. i .i i ' I . '! i i -1 VOL.. I.IX NO. 18,570 Entered at Portland (Oregon) Hostofftce as Second-f'Ias Matter. PORTLAND. OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1920 PRICE FIVE CENTS BIG THREE FACE EXIT IM DEADLOCK Trend Now Is To Drive Leaders In Corner. ALL MA! BE DESTROYED Wood, Johnson and Lowden Seem to Be Moving Toward Impasse. JOHNSON TO DEMAND SOLID OREGON VOTE McCAMAXT DKFJiCTlOX TO BE CAUSE OF FIGHT. M'CAMANT STAND WORRIES JOHNSON DELEGATES CRY FOR MASTER Dark Horse Talk Shows Lit tle Chance for Men in Campaign Cost Probe. CHICAGO, June 7. Its old-time leaders unhorsed and its favorites for the presidency deadlocked, the republican party will begin its na tional convention tomjrrow under conditions of uncertainty unparal leled in recent political history. Unbossed and largely unorganized, delegates were asking one another tonight in what direction they were straying and when a master would arise to lead them out of the wilder ness of their own indecision. In the noisy turmoil of convention eve, the only definable trend seemed to be d.riving Wood, Lowden and Johnson into a deadlock fight which it was recognized might destroy them all. The old-timers, reflecting that it is but a step from a dead locked convention to a stampeded convention, wondered what might happen next unless some tried and Kcrual of Portland Man to Be Hound by Primary Gives Convention Big Problem. CHICAGO. June 7. (By The Asso ciated Press.) Refusal of one of Ore gon's ten delegates, Judge Wallace McCamant of Portland, Or., to vote in accordance with the results of the Oregon primary, won by Senator Johnson, today developed an unpre cedented problem for the convention, involving adherence to or freedom from instructions of all primary chosen delegates for all candidates. A spirited and protracted fight in the midst of the first ballot was expected. Judge McCamant has given notice that he will vote for General Wood, because, be contends, hi3 own election did not bind mm to Senator Johnson. The Oregon delegate contends that he was a recognized Wood supporter before the primary and that there fore the state preference for Johnson is not obligatory upon him. The other nine Orcgonians, however, are to vote for Johnson. The question present d, veteran leaders declared, is new and its deci sion is up to the convention during the call of the first ballot. I While the immediate question af-j fects only one Wood or Johnson vote! the principle to be established Is re garded as affecting all primary elect ed delegates of every candidate. A decision 'sustaining the Oregon dele gate, it was said, might operate to give freedom from instructions to all such delegates. Senator Johhsuu has given notice that he expects a solid Oregon vote and will fight for it, asserting viola tion of a state primary instruction is "dishonorable." The Oregon case, he said, is the only situation of its kind among the Johnson delegates. Four Nebraska district delegates, however, have de clared they would vote for Wood Tie spite the state victory for Johnson. Defection of North Caro lina Also Feared. JOHNSON SAYS PARTY MUST FACE TREATY SENATOR CHEERED AT RALLY FULCLXG BIG IIALX. PICKETING BY WOMEN IS LIKELY TO BE CALM HOPES OF POLICE INTERFER ENCE ARC DASHED. OTHERS TAKE SIMILAR VIEW Fight Must Wait on Delegate Voting for Another. ISSUE IS' NOW TIED UP Affidavit Setting Forth Circum btanccs Prepared for Com mittee by McCamant. MASKED TRIO GET $900 Loggers Stripped of Pay Day Pro ceeds in Bunk House. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., June 7. (Special.) Three masked men entered the bunk house at Otey's logging camp near Chiloquin last night and held up the employes who had just been paid, and escaped with about $900 in currency. A number of checks trusted leader settled himself in the wero untouched. A gooa description or saddle. 1880 Convention Recalled. Many were recalling the Chicago convention of 1880, when the favor ites were all deserted after a dead lock of 35 ballots, and James A. Garfield, who had won the conven tion by a nominating speech, was nominated. Talk of a dark horse, in which some of the more experienced prac tical politicians joined tonight for the first time, began to revolve with an increasing frankness about the disclosures of the senate's investiga tion of campaign expenditures. At many conferences those who advo . cated a dark horse predicted that in the end no man whose name was in- i volvcd at all in the evidence of the investigating committee could be put ( before the country as the party's ,1 choice. Caucuses Net Nothing. In the main, however, the leaders and near-leaders caucused end con ferred and brought forth nothing. Even those who held the whip hand over a few delegates here and there seemed unable to get together with the other greater and lesser poten tial dictators of party policy. The result was a foggy picture of the possibilities. It became apparent that unless there came a dramatic and unex pected change, the first ballot Wednesday or Thursday will record votes for between 15 and 20 candi dates, with scarcely more than half enough to nominate in the Wood, Lowden or Johnson column. To what extent managers for the leading three can hold their dele gates in line after an unsuccessful test of strength is a subject of con troversy, there are those who con tradict the claims of the Wood, Low den and Johnson whips that their or ganizations are cohesive enough to stand the strain of a failure to nomi nate on an early ballot. Developments Are Feverish. In any case, no one pretends to be sure just whiit will happen after a rollcall or two. The guess of some veterans is that votes will swirl and bunch and scatter again like the sands of the sea. And those who hope for a stampede are counted on to turn loose every variety of spell binding emotional whirlwind. It is a situation which gave the bosses of other days many a good laugh in their sleeves as today's de velopments moved in feverish circles. Those of the old-time, out-of-date school who are here at all remained largely to themselves, however, hop ing for the best, but shaking their the robbers has been obtained and as they were on foot the officers believe they are still hiding around the camp wait- ng until the search blows over be fore trying to leave the country. VAIM1TIE REVERSES FORM Resolute Defeated In Second Cup Trial Brush. NEWPORT, R. I., June 7. Vanitie showed marked superiority over Res olute today, winning the second race of the series to determine the de fender of the America's cup. Reso lute won the first race last Thursday, Today's race was over a triangular 0-mile course in a whole sail north wester. The official figures gave Vanitie, which led Resolute over the finish line by 2 minutes 20 seconds, a cor rected margin of 1 minute 31 seconds. BY CHARLES C. HART. Washington, X. C, correspondent for The Oregon ia.n. CHICAGO, June 7. (Special.) in teresting complications are develop ing in the contest launched by aan- ield MacDonald and Thomas Mannlx, Hiram Johnson supporters, against the seating of Judge Wallace Mc Camant of Portland as aeiegate-ai- large from Oregon to the national renublican convention, who declares he will not vote for Johnson in the face of the plurality received by the latter in the Oregon primaries. In the first place, if the credentials committee seats Judge jvict-amant, which appears certain to be the com mittee's decision, the issue cannot be raised on the floor of the convention until Judge McCamant casts a vote for another candidate, cither Thurs day or Friday. It had been contem plated that the question could be brought before the convention much earlier, but this is made impossible by the fact that the credentials com mittee will not have made its report before Wednesday night, it is thought. Other Cues Similar. . Complications in the contest have arisen on account of rumors reaching Johnson headquarters that Ohio and North Carolina both have statutes similar to the old Oregon law, under which the McCamant nominating peti tion was filed, and that delegates from those states are taking the same position as Judge McCamant without any question being raised by their constituents as to the legality of their action. The Johnson managers are not so much concerned about what what happens in Ohio, because the defections there are from Harding to Wood and do not affect the California candidate one way or another. In North Carolina, however, it is a matter of deep concern, because it is understood that, while Johnson car ried the preference primaries in that state Saturday, the state's delegates. or the majority of them, had previ ously announced that they were for Ieonard Wood and intended support- Organization "for the Few" De nounced League In "Pres ent Form" Opposed. CHICAGO, June 7. At a conven tion eve popular rally tonight Sena tor Johnson declared the republican party must not "hide or skulk" on the treaty issue and must see it goes be fore the country with "clean hands." Speaking to a capacity audience in the big auditorium where the 1916 progressive national convention was held, the California candidate kept his hearers cheering as he rapped the "servile press" and the republican leaders who, he Baid, wanted to make the party "a party for the few." Some or these men, he declared, "are in the saddle all over the country and are today in evidence in Chicago." His demand for repeal of war laws was loudly cheered. Another whoop went up when he said the "big profi teer" had escaped punishment through lack of administration effort in ex ecuting the law. Ear-splitting cheers greeted Senator Johnson and Borah as they walked to the center of the stage in the California delegation Anthem Halts Cheering:. After seven minutes' cheering the band played "The Star-Spangled Ban ner" and thet there was a mixture of cheering and .band selections covering 15 minutes. Senator Johnson was in troduced by A. D. Lasker of Chicago. Cheering continued in some parts of the theater during the brief introduc tion speech. In opening his address Senator Johnson paid a tribute to Senator Borah, who he said "had pioneered (concluded on Pajre 3, Column 1.) Mayor Thompson Disappoints Some Suffragists "Who Had Made Defense Plans. CHICAGO. June 7: Picketing of the convention by the national worn an's party promises to be serene. Hopes of some suffragists that the police would interfere with the dem onstration were dashed today when Mayor Thompson's office announced that the women might picket at will. Tentative plans had been made by the pickets for their defense. Mrs. Abby Scott Baker and Miss Doris Stevens today urged presiden tial possibilities to aid them by re questing the governors of Vermont and Connecticut to call special ses sions of their legislatures to pass on woman suffrage. a Governor Sproul promised to get into touch with the governor of Ver mont and press him for a especial session. His headquarters announced tonight attempts to reach the execu tive had failed, but they still were trying. The first pickets, about 150, all carrying banners, will take places in front of the coliseum shortly after 9 A. M. tomorrow. Picketing will continue through the convention. The problem of financing the pick eting was solved today, when Mrs. C. B. Wood and Mrs. H. O. Havemyer contributed $1000 and $500, respect ively, to expenses. A committee of the republican sec tion of the National Association Op posed to Woman Suffrage today ar ranged for a hearing before a spe cial committee relative to the grant ing of representation to women on the republican national committee FIGHT IMMINENT ON LEAGUE PLUNK Crane Ready to Attack "Irreconcilables." nnionMrno i run rvrr I rmouncno iLnr urr TRAIN TO FREEDOM CHIX.UUX AXD WHITE MAKE ESCAPE IX PORTLAND. Robber, Under 2 5-Ycar Sentence, Steals Guard's Revolver and Handcuffs Officars. SMALL STUFF FROM CHICAGO I hour al announc (Concluded on Page 2. Column 3.) HICAGO, June 7. Less than an after the supreme court ced the prohibition de cisions today, W. J. Bryan was de-, livering a speech about them to movie machines. Camtra men found Mr. Bryan in a hotel lobby and immediately began to "shoot" him. Talk, say something," urged one movie man. A little pep, a little action, please.'' Ah, gentlemen," Mr. Bryan re sponded graciously and with ges tures, "I am much gratified at the supreme courts decision today, al though it was not unexpected." "Cut." roared the movie men, "snuff," and they scampered off. leaving Mr. Bryan in the midst of a emile and with his arm suspended. , Wood forces today made a deter mined effort to swing the New York delegation to the support of their candidate on the first ballot. Gen eral Wood was entitled to New "Vork support, they argued, because of his efforts in establishing military train ing camps at Plattsburg. As a result the Butler leaders be gan defensive operations. James R. Sheffield, Williams Barnes and Sen ator Wadsworth were called into conference and workers attached to the republican state organization later began, a canvass of the dele- HISTORIC DEBATE PROMISED Wisp of Man From Massa chusetts Aroused. DEFIS ARE EXCHANGED Borah Regarded as More Able Than Johnson 'to Provide Intellectual Classic. WHAT IS COMING NOBODY KB gates in an effort to line them up solidly for Butler. It was acknowl edged by Butler adherents that the fight to present an unbroken front of the 88 delegates had failed, but they eaid they were assured not more than six or eight would go to Wood. Everything seems to be set for the opening -of the convention today. The chaplain, the Rev. Gardner Mc- Whorter, tried out his voice. Work men about noon were startled to hear the words of a prayer coming from the electric amplifiers hanging about the big hall. Laying down their tools for - 1 ii'e minutes, they heard the clergyman practice his prayer. .topeaKing in so large a place was new to him, he said, and he wanted to learn how loud he would have to pray. Many unbossed delegates, accus tomed to an eye-opener or a nightcap, came prepared with a stack of "pre scriptions" from their home doctor. Federal Prohibition Director Howard, however, today , notified druggists they must not fill them. The result is varying. A timid man with a husky' voice rapped on his hotel doctor's door to day and to his inquiry eaid: "Doc tor. I have a cold." Do you want a cold treated or (Concluded on Page 2, Column 4.) HALF. BILLION DUE U. S. Germany to Issue First 20,000, 000,000 Marks in Gold Bonds. .PARIS. June 7. The share of the United States in the first 20.000,000, 000 marks gold of reparation bonds which Germany is required to issue under the Versailles treaty will be about $500,000,000, it was stated here today. This sum will be for the first 20 I months' occupation of the Rhineland by American troops. IRISH CRIME DISCUSSED Premier 6a ys Forces in Country Will Be Strengthened. LONDON, June 7. The government! intends to act to bring to Justice a persons associated with crime in Ire land. Premier Lloyd George declared in the commons today. He added that the government was reorganizing the Irish executive and strengthening the police, naval and military forces in Ireland. LOAFERS MUST GET BUSY Major of El Paso Undertakes Relieve Labor Situation. EL PASO, Tex., June 7. Mayor Charles Davis issued an order today that "every loafer in El Paso must co to WOrK, Decause oc me acute labor situation which he declared j was imperiling n-i raso industries ana 1 the agricultural district about E Paso. IDAHO PRESIDENT QUITS President Llndley to Be Chancellor I at Kansas University. TOPEKA. Kan., June 7. E. H. Lindley, president of the University o Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, today ac cepted the position as chancellor of Kansas university, it was announced bv the Kansas board of education tonight. . He will succeed Frank Strong, t THE BIG CHICAGO PUZZLE. - . r, , .. mm. It t 14 V BY MARK SULLIVAN. (Copyright by New York Kvcnins Post, Inc.' Published by arrangement) CHICAGO, June 7. The lines began to set today for something really worth while from an intellectual point of view. There is going to be a contest on the league of nations plank in the platform. On this point the "irreconcilables" so far have been having it more or less their own way. Months ago, in the early attitude of Senators Johnson and Borah, there was always an implication and some times a threat to bolt the party un less their irreconcilable position on the league' of nations should be in dorsed in the platform. Then, in January, when Chairman Will Hays appointed his preliminary committee to prepare a tentative draft of a republican platform, he told them that they must keep off the league of nations. He said the sub ject was then under debate in the senate and he didn't wish to em- harrass the senate debate by de. liberations outside the senate, and so the tentative draft of the platform was made, omitting all reference whatever to the league of nations. Indiana Wan t'ompromise. One of these, the Indiana platform. was of a rather compromise form, and was supposed to furnish a middle ground upon which both the "irrecon cilables" and the Lodge reservation- ists could stand. This Indiana plat form was mora or less Informally ac cepted as being a model for the na tional platform, and it became gener ally understood that Senator Watson of Indiana would be made the chair man of the platform committee. Al together, Chairman Hays must have felt that his diligence and indefa- tiguable efforts in behalf of harmony were bearing fruit. The "irreconcil able' senators, Borah and Johnson talked less and less of bolting; in deed, lately, Senator Johnson has been formally disavowing any intention to bolt and Chairman Hays was feeling right comfortable. It looks as if the republicans were going to get to gether on a happy compromise which would save the faces of both factions of the republican party in the senate and would at the same time present a contrast to the democrats. Two federal prisoners, en route to McNeil's island to serve long sen tences, made their escape from a Cal ifornia train in East Portland last night after handcuffing their guards and obtaining a revolver and t-0 in cash from their victims. E. A. Gar dener, one of the fugitives, was un der sentence of 23 years for train robbery in California, and the police predict that he will not be captured without a fight. W. .E. Kavanaugh, the chief gaurd. and his assistant had just taken their three prisoners from tho diner to their drawing room. The train was just pulling into Portland. Two of the prisoners were Chinamen, one of whom was not in the plot. As the prisoners and guards were settling down for a smoke. Gardener, who was not handcuffed, suddenly pulled a .38 caliber revolver from a guard's holster, and ordered the whole party' to put up their hands. He then handcuffed his victims with the assistance of Tom Wing, a Chi nese prisoner, and the pair swung off the train as it was running slowly through the streets. They got a good start before the guards got free, be cause the fugitives had further de layed pursuit by locking the door to the compartment. Mr. Kavanugh says the Chinaman had $50, and that Gardener took t-Q from the Chinese prisoner whom they left behind. Local authorities be lieve Gardener took Wing into his plan so that the Chinaman could hide him in Chinatown. The guards took their remaining prisoner on to Mc Neil's island last night. Pre-Conveniion Situation Poser for All. POLITICIANS "GIVE IT IIP" Battle for Republican Nomi nation Opens Today With Everybody Guessing. JOHNSON'S FRIENDS BUSY UNCLE SAM APOLOGIZES Burning of British tins hy 1 riIi Women Regret ied. , WASHINGTON, June 7. Secretary Colby, on behalf of the American gov- rnment, has tendered a verbal apol ogy to the British ambassador for the burning of a British flag here last week by Irish women. Mr. Colby said this action had been taken pending receipt of an official report on the incident which the dis- rict of Columoia authorities hav been asked to submit. When this re port Is in hand a formal apology probably will be made to the British government. DR. C. H. MAYO HONORED General Wood . Pins Medal on Famous Sergcon. CHICAGO. June 7. Dr. C. H. Mayo of Rochester, Minn., received the dis tinguished service medal today. It was pinned on him by Major-Gcneral Wood. Announcement of the award of this medal to Dr. Mayo was made some time ago. Murray Crane Start Figrht. o matters stood as late as Satur day. Then ex-Senator Murray Crane of Massachusetts came to town. Sen ator Crane has a good deal of New England conscience and a high sense of Berious responsibility. As a leader he has always been associated with the idea of soft manners and compro mise, but this time that frail wisp of a man brought a fight with him. Generally speaking, Mr. Crane's statement was to the effect that in writing the platform plank on the league of nations there should be no compromise of such a kind as would seem to indorse or condone that ex treme and violent hostility to any league of nations whatever that hostility which has been the position of the "irreconcilables." To try to state in exact words jus what Senator Crane does want would be to get lost in that verbal wilder' ness of shadings of words in which the league debate in the senate was Involved. But what the other leaders who have heard Mr. Crane's ultl matum understand him to mean is that the platform should be for "the Versailles treaty with proper reserva tions." Incidentally, if these words faith fully represent Mr. Crane's position, it does not differ much from the po sition which President Wilson Is try- ng to make the democrats take. How ever, the exact words do not matter for the present. They will appear within the next 48 hours. ' In spirit there is no doubt that Sen ator Crane's position is one that means war between his position and the irreconcilable position of Senators Johnson and Borah. Whether Sen ators Johnson and Borah will accept the challenge remains to be seen. I Is hard to believe they can fail to. If they do, we may have upon the floor of the convention an historic debate. There is no reason why this should be avoided; there is every reason why it should be encouraged. A real debate upon the issues and principles involved in the differing views on the league of nations would appreciably exalt the dignity of the convention. Senator Crane, of course, will not be the debater; but President Nicholas Murray Butler of Columbia university, one of the candidates for the presidency, has announced that he is eager to take on a debate against the "irreconcilables." Indeed, Mr. Butler has the manner PART OF VILLAGE BURIED; Many Killed When Land-lulc Hits Kcuador Town. GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador. June 6. A landslide has buried part of the vil lage of Achupayas, in the province of Chimborazo. Several houses were buried. Fourteen bodies have been un earthed. Many persons were injured. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. TESTERDAT'S Maximum temperature, 61 degrees; minimum, o4 degrees. TODAY'S Showers; southwesterly winds. ForelKn. American l.abor Federation. In session In Muntreal, takes up Irish fight. Page 4. Nnt.ional. Supreme court declares prohibition amend ment is constitutional. Page 5. General Pershing announces Intention io retire' from active service soon. Page 8. Millions arc made available to railroads bv interstate commerce commission. Page 5. DomMtif. Oregon delegation adopts planks for plat , form and fills roil of alternates. Page 3. Johnson calls on party not to dodge issues. Page 1. Big throe try to kill ail booms. Page 2. Johnson to fight for solid Oregon vote. Page 1. McCamant'a stand" worries Johnson forces. Page 1. Serenity promised women pickets. Page 1. Intellectual fight over league p:ank im minent at convention. Page 1. Big three face destruction in deadlock at convention. fase 1. Battle for republican nomination opens to day, with everybody guessing. Page 1. Progress reported In tentative drafts of platform nianKs. Fage 4. Pacific Northwest. State depositories Increased to 200. Page 6. Seattle car fares will be 7 cents. Page 10. Sport. - Dr. O. F. willing piaye par gou on waver. ley club course. rago 1. Crucial week coming in Coast league ball fames, .fage 1-. Earl Baird will take on winner of Toung Brown-Joe oorman iignt. rage 1J. Commercial and Marine. William U. Tald named traffic agent In orient, with headquarters at Kobe. Japan. Page 20. Australian wool surplus is weight on world's markets. Page 21. Stocks adversely affected by prohibition decision. Page 21. Corn weakened at Chicago by diversion of shipments, r-age 21. Portland snd Vicinity. Increased pay is granted to city chemists and other requests are expected. Page 10. Mavor asks urcjon delegation m con gress for facts as to gasoline shortage. Page zu. Confessed burgiar laya nuge profits to "fence. Page 14. Paper on 'Christ and Human Values" causes dissension at ministerial meeting. Page 14. Shrlners arrange lor medical attention to visitors during convention. Fage 9, Overdose ot morphine fatal to drug addict. Page ti- Two prisoners on trsln In Tortland make California Senator Assures Conservatives He Is Not so Radical as He Seems. BT KIHJAI! B. PIPER. CHICAGO, 111., June 7. (Edito rial Correspondence.) The diligent searcher for information as to the presidential situation passes a foot weary day in milling around hotel lobbies, candidates headquarters and back-room rendezvous of the delega tion leaders and winds up the tire some quest in disgusted perplexity at the sorry fruits of his leg-break- I ing effort. It may be a confession of defeat that such a one knows exactly as much when he starts in the evening to make his report as when he began in the morning. One may indeed be an amateur in such pursuits, but he is a little consoled by the discovery that the old-time reporters who have been ringside spectators at a thou sand political battles, and are pre sumed to have expert knowledge of the same, are as much at sea as he is. So are the politicians. What is more, the reporters and the politi cians admit it. Politics Somewhat Changed. When a politician gives it up, it 13 certain either that politics isn't what it used to be or the ptlitician isn't. The latter hypothesis is demon strably not correct, since .the per sonnel of the convention, delegates and hangers-on, is in great part what it was in former years, borne of them are of the hard-boiled variety. They have weathered the Chicago storm of 1912 and the squall of 1916 and here they are again. That is what causes one to be sure that no candidate, and no eat-em-alive spon sor for any candidate, will stampede the convention. It may be tried, but it will fail. Mr. Johnson, who lek, it be known that "Hiram does not hire 'em," the alliterative slogan coined from the incident of the thrifty St. Louis dele gates, makes his great speech at the auditorium tonight, following the ex ample of Roosevelt in 1912. Writing in advance of the event, your re porter does not know what he will say, but it is widely predicted that Mr. Johnson will be at pains to as- sure the conservative forces of the party that he is not so radical as he seems. Borah Also Scintillates. Mr. Borah is also to scintillate. Possibly he will tell the multitudes that he is not so irregular or irre concilable as he threatens. Be that as it may, the principal and only newspaper voices of Johnson here, the Hearst papers, are apparently convinced that Johnson will not be able to convince a republican con vention of his acceptability, for they are talking strongly of his duty to bolt if defeated. Arthur Brisbane, the Hearst ed itor, says over his' signature: "Re publicans who first of all want vic tory must realize that if Johnson is rejected, knowing as he does that the people have chosen him, he will be bound in honor to show appreciation of the support by leading an inde pendent movement. That would make republican victory impossible." Mr. Brisbane also makes unpleas ant references to "gentlemen of the big pocketbooks". who are mere "financial anarchists" who do not want Johnson. He says also that he has first-hand knowledge that the scheme of the profiteers who bene fited by Hoover food conservation is to have Hoover run as an independ' ent in case Johnson is nominated, in order to elect a safe and sane Wall street democrat. This sounds like a blast at the 1 ' , it-: 1 I . . Si i . i " VUoutludcd on 1'aie 1, o:uina 3. daring ustauts. i'ae i, , (.Concluded on l a;e 1, Column I.) I