeditionary force he
left on an inspection trip, just finished.
re and will appear upon McCleave
lounts as she did last fall.
An interesting entry from a local
andpolnt was that of Harry Bougher
ilia diiiiixii, xmu y ciituiuiu, lit 111c
iving classification. J.ady Zambio
reckoned as one of the finest
driving animals in this section and
expected to capture a ribbon at
he show.
Sale of tickets for the show opened
,t - K i ,.V. ...ill V. .. .1 , , ..
i. '''- n 1 1 1 u . iii. j v i. i ncauijuai ivic.
The show will last throughout the
ccr iiui'i riuut; i u v, yruB ram in e
being held each evening at Multno-
w . i j
All 1IVIU.
Criminal Chasers of Far North
Awaiting Approval of Gov
ernment to Plans.
A detachment of Canadian mounted
police. 50 or more in number, may be
in Portland to participate In the
parades during Shrine week and to
take part in the night horse show at
.Multnomah field, according to plana
being made by the Shrine and night
horse show authorities. The British
Columbians are eager to come, it has
been learned and only await official
The Canadians, around whom the
plot of many a story and movie
romance has been woven, are famous'
as horsemen and their mounts are
declared to include some of the
finest practical riding horses in the
country, should they visit the city
during Shrine week it is probable
they would appear at at least one
of the evening programmes at the
horse show, their participation being
a. feature of the big equine carnival
at Multnomah field.
The famous McCleave string of
horBes, one of the finest group of
animals In the northern province, are
assured for the horse show here, the
entries of James McCleave of Vic
toria, owner of the string, having
been received here yesterday. The
Canadian horse fancier will bring 16
norscs wiui nim and will enter ani
mals in practically every classifica
tion. Mr. McCleave is the father of
Doris McCleave, 14-year-old rider who
was such a favorite with the crowds
at the horse show 'held here last fall
in conjunction with the Pacific Inter
national livestock exposition. Miss
McCleave will accompany her father
You Can Have Pink Cheeks
What causes the color to fade fro
pink cheeks and red lips? In a word
it is thin blood.
When the fading color In cheeks
and lips is accompanied by a loss of
brightness In the eyes and an in
creasing heaviness in the step, the
cause is to be sought in the state of
the blood.
A hundred causes may contribute
to the condition of thin blood that
known as anemia. Overwork, lack of
out-door exercise. Insufficient rest
and sleep, improper diet, these are a
few of them. The important thing Is
to restore the blood to normal, to
build It up so that the color will re
turn to cheeks and lips.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the
great blood builder and Invigorator,
'iney tiegin at once to increase th
red corpuscles in the blood and the
new blood carries strength and health
to every part of the body. Appetite
increases, digestion becomes . more
perfect, energy and ambition return
A valuable booklet, "Building Up
the Blood" will be sent free upon re
quest. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are
sold by all druggists or will be se
by mail, postpaid, on receipt of price
60 cents per box, by the Dr. Williams
Medicina Co, Schenectady, Nl Y.
Treasurer Adds 19 Banks to
- Custodian List.
Death, striking first the one and then the other within a period of six
days, brought to a close on May 31 and June 6, respectively, the lives of
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hess, 953 12a. st Sixteenth street North, residents of
Portland for the past 20 years. The funeral of Mr. Hess was held on June 2
at the Portland crematorium, while the funeral of his wife will occur today.
The death of Mr. Hess, who was 57 years of age, followed an illness of
about three months, and that of Mrs. Hess, aged 61, who had been a partial
Invalid for some years, occurred soon after, the wife, according to relatives.
seeming to relinquish her grip upon life after the passing of her husband.
The family moved to this city from Butte, Mont., 20 years ago, end dur-
ng the period of residence in Portland Mr. Hess was employed continuously
in the drygoods business, being for about ten years manager of the Moyer
clothing store at first and Morrison streets and later being connected with
the Moyer store at Third and Oak streets. Per some years before and up to
the time of his death he was employed at the Ben Selling clothing store.
Mr. and Mrs. Hess are survived by two daughters. Mrs. W. Bollons. 473
ast Fifty-sixth street North, and Mrs. J. P. Pillsworth of Chicago.
XCKEASE OF $39,387,130 IS
Report of Superintendent Shows 3 6
Tow ns of Oregon With More
Than Million.
SALEM, Or., June 7. (Special.)
The total deposits in the banks of
Oregon on May 4,' 1920, aggregated
286,56S,8S8.&4, an increase of 7,936,
100.67 since February 28, 1920, and
an increase of 139,387,130.63 since
May 12, 1919, according to a report
prepared here today by Will H. Ben
nett, state superintendent of banks.
There are 36 towns and cities in
the state having deposits of more
han 11,000,000. Portland heads the
list, with deposits totaling $149,720,-
1S1.32, with Dallas barely inside the
lmit with deposits aggregating 1,-
004.976.59. Other towns and cities
having deposits exceeding $1,000,000
nclude Salem, Astoria. Pendleton,
Eugene, Klamath. Falls, Albany,
Medford, Baker, Oregon City, Cor-
valis. The Dalles, 1a Grande, Rose
burg, McMinnvlle. Hood River, Marsh-
field, Hilisboro, Bend, .Silverton, On-
ario. Grants Pass, Tillamook, Ash-
and, Lakevlew, Newberg, Heppner,
Milton, Forest Grove, Burns. Prine-
ville. Vale, Enterprise, Condon and
In' comparison with the report is
sued on February 28. 1920, deposits
of the Portland banks show an in
crease of $690,236.6.1. Klamath Falls,
Albany, Medford, Oregon City, Cor-
vallis, Roseburg, Bend and Newberg
have moved ahead one place since
the .last report, while Portland, Salem,
Artoria. Tendleton and Eugene re
main in the same order at the top
of the list. Dallas, Enterprise and
Vale again appear in the list of
million-dollar towns after being be
low that figure for several months.
Erfort lfcing Made to Get Rid of
Chairman AVho Caused Wilson
Letter on Treaty.
Organization of the democratic
county central committee is an
nounced for Thursday, June 11. The
meeting will be in the assembly room
of the Journal building.
One of the things which the com
mittee is expected to do Is to get rid
of G. E. Hamaker, the present chair
man, who fought George E. Cham
berlain in the recent primaries and
secured from President Wilson the
letter in which Mr. Wilson subordi
nated everything to the treaty of Ver
sailles. In the democratic primaries 226
precinct committeemien were elected.
This leaves 187 vacancies to be filled,
for the county committee consists of
413, one committeeman from each pre
cinct. There is a quiet movement
now 'in progress to pick out a suc
cessor to Mr. .Hamaker. W. D. Ben
nett, who has Wen secretary, will not
succeed himself to this position, as
he is a candidate for state public
service commissioner of the western
Oregon district. Walter' B. Gleason.
who served -overseas, Is the prospec
tive secretary.
The democrats are making a strong
Did lor the woman vote and to this
end they are planning a dual county
organization. There will be a vice
chairman and a vice-secretary, each
of whom will be a woman, and wher
ever the precinct committeeman is a
man, a woman will be designated as
vice-committeeman, all down the line.
and where women have been elected
precinct committeemen a man will be
selected as vice-comrtfitteeman. The
dual organization has never been tried
in local polities, out tne democrats
are willing to experiment. With two
women elected as delegates to the na
tional convention, the party is deter
mined to make the strongest possible
appeal for the woman vote by recog
nizing tne women in the party organization.
Grand President B'nai B'rlth Out
lines Objects of Order.
"True Americanism should be the
goal for all Jews of this country.
now,, as it has been in the past, was
the statement of D. Soils Cohen last
night at the B'nal B'rith banquet
held in the Benson hotel in honor
of Louis Mendelsohn of Fresno, Cal.,
grand president of the organization.
Barnett Marks of Phoenix. Ariz.,
grand orator of the B'nai B'rith, who
is touring with the officials, gave
a short talk on their trip. Rabbi
Jonah B. Wise, toastmaster of the
evening, introduced each speaker. Sig
Lipman, president of the Portland
chapter, presented the rabbi. Violin
selections were rendered by Louis
More than 300 people prominent in
Jewish circles were present during
the evening and following the pro
gramme they danced.
Population of Washington City Is
25,570; Gain Is 1272.
WASHINGTON, June 7. Census fig
ures announced yesterday follow:
Belllngham, Wash., 25,570, increase
1272, or 5.2 per cent.
Waterbury, Conn., 91,410, Increase
18.269, or 25 per cent.
Borne. N. Y., 26,341, increase 6844,
or 28.5 per-cent.
Burlington, Vt., 22,779, increase 2311,
or 11.3 per cent.
Weymouth, Mass., 15,057, . Increase
2162, or 16.8 per cent.
Senator Has 1157 Votes to 207 for
Wood in North Carolina.
RALEIGH, N. C, June 7. One hun
dred eighteen precincts out of 1564
in the state on the republican presi
dential preferential primary, accord
ing to figurs compiled by a local
newspaper late tonight, gave: John
son 1157; Wood 207.
These figures represent complete
but unofficial returns from seven
counties out of 100 in the state.
S ft H greet.
Holmao Futil Co,
A4Y. .
Chaplain's Service Appreciated.
Chaplain Gilbert of Astoria will be
the recipient tonight of a ring, the
gift of Scout Young Camp No. 2,
Spanish War Veterans. A special
meeting of the camp for the Dumose
of expressing appreciation to Chap
lain Gilbert in this manner for the
service lie rendered the veterans has
been called for 8 o clock this evening
at room 575, courthouse, and a large
attendance of members of the camp
is expected.
Newly Designated Institutions Are
Located in Almost Every
SALEM", Or., June 7. (Special.)
There are approximately 200 state de
poaitories in Oregon, 19 of which
had not previously been designated at
custodians of state funds, according to
announcement of these banks made
here today by O. P. Hoff, state treas
urer. Banks designated as state deposi
tories by Mr. Hoff today include in
stitutions located In almost every sec
tion of the state, and the distribution
of the public funds will be widely
scattered. The banks will continue to
erve as state depositories until the
first Monday in next June. A com
plete list of the state depositories as
named today follows:
J. W. Cunick Co., bankers. Albany:
First National. Albany: Bank of Amity,
Amity: First National Rank. Anhlanri: Th.
CMlzena Bank of Aahland, Ashland: Astoria
national Bank, Astoria; Astoria Savings
Bank, Astoria; . Scandinavian - American
Bank, Astoria; AumsvlUe State Bank,
Aumaville; Aurora State Bank, Aurora;
Baker Loan & Trust company. Baker;
First National Bank. Baker; The Citizens
National Bank, Baker; First National
Bank, Bandon; Washington County Bank,
Banks; First Bank of Bay City, Bay City;
Bank of Beaverton, Beaverton; Central Ore
eon Bank, Bend; Brookings State Bank,
Brookings; Bank of Brownsville, Browns
ville; liarney County National Bank,
Burns: Canby State Bank. Canby; The
First National Bank of Canby, Canby;
First National Bank of Grant County,
Canyon City; Carlton State & Savings
Bank, Carlton; Central Point State Bank,
Central Point; First National Bank, Con
don: Condon National Bank, Condon: First
National Bank, Corvallis; Benton County
State Bank Corvallis; First National Bank,
Cottage Grove; Crane State Bank. Crane:
Dallas National Bank, Dallas; Bank of
Dayton, Dayton: First state Bank of
Donald. Donald; Drain State Bank. Drain;
First State Bank of Eagle Point. Eagle
Point; Enterprise State Bank, Enterprise;
Wallowa National Bank. Enterprise;
Estaeada Stat Bank, Kstacada; Bank
of Commerce, Eugene; Eugene Loan A
Savings Bank, Eugene; First National
Bank, Eugene; United . States National
Bank, Eugene; Bank of Falls City. Falls
City; T.ane County State & Ravings
Bank, 'Florence; First National Bank, For
est Grove; Forest Grove National Bank,
Forest Grove; Stelwer & Carpenter Bank,
Fossil; The First National Bank of Gar
diner, Gardiner; Gaston State Bank, Gas
ton; The Glendale State Bank, Glendale:
Curry County Bank, Gold Beach; The
Goldhill Bank, Gold Hill; Grants Pass
Banking company. Grants Pass; Josephine
County Bank, Grants Pass; The First Na
tional Bank of Southern Oregon, Grants
Pass; Bank of Gresham, Gresham; First
State Bank, Gresham; Farmers & Mer
chants' Bank, Harrisburg; Bank of He
lix. Helix; First National Bank, Heppner:
Iflllsboro Commercial Bank, Hillshoro;
Shule Savings Bank, HllIboro; The Hilis
boro National Bank, Hilisboro: Butler
Banking company. Hood River: First Na
tional Bank. Hood River; State Bank of
Hubbard, Hubbard; Bank of Huntington,
Huntington:. State Bank of Imbler, Imbler;
Bank of lone, lone; Bank of Jacksonville,
Jacksonville: Oregon State Bank. Jeffer
son; the Bank of Jordan Valley, Jordan
Valley; Firwt Bank of Joseph, Joseph:
First National Bank, Joseph; The
First National Bank. Klamath Falls:
the First State A Savings bank. Klamath
Falls; i-.nfayette State bank, Lafuyette;
United States National bank. La Grande:
Bank of Lakeview, lakevlew; Commercial
National bank. Lakevlew; the First Na
tional Bank of Lakeview, I.akeview; La
Pino State bank. I -a Pine; First National
hank. Lebanon; First National Rank of
Llnnton. Linton; Lostine State bank, Los
tine; Madras State bank. Madras; Bank of
Southwestern Oregon, Marshfield: Scandinavian-American
Bonk of Marshfield.
Marshfield: the First National Bank of
Coos Bay. Marshfield; First National bank,
McM'-nnville; McMtnr.vllle National bank,
McMinnvllle: l-'nit?'l States National bank,
McMinnvllle; Farmers' & Fruit Growers'
bank, Medford: Firit National bank, Med
ford; Jackson County bank. Medford; Med
ford National bank. Medford: the First
National bank, Merrill: Citizens Bank of
Metolius. Metolius: Mill City State bank.
Mill City: First State bank. Milwaukee;
Mitchell State bank. Mitchell: First Na
tional bank, Molalla: P'lrst .National bank.
Monmouth: Monitor State bank. Monitor;
Bank of Mount Angel. Mount Angel: Mo-
sier Valley bank. Mosler: Bank of Myrtle
Point, Myrtle Point: First National bank.
Newberg; united taiea .isacionai nank,
Newberdr: Western State Tiank. Newport;
First National bank. North Bend;
Livestock State bank. North Port
lnnd: Farmers' State bank. North Powder:
Bank of Nyssa, Nyssa; Malheur County
bank, Nyssa; The Commercial bank, Oak
land: E. G, Toung & Co., bankers, Oak
land; First National bank. Ontario; Bank
of Commerce, Ontario; Bank of Com
merce. Oregon City: Bank of Oregon City.
Oregon City; First National bank, Oregon
freedom from washday
more time for reading, sewing,
"falling," outdoor recreation,
strength to enjoy the leisure
hours of life.
- beauty unmarred by house
hold cares.
an Abundance of clean, sweet
smelling clothes without
spending hours over the
washboard without paying
excessive laundry bills!
These blessings are yours when you use a
Come in and let us show you this won
derful invention and tell you how easily
you can own a Thor. A demonstration
incurs no obligation to buy.
n il
Net Contents 15 fluid Draormtj
P ff.
if ';
10 V
$& .3
i similatintSieFoodbyEcU- 4
I tinithcStomacis andBcwastfj
I tteiromotinDitcsl
I acctfulnessandRcstCafllaflS
I simxi oi.
Swim '
- - a 1 T .Jtrfo
rnnstioatfonand Diarrhoc
A a Pf-Jhness ana
.5 LossofSixep-
t tiidilnitherefrominnua-
i . ""
rftC-Simile Signf"."-
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
J. Use
sump: tor easB
Main S53. 60-21.
Exact Copy of Wrappec
For Over
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puts the Thor in your home,
Balance easy terms.
Buy Electric Goods From People
"Who Know"
1D4 3XJ6T. BET.'VASm & &TARK
71 VA5HUtaTOK . BET. 17TH &- 10TJ1 GTS
OOMQKBjpau eon
City; American National bank, Pendleton
First National bank, Pendleton; The In
land Empire bank, Pendleton; First Bank
of Pilot Rock, Pilot Hock; Bank of Com
merce, Portland ; Bank of Kenton, Port
land; Bank of Sell wood, Portland; Broad
way bank, Portland; First National
bank. Foreland ; Hartman Jk Thomp
son, bankers, Portland; Jrilbernla Com
mercial & Savings bank, Portland; Ladd
& Tilton bank, Portland; Montavilla. Sav
ingrs bank. Portland; Multnomah Stats
bank. Portland; Northwestern National
bank, Portland; Peninsula National bank.
Portland ; People's bank, Portland; State
Bank of Portland. Portland ; The Bank
of California, Portland; The Citizens'
bank. Portland; The United States Na
tional bank, Portland; Crook County bank.
Frtnevllie; xne f irst ia.tional bank, Ked
mond; Redmond National bank, Red
mond; Douglas National bank. , Rose
burs; First State & Savings bank, Rose
burg; The Vmpqua Valley bank, Rose
burg: Capita! National bank, Salem:
S m. 1 e m Bank of Commerce-, Salem:
United States National bank, Salem;
Clackamas County bank, Sandy; First
National bank, Scappoose; First State
Bank of Seaside, Seaside; The Bank of
Shedd, Shedd: Sheridan State bank. Sheri
dan; Bank of Sherwood. Sherwood : Col-
Hdge A McClaine, bankers. Silverton; First
National bank, Silverton; Farmers' &
Merchants bank. Springfield; Columbia
County bank, St- Helens; First National
bank, St. Helens; State Bank of St. Paul,
St. Paul; First State Bank of Sutherlin,
Sutherlin; State Bank of Talent. Talent;
x i i : tt.
cushions, reclining backs and re
sponsive springs.
These are incidentals.
Pierce-Arrow luxury lies in the
car's unbounded power, its flexi
bility, its alertness in changing pace
and steering, its noiseless, easy shift
of gears.
The Dual Valve Engine, dual ignition, improved trans
mission of the Pierce-Arrow insure comfort, confidence
safety, satisfaction qualities that give luxury a new meaning
and represent the sum total of motor car enjoyment.
Exclusive Distributors
PIERCE-ARROW Motor Cars and Motor Trucks
Ninth and Burnside Phone Broadway 4693
RJl acs r"
, T,- 1
Tha First National bank. The Palles;
French &. Co., banners. The Dalles; Wasco
County bank. The Dalles; First Bank of
Tigard. Tiard ; First National bank, Til
lamook ; Tillamook County bank, Tilla
mook; Lincoln County bank. Toledo; First
National bank, Union; Farmers' A Stock
growers' bank. Vale; United States Na
tional bank. Vale: Stock growers' 4k Far
mers National bank, Wallowa; The Far
mers' Bank of Weston, Weston; Nehalem
Valley bank. Wheeler; The Farmers" Bank
of Wilson ville, Wilsonvllle; Bank of Wood
burn. Wood burn; Security State bank,
Woodburn; Yamhill State, bank, Yamhill;
Farmers' Security bank, Yoncalla; Firtt
National bank. Burns: Nw tional Park
bank (fiscal agency) New York.
Albany School Election Jjinc 21,
ALBANY, Or., June 7. (Special.)
Notices have been issued calling' "for
Albany's annual school election June
21. Directors whoa terms expire this
year are "W. A- Kaftburn and E. K.
j ttMs? i--
amd all E s on the raoOTtlc
mi csttaum owaivafiv sm to a a srrv
Drink at Least a Quart
of Milk Each Day
A Clear
Record of
Mothers who make a
study of the food require
ments of their children
are richly rewarded.
Wise mothers know that
rich foods and heavy foods
make poorly balanced
menus, and overtax a
child's system.
They know, too, that
hllLK is Nature's perfect
ly balanced food, rich in
building elements. And
that the child who gets as
much milk as his rapidly
growing body requires is
alert, keen -minded at
the head of his class!
The school report card is
also a home report card.
Excellent school grades
show the bright, studious
child no more than the
diet-wise mother.
Give the Growing Child