- '.. : :'- - .;. t v i . '- ".'' .-- ,' the morning oregonian, Thursday, juxe 3, laso - & f FOR SALE. Furniture for (Sale. PORCH SWINGS. 6 feet Ions with steel spring; khaki sides and back and khaki matt reus; complete with rope or chains, $10.85. Better hurry; sup ply is limited. M1SH FL RXITL'RE CO., 1S5-19U First St. V S E O D A V K. POUT AND GAS R A NGE FOR SALE CHEAP. Solid oak duotoici. with Rood floss mattress, upholstered in first grade leatherette. In first-class con dition, $45; alto a srood Vulcan gat range, with elevated side oven and broil er. 4 burners and aim merer and pliot light, while enameled doora and splash er; only used a lew months. $45. 1033 Schuyler. lo-ROOM residence made into 4 house keeping: flats of 2 and 3 rooms each. rent for hou.e S5da; I occupy 1 flat flown Ft airs. bal. of house nets $28. Price $750. $300 down, bai. own terms. Must hell at once. This place must be seen to be appreciated. Come alter noon. J. W. U BHen. 8 Williams avc. 61X-HOLK range, $J5; gas range. $13; gas heater. $X.50; extension tabie, 8; library tabl:, $14; dresser, $1-; commode, li. 50; iron bed, $:.50; mattreds, $2; springs. $2; kitchen treasure, $4 ; kitchen table, $ 1.50; curtains, shades, rut?a, carpets, linoleum, tools. 384 1. Wash, JOR tSAL.li Furniture, new Bteel cots and all felt mattress. $12.oO; full size steel spring. $8; t..7 wool liber rug, $0; ti-ft. ainiiig ta ble. not new, $7 ; range, fine baker, with water coil, not new, $18; 4 oak drawer French plate dresser. $22.50. .ol2 i th st. S. K., nr. 5oih ave, ii. K., Fir la nd. " FULL CASH VALUE PAID FOR I'Ho.N'OliltAi'HS AND KKCOFtbS, PI A XOS. 1'L.A V KK-Pl A NO At L'SIC BOUGHT. SOLD. HKNTED AN D KXCHANGKU. NKWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE, V2S First St. MAIN 4413. TABOR 079$. HOl'SE SOLD. MUST MOVE AT ONCE. $400 Good furniture to trade for good lot or modern 3 or 6-room house and lot. with street improvements in and paid ; not too far out; will pay difference. East ti42 for appointments. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to Cai ifornia ; we can save you money on your freight in our ifirougn ears; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Trs r.Bcr & Storage Co., 248 Pine st. TWO-HUKNKU gas range. $10; walnut parlor stitnd. $3 ; oak n o cream tabie, s:t.3o; card tables, $2; game board, $2. Mm. 42M. :;'.H Clifton. WESTINViHOUSK electric range, Apex electric washer and all other furniture in 7-roorn house. 7t3 72d st. North. M CST sell today, almost new Jacobean dining romi M-t and ivory bedroom I'ur nlt u re. M arshall Xlij. FOR SALE New oak buffet, rug and kitchen cabinet, reasonable. 41:. lira ham ave., before 12 Thursday or Fridrfy. FOR SA LE Cuba No. 22 heating stove, wood or coal; first-class condition; cht h p. Call V din. 3 1 00. 6u M E good furniture for sale. 1204 M ix ter st. Tabor 8120. 2 SMALT Wilton rugs. Call at ant. 40C. Tudor Arms. ISth and Couch. ' 6 KOOMS furniture for ta ie. flat for rent ; optional; no dealers. Mar. CJ734. LEAVING town, furniture for t rooms for bale, building for rent. li N. 14th ?t. Office Furniture. COMPLETE furniture of two rooms, same as new. Call at 300 Corbett Diag., phone Main 4777. Poultry. &1 LT S"U at once, 400 to 300 thorough bred White Leghorn pullets, months old. a Iso a new Keresky brooder stove. 1!20 model, four rolls 3- foot chicken fence and everything. It will pay you to look t his up if you want a cheap out fit ; will trll all or pa rt. Phone Col. 2 13 or 1003 East Tyler st. BABY ClflCKrf'FOR SALE! Chicks from S. C. White Leghorn h-ns, the world's greatest layers. Eggs from free-range Hogantzcd toek only; March chicks. $14 per 100; April, May and June chicks, $12.30 per 100; Ju:y chicks. $14. OAK HILL HATCHER. T. Petaluma, Cal. PET ALUM A Whire Leghorns lead the world In egg product ion ; we sell BA BY CHIX at $13.30 per 100 during May and J une, safe arrival of full count, strong, live chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery, 441 0th st.. Petaluma. Cal. BABY CHICKS. 10.000, one day to six weeks. 13c to $1. NORTHWEST POULTRY CO.. P2d st and 74th ave. S. E. Tabor SI 07. FOR SALE 11) White Leghorn laying chi kens, $1.30 each. Inquire T. 1. Thompson, 32d and Eshelman St., Errol Heights. FOR SALE Heavy-liiying strain W. Leg horn cockerels. March hatch, $1.50 each. Holman Fuel Co.. 4 3th st. LA Y I Nit While Leghorn hens. $1.30 each. All h igh grade Hogantzed stock. J. It. AtcGuire, 7S7 Oregon at., near E. 24th. IogN,Kabbit, liirdt. Pet Stock. THOROUGH BRED black Scotch terrier puppy for sale. $83. Call 271-37. TWO good roller singers, chea p. or will trado. Automatic phone 210-30. FOR KAI.i; Fine Tabor 1031. singers and females. UEAUTIFUL young canary, fine singer, in cluding new cage. $10 128 1st st. BJ R LS and cages for tale. rUon bt. 3ti9 E. Mor- Lauix-net and ISoals. H OUST BOAT "TV Willamette moorage, FOR SALE, freshly finished Inside, tap estry, wallpaper; new lighting fixtures; foundation good for years, and guaran teed; lots built-ins: all heaters and range included. South of steps. Iook for letter I : phono in and connecteo. Telephone Tabor 4077, or inquire at houseboat eve nings snd Sundays. MODERN HOUSEBOAT FOR SALE. Giihum constructed house on splendid float, large living room, bedroom, bat h, closet, kitchenette and store room, screens, awning and two floats; located at the choicest moorage a nd served by ffiMt interurban carline. Owner. Sellwooii "7'.'. SKA UTI FUL, modern houseboat, city w a ter. gas and electricity, stationary tubs, newly painted, all or partly furnished. This is a complete living unit. For tale by owner for cash or will give terms like rent to responsible parties. East 226. FOR SA LE 2-ft. launch ; 5-ft. beam. 4 cyliuder. 4-eyele, 1 2-horsepower; good top and side curtains. Call Sell. 1004 after 4:15 P. M. FURNISHED houseboat, float woodshed: terms. 19 Willamette niooraec; Phone Aut. 213-H4. BOAT. 18 feet, new engine. 360 Lake st., or see Bcdient at Eicc. Steel Foundry. Machinery. FOR PALE. 10x15 Taroma donkey f.tOOO 11x13 Willamette 3300 11x14 Willamette 3300 10x13 Willamette 3000 All in Al Condition. OREGON MACHINERY CO.. Eugene, Or. " LOGGING EQUIPMENT J 94x10 Seattle Hefferman donkey. IKoo ft. 1-in. plow steel line. main. 4O00 ft. -in. ilow steel trin line $2000. not on cars. 210 C. of C. bldg. FOR SALE 1 22-H. P. Russell compound traction engine, practically new ; first class condition. J. p. Sherbesrnan. 375 i Vf ( 1 1 T ? V iionaauocK Diag.. tan Francisco. Cal HOISTING engines for rent or sale, con crete mixers, eiectric noists, construction equipment. Standard Much. Co.. 55 1st st. HAVE 1 5-gallon outside Wayne gasoline pump, almost new ; will sell very cheap X 111. Orcgonian. Type writers. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable, $50 com pete with carrying case; supplies for all makes. E. W. PEASE COMPANY. 110 Sixth st. Main 2285. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All makes overhauled. Expert mechanics. REFA1K 'EMJAIAiES ON REQUEST. Buy. Sell. Rent and Exchange. Main 6397. Supplies. 263 Oak m GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments, tend for price list. The Wholesale Type writer Co.. 321 Washington st. FOR RENT Underwood and Remington typewriters. $3.50 and $4 a month. Em ptre Co., 234 Bdwy. Phone Bdwy. 153. VISIBLE machines, years guarantee. $20. The Rebuilt Typewriter Co.. 304 Oak st. KEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 23 1 Stark. Main 1407. ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 5th. Main 8668. FOR SALE Royal typewriter, good con- dltlon. 165 4th St.. room 30. Miscellaneous. 30-OAL. square hot water tank and burner, dishwashing tub. good-sized fish box. cheap. ruriiyrcpi.ur.nl, ui in. win. CHILD"S coat. unfinished, Broadway 372. bargain. FIRST-GROWTH 4-foot cord wood, coun try slabwood. Phone East 2611. COLLAPSI BI.K 1 -man camping outfit, per fect condition; a snap. Marshall 2006. 1,'YCO refrigerator, same as new. holds 7.1 pounds, bargain. 505 . Ankeny. FOK 8ALK. litcellaneous. CLASSY. CLOTHES READi TO WEAR. ALTERED BY AN EXPERT. OUR SUITS ARK STRICTLY TAILORED. We also have a few high grade tailored suits uncalled for. LET US SHOW YOU HOW TO SAVE REAL MOX1SV OX YOUR SUIT. H. 1. BLUM. 164 Tenth, near Morrison. Main 2789. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. Cash register, computing scale, cneam separator, restaurant pancake griddie, wall case, coffee urn, electric fan. 128 FIRST. NEAR WASHINGTON. KEW1XG machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of part 9 for all makes; ma chines reDaired and rented. Main 4o3- fafciWlNCi MACHINE EMPORIUM. 100 Third, near Taylor. FOR SALE Large and small refrigerator. iiii top cigar cases, xtoor cases, wan cases, Hobart electric coffee mill, entire restaurant equipped, scales, dishes, ice box, gas range. U42 Salmon st. NO. 14 touring Ford body, dash, wind shield, hood, radiator, 2 lenders. -3 ij presto tank and two Ford headlights, $13. Box 700 Buckley ave., two biocka south of Powell. FOR SALE At once, entire restaurant equipment, dishes, chairs, tables, gas ranges, griddles and revolving stools, ice box, register, safe; terms if necessary. 242 Salmon. ART STUDENTS Text and plates of fed eral school course in commercial art. lor sale; neatly bound in two books; $40 cash takes tnis bargain. tl7 Pittok block. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bough L. old and exchanged. NORRJS SAFE & LOCK CO., 103 Second st. Phone Main 2043. LADY'S tailored suit. 3-yr.-oId child's silk coat, 50 bundles lath, 'J painter. lad ders, porch slat sunshade, f iowerbox, electric vacuum sweeper, 3-sal. churn, R. F. D. mail box, stove, btd. 144 11th. HOT-WATER tanks, 30-gai.. ?; 40 gal.. $P; tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace coils, gas heaters Installed; ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams st. East 8516 DISTINCTIVE STYLES anr reaaonaDle prices in ladies' USED APPAREL. 1132 E. Olisan and 30 ih. LaurelhursL. Tabor 2823. ROYAL ELECTRIC CLEANERS lor rent. $1 per day. delivered. The Electric Maid Shop. 133 Tenth st. Broadway 4024. "Let the Electric Maid do your worn." NEW "SINGERS," $3 down, $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON STREET SINGER STORE. 3s2 Morrison. Marshall 721. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO., Broadway 1966. 48 Front st. ELECTRIC IRON appliances, doorbells vacuum cleaners repaired, fixtures re wired. We call and deliver. Woodlawo 12oO. or .ast 404o. M AGNUS root beer barrel. $133; motor milk shaker, $18; Overland delivery car, $000; new wire rat trap. $1.23. J 020, Ortgonian. MUST sell mahogany case Brunswick phon- ograpn, n rtcoras, nearly new, 120 model, cheap for cash. 2o7 E. 32d bU Tabor 084. SCALES, meat si ice r. account billiard tabie, used scales at a 22 h'tark st. register, bargaiu. FOR SALE: 30.0o second-hand bricks. Call at the job. PalmoUve plant, 20th and Roosevelt &ts. Evenings call Mar. 3037. FINE SELECTION FULL-DRESS SUITS FOR SALE OR RENT AT BARELL'S MISFIT CLOTHING STORE. 31 3D ST. FOR SALE 1 SxlO Middleby oven. Hobart cake mixer, proof box, cake tins, appl boxes. A. M. only, t4 Grand ave. LADY'S unfinished stylish shepherd checked suit and fine blue serge suit half price. Wain. 1313. BE A UTI FULLY trimmed basinette with silk floss mattress, never been used. Call Main 2300. FOR SALE $1250 soda fountain. 12 ft. back and front; all plumbing: terms if necessity. $387: act quickly. 242 Salmon. FOR SALE Small and large safe. Na tional cash register, 1 penny up; root beer barrel. 242 Salmon st. FOR SALE 12-foot soda fountain, front and back bar complete. $1400 value sac rificed at $475. 242 Salmon. Terms. JOHNSON'S BOOK STORE. 14 Main st. New and second-hand books, bought, sold and exchanged All subjects FIRST-CLASS seed potatoes for sale, $4 and $6 per hundred. Phone Broadway 3 1 03 call 1 24 North 5th s t. MUSIC written to your words, satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. Bdwy 2535 1-48 13th street. 500 CORDS best wood. $4; 2 miles sid ing; can make $2000: lease farm if de- sired. $150. 141 E. 00th N. Tabor 7055. SODA fountain, wire chairs and tables, root beer barrel, showcases, cash regis ters', scales, many other things. 113 2d. 1 ROLL-TOP desk and chair. 1 T. W. desk, 1 flat-top desk. 1 safe. Bub hong & Co., l1 park sl KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy's. 320 Washington st. FOR SA LE 1 9x12 Axmlnster rug, $50: 1 il2 velvet rug. $35; A-l condition. Ta bor 320. 034 E. 5'.UhN. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, showcases, wall cases, fixtures; terms. W J. Quigley, 366 Hawthorne. East 123. RKFR1 RGER ATOR, suitable for smail store or private; Ice cap. r10O lbs. 701 Savler st. A BUTCHER'S Ice box for sale cheap. Inquire at Sanitary Poultry Market, o28Va Washington st. TWO young cows, giving six gallons of rich milk, a bargain at $175. . Tabor 10:16. evenings - FOR SALE All kinds of second-hand lumber, windows, doors and brick. Call 1 tith and J et ferson, or East 84 9. FULL-DRESS SLIT A coats, size 38, per fect condition; a bargain. Phone Tabor 1362, or call No. 7 E. ilst st. WA NT Portable gasoline tank, about 50 gal. capacity, tasi i. universal car. Exchange, Grand Ave, and E. Yamhill st. 100 FOLDING chairs. Ion straight chairs. ft 1 . cai-n. - v ' 1 Tiiiimn. FoR RENT Vacuum cleaners, $1 per day delivered anywhere. Wdln. 3405. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented exchanged, bought. Bentley Co. M. 4Wi. CASH re!st,cr;,etall, argaii FIRST-CLASS iir wooa. s. R. Howell 1 : t Tt. V n ncnovf"i- t- i BE DDI .Nt piauia saie. Z8th and Samiy rnvu. u wt m. Smith. REBUILT typewriters. B. W. Pease & Co 110 Sixth st. DESK ADDING MACHINE. 115. 618 COR" BETT BLDG. MAR, 537. rt SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awning, 1 N. 1st st. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evenina FOR SALE Cash register. mm.le. addin, machine, showcase. 43 1st St.. near Ash. SAFES FOR SALE One large MnaiL. F 246. Oregonian. and on. VVK BUT wicker baby carriages. BS33. - Alain CEMENT laundry trays. Factory, 314 u. ibii. et. " " ur water. 26 HLS1K books. $10; 1 dress form, $10. AlTO camp outfit, 4 rots. 4 chairs, 1 tent 1. ; '17 t Ktk FOR SALE A beautiful Alaska coatee. A 601, Oregonian. FOK SALE Boy's saddle and bridle, lau evenings. v.n Mississippi ave. FOR SALE 40O ft. 4-ft. chicken wire. 300 ft. hog wire. 4704 7;ih st. S. E. FOR SALE Electric creaner. lawn mower and vacuum sweeper. Woodlawn 8-0. NEW and second-hand gas water heaters sold and Installed Jfe.ast 4S5U. EXTENSION dress form, size o6x4'J. S also bust form, tall Marshall 340J. FINE mahogany piano, reasonable for cash. 1JS 13th St., bet. Wash, and Alder. Good used flooring, 1x3, about 1000 feet. Main 4748. REED wicker sulky, one-half price. Main 4748. $10. JfOK SALE ACTOMOBILER. DODGE roadster. 1918. run 8000 miles. 8oO: terms. su(i cash. Call owner. evenings. Main ooju. FORD COUPE Run less than 1000 miles. paved streets only. Marshall 6Q. CLASSY for a bug: owner leaving: se cheap. oJ jenerson. rnong Main 9.1. BUG for sale cheap, owner leaving city pnone jaain vti. room o arter o f 102O KOKU touring car. brand new; never Oeen run; casn. I. o4.uregonian. 1917 DODGE CONDITION: TOURING CAR. FIN r-XTKAa. EAST 4U21. 1017 CHEVROLET, by owner. 6:S0 P. M. East 4'J6S. Call, after AUTOMOBILE for sale. (200. Wdln. S3- FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. WB HAVE MOVED ! .' I To our new four-story building, Broad way at Everett. To direct attention to our new location we are continuing our removal sale prices for a few days longer. Our stock is hand-picked, most of it overhauled, many of the cars re painted and all of them worth more than we ask for them. 1919 Ford roadster, good shape... $ 475 1917 Chalmers, 7-pass 1000 1918 Oldsmobilc, S-pass., 6 cyl... 1250 1018 Oldsmobile, 7 pass., 8 cyl 1350 1918 Mitchell, like new .1250 1919 Mitchell, 5 pass 1500 1918 Mitchell, 4 pass, club roadster 1250 1918 Mitchell, 7 pass., 6 cyL ...... 1000 1919 Mitchell, 7 pass., like new.... 1800 1918 Mitchell, 4 passenger sport model, in very fine condition. If you want this car you will have to move quick. Many others, both large and small. Terms if desired. No brokerage charges. We carry all of our own notes. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. Broadway at Everett. AUTOMOBILE DEALERS AND BUYERS. ATTENTION. We are quitting the automobile game and will not refuse any fair offer, so come and make us an offer on the following cars. They are rebuilt, have new paint and new tires. Drive any one of them three days and if not as represented return it- Time 4r trade considered. 1020 Vclie. driven 1000 miles. 1018 Yelie, five-passenger. 1917 Stutz, bulldog special, some speed wagon. 1019 Buick six, five-passenger. 1918 Hudson super - six. 7 - pas senger. 1918 Buick roadster. 1917 roadster, sport car. 1919 Cadillac. 7-passenger. Telephone Broadway 4557 or at 92-94 N. 10th St. FORD OWNERS. CHEVROLET OWNERS. Motor overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled 6 Valves ground, carbon removed S Magneto recharged ft We hand -lap pistons, scrape bearings. etc., which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only tued. All work guaranteed. THE REASON the Ford engine starts hard and the lights are dim is because the MAG NETO Is weak. Have it RECHARGED by EXPERTS- LISTED- Wou:rl you take your watch to blacksmith to have it impaired? Of course you would not. Then wny trust your automobile to inexperienced wouia be mechanics when you can bave un excelled automobile repairing done here at low prices and guaranteed worlt. w guard against any misunderstanding. UNIVERSAL AUTO 210-212 Jefferson. REPAIR CO.. Main 7644. BIG CUT IN USED CAR BARGAINS. Old JCew Price Price 1 Buick 6. 1918 $1250 JlloO 1 Hoo 4. 1918 850 775 1 Dodge. 1017 750 675 1 Maxwell 650 475 1 Overland 450 350 1 Overland 4IMI 300 1 Chevrolet R 425 375 1 Ford bug 450 400 1 Ford bug 400 850 12 Fords, $.-550 to $475. 2 1-ton trucks, $5 to $200. & cars, $75 to $150. LONG &. S1LVA, 462 Hawthorne. UY a SANT VAPORIZING MANIFOLD FROM US and if it fails to accomplish the tollowlng results we will return your money without argument or question: 1. Keep the carbon from your cylin ders and plugs. 2. Give you more mileage on kero sene, gasoline or distillate than you ever got on gasoline with the old manifold. 3. Increase your power. 4. Keep the water from boiling in your radiator. GET BUSY. MR. FORD USER. PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY WITH Aetna garage. 345 Union ave. or Geredvin garage, 21st and Kearny. WILLYS SIX. Here's a prize. Don't pass this up If you want a real buy. It's only $885. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 15lh and Washington. FORD TOURING. Fine buy in late model Ford; lots of extras! terms; $450. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder sts. Bdwy. 240. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FULliMISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE VOU. OREGON BOND sc MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. FORD TOURING. Fin. buy in late model Ford; lots of extras; terms; 4o. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder sis. Bdwy. 240. CHEVROLET. 4-90 model, nice shape, only $100. Beat It if you can. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 15th and Washington. CADILLAC EIGHT TOURING. Here is the standard of America and there are no better made. This eight will spoak for itself, and we will stand behind anything we say about it. and it is first-class: low price. $l0O. with 0O0 down, balance easy. laKe car in trade. Call and try it. Has new cord tires com plete. 5fv5 Alder st. RED FRONT USED CAR CO. MOON DEMONSTRATOR. New model, 6-48 5-pass.. Continental T-R motor: Delco and Tlmken through out; genuine leather upholstering; cord tires and spare: driven 1400 miles; very attractive discount; consider good car in trade; new car guarantee and service. Marshall J42S." f. f. inner. BROADWAY 2618. OVERLAND CHUMMY ROADSTER. This is the late 'IS model and la new: has a wire wheels and other extras, this year's license and runs fine; low price and take S30O down, balance easy, u .. inni. -.or. a i .1 r- RED FRONT USED CAR CO. FOR SALE 1919 Buick B-passenger tour- ing car. Ihts car is in first-class me chanical condition. 5 cord tires, spotlight. Can handle on time basis. Call 829 E. 16th st. N. 102O COLE. This car baa been driven less than 33fM miles. Will sell at big discount. 1S8 Tenth st., opposite library. Marshall 232. Terms. BRISCOE roadster, thoroughly new. Owner must sell and will sacrifice at half price of a new one; $250 down will handle. Don't overlook this. Mr. Argo, Bdwy. J32S1. FOR D Inclosed delivery, just overhauled a-nd repainted; ,cheap for quick sale. Seilwood 3556. Vt)R SALE AUTOMOBILES. COLUMBIA AUTO SALES CO., 2 Ford bugs, Packard type. $230 will handle. Ford, good shape, $175 will handle. Overland, bargain, $250 will handle. 1918 Chevrolet four. $230 will handle. 1819 Chevrolet four, $300 will handle. 1914 Studebaker nix.- $150 will handle 1916 Studebaker four, $250 will handle, Stutz roadster, $250 will handle. 1918 Oldsmobile 8. $40O will handle. Ford ton truck, $225 will handle. Ford delivery, $200 will handle, 345 UNION AVE.. NEAR BROADWAY. EAST 5t. Open Sundays and Evenings. USED CHEVEOLETS. SERVICE RELIABILITY REPUTATION. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. CHEVROLET AGENTS. 14TH AND ALDER STS. BDWI. 240. NEW OVERLAND FOUR. Immediate Delivery. Buy from me at my own salesroom, 1392 Milwaukie ave.. cor. Bybee. Phone Sollwood 1S03. EASY TERMS. PERSONAL SERVICE. P. H. DUNN. Overland Dealer. Liberal allowance for your old cur. FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled 20 Rear axle overhauled 6 Valves ground, carbon removed...... 8 Magneto recharged ................. . We hand-lap pUtons. scrape bearings. etc.. which insures a perfect running motor, uenuine ora parts only usea. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 280 Front St. Corner Jefferson. - FORD ROADSTER. Late model, in good shape all around; new tires. Price very reasonable, with terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder sis. Bdwy. 240, HUDSON SUPER SIX SEDAN. VERT LATEST MODEL, RUN 625 MILES; '"JUi' I r. tl O 1 J 1 1 1"C f-. . AoaULUTK IT. IF VOU ORDERED ONE NOW IT VHJUl.u COST YOU OVER (4000, AND NONE OBTAINABLE FOK 90 DAYS OR MOKE; WILL SELL FOR o600; WANT THE MONEY TO ENLARGE MY liUSl- IMISS; LLLEST INSPECTION 1NVIT ED. Y 625, OREGONIAN. $1230.00. NEAR NEW STUDEBAKER 8. Private car. run Oooo miles; new cord tires; iate 1918 car; you cannot teil it irom new; win taae small or large car in iraue anu Kive terms; aiscount lor all caah. Now here is your big chanca- Gunranteca. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO.. 210 Jetteruon. Main 7644. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. BARGAIN. LATEST MODEL, $2250. MANVILLE. EAST 8C93. DOES the water In your radiator boil in tne hot weather? Install a S ANT VA TORIZING MANIFOLD on your Ford keep the water cool and double your mileage. FOR SALE BY Aetna garage. 343 Union ave. or Geredvin garage. 2lst and Kearny. POWER and speed in a second-hand ca are rare; 1917 Hudson speedster, repaint' ed. fully equipped: 6.1 miles an hou 50 miles at the "Circle" Idles up Ford st. Do you know where you can dupli cate this performance for $l.i00 cash Phone Main 2740 between 8 and 10 A. M 1918 OLDSMOBILE six: owner is leaving city and if you desire a car that has had every care and is economical in up keep, you may see it at the Broadway garage, K. 24th and Broadway. Car In excellent mechanical shape and I con sider it a bargain. You pay no dealer's commission. East 25.50. STEPHENS ROADSTER. Brand new and the price Is $1950. You cannot equal this buy. Sell. 2923. WHY worry about the gasoline shortage? Install a SANT VAPORIZING MANI FOLD on your Ford and burn kerosene. FOR SALE BY Aetna garage. 345 Union ave. or . Geredvin garage. 21st and Kearny. WILL save you $:i00 on a brand-new 1920 Patterson light six. run only 450 "miles; must sell on account of leaving the city. Car is equipped with extra tire, spot light and auto signal logk. Terms if desired. Call East 7338. ARE you still getting poor mileage on gasoline? Install a SAM VAHOKIZIMI MANIFOLD on your Ford and make 30 miles on every gallon of kerosene. FOR SALE BY Aetna garage. 345 Union ave. or Geredvin garage, 21st and Kearny. 1919 NASH. RUN 4000 MILES. PERFECT CONDITION. PHONE MAIN 1334. 1405 N. W. BANK BLDG. OWNER has left for sale 1920 Anderson ft 7-Dassenger: large numoer or ex tras: car has been used In private serv ice 2500 miles: -uuu. Kest buy in town, Motor Inn Garage. 850 E. Burnside. CHEVROLET 1917, new one-man top and curtains, new Dattery, guaranteed 14 months; good tires; looks good, runs good, must sacrifice for $500 cash. See Howard, onvai. owner. aLLor o 1. M. Main sa.iH. FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 acres, near Tualatin: light timber; price $1500: will exchange for small house or vacant lot. K. J. GEISER, 417 Chamber ot Com. FORD touring, good shape, a bargain at 32a: come, look this over ir you need Ford. Will be home after 5 o'clock eve nings. 3313 54th st. Mt. Scott cai MIST SELL 1918 CHEVROLET touring, newly painted: has extra tire; make me an offer. 594 Milwaukie. Seilwood 596. Can give terms. BUICK 1917 six-cylinder, new Exlde bat tery, good tires, original finish; fin. shape. 348 Couch street. Phone Bdwy. 3043. 1919 FORD 30x3 new tires, all around. Kneedometer. dashlight and cutout: a good buy at $550 cash? -evenings at SI E. Hth IM. 1917 BUICK light six touring car in fine mechanical condition and car nas orlgt nal finish and has brand new ton. 5 tires a bargain; terms. Phone Marshall 1613 HUDSON supor six touring car in finest condition and guaranteed in every way; like new; a bargain; will give terms. Phon Marshall 1950. Apt. 4J. BY private owner, who will demonstrate 3i ttuK'K t coupe; anven oniy on pave ment; A 1 mechanical condition; terms cash. AP 4'2, Oregonian. 1920 FORD COUPE, just like new, run 700 miles, has lots of extras: $9ou. Call &cil wnod ltf03. IMMEDIATE delivery. Ford touring car. never been lived; se1f-startr. demount able tires. 30x3 Vs. East 63S9. A NEW 1920 Overland 4 mod!, good shape; looks like new; $1050. 624 Alder. Broadway 31H9. ESSEX touring car. run one month: extra tir ; quick sale. $1700. iZ. F. Roaben, jutn ana v lanaers. 1919 CHEVROLET touring; a snap: must sell by Sunday. 801 Va E. Pine evenings and faunday. VTi A 'K T,T C taurine. 1915. ffood Condi tion. only $901). Owner Main 2428. Broad way 1 li4. $075 1918 Chevrolet five-passenger tour ing. In A-l condition; must be sold; I am going away. East 129S. rHRvnOLKT for sale: 1918 model. In first class condition; will sell cheap. Call at 126 Minnesota ave. It s a bargain. FOR SALE 1917 Ford runabout. Al con dition, recently overhauled; $423. 177i Belmont st von r hue chummy with five wire whee a snap: terms. Call Wdln. 4H05 in eve. or Bdwy. 3231. Ask for Williams. nnnr,R tourinr. late model, excellent con dition. new battery, leather top: price $900 cash. Phone owner. -Main 1919 MODEL 90 Overland in fine shape. $630 (or quick sale. Call Woodlawn 4tiu3. DODO E roadster. 1 91 7 model : finish like new. Will sacrmce ror quick sale ' $V25. See car at 211 Wash, st. 1915 FORD touring, all new tires, motor in fine condition; $375. Can be sen at 1J29 Lomuara st. or ynone oi. -S3. (OK HA Lit AUTOMOBII.KJV D. C. WARREN SIOTOR CAR CO. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. 08-60 North 23d s'r. " Main TS0. These caws all have good rubber, good tools, tops, jacks, pumps, side curtains and everything complete. and nearly every one of them has a good, new paint job on it. and they do not cost any more than other inferior cars. Hore are a few for your consideration: Oldsmobile. 7-pass., 1918 T $1250 Velic. 1917 Velie. 1918 Velle, 1919 Buick, fj-pasa. ............. Buick, 7-pass. Overland. 1916 - Overland. 1919, M-90 Overland. 1919. M-85 Maxwell, 1917. S-pass Maxwell, 1918. 3-pass Cadillac, 1912, 5-pass. Studebaker, 5-paas. Reo. .7-pass Mitchell. 7-pass Crow Elkhart. S-pass. new Ford 1-ton truck 900 1250 1450 350 1550 500 850 ' 900 523 . . . 650 . .. 1100 . . . 930 . .. 1250 . . . 300 Buy your car from a reliable dealer and get real value for your money, not only in the car itself but in service and many other ways. Every car guaranteed easy terms. and sold on IN LINE with other commodities, we are offering the following at low prices: 1919 Oldsmobile sedan, like new... $1750 1918 Oldsmobile. 7-pass.. refinished 1400 1915 Oldsmobile light 6 touring... J250 1917 Oldsmobile light 6 touring... 1050 1918 Oldsmobile 6. nobby roadster.. 1250 1918 Dodge touring, excellent con dition 975 1916 Dodge roadster; snap; good rubber 700 1915 Ford touring, extras 350 1917 Studebaker 6. 7-passcnger .... 750 1919 Maxwell touring, refinished... 7O0 Bargains in used trucks and light de liveries from JOO to 7'. Packard. . 1-ton, Republics. Buicks. Dodges, Fords. OLDSMOBILE CO.. Broadway and Couch sts. Bdwy. 2270. 1919 MAXWELL. Here's a car that's right. Come see it THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 15th and Washington. $600.00. OVERLAND TOURING. Overhauled, repainted, new top. new tires, self-starter, new battery and guar. an teed, your old car In trade, large or fctnail; now is your chance. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO.. 210 Jerlcraon. Main 7644. GRANT SIX. 1919 Grant six, in Al condition, at less than half price of a new one. See it. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 15th and Washington. SLIGHTLY used 1-ton Chevrolet truck, has oversize cord lire equipment, also ex tension tou: run only 2uOO miles. This is the car that holds the Portland and forest Grove economy record. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th anu AlUer sts. Bdwy. 240. DODGE TOURING A I 11511 This is a good Douge and runs and looks fine: ill lact. It has the factory linibii on it. and one brand-new tire that has never been on tne car. we win tako $25o down, balance monthly. Come and try it. 5u5 Alder st. RED FRONT U&ED CAR CO. 1010 MODEL 90 Overland, just the car for you. Priced low. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. - 13th and Washington. FARMERS. ATTENTION! Late model Panhard truck. Just right for tnia.il farm; easy terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Aluer sis. Bdvy. 210. FORD touring, private owner, beat conai tion, oversize wneeis anu tires u a.rowiw, dimmer, electric dash and tail lights, speedometer and $73 in extras; $373. Marshall 17o3. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE! 1018 Oldsmobile 6. 3-pas.. excellent condition. Need money at once. First $'J73 caah takes it. Main 5oJ3. 1 S PA 1GK light nix In fine condition, $100 paint Job. Engine thoroughly over hauled looks and runs like a new car; $43u down will handle. Mr. Ar&o. Bdwy. ' 1919 DOUGE, $1 1O0; 1018 Dodge. $925; 1918 Overland Country Club. $tVO0; 1918 Chalmers. $900; 1918 Studebaker. $700. 18S Tenth St.. opposite library. Mar shall Terms. io.1T savov ix tourinar car. extra tire and spotlight; good condition ; good pa iTi t ; must sacrifice : $1H5. Will take Ford as part payment. 134 East -Uth st.. corner Morrison. pash ef terms will take wonderful bar gain in 11M1 Liberty six. tall at south west corner Fifth and Main or phone Marshall 41oJ today. FRANKLIN, series six, in fine condition; newly painted and overhauled. Prb'e $Uno and your own terms. Mr. Argo, Bdwy. ailSl. FOR SALE by East Burnside garage, 1915 Ford, fine conaition, snocK aosoroers, Yale lock, speedometer, $400. East 10th and Burnside. HCPMOBI LE. 5-passenger. A-l condition ; & good tires; owner must sell this week. See at 4th st. garage. No dealers. A bar gain for quick sale. T 515, Oregonian. HAYNES 5-pass. touring, A-l mechani cal condition; bumper. No-Flare lens, 5 good tires; car looks like new. Call owner. Automatic 312-01. 390 E. 42d st. N. FOR SALE by owner, five-passenger 1918 Chevrolet car, thoroughly overhauled lir&t-class condition; cash or terms. Chas. Walker, 11 N. 2d st. 1910 PAKiB, Urchmont sport model, run only HtMi m ues ; owner Koing east anu must sacrifice; vcriiin. air, Artju. xuvjr, :;Lhl. 1919 CHEVROLET 490. bargain for $O0 cash; new treau ruDocr. oattery. awy. 1564 or call for dem. after 4:30 P. M. 6:;i Marshall St.. cor. 2Qth. BY OWNER Model 75 Overland touring. recently ovrrnaun-u . new tires ana equipment. It will pay you to look this up. Tabor 9394. MOTORS, gears, bearings. heels, axles. We wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at halt price. David Hodes Auto Wrecking Dept.. 10S-7 N. lltn L FORD roadster, late 17 motor, overhauled, newly painted, speedometer, shock ab sorbers. Thta car is a bargain. 434 Morrison. Marshall 5945. B!g USED CARS. Stock. No misrepresentation. COVET MOTOR CAR Prices right. CO. BUICK 6 roadster, 1918 model; $1100; new top, cord tires and fine running condi tion: good buy. Call East 5350, owner. 4-CYL1NDER roadster for $150; 6 good tires, in good running order: alrj a 4 cylinder Hupp. $125. 737 Wilson st. REGAL underslu-rg, 3 new tires; a real bargain at $250 or a Studebaker: F '20 bug, a good buy at $175. Wdln. 4934: 1918 OLDSMOBILE. practically new. used privately; terms cash, very reasonable. East 1327. 695 Rodney ave. FOR SALE 1920 Hudson speedster, .lust -like new. Phone Sunday or Monday forenoon. East 7003. TRADE commercial delivery body for Ford touring or roadster body. 347 E. 41st st. MAXWELL 1918. BEST CONDITION. PAINT NEW; TERMS. MAIN 6493. LIKE W7.-i 1920 Maxwell, run .tfmo mi., 4 new Oversize tires. Call Automatic 223-9 L FOK HALE AUTOMOBILES. NOTICE. Wo have MOVED to our NEW BUILDING Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill St. Used Fords Exclusively All models to select from. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill st. Opening Evenings WE PUT STEEL TEETH IN YOUR OLD FLYWHEEL. H. B. BLACK MACHINE SHOP. 534 ALDER ST. xJDWY. 2681. 1918 MAXWELL touring car in fine con UlUon. good tires anu good paint: car is a bargain; terms, .pnone East 1962. BUICK four bug for sale; good tires; car In llrst-ciass conaition. w. ii. pierce, Diamond T Truck Shop, 90 N. 10th st. CHANDLER. Late 1918: a beauty; tine oversize cord tires, new paint; .ilia. Broadway 3u. 1920 CHANDLER, sport model. . fully equipped; privately owned. Phone Sell wood 1537 after 6:30 evenings. 1919 SCRIPPS-BOOTH. 3-pass. 2 a sacri flee for quick sale; win give terms. Ca.l Bdwy. 3231. asic ror Air. Williams. DELIVERY Chevrolet 1919, panel body. mechanically perfect; bj. Phone Smith, East U22S. 1916 HUPMOBILE 5-pass car; o tires, car is in fine condition anu win give terms. Phone Main 6395 - 1917 BUICK little 4 light .Vpass. car in finest of condition: a tires; a bargain, terms. Main 6395. 1918 FORD tourinsr. overhauled and re- painted; $473. Tabor 28Sk. NEW cream separator, suitable for one to four cows. $30. Tabor 1096. evenings. 1019 PAIGE light 6. 5-passenger. as good as new; no agents. Main -'1U4. LATE model Ford, Al condition, for sale. East 8236. . FOR SALE I.ate model 1915 Fold tour ing, :iim. eo .win st. as. rj. FRANKLIN, series 6. Call between 8 and 10 A. M.. 4lo ii.ast itn st., corner Grant. FOR SALE 1916 Chevrolet tour. Price $473. 8SO 37th St. S. E. MAXWELL. 1918. Al shape, overhauled. chrap. 60 N. Broadway, at Davis. Automobile. anted. WANTED To buy late car for cash. FEELEY. BROADWAY 118. WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. WE FAY CASH.. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE 127 Lownsdale St. R. W. Corner 15tll and Washington. WE PAY CASH FOR USED FORDS. UNIVERSAL CAJt EXCHANGE. USED FORDS EXCLUSIVELY. GRAND AVE. AND EAST STARK. CASH FOR YOUR FORDS. 530 ALDER. BROADWAY 1852. WE WANT cars. Customers on our lists tor all makes of cars and can make mat car mean money to you. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO., 531 Alder St. Broadway 2411. WE ARE In the market for used cars. Drive them in and walk away with -til. money. Pacific Auto Co.. 323 Aider st. WANTED To buy Dodge passenger car for cash; state lowest price a-nd year in first letter. v rite M 6. .3, Oregonian. WANT to buy old cars, any size or any condition. call Vancouver aua. R. E. Gore $S00 EQUITY in income flat building to exchange for car or acreage near city. Evenings 6 to 8. Main 6950. WANT . good auto on 5-room bungalow, llawtnorne aititct. Phjne Woodlawn 3140. o ner. W A NT ED To buy used 'J-ion truck, not more than year old; will pay cash. All 4:; 7, Orcgonian. CASH for cars to wreca; you get action quick. J Wd. Oregonian. WANT care in an old shape for caah. R s'J3. Oregonian. FINK lot for sale or trade for auio. H. 11. Paulsen, 3i;i3 87th S. E. Tabor loi2. Uotorcyde. USED MOTORCYCLES. All makes terms if desireo. Used mo tors, pur to. etc. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand avenue. Excelsior. Hnderso a nd Clevei and Age n cy . FOR SALE Cleveland motorcycle, best of condition, quick on trade ; no use lor Fame. $125 for quick sale. Phone VVdtn. 3279. FOR SA LE Cle eland moton-ycle. bcst of condition, quick ; took on trade ; no ue for same, $125 for quick sale. Phone Wdln. 32V9. NEW lightweight Indian motorcycle; bargain if taken at once. Sell. 10s af ter 3::iO P. M. U24 E. Mh l. fc. TWIN INDIAN. 3-speed. full electrical equipment; must be sold at once. Call Seilwood 3556. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLE: TRY US. 2O4-208 3D ST. MAIN 0JJ Auto Tire and Acceoriea. FOR SALE AMBU electric trouble shoot er, complete; 'cheap. W m. Cook, route A. box U3, Portland. EX IDE starting-lighting battery, used shert time. Tabor 574; evenings. Tabor 4573. GOODRICH tire. smooth, new, oversize for 33x. ; $ jo. Hedges. 171 W. Park, FORD delivery body, u.sed months; cost $l$o; sell $j. tK4 Lnlon ave. in. A utomobiles for Hire. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLANDS. HUDSON'S. LOWNSDALE GARAOE. BROADWAY 2408. 13TH AND WASH AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1920 models, reasonable rates. 132 12th st., between Washington and Alder. Broadway b4U. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND GL1SAN STS. A 2629. BROADWAY 2629. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE1, L. L SULLIVAN'S FASHION GAKAUb"-. Mar. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1236. ALTHOF & BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, THIRD AND TAILOR. MAIN 1687. 5-PASS. Dodge for hire; touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 3a4.. FOR SALE TRUCKS AN O TRACTORS. FEDERAL 1 ton, with fine stake body and cab in excellent condition; $100 1 erms. CHESSMAN-STATER MOTORS CO.. 92 No. Broadway. Phone Bdwy. 4233, GRANT truck, one-ton, pneumatic tires, lights and starter, body and cab. Only gone 'o miles ; mku. 1 erms. CHESSMAN-STATER MOTORS CO.. 02 No. Broadway. Phone Bdwy. 423'., FOR SALE An 18-35 Holt caterpillar trac tor with . Dot torn 1 4-inch tan ton steel plows, in good repair, at a bargain. J. S. Beall. c,o Coast Culvert & Flume Co. 1018 3H-TOM Federal truck ch&seis. cab, windshields. l tils truck Is in excel en condition. I am leaving town and need the $1SU0. M 654. Oregonian. " FOR SALE BY OWNER. 1919 3 .a -ton Packard dump trucks season's hauling goes with truck. For particulars catt Automatic 213-05. FOR SALE 2-ton truck and traiier good lumber haul, if you want a bareain come out to Springbrook and see us on the joo. h eus. oregonian. FOR SALE Equity in new a 4: -ton truck oig aiscount or traae lor good tourin, car. oou c ommerciai Courts. CLEVELAND TRACTOR. Good &a new, bargain at $1000. . 425 E aiornson. $435 TRUCK BARGAIN'. Studebaker. good -condition; new bed and tire. 4-jo c. Morrison. FEDERAL li-ton. overhauled and read to run. You can save on this. Jeffery & Hanawalt. 63 N. 23d . Mar. 3540. WORM drive ton truck, run lOOO miles. Call evenings, iwi st. N. Tak A i oerta ca r. 3 V? -TON REPUBLIC, practically new. bi discount. jeiTery Ac nana wait. 65 23d. Mar. 3540. 1920 FORD truck for sale or will trade foi Dodge touring car or roadster. 155 X 17th st. FOR SALE Two 1 H -ton Cadillac truck complete with bodies. Portland Art! ficia: ice co.. latn ana Thurman. 3-TON White truck; new tires; wiil sac . silica lor q.uicfc aaia. AAwtUn tta 46V3, FOB SA1.K Tttt'CKS ANU TRACTORS. ASK ABOUT OUR FREE TRIAL ON TRUCKS. We have one of the. largest stocks of used trucks in the state of Oregon. They are a;i completely overhauled and put in the finest possible condition. It will pay you to investigate our line- SPECIALS THIS WEEK.- 1-ton Republic $ 750 1- ton Panhard 800 1 i-ton White, overhalued 1500 IH-ton Federal, like new 18tK 2- ton Reo. In good shape 750 . ' i-ton Republic. over hauled 750 MANY OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. EASl TERMS. NO BROKERAGE. G R ANN ING & TREECE, . Alder St.. Cor. 17th. Bdwy. 1723. 1-TON Ford truck with special sheet-iron body for heavy duty work: a bargain; terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder sts. Bdwy. 240. FOR SALE One 3 V; -ton Indiana truck, all new tires and fully equipped with hoi-., and dump body. Will consider touring car up to $1500 as part payment; $3000. This is a real bargain. Milwau kie !'! GARAGES. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. General auto repairing and used cars. TERMINAL GARAQE, Fi fth and Hoyt. Broadway 1386. FOR SALE Garage 60x100. paying $200 a month net. For information call Ta bor 743. FOR RENT I larages. 0OM. 1033 Garfield ave. Phone Wdln. Al'TO REPAIRING. A. D. HINES. R. M. BRACE. H. & B. repair shop; satisfaction our guarantee; Willys Knights. Overlands and Fords' a specialty., 462 Hawthorne ave.. 3d floor, Portland. East 1769. XV A N T E l l ISC E I. L A N EO US. SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. I PAY SPOT CASH AND THE HIGH EST MARKET VALUE FOR DIA MONDS. NO AMOUNT IS TOO LARGE FOR ME TO HANDLE. I AM COM MISSIONED BY A LARGE DIAMOND CONCERN TO BUY ALL THE DIA MONDS OFFERED. MY LOCATION IS DOWNTOWN AND CONVENIENT. ALL BUSINESS IS STRICTLY CON FIDENTIAL. ERNEST DEEDS. 340 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 3173. $12.50 TO $23 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. He paya more than anyone in the city for suits, overcoats and shoes. Call Marshall 1229 or 253 Madison St.. near 3d st. Will call day or evenli.g. $S.50 UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOlt MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS, SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY' 3932. 245'j BURNSIDE., BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE! WILL PAY SPOT CASH FOR TENT, ELECTRIC FAN, HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Oil Stove, Typewriter, Scales, Cash Register. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE, 128 First St. Main 4495, Tabor 6798 FURS. FURS. FURS. Cleaning and alterations, any descrip tion. Ue La Finance fur dressing for summer and save sioo. Reasonable prices. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. 163 W. Park. bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main 6329. UP TO $33 FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d St.. N. W. cor. W ash. slain U344. WANTED PLATE GLASS. 3 pieces 70x48. 1 piece 0tx4S. 2 pieces -Ox 70. If you have any, phone Broadway 2019 or Main 3735. HERE IT IS. BEN ALDER pays highest prices for second-hand men's and ladies' clothing. Call up Main 32o7 and w t will be glad to come and give you a price, or call at 201 Third a:. WE WANT Ubid clothing for caah at the nig neat potsiDie prices, bee us u you want to ell; prefer suits, overcoats, single coats, trousers and fur coats. Goidbaum. the tailor, at 167 First St.. near .Morrison. Phone Main "J'Jii. DIAMONDS WANTED. We pay cash. in any amount, for diamonds. VINES JEWELRY STORK. 257 Washington St.. cor. 3d. Main 6649. JUNK W A N T E L J UN K. Why not sell your junk direct to the dealer and get full value? We also buy tools. turn it lire and men's cast-off clothings Main 734. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cast-off clothing; highest cub prices paid; wit I tail, day or night. PEOPLES SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3223 209 Madison. WANTED RIFLES. SHOTGUNS. Highest cash price paid for your rifle, shots un and kodaks. Hocbfeld. 85 3d st. Main 3381. SM A LI steam shovel suitable for ex cavating hasement; must be cheap for cash. Notify H. E. Miebach, .Lethbridge. A I berta, Canada. READ THIS. LET ME PAINT YOUR HOUSE WITH LEAD AND OIL AND BE SURE OF A GOOD JOB. BE LEW, WDLN. 02O9. WE BUY SECOND-HAND clothing, ladles' ana gntiemen a. v py tne oct pnc. Call Main 279. 164 Tenth st. JUNK WANTED J UN K. Highest prices paid. We also buy old clothing, furniture. Call Main 1622. SAFE Want to buy second-hand safe. Off Give adarsf ana pnone. r 4, soman. WANTED FOR CASH. Bath tub. toilet seat, hot water tank. During business hours East 5407. WK BUY, SELL AND RENT SHOTGUNS. RIFLES. CAMERAS. 12S 1ST ST. MAIN 4415. TABOR 0798. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dia monds. an v.o.. .oo aan.SL. WE will buy your old typewriters and pay you cash. Oregon lypewruer v,o.. a oio. J UN K, rags, rubber, old clothing, tools. furniture, metals; good prices, u. .ast out. WANTED Oriental rug about 11x14 for dining room. Phone 3'u-l. SMALL bakery wanted. M 516. Oregonian. Furniture Wanteo. WE WANT YOUR FURNITURE, CAR PETS. RUGS. B KUUJ.N'i, ETC, TO FURNISH A AO-ROOM APT. WILL PAY MOKE THAN DEALERS. CALL US IMMEDIATELY AND WE WILL CON VINCE YOU ON THE PRICE WE PAY. DAY PHONE. MAIN 7ob; EVENlNoS, MARSHALL 34S4. WE WANT YOUR FURNITURE. CAR PETS. KUtiN nC-LJLSi ivj, c i u. TO FURNISH A 50-ROOM APT. WILL PAY MORE THAN DKAlEHS. CALL US IMMEDIATELY AND WE WILL CON VINCE YOU ON THE PRICE WE PAY. DAY PHONE. MAIN 738; EVENINGS. MARSHALL 3484. I WANT YOUR FURNITURE- CARPETS STOVES, ETC., TO SHIP OUT. AND WILL PAt xiKJtiu ima OTHER LOCAL DEALERS. A PHONE CALL WILL BRING BUYER AT ONCE WHO WILL CONVINCE YOU. CALL MAIN 4773. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture -ud household goods be fore you sell. We are In the market Cor same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHA.VGS 208 First St. Main 7728. WE BUY USED FURNITURE. Call Marshall 1S34, you will get better results. We pay top market price. PEOPLES FURNITURE CO., 235 First et-. cor. Main. Mar. 1S34. I WANT used furniture; casn will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us- for one article or a bouse full, and a competent. court pus buyer will call. Marshall 263. Crown CALL MAIN 887S. We pay the h ig best p ri ces for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORK. MAIN 8878. MAIN 8951. We buy everything in furniture; pay the price. FRF. EM AN-WOLF Fl'R. CO., 200 lst S. IS. Cor. Tayjor. WB NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description: have the ready cash. Phone today. Mam 4027 or 166 First at. WANT mahogany dining room set. table, chairs and serving table. What have you? O 6Q7. Oregonian. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED WILL PAY CASH MAIN 3382. WASTE x, rices. sed furniture. Wiil pay best Main 6064. WANTED MISCFXLASEOVS. " l urnlture Wanted. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. We want your used furniture, rug?. carpets. stoves and all household goods, and will pay the highest cash, prices. TOP MARKET PRICES. We also buy and sell hardware tools, sporting goods, tents, bi cycles, typewriters, adding ro-a-chines and store and office fur niture. When you have anything to buy. sell or trade. CALL MAIN 9073. LEVIN HARDWARE FURNITURE CO.. 221-223-225- Front 1st. MARSHALL 698 L GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO- WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAY; HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLD EST. MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OF OUK KIND IN PORTLAND. 183 FIRST ST. PHONE MARSHALL 598 L CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. ' WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CARPETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING IBS BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN SOU. WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICK FOR USED FURNITURE. CALL EAST 6417. ASK FOR MR. O KM ANDY. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on household goods. Pacific Coast For warding Co., 9th and Hoyc Bdwy. 703. HELP WANTED MALE. COST ACCT out of city $160 STENO.. LBR.. out of town $140 ST ENG., I.BR., out ot tow n M2S RKFH., XRR.. out of town $135 BkPR., LBR.. out of town $125 STENO., I1V out of town $150 CLERK. RY'.. rate experience $11S MANY OTHER GOOD POSITIONS OPEN. BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE. 708-9-10 Wilcox Building. W ANTE D M a n coo k , $ 1 L'o, bo a rd la lid Ctl.l room, for summer resort hotel. Skinner WMte, 33 N. -d. TIMEKEEPER WANTED. Experienced logging camp time and coinmiary keeper lor Columbia river camp; permanent job; married man wlio ch'i take family to camp preferred; give age. experience and reterences In reply. Ii 513. Oregonian.j WANTED Young man -and wife to run a farm on shares, all sokfd and equip ped. House furnished, everything com plete. This is a fine layout lor a. man to get start. Call today. Stewart Az Buck, office S15 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED Boy with bicycle to learn the automobile repair business; chance for advancement. City Auto Laundry ec Oarage Co. 449 Burnside. W ANTED Tw o reliable and energetic young men with some sheet metal ex perience, anxious to learn the trade: good opportunity. Apply Coast Culv ert &. Flume Co.. Kenton. (Take Kenton Mississippi ave. car. fcXPERl ENCED stenographer for R. R. worn out of town. Good position, ex cellent opportunity. Salary. $ 1 25. OO. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 205 Beck Bldg. Bdwy. 1307. WANTED Young man for office and re por tonal work. Typewriter operator. State age and if married, experience, salary expected. References. A d dress with phone number. O OOP. Oregonian. WANTED Young man for office work, some knowledge of bookkeeping required, .500 per moni h wit it show of advance ment. In answering slate age. phoue smi reference. L 510, Oregon iaii. YOUNG man wanted for work from 4:w to 8 P. M. each day and from 12 noon until 9 P. M. on Saturdays. $7 a week; write, giving phone and reference , to AM 462, Oregoru a n. W A NT ED a collector Single man be tween 21 and 3U, salary $19.5) a week, fine chance for advancement. A pply between 1 and 2 today. 4o6 Orcgonian building. PAINTER to work on house In country, one experienced In statning. tinting and interior work ; must be first-class work man : reference? ; state wages expected. All 314. Oregonian. NEW MILL SOUTH Just starling: mill sawyer $20 ; teamsters, barker, labor ers, etc. See Supt., here today. Port land Labor Agency. 11 N. 2d. WANTED Lady second cook and kitchen helper, combination job. for small camp. Appl v Loggers Employment Agency, 43 N. 2d st . Broadway 2993. CLOTHING salesman, young man who lias had previous experience in selling inen'a clothing. Lion Clothing Co., Morrison at 4th st. YOUNG man with sales ability, preferably one with stenographic or typing expe rience. Noiseless Typewriter Co., 81 4th st. WANTED An experienced filter for ex clusive ladies ready -to-war snoo . coo a salary. Apply at 333 Morrison st.. cor. Park. ' WANTED TO LET Contract for hauling f X logs, S bv auto truck one million fee pood timber, good road. 43. Address AG WANTED Man with truck and 'loader, good steari v hauling. W. W. Heiser. Phone 33-53. Newberg, Or. WANTED Clerk for city hotel; must have best of references; give same in first let ter. J 606, Oreponian. WANTED- Experienced grain handlers. Call 71 Third St., between 7 and 8 A. M. today. MACHINIST First class, must be familiar with lathe and bench work. Fred Dun dee. Rd wy. and Flanders. IN THE CITY sbipriggers, union sea In wages; 6c carfare ; long job. Portland Labor Agency 11 N. 2d. WANTED Man to work on extractor. Call in person. Crystal Laundry Co., take Rose City Park cai WANTED Lady advertising solicitor, per manent and paying position; great op port unity. Pox AL 429. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED Ford driver "Tor grocerv delivery work; references required. 733 Patton road. .. WANTED Partner. dressmaking: nie room, but no money needed. AL 428, Oregonian. WANTED Good barber, steady work and good wages. Portland Hotel barber shop. ' WANTED A ood live solicitor. good wages an l commission. Queen City Dye Works. 2KS Grand ave. FI RST-OLASS barber at Wilcox bldg. Bar ber shop. 6th and Wash. $25 guaran teed. WANTED Experienced machine presser. Must understand repairing. Laurelhurst Cleaners. Tabor 3193. NON-UNION barber wa nted ; steady Job; wages guaranteed. o.r Morrison st. WANTED All around man for second hand fiirnlturestor PRACTICAL nurse cares for children eve nings; the sick through day. Mar. 349. LEARN the vulcanizing business. Call or write 158 E. Broadway. WANTED Jap or Filipino boy for house work: good wages; refs. 85 N. 20th st. WANTED A real barber, guarantee $25. E. L. Morley. Moulton. Or. Phone 1 58-W. DRIVER wanted at Liberty fish market. 5th and Yamhill sts. FIRST-CLASS barber. $25 guarantee. 69 over $35. Emil Febvet. Dallas. Or. WANTED Dishwasher and kitchen man. $100 per month. 348 Alder st. AN experienced baker helper. Atlas bakery. McMinnvllle. Or. FIRST-CLASS metal worker wanted. 293 Hawthorne ave PIANO PLAYER for inn near Portland. Phone Tabor 2144 after 6 P. M. TAILOR wanted: steady, reliable man. 203 F irst. H. Fine. RAILROAD accountant wanted, salarv $150. Call room 408. Wells Fargo bldg. GOOD Saturday barber. Guarantee of $9 per day. Phone Col. 246. ONE good solicitor, make $15 a day. Ask for Mr. Grant. 531 Railway Exchg. bldg. BXPKRIENCED man for gas station and garage. Call 21 N. 14th st. WANTED Busboy. S75 Washington. 1. 1