THE 3IORXIXG OR EG ONI AN, 3IONDAY, JUNE 7, 1920 G.O.P.' TROTTED DARK HORSES Chances of Coming Under Wire Carefully Considered. ALLEN FIRST, TAFT LAST Selection of Kansas Governor JPIaee of AVood in Nomination Adds lo His Prominence. in BY MARK SULLIVAN. (Copyright. 1!t::0, by New York Evening Post. Published by Arrangement.) CHICAGO. 111.. June b. (Special.) The chances of the republican nomina tion going to a dark horse are at least sufficiently strong to justify a survey of this tield to see what the .material is. "Dark horse" Is a vague term, to the "generous elasticity of which a good many public men are under ob ligations. Frequently the fact that a man is "prominently mentioned among the dark horses"' merely means that he is an agreeable fellow, that he has never committed any odious crime and that the newspaper men like him and are glad to "give him a hand" on other occasions. To be mentioned as a dark horse merely means that the delegates from a certain state are happy to give one of their number a little favorable pub licity. Ten In Republican Stable. In the present article the term is restricted to men who have some de gree of serious possibility. Of such, aside from the four major candidates who were in the primaries, Wood Louden, Johnson and Harding, there are ten who have in some degree fcuch a relation to the situation as a whole that they could be said to be in one degree or another real possi bilities. Among these ten Governor Allen, of Kansas, is not only first alpha betically but, in addition, has one element of strength that none of the others have. Governor Allen is a residuary legatee. Those of us who have watched the Wood movement closely have all along had the feel ing that Governor Allen is the second choice of many of the Wood en thusiasts. Allen Given Boost. Always in the back of the heads of the Wood workers seems to be the thought that if they should fail with Wood they would then preserve the'.r front as compactly as they could and deliver as large a block of their dele gates as possible to Governor Allen. This belief on the part of observers has now been confirmed by General Wood's choice of Governor Allen to make his nomination speech. To Governor Allen, assuming I re peat, that it becomes a matter of dark horses at all, this opportunity to get himself before the convention in a favorable way is a great asset, and Governor Allen has far too much imagination to fail to be aware of it. This is precisely the situation which resulted in the nomination of James A. Garfield in 1880. Garfield tame to that convention not as a candidate himself, but for the pur pose of advancing the claims of his friend, Senator John Sherman. Gar field made the nominating speech. Both the speech and the man im pressed the convention in a strongly friendly way. and later on, after o3 ballots had been taken with no change among the leaders. Garfield came to the front. Governor Allen knows political his tory as well as any of us. and he cannot fail to be impressed by the a nalogy. Allen Original Progressive. In the working out of the present convention, assuming that it comes to a case of dark horses, the fact that he is to make the nomination speech for one of the principal can didates, ought to give Governor Al len more momentum in the beginning than any of the other dark horses. In addition, Governor Allen would naturally be expected to be the bene ficiary of a certain amount of Sen ator Johnson's strength. Allen was an original progressive, and presumably whatever elements of Roosevelt strength there are in the coming convention would have the most friendly feeling for him. Your correspondent believes that there are at least three other dark horse possibilities who have rather better chances than Governor Allen: But it It comes to a case of dark horses at all, jour correspondent ex pects to see a considerable demon stration over the Kansas governor. Butler Has Strong Points. Considering the dark horses al phabetically, the next is Nicholas Murray Butler of New York. When you reflect upon Mr. Butler's position you are impressed with how very narrow is the distance between But ler as an impossibility and Butler as an extremely strong possibility. To think of Butler as having no chance at all is becoming a habit and like many habits of mind, it has lasted beyond the time when the facts jus tified it. Mr. Butler ha3 hung around the outer lges of republican politics, acting as a hewer of wood in writing Platforms and the like, so long that he does not look as big as he would he were coming on the scene today as a new figure. Butler was Taft's running mate in the most inglorious race tha republican party ever made, the one in 1912, when the party car ried only two states. By reason of that fact the public, and especially the minor politicians came to look upon Butler as sharing lafts weakness. The truth is Butler has talents and experience of a sort to make him a better presidential candidate and a better president than Taft was. Prfftent Job Is Handicap. Another of Mr. Butler's handicaps is one of those utterly minor and whimsical analogies which frequently have weight until we examine them closely. Butler i3 a college president. "Wilson was the head of a college and the republicans think that Wilson made a very poor president. That is a course of reasoning which only needs a second look to disappear in mist. If Dr. Butler should happen to have in the convention one resolute friend with the ability and the will to make a forceful speech in his be half, these quiet immaterial handi caps of his would evaporate. Butler will come close to naving as many friends among the delegates on th floor as any other man. For years it has been his hobby to know the re publican leaders in most of the states and many or the cities ana counties. Largely as a device for balancing his preoccupation with academic af fairs, he has kept in touch with the realities of public life by this means Many republicans In positions of power through the country write to him for information and advice and when they come to New York call upon him. One strong man, believing in Butler and making a speech that reflected his faith, might very read ily transform the convention from one which regards Butler as an accepted impossibility to one that would regard him as an ideal candidate under pres ent conditions. The next in alphabetical order is Governor Calvin Coolidge of Massa chusetts. In the judgment of your cor respondent Governor Coolidge is one of the first three possibilities among the dark horses and if the presidency does not go to Governor Coolidge. it can be said, with almost complete confidence that Governor Coolidge has the best chance of all for the vice presidency, always assuming of course, that the presidency itself does not go to a quarter which makes Gover nor Coolidge ineligible geographically. Hays V'nusually Popular. Next alphabetically comes Will Hays, the national chairman. Every few weeks during the campaign a wave of friendly gossip about Hays as a possibility has gone from one end of the country to the other. When ever this gossip came to the attention of Hays himself, he was quick to frown upon it. Hays has a way of expressing himself in phrases and his phrase for this was "An administrator never buys at his own sale." By that axiom Mr. Hays meant that for him to permit himself to be nominated would cast doubt on his personal good faith in the management of the na tional committee; that it would be as sumed that he had not meant what he said when he declared that it was his business to be absolutely neutral as among the various candidates. Un questionably, if the convention gets into an acrimonious snarl, there is always the possibility of some one person arising and bringing peace by mentioning the name of one man that everybody in the convention has a feeling of affection for. Hays is universally popular among the members of the national commit tee and among the whole rank and file of the party workers who make up the delegaes. but Hays' true friends and he himself would be the first to insist that there are other dark horses of greater availability. Hays has never held any important elective office; has never even served in a legislature. His experience has been wholly that of a party manager, coming up from the Sullivan (Indiana) county committee through the Indi ana state committee to his present position. Hoover and Hnrches Considered. Next, Hoover. Those who are pro moting the Hoover candidacy are now focusing their efforts on making a demonstration before the convention in Cnicago. It is their plan to print a daily paper during convention week devoted chiefly to impressing Hoover upon the members of the convention. In short, such hopes as the Hoover managers now have are all In one form or other an expectation of being able to persuade or stampede the convention. On the possibility of this the meat of all that can be said is that if Roosevelt could not stampede the republican convention in 1912, Hoover is not likely to do it in 1920. Ex-Justice Hughes is a very real possibility, if the convention gets hito that kind of a snarling jam which fas the one condition that can lead fx a dark horse at all. in the event the party leaders are apt to have a mo ment of serious mood in which .they look about to find the best they (lave in the way of experience and ability. In such a mood there can be no ques tion whatever that Hughes' name would come far to the front. Hughes is decidedly among the first three of the dark horse possibilities. Knox Classes Among; Kirst Three. Knox is also among the first three. It Is quite possible for the nomination to go either to Lowden or Wood with out the name of Knox ever being heard on the convention floor. But it is equally possible for Knox to come forward in a very powerful way. Knox is the real choice of the bulk of the republican senators who com pose the "irreconcilables" on the issue of the league of nations. Johnson is commonly supposed to be their candidate; and up to a cer tain point he is, but the irreconcil ables ha; no illusion about the pos sibility of really getting the nomina tion for Johnson; and Knox, to put it in the idiom common to vernacular politics and cards, is the irreconcil ables' "ace in t' e hole." That thet-e are political ability and a high order of brains among these irreconcilable senators nardly needs to be demon strated, after their success on the eague of nations issue. If they really put their shoulders behind Knox he may go far. Senator Lenroot of Wisconsin was frequently mentioned as a dark horse some months ago, but his availibility before tne country at large was im paired by the fact that the faction of the Wisconsin politics with which Senator Lenroot is identified will be rather decidedly beaten by the La Follette faction. Senator Miles Poindexter of Wash ngton has the earnest backing of a group of enthusiastic men. The chief of this group behind Senator Poin dexter is ex-Senator Jonathan Bourne of Oregon. Governor William C. Sproul of Pennsylvania has the distinction of having been picked as the most prob able nominee by so astute an observer as William Jennings Bryan. Governor bproul decidedly is among the dark horse possibilities: but just how he figures and to what extent he figures, is interwoven with two things, now uncertain. The first is the fact that he comes from the same state as Sen ator Knox. The second is that un fathomable tangle of considerations grouped around the questions of whether Penrose will be at the con vention, how much power he will have and what he really wants. At this point, alphabetically, and in the order of probability also, comes Taft. If it becomes a case of dark horses, undoubtedly there will be mo ments when the party leaders in a serious mood will survey their avail able material, especially their men of experience. Any such survey must necessarily include the party's and the country's only living ex-president. But it seems to me that at that mo ment Taft will be considered along side Hughes; and that of the two. Hughes will seem both the stronger and the more available. In the end let it again be empha sized that these dark horses will en ter the situation only when and if the principal contenders. Wood, Low den. Johnson and Harding, have been eliminated. PRESIDENTIA OW L JOINED BY BUTLER Aspirant Takes Personal Charge of Headquarters. POLICY IS ANNOUNCED Statement Declares Candidate Is for Unselfish Participation in World's Affairs. CHICAGO, June 6. Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler of New York today joined the republican presidential aspirants who have' taken personal charge of their convention headquar ters. In his announcement, he said "some progress" was being made toward framing a platform "declara tion of principles," adding that he was glad to find that his views as to the importance of that declaration were shared i-y many delegates with whom he had talked. "The people are in no mood to be trifled with," said Dr. Butler. "They want to know with precision what the republican party will undertake to do if it carries the election." Broad Poller Predicted. Dr. Butler predicted that "Ameri cans generally" would "never accept that narrow and selfish international policy" which was, he said, embodied in the position ot Senators Johnson and Borah, as to isolation of the United States from the work of the world, "nor any other merely neg ative policy." The fundamentals of an acceptable American international policy, he said, were to bring into existence the inter national court of justice, co-operate with other nations "in devising ways and means to establish and maintain international peace" and unite with them to punish violations of interna tional public law." Zones Are Advocated. Amplifying this outline given in his formal statement. Dr. Butler said he favored division of the world into three zones, European, American and oriental, the peoples of each zone to be responsible for the maintenance of order there insofar as questions in volving their own "primary interest" were concerned. He was asked if that meant employment of troops out of the country, and said that it did, within the zones. The real history of article 10 had never been publicly told. Dr. Butler said. It had been written, he said. by certain people before the war and sent to President Wilson, who. Dr. Butler said, sent it to the senate foreign relations committee with a proposal that it be substituted for the Monroe doctrine. The committee, he added, rejected it "unanimously." between Senator Watson of Indiana and Ogden L. Mills of New York, the latter chairman of the platform and policies committee, appointed by Chairman Hays. Neither was regard ed as the candidate of any faction, but there is a possibility that a can didate from the Johnson-Borah group will be brought forward because of the probable contest over the league of nations plank. For the credentials committee chairmanship Senator Smoot of Utah, veteran of several conventions, was prominently mentioned. Judge J. C. Prichard of North Caro lina will be proposed .for the vice presidential nomination if members of the North Carolina, delegation become convinced that he cannot be nomi nated for the presidency. Ex-United States Senator Martin Butler made this announcement today. CONTEST APPEALS NEXT FIGHT TO BE CARRIED TO CRE DENTIALS COMMITTEE. All-Xight Sessions May Be Neces sary to Prepare Report for Convention. CHICAGO, June 6. Campaign man gers today prepared to renew before he convention credentials committee heir contests over delegates decided by the republican national committee. Some of the contests may be carried to the convention floor. There are possibilities that virtually all of the 37 contests will be appealed to the credentials committee to be appointed next Tuesday, with prospects of all- night sessions to prepare a report to he convention Wednesday. The sweep of the Lowden forces In he national committee's decisions, it is believed, will furnish the principal work for the credentials committee. Chairman Hays today gave out a statement declaring it "significant that all contests Involving large num bers were disposed of by unanimous nd viva voce action. "Half of the contests had been de- ided." Mr. Hays said, "by unanimous action and the third day's session was far advanced before there was even a rollcall. As I recall, there were only four rollcalls on contest matters dur- ng the week. The diversity of the vote cast, which was 36 to 12 in the 0th Minnesota, 8 to 34 in the 4th Georgia, 16 to 29 in the 4th Okla homa and 20 to 23 in the Missouri district in which both delegations were denied seats, indicated that the vote in each case was on the merits of the contest or matter presented to the committee." 5B00 TROOPS WANTED CAXTC DECLARED TO BE HESI TATING TO RETIRE. Almada, Newly Named Governor of Northern District of Lower California, Makes Request. CALEX1CO, Cal., June 6. A recom mendation that 5000 Mexican troops be sent to the port of Ensenada Lower California, was telegraphed from here tonight to General Alvaro Obregon at Mexico City. Baldomero A. Almada, Mexican de facto appointee to the governorship of the northern district of Lower Cal Ifornia. made the request. The telegram was made public by M. Paredes, consul here for the pro visional Mexican government, after Senor Almada had announced his in tention to start tomorrow for the Mexican capital to discuss the situa tion in Lower California with Gen eral Obregon and Adolfo de la Huerta provisional president, and had board ed a train for Los Angeles, Cal. where his family resides. Several thousand men gathered in Mexican today and engaged in demonstration in favor of retaining in office Governor Cantu, whose guests they were at three barbecues. Governor Cantu told the crowd he "always had been and always would be subservient to the wishes of the people and of the Mexican federal government," and that if both "his people and his government" desired him to retain the governorship, he would be glad to. Senor Almada attended the demon stration. The crowd later attended the weekly bull fight. Senor Almada's telegram to Gen eral Obregon said: "Governor Cantu had agreed with me to transfer the governorship the northern district of Lower Cali fornia tomorrow but as he is dom inated by a group of individuals wh are exploiting very advantageou concessions and profiting by fa voritism, he vacillates and pretend to postpone turning, over the govern ment. i ne situation is very grave. "1 believe this delicate situatio should be solved immediately by th federal governments sending 5000 men without loss of. time to Ense nada. BULL FIGHTS THREATENED Spanish Counsellor Charges Neg lect in Educating Children. VALENCIA. Spain, June 6. Munici pal Counsellor Margaia, in the course of a council meeting Friday night, threatened to invoke the existing law prohibiting bull fight, unless the. city provides sufficient opportunities of educating the children. He charged the council with neglect in not appropriating the necessary amount for erecting schools. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:111111111; SENIOR MAX AND JCNIOR CO ED ARE .LATEST VICTIMS. 0LES CONTINUE TO GAIN Official Statement Alleges Capture of Many Prisoners. "WARSAW, June 6. (By the Asso ciated Press.) The Poles, according to an official statement today, are continuing their successful attacks on the northern front and have occu pied Glubokoi and Dokchitcha, taking many prisoners with guns and other booty. The bolsheviki, to cover their retreat, attacked In strength at sev eral places, trying to cross the middle Beresina. They were repulsed, how ever, the statement says. A Polish-American relief expedition train manned by Lieutenant Arthur P'ox of Philadelphia and six soldiers has been shelled by the bolsheviki on the road between Minsk and Boris cov. All the relief workers escaped njury and the damaged train was res cued. Medical supplies were captured by the bolsheviki when the Americans evacuated a sanitary station. PROWLER MADE TARGET Patrolman Reports Shooting at Man Trying to Enter Store. Patrolman Bernard reported that he had fired two shots last night at burglar whom he had found trying to break Into the Scott & Son grocery at Mississippi avenue and Fremont street. The policeman said he thought one of the shots took effect, because pedes trians had seen the fugitive gripping ms ngnt arm with his left hand as he ran up Fremont street. The patrolman says he surprised the intruder before the latter had en tered the store and fired at him when he fled. He described the burglar as feet 8 inches tall, weighing 160 pounds, with a light hat and a dark suit. WORLD'S ADMEN MEET Four Great Sales! A Real Glothing Sale All Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Suits ONE-FIFTH OFF! All Children's Tub Suits ONE-FIFTH OFF! Men's Colossal Shirt Sale $3.50 and $4 Shirts $2.45, $5 and $6 Shirts $3.85, $7.50 and $8.50 Shirts $4.85 . Men'sAthleticUnionSuits Regularly $2.50, $3 and $4 ' Only $1.95 the Garment Three for $5.75 BEN SELLING Leading Clothier MORRISON AT FOURTH niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiif CUPID ACTIVE AT REED loreign Countries .Represented at Indianapolis Session. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. June 6. "Down to brass tacks" was to be the keynote of the 16th annual conven tion of the Associated Advertising Clubs of the World, which opened here this afternoon with delegates from all over the United States. Several foreign countries also were represented. Engagement of Rowan "Whealdon and Miss Marie AVolff Proves Big Surprise. Cupid has made many surprising raids among Heed college students this year, but it remained for Rowan Whealdon, a Reed senior, and Miss Marie Wolff, a junior, to create the sensation of the little god's operations with the informal announcement yes terday of their engagement. The news came as a complete surprise at the college, for the young people had kept the secret so well that not even the closest housemates of the two suspected until Miss Wolff appeared yesterday with tne all-announcing ring. Miss Wolff is a member of house A at the dormitory and is a student assistant in the Reed commons. Mr. Whealdon owns a farm at Nasel. Wash., and is a member of house H famous for its "cupid club," which was jokingly formed the first of the year with the slogan that "all mem bcrs of the house must form a matri moniai alliance in 190. He is a physics major and graduates with honorable mention. He has taken an active part in student affairs, being an all-star football man, a director of the co-operative store and director of the men's social room. At a luncneon neld in house D yes terday, the engagement of Miss Mar jorie Fulton, a Reed senior, to Tom Brockway, a junior and president of the Reed student body, was an nounced. The second event of the day was a surprising climax and by It the "Cupid club" of house "H" claims another member for Mr. Brockway is also a member of this house. He is one of the most active students ever attend ing Reed college. He has been a member of several athletic teams: was an editor of the "Quest" and an nual, was a delegate to the student convention at Des Moines and has been elected a Reed representative for the Seabeck conference. He has held office in the student and athletic councils, co-operative store and in his class. Miss Fulton, of Alahambra. Cal., is vice-president of the senior class and an' economics major. She is the stu dent director of the Reed co-operative store and has taken an active rwirt in the women's activities of the college, including athletics. W. McKenna, and a brother, Dr. R. L. McKenna, all of this city. WALLA WALLA, Wash.. June 6. (Special.) Samuel B. Sweeney. 62 a native of Marion county. Or., died here today. His parents moved to Oregon from their home in Missouri in 1S47. In 1S72 Mr. Sweeney moved to Waitsburg, after spending some time in California. He came here in 187 4. Mr. Sweeney was a teacher in the old Whitman academy and later engaged in farming. He was grain buyer for some time. His widow and two children, Phillip B. and Kleanor D., both students at Oregon Agricultural college, survive, N' 'OT to the fleetest of foot, but to the driest of throat goes the first de lightful sip of Clicquot Club Ginger Ale. But every kiddie shall have a glass if mother will thoughtfully keep a bottle or two on ice. How the children love Clicquot! There's a snap and zest in the bubbling, spark ling golden liquid that makes them want to drink the whole bottle. Let them -there's nothing harmful in Clicquot; only pure spring water, juice of lemon and lime, clean cane sugar, and mild Jamaica ginger that prevents the too sudden chill of an ice-cold drink. Buy CUcejrrot by tha caM rom jour froeer or drug" gin f , tnrf atwaym hawa in your Jiome a daily drink in g habit thmt im ahvaya aa and good or tit t la son and adtzlta both; THIS CLICQUOT CLUB COMPANY Millis. Mm. U.S. A. K it 250 AT BENEFIT PICNIC Principal Address, by Elmer Smith, Labor Attorney of Centralia. More than 250 persons attended the benefit picnic neld yesterday at Can emah park under the auspices of a joint committee representing the cen tral labor and metal trades councils. The feature of the outing was an ad dress delivered by Elmer Smith, labor attorney of Centralia, Wash., recent ly acquitted at Montesano of the charge of murdering Warren O. Grimm, who was killed while march ing in the Armistice day parade at Centralia. A special interurban train conveyed the merrymakers to the picnic grounds at 10 o'clock yesterday morning. road near Milwaukie. Or. Blaich and Roy Tukich were arrested and held on a federal charge of violating the prohibition law. The mash was made from cracked corn mixed with s'irar and heps. The liquor was of high proof and had a "hoppy" flavor. Carl Taeck. North Fourteenth street, was arrested last night and charged with violating the prohibi tion law. The police found 30 quarts of beer, five gallons of wine and a wine press as evidence. SPROUL MEETS LEADERS Aggressive Contest for Delegates Is Started by Eorvcs. CHICAGO, June 6. Governor Sproul, Pennsylvania's candidate for presi dent, was active today meeting party leaders from different states and con sulting his own lieutenants. Be met a number of state governors. State Senator William E. Crow,' chairman of the Pennsylvania re publican state committee, in a state ment said: '. "There is a marked and eincern drift of sentiment from every section of the country to Governor Sproul. This has so encouraged his friends that an aggressive contest is now on ny ine cproui lorces xor aeie-gates." M n i 1 Orrtnp 1 1 . -1 .T l"nni ir-t ,1 CHICAGO, June 6. Samuel Gross man, president of the defunct Riley-Shubert-Grossman company, a mall order concern, was found guilty of using the mails to defraud by a jury ,-J . , . . 1' V- . V. . ) ,! acquitted. The concern was organ ized in 1!14 and was alleged to have sold $0,000,000 worth of stock. Read The Oregoninn classified ads. Obituary. 14 Killed in Explosion. LONDON, June 6. Fourteen per sons were killed, 100 others were injured and many buildings were de stroyed by the explosion of SO car loads of explosives near Turin, yes terday, according to a Rome dis patch to the Exchange Telegraph company. Funeral services for Dr. Charles W. McKenna, who died May 30, were held at the Holy Cross church. University Park, last Wednesday morning. In terment was at Mount Calvary ceme tery. Dr. McKenna was born at Forest City, Neb., in 1SS4. He was a gradu ate of the dental department of North western university, obtaining his de gree in 1909. Following his gradua tion he came to Oregon. He was a member of the state and national dental associations, of the XI Psi Phi rraternity, the Modern Wood men and the United Artisans. He Is survived by his widow, a daughter Alice, his mother. Mrs. Lola ALLOY GASOLINE ADOPTED Grays Harbor Motor Body Members to Use 2 5 Per Cent Kerosene. ABERDEEN, Wash., June 6. (Spe cial.) The Grays Harbor Motor Deal ers association has formally adopted 75 per cent gasoline and 25 per cent kerosene as the only auto fuel that will be furnished owners during the continuance of the gaso line shortage. The substitution of this amount of oil, it is stated, will allow the motor ists of the county to run their cars an aditional 600,000 miles, as com pared with the mileage they would get on the allowance of gasoline granted the harbor by the oil companies. VILLA CHASE CONTINUES Thirteen Trainloads of Troops on Way to Jiminez. EL PASO, Tex., June 6. Colonel Claudio Fox. in command at Juarez, announced today that 13 troop trains with between 6000 and 8000 Mexican troops from Mexico City are due to arrive in Jiminez, Chihuahua, tonight. President de la Huerta is to remain in the field until Villa is either killed or captured. Villa was last reported at Pilar de Conchos, 60 miles west of Jiminez. DISTILLERY IS SEIZED Sam BIuicH and Roy Yuklch Held on Liquor Charge. Three gallons of corn moonshine, 240 gallons of mash and a distillery were seized last right in a raid on the home of Sam Blaich on the Lake COMMITTEE RACES KEEN RIVALRY SECONDARY- OXLY TO CANDIDATES' CONTEST. Landing Fields Sought. PROSSER, Wash.. June 6. (Spe cial.) A representative of the Yak ima Valley Aviation Transportation company spent Thursday in Prosser looking over the different vacant places in search of a landing field. The idea in view is to have the com mercial clubs of the different towns select an appropriate spot and keep it in condition for the use of planes traveling up and down the valley. When the different fields are selected and placed in condition, maps will be drawn and published as an aid to the aviator. The aim of the company is to run passenger service between Takima and Spokane through the valley. Choice Places in-Convention Or ganlzation Eagerly Sought. Lodge Is One Chairman. , CHICAGO, June 6. Rivalry for choice places in organization of the republican convention took second place today only to the candidates' race. The principal committees are those on resolutions,, or platform, creden tials, permanent organization, and rules and' order of business. Many states today began electing their members. Senator Lodge of Massachusetts al ready has been chosen for temporary chairman. Names most prominent in leaders' discussion for permanent chairman were Senator McCormick of Illinois," ex-Senator Beverldge of Indiana- and Senator Borah of Idaho. There also was some discussion' of .having Senator Lodge continue as pre siding officer throughout the conven tion. For chairmanship of the platform committee, the race was said to lie hrine Grand Stand Reserved Seats For All Parades Shriners Week Now on Sale at Sherman, Clay & Co. Sixth and Morrison St. V, (LOCATION OP STANDS) " O STAND NO. (1) Morrison, 5th to 6th, "Official Reviewing" (No Seats to Sell) STAND NO. (2) Morrison street, corner 12th (Now Sold Out) STAND NO. (3) Morrison street, 13th to 14th (Seats Now on Sale) STAND NO. (4) Morrison street, 14th to Lownsdale (Now Sold Out) STAND NO. (5) East side of 19th, Washington to Morrison (Now Sold Out) STAND NO. (6) Washington, 19th to 20th streets (Seats Now on Sale) (DATE AND TIME OF PARADES) June 22, Morning, 9 A. M Daylight Shrine Parade June 22, Evening, 8 P. M Electric Parade June 23, Evening, 8 P. M Night Shrine Parade June 24, Afternoon, 3 P. M '. ...Rose Decorated Vehicle Parade June 25, Evening, 8 P. M Electric Parade (repeated) (NOTE) Grandstand Number (6), Washington, 19th to 20th, Will Not Be Reserved (Courjon) Tickets. General Admission to This Stand $1.10, Including War Tax. TICKETS FOR RESERVED GRANDSTAND SEATS $1.63, Including WAR TAX it 1 mvm ' w r I 'Everywomai Gorgeously- Gowned and Wonderfully Presented The Picture Beautiful Orchestra Matinee at -:.'tO V. M. N 0W P L A Y I NG I f UNTIL TUESDAY f W " I ;a 1 MIDNIGHT ONLY 1 1 .A ANITA STEWART THE FIGHTING SHEPHERDESS Caroline Lockhart's gripping romance of the range. The Htory of Kate Prentice, corned with a exleaa hatred by men who "win at any price" w. I'" m Also Joe Roberts, Banjoist Klmt Motion v Pictures of Portland's Recent Humane Parade Coming Wednesday 'DANGEROUS TO MEN"