'- ? 'r r "- ' ' - . - THE MORNING OR EGO XI AN, TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1920 10 .V IN FOB REST. furnished Boom in Private Family. IAFtGE, airy alcove room, furnished for bedroom and 'sitting room; newly ren ovated, inside and out; all modern con- eniences ; rates reasonable ; could tr ran to lor two beds if desired. Main 4i95. Z ROOMS,1 furnished nicely for housekeep ing, bath, gas, electricity and wood. Hi Gibb at.. yZo per month. Phone Mar shall yiil. KWXY furnished room adjoining new bath; breakfast if desired; walking dis tance. 91 E. 1-th at. East 100; aiso ft rage. COM KuKIA BI-.E, largo bleeping rm. with 'J beds, suitable for - clean working men; $1S per mo. Del Monte, 107 Stout st., near -Uth and "Wash,- BEAUTIFUL front room, mahogany fur niture, larfte closet, refined home, gentle men preferred, or lauy employed. 930 0r mo. Main ItfcyO. FOR RENT A fine large room with Mow of the mountains and city, in high-class neighborhood. 661 Market at. drive, near Vint a ave. bKUROOM for 1 or 2. housekeeping priv ileges; modero home. Irvington, East ?HpQ. ATTRACTIVE, pleasant rooms; prices rea sonable: tine location, walking distance. 43 12th st. Fl'RNlSHED room for rent in private family, gentleman preferred. 300 Mont gomery. ONE large front room, suitable for gentlemen pr-.f irred. Excellent board. Phone K. 7?s4i. "iiO E. Burnaide ft. VERY desirable sleeping room, finished in white; ivory suite for 1 or 2 desirable w orking girls. Mar. 1 IZ'-i. L)KSIKABLK room. 2 gentlemen, separate beds; walking distance. 470 Columbia. LARGE neatly furnished bedroom, walking distance. $2.50 per week. 451 0th st. SM ALL. front sleeping porch for gentie man ; SS a month. 055 Washington st. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL, 23D AND HOYT STS. CAMPBELL HILL HOT EI, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best known residential nntets on Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, J2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. NORTON I A HOTEL. Portland s downtown high -class l amity hotel ; rooms en suite or tingle, with or without board, for families and business men and women We give you all the comforts of a homo. Reasonable rates. LADY alone, with nice apt., close in. would board young working- girl reasonable; home privileges. Call East 4:J10 alter a p. m. THE HEREFORD, modern residential ho tel: Nob Hill district; reasonable ratea 75-5 Hoyt. Main 53t5. BEAUTIFULLY- located home offers room and board: home-made bread. 143 North 1ith st. Bdwy. 4;'. 14. ROOM and board for business girls ; all modern conveniences; walking distance; $5 per week. Aut. 21-974. 12 E. 7th st. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. "SO 10th st. For business girls and students reasonable rates. Mar. 1251. Rooms With Ivoard In Private Family. ROOM and board for yo,ung lady, share large room with ronton ial young lady; piano, homo privileges; walking dis lame: reasonable rales. Main 5023. 40S Market st. "OR business man. attractive front room modern prlvn to home, close in. 411 Mill st. Main 37!2. FURNISHED room for 2 with good board in private modern home; nice res. dist. E. 0014. t74 E. Ankeny. "NURSE will give four bo; t he best of board and Main st. -a over 6 years care. 1224 E. THREE in one room with board at a real home at 355 E. llth st. S.; home bak ing; first-class car service. WANTED Children to hoard. 211 E fwth N. Moatavilla car. Phone Tabor CI SO. WOULD like children to room and board; mother's care. Tabor SjO.. BEST of tw?en 2 mother's care and 8 years. Kiven child K. 51 SO. LARGE sitting roo.n with sleeping porch; in irvington ; iwara. t-agt lS4o. Furnished Apartments. t THE CROMWELL. T1fth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes" walk to Meier & Frank tore; Rood surroundings, strK'tly mod ern : 2 ana 3-room furnished apis. ; al outside with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient. HIGH CI-ASS. lively outside apt. with seeping Torch.. very beautifully furnished fejue and willow, aim lovely suite and single rooms for bachelor with references. Stelwyn Apt.. 116 St. Clair. Ft R R ST 3-room well -furnished down- town apartment to reliable couple from Julv 1 until Oct. 1; $37.50 per; two months rent in advance. Y 6'J8, Ore ponlan. "RON NIK BRAE Aoartments: beautiful room apartment, new ly furnisned, all white ena-meied. hardwood floors, Irv in gton d ist r let. THE HOU6MAX Nicely furnished 2 and 3-room apartments, large, siry rooms; some with sleeping porch; $45 up. 73 Hoyt st. Main 1552. BAN MARCO APTS.. corner E. 8th and Couch, one 3-room furnished ant. with private bath and phone; price $43. East 1990. "BONNIE BRAE Apartments; beautiful semi-basement, corner, two-room apart ment. bath, newly furnished, painted and tinted. KINGSBUR.V. 1S VltfTA AVE. One. 3-room furnished apt., two dls a ppearinir beds : price $75: outside bal cony; will rent by week, Call Main 3SS3. SMALL, neat apartment, furnished. In cluding light, heat, sas for cooking, phone, etc. In exchange for a few min utes daily housework. Main 41 24. FULTON APTS. -T23 Macadam st. 1 "" mln. car service; 2-room newly furnished front apt. $1H; first floor, $13. Main H8H. East 5235. "f BA BODY APTS.. 19 th and Upshur Housekeeping apartments. 1. 2 and 3-rm. Steatn heat :rea?-on able. Broadway 1546. 6-ROOM completely furnished apt. with 2 built-in beds and balcony. Claypoole Apta.. 424 Clay st. ROSLYN APT. Two-room apt., strictly modern. Phone Bdwy. 4140. 3 ROOMS, kitchenette, completely fur nished : n cm r .lefterson high school. Auloma tic 514-90. LF. E OS A PTS- 4 room s i proof bldg., clean, -lr.se Market st. Mar. 3597. ,nd hath; in; $1S. fire 210 S-ROOM furnished apt., bath, phone, good light rooms, good car service. Ta bor i65. I-ROOM furnished corner apt, all outside rooms, immediate popcssion. Mar. 291. 6S5 Irving st. Barker Apts. FOR RENT st. Phone Two apartments. Main 5St9. 429 Market DESIRAB?E 2 rooms, close in, able. Main 01 S3. 3 FOR KENT 1 and 2-room apartments. modern. 370 0th st. Marshall 5882. UNION AVE. all complete; and Klllincsworth. concrete bldg- 1 10 50 IENN"ISON APTS., 1027'i Belmont; 3-room apartments, furnished. LEONCE APTS.. ISO N. A p ts. for ren t. $42.50. 5-ROOM furnished apt., Irvington; adults; ,1 line rj I.O tT t -J i . i. r.ai o.'i) i . THE Florence. 3SS llth st; one nicely furnished. (Jnfurnlsneu Apartments. , KINGSBURY. ISO VISTA AVE. 1 nice 4-room unfurnished apt., new ly tinted; kitchen and bedioom in white enamel ; will rent furnished or unfur nished; price $70 unfurnished. Main 3S83. ONE modern 2-room apt., private bath, splendid location, walking distance. Phone 555-10. J'ORT.VO MA H t rooms, sieenins porch, hardwood floors; adults. 2QQ East 1 3 th. TWO or three unfurnished rooms for house keeping in Irvington; adults. East S52. TWO or three unfurnished rooms fur house keeping In Irvington: adults. Eaet 4S52. 6-ROOM upper flat, rent $o0. Inquire jiOO Eugene st. East Q3S2. Furnished or L'murntshed Apartments. JAEGER "APARTMENT, 701 Washington st. Wilt have several apartments rvadv for occupancy on or about June 7; can make reservations now. " Flats. CHOICE FLAT FOR RENT. 5 rooms and bath, on car iine. Ka?t Side; come to office. Neilan ft I'arkhill. 219 Lumbermen's Bldg.. 5th & Stark sts. 6-ROOM modem flat for rent; furniture for aale. possession on or before June 10. Call nt 572 E. Salmon st. f DESIRABLE P.-r I J in; steam heat, y Marshall H344. y, MODKRN 5 room flat: west side, close gas range for sale. Prions -room flat. 232 Ve Ala rem. foot of Malsey; 10 mln. walk from Union depot: beautiful location. MODERN 5-room lower flat, just painted, good condition. $25: water nald; you will like this. 1.79 " Corbett street. FOK RENT. riata. FOR HE.NT Modern 0-room upper flat: includes steel range, gas water heater, full cement banement and large sleeping porch. Awonderful opportunity to live in a clean well-ventilated flat for $:t0 a month; located at Water st. Third street car, south to Gtbbs and Water. In quire corner grocery. Main 901... EVERETT and 17th, west side, 550 and 552 Everett, 5 minutes from business center, 2 modern flats, 5 rooms w 1th separate basement and furnace, yard. Upper fioor. $tt5; lower floor, $55. Apply John R. Downes, 302 Dekuin bldg. FOR RENT Modern five-room flat; children. Tabor 2515. no Furnished Fists. NICE, clean 6-room modern lower flat. rent o0. west side, close in, to parties buying furniture, alt beds, fine A-H gas r; oaa. v ern is-Mart in range, gooo rugs p at 1500. Bdwy. 35Z Kearney. UNTIL July 1, completely furnished 5 room flat, clean and desirable. Call room 416 Portland h o tel. ILL rent 4-room furnished flat to adults, reference required, June 15 to Sept. 1. 2K4 14th st. -r 4-ROOM flat for rent: furniture for tale. Call between 10 A. M. and 1 P. M., 206 Grand ave. N. 4-ROOM furnished upper Hat, $22 & month. 42 Nehalem ave. Sellwood 514. Housekeeping: Rooms. $1 TO $5 . week. completely furnished housekeeping suites, absolutely clean ; e-very convenience : righ t downtown ; save carfare. The Cadillac, 3d near Jef ferson. $6 WEEK for 2 large furnUhed house keeping rooms with hot and cold running water; also a 3 -room modern apt.. $3J month. 402V: Third st. 3 DESIRABLE, new housekeeping rooms, completely furnished, private bath, laun dry, sas ranee. 1S6 Sherman st. Mar- ehajj 3133. THE BEAVER. 12th ana Mar.; famished H. K. rooms. $15 up. Including gas ran, hot water, electric lights, laundry room. TRUNKS and baggage delivered in down town district for 25c. Auto service. Free storage for 15 days. Phon.; Bdwy. 2445. TRANSIENT .1413. room. 312 Clay st. ON E LIGHT, airy furnished housekeeping apartment, facing park. 404 Park st. NICE, clean furnished housekeeping rooms, $2.50 and up. 0 Front st. TWOasingle rooms, very convenient; hot water always, tee these. 655 Flanders. 3 H. K. room. for rent. 60 1st st. Call East 6388. CLEAN, newly papered housekeeping rooms, 53 per week and up. fant t. NEAT and clean. 1 or 2-room housekeeping suites. Call 305 oth st. BASEMENT housekeeping room, $2.50 week. 3R1 Taylor st. HOUSEKEEPING room for bachelor. Broadway. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 23 4 th st. Honsekeeplng Rooms tn "Private Family. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms. parlor and hall rtownstalrs. Kitchen ann bedroom upstairs: in private home. $10.50 per month, including light and water. 1 042 Will lams avenue, corner Alberta. TWO large well -f u rn isljed housekeeping rooms with kitchenette, everything fm- nished but cooking gas; in Ladd add. East 5002. A LA RG E well furnished room with use of dining room and kitchen Tor sum mcr; adults only. Nob Hill district. BO 4.S, Uregonlan. ELDERLY lady will rent 2 furnished H. K. rooms in irvington, to quiet couple 41I E. 12th st. N. TWO nieasant furnished H . K. rooms walking distance; adults. 6:0 E. Burn- side. THREE housekeeping rooms, furnished unfurnished. 4i4 E. Washington st. 2 ROOMS- -Everv convenience ; Marshall 3456. ney st. Houses. GOOD modern house. 6 rooms, centrally located, goon neighborhood. ( JJfl N. Rent $10. Adults only. Key at 747 E. Burnaine st. WHEN YOTT MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 5S0, A 6747. FOR RENT 5-rooin strictly modern bun ga'ow ; hardwood floors, furnace, trays garage, fine location: year lease if de sired. Phone Wood lawn 341 1. LOCAL and long-distance moving and hauling: first-class equipment. Green Tr. Co., 22U Alder st. Main 1261, 572-61 MOVING Piano, furniture and long-dis tanee hauling a specialty. G. w. Truck Service Co., 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. 5-ROOM buncrnlow and gnrnge, 301 E. 35th st.; no ehltdren; rent $45. Call betwtsen 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. A FURNISHED home free, gas, fuel, elec tric lights, garden, at Arleta. Mt. Scott iine. f-r meals for lady. T 524. Orejjonian. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale, Grnnt. Main 1 107. 5-RtOM modern. $IS. 105 River St.. side. Cal ! phone East S2. Koit RENT 7-room house. 98 E. S4th St. Owner there between 10 and 3 P. M. - ROOM clean house, 305 First, G:hb. Inquire 852 Hood. Adults. Furnitihed Ilour. 11TH. NEAR E.ist Columbia: attractive 10-room fiat, rent $50 per mo.; party m ust buy furniture, complete. $ 1 1 90. This flat has income of $10f4 per month, leaving two rooms for owner. No vacan cies. Call 248 Stark st. Main 54U9. ask for Mr. Hubbard. . HANDSOM ELY furnished 5 rooms, walk ing distance, west side, with wonderful view; most modern duplex hou; e in the city; lease for one year to adults ; ref erences. Owner, Main 1528. YOUNG lady house with Tahnr 7173. will share well -furnished reliable adult. Price $40. FURNISHED house for rent, :n good location; all modern; reasonable. , 851 Northrup at. 0-KUOM furnished house, place, piano; on car line; bor 1535. furnace, fire o0 month. Ta- FOR RENT Lower . floor of house. 3 rooms, nicely furnished: $35. 540 Yamhill st.. near 17th, west side. Main 271S. FOR RENT Nicely furnished house on East 1 8th st. Sunny side rar to 1 8th, fro half block soutn No. 146. Adults only. HoUSE for rent, partly furnished, reason Hhle. Call Wood lawn 4030. Hummer Re-sorts. VERT small private ho; el for couples wishing to spend a week or two at Sea side; overiooKB ocean ; giassea porcn. big living room with fireplace, won derful home-cooked meals: $5 per day per person. For reservation write A. L. Peel, 119 Ninth ave., Sesslde. Or. FOR RENT At sea resort for 3 months located In beantiful place, one cottage o' four rooms, nice green fields arid larae porches surrounding: also large rooms with stoves and beds: very reasonable. Inquire S. Qbeiender. Tokeland. Wash. MCE .-room rurn i shea cottage. new plumbing throughout: V. block from ocean ; rent $1 75 to Aug. 1. Marshall 2316. 5-ROOM modern cottage. Juiv and Aug. $50 month. Postmistress Twin Rocks, Oregon. ONE 0-room and one 1-room furnished cottage at Ocean Park, V ash. Mar shall 3613 OCEAN CREST APTS. Light housekeep- ing. Rnrka avBfach. frOB KEMT. Hammer Resort. ANNOUNCEMENT TO CAMPERS. "We wlh to announce at this time the opening of Evergreen Hot Springs at Cas cades, Wash., for camper while our new hotel is under construction. We have a beautiful camping- ground; good fishing in the laltAM nsksavhar Marie Schick, the'well-known nurse who ria oeen employed at Shephard's Springs for the last year, is now in r-hnnrn of th baths at Evergreen Hot Springs and will personally superintend the bath house and attend tk miu eludes camping grounds, wood and all the uaina wanted. Aartress all mall to Stevenson. Wash. vcnKKEN HOT SPRINGS CO.. By .1. L,. Wllklns, Mgr. SEASIDE. OR FOR LADIES ONLY. THE PINK LODGE. eomprwlnr one-haif block of ground, beautifully situated, two blocks from Iiroadway and ocean; rates $.50 and flO.oO per week, with kitchen privileges; strictly modern, with large lobby lire place, hot and cold showers, tennis court on grounds; make reservations early, as only a limited number can be accom modated. MRS. FLORA FERGUSON. Manager. Seaside. Or. GEARHART PAftfCS BEST LOCATION Modern, completely furinshed house, im mediate possession; ocean frontage on highest a-round on ridge, with unob structed view of ocean frorrr Tillamook Head to mouth of Columbia river; 8 bedrooms. 3 baths and toilets, lavatory in each bedroom ; glass enclosed dining and sun porr-h. overlooking the beach ; more than 100 feet of open porch; fine yard; for sale by non-resident owner at a bargain. Apply to D. G. Wilson. 85 J-ourth at. Broadway 2980. Marshall SPEND TOUR WEEK-END AT THE GABLES. Scavlew, Washington. Quiet, homey rooms, two blocks from ocean, wonderful home-cooked meals: limited number of patrons: $3 and up per j me ior reiervationa. THE GABLES. Seaview, Washington Mac LEA V8 CAMP. OSWEGO LAKE. Cottage for rent, partly furnished; reached from Oswego station on 4fh-st red electric line. Mac Lean, 507 Lewis di'jr. nonet: .Main -1 and Uswe orDu a iol oi money in l. k far when we can give you a good camp site at Columbia Btach. including fuel, light and water at $T to $10 per month? Dad dy can be with you every night. If in- u'reiiea.-iaKe Vancouver car. hakpy v-A M I , Netarts. Or. Tent an cottages for rent, plenty of clams, crabs ,,V4 i iodine, njiiii. on ine oeacn, pro- teciea from the winds: reasonable i-iiai-Kc. unaer new management. Mrs M. E. Olden, manager. HOT SPRINGS HOTEL. STEVENSON. WASH. In the center of the beauties of the Columbia gorge, near the "Bridge of the Gods." The place for your summer "e- "taia trie oest. WANT COTTAGE AT SEASIDE Ti . n)c co"t'se at Seaside for ""'J'" nirw' luny rurnished: about i o ruunm; eiaie particujurs, 324. Oregon ian. White AE m a r, reservations now at the Andora hotel. Seaside, Or.; small. homelike piac-e, inoacm, oat ns. lavatories etc room and board $2.50 a day and up. SEASIDE. OR. Furnished cottages for rent, all kinds and sizes. Inquire or w me jo .vrs. to. snyoer, 313 3d ai Seaside. Or. FOR RENT Month of July. "Point Loma" cottage, nr. Heicn Center. North Beach v u.sh. ; nrcplacc and city water. Main rr a ii-roorn mooern nouse. com pletely furnished: on 2d av., 1 block iroin ueaen. write dox Seaside, Or. Store. -rv r i store on Aiaaison st. near r iuru. wricK oia., duhv corner, trans rer point from O. K. Ky to "East Side int-, i83 smaii store. Jefferson st. bet, rrom ana r ir.-t ; reasonable rent. A h. nirrn co.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. -'1(11 --in-. I i tut. $5 STORE, west side, close In. fset. Tabor 1114. 23x9f Offices. SALESROOM WITH ADDITION A MAIUK SrACE IN LARGE GARAGE KiU WELL GARAGE. 4TH AND v L- V- x 1 o l B. trnj?sti BUWY. 3974. NICELY furnished front office includTn phone. $15 for balance of June. Appl 200 Stoek Exchange hid a. Mincellaneous. db-auiiull newly decorated hall for rent .-amiutt.v i! iK" is, steaay or tor dancj and lectures. Auditorium hall, 208 V SI' ACE for rent for light lunches. Washington st. 69 Brsyyrsg opportunities. ir iuu are an experienced auto painte tan lurnisn goon reierences and will vest "h.i to s.iuou if proposition war rants, we can ue you In our well en ted general garage business to tak charge of our paint department, libera saiary to start, lour money will be wel secured ano our proposition will stan iKin investigation. K tni, Oregonian 15ti0 BUYS one of the best restaurants on Washington st. Tnis is a good one. See BHUWi v KiDULK, 324 Railway Ex rnange oiog. MOVIE picture theater for sale, with lease or building; splendid opportunity for ex penenceu, energetic people, liberty lh ater. Kosenurj,', r. MEATS AND LIGHT GROCE-Y. Neat, pretty t.tore, I"500 month busi new. low rent: fine location: will in voice. Room bll Railway Exchange. $750 BUYS half interest m jrood paying business, inctuuing tois arm stucK; good chance for right party. Hawthorns ave. . FIREPROOF GARAGE. Tins steady storage, good repair busi ness: a bargain at $1000. Room oil. Railway Exchange. STORAGE battery and vulcanizing busi ness In good Oregon town, established business- no triflers or agents. AV U01, Oregonian. VULCANIZING shop, tirea and accesso ries, modern equipment, good location; must be sold In next ten days, bargain for cash. Wood lawn 209 week days. FOR SALE, rent or lease in Astoria, fully equipped theater, rooming house, cen trally located, and business locations. D. H. Welch, Astoria. Or. RESPONSIBLE party wanted to manage and operate amusement and picnic park on Columbia highway, on shares. Call Tabor 4303. FOR SALE One-chair barber shop. Good town. Address W. B. Johnson. Colfax, Wash. NEW and second-hand furniture store for sale. If interested write A. F. Page. Tillamook. Or. OWNER of lot close in, west side, will build public garage for responsible ten ant. G 584, Oregonian. FOR SALE Confectionery and cigars. $1000 caph. balance monthly. Owner. Stark at West Park. O 303. Oregonian. SHOE machinery, repair shop, good trade anu goo a mca .mi. nm . FOR SALB Tabor 111. Urooery stock and 584 52d ave. 8. fixtures. E. 8MMU busy restaurant for tale; terms; low rent. 375 Front t- FOR SALE-Barber shop in Y. M. C A, bldg. Good business. i HAVE cash for a ca ' ment house d-lstlet cash-carry groc, apart- :yj; JOthave. s. E. g-P7. Lilian A i r .g ---- T. .rCr Ti r- 7 KTu,,i..tN r- 1 y i i it in i ni w f i 11 i i v n itiu . i I I rA t --r - nvuL uviu i BUSLNKSS orPORrUKlTlKSb AN established manufacturing business in forwana offera exceptional opportunity to man with $5000 to $10,000. a half in terest in incorporated company Just or ganised can be had for $10,000. No ob jection to taking on man with services if nullified to take active part in business; man with selling ability, mechanically inclined, or to act as secretary preferred. If you are not a top-notcher and a live one, pleaao do not answer. State previous experience when answering. O 19, Ore gonian. DOWN-TOWN BAKERY. Window bakery, wholesale and retail. Do-nut machines and route. A No. 1 equipment and fixtures; valuable lease; also excellent valuable stock on hand if wanted) this shop has best location down town; business about $500 daily. M. D. says I have to quit. It's a good tnmg for someone with the cash. Ad- mga me. am -fjz, Oregonian. faTORK FOR SALE Groceries, school sup plies, confectionery and school lunches. nearest store to large public school. Steady school trade during school months and ennri nnnnrMin 1 v fn. n, eral grocery business: other business de mands time and attention; price S0O. rent f 15. Phone Sellwood COT or call 5.S4 FOR RENT. VK.I.L-KnVl- M I f r IT " T Y A T U RESORT on the Columbia at White Sal mon, wasn. foully furnished; will ac vummooaie w guests. Rent $130 per roonth. Reference rxchanged. For de- wans can MacINNES A. PRATT, 2QH-1Q Oregon bldg., Broaowav 1659. r Here s your opportunity f" siari a arug store on nothing. "v a good confectionery in a town tnat has no drug store and will sacri fice it. Apartment above store and your wife can run the store while ou work in i.un. jiain amy. A GARAGE SPEC1AI. Ciese in, on west side: a concrete b'flr 4 years' lease; stornge for 40 cars at $10 muii'ii; wasn raca; auto repairing, etc, 5an maue large profits. Best buy Portland today. Call room 401 Dekum '"Of. NO COMMISSION TO PAY. Classy little root beer and cand" business, fine location, good business must leave city thia week: $750' and rent paid to July 1; Just fine for man anowiie. see me at 140 3d St. r O K bA LE In citv of fOlrt inhnWilan m on i n i y payroll of 5 1 00. 000. good iujuuon. new anq 2d-hand furniture bus! ne-a witn staple stoek of $2000: oppor tunity worthy of investigation. APPly wo, urcgonian. NEED 6 trucks Immediately for road wora; per nr.; guaranteed Job fur nished with each 3'2-ton truck pur chased. R. E. Harness. Call Sundav j aoor et'J9; weekdays. Broadway 157: ask for truck salesman. CASH AND CARRY GROCERY. Nothing like It in Portland. Can show you where l made more money with thi place last year than I am asking for now. See this before you buy else wnere. fiione Tabor 805. No agents AN EXPERIENCED vulcanlzer knows of good location Tor a tin shop; would Uk to meet party with $1000 to $1500. wish. Ing to go Into business; money fully se cured; experience not necessary. BC 410, GARAGE. Close-in 2-story building, good lease and rent, stores 00 cars, has large re pair business. Receipts $2000 month. Call mi Kail way Exchange. MUST SELL. On account of sickness will aell th best-paying soda fountain and lunc counter In Portland at a sacrifice; pric .HHnj cash. Al 5., urcsonlan. $550 VULCANIZING SHOP $350. In first-class locality, do! n fir $300 month; $000 takes it: must raise money $50 cash. 0 months on balance; a snap tnat won t last long. E b-4i. Uregonlan AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS. Have opening for a man to sell th gasoline, oils, tires, auto parts, etc. Ca clear $10 day. $1250 cash required. Koom 401 Dekum bldg. A SMALL store apace for rent and carne and fixtures, electric lights, etc.. for sale ; ren t $ 1 o. paid to June 1 : posses sion on or before the loth. Price S eah AE 323. Oregonian. GOOD location for bakery, butcher shoo or specialty store ; modern store build Ina in (rood population center: rood in duc-ement to right parties Johnson. 248 Stark st. RESTAURANT on Wash., doing good busi ness; will sell cheap if sold this week. This Is worth looking Into. Apply 473 Washington st. GROCERY store, in good location, at in voice prices; an extraordinarily good proposition. Phone Tabor 7202 after 7 P. M. FOR SALE Chicken farm. equipment, garden, tools, fruit. 0-room house. This is a real bargain. See this at 2837 38th st. S. E. RESTAURANT for sale or will trade for apartment house or real estate, heart of city, doing excellent business; best five year lease In city. V 515, Oregonian. FOR SALE At cost. Al hardware and furniture business. Winchester store, in best little town in state: sickness com pels sale. J Q'J2. Oregonian. HAVE some exceptionally attractive in dust rial stock which should make ten for one. R. L. Yoke, 1133 Northweslern Bank bldg. WELL-ESTABLISH ED wholesale manu facturing business will net oUTc on your Investment; about $0000. J 517. Ore gonian. WANTED Good, all-round baker to buy half interest in new bakery at Grunt a Pass. Or. Far Information see Burt Holcomb, lo3 North Oth st. VULCANIZING and accefnory shop on 3d street, low rent, stot'Kea ana equipped, HOO, some terms. interstate land Co., Stark st. 54-ACRE ranch In Marion county, with or without equipment, to trade for house or business. Address owner, W. C. Johns. Gervais, Or. - STATE AGENCY OPEN An investment of $200 will net you $-50 a month tn carbon and ribbon line. Howell. 70S Wilcox bldg ; FOR SALE Candy kitchen In theater building, good business. -4th and Thur man st.i. ' FUR SALE 200 shares Johnson Auto Sig nal Ftock. Vancouver Co. Offer. Box l!05. St. Anthony. Idaho . PARTNER, wanted for automobile business Can clear $5 week; only $400 required. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. A WOOD and coal business for $500; .prof its $:U0 month. Can oontraet for plenty wood. Room 40r Dekum bidg. FOR SALE Confectionery store. Jefferson depot, $1000 cash, good real estate, bal ance. FOR SA LE Good rehtaurant, confection ery. Willing to accept car as part pay ment. A 505. Oregonian. RESTAURANT for sale cheap for cash or on easy terms: good fixtures and loca tion. Call owner, 2!2 First st. LAUNDRY" driver who la desirous of con necting hmiself with paying plant and can Invest $4000. T 525, Oregonian. FOR SALE BY OWNER Erlkson"s White Shield Maternity Home. 70S E. 72d N. Phone 312-79. WILL exchange good paying restaurant and confectionery for grocery. V 001, Oregonian. DRUG STORE location, fine corner, for rent 8 47 William a vs. BKERY for sale, good location: will sell at a bargain. $03 E. 30th st. Tabor 0105. REST a"u RANT for sale, good location, cor- or, '"71 E. BurrtgMe gt Call before noon. POLLY AND HER PALS TII"h2 EVIDKMEf SKKMS TO UK sSfc'bLXESS OPPORTUNITIES. ATTENTION. Mr. Business Buyer, a gen eral mdse. stock for rale. There Is no better location in the country; stock and fixtures invoice about $17.AOO ; also will sell building. Located on S. P. C, also P. A. Sc. P. R. R., now building. Located in a good farming, logging and sawmill territory; large territory to draw trade from; no opposition; sales average $75UU per mo. Will reduce stock so as $10,000 will handle deal. R. Ha up an, Bux ton. Or. OR SALE Grocery and feed business, doing $4uO0 month, near Portland; stock and fixtures, including new one-ton Ford truck, about $500. . One acre, store bldg. 26x70, hall upstairs, 6 living rooms in rear of store, basement, garage, ware house, etc. Real estate $6OO0; might take home In or near Portland up to $4000. A bargain, direct from owner. H 513, Oregonian. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE ABX.-S TO finance himself, wanted to reprwent fac tory manufacturing the latest wonder Invention, nature's lceless refrigerator; no ice, no dirt, no moisture, and cost about the same as any good refrigera tor. Can be installed In any home, fac tory or store at cost of 1 year's Ice. If you are a live wire and qualified, see me, Mr. Clarke, lOB N. Broadway. DELICATESSEN. Finest location on Oth street. In fine apartment district: doing- business of over $60 per day and iucreasing right along. Will sell at Invoice or will trade for small tract 'of improved land, close to Portland. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 101 3th St. Maln 0809. PICTURE theater for sale, thoroughly up- to-date, in one of the livest ana grow ing towns in Idaho. Seats about 450; machines and all equipment practically new and In perfect order. Price- $85m. Do not answer this unless you have $6500 cash. Long lease and reasonable rent. Box 205 fit. Anthony, Idaho. LARGE manufacturing corporation wants capable man to open branch or rice ana manage salesmen: $500 to $2000 neces sary: excluaive right: patented article; money making possibilities unlimited: will nav exoenses to Baltimore if you qualify. Address Mr. Clemmer. Sales Mgr., 416 N. Howard St., Baltimore. Md. CAFETER I A. Most modern cafeteria In city, large electric baker. N. W. steam, best tix tures. neata 60. larce stock, rent $225. 3-year lease, net profits $3oO a mouth; $70O0, no trade. if you mean business. answer. AB 320, Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT GROCERIES. Located in one of the fastest growing districts in Portland. Can easily make purchase price back during season just starting; Interest or partners may agree to sell all. Call Bdwy. 2390. ELECTRIC light and power plant In town or J200 population near Centralis, wa-n Modern 2200 eolt A. C. distribution sys tem. Present business can be doubled im mediately. Would coat $5000 to dupli cate; $2000 cash takes it. O&kville Elec tric Co., Oakville, Wash.' $700 BUYS one of the best cleaning and pressing- machines, electric iron. etc. furniture for three rooms ; weekly busi ness $100: rent $23 Including 3 living rooms. See BROWN & B1DDLE, 324 Railway Exchange bldg. BRAND new restaurant at Corvallia; beet paying restaurant In city, clearing $400 month. Dairy lunch on one side, dining room on the other. Reason for selling, sickness. 228 N. 20th st, Lucille Court A pts. V. A. Tarpley, Bdwy. 2071. EAST SIDE grocery doing good business. laving rooms in connection, oia estao lished location. Owner retiring from business: $1ROO cash or will trade part payment on good 5-room residence, Gall at 720 Board of Trade bldg. ON ACCOUNT of other business I am com nelled to aell ma V interest in this aa raze. You know the Motor Inn, one of the best on the east side. See Dodds, Motor Inn Garage. 830 K. Bucnslde. AT INVOICE, izood stock of groceries. modern li vina rooms, rent $35: stock will Invoice about $2000; owner leaving city. BROWN &. BIDDLE. 324 Ky. change. A SMALL STORE. T.larht aroceries. candy, etc.. profits $ Hav. Will sell the stock and the furni ture i;i two living rooms, all for $300. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. CAUTION. BUYERS Before closing dea Af xn-cjiUed Interest In established - rea estate business get advice of Portland Realtv oara. zi urcKon disk, orota way 1002. CONFECTIONERY STORE. Near large school; has 4 nice living rocms; sells light groceries, ice cream, cindv, etc.: $40 day trade; rent Call 511 Railway Exchange. JOB PRINTER, to buy Interest in very profitable butanes that I cannot hand'.s alone: an honest offer of a splendid op portunity seldom to be had. P. O. box J4S, BAKERY for ale, good buslnesa; well equipped; priced right. If interested it will pay to look Into this. Peerless Bak ern. Medfurd. Or. BAKERY for cale. good location; will aell at a bargain. 893 E. oOth tet. Tabor 6195. Kuwlneae Opportunities Wanted. IK YOU want to work for one of the largest real est a te firms in Portland see us. A good proposition and lots of proMpeets. R ELI ABLE I N ESTM EN T CO.. 305 Oak st. HotelH and Rooming Houses. TO BUY or sell a hotel, apartment or rooming house, call Marshall 3.93. Mem ber of the Realty Board. Coover A Hol man, 322-3-4 Falling bldg.. Third and Washington. lo-ROOM HOUSE Corner lot. for sale; completely furnisned ror tour rami lies two bath rooms, furnace; west aide walking distance; good Income; price $2ru. t.asi i oob. APT. HOUSE near city hall, by private party ; 4. rooms, at i tun; good lease : price right for quick sale. Inquire 202 McKay btug. HOTEL for sale. ".. rooms, in good town on Columbia highway ; income better than $400. cheap rent, long- lease. $4000 cash; no agents. UK 4W0, Oregonian. 55-KOOM brick hotel, rent $150; 0 sleep ing rooms, balance apts. ; clears about $4u0. Price 935(10. ttrms. MRS. THOMSON. 021 HENRY PL DO. WEST SIDE REALTY CO.. 164 West Park -St. For bargains in rooming and apart mcnt houses. lO-ROOM IL hT7, west side, walking dis tanee. first-class furniture, new curtains, linoleum and rug; nets $97. SO above rent. $1400. cash or terms. Main 2530. 10 ROOMS, all housekeeping, good furni ture and rugs, very close in; net $100 per month. Must be sold this week. Price $1050. terms. Call Main 660S. 8-ROOM housekeeping for sale, in good or der and rent paid up to 18th or .Tune, and a telephone, for $700. Leaving for sickness. 101 Irving it., and 10th at N. 17 H. K. AiPTS., elegant furnishings. Modern, central, low rent, lease if de aired, money-maker; price right, terms. Call -01 10th st. APARTMENT hou.se. 25 rooms, well fur nished, cleans $1 10 per month ; a bar gain !Seethis;CallJJtiOB FOR best bargain in apartment houaes see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 245 4th st, " MRS. M. E. LENT. Hotel and apartment-house broker. &2B-4-6 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ROOMING house, 10 rooms, good location, for quick aale, $1050; terms. Call 200 Broadway. 20 H- 7V. 1 K. ROOMS Thnrman. for sale. See owner. AGAINST TA. BY CXJKK STERRETT. - ' ' Ck fX J y- i BUSINESS on-ORTlMTUS. Hotel and Rooming Hoosee. SEE SIMMS. 34-room transient brick hotel, well-located, hot and cold water, some private baths, extra good furniture; "J" Income over $40O; good leaao and $000 will hai8-room transient hotel, close in on Washington street, rent only $0 and a good building; all outside rooms; income over $250. Price $3500; some terms. 10-room transient hotel, the best loca tion in the city; 2-year lease. $50 month; nil new furniture, a real money-maker. Price $2250. 24 H. K. rooms, very close in. rent $5; extra good furniture; all apts. rented, not Si75. and si 750 cash will handle. lO well-located in White Temple dis trict, income 150. rent 52.50: electric lights, gas, good furnace, large basement. apts. always rented. rricc i.ou. H. K. rooms. Just off of Morrison st-, a dandy location; rent $50. net income $75. Trioe $750. SIMMS. 425 CHAM. OF COM. BLDG, Main 4277. HOTEL CLOSE IN. 74 rnnmR. firenroof. brick and rein forced concrete buildtna:: hot and coid water in all rooms; lis baths; nicely fur nished throughout : g-round-floor lobby ; elevator. Price $12.5o0; $7500 cash, bal ance 6, per cent. H. J. DRTESSEL. 1203 Wilcox Bldg. Main 0416. East 5S60. 34-ROOM hotel, frame, plastered building. seven years old, located at terminus oi brancn of S. P. R. R., on main highway between Portland and Tillamook; lot 50x 100. paved st.. electric lights, spring water Diced throuch house: price sauou, half cash, bal. four years or longer; do - ins good business; If you want a good business, cal i 0X6 or write to box iito, Witiamina, Oregon. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business. Hotel, Rooming or Apartment Mouse or any Kind, an wnere, tee b R1KRDO.V. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SICKNESS FORCES SALE. 35 rooms, mostly apta., reasonable rent : lease ; busy location : good income will consider offers within reason; give terms. MRS. THOMSON, 20-21 HENRY BLDG, SEE HOTEL INFORMATION BUREAU, 501-2 Couch bldg.. Main 4537. for rooms of every kind fvr Shrlners week. MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW. SALE OR TRADE. My equity in residence flat building with large yard and plenty of fruit, on easy terms, or trade on rooming house. 1224 E. Main st. FOR SALE Contents of rooming house, cheap; no dealers. T 62 ,. Oregonian. LOST AND FOOD. THE following articles were found en cars of the P. li.. L. 6c P. Co.: June 3 purses.-2 pr. gloves, book. 6 packages, birdcage thermos bottle, overalls, hat. rubber boots, cycle, fish net. 2 lunch 1 boxes. 3 suitcases. 7 umbrellas. June 6 4 purses, tickets, bunch keys. 3 kei s. 2 pins. 2 combs. 3 pr. gloves, belt, cam era, hat. 1 lunch box, 3 packages, blanket. 3 suitcases, fishing- pole. 10 umbrellas. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder tts. IAJST Lady's blue silk purse in ladies' iet room of Meier & Frank, containing over $60, mostly in currency. Name and address are on papers in batf. Call East 580, reward. LOST On Decoration day on Estacada car or at Cedar Brook fetation or from there on, short trail crossing highway to river, a tquirrel neck piece. Reward. Call East 1 Tl 0, or F. ;J3J, Oregonian. LOST Black hand bag . containing pen tleman's watch, money and owner s name, between Yankton and Portland from auto. Return to Y. W. C. A. Re ward. LOST In First National bank Monday aft crnoon, black leather pocket book con taining money and valuable papers. Call East 714J. Tuesday. Reward. WILL the gentleman who found a bunch of keys belonging to Goo. Chute please return them to 1120 Interstate ave. or engine i!4. LOST -Last Wednesday mornina:. a blue handbag containing rosary beads, cur rency and fc liver ; roearv a keeusake. Liberal reward. Main 5733. LUST teeth replaced without pain by the nerve-blocking method. Dr. A. W. Keene. Dr. K. H. Prehn. Majestic Theater bldg., 351 Washington. LOST Nash coupe floor rug on E. Burn- side st.. between K. 39 th and river. Finder please call Tabor 1407. lust White, blue-eyed Persian eat. near 24th and Brooklyn. Reward. Sell- wood 03. W ILL lady who picked up red silk um brella on public market pleaae leave at toe market master s office . LOST On Oregon City car at Oregon Citv $2.24 in envelope. Kindly return to 44 E. 40th st.. Portland. Reward. LOST Two little black Scotch terriers at River wood. Reward if returned to Main W3. LOST Brown colored English bulldog, please return to 1O0 E. oath st.. near Glisau; reward. Call after 7 P. M. LOST Black purs- by working giri on Mt. hcott car; reward, call J. wrignt, 1'osla Telegraph. LOST tion -Lady's blue wool sweater on Line road. Broadway 1S9S. Sec LOST Gold watch fob. letter G. Return S4S Aider st- Keward. H. D. Green. LOST Gold Elgin wrist-watch with blaek wrist ribbon. Keward. Phone Col. V06. SPECIAL NOTICES. Propotala Invited. SbtiAL iNO'i ICE Proposals invited. In tne oisinci court or tne I nited State for the district of Oregon. In the matte of Leon L. Strickland, bankrupt Re Quest tor blds I will receive sealed bids tor the following stock of merchan dise and fixtures, formerly the property of the above named bankrupt, situate at ti!6 Lombard street, Portland, Oregon, up to and and until' 12 o'clock neon of the 9th day of June. 1920. at the office of A. M. Canuon. Title & Trust building, Portland, Oregon: Stock of goods and fixtures, consisting principally of automobile accessories, storage batteries, vulcanising machine, and so forth, of tho inventory value JS07.70. The highest hid received will be ac cepted, subject, however, to the approval of the court. All bids munt be accom panied by a certified check for 10 ncr cent of the amount offered. Reserve the right to reject any and all b'ds. Inven tory of the above stock and fixtures may be teen at my office, room 511 Fenton bldg.. and the property Inspected at the premises. 61)0 Lombard street. Portland. Oregon. H. W. S1TTON. Trustee. Miscellaneous. .NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION. Notice Is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 1. Mult nomah county, state of Oregon, that the annual school election for ald district will be held on the third Saturday of June, being tho 10th day of June. 1920. for tne purpose of electing two directors to serve for three years: said election to be held at each of the several polling places in said district as provided b the board of directors, and the election to begin at the hour of 12 o'clock noon and to continue until 8 o'clock P. It. of said day. Dated this 10th day of Mav. 1020. O. M. PLUMMER. Chairman Board of Directors. R. H. THOMAS. District Clerk. I AM NOT responsible Tor ntlis contracted b yn y r I f e. O. K. pl?ot fePKCIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. NOTICE TO THE LEGAL VOTERS OF SCH OO L DISTRICT NO 1. al Li Ll.N O MAH COUNTY. OREGON. You are hereby notified that pursuant to a resolution of the noard or ecnoo i Nrinn o f school district. No. 1. Mult nomah county. Ore icon, a special school ' election mill be held within the district no Saturday the 10th day of June. 1920. to vote upon the question of authorising the district to levy taxes wUhln tne dis trie.t UDon the assessment roil for the year 1U20. larger by $y:0.000 (being ap- nroximateiv a 3-m:ii ievy upon tne as sessed valuation cf said district) than the amount limited by tha constitution -f ti.A ii'.io nf Ornn unicfi snecifically authorized by a. vote of the electors of the district, said amount being the m m mii n t nfKnrv in the ODinlOH of the board to provide for the purchase of I niosrv sites and the erection or scnool buildings In various portions of the dis trict during the ensuing ear. Th nnll will h nnen OTf the da? if election from 12 noon to 8 P. M. and the niia!lfira.fiona of voters at this election are lived by chapter 09, General Laws of Oregon for 117. In this election the voter must have the property qualifica- tll5ated this 20th day of April. 1J2. O- M. PLUMMER, Chairman Board of Directors. R. H. THOMAS. District Clerk. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Mv wife Nellie, having taken furni ture and nersonal belongings from mv house to other quarters. I will not be responsible for any bills contracted for after June 7. 1120. A- A. JESSUP. 1 WILL not be responsible for any debta contracted by my wife Ady Conine sitcr tnis date. . " FIX AX CI. VI MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY. TITLE AND TRUST BLDG. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUT OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH TIIF. MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. Cash paid for mortgages and sellers" con irrta on real esLate in Washington. Ore gon. H. E. Noble, 316 Lumbermens bldg. WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman c -o., 210 Chamber of Commerce Money to Loan on Real Estate. RESTDENCK LOANS. 6 "i oer cent to 7 per cent, five-year nHoH. You mav dv SHH or any mul tiole thereof account principal, semi annual" v anid reduce interest. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 6u per cent value house and int At aw to 7 ncr cent. lou pay one half of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For example. $2no loan, you pay $10 monthly and interest You have privilege of paying $100 or any multiple tnereor mommy. imerrsi reuuteu cordinglv. NO COMMISSION. BUSINESS A A ANS. Five to ten-year period; 51- and 6 per rent. Same rcpaiuent pri liege, j MORTGAGE LOAN COM rAM . Main S30S. Suite 407 Yeon Bdg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On improved property, or for improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for :6 months, or S21 .24 ter month for OO months, or $i:.17 per month for 00 months paya a loan of $1000 and interest. Loans of other amounts in same pro portions. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN AS3N-. 2-1. iiara au. roruanu, ur. MORTGAGE LOANS. NO BROKERAGE. LOWEST RATER. City or farm. Liberal repayment priv- COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COM r AN X. tt Third .Street. Main 307. Room 2. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $60,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit on city. su bur nan and rarms. Asunuing loans specialty. WILLIAM O. BECK. 215-21 FAILING BUILDING.. TH 1 KD AND WAS H I NGTON. FARM LOANS.. Insurance company money to loan lowest current" rates on Wlllamet te lev farms: no commission: no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, 87 Sixth st.. Portland, Or. MORTGAGE IOA NS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying priviiges. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Nort h western Bank Bldg.. Marshall 4114. A 411S. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 5U PER CENT. PER C K . T. 7 I E K CENT. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. 84 4TH ST.. HENRY BLDG. MORTGAGE loans on Improved farm and city property, favorable repaying privi leges: no commission or neiny. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD., atm i-iati. Diog. .vi a in i. LI BE R A L LOA NS. We loan our money on real estate. 1st and I'd mortgages, contracts, live stock, notes, etc. Y. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3020. MONEY TO LOAN. on Improved city property and also im proved rarrn property, current rates. W M. M e M A ST E R S " 1 UT. National Bank B Id g. $400. $500. $001). 00. $1000. $1200. $15). $2000 and up; lowest rates, quick action; pay orr lino or more hi any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co.. 01 Chamber of Co m meree n i u g. Binin l.ii". CITY AND FARM LOANS. No Delay. No Delav. No Delav. $lO0i. $1500. H2000. aooo and I P. We loan our money on real estate. F. H. DESHON, OI 5 CHAM. OF COM. $o00. X400. .'. annul AND UP; low ra ten ; quick action. Fred W. lerman Co.. 7"- etiam. or iom. rvinin Q44ri. :M. SIOOO AND upward on improved real estate; favorable terms; rio delay; no brokerage, jonn "an Spalding bldg. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Cham of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MONEY on farms and Improved city pron- ercy. K. K. Baxter. 1203 Spading bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent. Louis Salomon & Co.. 40 Selling bldg. Money to Loan Chattel and Salaries. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY, on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly pay men ta Each transaction strict' y confidential. NO MORTGAGES. NO IN'DOFUSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc.. w ithout removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. LICENSED. 21S FAILING BLDG. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry; legal rates; articles held a year: etab- 1 h d IS'g'v TVtn Mnrv Co., 23 W h . FINANCIAL. Money to "Loan Chattels and SaJaxie. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QUiCK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY.. . WANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILE. FURNITURE. PIAJtOS. V1CTROLAS. REAL EaT ATE, BONDS. ETC. If your payments are teo large on your automobile or furniture contrarta, we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a ape- . clalty of these loans, and leave the se curity la your possession and you can repay us In small monthly payments. ALSO WE MAKE SALARY LOANS, to salaried people, on their own note. Rates reasonable. Private offices. All business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY LICENSED 30n,-37 Dekuin Bldg. Marshall S26. S. W. cer. Third and Washington. PORTLAND RJiMEJlAI- LOJlN ASSN. MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSI NESS MEN TO PROTECT BORROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIAMONDS. "WATCHES. JEWELRY. PIANOS. VIC TROLAS. LIBERTY BONDS AND FUR NITURE. STARK ST.. NEAR 10TH. CARRIE MYERS HERRMANN. Mgr. "PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. - MONET TO LOAN on diamonds. watches. jew err and " bonds; legal rate?; a 14 goods held 1 year., VINES JEWELRY STORE. 114-116 3d St.. cor. Washington. .vain 6640. GKO. HARVKY loan, mnn.v on heuw- hold good.. If sal .-ales. Tabor Ssnfi. HATHAWAY loans on pianos and furni tur.. l.tal rat-s. -OS Washlnrtnn hlrtr 1-oans Wanteil. f.-.r.OO-JriOOO WAXTEO on highly improved. iiik. irnsaiea iruit larm. near town nf Hood River, rpccntlv ourthasori fnr.;: $'O.O0 Cash COTIsiiipratinn I'.ll ... Skothelm. Sa3-3a Kail ay Kuhun. Main 5I9'.. ; WANTED Uoan of Jir.OO for on. tar. 7 Per cent interest, on Improved farm well located, for which I am payins Moon. Pee Hargrove Realty Co.. 1JJ N. 6lh t. WANTED A loan of 110.000 for years; will pay hlfrhest rate or interest: ample aecurity. Prefer to deal with principal. AF Oregonian. $1250 WANTED at t per cent on -room ' street near Alberta;" house on paved vaiue . (..no. U EN RY AV. GODDARD, Stark st. WANT E loan of 2000: will triv ft per cent: good .security. Tabor 64tU. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. -! Cham, of Commerce. 4th and Stark. rCKSOXAI,- EPHEDRA THE NEW HEALTH BUILDER. Ephedra is a harmless herb used In the treatment of all kidney disease?. dropsy, stomach and intestinal disor- ' ders. Ephedra Ik a germicide and tonic. J Cleansing the fcU.mach, liver, kidnejs and Intestinal organs. Ephedra relieve gs and acid condi tions o the intestinal organs, and has the moM wonderful t: if ecus on all rheu- -matic conditions. li days' treatment. $.50. EPHEDRA CO.. 202 Ali&ky bldg., Portland, Or. DR. AND MRS. NISBETH are pieaed to announce tnat tne iNisOeth Sanitarium. -bid Lovejoy st.. is open to the public . for their -pecial line of treatments. Mrs. - -Nisbeth In full charge. We specialize in rheumatism, nervous diseases, paralysis, diabetes. B right's disease, stomach trou ble, high plood pre sure, faulty circula tion, faulty metabo.isin and all chromic oiseafcts. Caloric system of feeding. Milk diet when Indicated. Phone sani tarium. Broadway oOol. Office, Broad- -way 513 THERE is a remdy at hand for every dis-" cordant condition. The Psychometa physieal Institute Invites you to call and have a personal interview with its di rector. Dr. D. K. Zimmerman. Psvcho metaph. 310-317 Bush & Lane bldg. Phone Main 6701. 10-12 morumgs. 2-5-afternoons; evenings and Sunday by ap,- -pofntment. LADIES Free demonstrations how to re move wrinkles and all face blemishes, don't fail to see the beauty preparations being made, learn the secrets of health and beauty. Room 2051i Ali&ky bidg. Consultation free; oiiice hours. U A. M to 0 P. M. I TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER is a cleansing, healing germicidal and Invig orating doucne, a great aid in leucor reha and female disorders; 5Ac and Si per box. Sold by Portland Hotel Phar- -macy. LADIES' and gentlemen's Panama straw leit and boaer hats cleaned, blocked, dyed and renewed ; buckram, net and ire frames'. La France Hatters. 372 V Morrison st. IF V U U ARE TIRED AND' NERVOU S VISIT THE SUN HOME PARLOR. SCI ENTIFIC BODY. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE. 427 MORGAN BLDG. MAIN 1 . GUARANTEE to cure corns, bunions, ing. nails, warts and moles absolutely; new invention, no pa in. no soreness. Lowest prices in town. Consultation free. Here 12. ( years ; arches fitted. 503 Dekum bldg. BUY YOUR SUMMER FURS AT THE FUR SHOP. Fine furs to order. Moderate prices. Above high rent, below high prices. 000 Shetland, bldg., 5th and Wash. FEBVET & HANNEBUT. leading wig and ' toupe makers, rtnest stock human hair goods, hairdressing. manicuring, face and scalp treatment- 4tAlder. Main 540. nFrvovs and ch ronic ""diskases treated by NEW METHODS. DR. J. W. BATDORF. N. D.. 304 Dekum bldg. 1 to 5 P. M. Mam 1Io. il GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Elton's, the CHIROPODIST ard ARCH SPLST.. who doesn't hurt you; S yra. here; exam. free. Globe bldg.. llth Wsh. Bwy. 224. BATHS Steam baths, chiropract ic bod v massage and vibration. Dr. Margaret . Haynie. Main 1705. 215 Swetland bldg. Open evenings. Trained nurse assistant. DR. ETHEL A. SACR1 treats corns and ingrowing nails; pedicuitng and manicur ing; 10 A. M. to S P. M. 005 Raleigh ' bidg. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, etc. Hours 2 to 5 or by appointment. Phont Main 1040. office 308-C Third et. . PILES can be permanently cured without " perationl. Call or write Dr. Dean. 234 Morrison st. Superfluous--hair. moles, warts removed by 10 needles method; trial free. Josie Fin ley. 514 Qush fe Lane bldg. Main 63GS. . NO longer impossible; dandruff cured, fall--ing hair stopped, hair grown on bald heads: no cure, no pay. U1 4 Macleay. WANTED For adoption, hea.thy baby ai"rl under 2 years; good reicrenced. Box 270. Falls City. Or. e gAljP treatment, facial massage, e'ec trical treatment, steam bath and mas sage. Ethel Burke. 304 Dekum bldg. MASSAGE, baths for constipation, stom- ' ach, kidney, rheumatism. Dr. EIna Sor-", ensen. 50H Panama bldg. Druglct.8 phy. SUPERLCOrS hair removed forever by multtple-needle method. Bin wetland bldg.. Fifth and Washington sta. SULPHL' R steam bath, violet ray: Improve -your Bvslem. ,Mra. Rollins. 4i Clay. ' Main Bi-H). 10 A. M. to S P. M. . BEAUTY PARLOR Specialty face and acalp treatments. 230 Flledner bMff., lot handwash in ston. Broadway 1 .'). Pi"t7k8 cured without operation. Room M5'4 Alisky bldR. Consultation free; office hours. 9 A. M. to P. M. HKSSE'S fortuna picture card, for sale. Read your own future; price fl. OSS . ad st. CAL.I. K. to have any kind of beauty ; work done In. your home or mine; hairl. dyeing a specialty. - BODY masoage. violet ray. 10 A. M. to S P. M. daily. 450 Morgan bldg. 1ain 7579. WANTED Good home for boy 8 years old. '27t a month. AV 9Q3. Oregonian. MOTHER Mr. Arthur Dexter, send ad dress to Mrs. J. K. Chasa. Wenntchce. KLECTWC CABINET BATHs! Dr. Ironsides. 300 Broadway bldg. GERTP.UDE DANIELS, euperf:uous hair, manicuring, face, acaip. Z'i Flledner bldg. DOESN'T Tom See Vlereck. Dick or Harry pay you? collections. Dekum bids. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without an operation. Free booklet. P. O. box 1 f no. PRI11EDA BALM, formerly railed Balm of ' Figs. S44 E. S3d. Sell. 2213 mornings. - ' pi LES CAN BE CURED without oper"- tlon. Free booklet.' P-0. boxH05. UOITRK. eilargeA stands; cure youraeX A. R. Strachan. rofte 5. Hlllsboro. Or ETHEL M.-COY. chiropodlat. Buchanan bids.. Wa."h. bet. 4th and .".th. Main .V76. RAGTIME (aught cuiekly: get For appointment. Automatlc- fn on thu? ANNA MASON needed at home: her babv is very low. Oregon City. A-l MASSAGE. 41-". Buchanan bldg.. Wash, i bet. 4th and Oth. Main 8300. mi I - L- I'