18 TIIE JIOITXIXG OREGONIAX, FRIDAY, JUXE 4, i920 SEA I. CMAl f- 1'or tale -Houses. TRVINGTON HOME FROM OWNER, On 17th street, near Thompson. 8 rooms, large sleeping porch and finished attic. FIRST FLOOR Central entrance, with fine stairway, living room, 18x30, fire place, sun room in rear, dining room, puss pantry, kitchen, .work pantry, closet and toilet; flooii eastern oak with inlaid border. : SECOND FLOOR Hallway. 4 final bedrooms and double si ee pins; porch; plenty of closet space. The floors ar curly maple. ATTIC plastered and finished Into two rooms, closets. BASEMENT, full cement. laundry, fruit and work room; Fox furnace. The property s of class A construction of the best material. It is too large for my family. Would consider a smaller Place Jn exchange. At $0750 there is big value; convenient terms. Call East 2430 for appointment. KURNIS HED BUNG A LOW, Artistic 0-romn bungalow with good furniture. living -r.oin has nice fire place and den. with built-in bookcases, nice - electric fixtures, dining room has artistic ourit. w ith large plate glass t mirrors, beam ceiling; two targe. Tight' Deo rooms with bath between; Dutch kitchen in white, half cement basement floor. good furnace, garage, lot 40x100. hard surface street now going In. $4000. $1000 cash, $50 month, including Inter est. 7 per cent. O. W. T. Hueilhaupt z Co., C. E Adams. 407 U. S. National Bank bldg. Broadway 3i33. residence, Wdln. 433- LAURELHURST. One of the. most charming residences I in hub District, something different; you won't find another one like it. A few C its attractive features are the rich old ivory woodwork, hardwood floors, large living room, mammoth fireplace, artistic French doors, handsome light and plumbing fixtures; a garage and beautiful grounds; near the park. Owner having purchased larger home is going to eel. Your opportunity. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. Alain 6007. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 5-room modern bungalow with s ttic, fireplace, oak floors, full basement, furnace, garage, close to car. You are sure to like this one, and you can be fn it lor the convention. SG500. Cali me at once. C. M. DliRR, COE A. McKENNA fc CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. CHARMING BEAUMONT HOME. 7 beautiful rooms and bleeping porch, living and dining rooms nave beamed ceilings, imported tapestry paper. ?;-ln. oak floors; fine Dutch kitchen, full ce ment basement, trays; 3 nica bedrooms with large closets, sleeping oorch, bath up; fuil lot, garage; all improvements in and paid. This home is in Al condi tion and is a bargain; $7000. terms. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. THE MOUNTAINS are visible from this very desirable Wil lamette Heights home of seven rooms; finely situated, large living and dining rooms with hard ood floors, white en ameled finish tnroughout with crystal drawer pulls; many closets, encircling verandas, garage built to allow entrance from house, large lot. $10oo down. $50 month and interest: price $000. Mahoney. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 0S71. -FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE ONLY ONE OF THK HANDSOMEST HOMES IN LAUKELHURST FOR SALE. Having purchased a larger nlace in I.aurelhurst. I will sell my present place at a very attractive figure. Location the very best; 7 extra large rooms, be sides sun room and sleeping porch: beautifully finished In old ivory through out. This place must be sen to be ap preciated. By appointment only. See M r. Delahunty at -70 Vs Stark St.. or phone Main 1700; eve. and Sunday. East josh. SACRIFICE. .$S50J-$25OO CASH. This magnificent 8-room home on lOOx 10( quarter, with beautiful lawn and cement garage. Broad way car line, dou ble constructed, large living room with beamed ceiling and paneled dining room, plate windows. polished oak floors. builL-lns. 4 bedrooms nnd sleeping .porch. 2 fireplaces, cement basement and fur-' nace. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 6"',; N. w. Bank bldg. Main G7S7. A BEAUMONT BEAUTY, fi rooms and sleeping porch; large liv ing and dining, solid oak floors, fireplace, built-in?, large Dutch kitchen. 3 dandv bedroom with large closets and fine bath and toilet up; full cement base ment, trays, furnace, full lot; 4 blocks to car; atl improvements In and paid. This is" surely a buv at $5750. $1500 cash. TH E LAWRENCE CO.. 21:! Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. SPECIAL IRVINGTON. 7 rooms, ivory finish and oak floors throughout; garage, finished last October. Kino d raperies and lir.oVura included. Tile bath with shower. Owner must give up for business reasons. $1000 cash, $10 monthly. East 3118 for appoint ment. ST. JOHNS. COM PLETELT FURNISHED bunga low of four rooms and screened sleeping porch ; garage to match house; paved street; on car line; 4oxlO0 lot; fine dis trict; this is a bargain; $31:00; $1000 down. COE A McKENNA A CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. 708 Lombard St. Col. 638. UNIVERSITY PA RK. Seven-room. 2 -story bungalow, with front and rear balconies, large porch, fine fireplace a nd furnace; large lot, f0x1 .tO feet, full concrete basement, al together delightful; absolutely worth thi price asked; $4000. COK A McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. 768 Lombard St. Col. 638. UOVK rich t in : modern 5-room furnished double constructed bungalow, 2 lots; carden in. lots of fruit and shrubbery. Dutch kitchen, white enameled and all woodwork enameled : sleeping oorcn. ce mcnt basement and furnace; electricity paid for - years; furnished with new high-grade furniture, dishes and cooking utensils: price J 48771. cahh $2905. bal. $30 a month, including 6 Interest. Tabor 1235 after 7 P. M. Saturday and Sunday ail day. B y owner. No a g ents. R 0S feTc I TF AR K. " $4750. A t tractive 5-room bungalow, modern in every dotal 1. with spacious living room, oak floors and fireplace, indirect" and bracket lights, beautiful built-in bookcases, buffet and kitchen, porce lain plumbing, cement basement and furnace ; full lot ; terms. .1011 N SO N - DO DSON CO. . tT,r. N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. 6-ROOM house and lot for sale or trade. Full basement, cement floor: wash trav In basement: electric lights and gap; uo to date, large bathroom. Can't build the house for $4,100. Lots of fruit. Clear title. Price $4500; would accept land in southern Oregon, same alue; Grants Pass preferred. S. A. Hudelson. owner. 116 S. tvanhoest.. St. Johns. For fur ther particulars see Dick Hamilton. Pal- acehotel. Grants f ass. Oregon. UNIVERSITY PARK. Five-room bungalow In beautiful con dition; large living and dining rooms, modern kitchen and airy bedrooms, full basement; fine fireplace; some fruit trees; 50100 lot; $33oo; $100O down. COE A McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. 708 Lombard St. CoL 638, " $7500 IRVJNGTON SNAP $7500. u rooms (including 3 finished rooms In attic); also den. sleeping porch, full cement basement. furnace. fireplace, hardwood floors down. This positively is an exceptional buy. Material and con struction the very best. Owner leaving for California; $2500 will handle. Sec J. A. MCarthy. E. 30th and Glisan st. Office. Tabor 3433; evenings Tabor 5057. WALNUT PARK home. 6 rooms. 3 bed rooms up. living room, dining room, kitchen down. 2 pantries and cooler fire place, furnace, cement basement, lots of fruit and berries, street paving paid; price $1250. Se W. J. McGraw. 11S5 Cleveland ave. KENTON. For sale, six-room modern home: hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace and close to carllne. Pearl O'Neill. Wdln. 4038. FOR SALE 6-room house with sleeping porch, fireplace and furnace, ail built ins. Irvlngton district. $800 down, bal- n ncc terms. wj raa t ts roaa way. "WEST SIDE bargain: six flats, well builT; jsn.iO; will pay itself out: will make in dependent living. Main 3787. FORSALE $100, lot 50x100 andoom house in Fulton Park; $500 cash. baL time to suit. Call Sell. 419. IRVINGTON. great bargain in my beauti . ful home; am leaving city. Owner. East 8015: 4-ROOM new modern bungalow, close in, baryain Owner. 503 Dekum hide FOR SALE hv ohiiit--room huutc and g'i -Well buiii moi"rn ago Wuin 1219. ftAL ESTATK. For Bale Housm. LAWYERS TITLE & TRUST CO.. REALTY DEPT. LAURELHURST. $5400 Just what you have been looking for 5 rooms, modern, just com pleted ; orf a desirable corner; hardwood floors, woodwork fin ished in old Ivory ; large living room with French doors to din ing room ; all built -ins ; breakfast nook;- furnace, fireplace. This -place is a real bargain; easy terms. See It today. $4900 It Is sure a dandy, just new, no body to clean up after; 5 rooms, all modern; hardwood floors, ful". basement, furnace, fireplace ; must be seen ,to be appreciated. $1000 cash; terms to suit. $4450 5 rooms; another good buy. You can't do better. Let us show you why. It's a real bungalow, ready for somebody to move right in; the price is right, so why hesi tate ? $3000 In South Portland. 6 rooms. large lot, 200x230; right on Ore gon Eleceric; house has just been refin iehed and painted ; a won derful view of the city, river and mountains can be obtained from here; if you like to be a little ways out but still in the city, thU is juet what you are look- ing for; ' might consider vacant, closer-in city property in trade. Our listings will cover the entire city. so if we haven't advertised the district you prefer, call In for our listings of that district. REALTY DEPT.. LAWYERS' TITLE & TRUST CO.. 2", stark St. Marshall 1898. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW BARGAINS. ALL NEW. 8 rooms, strictly modern, with every built-in; cement basement, gas. elec tricity; Bull Run water, garage, concrete runway, acre, near car, auto road, .".O0o. the house cannot be built for the money. 3 rooms, same locality, gas healer, fireplace, furnace. i acre, $5250. A beautiful 5-room bungalow and i acre corner, built-ins, good light fix tures, garage, near car, for $4250. 2 acres fn Capital hill, new 6-room bungalow, complete except plumbing fix tures, garage, $4600. i New bungalow. 2 sleeping rooms, mod ern, nice view, i acre, near car. $3050. $700 down. J. C. COR BIN CO.. :;0."-H-7-S Lewis Bldg. Bdwv. 4.SO0. ATTRACTIVE HOME. Beautiful home i-n 33d st., located on corner lot, house has 7 rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace and Dutch kitchen; in fact, all conveniences that make an up-to-date and attractive home. This place is really worth $500u, but. owner will sacrifice for $3750. JOHN E. HOWARD. 31$ Chamber of Commerce. OWNER, brand-new lour-room jungalow Main 8783. between 3 and 3 P. M. Suburban Homes. READ THIS IF YOU HAVE A BUNGALOW. This offer will make you act at once and that is what you will have to do it you take advantage of it. 1 1 big acres or land on the cariine and rigjit at the station. You drive to it the en tire distance over paved streets and paved highway. Every bit of the land is in cultivation and the best soil to be found In Multnomah County. The owner is in extremely poor health and is un able to work the place and must leave it. He offers to take in exchange as a part of the purchase price a bungalow, modern, iu a good district in the city, up to the value of. $4O00, and his price on a cash basis is away under its value of what he should take for it. especially where he is willing to take in exchange a bungalow for about half of its price. His price is $05OO, and you get for this price 1 1 4 acres, very highly improved, irult of every description of the best quality in full bearing, large and small, and Jots of it; 2 good houses, 5 rooms each ; 2 barru?, a brand new silo, wagon shed, chicken houses and hog houses. AH of the machinery, wagons and farm implements go at the price, as well as five good cows of the best breed, of which the Income monthly from cream sold amounts to $100. You also get two good hogs ready now for the market., be tides lots of chickens. Everything goes at the price except the household tur niture and personal effects. You can rent one house continuously and receive an income trout that source. Everything connected with this place is a money maker, so if you have a bungalow ol 5 rooms this will pay about hall the pur chase price and the balance can be paid with little cash and long time terms. M. J. CLOH ESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. SUNDERLAND ACRES. Located between E. 1'iUh and 33d sta.. on Columbia boulevard, 3 blocks from 2 city car lines. Alberta and Woodlawn; 1 to 5-acre tracts, some in cultivation, others beautifully wooded. Prices range from $85U per acre to $1575. These prices include Bull Run water and eiectric lights on each tract. Why go 3 or 4 miles further out and pay more? Terms 20 per cent cash and 20 per cent per year. See H. A. DRYER. THE ACREAGE MAN. 508-9 Lewis bldg. Broadway 50S1. FINE SUBURBAN HOME. 4 acres, located on a good macadam ized road, within 10 minutes walk from Oregon Electric . station, south of Ti gard ; all under cultivation and the fin est kind of soil ; large baering orchard, good attractive 6-room house, electric lights can be had. Price $3750, easy terms. Photo at office. Personally in spected by Marsters. with JOHN FERGU SON. Gerlinger bldg. THIS IS THE 5 ACRES YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR Located only 2i mi. from city limits on fine oad. 5-room house with bath, toilet, pressure water system. 4 A. un der pio-.v. family orchard, batn. chicken house garage. R. F. D. and city phone. Prltf. only $4500. -i cash. F. L. EDDY, RITTER LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Ml;. BUSI NESS and professional man Why not own a nice country home where i ou can have all the conveniences of city life, such as eiectric lights, gas. bath and toilet, good car service, etc., and enjoy the beauties of country life also ? I have some pretty suburban homes from $2500 to $10,000. each high ly improed and very homelike. .1. B. HOLBROOK. " 214-215 Panama bldg. WILL A M ETTE VALLEY FARM. 232 acres. 145 acres in cultivation, bal ance pasture and timber; 100 acres choice bottom 2a ml, 25 acres young hops. 15 acres youns prunes; fine stream water. 6-room house, barn, outbuildings, near Echool and good town. 4o miles Port land, goou roads; price $100 per acre ; favorable terms can be made. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 1 65 Ij. 4th St. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. And two acres right at Bryant station. Oswego line: 6 rooms, sleeping porch, reception hall, white enameled kitchen, pantry, bathroom, hd. wd. floors, fire place, furnace, cement basement, electric lights, telephone; modern in every de tail ; easy terms. ' For particulars see owner on property, or telephone Oswego 352. N. Lauryy. owner. BEAUTIFUL OSWEGO LAKE. Wonderful hoineslle overlooking beau tiful Oswego lake. magnificent yew. cedar, dogwood and maple ; wide front age on rotli road, water and lights; you will be glad to show her this: only $80u, less than price of ordinary city lot. Owner, 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. ACRE with beautiful 5-room bunga low, all nicely finished inside; com bination living and dining room. 2 nice large bedrooms, has convenient kitchen : garden planted, gas and water; 2 blocks from Huber sttXion. Price only $2Ou0. See Turner &. Co.. 230 Cham, of Com. BEAUTIFUL suburban home, fruit, ber ries, grapes, flowers, bungalow situated among native trees, Buii Run water, electric lights, gas; located directly on car line; two houses on place: will sell all or part. -Call owner on phone, Mil waukee 52W. or ad-dress P. O. box 165. Milwaukie, Or. THIS IS A GOOD BUY 5-room bungalow; gas. electricity, fire place, all built-lns. concrete basement, nice family orchard just started. A acre of ground; 2 blocks to car. PACIFIC REALTY CO.. Main S47. 409 Spalding bldg. NEARLY r acre. 4-room pl-asjered house (Johnson "creek orV back), water, gas and electricity ; at Stanley station on Esta cada line. 9-cent fare by book; $1700. reasonable terms. Come out, or phone Sellwood114. MODERN country home with or without acreage: 8 rooms, bath and toilet, con crete basement, electric lights, furnace and outbuildings: north of Columbia highway, on 82d st.. mile from city limits. R 516. OregoniAn. NEA RLY one acre of ground with"fin creek on Primrose ave., near Multnomah, $1500. Miss Skans. owner. BEN RIEKLAND, Agent. ' 404 Piatt Bldg.. 127 Park. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES, and acreage, well located, near car line, from $lhOO up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." SUBURBAN HOMES. I have some fine offerings, will gladly furnish - you with photographs and full information. Mrs. Harry Price Palmer, East 7976. FOR SALE, by owner, nice homey place in Mount ct-t t : Truit. v hie ken park, etc For further part ieulara. ca 11 Tabor 2370 between ! and 12 A. M. REAL ESTATE. Sumirtmn Homes. OREGON CITY CARLINE. Beautiful 34-acre tract, fronting on river and the highwav; fnle location for country home; sidewalk to station; price $16,000. Choice 3-acre home, on highway; over looking the river and valley; fine, large house, modern conveniences; abundant fruit; very sightly; $7500. Strictly modern. 6-room house, base ment, furnace, water system, bath : 3 choice acres, crop and sfrult: near Courtney station; price $7000. Lovely, modern. 5 rooms and bath: choice acre, abundant fruit and berries: right at station, near the highway; ev erything first class; price $6000. Five-acre truck garden. 4-room house: large henhouse, barn and garage: 150 j nens. cow, crop and tools; good, roaa 'near car: only $5600. Two-acre country home; fine loca tion; good, large, comfortable house: electricity and gas; plenty fruit; on good : street, near station; 52oO. 1 1-3-acre home, close to station: 7 nice large rooms and bath: water svs tem, electricity and gas; full basement; fine location; $4730. Acre home, near Courtney station : $4200. 14 -acre home, near Risley. S3500. Modern 6 rooms. Oak Grove. $3250. Acre home, on highwav. near station. $2800. Phone 113-W. C. E. APPLE. OAK GROVE. OR. NORTH PARK ROSE ACRES. NEW TRACT JUST OPENED. $550 TO $050 PER ACRE. EASY TERMS. NEAR SANDY BLVD. 400 a- ree, 2 blocks north of Sandy blvd. (Columbia highway), jutt a little over a mile outside clfy limits, wonderful garden soil fell t land), most of th tracts are cleared, some have timber; Ideal location for berries and garden truck, a fast-growing and prosper ous sect ion. low county tax. no street iniproveiv.r.ls to pay. This Is a wonderful investment oppor tunity as this lard is selling for about one-fourth of the price of south Parkrose. PARK ROSE BRANCH OFFICE ON SANDY BLVD. AT END OF PARKROSE CAR LINE. OPEN EVERY DAY. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg. DAIRF AND MILK ROUTE which is uavine risht now $350 per month and can be doubled. There Is a comfortable if -room house, with all con- ( veniences. A big barn, abundance of fruit and berries, cement sidewalks, close i to school and car. There are ten cows, I all big milkers; 1 high-Krade bull, horse ' and milk wagon, bottles, farm imple ments and tools. Adjoining: 15 acres ' is leased tor one year hence, all in crop, t no iced to buy for several months. Own- I er forced to leave on account of sick- 1 ness. It is a bargain at $4750, with ' $2000 cash. Phone Sell wood 3061 even ings. During the day call our office. Main 5624. RALPH HARRIS CO., S27 Chamber of Commerce. FIVE-ACRE BARGAIN. On Oltt street, north of Glisan, about 5 blocks: 3 blocks to 6-cent car line. Montavilla car; about two acres of all kinds of bearing fruit, about ne tame acreage in differ ent kinds of berries, all fine loam soil, no rock, all in cultivation; i mall house and barn. This is not view property, but if you want the best of soil, where you can make a good living, if you wish, from the land, then here is a great bargain at only S5500. with easy terms. PHONE EAST bOt. SPANISH LOG BUNGALOW. 1 i acres of fine loam swil, located dose to station, 12c commuter's fare, 40 minutes "but; good county road; lots of shade and fruit trees. A very attractive Spanish bungalow, with large I iving a nd dining room. 1 bedroom and Dutch kitchen on the first floor. lots of room upstairs, fine -f liejilace. electric lights and good fixtures. Price $3500. terms. Personally inspected. Photo at office. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger bldg. For Sale 'Bus ines Property. RESTAURANT for sale, good Condition : the owner must sell at once on account of sickness; rent $50 a month; 2 years' lease; receive from $75 to $100 a day; doing good business, good location. Louis Mifslrios. 95 Grand ave. FOR SALE. A 2-story concrete building, located at Centralis. Wash.. 60x100. with 3 lots ad joining: good manufacturing site; can get trackage on 3 railroads. A 646. Ore gonian. For Sale -Acrege AUTO WANTED. Will take auto as part payment on a beautiful two-acre tract right on the high way up the west side of the river, only 20 minutes out; very deep rich soil, over half in orchard ; price only $2(MH, clear of incumbrance S24 Gasco bldg. Main 7G02. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. We hav over 500 small places, with in 20 miles of Port land. Some real close in. all have buildings: some on the paved roads and close to electric trans portation. Photos of all at the office. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinsr bldg. LOGGED-OFF LANDS Tracts, 5 acres up. located within miles bf Portland, on railroad; good sell, no rock, plenty of. water: work nearby; buy on your own terms. Prices $20 t 4 pr acre LEUDDEM ANN CO.. 013 Chamber of Commerce. ONE and one-fourtn acre, tine soil, 2 blocks from school and station, 1 block from highway, new 3-room house, fine - large living room, gas in, city water can be had. Price $1950, one-half cash. Hesgard with COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. INCOME-PRODUCING FARMS AT GRESHAM. THE BEST farming section in Oregon, exceptionally good bargains to offer in stocked and equipped farms, suburban homes, chicken ranches and berry lands. KRIDER & ELK1NGTON. Gresham. Or. FOR SALE Come quick. 20 acres on proven ground. Archer Co.. Texas: cost me $25 per acre; now worth $50. but I cannot make this years payment: will give interest to someone to make the payment. For Information ?ee Banta. 263 lj Salmon St.. or call Main 2575. iOoO ACRES In southwestern Washington for tale to settlers only; easy terms, low price, $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write lor map showing location, term?, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. 3 ACRES, fine soil, lots of fruit, 5-room house, barn, garage, chicken house. A fine chb'ken ranch, only 8 miles out. Price $1650, half cash. Hesgard with. COE A. McKENNA &, CO., 82 Fourth St. FOR SALE or exchange, beautiful 7-acre home, all in crop; good bungalow, barn, chicken house, fruit trees and berries; located on Powell Valley road; $5200: take smaller home Portland suburbs up to $4000. KRIDER & ELKINGTON. Gresham, Or. GOING CHICKEN RANCH 10 acres, near electric station; splendid soil; good buildings and equipment; 1700 chickens; 5-room house, barn, orchard, berries, natural grove; a fine home with good income; $6700. KRIDER & ELKINGTON. Gresham. Or. 2 ACRES Vz miles from city limits; Bull Run water, gas and Portland telephone all In the road; fine grove; on 12c car line. 4 blocks from Base Line paved road; $1100; $GOO down, $10 per mo. A C. Park. Tabor 5446. 9 ACRES, improved, close in on good paved road: 10-room house with all city conveniences; all kinds of fruit; wiH divide into - V -acre tracts or sell th whole cheap for cash. 6504 S2d st. S. E Tabor 2355. " SACR1 FICE Choice 1 near Vancouver: ideal location, good buildings, surround ings; bargain, $3500. 141 East 69th N. Tabor 7055. ' ' ' FOR SALE 20 acres logged-off land. 2S miles from Portland. Call Sellwood 1258 between 5 and 6 P. M. 160 ACRES In Bitter Root valley, Montana, for tale or trade 673 Mississippi ave HALF F;5-- Mtr- or -ess. 7li near Hatbnrtii r Owner. 3S60. REAL. EST AT. For Sale Acreage. AMONG THE FIRS. 2 acres at Ruby Junction, just off the Base Line road and close to sta tion; $1000; terms, $200 cash. IDEAL HOME SITE. " 6 1-3 acres on main road close to Ma bery station, on Bull Run electric; fine soil - and a. great place for poultry; price $1100; terms, $22U cash. ALL CLEARED AND FENCED. 44 acres, very best of soil; close to Gillis station on the Bull Kun electric; a snap for $160u; terms, $300 cash. Ask lor Mr. Boehm, MacINNES 4k. PRATT, 209 Oregon Bldg. 5th and Oak. 2-ACRE tract, close in on 32d st., all In cultivation, house and barn, fruit, for a mv, price o ji:ou. Also o-acre tract hear Vancouver, with a 6-roora modern house and a tine home, a low price of $270O. Also 20-acre tract close w Vancouver, with 5 acres of bearing I irult and 2 acres of young prune or cnarci; must sell, $3750. Also 25-acre close to Rlverview cemetery, west side, 6 miles from courthouse, at a low price of $5000. These are ail on easy terms. Call at Ridge Land Co., 406 Haw thorne avenue. o,-Jr ACRES 12 MILH3 SOL TH EAST OF PORTLAND. Practically all in cultivation and crops. Good spring on place that runs year round. Fair barn and all fenced. Right on hard surface road and car line. Price 117 JOW, --5 Pr acre. Half cash will handle. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC.. oth Floor, Swetland Bldg. , Evenings, Automatic 219-19. $3.50 54 ACRES $3730. 14 minutes from courthouse on paved road. About as far west as E. 13tb st. is east of courthouse, yet out of citv taxes. Over 10O fruit trees, old house, barn and garage, truck garden and grain planted; all in cultivation, but about V acre with water, which is fenced for pasture. This is just present value. , JVELLER & RINEHART. -l- Chamber of Commerce. Main 4503. 10 ACRES, all under cultivation, 00 fruit trees, berries, best soli, close in. Ideal suburban home place; 4-room house and attic, good well; $5500. 12 acres on the Tualatin river, all un der cultivation, 2 acres orchard, variety: small house, near highway. The best buy in the famous Tualatin valley; $3600. some terms. a INTERSTATE LAND CO., ain 2H- 248 Stark Street. ACREAGE BARGAINS. " 100 CASH, ioo per month buys a well-located i Srirce; t Wa'er' e"Ctri "ehU- etc- 350 CASH, terms, buys a sood 2A-acre tract all Cnhdrft.C,i1otir,ltl0n: P-1C-.1500. 5" Mr! INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO . ' Broadway 00-13. -m Henry Bldg. Hoiui ten ds.JRelinq uiab men U. I CAN LOCATE YOU ON OR jtoSEBURG LAND DISTRICT MAi1LlAR WITH ABOUT QUO ARM TRACTS FROM JlMiX2U MAY MAKE YOUR SELECTION. THE GOVERNMENT OFFERS SPECLVL INDUCEMENTS TO EX-SERVICE M EN MEN. COME IN FOR FORMATION. AND WO- FREE IN ANDERSON. 5ai RAIL WAV EACH. BLDG l or Sale i arm GOING in next 30 days, one of the best producing farms: 78 acres in Clarke Co.. all in crop, stocked and equipped; 11 good cowt, bull hogs, thickens, farm machinery, including binder and feed cutter lair buildings, including silo: good water, iots of fruit; near school. 4 miles from town; $12,000; will take residence. $4000 some cash balance on terms at 6 uer cent. 130 acres. 25 cows, other stock and equipment; $&5uO; only $5300 cash, balance 6 per cent. Might take house worth $30OO as Dart payment and $2000 cash, balance to per cent; 35 acres in crop. 05 acres good pasture, lots of running water, good buildings. 4 acres or chard, near schooL Ail farm tools household goods. 25 cows and heifers, 3 brood sows. 4 shoats lOO chickens. 11 ducks. 13 geese. Possession can be given at once. This is good land and a real bar gain. First person who looks at it will buy. ATKINSON & PORTER. 112 West Sixth st.. Vancouver. Wash. 30 ACRES NEAR DAYTON. This is a one-man farm, suit able for mixed farming; line level land, splenuid soil, all cultivat ed ; near neighbors, good school, stores, cream and milk routes, be tween McMinnville and Newbert; 2 large villages having all city ad vantages, condensed milk fac Lories, canneries. high schools and churches: crop in, consisting of clover, wheat, oais and cheat, for early spring feed; Jfe-aure truck patch, good family orchard. 6-room house which cost' $19O0. barn lOx 24 ft., with 12-ft. sheds, chick en house, 2 hug houses, smoke house and wooushed ; fenced ; 2 horses, harness, wagon, 2 cows, brood sow, 60 chickens and farm tools, all for $4400. Mr. Ackley, 527 Corbett bldg. YOUR CH ANX7E TO SECU RE A riNAP. OWNER MUST UNLOAD. 230 acres; 120 a. cleared, HO a. oats and vetch ; good 8-room house ! two barns; electric lights and water to all buildings; good fences; 20 cows. 60 goats, 2 good mares. 3 colts, buit, chickens, hogs; disc plows, wagon, mower, rake, cuitlva.tor, power separator; on milk route; all crops. Price $25,000. Terms reasonable. J. ROBBINS & EPTON. 301-302 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. CHOI C VrB U Y BEAVERTON-ALOAH DISTRICT. $2500 7 acres, beat of soil; 5-room house, barn, fruit, etc. $7500 10 acres, well improved stock, crops and equipment. Also 20 acres, highly improved. These places are convenient to paved highway and carllne; only lu to 11 mites from center of city by auto road. See A. K. HILL. 215 Lumbermen's bldg. GRESHAM BERRY AND FRUIT FARM. 40 acres, 8 miles from city, on pave ment, near cannery; nearly level and ex ceptional fruit land, with 14 acres in raspberries and logans this year: also several acres In potatoes and other crops, gooa ounuings with water piped; aiso iarm equipment, furniture, team and stock. $5O0o gives possession, bal ance no the place will pay fr itself O. H. Skotheim, 332 Ry. Ex. bldg. Main 23-ACRE FARM. CLOSE IN EASY TKflMS, West side, lo miles by machine, 4th and Washington; 13 acres under culti vation, fine bearing orchard; 5-room house, oak floors, fireplace; deep rich soil, free of rock or gravel, every inch tillable, some wood, main county road eastern owner offers for $6000. J. C. COR BIN CO a0.-,.-7-8 Lewis Bldg. Bdwy. 4900. FARM VERY C LO S E IN. " 43 acres within 10 mites of Portland in Beaverton district, all in crop, all finest soil and lies fine; good buildings pressure water system; fine team. 4 good cows, some hogs, all necessary farm ma chinery. Price $15,500; good terms. This Is cheapest farm in that district. In cludes crop and equipment. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. FINE PRUNE ORCHARD AND CROP Five and one-half acres, all in prunes with good crop of prunes now on trees; on good road near city; owner must sell to raise money: will slaughter the price and take $1750 for a few days present crop should pay for the oroo crty. COBB BROS.. 263 Oak St. FOR SALE SO acres, Yakima valley 41 acres hops, bal. wheat with new seeding alfalfa; thoroughly modern house; 3-kiln , hop house; $1500 worth of equipment possestfion at once. Price $45,0O0: $10,000 cash, bal ar ranged. For further information apply te W. D. SARGENT. Rm. 415 Washington Hotel, Yakima. Wn. FOR SALE 210-acre dajry ranch. hiKh state of cultivation: 2 acres Italian prune, apples, pears cherries and ber ries: fully equipped and stooked: ao acres under cultivation. 4S acre wheat. For further information address Mrs. I c Brown, owner. Cornelius. Or.: route '2 box 8. FOR SALE By owner, 60-acre farm near Ilillsb.ro. highly improved. Will sell on reasonable terms. Crops all In. Will sell with sto and machinery or with out. Address Box 120. Rte. 3. Hills boro. Phone -Hillsboro 33-R-3. FOR SALE By owner. lOO-acre farm .'half clear; 30 acres swale cround: 1 mile off hard surface road, ft miles east of Van couver: good buildings. B 610. Ore- gonian. LOOGKU-OKF lands. $10 acre up. running rater: good soil. Vi lillab'r: cini'tt.xu- -it. eas terms. J. K. Sharte. 3W -:'u t. REAL ESTATE. IMPROVED 60-ACRE FARM. BIG 'SNAP FOR SS250. Right at Libe rat stat Ion and on the main highway between Oregon City and Molalla; extra choice location in a highly developed farming section. A good 7-room house, large barn, sev eral other buildings, all fenced and cross-fenced. All i-n cultivation : level, rich land; just enough slope for good drainage. Can give immediate posses sion. 1 Analyze the value. Only $137.SO per acre for fine cleared land with good im provements thrown Jn. There is no cleared Ia-nd In this section under $200 per acre. For quick sale this place Is slashed so It's the biggest farm bargain in the state. KASER & RAINET. Gasco Bldg. Main S22-i '602. CLACKAMAS COUNTY. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. ST M frm ( a s p m In Kiittlvatlnn mnA In crop. 15 acres of oak and fir timber, balance stump pasture, about 50 acres Doitom land, balance slightly rolling, barn 30x60, with root house, hoghouse and other outbuildings. 2 wells and spring. Included are 3 horses. 7 milk cows. 2 bulls. 2 heifers, 1 steer. 2 brood sows, 10 pigs, some chickens. Full set of farm Implements. Included gasoline wood saw, separator, plow, disc harrow, wagons, buggy, etc. This is just 3H miles from Oregon City. Price, complete, S13.000. $6000 cash. Terms on the bal ance. This is a very decided snap and must be seen to be appreciated. Photos at office.. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. TWO UP-TO-DATE FARMS FOR SALE. 120 acres. 100 acres in crop; modern 0-room house .two good barns and silo, pressure water system, piped In house and barn; improvements cost more than $8000. This farm is on good highway, 2 miles from pavement. 1 Va miles to S. P. electric station, near Corvallis. Or. Price $15,000. including crop. 320 acres. 180 acres in cultivation, balance in oak and ash timber and pas ture; new. modern 8-room house and uu-to-date barn, two other stock barns; im provements cannot be duplicated for $10,000. This is one of the best farms in Linn county. Price for only a tew days. $100 per acre. C. GILSON. Phone 494-R. Albany. Or. A BEAUTIFUL 78-ACRE FARM HOME. OUT BULL RUN WAY. ON HARD ROAD. Splendid soil; lies good; M: In cultiva tion and crop, potatoes, clover, vetch, barley and oats, splendid 3-acre orchard, all kinds of fruit; balance pasture, some timber; abundance of Bull Run water piped into house, barn, water trough, milk house; seven faucets outside wher ever needed ; beautiful grounds; good big team, wagon and harness, 3 good cows. 7 hogs, 30 chickens, plows, har row, hay rake, cream separator, small tools and household furniture: 1 mile to electric station and school. Price $12. 600. See SAM HE WET at J. L. HARTMAN CO. . No. 7 C h am b er of Commerce Bldg. 40 ACRES, located 2 V2 miles from New berg. Oregon; 33 acres under cultivation and in crop of wheat, oats, corn and potatoes-; small bearing orchard, half -acre strawberries, i blackcaps, some logan berries; good well, rocked to the top. All of this ranch ean be cultivated; 6-room house, ceiled and papered: barn ind oth er buildings. The crop is included, also team, wagon, harness. 2 cows, harrow, plow. rake. 300 chickens. 2 pigs. etc. Price $sooo, $4000 cash, or will consider a house in Portland or acreage. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bUg. . NEAR AMITY. OREGON. j 113 acres, located on county road; SO acres can be cultivated : 103 acres of pasture; fenced hog tight with woven wire 42 inches high and barb wire on top: 3o acres hilly land; well and wind mill; one spring on the place; good loam soil : 14 fruit trees; some berries; cream route and mail route; 3-room house; barn 22x34; 2 chicken houses. Price $40 per acre ; $2500 cash. Personally in spected. JOHN FERGUSON. Geriinger bldg. 40-ACKE EQUIPPED RANCH WITH MODERN 5-ROOM HOUSE. ONLY $3250. Water piped In bouse from a fi-ne big spring; bath, toilet, hot and cold water, including furniture, garage, barn, 2 good fresh cows. 1 heifer, 2 horses, 3 hogs, chickens, some farm implements; good 40 acres! 30 acres lie fine: good soil; a few acres in cultivation: some more easy to clear; balance rolling pasture, all fenced, on R. F. D.. 42 miles from Portland, 3 miles from store. 1 mile to school. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. No. 7 Chamber of Com mcrce bldg. " 40 ACRES 2 miles from Oregon City. Best of soil, fine fir timber in one corner, fenced, good spring, some fruit, very good 5-room house, hot and cold water, bath, new barn, hog house, chicken house, fine pressure water system; also all farm machinery, cream separator, . feed grinder, washing machine, etc. This ' is a fine place, located on fine road, close in and priced right. $12,500, cash. Hesgard with COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. WASHINGTON COUNTY FARM FOR SALE. I offer for sale 125 acres In one farm, all under high state of cultivation and all In crop; bottom land, level, on good road, two miles from town, one mile from Pacific highway, good six-room house, spring water, large barn and some stock. $200 per acre with crop and stock. Have smaller tracts for sale. n. D. WALKER. Gaston, Oregon. FOR SALE by owner, stock and dairy ranch. 292 acres, about 00 in cultivation, balance pasture ; about 1.000.000 feet of timber; orchard and berries, good house, hot and cold water, good outbuildings. 3 barns and silo: 300 yards to R. R. station can be bought with all stock and implements, full line of tool, horses. cattle sheep, goats, hogs, chickens, tur keys, etc. : prife $ i3 per acre. Inquire AV 898. Oregonlan. 39 ACRES $1600 cash or bonds, or with a herd of milk goals $2000; hill land. lcs than 3 miles of Toledo: 10 acres of good see'ded pasture, some slashing, gar den, young orcnaro. 101s 01 oerries. nulla Ings, county road, springs; about 15 acres tillable; don I write for curiosity; no agents. Better come and see. John Sielgcr. Toledo, Or., box IQ.i. 5 ACHES. 7-room modern bungalow ; pressure water system, bath, toilet and travs. full basement: a line family or- rhurd. ull kiuds of berries and grape modern burn. piped with water; 20 swinging standi ions; 3-room tenant hnnae- close to town of 20" Inhabitants, 12 miles out: price $12.5tMi; improve ments, alone cost more money. 793 E. Main wt.Tel. East 691S FOR SALE The beautiful Crane island in the San Juan Island group, containing 0 acres : 30 acres in cultivation : an ideal summer borne. 90 miles from Se .,,1.. nd 35 miles from Bellingham Wash For further particulars add ret-s J. C. Hammond. 1S03 Hth ave.. Seattle. Wash. . lyih SALE 120 acres land, sandy clay, 60 acres improved, l.owi.000 feet fir and cedar tin 1 tier, good barn, running water vear around, on team, wHgoii, crop In, one and one-half miles off Pacific high way, tnree-iuui 1 buuu. cm.miO: $50O0 cash, balance on rea sonable terms. Hiram Turner, Toledo. Washington. TAK1MA VALLEY FARM. Twenty acres, all In crop, neat 4-room cottage, good outbuildings, mile from town shade trees, family orchard, under Kovernment canal, fully paid water right. $7950. terms. Call or write for infor niatlon tree booktet. price list. Central Yakima Ranches Co.. 51 J belling bldg fn irRKS In Nehalem county. Tillamook. X W U of the S. W. and the W. H " ; . v w. li. of section 22 in town- " ship 3 N. range 10 west of Willamette ni.ririian: siuuu ca". . .. uox 01, Nehalem. Oregon. 7L7, 1 tt.j. nearly all In cultivation, good buildings, - .1 V oil. " thfc ,he l-rice 10.00O A ah. III Vll UK JB HengarfJ with COE A. McKENNA i CO.. M Fourth St. ftn . c r FIR. 18 miles S. E.. al station; In young fruit and walnut trees. Bo ..inc: buildings, water, wood, near school: S7ou. terms or trade. Auto matic 2ia-06. ; NINE ACRES FOR $00. " On S P- electric, close to station, store and school, work nearby; price $9O0. $75 down, H years on balance. Draper, 401 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE 320-acre wheat ranch. 180 .teres level; all fenced, good spring; 5 room htrse. fireplace; bath room, cellar; prlcte S&500; easy terms. 351 E. 57-th st. North. Owner J. F. Wellman. " $300 DOWN ON 38 ACRES. Good soil, about half In cut. 2 rood springs: price $0ti per acre. $300 down 8 ears' time on balance. DKAi'hK, jui uoara or Trade. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES! near Portland. $5 to $2000 per acre; easy terms; bevt soil. Farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. 200 Falling bldg. FOR SALE 160 acres wheat and coal land in North Dakota. Will sell cheap if sold at once. J. AL Gelfins. Columbia City. Oregon. Kt ttGA IN. about tio acres rich bottom tHiui. ml'e station. $HWm. $5(Hl ,(,,., :. Claude Cole, 215 Uunibcrmeus bid-. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. BEST 14 ACRES TETl If you want a ranch with gen uine deep, sandy loam soil that can't be excelled for loganberries, onions or truck gardening, all cul tivated, with creek running through It. on paved Pacific high .way, adjoining good town, 1-hr. drive to Portland, with 5-room house, barn and outbldgs.. crop ail In. I can show you one - for only $4200, $1600 down. Mr. Jesse, 527 Corbett bldg. 3 19 -ACRE eastern Oregon farm, good grain land, land aril level. 40 acres In cultiva tion, small house, fence; $8 per acre. This Is almost like giving it away. Box 42, Barlow. Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF HOMES SOLD SINCE JANUARY 1. 1920. BY FRANK L. McGUIRE. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. You want results? Try our live, ef ficient method of home selling. Our record: 8G9 homes sold during 1910. 9 homes sold in one day. March 8. 112 homes sold in March. 504 homes sold to date 4hls year. Have you a home TO SELL? Its sold if LISTED WITH US. WE. NEED IT TODAY. We personally Inspect and photograph every HOUSE listed. ALL photographs are displayed in our larce showroom, which is continuallv thronged with EARNEST HOME BUYERS. If you cannot come down, telephone and we'll gladly call. Our service is free. No charge except the standard rate of 5 per cent In the event of a SATIS FACTORY SALE. 18 experienced sales men with automobiles to work on the SALE OF YOUR HOME. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO SELL YOUR HOME. Abington bldg. Main 1068. Open Evenings adn Sundays. WE NEED TOUR HOME NOW . We are selling mora homes than ever: are better equipped to handle your prop erty than ever before. We will call, photo and appraise your home free. If listed at our appraisal price your home is as good as sold. Wa advertise exten sively; have beven salesmen with autoj to show your property. We have cash buyer, waiting. Phone us. Do it now. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 04 Ry. Ex. BldK. Main 10U and 583. WANTED NOW ! Have client for modern -rra. bunga low or house in good district, not too far out. Must have 3 bedrooms; no ob jections to 1 or 2 upstairs. Must have garage or room for one. If you have such a one for not more than $4750 cash, phone Main 802 and we can do business. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO SELL? Let us sell It for you. It's our busi ness. We need listings from every dis trict, have clients waiting, so if you want quick, action, list with us. Just phone and we will come out. Kealty dept. LAWYER'S TITLE & TRUST CO.. 2S0 Stark. Marshall IsftS. SELL NOW. We make quick sales because w. do not list more property than w. can glv. our personal attention. It you want to sell Immediately our appraiser will call. WELLER & RIMSHART, 212 Cham, of Com. Main 4303 SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED. Price must be right and terms very easy. We have sold over 000 homes In the past year. If you want action, list with us. Fred W. German Co., 72 Chamber of Com. WANTED A lot in R. C. Park or Laurel- hurst: must be well located and a bar gain. - E. A. LIN DO REN.' Savon Land Co.. U35 N. W. Bank Bldg. WANTED Suburban home of 11 or more acres; will make as first payment 1D-0 Hupmobile touring and I SOU cash. M 514. Oregonlan. WANTED Modern west side residence in desirable district, to co?t not over 20. OOO: Couch or King additions oref erred. Donald Macleod. 1001-2 Spalding bldg. HAVE $."00 as first payment on modern 5 or 6-room house In good location: sub stantial monthly payments; no agents. N 5U2. Oregonlan. WILL accept your equity in Portland houses in exchange for clear lots, acre age or farm lands, o. H. Skotheim. 332 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main .".lint. LOT in Rose City Park below the hill, for cash; give lowest price and location. A J Oregonlan. HAVE $1000 and lot worth $M)u as first payment on new. strictly modern house near cariine. Automatic -40. WANT 50x100 lot close to Sandy blvd.: spot cash, must be sacrifice; east front. Phone East 4o-6 before 10 or alter 0. HOCSE wanted within 3-mile circle lor ViOoO; give full description and terms. AG 302. Oregon ian. WANT modern home, $16.000-$20,000 in exchange for ItiO-aore close in farm; rich soil. O 603, Oregonian. WANTED, to buy, a home of ti rooms in irvlngton. Beaumont or Laurel hurst, will go to $5tUO. G 001. Oregonian. WANTED Business block on Front St., between Burns. de- and Hawthorne bridge. L 51 J, Oregonian. I WILL pay cash to $4000 for 6 or 7-room house in good district. Tabor MIS. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED To rent a well equipped dairy ranch on siares with a view of buying; well experienced. Phone Tabor 1321. J. A. Orchard, 2115 K. Yamhill st., Port land. Or. WANT to rent equipped faim on charts. teinring this rail : thoroughly am pa tent and reliable; can give personal and bank reference. AV S0. Oregoniai. TIMBER .LANDS. SAWMILLS. Lane County No. 4 American -sawmiP. now pawing on a contract of one million feet at $3 per M. for caw ing; enough timber available to supply mill for ten years. Washington County No. 3 Russell ml!!, 5 ml! lion feet of timber under contract ; frontage controls ."i0 million more. Marion County 15-M. capacity mill and 12 million feet timber; about ( 40 million feet more available. We have he vera I other good prnposi tions on our list from -VM. to 40-M. ca pacity Come in and nee u r. HERMANN & J EE. 4Jtt Lumbcrmens Bids. EXCEPTIONAL MILL SHOW. Are you Interested ? Forty-five mil lion fet of choicest yellow fir in Ciack awias county. Mostly . level ground. Ex cellent show for a mill. -Lumber easily and cheaply gotten to railroad by a flume, which Is already built. Timber stands one mile from county road. Easy terms. II. E. Noble. 316 Lumbermen's bldg.. owner. fi TO 70 MILLION FEET. Medium -sized yellow aijd bastard fir; near Eugene, or.; convenient to railroad; 73c per M. guaranteed cruise; small pay ment down, balance pay as rut. Ot her t imber ava ila ble. Timber land bureau. Hoard of Trade bldg., Portland, Or. HALF section timber near railroad, nine million feet. $N0O0. 5-room house, ce mented garage. basement: close in ; 2.VM. I old house. r1oje in, 6 rooms, $1300. L. M., 3Q1 Falling st. FOR SALE Fir stumpage. 3-mile haul by auto truck to deep water, $3. Walts & Price, Scappooe, Or. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT: PERSONAL PROP ERTY FOR SALE. 67 acres, located 6 miles east of Vancouver. Wash., on good auto mobile road : small house. t?ood barn with patent stanchions, new silo, milk house, water piped to all buildings, fine running creek all year: 35 acres In hiah state of cultivation, which in now seeded to wheat, oats and clover. H acre po tatoes. Personal property for sale consists of 10 head of cattle. 7 head of cows not milking. 5 or C to freshen this fall, balance 18 months to 2 years old; 1 registered Holstein bull. These are all high--grade cattle. Good team of horses 7 and 8 years old. 2 sets of har ness. 2 large hogs, mower, olow. cultivators, cream separator, wag on, new gasoline engine and pump, all small tools. Price. Including $ 40O paid on lease, practicably new Ford automobile. $55O0; $3)100 cash, balance good terms. Rent on place. $i00 per year, payable $50 per month. SEE MR. BLAIR FOR LEASES. WITH THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. Third and Main sts.. Vancouver. . Wash. IMPROVED 15. near Vancouver, rent $175: 80 near Oregon City. $150; 10 near Cres-well-Eugene. 6'i orchard. $175: sell at tractive terms: accept Rood residence. Ill Eabt th North. Tabor 7055. LI'ASE or salt. v tier ton. 5M Eat.-1 '.'Hi. slock farm. An- TO KXCHANUK REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE or exchange Note and mort gage of $375 and accumulated Interest for 3 years, secured by 20 acres of land in Tillamook county appraised at $100O; paper was purchased full cash consid eration by local mortgage company, who do not like to foreclose. Will exchange same for good bonds or city lot, or will discount same for cash. Inquire R 233. Oregonlan. FINE 300-acre farm In Washington. 95 head of high-grade Holstein cattle, 6 horses. 30 hogs, farm machinery ; a mile to station; mostly river bottom; good fences and buildings: good orchard, fine water. Price $73,000. Will accept good Portland property or give terms. 608 Buchanan bldg. ' EXCHANGE. 8-room house, modern, paved st.. walk ing distance. East 12th near Ankeny st.; value $40O0; $lSOO mortgage. Want va cant lots in Piedmont. Walnut Park, or near there for equity. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 165 4th St. BEAUTIFUL suburban home, large mod ern bungalow; built-in features, fireplace, bath. 2 toilets, sleeping porch, front and back porches, full basement, chicken house and run; 5 acres all planted; fruit, forest trees, shrubbery. $ 10,500: will sell or trade my equity $5750. Phone Main 3939 to 9 A. M. or after 7 P. M. EXCHANGE OFFICE. Ready again. Your proposition can be matched if it's meritorious; no Junk wanted. Properties valued at $5000 and up I will be glad to handle. Call for Mr. Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broad way 5043. 410 yenry blag. 207 ACRES. $2.-.000-12r. acres river bot tom land. This place stocked with 39 head fine Holstein cattle; good b'.dss. ; well fenced. Will accept half In Port land Income property, mortgage for bal ance. 508 Buchanan bldg. WILL exchange my Minnesota wheat and fiax lands for small ranch, garage or city property. Give full particulars first letter. H. HADRATH. Thief River Falls. Minnesota. WANTED To trade 5-passenger. late mod el automobile for bungalow or resi dence; must have at least 5 rooms, strictly modern; will pay difference in cash. ,Cali at Ji-o Alder st. FOR EXCHANGE Four lots University Park, clear: will trade for southern Cal ifornia city or farm and assume to S401H) on improved. Geo. Cutshaw. Forbes Field. Pittsburg. Pa. FOR EXCHANGE Nice 0-room bung-alow, value $4.Vmi. in Laurelhurst district. Will take good 2d-hand autoinobide for lirst payment, or trade for vacant city lots of eiusl value. Marshall 18'JS. SO ACRES. Ciarke county, "Washington Will accept house in the city, balance mortgage. This place is seeded, stocked and eq utpped. Price $7."0O. Some fine timber. o8 Buchanan bldg. IK YOUR PLACE has merit and you wani to exchange for farm, or if you have acreage and want a house, come In to 5S iiuchanan bldg. and see us. We can make a change for you. FOR SALB or will trade for farm or citv property, two l-i sections of timber land In Lane county, containing over 7.OO0.CHJ0 feet. Address Hotel Osborn. Eugene. Or. TO EXCHANGE for a good used car. my equity in an unfinished house. acre, lot and bearing fruit. Phone East o8U after T P. M. Tabor 1679. lbU ACRES, located on Milwaukee R. R., near Tacoma. to exchange for property in or near Portland. 0S Buchanan building. 1 ACRE and buildings in ML Scott d.s trict; will trade for timber land. Loch box i;5, Donald, Or. EXCHANGE two lots in Jonesmore for acreage near electric railway ; owner only. Call Tabor 2-STORY building, 5 living rooms, lot oOx 10O. for small farm in Oregon, from Portland to Ashland. 164 Beech at- PORTLAND lots. Oregon farms to trade. W. C. REUTER. St. Maries. Idaho. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE or trade, electric hotel bus. Miller body, in good repa) r ; well suited tor gas dus. telephone Main 24!3. WAN TED Trade equity in 5-acre tract near Oregon City for oiano or auto. Call mornings, aul a'z-w. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles, Livestock. HAVE 10 head of mares and geldings. heavy-boned chunks, left, four 7 years old; three well matched teams, grays, browns nnd bays. This stock is grain fed antl ready for hard work. Remember, all horses sold guar anteed as represented. Four ets of new heavy harness, with col lars. S5 a set. Liberty bonds represent cash. H. Ham. E. ttth nd Hawthorne. ENTIRE DAIRY HERD. BEST herd in Columbia count v of nigu-grade Itolsteic cows. Reirii-tered Holstcm hull. 22 high-grade Holstein cows, from 2 to 6 years: 1 registered HoL-tein 2-year. 2 Ayrshire. 2 Durham cows. Entire herd was tuberculin tested this week with no reaction. 21 head now milking, guaranteed to irive loo gal. per day. Income over $800 per month. 5 more to freshen within two weeks. Lease has run out; must sell entire herd, result of many years' breed ing, at reasonable urice. MAR R A C C I & CU ZZO LIN. Warren. 0 r . CARLOAD of work horses for sale or hire, consist ing of horses weighing from 1 2nd to 15(m pounds. These horses are right out ot hard work and must be sold or hired out at once: also a nice assort ment of f res h co w s for ."ale. G . K . Howiti, Portland Union Stockyards, barn. FOR SALE At bargain, black Perc heron mare, 0 yrs. old. weighing 15t0; also Ver chcron mare. 4 years old. weighing 1300; have moved from country and will sell cheap. 22U Gibbs st.. South Portland car. FOR RENT Fifty head of horses, stock just off work in eastern Oregon; rea sonable rental if in good hands. Anptv P. O. box 3li. Hcrmi&ton. Or. MUST SELL at once 3-inch farm was on. A 1 condition, with pole. 2 extra shafts. Call paint ?tore. 205 Russell ft. I n quire lor Mrs. Lock. FRESH milch goals. Henry Kinder, three miles southeast Linneinan. Pleasant Val ley Avenue road. 1 registered Nubian buck. 3 ye am old; 1 Saanan buck. FOR SALE Rlack geidiiig. S vra. o d. weight 1400 lbs., bound and true. $150. J. Al. Overholtzcr. Tigaid. Or. P. o. Sherwood. FOR SALE Light team, buggy and har ness. ilM if taken at once. 1'hone 23F34. Vancouver. Wash. 6 FRESH cows. Holstein, Durham, Jer sey. 4 to 5 gal. Take Vancouver car to Columbia boulevard, go 1 biock nort h . DEAD tiock removed quickly; cash paid lor dead cows and crippled horses. Phoa Milwaukie 0U-J for results FOR SALE Three teams 'with harne&e. barn; E. 6th and lvon sis tiolmau Keel Co. 2 FRESH COWS with calves. $80 and $00 each. 5 10 Lombard. Take Wood law a car. . DC ROC-J ERSEY brood sow. farrow A ug. 1st: no reasonable offer reiused. 4004 70 th st. S. E. FURNITURE wagon. trucks and light equipment must be moved q uick ; make us an offer. Broad way 7Q3. PASTURAGE at Ladd's Canyon farm, close in: no business Sundays. Main 4Mi. TWO young cows, giving six gallons of rich mi.k, a bargain at $175. Tabor 1UJ6 . eve n I n gs. WE tti'Y and sell cattle, sneep and goats. Camtbell-Pbeian Land & CaLtle Co. 3U2 Couc bldg- FOR" SALE- Milk ocw, 4 years old.$95. tssu 37th st. S. E. DEAX) HORSES tanen quicaiy; dead cews Tsbor 4203. cash for FOR SALE Milch goat, gives 2 quarts day. 03 Morris ave.. Sellwood Gardens. DEAD horses, aclmais named away fres Portland KeoairJng Co.. Woodiawn 2600-LB. team for sale. 1020 E. yamhiil st. COW with calf for sale, at 1 117 Floral ave. I'ianott. Organs and Musical Instruments. tt.'iTRlTV STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT ! Boudoir upright piano, cash $ 65 French upright piano, cash 73 $300 Gray & Co. upright, cash 110 $450 Hallett & Davis upright, cash.. 143 $423 Dunham & Co. upright, cash... 105 $475 Hallett & Davis upright, cash.. 115 $475 Davis A. Son upright, cash 215 $550 Kimball & Co. upright, cash... $750 Steinway & Sons upright, cash.. 2!0 $750 Hara AY Co. player piano, cash.. 3H3 $!h0 Thompson player piano, cash 435 SI 000 Singer player piano, cash 415 Parlor organs $10. $25. $33 to $43 pianos stored. 75c month. Piano bought and sold for cash only. 103 10th st. at Wasrr. and Stark sts. $15 and $25 cash sends home a piano. $25 and $50 cash sends home a player piano, balance $S. $10 to $20 monthly. Schwan Piano Co.. 101 Tenth st. at Stark. WANTED Piano, psy cash if bargain. Call Marshall 5700. . p Brand new piano, never used. son. to sell at once. 312 Worcester boig. PIANO lor sale. Phone Marshall li5U. FOB SALE. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. A NICE, nearly new Victrola. oak case, portable model, with 33 selections: very desirable records. Including Red Seal: will take M If sold at once. Records alone are worth nearly that much. Also several flne-toned portables, used but in perfect order; Just th. thing for camping and canoev The $23 models now S14.SO. Only two selections of record In cluded, but all accessories. Includ ing needles, go with th. abov. Two S30 models. now $18; larger than the above with same that were $45. now $27. These cannot be told from new. Same equipment Am abov. In cluded. Many otliers too trtrmeroua r mention. But come immediately If you want one at thee, prices. They are selling fast. Phonograph headquarters, third floor. Eilers Music Building. 2.S7H Washington n ii ruuun main A j PIANOS REDUCED. Positively every uaed piano reduced. Cheapest in town. See them and be convinced. Guaranteed. Terms given. Singer, plain mahogany SJT5 Victor, cabinet grand oak 325 Emerson, almost new 375 Bailey, mahogany, a snap Hack ley. mahogany 273 Irving, oak, big bargain 24rt Bollormaa, oak: .................... 2,"( Universal player-piano 425 SKIBERLINii-LUCAS MCStC CO., I?r.-li7 4th St. bet. Wash, and Alder. HOB ART M. CABLE upright piano, excel lent tone; will take $ltH cash or $50 down and $10 a month for 16 months if taken immediately Tor account of family moving away: have also most elaborate Hobart M. Cable; could not be told from brand new, at almost half present value. See the?e and several others at Oregon Eilers Mnsic House. Piano Lept-. Eilers Music Bldg. Entrance and. elevators -VT H- "Washington st. ELEGANT a partment-size Kimbail upright in dark mahogany case can be had for $200 if taken at once, also excellent, just like new oak-cased Kimball up right, the famous San Francico exposi tion model, will go at a bona fide re duction of $a0. See these and several other instruments at Eilers Music Build ing. Seven floors devoted to music and musicians. Take elevator at entrance te building. 2S7 Washington st. LADY called to Iowa will sacrifice 40 to ei unmeuiaieiy one ot me xmest genu ine walnut grafonolas. with automatic stop and 13 double-disc records, includ ing one of Caruso. This cost last Christ mas 5J31.TO and Is in every way like new. See this or phone for further par ticulars. Oregon Eilers Music Bulldf-ng 7S21s Washington st. Phone Main 112.; NEW PIANO. $100 DISCOUNT FOR CASH on standard make new piano. This Is an honest proposition. Look into it if vou have the cash for a piano. $o25 for 425 AC 426, Oregonian. LOWER PIANO PRICE3. $225 and up. good standard used piano bargains. Best prices in tow n. See them. Terms given. SE1BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125-127 4th at. bet. Wash, and Alder. PIANO FOR VICTROLA. $200 New VICTROLA and RECORD OUTFIT, trade tor used piano; best propo sition. Main 8dS($ bIBEKLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO 125 4th st. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victroia and records, our proposition will please you. Seiber Img-Lucas Muic Co.. 12 4th st. Mats SO 3 6. COLUMBIA grafonola with records, like new; worth $300, exchange for diamond fur coat or what have you? Vogcl Tualatin, Or. Country club. WANTED Square pin no with good rose wood case to be rennished for a table Will pay cash or trade talking machine. Harold S. Gilbert. 34 Yamhiil st PIANO WANTED. Pay cash; get our price. Selberl!ng-,u-cas Music Co.. 125 4th st. Main 8580. RENT A PHONOGRAPH WORTH BL'V 1NG. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3S4 YA11 H1LL. A FINE mahogany piano cheap. Main 1401. WILL pay good price for a good concha shell horn. Box 100. Boring, Or. STEINWAY piano, only $10u; on easy terms. 312 Worcester bldg. $550 FINE Kingsbury piano, only $225, terms given. 312 Worcrster bldg. WELLINGTON piano, E. 72-i si. N. 422 terms. 10 klT5 Hl'i'S fine sweet-toned piano. Kimball make, terms. 312 Worcester bldg. SACRIFICE equity in Call Automatic 210-90. H o wa rd play er. Furniture for i-ale. REFRIGERATORS. We have a nice assortment of new and slightly used " refrigera tors, any size you want, at the price you want to pay; $8.75 up. Easv Terms. M1SH FLRNITl'KE CO., 1SS-100 First st. USED DAVENPORT AND OAS RANGE FOR SALE CHEAP. Solid oak duofold. with good floss matt ress. upholstered in f irfct grade lea th ere l te. tn first - class con dition, $4.i; aijo a goort Vulcan gas range, with elevated siiie oven and broil er. 4 burners antl siinmercr and pilot liht. white enameled doors and splash cr ; only used u few months. $45. 1033 Schuyler. 0-IIOLK ranKC. $25; gas range. $15: gas heater. il.50; extension table, $S; library table. 1 4 ; dresser. $12; commode, 2."if iron bed, $3.50: mattress. $2; springs. $2; kitchen treasure, $4: k tic hen tabic. $1.50: curtains, shades, rugs, carpets, linoleums, toots. 4 E. W.tsli. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to Cal i forma: we can save you money on your I re.gh t in our itrougn cars; fireproof storage. C M. Olsoii Transfer & Stora ge C o 24 S Pi ue st. OA K davenport, nearly new, 550; oak serving table, restaurant hot cake plate, electric toaster, wood heater, carpets, curtain', oil stove, cheap. 15 N. 10th st. Bdwy. 4 105. W EST I-N IG MOUSE elect rie ra nee. pex electric washer and all other furniture in 7-room house. 70. 7 2d st. North. BLACK leather couch, almost as good a new. $27; double flrclets cooker, used cry 1 it t le. $ 1 5. Phone Main ."!;. OAK dining room table ami four chairs. William and Alary design. Phone East 7;o5. SECOND-HAND furniture store, cleared $2(M in May ; S75U. Take motorcycle or light car as part. 2S N. lOtli &,t. FOR SALE About 35 ards of high-grade velvet carpet, in good condition. 120 E. 15th st. Phone E ast i27. MUST dispose of hous' hold goods I his week, leaving city: furniture, dishes, etc. No dealers. Tabor 1 :'.. 1 no Belmont. 1 WOOD RANG E. 1 gas ranee. 1 copper coll water heater, rca-sonablc. Tabor 23o7. HEAVY early English oak Morris rocker. best quality leather cushions, practically new. $35. Main 2067. WHITE enamel single irou bed. sag less spring, line, hair mattress, complete $30. 424 Clay st-. apt, 37. mkst eli today, almost new Jacobe dining rvom set and ivory bedroom fur nlture. Marshall 370. FIVE-ROOM fiat lor rent and furniture for sale; close In, west side. !47 11th 2 SMALL Wilton rugs. Call at apt. 4U6. Tudor Arms. ISth and Couch. OLice Furniture. COMPLETE furniture of two rooms, same as new. Call at 300 Corbett Ding., phone Mai7i 4777. - Poultry. MUST at once, 400 to 500 thorough bred White Leghorn pullets. 21, months olii. also a new Keresky brooder stove, li20 model, four rolls 5-foot chicken fence and everything. It will pay you to look this up if you want a cheap outfit; will well all or part. Phone Col. 245 or lOon East Tyler st. BABY CIlTcK SFOR SALE! Chicks from S. C. White Leghorn bins, the world's greatest layers. Eggs from free-range Hoganlzed stock, only ; March chicks. $14 per 100; A prL, May and Jun! chicks, $12.50 per 100; July chicks. $14. OAK HILL HATCHERY, rlc.lala.ma' Cal PET A LU MA Wnite Leghorns lead the world In egg production; we sell BAB Y CH1X at $13.5 per loo during May and J una. safe arrival of full count, strong. Jive chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery, 441 tith at. Fetaluma. Cal. BABY CHICKS! 10.000, one day to six weeks'. 15c to $1. NORTHWEST POULTRY CO.. vjd st and 74th ave. S. E. Tabor 3107. FOR SALE About 50 S. C. White Leghoru pullets. 1 year old; alo SO O. A. C. K. I. R. pullets, 1 year old. and 1 O. A. C. rooster. White Leghorn; a bargain at $. G. R. Asm us. ro:;7 50th ave. FOR SALE Heavy-laying strain W. Leg horn cockerels. March hatch, $1.50 each. lloiman Fuel Co.. 04 5th st. f7YlNG W hite Leghorn hens 1.5 each. All high grade HogariiZed sio-k R. McGuire, 7s7 Oregon u, acar E. .lLn. u