Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 07, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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75,000 Gallons Believed
Saved Through Weather.
Men at Service Stations With
Trusty Rules Measure Tanks
and Blast Autoists' Hopes.
Rainy weather yesterday proved to
be one of the strongest allies of the
Kasoline conservationists, according
to estimates of oil company officials
last night. It was estimated that at
least 75,000 gallons of gasoline were
saved because of the sjormy weather
throughout the day.
Had it been a day such as last Sun
day, officials eaid that more than
K'.OOO automobiles would have bejn
in use in Portland and with an aver
age of at least' six gallons for the
lay to each machine, the normal con
sumption would have been well over
60,000 gallons, they estimated.
One of the outstanding features of
the gasoline shortage yesterday was
the large number of automobiles that
iad been stalled in residence districts
because of the lack of gasoline. Msny
machines were unable to make the
hills around Portland heights because
of the small quantity of oil in the
Antolnte "Oat of LucK."
Other autoists who started out
bravely with their allotted two gal
lons, hoping and expecting to get re
plenished at some convenient filling
elation when their supply became
low, found themselves distinctly out
of luck.
"Give me two gallons of gasoline."
commanded an Important-looking man
In a big touring car at a filling sta
tion on Sandy boulevard.
"How much have you left?" asked
the eervlce man.
"Tess than a gallon," was the reply.
"Here, let me measure it," demanded
the man in charge of the gasoline
pump, and he discovered two full gal
lons in the tank.
"Nothing doing," he said with
The same sort of dialogue, with va
riations, took place all over Portland
yesterday. The men who manned the
sorvice station pumps joined the fra
ternity which originated somewhere
in Missouri. Any time anyone told
them the gasoline supply was short,
these persistent fellows demanded
proof, and they made free use of the
little yard sticks which were used to
measure the supply in the tanks.
Hoarders Bronsht to Time.
The adoption of this plan of meas
uring the supply in every automobile
helped the conservation programme to
a large extent, as a lot of would-be
hoarders were quickly brought to
Mayor Baker announced last night
that the gasoline conservation com
mittee would meet again this week
just as soon as a sub-committee to de
vise a method of adopting rationing
cards had completed its preliminary
investigations. The mayor said tha
card rationing system undoubtedly
would be put into effect this week
unless there is a general willingness
and desire on the part of all automo
bile owners to observe the emergency
regulations now in effect.
"Jt looked as though the elements
were with us strong," said the mayor.
"This rain has done more than human
agency could possibly do on a Sun
day to assist in the conservation of
the gaeollne supply."
Company Says Supply Short, but
Ample for Present.
SEATTLE. "vTash., June S. Spe
cial.) Gasoline was boosted 1H cents
to consumers by the Shell Oil company
In Seattle Saturday. The price now
charged by this company is "6 cents.
With the advance the lid was lifted
rn rationing by the Shell company.
Shell rations throughout the city were
the objective of a queue of automo
biles a block long. Questioned re
garding an attempt to hoard for the
purpose of boosting the price of gaso
line. Shell representatives declared
that such was not the case, that while
the supply was short, there was ample
for the present.
Meanwhile the Standard and TTnion
Oil companies continued to sell gas at
IVa cents. Union Oil officials de
clared there was no likelihood of an
advance in price by their firm. The
standard Oil company reported that it
was advising its headquarters in San
Francisco against any increase in
Th adva v of Hi cents by the
Shell Oil company was the first In
crease since the gas shortage. Com
pany officials refused to state whether
or not further increases were con
templated. Filling stations supplied by the
Standard Oil have set a limit of three
Kallons to a customer compared with
the five-gallon maximum prevailing
during the last few"day.
Supply Kept at Normal by Im
ports From Idaho Cities.
BAKER, Or., June 6. (Special.)
For the first time in several weeks
small towns In Baker county have a
eupply of gasoline. The city of Baker
has been an oasis for many parta of
eastern Oregon, as local dealers
have been keeping a steady parade
of automobile trucks between Baker
and Wiser, Nampa and Caldwell,
Idaho, where the supply of gasoline
apparently is unlimited. Tha price
Is 40 cents a gallon in Baker.
Tha first carload of gasoline since
ths shortage arrived in this city Fri
day for the Standard Oil company.
Oakland Excited Over Find Near
Main Traveled Road.
ROSEBURG, Or, June 6. (Special.)
Considerable excitement was caused
In this city and the surrounding ter
ritory yesterday when it was learned
that a newly made grave had been
discovered near tha Pacific highway
a short distance north of Oakland.
Sheriff Quine and Coroner Ritter were
notified and made an investigation
They found a three-foot grave, and
t grave, ana I'p
digging with f
I disclosed a,'
ishioned trorf pt
nd the hiddet
after a few moments' d
sticks and bare hands
mail casket, roughly fa
boards. Expecting to find
evidence of a crime the officers un
rolled tha sheet in which the body
waa wrapped and there found a small
whit terrier dog, which had be-jn
burled with solemn rites.
They returned and turned in expense
checks for a 40-mile trip and no in
quest necetsaij-.
'& X V ; fi-yimh
r if T ill
Clara Kimball 1'oung as she appears
Rivoli Sir Ernest Shackleton's,
"Dash to the South Pole."
Columbia V iolet Hemlng,
"Every woman."
Liberty Anita Stewart, "The
Fighting Shepherdess."
Peoples Robert Warwi&k, "An
Adventure In Hearts."
Majestic Clara Kimball Toung,
"For the Soul of Rafael."
Star Tom Mix. "The Feud."
Circle Rex Beach's, "The Sil
ver Horde."
Globe Clara Kimball Toung,
"Cheating Cheaters."
beautiful woman.
That Is the Impression one
takes away after having seen her lat
est release, "For the Soul of Rafael,"
a tale of old Mexico and lower Cali
fornia in their early, picturesque days.
The picture is showing at the Ma
jestic theater.
It is as a mature woman that
Miss Young's beauty radiates
through this picture. Her dignity and
her quiet presence are exactly right
for the role which she portrays
that of a Spanish woman of gentle
rearing and proud ancestry.
"For the Soul of Rafael" is the
story of a convent girl married to a
Beau Brummel of the old California
days when wine flowed freely, chev
aliers dressed lavishly and wooed not
one but many belles of the happy,
carefree country. An American trav
eler finds safety only through the
girl's protection the day before she
eaves the shelter of her convent. In
him she has her first contact with the
outside world and he leaves such an
impression that when Rafael is intro
duced to her only her sense of duty
makes her consent to the marriage.
She thinks at that time the Ameri
cano is dead. After her marriage she
discovers differently. The story of
their love is the main theme of the
photoplay, although the part of Ra
fael s cousin, a reckless outlaw who
loves a girl who should have been an
tagonistic, and that of a ruby brace
let whom one of Rafael's beauties
still desires, also have their share in
the intrigue and romance of the pro
duction. The scenery and picturesque set
tings of "For the Soul of Rafael"
have been equaled by no other of the
Clara Kimball Young productions.
lavish "as her recent pictures have
Screen Gossip.
J. Aronson, president of the Rivoli
Theater corporation, and Mr. Butch
art, treasurer, are in Portland for a
few days. They will return to Seattle
during the week.
The engagement of Erich von
Strohelm and Miss Valerie Germon
prex was announced at a luncheon
given at the Elks club, Chicago, in
honor f Universal's widely known di
rector and portrayer of villain's parts,
last week. William L. Senlk, exalted
ruler of the Chicago Elks, announced
the engagement and presented a large
bouquet of American beauty roses to
the bride-to-be, who sat at Mr. Stro-
heim's right at the luncheon.
Miss Germonprez has appeared- in
Widow of Mail Carrier, Missing
Since December 2, Is
The body of W. B. Torke of Mil
waukie, mail carrier for house boat
colonies along the river, who was
drowned when his boat capsized near
the Sellwood ferry on the morning
of December 2, was foundi floating
in the river near the. Pacific Coa
elevator dock yesterday afternoo
The body was taken to the morgu
orgue X
and will be turned over to the rela
tives. Deputy Coroner Calkins an
nounced. -
The body was first seen floating in
the river by a man who was sal to be
searching for drift wood in the vicin
ity. He notified the harbor patrol and
Engineer Prehn and Grappler Brady
immediately went out in the patrol
launch and recovered the body.
The body was positively identified
late yesterday as that of Yorke by
the man's father-in-law, L. L. Gray
of Milwaukie, who had been notified
of the discovery by the coroner's of
Mrs. Torke. who is in Seattle at the
present time, was notified by wire
yesterday of the finding of her hus
bands body. She will return
Portland immediately.
Death of Mrs. Eliza J. Troup Oc
curs at Home Friday.
The death of Mrs. Elisa J. Troup at
her home in tha Williams apartments
last Friday took from the city one
who, in the early days, had much to-
la "For the SonI of nafael" at the
several pictures, among them being
"Heart of Humanity" and "Blind
Husbands," both of which were shown
at the Columbia.
J. MuIIhauser, special representa
tive of Mack Sennett comedies, is in
tha city for a few days. Mr. MuII
hauser reports that tha gasoline
shortage in Los Angeles has had no
appreciable bad effects on the Sennett
bathing beauties. as joy-riding,
through over-indulgence, is a thing of
the past with them and gasoline is
as unessential as the waters of the
Pacific ocean, which they never use.
Ten years ago when Anita Stewart
was going to school she used to brag
to s the other girls that she had a
brother in the movies. That brother
was George Stewart, who dropped
out of the movies about the time sis
ter Anita went in.
As soon as the fair Anita got Into
the pictures George started back to
school and, as George puts it, "as
soon as he had attended most every
school in the country," he came back
to studio life.
Today George is playing the lead
opposite Mildred Harris Chaplin in
"Old Dad." a First National film be
ing produced by Louis B. Mayer. On
the adjoining stage slater Anita is
starring in "Harriet and the Piper."
George has just finished playing
in "The Mollycoddle" with Fairbanks,
and "Shod With Fire" with William
m 9 m
Universal City this summer will
not only be a players' workground,
but a workers' playground.
Previous to his departure for New
York, Carl Laemmle, president of
Universal, left word with Isadore
Bernstein to have plans drawn up
far a girls' camp, and workmen are
now engaged in putting up an initial
group of 25 tents, each accommodat
ing at least four persons, a cook tent
and dining accommodations. If the
camp proves popular, other groups
of tents will be added, as the site on
the river bank in that part of Uni
versal City known as the black ranch,
can accommodate 100 tents easily.
Hundreds of girl workers at the
film capital will thus be enabled to
enjoy the summer months at less cost
than at home. There will be no
charge for anything except the actual
cost of the food consumed. Cooks and
waiters will be provided, the tents
will be free, although the girls will
be expected to keep them tidy and
make their own beds.
D. W. Griffith has purchased from
the First National exhibitors' circuit
his production of "The Gamest Girl."
scheduled to have been the third Griffith-First
National release, and for
merly called "Black Beach." The
price involved is said to be $400,000.
Under the contract by which Mr.
Griffith was to make three produc
tions for First National. "The Gamest
Girl." as well as the two preceding
pictures, "The Greatest Question" and
"The Idol Dancer," were bought from
Mr. Griffith before any of the pictures
had been started.
When overtures were first made to
purchase tha film. First National 1
said to have rejected all offers, until
Mr. Griffith told of his plans to take
more scenes and enlarge the film to a
super-feature, and elaboration that
will require several months.
do with its progress. Mrs. Troup was
born in Cincinnati. O., October 6. 1S38,
and when 16 years old crossed the
plains by ox team from St. Louis to
Portland, whera her father. Captain
James Turnbull, settled. In 1854 she
married William H. Troup, now de
ceased, and soon afterward moved to
Vancouver, Wash., where the family
residence was established.
Children surviving Mrs. Trouo are
two daughters Miss Fannie Troup
of Portland and Mrs. J. P. O'Neil,
wife of Colonel J. P. O'Neil, Camp
Custer, Mich. and Captain J. W.
Troup, manager of the British Colum
bia Coast Steamship service of Vic
toria, B. C. The latter is here to at'
tend the -funeral.
Funeral services for Mrs. Troup
will be held today at 10:30 A. M. at
St. Mark"s church. Twenty-first and
Marshall strets. Interment will be in
the family plot in the Masonic ceme
tery of Vancouver, Wash.
Sets of
Eleven men were arrested on
charges of gambling on the Mont
gomery flats, foot of Hancock street,
as the result of a raid made by Pa
trolmen Price and Miller yesterday
afternoon. The policemen reported
the' taking of a quantity of dice In
the raid, including a pair which would
throw nothing but seven or eleven.
Those arrested included: Hugo Jass
man, 22; Thomas McNichols, 26; J. H.
tPlr,in 49 W W Prutnn. 30: John.
AjZohojko. 17; Lowell Kuebler, 17; Ray
A Fowler, 17; George Hergreder. 19, and
t- uettig. zz.
VThey will have a hearing In the mu
nicipal court todoy.
July 4 Fund Sought.
CENTRALIA, Wash.,' June 6. (Spe
cial.) The Centralla Elks are raising
a fund of 13000 to stage the city's
July 4 celebration. The event will
cover three days, July 3, 4 and i.
Federation to Open Annual
Meeting Today.
Conservatives Express Belief Plan
"Will Not Get Far" and
. Gompcrs Will Be Upheld.
MONTREAL, June 6. Efforts will
be made to have the American Fed
eration of Labor, which opens its an
nual convention here tomorrow, lay
the foundation for tha establishment
of an American labor party, leaders
of the progressive wing of the feder
ation declared tonight. The an
nounced plans to launch a fight for
the appointment of a special commit
tee to draft an "ideal platform" dur
ing the next 12 months and submit it
at the 1921 federation convention, as
the basis for a new political party.
"We realize that our opportunity
for a labor party has passed for the
coming election," said Cyrus Grow,
of Los Angeles, Cal.. one o the pro
gressive leaders, "but we want to
prepare now for the future. Labor
has been the loser by the now too
long delay in the direction of a po
litical organization.
Coaat Delegates Active.
"We are here to sponsor a third
party. If our plan is carried out
there will be an American labor party
within two years. Our movement
may, howover, be hastened if either
one of the .major parties adopts reac-
Ltionary platforms in their national
Tha movement Is being supported
by delegates from the Metal Trades
council .of the Pacific coast and a
number of representatives of other
west coast organizations.
Conservative leaders refused to
comment on the plan evcept that they
did not believe It "would get far," as
the majority of the delegates would
support Samuel Gompers, president
of the American Federation of Labor,
in his announced non-partisan po
litical policy.
Seattle Man Admitted.
Representatives of the Garment
Workers' organization and other trade
unions supporting the "One Bis
Union" will be aided in their fight
by the One Big Un cn of Quebec, who.
at a meeting Friday night, bitterly
denounced the federation as a "cap
italistic organization no longer
functioned by the workers."
Word was received tonight that
James Duncan, secretary of the Seat
tle Trades Council and well-known
leader of the progressive labor ele
ment in the Pacific Northwest, who
was refused admission by the immi
gration authorities at "Vancouver,
B. C, had been permitted to cross the
border at Windsor, Ontario.
Members of Executive Committee
to Meet Tomorrow to Plan
for Membership Drive.
Due to the unfavorable weather, a
small crowd attended the picnic given
for the officers, of the local council of
Boy Scouts and all those active in the
work, which was held yesterday aft
ernoon at their camp on the Sandy
river near Troutdale. Those invited
were the executive committee, scout
masters and assistants, together j with
their wives and children. In charge
of arrangements for the picnic were
A. G. Jackson, James West, Dr. Earl
Abbott, D. V. Stroop and John A. Reed.
Members of the executive commit
tee of this organization will meet at
the Boy Scout headquarters at 1S4
Tenth Street tomorrow afternoon'
4:30 o'clock to decide whether the
associate membership campaign which
was supposed to begin last Monday
but was held' up because of the non
appearance of the proper filing blanks
from the national headquarters, shall
be put on this week or postponed
until after the Shrine convention.
Members of the executive committee
are H. T. Angell. H. V. Carpenter
Frank R. Kerr, L. H. Humphreys,
Horace Mccklem, Omar C. Spencer,
Emery Olmstead. S. W. Ottenheimer,
Ira F. Powers and "Guy W. Talbot.
The membership campaign is for
the purpose of enlisting "big brothers
and sisters" in the movement from
among the "grown-ups" of the city to
co-operate with the lads In their
work. Last year the campaign was
successful. Memberships are from
Jl up.
Constantinople Roused by Noise of
Engagement; English Troops
Hold Territory.
e Associated Press.) British war
ships opened fire on nationalist post
tions near Touzla on the Sea of Mar
mora, 38 miles west of Ismid, late
Friday night.
Constantinople was aroused by the
neavy riring of the guns of the Brit
tah warships. The nationalists had
approached close to the British en
trenchments along the Gulf of Ismid
where many British units are sta
tioned to protect the troops guarding
tne railway.
The collapse of the sultan's troon
leaves the British alone to defend the
railway terminals opposite Constan
tmopie. Many Armenian and Greek
refugees nave entered Ismid
caping from the nationalists.
Number of Vacancies Caused
HOQUIAM. Wash., June 6. (Spe
cial.) Hoquiam's school board i
seeking new teachers to fill a num
ber of vacancies caused by resigna
lions. Aitnougn the seals of pay
equals the northwest standard, the
educators find the salaries inadequate,
Some are giving up teaching, a few
will be married and others will try
for places in schools that are said to
pay higher salaries.
Resignations now en file include:
High school Principal W. T. Wait,
Vice-Principal Herbert O. Heath. Miss
Charlotte Steelman. Miss Blanche
Wasser. Miss Kathryn McGlauflin.
Miss Una Belle Middleton, Miss Bar
bara G. Gamwell, Miss Mildred Larsen,
Miss Lenore Rhoads and G. A. Nar
rance. Grade school. Miss Alma Molina
Miss Stella Beseler, Miss Lillian An
derson. Miss Ella Anderson, Miss Mar
jorie Rice, Miss Lottie Schultead. Miss
Eleanor Stelnbach, Miss Angle An
drews, Miss Jessie' B&yha, Miss Car
oline Wltslg. Miss Gladys Fraser, Miss
Frances Wens, Miss Sarah Somers and
Miss Anna L. Stevens, the latter being
supervisor of music at the public
schools. Her place will be filled by
Miss Mildred Chrlstensen of Centralis.
Graduate of City- Sc1kk1 Had Com
pleted Scientific Course With
High Honors.
The body of Hymen B. Robison, for
merly a resident of Portland and late
son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Robison of
569 Fourth street, who died June 4
at Pasadena, Cal., arrived in the city
last night- Funeral services will take
place this afternoon at 2 o'clock from
the family residence. Rabbi A. Rosen
crants preaching the funeral sermon.
Interment will be in Mt. Zion ceme
The deceased waa born in Portland
and received his earlier education in
the public schools of the city. He
graduated from the Lincoln High
school with the class of 1912 and soon
after completing his high school edu
cation went east where he entered the
Sheffield scientific department of
Yale collge, graduating from his
course of study in that institution in
1916. During his college years he
majored in chemistry and on leaving
school became assistant chemist of
the Goheeing ' Manufacturing com
pany, headquarters- of which are lo
cated at Warren, O. He became pro
flcient in his chosen profession and
was known as one of the ablest
chemists of the country. Contracting
the Influenza during the epidemic and
being of frail constitution he went to
California where he hoped to recover
nis strength. He was accompanied by
his mother, Mrs. L Robison. How
ever, he became weaker and passed
away at Pasadena. He died at tha
;e of 24 years and nine months.
He is survived by his mother and
rather, an older brother, Charles B.
Robison of New York city and sister.
Mrs. J. Brill of 1633 East Thirteenth
street, this city.
Papal Encyclical Regarded
Opening Up New Political
Era for Papacy.
(Copyrtsht bv the New York World,
lished by Arrangement.)
LONDON. June 6. (Special cable.)
The Vatican's paper, the Osserva-
tore Romano, has published a highly
interesting and unexpected papal en
cyclical which, it appears, was secret
ly worked up during Whitsuntide
wires the Milan correspondent of the
Daily Telegraph. Its most notable
features, he continues, are its appeal
to all -the peoples and governments
for a superior and true conception of
universal peace, and the indirect dec
larations it contains about the even
tual future visits of Catholic potcn
tatea and princes to Rome.
It is presumed that the intended
visit of President Deschanel to King
Victor Emmanuel in Rome has been
considered a suitable opportunitv to
do away with past limitations, and that
the King of Italy's guest will also be
officially, and with all solemnity, re
ceived by the pope at the Vatican.
It appears that the old Roman
question has been to a great extent
settled by Austria's fall and must
now be adapted to the new times and
ideas. But as the intransigent clerl
cal party is still strong In the Vati
can and out of it, the pope takes care
to tone down the spirit of his encyc
Ileal, reserving all the rights to the
holy see, according to the tradition
and view of his predecessors, and
using practically the same old-fash
ioned and stereotyped expressions
which, however, cannot -now obscure
the new Ideas on the subject.
The Dally News' Milan correspond
ent telegraphs tnat in political cir
cles great importance is attached to
tne encyclical, wnicn is regarded as
opening up a new political era fo
the papacy.
Kalama Plans Chautauqua.
KALAMA, Wash., June 6. (Spec
ial.) A summer chautauqua will be
held in Kalama June 19 to 22. inclu
sive, under the direction of the
Ellison-White Chautauqua company,
Among the attractions will be S. Piatt
Jones, Marshall Ixuls Mertins, Dr.
Thomas A, Boyer. the Gypsy Girls'
quartet, Frances Soule Concert com
pany, the Du Mond quartet and the
Symphonic string orchestra.
Hoqulam Bell Xot for Sale.
HOQUIAM. Wash., June t. (Spe
cial.) Several new churches now be
ing built in the northwest are looking
wistfully toward the big 4500-pound
bell that adorned Hoquiam's city hall
before flames destroyed the edifice a
few weeks ago. But the bell is not
for sale. The value of the material in
the' bell, at present prices, exceeds
25 Special cArticles
by foremost theatrical personages, including Augustus Thomas, David
Belasco, Daniel Frohman, Louis De Foe, Avery Hopwood, George Broad
hurst, Ben All Haggin. Channing Pollock, Blanche Bates, Sam Bernard,
E. F. AlSee, and others.
200 Pictures 165 Pages
A sparkling symposium a journalistic triumph
a souvenir you will keep for ail time.
Get Your Copy Today
Aamc.-. . Address
Xoted Stars to Appear in Concert
Durlns Week of Harmony A
at State University.
Cene, June 6. (Special.) Final plans
have been made for the Mu Phi Ep
ilon convention which will be held
on the campus June 9, 10, 11 and 12.
Mu Phi Epsllon is a national musical
fraternity for women, and this is the
first convention to be held on the
coast. About 100 delegates are ex
pected to attend from all parts of the
United States. Among- them are num
bered musicians of note, honorary
members of the fraternity, who will
appear in recital here as part of the
convention programme.
Carrie Jacobs-Bond, a member of
the University of California chapter,
will attend and will take part in the
programme Thursday evening. Mrs.
Susie Fennell Pipes, violinist, of Port
land, an honorary member of the fra
ternity, will also be here.
One of the interesting programmes
of the week-end will be an hour of
music to be presented by Dr. John J.
Landsbury, dean of the school of
music, Thursday afternoon. Dean
landsbury will first talk on "Music
and Citizenship." and then will
give a programme of numbers from
Brahms, Schumann, Debussy and
Schumann -Si tsr.
Eight hundred invitations have
been issued for the concert on Thurs
day evening which will be held at the
MeUiodist church. Guests will in
clude the visitors, local musicians and
friends of the Mu Phi chapter.
The visiting delegates will be en
tertained at Hendricks hall, the wom
en's hall of residence.
The convention will open with a
formal reception in Johnson hall
Wednesday evening at which Presi
dent P. It. Campbell will deliver the
address of welcome. . Business ses
sions will occupy nearly the entire
day on Thursday and all of Friday
morning. On Friday afternoon the
party will be taken up the McKensie
river. The officers will be elected
Saturday and the convention will
close with a banquet in the evening
Pioneer Celebration August IS.
CENTRALIA. Wash.. June S. (Spe
cial.) Thursday. August 12, has been
set as the date for the annual Pioneer
day celebration at Rochester, to be
held under the auspices of the South
west Washington Pioneers assocla
tion. Invitations have been sent to
Governor Hart, Representative John
son. Supreme Judge Chadwick ana
Edmund S. Meany of the University
of Washington faculty to be present
and deliver addresses.
Watch for Boy Requested.
SALEM. Or.. June . (Special.)
Salem police today received a tele
gram to be on the lookout for David
Hillls. aged 15. who disappeared re
cently from his home at Yreka, Cal.
and Is. thought to be headed for this
city. The boy lert nis nome on i
motorcycle, according to word reach
lng the police, and was last seen near
Grants Pass. '
Geologists to Hunt Fossils.
GOLD HILL, Or., June S. (Special.)
THe department of geoloiry of the
In this Style Seven Bruns
wick is musical value to the
highest degree. It has all of
the Brunswick features, plays
the records of all makers and
all artists, and plays them
with fullest perfection of tone
and color. Its cabinet, too, is
beautiful in oak or Adam
brown mahogany.
Delivered by prepaid freight
to any point, this combina
tion of the Style Seven, with
a quantity of records, is find
ing its way into many, many
homes. Yours should be
among them.
wnTTTTrrTinrj i smi mrrmirn .Tit tTTTrnTrn-fiTi rrr
University of Oregon announces that
it Kill establish a field camp in the
vicinity of Gold Hill about June 20.
and expects to make detail maps of a
region lying east of Gold Hill, and
will investigate various loci! Beologic
problems. They are especially inter
ested in any vertebrate or inverte
brate fossil locality.
Lane County Pioneer Survived by
Large Family.
EUGENE, Or., June 6 (Special.)
Jasper M. Gumrord, a pioneer of
Lane county, died at the home of
his daughter, Mrs. W. T. Gordon, 960
Hllyard street, in this city, yester
day at 11:30 A. M. at the ase of 75
years 21 days.
Mr. Gulliford is survived by his
wife and daughter. Mrs. Gordon, one
brother, J. A. Gulliford of Dufur, Or.,
and two sisters, Mrs. Emma Allen
of Halsey, Or., and Mrs. Harry But
ler of Tortland. He was born in
Manard county. 111., and crossed the
plains with his parents In 1S53, set
tling in the Mohawk valley in Lane
county. He later moved to Wasco
county and became engaged in stock
He was married in 1S72 and was a
member of the Methodist church of
Eugene and of Ochoco lodge of Odd
fellow at Prineville.
JXcglstcred at Hoquiam.
HOQUIAM, Wash.. June 6. (Spe
l1.) In a drive for registration prior
to electionj for a bond issue to raise
$800,000 for harbor improvements,
2760 have registered in Hoquiam with
the closing of the polls late last night.
Over 400 registered on the last day.
Pe Ell Clean-Up Day Set.
CENTRALIA. Wash., June S. (Spe
cial.) Under a proclamation issued by
Mayor Kennedy, Wednesday will be
observed as clean-up dsy in Pe Ell.
At the last meeting of the Pe Ell
Real beauty may be a reflection of your
soul as the poets say but what a large
factor skin is when beauty is judged?
Fine, soft skin of beautiful texture can be
had only when the utmost attention is given
regularly to the care of the, skin.
Purola Toilet Preparations have contributed
toward the attainment of Beauty for many
years. They are compounded from finest
ingredients and are pure, beneficial and
soothing to the skin.
night cream ideal for removing the soil
gathered during the day upon the skin. It
keeps the skin soft, fine and clean. Try it!
AH Purola Preparations are guaranteed
to give thorough satisaction or the price
you paid will be cheerfully refunded.
Prepared and Guaranteed by the
aeau PT'
council at first reading was passed
the ordinances restricting the hours
of Saturday night dau:cs to 12 o'clock
and limiting the epeed of automobiles.
Ralph S. Stacy Weathers Operation,
Although Life Despaired of.
EATTI.E, Wash.. June . (Spe
cial.) Ralph S. Stacy, president of
the Scandinavian-American bank and
well known in Portland, was oper
ated on recently for appendicitis at
Weed. Cal. He has so far recovered
that he will return to Seattle next
Mr. Stacy's life had been despaired
of for several days and only rare
luck saved htm. The operation was
performed 1 hour and 15 minutes
after Mr. Stacy was taken from the
tra in.
invigorates and strengthens the hair,
follicles, and also supplies a food to
impoverished cells.
The ointment should be applied Just
before retiring, rubbing in well at the
roots of the hair, but care should
be taken not lo injure the scalp by
a too brisk massaging. In the
morning the KREAM should be re
moved, using warm water and as lit
tle soap as ia necessary to clean the
scalp. This procedure should be fol
lowed every other night for three or
four treatments. After this a very
smail portion of the ointment may
be applied to the scalp twice a week
Just to keep it moist and stimulate
a natural hair growth. At all drug
pirns i6 and 50 cents Adv.
1 1 7) j